[m-rev.] diff: delete the relation and svrelation modules from the stdlib

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Apr 28 23:51:37 AEST 2011

Branches: main

Delete the relation and svrelation modules from the standard library.
They have been marked as obsolete for several years (and releases) and their
functionality is now provided by the digraph module.

 	Delete the contents of these files and mark them as
 	no longer in use.

 	Delete the above modules from the library.

 	Delete tests for the relation module.


Index: library/library.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/library.m,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -r1.127 library.m
--- library/library.m	7 Oct 2010 02:38:10 -0000	1.127
+++ library/library.m	28 Apr 2011 11:33:55 -0000
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@
  :- import_module random.
  :- import_module rational.
  :- import_module rbtree.
-:- import_module relation.
  :- import_module require.
  :- import_module robdd.
  :- import_module rtree.
@@ -124,7 +123,6 @@
  :- import_module svmap.
  :- import_module svmulti_map.
  :- import_module svqueue.
-:- import_module svrelation.
  :- import_module svset.
  :- import_module svvarset.
  :- import_module table_statistics.
@@ -277,7 +275,6 @@
@@ -305,7 +302,6 @@
Index: library/relation.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/relation.m,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -r1.47 relation.m
--- library/relation.m	20 Dec 2010 07:47:47 -0000	1.47
+++ library/relation.m	28 Apr 2011 11:33:19 -0000
@@ -1,1151 +1,3 @@
-% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
-% Copyright (C) 1995-1999,2002-2006, 2010 The University of Melbourne.
-% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
-% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
-% File: relation.m.
-% Main author: bromage, petdr.
-% Stability: low.
-% This module defines a data type for binary relations over a given domain.
-:- module relation.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module assoc_list.
-:- import_module enum.
-:- import_module list.
-:- import_module set.
-:- import_module sparse_bitset.
-% The relation module is deprecated.  Use digraph instead.
-:- pragma obsolete(relation.init/0).
-:- pragma obsolete(relation.init/1).
-:- type relation(T).
-:- type relation_key.
-:- instance enum(relation_key).
-:- type relation_key_set == sparse_bitset(relation_key).
-    % relation.init creates a new relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.init = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.init(relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.add_element adds an element to the domain of a relation.
-    % Return the old relation_key if one already exists.
-    %
-:- pred relation.add_element(relation(T)::in, T::in, relation_key::out,
-    relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.search_element returns the relation_key associated with a
-    % domain element. Fail if the relation_key is not valid.
-    %
-:- pred relation.search_element(relation(T)::in, T::in, relation_key::out)
-    is semidet.
-    % relation.lookup_element returns the relation_key associated with a
-    % domain element. Abort if the relation_key is not valid.
-    %
-:- func relation.lookup_element(relation(T), T) = relation_key.
-:- pred relation.lookup_element(relation(T)::in, T::in, relation_key::out)
-    is det.
-    % relation.search_key returns the domain element associated with a
-    % relation_key. Fail if the relation_key is not valid.
-    %
-:- pred relation.search_key(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in, T::out)
-    is semidet.
-    % relation.lookup_key returns the domain element associated with a
-    % relation_key. Abort if the relation_key is not valid.
-    %
-:- func relation.lookup_key(relation(T), relation_key) = T.
-:- pred relation.lookup_key(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in, T::out) is det.
-    % relation.add adds an element to the relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.add(relation(T), relation_key, relation_key) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.add(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.add_values adds an pair of values to the relation's
-    % domain and adds an element to the relation.
-    %
-    % relation.add_values(R0, X, Y, R) :-
-    %    relation.add_element(R0, X, XKey, R1),
-    %    relation.add_element(R1, Y, YKey, R2),
-    %    relation.add(R1, XKey, YKey, R).
-    %
-:- func relation.add_values(relation(T), T, T) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.add_values(relation(T)::in, T::in, T::in, relation(T)::out)
-    is det.
-    % relation.add_assoc_list adds a list of elements to a relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.add_assoc_list(relation(T),
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.add_assoc_list(relation(T)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.remove removes an element from the relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.remove(relation(T), relation_key, relation_key)
-    = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.remove(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.remove_assoc_list removes a list of elements from a relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.remove_assoc_list(relation(T),
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.remove_assoc_list(relation(T)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.lookup checks to see if an element is in the relation.
-    %
-:- pred relation.lookup(relation(T), relation_key, relation_key).
-:- mode relation.lookup(in, in, out) is nondet.
-:- mode relation.lookup(in, in, in) is semidet.
-    % relation.reverse_lookup checks to see if an element is in the relation.
-    %
-:- pred relation.reverse_lookup(relation(T), relation_key, relation_key).
-:- mode relation.reverse_lookup(in, out, in) is nondet.
-:- mode relation.reverse_lookup(in, in, in) is semidet.
-    % Given an x, relation.lookup_from returns the set of elements y
-    % such that xRy.
-    %
-:- func relation.lookup_from(relation(T), relation_key) = set(relation_key).
-:- pred relation.lookup_from(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    set(relation_key)::out) is det.
-:- func relation.lookup_key_set_from(relation(T), relation_key)
-    = relation_key_set.
-:- pred relation.lookup_key_set_from(relation(T)::in,
-    relation_key::in, relation_key_set::out) is det.
-    % Given some y, relation.lookup_to returns the set of elements x
-    % such that xRy.
-    %
-:- func relation.lookup_to(relation(T), relation_key) = set(relation_key).
-:- pred relation.lookup_to(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    set(relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.lookup_to returns the set of elements x such that xRy,
-    % given some y.
-    %
-:- func relation.lookup_key_set_to(relation(T), relation_key)
-    = relation_key_set.
-:- pred relation.lookup_key_set_to(relation(T)::in,
-    relation_key::in, relation_key_set::out) is det.
-    % relation.to_assoc_list turns a relation into a list of pairs of
-    % elements.
-    %
-:- func relation.to_assoc_list(relation(T)) = assoc_list(T, T).
-:- pred relation.to_assoc_list(relation(T)::in, assoc_list(T, T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.to_key_assoc_list turns a relation into a list of pairs of
-    % relation keys.
-    %
-:- func relation.to_key_assoc_list(relation(T))
-    = assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key).
-:- pred relation.to_key_assoc_list(relation(T)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.from_assoc_list turns a list of pairs of elements into
-    % a relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.from_assoc_list(assoc_list(T, T)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.from_assoc_list(assoc_list(T, T)::in, relation(T)::out)
-    is det.
-    % relation.domain finds the set of all elements in the domain of a
-    % relation.
-    %
-:- func relation.domain(relation(T)) = set(T).
-:- pred relation.domain(relation(T)::in, set(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.inverse(R, R') is true iff for all x, y in the domain of R,
-    % xRy if yR'x.
-    %
-:- func relation.inverse(relation(T)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.inverse(relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.compose(R1, R2, R) is true if R is the composition
-    % of the relations R1 and R2.
-    %
-:- func relation.compose(relation(T), relation(T)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.compose(relation(T)::in, relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out)
-    is det.
-    % relation.dfs(Rel, X, Dfs) is true if Dfs is a depth-first sorting of Rel
-    % starting at X. The set of elements in the list Dfs is exactly equal to
-    % the set of elements y such that xR*y, where R* is the reflexive
-    % transitive closure of R.
-    %
-:- func relation.dfs(relation(T), relation_key) = list(relation_key).
-:- pred relation.dfs(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.dfsrev(Rel, X, DfsRev) is true if DfsRev is a reverse
-    % depth-first sorting of Rel starting at X. The R* is the reflexive
-    % transitive closure of R.
-    %
-:- func relation.dfsrev(relation(T), relation_key) = list(relation_key).
-:- pred relation.dfsrev(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.dfs(Rel, Dfs) is true if Dfs is a depth-first sorting of Rel,
-    % i.e. a list of the nodes in Rel such that it contains all elements
-    % in the relation and all the children of a node are placed in the list
-    % before the parent.
-    %
-:- func relation.dfs(relation(T)) = list(relation_key).
-:- pred relation.dfs(relation(T)::in, list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.dfsrev(Rel, DfsRev) is true if DfsRev is a reverse
-    % depth-first sorting of Rel.  ie DfsRev is the reverse of Dfs
-    % from relation.dfs/2.
-    %
-:- func relation.dfsrev(relation(T)) = list(relation_key).
-:- pred relation.dfsrev(relation(T)::in, list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.dfs(Rel, X, Visit0, Visit, Dfs) is true if Dfs is a depth-first
-    % sorting of Rel starting at X providing we have already visited Visit0
-    % nodes, i.e.  a list of nodes such that all the unvisited children of a
-    % node are placed in the list before the parent. Visit0 allows us to
-    % initialise a set of previously visited nodes. Visit is Dfs + Visit0.
