[m-rev.] diff: cvs add deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Aug 27 18:28:07 AEST 2010

'cvs add' a missing file.

    I forgot to include this file with an earlier changeset.

Index: deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m
RCS file: deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m
diff -N deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ deep_profiler/recursion_patterns.m	27 Aug 2010 08:21:52 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2010 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: query.m.
+% Authors: pbone.
+% This module contains code that analysis the recursive structures of cliques.
+% It is intended for use on the automatic parallelisation analysis.
+:- module recursion_patterns.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- pred create_clique_recursion_costs_report(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+    maybe_error(clique_recursion_report)::out) is det.
+:- pred create_recursion_types_frequency_report(deep::in, 
+    maybe_error(recursion_types_frequency_report)::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module array_util.
+:- import_module coverage.
+:- import_module create_report.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module measurement_units.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module pair.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module solutions.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+:- import_module svset.
+:- import_module unit.
+create_clique_recursion_costs_report(Deep, CliquePtr,
+        MaybeCliqueRecursionReport) :-
+    find_clique_first_and_other_procs(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeFirstPDPtr, 
+        OtherPDPtrs),
+    (
+        MaybeFirstPDPtr = yes(FirstPDPtr),
+        NumProcs = length(OtherPDPtrs) + 1,
+        (
+            OtherPDPtrs = [],
+            % Exaclty one procedure
+            proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, CliquePtr, FirstPDPtr, 
+                MaybeRecursionType)
+        ;
+            OtherPDPtrs = [_ | _],
+            % More than one, this is some sort of multiply recursion.
+            MaybeRecursionType = ok(rt_mutual_recursion(NumProcs))
+        ),
+        (
+            MaybeRecursionType = ok(RecursionType),
+            CliqueRecursionReport = clique_recursion_report(CliquePtr,
+                RecursionType, NumProcs),
+            MaybeCliqueRecursionReport = ok(CliqueRecursionReport)
+        ;
+            MaybeRecursionType = error(Error),
+            MaybeCliqueRecursionReport = error(Error)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeFirstPDPtr = no,
+        MaybeCliqueRecursionReport = error(
+            "This clique doesn't appear to have an entry procedure")
+    ).
+:- pred proc_get_recursion_type(deep::in, clique_ptr::in, 
+    proc_dynamic_ptr::in, maybe_error(recursion_type)::out) is det.
+proc_get_recursion_type(Deep, ThisClique, PDPtr, MaybeRecursionType) :-
+    lookup_pd_own(Deep ^ pd_own, PDPtr, PDOwn),
+    Calls = calls(PDOwn),
+    lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep ^ proc_dynamics, PDPtr, PD), 
+    PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static, 
+    % TODO: Don't use coverage information here, it's computationally expensive
+    % and shouldn't be necessary.  But more importantly it is per proc static
+    % and therefore not suitable for calculating the depths of recursion.
+    create_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeCoverageReport),
+    (
+        MaybeCoverageReport = ok(CoverageReport),
+        ProcRep = CoverageReport ^ prci_proc_rep, 
+        Goal = ProcRep ^ pr_defn ^ pdr_goal,
+        array.foldl(build_call_site_cost_and_callee_map(Deep), 
+        PD ^ pd_sites, map.init, CallSitesMap),
+        goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSitesMap, empty_goal_path,
+            Goal, RecursionData),
+        recursion_data_to_recursion_type(Calls, RecursionData,
+            RecursionType),
+        MaybeRecursionType = ok(RecursionType)
+    ;
+        MaybeCoverageReport = error(Error), 
+        MaybeRecursionType = error(Error)
+    ).
+:- type cost_and_callees
+    --->    cost_and_callees(
+                cac_cost            :: int,
+                cac_callees         :: set(clique_ptr)
+            ).
+:- pred build_call_site_cost_and_callee_map(deep::in, 
+    call_site_array_slot::in,
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::out)
+    is det.
+build_call_site_cost_and_callee_map(Deep, slot_normal(CSDPtr), !CallSitesMap)
+        :-
+    ( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr) ->
+        call_site_dynamic_get_callee_and_costs(Deep, CSDPtr, CalleeCliquePtr, 
+            Own, Inherit),
+        % XXX: Should this be per call?
