[m-rev.] For post-commit review: Update automatic parallelisation analysis.

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Sep 27 15:52:13 AEST 2010

For post-commit review by Zoltan.


Updated the automatic parallelism analysis to use the new recursive call costs

    Use new clique recursion costs report to give the costs of recursive calls.
    This is more accurate than the current method which is only accurate in some
    less-common situations.

    Refactored the walk through the program's call graph so that it fits more
    neatly with the calculation of recursive calls.  For instance it is
    no-longer necessary to know the cost of the call into the current clique.

    Delete a number of predicates that are never called.

    Added a new message type, warning_cannot_compute_cost_of_recursive_calls
    since the new recursive call cost algorithm is incomplete.

    Avoid a thrown exception when trying to retrieve the parent call site of the
    initial clique.

    Fix the calculation of recursion depth.  Name some variables more clearly
    to avoid similar issues.

    Add a clarifying comment to the recursion_type data type to indicate that
    costs are per-call.

    Added a new exported predicate goal_path_inside/3 like goal_path_inside/2
    except that it also returns the goal path of the inner goal relative to the
    outer goal.

    Made goal_path_inside/2 more efficient by using list.remove_suffix rather
    than list.append which creates a choice point whose second solution always
    fails.  (See the comment on list.append/3 in mode out, in, in.

Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -b -r1.15 mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
--- deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m	22 Sep 2010 12:56:53 -0000	1.15
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m	27 Sep 2010 05:37:31 -0000
@@ -67,11 +67,13 @@
 :- import_module measurement_units.
 :- import_module measurements.
 :- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module recursion_patterns.
 :- import_module report.
 :- import_module var_use_analysis.
 :- import_module array.
 :- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module bool.
 :- import_module digraph.
 :- import_module float.
 :- import_module io.
@@ -107,13 +109,11 @@ candidate_parallel_conjunctions(Params, 
     % Find opertunities for parallelism by walking the clique tree.  Don't
     % Descened into cliques cheaper than the threshold.
     deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
-    TotalCallseqs = Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_callseqs,
     % The +1 here accounts for the cost of the pseudo call into the mercury
     % runtime since it is modeled here as a call site that in reality does not
     % exist.
-    RootCliqueCost = build_cs_cost_csq(1, float(TotalCallseqs) + 1.0),
     RootParallelism = no_parallelism,
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Params, Deep, RootCliqueCost,
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Params, Deep,
         RootParallelism, RootCliquePtr, ConjunctionsMap, Messages, init, _),
     map.to_assoc_list(ConjunctionsMap, ConjunctionsAssocList0),
@@ -243,87 +243,223 @@ pard_goal_detail_annon_to_pard_goal_anno
     % than the desired amount of parallelism.
 :- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(
-    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, cs_cost_csq::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, 
     parallelism_amount::in, clique_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
     set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::in, set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::out) 
     is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, ParentCSCostInfo, ParentParallelism,
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, ParentParallelism,
         CliquePtr, Candidates, Messages, !VisitedProcs) :-
     create_clique_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueReport),
-        MaybeCliqueReport = ok(CliqueReport),
+        MaybeCliqueReport = ok(CliqueReport)
+    ;
+        MaybeCliqueReport = error(ErrorA),
+        error(this_file ++ ErrorA)
+    ),
         CliqueProcs = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_procs,
-        % All cliques must contain at least one procedure.
-        ( [ FirstCliqueProcPrime | _ ] = CliqueProcs ->
-            FirstCliqueProc = FirstCliqueProcPrime
-        ;
-            error(this_file ++ "A clique must have et least one procedure in " 
-                ++ string(CliquePtr))
-        ),    
-        CliqueIsRecursive = is_clique_recursive(CliqueReport),
-        make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, CliqueProcMap),
-        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
-            CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCSCostInfo, ParentParallelism, set.init,
-            CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr, FirstCliqueProc, Candidates, Messages,
-            !VisitedProcs)
+    create_clique_recursion_costs_report(Deep, CliquePtr,
+        MaybeRecursiveCostsReport),
+    (
+        MaybeRecursiveCostsReport = ok(RecursiveCostsReport),
+        RecursionType = RecursiveCostsReport ^ crr_recursion_type 
-        MaybeCliqueReport = error(Error),
-        error(this_file ++ Error),
-        Messages = cord.empty
-    ).
+        MaybeRecursiveCostsReport = error(ErrorB),
+        RecursionType = rt_errors([ErrorB]) 
+    ),
+    % Look for parallelisation opportunities in this clique.
+    map2_foldl(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
+            RecursionType, ParentParallelism, CliquePtr), 
+        CliqueProcs, Candidatess, Messagess, !VisitedProcs),
+    foldl(union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc), Candidatess,
+        map.init, CliqueCandidates), 
+    CliqueMessages = cord_list_to_cord(Messagess),
+    % Look in descendent cliques.
+    some [!ChildCliques] (
+        map(clique_proc_callees(Deep, ParentParallelism), CliqueProcs,
+            ChildCliquess),
+        !:ChildCliques = cord_list_to_cord(ChildCliquess),
+        map2_foldl(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep,
+                CliquePtr, CliqueCandidates),
+            list(!.ChildCliques), CSCandidatess, CSMessagess, !VisitedProcs)
+    ),
+    foldl(union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc), CSCandidatess,
+        map.init, CSCandidates), 
+    CSMessages = cord_list_to_cord(CSMessagess),
+    union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc, CliqueCandidates, CSCandidates,
+        Candidates),
+    Messages = CliqueMessages ++ CSMessages.
+:- type candidate_child_clique
+    --->    candidate_child_clique(
+                ccc_perf                :: perf_row_data(clique_desc),
+                % The context of the call site that calls this clique.
+                ccc_proc                :: string_proc_label,
+                ccc_goal_path           :: goal_path, 
+                % The amount of parallelism already used during the call due to
+                % parallelisations in the parents.
+                ccc_parallelism         :: parallelism_amount
+            ).
+:- pred clique_proc_callees(deep::in, parallelism_amount::in,
+    clique_proc_report::in, cord(candidate_child_clique)::out) is det.
+clique_proc_callees(Deep, Parallelism, CliqueProc, ChildCliques) :-
+    FirstProcDynamic = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic,
+    OtherProcDynamics = CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics,
+    ProcDynamics = [FirstProcDynamic | OtherProcDynamics],
+    map(proc_dynamic_callees(Deep, Parallelism), ProcDynamics, ChildCliquess),
+    ChildCliques = cord_list_to_cord(ChildCliquess).
+:- pred proc_dynamic_callees(deep::in, parallelism_amount::in, 
+    clique_proc_dynamic_report::in, cord(candidate_child_clique)::out) is det.
+proc_dynamic_callees(Deep, Parallelism, PD, ChildCliques) :-
+    CCSRs = PD ^ cpdr_call_sites,
+    ProcDesc = PD ^ cpdr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+    proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
+    map(call_site_callees(ProcLabel, Parallelism), CCSRs, ChildCliquess),
+    ChildCliques = cord_list_to_cord(ChildCliquess).
-:- type clique_is_recursive
-    --->    clique_is_recursive
-    ;       clique_is_not_recursive.
+:- pred call_site_callees(string_proc_label::in, parallelism_amount::in, 
+    clique_call_site_report::in, cord(candidate_child_clique)::out) is det.
-:- func is_clique_recursive(clique_report) = clique_is_recursive.
+call_site_callees(ProcLabel, Parallelism, CCSR, ChildCliques) :-
+    GoalPath = CCSR ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject ^
+        csdesc_goal_path, 
+    ChildCliquess = map(
+        (func(Callee) = 
+            candidate_child_clique(Callee, ProcLabel, GoalPath, Parallelism)),
+        CCSR ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
+    ChildCliques = from_list(ChildCliquess).
