[m-rev.] diff: sparse_bitset improvements

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Aug 22 16:32:40 AEST 2011

	Add the predicates and functions needed to allow this module
	to replace tree_bitset.m in implementing the operations of

	Convert the module to call unexpected instead of error.

	A new module. It is a copy of the updated version of sparse_bitset.m
	modified to use fat lists instead of plain lists. This means that
	instead of representations such as

		[bitset_elem(Offset1, Bits1), bitset_elem(Offset2, Bits2)]

	it has representations such as

		node(Offset1, Bits1, node(Offset2, Bits2, empty))

	These have half the number of nodes and thus half the number of
	allocations. In theory, they could also need only 75% of the space
	(one three-word cell instead of two two-word cells), but the Boehm
	collector rounds up three words to four.

	Add the new module.


cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: fat_sparse_bitset.m
RCS file: fat_sparse_bitset.m
diff -N fat_sparse_bitset.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ fat_sparse_bitset.m	22 Aug 2011 04:23:18 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@
+% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
+% Copyright (C) 2011 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: fat_sparse_bitset.m.
+% Author: zs.
+% Stability: medium.
+% This is a variant of the sparse_bitset module using fat lists.
+:- module fat_sparse_bitset.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module enum.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module term.
+:- use_module set.
+:- type fat_sparse_bitset(T). % <= enum(T).
+    % Return an empty set.
+    %
+:- func init = fat_sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred init(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred empty(fat_sparse_bitset(T)).
+:- mode empty(in) is semidet.
+:- mode empty(out) is det.
+:- pred is_empty(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred is_non_empty(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in) is semidet.
+    % `equal(SetA, SetB' is true iff `SetA' and `SetB' contain the same
+    % elements. Takes O(min(rep_size(SetA), rep_size(SetB))) time.
+    %
+:- pred equal(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in) is semidet.
+    % `list_to_set(List)' returns a set containing only the members of `List'.
+    % In the worst case this will take O(length(List)^2) time and space.
+    % If the elements of the list are closely grouped, it will be closer
+    % to O(length(List)).
+    %
+:- func list_to_set(list(T)) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred list_to_set(list(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+    % `sorted_list_to_set(List)' returns a set containing only the members
+    % of `List'. `List' must be sorted. Takes O(length(List)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func sorted_list_to_set(list(T)) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred sorted_list_to_set(list(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+    % `from_set(Set)' returns a bitset containing only the members of `Set'.
+    % Takes O(card(Set)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func from_set(set.set(T)) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+    % `to_sorted_list(Set)' returns a list containing all the members of `Set',
+    % in sorted order. Takes O(card(Set)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func to_sorted_list(fat_sparse_bitset(T)) = list(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred to_sorted_list(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, list(T)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+    % `to_sorted_list(Set)' returns a set.set containing all the members
+    % of `Set', in sorted order. Takes O(card(Set)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func to_set(fat_sparse_bitset(T)) = set.set(T) <= enum(T).
+    % `make_singleton_set(Elem)' returns a set containing just the single
+    % element `Elem'.
+    %
+:- func make_singleton_set(T) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+    % Note: set.m contains the reverse mode of this predicate, but it is
+    % difficult to implement both modes using the representation in this
+    % module.
+    %
+:- pred singleton_set(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out, T::in) is det <= enum(T).
+    % Is the given set a singleton, and if yes, what is the element?
+    %
+:- pred is_singleton(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, T::out) is semidet <= enum(T).
+    % `subset(Subset, Set)' is true iff `Subset' is a subset of `Set'.
+    % Same as `intersect(Set, Subset, Subset)', but may be more efficient.
+    %
+:- pred subset(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in) is semidet.
+    % `superset(Superset, Set)' is true iff `Superset' is a superset of `Set'.
+    % Same as `intersect(Superset, Set, Set)', but may be more efficient.
+    %
+:- pred superset(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in)
+    is semidet.
+    % `contains(Set, X)' is true iff `X' is a member of `Set'.
+    % Takes O(rep_size(Set)) time.
+    %
+:- pred contains(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, T::in) is semidet <= enum(T).
+    % `member(X, Set)' is true iff `X' is a member of `Set'.
+    % Takes O(rep_size(Set)) time.
+    %
+:- pred member(T, fat_sparse_bitset(T)) <= enum(T).
+:- mode member(in, in) is semidet.
+:- mode member(out, in) is nondet.
+    % `insert(Set, X)' returns the union of `Set' and the set containing
+    % only `X'. Takes O(rep_size(Set)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func insert(fat_sparse_bitset(T), T) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred insert(T::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+    % `insert_list(Set, X)' returns the union of `Set' and the set containing
+    % only the members of `X'. Same as `union(Set, list_to_set(X))', but may be
+    % more efficient.
+    %
+:- func insert_list(fat_sparse_bitset(T), list(T)) = fat_sparse_bitset(T)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- pred insert_list(list(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+    % `delete(Set, X)' returns the difference of `Set' and the set containing
+    % only `X'. Takes O(rep_size(Set)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func delete(fat_sparse_bitset(T), T) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred delete(T::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+    % `delete_list(Set, X)' returns the difference of `Set' and the set
+    % containing only the members of `X'. Same as
+    % `difference(Set, list_to_set(X))', but may be more efficient.
+    %
+:- func delete_list(fat_sparse_bitset(T), list(T)) = fat_sparse_bitset(T)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- pred delete_list(list(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+    % `remove(X, Set0, Set)' returns in `Set' the difference of `Set0'
+    % and the set containing only `X', failing if `Set0' does not contain `X'.
+    % Takes O(rep_size(Set)) time and space.
+    %
+:- pred remove(T::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is semidet <= enum(T).
+    % `remove_list(X, Set0, Set)' returns in `Set' the difference of `Set0'
+    % and the set containing all the elements of `X', failing if any element
+    % of `X' is not in `Set0'. Same as `subset(list_to_set(X), Set0),
+    % difference(Set0, list_to_set(X), Set)', but may be more efficient.
+    %
+:- pred remove_list(list(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is semidet <= enum(T).
+    % `remove_leq(Set, X)' returns `Set' with all elements less than or equal
+    % to `X' removed. In other words, it returns the set containing all the
+    % elements of `Set' which are greater than `X'.
+    %
+:- func remove_leq(fat_sparse_bitset(T), T) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred remove_leq(T::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+    % `remove_gt(Set, X)' returns `Set' with all elements greater than `X'
+    % removed. In other words, it returns the set containing all the elements
+    % of `Set' which are less than or equal to `X'.
+    %
+:- func remove_gt(fat_sparse_bitset(T), T) = fat_sparse_bitset(T) <= enum(T).
+:- pred remove_gt(T::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+    % `remove_least(Set0, X, Set)' is true iff `X' is the least element in
+    % `Set0', and `Set' is the set which contains all the elements of `Set0'
+    % except `X'. Takes O(1) time and space.
+    %
+:- pred remove_least(T::out,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is semidet <= enum(T).
+    % `union(SetA, SetB)' returns the union of `SetA' and `SetB'. The
+    % efficiency of the union operation is not sensitive to the argument
+    % ordering. Takes O(rep_size(SetA) + rep_size(SetB)) time and space.
+    %
+:- func union(fat_sparse_bitset(T), fat_sparse_bitset(T)) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred union(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % `union_list(Sets, Set)' returns the union of all the sets in Sets.