+        Cost = callseqs(Own) + inherit_callseqs(Inherit),
+        CostAndCallees = cost_and_callees(Cost, set([CalleeCliquePtr])),
+        lookup_call_site_static_map(Deep ^ call_site_static_map, CSDPtr, CSSPtr),
+        lookup_call_site_statics(Deep ^ call_site_statics, CSSPtr, CSS),
+        goal_path_from_string_det(CSS ^ css_goal_path, GoalPath),
+        svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, CostAndCallees, !CallSitesMap)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+build_call_site_cost_and_callee_map(Deep, slot_multi(_, CSDPtrsArray),
+        !CallSitesMap) :-
+    to_list(CSDPtrsArray, CSDPtrs),
+    (
+        CSDPtrs = []
+        % There is no way of finding the goal path, so we can't put such a goal
+        % in our map.  This probably can't happen in reality anyway.
+    ;
+        CSDPtrs = [FirstCSDPtr | _],
+        map3(call_site_dynamic_get_callee_and_costs(Deep), CSDPtrs, 
+            CalleeCliquePtrs, Owns, Inherits),
+        Own = sum_own_infos(Owns),
+        Inherit = sum_inherit_infos(Inherits),
+        Cost = callseqs(Own) + inherit_callseqs(Inherit),
+        CostAndCallees = cost_and_callees(Cost, set(CalleeCliquePtrs)),
+        % The goal path of the call site will be the same regardless of the
+        % callee, so we get it from the first.
+        lookup_call_site_static_map(Deep ^ call_site_static_map, FirstCSDPtr,
+            FirstCSSPtr),
+        lookup_call_site_statics(Deep ^ call_site_statics, FirstCSSPtr,
+            FirstCSS),
+        goal_path_from_string_det(FirstCSS ^ css_goal_path, GoalPath),
+        svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, CostAndCallees, !CallSitesMap)
+    ).
+:- pred call_site_dynamic_get_callee_and_costs(deep::in, 
+    call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, clique_ptr::out, own_prof_info::out, 
+    inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+call_site_dynamic_get_callee_and_costs(Deep, CSDPtr, CalleeCliquePtr, Own,
+        Inherit) :-
+    lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDPtr, CSD),
+    lookup_csd_desc(Deep ^ csd_desc, CSDPtr, Inherit),
+    PDPtr = CSD ^ csd_callee,
+    lookup_clique_index(Deep ^ clique_index, PDPtr, CalleeCliquePtr), 
+    Own = CSD ^ csd_own_prof.
+:- pred recursion_data_to_recursion_type(int::in, recursion_data::in,
+    recursion_type::out) is det.
+        recursion_data(Levels, Maximum, Errors), Type) :-
+    Calls = float(CallsI),
+    ( search(Levels, 0, RLBase) ->
+        RLBase = recursion_level(BaseCost, BaseProb),
+        BaseCount = round_to_int(probability_to_float(BaseProb) * Calls)
+    ;
+        BaseCost = 0.0,
+        BaseCount = 0,
+        BaseProb = impossible
+    ),
+    BaseLevel = recursion_level_report(0, BaseCount, BaseProb, BaseCost, 0.0), 
+    ( empty(Errors) ->
+        ( Maximum < 0 ->
+            error(this_file ++ "negative number of recursive calls")
+        ; Maximum = 0 ->
+            Type = rt_not_recursive
+        ; Maximum = 1 ->
+            ( search(Levels, 1, RLRec) ->
+                RLRec = recursion_level(RecCost, RecProb),
+                RecCountF = probability_to_float(RecProb) * Calls,
+                RecLevel = recursion_level_report(1, round_to_int(RecCountF),
+                    RecProb, RecCost, RecCountF)
+            ;
+                error(format("%smaximum level %d not found", 
+                    [s(this_file), i(1)]))
+            ),
+            Type = rt_single(BaseLevel, RecLevel)
+        ;
+            Maximum = 2,
+            not search(Levels, 1, _)
+        ->
+            ( search(Levels, 2, RLRec) ->
+                RLRec = recursion_level(RecCost, RecProb),
+                RecCountF = probability_to_float(RecProb) * Calls,
+                RecLevel = recursion_level_report(2, round_to_int(RecCountF),
+                    RecProb, RecCost, RecCountF*2.0)
+            ;
+                error(format("%smaximum level %d not found", 
+                    [s(this_file), i(1)]))
+            ),
+            Type = rt_divide_and_conquer(BaseLevel, RecLevel)
+        ;
+            map(recursion_level_report(Calls), Levels, LevelsReport),
+            Type = rt_other(LevelsReport)
+        )
+    ;
+        Messages = map(error_to_string, to_sorted_list(Errors)),
+        Type = rt_errors(Messages)
+    ).
+% A procedure that is never called never recurses.
+recursion_data_to_recursion_type(_, proc_dead_code, rt_not_recursive).
