[m-rev.] diff: runtime trace conditions on java
Peter Wang
novalazy at gmail.com
Fri Jun 19 17:14:47 AEST 2009
Branches: main
Support environment variables in runtime trace conditions on Java. For each
unique environment variable name referenced in the module, we create a private
class member to record whether that environment variable was defined when the
class is initialised.
As above.
Don't abort on seeing a runtime trace condition for target_java.
diff --git a/compiler/mlds_to_java.m b/compiler/mlds_to_java.m
index ffd7255..13f899f 100644
--- a/compiler/mlds_to_java.m
+++ b/compiler/mlds_to_java.m
@@ -364,6 +364,8 @@ output_java_src_file(ModuleInfo, Indent, MLDS, !IO) :-
output_exported_enums(Indent + 1, ModuleInfo, ExportedEnums, !IO),
io.write_string("\n// InitPreds\n", !IO),
output_inits(Indent + 1, ModuleInfo, InitPreds, !IO),
+ io.write_string("\n// EnvVarNames\n", !IO),
+ output_env_vars(Indent + 1, NonRttiDefns, !IO),
output_src_end(Indent, ModuleName, !IO).
% XXX Need to handle non-Java foreign code at this point.
@@ -1032,6 +1034,53 @@ output_init_2(Indent, InitPred, !IO) :-
+% Code to output globals for environment variables.
+:- pred output_env_vars(indent::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo)
+ is det.
+output_env_vars(Indent, NonRttiDefns, !IO) :-
+ list.foldl(collect_env_var_names, NonRttiDefns, set.init, EnvVarNamesSet),
+ EnvVarNames = set.to_sorted_list(EnvVarNamesSet),
+ (
+ EnvVarNames = []
+ ;
+ EnvVarNames = [_ | _],
+ list.foldl(output_env_var_definition(Indent), EnvVarNames, !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred collect_env_var_names(mlds_defn::in,
+ set(string)::in, set(string)::out) is det.
+collect_env_var_names(Defn, !EnvVarNames) :-
+ Defn = mlds_defn(_, _, _, EntityDefn),
+ (
+ EntityDefn = mlds_data(_, _, _)
+ ;
+ EntityDefn = mlds_function(_, _, _, _, EnvVarNames),
+ set.union(EnvVarNames, !EnvVarNames)
+ ;
+ EntityDefn = mlds_class(_)
+ ).
+:- pred output_env_var_definition(indent::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo)
+ is det.
+output_env_var_definition(Indent, EnvVarName, !IO) :-
+ % We use int because the generated code compares against zero, and changing
+ % that is more trouble than it's worth as it affects the C backends.
+ indent_line(Indent, !IO),
+ io.write_string("private static int mercury_envvar_", !IO),
+ io.write_string(EnvVarName, !IO),
+ io.write_string(" =\n", !IO),
+ indent_line(Indent + 1, !IO),
+ io.write_string("java.lang.System.getenv(\"", !IO),
+ io.write_string(EnvVarName, !IO),
+ io.write_string("\") == null ? 0 : 1;\n", !IO).
% Code to output the start and end of a source file.
@@ -1191,9 +1240,7 @@ output_defn_body(_, ModuleInfo, Name, OutputAux, _,
output_data_defn(ModuleInfo, Name, OutputAux, Type, Initializer, !IO).
output_defn_body(Indent, ModuleInfo, Name, OutputAux, Context,
mlds_function(MaybePredProcId, Signature, MaybeBody,
- _Attributes, EnvVarNames), !IO) :-
- expect(set.empty(EnvVarNames), this_file,
- "output_defn_body: EnvVarNames"),
+ _Attributes, _EnvVarNames), !IO) :-
output_maybe(MaybePredProcId, output_pred_proc_id, !IO),
output_func(Indent, ModuleInfo, Name, OutputAux, Context,
Signature, MaybeBody, !IO).
@@ -3224,8 +3271,10 @@ output_lval(ModuleInfo, Lval, ModuleName, !IO) :-
Lval = ml_mem_ref(Rval, _Type),
output_bracketed_rval(ModuleInfo, Rval, ModuleName, !IO)
- Lval = ml_global_var_ref(_),
- sorry(this_file, "output_lval: global_var_ref NYI")
+ Lval = ml_global_var_ref(GlobalVarRef),
+ GlobalVarRef = env_var_ref(EnvVarName),
+ io.write_string("mercury_envvar_", !IO),
+ io.write_string(EnvVarName, !IO)
Lval = ml_var(qual(ModName, QualKind, Name), _),
QualName = qual(ModName, QualKind, entity_data(mlds_data_var(Name))),
diff --git a/compiler/simplify.m b/compiler/simplify.m
index 4376ce6..7c101fa 100644
--- a/compiler/simplify.m
+++ b/compiler/simplify.m
@@ -1946,13 +1946,15 @@ simplify_goal_trace_goal(MaybeCompiletimeExpr,
MaybeRuntimeExpr, SubGoal,
Target = target_erlang,
!:EvalAttributes = default_attributes(lang_erlang)
+ Target = target_java,
+ !:EvalAttributes = default_attributes(lang_java)
+ ;
( Target = target_il
- ; Target = target_java
; Target = target_asm
; Target = target_x86_64
- sorry(this_file, "NYI: runtime trace conditions "
- ++ "in languages other than C")
+ sorry(this_file,
+ "runtime trace conditions for this target language")
set_may_call_mercury(proc_will_not_call_mercury, !EvalAttributes),
set_thread_safe(proc_thread_safe, !EvalAttributes),
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