[m-rev.] diff: cleanup type constraints code

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Jun 4 15:14:56 AEST 2009

	Minor cleanups.


cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: type_constraints.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/type_constraints.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -b -r1.3 type_constraints.m
--- type_constraints.m	10 Mar 2009 05:00:31 -0000	1.3
+++ type_constraints.m	4 Jun 2009 05:06:33 -0000
@@ -75,47 +75,51 @@
 :- type type_constraint
     --->    tconstr_conj(
+                % A conjunction of constraints, all of which must hold.
-                    % A conjunction of constraints, all of which must hold
     ;       tconstr_disj(
-                list(conj_type_constraint),
                     % A disjunction of conjunctions of constraints, caused
-                    % by ambiguity in unifications or calls
-                maybe(conj_type_constraint)
+                % by ambiguity in unifications or calls.
+                list(conj_type_constraint),
                     % "Yes" if the disjunction has been reduced to a single
-                    % possible conjunction by constraint propagation
+                % possible conjunction by constraint propagation.
+                maybe(conj_type_constraint)
 :- type conj_type_constraint 
     --->    ctconstr(
-                tconstr_simples     :: list(simple_type_constraint),
                     % The simple constraints which make up the conjunction.
-                tconstr_activity    :: tconstr_activity,
+                tconstr_simples     :: list(simple_type_constraint),
                     % Whether the constraint is still active, or has been
                     % found to be unsatisfiable.
-                tconstr_context     :: prog_context,
+                tconstr_activity    :: tconstr_activity,
                     % The context of the goal that creates the conjunction.
-                tconstr_goal_path   :: maybe(goal_path),
+                tconstr_context     :: prog_context,
                     % The goal path of the goal which created the constraint,
                     % if it is relevant.
-                tconstr_pred_id     :: maybe(pred_id)
-                    % The predicate ID of the predicate call, if this is a
+                tconstr_goal_path   :: maybe(goal_path),
+                % The predicate id of the predicate call, if this is a
                     % predicate call constraint.
+                tconstr_pred_id     :: maybe(pred_id)
 :- type tconstr_activity
     --->    tconstr_active          
                 % The constraint is still relevant.
     ;       tconstr_unsatisfiable.  
                 % The constraint is only relevant for error diagnosis.
 :- type simple_type_constraint
     --->    stconstr(
-                tvar,       
-                    % The variable whose type is being constrained.
-                mer_type    
-                    % The type to which the variable is being assigned.
+                tvar,       % The variable whose type is being constrained.
+                mer_type    % The type to which the variable is being assigned.
 :- type type_constraint_set == set(type_constraint_id).
@@ -144,29 +148,36 @@
 :- type type_domain
     --->    tdomain(set(mer_type))
-                % A type-domain consisting of multiple possible types
+            % A type-domain consisting of multiple possible types.
     ;       tdomain_singleton(mer_type)
                 % A domain that has been fixed to one definite type. This
                 % is used to avoid propagating on the same variable twice.
     ;       tdomain_any.
                 % This represents an unbound type.
 :- type type_constraint_info
     --->    tconstr_info(
-                tconstr_var_map             :: prog_var_map, 
                     % A map from program variables to their corresponding
                     % type variables.
+                tconstr_var_map             :: prog_var_map,
+                % A counter for constraint ids.
                 tconstr_constraint_counter  :: type_constraint_counter,
-                    % A counter for constraint IDs.
+                % A map from constraint ids to constraints.
                 tconstr_constraint_map      :: type_constraint_map,
-                    % A map from constraint IDs to constraints.
-                tconstr_var_constraints     :: var_constraint_map,
                     % A map from type variables to the constraints
                     % which involve them.
-                tconstr_tvarset             :: tvarset,
+                tconstr_var_constraints     :: var_constraint_map,
                     % The set of type variables used in the constraints.
-                tconstr_error_spec          :: error_specs
+                tconstr_tvarset             :: tvarset,
                     % All errors encountered during typechecking.
+                tconstr_error_specs         :: error_specs
 :- type type_constraint_solution
@@ -176,8 +187,8 @@
                 tconstr_sol_success         :: bool
-    % Maps from IDs of program elements to their definitions, 
-    % extracted from the HLDS
+    % Maps from ids of program elements to their definitions,
+    % extracted from the HLDS.
 :- type tconstr_environment
     --->    tconstr_environment(
@@ -205,24 +216,25 @@
     % This is the predicate called by the compiler to perform the typecheck 
     % pass.
-typecheck_constraints(!HLDS, ErrorSpec) :-
+typecheck_constraints(!HLDS, Specs) :-
     % hlds_module.module_info_get_type_table(!.HLDS, TypeEnv),
     hlds_module.module_info_get_event_set(!.HLDS, event_set(_, EventEnv)),
     hlds_module.module_info_get_class_table(!.HLDS, ClassEnv),
     hlds_module.module_info_get_cons_table(!.HLDS, FuncEnv),
     hlds_module.module_info_get_predicate_table(!.HLDS, PredEnv),
-    hlds_module.module_info_predids(PredIDs, !HLDS),
+    Environment0 = tconstr_environment(EventEnv, ClassEnv, FuncEnv, PredEnv),
-    list.foldl3(typecheck_one_predicate_if_needed, PredIDs, 
-        tconstr_environment(EventEnv, ClassEnv, FuncEnv, PredEnv), _, !HLDS,
-        [], ErrorSpec).
+    hlds_module.module_info_predids(PredIds, !HLDS),
+    list.foldl3(typecheck_one_predicate_if_needed, PredIds,
+        Environment0, _, !HLDS, [], Specs).
 :- pred typecheck_one_predicate_if_needed(pred_id::in, tconstr_environment::in,
     tconstr_environment::out, module_info::in, module_info::out, 
     error_specs::in, error_specs::out) is det.
-typecheck_one_predicate_if_needed(PredID, !Environment, !HLDS, !Errors) :-
-    predicate_table_get_preds(!.Environment^pred_env, Preds),
-    map.lookup(Preds, PredID, PredInfo),
+typecheck_one_predicate_if_needed(PredId, !Environment, !HLDS, !Specs) :-
+    predicate_table_get_preds(!.Environment ^ pred_env, Preds),
+    map.lookup(Preds, PredId, PredInfo),
         % Compiler-generated predicates are created already type-correct,
         % so there's no need to typecheck them. The same is true for builtins.