+:- pred recursion_level_report(float::in, pair(int, recursion_level)::in, 
+    recursion_level_report::out) is det.
+recursion_level_report(TotalCalls, Level - recursion_level(NonRecCost, Prob), 
+        recursion_level_report(Level, Calls, Prob, NonRecCost, CostExChild)) :-
+    CallsF = probability_to_float(Prob) * TotalCalls,
+    Calls = round_to_int(CallsF),
+    CostExChild = float(Level) * CallsF.
+:- type recursion_data
+    --->    recursion_data(
+                rd_recursions           :: assoc_list(int, recursion_level),
+                rd_maximum              :: int,
+                rd_errors               :: set(recursion_error)
+            )
+                % This code is dead, it is never entered.
+    ;       proc_dead_code.
+:- type recursion_level
+    --->    recursion_level(
+                rl_cost                 :: float,
+                % The probability the path leading to this recursion level is
+                % called given that the goal is called.
+                rl_probability          :: probability
+            ).
+:- type recursion_error
+    --->    re_unhandled_determinism(detism_rep)
+    ;       re_unhandled_disjunction.
+    % goal_recursion_data(RecursiveCallees, Goal, GoalPath,
+    %   init_recursion_data, RecursionData)
+    %
+    % Compute RecursionData about Goal if RecursiveCalls are calls that may
+    % eventually lead to Goal.
+    %
+:- pred goal_recursion_data(clique_ptr::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, goal_path::in,
+    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, recursion_data::out) is det.
+goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, GoalRep, 
+        !:RecursionData) :-
+    GoalRep = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, CoverageInfo),
+    ( get_coverage_before(CoverageInfo, CallsPrime) ->
+        Calls = CallsPrime
+    ;
+        error(this_file ++ "couldn't retrive coverage information")
+    ),
+    ( Calls = 0 ->
+        !:RecursionData = proc_dead_code
+    ;
+        (
+            GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjs),
+            conj_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, 1, certain,
+                Conjs, !:RecursionData)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjs),
+            disj_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, 1, Disjs,
+                !:RecursionData)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = switch_rep(_, _, Cases),
+            switch_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, 1, Cases,
+                float(Calls), !:RecursionData)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
+            ite_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, 
+                Cond, Then, Else, Calls, !:RecursionData) 
+        ;
+            ( 
+                GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
+                GoalPathStep = step_neg
+            ; 
+                GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, MaybeCut),
+                GoalPathStep = step_scope(MaybeCut)
+            ),
+            goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap,
+                goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, GoalPathStep), SubGoal,
+                !:RecursionData)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, AtomicGoalRep),
+            atomic_goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath,
+                AtomicGoalRep, !:RecursionData)
+        )
+    ),
+    (
+        ( Detism = det_rep
+        ; Detism = semidet_rep
+        ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
+        ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
+        ; Detism = erroneous_rep
+        ; Detism = failure_rep
+        )
+    ;
+        ( Detism = nondet_rep
+        ; Detism = multidet_rep
+        ),
+        recursion_data_add_error(re_unhandled_determinism(Detism),
+            !RecursionData)
+    ).
+:- pred conj_recursion_data(clique_ptr::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, goal_path::in, int::in,
+    probability::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, recursion_data::out)
+    is det.
+    % An empty conjunction is true, there is exactly one trival path through it
+    % with 0 recursive calls.
+conj_recursion_data(_, _, _, _, _, [], simple_recursion_data(0.0, 0)).
+conj_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, ConjNum, SuccessProb0, 
+        [Conj | Conjs], RecursionData) :- 
+    goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, 
+        goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjNum)), Conj, 
+        ConjRecursionData),
+    (
+        ConjRecursionData = proc_dead_code,
+        % If the first conjunct is dead then the remaining ones will also be
+        % dead.  This speeds up execution and avoids a divide by zero when
+        % calculating ConjSuccessProb below.
+        RecursionData = proc_dead_code
+    ;
+        ConjRecursionData = recursion_data(_, _, _), 
+        ( 
+            get_coverage_before_and_after(Conj ^ goal_annotation, Before, After)
+        ->
+            ( After > Before ->
+                % Nondet code can overflow this probability.
+                ConjSuccessProb = certain
+            ;
+                ConjSuccessProb = probable(float(After) / float(Before))
+            )
+        ;
+            error(this_file ++ "expected complete coverage information")
+        ), 
+        SuccessProb = and(SuccessProb0, ConjSuccessProb),
+        conj_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, ConjNum + 1,
+            SuccessProb, Conjs, ConjsRecursionData),
+        merge_recursion_data_sequence(ConjRecursionData, ConjsRecursionData,
+            RecursionData)
+    ).
