[m-rev.] diff: Split up the large mdprof_feedback.m module

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Mar 17 17:28:06 AEDT 2009

Estimated hours taken: 1.5.
Branches: main

Split up mdprof_feedback.m into three modules,  The original, utility code for
raising messages and the code related to automatic parallelism.

	As above

Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
RCS file: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
diff -N deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m	17 Mar 2009 06:10:25 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1420 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006-2009 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m.
+% Author: tannier, pbone.
+% This module contains the code for analysing deep profiles of programs in
+% order to determine how best to automatically parallelise the program.  This
+% code is used by the mdprof_feedback tool.
+:- module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module message.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.
+:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module float.
+    % Build the candidate parallel conjunctions feedback information used for
+    % implicit parallelism.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions(
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, cord(message)::out,
+    feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
+:- type candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts
+    --->    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts(
+                cpc_desired_parallelism     :: float,
+                cpc_sparking_cost           :: int,
+                cpc_locking_cost            :: int,
+                cpc_clique_threshold        :: int,
+                cpc_call_site_threshold     :: int
+            ).
+    % Perform Jerome's analysis and update the feedback info structure.
+    %
+:- pred css_list_above_threshold(calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts::in,
+    deep::in, feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
+:- type calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts
+    --->    calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts(
+                cats_measure                :: stat_measure,
+                cats_threshold              :: int
+            ).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module create_report.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module multi_map.
+:- import_module pair.
+:- import_module pqueue.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+:- import_module svset.
+% The code in this section has some trace goals that can be enabled with:
+%	--trace-flag=debug_cpc_search
+%	  Debug the traversal through the clique tree.
+%	--trace-flag=debug_recursive_costs 
+%     Debug the calculation of the costs of recursive call sites.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions(Opts, Deep, Messages, !Feedback) :-
+    Opts = candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts(DesiredParallelism,
+        SparkingCost, LockingCost, _CliqueThreshold, _CallSiteThreshold),
+    % Find opertunities for parallelism by walking the clique tree.  Don't
+    % Descened into cliques cheaper than the threshold.
+    deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
+    TotalCallseqs = Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_callseqs,
+    % The +1 here accounts for the cost of the pseudo call into the mercury
+    % runtime.
+    RootCliqueCost = cost_info(1, TotalCallseqs + 1),
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, RootCliqueCost, 
+        RootCliquePtr, ConjunctionsMultiMap, Messages),
+    multi_map.to_flat_assoc_list(ConjunctionsMultiMap, ConjunctionsAssocList),
+    CandidateParallelConjunctions =
+        feedback_data_candidate_parallel_conjunctions(DesiredParallelism,
+        SparkingCost, LockingCost, ConjunctionsAssocList),
+    put_feedback_data(CandidateParallelConjunctions, !Feedback).
+:- type implicit_parallelism_info
+    --->    implicit_parallelism_info(
+                ipi_deep            :: deep,
+                ipi_progrep         :: prog_rep,
+                ipi_opts            :: candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts,
+                ipi_call_sites      :: map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report),
+                ipi_rec_call_sites  :: map(goal_path, cost_info),
+                ipi_var_table       :: var_table
+            ).
+:- type cost_info
+    --->    cost_info(
+                cci_calls           :: int,
+                cci_callseqs_total  :: int 
+            ).
+:- type candidate_par_conjunctions ==
+    multi_map(string_proc_label, candidate_par_conjunction).
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, cost_info::in,
+    clique_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out) 
+    is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, ParentCostInfo, CliquePtr,
+        Candidates, Messages) :-
+    create_clique_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueReport),
+    (
+        MaybeCliqueReport = ok(CliqueReport),
+        CliqueProcs = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_procs,
+        % All cliques must contain at least one procedure.
+        ( [ FirstCliqueProcPrime ] = CliqueProcs ->
+            FirstCliqueProc = FirstCliqueProcPrime
+        ;
+            error(this_file ++ "A clique must have et least one procedure")
+        ),    
+        CliqueIsRecursive = is_clique_recursive(CliqueReport),
+        make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, CliqueProcMap),
+        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
+            CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, set.init, CliqueProcMap,
+            CliquePtr, FirstCliqueProc, Candidates, Messages)
+    ;
+        MaybeCliqueReport = error(Error),
+        error(this_file ++ Error),
+        Messages = cord.empty
+    ).
+:- type clique_is_recursive
+    --->    clique_is_recursive
+    ;       clique_is_not_recursive.
+:- func is_clique_recursive(clique_report) = clique_is_recursive.
+is_clique_recursive(CliqueReport) = CliqueIsRecursive :-
+    CliqueProcs = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_procs,
+    ( CliqueProcs = [_, _ | _] ->
+        % If there is more than one procedure then the clique must be mutually
+        % recursive.  This computation is trivial compared to the case below.
+        CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive
+    ; CliqueProcs = [CliqueProc] ->
+        % Look for a self recursion in the single clique procedure.
+        CliquePtr = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_ptr,
+        ( 
+            % If at least one call site within the clique's proc makes a call
+            % to this same clique then this is a recursive clique - this also
+            % covers higher-order calls.
+            some [CliqueProcDyanmic, CallSite, CalleePerf]
+            (
+                (
+                    CliqueProcDynamic = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic
+                ;
+                    member(CliqueProcDynamic, 
+                        CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics)
+                ),
+                member(CallSite, CliqueProcDynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites), 
+                member(CalleePerf, CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
+                CliquePtr = CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr
+            ) 
+        ->
+            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive
+        ;
+            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_not_recursive
+        )
+    ;
+        error(this_file ++ "Clique must have at least one procedure")
+    ).
+    % Construct a map of clique proc reports.
+    %
+:- pred make_clique_proc_map(list(clique_proc_report)::in,
+    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::out) is det.
+make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, CliqueProcMap) :-
+    list.foldl((pred(CliqueProc::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
+            ProcDesc = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+            map.det_insert(Map0, ProcDesc, CliqueProc, Map)
+        ), CliqueProcs, map.init, CliqueProcMap).
+    % candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, 
+    %   CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed, CliquePtr,
+    %   CliqueProc, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    %
+    % Find candidate parallel conjunctions within a clique_proc_report.
+    %
+    % ParentCostInfo gives the cost of the call site calling this clique so
+    % that we may correctly calculate the per-call costs of recursive cliques
+    % and their call sites.
+    %
+    % ProcsAnalysed keeps a set of procs we've visited to prevent unbound
+    % recursion in this algorithm.
+    %
+    % CliqueProcMap is a map of proc_desc to clique_proc_report structures
+    % extracted from the clique_report.
+    %
+    % CliquePtr is the clique that this proc belongs to.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, 
+    clique_is_recursive::in, cost_info::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
+    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in,
+    clique_ptr::in, clique_proc_report::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, 
+        CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed0, CliqueProcMap, 
+        CliquePtr, CliqueProc, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    some [!Messages]
+    (
+        !:Messages = cord.empty,
+        % Use the total cost the call to this procedure to decide if we should
+        % stop recursing the call graph at this point.  If the procedure does
+        % not contribute to the runtime of the program in an absolute way then
+        % do not recurse further.  This test is performed here rather than in
+        % the callees of this predicate to avoid duplication of code.
+        ParentCostInfo = cost_info(_Calls, TotalCost),
+        ( TotalCost > Opts ^ cpc_clique_threshold ->
+            % Determine the costs of the call sites in the procedure.
+            (
+                CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive,
+                build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliqueProc, CliquePtr,
+                    ParentCostInfo, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CSCMMessages),
+                !:Messages = !.Messages ++ CSCMMessages,
+                trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)]
+                  io.format(
+                    "D: In clique %s recursive call site cost map is: %s\n",
+                    [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(string(RecursiveCallSiteCostMap))],
+                    !IO)
+            ;
+                CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_not_recursive,
+                RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map.init
+            ),
+            % Analyse this procedure for parallelism opportunities.
+            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, CliqueProc,
+                RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, ProcCandidates, ProcMessages),
+            !:Messages = !.Messages ++ ProcMessages,
+            ProcDesc = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+            % Get a list of call sites
+            ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
+                proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
+                append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
+                    error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc,
+                    !Messages)
+            ;
+                true
+            ),
+            CallSiteReports = 
+                CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
+            % Analyse child cliques of this clique proc for parallelism
+            % opportunities.  Recursive calls point to this same clique, in
+            % these cases call candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc on
+            % the procedure within this clique that they call.
+            set.insert(ProcsAnalysed0, ProcDesc, ProcsAnalysed),
+            list.map2(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(Opts, Deep,
+                    ProcsAnalysed, CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap,
+                    CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr),
+                CallSiteReports, CSCandidatesList, CSMessagesList),
+            list.foldl(multi_map.merge, CSCandidatesList, multi_map.init,
+                CSCandidates),
+            Candidates = multi_map.merge(ProcCandidates, CSCandidates),
+            !:Messages = !.Messages ++ cord_list_to_cord(CSMessagesList)
+        ;
+            Candidates = multi_map.init,
+            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)]
+                io.format("D: Not entering cheap clique: %s with cost %s\n",
+                    [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(string(ParentCostInfo))], !IO)
+        ),
+        Messages = !.Messages
+    ).
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
+    clique_is_recursive::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
+    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in,
+    clique_call_site_report::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed,
+        CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr,
+        CallSiteReport, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    % XXX: This does not weight the callees by the probability that they will
+    % be called.  This is only a problem for higher order call sites.
+    CalleePerfs = CallSiteReport ^ ccsr_callee_perfs,
+    CallSiteDesc = CallSiteReport ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+    list.map2(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed,
+            CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcMap,
+            CliquePtr, CallSiteDesc),
+        CalleePerfs, CandidatesList, MessagesList),
+    list.foldl(multi_map.merge, CandidatesList, multi_map.init, Candidates),
+    Messages = cord_list_to_cord(MessagesList).
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
+    clique_is_recursive::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
+    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in, call_site_desc::in,
+    perf_row_data(clique_desc)::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed0,
+        ParentCliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcReportMap,
+        ParentCliquePtr, CallSiteDesc, CliquePerf, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    CliqueDesc = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_subject,
+    CliquePtr = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+    CliqueEntryProc = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_entry_member,
+    MaybePerfTotal = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
+    (
+        MaybePerfTotal = yes(PerfTotal)
+    ;
+        MaybePerfTotal = no,
+        error(this_file ++ 
+            "Could not retrive total callseqs cost from clique")
+    ),
+    CliqueCost = PerfTotal ^ perf_row_callseqs,
+    Calls = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_calls,
+    CostInfo = cost_info(Calls, CliqueCost),
+    ( ParentCliquePtr = CliquePtr ->
+        % This is a recursive call within the same clique.
+        ( member(CliqueEntryProc, ProcsAnalysed0) ->
+            % If we've analysed this clique in this proc already then don't do
+            % it again.
+            Candidates = multi_map.init,
+            Messages = cord.empty
+        ;
+            map.lookup(CliqueProcReportMap, CliqueEntryProc, CliqueProcReport),
+            ProcsAnalysed = set.insert(ProcsAnalysed0, CliqueEntryProc),
+            % We determine the cost of the call site we're following within
+            % this clique to this procedure so that it can have correct cost
+            % information.
+            map.lookup(RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, 
+                CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_goal_path, CallCostInfo),
+            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
+                ParentCliqueIsRecursive, CallCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed, 
+                CliqueProcReportMap, ParentCliquePtr, CliqueProcReport, 
+                Candidates, Messages)
+        )
+    ;
+        ( CliqueCost > Opts ^ cpc_clique_threshold ->
+            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, CostInfo,
+                CliquePtr, Candidates, Messages)
+        ;
+            Candidates = multi_map.init, 
+            Messages = cord.empty
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(deep::in, clique_proc_report::in,
+    clique_ptr::in, cost_info::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliqueProc, CliquePtr,
+        ParentCostInfo, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Messages) :-
+    % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
+    PerfRowData = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary,
+    TotalProcCalls = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_calls,
+    ProcDesc = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+    proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
+    ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
+        append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
+            error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc, cord.empty, Messages)
+    ;
+        Messages = cord.empty
+    ),
+    cost_info(ParentCSCalls, ParentCSCost) = ParentCostInfo,
+    CallSites = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
+    % Divide ParentCalls by the number of recursive calls to determine the
+    % fraction of calls into this procedure from outside the clique compared to
+    % calls from within the clique, use this to calculate the number of calls
+    % at the top level of the recursion of the call sites.
+    ProcCallsRecFraction = float(ParentCSCalls) / float(TotalProcCalls),
+    list.foldl3(get_callsite_cost_infos(CliquePtr, ProcCallsRecFraction), 
+        CallSites, 0, NonRecCSCost, 0.0, RecursiveCSCalls, 
+        set.init, RecursiveCS),
+    % The negative one here represents the call from the parent into this
+    % procedure.
+    RecursiveCost = ParentCSCost - 0 - NonRecCSCost,
+    ( RecursiveCSCalls = 0.0 ->
+        RecursiveCostPerCall = 0.0
+    ;
+        RecursiveCostPerCall = 
+            float(RecursiveCost) / RecursiveCSCalls
+    ),
+    trace [compile_time(flag("debug_recursive_costs")), io(!IO)]
+        io.format(
+            "D: In clique proc: %s-%s\n\tRecursiveCostPerCall = %d/%f = %f\n",
+            [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(string(ProcLabel)), 
+             i(RecursiveCost), f(RecursiveCSCalls), f(RecursiveCostPerCall)], 
+            !IO),
+    set.fold(
+        build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(RecursiveCostPerCall),
+        RecursiveCS, map.init, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap). 
+:- pred get_callsite_cost_infos(clique_ptr::in, float::in, 
+    clique_call_site_report::in, int::in, int::out, float::in, float::out, 
+    set(clique_call_site_report)::in, set(clique_call_site_report)::out) is det.
+get_callsite_cost_infos(ThisClique, ParentCallsRecFraction, CallSite,
+        !NonRecCSCost, !RecursiveCalls, !RecursiveCallSites) :-
+    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
+    MaybeTotal = CSSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
+    (
+        MaybeTotal = yes(Total),
+        Cost = Total ^ perf_row_callseqs
+    ;
+        MaybeTotal = no,
+        error("clique_call_site has 'no' for perf_row_maybe_total")
+    ),
+    (
+        % Note that according to this any higher order call site that is
+        % recursive in some cases and non-recursive in others is considered to
+        % be recursive.  The cost of it's non-recursive calls is not factored
+        % into the calculation of the cost of recursive call sites.