-    %
-:- pred relation.dfs(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in, relation_key_set::in,
-    relation_key_set::out, list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-    % relation.dfsrev(Rel, X, Visit0, Visit, DfsRev) is true if DfsRev is a
-    % reverse depth-first sorting of Rel starting at X providing we have
-    % already visited Visit0 nodes, ie the reverse of Dfs from relation.dfs/5.
-    % Visit is Visit0 + DfsRev.
-    %
-:- pred relation.dfsrev(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out, list(relation_key)::out)
-    is det.
-    % relation.is_dag(R) is true iff R is a directed acyclic graph.
-    %
-:- pred relation.is_dag(relation(T)::in) is semidet.
-    % relation.components(R, Comp) is true if Comp is the set of the
-    % connected components of R.
-    %
-:- func relation.components(relation(T)) = set(set(relation_key)).
-:- pred relation.components(relation(T)::in, set(set(relation_key))::out)
-    is det.
-    % relation.cliques(R, Cliques) is true if Cliques is the set of the
-    % strongly connected components (cliques) of R.
-    %
-:- func relation.cliques(relation(T)) = set(set(relation_key)).
-:- pred relation.cliques(relation(T)::in, set(set(relation_key))::out) is det.
-    % relation.reduced(R, Red) is true if Red is the reduced relation
-    % (relation of cliques) obtained from R.
-    %
-:- func relation.reduced(relation(T)) = relation(set(T)).
-:- pred relation.reduced(relation(T)::in, relation(set(T))::out) is det.
-    % relation.tsort(R, TS) is true if TS is a topological sorting of R.
-    % It fails if R is cyclic.
-    %
-:- pred relation.tsort(relation(T)::in, list(T)::out) is semidet.
-    % relation.atsort(R, ATS) is true if ATS is a topological sorting
-    % of the cliques in R.
-    %
-:- func relation.atsort(relation(T)) = list(set(T)).
-:- pred relation.atsort(relation(T)::in, list(set(T))::out) is det.
-    % relation.sc(R, SC) is true if SC is the symmetric closure of R.
-    % In graph terms, symmetric closure is the same as turning a directed graph
-    % into an undirected graph.
-    %
-:- func relation.sc(relation(T)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.sc(relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.tc(R, TC) is true if TC is the transitive closure of R.
-    %
-:- func relation.tc(relation(T)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.tc(relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.rtc(R, RTC) is true if RTC is the reflexive transitive closure
-    % of R.
-    %
-:- func relation.rtc(relation(T)) = relation(T).
-:- pred relation.rtc(relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % relation.traverse(R, ProcessNode, ProcessEdge) will traverse a relation
-    % calling ProcessNode for each node in the relation and ProcessEdge for
-    % each edge in the relation. Each node is processed followed by all the
-    % edges originating at that node, until all nodes have been processed.
-    %
-:- pred relation.traverse(relation(K), pred(K, T, T), pred(K, K, T, T), T, T).
-:- mode relation.traverse(in, pred(in, di, uo) is det,
-    pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
-:- mode relation.traverse(in, pred(in, in, out) is det,
-    pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, out) is det.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module bimap.
-:- import_module int.
-:- import_module map.
-:- import_module pair.
-:- import_module queue.
-:- import_module require.
-:- type relation_key
-    --->    relation_key(int).
-:- type key_map     == map(int, relation_key).
-:- type key_set_map == map(int, relation_key_set).
-:- instance enum(relation_key) where [
-    to_int(relation_key(Int)) = Int,
-    from_int(Int) = relation_key(Int)
-    % Note that the integer keys in the maps below are actually relation keys.
-    % We use the raw integers as keys to allow type specialization.
-:- type relation(T)
-    --->    relation(
-                relation_key,                   % Next key
-                bimap(T, relation_key),         % Elements <-> keys
-                key_set_map,                    % The mapping U -> V
-                key_set_map                     % The reverse mapping V -> U
-            ).
-relation.init = R :-
-    relation.init_internal(R).
-relation.init(R) :-
-    relation.init_internal(R).
-:- pred relation.init_internal(relation(T)::out) is det.
-relation.init_internal(relation(relation_key(0), ElMap, FwdMap, BwdMap)) :-
-    bimap.init(ElMap),
-    map.init(FwdMap),
-    map.init(BwdMap).
-relation.add_element(Rel0, Elem, NewKey, Rel) :-
-    Rel0 = relation(relation_key(Key0), ElMap0, Fwd, Rev),
-    ( bimap.search(ElMap0, Elem, NewKey0) ->
-        NewKey = NewKey0,
-        Rel = Rel0
-    ;
-        NewKey = relation_key(Key0),
-        Key = Key0 + 1,
-        bimap.set(ElMap0, Elem, NewKey, ElMap),
-        Rel = relation(relation_key(Key), ElMap, Fwd, Rev)
-    ).
-relation.search_element(relation(_Key, ElMap, _Fwd, _Rev), Elem, Key) :-
-    bimap.search(ElMap, Elem, Key).
-relation.lookup_element(Rel, Elem, Key) :-
-    ( relation.search_element(Rel, Elem, Key0) ->
-        Key = Key0
-    ;
-        error("relation.lookup_element")
-    ).
-relation.search_key(relation(_Key, ElMap, _Fwd, _Rev), Key, Elem) :-
-    bimap.search(ElMap, Elem, Key).
-relation.lookup_key(Rel, Key, Elem) :-
-    ( relation.search_key(Rel, Key, Elem0) ->
-        Elem = Elem0
-    ;
-        error("relation.lookup_key")
-    ).
-relation.add_values(R0, X, Y, R) :-
-    relation.add_element(R0, X, XKey, R1),
-    relation.add_element(R1, Y, YKey, R2),
-    relation.add(R2, XKey, YKey, R).
-relation.add(Rel0, UKey @ relation_key(U), VKey @ relation_key(V), Rel) :-
-    Rel0 = relation(Key, ElMap, FwdIn, BwdIn),
-    ( map.search(FwdIn, U, VSet0) ->
-        ( contains(VSet0, VKey) ->
-            FwdOut = FwdIn
-        ;
-            insert(VSet0, VKey, VSet1),
-            map.det_update(FwdIn, U, VSet1, FwdOut)
-        )
-    ;
-        init(VSet0),
-        insert(VSet0, VKey, VSet1),
-        map.det_insert(FwdIn, U, VSet1, FwdOut)
-    ),
-    ( map.search(BwdIn, V, USet0) ->
-        ( contains(USet0, UKey) ->
-            BwdOut = BwdIn
-        ;
-            insert(USet0, UKey, USet1),
-            map.det_update(BwdIn, V, USet1, BwdOut)
-        )
-    ;
-        init(USet0),
-        insert(USet0, UKey, USet1),
-        map.det_insert(BwdIn, V, USet1, BwdOut)
-    ),
-    Rel = relation(Key, ElMap, FwdOut, BwdOut).
-:- pred relation.sv_add(relation_key::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-relation.sv_add(UKey, VKey, Rel0, Rel) :-
-    relation.add(Rel0, UKey, VKey, Rel).
-relation.add_assoc_list(Rel, [], Rel).
-relation.add_assoc_list(Rel0, [U - V | Elems], Rel) :-
-    relation.add(Rel0, U, V, Rel1),
-    relation.add_assoc_list(Rel1, Elems, Rel).
-relation.remove(Rel0, UKey @ relation_key(U), VKey @ relation_key(V), Rel) :-
-    Rel0 = relation(Key, ElMap, FwdIn, BwdIn),
-    ( map.search(FwdIn, U, VSet0) ->
-        delete(VSet0, VKey, VSet1),
-        map.det_update(FwdIn, U, VSet1, FwdOut)
-    ;
-        FwdIn = FwdOut
-    ),
-    ( map.search(BwdIn, V, USet0) ->
-        delete(USet0, UKey, USet1),
-        map.det_update(BwdIn, V, USet1, BwdOut)
-    ;
-        BwdIn = BwdOut
-    ),
-    Rel = relation(Key, ElMap, FwdOut, BwdOut).
-relation.remove_assoc_list(Rel, [], Rel).
-relation.remove_assoc_list(Rel0, [U - V | Elems], Rel) :-
-    relation.remove(Rel0, U, V, Rel1),
-    relation.remove_assoc_list(Rel1, Elems, Rel).
-relation.lookup(relation(_Key, _ElMap, Fwd, _Bwd), relation_key(U), V) :-
-    map.search(Fwd, U, VSet),
-    member(V, VSet).
-relation.reverse_lookup(Rel, U, relation_key(V)) :-
-    Rel = relation(_Key, _ElMap, _Fwd, Bwd),
-    map.search(Bwd, V, USet),
-    member(U, USet).
-relation.lookup_from(R, U, to_set(Vs)) :-
-    relation.lookup_key_set_from(R, U, Vs).
-relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, relation_key(U), Vs) :-
-    Rel = relation(_Key, _ElMap, Fwd, _Bwd),
-    ( map.search(Fwd, U, Vs0) ->
-        Vs = Vs0
-    ;
-        init(Vs)
-    ).
