[m-rev.] diff: Count the number of parallel conjunctions in a feedback file correctly.
Paul Bone
pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Sat Apr 16 13:14:16 AEST 2011
Fix the reporting of the number of parallel conjunctions in a feedback file.
As above.
Move some autoparallelism specific code from mdprof_feedback.m to
diff --git a/deep_profiler/autopar_reports.m b/deep_profiler/autopar_reports.m
index 1885b97..f963a22 100644
--- a/deep_profiler/autopar_reports.m
+++ b/deep_profiler/autopar_reports.m
@@ -21,9 +21,14 @@
:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.automatic_parallelism.
:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
:- import_module cord.
:- import_module pair.
+:- pred create_feedback_autopar_report(candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in,
+ assoc_list(string_proc_label, candidate_par_conjunctions_proc)::in,
+ string::out) is det.
:- pred create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report(
pair(string_proc_label, candidate_par_conjunctions_proc)::in,
cord(string)::out) is det.
@@ -53,6 +58,85 @@
+create_feedback_autopar_report(Parameters, ProcConjs, Report) :-
+ NumProcConjs = length(ProcConjs),
+ foldl(count_conjunctions_in_procs, ProcConjs, 0, NumConjs),
+ Parameters = candidate_par_conjunctions_params(DesiredParallelism,
+ IntermoduleVarUse, SparkingCost, SparkingDelay, BarrierCost,
+ SignalCost, WaitCost, ContextWakeupDelay, CliqueThreshold,
+ CallSiteThreshold, SpeedupThreshold,
+ ParalleliseDepConjs, BestParAlgorithm),
+ best_par_algorithm_string(BestParAlgorithm, BestParAlgorithmStr),
+ ReportHeader = singleton(format(
+ " Candidate parallel conjunctions:\n" ++
+ " Desired parallelism: %f\n" ++
+ " Intermodule var use: %s\n" ++
+ " Sparking cost: %d\n" ++
+ " Sparking delay: %d\n" ++
+ " Barrier cost: %d\n" ++
+ " Future signal cost: %d\n" ++
+ " Future wait cost: %d\n" ++
+ " Context wakeup delay: %d\n" ++
+ " Clique threshold: %d\n" ++
+ " Call site threshold: %d\n" ++
+ " Speedup threshold: %f\n" ++
+ " Dependent conjs: %s\n" ++
+ " BestParAlgorithm: %s\n" ++
+ " # of par procs with conjs: %d\n" ++
+ " # of par conjunctions: %d\n" ++
+ " Parallel conjunctions:\n\n",
+ [f(DesiredParallelism),
+ s(string(IntermoduleVarUse)),
+ i(SparkingCost),
+ i(SparkingDelay),
+ i(BarrierCost),
+ i(SignalCost),
+ i(WaitCost),
+ i(ContextWakeupDelay),
+ i(CliqueThreshold),
+ i(CallSiteThreshold),
+ f(SpeedupThreshold),
+ s(ParalleliseDepConjsStr),
+ s(BestParAlgorithmStr),
+ i(NumProcConjs),
+ i(NumConjs)])),
+ (
+ ParalleliseDepConjs = parallelise_dep_conjs(SpeedupAlg),
+ (
+ SpeedupAlg = estimate_speedup_naively,
+ ParalleliseDepConjsStr = "yes, pretend they're independent"
+ ;
+ SpeedupAlg = estimate_speedup_by_num_vars,
+ ParalleliseDepConjsStr =
+ "yes, the more shared variables the less overlap there is"
+ ;
+ SpeedupAlg = estimate_speedup_by_overlap,
+ ParalleliseDepConjsStr = "yes, use overlap calculation"
+ )
+ ;
+ ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+ ParalleliseDepConjsStr = "no"
+ ),
+ list.map(create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report, ProcConjs,
+ ReportConjs),
+ Report = append_list(list(ReportHeader ++ cord_list_to_cord(ReportConjs))).
+:- pred count_conjunctions_in_procs(
+ pair(T, candidate_par_conjunctions_proc)::in, int::in, int::out) is det.