+    %
+:- func union_list(list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))) = fat_sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred union_list(list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % `intersect(SetA, SetB)' returns the intersection of `SetA' and `SetB'.
+    % The efficiency of the intersection operation is not sensitive to the
+    % argument ordering. Takes O(rep_size(SetA) + rep_size(SetB)) time and
+    % O(min(rep_size(SetA)), rep_size(SetB)) space.
+    %
+:- func intersect(fat_sparse_bitset(T), fat_sparse_bitset(T)) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred intersect(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % `intersect_list(Sets, Set)' returns the intersection of all the sets
+    % in Sets.
+    %
+:- func intersect_list(list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))) = fat_sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred intersect_list(list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % `difference(SetA, SetB)' returns the set containing all the elements
+    % of `SetA' except those that occur in `SetB'. Takes
+    % O(rep_size(SetA) + rep_size(SetB)) time and O(rep_size(SetA)) space.
+    %
+:- func difference(fat_sparse_bitset(T), fat_sparse_bitset(T)) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred difference(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % divide(Pred, Set, InPart, OutPart):
+    % InPart consists of those elements of Set for which Pred succeeds;
+    % OutPart consists of those elements of Set for which Pred fails.
+    %
+:- pred divide(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet), fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+    % divide_by_set(DivideBySet, Set, InPart, OutPart):
+    % InPart consists of those elements of Set which are also in DivideBySet;
+    % OutPart consists of those elements of Set which are not in DivideBySet.
+    %
+:- pred divide_by_set(fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out, fat_sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+    % `count(Set)' returns the number of elements in `Set'.
+    % Takes O(card(Set)) time.
+    %
+:- func count(fat_sparse_bitset(T)) = int <= enum(T).
+    % `foldl(Func, Set, Start)' calls Func with each element of `Set'
+    % (in sorted order) and an accumulator (with the initial value of `Start'),
+    % and returns the final value. Takes O(card(Set)) time.
+    %
+:- func foldl(func(T, U) = U, fat_sparse_bitset(T), U) = U <= enum(T).
+:- pred foldl(pred(T, U, U), fat_sparse_bitset(T), U, U) <= enum(T).
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is nondet, in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi, in, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pred foldl2(pred(T, U, U, V, V), fat_sparse_bitset(T), U, U, V, V)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is det, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out, in, out)
+    is semidet.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is nondet, in, in, out, in, out)
+    is nondet.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, di, uo, di, uo)
+    is cc_multi.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, in, out, di, uo)
+    is cc_multi.
+:- mode foldl2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi, in, in, out, in, out)
+    is cc_multi.
+    % `foldr(Func, Set, Start)' calls Func with each element of `Set'
+    % (in reverse sorted order) and an accumulator (with the initial value
+    % of `Start'), and returns the final value. Takes O(card(Set)) time.
+    %
+:- func foldr(func(T, U) = U, fat_sparse_bitset(T), U) = U <= enum(T).
+:- pred foldr(pred(T, U, U), fat_sparse_bitset(T), U, U) <= enum(T).
+:- mode foldr(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldr(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldr(pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode foldr(pred(in, in, out) is nondet, in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode foldr(pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode foldr(pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi, in, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pred foldr2(pred(T, U, U, V, V), fat_sparse_bitset(T), U, U, V, V)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is det, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out, in, out)
+    is semidet.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is nondet, in, in, out, in, out)
+    is nondet.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, di, uo, di, uo)
+    is cc_multi.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, in, out, di, uo)
+    is cc_multi.
+:- mode foldr2(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi, in, in, out, in, out)
+    is cc_multi.
+    % `filter(Pred, Set) = TrueSet' returns the elements of Set for which
+    % Pred succeeds.
+    %
+:- func filter(pred(T), fat_sparse_bitset(T)) = fat_sparse_bitset(T)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- mode filter(pred(in) is semidet, in) = out is det.
+    % `filter(Pred, Set, TrueSet, FalseSet)' returns the elements of Set
+    % for which Pred succeeds, and those for which it fails.
+    %
+:- pred filter(pred(T), fat_sparse_bitset(T),
+    fat_sparse_bitset(T), fat_sparse_bitset(T)) <= enum(T).
+:- mode filter(pred(in) is semidet, in, out, out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+% Everything below here is not intended to be part of the public interface,
+% and will not be included in the Mercury library reference manual.
+:- interface.
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set/1, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set/1, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(to_sorted_list/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(to_sorted_list/1, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(to_set/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(to_set/1, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(from_set/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(from_set/1, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(make_singleton_set/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(make_singleton_set/1, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(contains/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(contains/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert_list/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert_list/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete_list/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete_list/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldr/3, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldr/3, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldr/4, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldr/4, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldl/3, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldl/3, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldl/4, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(foldl/4, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(to_sorted_list/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(to_sorted_list/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(singleton_set/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(singleton_set/2, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert/3, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert/3, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert_list/3, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(insert_list/3, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete/3, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete/3, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete_list/3, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(delete_list/3, T = int).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module require.
+    % The number of variables for most procedures
+    % should fit into one or two words.
+:- type fat_sparse_bitset(T)    % <= enum(T)
+    --->    fat_sparse_bitset(fat_bitset_impl).
+    % The list of elements, sorted on offset.
+    % No two elements have the same offset.
+:- type fat_bitset_impl
+    --->    empty
+    ;       node(
+                % This must be a multiple of bits_per_int.
+                offset  :: int,
+                % bits offset .. offset + bits_per_int - 1
+                % The fat_sparse_bitset operations all remove elements
+                % of the list with a `bits' field of zero.
+                bits    :: int,
+                rest    :: fat_bitset_impl
+            ).
+init = fat_sparse_bitset(empty).
+equal(X, X).
+is_non_empty(fat_sparse_bitset(node(_, _, _))).
+to_sorted_list(A, to_sorted_list(A)).
+to_sorted_list(Set) = foldr(func(Elem, Acc0) = [Elem | Acc0], Set, []).
+to_set(Set) = set.sorted_list_to_set(to_sorted_list(Set)).
+from_set(Set) = sorted_list_to_set(set.to_sorted_list(Set)).
+:- type fold_direction
+    --->    low_to_high
+    ;       high_to_low.
+foldl(F, fat_sparse_bitset(Set), Acc0) = Acc :-
+    do_foldl_pred(
+        (pred(E::in, Acc1::in, Acc2::out) is det :-
+            Acc2 = F(E, Acc1)
+        ), Set, Acc0, Acc).
+foldl(P, fat_sparse_bitset(Set), !Acc) :-
+    do_foldl_pred(P, Set, !Acc).
+foldl2(P, fat_sparse_bitset(Set), !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
+    do_foldl2_pred(P, Set, !Acc1, !Acc2).
+:- pred do_foldl_pred(pred(T, U, U), fat_bitset_impl, U, U) <= enum(T).
+:- mode do_foldl_pred(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode do_foldl_pred(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode do_foldl_pred(pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode do_foldl_pred(pred(in, in, out) is nondet, in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode do_foldl_pred(pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode do_foldl_pred(pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi, in, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldl_pred/4, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldl_pred/4, T = var(_)).
+do_foldl_pred(_, empty, !Acc).