+        member(CalleePerf, CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
+        CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr = ThisClique
+    ->
+        !:RecursiveCalls = !.RecursiveCalls + 
+            (float(CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls) * ParentCallsRecFraction),
+        svset.insert(CallSite, !RecursiveCallSites)
+    ;
+        !:NonRecCSCost = !.NonRecCSCost + Cost
+    ).
+:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(float::in,
+    clique_call_site_report::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
+    map(goal_path, cost_info)::out) is det.
+build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(RecursiveCostPerCall, CallSite,
+        !Map) :-
+    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
+    Calls = CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls,
+    Cost = RecursiveCostPerCall * float(Calls),
+    CostInfo = cost_info(Calls, round_to_int(Cost)),
+    GoalPath = CSSummary ^ perf_row_subject ^ csdesc_goal_path,
+    svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, CostInfo, !Map).
+    % Find candidate parallel conjunctions within the given procedure.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in,
+    clique_proc_report::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, CliqueProc,
+        RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
+    PerfRowData = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary,
+    ProcDesc = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+    proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
+    CallSites = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
+    ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
+        append_message(proc(ProcLabel), 
+            error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc,
+            cord.empty, Messages0)
+    ;
+        Messages0 = cord.empty
+    ),
+    list.foldl(add_call_site_report_to_map,
+        CallSites, map.init, CallSitesMap),
+    deep_get_progrep_det(Deep, ProgRep),
+    ( progrep_search_proc(ProgRep, ProcLabel, ProcRep) ->
+        ProcRep ^ pr_defn = ProcDefnRep,
+        ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_goal = Goal,
+        ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_var_table = VarTable,
+        Info = implicit_parallelism_info(Deep, ProgRep, Opts,
+            CallSitesMap, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, VarTable),
+        goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Goal, empty_goal_path, Info,
+            ProcLabel, Candidates0, _, _,
+            Messages, initial_inst_map(ProcDefnRep), _),
+        list.foldl((pred(Candidate::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
+                multi_map.set(Map0, ProcLabel, Candidate, Map)
+            ), Candidates0, multi_map.init, Candidates)
+    ;
+        % Builtin procedures cannot be found in the program representation, and
+        % cannot be parallelised either.
+        Candidates = multi_map.init,
+        append_message(proc(ProcLabel), warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn,
+            Messages0, Messages)
+    ).
+:- pred goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(goal_rep::in, goal_path::in,
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, string_proc_label::in, 
+    list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out, seen_duplicate_instantiation::out,
+    maybe_call_conjunct::out, cord(message)::out, inst_map::in, inst_map::out) 
+    is det.
+goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Goal, GoalPath, Info, ProcLabel, 
+        Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, MaybeCallConjunct,
+        Messages, !InstMap) :-
+    Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, _),
+    (
+        (
+            GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts),
+            conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Conjuncts, GoalPath,
+                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+                Messages, !InstMap) 
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts),
+            disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Disjuncts, GoalPath, 1,
+                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+                Messages, !InstMap)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = switch_rep(_, _, Cases),
+            switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cases, GoalPath, 1,
+                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+                Messages, !InstMap)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
+            ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cond, Then, Else,
+                GoalPath, Info, ProcLabel, Candidates,
+                SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, !InstMap)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, MaybeCut),
+            ScopeGoalPath = 
+                goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(MaybeCut)),
+            goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(SubGoal, ScopeGoalPath,
+                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
+                Messages, !InstMap) 
+        ;
+            GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
+            NegGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg),
+            goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(SubGoal, NegGoalPath,
+                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
+                Messages, !InstMap) 
+        ),
+        % TODO: Parallelising conjunctions like 
+        %   ( call1(A, B) , not call2(C, D) )
+        % may be easy to do when writing the compiler's part of the code, if so
+        % then MaybeCallAboveThreshold should probably be set from some of
+        % these non-atomic goals based on goals within them.
+        MaybeCallConjunct = non_atomic_goal 
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
+        InstMapBeforeCall = !.InstMap,
+        % The binding of a variable may depend on any number of other
+        % variables, and recursively the variables that those depended-on
+        % variables depend upon.  
+        % Except that variables involved in control flow (switched on vars,
+        % vars in ITE conds) however this never comes up as for-now we only
+        % consider atomic goals.
+        atomic_goal_get_vars(AtomicGoal, AtomicGoalVars0),
+        list.foldl((pred(Var::in, Set0::in, Set::out) is det :-
+                ( set.remove(Set0, Var, SetPrime) ->
+                    Set = SetPrime
+                ;
+                    Set = Set0
+                )
+            ), BoundVars, AtomicGoalVars0, AtomicGoalVars),
+        inst_map_ground_vars(BoundVars, AtomicGoalVars, !InstMap,
+            SeenDuplicateInstantiation),
+        maybe_call_site_conjunct(Info, GoalPath, AtomicGoal, Detism,
+            InstMapBeforeCall, !.InstMap, BoundVars, MaybeCallConjunct),
+        Messages = cord.empty,
+        Candidates = []
+    ).
+:- pred conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(list(goal_rep)::in,
+    goal_path::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in, string_proc_label::in,
+    list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out, seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, 
+    cord(message)::out, inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
+conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Conjs, GoalPath, Info,
+        ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, 
+        !InstMap) :-
+    some [!Messages] 
+    (
+        % Note: it will be better to look at each pair of conjuncts, determine
+        % if they are parallelisable (perhaps by placing middle goals in either
+        % of the parallel conjuncts to create the optimum amount of
+        % parallelism.  This will need to have an in-order representation of
+        % goals, and for each variable seen have a tree of variables it depends
+        % upon.
+        %
+        % For now consider parallelising conjuncts that separated only by other
+        % atomic goals.
+        conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2(Conjs, GoalPath, 1, Info,
+            ProcLabel, Candidates0, CallSiteConjuncts, 
+            SeenDuplicateInstantiation, !:Messages, !InstMap),
+        build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, !.InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel,
+            list(CallSiteConjuncts), MessagesBCC, pqueue.init, CandidatesQueue),
+        !:Messages = !.Messages ++ MessagesBCC,
+        % Pick best candidate from queue.
+        (
+            SeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+            ( pqueue.remove(CandidatesQueue, _, Candidate, CandidatesQueuePrime) ->
+                Candidates = [Candidate | Candidates0],
+                (
+                    pqueue.length(CandidatesQueuePrime) = Length,
+                    Length > 0
+                ->
+                    append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
+                        notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(Length), 
+                        !Messages)
+                ;
+                    true
+                ),
+                append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
+                    info_found_candidate_conjunction,
+                    !Messages)
+            ;
+                Candidates = Candidates0
+            )
+        ;
+            SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+            Candidates = Candidates0,
+            (
+                pqueue.length(CandidatesQueue) = Length,
+                Length >= 1 
+            ->
+                append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath), 
+                    notice_duplicate_instantiation(Length), 
+                    !Messages)
+            ;
+                true
+            )
+        ),
+        Messages = !.Messages
+    ).
+:- pred conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2(list(goal_rep)::in,
+    goal_path::in, int::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
+    cord(maybe_call_conjunct)::out, seen_duplicate_instantiation::out,
+    cord(message)::out, inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
+conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2([], _, _, _, _, [], cord.empty, 
+        have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation, cord.empty, !InstMap).
+conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2([Conj | Conjs], GoalPath,
+        ConjunctNum, Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, CallSiteConjuncts,
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, !InstMap) :-
+    ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjunctNum)),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Conj, ConjGoalPath, Info,
+        ProcLabel, CandidatesHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
+        MaybeCallSiteConjunct, MessagesHead, !InstMap), 
+    conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2(Conjs, GoalPath, ConjunctNum+1,
+        Info, ProcLabel, CandidatesTail, CallSiteConjuncts0,
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail, MessagesTail, !InstMap),
+    Candidates = CandidatesHead ++ CandidatesTail,
+    Messages = MessagesHead ++ MessagesTail,
+    CallSiteConjuncts = cord.cons(MaybeCallSiteConjunct, CallSiteConjuncts0),
+    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+:- pred disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(list(goal_rep)::in,
+    goal_path::in, int::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
+    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, cord(message)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
+disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([], _, _, _, _, [],
+    have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation, cord.empty, !InstMap).
+disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([Disj | Disjs], GoalPath, DisjNum,
+        Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, 
+        Messages, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
+    DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
+    HeadDetism = Disj ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Disj, DisjGoalPath, Info,
+        ProcLabel, HeadCandidates, HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation, 
+        _MaybeCallConjunct, HeadMessages, InstMap0, HeadInstMap),
+    disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Disjs, GoalPath, DisjNum + 1,
+        Info, ProcLabel, TailCandidates, TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        TailMessages, InstMap0, TailInstMap),
+    Candidates = HeadCandidates ++ TailCandidates,
+    Messages = HeadMessages ++ TailMessages,
+    % merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
+    % we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
+    (
+        Disjs = [],
+        TailDetism = failure_rep
+    ;
+        Disjs = [_ | _],
+        TailDetism = det_rep
+    ),
+    InstMap = merge_inst_map(HeadInstMap, HeadDetism, TailInstMap, TailDetism),
+    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
+        HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation).
+:- pred switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(list(case_rep)::in,
+    goal_path::in, int::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, cord(message)::out, 
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
+switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([], _, _, _, _, [],
+    have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation, cord.empty, !InstMap).
+switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([Case | Cases], GoalPath,
+        CaseNum, Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        Messages, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
+    Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
+    HeadDetism = Goal ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Goal, CaseGoalPath, Info,
+        ProcLabel, HeadCandidates, HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation, 
+        _MaybeCallConjs, HeadMessages, InstMap0, HeadInstMap),
+    switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cases, GoalPath, 
+        CaseNum + 1, Info, ProcLabel, TailCandidates,
+        TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation, TailMessages, InstMap0, TailInstMap),
+    Candidates = HeadCandidates ++ TailCandidates,
+    Messages = HeadMessages ++ TailMessages,
+    % merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
+    % we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
+    (
+        Cases = [],
+        TailDetism = failure_rep
+    ;
+        Cases = [_ | _],
+        TailDetism = det_rep
+    ),
+    InstMap = merge_inst_map(HeadInstMap, HeadDetism, TailInstMap, TailDetism),
+    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
+        HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation).
+:- pred ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(goal_rep::in, goal_rep::in,
+    goal_rep::in, goal_path::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, cord(message)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
+ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cond, Then, Else, GoalPath, Info,
+        ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, !InstMap) :-
+    CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
+    ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
+    ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cond, CondGoalPath, Info,
+        ProcLabel, CondCandidates, CondSeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
+        CondMessages, !.InstMap, PostCondInstMap),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Then, ThenGoalPath, Info, 
+        ProcLabel, ThenCandidates, ThenSeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
+        ThenMessages, PostCondInstMap, PostThenInstMap),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Else, ElseGoalPath, Info, 
+        ProcLabel, ElseCandidates, ElseSeenDuplicateInstantiation, _, 
+        ElseMessages, PostCondInstMap, PostElseInstMap),
+    Candidates = CondCandidates ++ ThenCandidates ++ ElseCandidates,
+    (
+        CondSeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        ThenSeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        ElseSeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation
+    ->
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation
+    ;
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation
+    ),
+    Messages = CondMessages ++ ThenMessages ++ ElseMessages,
+    ThenDetism = Then ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    ElseDetism = Else ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    !:InstMap = merge_inst_map(PostThenInstMap, ThenDetism, 
+        PostElseInstMap, ElseDetism).
+    % This type represents a goal, if the goal is a call extra information used
+    % for parallelising it with another call is provided.
+    %
+    % This is similar to candidate_parallel_conjunct, except that it stores
+    % information that's used for the rest of the implicit parallelism
+    % analysis.  It must contain information for the following.
+    %
+    %   - Average cost information for this call site,
+    %
+    %   - Enough information to resolve the procedure call, (detism and
+    %     argument modes).
+    %
+    %   - Information that can be used to determine if this is part of a
+    %     dependant conjunction, and its role in the dependant conjunction.
+    %
+    %   - Enough information so that a candidate_par_conjuct structure can be
+    %     constructed from it and the deep profiling info.
+    %
+:- type maybe_call_conjunct 
+    --->    call(
+                mccc_callee             :: maybe(pair(string, string)),
+                mccc_detism             :: detism_rep,
+                mccc_args               :: list(var_mode_and_use),
+                mccc_call_site          :: clique_call_site_report
+            )
+    ;       trivial_atomic_goal(
+                mccag_detism            :: detism_rep,
+                mccag_bound_vars        :: list(var_rep)
+            )
+    ;       non_atomic_goal.
+:- inst call
+    --->    call(ground, ground, ground, ground).
+    % A variable, it's mode and it's usage in the callee.  The mode information
+    % is also summarised within the variable use information.
+    %
+:- type var_mode_and_use
+    --->    var_mode_and_use(
+                vmu_var                 :: var_rep,
+                vmu_mode                :: var_mode_rep,
+                vmu_use                 :: var_use_info
+            ).
+:- pred maybe_call_site_conjunct(implicit_parallelism_info::in, goal_path::in,
+    atomic_goal_rep::in, detism_rep::in, inst_map::in, inst_map::in,
+    list(var_rep)::in, maybe_call_conjunct::out) is det.
+maybe_call_site_conjunct(Info, GoalPath, AtomicGoal, Detism,
+        InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, BoundVars, MaybeCallConjunct) :-
+    (
+        ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+        % Don't bother parallelising foreign code, builtins or events.
+        ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+        ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+        ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
+        ),
+        MaybeCallConjunct = trivial_atomic_goal(Detism, BoundVars) 
+    ;
+        ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, Args)
+        ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, Args)
+        ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, Args)
+        ),
+        (
+            ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+            ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+            ),
+            MaybeCallee = no
+        ; 
+            AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(ModuleName, CalleeName, _),
+            MaybeCallee = yes(ModuleName - CalleeName)
+        ),
+        map.lookup(Info ^ ipi_call_sites, GoalPath, CallSite),
+        % Lookup var use information.
