[m-rev.] For post-commit review: Automatic parallelisation improvements.

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Jun 8 22:57:53 AEST 2010

For post-commit review.  Probably by Zoltan.

Automatic parallelisation improvements.

The automatic parallelisation analysis now searches for the best way to
parallelise a conjunction when it's deciding if parallelisation is worth-while.
This mostly affects unifications and other cheap goals between two calls being
parallelised; it decides which parallel conjunct each of these goals should be
placed in.  The search used is a branch and bound search.

    As above,

    find_costly_call now returns find_costly_call_result rather than using the
    maybe type.  Instantiation sub-typing is used to guarantee that the goal
    returned is indeed a costly call.

    Fix a bug in calculate_dependant_parallel_cost.

    When printing the candidate parallel conjunction report include the goals
    before and after a parallel conjunction.

    Document the debug_parallel_conjunction_speedup trace flag.
    Create a new type parallelise_dep_conjs rather than using a boolean to
    represent this option.

    Add a new trace flag, debug_branch_and_bound enables trace goals that can
    be used to debug the branch and bound search for the best parallelisation.

    When printing the candidate parallel conjunction report remove some
    vertical whitespace after the header of the report. 

    Add a new trace flag, debug_branch_and_bound enables trace goals that can
    be used to debug the branch and bound search for the best parallelisation.
    This is commented out.

    Include the goals before and after a parallel conjunction in the
    candidate_par_conjunction type.

    Modify the parallel_exec_metrics code so that it can handle the cost of the
    goals before and after a parallel conjunction.

    Increment the feedback file format version.

    When reading a feedback file strip the program name of leading and trailing

    When printing a message for the incorrect_program_name error enclose the
    program names in quotes.