+do_foldl_pred(P, node(Offset, Bits, Rest), !Acc) :-
+    fold_bits(low_to_high, P, Offset, Bits, bits_per_int, !Acc),
+    do_foldl_pred(P, Rest, !Acc).
+:- pred do_foldl2_pred(pred(T, U, U, V, V), fat_bitset_impl, U, U, V, V)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is det,
+    in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is det,
+    in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is nondet,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode do_foldl2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldl2_pred/6, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldl2_pred/6, T = var(_)).
+do_foldl2_pred(_, empty, !Acc1, !Acc2).
+do_foldl2_pred(P, node(Offset, Bits, Rest), !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
+    fold2_bits(low_to_high, P, Offset, Bits, bits_per_int, !Acc1, !Acc2),
+    do_foldl2_pred(P, Rest, !Acc1, !Acc2).
+foldr(F, fat_sparse_bitset(Set), Acc0) = Acc :-
+    do_foldr_pred(
+        (pred(E::in, Acc1::in, Acc2::out) is det :-
+            Acc2 = F(E, Acc1)
+        ), Set, Acc0, Acc).
+foldr(P, fat_sparse_bitset(Set), !Acc) :-
+    do_foldr_pred(P, Set, !Acc).
+foldr2(P, fat_sparse_bitset(Set), !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
+    do_foldr2_pred(P, Set, !Acc1, !Acc2).
+:- pred do_foldr_pred(pred(T, U, U), fat_bitset_impl, U, U) <= enum(T).
+:- mode do_foldr_pred(pred(in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode do_foldr_pred(pred(in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode do_foldr_pred(pred(in, in, out) is semidet, in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode do_foldr_pred(pred(in, in, out) is nondet, in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode do_foldr_pred(pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode do_foldr_pred(pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi, in, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldr_pred/4, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldr_pred/4, T = var(_)).
+    % We don't just use list.foldr here because the overhead of allocating
+    % the closure for fold_bits is significant for the compiler's runtime,
+    % so it's best to avoid that even if `--optimize-higher-order' is not set.
+do_foldr_pred(_, empty, !Acc).
+do_foldr_pred(P, node(Offset, Bits, Rest), !Acc) :-
+    do_foldr_pred(P, Rest, !Acc),
+    fold_bits(high_to_low, P, Offset, Bits, bits_per_int, !Acc).
+:- pred do_foldr2_pred(pred(T, U, U, V, V), fat_bitset_impl, U, U, V, V)
+    <= enum(T).
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is det,
+    in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is det,
+    in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is nondet,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode do_foldr2_pred(pred(in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldr2_pred/6, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(do_foldr2_pred/6, T = var(_)).
+    % We don't just use list.foldr here because the overhead of allocating
+    % the closure for fold_bits is significant for the compiler's runtime,
+    % so it's best to avoid that even if `--optimize-higher-order' is not set.
+do_foldr2_pred(_, empty, !Acc1, !Acc2).
+do_foldr2_pred(P, node(Offset, Bits, Rest), !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
+    do_foldr2_pred(P, Rest, !Acc1, !Acc2),
+    fold2_bits(high_to_low, P, Offset, Bits, bits_per_int, !Acc1, !Acc2).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+:- pred fold_bits(fold_direction, pred(T, U, U),
+    int, int, int, U, U) <= enum(T).
+:- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, in, out) is det,
+    in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, di, uo) is det,
+    in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, in, out) is semidet,
+    in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, in, out) is nondet,
+    in, in, in, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, in, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, in, out) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, in, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma type_spec(fold_bits/7, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(fold_bits/7, T = var(_)).
+fold_bits(Dir, P, Offset, Bits, Size, !Acc) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        ( Elem = from_int(Offset) ->
+            P(Elem, !Acc)
+        ;
+            % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+            % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+        )
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        (
+            Dir = low_to_high,
+            fold_bits(Dir, P, Offset, LowBits, HalfSize, !Acc),
+            fold_bits(Dir, P, Offset + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize, !Acc)
+        ;
+            Dir = high_to_low,
+            fold_bits(Dir, P, Offset + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize, !Acc),
+            fold_bits(Dir, P, Offset, LowBits, HalfSize, !Acc)
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred fold2_bits(fold_direction, pred(T, U, U, V, V),
+    int, int, int, U, U, V, V) <= enum(T).
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is det,
+    in, in, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is det,
+    in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det,
+    in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, in, out, in, out) is semidet,
+    in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, in, out, in, out) is nondet,
+    in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is nondet.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, in, di, uo, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is cc_multi.
+:- mode fold2_bits(in, pred(in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi,
+    in, in, in, in, out, in, out) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma type_spec(fold2_bits/9, T = int).
+:- pragma type_spec(fold2_bits/9, T = var(_)).
+fold2_bits(Dir, P, Offset, Bits, Size, !Acc1, !Acc2) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        ( Elem = from_int(Offset) ->
+            P(Elem, !Acc1, !Acc2)
+        ;
+            % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+            % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+        )
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        (
+            Dir = low_to_high,
+            fold2_bits(Dir, P, Offset, LowBits, HalfSize, !Acc1, !Acc2),
+            fold2_bits(Dir, P, Offset + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize,
+                !Acc1, !Acc2)
+        ;
+            Dir = high_to_low,
+            fold2_bits(Dir, P, Offset + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize,
+                !Acc1, !Acc2),
+            fold2_bits(Dir, P, Offset, LowBits, HalfSize, !Acc1, !Acc2)
+        )
+    ).
+% XXX We should make these more efficient.
+filter(Pred, Set) = TrueSet :-
+    SortedList = to_sorted_list(Set),
+    SortedTrueList = list.filter(Pred, SortedList),
+    TrueSet = sorted_list_to_set(SortedTrueList).
+filter(Pred, Set, TrueSet, FalseSet) :-
+    SortedList = to_sorted_list(Set),
+    list.filter(Pred, SortedList, SortedTrueList, SortedFalseList),
+    TrueSet = sorted_list_to_set(SortedTrueList),
+    FalseSet = sorted_list_to_set(SortedFalseList).
+count(Set) = foldl((func(_, Acc) = Acc + 1), Set, 0).
+make_singleton_set(A) = insert(init, A).
+singleton_set(make_singleton_set(A), A).
+is_singleton(fat_sparse_bitset(node(Offset, Bits, empty)), Elem) :-
+    count_bits(Offset, bits_per_int, Bits, [], SetOffsets),
+    SetOffsets = [SetOffset],
+    ( ElemPrime = from_int(SetOffset) ->
+        Elem = ElemPrime
+    ;
+        % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+        % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+    ).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
+:- pred count_bits(int::in, int::in, int::in,
+    list(int)::in, list(int)::out) is det.
+count_bits(BitOffset, Size, Bits, !SetOffsets) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        % If Bits were 0, we wouldn't have got here.
+        !:SetOffsets = [BitOffset | !.SetOffsets]
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        count_bits(BitOffset, HalfSize, LowBits, !SetOffsets),
+        count_bits(BitOffset + HalfSize, HalfSize, HighBits, !SetOffsets)
+    ).
+insert(E, !Set) :-
+    !:Set = insert(!.Set, E).
+insert(fat_sparse_bitset(Set), Elem) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(insert_2(Set, enum.to_int(Elem))).