@@ -243,30 +255,31 @@
             IsEmpty = yes,
             pred_info_mark_as_external(PredInfo, PredInfo1),
-            map.det_update(Preds, PredID, PredInfo1, Preds1),
-            predicate_table_set_preds(Preds1, !.Environment^pred_env, 
-                PredEnv1),
-            module_info_set_predicate_table(PredEnv1, !HLDS),
-            !:Environment = !.Environment^pred_env := PredEnv1
+            map.det_update(Preds, PredId, PredInfo1, Preds1),
+            PredEnv0 = !.Environment ^ pred_env,
+            predicate_table_set_preds(Preds1, PredEnv0, PredEnv),
+            module_info_set_predicate_table(PredEnv, !HLDS),
+            !Environment ^ pred_env := PredEnv
             IsEmpty = no
-        typecheck_one_predicate(PredID, !Environment, !HLDS, !Errors)
+        typecheck_one_predicate(PredId, !Environment, !HLDS, !Specs)
-:- pred typecheck_one_predicate(pred_id::in, tconstr_environment::in, 
-    tconstr_environment::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+:- pred typecheck_one_predicate(pred_id::in,
+    tconstr_environment::in, tconstr_environment::out,
+    module_info::in, module_info::out,
     error_specs::in, error_specs::out) is det.
-typecheck_one_predicate(PredID, !Environment, !HLDS, !Errors) :-
+typecheck_one_predicate(PredId, !Environment, !HLDS, !Specs) :-
     some [!Preds, !PredInfo, !ClausesInfo, !Clauses, !Goals, !PredEnv, 
-            !TCInfo, !Vartypes] (
+        !TCInfo, !Vartypes]
+    (
         % Find the clause list in the predicate definition.
-        !:PredEnv = !.Environment^pred_env,
+        !:PredEnv = !.Environment ^ pred_env,
         predicate_table_get_preds(!.PredEnv, !:Preds),
-        map.lookup(!.Preds, PredID, !:PredInfo),
+        map.lookup(!.Preds, PredId, !:PredInfo),
         pred_info_get_typevarset(!.PredInfo, TVarSet),
         pred_info_get_context(!.PredInfo, Context),
         pred_info_get_clauses_info(!.PredInfo, !:ClausesInfo),
@@ -276,7 +289,7 @@
         trace [compile_time(flag("type_error_diagnosis")), io(!IO)] (
             LineNumber = string.int_to_string(term.context_line(Context)),
             FileName = term.context_file(Context),
-            PredNumber = int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(PredID)),
+            PredNumber = int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(PredId)),
             io.write_string("=== Predicate " ++ PredNumber ++ " [" ++
                 FileName ++ ": " ++ LineNumber ++ "] ===\n", !IO)
@@ -290,12 +303,10 @@
                 HeadVars, HeadTypes, tconstr_info(bimap.init, counter.init(0), 
                 map.init, map.init, TVarSet, []), !:TCInfo)
-            unexpected(this_file, "Predicate " ++ int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(
-                PredID)) ++ ": Number of head variable types is not equal" ++
-                "to number of head variables")
+            unexpected(this_file, "head variable types vs vars mismatch")
-        % Generate constraints for each clause of the predicate
+        % Generate constraints for each clause of the predicate.
         list.map(get_clause_body, !.Clauses, !:Goals),
         list.map(fill_goal_path_slots_in_goal_2(map.init, !.HLDS), !Goals),
         list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(!.Environment), !.Goals, !TCInfo), 
@@ -303,22 +314,22 @@
             print_pred_constraint(!.TCInfo, ProgVarSet, !IO)
-        % Solve all the constraints
+        % Solve all the constraints.
         find_type_constraint_solutions(Context, ProgVarSet, DomainMap0, 
         list.foldl2_corresponding(unify_equal_tvars(!.TCInfo, set.init),
-            HeadTVars, HeadTVars, map.init, ReplacementMap, DomainMap0, 
-            DomainMap),
+            HeadTVars, HeadTVars,
+            map.init, ReplacementMap, DomainMap0, DomainMap),
         trace [compile_time(flag("type_error_diagnosis")), io(!IO)] (
             print_constraint_solution(!.TCInfo, ProgVarSet, DomainMap, !IO)
         % Update the HLDS with the results of the solving and report any
         % ambiguity errors found in this process.
-        list.map2(update_goal(!.PredEnv, !.TCInfo^tconstr_constraint_map), 
+        list.map2(update_goal(!.PredEnv, !.TCInfo ^ tconstr_constraint_map),
             !Goals, PredErrors),
-        create_vartypes_map(Context, ProgVarSet, !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset,
-            !.TCInfo^tconstr_var_map, DomainMap, ReplacementMap, !:Vartypes, 
+        create_vartypes_map(Context, ProgVarSet, !.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
+            !.TCInfo ^ tconstr_var_map, DomainMap, ReplacementMap, !:Vartypes,
         list.map_corresponding(set_clause_body, !.Goals, !Clauses),
         list.condense([VarTypeErrors | PredErrors], NewErrors),
@@ -327,15 +338,16 @@
         list.foldl(add_unused_prog_var(!.TCInfo), HeadVars, !Vartypes),
         clauses_info_set_vartypes(!.Vartypes, !ClausesInfo),
         pred_info_set_clauses_info(!.ClausesInfo, !PredInfo),
-        pred_info_set_typevarset(!.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset, !PredInfo),
-        svmap.det_update(PredID, !.PredInfo, !Preds),
+        pred_info_set_typevarset(!.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset, !PredInfo),
+        svmap.det_update(PredId, !.PredInfo, !Preds),
         predicate_table_set_preds(!.Preds, !PredEnv),
         module_info_set_predicate_table(!.PredEnv, !HLDS),
-        !:Environment = !.Environment^pred_env := !.PredEnv,
-        list.append(!.TCInfo^tconstr_error_spec, !Errors)
+        !Environment ^ pred_env := !.PredEnv,
+        !:Specs = !.TCInfo ^ tconstr_error_specs ++ !.Specs
 % General typechecking utility predicates 
     % A compiler-generated predicate only needs type checking if
@@ -350,8 +362,8 @@
     is semidet.
 special_pred_needs_typecheck(PredInfo, ModuleInfo) :-
-    % Check if the predicate is a compiler-generated special
-    % predicate, and if so, for which type.
+    % Check if the predicate is a compiler-generated special predicate,
+    % and if so, for which type.
     pred_info_get_origin(PredInfo, Origin),
     Origin = origin_special_pred(SpecialPredId - TypeCtor),
@@ -367,9 +379,8 @@
     special_pred_for_type_needs_typecheck(ModuleInfo, SpecialPredId, Body).
     % Updates the goal with the pred_ids of all predicates called in the goal.
-    % If there is an ambiguous predicate call, chooses one predicate to
-    % be the "correct" one and returns an error message describing the 
-    % problem.
+    % If there is an ambiguous predicate call, chooses one predicate to be
+    % the "correct" one and returns an error message describing the problem.
 :- pred update_goal(pred_env::in, type_constraint_map::in, hlds_goal::in, 
     hlds_goal::out, list(error_msg)::out) is det.
@@ -388,17 +399,16 @@
     PredData = DefinitePredData ++ AmbigPredData,
     list.foldl(apply_pred_data_to_goal, PredData, !Goal).