+        CallSiteKind = CallSite ^ ccsr_kind_and_callee,
+        (
+            CallSiteKind = normal_call_and_callee(NormalCalleeId, _),
+            PSPtr = NormalCalleeId ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+            Deep = Info ^ ipi_deep,
+            create_proc_var_use_dump_report(Deep, PSPtr,
+                MaybeVarUseDumpInfo),
+            MaybeVarUseDumpInfo = ok(VarUseDumpInfo)
+        ->
+            VarUseInfos = VarUseDumpInfo ^ pvui_var_uses, 
+            list.map_corresponding((pred(Arg::in, VarUseInfo::in, 
+                        VarModeAndUse::out) is det :-
+                    var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, Arg, ArgMode),
+                    VarModeAndUse = var_mode_and_use(Arg, ArgMode,
+                        VarUseInfo)
+                ), Args, VarUseInfos, VarModeAndUses)
+        ;
+            list.map((pred(Arg::in, VarModeAndUse::out) is det :-
+                    var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, Arg, ArgMode),
+                    var_mode_to_var_use(ArgMode, VarUseType),
+                    pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo),
+                    VarModeAndUse = var_mode_and_use(Arg, ArgMode,
+                        VarUseInfo)
+                ), Args, VarModeAndUses)
+        ),
+        MaybeCallConjunct = 
+            call(MaybeCallee, Detism, VarModeAndUses, CallSite)
+    ).
+:- pred var_get_mode(inst_map::in, inst_map::in, var_rep::in, var_mode_rep::out)
+    is det.
+var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, VarRep, VarModeRep) :-
+    inst_map_get(InstMapBefore, VarRep, InstBefore, _),
+    inst_map_get(InstMapAfter, VarRep, InstAfter, _),
+    VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(InstBefore, InstAfter).
+    % Note: this runs in quadratic time.
+    %
+:- pred build_candidate_conjunctions(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    inst_map::in, goal_path::in, string_proc_label::in, 
+    list(maybe_call_conjunct)::in, cord(message)::out,
+    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::in, 
+    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::out) is det.
+build_candidate_conjunctions(_, _, _, _, [], cord.empty, !Candidates).
+build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel,
+        [MaybeCall | MaybeCalls], Messages, !Candidates) :-
+    (
+        MaybeCall = call(_, _, _, CallSiteReport),
+        PercallCost = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallSiteReport)),
+        ( PercallCost > float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_call_site_threshold) ->
+            % This conjunction is a call and is expensive enough to
+            % parallelise, find some later conjunct to parallelise against it.
+            build_candidate_conjunctions_2(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel,
+                MaybeCall, cord.empty, MaybeCalls, Messages0, !Candidates)
+            % XXX: pick the most expensive non-overlapping candidates from the
+            % result.
+        ;
+            Messages0 = cord.empty,
+            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)]
+                io.format("D: Call too cheap: %s %s %f\n", 
+                    [s(string(ProcLabel)), 
+                     s(goal_path_to_string(CallSiteReport 
+                        ^ ccsr_call_site_summary 
+                        ^ perf_row_subject 
+                        ^ csdesc_goal_path)),
+                     f(PercallCost)], !IO)
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeCall = non_atomic_goal,
+        Messages0 = cord.empty
+    ;
+        MaybeCall = trivial_atomic_goal(_, _),
+        Messages0 = cord.empty
+    ),
+    build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel, MaybeCalls,
+        MessagesTail, !Candidates),
+    Messages = Messages0 ++ MessagesTail.
+:- pred build_candidate_conjunctions_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    inst_map::in, goal_path::in, string_proc_label::in, 
+    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), cord(maybe_call_conjunct)::in,
+    list(maybe_call_conjunct)::in, cord(message)::out,
+    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::in, 
+    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::out) is det.
+build_candidate_conjunctions_2(_, _, _, _, _, _, [], cord.empty, !Candidates).
+build_candidate_conjunctions_2(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel, CallA,
+        IntermediateGoals, [MaybeCall | MaybeCalls], Messages, !Candidates) :-
+    (
+        some [!Messages]
+        (
+            MaybeCall = call(_, _, _, CallSiteReport),
+            !:Messages = cord.empty,
+            CallB = MaybeCall,
+            Cost = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallSiteReport)),
+            ( Cost > float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_call_site_threshold) ->
+                % This conjunct is a call and is expensive enough to
+                % parallelise.
+                are_conjuncts_dependant(CallA, CallB, InstMap, Dependance),
+                (
+                    Dependance = conjuncts_are_dependant(DepVars),
+                    compute_optimal_dependant_parallelisation(Info, 
+                        CallA, CallB, DepVars, IntermediateGoals, InstMap,
+                        CPCA, CPCB, Speedup, CODPMessages),
+                    !:Messages = !.Messages ++ CODPMessages
+                ;
+                    Dependance = conjuncts_are_independent,
+                    compute_independent_parallelisation_speedup(Info, 
+                        CallA, CallB, CPCA, CPCB, Speedup)
+                ),
+                % XXX: This threshold should be configurable.
+                ( Speedup > 0.0 ->
+                    ( length(IntermediateGoals) = 0 -> 
+                        GoalPathString = goal_path_to_string(GoalPath),
+                        Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPathString, 
+                            CPCA, CPCB, Dependance, Speedup),
+                        % So that the candidates with the greatest speedup are
+                        % removed first multiply speedup by -1.0.
+                        pqueue.insert(!.Candidates, Speedup * -1.0, Candidate,
+                            !:Candidates)
+                    ;
+                        append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
+                            notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent,
+                            !Messages)
+                    )
+                ;
+                    true
+                )
+            ;
+                % Don't recurse here, we don't parallelise over call goals.
+                append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
+                    notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal, !Messages)
+            ),
+            Messages = !.Messages
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeCall = trivial_atomic_goal(_, _),
+        build_candidate_conjunctions_2(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel, 
+            CallA, cord.snoc(IntermediateGoals, MaybeCall), MaybeCalls,
+            Messages, !Candidates)
+    ;
+        MaybeCall = non_atomic_goal,
+        % Don't recurse in this case, we don't parallelise over non-atomic
+        % goals yet.
+        append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
+            notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal,
+            cord.empty, Messages)
+    ).
+:- pred are_conjuncts_dependant(maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
+    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), inst_map::in, conjuncts_are_dependant::out)
+    is det.
+are_conjuncts_dependant(CallA, CallB, InstMap, Dependance) :-
+    % Conjuncts are dependant if there exists an input variable in CallB that
+    % is made ground by CallA or depends upon a variable made ground by CallA.
+    list.foldl(add_output_var_to_set, CallA ^ mccc_args, 
+        set.init, CallAOutputs),
+    list.foldl(are_conjuncts_dependant_var(CallAOutputs, InstMap), 
+        CallB ^ mccc_args, set.init, DepVars),
+    ( set.empty(DepVars) ->
+        Dependance = conjuncts_are_independent
+    ;
+        Dependance = conjuncts_are_dependant(DepVars)
+    ).
+:- pred are_conjuncts_dependant_var(set(var_rep)::in, inst_map::in,
+    var_mode_and_use::in, set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
+are_conjuncts_dependant_var(CallAOutputs, InstMap, VarModeAndUse, !DepVars) :-
+    VarModeAndUse = var_mode_and_use(VarRep, VarModeRep, _),
+    ( VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(ir_ground_rep, ir_ground_rep) ->
+        inst_map_get_var_deps(InstMap, VarRep, VarDeps),
+        (
+            (
+                contains(CallAOutputs, VarRep)
+            ;
+                member(VarDep, VarDeps),
+                contains(CallAOutputs, VarDep)
+            )
+        ->
+            svset.insert(VarRep, !DepVars)
+        ;
+            true
+        )
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+:- pred add_output_var_to_set(var_mode_and_use::in, 
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
+add_output_var_to_set(var_mode_and_use(VarRep, VarModeRep, _), !Set) :-
+    ( VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(ir_free_rep, ir_ground_rep) ->
+        svset.insert(VarRep, !Set)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+    % Retrieve the average cost of a call site.
+    %
+:- func get_call_site_cost(implicit_parallelism_info, clique_call_site_report) 
+    = cost_info.
+get_call_site_cost(Info, CallSite) = CostInfo :-
+    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
+    GoalPath = CSSummary ^ perf_row_subject ^ csdesc_goal_path,
+    ( map.search(Info ^ ipi_rec_call_sites, GoalPath, CostInfoPrime) ->
+        CostInfo = CostInfoPrime
+    ;
+        MaybePerfTotal = CSSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total, 
+        (
+            MaybePerfTotal = yes(PerfTotal),
+            Cost = PerfTotal ^ perf_row_callseqs,
+            Calls = CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls
+        ;
+            MaybePerfTotal = no,
+            error(this_file ++ 
+                "Could not retrive total callseqs cost from call site")
+        ),
+        CostInfo = cost_info(Calls, Cost)
+    ).
+    % Given a cost_info structure calculate the percall cost.
+    %
+:- func percall_cost(cost_info) = float.
+percall_cost(cost_info(Calls, Cost)) = PercallCost :-
+    ( Calls = 0 ->
+        % While this should be infinity or NaN if a call is never made then we
+        % don't know it's potential cost, it should probably not be
+        % parallelised and might as well be zero.
+        PercallCost = 0.0
+    ;
+        PercallCost = float(Cost) / float(Calls)
+    ).
+:- pred compute_independent_parallelisation_speedup(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
+    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
+    candidate_par_conjunct::out, candidate_par_conjunct::out,
+    float::out) is det.
+compute_independent_parallelisation_speedup(Info, CallA, CallB, 
+        CPCA, CPCB, Speedup) :-
+    CostA = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallA ^ mccc_call_site)),
+    CostB = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallB ^ mccc_call_site)),
+    SequentialCost = CostA + CostB,
+    ParallelCost = max(CostA, CostB) + 
+        float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_cost),
+    Speedup = SequentialCost - ParallelCost,
+    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallA, CPCA),
+    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallB, CPCB).
+:- pred compute_optimal_dependant_parallelisation(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
+    set(var_rep)::in, cord(maybe_call_conjunct)::in, inst_map::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunct::out, candidate_par_conjunct::out,
+    float::out, cord(message)::out) is det.
+compute_optimal_dependant_parallelisation(Info, CallA, CallB,
+        DepVars, _IntermediateGoals, InstMap, CPCA, CPCB,
+        Speedup, Messages) :-
+    CostA = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallA ^ mccc_call_site)),
+    CostB = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallB ^ mccc_call_site)),
+    SequentialCost = CostA + CostB,
+    ( singleton_set(DepVars, DepVar) ->
+        % Only parallelise conjunctions with a single dependant variable for
+        % now.
+        ( get_var_use_from_args(CallB ^ mccc_args, DepVar, DepVarConsume) ->
+            DepVarConsume = var_use_info(CostUntilConsume, _),
+            (
+                get_var_use_from_args(CallA ^ mccc_args, DepVar,
+                    DepVarProduce)
+            ->
+                DepVarProduce = var_use_info(CostUntilProduction, _),
+                CostBeforeProduction = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilProduction, CostA),
+                CostBeforeConsume = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilConsume, CostB),
+                CostAfterConsume = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilConsume, CostB)
+            ;
+                inst_map_get_var_deps(InstMap, DepVar, DepVarDeps),
+                set.fold(get_var_use_add_to_queue(CallA ^ mccc_args), 
+                    DepVarDeps, pqueue.init, ProduceDepVarQueue),
+                ( 
+                    pqueue.remove(ProduceDepVarQueue, _,
+                        CostUntilProductionPrime, _)
+                ->
+                    CostUntilProduction = CostUntilProductionPrime
+                ;
+                    error(this_file ++ 
+                        "Expected to find at least one dependant variable")
+                ),
+                CostBeforeProduction0 = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilProduction, CostA),
+                CostAfterProduction0 = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilProduction, CostA),
+                CostBeforeConsume0 = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilConsume, CostB),
+                CostAfterConsume0 = 
+                    cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilConsume, CostB),
+                % Compare time before consume vs time after production, the
+                % lesser one should have the unifications added to it.  This
+                % maximises the amount of parallelism.
+                ( CostBeforeConsume0 > CostAfterProduction0 ->
+                    CostBeforeProduction = CostBeforeProduction0,
+                    CostBeforeConsume = CostA,
+                    CostAfterConsume = 0.0
+                ;
+                    CostBeforeProduction = 0.0,
+                    CostBeforeConsume = CostA - CostAfterConsume0,
+                    CostAfterConsume = CostAfterConsume0 
+                )
+            ),
+            SparkingCost = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_cost),
+            LockingCost = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_locking_cost),
+            ParallelCost = max(CostA, 
+                    max(CostBeforeProduction, CostBeforeConsume) 
+                        + CostAfterConsume) 
+                + SparkingCost + LockingCost,
+            Speedup = SequentialCost - ParallelCost
+        ;
+            error("Dependant var not in consumer's arguments")
+        ),
+        Messages = cord.empty
+    ;
+        % Post a notice saying that we tried to parallelise this but gave up.
+        CallSiteDesc = 
+            CallA ^ mccc_call_site ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+        PSPtr = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_container,
+        deep_lookup_proc_statics(Info ^ ipi_deep, PSPtr, ProcStatic),
+        ProcLabel = ProcStatic ^ ps_id,
+        GoalPath = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_goal_path,
+        append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath), 
+            notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var,
+            cord.empty, Messages),
+        Speedup = -1.0
+    ),
+    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallA, CPCA),
+    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallB, CPCB).
+:- pred get_var_use_from_args(list(var_mode_and_use)::in, var_rep::in, 
+    var_use_info::out) is semidet.
+get_var_use_from_args([], _, _) :- false.
+get_var_use_from_args([Arg | Args], Var, VarUse) :-
+    ( Arg = var_mode_and_use(Var, _, VarUsePrime) ->
+        VarUse = VarUsePrime
+    ;
+        get_var_use_from_args(Args, Var, VarUse)
+    ).
+:- pred get_var_use_add_to_queue(list(var_mode_and_use)::in, var_rep::in,
+    pqueue(float, cost_until_var_use)::in,
+    pqueue(float, cost_until_var_use)::out) is det.
+get_var_use_add_to_queue(VarsModeAndUse, VarRep, !Queue) :-
+    ( get_var_use_from_args(VarsModeAndUse, VarRep, VarUse) ->
+        VarUse = var_use_info(CostUntilVarUse, _),
+        % Priority queues return the smallest items first,  And we want to find
+        % the most pessimistic variable production so use the cost before the
+        % procedure's end.