    Conform to changes in mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m

Index: deep_profiler/Mercury.options
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/Mercury.options,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -p -b -r1.13 Mercury.options
--- deep_profiler/Mercury.options	30 Apr 2010 13:09:54 -0000	1.13
+++ deep_profiler/Mercury.options	8 Jun 2010 12:42:27 -0000
@@ -40,4 +40,5 @@ MCFLAGS-top_procs = 	--no-optimize-dupli
 #MCFLAGS-mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism = \
 #	--trace-flag=debug_cpc_search \
 #	--trace-flag=debug_recursive_costs \
-#	--trace-flag=debug_parallel_conjunction_speedup
+#	--trace-flag=debug_parallel_conjunction_speedup \
+#	--trace-flag=debug_branch_and_bound
Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -p -b -r1.7 mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
--- deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m	30 Apr 2010 13:09:54 -0000	1.7
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m	8 Jun 2010 12:50:11 -0000
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 :- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.
 :- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
-:- import_module bool.
 :- import_module cord.
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module float.
@@ -53,9 +52,13 @@
                 cpc_locking_cost            :: int,
                 cpc_clique_threshold        :: int,
                 cpc_call_site_threshold     :: int,
-                cpc_parallelise_dep_conjs   :: bool
+                cpc_parallelise_dep_conjs   :: parallelise_dep_conjs 
+:- type parallelise_dep_conjs
+    --->    parallelise_dep_conjs
+    ;       do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs.
     % Perform Jerome's analysis and update the feedback info structure.
@@ -96,6 +99,7 @@
 :- import_module map.
 :- import_module maybe.
 :- import_module multi_map.
+:- import_module mutvar.
 :- import_module pqueue.
 :- import_module require.
 :- import_module set.
@@ -112,6 +116,12 @@
 %	--trace-flag=debug_recursive_costs 
 %     Debug the calculation of the costs of recursive call sites.
+%   --trace-flag=debug_parallel_conjunction_speedup
+%     Print candidate parallel conjunctions that are pessimisations.
+%   --trace-flag=debug_branch_and_bound
+%     Debug the branch and bound search for the best parallelisation.
 candidate_parallel_conjunctions(Opts, Deep, Messages, !Feedback) :-
     Opts = candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts(DesiredParallelism,
@@ -193,6 +203,9 @@ pard_goal_detail_to_pard_goal(pard_goal_
                     % The inst map info attached to the original goal.
+:- inst pard_goal_detail(T)
+    ---> pard_goal_detail(T, ground, ground, ground).
 :- type pard_goal_type 
     --->    pgt_call(
                 pgtc_callee             :: callee_rep,
@@ -1384,8 +1397,6 @@ partition_pard_goals(Location, [ PG | PG
 pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, DependencyMaps, Location, GoalPath,
         GoalsPartition, MaybeCandidate) :-
-    ParalleliseDependantConjs = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_parallelise_dep_conjs,
     % Setting up the first parallel conjunct is a different algorithm to the
     % latter ones, at this point we have the option of moving goals from before
     % the first costly call to either before or during the parallel
@@ -1395,64 +1406,21 @@ pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(In
     % conjunction dependant when it could be independent.
     pard_goals_partition(GoalsList, PartNum) = GoalsPartition,
     Goals = cord.from_list(GoalsList),
-    find_costly_call(Goals, cord.empty, GoalsBefore0, MaybeFirstCall,
-        GoalsDuringAfter),
-    (
-        MaybeFirstCall = yes(FirstCall),
-        FirstCallType = FirstCall ^ pgd_pg_type,
+    find_best_parallelisation(Info, Location, PartNum, DependencyMaps,
+        Goals, Parallelisation),
-            FirstCallType = pgt_call(_, _, _, _, _, FirstCallCallSite)
-        ;
-            ( FirstCallType = pgt_cheap_call(_, _, _, _, _)
-            ; FirstCallType = pgt_other_atomic_goal
-            ; FirstCallType = pgt_non_atomic_goal
-            ),
-            location_to_string(1, Location, LocationString),
-            Error = singleton(this_file) ++ singleton("\n") ++
-                LocationString ++
-                nl_indent(1) ++ singleton(format("partition %d", [i(PartNum)]))
-                ++ nl_indent(1) ++ 
-                    singleton("First call in conjunction is not a call\n"),
-            error(append_list(cord.list(Error)))
-        )
-    ;
-        MaybeFirstCall = no,
-        location_to_string(1, Location, LocationString),
-        Error = singleton(this_file) ++ singleton("\n") ++
-            LocationString ++
-            nl_indent(1) ++ singleton(format("partition %d", [i(PartNum)])) ++
-            nl_indent(1) ++ singleton("Couldn't find first call\n"),
-        error(append_list(cord.list(Error)))
-    ),
-    build_first_seq_conjunction(DependencyMaps, 
-        FirstCall ^ pgd_conj_num, length(GoalsBefore0),
-        length(GoalsDuringAfter), GoalsBefore0,
-        cord.singleton(FirstCall), FirstSeqConjunction0, _GoalsBefore),
-    ( get_first(FirstSeqConjunction0, FirstConj) ->
-        FirstConjNumOfFirstParConjunct = FirstConj ^ pgd_conj_num
+        Parallelisation = bp_no_best_parallelisation,
+        MaybeCandidate = no
-        error(this_file ++ "Found empty first parallel conjunct")
-    ),
-    pardgoals_build_par_conjs(GoalsDuringAfter, DependencyMaps,
-        FirstConjNumOfFirstParConjunct, FirstSeqConjunction0, _GoalsAfter,
-        cord.empty, ParConjsCord, conjuncts_are_independent, IsDependant),
-    (
-        not ( 
-            IsDependant = conjuncts_are_dependant,
-            ParalleliseDependantConjs = no
-        )
-    ->
-        calculate_parallel_cost(Info, ParConjsCord, ParMetricsIncomp),
-        NumCalls = FirstCallCallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^
-            perf_row_calls,
-        ParExecMetrics = 
-            finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(ParMetricsIncomp, NumCalls),
-        Speedup = parallel_exec_metrics_get_speedup(ParExecMetrics),
-        ParConjs = list(ParConjsCord),
-        Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(
-            goal_path_to_string(GoalPath), PartNum, IsDependant,
-            ParConjs, ParExecMetrics),
+        Parallelisation = bp_parallel_execution(GoalsBeforeCord, ParConjsCord,
+            GoalsAfterCord, IsDependent, Metrics),
+        Speedup = parallel_exec_metrics_get_speedup(Metrics),
+        GoalsBefore = list(GoalsBeforeCord),
+        GoalsAfter = list(GoalsAfterCord),
+        ParConjs = map((func(CordI) = seq_conj(list(CordI))),
+            list(ParConjsCord)),
+        Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath),
+            PartNum, IsDependent, GoalsBefore, ParConjs, GoalsAfter, Metrics),
         ( Speedup > 1.0 ->
             MaybeCandidate = yes(Candidate)
@@ -1475,199 +1443,291 @@ pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(In
                 create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(ProcLabel - FBCandidate, 
                 io.write_string("Not parallelising conjunction, " ++ 
-                    "insufficient speedup:", !IO),
-                io.write_string(append_list(cord.list(Report)), !IO),
-                io.nl(!IO)
+                    "insufficient speedup:\n", !IO),
+                io.write_string(append_list(cord.list(Report)), !IO)
-    ;
-        MaybeCandidate = no
-:- pred build_first_seq_conjunction(dependency_maps::in, 
