[m-rev.] for review: ssdebug grade changes

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Fri May 14 15:31:34 AEST 2010

Branches: main, 10.04

Lift some assumptions that the only Java and Erlang grades are `java' and

Finally use `--force-disable-ssdebug' instead of `--no-ssdb' to disable the
source-to-source debugging tranformation where required.  The latter is
incorrect as it changes the grade, which disrupts the install path with `mmc

        Remove the variable `INSTALL_JAVA_LIBRARY_DIR' as it assumes only one
        Java grade is possible.

        Don't use default `--java-classpath' options to add Mercury standard
        libraries to the Java class path, for the same reason.

        Add a predicate to return the Mercury standard libraries needed for a
        Java program as they are no longer listed in Mercury.config.

        Add the Mercury standard libraries when creating the shell script to
        launch Java programs.

        Add the Mercury standard libraries when calling the Java compiler.

        Don't hard code `java' and `erlang' grades when installing library
        grade files.

        Use `--force-disable-ssdebug' to disable the transform.

        Don't implicitly import the `ssdb' module if `--force-disable-ssdebug'
        is enabled.

        Reset the `source_to_source_debug' option on encountering a `--grade'

diff --git a/browser/MDB_FLAGS.in b/browser/MDB_FLAGS.in
index f7eb5b8..3d67dbd 100644
--- a/browser/MDB_FLAGS.in
+++ b/browser/MDB_FLAGS.in
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
diff --git a/compiler/compile_target_code.m b/compiler/compile_target_code.m
index fbc23d9..9724aa3 100644
--- a/compiler/compile_target_code.m
+++ b/compiler/compile_target_code.m
@@ -925,17 +925,9 @@ compile_java_files(ErrorStream, JavaFiles, Globals, Succeeded, !IO) :-
     globals.lookup_accumulating_option(Globals, java_flags, JavaFlagsList),
     join_string_list(JavaFlagsList, "", "", " ", JAVAFLAGS),
-    globals.lookup_accumulating_option(Globals, java_classpath,
-        Java_Incl_Dirs),
-    (
-        ( dir.use_windows_paths
-        ; io.have_cygwin
-        )
-    ->
-        PathSeparator = ";"
-    ;
-        PathSeparator = ":"
-    ),
+    get_mercury_std_libs_for_java(Globals, MercuryStdLibs),
+    globals.lookup_accumulating_option(Globals, java_classpath, UserClasspath),
+    Java_Incl_Dirs = MercuryStdLibs ++ UserClasspath,
     % We prepend the current CLASSPATH (if any) to preserve the accumulating
     % nature of this variable.
     get_env_classpath(EnvClasspath, !IO),
@@ -944,7 +936,7 @@ compile_java_files(ErrorStream, JavaFiles, Globals, Succeeded, !IO) :-
         ClassPathList = [EnvClasspath | Java_Incl_Dirs]
-    ClassPath = string.join_list(PathSeparator, ClassPathList),
+    ClassPath = string.join_list(java_classpath_separator, ClassPathList),
     ( ClassPath = "" ->
         InclOpt = ""
@@ -997,6 +989,19 @@ compile_java_files(ErrorStream, JavaFiles, Globals, Succeeded, !IO) :-
     invoke_system_command(Globals, ErrorStream, cmd_verbose_commands, Command,
         Succeeded, !IO).
+:- func java_classpath_separator = string.
+java_classpath_separator = PathSeparator :-
+    (
+        ( dir.use_windows_paths
+        ; io.have_cygwin
+        )
+    ->
+        PathSeparator = ";"
+    ;
+        PathSeparator = ":"
+    ).
 assemble(ErrorStream, PIC, ModuleName, Globals, Succeeded, !IO) :-
@@ -1951,6 +1956,7 @@ link_exe_or_shared_lib(Globals, ErrorStream, LinkTargetType, ModuleName,
     % libraries needed by them.
     % Return the empty string if --mercury-standard-library-directory
     % is not set.
+    % NOTE: changes here may require changes to get_mercury_std_libs_for_java.
 :- pred get_mercury_std_libs(globals::in, linked_target_type::in, string::out)
     is det.
@@ -2101,7 +2107,7 @@ get_mercury_std_libs(Globals, TargetType, StdLibs) :-