+:- pred disj_recursion_data(clique_ptr::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, goal_path::in, int::in, 
+    list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, recursion_data::out) is det.
+disj_recursion_data(_, _, _, _, _, !:RecursionData) :-
+    !:RecursionData = simple_recursion_data(0.0, 0),
+    recursion_data_add_error(re_unhandled_disjunction, !RecursionData).
+:- pred ite_recursion_data(clique_ptr::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, goal_path::in, 
+    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+    goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, int::in, recursion_data::out) is det.
+ite_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else,
+        Calls, !:RecursionData) :-
+    goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, 
+        goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond), Cond,
+        CondRecursionData),
+    goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, 
+        goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then), Then,
+        ThenRecursionData0),
+    goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap,
+        goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else), Else,
+        ElseRecursionData0),
+    % Adjust the probabilities of executing the then and else branches.
+    (
+        get_coverage_before(Then ^ goal_annotation, ThenCalls),
+        get_coverage_before(Else ^ goal_annotation, ElseCalls)
+    ->
+        CallsF = float(Calls),
+        ThenProb = probable(float(ThenCalls) / CallsF),
+        ElseProb = probable(float(ElseCalls) / CallsF)
+    ;
+        error(this_file ++ "couldn't retrive coverage information")
+    ),
+    recursion_data_and_probability(ThenProb, ThenRecursionData0,
+        ThenRecursionData),
+    recursion_data_and_probability(ElseProb, ElseRecursionData0,
+        ElseRecursionData),
+    % Because the condition goal has coverage information as if it is
+    % entered before either branch, we have to model it in the same way
+    % here, even though it would be fesable to model it sas something
+    % that happens in sequence with both the then and else branches
+    % (within each branch).
+    merge_recursion_data_after_branch(ThenRecursionData, 
+        ElseRecursionData, !:RecursionData),
+    merge_recursion_data_sequence(CondRecursionData, !RecursionData).
+:- pred switch_recursion_data(clique_ptr::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, goal_path::in, int::in, 
+    list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, float::in,
+    recursion_data::out) is det.
+switch_recursion_data(_, _, _, _, [], _, proc_dead_code).
+switch_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, CaseNum, 
+        [Case | Cases], TotalCalls, RecursionData) :-
+    Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
+    goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, 
+        goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)), Goal, 
+        CaseRecursionData0),
+    ( get_coverage_before(Goal ^ goal_annotation, CallsPrime) ->
+        Calls = CallsPrime
+    ;
+        error(this_file ++ "expected coverage information")
+    ),
+    CaseProb = probable(float(Calls) / TotalCalls),
+    recursion_data_and_probability(CaseProb, CaseRecursionData0,
+        CaseRecursionData),
+    switch_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, CaseNum+1,
+        Cases, TotalCalls, CasesRecursionData),
+    merge_recursion_data_after_branch(CaseRecursionData, CasesRecursionData,
+        RecursionData).
+:- pred atomic_goal_recursion_data(clique_ptr::in, 
+    map(goal_path, cost_and_callees)::in, goal_path::in,
+    atomic_goal_rep::in, recursion_data::out) is det.
+atomic_goal_recursion_data(ThisClique, CallSiteMap, GoalPath, AtomicGoal, 
+        RecursionData) :-
+    (
+        % All these things have trivial cost except for foreign code whose cost
+        % is unknown (which because it doesn't contribute to the cost of the
+        % caller we assume that it is trivial)..
+        ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+        ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
+        ),
+        RecursionLevel = 0 - recursion_level(0.0, certain)
+    ;
+        ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+        ),
+        % Get the cost of the call.
+        ( map.search(CallSiteMap, GoalPath, CostAndCallees) ->
+            CostAndCallees = cost_and_callees(Cost, Callees)
+        ;
+            Cost = 0,
+            set.init(Callees)
+        ),
+        ( member(ThisClique, Callees) ->
+            % Cost will be 1.0 for for each call to recursive calls but we
+            % calculate this later.
+            RecursionLevel = 1 - recursion_level(0.0, certain)
+        ;
+            RecursionLevel = 0 - recursion_level(float(Cost), certain)
+        )
+    ),
+    RecursionLevel = RecursiveCalls - _,
+    RecursionData = recursion_data([RecursionLevel], RecursiveCalls, init).
+    % Consider the following nested switches:
+    %
+    % (
+    %     (
+    %         base1
+    %     ;
+    %         rec1
+    %     )
+    % ;
+    %     (
+    %         base2
+    %     ;
+    %         rec2
+    %     )
+    % )
+    % 
+    % + The cost of entering a base case is the weighted average of the costs
+    %   of the two base cases.
