[m-rev.] diff: Make dep_par_conj.m slightly more agressive.
Paul Bone
pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Apr 13 18:08:30 AEST 2011
Allow the dependant parallelization transformation to push waits/signals
into other procedures in more cases.
A bug exists in some cases when signals and waits are pushed into code that
itself has a parallel conjunction or has already had signals and waits pushed
into it. We previously disabled pushing waits and signals into such procedures
to avoid the bug, but this is too conservative.
We now allow this in three new cases:
When the call is a recursive call.
When the callee is an earlier version (WRT the specialisation transformation)
of the caller.
When the callee is already specialised and the
specialisation-of-the-specialisation we want to create has already been
As above.
Index: compiler/dep_par_conj.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dep_par_conj.m,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -p -b -r1.47 dep_par_conj.m
--- compiler/dep_par_conj.m 24 Jan 2011 06:29:34 -0000 1.47
+++ compiler/dep_par_conj.m 13 Apr 2011 08:06:24 -0000
@@ -194,12 +194,13 @@ impl_dep_par_conjs_in_module(!ModuleInfo
DoneParProcs0 = map.init,
PendingParProcs0 = [],
Pushability0 = map.init,
- list.foldl3(
+ RevProcMap0 = map.init,
+ list.foldl4(
find_specialization_requests_in_proc(DoneParProcs0, InitialModuleInfo),
ProcsToScan, !ModuleInfo, PendingParProcs0, PendingParProcs,
- Pushability0, Pushability),
+ Pushability0, Pushability, RevProcMap0, RevProcMap),
add_requested_specialized_par_procs(PendingParProcs, Pushability,
- DoneParProcs0, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo).
+ DoneParProcs0, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo, RevProcMap, _).
@@ -1380,12 +1381,16 @@ search_scc(SCCs, PredProcId, SCC) :-
% (The set of done procs is updated only between the lifetimes
% of values of this type.)
spec_done_procs :: done_par_procs,
+ spec_rev_proc_map :: rev_proc_map,
% The version of the module before dep_par_conj.m started
% modifying it. This field is constant; it should never be
% updated.
spec_initial_module :: module_info,
+ % The procedure that's currently being scanned.
+ spec_ppid :: pred_proc_id,
% The variable types of the procedure we are scanning.
% This field is constant; it should never be updated.
spec_vartypes :: vartypes,
@@ -1409,6 +1414,11 @@ search_scc(SCCs, PredProcId, SCC) :-
:- type done_par_procs == map(par_proc_call_pattern, new_par_proc).
+ % A map from specialised pred proc ids back to the pred proc id of the
+ % procedure that they're based on.
+ %
+:- type rev_proc_map == map(pred_proc_id, pred_proc_id).
% Parallelised procedures that are scheduled to be added.
% One or more procedures in the module will already be making calls
% to the scheduled procedure.
@@ -1463,18 +1473,20 @@ search_scc(SCCs, PredProcId, SCC) :-
:- pred find_specialization_requests_in_proc(done_par_procs::in,
module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
pending_par_procs::in, pending_par_procs::out,
- pushable_args_map::in, pushable_args_map::out) is det.
+ pushable_args_map::in, pushable_args_map::out,
+ rev_proc_map::in, rev_proc_map::out) is det.