+:- func insert_2(fat_bitset_impl, int) = fat_bitset_impl.
+insert_2(empty, Index) = Set :-
+    bits_for_index(Index, Offset, Bits),
+    Set = node(Offset, Bits, empty).
+insert_2(Set0 @ node(Offset0, Bits0, Rest0), Index) = Set :-
+    % Set0 = [Data0 | Rest],
+    % Offset0 = Data0 ^ offset,
+    ( Index < Offset0 ->
+        bits_for_index(Index, Offset, Bits),
+        Set = node(Offset, Bits, Set0)
+    ; BitToSet = Index - Offset0, BitToSet < bits_per_int ->
+        ( get_bit(Bits0, BitToSet) = 0 ->
+            Bits = set_bit(Bits0, BitToSet),
+            Set = node(Offset0, Bits, Rest0)
+        ;
+            Set = Set0
+        )
+    ;
+        Set = node(Offset0, Bits0, insert_2(Rest0, Index))
+    ).
+insert_list(List, !Set) :-
+    !:Set = insert_list(!.Set, List).
+insert_list(Set, List) = union(list_to_set(List), Set).
+delete(E, !Set) :-
+    !:Set = delete(!.Set, E).
+delete(Set, Elem) = difference(Set, insert(init, Elem)).
+delete_list(List, !Set) :-
+    !:Set = delete_list(!.Set, List).
+delete_list(Set, List) = difference(Set, list_to_set(List)).
+remove(Elem, !Set) :-
+    contains(!.Set, Elem),
+    !:Set = delete(!.Set, Elem).
+remove_list(Elems, !Set) :-
+    list_to_set(Elems, ElemsSet),
+    subset(ElemsSet, !.Set),
+    !:Set = difference(!.Set, ElemsSet).
+remove_leq(E, !Set) :-
+    !:Set = remove_leq(!.Set, E).
+remove_leq(fat_sparse_bitset(Set), Elem) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(remove_leq_2(Set, enum.to_int(Elem))).
+:- func remove_leq_2(fat_bitset_impl, int) = fat_bitset_impl.
+remove_leq_2(empty, _) = empty.
+remove_leq_2(node(Offset, Bits, Rest), Index) = Result :-
+    ( Offset + bits_per_int =< Index ->
+        Result = remove_leq_2(Rest, Index)
+    ; Offset =< Index ->
+        NewBits = Bits /\ unchecked_left_shift(\ 0, Index - Offset + 1),
+        ( NewBits = 0 ->
+            Result = Rest
+        ;
+            Result = node(Offset, NewBits, Rest)
+        )
+    ;
+        Result = node(Offset, Bits, Rest)
+    ).
+remove_gt(E, !Set) :-
+    !:Set = remove_gt(!.Set, E).
+remove_gt(fat_sparse_bitset(Set), Elem) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(remove_gt_2(Set, enum.to_int(Elem))).
+:- func remove_gt_2(fat_bitset_impl, int) = fat_bitset_impl.
+remove_gt_2(empty, _) = empty.
+remove_gt_2(node(Offset, Bits, Rest), Index) = Result :-
+    ( Offset + bits_per_int - 1 =< Index ->
+        Result = node(Offset, Bits, remove_gt_2(Rest, Index))
+    ; Offset =< Index ->
+        NewBits = Bits /\ \ unchecked_left_shift(\ 0, Index - Offset + 1),
+        ( NewBits = 0 ->
+            Result = empty
+        ;
+            Result = node(Offset, NewBits, empty)
+        )
+    ;
+        Result = empty
+    ).
+remove_least(Elem, fat_sparse_bitset(Set0), fat_sparse_bitset(Set)) :-
+    Set0 = node(Offset, Bits0, Rest),
+    Bit = find_least_bit(Bits0),
+    ( Elem0 = from_int(Offset + Bit) ->
+        Elem = Elem0
+    ;
+        % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+        % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+    ),
+    Bits = clear_bit(Bits0, Bit),
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        Set = Rest
+    ;
+        Set = node(Offset, Bits, Rest)
+    ).
+:- func find_least_bit(int) = int.
+find_least_bit(Bits0) = BitNum :-
+    Size = bits_per_int,
+    BitNum0 = 0,
+    BitNum = find_least_bit_2(Bits0, Size, BitNum0).
+:- func find_least_bit_2(int, int, int) = int.
+find_least_bit_2(Bits0, Size, BitNum0) = BitNum :-
+    ( Size = 1 ->
+        % We can't get here unless the bit is a 1 bit.
+        BitNum = BitNum0
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        LowBits = Bits0 /\ Mask,
+        ( LowBits \= 0 ->
+            BitNum = find_least_bit_2(LowBits, HalfSize, BitNum0)
+        ;
+            HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits0, HalfSize),
+            BitNum = find_least_bit_2(HighBits, HalfSize, BitNum0 + HalfSize)
+        )
+    ).
+list_to_set(A, list_to_set(A)).
+list_to_set(List) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(list_to_set_2(List, empty)).
+    % Each pass over the input list selects out the elements which belong
+    % in the same node as the first element. The assumption here is that
+    % the items in the input list will have similar values, so that only a few
+    % passes will be needed.
+    %
+:- func list_to_set_2(list(T), fat_bitset_impl) = fat_bitset_impl <= enum(T).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set_2/2, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set_2/2, T = int).
+list_to_set_2([], List) = List.
+list_to_set_2([H | T], List0) = List :-
+    bits_for_index(enum.to_int(H), Offset, Bits0),
+    list_to_set_3(T, Offset, Bits0, Bits, [], Rest),
+    List1 = insert_node(Offset, Bits, List0),
+    List = list_to_set_2(Rest, List1).
+    % Go through the list picking out the elements which belong in the same
+    % node as the first element, returning the uncollected elements.
+    %
+:- pred list_to_set_3(list(T)::in, int::in, int::in, int::out,
+    list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set_3/6, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(list_to_set_3/6, T = int).
+list_to_set_3([], _, !Bits, !Rest).
+list_to_set_3([H | T], Offset, !Bits, !Rest) :-
+    BitToSet = enum.to_int(H) - Offset,
+    ( BitToSet >= 0, BitToSet < bits_per_int ->
+        !:Bits = set_bit(!.Bits, BitToSet)
+    ;
+        !:Rest = [H | !.Rest]
+    ),
+    list_to_set_3(T, Offset, !Bits, !Rest).
+    % The list of elements here is pretty much guaranteed to be small,
+    % so use an insertion sort.
+    %
+:- func insert_node(int, int, fat_bitset_impl) = fat_bitset_impl.
+insert_node(Offset, Bits, empty) = node(Offset, Bits, empty).
+insert_node(Offset, Bits, Old at node(OldOffset, OldBits, OldRest)) = List :-
+    ( Offset < OldOffset ->
+        List = node(Offset, Bits, Old)
+    ;
+        List = node(OldOffset, OldBits, insert_node(Offset, Bits, OldRest))
+    ).
+sorted_list_to_set(A, sorted_list_to_set(A)).
+sorted_list_to_set(L) = fat_sparse_bitset(sorted_list_to_set_2(L)).
+:- func sorted_list_to_set_2(list(T)) = fat_bitset_impl <= enum(T).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set_2/1, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set_2/1, T = int).
+sorted_list_to_set_2([]) = empty.
