[m-rev.] Re: for review: parsing_utils improvements
Ian MacLarty
maclarty at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Sep 29 15:02:59 AEST 2009
On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 02:32:21PM +1000, Ralph Becket wrote:
> Ralph Becket, Tuesday, 29 September 2009:
> > (3) Why are errors not part of the ordinary parser result? If you want
> > a "quick bail out" error scheme, you can throw an exception.
I don't want a "quick bail out" error scheme.
> I guess what I'm looking for here is a demonstration that your changes
> make it noticably easier to handle errors than with the existing
> interface.
Consider this partial sparql (http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/)
parser that I wrote. I've attached a copy of the old version which
uses a result type to keep track of errors (sparql.m). I've also
attached a reworked version (sparql.m.new) using the new error handling.
It is considerably shorter and would have been much less of a pain to
If you can tell me a better way to implement the error handling using
the old system, then please let me know.
-------------- next part --------------
:- module sparql.
% A parser for a subset of SPARQL, with some custom extensions (in particular
% you can use ~"val" for literal_like expressions).
:- interface.
:- import_module flat_terms.
:- import_module namespace.
:- import_module rdf.
:- import_module result.
:- import_module list.
:- type var == string.
:- type sparql_term(T) == flat_terms.term(var, T).
:- type prefixes == namespace.namespace_abbreviations.
:- type triple_pattern
---> triple_pattern(
subj_term :: sparql_term(rdf.subject),
pred_term :: sparql_term(rdf.predicate),
obj_term :: sparql_term(object_pattern)
:- type object_pattern
---> object(rdf.object)
; literal_like(string).
:- type sparql_command
---> select(list(var), list(triple_pattern))
; delete(list(triple_pattern), list(triple_pattern))
; insert(list(triple_pattern), list(triple_pattern)).
:- type parse_error
---> parse_error(
line :: int,
position :: int,
message :: string
:- pred parse_sparql_command(prefixes::in, string::in,
result(sparql_command, parse_error)::out) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module language_tag.
:- import_module special_uri.
:- import_module uri.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module parsing_utils.
:- import_module string.
parse_sparql_command(Prefixes, Str, Result) :-
some [!PS] (
new_src_and_ps(Str, consume_whitespace_and_comments, Src, !:PS),
( sparql_command(Prefixes, Src, Result0, !.PS, PS1) ->
!:PS = PS1,
( Result0 = ok(_),
( eof(Src, _, !.PS, _) ->
Result1 = Result0
current_offset(Src, OS1, !PS),
Result1 = error({OS1, "trailing characters"})
; Result0 = error(_),
Result1 = Result0
current_offset(Src, OS2, !PS),
Result1 = error({OS2, "unrecognised command"})
!.PS = _,
( Result1 = ok(Cmd),
Result = ok(Cmd)
; Result1 = error({Offset, Msg}),
Offset, Line, Pos),
Result = error(parse_error(Line, Pos, Msg))
:- type pres(T) == result(T, {int, string}).
:- pred sparql_command(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(sparql_command)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
sparql_command(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
identifier(init_id_chars ++ "@", id_chars, Src, Word0),
{ Word = string.to_lower(Word0) },
( { Word = "select" },
select(Prefixes, Src, Res)
; { Word = "insert" },
modify_template(Prefixes, Src, TempRes),
( { TempRes = ok({Template, Where}) },
{ Res = ok(insert(Template, Where)) }
; { TempRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; { Word = "delete" },
modify_template(Prefixes, Src, TempRes),
( { TempRes = ok({Template, Where}) },
{ Res = ok(delete(Template, Where)) }
; { TempRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
:- pred select(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(sparql_command)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
select(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
one_or_more(variable, Src, Vars),
( identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, "where") ->
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, PatternRes),
( { PatternRes = ok(Where) },
{ Res = ok(select(Vars, Where)) }
; { PatternRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
current_offset(Src, Offset),
{ Res = error({Offset, "expecting where clause"}) }
:- pred modify_template(prefixes::in, src::in,
pres({list(triple_pattern), list(triple_pattern)})::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
modify_template(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, TemplateRes),
( { TemplateRes = ok(Template) },
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, WhereID),
{ string.to_lower(WhereID, "where") }
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, WhereRes),
( { WhereRes = ok(Where) },
{ Res = ok({Template, Where}) }
; { WhereRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
{ Res = ok({Template, []}) }
; { TemplateRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
:- pred variable(src::in, var::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
variable(Src, Var) -->
next_char(Src, C),
{ C = '?' ; C = '$' },
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Var).