find_specialization_requests_in_proc(DoneProcs, InitialModuleInfo, PredProcId,
- !ModuleInfo, !PendingParProcs, !Pushability) :-
+ !ModuleInfo, !PendingParProcs, !Pushability, !RevProcMap) :-
PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
some [!PredInfo, !ProcInfo, !Goal, !SpecInfo] (
module_info_pred_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
!:PredInfo, !:ProcInfo),
proc_info_get_vartypes(!.ProcInfo, VarTypes),
proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, !:Goal),
- !:SpecInfo = spec_info(DoneProcs, InitialModuleInfo, VarTypes,
- !.ModuleInfo, !.PendingParProcs, !.Pushability),
+ !:SpecInfo = spec_info(DoneProcs, !.RevProcMap, InitialModuleInfo,
+ PredProcId, VarTypes, !.ModuleInfo, !.PendingParProcs,
+ !.Pushability),
trace [compile_time(flag("debug-dep-par-conj")), io(!IO)] (
module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
@@ -1501,7 +1513,7 @@ find_specialization_requests_in_proc(Don
specialize_sequences_in_goal(!Goal, !SpecInfo),
- !.SpecInfo = spec_info(_, _, _,
+ !.SpecInfo = spec_info(_, !:RevProcMap, _, _, _,
!:ModuleInfo, !:PendingParProcs, !:Pushability),
proc_info_set_goal(!.Goal, !ProcInfo),
% Optimization opportunity: we should not fix up the same procedure
@@ -1512,10 +1524,11 @@ find_specialization_requests_in_proc(Don
:- pred add_requested_specialized_par_procs(pending_par_procs::in,
pushable_args_map::in, done_par_procs::in, module_info::in,
- module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+ module_info::in, module_info::out, rev_proc_map::in, rev_proc_map::out)
+ is det.
add_requested_specialized_par_procs(!.PendingParProcs, !.Pushability,
- !.DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ !.DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo, !RevProcMap) :-
!.PendingParProcs = []
@@ -1525,18 +1538,20 @@ add_requested_specialized_par_procs(!.Pe
svmap.det_insert(CallPattern, NewProc, !DoneParProcs),
add_requested_specialized_par_proc(CallPattern, NewProc,
!PendingParProcs, !Pushability, !.DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo,
- !ModuleInfo),
+ !ModuleInfo, !RevProcMap),
add_requested_specialized_par_procs(!.PendingParProcs, !.Pushability,
- !.DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo)
+ !.DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo, !RevProcMap)
:- pred add_requested_specialized_par_proc(par_proc_call_pattern::in,
new_par_proc::in, pending_par_procs::in, pending_par_procs::out,
pushable_args_map::in, pushable_args_map::out, done_par_procs::in,
- module_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+ module_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+ rev_proc_map::in, rev_proc_map::out) is det.
add_requested_specialized_par_proc(CallPattern, NewProc, !PendingParProcs,
- !Pushability, DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ !Pushability, DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo, !ModuleInfo,
+ !RevProcMap) :-
CallPattern = par_proc_call_pattern(OldPredProcId, FutureArgs),
NewProc = new_par_proc(NewPredProcId, _Name),
OldPredProcId = proc(OldPredId, OldProcId),
@@ -1604,7 +1619,8 @@ add_requested_specialized_par_proc(CallP
sync_dep_par_conjs_in_proc(NewPredId, NewProcId, IgnoreVars,
!ModuleInfo, [], _ProcsToScan),
find_specialization_requests_in_proc(DoneParProcs, InitialModuleInfo,
- NewPredProcId, !ModuleInfo, !PendingParProcs, !Pushability)
+ NewPredProcId, !ModuleInfo, !PendingParProcs, !Pushability,
+ !RevProcMap)
:- pred map_arg_to_new_future(list(prog_var)::in, arg_pos::in,
@@ -1793,27 +1809,35 @@ maybe_specialize_call_and_goals(RevGoals
ModuleInfo = !.SpecInfo ^ spec_module_info,
module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
module_info_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo),
- DoneParProcs = values(!.SpecInfo ^ spec_done_procs),
PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
- % We cannot push wait or signal goals into a procedure whose code we don't
- % have access to.
- % XXX: We have access to opt_imported procedures. The reason why this test
- % does not look for them is that we used to run dep_par_conj only *after*
- % mercury_compile used to invoke dead_proc_elim to delete opt_imported
- % procedures.
+ CallerPredProcId = !.SpecInfo ^ spec_ppid,
+ % We cannot push wait or signal goals into a procedure whose code we
+ % don't have access to.