+sorted_list_to_set_2([H | T]) = Set :-
+    sorted_list_to_set_3(H, T, Offset, Bits, Set0),
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        Set = Set0
+    ;
+        Set = node(Offset, Bits, Set0)
+    ).
+:- pred sorted_list_to_set_3(T::in, list(T)::in, int::out, int::out,
+    fat_bitset_impl::out) is det <= enum(T).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set_3/5, T = var(_)).
+:- pragma type_spec(sorted_list_to_set_3/5, T = int).
+sorted_list_to_set_3(Elem, [], Offset, Bits, empty) :-
+    bits_for_index(enum.to_int(Elem), Offset, Bits).
+sorted_list_to_set_3(Elem1, [Elem2 | Elems], Offset, Bits, Rest) :-
+    sorted_list_to_set_3(Elem2, Elems, Offset0, Bits0, Rest0),
+    bits_for_index(enum.to_int(Elem1), Offset1, Bits1),
+    ( Offset1 = Offset0 ->
+        Bits = Bits1 \/ Bits0,
+        Offset = Offset1,
+        Rest = Rest0
+    ;
+        Rest = node(Offset0, Bits0, Rest0),
+        Offset = Offset1,
+        Bits = Bits1
+    ).
+subset(Subset, Set) :-
+    intersect(Set, Subset, Subset).
+superset(Superset, Set) :-
+    subset(Set, Superset).
+contains(fat_sparse_bitset(Set), Elem) :-
+    contains_search_nodes(Set, enum.to_int(Elem)).
+:- pred contains_search_nodes(fat_bitset_impl::in, int::in) is semidet.
+contains_search_nodes(node(Offset, Bits, Rest), Index) :-
+    Index >= Offset,
+    ( Index < Offset + bits_per_int ->
+        get_bit(Bits, Index - Offset) \= 0
+    ;
+        contains_search_nodes(Rest, Index)
+    ).
+:- pragma promise_equivalent_clauses(member/2).
+member(Elem::in, Set::in) :-
+    contains(Set, Elem).
+member(Elem::out, fat_sparse_bitset(Set)::in) :-
+    member_search_nodes(Index, Set),
+    ( Elem0 = from_int(Index) ->
+        Elem = Elem0
+    ;
+        % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+        % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+        unexpected($pred, $module, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+    ).
+:- pred member_search_nodes(int::out, fat_bitset_impl::in) is nondet.
+member_search_nodes(Index, node(Offset, Bits, Rest)) :-
+    ( member_search_one_node(Index, Offset, bits_per_int, Bits)
+    ; member_search_nodes(Index, Rest)
+    ).
+:- pred member_search_one_node(int::out, int::in, int::in, int::in) is nondet.
+member_search_one_node(Index, Offset, Size, Bits) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        fail
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        Index = Offset
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        ( member_search_one_node(Index, Offset, HalfSize, LowBits)
+        ; member_search_one_node(Index, Offset + HalfSize, HalfSize, HighBits)
+        )
+    ).
+union(A, B, union(A, B)).
+union(fat_sparse_bitset(Set1), fat_sparse_bitset(Set2)) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(union_2(Set1, Set2)).
+:- func union_2(fat_bitset_impl, fat_bitset_impl) = fat_bitset_impl.
+union_2(empty, B) = B.
+union_2(A at node(_, _, _), empty) = A.
+union_2(A, B) = Set :-
+    A = node(OffsetA, BitsA, RestA),
+    B = node(OffsetB, BitsB, RestB),
+    ( OffsetA = OffsetB ->
+        Bits = BitsA \/ BitsB,
+        Set = node(OffsetA, Bits, union_2(RestA, RestB))
+    ; OffsetA < OffsetB ->
+        Set = node(OffsetA, BitsA, union_2(RestA, B))
+    ;
+        Set = node(OffsetB, BitsB, union_2(A, RestB))
+    ).
+intersect(A, B, intersect(A, B)).
+intersect(fat_sparse_bitset(Set1), fat_sparse_bitset(Set2)) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(intersect_2(Set1, Set2)).
+:- func intersect_2(fat_bitset_impl, fat_bitset_impl) = fat_bitset_impl.
+intersect_2(empty, empty) = empty.
+intersect_2(empty, node(_, _, _)) = empty.
+intersect_2(node(_, _, _), empty) = empty.
+intersect_2(A, B) = Set :-
+    A = node(OffsetA, BitsA, RestA),
+    B = node(OffsetB, BitsB, RestB),
+    ( OffsetA = OffsetB ->
+        Bits = BitsA /\ BitsB,
+        ( Bits = 0 ->
+            Set = intersect_2(RestA, RestB)
+        ;
+            Set = node(OffsetA, Bits, intersect_2(RestA, RestB))
+        )
+    ; OffsetA < OffsetB ->
+        Set = intersect_2(RestA, B)
+    ;
+        Set = intersect_2(A, RestB)
+    ).
+difference(A, B, difference(A, B)).
+difference(fat_sparse_bitset(Set1), fat_sparse_bitset(Set2)) =
+    fat_sparse_bitset(difference_2(Set1, Set2)).
+:- func difference_2(fat_bitset_impl, fat_bitset_impl) = fat_bitset_impl.
+difference_2(empty, empty) = empty.
+difference_2(empty, node(_, _, _)) = empty.
+difference_2(A at node(_, _, _), empty) = A.
+difference_2(A, B) = Set :-
+    A = node(OffsetA, BitsA, RestA),
+    B = node(OffsetB, BitsB, RestB),
+    ( OffsetA = OffsetB ->
+        Bits = BitsA /\ \ BitsB,
+        ( Bits = 0 ->
+            Set = difference_2(RestA, RestB)
+        ;
+            Set = node(OffsetA, Bits, difference_2(RestA, RestB))
+        )
+    ; OffsetA < OffsetB ->
+        Set = node(OffsetA, BitsA, difference_2(RestA, B))
+    ;
+        Set = difference_2(A, RestB)
+    ).
+union_list(Sets) = Set :-
+    union_list(Sets, Set).
+union_list([], fat_sparse_bitset.init).
+union_list([Set], Set).
+union_list(Sets @ [_, _ | _], Set) :-
+    union_list_pass(Sets, [], MergedSets),
+    union_list(MergedSets, Set).
+    % Union adjacent pairs of sets, so that the resulting list has N sets
+    % if the input list has 2N or 2N-1 sets.
+    %
+    % We keep invoking union_list_pass until it yields a list of only one set.
+    %
+    % The point of this approach is that unioning a large set with a small set
+    % is often only slightly faster than unioning that large set with another
+    % large set, yet it gets significantly less work done. This is because
+    % the bitsets in a small set can be expected to be considerably sparser
+    % that bitsets in large sets.
+    %
+    % We expect that this approach should yield performance closer to NlogN
+    % than to N^2 when unioning a list of N sets.
+    %
+:- pred union_list_pass(list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::in,
+    list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::in, list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::out)
+    is det.
+union_list_pass([], !MergedSets).
+union_list_pass([Set], !MergedSets) :-
+    !:MergedSets = [Set | !.MergedSets].
+union_list_pass([SetA, SetB | Sets0], !MergedSets) :-
+    union(SetA, SetB, SetAB),
+    !:MergedSets = [SetAB | !.MergedSets],
+    union_list_pass(Sets0, !MergedSets).