 :- pred apply_pred_data_to_goal(pair(goal_path, pred_id)::in, 
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
-apply_pred_data_to_goal((GoalPath0 - PredID), !Goal) :-
+apply_pred_data_to_goal((GoalPath0 - PredId), !Goal) :-
     program_representation.goal_path_consable(GoalPath0, GoalPath),
-        goal_util.maybe_transform_goal_at_goal_path(set_goal_pred_id(PredID),
-            GoalPath, !.Goal, yes(Goal1))
+        goal_util.maybe_transform_goal_at_goal_path(set_goal_pred_id(PredId),
+            GoalPath, !.Goal, yes(GoalPrime))
-        !:Goal = Goal1
+        !:Goal = GoalPrime
@@ -406,25 +416,24 @@
 :- pred set_goal_pred_id(pred_id::in, hlds_goal::in, maybe(hlds_goal)::out)
     is det.
-set_goal_pred_id(PredID, hlds_goal(Expression0, Info), MaybeGoal) :-
+set_goal_pred_id(PredId, hlds_goal(Expression0, Info), MaybeGoal) :-
     ( Expression0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _) ->
         trace [compile_time(flag("type_error_diagnosis")), io(!IO)] (
             Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
             LineNumber = string.int_to_string(term.context_line(Context)),
             FileName = term.context_file(Context),
-            PredName = sym_name_to_string(Expression0^call_sym_name),
+            PredName = sym_name_to_string(Expression0 ^ call_sym_name),
             io.print("  Predicate " ++ PredName ++ " (" ++ FileName ++ ": " ++
-                LineNumber ++ ") has ID " ++ 
-                int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(PredID)) ++ "\n", !IO)
+                LineNumber ++ ") has id " ++
+                int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(PredId)) ++ "\n", !IO)
-        NewCall = Expression0^call_pred_id := PredID,
+        NewCall = Expression0 ^ call_pred_id := PredId,
         MaybeGoal = yes(hlds_goal(NewCall, Info))
         MaybeGoal = no
-    % The following predicates extract the disjuncts from
-    % type constraints.
+    % The following predicates extract the disjuncts from type constraints.
 :- pred has_one_disjunct(type_constraint::in, conj_type_constraint::out)
     is semidet.
@@ -438,7 +447,7 @@
     is semidet.
 get_first_disjunct(tconstr_disj(Cs, no), C) :-
-    list.filter(still_active, Cs, [C|_]).
+    list.filter(still_active, Cs, [C | _]).
 get_first_disjunct(tconstr_disj(_, yes(C)), C).
 get_first_disjunct(tconstr_conj(C), C).
@@ -449,8 +458,8 @@
     list.filter(still_active, Cs0, Cs),
     Cs = [_, _ | _].
-    % Creates the vartypes map, which is inserted into the relevant
-    % pred_info and used by the rest of the compiler.
+    % Creates the vartypes map, which is inserted into the relevant pred_info
+    % and used by the rest of the compiler.
 :- pred create_vartypes_map(prog_context::in, prog_varset::in, tvarset::in, 
     prog_var_map::in, type_domain_map::in, simple_prog_var_map::in, 
@@ -461,7 +470,7 @@
     bimap.ordinates(VarMap, ProgVars),
     list.map2(find_variable_type(Context, ProgVarSet, TVarSet, VarMap, 
         DomainMap, ReplacementMap), ProgVars, Types, MaybeErrors),
-    list.filter_map(type_constraints.remove_maybe, MaybeErrors, Errors),
+    list.filter_map(remove_maybe, MaybeErrors, Errors),
     map.det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(map.init, ProgVars, Types, 
@@ -522,11 +531,12 @@
     fill_goal_path_slots_in_goal(!.G, V, M, !:G).
 :- pred get_clause_body(clause::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
-get_clause_body(Clause, Clause^clause_body).
+get_clause_body(Clause, Clause ^ clause_body).
 :- pred set_clause_body(hlds_goal::in, clause::in, clause::out) is det.
-set_clause_body(Goal, Clause, Clause^clause_body := Goal).
+set_clause_body(Goal, Clause, Clause ^ clause_body := Goal).
@@ -540,60 +550,62 @@
     % the problem.
 :- pred find_type_constraint_solutions(prog_context::in, prog_varset::in, 
-    type_domain_map::out, type_constraint_info::in, 
-    type_constraint_info::out) is det.
+    type_domain_map::out,
+    type_constraint_info::in, type_constraint_info::out) is det.
-find_type_constraint_solutions(Context, ProgVarSet, DomainMap, 
-        !.TCInfo @ tconstr_info(_, _, !.ConstraintMap, VarConstraints,
-        TVarSet, _), !:TCInfo) :-
-    solve_constraint_labeling(TVarSet, VarConstraints, !.ConstraintMap,
-        map.init, map.init, LabledSolution),
-    LabledSolution = tconstr_solution(Solutions, !:ConstraintMap, Success),
+find_type_constraint_solutions(Context, ProgVarSet, DomainMap, !TCInfo) :-
+    !.TCInfo = tconstr_info(_, _, ConstraintMap0, VarConstraints, TVarSet, _),
+    solve_constraint_labeling(TVarSet, VarConstraints, ConstraintMap0,
+        map.init, map.init, LabeledSolution),
+    LabeledSolution = tconstr_solution(Solutions, ConstraintMap, Success),
-        Solutions = []
-    ->
+        Solutions = [],
         % This shouldn't happen.
+        % XXX zs: The reason *why* it should not happen should be documented.
             "Cannot find any possible solutions for the type constraints")
+        Solutions = [FirstSolution | LaterSolutions],
+        (
+            Success = no,
         % Unsatisfiability error (no solutions). If labeling was required
         % and no labeling assignment produced a solution, pick an arbitrary
         % labeling to report (this should be rare in real programs).
-        Success = no,
-        Solutions = [Solution | _]
-    ->
         trace [compile_time(flag("type_error_reporting")), io(!IO)] (
             io.write_string("\nUnsatisfiability error\n", !IO)
-        map.to_assoc_list(Solution, SolutionAssocList),
+            map.to_assoc_list(FirstSolution, SolutionAssocList),
         list.filter_map(has_empty_domain, SolutionAssocList, ErrorTVars),
         list.map(diagnose_unsatisfiability_error(!.TCInfo, Context, 
             ProgVarSet), ErrorTVars, ErrorMessages),
         list.foldl(add_message_to_spec, ErrorMessages, !TCInfo),
-        list.foldl(map.union(type_domain_union), Solutions, map.init, 
-            DomainMap)
+            list.foldl(map.union(type_domain_union), Solutions,
+                map.init, DomainMap)
+            Success = yes,
+            (
+                LaterSolutions = [],
         % Type correct (one solution).
-        Solutions = [SingleSolution]
-    ->
-        DomainMap = SingleSolution
+                DomainMap = FirstSolution
+                LaterSolutions = [_ | _],
         % Ambiguity error (many solutions).
         list.foldl(map.union(type_domain_union), Solutions, map.init, 
         trace [compile_time(flag("type_error_reporting")), io(!IO)] (
             io.write_string("\nAmbiguity error\n", !IO)
+            )
+        )
-    !TCInfo ^ tconstr_constraint_map := !.ConstraintMap.