+        Key = cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilVarUse, 0.0),
+        pqueue.insert(!.Queue, Key, CostUntilVarUse, !:Queue)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+:- pred call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
+    candidate_par_conjunct::out) is det.
+call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, Call, CPC) :-
+    Call = call(MaybeCallee, _Detism, Args, Perf),
+    VarTable = Info ^ ipi_var_table,
+    list.map(var_mode_use_to_var_in_par_conj(VarTable), Args, Vars),
+    Cost = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, Perf)),
+    CPC = candidate_par_conjunct(MaybeCallee, Vars, Cost).
+:- pred var_mode_use_to_var_in_par_conj(var_table::in, var_mode_and_use::in,
+    maybe(string)::out) is det.
+var_mode_use_to_var_in_par_conj(VarTable, var_mode_and_use(Var, _, _),
+        MaybeName) :-
+    ( search_var_name(VarTable, Var, Name) ->
+        MaybeName = yes(Name)
+    ;
+        MaybeName = no
+    ).
+% Jerome's implicit parallelism feedback information.
+css_list_above_threshold(Options, Deep, !Feedback) :-
+    Options = calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts(MeasureType, Threshold),
+    compute_css_list_above_threshold(0, Deep, Threshold,
+        MeasureType, cord.empty, AboveThresholdCSSCord),
+    AboveThresholdCSSs = cord.list(AboveThresholdCSSCord),
+    list.map(css_to_call(Deep), AboveThresholdCSSs, Calls),
+    FeedbackData = feedback_data_calls_above_threshold_sorted(Threshold,
+        MeasureType, Calls),
+    put_feedback_data(FeedbackData, !Feedback).
+    % Determine those CSSs whose CSDs' average/median call sequence counts
+    % exceed the given threshold.
+    %
+:- pred compute_css_list_above_threshold(int::in, deep::in, int::in,
+    stat_measure::in,
+    cord(call_site_static)::in, cord(call_site_static)::out) is det.
+compute_css_list_above_threshold(Index, Deep, Threshold, Measure, !CSSCord) :-
+    array.size(Deep ^ call_site_statics, Size),
+    ( Index = Size ->
+        true
+    ;
+        CallSiteCall = array.lookup(Deep ^ call_site_calls, Index),
+        CSDListList = map.values(CallSiteCall),
+        CSDList = list.condense(CSDListList),
+        list.length(CSDList, NumCSD),
+        ( NumCSD = 0 ->
+            % The CSS doesn't have any CSDs.
+            CallSeqs = 0
+        ;
+            (
+                Measure = stat_mean,
+                list.foldr(sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep), CSDList,
+                    0, SumCallSeqs),
+                % NOTE: we have checked that NumCSD is not zero above.
+                CallSeqs = SumCallSeqs // NumCSD
+            ;
+                Measure = stat_median,
+                list.sort(compare_csd_ptr(Deep), CSDList, CSDListSorted),
+                IndexMedian = NumCSD // 2,
+                list.index0_det(CSDListSorted, IndexMedian, MedianPtr),
+                sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, MedianPtr, 0, CallSeqs)
+            )
+        ),
+        ( CallSeqs >= Threshold ->
+            CSS = array.lookup(Deep ^ call_site_statics, Index),
+            !:CSSCord = snoc(!.CSSCord, CSS),
+            compute_css_list_above_threshold(Index + 1, Deep, Threshold,
+                Measure, !CSSCord)
+        ;
+            compute_css_list_above_threshold(Index + 1, Deep, Threshold,
+                Measure, !CSSCord)
+        )
+    ).
+    % Add the call sequence counts (own and desc) of CSDPtr to the accumulator.
+    %
+:- pred sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+    int::in, int::out) is det.
+sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr, !Sum) :-
+    lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDPtr, CSD),
+    lookup_csd_desc(Deep ^ csd_desc, CSDPtr, IPO),
+    !:Sum = !.Sum + callseqs(CSD ^ csd_own_prof) + inherit_callseqs(IPO).
+    % Compare two CSD pointers on the basis of their call sequence counts
+    % (own and desc).
+    %
+:- pred compare_csd_ptr(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+    call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtrA, CSDPtrB, Result) :-
+    sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtrA, 0, SumA),
+    sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtrB, 0, SumB),
+    compare(Result, SumA, SumB).
+    % Write to the output the list of CSSs.
+    %
+:- pred css_to_call(deep::in, call_site_static::in, call_site::out) is det.
+css_to_call(Deep, CSS, Call) :-
+    % Get the caller.
+    lookup_proc_statics(Deep ^ proc_statics, CSS ^ css_container, CallerPS),
+    Caller = CallerPS ^ ps_id,
+    % Get the slot number.
+    Slot = CSS ^ css_slot_num,
+    % Get the Callee and Call Type.
+    (
+        CSS ^ css_kind = normal_call_and_callee(PSPtr, _),
+        lookup_proc_statics(Deep ^ proc_statics, PSPtr, CalleePS),
+        CallTypeAndCallee = plain_call(CalleePS ^ ps_id)
+    ;
+        CSS ^ css_kind = special_call_and_no_callee,
+        CallTypeAndCallee = special_call
+    ;
+        CSS ^ css_kind = higher_order_call_and_no_callee,
+        CallTypeAndCallee = higher_order_call
+    ;
+        CSS ^ css_kind = method_call_and_no_callee,
+        CallTypeAndCallee = method_call
+    ;
+        CSS ^ css_kind = callback_and_no_callee,
+        CallTypeAndCallee = callback_call
+    ),
+    % Build the call datastructure.
+    Call = call_site(Caller, Slot, CallTypeAndCallee).
+% Useful utility predicates.
+:- pred proc_label_from_proc_desc(deep::in, proc_desc::in,
+    string_proc_label::out) is det.
+proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel) :-
+    PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+    deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, ProcStatic),
+    ProcLabel = ProcStatic ^ ps_id.
+:- pred add_call_site_report_to_map(clique_call_site_report::in, 
+    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, 
+    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::out) is det.
+add_call_site_report_to_map(CallSite, !Map) :-
+    GoalPath = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject 
+        ^ csdesc_goal_path,
+    svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, CallSite, !Map).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m: ".
+:- end_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.
Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.m
RCS file: deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.m
diff -N deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_fb.m	17 Mar 2009 05:21:47 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2009 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: mdprof_fb.m.
+% Author: pbone.
+% Deep Profiling feedback procuedres.  Each sub-module gathers some deep
+% profiling feedback information for use by the compiler.
+:- module mdprof_fb.
+:- interface.
+:- include_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.
+:- end_module mdprof_fb.
Index: deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -p -b -r1.17 mdprof_feedback.m
--- deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m	12 Mar 2009 03:51:34 -0000	1.17
+++ deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m	17 Mar 2009 05:55:46 -0000
@@ -31,21 +31,14 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module conf.
-:- import_module coverage.
-:- import_module create_report.
 :- import_module mdbcomp.
 :- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.
-:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
-:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.
+:- import_module message.
 :- import_module profile.
-:- import_module program_representation_utils.
-:- import_module query. % For the cmd structure
-:- import_module report.
 :- import_module startup.
-:- import_module var_use_analysis.
-:- import_module array.
-:- import_module assoc_list.
 :- import_module bool.
 :- import_module char.
 :- import_module cord.
@@ -54,16 +47,10 @@
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module library.
 :- import_module list.
-:- import_module map.
 :- import_module maybe.
-:- import_module multi_map.
-:- import_module pair.
-:- import_module pqueue.
 :- import_module require.
-:- import_module set.
 :- import_module string.
 :- import_module svmap.
-:- import_module svset.
@@ -356,21 +343,6 @@ construct_measure("median",     stat_med
                     :: maybe(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts)
-:- type calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts
-    --->    calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts(
-                cats_measure                :: stat_measure,
-                cats_threshold              :: int
-            ).
-:- type candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts
-    --->    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts(
-                cpc_desired_parallelism     :: float,
-                cpc_sparking_cost           :: int,
-                cpc_locking_cost            :: int,
-                cpc_clique_threshold        :: int,
-                cpc_call_site_threshold     :: int
-            ).
 :- pred check_verbosity_option(option_table(option)::in, int::out) is semidet.
 check_verbosity_option(Options, VerbosityLevel) :-
@@ -522,1540 +494,7 @@ process_deep_to_feedback(RequestedFeedba
         Messages = cord.empty
-    % A message to be displayed to the user.
-    %
-:- type message 
-    --->    message(
-                message_location    :: program_location,
-                message_type        :: message_type 
-            ).
-    % The 'importance' of a message,  Debug messages are not covered here since
-    % they should be implemented via trace goals. neither are critical messages
-    % since we use exceptions in that case.
-    %
-:- type message_level
-    --->    message_info
-    ;       message_notice
-    ;       message_warning
-    ;       message_error.
-:- func message_get_level(message) = message_level.
-message_get_level(message(_, Type)) =
-    message_type_to_level(Type).
-:- pred message_to_string(message::in, string::out) is det.
-message_to_string(message(Location, MessageType), String) :-
-    LocationString = string(Location),
-    Level = message_type_to_level(MessageType),
-    LevelString = message_level_to_string(Level),
-    MessageStr = message_type_to_string(MessageType),
-    string.format("%s: In %s: %s",
-        [s(LevelString), s(LocationString), s(MessageStr)], String).
-:- func message_level_to_string(message_level) = string.
-message_level_to_string(message_info) = "Info".
-message_level_to_string(message_notice) = "Notice".
-message_level_to_string(message_warning) = "Warning".
-message_level_to_string(message_error) = "Error".
-:- func message_level_to_int(message_level) = int.
-message_level_to_int(message_info) = 4.
-message_level_to_int(message_notice) = 3.
-message_level_to_int(message_warning) = 2.
-message_level_to_int(message_error) = 1.
-    % A type of message, values of type 'message' are instances of values of
-    % type 'message_type'.
-    %
-:- type message_type
-                % A candidate parallel conjunction has been found.
-    --->    info_found_candidate_conjunction
-                % This occurs when a variable is instantiated twice in a
-                % procedure body (different instantiation states are used).  We
-                % don't bother parallelising such procedures.
-                %
-    ;       notice_duplicate_instantiation(
-                int
-                    % The number of conjunctions that could have been
-                    % parallelised.
-            )
-                % Extra call pairs could have been parallelised but weren't in
-                % this implementation.
-                %
-    ;       notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(
-                int
-                    % THe number of call pairs that were not parallelised.
-            )
-                % A pair of calls that we want to parallelise are separated by
-                % some other goal.
-                %
-    ;       notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent
-                % As above, except that the goal in between is a call goal.
-                %
-    ;       notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal
-                % As above, except that the goal in between is non-atomic.
-                %
-    ;       notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal
-                % A pair of calls that could be parallelised have many
-                % dependant variables.  We don't yet calculate the speedup in
-                % these situations.
-    ;       notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var
-                % Couldn't find the proc defn in the progrep data, maybe the
-                % procedure is built-in.
-                %
-    ;       warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn
-                % We don't yet handle clique_proc_reports with multiple proc
-                % dynamics.
-                %
-    ;       error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc
-                % An error in the generation of a coverage_procrep report.
-                %
-    ;       error_coverage_procrep_error(string).
-:- type program_location
-    --->    proc(string_proc_label)
-    ;       goal(string_proc_label, goal_path)
-    ;       clique(clique_ptr).
-:- pred append_message(program_location::in, message_type::in,
-    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
-append_message(Location, MessageType, !Messages) :-
-    Message = message(Location, MessageType),
-    !:Messages = cord.snoc(!.Messages, Message).
-:- func message_type_to_level(message_type) = message_level.
-message_type_to_level(info_found_candidate_conjunction) =
-    message_info.
-message_type_to_level(notice_duplicate_instantiation(_)) = message_notice.
-message_type_to_level(notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(_)) =
-    message_notice.
-message_type_to_level(notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent) = 
-    message_notice.
-message_type_to_level(notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal) =
-    message_notice.
-message_type_to_level(notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal) =
-    message_notice.
-message_type_to_level(notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var) =
-    message_notice.
-message_type_to_level(warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn) = message_warning.
-message_type_to_level(error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc) = 
-    message_error.
-message_type_to_level(error_coverage_procrep_error(_)) =
-    message_error.
-:- func message_type_to_string(message_type) = string.
-message_type_to_string(MessageType) = String :-
-    (
-        MessageType = info_found_candidate_conjunction, 
-        String = "Found candidate conjunction"
-    ;
-        MessageType = notice_duplicate_instantiation(CandidateConjuncts), 
-        string.format(
-            "%d conjunctions not parallelised: Seen duplicate instantiations",
-            [i(CandidateConjuncts)], String)
-    ;
-        MessageType = notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(NumCPCs),
-        string.format(
-            "%d potential call pairs not parallelised in this conjunction",
-            [i(NumCPCs)], String)
-    ;
-        MessageType = notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent,
-        String = "Two callpairs are difficult to parallelise because they are"
-            ++ " not adjacent"
-    ;
-        MessageType = notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal,
-        String = "Parallelising expensive call goals with cheap call goals"
-            ++ " between them is not supported"
-    ;
-        MessageType = notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal, 
-        String = "Parallelising call goals with non-atomic goals between them"
-            ++ " is not supported"
-    ;
-        MessageType = notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var,
-        String = "Parallelising call pairs that have more than one dependant"
-            ++ " variable is not yet supported."
-    ;
-        MessageType = warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn,
-        String = "Could not look up proc defn, perhaps this procedure is"
-            ++ " built-in"
-    ;
-        MessageType = error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc, 
-        String = "extra proc dynamnics for a clique proc are not currenty"
-            ++ " handled."
-    ;
-        MessageType = error_coverage_procrep_error(ErrorStr),
-        string.format("Error generating coverage procedure report: %s",
-            [s(ErrorStr)], String)
-    ).
-% Build the candidate parallel conjunctions feedback information used for
-% implicit parallelism.
-% The code in this section has some trace goals that can be enabled with:
-%	--trace-flag=debug_cpc_search
-%	  Debug the traversal through the clique tree.
-%	--trace-flag=debug_recursive_costs 
-%     Debug the calculation of the costs of recursive call sites.