+count_conjunctions_in_procs(_ -
+ candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(_VarTable, _Pushes, Conjs), !NumConjs) :-
+ !:NumConjs = !.NumConjs + length(Conjs).
+:- pred best_par_algorithm_string(best_par_algorithm::in, string::out) is det.
+best_par_algorithm_string(bpa_greedy, "greedy").
+ format("complete-branches(%d)", [i(N)])).
+ format("complete-size(%d)", [i(N)])).
+best_par_algorithm_string(bpa_complete, "complete").
create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report(Proc - CandidateParConjunctionProc,
Report) :-
CandidateParConjunctionProc = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTable,
diff --git a/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m b/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m
index e12aa6f..ae04651 100644
--- a/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m
+++ b/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m
@@ -206,63 +206,7 @@ create_feedback_report(feedback_data_calls_above_threshold_sorted(_, _, _),
Report = " feedback_data_calls_above_threshold_sorted is not supported\n".
Parameters, Conjs), Report) :-
- NumConjs = length(Conjs),
- Parameters = candidate_par_conjunctions_params(DesiredParallelism,
- IntermoduleVarUse, SparkingCost, SparkingDelay, BarrierCost,
- SignalCost, WaitCost, ContextWakeupDelay, CliqueThreshold,
- CallSiteThreshold, SpeedupThreshold,
- ParalleliseDepConjs, BestParAlgorithm),
- best_par_algorithm_string(BestParAlgorithm, BestParAlgorithmStr),
- ReportHeader = singleton(format(
- " Candidate parallel conjunctions:\n" ++
- " Desired parallelism: %f\n" ++
- " Intermodule var use: %s\n" ++
- " Sparking cost: %d\n" ++
- " Sparking delay: %d\n" ++
- " Barrier cost: %d\n" ++
- " Future signal cost: %d\n" ++
- " Future wait cost: %d\n" ++
- " Context wakeup delay: %d\n" ++
- " Clique threshold: %d\n" ++
- " Call site threshold: %d\n" ++
- " Speedup threshold: %f\n" ++
- " Dependent conjs: %s\n" ++
- " BestParAlgorithm: %s\n" ++
- " # of par conjunctions: %d\n" ++
- " Parallel conjunctions:\n\n",
- [f(DesiredParallelism),
- s(string(IntermoduleVarUse)),
- i(SparkingCost),
- i(SparkingDelay),
- i(BarrierCost),
- i(SignalCost),
- i(WaitCost),
- i(ContextWakeupDelay),
- i(CliqueThreshold),
- i(CallSiteThreshold),
- f(SpeedupThreshold),
- s(ParalleliseDepConjsStr),
- s(BestParAlgorithmStr),
- i(NumConjs)])),
- (
- ParalleliseDepConjs = parallelise_dep_conjs(SpeedupAlg),
- (
- SpeedupAlg = estimate_speedup_naively,
- ParalleliseDepConjsStr = "yes, pretend they're independent"
- ;
- SpeedupAlg = estimate_speedup_by_num_vars,
- ParalleliseDepConjsStr =
- "yes, the more shared variables the less overlap there is"
- ;
- SpeedupAlg = estimate_speedup_by_overlap,
- ParalleliseDepConjsStr = "yes, use overlap calculation"
- )
- ;
- ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs,
- ParalleliseDepConjsStr = "no"
- ),
- list.map(create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report, Conjs, ReportConjs),
- Report = append_list(list(ReportHeader ++ cord_list_to_cord(ReportConjs))).
+ create_feedback_autopar_report(Parameters, Conjs, Report).
:- func help_message = string.
@@ -768,15 +712,6 @@ best_par_algorithm_parser(Src, Algorithm, !PS) :-
idchars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_".
-:- pred best_par_algorithm_string(best_par_algorithm::in, string::out) is det.
-best_par_algorithm_string(bpa_greedy, "greedy").
- format("complete-branches(%d)", [i(N)])).
- format("complete-size(%d)", [i(N)])).
-best_par_algorithm_string(bpa_complete, "complete").
:- pred parse_parallelise_dep_conjs_string(bool::in, string::in,
parallelise_dep_conjs::out) is semidet.
-------------- next part --------------
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