-    int::in, int::in, int::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, 
-    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
-    cord(pard_goal_detail)::out) is det. 
-build_first_seq_conjunction(DependencyMaps, CallConjNum, NumGoalsBefore,
-        NumGoalsAfter, Goals0, !FirstSeqConjunction, GoalsBefore) :-
-    % Move over goals in reverse order.
-    ( split_last(Goals0, Goals, Goal) ->
-        ConjNum = Goal ^ pgd_conj_num,
-        depends_lookup_rev(DependencyMaps, ConjNum, GoalRevDeps),
-        depends_lookup_rev(DependencyMaps, CallConjNum, CallRevDeps),
-        (
-            % If later goals depend on this goal but not on the first call.
-            member(LaterGoalNum, (CallConjNum+1)..(CallConjNum+NumGoalsAfter)),
-            (
-                member(LaterGoalNum, GoalRevDeps)
-            =>
-                not member(LaterGoalNum, CallRevDeps)
-            )
-        ->
-            % Then this goal and all those before it must be in GoalsBefore.
-            % This can be pessimistic but we're not allowed to re-order goals.
-            GoalsBefore = Goals0
-        ;
-            % This goal may be parallelised as part of the first conjunction.
-            !:FirstSeqConjunction = cons(Goal, !.FirstSeqConjunction),
-            build_first_seq_conjunction(DependencyMaps, CallConjNum,
-                NumGoalsBefore, NumGoalsAfter, Goals, !FirstSeqConjunction,
-                GoalsBefore)
+:- type find_costly_call_result
+    --->    costly_call_found(
+                fccrfc_goals_before     :: cord(pard_goal_detail),
+                fccrfc_call             :: pard_goal_detail,
+                fccrfc_gaols_after      :: cord(pard_goal_detail)
-    ;
-        GoalsBefore = cord.empty
-    ).
+    ;       costly_call_not_found.
-:- pred pardgoals_build_par_conjs(cord(pard_goal_detail)::in,
-    dependency_maps::in, int::in,
-    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
-    cord(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail))::in,
-    cord(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail))::out,
-    conjuncts_are_dependant::in, conjuncts_are_dependant::out) is det.
-pardgoals_build_par_conjs(Goals0, DependencyMaps,
-        FirstConjNumOfFirstParConjunct, CurSeqConjunction0, GoalsAfter,
-        !ParConjs, !ConjsAreDependant) :-
-    % Find the next costly call.
-    find_costly_call(Goals0, cord.empty, GoalsBefore, MaybeNextCall, 
-        Goals),
-    (
-        MaybeNextCall = yes(NextCall),
-        % XXX: We put all the goals between two paralleliseable goals in the
-        % parallel conjunct with the second goal.  This seems to work as often
-        % small unifications occurring before the next goal are used to prepare
-        % some arguments for it.
-        CurSeqConjunction = CurSeqConjunction0,
-        NewSeqConjunction = snoc(GoalsBefore, NextCall),
-        % Has the conjunction become dependant.
-        map_pred(pg_get_conj_num, CurSeqConjunction, CurSeqConjNumsCord),
-        CurSeqConjNumsSet = set(list(CurSeqConjNumsCord)),
-        map_pred(pg_get_conj_num, NewSeqConjunction, NewSeqConjNumsCord),
-        (
-            !.ConjsAreDependant = conjuncts_are_independent,
-            member(NewSeqConjNum, NewSeqConjNumsCord),
-            depends_lookup(DependencyMaps, NewSeqConjNum, Dependencies),
-            intersect(Dependencies, CurSeqConjNumsSet, Intersection),
-            not set.empty(Intersection)
-        ->
-            !:ConjsAreDependant = conjuncts_are_dependant
-        ;
-            true
-        ),
+:- inst find_costly_call_result
+    --->    costly_call_found(ground, pard_goal_detail(pgt_call), ground)
+    ;       costly_call_not_found.
-        SeqConjunction = seq_conj(list(CurSeqConjunction)),
-        !:ParConjs = snoc(!.ParConjs, SeqConjunction),
-        pardgoals_build_par_conjs(Goals, DependencyMaps,
-            FirstConjNumOfFirstParConjunct, NewSeqConjunction, GoalsAfter,
-            !ParConjs, !ConjsAreDependant)
-    ;
-        MaybeNextCall = no,
-        ( cord.get_first(CurSeqConjunction0, FirstGoalInLastConjunct) ->
-            FirstConjNumOfLastParConjunct = 
-                FirstGoalInLastConjunct ^ pgd_conj_num
-        ; 
-            error(this_file ++ " empty parallel conjunct")
-        ),
-        % Because this is the last parallel conjunction we have the
-        % option of putting some remaining goals into the parallel conjunction
-        % as part of the last parallel conjunct.
-        sorted_list_to_set(
-            FirstConjNumOfFirstParConjunct..(FirstConjNumOfLastParConjunct-1),
-            GoalsInOtherParConjuncts),
-        build_last_seq_conjunction(Goals0, DependencyMaps,
-            GoalsInOtherParConjuncts, GoalsAfter, 
-            cord.empty, GoalsInLastConjunct),
-        SeqConjunction = seq_conj(list(
-            CurSeqConjunction0 ++ GoalsInLastConjunct)),
-        !:ParConjs = snoc(!.ParConjs, SeqConjunction)
-    ).
-:- pred find_costly_call(cord(pard_goal_detail)::in,
-    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
-    maybe(pard_goal_detail)::out,
-    cord(pard_goal_detail)::out) is det.
+:- pred find_costly_call(cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    find_costly_call_result::out(find_costly_call_result)) is det.
-find_costly_call(Goals, !GoalsBefore, MaybeCall, GoalsAfter) :-
+find_costly_call(Goals, GoalsBefore0, Result) :-
     ( head_tail(Goals, Goal, GoalsTail) ->
         GoalType = Goal ^ pgd_pg_type,
             GoalType = pgt_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
-            MaybeCall = yes(Goal),
-            GoalsAfter = GoalsTail
+            Result = costly_call_found(GoalsBefore0, Goal, GoalsTail)
             ( GoalType = pgt_cheap_call(_, _, _, _, _)
             ; GoalType = pgt_other_atomic_goal
-            !:GoalsBefore = snoc(!.GoalsBefore, Goal),
-            find_costly_call(GoalsTail, !GoalsBefore, MaybeCall, GoalsAfter)
+            GoalsBefore = snoc(GoalsBefore0, Goal),
+            find_costly_call(GoalsTail, GoalsBefore, Result)
             GoalType = pgt_non_atomic_goal,
             error(this_file ++ "Found non-atomic goal")
-        MaybeCall = no,
-        GoalsAfter = cord.empty
+        Result = costly_call_not_found
-:- pred build_last_seq_conjunction(cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, 
-    dependency_maps::in, set(int)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
-    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out) is det.
-build_last_seq_conjunction(Goals0, DependencyMaps, GoalsInOtherParConjuncts, 
-        GoalsAfter, !GoalsInLastConjunct) :-
-    ( head_tail(Goals0, Goal, Goals) ->
-        ConjNum = Goal ^ pgd_conj_num,
-        depends_lookup(DependencyMaps, ConjNum, Dependencies),
-        intersect(Dependencies, GoalsInOtherParConjuncts, Intersection),
-        (
-            % The goal is dependant apon a goal in a previous parallel conjunct.
-            not set.empty(Intersection) => 
-            % But not dependant upon a goal in the current parallel conjunct.
-            (
-                map_pred(pg_get_conj_num, !.GoalsInLastConjunct, 
-                    ConjNumsInLastConjunct),
-                intersect(Dependencies, set(list(ConjNumsInLastConjunct)),
-                    Intersection2),
-                set.empty(Intersection2)
+:- type best_parallelisation
+    --->    bp_parallel_execution(
+                bp_goals_before         :: cord(pard_goal_detail),
+                bp_par_conjs            :: cord(cord(pard_goal_detail)),
+                bp_goals_after          :: cord(pard_goal_detail),
+                bp_is_dependent         :: conjuncts_are_dependant,