-relation.lookup_key_set_from(R, U) = Vs :-
-    relation.lookup_key_set_from(R, U, Vs).
-relation.lookup_to(R, U, to_set(Vs)) :-
-    relation.lookup_key_set_to(R, U, Vs).
-relation.lookup_key_set_to(Rel, relation_key(V), Us) :-
-    Rel = relation(_Key, _ElMap, _Fwd, Bwd),
-    ( map.search(Bwd, V, Us0) ->
-        Us = Us0
-    ;
-        init(Us)
-    ).
-relation.lookup_key_set_to(R, U) = Vs :-
-    relation.lookup_key_set_to(R, U, Vs).
-relation.to_assoc_list(relation(_Key, ElMap, Fwd, _Bwd), List) :-
-    map.keys(Fwd, FwdKeys),
-    relation.to_assoc_list_2(Fwd, FwdKeys, ElMap, [], List).
-:- pred relation.to_assoc_list_2(key_set_map::in,
-    list(int)::in, bimap(T, relation_key)::in,
-    assoc_list(T, T)::in, assoc_list(T, T)::out) is det.
-relation.to_assoc_list_2(_Fwd, [], _, !AssocList).
-relation.to_assoc_list_2(Fwd, [Key | Keys], ElementMap, !AssocList) :-
-    relation.to_assoc_list_2(Fwd, Keys, ElementMap, !AssocList),
-    bimap.reverse_lookup(ElementMap, KeyEl, relation_key(Key)),
-    map.lookup(Fwd, Key, Set),
-    sparse_bitset.foldr(accumulate_rev_lookup(ElementMap, KeyEl), Set,
-        !AssocList).
-:- pred accumulate_rev_lookup(bimap(T, relation_key)::in, T::in,
-    relation_key::in, assoc_list(T, T)::in, assoc_list(T, T)::out) is det.
-accumulate_rev_lookup(ElementMap, KeyEl, U, !AL) :-
-    bimap.reverse_lookup(ElementMap, V, U),
-    !:AL = [KeyEl - V | !.AL].
-relation.to_key_assoc_list(relation(_Key, _ElMap, Fwd, _Bwd), List) :-
-    map.keys(Fwd, FwdKeys),
-    relation.to_key_assoc_list_2(Fwd, FwdKeys, [], List).
-:- pred relation.to_key_assoc_list_2(key_set_map::in, list(int)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::out) is det.
-relation.to_key_assoc_list_2(_Fwd, [], !AssocList).
-relation.to_key_assoc_list_2(Fwd, [Key | Keys], !AssocList) :-
-    relation.to_key_assoc_list_2(Fwd, Keys, !AssocList),
-    map.lookup(Fwd, Key, Set),
-    sparse_bitset.foldr(accumulate_with_key(relation_key(Key)), Set,
-        !AssocList).
-:- pred accumulate_with_key(relation_key::in, relation_key::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::out) is det.
-accumulate_with_key(RelKey, U, !AL) :-
-    !:AL = [RelKey - U | !.AL].
-relation.from_assoc_list(AL, Rel) :-
-    relation.init_internal(Rel0),
-    Rel = list.foldl(
-        (func(U - V, R0) = R :-
-            relation.add_values(R0, U, V, R)
-        ), AL, Rel0).
-relation.domain(relation(_Key, ElMap, _Fwd, _Bwd), Dom) :-
-    bimap.ordinates(ElMap, DomList),
-    sorted_list_to_set(DomList, Dom).
-:- pred relation.domain_sorted_list(relation(T)::in, list(relation_key)::out)
-    is det.
-relation.domain_sorted_list(relation(_Key, ElMap, _Fwd, _Bwd), Dom) :-
-    bimap.coordinates(ElMap, Dom).
-relation.inverse(Rel, InvRel) :-
-    Rel = relation(Key, ElMap, Fwd, Bwd),
-    InvRel = relation(Key, ElMap, Bwd, Fwd).
-relation.compose(R1, R2, !:Compose) :-
-    relation.init_internal(!:Compose),
-    % Find the set of elements which occur in both the
-    % range of R1 and the domain of R2.
-    relation.domain(relation.inverse(R1), R1Range),
-    relation.domain(R2, R2Domain),
-    MatchElements = set.intersect(R1Range, R2Domain),
-    % Find the sets of keys to be matched in each relation.
-    KeyAL = list.map(
-        (func(MatchElem) = R1Keys - R2Keys :-
-            relation.lookup_element(R1, MatchElem, R1Key),
-            relation.lookup_key_set_to(R1, R1Key, R1Keys),
-            relation.lookup_element(R2, MatchElem, R2Key),
-            relation.lookup_key_set_from(R2, R2Key, R2Keys)
-        ),
-        to_sorted_list(MatchElements)),
-    % Find the sets of keys in each relation which will occur in
-    % the new relation.
-    list.foldl2(find_new_rel_keys, KeyAL,
-        sparse_bitset.init, R1NeededKeys,
-        sparse_bitset.init, R2NeededKeys),
-    % Add the elements to the composition.
-    sparse_bitset.foldl2(copy_element(R1), R1NeededKeys, !Compose,
-        map.init, KeyMap1),
-    sparse_bitset.foldl2(copy_element(R2), R2NeededKeys, !Compose,
-        map.init, KeyMap2),
-    % Add the arcs to the composition.
-    list.foldl(add_compose_arcs(KeyMap1, KeyMap2), KeyAL, !Compose).
-:- pred find_new_rel_keys(pair(relation_key_set)::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out) is det.
-find_new_rel_keys(R1Keys - R2Keys,
-        R1NeededKeys0, R1NeededKeys1, R2NeededKeys0, R2NeededKeys1) :-
-    R1NeededKeys1 = sparse_bitset.union(R1NeededKeys0, R1Keys),
-    R2NeededKeys1 = sparse_bitset.union(R2NeededKeys0, R2Keys).
-:- pred add_compose_arcs(key_map::in, key_map::in, pair(relation_key_set)::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-add_compose_arcs(KeyMap1, KeyMap2, R1Keys - R2Keys, !Compose) :-
-    relation.add_cartesian_product(
-        map_key_set(KeyMap1, R1Keys),
-        map_key_set(KeyMap2, R2Keys),
-        !Compose).
-:- pred copy_element(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out, key_map::in, key_map::out) is det.
-copy_element(R0, Key, !Compose, !KeyMap) :-
-    relation.lookup_key(R0, Key, Elem),
-    relation.add_element(!.Compose, Elem, ComposeKey, !:Compose),
-    Key = relation_key(KeyInt),
-    map.det_insert(!.KeyMap, KeyInt, ComposeKey, !:KeyMap).
-:- func map_key_set(key_map, relation_key_set) = relation_key_set.
-map_key_set(KeyMap, Set0) = Set :-
-    sparse_bitset.foldl(accumulate_key_set(KeyMap), Set0, init, Set).
-:- pred accumulate_key_set(key_map::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out) is det.
-accumulate_key_set(KeyMap, Key0, !Set) :-
-    Key0 = relation_key(KeyInt),
-    map.lookup(KeyMap, KeyInt, Key),
-    !:Set = insert(!.Set, Key).
-relation.dfs(Rel, X, Dfs) :-
-    relation.dfsrev(Rel, X, DfsRev),
-    list.reverse(DfsRev, Dfs).
-relation.dfsrev(Rel, X, DfsRev) :-
-    init(Vis0),
-    relation.dfs_2(Rel, X, Vis0, _, [], DfsRev).
-relation.dfs(Rel, X, Visited0, Visited, Dfs) :-
-    relation.dfs_2(Rel, X, Visited0, Visited, [], DfsRev),
-    list.reverse(DfsRev, Dfs).
-relation.dfsrev(Rel, X, Visited0, Visited, DfsRev) :-
-    relation.dfs_2(Rel, X, Visited0, Visited, [], DfsRev).
-relation.dfs(Rel, Dfs) :-
-    relation.dfsrev(Rel, DfsRev),
-    list.reverse(DfsRev, Dfs).
-relation.dfsrev(Rel, DfsRev) :-
-    relation.domain_sorted_list(Rel, DomList),
-    list.foldl2(relation.dfs_2(Rel), DomList, init, _, [], DfsRev).
-:- pred relation.dfs_2(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out,
-    list(relation_key)::in, list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-relation.dfs_2(Rel, Node, !Visit, !DfsRev) :-
-    ( contains(!.Visit, Node) ->
-        true
-    ;
-        relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, Node, AdjSet),
-        insert(!.Visit, Node, !:Visit),
-        % Go and visit all of the node's children first.
-        sparse_bitset.foldl2(relation.dfs_2(Rel), AdjSet, !Visit, !DfsRev),
-        !:DfsRev = [Node | !.DfsRev]
-    ).
-relation.is_dag(R) :-
-    % Does a DFS on the relation. It is a directed acylic graph
-    % if at each node we never visit an already visited node.