-is_clique_recursive(CliqueReport) = CliqueIsRecursive :-
-    CliqueProcs = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_procs,
-    ( CliqueProcs = [_, _ | _] ->
-        % If there is more than one procedure then the clique must be mutually
-        % recursive.  This computation is trivial compared to the case below.
-        CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive
-    ; CliqueProcs = [CliqueProc] ->
-        % Look for a self recursion in the single clique procedure.
-        CliquePtr = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_ptr,
-        ( 
-            % If at least one call site within the clique's proc makes a call
-            % to this same clique then this is a recursive clique - this also
-            % covers higher-order calls.
-            some [CliqueProcDyanmic, CallSite, CalleePerf]
-            (
-                (
-                    CliqueProcDynamic = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic
-                ;
-                    member(CliqueProcDynamic, 
-                        CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics)
-                ),
-                member(CallSite, CliqueProcDynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites), 
-                member(CalleePerf, CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
-                CliquePtr = CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in,
+    clique_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::in, 
+    candidate_child_clique::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out,
+    set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::in, set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, CliquePtr, CliqueCandidates,
+        !.Callee, Candidates, Messages, !VisitedProcs) :-
+    ( not_callee(CliquePtr, !.Callee) -> 
+        ( cost_threshold(Opts, !.Callee) -> 
+            update_parallelism_available(CliqueCandidates, !Callee),
+            ( not exceeded_parallelism(Opts, !.Callee) ->
+                AnalyzeChild = yes
+            ;
+                trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
+                    debug_cliques_exeeded_parallelism(!.Callee, !IO)
+                ),
+                AnalyzeChild = no
-        ->
-            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive
-            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_not_recursive
+            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
+                debug_cliques_below_threshold(!.Callee, !IO)
+            ),
+            AnalyzeChild = no
-        error(this_file ++ "Clique must have at least one procedure")
+        AnalyzeChild = no
+    ),
+    (
+        AnalyzeChild = yes,
+        Parallelism = !.Callee ^ ccc_parallelism,
+        ChildCliquePtr = 
+            !.Callee ^ ccc_perf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, Parallelism,
+            ChildCliquePtr, Candidates, Messages, !VisitedProcs)
+    ;
+        AnalyzeChild = no,
+        Candidates = map.init,
+        Messages = cord.empty
-    % Construct a map of clique proc reports.
-    %
-:- pred make_clique_proc_map(list(clique_proc_report)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::out) is det.
+:- pred cost_threshold(candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, 
+    candidate_child_clique::in) is semidet.
-make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, CliqueProcMap) :-
-    list.foldl((pred(CliqueProc::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
-            ProcDesc = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
-            map.det_insert(Map0, ProcDesc, CliqueProc, Map)
-        ), CliqueProcs, map.init, CliqueProcMap).
+cost_threshold(Opts, ChildClique) :-
+    Threshold = Opts ^ cpcp_clique_threshold,
+    Pref = ChildClique ^ ccc_perf,
+    MaybeCostChildren = Pref ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
+    (
+        MaybeCostChildren = yes(CostChildren),
+        CostChildren ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall >= float(Threshold)
+    ;
+        MaybeCostChildren = no
+        % What does this mean?  For now we recurse into these call sites.
+    ).
+:- pred not_callee(clique_ptr::in, candidate_child_clique::in) is semidet.
+not_callee(CliquePtr, ChildClique) :-
+    CliquePtr \= ChildClique ^ ccc_perf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr.
+:- pred exceeded_parallelism(candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in) is semidet.
+exceeded_parallelism(Opts, ChildClique) :-
+    Parallelism = ChildClique ^ ccc_parallelism,
+    DesiredParallelism = Opts ^ cpcp_desired_parallelism,
+    exceeded_desired_parallelism(DesiredParallelism, Parallelism).
+:- pred update_parallelism_available(candidate_par_conjunctions::in, 
+    candidate_child_clique::in, candidate_child_clique::out) is det.
+update_parallelism_available(CandidateConjunctions, !ChildClique) :-
+    ProcLabel = !.ChildClique ^ ccc_proc,
+    ( map.search(CandidateConjunctions, ProcLabel, ProcConjs) ->
+        Conjs = ProcConjs ^ cpcp_par_conjs,
+        foldl(update_parallelism_available_conj, Conjs, !ChildClique)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+:- pred update_parallelism_available_conj(candidate_par_conjunction(T)::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in, candidate_child_clique::out) is det.
+update_parallelism_available_conj(Conj, !ChildClique) :-
+    GoalPath = !.ChildClique ^ ccc_goal_path,
+    goal_path_from_string_det(Conj ^ cpc_goal_path, ConjGoalPath),
+    % XXX: This needs revisiting if we allow parallelised conjuncts to be
+    % re-ordered.
+    FirstConjunct = Conj ^ cpc_first_conj_num + length(Conj ^ cpc_goals_before),
+    Length = foldl((func(seq_conj(ConjsI), Acc) = Acc + length(ConjsI)),
+        Conj ^ cpc_conjs, 0),
+    (
+        GoalPath \= ConjGoalPath,
+        goal_path_inside(ConjGoalPath, GoalPath, RelativePath),
+        goal_path_consable(RelativePath, RelativePathCons),
+        goal_path_consable_remove_first(RelativePathCons, Step, _),
+        Step = step_conj(ConjNum),
+        ConjNum > FirstConjunct,
+        ConjNum =< FirstConjunct + Length
+    ->
+        % The call into this clique gets parallelised by Conj.
+        % XXX: If we knew the parallelisation type used for Conj we can do this
+        % calculation more accurately.  For instance, if this is a loop, then
+        % we use as many cores as the loop has iterations.  (Except for dead
+        % time).
+        Metrics = Conj ^ cpc_par_exec_metrics,
+        SeqTime = Metrics ^ pem_seq_time,
+        DeadTime = Metrics ^ pem_first_conj_dead_time + 
+            Metrics ^ pem_future_dead_time,
+        Efficiency = (SeqTime - DeadTime) / SeqTime,
+        Parallelism0 = !.ChildClique ^ ccc_parallelism,
+        sub_computation_parallelism(Parallelism0, probable(Efficiency),
+            Parallelism),
+        !ChildClique ^ ccc_parallelism := Parallelism
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
     % candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, 
     %   CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed, CliquePtr,
@@ -344,30 +480,22 @@ make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, Clique
     % CliquePtr is the clique that this proc belongs to.
 :- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(
-    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, clique_is_recursive::in,
-    cs_cost_csq::in, parallelism_amount::in, set(proc_desc)::in, 
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in,
-    clique_proc_report::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
-    cord(message)::out,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, recursion_type::in,
+    parallelism_amount::in, clique_ptr::in, clique_proc_report::in, 
+    candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out,
     set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::in, set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::out) 
     is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, 
-        CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCSCostInfo, ParentParallelism, ProcsAnalysed0,
-        CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr, CliqueProc, Candidates, Messages,
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, RecursionType,
+        _ParentParallelism, CliquePtr, CliqueProc, Candidates, Messages,
         !VisitedProcs) :-
     some [!Messages]
         !:Messages = cord.empty,
-        CliqueProcCalls = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_calls,
-        cs_cost_to_proc_cost(ParentCSCostInfo, CliqueProcCalls,
-            ParentCostInfo),
         % Determine the costs of the call sites in the procedure.