:- pred group_graph_pattern(prefixes::in, src::in,
pres(list(triple_pattern))::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
( punct("{", Src, _) ->
( punct("}", Src, _) ->
{ Res = ok([]) }
triples_block(Prefixes, Src, BlockRes),
( { BlockRes = ok(Block) },
( punct("}", Src, _) ->
{ Res = ok(Block) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting '}'"}) }
; { BlockRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting '{'"}) }
:- pred triples_block(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(list(triple_pattern))::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
triples_block(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
triples_same_subject(Prefixes, Src, SameSubjRes),
( { SameSubjRes = ok(Block0) },
( punct(".", Src, _) ->
( peek_punct("}", Src) ->
{ Res = ok(Block0) }
triples_block(Prefixes, Src, Res1),
( { Res1 = ok(Block1) },
{ Res = ok(Block0 ++ Block1) }
; { Res1 = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
{ Res = ok(Block0) }
; { SameSubjRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
:- pred triples_same_subject(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(list(triple_pattern))::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
triples_same_subject(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
subj_term(Prefixes, Src, SubjTermRes),
( { SubjTermRes = ok(SubjTerm) },
property_list_not_empty(Prefixes, SubjTerm, Src, Res)
; { SubjTermRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
:- pred property_list_not_empty(prefixes::in, sparql_term(rdf.subject)::in, src::in,
pres(list(triple_pattern))::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
property_list_not_empty(Prefixes, Subj, Src, Res) -->
verb(Prefixes, Src, VerbRes),
( { VerbRes = ok(Verb) },
object_list(Prefixes, Src, ObjListRes),
( { ObjListRes = ok(Objs) },
{ Triples0 = list.map(func(O) = triple_pattern(Subj, Verb, O),
Objs) },
punct(";", Src, _),
property_list_not_empty(Prefixes, Subj, Src, PLRes)
( { PLRes = ok(Triples1) },
{ Res = ok(Triples0 ++ Triples1) }
; { PLRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
optional(punct(";"), Src, _),
{ Res = ok(Triples0) }
; { ObjListRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; { VerbRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
:- pred object_list(prefixes::in, src::in,
pres(list(sparql_term(object_pattern)))::out, ps::in, ps::out) is det.
object_list(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
object(Prefixes, Src, ObjRes),
( { ObjRes = ok(Obj0) },
punct(",", Src, _),
object_list(Prefixes, Src, Res1)
( { Res1 = ok(Objs1) },
{ Res = ok([Obj0 | Objs1]) }
; { Res1 = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
{ Res = ok([Obj0]) }
; { ObjRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
:- pred subj_term(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(sparql_term(rdf.subject))::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is det.
subj_term(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
( variable(Src, Var) ->
{ Res = ok(term_var(Var)) }
; iri_ref(Prefixes, Src, RefRes) ->
( { RefRes = ok(URI) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(uri(URI))) }
; { RefRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; blank_node_label(Src, BlankRes) ->
( { BlankRes = ok(Label) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(anon(Label))) }
; { BlankRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting a variable, URI or blank"}) }
:- pred iri_ref(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(uri)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
iri_ref(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
( next_char(Src, '<') ->
identifier(init_id_chars, uri_chars, Src, URI)
( punct(">", Src, _) ->
{ Res = ok(URI) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting '>'"}) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "illegal characters in URI"}) }
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Prefix),
next_char(Src, ':'),
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, LocalName),
{ namespace.search_namespace(Prefixes, prefix(Prefix),
namespace_name(Namespace)) }
{ Res = ok(Namespace ++ LocalName) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "prefix '" ++ Prefix ++ "' is not defined"}) }
:- pred blank_node_label(src::in, pres(string)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
blank_node_label(Src, Res) -->
next_char(Src, '_'),
next_char(Src, ':'),
( identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Id) ->
{ Res = ok(Id) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "illegal characters in blank node label"}) }
:- pred verb(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(sparql_term(rdf.predicate))::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is det.