-    relation.domain_sorted_list(R, DomList),
-    init(Visit),
-    init(AllVisit),
-    foldl(relation.is_dag_2(R, Visit), DomList, AllVisit, _).
-:- pred relation.is_dag_2(relation(T)::in, relation_key_set::in,
-    relation_key::in, relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out) is semidet.
-relation.is_dag_2(Rel, Visit, Node, !AllVisited) :-
-    % Provided that we never encounter a node that we have visited before
-    % during the current DFS, the graph isn't cyclic.
-    % NB It is possible that we have visited a node before while doing a
-    % DFS from another node.
-    %
-    % ie        2     3
-    %        \   /
-    %         \ /
-    %          1
-    %
-    % 1 will be visited by a DFS from both 2 and 3.
-    ( contains(Visit, Node) ->
-        fail
-    ; contains(!.AllVisited, Node) ->
-        true
-    ;
-        relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, Node, AdjSet),
-        !:AllVisited = insert(!.AllVisited, Node),
-        foldl(relation.is_dag_2(Rel, insert(Visit, Node)), AdjSet,
-            !AllVisited)
-    ).
-relation.components(Rel, Set) :-
-    relation.domain_sorted_list(Rel, DomList),
-    relation.components_2(Rel, DomList, set.init, SetofBitsets),
-    Set = set.map(to_set, SetofBitsets).
-:- pred relation.components_2(relation(T)::in, list(relation_key)::in,
-    set(relation_key_set)::in, set(relation_key_set)::out) is det.
-relation.components_2(_Rel, [], !Comp).
-relation.components_2(Rel, [X | Xs], !Comp) :-
-    init(Set0),
-    queue.list_to_queue([X], Q0),
-    relation.reachable_from(Rel, Q0, Set0, Component),
-    set.insert(!.Comp, Component, !:Comp),
-    list_to_set(Xs, XsSet `with_type` relation_key_set),
-    difference(XsSet, Component, Xs1Set),
-    to_sorted_list(Xs1Set, Xs1),
-    relation.components_2(Rel, Xs1, !Comp).
-:- pred relation.reachable_from(relation(T)::in, queue(relation_key)::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out) is det.
-relation.reachable_from(Rel, Q0, !Set) :-
-    ( queue.get(Q0, X, Q1) ->
-        ( contains(!.Set, X) ->
-            relation.reachable_from(Rel, Q1, !Set)
-        ;
-            relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, X, FwdSet),
-            relation.lookup_key_set_to(Rel, X, BwdSet),
-            union(FwdSet, BwdSet, NextSet0),
-            difference(NextSet0, !.Set, NextSet1),
-            to_sorted_list(NextSet1, NextList),
-            queue.put_list(Q0, NextList, Q2),
-            insert(!.Set, X, !:Set),
-            relation.reachable_from(Rel, Q2, !Set)
-        )
-    ;
-        true
-    ).
-relation.cliques(Rel, Cliques) :-
-    % relation.cliques takes a relation and returns the set of strongly
-    % connected components of that relation.
-    %
-    % It works using the following algorith.
-    % 1. Topologically sort the nodes. Then number the nodes so that
-    %    the highest number is the first node in the topological sort.
-    % 2. Compute the inverse of the relation, i.e. generate RelInv.
-    % 3. Starting from the highest numbered node, do a depth first search (DFS)
-    %    on Rel'. All the nodes visited are a member of the cycle.
-    % 4. From the next highest non-visited node do a DFS on RelInv
-    %    (not including visited nodes). This is the next cycle.
-    % 5. Repeat step 4 until all nodes have been visited.
-    % Effectively assigns a numbering to the nodes.
-    relation.dfsrev(Rel, DfsRev),
-    relation.inverse(Rel, RelInv),
-    set.init(Cliques0),
-    init(Visit),
-    relation.cliques_2(DfsRev, RelInv, Visit, Cliques0, Cliques1),
-    Cliques = set.map(to_set, Cliques1).
-:- pred relation.cliques_2(list(relation_key)::in, relation(T)::in,
-    relation_key_set::in,
-    set(relation_key_set)::in, set(relation_key_set)::out) is det.
-relation.cliques_2([], _, _, !Cliques).
-relation.cliques_2([H | T0], RelInv, Visit0, !Cliques) :-
-    % Do a DFS on RelInv.
-    relation.dfs_2(RelInv, H, Visit0, Visit, [], StrongComponent),
-    % Insert the cycle into the clique set.
-    list_to_set(StrongComponent, StrongComponentSet),
-    set.insert(!.Cliques, StrongComponentSet, !:Cliques),
-    % Delete all the visited elements, so the first element of the list
-    % is the next highest number node.
-    list.delete_elems(T0, StrongComponent, T),
-    relation.cliques_2(T, RelInv, Visit, !Cliques).
-relation.reduced(Rel, Red) :-
-    relation.cliques(Rel, Cliques),
-    set.to_sorted_list(Cliques, CliqList),
-    relation.init_internal(Red0),
-    map.init(CliqMap0),
-    relation.make_clique_map(Rel, CliqList, CliqMap0, CliqMap, Red0, Red1),
-    relation.to_key_assoc_list(Rel, RelAL),
-    relation.make_reduced_graph(CliqMap, RelAL, Red1, Red).
-:- pred relation.make_clique_map(relation(T)::in, list(set(relation_key))::in,
-    map(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    map(relation_key, relation_key)::out,
-    relation(set(T))::in, relation(set(T))::out) is det.
-relation.make_clique_map(_Rel, [], !Map, !Red).
-relation.make_clique_map(Rel, [S | Ss], !Map, !Red) :-
-    to_sorted_list(S, SList),
-    list.map(relation.lookup_key(Rel), SList, EList),
-    list_to_set(EList, ESet),
-    relation.add_element(!.Red, ESet, SKey, !:Red),
-    relation.make_clique_map_2(SKey, SList, !Map),
-    relation.make_clique_map(Rel, Ss, !Map, !Red).
-:- pred relation.make_clique_map_2(relation_key::in, list(relation_key)::in,
-    map(relation_key, relation_key)::in, map(relation_key, relation_key)::out)
-    is det.
-relation.make_clique_map_2(_Key, [], !Map).
-relation.make_clique_map_2(Key, [X | Xs], !Map) :-
-    map.set(!.Map, X, Key, !:Map),
-    relation.make_clique_map_2(Key, Xs, !Map).
-:- pred relation.make_reduced_graph(map(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    relation(set(T))::in, relation(set(T))::out) is det.
-relation.make_reduced_graph(_Map, [], !Rel).
-relation.make_reduced_graph(Map, [U - V | Rest], !Rel) :-
-    map.lookup(Map, U, USet),
-    map.lookup(Map, V, VSet),
-    ( USet = VSet ->
-        true
-    ;
-        relation.add(!.Rel, USet, VSet, !:Rel)
-    ),
-    relation.make_reduced_graph(Map, Rest, !Rel).
-relation.tsort(Rel, Tsort) :-
-    relation.dfsrev(Rel, Tsort0),
-    relation.check_tsort(Rel, init, Tsort0),
-    Tsort = list.map(relation.lookup_key(Rel), Tsort0).
-:- pred relation.check_tsort(relation(T)::in, relation_key_set::in,
-    list(relation_key)::in) is semidet.
-relation.check_tsort(_Rel, _Vis, []).
-relation.check_tsort(Rel, Vis, [X | Xs]) :-
-    insert(Vis, X, Vis1),
-    relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, X, RX),
-    intersect(Vis1, RX, BackPointers),
-    empty(BackPointers),
-    relation.check_tsort(Rel, Vis1, Xs).
-relation.atsort(Rel, ATsort) :-
-    % relation.atsort returns a topological sorting of the cliques
-    % in the given relation.
-    %
-    % The algorithm used is described in:
-    %
-    %   R. E. Tarjan, "Depth-first search and linear graph algorithms,"
-    %   SIAM Journal on Computing, 1, 2 (1972).
-    relation.dfsrev(Rel, DfsRev),
-    relation.inverse(Rel, RelInv),
-    init(Visit),
-    relation.atsort_2(DfsRev, RelInv, Visit, [], ATsort0),
-    list.reverse(ATsort0, ATsort).
-:- pred relation.atsort_2(list(relation_key)::in, relation(T)::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, list(set(T))::in, list(set(T))::out) is det.
-relation.atsort_2([], _, _, !ATsort).
-relation.atsort_2([H | T], RelInv, Visit0, !ATsort) :-
-    ( contains(Visit0, H) ->
-        relation.atsort_2(T, RelInv, Visit0, !ATsort)
-    ;
-        relation.dfs_2(RelInv, H, Visit0, Visit, [], CliqueL),
-        list.map(relation.lookup_key(RelInv), CliqueL, Clique),
-        set.list_to_set(Clique, CliqueSet),
-        relation.atsort_2(T, RelInv, Visit, [CliqueSet | !.ATsort], !:ATsort)
-    ).