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions(
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, cord(message)::out,
-    feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions(Opts, Deep, Messages, !Feedback) :-
-    Opts = candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts(DesiredParallelism,
-        SparkingCost, LockingCost, _CliqueThreshold, _CallSiteThreshold),
-    % Find opertunities for parallelism by walking the clique tree.  Don't
-    % Descened into cliques cheaper than the threshold.
-    deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
-    TotalCallseqs = Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_callseqs,
-    % The +1 here accounts for the cost of the pseudo call into the mercury
-    % runtime.
-    RootCliqueCost = cost_info(1, TotalCallseqs + 1),
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, RootCliqueCost, 
-        RootCliquePtr, ConjunctionsMultiMap, Messages),
-    multi_map.to_flat_assoc_list(ConjunctionsMultiMap, ConjunctionsAssocList),
-    CandidateParallelConjunctions =
-        feedback_data_candidate_parallel_conjunctions(DesiredParallelism,
-        SparkingCost, LockingCost, ConjunctionsAssocList),
-    put_feedback_data(CandidateParallelConjunctions, !Feedback).
-:- type implicit_parallelism_info
-    --->    implicit_parallelism_info(
-                ipi_deep            :: deep,
-                ipi_progrep         :: prog_rep,
-                ipi_opts            :: candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts,
-                ipi_call_sites      :: map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report),
-                ipi_rec_call_sites  :: map(goal_path, cost_info),
-                ipi_var_table       :: var_table
-            ).
-:- type cost_info
-    --->    cost_info(
-                cci_calls           :: int,
-                cci_callseqs_total  :: int 
-            ).
-:- type candidate_par_conjunctions ==
-    multi_map(string_proc_label, candidate_par_conjunction).
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, cost_info::in,
-    clique_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out) 
-    is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, ParentCostInfo, CliquePtr,
-        Candidates, Messages) :-
-    create_clique_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueReport),
-    (
-        MaybeCliqueReport = ok(CliqueReport),
-        CliqueProcs = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_procs,
-        % All cliques must contain at least one procedure.
-        ( [ FirstCliqueProcPrime ] = CliqueProcs ->
-            FirstCliqueProc = FirstCliqueProcPrime
-        ;
-            error(this_file ++ "A clique must have et least one procedure")
-        ),    
-        CliqueIsRecursive = is_clique_recursive(CliqueReport),
-        make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, CliqueProcMap),
-        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
-            CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, set.init, CliqueProcMap,
-            CliquePtr, FirstCliqueProc, Candidates, Messages)
-    ;
-        MaybeCliqueReport = error(Error),
-        error(this_file ++ Error),
-        Messages = cord.empty
-    ).
-:- type clique_is_recursive
-    --->    clique_is_recursive
-    ;       clique_is_not_recursive.
-:- func is_clique_recursive(clique_report) = clique_is_recursive.
-is_clique_recursive(CliqueReport) = CliqueIsRecursive :-
-    CliqueProcs = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_procs,
-    ( CliqueProcs = [_, _ | _] ->
-        % If there is more than one procedure then the clique must be mutually
-        % recursive.  This computation is trivial compared to the case below.
-        CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive
-    ; CliqueProcs = [CliqueProc] ->
-        % Look for a self recursion in the single clique procedure.
-        CliquePtr = CliqueReport ^ cr_clique_ptr,
-        ( 
-            % If at least one call site within the clique's proc makes a call
-            % to this same clique then this is a recursive clique - this also
-            % covers higher-order calls.
-            some [CliqueProcDyanmic, CallSite, CalleePerf]
-            (
-                (
-                    CliqueProcDynamic = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic
-                ;
-                    member(CliqueProcDynamic, 
-                        CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics)
-                ),
-                member(CallSite, CliqueProcDynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites), 
-                member(CalleePerf, CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
-                CliquePtr = CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr
-            ) 
-        ->
-            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive
-        ;
-            CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_not_recursive
-        )
-    ;
-        error(this_file ++ "Clique must have at least one procedure")
-    ).
-    % Construct a map of clique proc reports.
-    %
-:- pred make_clique_proc_map(list(clique_proc_report)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::out) is det.
-make_clique_proc_map(CliqueProcs, CliqueProcMap) :-
-    list.foldl((pred(CliqueProc::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
-            ProcDesc = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
-            map.det_insert(Map0, ProcDesc, CliqueProc, Map)
-        ), CliqueProcs, map.init, CliqueProcMap).
-    % candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, 
-    %   CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed, CliquePtr,
-    %   CliqueProc, Candidates, Messages) :-
-    %
-    % Find candidate parallel conjunctions within a clique_proc_report.
-    %
-    % ParentCostInfo gives the cost of the call site calling this clique so
-    % that we may correctly calculate the per-call costs of recursive cliques
-    % and their call sites.
-    %
-    % ProcsAnalysed keeps a set of procs we've visited to prevent unbound
-    % recursion in this algorithm.
-    %
-    % CliqueProcMap is a map of proc_desc to clique_proc_report structures
-    % extracted from the clique_report.
-    %
-    % CliquePtr is the clique that this proc belongs to.
-    %
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, 
-    clique_is_recursive::in, cost_info::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in,
-    clique_ptr::in, clique_proc_report::in,
-    candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out) is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, 
-        CliqueIsRecursive, ParentCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed0, CliqueProcMap, 
-        CliquePtr, CliqueProc, Candidates, Messages) :-
-    some [!Messages]
-    (
-        !:Messages = cord.empty,
-        % Use the total cost the call to this procedure to decide if we should
-        % stop recursing the call graph at this point.  If the procedure does
-        % not contribute to the runtime of the program in an absolute way then
-        % do not recurse further.  This test is performed here rather than in
-        % the callees of this predicate to avoid duplication of code.
-        ParentCostInfo = cost_info(_Calls, TotalCost),
-        ( TotalCost > Opts ^ cpc_clique_threshold ->
-            % Determine the costs of the call sites in the procedure.
-            (
-                CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_recursive,
-                build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliqueProc, CliquePtr,
-                    ParentCostInfo, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CSCMMessages),
-                !:Messages = !.Messages ++ CSCMMessages,
-                trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)]
-                  io.format(
-                    "D: In clique %s recursive call site cost map is: %s\n",
-                    [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(string(RecursiveCallSiteCostMap))],
-                    !IO)
-            ;
-                CliqueIsRecursive = clique_is_not_recursive,
-                RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map.init
-            ),
-            % Analyse this procedure for parallelism opportunities.
-            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, CliqueProc,
-                RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, ProcCandidates, ProcMessages),
-            !:Messages = !.Messages ++ ProcMessages,
-            ProcDesc = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
-            % Get a list of call sites
-            ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
-                proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
-                append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
-                    error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc,
-                    !Messages)
-            ;
-                true
-            ),
-            CallSiteReports = 
-                CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
-            % Analyse child cliques of this clique proc for parallelism
-            % opportunities.  Recursive calls point to this same clique, in
-            % these cases call candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc on
-            % the procedure within this clique that they call.
-            set.insert(ProcsAnalysed0, ProcDesc, ProcsAnalysed),
-            list.map2(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(Opts, Deep,
-                    ProcsAnalysed, CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap,
-                    CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr),
-                CallSiteReports, CSCandidatesList, CSMessagesList),
-            list.foldl(multi_map.merge, CSCandidatesList, multi_map.init,
-                CSCandidates),
-            Candidates = multi_map.merge(ProcCandidates, CSCandidates),
-            !:Messages = !.Messages ++ cord_list_to_cord(CSMessagesList)
-        ;
-            Candidates = multi_map.init,
-            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)]
-                io.format("D: Not entering cheap clique: %s with cost %s\n",
-                    [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(string(ParentCostInfo))], !IO)
-        ),
-        Messages = !.Messages
-    ).
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
-    clique_is_recursive::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in,
-    clique_call_site_report::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
-    cord(message)::out) is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_call_site(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed,
-        CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcMap, CliquePtr,
-        CallSiteReport, Candidates, Messages) :-
-    % XXX: This does not weight the callees by the probability that they will
-    % be called.  This is only a problem for higher order call sites.
-    CalleePerfs = CallSiteReport ^ ccsr_callee_perfs,
-    CallSiteDesc = CallSiteReport ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
-    list.map2(candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed,
-            CliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcMap,
-            CliquePtr, CallSiteDesc),
-        CalleePerfs, CandidatesList, MessagesList),
-    list.foldl(multi_map.merge, CandidatesList, multi_map.init, Candidates),
-    Messages = cord_list_to_cord(MessagesList).
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in, set(proc_desc)::in,
-    clique_is_recursive::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
-    map(proc_desc, clique_proc_report)::in, clique_ptr::in, call_site_desc::in,
-    perf_row_data(clique_desc)::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
-    cord(message)::out) is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, ProcsAnalysed0,
-        ParentCliqueIsRecursive, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, CliqueProcReportMap,
-        ParentCliquePtr, CallSiteDesc, CliquePerf, Candidates, Messages) :-
-    CliqueDesc = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_subject,
-    CliquePtr = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
-    CliqueEntryProc = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_entry_member,
-    MaybePerfTotal = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
-    (
-        MaybePerfTotal = yes(PerfTotal)
-    ;
-        MaybePerfTotal = no,
-        error(this_file ++ 
-            "Could not retrive total callseqs cost from clique")
-    ),
-    CliqueCost = PerfTotal ^ perf_row_callseqs,
-    Calls = CliquePerf ^ perf_row_calls,
-    CostInfo = cost_info(Calls, CliqueCost),
-    ( ParentCliquePtr = CliquePtr ->
-        % This is a recursive call within the same clique.
-        ( member(CliqueEntryProc, ProcsAnalysed0) ->
-            % If we've analysed this clique in this proc already then don't do
-            % it again.
-            Candidates = multi_map.init,
-            Messages = cord.empty
-        ;
-            map.lookup(CliqueProcReportMap, CliqueEntryProc, CliqueProcReport),
-            ProcsAnalysed = set.insert(ProcsAnalysed0, CliqueEntryProc),
-            % We determine the cost of the call site we're following within
-            % this clique to this procedure so that it can have correct cost
-            % information.
-            map.lookup(RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, 
-                CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_goal_path, CallCostInfo),
-            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
-                ParentCliqueIsRecursive, CallCostInfo, ProcsAnalysed, 
-                CliqueProcReportMap, ParentCliquePtr, CliqueProcReport, 
-                Candidates, Messages)
-        )
-    ;
-        ( CliqueCost > Opts ^ cpc_clique_threshold ->
-            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, CostInfo,
-                CliquePtr, Candidates, Messages)
-        ;
-            Candidates = multi_map.init, 
-            Messages = cord.empty
-        )
-    ).
-:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(deep::in, clique_proc_report::in,
-    clique_ptr::in, cost_info::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::out,
-    cord(message)::out) is det.
-build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliqueProc, CliquePtr,
-        ParentCostInfo, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Messages) :-
-    % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
-    PerfRowData = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary,
-    TotalProcCalls = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_calls,
-    ProcDesc = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
-    proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
-    ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
-        append_message(proc(ProcLabel),
-            error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc, cord.empty, Messages)
-    ;
-        Messages = cord.empty
-    ),
-    cost_info(ParentCSCalls, ParentCSCost) = ParentCostInfo,
-    CallSites = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
-    % Divide ParentCalls by the number of recursive calls to determine the
-    % fraction of calls into this procedure from outside the clique compared to
-    % calls from within the clique, use this to calculate the number of calls
-    % at the top level of the recursion of the call sites.
-    ProcCallsRecFraction = float(ParentCSCalls) / float(TotalProcCalls),
-    list.foldl3(get_callsite_cost_infos(CliquePtr, ProcCallsRecFraction), 
-        CallSites, 0, NonRecCSCost, 0.0, RecursiveCSCalls, 
-        set.init, RecursiveCS),
-    % The negative one here represents the call from the parent into this
-    % procedure.
-    RecursiveCost = ParentCSCost - 0 - NonRecCSCost,
-    ( RecursiveCSCalls = 0.0 ->
-        RecursiveCostPerCall = 0.0
-    ;
-        RecursiveCostPerCall = 
-            float(RecursiveCost) / RecursiveCSCalls
-    ),
-    trace [compile_time(flag("debug_recursive_costs")), io(!IO)]
-        io.format(
-            "D: In clique proc: %s-%s\n\tRecursiveCostPerCall = %d/%f = %f\n",
-            [s(string(CliquePtr)), s(string(ProcLabel)), 
-             i(RecursiveCost), f(RecursiveCSCalls), f(RecursiveCostPerCall)], 
-            !IO),
-    set.fold(
-        build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(RecursiveCostPerCall),
-        RecursiveCS, map.init, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap). 
-:- pred get_callsite_cost_infos(clique_ptr::in, float::in, 
-    clique_call_site_report::in, int::in, int::out, float::in, float::out, 
-    set(clique_call_site_report)::in, set(clique_call_site_report)::out) is det.
-get_callsite_cost_infos(ThisClique, ParentCallsRecFraction, CallSite,
-        !NonRecCSCost, !RecursiveCalls, !RecursiveCallSites) :-
-    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
-    MaybeTotal = CSSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
-    (
-        MaybeTotal = yes(Total),
-        Cost = Total ^ perf_row_callseqs
-    ;
-        MaybeTotal = no,
-        error("clique_call_site has 'no' for perf_row_maybe_total")
-    ),
-    (
-        % Note that according to this any higher order call site that is
-        % recursive in some cases and non-recursive in others is considered to
-        % be recursive.  The cost of it's non-recursive calls is not factored
-        % into the calculation of the cost of recursive call sites.
-        member(CalleePerf, CallSite ^ ccsr_callee_perfs),
-        CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject ^ cdesc_clique_ptr = ThisClique
-    ->
-        !:RecursiveCalls = !.RecursiveCalls + 
-            (float(CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls) * ParentCallsRecFraction),
-        svset.insert(CallSite, !RecursiveCallSites)
-    ;
-        !:NonRecCSCost = !.NonRecCSCost + Cost
-    ).
-:- pred build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(float::in,
-    clique_call_site_report::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
-    map(goal_path, cost_info)::out) is det.