verb(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
( variable(Src, Var) ->
{ Res = ok(term_var(Var)) }
; iri_ref(Prefixes, Src, RefRes) ->
( { RefRes = ok(URI) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(uri(URI))) }
; { RefRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; keyword(id_chars, "a", Src, _) ->
{ Res = ok(term_value(uri(special_uri.rdf_type))) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting a variable or URI"}) }
:- pred object(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(sparql_term(object_pattern))::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is det.
object(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
( variable(Src, Var) ->
{ Res = ok(term_var(Var)) }
; iri_ref(Prefixes, Src, RefRes) ->
( { RefRes = ok(URI) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(object(resource(uri(URI))))) }
; { RefRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; blank_node_label(Src, BlankRes) ->
( { BlankRes = ok(Label) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(object(resource(anon(Label))))) }
; { BlankRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; rdf_literal(Prefixes, Src, LitRes) ->
( { LitRes = ok(Lit) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(object(literal(Lit)))) }
; { LitRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
; literal_like(Src, LikeRes) ->
( { LikeRes = ok(Str) },
{ Res = ok(term_value(literal_like(Str))) }
; { LikeRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting a variable, URI, blank, literal or ~ expression"}) }
:- pred rdf_literal(prefixes::in, src::in, pres(rdf.literal)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
rdf_literal(Prefixes, Src, Res) -->
string(Src, Val),
( punct("^^", Src, _) ->
( iri_ref(Prefixes, Src, RefRes) ->
( { RefRes = ok(URI) },
{ Res = ok(literal(Val, typed(URI))) }
; { RefRes = error(Err) },
{ Res = error(Err) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting a type URI"}) }
; next_char(Src, '@') ->
( identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Lang) ->
{ Res = ok(literal(Val, plain(yes(lt(Lang))))) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting a language tag"}) }
{ Res = ok(literal(Val, plain(no))) }
:- pred literal_like(src::in, pres(string)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
literal_like(Src, Res) -->
punct("~", Src, _),
( string(Src, Str) ->
{ Res = ok(Str) }
current_offset(Src, OS),
{ Res = error({OS, "expecting a string"}) }
:- pred string(src::in, string::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
string(Src, Str) -->
some [!Str] (
string_literal('"', Src, !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\t", "\t", !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\n", "\n", !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\r", "\r", !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\\"", "\"", !:Str),
Str = !.Str
:- func id_chars = string.
id_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_-".
:- func init_id_chars = string.
init_id_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".
:- func uri_chars = string.
uri_chars = id_chars ++ "/:@&?=%~#+.;".
:- func consume_whitespace_and_comments(src, ps) = ps.
consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS0) = PS :-
( next_char(Src, C, PS0, PS1) ->
( char.is_whitespace(C) ->
PS = consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS1)
; C = '#' ->
( skip_to_eol(Src, _, PS1, PS2) ->
PS = consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS2)
PS = PS0
PS = PS0
PS = PS0
:- pred peek_punct(string::in, src::in, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
peek_punct(Punct, Src, PS, PS) :-
punct(Punct, Src, _, PS, _).
:- end_module sparql.
-------------- next part --------------
:- module sparql.
% A parser for a subset of SPARQL, with some custom extensions (in particular
% you can use ~"val" for literal_like expressions).
:- interface.
:- import_module flat_terms.
:- import_module namespace.
:- import_module rdf.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module parsing_utils.
:- type var == string.
:- type sparql_term(T) == flat_terms.term(var, T).
:- type prefixes == namespace.namespace_abbreviations.
:- type triple_pattern
---> triple_pattern(
subj_term :: sparql_term(rdf.subject),
pred_term :: sparql_term(rdf.predicate),
obj_term :: sparql_term(object_pattern)
:- type object_pattern
---> object(rdf.object)
; literal_like(string).
:- type sparql_command
---> select(list(var), list(triple_pattern))
; delete(list(triple_pattern), list(triple_pattern))
; insert(list(triple_pattern), list(triple_pattern)).
:- pred parse_sparql_command(prefixes::in, string::in,
parsing_utils.parse_result(sparql_command)::out) is cc_multi.