+intersect_list(Sets) = Set :-
+    intersect_list(Sets, Set).
+intersect_list([], fat_sparse_bitset.init).
+intersect_list([Set], Set).
+intersect_list(Sets @ [_, _ | _], Set) :-
+    intersect_list_pass(Sets, [], MergedSets),
+    intersect_list(MergedSets, Set).
+    % Intersect adjacent pairs of sets, so that the resulting list has N sets
+    % if the input list has 2N or 2N-1 sets.
+    %
+    % We keep invoking intersect_list_pass until it yields a list
+    % of only one set.
+    %
+    % The point of this approach is that intersecting a large set with a small
+    % set is often only slightly faster than intersecting that large set
+    % with another large set, yet it gets significantly less work done.
+    % This is because the bitsets in a small set can be expected to be
+    % considerably sparser that bitsets in large sets.
+    %
+    % We expect that this approach should yield performance closer to NlogN
+    % than to N^2 when intersecting a list of N sets.
+    %
+:- pred intersect_list_pass(list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::in,
+    list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::in, list(fat_sparse_bitset(T))::out) is det.
+intersect_list_pass([], !MergedSets).
+intersect_list_pass([Set], !MergedSets) :-
+    !:MergedSets = [Set | !.MergedSets].
+intersect_list_pass([SetA, SetB | Sets0], !MergedSets) :-
+    intersect(SetA, SetB, SetAB),
+    !:MergedSets = [SetAB | !.MergedSets],
+    intersect_list_pass(Sets0, !MergedSets).
+divide(Pred, Set, InSet, OutSet) :-
+    Set = fat_sparse_bitset(Nodes),
+    divide_nodes(Pred, Nodes, InNodes, OutNodes),
+    InSet = fat_sparse_bitset(InNodes),
+    OutSet = fat_sparse_bitset(OutNodes).
+:- pred divide_nodes(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet),
+    fat_bitset_impl::in, fat_bitset_impl::out, fat_bitset_impl::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+divide_nodes(_Pred, empty, empty, empty).
+divide_nodes(Pred, node(Offset, Bits, Nodes), InNodes, OutNodes) :-
+    divide_nodes(Pred, Nodes, InNodesTail, OutNodesTail),
+    divide_bits(Pred, Offset, 0, Bits, bits_per_int, 0, In, 0, Out),
+    ( In = 0 ->
+        InNodes = InNodesTail
+    ;
+        InNodes = node(Offset, In, InNodesTail)
+    ),
+    ( Out = 0 ->
+        OutNodes = OutNodesTail
+    ;
+        OutNodes = node(Offset, Out, OutNodesTail)
+    ).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
+:- pred divide_bits(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet),
+    int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+divide_bits(P, BaseOffset, OffsetInWord, Bits, Size, !In, !Out) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        ( Elem = from_int(BaseOffset + OffsetInWord) ->
+            OffsetBit = unchecked_left_shift(1, OffsetInWord),
+            ( P(Elem) ->
+                !:In = !.In \/ OffsetBit
+            ;
+                !:Out = !.Out \/ OffsetBit
+            )
+        ;
+            % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+            % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+        )
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        divide_bits(P, BaseOffset, OffsetInWord, LowBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out),
+        divide_bits(P, BaseOffset, OffsetInWord + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out)
+    ).
+divide_by_set(DivideBySet, Set, InSet, OutSet) :-
+    DivideBySet = fat_sparse_bitset(DivideByNodes),
+    Set = fat_sparse_bitset(Nodes),
+    divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNodes, Nodes, InNodes, OutNodes),
+    InSet = fat_sparse_bitset(InNodes),
+    OutSet = fat_sparse_bitset(OutNodes).
+:- pred divide_nodes_by_set(fat_bitset_impl::in, fat_bitset_impl::in,
+    fat_bitset_impl::out, fat_bitset_impl::out) is det.
+divide_nodes_by_set(_DivideByNodes, empty, empty, empty).
+divide_nodes_by_set(empty, Node @ node(_, _, _), empty, Node).
+divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNode, Node, InNodes, OutNodes) :-
+    DivideByNode = node(DivideByOffset, DivideByBits, DivideByNodes),
+    Node = node(Offset, Bits, Nodes),
+    ( DivideByOffset < Offset ->
+        divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNodes, Node, InNodes, OutNodes)
+    ; DivideByOffset > Offset ->
+        divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNode, Nodes, InNodes, OutNodesTail),
+        OutNodes = node(Offset, Bits, OutNodesTail)
+    ;
+        divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNodes, Nodes, InNodesTail, OutNodesTail),
+        divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset, Bits, bits_per_int,
+            0, In, 0, Out),
+        ( In = 0 ->
+            InNodes = InNodesTail
+        ;
+            InNodes = node(Offset, In, InNodesTail)
+        ),
+        ( Out = 0 ->
+            OutNodes = OutNodesTail
+        ;
+            OutNodes = node(Offset, Out, OutNodesTail)
+        )
+    ).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
+:- pred divide_bits_by_set(int::in,
+    int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset, Bits, Size, !In, !Out) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        OffsetBit = unchecked_left_shift(1, Offset),
+        ( DivideByBits /\ OffsetBit = 0 ->
+            !:Out = !.Out \/ OffsetBit
+        ;
+            !:In = !.In \/ OffsetBit
+        )
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset, LowBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out),
+        divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out)
+    ).
+    % Return the offset of the element of a set which should contain the given
+    % element, and an int with the bit corresponding to that element set.
+    %
+:- pred bits_for_index(int::in, int::out, int::out) is det.
+:- pragma inline(bits_for_index/3).
+bits_for_index(Index, Offset, Bits) :-
+    Offset = int.floor_to_multiple_of_bits_per_int(Index),
+    BitToSet = Index - Offset,
+    Bits = set_bit(0, BitToSet).
+:- func get_bit(int, int) = int.
+:- pragma inline(get_bit/2).
+get_bit(Int, Bit) = Int /\ unchecked_left_shift(1, Bit).
+:- func set_bit(int, int) = int.
+:- pragma inline(set_bit/2).
+set_bit(Int0, Bit) = Int0 \/ unchecked_left_shift(1, Bit).
+:- func clear_bit(int, int) = int.
+:- pragma inline(clear_bit/2).
+clear_bit(Int0, Bit) = Int0 /\ \ unchecked_left_shift(1, Bit).
+    % `mask(N)' returns a mask which can be `and'ed with an integer to return
+    % the lower `N' bits of the integer. `N' must be less than bits_per_int.
+    %
+:- func mask(int) = int.
+:- pragma inline(mask/1).
+mask(N) = \ unchecked_left_shift(\ 0, N).
+:- end_module fat_sparse_bitset.
Index: library.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/library.m,v
retrieving revision 1.132
diff -u -b -r1.132 library.m
--- library.m	2 Jun 2011 07:20:53 -0000	1.132
+++ library.m	20 Aug 2011 02:10:35 -0000
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
 :- import_module enum.
 :- import_module eqvclass.
 :- import_module exception.
+:- import_module fat_sparse_bitset.
 :- import_module float.
 :- import_module gc.
 :- import_module getopt.