+ % XXX: We have access to opt_imported procedures. The reason why this
+ % test does not look for them is that we used to run dep_par_conj only
+ % *after* mercury_compile used to invoke dead_proc_elim to delete
+ % opt_imported procedures.
list.member(ProcId, pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo)),
- % These tests avoid some problems we've had with pushing signals and
- % waits into callees.
- % + Don't push signals or waits into any procedure that contains a new
- % parallel conjunction.
- proc_info_get_has_parallel_conj(ProcInfo, no),
- % + Don't push signals or waits into any procedure that has already
- % been specialised by pushing some signals or waits into it.
- not (
- member(DoneParProc, DoneParProcs),
- PredProcId = DoneParProc ^ new_ppid
+ % This test avoids some problems we've had with pushing signals and
+ % waits into callees, in some cases incorrect code is generated.
+ % See also a similar check in get_or_create_spec_par_proc/6.
+ %
+ % Don't push signals or waits into any procedure that contains a new
+ % parallel conjunction, unless this is a recursive call.
+ (
+ proc_info_get_has_parallel_conj(ProcInfo, yes)
+ =>
+ (
+ PredProcId = CallerPredProcId
+ ;
+ % Or this call is to the original version of a specialised
+ % procedure. This occurs for recursive calls in specialised
+ % procedures.
+ map.search(!.SpecInfo ^ spec_rev_proc_map, CallerPredProcId,
+ PredProcId)
+ )
% Look for a contiguous sequence of wait goals at the start of
@@ -1848,12 +1872,15 @@ maybe_specialize_call_and_goals(RevGoals
FwdGoals = FwdGoals0
specialize_dep_par_call(PushedWaitPairs, PushedSignalPairs,
- Goal0, Goal, !SpecInfo),
+ Goal0, MaybeGoal, !SpecInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeGoal = yes(Goal),
- % After the replaced call may be further references to a signalled
- % or waited variable. Add `get' goals after the transformed goal
- % to make sure the variable is bound. We assume the get goals will
- % be simplified away if they turn out to be unnecessary.
+ % After the replaced call may be further references to a
+ % signalled or waited variable. Add `get' goals after the
+ % transformed goal to make sure the variable is bound. We
+ % assume the get goals will be simplified away if they turn out
+ % to be unnecessary.
% XXX The simplify pass that comes later doesn't always remove
% these calls, even if they're unnecessary.
@@ -1864,6 +1891,11 @@ maybe_specialize_call_and_goals(RevGoals
RevGoals = GetGoals ++ [Goal] ++ UnPushedWaitGoals ++ RevGoals1,
FwdGoals = UnPushedSignalGoals ++ FwdGoals1
+ ;
+ MaybeGoal = no,
+ RevGoals = [Goal0 | RevGoals0],
+ FwdGoals = FwdGoals0
+ )
RevGoals = [Goal0 | RevGoals0],
@@ -1983,10 +2015,10 @@ find_relevant_pushable_signal_goals([Goa
:- pred specialize_dep_par_call(
list(future_var_pair)::in, list(future_var_pair)::in,
- hlds_goal::in(call_goal), hlds_goal::out,
+ hlds_goal::in(call_goal), maybe(hlds_goal)::out,
spec_info::in, spec_info::out) is det.
-specialize_dep_par_call(WaitPairs, SignalPairs, Goal0, Goal, !SpecInfo) :-
+specialize_dep_par_call(WaitPairs, SignalPairs, Goal0, MaybeGoal, !SpecInfo) :-
Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, CallVars, _Builtin, Context, _Name),
OrigPPId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
@@ -1996,34 +2028,79 @@ specialize_dep_par_call(WaitPairs, Signa
number_future_args(1, CallVars, WaitVars ++ SignalVars, [], FutureArgs),
CallPattern = par_proc_call_pattern(OrigPPId, FutureArgs),
+ get_or_create_spec_par_proc(FutureArgs, CallPattern, OrigPPId,
+ MaybeSpecProc, !SpecInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeSpecProc = spec_proc(SpecPPId, SpecName),
+ % Replace the call with a call to the parallelised procedure.