-        (
-            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive,
-            build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliqueProc, CliquePtr,
-                ParentCostInfo, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CSCMMessages),
+        build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliquePtr, CliqueProc,
+            RecursionType, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CSCMMessages),
             !:Messages = !.Messages ++ CSCMMessages,
             trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
@@ -378,10 +506,6 @@ candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_p
                     [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(PrettyCostMap)],
-            )
-        ;
-            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_not_recursive,
-            RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map.init
         ProcDesc = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
@@ -393,40 +517,12 @@ candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_p
             % Analyse this procedure for parallelism opportunities.
             candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, CliqueProc,
-                RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, ProcCandidates,
-                ProcCandidatesByGoalPath, ProcMessages),
+                RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Candidates,
+                _ProcCandidatesByGoalPath, ProcMessages),
             !:Messages = !.Messages ++ ProcMessages
-            ProcCandidates = map.init,
-            ProcCandidatesByGoalPath = multi_map.init
-        ),
-        % Get a list of call sites
-        ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
-            proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
-            append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
-                error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc, !Messages)
-        ;
-            true
+            Candidates = map.init
-        CallSiteReports = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
-        % Analyse child cliques of this clique proc for parallelism
-        % opportunities.  Recursive calls point to this same clique, in these
-        % cases call candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc on the
-        % procedure within this clique that they call.
-        set.insert(ProcsAnalysed0, ProcDesc, ProcsAnalysed),
-        list.map2_foldl(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(Opts, Deep,
-                ProcsAnalysed, CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap,
-                CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr, ParentParallelism,
-                ProcCandidatesByGoalPath),
-            CallSiteReports, CSCandidatesList, CSMessagesList, !VisitedProcs),
-        list.foldl(map.union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc),
-            CSCandidatesList, map.init, CSCandidates),
-        map.union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc, ProcCandidates,
-            CSCandidates, Candidates),
-        !:Messages = !.Messages ++ cord_list_to_cord(CSMessagesList),
         Messages = !.Messages
@@ -447,245 +543,119 @@ merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc(A, B, Res
             "merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc: var tables do not match")
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(
-    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
-    clique_is_recursive::in, map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in,
-    parallelism_amount::in,
-    multi_map(string, candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
-    clique_call_site_report::in,
-    candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out,
-    set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::in, set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::out)
-    is det.
+% Estimate the cost of the recursive calls under the assumption that current
+% call to this procedure had a particular cost.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed,
-        CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr,
-        ParentParallelism, ProcParallelismCandidates,
-        CallSiteReport, Candidates, Messages, !VisitedProcs) :-
-    % XXX: This does not weight the callees by the probability that they will
-    % be called.  This is only a problem for higher order call sites.
-    CalleePerfs = CallSiteReport ^ ccsr_callee_perfs,
-    CallSiteDesc = CallSiteReport ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
-    GoalPath = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-    parallelism_probability(ProcParallelismCandidates, GoalPath,
-        ParallelismProbability, SubParallelism),
-    sub_computation_parallelism(ParentParallelism, ParallelismProbability,
-        SubParallelism, Parallelism), 
-    list.map2_foldl(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep,
-            ProcsAnalysed, CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap,
-            CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr, CallSiteDesc, Parallelism),
-        CalleePerfs, CandidatesList, MessagesList, !VisitedProcs),
-    list.foldl(map.union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc), CandidatesList, 
-        map.init, Candidates),
-    Messages = cord_list_to_cord(MessagesList).
+:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(deep::in, clique_ptr::in, 
+    clique_proc_report::in, recursion_type::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::out, cord(message)::out)
+    is det.
-:- pred parallelism_probability(
-    multi_map(goal_path_string, 
-        candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
-    goal_path::in, probability::out, parallelism_amount::out) is det.
+build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliquePtr, CliqueProc, RecursionType,
+        RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Messages) :-
+    some [!Messages] (
+        !:Messages = cord.empty,
-parallelism_probability(Candidates, ConjGoalPath, ParallelismProbability,
-        ParallelismAmount) :-
-    (
-        % Is the goal named by ConjGoalPath immediatly within a conjunction?
-        goal_path_remove_last(ConjGoalPath, GoalPath, step_conj(_)) 
-    ->
-        StringGoalPath = goal_path_to_string(GoalPath),
-        ( multi_map.search(Candidates, StringGoalPath, CandidateList) ->
-                % We assume that we can only ever be a member of one
-                % parallel conjunction.  That is that overlapping
-                % conjunctions are never recommended/seen.
-                promise_equivalent_solutions [Amount] some [Candidate, Conj] (
-                    member(Candidate, CandidateList),
-                    parallel_amount(Candidate ^ cpc_conjs, Conj, Amount),
-                    GoalPath = Conj ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_original_path
-                )
-            ->
-                % XXX: Wait until we have the new calculations for how
-                % dependent parallel conjuncts overlap before we bother to
-                % calculate the probability of parallelisation.  For now assume
-                % a pesimistic default.
-                ParallelismProbability = certain,
-                ParallelismAmount = Amount
-            ;
-                ParallelismProbability = impossible,
-                ParallelismAmount = no_parallelism
-            )
-        ;
-            % This callsite is not within a parallel conjunction.
-            ParallelismProbability = impossible,
-            ParallelismAmount = no_parallelism
-        )
-    ;
-        % This goal is not directly in a conjunction.  Perhaps it's directly
-        % within some branch goal or at the root of a goal path.  In these
-        % cases it is not in a parallel conjunction so the parallelism
-        % probability is 0.0.
-        % XXX: This assumption is true now but may change in the future.
-        ParallelismProbability = impossible,
-        ParallelismAmount = no_parallelism 
-    ).
-:- pred parallel_amount(list(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail))::in, 
-    pard_goal_detail::out, parallelism_amount::out) is nondet.
-parallel_amount(SeqConjs, Conj, Parallelism) :-
-    member(SeqConj, SeqConjs),
-    SeqConj = seq_conj(Conjs),
-    Parallelism0 = some_parallelism(float(length(Conjs))),
-    member(Conj, Conjs),
-    sub_computation_parallelism(Parallelism0, certain, Parallelism).
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(
-    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
-    clique_is_recursive::in, map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in, call_site_desc::in,
-    parallelism_amount::in, perf_row_data(clique_desc)::in,
-    candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out,
-    set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::in, set_tree234(proc_static_ptr)::out) is det.
+            RecursionType = rt_not_recursive,
+            RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map.init
+        ;
+            RecursionType = rt_single(_, _, _AvgMaxDepth, AvgRecCost, _),
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed0,
-        ParentCliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcReportMap,
-        ParentCliquePtr, CallSiteDesc, Parallelism, CliquePerf, Candidates,
-        Messages, !VisitedProcs) :-
-    CliqueDesc = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_subject,
-    CliquePtr = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
-    CliqueEntryProc = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_entry_member,
-    ( ParentCliquePtr = CliquePtr ->
-        % This is a recursive call within the same clique.
-        ( member(CliqueEntryProc, ProcsAnalysed0) ->
-            % If we've analysed this clique in this proc already then don't do
-            % it again.
-            Candidates = map.init,
-            Messages = cord.empty
+            get_recursive_calls_and_counts(Deep, CliquePtr, CliqueProc,
+                CallCountsMap, NewMessagesA),
+            !:Messages = !.Messages ++ NewMessagesA,
+            RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map_values_only(
+                (func(Count) = 
+                    build_cs_cost_csq_percall(float(Count), AvgRecCost)),
+                CallCountsMap)
-            map.lookup(CliqueProcReportMap, CliqueEntryProc, CliqueProcReport),
-            ProcsAnalysed = set.insert(ProcsAnalysed0, CliqueEntryProc),
-            % We determine the cost of the call site we're following within
-            % this clique to this procedure so that it can have correct cost
-            % information.