+                bp_par_exec_metrics     :: parallel_exec_metrics
+            )
+                % Rather than using the sequential execution as an initial 
+                % value for the branch and bound search we use this value.
+                % This allows us to report the best parallelisation even when
+                % sequential execution is optimal.
+    ;       bp_no_best_parallelisation.
+:- type incomplete_parallelisation
+    --->    incomplete_parallelisation(
+                ip_goals_before         :: cord(pard_goal_detail),
+                ip_par_conjs            :: cord(cord(pard_goal_detail)),
+                ip_par_exec_overlap     :: parallel_execution_overlap,
+                ip_par_exec_metrics     :: parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
+                ip_is_outermost_conj    :: is_outermost_conjunct,
+                ip_can_make_cheap_conj  :: can_make_cheap_conj
+            ).
+:- type can_make_cheap_conj
+    --->    can_make_cheap_conj
+    ;       cannot_make_cheap_conj.
+:- pred find_best_parallelisation(implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
+    program_location::in, int::in, dependency_maps::in, 
+    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, best_parallelisation::out) is det.
+find_best_parallelisation(Info, Location, PartNum, DependencyMaps, Goals,
+        FinalBestParallelisation) :-
+    % Use a failure driven loop to implement a branch and bound solver.
+    promise_pure (
+        trace [compile_time(flag("debug_branch_and_bound")), io(!IO)] (
+            io.format("D: Branch and bound loop starting:\n%s\n",
+                [s(LocationString)], !IO),
+            location_to_string(1, Location, LocationCord),
+            string.append_list(list(LocationCord), LocationString)
+        ),
+        impure new_mutvar(bp_no_best_parallelisation,
+            BestParallelisationMutvar),
+        (
+            impure find_best_parallelisation_nondet(Info, Location, PartNum, 
+                DependencyMaps, Goals, BestParallelisationMutvar, 
+                BestParallelisation),
+            % this is the best parallelisation so far.
+            impure set_mutvar(BestParallelisationMutvar, BestParallelisation),
+            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_branch_and_bound")), io(!IO)] (
+                (
+                    BestParallelisation = bp_no_best_parallelisation
+                ;
+                    BestParallelisation = bp_parallel_execution(_, _, _, _,
+                        Metrics),
+                    io.format("D: Branch and bound: Solution par time: %f\n",
+                        [f(ParTime)], !IO),
+                    ParTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_par_time(Metrics)
+            ),
+            semidet_fail
-            % This goal and all those after it must be placed after the
-            % conjunction.
-            GoalsAfter = Goals0
+            error("Failure driven loop must fail")
-            % This goal does not depend on goals in other parallel conjuncts,
-            % we can parallelise it here without introducing an extra future.
-            !:GoalsInLastConjunct = snoc(!.GoalsInLastConjunct, Goal),
-            build_last_seq_conjunction(Goals, DependencyMaps,
-                GoalsInOtherParConjuncts, GoalsAfter, !GoalsInLastConjunct)
+            impure get_mutvar(BestParallelisationMutvar, 
+                FinalBestParallelisation),
+            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_branch_and_bound")), io(!IO)] (
+                io.write_string("D: Branch and bound loop finished\n", !IO)
+            )
-    ;
-        GoalsAfter = cord.empty
-    % calculate_dependant_parallel_cost(Conjs, ParExecMetrics).
-    %
-    % Analyse the parallel conjuncts and determine their likely performance.
-    %
-    % This is the new parallel execution overlap algorithm, it is general and
-    % therefore we also use is for independent conjunctions.
-    %
-:- pred calculate_parallel_cost(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    cord(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail))::in,
-    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete::out) is det.
-calculate_parallel_cost(Info, Conjs, ParallelExecMetrics) :-
-    % We parepare the conjunctions before calculating the parallelisation cost.
-    % In doing this we create a left-associative data structure that makes the
-    % left-associative walk in the next step easier.  The data structure also
-    % contains extra information preventing quadratic code in the actual
-    % calculation.
-    calculate_parallel_cost_2(Info, Conjs, is_outermost_conjunct,
-        ParallelExecMetrics, _ParallelExecOverlap, _ParallelExec,
-        _NumConjuncts).
+:- impure pred find_best_parallelisation_nondet(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    program_location::in, int::in, dependency_maps::in, 
+    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, 
+    mutvar(best_parallelisation)::in, best_parallelisation::out) is nondet.
+find_best_parallelisation_nondet(Info, Location, PartNum, DependencyMaps, Goals0, 
+        BestParallelisationMutvar, BestParallelisation) :-
+    find_costly_call(Goals0, cord.empty, FindCostlyCallResult),
+    (
+        FindCostlyCallResult = costly_call_found(GoalsBeforeFirstCall, 
+            FirstCall, GoalsAfterFirstCall)
+    ;
+        FindCostlyCallResult = costly_call_not_found,
+        location_to_string(1, Location, LocationString),
+        Error = singleton(this_file) ++ singleton("\n") ++
+            LocationString ++
+            nl_indent(1) ++ singleton(format("partition %d", [i(PartNum)])) ++
+            nl_indent(1) ++ singleton("Couldn't find first call\n"),
+        error(append_list(cord.list(Error)))
+    ),
+    FirstCallCallSite = FirstCall ^ pgd_pg_type ^ pgtc_call_site,
+    NumCalls = FirstCallCallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^
+        perf_row_calls,
+    % Generate goals before conjunction.
+    cord_split(GoalsBeforeFirstCall, GoalsBeforeConj, 
+        GoalsBeforeCallInFirstConj),
+    Goals1 = GoalsBeforeCallInFirstConj ++ singleton(FirstCall) ++ 
+        GoalsAfterFirstCall,
+    foldl_pred(pardgoal_calc_cost, GoalsBeforeConj, 0.0, CostBeforeConj),
+    Metrics0 = init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics(CostBeforeConj),
+    Parallelisation0 = incomplete_parallelisation(GoalsBeforeConj, 
+        empty, peo_empty_conjunct, Metrics0, is_outermost_conjunct,
+        cannot_make_cheap_conj),
+    impure find_best_parallelisation_2(Info, DependencyMaps, 
+        BestParallelisationMutvar, 0, map.init, Goals1, 
+        GoalsAfterConj, Parallelisation0, Parallelisation1),
+    % Finalise the metrics and determine if this is the best solution so far.
+    foldl_pred(pardgoal_calc_cost, GoalsAfterConj, 0.0, CostAfterConj),
+    Metrics1 = Parallelisation1 ^ ip_par_exec_metrics,
+    SparkDelay = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_delay,
+    SparkCost = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_cost,
+    Metrics = finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(Metrics1, NumCalls, CostAfterConj, 
+        float(SparkDelay + SparkCost)),
+    impure get_mutvar(BestParallelisationMutvar, CurrentBestParallelisation),
+    cbmr_metrics_is_better = compare_best_parallelisation_and_metrics(
+        CurrentBestParallelisation, Metrics),
+    Conjuncts = Parallelisation1 ^ ip_par_conjs,
+    Overlap = Parallelisation1 ^ ip_par_exec_overlap,
+    par_conj_overlap_is_dependant(Overlap, IsDependent),
+    BestParallelisation = bp_parallel_execution(GoalsBeforeConj, Conjuncts,