         MaybeStdlibDir = no,
         StdLibs = ""
     % Pass either `-llib' or `PREFIX/lib/GRADE/liblib.a', depending on
     % whether we are linking with static or shared Mercury libraries.
diff --git a/compiler/handle_options.m b/compiler/handle_options.m
index dfab9b2..2817952 100644
--- a/compiler/handle_options.m
+++ b/compiler/handle_options.m
@@ -2919,6 +2919,7 @@ grade_start_values(minimal_model_debug - bool(no)).
 grade_start_values(pic_reg - bool(no)).
 grade_start_values(exec_trace - bool(no)).
 grade_start_values(decl_debug - bool(no)).
+grade_start_values(source_to_source_debug - bool(no)).
 grade_start_values(extend_stacks_when_needed - bool(no)).
 :- pred split_grade_string(string::in, list(string)::out) is semidet.
diff --git a/compiler/make.program_target.m b/compiler/make.program_target.m
index 4ee8281..adaa07d 100644
--- a/compiler/make.program_target.m
+++ b/compiler/make.program_target.m
@@ -1571,13 +1571,13 @@ install_library_grade_files(Globals, LinkSucceeded0, GradeDir, ModuleName,
         globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, install_prefix, Prefix),
-        ( GradeDir = "java" ->
-            GradeLibDir = Prefix/"lib"/"mercury"/"lib"/"java",
+        ( string.prefix(GradeDir, "java") ->
+            GradeLibDir = Prefix/"lib"/"mercury"/"lib"/GradeDir,
             install_file(Globals, JarFileName, GradeLibDir, LibsSucceeded,
             InitSucceeded = yes
-        ; GradeDir = "erlang" ->
-            GradeLibDir = Prefix/"lib"/"mercury"/"lib"/"erlang",
+        ; string.prefix(GradeDir, "erlang") ->
+            GradeLibDir = Prefix/"lib"/"mercury"/"lib"/GradeDir,
             % Our "Erlang archives" are actually directories.
             install_directory(Globals, ErlangArchiveFileName, GradeLibDir,
                 LibsSucceeded, !IO),
diff --git a/compiler/module_cmds.m b/compiler/module_cmds.m
index e7b45cb..e135699 100644
--- a/compiler/module_cmds.m
+++ b/compiler/module_cmds.m
@@ -140,6 +140,12 @@
 :- pred create_java_shell_script(globals::in, module_name::in, bool::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    % Return the standard Mercury libraries needed for a Java program.
+    % Return the empty list if --mercury-standard-library-directory
+    % is not set.
+    %
+:- pred get_mercury_std_libs_for_java(globals::in, list(string)::out) is det.
     % Given a list .class files, return the list of .class files that should be
     % passed to `jar'.  This is required because nested classes are in separate
     % files which we don't know about, so we have to scan the directory to
@@ -679,11 +685,12 @@ create_java_shell_script(Globals, MainModuleName, Succeeded, !IO) :-
     get_class_dir_name(Globals, ClassDirName),
     string.replace_all(ClassDirName, "\\", "/", ClassDirNameUnix),
+    get_mercury_std_libs_for_java(Globals, MercuryStdLibs),
     globals.lookup_accumulating_option(Globals, java_classpath,
-        Java_Incl_Dirs0),
+        UserClasspath),
     % We prepend the .class files' directory and the current CLASSPATH.
-    Java_Incl_Dirs = ["$DIR/" ++ ClassDirNameUnix,
-        "$CLASSPATH" | Java_Incl_Dirs0],
+    Java_Incl_Dirs = ["$DIR/" ++ ClassDirNameUnix] ++ MercuryStdLibs ++
+        ["$CLASSPATH" | UserClasspath],
     ClassPath = string.join_list("${SEP}", Java_Incl_Dirs),
     globals.lookup_string_option(Globals, java_interpreter, Java),
@@ -728,6 +735,30 @@ create_java_shell_script(Globals, MainModuleName, Succeeded, !IO) :-
         Succeeded = no
+    % NOTE: changes here may require changes to get_mercury_std_libs.
+get_mercury_std_libs_for_java(Globals, !:StdLibs) :-
+    !:StdLibs = [],
+    globals.lookup_maybe_string_option(Globals,
+        mercury_standard_library_directory, MaybeStdlibDir),
+    (
+        MaybeStdlibDir = yes(StdLibDir),
+        grade_directory_component(Globals, GradeDir),
+        % Source-to-source debugging libraries.