-            map.lookup(RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, 
-                CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_goal_path, CallCostInfo),
-            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
-                ParentCliqueIsRecursive, CallCostInfo, Parallelism, 
-                ProcsAnalysed, CliqueProcReportMap, ParentCliquePtr,
-                CliqueProcReport, Candidates, Messages, !VisitedProcs)
-        )
-    ;
-        CSCost = build_cs_cost_from_perf(CliquePerf),
-        clique_ptr(CliqueNum) = CliquePtr,
-        ( 
-            % Use the total cost the call to this procedure to decide if we
-            % should stop recursing the call graph at this point.  If the
-            % procedure does not contribute to the runtime of the program in an
-            % absolute way then do not recurse further.  This test is performed
-            % here rather than in the callees of this predicate to avoid
-            % duplication of code.
-            not cs_cost_get_total(CSCost) > float(Opts ^ cpcp_clique_threshold)
-        ->
-            Candidates = map.init, 
-            Messages = cord.empty,
-            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
-                CSPercallCost = cs_cost_get_percall(CSCost),
-                CSCalls = cs_cost_get_calls(CSCost),
-                io.format("D: Not entering clique: %d, " ++ 
-                    "it is below the clique threashold\n  " ++
-                    "It has per-call cost %f and is called %f times\n\n",
-                    [i(CliqueNum), f(CSPercallCost), f(CSCalls)], !IO),
-                io.flush_output(!IO)
-            )
+            ( RecursionType = rt_divide_and_conquer(_, _)
+            ; RecursionType = rt_mutual_recursion(_)
+            ; RecursionType = rt_other(_)
+            ; RecursionType = rt_errors(_)
+            ),
+            (
+                ( RecursionType = rt_divide_and_conquer(_, _)
+                ; RecursionType = rt_mutual_recursion(_)
+                ),
+                Error = "No average recursion depth for this recursion type"
-            % Also check check if the desired amount of parallelism has been
-            % reached, if so do not recurse further to prevent creating too
-            % much extra parallelism.
-            exceeded_desired_parallelism(Opts ^ cpcp_desired_parallelism,
-                Parallelism)
-        ->
-            Candidates = map.init, 
-            Messages = cord.empty,
-            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
-                io.format("D: Not entering clique: %d, " ++
-                    "no parallel resources left\n  " ++
-                    "There are already %s parallel resources used\n\n",
-                    [i(CliqueNum), s(string(Parallelism))], !IO),
-                io.flush_output(!IO)
-            )
+                RecursionType = rt_other(_),
+                Error = "Could not detect recursion type"
-            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, CSCost,
-                Parallelism, CliquePtr, Candidates, Messages, !VisitedProcs)
-        )
-    ).
+                RecursionType = rt_errors(Errors),
+                Error = join_list("; and ", Errors)
+            ),
+            RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map.init,
-% Estimate the cost of the recursive calls under the assumption that current
-% call to this procedure had a particular cost.
+            % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
+            PerfRowData = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary,
+            ProcDesc = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+            proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
-:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(deep::in, clique_proc_report::in,
-    clique_ptr::in, proc_cost_csq::in, map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::out,
-    cord(message)::out) is det.
+            append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
+                warning_cannot_compute_cost_of_recursive_calls(Error),
+                !Messages)
+        ),
+        Messages = !.Messages
+    ).
-build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliqueProc, CliquePtr,
-        ParentCost, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Messages) :-
-    some [!Messages] (
+:- pred get_recursive_calls_and_counts(deep::in, clique_ptr::in, 
+    clique_proc_report::in, map(goal_path, int)::out, cord(message)::out) 
+    is det.
+get_recursive_calls_and_counts(Deep, CliquePtr, CliqueProc, CallCountsMap,
+        !:Messages) :-
         !:Messages = cord.empty,
+    % XXX: Handle mutual recursion for the cases that we know how to
+    % analyse.
+    OtherProcDynamics = CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics,
+    (
+        OtherProcDynamics = [_ | _],
+        % We don't yet handle mutual recursion, and this can only occur during
+        % mutual recursion for the non-entry procedure.
         % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
         PerfRowData = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary,
         ProcDesc = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
         proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
-        % XXX: Make this ITE a switch.
-        % XXX: Handle mutual recursion for the cases that we know how to
-        % analyse.
-        ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
                 error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc, !Messages)
-            true
+        OtherProcDynamics = []
         CallSites = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
+    foldl(build_recursive_call_site_counts_map(CliquePtr), CallSites, map.init, 
+        CallCountsMap).
-        PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
-        create_static_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeCoverageReport),
-        (
-            MaybeCoverageReport = ok(procrep_coverage_info(_, ProcRep)),
-            Goal = ProcRep ^ pr_defn ^ pdr_goal,
-            foldl(add_call_site_report_to_map, CallSites,
-                map.init, CallSiteMap),
-            goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSiteMap, Goal,
-                empty_goal_path, Info),
-            Info = callsite_cost_info(NonRecCSCost, RecursiveCSCalls,
-                RecursiveCS, CallSiteProbabilityMap)
-        ;
-            MaybeCoverageReport = error(Error),
-            % If we couldn't find the proc rep then use the old method, this
-            % will not give accuruate call site probabilities.
-            foldl4(get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, ParentCost), 
-                CallSites, 0.0, NonRecCSCost, 0.0, RecursiveCSCalls,
-                set.init, RecursiveCS, map.init, CallSiteProbabilityMap),
-            append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
-                warning_cannot_compute_procrep_coverage_fallback(Error), 
-                !Messages)
-        ),
+:- pred build_recursive_call_site_counts_map(clique_ptr::in, 
+    clique_call_site_report::in,
+    map(goal_path, int)::in, map(goal_path, int)::out) is det.
-        % The cost of the recursive calls is the total cost minus the cost of
-        % the non recursive calls.
-        TotalRecursiveCost = 
-            proc_cost_get_total(ParentCost) - NonRecCSCost,
-        % This should never divide by zero since it is only called on code that
-        % is recursive at runtime, that is a recusrive call is executed.
-        RecursiveCostPerCall = TotalRecursiveCost / RecursiveCSCalls,
-        % Assign costs to call sites.
-        set.fold(
-            build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(RecursiveCostPerCall, 
-                CallSiteProbabilityMap),
-            RecursiveCS, map.init, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap),
-        Messages = !.Messages
+build_recursive_call_site_counts_map(CliquePtr, CallSite, !Map) :-
+    Callees = CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs,
+    (
+        some [Callee, CalleeClique] (
+            member(Callee, Callees),
+            CalleeClique = Callee ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+            CalleeClique = CliquePtr
+        )
+    ->
+        % This call site calls the same clique at least once, therefore we
+        % treat it as recursive.  Usually a call site has exactly one callee,
+        % the exception is higher order and method calls, and I've never seen a
+        % recursive higher order or method call.
+        GoalPath = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject ^
+            csdesc_goal_path,
+        Count = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_calls,
+        svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, Count, !Map)
+    ;
+        true
 :- pred format_recursive_call_site_cost_map(map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::in, 
@@ -715,371 +685,6 @@ format_recursive_call_site_cost(GoalPath
                 csci_cs_prob_map        :: map(goal_path, float)
-:- func empty_callsite_cost_info = callsite_cost_info.
-empty_callsite_cost_info = callsite_cost_info(0.0, 0.0, set.init, map.init).
-:- pred goal_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in,
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
-    goal_path::in, callsite_cost_info::out) is det.
-goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Goal, GoalPath, Info) :-
-    Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, Coverage),
-    (
-        GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjs),
-        conj_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Conjs, 1, GoalPath,
-            Info)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjs),
-        disj_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Detism, Coverage,
-            Disjs, GoalPath, Info)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = switch_rep(_Var, _CanFail, Cases),
-        switch_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Coverage, Cases,
-            GoalPath, Info)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
-        ite_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Cond, Then, Else,
-            GoalPath, Info)
-    ;
-        (
-            GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
-            SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg)
-        ;
-            GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, MaybeCut),
-            SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(MaybeCut))
-        ),
-        goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, SubGoal,
-            SubGoalPath, Info)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, _AtomicGoal),
-        atomic_goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, GoalPath,
-            Info)
-    ).
-:- pred atomic_goal_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, goal_path::in,
-    callsite_cost_info::out) is det.
-atomic_goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, GoalPath, Info) :-
-    ( map.search(CallSites, GoalPath, CallSite) ->
-        svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, 1.0, map.init, CSProbMap),
-        ( call_site_is_recursive(CallSite, CliquePtr) ->
-            RecursiveCalls = 1.0,
-            NonRecursiveCost = 0.0,
-            RecursiveCallSites = set.from_list([CallSite])
-        ;
-            CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
-            MaybeTotal = CSSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
-            (
-                MaybeTotal = yes(Total),
-                PercallCost = Total ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall
-            ;
-                MaybeTotal = no,
-                error("clique_call_site has 'no' for perf_row_maybe_total")
-            ),
-            RecursiveCalls = 0.0,
-            NonRecursiveCost = PercallCost,
-            RecursiveCallSites = set.init
-        ),
-        Info = callsite_cost_info(NonRecursiveCost, RecursiveCalls, 
-            RecursiveCallSites, CSProbMap)
-    ;
-        % Not a callsite, there is no information to update since atmoic
-        % non-call goals have a trivial cost. 
-        Info = empty_callsite_cost_info
-    ).
-:- pred conj_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in,
-    list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, int::in,
-    goal_path::in, callsite_cost_info::out) is det.
-conj_get_callsite_cost_info(_, _, [], _, _, empty_callsite_cost_info).
-conj_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, [Conj | Conjs], ConjNum,
-        GoalPath, Info) :-
-    ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjNum)),
-    goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Conj, ConjGoalPath, 
-        ConjInfo),
-    Coverage = Conj ^ goal_annotation,
-    ( get_coverage_before_and_after(Coverage, Calls, Exits) ->
-        % ContProb is the probability that this conjunction will continue with
-        % the execution of the next goal.
-        ( Calls = 0 ->
-            % If this was never called, then we will have a probability of 0 of
-            % executing the next conjunct.
-            ContProb = 0.0
-        ;
-            ContProb = float(Exits) / float(Calls)
-        )
-    ;
-        error(this_file ++ "Expected complete coverage information")
-    ),
-    conj_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Conjs, ConjNum + 1, 
-        GoalPath, ConjsInfo),
-    Info = multiply_and_add(ConjsInfo, ContProb, ConjInfo).
-:- pred disj_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, detism_rep::in,
-    coverage_info::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in,
-    goal_path::in, callsite_cost_info::out) is det.
-disj_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, _Detism, Coverage,
-        Disjs, GoalPath, Info) :-
-    % Some disjunctions may have redos, however these are rare and are not
-    % modeled by this code.
-    list.map_foldl(
-        disj_get_callsite_cost_info2(CliquePtr, CallSites, GoalPath),
-        Disjs, DisjInfos, 1, _),
-    map_corresponding_foldl2(
-        callsite_collect_branch_probabilities(Coverage),
-        Disjs, DisjInfos, Probs, 0.0, _NonRecProb, 0.0, _RecProb),
-    foldl_corresponding(
-        (pred(NewInfo::in, BranchProb::in, Info0I::in, InfoI::out) is det :-
-            % This is a special case of callsite_cost_merge_branches that is
-            % used for disjunctions.  Since disjunctions don't behave like
-            % switches or ITEs if a disjunct does not call recursive code it is
-            % still included as part of the code that would execute during a
-            % call that will recurse provided that some other disjuct recurses.
-            InfoI = multiply_and_add(NewInfo, BranchProb, Info0I)
-        ), DisjInfos, Probs, empty_callsite_cost_info, Info).
-:- pred disj_get_callsite_cost_info2(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, goal_path::in,
-    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, callsite_cost_info::out, int::in, int::out) 
-    is det.
-disj_get_callsite_cost_info2(CliquePtr, CallSites, GoalPath, Goal, Info,
-        DisjNum, DisjNum+1) :-
-    DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
-    goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Goal, DisjGoalPath,
-        Info).
-:- pred switch_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, coverage_info::in,
-    list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, goal_path::in, callsite_cost_info::out)
-    is det.
-switch_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Coverage, Cases, GoalPath,
-        Info) :-
-    % Since switches are similar to disjunctions so some of this code is
-    % similar or shared.
-    list.map(case_get_goal, Cases, Goals),
-    list.map_foldl(
-        case_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, GoalPath),
-        Goals, GoalInfos, 1, _),
-    map_corresponding_foldl2(
-        callsite_collect_branch_probabilities(Coverage),
-        Goals, GoalInfos, Probs, 0.0, NonRecProb, 0.0, RecProb),
-    foldl_corresponding(callsite_cost_merge_branches(NonRecProb, RecProb),
-        GoalInfos, Probs, empty_callsite_cost_info, Info).
-:- pred case_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, goal_path::in,
-    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, callsite_cost_info::out, int::in, int::out) 
-    is det.
-case_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, GoalPath, Goal, Info,
-        CaseNum, CaseNum+1) :-
-    CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
-    goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Goal, CaseGoalPath,
-        Info).
-:- pred ite_get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, 
-    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
-    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, goal_path::in, callsite_cost_info::out) is det.
-ite_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Cond, Then, Else,
-        GoalPath, Info) :-
-    CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
-    ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
-    ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
-    goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Cond, CondGoalPath,
-        CondInfo),
-    goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Then, ThenGoalPath,
-        ThenInfo),
-    goal_get_callsite_cost_info(CliquePtr, CallSites, Else, ElseGoalPath,
-        ElseInfo),
-    % Find the probability of entering either branch and merge the
-    % callsite_cost_info structures.
-    CondCoverage = Cond ^ goal_annotation,
-    ( get_coverage_before_and_after(CondCoverage, CondCalls, CondExits) ->
-        ( CondCalls = 0 ->
-            % XXX: I don't like these either since their sum is 0.0
-            ThenProb = 0.0,
-            ElseProb = 0.0
-        ;
-            ThenProb = float(CondExits) / float(CondCalls),
-            ElseProb = 1.0 - ThenProb
-        )
-    ;
-        error(this_file ++ "couldn't retrieve coverage information")
-    ),
-    add_probability_to_rec_non_rec_totals(ThenInfo, ThenProb, 
-        0.0, NonRecProb0, 0.0, RecProb0),
-    add_probability_to_rec_non_rec_totals(ElseInfo, ElseProb, 
-        NonRecProb0, NonRecProb, RecProb0, RecProb),
-    callsite_cost_merge_branches(NonRecProb, RecProb, ThenInfo, ThenProb, 
-        empty_callsite_cost_info, BranchInfo0),
-    callsite_cost_merge_branches(NonRecProb, RecProb, ElseInfo, ElseProb, 
-        BranchInfo0, BranchInfo),
-    % Add the info from the condition goal.
-    Info = add_callsite_cost_info(CondInfo, BranchInfo).
-:- pred callsite_collect_branch_probabilities(coverage_info::in, 
-    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, callsite_cost_info::in, float::out,
-    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out) is det.
-callsite_collect_branch_probabilities(TotalCoverage, Goal, Info, Prob, 
-        !NonRecProb, !RecProb) :-
-    (
-        get_coverage_before(TotalCoverage, TotalCalls),
-        get_coverage_before(Goal ^ goal_annotation, Calls)
-    ->
-        % The probability of entering this branch given that the parent goal
-        % was called.