+        GoalsAfterConj, IsDependent, Metrics).
+:- impure pred find_best_parallelisation_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    dependency_maps::in, mutvar(best_parallelisation)::in, 
+    int::in, map(var_rep, float)::in, 
+    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out, 
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is nondet. 
+find_best_parallelisation_2(Info, DependencyMaps, BestParallelisationMutvar, 
+        NumConjuncts0, ProductionsMap0, !Goals, !Parallelisation) :-
+    IsOutermostConjunct = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_is_outermost_conj,
+    find_costly_call(!.Goals, cord.empty, FindCostlyCallResult),
+    (
+        FindCostlyCallResult = 
+            costly_call_found(GoalsBefore0, Call, GoalsAfter0),
+        (
+            can_make_cheap_conj = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_can_make_cheap_conj, 
+            find_costly_call(GoalsAfter0, cord.empty, 
+                costly_call_found(_, _, _)),
+            cord_split(GoalsBefore0, Conj, GoalsBefore),
+            !:Goals = snoc(GoalsBefore, Call) ++ GoalsAfter0,
+            !Parallelisation ^ ip_can_make_cheap_conj := cannot_make_cheap_conj
+        ;
+            % Determine how many goals to include after the call in this
+            % parallel conjunct.
+            cord_split(GoalsAfter0, GoalsAfter, !:Goals),
+            % Don't include two costly calls in the same parallel conjunct.
+            find_costly_call(GoalsAfter, cord.empty, costly_call_not_found),
+            % Build the new conjunct and test to see if this is no worse than
+            % our best parallelisation.
+            Conj = snoc(GoalsBefore0, Call) ++ GoalsAfter,
+            % If we've found the last costly call then there are no more
+            % conjuncts to make and therefore we cannot make a cheap conjunct,
+            % otherwise we can make a cheap conjunct.
+            find_costly_call(!.Goals, cord.empty, Result2),
+            (
+                Result2 = costly_call_not_found,
+                !Parallelisation ^ ip_can_make_cheap_conj :=
+                    cannot_make_cheap_conj
+            ;
+                Result2 = costly_call_found(_, _, _),
+                !Parallelisation ^ ip_can_make_cheap_conj := can_make_cheap_conj
+            )
+        ),
+        not is_empty(Conj),
+        Conjs0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_par_conjs,
+        Conjs = snoc(Conjs0, Conj),
+        Metrics0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_par_exec_metrics,
+        Overlap0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_par_exec_overlap,
+        calculate_parallel_cost_step(Info, IsOutermostConjunct, NumConjuncts0,
+            Conj, ProductionsMap0, ProductionsMap, Metrics0, Metrics, 
+            Overlap0, Overlap),
+        (
+            Overlap = peo_empty_conjunct,
+            DepVars = set.init
+        ;
+            Overlap = peo_conjunction(_, _, DepVars)
+        ),
+        ParalleliseDepConjs = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+        (
+            ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs
+        =>
+            set.empty(DepVars)
+        ),
+        SparkCost = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_cost,
+        SparkDelay = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_delay,
+        MetricsComplete = finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(Metrics, 1, 0.0, 
+            float(SparkDelay + SparkCost)),
+        impure get_mutvar(BestParallelisationMutvar, 
+            CurrentBestParallelisation),
+        cbmr_metrics_is_better = compare_best_parallelisation_and_metrics(
+            CurrentBestParallelisation, MetricsComplete), 
+        NumConjuncts = NumConjuncts0 + 1,
+        !Parallelisation ^ ip_par_exec_overlap := Overlap,
+        !Parallelisation ^ ip_par_exec_metrics := Metrics,
+        !Parallelisation ^ ip_par_conjs := Conjs,
+        !Parallelisation ^ ip_is_outermost_conj := is_not_outermost_conjunct,
+        impure find_best_parallelisation_2(Info, DependencyMaps, 
+            BestParallelisationMutvar, 
+            NumConjuncts, ProductionsMap, !Goals, !Parallelisation)
+    ;
+        FindCostlyCallResult = costly_call_not_found
+    ).
+:- type compare_best_and_metrics_result
+    --->    cbmr_metrics_is_better
+    ;       cbmr_metrics_is_not_better.
+    % Compare the best parallelisation with the current parallelisation.
+    %
+:- func compare_best_parallelisation_and_metrics(best_parallelisation,
+        parallel_exec_metrics) = compare_best_and_metrics_result.
+compare_best_parallelisation_and_metrics(BestParallelisation, Metrics) = 
+        Result :-
+    (
+        BestParallelisation = bp_no_best_parallelisation,
+        Result = cbmr_metrics_is_better
+    ;
+        BestParallelisation = bp_parallel_execution(_, _, _, _, BestMetrics),
+        BestParTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_par_time(BestMetrics),
+        ParTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_par_time(Metrics),
+        % TODO: Add other comparisons for tie breaking or a better optimisation
+        % formula.
+        ( BestParTime > ParTime ->
+            Result = cbmr_metrics_is_better
+        ;
+            Result = cbmr_metrics_is_not_better
+        )
+    ).
     % This datastructure represents the execution of dependant conjuncts, it
     % tracks which variabes are produced and consumed.
@@ -1706,6 +1766,13 @@ calculate_parallel_cost(Info, Conjs, Par
     % calculate_parallel_cost(Info, Conjunctions, IsOutermostConjunct,
     %   ParallelExecMetrics, ParallelExecOverlap, ProductionsMap, NumConjuncts).
+    % Analyse the parallel conjuncts and determine their likely performance.
+    % This code performs one step of the computation the steps are linked
+    % together by find_best_parallelisation.
+    %
+    % This is the new parallel execution overlap algorithm, it is general and
+    % therefore we also use is for independent conjunctions.
+    %
     % + CallerVars is the set of vars for which our caller wants us to build a
     %   productions map for.
@@ -1715,21 +1782,15 @@ calculate_parallel_cost(Info, Conjs, Par
     % + ProductionsMap: A productions map that covers the production of
     %   CallerVars.
-:- pred calculate_parallel_cost_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
-    cord(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail))::in, is_outermost_conjunct::in,
-    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete::out, parallel_execution_overlap::out,
-    map(var_rep, float)::out, int::out) is det.
-calculate_parallel_cost_2(Info, Conjs0, IsOutermostConjunct,
-        ParallelExecMetrics, ParallelExecOverlap, ProductionsMap, 
-        NumConjuncts) :-
-    ( cord.split_last(Conjs0, Conjs, Conj) ->
-        some [!ProductionsMap] (
-            calculate_parallel_cost_2(Info, Conjs, is_not_outermost_conjunct,
-                ParallelExecMetrics0, ParallelExecOverlap0, !:ProductionsMap,
-                NumConjuncts0), 
-            seq_conj(Goals) = Conj,
+:- pred calculate_parallel_cost_step(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    is_outermost_conjunct::in, int::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, 
+    map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out,
+    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete::in, parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete::out,
+    parallel_execution_overlap::in, parallel_execution_overlap::out) is det.
+calculate_parallel_cost_step(Info, IsOutermostConjunct, NumConjuncts, Conj,
+        !ProductionsMap, !Metrics, !Overlap) :-
+    Goals = list(Conj),