-relation.sc(Rel, Sc) :-
-    relation.inverse(Rel, Inv),
-    relation.to_key_assoc_list(Inv, InvList),
-    relation.add_assoc_list(Rel, InvList, Sc).
-relation.tc(Rel, Tc) :-
-    % relation.tc returns the transitive closure of a relation.
-    % We use this procedure:
-    %
-    % 1 Compute the reflexive transitive closure.
-    % 2 Find the "fake reflexives", that is, the set of elements x
-    %   for which xR+x should not be true. This is done by noting that
-    %   R+ = R . R* (where '.' denotes composition). Therefore x is a
-    %   fake reflexive iff the set { x | yRx and xR*y } is empty.
-    % 3 Remove those elements from the reflexive transitive closure
-    %   computed above.
-    relation.rtc(Rel, Rtc),
-    % Find the fake reflexives.
-    relation.domain_sorted_list(Rel, DomList),
-    relation.detect_fake_reflexives(Rel, Rtc, DomList, FakeRefl),
-    % Remove them from the RTC, giving us the TC.
-    assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(FakeRefl, FakeRefl, FakeReflComp),
-    relation.remove_assoc_list(Rtc, FakeReflComp, Tc).
-:- pred relation.detect_fake_reflexives(relation(T)::in, relation(T)::in,
-    list(relation_key)::in, list(relation_key)::out) is det.
-relation.detect_fake_reflexives(_Rel, _Rtc, [], []).
-relation.detect_fake_reflexives(Rel, Rtc, [X | Xs], FakeRefl) :-
-    relation.detect_fake_reflexives(Rel, Rtc, Xs, Fake1),
-    relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, X, RelX),
-    relation.lookup_key_set_to(Rtc, X, RtcX),
-    intersect(RelX, RtcX, Between),
-    ( empty(Between) ->
-        FakeRefl = [X | Fake1]
-    ;
-        FakeRefl = Fake1
-    ).
-relation.rtc(Rel, RTC) :-
-    % relation.rtc returns the reflexive transitive closure of a relation.
-    %
-    % Note: This is not the most efficient algorithm (in the sense of minimal
-    % number of arc insertions) possible. However it "reasonably" efficient
-    % and, more importantly, is much easier to debug than some others.
-    %
-    % The algorithm is very simple, and is based on the observation that the
-    % RTC of any element in a clique is the same as the RTC of any other
-    % element in that clique. So we visit each clique in reverse topological
-    % sorted order, compute the RTC for each element in the clique and then
-    % add the appropriate arcs.
-    relation.dfs(Rel, Dfs),
-    init(Visit),
-    Rel   = relation(NextElement, ElMap, _, _),
-    map.init(FwdMap),
-    map.init(BwdMap),
-    RTC0 = relation(NextElement, ElMap, FwdMap, BwdMap),
-    relation.rtc_2(Dfs, Rel, Visit, RTC0, RTC).
-:- pred relation.rtc_2(list(relation_key)::in, relation(T)::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-relation.rtc_2([], _, _, !RTC).
-relation.rtc_2([H | T], Rel, Visit0, !RTC) :-
-    ( contains(Visit0, H) ->
-        relation.rtc_2(T, Rel, Visit0, !RTC)
-    ;
-        relation.dfs_2(Rel, H, Visit0, Visit, [], CliqueL0),
-        list_to_set(CliqueL0, CliqueL),
-        foldl(find_followers(Rel), CliqueL, CliqueL, CliqueFollowers),
-        foldl(find_followers(!.RTC), CliqueFollowers, CliqueL, NewFollowers),
-        relation.add_cartesian_product(CliqueL, NewFollowers, !RTC),
-        relation.rtc_2(T, Rel, Visit, !RTC)
-    ).
-:- pred find_followers(relation(T)::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation_key_set::out) is det.
-find_followers(Rel, K, L0, L) :-
-    relation.lookup_key_set_from(Rel, K, Followers),
-    union(Followers, L0, L).
-:- pred relation.add_cartesian_product(relation_key_set::in,
-    relation_key_set::in, relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-relation.add_cartesian_product(KeySet1, KeySet2, !RTC) :-
-    foldl((pred(Key1::in, !.RTC::in, !:RTC::out) is det :-
-        foldl(relation.sv_add(Key1), KeySet2, !RTC)
-    ), KeySet1, !RTC).
-relation.traverse(Relation, ProcessNode, ProcessEdge, !Acc) :-
-    Domain = to_sorted_list(relation.domain(Relation)),
-    relation.traverse_nodes(Domain, Relation, ProcessNode, ProcessEdge, !Acc).
-:- pred relation.traverse_nodes(list(K), relation(K), pred(K, T, T),
-    pred(K, K, T, T), T, T).
-:- mode relation.traverse_nodes(in, in, pred(in, di, uo) is det,
-    pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
-:- mode relation.traverse_nodes(in, in, pred(in, in, out) is det,
-    pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, out) is det.
-relation.traverse_nodes([], _, _, _, !Acc).
-relation.traverse_nodes([Node | Nodes], Relation, ProcessNode, ProcessEdge,
-        !Acc) :-
-    % XXX avoid the sparse_bitset.to_sorted_list here
-    % (difficult to do using sparse_bitset.foldl because
-    % traverse_children has multiple modes).
-    Children = to_sorted_list(lookup_from(Relation,
-        lookup_element(Relation, Node))),
-    ProcessNode(Node, !Acc),
-    relation.traverse_children(Children, Node, Relation, ProcessEdge, !Acc),
-    relation.traverse_nodes(Nodes, Relation, ProcessNode, ProcessEdge, !Acc).
-:- pred relation.traverse_children(list(relation_key), K, relation(K),
-    pred(K, K, T, T), T, T).
-:- mode relation.traverse_children(in, in, in, pred(in, in, di, uo) is det,
-    di, uo) is det.
-:- mode relation.traverse_children(in, in, in, pred(in, in, in, out) is det,
-    in, out) is det.
-relation.traverse_children([], _, _, _, !Acc).
-relation.traverse_children([ChildKey | Children], Parent,
-        Relation, ProcessEdge, !Acc) :-
-    Child = lookup_key(Relation, ChildKey),
-    ProcessEdge(Parent, Child, !Acc),
-    relation.traverse_children(Children, Parent, Relation, ProcessEdge, !Acc).
-% Ralph Becket <rwab1 at cl.cam.ac.uk> 30/04/99
-%   Function forms added.
-relation.lookup_element(R, X) = K :-
-    relation.lookup_element(R, X, K).
-relation.lookup_key(R, K) = X :-
-    relation.lookup_key(R, K, X).
-relation.add(R1, K1, K2) = R2 :-
-    relation.add(R1, K1, K2, R2).
-relation.add_values(R1, X, Y) = R2 :-
-    relation.add_values(R1, X, Y, R2).
-relation.add_assoc_list(R1, AL) = R2 :-
-    relation.add_assoc_list(R1, AL, R2).
-relation.remove(R1, K1, K2) = R2 :-
-    relation.remove(R1, K1, K2, R2).
-relation.remove_assoc_list(R1, AL) = R2 :-
-    relation.remove_assoc_list(R1, AL, R2).
-relation.lookup_from(R, K) = S :-
-    relation.lookup_from(R, K, S).
-relation.lookup_to(R, K) = S :-
-    relation.lookup_to(R, K, S).
-relation.to_assoc_list(R) = AL :-
-    relation.to_assoc_list(R, AL).
-relation.to_key_assoc_list(R) = AL :-
-    relation.to_key_assoc_list(R, AL).
-relation.from_assoc_list(AL) = R :-
-    relation.from_assoc_list(AL, R).
-relation.domain(R) = S :-
-    relation.domain(R, S).
-relation.inverse(R1) = R2 :-
-    relation.inverse(R1, R2).
-relation.compose(R1, R2) = R3 :-
-    relation.compose(R1, R2, R3).
-relation.dfs(R, K) = Ks :-
-    relation.dfs(R, K, Ks).
-relation.dfsrev(R, K) = Ks :-
-    relation.dfsrev(R, K, Ks).
-relation.dfs(R) = Ks :-
-    relation.dfs(R, Ks).
-relation.dfsrev(R) = Ks :-
-    relation.dfsrev(R, Ks).
-relation.components(R) = KSS :-
-    relation.components(R, KSS).
-relation.cliques(R) = KSS :-
-    relation.cliques(R, KSS).
-relation.reduced(R1) = R2 :-
-    relation.reduced(R1, R2).
-relation.atsort(R) = Ss :-
-    relation.atsort(R, Ss).
-relation.sc(R1) = R2 :-
-    relation.sc(R1, R2).
-relation.tc(R1) = R2 :-
-    relation.tc(R1, R2).
-relation.rtc(R1) = R2 :-
-    relation.rtc(R1, R2).
-:- end_module relation.