+    !TCInfo ^ tconstr_constraint_map := ConstraintMap.
 :- pred solve_constraint_labeling(tvarset::in, var_constraint_map::in,
     type_constraint_map::in, type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::in, 
     type_constraint_solution::out) is det.
-solve_constraint_labeling(TVarSet, VarConstraints, ConstraintMap0,
-        DomainMap0, Guesses, 
-        tconstr_solution(DomainMaps, ConstraintMap, Success)) :-
+solve_constraint_labeling(TVarSet, VarConstraints, ConstraintMap0, DomainMap0,
+        Guesses, Solution) :-
     trace [compile_time(flag("type_constraint_prop")), io(!IO)] (
         map.to_assoc_list(Guesses, GuessesAssocList),
         list.foldl(print_guess(TVarSet), GuessesAssocList, !IO)
@@ -613,20 +625,20 @@
         list.map(map.set(Guesses, Var), Domains, NewGuesses),
         list.map(solve_constraint_labeling(TVarSet, VarConstraints,
             ConstraintMap1, DomainMap1), NewGuesses, Solutions),
-        list.filter(solution_is_invalid, Solutions, FailSolutions,
-            SuccessSolutions),
+        list.filter(solution_is_invalid, Solutions,
+            FailSolutions, SuccessSolutions),
             SuccessSolutions = [],
-            list.map(type_constraint_solution_get_domains, FailSolutions,
-                DomainMaps0),
+            list.map(type_constraint_solution_get_domains,
+                FailSolutions, DomainMaps0),
             list.condense(DomainMaps0, DomainMaps),
                 FailSolutions, RelevantConstraintMaps),
             Success = no
-            SuccessSolutions = [_|_],
-            list.map(type_constraint_solution_get_domains, SuccessSolutions,
-                DomainMaps0),
+            SuccessSolutions = [_ | _],
+            list.map(type_constraint_solution_get_domains,
+                SuccessSolutions, DomainMaps0),
             list.condense(DomainMaps0, DomainMaps),
                 SuccessSolutions, RelevantConstraintMaps),
@@ -644,7 +656,8 @@
         DomainMaps = [DomainMap1],
         ConstraintMap = ConstraintMap1,
         Success = yes
-    ).
+    ),
+    Solution = tconstr_solution(DomainMaps, ConstraintMap, Success).
 :- pred solution_is_invalid(type_constraint_solution::in) is semidet.
@@ -653,12 +666,12 @@
 :- pred type_constraint_solution_get_domains(type_constraint_solution::in,
     list(type_domain_map)::out) is det.
-type_constraint_solution_get_domains(T, T^tconstr_sol_domain_maps).
+type_constraint_solution_get_domains(T, T ^ tconstr_sol_domain_maps).
 :- pred type_constraint_solution_get_constraint_map(
     type_constraint_solution::in, type_constraint_map::out) is det.
-type_constraint_solution_get_constraint_map(T, T^tconstr_sol_constraint_map).
+type_constraint_solution_get_constraint_map(T, T ^ tconstr_sol_constraint_map).
     % Restricts the domain of each variable in the constraint based on all
     % information in the constraint. If the domain map is unchanged in one pass
@@ -670,12 +683,11 @@
     type_constraint_map::in, type_constraint_map::out,
     type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::out) is det.
-solve_constraint(TVarSet, VarConstraints, !ConstraintMap, 
-        !DomainMap) :-
+solve_constraint(TVarSet, VarConstraints, !ConstraintMap, !DomainMap) :-
     ConstraintMap0 = !.ConstraintMap,
     DomainMap0 = !.DomainMap,
-    ConstraintIDs = map.keys(!.ConstraintMap),
-    list.foldl2(propagate(TVarSet, VarConstraints), ConstraintIDs, 
+    ConstraintIds = map.keys(!.ConstraintMap),
+    list.foldl2(propagate(TVarSet, VarConstraints), ConstraintIds,
         !ConstraintMap, !DomainMap),
         % Failure.
@@ -690,8 +702,7 @@
         % Need to iterate again.
-        solve_constraint(TVarSet, VarConstraints, !ConstraintMap, 
-            !DomainMap)
+        solve_constraint(TVarSet, VarConstraints, !ConstraintMap, !DomainMap)
     % Given the information from a single constraint, updates the domains of
@@ -700,31 +711,31 @@
     % involving that variable.
 :- pred propagate(tvarset::in, var_constraint_map::in, type_constraint_id::in, 
-    type_constraint_map::in, type_constraint_map::out, type_domain_map::in,
-    type_domain_map::out) is det.
+    type_constraint_map::in, type_constraint_map::out,
+    type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::out) is det.
-propagate(TVarSet, VarConstraints, ConstraintID, !ConstraintMap, !DomainMap) :-
+propagate(TVarSet, VarConstraints, ConstraintId, !ConstraintMap, !DomainMap) :-
     % Update the domain of each variable in the constraint.
-    map.lookup(!.ConstraintMap, ConstraintID, Constraint0),
+    map.lookup(!.ConstraintMap, ConstraintId, Constraint0),
     find_domain(Constraint0, Constraint, !.DomainMap, NewDomainMap),
     % Print the changes to the domain map.
     trace [compile_time(flag("type_constraint_prop")), io(!IO)] (
-        io.format("Constraint %d:\n", [i(ConstraintID)], !IO),
+        io.format("Constraint %d:\n", [i(ConstraintId)], !IO),
         map.to_sorted_assoc_list(NewDomainMap, NewDomainAssocList),
         list.foldl(print_domain_map_change(TVarSet, !.DomainMap), 
             NewDomainAssocList, !IO),
         print_constraint_change(TVarSet, Constraint0, Constraint, !IO)
     !:DomainMap = NewDomainMap,
-    svmap.det_update(ConstraintID, Constraint, !ConstraintMap),
+    svmap.det_update(ConstraintId, Constraint, !ConstraintMap),
     % If any variable domains have been reduced to singleton domains
     % by this constraint, update the status of those variables and
     % propagate to other constriants involving them.
     tvars_in_constraint(Constraint, TVars),
     list.filter(has_singleton_domain(!.DomainMap), TVars, SingletonVars),
     list.foldl(update_singleton_domain, SingletonVars, !DomainMap),
-    list.filter_map(map.search(VarConstraints), SingletonVars, 
-        PropConstraints0),
+    list.filter_map(map.search(VarConstraints),
+        SingletonVars, PropConstraints0),
     PropConstraints = list.remove_dups(list.condense(PropConstraints0)),    
     list.foldl2(propagate(TVarSet, VarConstraints), PropConstraints, 
         !ConstraintMap, !DomainMap).
@@ -740,50 +751,61 @@
     conj_find_domain(!Constraint, !DomainMap).
     % Finds the domain of a type variable, given its existing domain and a
-    % set of constraints on its type. Will mark as unsatisfiable any constraints
-    % that are unsatisfiable.