-build_recursive_call_site_cost_map_call_site(RecursiveCostPerCall, CallSite,
-        !Map) :-
-    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
-    Calls = CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls,
-    Cost = RecursiveCostPerCall * float(Calls),
-    CostInfo = cost_info(Calls, round_to_int(Cost)),
-    GoalPath = CSSummary ^ perf_row_subject ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-    svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, CostInfo, !Map).
-    % Find candidate parallel conjunctions within the given procedure.
-    %
-:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(
-    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_opts::in, deep::in,
-    clique_proc_report::in, map(goal_path, cost_info)::in,
-    candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
-    cord(message)::out) is det.
-candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, CliqueProc,
-        RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Candidates, Messages) :-
-    % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
-    PerfRowData = CliqueProc ^ cpr_proc_summary,
-    ProcDesc = PerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
-    proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel),
-    CallSites = CliqueProc ^ cpr_first_proc_dynamic ^ cpdr_call_sites,
-    ( CliqueProc ^ cpr_other_proc_dynamics = [_ | _] ->
-        append_message(proc(ProcLabel), 
-            error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc,
-            cord.empty, Messages0)
-    ;
-        Messages0 = cord.empty
-    ),
-    list.foldl(add_call_site_report_to_map,
-        CallSites, map.init, CallSitesMap),
-    deep_get_progrep_det(Deep, ProgRep),
-    ( progrep_search_proc(ProgRep, ProcLabel, ProcRep) ->
-        ProcRep ^ pr_defn = ProcDefnRep,
-        ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_goal = Goal,
-        ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_var_table = VarTable,
-        Info = implicit_parallelism_info(Deep, ProgRep, Opts,
-            CallSitesMap, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, VarTable),
-        goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Goal, empty_goal_path, Info,
-            ProcLabel, Candidates0, _, _,
-            Messages, initial_inst_map(ProcDefnRep), _),
-        list.foldl((pred(Candidate::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
-                multi_map.set(Map0, ProcLabel, Candidate, Map)
-            ), Candidates0, multi_map.init, Candidates)
-    ;
-        % Builtin procedures cannot be found in the program representation, and
-        % cannot be parallelised either.
-        Candidates = multi_map.init,
-        append_message(proc(ProcLabel), warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn,
-            Messages0, Messages)
-    ).
-:- pred goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(goal_rep::in, goal_path::in,
-    implicit_parallelism_info::in, string_proc_label::in, 
-    list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out, seen_duplicate_instantiation::out,
-    maybe_call_conjunct::out, cord(message)::out, inst_map::in, inst_map::out) 
-    is det.
-goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Goal, GoalPath, Info, ProcLabel, 
-        Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, MaybeCallConjunct,
-        Messages, !InstMap) :-
-    Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, _),
-    (
-        (
-            GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts),
-            conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Conjuncts, GoalPath,
-                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-                Messages, !InstMap) 
-        ;
-            GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts),
-            disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Disjuncts, GoalPath, 1,
-                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-                Messages, !InstMap)
-        ;
-            GoalExpr = switch_rep(_, _, Cases),
-            switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cases, GoalPath, 1,
-                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-                Messages, !InstMap)
-        ;
-            GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
-            ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cond, Then, Else,
-                GoalPath, Info, ProcLabel, Candidates,
-                SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, !InstMap)
-        ;
-            GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, MaybeCut),
-            ScopeGoalPath = 
-                goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(MaybeCut)),
-            goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(SubGoal, ScopeGoalPath,
-                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
-                Messages, !InstMap) 
-        ;
-            GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
-            NegGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg),
-            goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(SubGoal, NegGoalPath,
-                Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
-                Messages, !InstMap) 
-        ),
-        % TODO: Parallelising conjunctions like 
-        %   ( call1(A, B) , not call2(C, D) )
-        % may be easy to do when writing the compiler's part of the code, if so
-        % then MaybeCallAboveThreshold should probably be set from some of
-        % these non-atomic goals based on goals within them.
-        MaybeCallConjunct = non_atomic_goal 
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
-        InstMapBeforeCall = !.InstMap,
-        % The binding of a variable may depend on any number of other
-        % variables, and recursively the variables that those depended-on
-        % variables depend upon.  
-        % Except that variables involved in control flow (switched on vars,
-        % vars in ITE conds) however this never comes up as for-now we only
-        % consider atomic goals.
-        atomic_goal_get_vars(AtomicGoal, AtomicGoalVars0),
-        list.foldl((pred(Var::in, Set0::in, Set::out) is det :-
-                ( set.remove(Set0, Var, SetPrime) ->
-                    Set = SetPrime
-                ;
-                    Set = Set0
-                )
-            ), BoundVars, AtomicGoalVars0, AtomicGoalVars),
-        inst_map_ground_vars(BoundVars, AtomicGoalVars, !InstMap,
-            SeenDuplicateInstantiation),
-        maybe_call_site_conjunct(Info, GoalPath, AtomicGoal, Detism,
-            InstMapBeforeCall, !.InstMap, BoundVars, MaybeCallConjunct),
-        Messages = cord.empty,
-        Candidates = []
-    ).
-:- pred conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(list(goal_rep)::in,
-    goal_path::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in, string_proc_label::in,
-    list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out, seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, 
-    cord(message)::out, inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
-conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Conjs, GoalPath, Info,
-        ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, 
-        !InstMap) :-
-    some [!Messages] 
-    (
-        % Note: it will be better to look at each pair of conjuncts, determine
-        % if they are parallelisable (perhaps by placing middle goals in either
-        % of the parallel conjuncts to create the optimum amount of
-        % parallelism.  This will need to have an in-order representation of
-        % goals, and for each variable seen have a tree of variables it depends
-        % upon.
-        %
-        % For now consider parallelising conjuncts that separated only by other
-        % atomic goals.
-        conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2(Conjs, GoalPath, 1, Info,
-            ProcLabel, Candidates0, CallSiteConjuncts, 
-            SeenDuplicateInstantiation, !:Messages, !InstMap),
-        build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, !.InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel,
-            list(CallSiteConjuncts), MessagesBCC, pqueue.init, CandidatesQueue),
-        !:Messages = !.Messages ++ MessagesBCC,
-        % Pick best candidate from queue.
-        (
-            SeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
-            ( pqueue.remove(CandidatesQueue, _, Candidate, CandidatesQueuePrime) ->
-                Candidates = [Candidate | Candidates0],
-                (
-                    pqueue.length(CandidatesQueuePrime) = Length,
-                    Length > 0
-                ->
-                    append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
-                        notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(Length), 
-                        !Messages)
-                ;
-                    true
-                ),
-                append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
-                    info_found_candidate_conjunction,
-                    !Messages)
-            ;
-                Candidates = Candidates0
-            )
-        ;
-            SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation,
-            Candidates = Candidates0,
-            (
-                pqueue.length(CandidatesQueue) = Length,
-                Length >= 1 
-            ->
-                append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath), 
-                    notice_duplicate_instantiation(Length), 
-                    !Messages)
-            ;
-                true
-            )
-        ),
-        Messages = !.Messages
-    ).
-:- pred conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2(list(goal_rep)::in,
-    goal_path::in, int::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
-    cord(maybe_call_conjunct)::out, seen_duplicate_instantiation::out,
-    cord(message)::out, inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
-conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2([], _, _, _, _, [], cord.empty, 
-        have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation, cord.empty, !InstMap).
-conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2([Conj | Conjs], GoalPath,
-        ConjunctNum, Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, CallSiteConjuncts,
-        SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, !InstMap) :-
-    ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjunctNum)),
-    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Conj, ConjGoalPath, Info,
-        ProcLabel, CandidatesHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
-        MaybeCallSiteConjunct, MessagesHead, !InstMap), 
-    conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising_2(Conjs, GoalPath, ConjunctNum+1,
-        Info, ProcLabel, CandidatesTail, CallSiteConjuncts0,
-        SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail, MessagesTail, !InstMap),
-    Candidates = CandidatesHead ++ CandidatesTail,
-    Messages = MessagesHead ++ MessagesTail,
-    CallSiteConjuncts = cord.cons(MaybeCallSiteConjunct, CallSiteConjuncts0),
-    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
-        SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
-        SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
-:- pred disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(list(goal_rep)::in,
-    goal_path::in, int::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
-    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
-    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, cord(message)::out,
-    inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
-disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([], _, _, _, _, [],
-    have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation, cord.empty, !InstMap).
-disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([Disj | Disjs], GoalPath, DisjNum,
-        Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, 
-        Messages, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
-    DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
-    HeadDetism = Disj ^ goal_detism_rep,
-    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Disj, DisjGoalPath, Info,
-        ProcLabel, HeadCandidates, HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation, 
-        _MaybeCallConjunct, HeadMessages, InstMap0, HeadInstMap),
-    disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Disjs, GoalPath, DisjNum + 1,
-        Info, ProcLabel, TailCandidates, TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-        TailMessages, InstMap0, TailInstMap),
-    Candidates = HeadCandidates ++ TailCandidates,
-    Messages = HeadMessages ++ TailMessages,
-    % merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
-    % we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
-    (
-        Disjs = [],
-        TailDetism = failure_rep
-    ;
-        Disjs = [_ | _],
-        TailDetism = det_rep
-    ),
-    InstMap = merge_inst_map(HeadInstMap, HeadDetism, TailInstMap, TailDetism),
-    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
-        HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-        TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation).
-:- pred switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(list(case_rep)::in,
-    goal_path::in, int::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
-    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, cord(message)::out, 
-    inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
-switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([], _, _, _, _, [],
-    have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation, cord.empty, !InstMap).
-switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising([Case | Cases], GoalPath,
-        CaseNum, Info, ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-        Messages, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
-    Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
-    HeadDetism = Goal ^ goal_detism_rep,
-    CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
-    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Goal, CaseGoalPath, Info,
-        ProcLabel, HeadCandidates, HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation, 
-        _MaybeCallConjs, HeadMessages, InstMap0, HeadInstMap),
-    switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cases, GoalPath, 
-        CaseNum + 1, Info, ProcLabel, TailCandidates,
-        TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation, TailMessages, InstMap0, TailInstMap),
-    Candidates = HeadCandidates ++ TailCandidates,
-    Messages = HeadMessages ++ TailMessages,
-    % merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
-    % we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
-    (
-        Cases = [],
-        TailDetism = failure_rep
-    ;
-        Cases = [_ | _],
-        TailDetism = det_rep
-    ),
-    InstMap = merge_inst_map(HeadInstMap, HeadDetism, TailInstMap, TailDetism),
-    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
-        HeadSeenDuplicateInstantiation,
-        TailSeenDuplicateInstantiation).
-:- pred ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(goal_rep::in, goal_rep::in,
-    goal_rep::in, goal_path::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    string_proc_label::in, list(candidate_par_conjunction)::out,
-    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, cord(message)::out,
-    inst_map::in, inst_map::out) is det.
-ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cond, Then, Else, GoalPath, Info,
-        ProcLabel, Candidates, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, Messages, !InstMap) :-
-    CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
-    ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
-    ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
-    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Cond, CondGoalPath, Info,
-        ProcLabel, CondCandidates, CondSeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
-        CondMessages, !.InstMap, PostCondInstMap),
-    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Then, ThenGoalPath, Info, 
-        ProcLabel, ThenCandidates, ThenSeenDuplicateInstantiation, _,
-        ThenMessages, PostCondInstMap, PostThenInstMap),
-    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Else, ElseGoalPath, Info, 
-        ProcLabel, ElseCandidates, ElseSeenDuplicateInstantiation, _, 
-        ElseMessages, PostCondInstMap, PostElseInstMap),
-    Candidates = CondCandidates ++ ThenCandidates ++ ElseCandidates,
-    (
-        CondSeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
-        ThenSeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
-        ElseSeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation
-    ->
-        SeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation
-    ;
-        SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation
-    ),
-    Messages = CondMessages ++ ThenMessages ++ ElseMessages,
-    ThenDetism = Then ^ goal_detism_rep,
-    ElseDetism = Else ^ goal_detism_rep,
-    !:InstMap = merge_inst_map(PostThenInstMap, ThenDetism, 
-        PostElseInstMap, ElseDetism).
-    % This type represents a goal, if the goal is a call extra information used
-    % for parallelising it with another call is provided.
-    %
-    % This is similar to candidate_parallel_conjunct, except that it stores
-    % information that's used for the rest of the implicit parallelism
-    % analysis.  It must contain information for the following.
-    %
-    %   - Average cost information for this call site,
-    %
-    %   - Enough information to resolve the procedure call, (detism and
-    %     argument modes).
-    %
-    %   - Information that can be used to determine if this is part of a
-    %     dependant conjunction, and its role in the dependant conjunction.
-    %
-    %   - Enough information so that a candidate_par_conjuct structure can be
-    %     constructed from it and the deep profiling info.
-    %
-:- type maybe_call_conjunct 
-    --->    call(
-                mccc_callee             :: maybe(pair(string, string)),
-                mccc_detism             :: detism_rep,
-                mccc_args               :: list(var_mode_and_use),
-                mccc_call_site          :: clique_call_site_report
-            )
-    ;       trivial_atomic_goal(
-                mccag_detism            :: detism_rep,
-                mccag_bound_vars        :: list(var_rep)
-            )
-    ;       non_atomic_goal.
-:- inst call
-    --->    call(ground, ground, ground, ground).
-    % A variable, it's mode and it's usage in the callee.  The mode information
-    % is also summarised within the variable use information.
-    %
-:- type var_mode_and_use
-    --->    var_mode_and_use(
-                vmu_var                 :: var_rep,
-                vmu_mode                :: var_mode_rep,
-                vmu_use                 :: var_use_info
-            ).
-:- pred maybe_call_site_conjunct(implicit_parallelism_info::in, goal_path::in,
-    atomic_goal_rep::in, detism_rep::in, inst_map::in, inst_map::in,
-    list(var_rep)::in, maybe_call_conjunct::out) is det.
-maybe_call_site_conjunct(Info, GoalPath, AtomicGoal, Detism,
-        InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, BoundVars, MaybeCallConjunct) :-
-    (
-        ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
-        % Don't bother parallelising foreign code, builtins or events.
-        ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
-        ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
-        ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
-        ),
-        MaybeCallConjunct = trivial_atomic_goal(Detism, BoundVars) 
-    ;
-        ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, Args)
-        ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, Args)
-        ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, Args)
-        ),
-        (
-            ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
-            ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
-            ),
-            MaybeCallee = no
-        ; 
-            AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(ModuleName, CalleeName, _),
-            MaybeCallee = yes(ModuleName - CalleeName)
-        ),
-        map.lookup(Info ^ ipi_call_sites, GoalPath, CallSite),
-        % Lookup var use information.