+    % + The number of times one enteres a base case is the sum of the
+    %   individual counts.
+    % + The above two rules are also true for recursive cases.
+    %
+:- pred merge_recursion_data_after_branch(recursion_data::in, 
+    recursion_data::in, recursion_data::out) is det.
+merge_recursion_data_after_branch(A, B, Result) :-
+    A = recursion_data(RecursionsA, MaxLevelA, ErrorsA),
+    B = recursion_data(RecursionsB, MaxLevelB, ErrorsB),
+    Recursions0 = assoc_list.merge(RecursionsA, RecursionsB),
+    condense_recursions(Recursions0, Recursions),
+    MaxLevel = max(MaxLevelA, MaxLevelB),
+    Errors = union(ErrorsA, ErrorsB),
+    Result = recursion_data(Recursions, MaxLevel, Errors).
+merge_recursion_data_after_branch(A, proc_dead_code, A) :-
+    A = recursion_data(_, _, _).
+merge_recursion_data_after_branch(proc_dead_code, A, A).
+    % merge_recursion_data_sequence(A, B, Merged).
+    %
+    % Merge the recursion datas A and B to produce Merged.  This is not
+    % commutative, A must represent something occuring before B.
+    %
+    % Consider the following conjoined switches.
+    %
+    % (
+    %     base1
+    % ;
+    %     rec1
+    % ),
+    % (
+    %     base2
+    % ;
+    %     rec2
+    % )
+    % 
+    % It's like algabra!  Teating the conjunction as multiplication and
+    % disjunction as addition we might factorise it as:
+    % Note that this is just to show the pattern I can see here.
+    % 
+    % base1*base2 + base1*rec2 + base2*rec1 + rec1*rec2.
+    %
+    % That is, there is one base case, two recursive cases, and a doubly
+    % recursive case.
+    %
+    % We have to convert counts to probabilities, then:
+    %
+    % + The probability of entering the base case is the product of the
+    %   probabilities of entering either base case.
+    % + Similarly the probability of entering any other case is the product the
+    %   probabilities of their components.
+    % + The cost of entering the base case is the sum of the costs of the
+    %   components.
+    % + Similarly for the other cases.
+    %
+:- pred merge_recursion_data_sequence(recursion_data::in, 
+    recursion_data::in, recursion_data::out) is det.
+merge_recursion_data_sequence(A, B, Result) :-
+    A = recursion_data(RecursionsA, MaxLevelA, ErrorsA),
+    B = recursion_data(RecursionsB, MaxLevelB, ErrorsB),
+    recursions_cross_product(RecursionsA, RecursionsB, Recursions0),
+    sort(Recursions0, Recursions1),
+    condense_recursions(Recursions1, Recursions),
+    % The maximum number of recursions on any path will be the some of the
+    % maximum number of recursions on two conjoined paths since all paths are
+    % conjoined in the cross product.
+    MaxLevel = MaxLevelA + MaxLevelB,
+    Errors = union(ErrorsA, ErrorsB),
+    Result = recursion_data(Recursions, MaxLevel, Errors).
+merge_recursion_data_sequence(A, proc_dead_code, proc_dead_code) :-
+    A = recursion_data(_, _, _).
+merge_recursion_data_sequence(proc_dead_code, _, proc_dead_code).
+:- pred condense_recursions(assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::in,
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::out) is det.
+condense_recursions([], []).
+condense_recursions([Num - Rec | Pairs0], Pairs) :-
+    condense_recursions_2(Num - Rec, Pairs0, Pairs).
+:- pred condense_recursions_2(pair(int, recursion_level)::in, 
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::in,
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::out) is det.
+condense_recursions_2(Pair, [], [Pair]).
+condense_recursions_2(NumA - RecA, [NumB - RecB | Pairs0], Pairs) :-
+    ( NumA = NumB ->
+        RecA = recursion_level(CostA, ProbabilityA),
+        RecB = recursion_level(CostB, ProbabilityB),
+        weighted_average(
+            map(probability_to_float, [ProbabilityA, ProbabilityB]),
+            [CostA, CostB], Cost),
+        Probability = or(ProbabilityA, ProbabilityB),
+        Rec = recursion_level(Cost, Probability),
+        condense_recursions_2(NumA - Rec, Pairs0, Pairs)
+    ;
+        condense_recursions([NumB - RecB | Pairs0], Pairs1),
+        Pairs = [NumA - RecA | Pairs1]
+    ).