+    % set of constraints on its type. Will mark as unsatisfiable any
+    % constraints that are unsatisfiable.
 :- pred find_domain(type_constraint::in, type_constraint::out, 
     type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::out) is det.
     % A conjunction of constraints requires each constraint to be met.
-find_domain(tconstr_conj(Constraints), tconstr_conj(NewConstraints), 
-        !DomainMap) :-
-    conj_find_domain(Constraints, NewConstraints, !DomainMap).
-find_domain(tconstr_disj(C, yes(Constraints)), 
-        tconstr_disj(C, yes(NewConstraints)), !DomainMap) :-
-    conj_find_domain(Constraints, NewConstraints, !DomainMap).
+find_domain(Constraint0, Constraint, !DomainMap) :-
+    (
+        Constraint0 = tconstr_conj(ConjConstraints0),
+        conj_find_domain(ConjConstraints0, ConjConstraints, !DomainMap),
+        Constraint = tconstr_conj(ConjConstraints)
+    ;
+        Constraint0 = tconstr_disj(DisjConstraints0, yes(SingleConstraints0)),
+        conj_find_domain(SingleConstraints0, SingleConstraints, !DomainMap),
+        Constraint = tconstr_disj(DisjConstraints0, yes(SingleConstraints))
+    ;
+        Constraint0 = tconstr_disj(DisjConstraints0, no),
     % A disjunction of constraints means the domain is restricted to
     % the union of all type assignments in the each active disjunct.
-    %
-find_domain(tconstr_disj(!.Constraints, no), 
-        tconstr_disj(!:Constraints, SingleConstraint), !DomainMap) :-
-    % Generates a distinct domain map for each disjunct unifies each
-    % domain in the domain map to get an overall domain for the disjunct,
-    % then takes the intersect of this with the existing domain map.
-    list.filter(still_active, !Constraints, InactiveConstraints),
-    list.map2(create_domain(!.DomainMap), !Constraints, Domains), 
+        some [!DisjConstraints] (
+            !:DisjConstraints = DisjConstraints0,
+            % Generates a distinct domain map for each disjunct, unifies each
+            % domain in the domain map to get an overall domain for the
+            % disjunct, then takes the intersection of this with the existing
+            % domain map.
+            list.filter(still_active, !.DisjConstraints,
+                !:DisjConstraints, InactiveConstraints),
+            list.map2(create_domain(!.DomainMap), !.DisjConstraints,
+                !:DisjConstraints, Domains),
         Domains = [],
         DisjDomain = map.init
         Domains = [HeadDomain | TailDomains],
-        list.foldl(map.intersect(type_domain_union), TailDomains, HeadDomain,
-            DisjDomain)
+                list.foldl(map.intersect(type_domain_union), TailDomains,
+                    HeadDomain, DisjDomain)
     map.union(type_domain_intersect, DisjDomain, !DomainMap),
-    % If there is only one active disjunct remaining, turn the constraint
+            % If there is only one active disjunct remaining, then mark
+            % the disjunction as such, which effectively turns the constraint
     % into a conjunction constraint.
-    list.filter(still_active, !.Constraints, Active),
+            list.filter(still_active, !.DisjConstraints, Active),
     ( Active = [SingleConstraint0] ->
         SingleConstraint = yes(SingleConstraint0)
         SingleConstraint = no
-    list.append(InactiveConstraints, !Constraints).
+            list.append(InactiveConstraints, !DisjConstraints),
+            DisjConstraints = !.DisjConstraints
+        ),
+        Constraint = tconstr_disj(DisjConstraints, SingleConstraint)
+    ).
     % Finds the domain of a conjunction of constraints. If the conjunction is
     % unsatisfiable, marks it as unsatisfiable. If the domain of any type 
@@ -793,76 +815,83 @@
 :- pred conj_find_domain(conj_type_constraint::in, conj_type_constraint::out,
     type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::out) is det.
-conj_find_domain(Conj @ ctconstr(_, tconstr_unsatisfiable, _, _, _), 
-        Conj, !DomainMap).
-conj_find_domain(!.Conj @ ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_active, Context, 
-        GoalPath, PredID), !:Conj, DomainMap0, DomainMap) :-
+conj_find_domain(!ConjTypeConstraint, DomainMap0, DomainMap) :-
+    (
+        !.ConjTypeConstraint = ctconstr(_, tconstr_unsatisfiable, _, _, _),
+        DomainMap = DomainMap0
+    ;
+        !.ConjTypeConstraint = ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_active, Context,
+            GoalPath, PredId),
     list.foldl(simple_find_domain, Constraints, DomainMap0, DomainMap1),
     ( constraint_is_satisfiable(DomainMap1, Constraints) ->
         map.to_assoc_list(DomainMap1, AssocDomain1),
         ( list.all_true(domain_map_unchanged(DomainMap0), AssocDomain1) ->
             DomainMap = DomainMap1
-            conj_find_domain(!Conj, DomainMap1, DomainMap)
+                conj_find_domain(!ConjTypeConstraint, DomainMap1, DomainMap)
-        DomainMap = DomainMap1,
-        !:Conj = ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_unsatisfiable, Context,
-            GoalPath, PredID)
+            !:ConjTypeConstraint = ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_unsatisfiable,
+                Context, GoalPath, PredId),
+            DomainMap = DomainMap1
+        )
     % Finds the domain of a type variable based on the information provided by
     % a simple type constraint, and the existing domain of the variable.
-:- pred simple_find_domain(simple_type_constraint::in, type_domain_map::in, 
-    type_domain_map::out) is det.
+:- pred simple_find_domain(simple_type_constraint::in,
+    type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::out) is det.
+simple_find_domain(stconstr(TVarA, TypeA), !DomainMap) :-
+    % If the type is a compound type (e.g., maybe(T)), we try to further
+    % restrict its type based on what (if anything) we know about
+    % the types of its arguments.
-simple_find_domain(stconstr(TVar, Type), !DomainMap) :-
         % If two type variables are unified, the domain of each is restricted
         % to the insersection of the domains.
-        Type = type_variable(TVar2, _),
-        ( map.search(!.DomainMap, TVar2, Domain20) ->
-            Domain2 = Domain20
-        ;
-            Domain2 = tdomain_any,
-            svmap.det_insert(TVar2, Domain2, !DomainMap)
-        ),
-        ( map.search(!.DomainMap, TVar, Domain) ->
-            type_domain_intersect(Domain, Domain2, NewDomain),
-            svmap.det_update(TVar, NewDomain, !DomainMap),
-            svmap.det_update(TVar2, NewDomain, !DomainMap)
-        ;
-            svmap.det_insert(TVar, Domain2, !DomainMap)
-        )
-    ; 
-        % If the type is a compound type (e.g., maybe(T)), try to determine
-        % the types of its arguments.