             foldl(pardgoal_calc_cost, Goals, 0.0, CostB),
             foldl(pardgoal_consumed_vars_accum, Goals, set.init,
@@ -1741,7 +1802,7 @@ calculate_parallel_cost_2(Info, Conjs0, 
             % the prevous conjunct.  Which in turn may have been sparked by an
             % earlier conjunct.
             SparkDelay = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_delay, 
-            StartTime0 = (NumConjuncts0 * SparkDelay),
+    StartTime0 = (NumConjuncts * SparkDelay),
             % If there are conjuncts after this conjunct we will have the
             % additional cost of sparking them.
@@ -1761,16 +1822,16 @@ calculate_parallel_cost_2(Info, Conjs0, 
             reverse(ConsumptionsList0, ConsumptionsList),
             % Determine how the parallel conjuncts overlap.
-            foldl4(calculate_dependant_parallel_cost_2(Info, !.ProductionsMap), 
+    foldl5(calculate_dependant_parallel_cost_2(Info, !.ProductionsMap), 
                 ConsumptionsList, 0.0, LastSeqConsumeTime, 
-                StartTime, LastParConsumeTime, [], RevExecution0, 
-                map.init, ConsumptionsMap),
-            RevExecution = [ (LastParConsumeTime - CostBPar) | RevExecution0 ],
+        StartTime, LastParConsumeTime, StartTime, LastResumeTime, 
+        [], RevExecution0, map.init, ConsumptionsMap),
+    RevExecution = [ (LastResumeTime - CostBPar) | RevExecution0 ],
             reverse(RevExecution, Execution),
             CostBPar = LastParConsumeTime + (CostB - LastSeqConsumeTime),
-            ParallelExecMetrics = init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(
-                ParallelExecMetrics0, CostB, CostBPar),
+    !:Metrics = 
+        init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(!.Metrics, CostB, CostBPar),
             % Build the productions map for our parent.  This map contains all
             % the variables produced by this code, not just that are used for
@@ -1780,31 +1841,19 @@ calculate_parallel_cost_2(Info, Conjs0, 
             DepConjExec = dependant_conjunct_execution(Execution,
                 !.ProductionsMap, ConsumptionsMap),
-            ParallelExecOverlap = peo_conjunction(ParallelExecOverlap0, 
-                DepConjExec, Vars),
-            ProductionsMap = !.ProductionsMap,
-            NumConjuncts = NumConjuncts0 + 1
-        )
-    ;
-        ParallelExecMetrics = init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics,
-        ParallelExecOverlap = peo_empty_conjunct,
-        ProductionsMap = map.init,
-        NumConjuncts = 0
-    ).
+    !:Overlap = peo_conjunction(!.Overlap, DepConjExec, Vars).
     % The main loop of the parallel overlap analysis.
 :- pred calculate_dependant_parallel_cost_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
     map(var_rep, float)::in, pair(var_rep, float)::in, float::in, float::out,
-    float::in, float::out,
+    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out,
     assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out, 
     map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
 calculate_dependant_parallel_cost_2(Info, ProductionsMap, Var - SeqConsTime,
-        !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime, !RevExecution,
-        !ConsumptionsMap) :-
+        !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime, !ResumeTime,
+        !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap) :-
     FutureSyncTime = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_locking_cost),
     map.lookup(ProductionsMap, Var, ProdTime),
@@ -1831,7 +1880,8 @@ calculate_dependant_parallel_cost_2(Info
         ProdTime > ParConsTimeNotBlocked 
         !:RevExecution = 
-            [ (!.PrevParConsumeTime - ParConsTimeNotBlocked) | !.RevExecution ] 
+            [ (!.ResumeTime - ParConsTimeNotBlocked) | !.RevExecution ],
+        !:ResumeTime = ParConsTime
@@ -1841,6 +1891,17 @@ calculate_dependant_parallel_cost_2(Info
     svmap.det_insert(Var, ParConsTime, !ConsumptionsMap).
+:- pred par_conj_overlap_is_dependant(parallel_execution_overlap::in, 
+    conjuncts_are_dependant::out) is det.
+par_conj_overlap_is_dependant(peo_empty_conjunct, conjuncts_are_independent).
+par_conj_overlap_is_dependant(peo_conjunction(Left, _, VarSet), IsDependent) :-
+    ( set.empty(VarSet) ->
+        par_conj_overlap_is_dependant(Left, IsDependent)
+    ;
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_dependant
+    ).
 :- pred pg_get_conj_num(pard_goal_detail::in, int::out) is det.
 pg_get_conj_num(PG, PG ^ pgd_conj_num).
@@ -2778,7 +2839,7 @@ transitive_map_insert(K, V, !Map) :-
 create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(Proc - CandidateParConjunction, Report) :-
     print_proc_label_to_string(Proc, ProcString),
     CandidateParConjunction = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath,
-        PartNum, IsDependant, Conjs, ParExecMetrics),
+        PartNum, IsDependant, GoalsBefore, Conjs, GoalsAfter, ParExecMetrics),
     NumCalls = parallel_exec_metrics_get_num_calls(ParExecMetrics),
         IsDependant = conjuncts_are_independent,
@@ -2796,7 +2857,7 @@ create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(Pr
     FutureDeadTime =
     TotalDeadTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_total_dead_time(ParExecMetrics),
-    format("\n      %s\n" ++
+    format("      %s\n" ++
            "      Path and Partition Num: %s, %d\n" ++
            "      Dependant: %s\n" ++
            "      NumCalls: %d\n" ++
@@ -2806,22 +2867,25 @@ create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(Pr
            "      Time saving: %f\n" ++
            "      First conj dead time: %f\n" ++
            "      Future dead time: %f\n" ++
-           "      Total dead time: %f", 
+           "      Total dead time: %f\n\n", 
         [s(ProcString), s(GoalPath), i(PartNum), s(DependanceString),
             i(NumCalls), f(SeqTime), f(ParTime), f(Speedup), f(TimeSaving), 
             f(FirstConjDeadTime), f(FutureDeadTime), f(TotalDeadTime)],
     ReportHeader = singleton(ReportHeaderStr),
+    format_sequential_conjuncts(3, GoalsBefore, empty, ReportGoalsBefore),
     format_parallel_conjunction(3, Conjs, ReportParConj), 
+    format_sequential_conjuncts(3, GoalsAfter, empty, ReportGoalsAfter),
-    Report = snoc(ReportHeader ++ ReportParConj, "\n").
+    Report = snoc(ReportHeader ++ ReportGoalsBefore ++ ReportParConj ++ 
+        ReportGoalsAfter, "\n").
 :- pred format_parallel_conjunction(int::in, 
     list(seq_conj(pard_goal))::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
 format_parallel_conjunction(Indent, Conjs, Report) :-
-    IndentStr = nl_indent(Indent),
+    IndentStr = indent(Indent),
     Report0 = IndentStr ++ singleton("(\n"),
     format_parallel_conjuncts(Indent, Conjs, Report0, Report). 
@@ -2830,7 +2894,7 @@ format_parallel_conjunction(Indent, Conj
 format_parallel_conjuncts(Indent, [], !Report) :-
     IndentStr = indent(Indent),
-    !:Report = snoc(!.Report ++ IndentStr, ")").
+    !:Report = snoc(!.Report ++ IndentStr, ")\n").
 format_parallel_conjuncts(Indent, [ Conj | Conjs ], !Report) :-
     format_sequential_conjunction(Indent + 1, Conj, ConjReport),
     !:Report = !.Report ++ ConjReport,
@@ -2922,5 +2986,27 @@ format_callee(named_callee(Module, Proc)
     format("%s.%s", [s(Module), s(Proc)])).
+:- pred cord_split(cord(T)::in, cord(T)::out, cord(T)::out) is multi.
+cord_split(Cord, A, B) :-
+    ( cord.head_tail(Cord, Head, Tail) ->
+        (
+            % Put the split before Cord,
+            A = cord.empty,
+            B = Cord
+        ;
+            % Put the split within or after Cord.
+            cord_split(Tail, TailA, B),