+    % recursions_cross_product(A, B, C).
+    %
+    % A X B = C <=> A.1 * B.1 + A.1 * B.2 + A.2 * B.1 + A.2 * B.2 = C
+    %
+    % Note that this is not commutative.  A represents a computation occuring
+    % before B.
+    %
+:- pred recursions_cross_product(assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::in,
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::in,
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::out) is det.
+recursions_cross_product([], _, []). 
+recursions_cross_product([NumA - RecA | PairsA], PairsB, Pairs) :-
+    recursions_cross_product_2(NumA, RecA, PairsB, InnerLoop),
+    recursions_cross_product(PairsA, PairsB, OuterLoopTail),
+    Pairs = InnerLoop ++ OuterLoopTail.
+:- pred recursions_cross_product_2(int::in, recursion_level::in,
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::in,
+    assoc_list(int, recursion_level)::out) is det.
+recursions_cross_product_2(_Num, _Rec, [], []).
+recursions_cross_product_2(NumA, RecA at recursion_level(CostA, ProbA), 
+        [NumB - recursion_level(CostB, ProbB) | PairsB], Pairs) :-
+    recursions_cross_product_2(NumA, RecA, PairsB, Pairs0),
+    Num = NumA + NumB,
+    Prob = and(ProbA, ProbB),
+    Cost = CostA + CostB,
+    Pair = Num - recursion_level(Cost, Prob),
+    Pairs = [Pair | Pairs0].
+:- pred recursion_data_and_probability(probability::in, recursion_data::in,
+    recursion_data::out) is det.
+        recursion_data(!.Recursions, MaxLevel, Errors),
+        recursion_data(!:Recursions, MaxLevel, Errors)) :-
+    map_values(recursion_level_and_probability(Prob), !Recursions).
+recursion_data_and_probability(_, proc_dead_code, proc_dead_code).
+:- pred recursion_level_and_probability(probability::in, T::in, 
+    recursion_level::in, recursion_level::out) is det.
+recursion_level_and_probability(AndProb, _, recursion_level(Cost, Prob0), 
+        recursion_level(Cost, Prob)) :-
+    Prob = and(Prob0, AndProb).
+:- pred recursion_data_add_error(recursion_error::in, recursion_data::in,
+    recursion_data::out) is det.
+recursion_data_add_error(Error, !RecursionData) :-
+    some [!Errors] (
+        (
+            !.RecursionData = recursion_data(_, _, !:Errors),
+            svset.insert(Error, !Errors),
+            !RecursionData ^ rd_errors := !.Errors
+        ;
+            !.RecursionData = proc_dead_code
+        )
+    ).
+    % simple_recursion_data(Cost, RecCalls) = RecursionData.
+    %
+    % Create a simple recursion data item from a single level.
+    %
+:- func simple_recursion_data(float, int) = recursion_data.
+simple_recursion_data(Cost, Calls) = 
+    recursion_data([Calls - recursion_level(Cost, certain)], Calls, init).
+:- func error_to_string(recursion_error) = string.
+error_to_string(re_unhandled_determinism(Detism)) = 
+    format("%s code is not handled", [s(string(Detism))]).
+error_to_string(re_unhandled_disjunction) = 
+    "Disjunctions are not currently handled".
+create_recursion_types_frequency_report(Deep, MaybeReport) :-
+    % This report is impossible without procrep data, but we don't use it
+    % directly.
+    MaybeProgRepResult = Deep ^ procrep_file,
+    (
+        MaybeProgRepResult = no,
+        MaybeReport = error("There is no readable " ++
+            "procedure representation information file.")
+    ;
+        MaybeProgRepResult = yes(error(Error)),
+        MaybeReport = error("Error reading procedure representation " ++
+            "information file: " ++ Error)
+    ;
+        MaybeProgRepResult = yes(ok(_)),
+        Cliques = Deep ^ clique_index,
+        size(Cliques, NumCliques),  
+        array_foldl_from_1(rec_types_freq_build_histogram(Deep), Cliques, 
+            map.init, Histogram0),
+        finalize_histogram(Deep, NumCliques, Histogram0, Histogram),
+        MaybeReport = ok(recursion_types_frequency_report(Histogram))
+    ).
+:- pred rec_types_freq_build_histogram(deep::in, int::in, clique_ptr::in,
+    map(recursion_type_simple, recursion_type_raw_freq_data)::in, 
+    map(recursion_type_simple, recursion_type_raw_freq_data)::out) is det. 