@@ -239,6 +240,7 @@
Index: sparse_bitset.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/sparse_bitset.m,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -b -r1.41 sparse_bitset.m
--- sparse_bitset.m	11 Aug 2011 06:39:27 -0000	1.41
+++ sparse_bitset.m	22 Aug 2011 05:09:55 -0000
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
 :- pred is_empty(sparse_bitset(T)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred is_non_empty(sparse_bitset(T)::in) is semidet.
     % `equal(SetA, SetB' is true iff `SetA' and `SetB' contain the same
     % elements. Takes O(min(rep_size(SetA), rep_size(SetB))) time.
@@ -111,6 +113,10 @@
 :- pred singleton_set(sparse_bitset(T)::out, T::in) is det <= enum(T).
+    % Is the given set a singleton, and if yes, what is the element?
+    %
+:- pred is_singleton(sparse_bitset(T)::in, T::out) is semidet <= enum(T).
     % `subset(Subset, Set)' is true iff `Subset' is a subset of `Set'.
     % Same as `intersect(Set, Subset, Subset)', but may be more efficient.
@@ -209,6 +215,11 @@
 :- pred union(sparse_bitset(T)::in, sparse_bitset(T)::in,
     sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % `union_list(Sets, Set)' returns the union of all the sets in Sets.
+    %
+:- func union_list(list(sparse_bitset(T))) = sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred union_list(list(sparse_bitset(T))::in, sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
     % `intersect(SetA, SetB)' returns the intersection of `SetA' and `SetB'.
     % The efficiency of the intersection operation is not sensitive to the
     % argument ordering. Takes O(rep_size(SetA) + rep_size(SetB)) time and
@@ -218,6 +229,13 @@
 :- pred intersect(sparse_bitset(T)::in, sparse_bitset(T)::in,
     sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % `intersect_list(Sets, Set)' returns the intersection of all the sets
+    % in Sets.
+    %
+:- func intersect_list(list(sparse_bitset(T))) = sparse_bitset(T).
+:- pred intersect_list(list(sparse_bitset(T))::in, sparse_bitset(T)::out)
+    is det.
     % `difference(SetA, SetB)' returns the set containing all the elements
     % of `SetA' except those that occur in `SetB'. Takes
     % O(rep_size(SetA) + rep_size(SetB)) time and O(rep_size(SetA)) space.
@@ -226,6 +244,20 @@
 :- pred difference(sparse_bitset(T)::in, sparse_bitset(T)::in,
     sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det.
+    % divide(Pred, Set, InPart, OutPart):
+    % InPart consists of those elements of Set for which Pred succeeds;
+    % OutPart consists of those elements of Set for which Pred fails.
+    %
+:- pred divide(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet), sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    sparse_bitset(T)::out, sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
+    % divide_by_set(DivideBySet, Set, InPart, OutPart):
+    % InPart consists of those elements of Set which are also in DivideBySet;
+    % OutPart consists of those elements of Set which are not in DivideBySet.
+    %
+:- pred divide_by_set(sparse_bitset(T)::in, sparse_bitset(T)::in,
+    sparse_bitset(T)::out, sparse_bitset(T)::out) is det <= enum(T).
     % `count(Set)' returns the number of elements in `Set'.
     % Takes O(card(Set)) time.
@@ -423,6 +455,8 @@
+is_non_empty(sparse_bitset([_ | _])).
 to_sorted_list(A, to_sorted_list(A)).
@@ -558,6 +592,7 @@
         !Acc1, !Acc2).
     % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
 :- pred fold_bits(fold_direction, pred(T, U, U),
     int, int, int, U, U) <= enum(T).
 :- mode fold_bits(in, pred(in, in, out) is det,
@@ -584,7 +619,7 @@
             % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
             % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
-            error("sparse_bitset.m: `enum.from_int/1' failed")
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
         HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
@@ -637,7 +672,7 @@
             % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
             % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
-            error("sparse_bitset.m: `enum.from_int/1' failed")
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
         HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
@@ -687,6 +722,43 @@
 singleton_set(make_singleton_set(A), A).
+is_singleton(sparse_bitset([Node]), Elem) :-
+    Node = bitset_elem(Offset, Bits),
+    count_bits(Offset, bits_per_int, Bits, [], SetOffsets),
+    SetOffsets = [SetOffset],
+    ( ElemPrime = from_int(SetOffset) ->
+        Elem = ElemPrime
+    ;
+        % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+        % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+    ).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
+:- pred count_bits(int::in, int::in, int::in,
+    list(int)::in, list(int)::out) is det.
+count_bits(BitOffset, Size, Bits, !SetOffsets) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        % If Bits were 0, we wouldn't have got here.
+        !:SetOffsets = [BitOffset | !.SetOffsets]
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        count_bits(BitOffset, HalfSize, LowBits, !SetOffsets),
+        count_bits(BitOffset + HalfSize, HalfSize, HighBits, !SetOffsets)
+    ).
 insert(E, !Set) :-
@@ -758,21 +830,20 @@
 remove_leq_2([], _) = [].
 remove_leq_2([Data | Rest], Index) = Result :-
     Offset = Data ^ offset,
-    Result =
         ( Offset + bits_per_int =< Index ->
-            remove_leq_2(Rest, Index)
+        Result = remove_leq_2(Rest, Index)
         ; Offset =< Index ->
                 Bits = Data ^ bits /\
                     unchecked_left_shift(\ 0, Index - Offset + 1),
                 Bits \= 0
-                [make_bitset_elem(Offset, Bits) | Rest]
+            Result = [make_bitset_elem(Offset, Bits) | Rest]
-                Rest
+            Result = Rest
-            [Data | Rest]
+        Result = [Data | Rest]
@@ -788,21 +859,20 @@
 remove_gt_2([], _) = [].
 remove_gt_2([Data | Rest], Index) = Result :-
     Offset = Data ^ offset,
-    Result =
         ( Offset + bits_per_int - 1 =< Index ->
-            [Data | remove_gt_2(Rest, Index)]
+        Result = [Data | remove_gt_2(Rest, Index)]
         ; Offset =< Index ->
                 Bits = Data ^ bits /\
                     \ unchecked_left_shift(\ 0, Index - Offset + 1),
                 Bits \= 0
-                [make_bitset_elem(Offset, Bits)]
+            Result = [make_bitset_elem(Offset, Bits)]
-                []
+            Result = []
-            []
+        Result = []
@@ -817,7 +887,7 @@
         % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
         % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
-        error("sparse_bitset.m: `enum.from_int/1' failed")
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
     Bits = clear_bit(Bits0, Bit),
     ( Bits = 0 ->
@@ -982,7 +1052,7 @@
         % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
         % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
-        error("sparse_bitset.m: `enum.from_int/1' failed")
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
 :- pred member_search_nodes(int::out, bitset_impl::in) is nondet.
@@ -1115,6 +1185,215 @@
+union_list(Sets) = Set :-
+    union_list(Sets, Set).
+union_list([], sparse_bitset.init).
+union_list([Set], Set).
+union_list(Sets @ [_, _ | _], Set) :-
+    union_list_pass(Sets, [], MergedSets),
+    union_list(MergedSets, Set).
+    % Union adjacent pairs of sets, so that the resulting list has N sets
+    % if the input list has 2N or 2N-1 sets.
+    %
+    % We keep invoking union_list_pass until it yields a list of only one set.