Index: library/svrelation.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/svrelation.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 svrelation.m
--- library/svrelation.m	19 Apr 2006 05:17:58 -0000	1.6
+++ library/svrelation.m	28 Apr 2011 11:33:32 -0000
@@ -1,88 +1,3 @@
-% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
-% Copyright (C) 2005-2006 The University of Melbourne.
-% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
-% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
-% File: set.m.
-% Authors: zs.
-% Stability: high.
-% This file provides an interface to the 'relation' ADT that is conducive to
-% the use of state variable notation. The predicates here do the same thing as
-% their counterparts in the relation module; the only difference is the order
-% of the arguments.
-:- module svrelation.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module assoc_list.
-:- import_module relation.
-    % svrelation.add_element adds an element to the domain of a
-    % relation.  Return the old relation_key if one already exists.
-    %
-:- pred svrelation.add_element(T::in, relation_key::out,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % svrelation.add adds an element to the relation.
-    %
-:- pred svrelation.add(relation_key::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % svrelation.add_values adds an pair of values to the relation's
-    % domain and adds an element to the relation.
-    %
-    % svrelation.add_values(X, Y, !R) :-
-    %    svrelation.add_element(X, XKey, !R),
-    %    svrelation.add_element(Y, YKey, !R),
-    %    svrelation.add(XKey, YKey, !R).
-    %
-:- pred svrelation.add_values(T::in, T::in, relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out)
-    is det.
-    % svrelation.add_assoc_list adds a list of elements to a
-    % relation.
-    %
-:- pred svrelation.add_assoc_list(assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % svrelation.remove removes an element from the relation.
-    %
-:- pred svrelation.remove(relation_key::in, relation_key::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-    % svrelation.remove_assoc_list removes a list of elements
-    % from a relation.
-    %
-:- pred svrelation.remove_assoc_list(
-    assoc_list(relation_key, relation_key)::in,
-    relation(T)::in, relation(T)::out) is det.
-:- implementation.
-svrelation.add_element(Item, Key, !Rel) :-
-    relation.add_element(!.Rel, Item, Key, !:Rel).
-svrelation.add(Key1, Key2, !Rel) :-
-    relation.add(!.Rel, Key1, Key2, !:Rel).
-svrelation.add_values(Item1, Item2, !Rel) :-
-    relation.add_values(!.Rel, Item1, Item2, !:Rel).
-svrelation.add_assoc_list(AssocList, !Rel) :-
-    relation.add_assoc_list(!.Rel, AssocList, !:Rel).
-svrelation.remove(Key1, Key2, !Rel) :-
-    relation.remove(!.Rel, Key1, Key2, !:Rel).
-svrelation.remove_assoc_list(AssocList, !Rel) :-
-    relation.remove_assoc_list(!.Rel, AssocList, !:Rel).
Index: tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.400
diff -u -r1.400 Mmakefile
--- tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	4 Apr 2011 07:10:41 -0000	1.400
+++ tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile	28 Apr 2011 12:43:20 -0000
@@ -214,13 +214,11 @@
  	rational_test \
  	recursive_main \
  	redoip_clobber \
-	relation_test \
  	remove_file \
  	reorder_di \
  	require_scopes \
  	rev_arith \
  	reverse_arith \
-	rtc_bug \
  	rtree_test \
  	rtti_strings \
  	seek_test \
Index: tests/hard_coded/relation_test.exp
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/relation_test.exp
diff -N tests/hard_coded/relation_test.exp
--- tests/hard_coded/relation_test.exp	21 Jan 2005 03:32:20 -0000	1.4
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-Rel =
-"a" - "b"
-	"b" - "c"
-	"c" - "d"
-	"l1" - "l2"
-	"l2" - "l3"
-	"l3" - "l1"
-	"x" - "x"
-tc =
-"a" - "b"
-	"a" - "c"
-	"a" - "d"
-	"b" - "c"
-	"b" - "d"
-	"c" - "d"
-	"l1" - "l1"
-	"l1" - "l2"
-	"l1" - "l3"
-	"l2" - "l1"
-	"l2" - "l2"
-	"l2" - "l3"
-	"l3" - "l1"
-	"l3" - "l2"
-	"l3" - "l3"
-	"x" - "x"
-rtc =
-"a" - "a"
-	"a" - "b"
-	"a" - "c"
-	"a" - "d"
-	"b" - "b"
-	"b" - "c"
-	"b" - "d"
-	"c" - "c"
-	"c" - "d"
-	"d" - "d"
-	"l1" - "l1"
-	"l1" - "l2"
-	"l1" - "l3"
-	"l2" - "l1"
-	"l2" - "l2"
-	"l2" - "l3"
-	"l3" - "l1"
-	"l3" - "l2"
-	"l3" - "l3"
-	"x" - "x"
-sc =
-"a" - "b"
-	"b" - "a"
-	"b" - "c"
-	"c" - "b"
-	"c" - "d"
-	"d" - "c"
-	"l1" - "l2"
-	"l1" - "l3"
-	"l2" - "l1"
-	"l2" - "l3"
-	"l3" - "l1"
-	"l3" - "l2"
-	"x" - "x"
-dfs =
-["d", "c", "b", "a", "l3", "l2", "l1", "x"]
-atsort =
-[l1, l2, l3]
-tsort failed
-is_dag failed
-Rel2 =
-"a" - "a1"
-	"b" - "b1"
-	"c" - "c1"
-	"d" - "d1"
-tc =
-"a" - "a1"
-	"b" - "b1"
-	"c" - "c1"
-	"d" - "d1"
-rtc =
-"a" - "a"
-	"a" - "a1"
-	"a1" - "a1"
-	"b" - "b"
-	"b" - "b1"
-	"b1" - "b1"
-	"c" - "c"
-	"c" - "c1"
-	"c1" - "c1"
-	"d" - "d"
-	"d" - "d1"
-	"d1" - "d1"
-sc =
-"a" - "a1"
-	"a1" - "a"
-	"b" - "b1"
-	"b1" - "b"
-	"c" - "c1"
-	"c1" - "c"
-	"d" - "d1"
-	"d1" - "d"
-dfs =
-["a1", "a", "b1", "b", "c1", "c", "d1", "d"]
-atsort =
-tsort =
-["d", "d1", "c", "c1", "b", "b1", "a", "a1"]
-is_dag succeeded
-composition of Rel and Rel2 =
-"a" - "b1"
-	"b" - "c1"
-	"c" - "d1"
Index: tests/hard_coded/relation_test.m
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/relation_test.m
diff -N tests/hard_coded/relation_test.m
--- tests/hard_coded/relation_test.m	29 Mar 2006 08:08:01 -0000	1.5
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-:- module relation_test.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module io.
-:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module pair, list, set, relation.
-main -->
-	{ relation__from_assoc_list(
-		["a" - "b",
-		"b" - "c",
-		"c" - "d",
-		"l1" - "l2",
-		"l2" - "l3",
-		"l3" - "l1",
-		"x" - "x"],
-		Rel) },
-	{ relation__from_assoc_list(
-		["a" - "a1",
-		"b" - "b1",
-		"c" - "c1",
-		"d" - "d1"],
-		Rel2) },
-	test_rel("Rel", Rel),
-	test_rel("Rel2", Rel2),
-	{ relation__compose(Rel, Rel2, ComposedRel) },
-	print("composition of Rel and Rel2 ="), nl,
-	print_rel(ComposedRel), nl.
-:- pred test_rel(string::in, relation(T)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-test_rel(Name, Rel) -->
-	{ relation__dfs(Rel, DfsKeys) },
-	{ list__map(relation__lookup_key(Rel), DfsKeys, Dfs) },
-	{ relation__tc(Rel, TC_Rel) },
-	{ relation__rtc(Rel, RTC_Rel) },
-	{ relation__sc(Rel, SC_Rel) },
-	{ relation__atsort(Rel, ATSort) },
-	print(Name),
-	print(" ="), nl, print_rel(Rel), nl,
-	print("tc ="), nl, print_rel(TC_Rel), nl,
-	print("rtc ="), nl, print_rel(RTC_Rel), nl,
-	print("sc ="), nl, print_rel(SC_Rel), nl,
-	print("dfs ="), nl, print(Dfs), nl,
-	print("atsort ="), nl, list__foldl(print_set, ATSort), nl,
-	( { relation__tsort(Rel, TSort) } ->
-		print("tsort ="), nl, print(TSort), nl
-	;
-		print("tsort failed\n")
-	),
-	( { relation__is_dag(Rel) } ->
-		io__write_string("is_dag succeeded\n")
-	;
-		io__write_string("is_dag failed\n")
-	).
-:- pred print_set(set(T)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-print_set(Set, !IO) :-
-	io__write_string("[", !IO),
-	io__write_list(set__to_sorted_list(Set), ", ", print, !IO),
-	io__write_string("]\n", !IO).
-:- pred print_rel(relation(T)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-print_rel(Relation) -->
-	{ relation__to_assoc_list(Relation, AssocList0) },
-	{ list__sort(AssocList0, AssocList) },
-	write_list(AssocList, "\n\t", print), nl.