+rec_types_freq_build_histogram(Deep, _, CliquePtr, !Histogram) :-
+    trace [io(!IO)] (
+        clique_ptr(CliqueNum) = CliquePtr,
+        io.format("Analyzing clique: %d\n", [i(CliqueNum)], !IO)
+    ),
+    create_clique_recursion_costs_report(Deep, CliquePtr,
+        MaybeCliqueRecursionReport),
+    (
+        MaybeCliqueRecursionReport = ok(CliqueRecursionReport),
+        Type = CliqueRecursionReport ^ crr_recursion_type,
+        solutions(recursion_type_to_simple_type(Type), SimpleTypes)
+    ;
+        MaybeCliqueRecursionReport = error(Error),
+        SimpleTypes = [rts_error(Error), rts_total_error_instances]
+    ),
+    find_clique_first_and_other_procs(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeFirstPDPtr,
+        _OtherPDPtrs),
+    (
+        MaybeFirstPDPtr = yes(FirstPDPtr),
+        lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep ^ proc_dynamics, FirstPDPtr, FirstPD),
+        FirstPSPtr = FirstPD ^ pd_proc_static,  
+        PDesc = describe_proc(Deep, FirstPSPtr), 
+        lookup_pd_own(Deep ^ pd_own, FirstPDPtr, ProcOwn),
+        lookup_pd_desc(Deep ^ pd_desc, FirstPDPtr, ProcInherit),
+        FirstProcInfo = first_proc_info(PDesc, 
+            own_and_inherit_prof_info(ProcOwn, ProcInherit)),
+        MaybeFirstProcInfo = yes(FirstProcInfo)
+    ;
+        MaybeFirstPDPtr = no,
+        MaybeFirstProcInfo = no
+    ),
+    foldl(update_histogram(MaybeFirstProcInfo), SimpleTypes, !Histogram).
+:- type first_proc_info
+    --->    first_proc_info(
+                fpi_pdesc               :: proc_desc,
+                fpi_prof_info           :: own_and_inherit_prof_info
+            ).
+    % XXX: Consider moving this to measuerments.m
+    %
+:- type own_and_inherit_prof_info
+    --->    own_and_inherit_prof_info(
+                oai_own                 :: own_prof_info,
+                oai_inherit             :: inherit_prof_info
+            ).
+:- pred add_own_and_inherit_prof_info(own_and_inherit_prof_info::in,
+    own_and_inherit_prof_info::in, own_and_inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+        own_and_inherit_prof_info(OwnA, InheritA),
+        own_and_inherit_prof_info(OwnB, InheritB),
+        own_and_inherit_prof_info(Own, Inherit)) :-
+    Own = add_own_to_own(OwnA, OwnB),
+    Inherit = add_inherit_to_inherit(InheritA, InheritB).
+:- type recursion_type_raw_freq_data
+    --->    recursion_type_raw_freq_data(
+                rtrfd_freq              :: int,
+                rtrfd_maybe_prof_info   :: maybe(own_and_inherit_prof_info),
+                rtrfd_entry_procs       :: map(proc_static_ptr, 
+                    recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data)
+            ).
+:- type recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data
+    --->    recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data(
+                rtrpfd_freq             :: int,
+                rtrpfd_prof_info        :: own_and_inherit_prof_info,
+                rtrpfd_proc_desc        :: proc_desc
+            ).
+:- pred update_histogram(maybe(first_proc_info)::in,
+    recursion_type_simple::in, 
+    map(recursion_type_simple, recursion_type_raw_freq_data)::in, 
+    map(recursion_type_simple, recursion_type_raw_freq_data)::out) is det.
+update_histogram(MaybeFirstProcInfo, SimpleType, !Histogram) :-
+    ( map.search(!.Histogram, SimpleType, Data0) ->
+        Data0 = recursion_type_raw_freq_data(Count0, MaybeProfInfo0, Procs0),
+        (
+            MaybeFirstProcInfo = yes(FirstProcInfo),
+            (
+                MaybeProfInfo0 = yes(ProfInfo0),
+                add_own_and_inherit_prof_info(FirstProcInfo ^ fpi_prof_info, 
+                    ProfInfo0, ProfInfo)
+            ;
+                MaybeProfInfo0 = no,
+                ProfInfo = FirstProcInfo ^ fpi_prof_info
+            ),
+            MaybeProfInfo = yes(ProfInfo),
+            update_procs_map(FirstProcInfo, Procs0, Procs)
+        ;
+            MaybeFirstProcInfo = no,
+            MaybeProfInfo = MaybeProfInfo0,
+            Procs = Procs0
+        ),
+        Count = Count0 + 1,
+        Data = recursion_type_raw_freq_data(Count, MaybeProfInfo, Procs)
+    ;
+        Count = 1,
+        (
+            MaybeFirstProcInfo = yes(FirstProcInfo),
+            MaybeProfInfo = yes(FirstProcInfo ^ fpi_prof_info),
+            update_procs_map(FirstProcInfo, map.init, Procs)
+        ;
+            MaybeFirstProcInfo = no,
+            MaybeProfInfo = no,
+            Procs = map.init
+        ),
+        Data = recursion_type_raw_freq_data(Count, MaybeProfInfo, Procs)
+    ),
+    svmap.set(SimpleType, Data, !Histogram).