+ list.map(replace_args_with_futures(WaitPairs ++ SignalPairs),
+ CallVars, NewCallVars),
+ SpecPPId = proc(SpecPredId, SpecProcId),
+ GoalExpr = plain_call(SpecPredId, SpecProcId, NewCallVars, not_builtin,
+ Context, SpecName),
+ MaybeGoal = yes(hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0))
+ ;
+ MaybeSpecProc = will_not_specialise,
+ MaybeGoal = no
+ ).
+:- type maybe_spec_proc
+ ---> will_not_specialise
+ ; spec_proc(
+ sp_ppid :: pred_proc_id,
+ sp_name :: sym_name
+ ).
+:- pred get_or_create_spec_par_proc(list(arg_pos)::in,
+ par_proc_call_pattern::in, pred_proc_id::in, maybe_spec_proc::out,
+ spec_info::in, spec_info::out) is det.
+get_or_create_spec_par_proc(FutureArgs, CallPattern, OrigPPId, MaybeSpecProc,
+ !SpecInfo) :-
find_spec_par_proc_for_call_pattern(!.SpecInfo ^ spec_done_procs,
!.SpecInfo ^ spec_pending_procs, CallPattern, SpecNewParProc)
- SpecNewParProc = new_par_proc(SpecPPId, SpecSymName)
+ SpecNewParProc = new_par_proc(SpecPPId, SpecSymName),
+ MaybeSpecProc = spec_proc(SpecPPId, SpecSymName)
+ ;
+ % This check prevents invalid code from being generated. See also
+ % a similar check in maybe_specialize_call_and_goals/6
+ %
+ % Don't push signals or waits into any procedure that has
+ % already been specialised but doesn't match our specialisation.
+ PendingParProcsList = values(!.SpecInfo ^ spec_pending_procs),
+ not (
+ (
+ member(!.SpecInfo ^ spec_done_procs, _, DoneOrPendingParProc)
+ member(DoneOrPendingParProc, PendingParProcsList)
+ ),
+ OrigPPId = DoneOrPendingParProc ^ new_ppid
+ )
+ ->
% Queue a new parallel procedure to be made. We add the new specialized
% predicate and procedure to the module_info now; its final body
% will be set later.
ModuleInfo0 = !.SpecInfo ^ spec_module_info,
PendingParProcs0 = !.SpecInfo ^ spec_pending_procs,
+ RevProcMap0 = !.SpecInfo ^ spec_rev_proc_map,
create_new_spec_parallel_pred(FutureArgs, OrigPPId, SpecPPId, SpecName,
ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
SpecSymName = qualified(ModuleName, SpecName),
+ MaybeSpecProc = spec_proc(SpecPPId, SpecSymName),
queue_par_proc(CallPattern, new_par_proc(SpecPPId, SpecSymName),
PendingParProcs0, PendingParProcs),
+ RevProcMap = map.det_insert(RevProcMap0, SpecPPId, OrigPPId),
!SpecInfo ^ spec_module_info := ModuleInfo,
- !SpecInfo ^ spec_pending_procs := PendingParProcs
- ),
- % Replace the call with a call to the parallelised procedure.
- list.map(replace_args_with_futures(WaitPairs ++ SignalPairs),
- CallVars, NewCallVars),
- SpecPPId = proc(SpecPredId, SpecProcId),
- GoalExpr = plain_call(SpecPredId, SpecProcId, NewCallVars, not_builtin,
- Context, SpecSymName),
- Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0).
+ !SpecInfo ^ spec_pending_procs := PendingParProcs,
+ !SpecInfo ^ spec_rev_proc_map := RevProcMap
+ ;
+ MaybeSpecProc = will_not_specialise
+ ).
:- pred find_spec_par_proc_for_call_pattern(done_par_procs::in,
pending_par_procs::in, par_proc_call_pattern::in,
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