:- implementation.
:- import_module language_tag.
:- import_module rdf.parse.
:- import_module special_uri.
:- import_module uri.
:- import_module char.
:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module unit.
parse_sparql_command(Prefixes, Str, Result) :-
parse(Str, consume_whitespace_and_comments,
sparql_command(Prefixes), Result).
:- pred sparql_command(prefixes::in, src::in, sparql_command::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
sparql_command(Prefixes, Src, Command) -->
( ikeyword(id_chars, "select", Src, _) ->
select(Prefixes, Src, Command)
; ikeyword(id_chars, "insert", Src, _) ->
modify_template(Prefixes, Src, {Template, Where}),
{ Command = insert(Template, Where) }
; ikeyword(id_chars, "delete", Src, _) ->
modify_template(Prefixes, Src, {Template, Where}),
{ Command = delete(Template, Where) }
fail_with_message("unknown command", Src, Command)
:- pred select(prefixes::in, src::in, sparql_command::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
select(Prefixes, Src, Select) -->
one_or_more(variable, Src, Vars),
ikeyword(id_chars, "where", Src, _),
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, Where),
{ Select = select(Vars, Where) }.
:- pred modify_template(prefixes::in, src::in,
{list(triple_pattern), list(triple_pattern)}::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
modify_template(Prefixes, Src, {Template, Where}) -->
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, Template),
ikeyword(id_chars, "where", Src, _)
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, Where)
{ Where = [] }
:- pred variable(src::in, var::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
variable(Src, Var) -->
next_char(Src, C),
{ ( C = '?' ; C = '$' ) },
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Var).
:- pred group_graph_pattern(prefixes::in, src::in,
list(triple_pattern)::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
group_graph_pattern(Prefixes, Src, Block) -->
punct("{", Src, _),
( punct("}", Src, _) ->
{ Block = [] }
triples_block(Prefixes, Src, Block),
punct("}", Src, _)
:- pred triples_block(prefixes::in, src::in, list(triple_pattern)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
triples_block(Prefixes, Src, Block) -->
triples_same_subject(Prefixes, Src, Block0),
( punct(".", Src, _) ->
( peek_punct("}", Src) ->
{ Block = Block0 }
triples_block(Prefixes, Src, Block1),
{ Block = Block0 ++ Block1 }
{ Block = Block0 }
:- pred triples_same_subject(prefixes::in, src::in, list(triple_pattern)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
triples_same_subject(Prefixes, Src, Triples) -->
subj_term(Prefixes, Src, SubjTerm),
property_list_not_empty(Prefixes, SubjTerm, Src, Triples).
:- pred property_list_not_empty(prefixes::in, sparql_term(rdf.subject)::in, src::in,
list(triple_pattern)::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
property_list_not_empty(Prefixes, Subj, Src, Triples) -->
verb(Prefixes, Src, Verb),
object_list(Prefixes, Src, Objs),
{ Triples0 = list.map(func(O) = triple_pattern(Subj, Verb, O),
Objs) },
punct(";", Src, _),
property_list_not_empty(Prefixes, Subj, Src, Triples1)
{ Triples = Triples0 ++ Triples1 }
optional(punct(";"), Src, _),
{ Triples = Triples0 }
:- pred object_list(prefixes::in, src::in,
list(sparql_term(object_pattern))::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
object_list(Prefixes, Src, Objs) -->
object(Prefixes, Src, Obj0),
punct(",", Src, _),
object_list(Prefixes, Src, Objs1)
{ Objs = [Obj0 | Objs1] }
{ Objs = [Obj0] }
:- pred subj_term(prefixes::in, src::in, sparql_term(rdf.subject)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
subj_term(Prefixes, Src, Term) -->
( variable(Src, Var) ->
{ Term = term_var(Var) }
; parse_turtle_subject(Prefixes, Src, Subj) ->
{ Term = term_value(Subj) }
{ fail }
:- pred verb(prefixes::in, src::in, sparql_term(rdf.predicate)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
verb(Prefixes, Src, Term) -->
( variable(Src, Var) ->
{ Term = term_var(Var) }
; parse_turtle_uri(Prefixes, Src, URI) ->
{ Term = term_value(uri(URI)) }
; keyword(id_chars, "a", Src, _) ->
{ Term = term_value(uri(special_uri.rdf_type)) }
{ fail }
:- pred object(prefixes::in, src::in, sparql_term(object_pattern)::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
object(Prefixes, Src, Term) -->
( variable(Src, Var) ->
{ Term = term_var(Var) }
; parse_turtle_object(Prefixes, Src, Obj) ->
{ Term = term_value(object(Obj)) }
; literal_like(Src, Like) ->
{ Term = term_value(literal_like(Like)) }
{ fail }
:- pred literal_like(src::in, string::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
literal_like(Src, Like) -->
punct("~", Src, _),
string(Src, Like).