-        Type = defined_type(Name, Args, Kind),
-        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), Args, ArgTypes),
-        restrict_domain(TVar, defined_type(Name, ArgTypes, Kind), !DomainMap)
-    ;
-        Type = builtin_type(_),
-        restrict_domain(TVar, Type, !DomainMap) 
-    ; 
-        Type = tuple_type(Args, Kind),
-        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), Args, ArgTypes),
-        restrict_domain(TVar, tuple_type(ArgTypes, Kind), !DomainMap)
-    ;
-        Type = higher_order_type(Args, Return, Purity, Lambda),
-        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), Args, ArgTypes),
-        map_maybe(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), Return, ReturnType),
-        restrict_domain(TVar, higher_order_type(ArgTypes, ReturnType, 
-            Purity, Lambda), !DomainMap)
-    ;
-        Type = apply_n_type(Return, Args, Kind),
-        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), Args, ArgTypes),
-        restrict_domain(TVar, apply_n_type(Return, ArgTypes, Kind),
-            !DomainMap)
+        TypeA = type_variable(TVarB, _),
+        ( map.search(!.DomainMap, TVarB, DomainBPrime) ->
+            DomainB = DomainBPrime
+        ;
+            DomainB = tdomain_any,
+            svmap.det_insert(TVarB, DomainB, !DomainMap)
+        ),
+        ( map.search(!.DomainMap, TVarA, DomainA) ->
+            type_domain_intersect(DomainA, DomainB, NewDomain),
+            svmap.det_update(TVarA, NewDomain, !DomainMap),
+            svmap.det_update(TVarB, NewDomain, !DomainMap)
+        ;
+            svmap.det_insert(TVarA, DomainB, !DomainMap)
+        )
+    ;
+        TypeA = defined_type(Name, ArgTypes0, Kind),
+        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+        NewTypeA = defined_type(Name, ArgTypes, Kind),
+        restrict_domain(TVarA, NewTypeA, !DomainMap)
+    ;
+        TypeA = builtin_type(_),
+        restrict_domain(TVarA, TypeA, !DomainMap)
+    ;
+        TypeA = tuple_type(ArgTypes0, Kind),
+        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+        NewTypeA = tuple_type(ArgTypes, Kind),
+        restrict_domain(TVarA, NewTypeA, !DomainMap)
+    ;
+        TypeA = higher_order_type(ArgTypes0, ReturnType0, Purity, Lambda),
+        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+        map_maybe(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), ReturnType0, ReturnType),
+        NewTypeA = higher_order_type(ArgTypes, ReturnType, Purity, Lambda),
+        restrict_domain(TVarA, NewTypeA, !DomainMap)
+    ;
+        TypeA = apply_n_type(Return, ArgTypes0, Kind),
+        list.map(find_type_of_tvar(!.DomainMap), ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+        NewTypeA = apply_n_type(Return, ArgTypes, Kind),
+        restrict_domain(TVarA, NewTypeA, !DomainMap)
-        Type = kinded_type(Type0, _),
-        simple_find_domain(stconstr(TVar, Type0), !DomainMap)
+        TypeA = kinded_type(KindedTypeA, _),
+        simple_find_domain(stconstr(TVarA, KindedTypeA), !DomainMap)
     % Finds each variable which is unified to the target variable. Replaces
@@ -875,16 +904,16 @@
     tvar::in, tvar::in, simple_prog_var_map::in, simple_prog_var_map::out, 
     type_domain_map::in, type_domain_map::out) is det.
-unify_equal_tvars(TCInfo @ tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, 
-        VarConstraints, _, _), Replaced, Replacement, Target, 
+unify_equal_tvars(TCInfo, Replaced, Replacement, Target,
         !ReplacementMap, !DomainMap) :-
+    TCInfo = tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, VarConstraints, _, _),
     map.det_insert(map.init, Target, Replacement, Renaming),
         map.search(!.DomainMap, Target, tdomain_any),
-        map.search(VarConstraints, Target, ConstraintIDs)
+        map.search(VarConstraints, Target, ConstraintIds)
         % Find all variables unified with the target variable.
-        map.apply_to_list(ConstraintIDs, ConstraintMap, Constraints),
+        map.apply_to_list(ConstraintIds, ConstraintMap, Constraints),
         list.filter_map(to_simple_constraints, Constraints, 
         list.condense(SimpleConstraints0, SimpleConstraints),
@@ -916,13 +945,14 @@
-% Constraint solving utility predicates
+% Constraint solving utility predicates.
     % Returns the type variable that is unified with Target in the constraint.
     % Fails if no such variable exists.
-:- pred find_unified_var(tvar::in, simple_type_constraint::in, 
-    tvar::out) is semidet.
+:- pred find_unified_var(tvar::in, simple_type_constraint::in, tvar::out)
+    is semidet.
 find_unified_var(Target, stconstr(LHS, type_variable(RHS, _)), Unified) :-
@@ -942,8 +972,8 @@
 :- pred to_simple_constraints(type_constraint::in, 
     list(simple_type_constraint)::out) is semidet.
-to_simple_constraints(tconstr_conj(Conj), Conj^tconstr_simples).
-to_simple_constraints(tconstr_disj(_, yes(Conj)), Conj^tconstr_simples).
+to_simple_constraints(tconstr_conj(Conj), Conj ^ tconstr_simples).
+to_simple_constraints(tconstr_disj(_, yes(Conj)), Conj ^ tconstr_simples).
 :- pred update_replacement_map(prog_var_map::in, tvar::in, tvar::in, 
     simple_prog_var_map::in, simple_prog_var_map::out) is det.
@@ -1001,38 +1031,56 @@
 :- pred type_domain_intersect(type_domain::in, type_domain::in, 
     type_domain::out) is det.
-type_domain_intersect(tdomain_any, D, D).
-type_domain_intersect(SD @ tdomain_singleton(_), tdomain_any, SD).
-type_domain_intersect(tdomain_singleton(Type1), tdomain_singleton(Type2),
-        Intersect) :-
-    ( unify_types(Type1, Type2, Type) ->
-        Intersect = tdomain_singleton(Type)
+type_domain_intersect(DomainA, DomainB, Domain) :-
+    (
+        DomainA = tdomain_any,
+        Domain = DomainB
-        Intersect = tdomain(set.init)
-    ).
-type_domain_intersect(tdomain_singleton(Type), tdomain(Types), 
-        Intersect) :-
-    set.filter_map(unify_types(Type), Types, UnifiedTypes),
+        DomainA = tdomain_singleton(_),
+        DomainB = tdomain_any,
+        Domain = DomainA
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain_singleton(TypeA),
+        DomainB = tdomain_singleton(TypeB),
+        ( unify_types(TypeA, TypeB, Type) ->
+            Domain = tdomain_singleton(Type)
+        ;
+            Domain = tdomain(set.init)
+        )
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain_singleton(TypeA),
+        DomainB = tdomain(TypesB),
+        % Symmetrical case below.
