[m-rev.] for post-commit review: Reorder independant parallel conjunctions.
Paul Bone
pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Jan 11 15:30:29 AEDT 2010
Re-order independent parallel conjunctions to prevent a pathological case of
memory usage.
The right hand side of the parallel conjunction operator is potentially forked
off for parallel execution while the left hand side is executed immediately by
the current context. If the left hand side finishes first the context must be
suspended, with it's stack saved since this stack contains callers' stack
frames that will be needed on the completion of the current procedure. When
the left operand is simple and the right operand is recursive this creates a
linear number of stacks that must be saved and the OS quickly runs out of
memory. This patch re-orders independent conjunctions so that the recursive
case is executed as the left operand and the simple case is the right operand.
This also has the benefit of creating all the sparks involved with the
computation very quickly.
This transformation has been added to the dependant parallel conjunction
transformation module since it fits nicely when the dependant parallel
conjunction transformation encounters an independent parallel conjunction.
As above.
Modified the sync_info structure used in the dependant parallel conjunction
transformation to track the pred_proc_id of the current procedure.
Call the transformation for re-ordering independent parallel conjuncts
during the dependant parallel conjunction transformation for independent
Index: compiler/dep_par_conj.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dep_par_conj.m,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -p -b -r1.39 dep_par_conj.m
--- compiler/dep_par_conj.m 4 Nov 2009 03:44:46 -0000 1.39
+++ compiler/dep_par_conj.m 11 Jan 2010 04:10:26 -0000
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@
:- import_module parse_tree.prog_mode.
:- import_module parse_tree.prog_type.
:- import_module parse_tree.prog_util.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.dependency_graph.
:- import_module assoc_list.
:- import_module bool.
@@ -227,7 +228,10 @@ impl_dep_par_conjs_in_module(!ModuleInfo
% These fields are updated when we add new variables.
% XXX We may also need the rtti_var_maps.
sync_varset :: prog_varset,
- sync_vartypes :: vartypes
+ sync_vartypes :: vartypes,
+ % The current procedure.
+ sync_this_proc :: pred_proc_id
:- pred maybe_sync_dep_par_conjs_in_pred(pred_id::in,
@@ -272,10 +276,15 @@ sync_dep_par_conjs_in_proc(PredId, ProcI
globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, allow_some_paths_only_waits,
+ % We rely on dependency information in order to determine which calls a
+ % recursive. The information is stored within !ModuleInfo so doesn't
+ % need to be kept here, this call simply forces an update.
+ module_info_rebuild_dependency_info(!ModuleInfo, _),
!:SyncInfo = sync_info(!.ModuleInfo, IgnoreVars, AllowSomePathsOnly,
- !.VarSet, !.VarTypes),
+ !.VarSet, !.VarTypes, proc(PredId, ProcId)),
sync_dep_par_conjs_in_goal(!Goal, InstMap0, _, !SyncInfo),
- !.SyncInfo = sync_info(_, _, _, !:VarSet, !:VarTypes),
+ !.SyncInfo = sync_info(_, _, _, !:VarSet, !:VarTypes, _),
% XXX RTTI varmaps may need to be updated
% We really only need to run this part if something changed, but we
@@ -398,10 +407,10 @@ sync_dep_par_conjs_in_cases([Case0 | Cas
is det.
maybe_sync_dep_par_conj(Conjuncts, GoalInfo, NewGoal, InstMap, !SyncInfo) :-
- !.SyncInfo = sync_info(ModuleInfo, IgnoreVars, AllowSomePathsOnly,
- VarSet0, VarTypes0),
+ !.SyncInfo = sync_info(ModuleInfo0, IgnoreVars, AllowSomePathsOnly,
+ VarSet0, VarTypes0, PredProcId),
% Find the variables that are shared between conjuncts.
- SharedVars0 = find_shared_variables(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Conjuncts),
+ SharedVars0 = find_shared_variables(ModuleInfo0, InstMap, Conjuncts),
% Filter out all the variables which have already have associated futures,
% i.e. they were head variables which were replaced by futures; signal and
@@ -409,14 +418,18 @@ maybe_sync_dep_par_conj(Conjuncts, GoalI
SharedVars = set.filter(isnt(set.contains(IgnoreVars)), SharedVars0),
( set.empty(SharedVars) ->
- % Independent parallel conjunctions need no transformation.
- par_conj_list_to_goal(Conjuncts, GoalInfo, NewGoal)
+ % Independant parallel conjunctions can somtimes be re-ordered to
+ % generate faster code.
+ reorder_indep_par_conj(PredProcId, VarTypes0, InstMap, Conjuncts,
+ GoalInfo, NewGoal, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
+ !:SyncInfo = sync_info(ModuleInfo, IgnoreVars, AllowSomePathsOnly,
+ VarSet0, VarTypes0, PredProcId)
- sync_dep_par_conj(ModuleInfo, AllowSomePathsOnly, SharedVars,
+ sync_dep_par_conj(ModuleInfo0, AllowSomePathsOnly, SharedVars,
Conjuncts, GoalInfo, NewGoal, InstMap,
VarSet0, VarSet, VarTypes0, VarTypes),
- !:SyncInfo = sync_info(ModuleInfo, IgnoreVars, AllowSomePathsOnly,
- VarSet, VarTypes)
+ !:SyncInfo = sync_info(ModuleInfo0, IgnoreVars, AllowSomePathsOnly,
+ VarSet, VarTypes, PredProcId)
% Transforming the parallel conjunction.