+            A = cons(Head, TailA)
+        )
+    ;
+        % An empty cord can only be split one way (since we say that the split
+        % may happen before the cord).
+        A = cord.empty,
+        B = cord.empty
+    ).
 :- end_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.
Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -p -b -r1.22 mdprof_feedback.m
--- deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m	13 May 2010 02:27:38 -0000	1.22
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m	8 Jun 2010 07:33:25 -0000
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ create_feedback_report(feedback_data_can
             "    Sparking delay: %d\n" ++
             "    Locking cost: %d\n" ++
             "    Number of Parallel Conjunctions: %d\n" ++
-            "    Parallel Conjunctions:\n",
+            "    Parallel Conjunctions:\n\n",
         [f(DesiredParallelism), i(SparkingCost), i(SparkingDelay),
          i(LockingCost), i(NumConjs)])),
     map(create_candidate_parallel_conj_report, Conjs, ReportConjs),
@@ -513,7 +513,14 @@ check_options(Options0, RequestedFeedbac
-            ParalleliseDepConjs),
+            ParalleliseDepConjsBool),
+        (
+            ParalleliseDepConjsBool = yes,
+            ParalleliseDepConjs = parallelise_dep_conjs
+        ;
+            ParalleliseDepConjsBool = no,
+            ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs
+        ),
         CandidateParallelConjunctionsOpts =
Index: mdbcomp/feedback.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/mdbcomp/feedback.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -p -b -r1.10 feedback.m
--- mdbcomp/feedback.m	13 May 2010 02:27:38 -0000	1.10
+++ mdbcomp/feedback.m	8 Jun 2010 12:53:16 -0000
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@
                 cpc_is_dependant        :: conjuncts_are_dependant,
+                cpc_goals_before        :: list(GoalType),
                 cpc_conjs               :: list(seq_conj(GoalType)),
                     % A list of parallel conjuncts, each is a sequential
                     % conjunction of inner goals.  All inner goals that are
@@ -131,6 +133,8 @@
                     % algorithms to construct the same parallel conjunction
                     % from the same program representation/HLDS structure.
+                cpc_goals_after         :: list(GoalType),
                 cpc_par_exec_metrics    :: parallel_exec_metrics
@@ -202,20 +206,6 @@
 :- type parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete.
-    % ParExecMetrics = init_parallel_execution_metrics(NumCalls, 
-    %   CostA, CostBSeq, CostBPar).
-    %
-    % CostA is the cost of the first conjunct in a conjunction.  CostBSeq is
-    % the cost of the second conjunct if this is a normal conjunction.
-    % CostBPar is the cost of the second conjunct if this is a parallel
-    % conjunction.
-    %
-    % This function should be used when building metrics for parallel
-    % conjunctions of exactly two conjuncts.
-    %
-:- func init_parallel_exec_metrics(int, float, float, float) =
-    parallel_exec_metrics. 
     % ParMetrics = init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(PartMetricsA,
     %   CostBSeq, CostBPar) 
@@ -233,20 +223,26 @@
 :- func init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
     float, float) = parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete.
-    % StartMetrics = init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics.
+    % StartMetrics = init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics(CostBefore).
     % Use this function to start with an empty set of metrics for an empty
     % conjunction.  Then use init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete to continue
     % adding conjuncts on the right.
-:- func init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics = parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete.
+:- func init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics(float) = 
+    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete.
-    % Metrics = finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(IncompleteMetrics, NumCalls).
+    % Metrics = finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(IncompleteMetrics, NumCalls,
+    %   CostAfterConj, RightConjDelay).:w
     % Make the metrics structure complete.
-:- func finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete, int) =
-    parallel_exec_metrics.
+    % RightConjDelay is the delay before the conjunct to the right of & will
+    % begin executing.  & is considered to be right-associative since that's
+    % how sparks are sparked.
+    %
+:- func finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete, 
+    int, float, float) = parallel_exec_metrics.
 :- func parallel_exec_metrics_get_num_calls(parallel_exec_metrics) = int.
@@ -573,7 +569,7 @@ read_program_name(Stream, _, Result, !IO
     io.read_line_as_string(Stream, IOResultLine, !IO),
         IOResultLine = ok(String),
-        Result = ok(String)
+        Result = ok(strip(String))
         IOResultLine = eof,
         Result = error(unexpected_eof)
@@ -665,7 +661,7 @@ read_error_message_string(File, Error, M
         Error = incorrect_program_name(Expected, Got),
         MessagePart =
             "Program name didn't match, is this the right feedback file?\n"
-            ++ format("Expected: %s Got: %s", [s(Expected), s(Got)])
+            ++ format("Expected: '%s' Got: '%s'", [s(Expected), s(Got)])
     string.format("%s: %s\n", [s(File), s(MessagePart)], Message).
@@ -738,7 +734,7 @@ feedback_first_line = "Mercury Compiler 
 :- func feedback_version = string.
-feedback_version = "7".
+feedback_version = "8".
@@ -748,9 +744,13 @@ feedback_version = "7".
 convert_candidate_par_conjunction(Conv, CPC0, CPC) :-
-    Conjs0 = CPC0 ^ cpc_conjs,
+    CPC0 = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath, PartNum, IsDependent, 
+        GoalsBefore0, Conjs0, GoalsAfter0, Metrics),
     map(convert_seq_conj(Conv), Conjs0, Conjs),
-    CPC = CPC0 ^ cpc_conjs := Conjs.
+    map(Conv, GoalsBefore0, GoalsBefore),
+    map(Conv, GoalsAfter0, GoalsAfter),
+    CPC = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPath, PartNum, IsDependent, 
+        GoalsBefore, Conjs, GoalsAfter, Metrics).
 convert_seq_conj(Conv, seq_conj(Conjs0), seq_conj(Conjs)) :-
     map(Conv, Conjs0, Conjs).
@@ -759,51 +759,70 @@ convert_seq_conj(Conv, seq_conj(Conjs0),
 :- type parallel_exec_metrics
     --->    parallel_exec_metrics(
-                inner_metrics   :: parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
-                num_calls       :: int
+                pem_inner_metrics       :: parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
+                pem_num_calls           :: int,
+                pem_time_before_conj    :: float,
+                pem_time_after_conj     :: float,
+                pem_right_conj_delay    :: float
+                    % The delay before a conjunct to the right of & begins
+                    % executing.
 :- type parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete
-    --->    pem_initial
+    --->    pem_initial(
+                pemi_time_before_conj    :: float
+            )
     ;       pem_additional(
-                cost_left       :: parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
-                    % The cost of the left conjunct (that may be a conjunction),
+                pemi_time_left           :: parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
+                    % The time of the left conjunct (that may be a conjunction),
-                cost_right_seq  :: float,