+:- pred update_procs_map(first_proc_info::in,
+    map(proc_static_ptr, recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data)::in, 
+    map(proc_static_ptr, recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data)::out) is det.
+update_procs_map(FirstProcInfo, !Map) :-
+    FirstProcInfo = first_proc_info(PSDesc, FirstProfInfo),
+    PsPtr = PSDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+    ( map.search(!.Map, PsPtr, ProcFreqData0) ->
+        ProcFreqData0 = 
+            recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data(Count0, ProfInfo0, ProcDesc),
+        add_own_and_inherit_prof_info(FirstProfInfo, ProfInfo0, ProfInfo),
+        Count = Count0 + 1,
+        ProcFreqData = 
+            recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data(Count, ProfInfo, ProcDesc)
+    ;
+        ProcFreqData = 
+            recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data(1, FirstProfInfo, PSDesc)
+    ),
+    svmap.set(PsPtr, ProcFreqData, !Map).
+:- pred recursion_type_to_simple_type(recursion_type::in, 
+    recursion_type_simple::out) is multi.
+recursion_type_to_simple_type(rt_not_recursive, rts_not_recursive).
+recursion_type_to_simple_type(rt_single(_, _), rts_single).
+recursion_type_to_simple_type(rt_divide_and_conquer(_, _),
+    rts_divide_and_conquer).
+    rts_mutual_recursion(NumProcs)).
+recursion_type_to_simple_type(rt_other(Levels), rts_other(SimpleLevels)) :-
+    SimpleLevels = set.from_list(
+        map((func(Level) = Level ^ rlr_level), Levels)).
+recursion_type_to_simple_type(rt_errors(Errors), rts_error(Error)) :-
+    member(Error, Errors).
+recursion_type_to_simple_type(rt_errors(_), rts_total_error_instances).
+:- pred finalize_histogram(deep::in, int::in, 
+    map(recursion_type_simple, recursion_type_raw_freq_data)::in,
+    map(recursion_type_simple, recursion_type_freq_data)::out) is det. 
+finalize_histogram(Deep, NumCliques, !Histogram) :-
+    map_values(finalize_histogram_rec_type(Deep, float(NumCliques)), 
+        !Histogram).
+:- pred finalize_histogram_rec_type(deep::in, float::in, 
+    recursion_type_simple::in,
+    recursion_type_raw_freq_data::in, recursion_type_freq_data::out) is det.
+finalize_histogram_rec_type(Deep, NumCliques, _RecursionType, 
+        recursion_type_raw_freq_data(Freq, MaybeProfInfo, !.EntryProcs),
+        recursion_type_freq_data(Freq, Percent, MaybeSummary, !:EntryProcs)) :-
+    Percent = percent(float(Freq) / NumCliques),
+    (
+        MaybeProfInfo = no,
+        MaybeSummary = no
+    ;
+        MaybeProfInfo = yes(ProfInfo),
+        ProfInfo = own_and_inherit_prof_info(Own, Inherit),
+        own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, unit, Own, Inherit, Summary), 
+        MaybeSummary = yes(Summary)
+    ),
+    map_values(finalize_histogram_proc_rec_type(Deep, NumCliques), !EntryProcs).
+:- pred finalize_histogram_proc_rec_type(deep::in, float::in,
+    proc_static_ptr::in,
+    recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data::in, recursion_type_proc_freq_data::out)
+    is det.
+finalize_histogram_proc_rec_type(Deep, NumCliques, _PSPtr,
+        recursion_type_raw_proc_freq_data(Freq, ProfInfo, ProcDesc),
+        recursion_type_proc_freq_data(Freq, Percent, Summary)) :-
+    Percent = percent(float(Freq) / NumCliques),
+    ProfInfo = own_and_inherit_prof_info(Own, Inherit),
+    own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, ProcDesc, Own, Inherit, Summary).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "recursion_patterns.m: ".
+:- end_module recursion_patterns.
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