+        globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, source_to_source_debug,
+            SourceDebug),
+        (
+            SourceDebug = yes,
+            list.cons(StdLibDir/"lib"/GradeDir/"mer_ssdb.jar", !StdLibs),
+            list.cons(StdLibDir/"lib"/GradeDir/"mer_mdbcomp.jar", !StdLibs)
+        ;
+            SourceDebug = no
+        ),
+        list.cons(StdLibDir/"lib"/GradeDir/"mer_std.jar", !StdLibs),
+        list.cons(StdLibDir/"lib"/GradeDir/"mer_rt.jar", !StdLibs)
+    ;
+        MaybeStdlibDir = no
+    ).
 list_class_files_for_jar(Globals, MainClassFiles, ClassSubDir,
         ListClassFiles, !IO) :-
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, use_subdirs, UseSubdirs),
diff --git a/compiler/module_imports.m b/compiler/module_imports.m
index f21d3cd..e7ec8fa 100644
--- a/compiler/module_imports.m
+++ b/compiler/module_imports.m
@@ -563,11 +563,14 @@ add_implicit_imports(Items, Globals, !ImportDeps, !UseDeps) :-
         UseRegions = no
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, source_to_source_debug, SSDB),
+    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, force_disable_ssdebug, DisableSSDB),
         SSDB = yes,
+        DisableSSDB = no
+    ->
         !:UseDeps = [mercury_ssdb_builtin_module | !.UseDeps]
-        SSDB = no
+        true
 :- pred items_need_imports(list(item)::in,
diff --git a/library/LIB_FLAGS.in b/library/LIB_FLAGS.in
index 338cb2c..bd857cd 100644
--- a/library/LIB_FLAGS.in
+++ b/library/LIB_FLAGS.in
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 --trace minimum
 --c-include-directory ../boehm_gc
 --c-include-directory ../boehm_gc/include
diff --git a/library/Mmakefile b/library/Mmakefile
index f6a6af3..e1187d6 100644
--- a/library/Mmakefile
+++ b/library/Mmakefile
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ copy_java_runtime_files:
 	[ -d jmercury/runtime ] || cp -r ../java/runtime jmercury
 install_mer_rt: $(RT_LIB_NAME).jar
+	mkdir -p $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/mercury/lib/$(GRADE)
+	cp $(RT_LIB_NAME).jar $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/mercury/lib/$(GRADE)
diff --git a/mdbcomp/MDBCOMP_FLAGS.in b/mdbcomp/MDBCOMP_FLAGS.in
index 0177634..e04d3e0 100644
--- a/mdbcomp/MDBCOMP_FLAGS.in
+++ b/mdbcomp/MDBCOMP_FLAGS.in
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
diff --git a/scripts/Mercury.config.in b/scripts/Mercury.config.in
index 12b8a8e..2c3b627 100644
--- a/scripts/Mercury.config.in
+++ b/scripts/Mercury.config.in
 # be used by the substitution for SHARED_LIBS.
-# This needed for Java classpath.
 # If you change these, you will also need to change the files indicated in
 # scripts/c2init.in.
@@ -67,11 +64,6 @@ DEFAULT_MCFLAGS=\
 		--cflags-for-gotos "@CFLAGS_FOR_GOTOS@" \
 		--cflags-for-pic "@CFLAGS_FOR_PIC@" \
 		--c-flag-to-name-object-file "@OBJFILE_OPT@" \
-		--java-classpath "$(INSTALL_JAVA_LIBRARY_DIR)/$(RT_LIB_NAME).jar" \
-		--java-classpath "$(INSTALL_JAVA_LIBRARY_DIR)/$(STD_LIB_NAME).jar" \
-		--java-classpath "$(INSTALL_JAVA_LIBRARY_DIR)/mer_mdbcomp.jar" \
-		--java-classpath "$(INSTALL_JAVA_LIBRARY_DIR)/mer_browser.jar" \
-		--java-classpath "$(INSTALL_JAVA_LIBRARY_DIR)/mer_ssdb.jar" \
 		--java-flags "@JAVAC_FLAGS_FOR_HEAP_SIZE@" \
 		--object-file-extension ". at OBJ_SUFFIX@" \
 		--pic-object-file-extension ". at EXT_FOR_PIC_OBJECTS@" \
diff --git a/scripts/Mmake.vars.in b/scripts/Mmake.vars.in
index 4922837..d9f5436 100644
--- a/scripts/Mmake.vars.in
+++ b/scripts/Mmake.vars.in
@@ -690,7 +690,6 @@ FINAL_INSTALL_PREFIX	= @prefix@
 INSTALL_DVI_DIR		= $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/mercury/doc
diff --git a/ssdb/SSDB_FLAGS.in b/ssdb/SSDB_FLAGS.in
index 72d8925..be3a571 100644
--- a/ssdb/SSDB_FLAGS.in
+++ b/ssdb/SSDB_FLAGS.in
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

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