-                    % The cost of the right conjunct if it is running after
+                pemi_time_right_seq      :: float,
+                    % The time of the right conjunct if it is running after
                     % the left in normal sequential execution.
-                cost_right_par   :: float
-                    % THe cost of the right conjunct if it is running in
+                pemi_time_right_par      :: float
+                    % The time of the right conjunct if it is running in
                     % parallel with the left conjunct.  It may have to stop and
-                    % wait for variables to be produced; therefore this cost is
-                    % different to cost_right_seq.  This cost also includes
+                    % wait for variables to be produced; therefore this time is
+                    % different to time_right_seq.  This time also includes
                     % parallel execution overheads and delays.
-init_parallel_exec_metrics(NumCalls, TimeA, TimeBSeq, TimeBPar) = Metrics :-
-    Metrics0 = init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics,
-    Metrics1 = init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(Metrics0, TimeA, TimeA),
-    Metrics2 = 
-        init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(Metrics1, TimeBSeq, TimeBPar),
-    Metrics = finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(Metrics2, NumCalls).
 init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(MetricsA, TimeBSeq, TimeBPar) = 
     pem_additional(MetricsA, TimeBSeq, TimeBPar).
-init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics = pem_initial.
-finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(IncompleteMetrics, NumCalls) = 
-    parallel_exec_metrics(IncompleteMetrics, NumCalls).
+init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics(TimeBefore) = pem_initial(TimeBefore).
-parallel_exec_metrics_get_num_calls(parallel_exec_metrics(_, NumCalls)) = 
-    NumCalls.
+finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(IncompleteMetrics, NumCalls, TimeAfter,
+        RightConjDelay) 
+    =
+        parallel_exec_metrics(IncompleteMetrics, NumCalls, TimeBefore,
+        TimeAfter, RightConjDelay) :-
+    TimeBefore = 
+        parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_time_before(IncompleteMetrics).
-parallel_exec_metrics_get_par_time(parallel_exec_metrics(Inner, _)) =
-    parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(Inner).
+:- func parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_time_before(
+    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete) = float.
-parallel_exec_metrics_get_seq_time(parallel_exec_metrics(Inner, _)) =
-    parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(Inner).
+parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_time_before(pem_initial(Time)) = Time.
+        pem_additional(Left, _, _)) = Time :-
+    Time = parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_time_before(Left).
+parallel_exec_metrics_get_num_calls(PEM) = NumCalls :-
+    NumCalls = PEM ^ pem_num_calls.
+parallel_exec_metrics_get_par_time(PEM) = Time :-
+    Inner = PEM ^ pem_inner_metrics,
+    InnerTime = parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(Inner),
+    BeforeAndAfterTime = PEM ^ pem_time_before_conj + PEM ^ pem_time_after_conj,
+    Time = InnerTime + BeforeAndAfterTime.
+parallel_exec_metrics_get_seq_time(PEM) = Time :- 
+    Inner = PEM ^ pem_inner_metrics,
+    InnerTime = parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(Inner),
+    BeforeAndAfterTime = PEM ^ pem_time_before_conj + PEM ^ pem_time_after_conj,
+    Time = InnerTime + BeforeAndAfterTime.
 parallel_exec_metrics_get_speedup(Metrics) = SeqTime / ParTime :-
     SeqTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_seq_time(Metrics),
@@ -814,7 +833,7 @@ parallel_exec_metrics_get_speedup(Metric
 :- func parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(
     parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete) = float.
-parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(pem_initial) = 0.0.
+parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(pem_initial(_)) = 0.0.
 parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(pem_additional(MetricsLeft, _, TimeRight)) 
         = Time :-
     TimeLeft = parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_time(MetricsLeft),
@@ -825,7 +844,7 @@ parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_par_tim
 :- func parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(
     parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete) = float.
-parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(pem_initial) = 0.0.
+parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(pem_initial(_)) = 0.0.
 parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(pem_additional(MetricsLeft, TimeRight, _)) 
         = Time :-
     TimeLeft = parallel_exec_metrics_incomp_get_seq_time(MetricsLeft),
@@ -836,18 +855,18 @@ parallel_exec_metrics_get_time_saving(Me
     ParTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_par_time(Metrics).
 parallel_exec_metrics_get_first_conj_dead_time(Metrics) = DeadTime :-
-    parallel_exec_metrics(Inner, _) = Metrics,
+    Inner = Metrics ^ pem_inner_metrics,
     FirstConjTime = pem_get_first_conj_time(Inner),
     MaxConjTime = pem_get_max_conj_time(Inner, 0.0),
     DeadTime = MaxConjTime - FirstConjTime.
 :- func pem_get_first_conj_time(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete) = float.
-pem_get_first_conj_time(pem_initial) = _ :- 
+pem_get_first_conj_time(pem_initial(_)) = _ :- 
     error("pem_get_first_conj_time: Empty conjunction").
 pem_get_first_conj_time(pem_additional(Left, _RightSeq, RightPar)) = Time :-
-        Left = pem_initial,
+        Left = pem_initial(_),
         Time = RightPar
         Left = pem_additional(_, _, _),
@@ -856,22 +875,33 @@ pem_get_first_conj_time(pem_additional(L
 :- func pem_get_max_conj_time(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete, float) = float.
-pem_get_max_conj_time(pem_initial, Max) = Max.
+pem_get_max_conj_time(pem_initial(_), Max) = Max.
 pem_get_max_conj_time(pem_additional(Left, _, Par), Max0) = Max :-
     Max1 = max(Par, Max0),
     Max = pem_get_max_conj_time(Left, Max1).
 parallel_exec_metrics_get_future_dead_time(Metrics) = DeadTime :-
-    parallel_exec_metrics(Inner, _) = Metrics,
-    DeadTime = pem_get_future_dead_time(Inner).
+    Inner = Metrics ^ pem_inner_metrics,
+    RightConjDelay = Metrics ^ pem_right_conj_delay,
+    DeadTime = pem_get_future_dead_time(Inner, RightConjDelay).
-:- func pem_get_future_dead_time(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete) = float.
+:- func pem_get_future_dead_time(parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete, float) 
+    = float.
-pem_get_future_dead_time(pem_initial) = 0.0.
-pem_get_future_dead_time(pem_additional(Left, Seq, Par)) = DeadTime :-
+pem_get_future_dead_time(pem_initial(_), _) = 0.0.
+pem_get_future_dead_time(pem_additional(Left, Seq, Par), Delay) = DeadTime :-
     DeadTime = ThisDeadTime + LeftDeadTime,
-    ThisDeadTime = Par - Seq,
-    LeftDeadTime = pem_get_future_dead_time(Left).
+    % Only use the delay if this conjunction contains some code in it's left
+    % conjunct.
+    (
+        Left = pem_initial(_),
+        ThisDelay = 0.0
+    ;
+        Left = pem_additional(_, _, _),
+        ThisDelay = Delay
+    ),
+    ThisDeadTime = Par - Seq - ThisDelay,
+    LeftDeadTime = pem_get_future_dead_time(Left, Delay).
 parallel_exec_metrics_get_total_dead_time(Metrics) = DeadTime :-
     DeadTime = FirstConjDeadTime + FutureDeadTime,
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