-        ( TotalCalls = 0 ->
-            % I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this, since in this case the
-            % probability of entering each branch will be 0.0, and the sum of
-            % this will be 0.0 which is not correct.
-            Prob = 0.0
-        ;
-            Prob = float(Calls) / float(TotalCalls)
-        )
-    ;
-        error(this_file ++ "could not retrieve coverage information")
-    ),
-    add_probability_to_rec_non_rec_totals(Info, Prob, !NonRecProb, !RecProb).
-:- pred add_probability_to_rec_non_rec_totals(callsite_cost_info::in, float::in,
-    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out) is det.
-add_probability_to_rec_non_rec_totals(Info, Prob, !NonRecProb, !RecProb) :-
-    ( empty(Info ^ csci_rec_cs) ->
-        % This branch has no recursive calls in it (ie it forms a base-case),
-        % therefore it doesn't contribute to probability that we enter this
-        % branch since we're trying to calculate the probability of a goal
-        % being executed given that we're executing a procedure that will
-        % eventually recurse.  We track the probability of entering a
-        % non-recursive branch so that this probability can be added to the
-        % recursive cases below.
-        !:NonRecProb = !.NonRecProb + Prob
-    ;   
-        !:RecProb = !.RecProb + Prob
-    ).
-:- pred callsite_cost_merge_branches(float::in, float::in,
-    callsite_cost_info::in, float::in,
-    callsite_cost_info::in, callsite_cost_info::out) is det.
-callsite_cost_merge_branches(NonRecProb, RecProb, NewInfo, BranchProb, 
-        !Info) :-
-    ( empty(NewInfo ^ csci_rec_cs) ->
-        % This branch is non-recursive, therefore we don't count it's
-        % contribution to the execution time because we're calculating the
-        % execution time for a non-recursive invocation of this procedure.
-        true
-    ;
-        % Add the probability of a non-recursive branch to this branch weighted
-        % by the probability that we execute this branch given that we execute a
-        % recursive branch.
-        !:Info = multiply_and_add(NewInfo, 
-            BranchProb + (BranchProb / RecProb * NonRecProb), !.Info)
-    ).
-:- func multiply_and_add(callsite_cost_info, float, callsite_cost_info) =
-    callsite_cost_info.
-multiply_and_add(Cost, Scalar, CostAddend) = Result :-
-    Cost = callsite_cost_info(NonRecCSCost0, RecCalls0, RecCSA, CSProbMap0), 
-    CostAddend = callsite_cost_info(NonRecCSCostAddend, RecCallsAddend, RecCSB,
-        CSProbMapAddend), 
-    NonRecCSCost = (NonRecCSCost0 * Scalar) + NonRecCSCostAddend,
-    RecCalls = (RecCalls0 * Scalar) + RecCallsAddend,
-    % This set is simply 'added' multiplication doesn't make sense and merge is
-    % exactly what we want here.  Sets are given in this order for efficiency,
-    % see set.union/2
-    RecCS = set.union(RecCSB, RecCSA),
-    map.foldl(multiply_probability_merge(Scalar),
-        CSProbMap0, CSProbMapAddend, CSProbMap),
-    Result = callsite_cost_info(NonRecCSCost, RecCalls, RecCS, CSProbMap).
-:- pred multiply_probability_merge(float::in, goal_path::in, float::in,
-    map(goal_path, float)::in, map(goal_path, float)::out) is det.
-multiply_probability_merge(M, Key, Value0, !Map) :-
-    Value = Value0 * M,
-    svmap.det_insert(Key, Value, !Map).
-:- func add_callsite_cost_info(callsite_cost_info, callsite_cost_info) =
-    callsite_cost_info.
-add_callsite_cost_info(CSCIA, CSCIB) = 
-    multiply_and_add(CSCIA, 1.0, CSCIB).
-:- pred get_callsite_cost_info(clique_ptr::in, proc_cost_csq::in, 
-    clique_call_site_report::in, float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out, 
-    set(clique_call_site_report)::in, set(clique_call_site_report)::out,
-    map(goal_path, float)::in, map(goal_path, float)::out) is det.
-get_callsite_cost_info(ThisClique, ParentCost, CallSite, 
-        !NonRecCSCost, !RecursiveCalls, !RecursiveCallSites, !CallSiteProbMap)
-    :-
-    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
-    GoalPath = CSSummary ^ perf_row_subject ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-    CSCalls = float(CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls),
-    % Note that Prob represents the probability of this call occurring on any
-    % invocation of the clique proc, not on the top-level invocation of the
-    % clique proc which is what we take it to mean here.  This is why this
-    % method is not used with the procedure representation is available.
-    Prob = CSCalls / float(proc_cost_get_calls_total(ParentCost)),
-    svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, Prob, !CallSiteProbMap),
-    ( call_site_is_recursive(CallSite, ThisClique) ->
-        !:RecursiveCalls = !.RecursiveCalls + Prob, 
-        svset.insert(CallSite, !RecursiveCallSites)
-    ;
-        MaybeTotal = CSSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
-        (
-            MaybeTotal = yes(Total),
-            PercallCost = Total ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall
-        ;
-            MaybeTotal = no,
-            error("clique_call_site has 'no' for perf_row_maybe_total")
-        ),
-        !:NonRecCSCost = !.NonRecCSCost + PercallCost
-    ).
-:- pred call_site_is_recursive(clique_call_site_report::in, clique_ptr::in) 
-    is semidet.
-call_site_is_recursive(CallSite, ThisClique) :-
-    % Note that according to this any higher order call site that
-    % is recursive in some cases and non-recursive in others is
-    % considered to be recursive.  The cost of it's non-recursive
-    % calls is not factored into the calculation of the cost of
-    % recursive call sites.
-    member(CalleePerf, CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
-    CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr = ThisClique.
-:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(float::in,
-    map(goal_path, float)::in, clique_call_site_report::in, 
-    map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::in, map(goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::out) is det.
-        CallSiteProbabilityMap, CallSite, !Map) :-
-    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
-    GoalPath = CSSummary ^ perf_row_subject ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-    map.lookup(CallSiteProbabilityMap, GoalPath, Calls),
-    Cost = build_cs_cost_csq_percall(Calls, RecursiveCostPerCall),
-    svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, Cost, !Map).
 % Search for paralleliation opportunities within a procedure.
@@ -1510,45 +1115,6 @@ pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(In
-:- type find_costly_call_result
-    --->    costly_call_found(
-                fccrfc_goals_before     :: list(pard_goal_detail),
-                fccrfc_call             :: pard_goal_detail,
-                fccrfc_gaols_after      :: list(pard_goal_detail)
-            )
-    ;       costly_call_not_found.
-:- pred find_costly_call(list(pard_goal_detail)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
-    find_costly_call_result::out) is det.
-find_costly_call(Goals, GoalsBefore0, Result) :-
-    (
-        Goals = [Goal | GoalsTail],
-        GoalType = Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_pg_type,
-        (
-            (
-                GoalType = pgt_call(_, CostAboveThreshold, _, _)
-            ;
-                GoalType = pgt_other_atomic_goal,
-                CostAboveThreshold = cost_not_above_par_threshold
-            ),
-            (
-                CostAboveThreshold = cost_above_par_threshold,
-                Result = costly_call_found(GoalsBefore0, Goal, GoalsTail)
-            ;
-                CostAboveThreshold = cost_not_above_par_threshold,
-                GoalsBefore = GoalsBefore0 ++ [Goal],
-                find_costly_call(GoalsTail, GoalsBefore, Result)
-            )
-        ;
-            GoalType = pgt_non_atomic_goal,
-            error(this_file ++ "Found non-atomic goal")
-        )
-    ;
-        Goals = [],
-        Result = costly_call_not_found
-    ).