+        set.filter_map(unify_types(TypeA), TypesB, UnifiedTypes),
     ( set.singleton_set(UnifiedTypes, SingletonType) ->
-        Intersect = tdomain_singleton(SingletonType)
+            Domain = tdomain_singleton(SingletonType)
+        ;
+            Domain = tdomain(UnifiedTypes)
+        )
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain(_),
+        DomainB = tdomain_any,
+        Domain = DomainA
-        Intersect = tdomain(UnifiedTypes)
+        DomainA = tdomain(TypesA),
+        DomainB = tdomain_singleton(TypeB),
+        % Symmetrical case above.
+        set.filter_map(unify_types(TypeB), TypesA, UnifiedTypes),
+        ( set.singleton_set(UnifiedTypes, SingletonType) ->
+            Domain = tdomain_singleton(SingletonType)
+        ;
+            Domain = tdomain(UnifiedTypes)
+        )
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain(TypesA),
+        DomainB = tdomain(TypesB),
+        set.to_sorted_list(TypesA, TypeListA),
+        set.to_sorted_list(TypesB, TypeListB),
+        td_list_intersect(TypeListB, TypeListA, TypeList),
+        set.sorted_list_to_set(TypeList, Types),
+        Domain = tdomain(Types)
-type_domain_intersect(D @ tdomain(_), tdomain_any, D).
-type_domain_intersect(D @ tdomain(_), SD @ tdomain_singleton(_), Intersect) :-
-    type_domain_intersect(SD, D, Intersect).
-type_domain_intersect(tdomain(Set1), tdomain(Set2), tdomain(Intersect)) :-
-    set.to_sorted_list(Set1, List1),
-    set.to_sorted_list(Set2, List2),
-    td_list_intersect(List2, List1, List_Intersect),
-    set.sorted_list_to_set(List_Intersect, Intersect).
     % Very similar to set.intersect, but will unify equal functors with
     % different type variable parameters - e.g.,
     % yes(type_variable(V_1)) = yes(type_variable(V_2)).
@@ -1041,23 +1089,23 @@
     list(mer_type)::out) is det.
 td_list_intersect([], _, []).
-td_list_intersect([_|_], [], []).
-td_list_intersect([A|As], [B|Bs], Cs) :-
-    ( unify_types(A, B, Type) ->
+td_list_intersect([_ | _], [], []).
+td_list_intersect([A | As], [B | Bs], Cs) :-
+    ( unify_types(A, B, AB) ->
         td_list_intersect(As, Bs, Cs0),
-        Cs = [Type|Cs0]
+        Cs = [AB | Cs0]
         compare(R, A, B),
             R = (<),
-            td_list_intersect(As, [B|Bs], Cs)
+            td_list_intersect(As, [B | Bs], Cs)
             R = (=),
             td_list_intersect(As, Bs, Cs0),
-            Cs = [A|Cs0]
+            Cs = [A | Cs0]
             R = (>),
-            td_list_intersect([A|As], Bs, Cs)
+            td_list_intersect([A | As], Bs, Cs)
@@ -1068,8 +1116,8 @@
 :- pred unify_types(mer_type::in, mer_type::in, mer_type::out) is semidet.
 unify_types(A, B, Type) :-
-    % If two compound types are unified, unify each of their
-    % arguments: e.g., yes(type_variable(V_1)) = yes(type_variable(V_2)),
+    % If two compound types are unified, unify each of their arguments:
+    % e.g., yes(type_variable(V_1)) = yes(type_variable(V_2)),
     % and unify any type variable with anything.
     % Fail if types cannot be unified.
     ( B = type_variable(_, _) ->
@@ -1134,37 +1182,56 @@
-    % Like set.union, but treads tdomain_any as the universal domain.
+    % Like set.union, but treats tdomain_any as the universal domain.
 :- pred type_domain_union(type_domain::in, type_domain::in, 
     type_domain::out) is det.
-type_domain_union(tdomain_any, _, tdomain_any).
-type_domain_union(tdomain_singleton(_), tdomain_any, tdomain_any).
-type_domain_union(tdomain_singleton(Type1), tdomain_singleton(Type2), Union) :-
-    ( Type1 = Type2 ->
-        Union = tdomain_singleton(Type1)
+type_domain_union(DomainA, DomainB, Domain) :-
+    (
+        DomainA = tdomain_any,
+        Domain = tdomain_any
-        Union = tdomain(set.from_list([Type1, Type2]))
-    ).
-type_domain_union(SD @ tdomain_singleton(Type), tdomain(Types), Union) :-
-    ( set.empty(Types) ->
-        Union = SD
+        DomainA = tdomain_singleton(_),
+        DomainB = tdomain_any,
+        Domain = tdomain_any
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain_singleton(TypeA),
+        DomainB = tdomain_singleton(TypeB),
+        ( TypeA = TypeB ->
+            Domain = tdomain_singleton(TypeA)
+        ;
+            Domain = tdomain(set.from_list([TypeA, TypeB]))
+        )
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain_singleton(TypeA),
+        DomainB = tdomain(TypesB),
+        % Symmetrical case below.
+        ( set.empty(TypesB) ->
+            Domain = DomainA
+        ;
+            Domain = tdomain(set.insert(TypesB, TypeA))
+        )
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain(_),
+        DomainB = tdomain_any,
+        Domain = tdomain_any
-        Union = tdomain(set.insert(Types, Type))
+        DomainA = tdomain(TypesA),
+        DomainB = tdomain_singleton(TypeB),
+        % Symmetrical case above.
+        ( set.empty(TypesA) ->
+            Domain = DomainB
+        ;
+            Domain = tdomain(set.insert(TypesA, TypeB))
+        )
+    ;
+        DomainA = tdomain(TypesA),
+        DomainB = tdomain(TypesB),
+        set.union(TypesA, TypesB, Types),
+        Domain = tdomain(Types)
-type_domain_union(tdomain(_), tdomain_any, tdomain_any).
-type_domain_union(D @ tdomain(_), SD @ tdomain_singleton(_), Union) :-
-    type_domain_union(SD, D, Union).
-type_domain_union(tdomain(Set1), tdomain(Set2), tdomain(Union)) :-
-    set.union(Set2, Set1, Union).
 :- pred still_active(conj_type_constraint::in) is semidet.
 still_active(ctconstr(_, tconstr_active, _, _, _)).
@@ -1209,15 +1276,15 @@
         set.count(A, C),
         set.count(B, C)
-        list.map_corresponding(unify_types, set.to_sorted_list(A),
-            set.to_sorted_list(B), _)
+        list.map_corresponding(unify_types,
+            set.to_sorted_list(A), set.to_sorted_list(B), _)
 :- pred has_empty_domain(pair(tvar, type_domain)::in, tvar::out) is semidet.
-has_empty_domain((TVar - tdomain(Domain)), TVar) :-
+has_empty_domain(TVar - tdomain(Domain), TVar) :-
     % Checks if a variable which was not previously known to have a singleton
@@ -1264,7 +1331,7 @@
 :- pred tvars_in_simple_constraint(simple_type_constraint::in, 
     list(tvar)::out) is det.