@@ -1158,6 +1171,127 @@ insert_signal_in_cases(ModuleInfo, Futur
+% The independent parallel conjunction re-ordering transformation.
+:- pred reorder_indep_par_conj(pred_proc_id::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in,
+ hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal::out,
+ module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+reorder_indep_par_conj(PredProcId, VarTypes, InstMapBefore, Conjuncts0,
+ GoalInfo, Goal, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ module_info_dependency_info(!.ModuleInfo, DependencyInfo),
+ hlds_dependency_info_get_dependency_ordering(DependencyInfo, Ordering),
+ search_scc(Ordering, PredProcId, SCC),
+ CallsToSameSCC = goal_list_calls_proc_in_list(Conjuncts0, SCC),
+ (
+ % The conjunction doesn't contain a recursive or mutually-recursive
+ % call, this optimisation does not apply.
+ CallsToSameSCC = [],
+ Conjuncts = Conjuncts0
+ ;
+ CallsToSameSCC = [_ | _],
+ reorder_indep_par_conj_2(SCC, VarTypes, InstMapBefore, Conjuncts0,
+ Conjuncts, !ModuleInfo)
+ ),
+ GoalExpr = conj(parallel_conj, Conjuncts),
+ Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
+:- pred reorder_indep_par_conj_2(list(pred_proc_id)::in, vartypes::in,
+ instmap::in, hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
+ module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+reorder_indep_par_conj_2(_, _, _, [], [], !ModuleInfo).
+reorder_indep_par_conj_2(SCC, VarTypes, InstMapBefore, [ Goal | Goals0 ],
+ Goals, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBefore,
+ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(Goal ^ hlds_goal_info),
+ InstMapBeforeGoals0),
+ reorder_indep_par_conj_2(SCC, VarTypes, InstMapBeforeGoals0, Goals0,
+ Goals1, !ModuleInfo),
+ % These instmaps are equal since they both still apply Goal's instmap
+ % delta.
+ InstMapBeforeGoals1 = InstMapBeforeGoals0,
+ % If Goal is non recursive try to push it down into the conjunction.
+ (
+ member(CallPredProcId, SCC),
+ goal_calls(Goal, CallPredProcId)
+ ->
+ % Goal is recursive.
+ Goals = [ Goal | Goals1 ]
+ ;
+ % Goal is non-recursive.
+ push_goal_into_conj(VarTypes, InstMapBefore, Goal, InstMapBeforeGoals1,
+ Goals1, MaybeGoals, !ModuleInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeGoals = yes(Goals)
+ ;
+ MaybeGoals = no,
+ Goals = [ Goal | Goals1 ]
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred push_goal_into_conj(vartypes::in, instmap::in, hlds_goal::in,
+ instmap::in, hlds_goals::in, maybe(hlds_goals)::out,
+ module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+push_goal_into_conj(_, _, Goal, _, [], yes([Goal]), !ModuleInfo).
+push_goal_into_conj(VarTypes, InstMapBeforeGoal, Goal, InstMapBeforePivotGoal,
+ [ PivotGoal | Goals0 ], MaybeGoals, !ModuleInfo) :-
+ module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
+ lookup_bool_option(Globals, fully_strict, FullyStrict),
+ can_reorder_goals(VarTypes, FullyStrict, InstMapBeforeGoal, Goal,
+ InstMapBeforePivotGoal, PivotGoal, CanReorderGoals, !ModuleInfo),
+ (
+ CanReorderGoals = yes,
+ % InstMapBeforeGoalAfterPivot represents the inst map before Goal given
+ % that it has already been swapped with PivotGoal, that is PivotGoal
+ % occurs before Goal.
+ PivotInstMapDelta =
+ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(PivotGoal ^ hlds_goal_info),
+ apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeGoal, PivotInstMapDelta,
+ InstMapBeforeGoalAfterPivot),
+ GoalInstMapDelta =
+ goal_info_get_instmap_delta(Goal ^ hlds_goal_info),
+ apply_instmap_delta(InstMapBeforeGoalAfterPivot, GoalInstMapDelta,
+ InstMapAfterPivotAndGoal),
+ push_goal_into_conj(VarTypes, InstMapBeforeGoalAfterPivot, Goal,
+ InstMapAfterPivotAndGoal, Goals0, MaybeGoals1, !ModuleInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeGoals1 = yes(Goals1),
+ Goals = [ PivotGoal | Goals1 ]
+ ;
+ MaybeGoals1 = no,
+ Goals = [ Goal | Goals0 ]
+ ),
+ MaybeGoals = yes(Goals)
+ ;
+ CanReorderGoals = no,
+ MaybeGoals = no
+ ).
+:- pred search_scc(list(list(pred_proc_id))::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+ list(pred_proc_id)::out) is det.
+search_scc(SCCs, PredProcId, SCC) :-
+ % There should not be more than one solution here. Operationally the
+ % search stops after finding the first solution.
+ promise_equivalent_solutions [SCC]
+ (
+ member(SCCPrime, SCCs),
+ member(PredProcId, SCCPrime)
+ ->
+ SCC = SCCPrime
+ ;
+ unexpected(this_file, "Couldn't find SCC for pred/proc id.")
+ ).
% The specialization transformation.
-------------- next part --------------
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