-        CallSiteKind = CallSite ^ ccsr_kind_and_callee,
-        (
-            CallSiteKind = normal_call_and_callee(NormalCalleeId, _),
-            PSPtr = NormalCalleeId ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
-            Deep = Info ^ ipi_deep,
-            create_proc_var_use_dump_report(Deep, PSPtr,
-                MaybeVarUseDumpInfo),
-            MaybeVarUseDumpInfo = ok(VarUseDumpInfo)
-        ->
-            VarUseInfos = VarUseDumpInfo ^ pvui_var_uses, 
-            list.map_corresponding((pred(Arg::in, VarUseInfo::in, 
-                        VarModeAndUse::out) is det :-
-                    var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, Arg, ArgMode),
-                    VarModeAndUse = var_mode_and_use(Arg, ArgMode,
-                        VarUseInfo)
-                ), Args, VarUseInfos, VarModeAndUses)
-        ;
-            list.map((pred(Arg::in, VarModeAndUse::out) is det :-
-                    var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, Arg, ArgMode),
-                    var_mode_to_var_use(ArgMode, VarUseType),
-                    pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo),
-                    VarModeAndUse = var_mode_and_use(Arg, ArgMode,
-                        VarUseInfo)
-                ), Args, VarModeAndUses)
-        ),
-        MaybeCallConjunct = 
-            call(MaybeCallee, Detism, VarModeAndUses, CallSite)
-    ).
-:- pred var_get_mode(inst_map::in, inst_map::in, var_rep::in, var_mode_rep::out)
-    is det.
-var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, VarRep, VarModeRep) :-
-    inst_map_get(InstMapBefore, VarRep, InstBefore, _),
-    inst_map_get(InstMapAfter, VarRep, InstAfter, _),
-    VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(InstBefore, InstAfter).
-    % Note: this runs in quadratic time.
-    %
-:- pred build_candidate_conjunctions(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    inst_map::in, goal_path::in, string_proc_label::in, 
-    list(maybe_call_conjunct)::in, cord(message)::out,
-    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::in, 
-    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::out) is det.
-build_candidate_conjunctions(_, _, _, _, [], cord.empty, !Candidates).
-build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel,
-        [MaybeCall | MaybeCalls], Messages, !Candidates) :-
-    (
-        MaybeCall = call(_, _, _, CallSiteReport),
-        PercallCost = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallSiteReport)),
-        ( PercallCost > float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_call_site_threshold) ->
-            % This conjunction is a call and is expensive enough to
-            % parallelise, find some later conjunct to parallelise against it.
-            build_candidate_conjunctions_2(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel,
-                MaybeCall, cord.empty, MaybeCalls, Messages0, !Candidates)
-            % XXX: pick the most expensive non-overlapping candidates from the
-            % result.
-        ;
-            Messages0 = cord.empty,
-            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)]
-                io.format("D: Call too cheap: %s %s %f\n", 
-                    [s(string(ProcLabel)), 
-                     s(goal_path_to_string(CallSiteReport 
-                        ^ ccsr_call_site_summary 
-                        ^ perf_row_subject 
-                        ^ csdesc_goal_path)),
-                     f(PercallCost)], !IO)
-        )
-    ;
-        MaybeCall = non_atomic_goal,
-        Messages0 = cord.empty
-    ;
-        MaybeCall = trivial_atomic_goal(_, _),
-        Messages0 = cord.empty
-    ),
-    build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel, MaybeCalls,
-        MessagesTail, !Candidates),
-    Messages = Messages0 ++ MessagesTail.
-:- pred build_candidate_conjunctions_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    inst_map::in, goal_path::in, string_proc_label::in, 
-    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), cord(maybe_call_conjunct)::in,
-    list(maybe_call_conjunct)::in, cord(message)::out,
-    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::in, 
-    pqueue(float, candidate_par_conjunction)::out) is det.
-build_candidate_conjunctions_2(_, _, _, _, _, _, [], cord.empty, !Candidates).
-build_candidate_conjunctions_2(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel, CallA,
-        IntermediateGoals, [MaybeCall | MaybeCalls], Messages, !Candidates) :-
-    (
-        some [!Messages]
-        (
-            MaybeCall = call(_, _, _, CallSiteReport),
-            !:Messages = cord.empty,
-            CallB = MaybeCall,
-            Cost = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallSiteReport)),
-            ( Cost > float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_call_site_threshold) ->
-                % This conjunct is a call and is expensive enough to
-                % parallelise.
-                are_conjuncts_dependant(CallA, CallB, InstMap, Dependance),
-                (
-                    Dependance = conjuncts_are_dependant(DepVars),
-                    compute_optimal_dependant_parallelisation(Info, 
-                        CallA, CallB, DepVars, IntermediateGoals, InstMap,
-                        CPCA, CPCB, Speedup, CODPMessages),
-                    !:Messages = !.Messages ++ CODPMessages
-                ;
-                    Dependance = conjuncts_are_independent,
-                    compute_independent_parallelisation_speedup(Info, 
-                        CallA, CallB, CPCA, CPCB, Speedup)
-                ),
-                % XXX: This threshold should be configurable.
-                ( Speedup > 0.0 ->
-                    ( length(IntermediateGoals) = 0 -> 
-                        GoalPathString = goal_path_to_string(GoalPath),
-                        Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPathString, 
-                            CPCA, CPCB, Dependance, Speedup),
-                        % So that the candidates with the greatest speedup are
-                        % removed first multiply speedup by -1.0.
-                        pqueue.insert(!.Candidates, Speedup * -1.0, Candidate,
-                            !:Candidates)
-                    ;
-                        append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
-                            notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent,
-                            !Messages)
-                    )
-                ;
-                    true
-                )
-            ;
-                % Don't recurse here, we don't parallelise over call goals.
-                append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
-                    notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal, !Messages)
-            ),
-            Messages = !.Messages
-        )
-    ;
-        MaybeCall = trivial_atomic_goal(_, _),
-        build_candidate_conjunctions_2(Info, InstMap, GoalPath, ProcLabel, 
-            CallA, cord.snoc(IntermediateGoals, MaybeCall), MaybeCalls,
-            Messages, !Candidates)
-    ;
-        MaybeCall = non_atomic_goal,
-        % Don't recurse in this case, we don't parallelise over non-atomic
-        % goals yet.
-        append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath),
-            notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal,
-            cord.empty, Messages)
-    ).
-:- pred are_conjuncts_dependant(maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
-    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), inst_map::in, conjuncts_are_dependant::out)
-    is det.
-are_conjuncts_dependant(CallA, CallB, InstMap, Dependance) :-
-    % Conjuncts are dependant if there exists an input variable in CallB that
-    % is made ground by CallA or depends upon a variable made ground by CallA.
-    list.foldl(add_output_var_to_set, CallA ^ mccc_args, 
-        set.init, CallAOutputs),
-    list.foldl(are_conjuncts_dependant_var(CallAOutputs, InstMap), 
-        CallB ^ mccc_args, set.init, DepVars),
-    ( set.empty(DepVars) ->
-        Dependance = conjuncts_are_independent
-    ;
-        Dependance = conjuncts_are_dependant(DepVars)
-    ).
-:- pred are_conjuncts_dependant_var(set(var_rep)::in, inst_map::in,
-    var_mode_and_use::in, set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
-are_conjuncts_dependant_var(CallAOutputs, InstMap, VarModeAndUse, !DepVars) :-
-    VarModeAndUse = var_mode_and_use(VarRep, VarModeRep, _),
-    ( VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(ir_ground_rep, ir_ground_rep) ->
-        inst_map_get_var_deps(InstMap, VarRep, VarDeps),
-        (
-            (
-                contains(CallAOutputs, VarRep)
-            ;
-                member(VarDep, VarDeps),
-                contains(CallAOutputs, VarDep)
-            )
-        ->
-            svset.insert(VarRep, !DepVars)
-        ;
-            true
-        )
-    ;
-        true
-    ).
-:- pred add_output_var_to_set(var_mode_and_use::in, 
-    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
-add_output_var_to_set(var_mode_and_use(VarRep, VarModeRep, _), !Set) :-
-    ( VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(ir_free_rep, ir_ground_rep) ->
-        svset.insert(VarRep, !Set)
-    ;
-        true
-    ).
-    % Retrieve the average cost of a call site.
-    %
-:- func get_call_site_cost(implicit_parallelism_info, clique_call_site_report) 
-    = cost_info.
-get_call_site_cost(Info, CallSite) = CostInfo :-
-    CSSummary = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
-    GoalPath = CSSummary ^ perf_row_subject ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-    ( map.search(Info ^ ipi_rec_call_sites, GoalPath, CostInfoPrime) ->
-        CostInfo = CostInfoPrime
-    ;
-        MaybePerfTotal = CSSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total, 
-        (
-            MaybePerfTotal = yes(PerfTotal),
-            Cost = PerfTotal ^ perf_row_callseqs,
-            Calls = CSSummary ^ perf_row_calls
-        ;
-            MaybePerfTotal = no,
-            error(this_file ++ 
-                "Could not retrive total callseqs cost from call site")
-        ),
-        CostInfo = cost_info(Calls, Cost)
-    ).
-    % Given a cost_info structure calculate the percall cost.
-    %
-:- func percall_cost(cost_info) = float.
-percall_cost(cost_info(Calls, Cost)) = PercallCost :-
-    ( Calls = 0 ->
-        % While this should be infinity or NaN if a call is never made then we
-        % don't know it's potential cost, it should probably not be
-        % parallelised and might as well be zero.
-        PercallCost = 0.0
-    ;
-        PercallCost = float(Cost) / float(Calls)
-    ).
-:- pred compute_independent_parallelisation_speedup(
-    implicit_parallelism_info::in, 
-    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
-    candidate_par_conjunct::out, candidate_par_conjunct::out,
-    float::out) is det.
-compute_independent_parallelisation_speedup(Info, CallA, CallB, 
-        CPCA, CPCB, Speedup) :-
-    CostA = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallA ^ mccc_call_site)),
-    CostB = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallB ^ mccc_call_site)),
-    SequentialCost = CostA + CostB,
-    ParallelCost = max(CostA, CostB) + 
-        float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_cost),
-    Speedup = SequentialCost - ParallelCost,
-    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallA, CPCA),
-    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallB, CPCB).
-:- pred compute_optimal_dependant_parallelisation(
-    implicit_parallelism_info::in,
-    maybe_call_conjunct::in(call), maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
-    set(var_rep)::in, cord(maybe_call_conjunct)::in, inst_map::in,
-    candidate_par_conjunct::out, candidate_par_conjunct::out,
-    float::out, cord(message)::out) is det.
-compute_optimal_dependant_parallelisation(Info, CallA, CallB,
-        DepVars, _IntermediateGoals, InstMap, CPCA, CPCB,
-        Speedup, Messages) :-
-    CostA = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallA ^ mccc_call_site)),
-    CostB = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, CallB ^ mccc_call_site)),
-    SequentialCost = CostA + CostB,
-    ( singleton_set(DepVars, DepVar) ->
-        % Only parallelise conjunctions with a single dependant variable for
-        % now.
-        ( get_var_use_from_args(CallB ^ mccc_args, DepVar, DepVarConsume) ->
-            DepVarConsume = var_use_info(CostUntilConsume, _),
-            (
-                get_var_use_from_args(CallA ^ mccc_args, DepVar,
-                    DepVarProduce)
-            ->
-                DepVarProduce = var_use_info(CostUntilProduction, _),
-                CostBeforeProduction = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilProduction, CostA),
-                CostBeforeConsume = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilConsume, CostB),
-                CostAfterConsume = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilConsume, CostB)
-            ;
-                inst_map_get_var_deps(InstMap, DepVar, DepVarDeps),
-                set.fold(get_var_use_add_to_queue(CallA ^ mccc_args), 
-                    DepVarDeps, pqueue.init, ProduceDepVarQueue),
-                ( 
-                    pqueue.remove(ProduceDepVarQueue, _,
-                        CostUntilProductionPrime, _)
-                ->
-                    CostUntilProduction = CostUntilProductionPrime
-                ;
-                    error(this_file ++ 
-                        "Expected to find at least one dependant variable")
-                ),
-                CostBeforeProduction0 = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilProduction, CostA),
-                CostAfterProduction0 = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilProduction, CostA),
-                CostBeforeConsume0 = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_since_start(CostUntilConsume, CostB),
-                CostAfterConsume0 = 
-                    cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilConsume, CostB),
-                % Compare time before consume vs time after production, the
-                % lesser one should have the unifications added to it.  This
-                % maximises the amount of parallelism.
-                ( CostBeforeConsume0 > CostAfterProduction0 ->
-                    CostBeforeProduction = CostBeforeProduction0,
-                    CostBeforeConsume = CostA,
-                    CostAfterConsume = 0.0
-                ;
-                    CostBeforeProduction = 0.0,
-                    CostBeforeConsume = CostA - CostAfterConsume0,
-                    CostAfterConsume = CostAfterConsume0 
-                )
-            ),
-            SparkingCost = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_sparking_cost),
-            LockingCost = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpc_locking_cost),
-            ParallelCost = max(CostA, 
-                    max(CostBeforeProduction, CostBeforeConsume) 
-                        + CostAfterConsume) 
-                + SparkingCost + LockingCost,
-            Speedup = SequentialCost - ParallelCost
-        ;
-            error("Dependant var not in consumer's arguments")
-        ),
-        Messages = cord.empty
-    ;
-        % Post a notice saying that we tried to parallelise this but gave up.
-        CallSiteDesc = 
-            CallA ^ mccc_call_site ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
-        PSPtr = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_container,
-        deep_lookup_proc_statics(Info ^ ipi_deep, PSPtr, ProcStatic),
-        ProcLabel = ProcStatic ^ ps_id,
-        GoalPath = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-        append_message(goal(ProcLabel, GoalPath), 
-            notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var,
-            cord.empty, Messages),
-        Speedup = -1.0
-    ),
-    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallA, CPCA),
-    call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, CallB, CPCB).
-:- pred get_var_use_from_args(list(var_mode_and_use)::in, var_rep::in, 
-    var_use_info::out) is semidet.