 :- type best_parallelisation
     --->    bp_parallel_execution(
                 bp_goals_before         :: list(pard_goal_detail),
@@ -2672,12 +2238,6 @@ graph_do_lookup(Lookup, Graph, GoalNum, 
     Lookup(Graph, lookup_key(Graph, GoalNum), DepsKeys),
     Deps = set(map(lookup_vertex(Graph), to_sorted_list(DepsKeys))).
-:- pred insert_empty_set(int::in, 
-    map(int, set(int))::in, map(int, set(int))::out) is det.
-insert_empty_set(K, !Map) :-
-    svmap.det_insert(K, set.init, !Map).
 :- pred build_dependency_graph(list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in, 
     map(var_rep, int)::in, map(var_rep, int)::out,
     digraph(int)::in, digraph(int)::out) is det.
@@ -2709,18 +2269,6 @@ build_dependency_graph([PG | PGs], ConjN
     build_dependency_graph(PGs, ConjNum + 1, !VarDepMap, !Graph).
-:- pred add_var_to_var_dep_map(int::in, var_rep::in, 
-    map(var_rep, set(int))::in, map(var_rep, set(int))::out) is det. 
-add_var_to_var_dep_map(ConjNum, Var, !VarDepMap) :-
-    ( map.search(!.VarDepMap, Var, ConjNums0) ->
-        % This is a multiple instantiation.
-        svmap.det_update(Var, insert(ConjNums0, ConjNum), !VarDepMap)
-    ;
-        singleton_set(ConjNums, ConjNum),
-        svmap.det_insert(Var, ConjNums, !VarDepMap)
-    ).
     % foldl(get_productions_map(Goals, 0,0, _, Vars, _, map.init, Map).
     % Build a map of variable productions in Goals.
@@ -3519,46 +3067,6 @@ css_to_call(Deep, CSS, Call) :-
 this_file = "mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m: ".
-:- func build_cs_cost_from_perf(perf_row_data(T)) = cs_cost_csq.
-build_cs_cost_from_perf(Perf) = CSCost :-
-    MaybePerfTotal = Perf ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
-    (
-        MaybePerfTotal = yes(PerfTotal)
-    ;
-        MaybePerfTotal = no,
-        error(this_file ++ 
-            "Could not retrieve total cost from perf data")
-    ),
-    TotalCSQ = PerfTotal ^ perf_row_callseqs,
-    Calls = Perf ^ perf_row_calls,
-    CSCost = build_cs_cost_csq(Calls, float(TotalCSQ)).
-:- pred transitive_map_insert(T::in, T::in, 
-    map(T, set(T))::in, map(T, set(T))::out) is det.
-transitive_map_insert(K, V, !Map) :-
-    ( map.search(!.Map, K, Vs0) ->
-        ( member(V, Vs0) ->
-            true
-        ;
-            insert(Vs0, V, Vs1),
-            ( map.search(!.Map, V, VsTransitive) ->
-                union(Vs1, VsTransitive, Vs)
-            ;
-                Vs = Vs1
-            ),
-            svmap.det_update(K, Vs, !Map)
-        )
-    ;
-        ( map.search(!.Map, V, VsTransitive) ->
-            insert(VsTransitive, V, Vs)
-        ;
-            singleton_set(Vs, V)
-        ),
-        svmap.det_insert(K, Vs, !Map)
-    ).
 create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report(Proc - CandidateParConjunctionProc, 
@@ -3737,40 +3245,38 @@ format_pard_goal_annotation(GoalAnnotati
         Report = cord.empty
-:- pred format_vars(int::in, int::in, list(maybe(string))::in, 
-    cord(string)::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
-format_vars(_, _, [], !Reports).
-format_vars(Indent, ColsUsed0, [Var | Vars], !Reports) :-
-    (
-        Var = no,
-        Report0 = "_"
-    ;
-        Var = yes(VarName),
-        Report0 = VarName
-    ),
+:- pred debug_cliques_below_threshold(candidate_child_clique::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+debug_cliques_below_threshold(Clique, !IO) :-
+    Perf = Clique ^ ccc_perf,
+    CliquePtr = Perf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+    CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+    Calls = Perf ^ perf_row_calls,
+    MaybeTotals = Perf ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
-        Vars = [],
-        Report = Report0
+        MaybeTotals = yes(Totals),
+        PercallCost = Totals ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall
-        Vars = [_ | _],
-        Report = Report0 ++ ", "
+        MaybeTotals = no,
+        PercallCost = Perf ^ perf_row_self ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall
-    ColsUsed1 = ColsUsed0 + length(Report),
-    ( ColsUsed1 >= 80 ->
-        !:Reports = !.Reports ++ nl_indent(Indent),
-        ColsUsed = length(Report)
-    ;
-        ColsUsed = ColsUsed1
-    ),
-    !:Reports = snoc(!.Reports, Report),
-    format_vars(Indent, ColsUsed, Vars, !Reports).
+    io.format("D: Not entering clique: %d, " ++
+        "it is below the clique threashold\n  " ++
+        "It has per-call cost %f and is called %d times\n\n",
+        [i(CliqueNum), f(PercallCost), i(Calls)], !IO).
-:- pred format_callee(callee_rep::in, string::out) is det.
+:- pred debug_cliques_exeeded_parallelism(candidate_child_clique::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-format_callee(unknown_callee, "unknwon_call").
-format_callee(named_callee(Module, Proc), 
-    format("%s.%s", [s(Module), s(Proc)])).
+debug_cliques_exeeded_parallelism(Clique, !IO) :-
+    CliquePtr = Clique ^ ccc_perf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+    CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+    io.format("D: Not entiring clique %d, " ++
+        "no-more parallelisation resources available at this context\n\n",
+        [i(CliqueNum)], !IO).
 :- end_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.
Index: deep_profiler/message.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/message.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -p -b -r1.6 message.m
--- deep_profiler/message.m	4 Aug 2010 02:25:02 -0000	1.6
+++ deep_profiler/message.m	24 Sep 2010 07:32:37 -0000
@@ -131,6 +131,12 @@
     ;       warning_cannot_compute_procrep_coverage_fallback(string)
+                % Couldn't compute the cost of recursive calls.
+                %
+                % The parameter contains extra information about this error.
+                %
+    ;       warning_cannot_compute_cost_of_recursive_calls(string)
                 % We don't yet handle clique_proc_reports with multiple proc
                 % dynamics.
@@ -245,6 +251,8 @@ message_type_to_level(notice_partition_d
 message_type_to_level(warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn) = message_warning.
 message_type_to_level(warning_cannot_compute_procrep_coverage_fallback(_)) =
+message_type_to_level(warning_cannot_compute_cost_of_recursive_calls(_)) = 
+    message_warning.
 message_type_to_level(error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc) = 
 message_type_to_level(error_coverage_procrep_error(_)) =
@@ -253,6 +261,7 @@ message_type_to_level(error_exception_th
 :- func message_type_to_string(message_type) = cord(string).
 message_type_to_string(MessageType) = Cord :-
@@ -307,6 +316,10 @@ message_type_to_string(MessageType) = Co
             MessageType = error_exception_thrown(ErrorStr),
             Template = "Exception thrown: %s"
+        ;
+            MessageType =
+                warning_cannot_compute_cost_of_recursive_calls(ErrorStr),
+            Template = "Cannot compute cost of recursive calls: %s"
         string.format(Template, [s(ErrorStr)], String)
Index: deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -p -b -r1.3 recursion_patterns.m
--- deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m	24 Sep 2010 00:00:12 -0000	1.3
+++ deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m	25 Sep 2010 05:14:25 -0000
@@ -67,13 +67,21 @@ create_clique_recursion_costs_report(Dee
         MaybeCliqueRecursionReport) :-
     find_clique_first_and_other_procs(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeFirstPDPtr, 
+    deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, ParentCallPtr),
+    ( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, ParentCallPtr) ->
+        deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, ParentCallPtr, ParentCall),
+        ParentCalls = calls(ParentCall ^ csd_own_prof)
+    ;
+        % The first call from the runtime doesn't have a valid CSD.