+    %
+    % The point of this approach is that unioning a large set with a small set
+    % is often only slightly faster than unioning that large set with another
+    % large set, yet it gets significantly less work done. This is because
+    % the bitsets in a small set can be expected to be considerably sparser
+    % that bitsets in large sets.
+    %
+    % We expect that this approach should yield performance closer to NlogN
+    % than to N^2 when unioning a list of N sets.
+    %
+:- pred union_list_pass(list(sparse_bitset(T))::in,
+    list(sparse_bitset(T))::in, list(sparse_bitset(T))::out)
+    is det.
+union_list_pass([], !MergedSets).
+union_list_pass([Set], !MergedSets) :-
+    !:MergedSets = [Set | !.MergedSets].
+union_list_pass([SetA, SetB | Sets0], !MergedSets) :-
+    union(SetA, SetB, SetAB),
+    !:MergedSets = [SetAB | !.MergedSets],
+    union_list_pass(Sets0, !MergedSets).
+intersect_list(Sets) = Set :-
+    intersect_list(Sets, Set).
+intersect_list([], sparse_bitset.init).
+intersect_list([Set], Set).
+intersect_list(Sets @ [_, _ | _], Set) :-
+    intersect_list_pass(Sets, [], MergedSets),
+    intersect_list(MergedSets, Set).
+    % Intersect adjacent pairs of sets, so that the resulting list has N sets
+    % if the input list has 2N or 2N-1 sets.
+    %
+    % We keep invoking intersect_list_pass until it yields a list
+    % of only one set.
+    %
+    % The point of this approach is that intersecting a large set with a small
+    % set is often only slightly faster than intersecting that large set
+    % with another large set, yet it gets significantly less work done.
+    % This is because the bitsets in a small set can be expected to be
+    % considerably sparser that bitsets in large sets.
+    %
+    % We expect that this approach should yield performance closer to NlogN
+    % than to N^2 when intersecting a list of N sets.
+    %
+:- pred intersect_list_pass(list(sparse_bitset(T))::in,
+    list(sparse_bitset(T))::in, list(sparse_bitset(T))::out) is det.
+intersect_list_pass([], !MergedSets).
+intersect_list_pass([Set], !MergedSets) :-
+    !:MergedSets = [Set | !.MergedSets].
+intersect_list_pass([SetA, SetB | Sets0], !MergedSets) :-
+    intersect(SetA, SetB, SetAB),
+    !:MergedSets = [SetAB | !.MergedSets],
+    intersect_list_pass(Sets0, !MergedSets).
+divide(Pred, Set, InSet, OutSet) :-
+    Set = sparse_bitset(Nodes),
+    divide_nodes(Pred, Nodes, InNodes, OutNodes),
+    InSet = sparse_bitset(InNodes),
+    OutSet = sparse_bitset(OutNodes).
+:- pred divide_nodes(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet),
+    list(bitset_elem)::in, list(bitset_elem)::out, list(bitset_elem)::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+divide_nodes(_Pred, [], [], []).
+divide_nodes(Pred, [Node | Nodes], InNodes, OutNodes) :-
+    divide_nodes(Pred, Nodes, InNodesTail, OutNodesTail),
+    Node = bitset_elem(Offset, Bits),
+    divide_bits(Pred, Offset, 0, Bits, bits_per_int, 0, In, 0, Out),
+    ( In = 0 ->
+        InNodes = InNodesTail
+    ;
+        InNodes = [make_bitset_elem(Offset, In) | InNodesTail]
+    ),
+    ( Out = 0 ->
+        OutNodes = OutNodesTail
+    ;
+        OutNodes = [make_bitset_elem(Offset, Out) | OutNodesTail]
+    ).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
+:- pred divide_bits(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet),
+    int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out)
+    is det <= enum(T).
+divide_bits(P, BaseOffset, OffsetInWord, Bits, Size, !In, !Out) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        ( Elem = from_int(BaseOffset + OffsetInWord) ->
+            OffsetBit = unchecked_left_shift(1, OffsetInWord),
+            ( P(Elem) ->
+                !:In = !.In \/ OffsetBit
+            ;
+                !:Out = !.Out \/ OffsetBit
+            )
+        ;
+            % We only apply `from_int/1' to integers returned
+            % by `to_int/1', so it should never fail.
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "`enum.from_int/1' failed")
+        )
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        divide_bits(P, BaseOffset, OffsetInWord, LowBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out),
+        divide_bits(P, BaseOffset, OffsetInWord + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out)
+    ).
+divide_by_set(DivideBySet, Set, InSet, OutSet) :-
+    DivideBySet = sparse_bitset(DivideByNodes),
+    Set = sparse_bitset(Nodes),
+    divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNodes, Nodes, InNodes, OutNodes),
+    InSet = sparse_bitset(InNodes),
+    OutSet = sparse_bitset(OutNodes).
+:- pred divide_nodes_by_set(list(bitset_elem)::in, list(bitset_elem)::in,
+    list(bitset_elem)::out, list(bitset_elem)::out) is det.
+divide_nodes_by_set(_DivideByNodes, [], [], []).
+divide_nodes_by_set([], [Node | Nodes], [], [Node | Nodes]).
+divide_nodes_by_set([DivideByNode | DivideByNodes], [Node | Nodes],
+        InNodes, OutNodes) :-
+    DivideByNode = bitset_elem(DivideByOffset, DivideByBits),
+    Node = bitset_elem(Offset, Bits),
+    ( DivideByOffset < Offset ->
+        divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNodes, [Node | Nodes], InNodes, OutNodes)
+    ; DivideByOffset > Offset ->
+        divide_nodes_by_set([DivideByNode | DivideByNodes], Nodes,
+            InNodes, OutNodesTail),
+        OutNodes = [Node | OutNodesTail]
+    ;
+        divide_nodes_by_set(DivideByNodes, Nodes, InNodesTail, OutNodesTail),
+        divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset, Bits, bits_per_int,
+            0, In, 0, Out),
+        ( In = 0 ->
+            InNodes = InNodesTail
+        ;
+            InNodes = [make_bitset_elem(Offset, In) | InNodesTail]
+        ),
+        ( Out = 0 ->
+            OutNodes = OutNodesTail
+        ;
+            OutNodes = [make_bitset_elem(Offset, Out) | OutNodesTail]
+        )
+    ).
+    % Do a binary search for the 1 bits in an int.
+    %
+:- pred divide_bits_by_set(int::in,
+    int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset, Bits, Size, !In, !Out) :-
+    ( Bits = 0 ->
+        true
+    ; Size = 1 ->
+        OffsetBit = unchecked_left_shift(1, Offset),
+        ( DivideByBits /\ OffsetBit = 0 ->
+            !:Out = !.Out \/ OffsetBit
+        ;
+            !:In = !.In \/ OffsetBit
+        )
+    ;
+        HalfSize = unchecked_right_shift(Size, 1),
+        Mask = mask(HalfSize),
+        % Extract the low-order half of the bits.
+        LowBits = Mask /\ Bits,
+        % Extract the high-order half of the bits.
+        HighBits = Mask /\ unchecked_right_shift(Bits, HalfSize),
+        divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset, LowBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out),
+        divide_bits_by_set(DivideByBits, Offset + HalfSize, HighBits, HalfSize,
+            !In, !Out)
+    ).
     % Return the offset of the element of a set which should contain the given
     % element, and an int with the bit corresponding to that element set.
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