-get_var_use_from_args([], _, _) :- false.
-get_var_use_from_args([Arg | Args], Var, VarUse) :-
-    ( Arg = var_mode_and_use(Var, _, VarUsePrime) ->
-        VarUse = VarUsePrime
-    ;
-        get_var_use_from_args(Args, Var, VarUse)
-    ).
-:- pred get_var_use_add_to_queue(list(var_mode_and_use)::in, var_rep::in,
-    pqueue(float, cost_until_var_use)::in,
-    pqueue(float, cost_until_var_use)::out) is det.
-get_var_use_add_to_queue(VarsModeAndUse, VarRep, !Queue) :-
-    ( get_var_use_from_args(VarsModeAndUse, VarRep, VarUse) ->
-        VarUse = var_use_info(CostUntilVarUse, _),
-        % Priority queues return the smallest items first,  And we want to find
-        % the most pessimistic variable production so use the cost before the
-        % procedure's end.
-        Key = cost_until_to_cost_before_end(CostUntilVarUse, 0.0),
-        pqueue.insert(!.Queue, Key, CostUntilVarUse, !:Queue)
-    ;
-        true
-    ).
-:- pred call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(
-    implicit_parallelism_info::in, maybe_call_conjunct::in(call),
-    candidate_par_conjunct::out) is det.
-call_site_conj_to_candidate_par_conjunct(Info, Call, CPC) :-
-    Call = call(MaybeCallee, _Detism, Args, Perf),
-    VarTable = Info ^ ipi_var_table,
-    list.map(var_mode_use_to_var_in_par_conj(VarTable), Args, Vars),
-    Cost = percall_cost(get_call_site_cost(Info, Perf)),
-    CPC = candidate_par_conjunct(MaybeCallee, Vars, Cost).
-:- pred var_mode_use_to_var_in_par_conj(var_table::in, var_mode_and_use::in,
-    maybe(string)::out) is det.
-var_mode_use_to_var_in_par_conj(VarTable, var_mode_and_use(Var, _, _),
-        MaybeName) :-
-    ( search_var_name(VarTable, Var, Name) ->
-        MaybeName = yes(Name)
-    ;
-        MaybeName = no
-    ).
-% Jerome's implicit parallelism feedback information.
-    % Perform Jerome's analysis and update the feedback info structure.
-    %
-:- pred css_list_above_threshold(calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts::in,
-    deep::in, feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
-css_list_above_threshold(Options, Deep, !Feedback) :-
-    Options = calls_above_threshold_sorted_opts(MeasureType, Threshold),
-    compute_css_list_above_threshold(0, Deep, Threshold,
-        MeasureType, cord.empty, AboveThresholdCSSCord),
-    AboveThresholdCSSs = cord.list(AboveThresholdCSSCord),
-    list.map(css_to_call(Deep), AboveThresholdCSSs, Calls),
-    FeedbackData = feedback_data_calls_above_threshold_sorted(Threshold,
-        MeasureType, Calls),
-    put_feedback_data(FeedbackData, !Feedback).
-    % Determine those CSSs whose CSDs' average/median call sequence counts
-    % exceed the given threshold.
-    %
-:- pred compute_css_list_above_threshold(int::in, deep::in, int::in,
-    stat_measure::in,
-    cord(call_site_static)::in, cord(call_site_static)::out) is det.
-compute_css_list_above_threshold(Index, Deep, Threshold, Measure, !CSSCord) :-
-    array.size(Deep ^ call_site_statics, Size),
-    ( Index = Size ->
-        true
-    ;
-        CallSiteCall = array.lookup(Deep ^ call_site_calls, Index),
-        CSDListList = map.values(CallSiteCall),
-        CSDList = list.condense(CSDListList),
-        list.length(CSDList, NumCSD),
-        ( NumCSD = 0 ->
-            % The CSS doesn't have any CSDs.
-            CallSeqs = 0
-        ;
-            (
-                Measure = stat_mean,
-                list.foldr(sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep), CSDList,
-                    0, SumCallSeqs),
-                % NOTE: we have checked that NumCSD is not zero above.
-                CallSeqs = SumCallSeqs // NumCSD
-            ;
-                Measure = stat_median,
-                list.sort(compare_csd_ptr(Deep), CSDList, CSDListSorted),
-                IndexMedian = NumCSD // 2,
-                list.index0_det(CSDListSorted, IndexMedian, MedianPtr),
-                sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, MedianPtr, 0, CallSeqs)
-            )
-        ),
-        ( CallSeqs >= Threshold ->
-            CSS = array.lookup(Deep ^ call_site_statics, Index),
-            !:CSSCord = snoc(!.CSSCord, CSS),
-            compute_css_list_above_threshold(Index + 1, Deep, Threshold,
-                Measure, !CSSCord)
-        ;
-            compute_css_list_above_threshold(Index + 1, Deep, Threshold,
-                Measure, !CSSCord)
-        )
-    ).
-    % Add the call sequence counts (own and desc) of CSDPtr to the accumulator.
-    %
-:- pred sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
-    int::in, int::out) is det.
-sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr, !Sum) :-
-    lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDPtr, CSD),
-    lookup_csd_desc(Deep ^ csd_desc, CSDPtr, IPO),
-    !:Sum = !.Sum + callseqs(CSD ^ csd_own_prof) + inherit_callseqs(IPO).
-    % Compare two CSD pointers on the basis of their call sequence counts
-    % (own and desc).
-    %
-:- pred compare_csd_ptr(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
-    call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, comparison_result::out) is det.
-compare_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtrA, CSDPtrB, Result) :-
-    sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtrA, 0, SumA),
-    sum_callseqs_csd_ptr(Deep, CSDPtrB, 0, SumB),
-    compare(Result, SumA, SumB).
-    % Write to the output the list of CSSs.
-    %
-:- pred css_to_call(deep::in, call_site_static::in, call_site::out) is det.
-css_to_call(Deep, CSS, Call) :-
-    % Get the caller.
-    lookup_proc_statics(Deep ^ proc_statics, CSS ^ css_container, CallerPS),
-    Caller = CallerPS ^ ps_id,
-    % Get the slot number.
-    Slot = CSS ^ css_slot_num,
-    % Get the Callee and Call Type.
-    (
-        CSS ^ css_kind = normal_call_and_callee(PSPtr, _),
-        lookup_proc_statics(Deep ^ proc_statics, PSPtr, CalleePS),
-        CallTypeAndCallee = plain_call(CalleePS ^ ps_id)
-    ;
-        CSS ^ css_kind = special_call_and_no_callee,
-        CallTypeAndCallee = special_call
-    ;
-        CSS ^ css_kind = higher_order_call_and_no_callee,
-        CallTypeAndCallee = higher_order_call
-    ;
-        CSS ^ css_kind = method_call_and_no_callee,
-        CallTypeAndCallee = method_call
-    ;
-        CSS ^ css_kind = callback_and_no_callee,
-        CallTypeAndCallee = callback_call
-    ),
-    % Build the call datastructure.
-    Call = call_site(Caller, Slot, CallTypeAndCallee).
-% Useful utility predicates.
-:- pred proc_label_from_proc_desc(deep::in, proc_desc::in,
-    string_proc_label::out) is det.
-proc_label_from_proc_desc(Deep, ProcDesc, ProcLabel) :-
-    PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
-    deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, ProcStatic),
-    ProcLabel = ProcStatic ^ ps_id.
-    % Remove something from inside a maybe_error type and return it.  Throw an
-    % exception if the MaybeError variable has value error(_).
-    %
-:- pred det_open_maybe_error(maybe_error(T)::in, T::out) is det.
-:- pragma obsolete(det_open_maybe_error/2).
-det_open_maybe_error(ok(X), X).
-det_open_maybe_error(error(Error), _) :-
-    error(Error).
-:- pred add_call_site_report_to_map(clique_call_site_report::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::in, 
-    map(goal_path, clique_call_site_report)::out) is det.
-add_call_site_report_to_map(CallSite, !Map) :-
-    GoalPath = CallSite ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject 
-        ^ csdesc_goal_path,
-    svmap.det_insert(GoalPath, CallSite, !Map).
 :- func this_file = string.
Index: deep_profiler/message.m
RCS file: deep_profiler/message.m
diff -N deep_profiler/message.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ deep_profiler/message.m	17 Mar 2009 03:58:18 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2009 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: message.m.
+% Author: pbone.
+% This module contains types and predicates for building messages used by the
+% mdprof_feedback tool.  These messages can represent information such as
+% warnings and errors.  Code is also included here to print them out.
+:- module message.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module string.
+	% A message to be displayed to the user.
+    %
+:- type message 
+    --->    message(
+                message_location    :: program_location,
+                message_type        :: message_type 
+            ).
+    % The 'importance' of a message,  Debug messages are not covered here since
+    % they should be implemented via trace goals. neither are critical messages
+    % since we use exceptions in that case.
+    %
+:- type message_level
+    --->    message_info
+    ;       message_notice
+    ;       message_warning
+    ;       message_error.
+:- type program_location
+    --->    proc(string_proc_label)
+    ;       goal(string_proc_label, goal_path)
+    ;       clique(clique_ptr).
+:- func message_get_level(message) = message_level.
+:- func message_level_to_int(message_level) = int.
+:- pred message_to_string(message::in, string::out) is det.
+:- pred append_message(program_location::in, message_type::in,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+	% A type of message, values of type 'message' are instances of values of
+    % type 'message_type'.
+    %
+:- type message_type
+                % A candidate parallel conjunction has been found.
+    --->    info_found_candidate_conjunction
+                % This occurs when a variable is instantiated twice in a
+                % procedure body (different instantiation states are used).  We
+                % don't bother parallelising such procedures.
+                %
+    ;       notice_duplicate_instantiation(
+                int
+                    % The number of conjunctions that could have been
+                    % parallelised.
+            )
+                % Extra call pairs could have been parallelised but weren't in
+                % this implementation.
+                %
+    ;       notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(
+                int
+                    % THe number of call pairs that were not parallelised.
+            )
+                % A pair of calls that we want to parallelise are separated by
+                % some other goal.
+                %
+    ;       notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent
+                % As above, except that the goal in between is a call goal.
+                %
+    ;       notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal
+                % As above, except that the goal in between is non-atomic.
+                %
+    ;       notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal
+                % A pair of calls that could be parallelised have many
+                % dependant variables.  We don't yet calculate the speedup in
+                % these situations.
+    ;       notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var
+                % Couldn't find the proc defn in the progrep data, maybe the
+                % procedure is built-in.
+                %
+    ;       warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn
+                % We don't yet handle clique_proc_reports with multiple proc
+                % dynamics.
+                %
+    ;       error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc
+                % An error in the generation of a coverage_procrep report.
+                %
+    ;       error_coverage_procrep_error(string).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list.
+message_get_level(message(_, Type)) =
+    message_type_to_level(Type).
+message_to_string(message(Location, MessageType), String) :-
+    LocationString = string(Location),
+    Level = message_type_to_level(MessageType),
+    LevelString = message_level_to_string(Level),
+    MessageStr = message_type_to_string(MessageType),
+    string.format("%s: In %s: %s",
+        [s(LevelString), s(LocationString), s(MessageStr)], String).
+append_message(Location, MessageType, !Messages) :-
+    Message = message(Location, MessageType),
+    !:Messages = cord.snoc(!.Messages, Message).
+:- func message_level_to_string(message_level) = string.
+message_level_to_string(message_info) = "Info".
+message_level_to_string(message_notice) = "Notice".
+message_level_to_string(message_warning) = "Warning".
+message_level_to_string(message_error) = "Error".
+message_level_to_int(message_info) = 4.
+message_level_to_int(message_notice) = 3.
+message_level_to_int(message_warning) = 2.
+message_level_to_int(message_error) = 1.
+:- func message_type_to_level(message_type) = message_level.
+message_type_to_level(info_found_candidate_conjunction) =
+    message_info.
+message_type_to_level(notice_duplicate_instantiation(_)) = message_notice.
+message_type_to_level(notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(_)) =
+    message_notice.
+message_type_to_level(notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent) = 
+    message_notice.
+message_type_to_level(notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal) =
+    message_notice.
+message_type_to_level(notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal) =
+    message_notice.
+message_type_to_level(notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var) =
+    message_notice.
+message_type_to_level(warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn) = message_warning.
+message_type_to_level(error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc) = 
+    message_error.
+message_type_to_level(error_coverage_procrep_error(_)) =
+    message_error.
+:- func message_type_to_string(message_type) = string.
+message_type_to_string(MessageType) = String :-
+    (
+        MessageType = info_found_candidate_conjunction, 
+        String = "Found candidate conjunction"
+    ;
+        MessageType = notice_duplicate_instantiation(CandidateConjuncts), 
+        string.format(
+            "%d conjunctions not parallelised: Seen duplicate instantiations",
+            [i(CandidateConjuncts)], String)
+    ;
+        MessageType = notice_extra_callpairs_in_conjunction(NumCPCs),
+        string.format(
+            "%d potential call pairs not parallelised in this conjunction",
+            [i(NumCPCs)], String)
+    ;
+        MessageType = notice_candidate_callpairs_not_adjacent,
+        String = "Two callpairs are difficult to parallelise because they are"
+            ++ " not adjacent"
+    ;
+        MessageType = notice_cannot_parallelise_over_cheap_call_goal,
+        String = "Parallelising expensive call goals with cheap call goals"
+            ++ " between them is not supported"
+    ;
+        MessageType = notice_cannot_parallelise_over_nonatomic_goal, 
+        String = "Parallelising call goals with non-atomic goals between them"
+            ++ " is not supported"
+    ;
+        MessageType = notice_callpair_has_more_than_one_dependant_var,
+        String = "Parallelising call pairs that have more than one dependant"
+            ++ " variable is not yet supported."
+    ;
+        MessageType = warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn,
+        String = "Could not look up proc defn, perhaps this procedure is"
+            ++ " built-in"
+    ;
+        MessageType = error_extra_proc_dynamics_in_clique_proc, 
+        String = "extra proc dynamnics for a clique proc are not currenty"
+            ++ " handled."
+    ;
+        MessageType = error_coverage_procrep_error(ErrorStr),
+        string.format("Error generating coverage procedure report: %s",
+            [s(ErrorStr)], String)
+    ).
+:- end_module message.
-------------- next part --------------
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