+        ParentCalls = 1
+    ),
         MaybeFirstPDPtr = yes(FirstPDPtr),
         NumProcs = length(OtherPDPtrs) + 1,
             OtherPDPtrs = [],
             % Exaclty one procedure
-            proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, CliquePtr, FirstPDPtr, 
+            proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, CliquePtr, FirstPDPtr, ParentCalls, 
             OtherPDPtrs = [_ | _],
@@ -96,12 +104,13 @@ create_clique_recursion_costs_report(Dee
 :- pred proc_get_recursion_type(deep::in, clique_ptr::in, 
-    proc_dynamic_ptr::in, maybe_error(recursion_type)::out) is det.
+    proc_dynamic_ptr::in, int::in, maybe_error(recursion_type)::out) is det.
-proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, ThisClique, PDPtr, MaybeRecursionType) :-
-    lookup_pd_own(Deep ^ pd_own, PDPtr, PDOwn),
-    Calls = calls(PDOwn),
+proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, ThisClique, PDPtr, ParentCalls,
+        MaybeRecursionType) :-
     lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep ^ proc_dynamics, PDPtr, PD), 
+    deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, PDPtr, PDOwn),
+    TotalCalls = calls(PDOwn),
     create_dynamic_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PDPtr, MaybeCoverageReport),
         MaybeCoverageReport = ok(CoverageReport),
@@ -111,8 +120,8 @@ proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, ThisClique
             PD ^ pd_sites, map.init, CallSitesMap),
         goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSitesMap, empty_goal_path,
             Goal, RecursionData),
-        recursion_data_to_recursion_type(Calls, RecursionData,
-            RecursionType),
+        recursion_data_to_recursion_type(ParentCalls, TotalCalls,
+            RecursionData, RecursionType),
         MaybeRecursionType = ok(RecursionType)
         MaybeCoverageReport = error(Error), 
@@ -186,19 +195,19 @@ call_site_dynamic_get_callee_and_costs(D
     lookup_clique_index(Deep ^ clique_index, PDPtr, CalleeCliquePtr), 
     Own = CSD ^ csd_own_prof.
-:- pred recursion_data_to_recursion_type(int::in, recursion_data::in,
+:- pred recursion_data_to_recursion_type(int::in, int::in, recursion_data::in,
     recursion_type::out) is det.
+recursion_data_to_recursion_type(ParentCallsI, TotalCallsI, 
         recursion_data(Levels, Maximum, Errors), Type) :-
-    Calls = float(CallsI),
+    ParentCalls = float(ParentCallsI),
+    TotalCalls = float(TotalCallsI),
     ( search(Levels, 0, RLBase) ->
         RLBase = recursion_level(BaseCost, BaseProb),
-        BaseCountF = probability_to_float(BaseProb) * Calls,
+        BaseCountF = probability_to_float(BaseProb) * TotalCalls,
         BaseCount = round_to_int(BaseCountF)
         BaseCost = 0.0,
-        BaseCountF = 0.0,
         BaseCount = 0,
         BaseProb = impossible
@@ -211,14 +220,14 @@ recursion_data_to_recursion_type(CallsI,
         ; Maximum = 1 ->
             ( search(Levels, 1, RLRec) ->
                 RLRec = recursion_level(RecCost, RecProb),
-                RecCountF = probability_to_float(RecProb) * Calls,
+                RecCountF = probability_to_float(RecProb) * TotalCalls,
                 RecLevel = recursion_level_report(1, round_to_int(RecCountF),
                     RecProb, RecCost, 1.0)
                 error(format("%smaximum level %d not found", 
                     [s(this_file), i(1)]))
-            AvgMaxDepth = RecCountF / BaseCountF,
+            AvgMaxDepth = TotalCalls / ParentCalls,
             AvgRecCost = single_rec_average_recursion_cost(BaseCost, RecCost,
             AnyRecCost = single_rec_recursion_cost(BaseCost, RecCost),
@@ -230,7 +239,7 @@ recursion_data_to_recursion_type(CallsI,
             ( search(Levels, 2, RLRec) ->
                 RLRec = recursion_level(RecCost, RecProb),
-                RecCountF = probability_to_float(RecProb) * Calls,
+                RecCountF = probability_to_float(RecProb) * ParentCalls,
                 RecLevel = recursion_level_report(2, round_to_int(RecCountF),
                     RecProb, RecCost, RecCountF*2.0)
@@ -239,7 +248,7 @@ recursion_data_to_recursion_type(CallsI,
             Type = rt_divide_and_conquer(BaseLevel, RecLevel)
-            map(recursion_level_report(Calls), Levels, LevelsReport),
+            map(recursion_level_report(TotalCalls), Levels, LevelsReport),
             Type = rt_other(LevelsReport)
@@ -247,7 +256,7 @@ recursion_data_to_recursion_type(CallsI,
         Type = rt_errors(Messages)
 % A procedure that is never called never recurses.
-recursion_data_to_recursion_type(_, proc_dead_code, rt_not_recursive).
+recursion_data_to_recursion_type(_, _, proc_dead_code, rt_not_recursive).
 :- pred recursion_level_report(float::in, pair(int, recursion_level)::in, 
     recursion_level_report::out) is det.
Index: deep_profiler/report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -p -b -r1.24 report.m
--- deep_profiler/report.m	24 Sep 2010 00:00:12 -0000	1.24
+++ deep_profiler/report.m	24 Sep 2010 07:28:26 -0000
@@ -222,6 +222,8 @@
                 rts_base                    :: recursion_level_report,
                 rts_recursive               :: recursion_level_report,
                 rts_avg_max_depth           :: float,
+                % These costs are per-call.
                 rts_avg_rec_cost            :: float,
                 % The cost at any level is Cost = func(Level).
Index: mdbcomp/program_representation.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/mdbcomp/program_representation.m,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -p -b -r1.51 program_representation.m
--- mdbcomp/program_representation.m	4 Jul 2010 10:24:09 -0000	1.51
+++ mdbcomp/program_representation.m	27 Sep 2010 04:13:49 -0000
@@ -533,6 +533,14 @@
 :- pred goal_path_inside(goal_path::in, goal_path::in) is semidet.
+    % goal_path_inside(PathA, PathB, Relative):
+    %
+    % As above, except that Releative denotes the same goal that PathB denotes,
+    % only from GoalA's perspective.
+    %
+:- pred goal_path_inside(goal_path::in, goal_path::in, goal_path::out) 
+    is semidet.
     % Converts a string to a goal path, failing if the string is not a valid
     % goal path.
@@ -910,8 +918,12 @@ empty_goal_path(goal_path([])).
 singleton_goal_path(Step) = goal_path([Step]).
+goal_path_inside(PathA, PathB, Relative) :-
+    list.remove_suffix(PathB ^ gp_steps, PathA ^ gp_steps, RelativeSteps),
+    Relative = goal_path(RelativeSteps).
 goal_path_inside(PathA, PathB) :-
-    list.append(_, PathA ^ gp_steps, PathB ^ gp_steps).
+    goal_path_inside(PathA, PathB, _).
 goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath0, GoalPathStep) = GoalPath :-
     goal_path_snoc(GoalPath, GoalPath0, GoalPathStep).
-------------- next part --------------
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