Index: tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.exp
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.exp
diff -N tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.exp
--- tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.exp	2 Apr 1998 13:18:46 -0000	1.1
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-"varset" - "mercury_builtin"
-"varset" - "list"
-"varset" - "assoc_list"
-"varset" - "map"
-"varset" - "term"
-"term" - "mercury_builtin"
-"term" - "list"
-"term" - "std_util"
-"term" - "map"
-"store" - "mercury_builtin"
-"stack" - "mercury_builtin"
-"stack" - "list"
-"set_unordlist" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_unordlist" - "list"
-"set_unordlist" - "bool"
-"set_ordlist" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_ordlist" - "list"
-"set_ordlist" - "bool"
-"require" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_bbbtree" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_bbbtree" - "list"
-"set_bbbtree" - "bool"
-"relation" - "mercury_builtin"
-"relation" - "list"
-"relation" - "assoc_list"
-"relation" - "set"
-"relation" - "set_bbbtree"
-"rbtree" - "mercury_builtin"
-"rbtree" - "list"
-"rbtree" - "assoc_list"
-"random" - "mercury_builtin"
-"random" - "list"
-"queue" - "mercury_builtin"
-"queue" - "list"
-"prolog" - "mercury_builtin"
-"prolog" - "list"
-"prolog" - "std_util"
-"pqueue" - "mercury_builtin"
-"pqueue" - "assoc_list"
-"term_io" - "mercury_builtin"
-"term_io" - "char"
-"term_io" - "io"
-"term_io" - "term"
-"term_io" - "varset"
-"parser" - "mercury_builtin"
-"parser" - "io"
-"parser" - "term_io"
-"multi_map" - "mercury_builtin"
-"multi_map" - "list"
-"multi_map" - "assoc_list"
-"multi_map" - "map"
-"multi_map" - "set"
-"math" - "mercury_builtin"
-"tree234" - "mercury_builtin"
-"tree234" - "list"
-"tree234" - "assoc_list"
-"library" - "mercury_builtin"
-"lexer" - "mercury_builtin"
-"lexer" - "char"
-"lexer" - "io"
-"ops" - "mercury_builtin"
-"string" - "mercury_builtin"
-"string" - "list"
-"string" - "char"
-"io" - "mercury_builtin"
-"io" - "list"
-"io" - "std_util"
-"io" - "char"
-"io" - "string"
-"io" - "ops"
-"group" - "mercury_builtin"
-"group" - "list"
-"group" - "assoc_list"
-"group" - "set"
-"graph" - "mercury_builtin"
-"graph" - "list"
-"graph" - "std_util"
-"graph" - "set"
-"getopt" - "mercury_builtin"
-"getopt" - "list"
-"getopt" - "std_util"
-"getopt" - "map"
-"getopt" - "bool"
-"getopt" - "char"
-"float" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set" - "list"
-"set" - "bool"
-"eqvclass" - "mercury_builtin"
-"eqvclass" - "list"
-"eqvclass" - "set"
-"dir" - "mercury_builtin"
-"debugger_interface" - "mercury_builtin"
-"char" - "mercury_builtin"
-"int" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bt_array" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bt_array" - "list"
-"bt_array" - "int"
-"bool" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bool" - "list"
-"bintree_set" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bintree_set" - "list"
-"bintree" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bintree" - "list"
-"bintree" - "assoc_list"
-"map" - "mercury_builtin"
-"map" - "list"
-"map" - "assoc_list"
-"map" - "set"
-"map" - "tree234"
-"bimap" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bimap" - "list"
-"bimap" - "assoc_list"
-"bimap" - "map"
-"benchmarking" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bag" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bag" - "list"
-"bag" - "assoc_list"
-"assoc_list" - "mercury_builtin"
-"assoc_list" - "list"
-"assoc_list" - "std_util"
-"std_util" - "mercury_builtin"
-"std_util" - "list"
-"std_util" - "set"
-"list" - "mercury_builtin"
-"list" - "int"
-"mercury_builtin" - "mercury_builtin"
-"array" - "mercury_builtin"
-"array" - "list"
-"array" - "std_util"
-"array" - "array"
-"array" - "bool"
-"array" - "int"
-"array" - "list"
-"array" - "mercury_builtin"
-"array" - "set"
-"array" - "std_util"
-"assoc_list" - "assoc_list"
-"assoc_list" - "bool"
-"assoc_list" - "int"
-"assoc_list" - "list"
-"assoc_list" - "mercury_builtin"
-"assoc_list" - "set"
-"assoc_list" - "std_util"
-"bag" - "assoc_list"
-"bag" - "bag"
-"bag" - "bool"
-"bag" - "int"
-"bag" - "list"
-"bag" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bag" - "set"
-"bag" - "std_util"
-"benchmarking" - "benchmarking"
-"benchmarking" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bimap" - "assoc_list"
-"bimap" - "bimap"
-"bimap" - "bool"
-"bimap" - "int"
-"bimap" - "list"
-"bimap" - "map"
-"bimap" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bimap" - "set"
-"bimap" - "std_util"
-"bimap" - "tree234"
-"bintree" - "assoc_list"
-"bintree" - "bintree"
-"bintree" - "bool"
-"bintree" - "int"
-"bintree" - "list"
-"bintree" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bintree" - "set"
-"bintree" - "std_util"
-"bintree_set" - "bintree_set"
-"bintree_set" - "int"
-"bintree_set" - "list"
-"bintree_set" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bool" - "bool"
-"bool" - "int"
-"bool" - "list"
-"bool" - "mercury_builtin"
-"bt_array" - "bt_array"
-"bt_array" - "int"
-"bt_array" - "list"
-"bt_array" - "mercury_builtin"
-"char" - "char"
-"char" - "mercury_builtin"
-"debugger_interface" - "debugger_interface"
-"debugger_interface" - "mercury_builtin"
-"dir" - "dir"
-"dir" - "mercury_builtin"
-"eqvclass" - "bool"
-"eqvclass" - "eqvclass"
-"eqvclass" - "int"
-"eqvclass" - "list"
-"eqvclass" - "mercury_builtin"
-"eqvclass" - "set"
-"float" - "float"
-"float" - "mercury_builtin"
-"getopt" - "assoc_list"
-"getopt" - "bool"
-"getopt" - "char"
-"getopt" - "getopt"
-"getopt" - "int"
-"getopt" - "list"
-"getopt" - "map"
-"getopt" - "mercury_builtin"
-"getopt" - "set"
-"getopt" - "std_util"
-"getopt" - "tree234"
-"graph" - "bool"
-"graph" - "graph"
-"graph" - "int"
-"graph" - "list"
-"graph" - "mercury_builtin"
-"graph" - "set"
-"graph" - "std_util"
-"group" - "assoc_list"
-"group" - "bool"
-"group" - "group"
-"group" - "int"
-"group" - "list"
-"group" - "mercury_builtin"
-"group" - "set"
-"group" - "std_util"
-"int" - "int"
-"int" - "mercury_builtin"
-"io" - "bool"
-"io" - "char"
-"io" - "int"
-"io" - "io"
-"io" - "list"
-"io" - "mercury_builtin"
-"io" - "ops"
-"io" - "set"
-"io" - "std_util"
-"io" - "string"
-"lexer" - "bool"
-"lexer" - "char"
-"lexer" - "int"
-"lexer" - "io"
-"lexer" - "lexer"
-"lexer" - "list"
-"lexer" - "mercury_builtin"
-"lexer" - "ops"
-"lexer" - "set"
-"lexer" - "std_util"
-"lexer" - "string"
-"library" - "library"
-"library" - "mercury_builtin"
-"list" - "int"
-"list" - "list"
-"list" - "mercury_builtin"
-"map" - "assoc_list"
-"map" - "bool"
-"map" - "int"
-"map" - "list"
-"map" - "map"
-"map" - "mercury_builtin"
-"map" - "set"
-"map" - "std_util"
-"map" - "tree234"
-"math" - "math"
-"math" - "mercury_builtin"
-"mercury_builtin" - "mercury_builtin"
-"multi_map" - "assoc_list"
-"multi_map" - "bool"
-"multi_map" - "int"
-"multi_map" - "list"
-"multi_map" - "map"
-"multi_map" - "mercury_builtin"
-"multi_map" - "multi_map"
-"multi_map" - "set"
-"multi_map" - "std_util"
-"multi_map" - "tree234"
-"ops" - "mercury_builtin"
-"ops" - "ops"
-"parser" - "assoc_list"
-"parser" - "bool"
-"parser" - "char"
-"parser" - "int"
-"parser" - "io"
-"parser" - "list"
-"parser" - "map"
-"parser" - "mercury_builtin"
-"parser" - "ops"
-"parser" - "parser"
-"parser" - "set"
-"parser" - "std_util"