:- pred string(src::in, string::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
string(Src, Str) -->
some [!Str] (
string_literal('"', Src, !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\t", "\t", !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\n", "\n", !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\r", "\r", !:Str),
string.replace_all(!.Str, "\\\"", "\"", !:Str),
Str = !.Str
:- pred parse_turtle_subject(namespace.namespace_abbreviations::in, parsing_utils.src::in,
rdf.subject::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
parse_turtle_subject(Prefixes, Src, Subj) -->
( parse_turtle_uri(Prefixes, Src, URI) ->
{ Subj = uri(URI) }
parse_blank_node_label(Src, Label),
{ Subj = anon(Label) }
:- pred parse_turtle_predicate(namespace.namespace_abbreviations::in,
parsing_utils.src::in, rdf.predicate::out, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
parse_turtle_predicate(Prefixes, Src, uri(URI)) -->
parse_turtle_uri(Prefixes, Src, URI).
:- pred parse_turtle_uri(namespace_abbreviations::in, src::in, uri::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
parse_turtle_uri(Prefixes, Src, URI) -->
current_offset(Src, Start),
( next_char(Src, '<') ->
identifier(init_id_chars, uri_chars, Src, URI),
punct(">", Src, _)
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Prefix),
next_char(Src, ':'),
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, LocalName),
{ namespace.search_namespace(Prefixes, prefix(Prefix),
namespace_name(Namespace)) }
{ URI = Namespace ++ LocalName }
fail_with_message("unknown prefix: " ++ Prefix, Start, Src, URI)
:- pred parse_blank_node_label(src::in, string::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
parse_blank_node_label(Src, Label) -->
next_char(Src, '_'),
next_char(Src, ':'),
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Label).
:- pred parse_turtle_literal(namespace_abbreviations::in, src::in, rdf.literal::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
parse_turtle_literal(Prefixes, Src, Lit) -->
string(Src, Val),
( punct("^^", Src, _) ->
parse_turtle_uri(Prefixes, Src, URI),
{ Lit = literal(Val, typed(URI)) }
; next_char(Src, '@') ->
identifier(init_id_chars, id_chars, Src, Lang),
{ Lit = literal(Val, plain(yes(lt(Lang)))) }
{ Lit = literal(Val, plain(no)) }
:- pred parse_turtle_object(namespace_abbreviations::in, src::in, rdf.object::out,
ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
parse_turtle_object(Prefixes, Src, Obj) -->
( parse_turtle_uri(Prefixes, Src, URI) ->
{ Obj = resource(uri(URI)) }
; parse_blank_node_label(Src, Label) ->
{ Obj = resource(anon(Label)) }
parse_turtle_literal(Prefixes, Src, Lit),
{ Obj = literal(Lit) }
:- func id_chars = string.
id_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_-".
:- func init_id_chars = string.
init_id_chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".
:- func uri_chars = string.
uri_chars = id_chars ++ "/:@&?=%~#+.;".
:- func consume_whitespace_and_comments(src, ps) = ps.
consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS0) = PS :-
( next_char(Src, C, PS0, PS1) ->
( char.is_whitespace(C) ->
PS = consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS1)
; C = '#' ->
( skip_to_eol(Src, _, PS1, PS2) ->
PS = consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS2)
PS = consume_whitespace_and_comments(Src, PS1)
PS = PS0
PS = PS0
:- pred peek_punct(string::in, src::in, ps::in, ps::out) is semidet.
peek_punct(Punct, Src, PS, PS) :-
punct(Punct, Src, _, PS, _).
:- end_module sparql.
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