-"parser" - "string"
-"parser" - "term"
-"parser" - "term_io"
-"parser" - "tree234"
-"parser" - "varset"
-"pqueue" - "assoc_list"
-"pqueue" - "bool"
-"pqueue" - "int"
-"pqueue" - "list"
-"pqueue" - "mercury_builtin"
-"pqueue" - "pqueue"
-"pqueue" - "set"
-"pqueue" - "std_util"
-"prolog" - "bool"
-"prolog" - "int"
-"prolog" - "list"
-"prolog" - "mercury_builtin"
-"prolog" - "prolog"
-"prolog" - "set"
-"prolog" - "std_util"
-"queue" - "int"
-"queue" - "list"
-"queue" - "mercury_builtin"
-"queue" - "queue"
-"random" - "int"
-"random" - "list"
-"random" - "mercury_builtin"
-"random" - "random"
-"rbtree" - "assoc_list"
-"rbtree" - "bool"
-"rbtree" - "int"
-"rbtree" - "list"
-"rbtree" - "mercury_builtin"
-"rbtree" - "rbtree"
-"rbtree" - "set"
-"rbtree" - "std_util"
-"relation" - "assoc_list"
-"relation" - "bool"
-"relation" - "int"
-"relation" - "list"
-"relation" - "mercury_builtin"
-"relation" - "relation"
-"relation" - "set"
-"relation" - "set_bbbtree"
-"relation" - "std_util"
-"require" - "mercury_builtin"
-"require" - "require"
-"set" - "bool"
-"set" - "int"
-"set" - "list"
-"set" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set" - "set"
-"set_bbbtree" - "bool"
-"set_bbbtree" - "int"
-"set_bbbtree" - "list"
-"set_bbbtree" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_bbbtree" - "set_bbbtree"
-"set_ordlist" - "bool"
-"set_ordlist" - "int"
-"set_ordlist" - "list"
-"set_ordlist" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_ordlist" - "set_ordlist"
-"set_unordlist" - "bool"
-"set_unordlist" - "int"
-"set_unordlist" - "list"
-"set_unordlist" - "mercury_builtin"
-"set_unordlist" - "set_unordlist"
-"stack" - "int"
-"stack" - "list"
-"stack" - "mercury_builtin"
-"stack" - "stack"
-"std_util" - "bool"
-"std_util" - "int"
-"std_util" - "list"
-"std_util" - "mercury_builtin"
-"std_util" - "set"
-"std_util" - "std_util"
-"store" - "mercury_builtin"
-"store" - "store"
-"string" - "char"
-"string" - "int"
-"string" - "list"
-"string" - "mercury_builtin"
-"string" - "string"
-"term" - "assoc_list"
-"term" - "bool"
-"term" - "int"
-"term" - "list"
-"term" - "map"
-"term" - "mercury_builtin"
-"term" - "set"
-"term" - "std_util"
-"term" - "term"
-"term" - "tree234"
-"term_io" - "assoc_list"
-"term_io" - "bool"
-"term_io" - "char"
-"term_io" - "int"
-"term_io" - "io"
-"term_io" - "list"
-"term_io" - "map"
-"term_io" - "mercury_builtin"
-"term_io" - "ops"
-"term_io" - "set"
-"term_io" - "std_util"
-"term_io" - "string"
-"term_io" - "term"
-"term_io" - "term_io"
-"term_io" - "tree234"
-"term_io" - "varset"
-"tree234" - "assoc_list"
-"tree234" - "bool"
-"tree234" - "int"
-"tree234" - "list"
-"tree234" - "mercury_builtin"
-"tree234" - "set"
-"tree234" - "std_util"
-"tree234" - "tree234"
-"varset" - "assoc_list"
-"varset" - "bool"
-"varset" - "int"
-"varset" - "list"
-"varset" - "map"
-"varset" - "mercury_builtin"
-"varset" - "set"
-"varset" - "std_util"
-"varset" - "term"
-"varset" - "tree234"
-"varset" - "varset"
Index: tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.m
RCS file: tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.m
diff -N tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.m
--- tests/hard_coded/rtc_bug.m	29 Mar 2006 08:08:01 -0000	1.2
+++ /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-:- module rtc_bug.
-:- interface.
-:- import_module io.
-:- pred main(state::di, state::uo) is det.
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module relation, pair, list.
-main -->
-	{ l(L) },
-	io__print("L:"), io__nl,
-	io__write_list(L, "\n", io__print), io__nl, io__nl,
-	{ relation__from_assoc_list(L, R) },
-	{ relation__rtc(R, RTC_R) },
-	{ relation__to_assoc_list(RTC_R, RTC_L0) },
-	{ list__sort(RTC_L0, RTC_L) },
-	io__print("RTC_L:"), io__nl,
-	io__write_list(RTC_L, "\n", io__print), io__nl, io__nl,
-	[].
-:- pred l(list(pair(string)) :: out) is det.
-l(["varset" - "mercury_builtin",
-"varset" - "list",
-"varset" - "assoc_list",
-"varset" - "map",
-"varset" - "term",
-"term" - "mercury_builtin",
-"term" - "list",
-"term" - "std_util",
-"term" - "map",
-"store" - "mercury_builtin",
-"stack" - "mercury_builtin",
-"stack" - "list",
-"set_unordlist" - "mercury_builtin",
-"set_unordlist" - "list",
-"set_unordlist" - "bool",
-"set_ordlist" - "mercury_builtin",
-"set_ordlist" - "list",
-"set_ordlist" - "bool",
-"require" - "mercury_builtin",
-"set_bbbtree" - "mercury_builtin",
-"set_bbbtree" - "list",
-"set_bbbtree" - "bool",
-"relation" - "mercury_builtin",
-"relation" - "list",
-"relation" - "assoc_list",
-"relation" - "set",
-"relation" - "set_bbbtree",
-"rbtree" - "mercury_builtin",
-"rbtree" - "list",
-"rbtree" - "assoc_list",
-"random" - "mercury_builtin",
-"random" - "list",
-"queue" - "mercury_builtin",
-"queue" - "list",
-"prolog" - "mercury_builtin",
-"prolog" - "list",
-"prolog" - "std_util",
-"pqueue" - "mercury_builtin",
-"pqueue" - "assoc_list",
-"term_io" - "mercury_builtin",
-"term_io" - "char",
-"term_io" - "io",
-"term_io" - "term",
-"term_io" - "varset",
-"parser" - "mercury_builtin",
-"parser" - "io",
-"parser" - "term_io",
-"multi_map" - "mercury_builtin",
-"multi_map" - "list",
-"multi_map" - "assoc_list",
-"multi_map" - "map",
-"multi_map" - "set",
-"math" - "mercury_builtin",
-"tree234" - "mercury_builtin",
-"tree234" - "list",
-"tree234" - "assoc_list",
-"library" - "mercury_builtin",
-"lexer" - "mercury_builtin",
-"lexer" - "char",
-"lexer" - "io",
-"ops" - "mercury_builtin",
-"string" - "mercury_builtin",
-"string" - "list",
-"string" - "char",
-"io" - "mercury_builtin",
-"io" - "list",
-"io" - "std_util",
-"io" - "char",
-"io" - "string",
-"io" - "ops",
-"group" - "mercury_builtin",
-"group" - "list",
-"group" - "assoc_list",
-"group" - "set",
-"graph" - "mercury_builtin",
-"graph" - "list",
-"graph" - "std_util",
-"graph" - "set",
-"getopt" - "mercury_builtin",
-"getopt" - "list",
-"getopt" - "std_util",
-"getopt" - "map",
-"getopt" - "bool",
-"getopt" - "char",
-"float" - "mercury_builtin",
-"set" - "mercury_builtin",
-"set" - "list",
-"set" - "bool",
-"eqvclass" - "mercury_builtin",
-"eqvclass" - "list",
-"eqvclass" - "set",
-"dir" - "mercury_builtin",
-"debugger_interface" - "mercury_builtin",
-"char" - "mercury_builtin",
-"int" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bt_array" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bt_array" - "list",
-"bt_array" - "int",
-"bool" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bool" - "list",
-"bintree_set" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bintree_set" - "list",
-"bintree" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bintree" - "list",
-"bintree" - "assoc_list",
-"map" - "mercury_builtin",
-"map" - "list",
-"map" - "assoc_list",
-"map" - "set",
-"map" - "tree234",
-"bimap" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bimap" - "list",
-"bimap" - "assoc_list",
-"bimap" - "map",
-"benchmarking" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bag" - "mercury_builtin",
-"bag" - "list",
-"bag" - "assoc_list",
-"assoc_list" - "mercury_builtin",
-"assoc_list" - "list",
-"assoc_list" - "std_util",
-"std_util" - "mercury_builtin",
-"std_util" - "list",
-"std_util" - "set",
-"list" - "mercury_builtin",
-"list" - "int",
-"mercury_builtin" - "mercury_builtin",
-"array" - "mercury_builtin",
-"array" - "list",
-"array" - "std_util"]).
-:- end_module rtc_bug.

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