-tvars_in_simple_constraint(stconstr(TVar, Type), [TVar|TVars]) :-
+tvars_in_simple_constraint(stconstr(TVar, Type), [TVar | TVars]) :-
     prog_type.type_vars(Type, TVars).
 :- pred constraint_has_no_solutions(type_domain_map::in) is semidet.
@@ -1283,7 +1350,7 @@
 constraint_has_multiple_solutions(DomainMap, Var, Domains) :-
     map.to_assoc_list(DomainMap, DomainMap1),
     list.filter(has_ambiguous_domain, DomainMap1, AmbigDomains0),
-    list.sort(domain_size_compare, AmbigDomains0, [(Var - Domain0)|_]),
+    list.sort(domain_size_compare, AmbigDomains0, [(Var - Domain0) | _]),
     Domain0 = tdomain(Domain1),
     Domains = set.to_sorted_list(set.map(to_singleton_type_domain, Domain1)).
@@ -1326,14 +1393,14 @@
     ( map.contains(!.Vartypes, Var) ->
-        bimap.lookup(TCInfo^tconstr_var_map, Var, TVar),
+        bimap.lookup(TCInfo ^ tconstr_var_map, Var, TVar),
         svmap.det_insert(Var, tvar_to_type(TVar), !Vartypes)
 :- pred get_constraints_from_conj(conj_type_constraint::in, 
     list(simple_type_constraint)::out) is det.
-get_constraints_from_conj(Conj, Conj^tconstr_simples).
+get_constraints_from_conj(Conj, Conj ^ tconstr_simples).
     % Merges two type constraints, which should be equal except possibly
     % for the activity of their disjuncts, into one type constraint. The
@@ -1370,17 +1437,18 @@
 merge_type_constraints2(A, B, Result) :-
-        A^tconstr_activity = tconstr_unsatisfiable,
-        B^tconstr_activity = tconstr_unsatisfiable
+        A ^ tconstr_activity = tconstr_unsatisfiable,
+        B ^ tconstr_activity = tconstr_unsatisfiable
         Result = A
-        Result = A^tconstr_activity := tconstr_active
+        Result = A ^ tconstr_activity := tconstr_active
-% Error diagnosis
+% Error diagnosis
     % If the list of type constraints contains more than one predicate call
     % constraint, return an error message describing the ambiguity and one
     % of the predicate call constraints (chosen arbitrarily). Otherwise, fail.
@@ -1388,35 +1456,37 @@
 :- pred diagnose_ambig_pred_error(pred_env::in, list(conj_type_constraint)::in,
     error_msg::out) is semidet.
-diagnose_ambig_pred_error(PredEnv, Conjunctions, Error) :-
+diagnose_ambig_pred_error(PredEnv, Conjunctions, Msg) :-
     conj_constraint_get_context(head(Conjunctions), Context),
     list.filter_map(pred_constraint_info, Conjunctions, AmbigPredData),
     \+ list.all_same(assoc_list.values(AmbigPredData)),
-    list.map(ambig_pred_error_message(PredEnv), AmbigPredData, Errors),
-    Error = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("Ambiguous predicate"),
-        words("call. Possible predicates include:"), 
-        nl_indent_delta(2)]) | Errors]).
+    list.map(ambig_pred_error_message(PredEnv), AmbigPredData, Components),
+    Pieces = [always([words("Ambiguous predicate call."),
+        words("Possible predicates include:"), nl_indent_delta(2)])
+        | Components],
+    Msg = simple_msg(Context, Pieces).
 :- pred ambig_pred_error_message(pred_env::in, pair(goal_path, pred_id)::in, 
     error_msg_component::out) is det.
-ambig_pred_error_message(PredEnv, (_ - ID), Error) :-
+ambig_pred_error_message(PredEnv, (_ - PredId), Component) :-
+    % XXX Should use describe_one_pred_name.
     predicate_table_get_preds(PredEnv, Preds),
-    map.lookup(Preds, ID, PredInfo),
+    map.lookup(Preds, PredId, PredInfo),
     Name = pred_info_name(PredInfo),
     Arity = pred_info_orig_arity(PredInfo),
     pred_info_get_context(PredInfo, Context),
     LineNumber = term.context_line(Context),
     FileName = term.context_file(Context),
-    Error = always([fixed(Name), suffix("/"), suffix(int_to_string(Arity)),
+    Component = always([fixed(Name), suffix("/"), suffix(int_to_string(Arity)),
         prefix("("), words(FileName), suffix(": "), int_fixed(LineNumber),
 :- pred pred_constraint_info(conj_type_constraint::in, 
     pair(goal_path, pred_id)::out) is semidet.
-pred_constraint_info(ctconstr(_, tconstr_active, _, yes(Path), yes(ID)),
-        (Path - ID)).
+pred_constraint_info(Constraint, Path - PredId) :-
+    Constraint = ctconstr(_, tconstr_active, _, yes(Path), yes(PredId)).
     % Creates an error message describing why a variable is unsatisfiable.
     % This is done by finding all minimal unsatisfiable subsets of the
@@ -1427,13 +1497,14 @@
     prog_context::in, prog_varset::in, tvar::in, 
     error_msg::out) is det.
-diagnose_unsatisfiability_error(TCInfo @ tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap,
-        VarConstraints, TVarSet, _), Context, ProgVarSet, TypeVar, Error) :-
-    map.lookup(VarConstraints, TypeVar, ConstraintIDs),
-    svset.insert_list(ConstraintIDs, set.init, ConstraintSet),
+diagnose_unsatisfiability_error(TCInfo, Context, ProgVarSet, TypeVar, Msg) :-
+    TCInfo = tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, VarConstraints,
+        TVarSet, _),
+    map.lookup(VarConstraints, TypeVar, ConstraintIds),
+    svset.insert_list(ConstraintIds, set.init, ConstraintSet),
     min_unsat_constraints(TCInfo, set.init, ConstraintSet, [], MinUnsats),
     list.map(error_from_one_min_set(ConstraintMap), MinUnsats, MinUnsatPieces),
-    type_constraints.zip_single([suffix(") or"), nl, prefix("(")],
+    zip_single([suffix(") or"), nl, prefix("(")],
         MinUnsatPieces, ErrorLocations0),
     list.condense(ErrorLocations0, ErrorLocations),
     ( bimap.reverse_search(VarMap, ProgVar, TypeVar) ->
@@ -1443,7 +1514,7 @@
         VarName = mercury_var_to_string(TVarSet, yes, TypeVar),
         VarKind = "type"
-    Error = simple_msg(Context, 
+    Msg = simple_msg(Context,
         [always([words("Conflicting type assignments for the"),
         fixed(VarKind), words("variable"), words(VarName), nl,
         words("The problem is most likely due to one of the following"),
@@ -1453,13 +1524,13 @@
 :- pred error_from_one_min_set(type_constraint_map::in, 
     set(type_constraint_id)::in, list(format_component)::out) is det.
-error_from_one_min_set(ConstraintMap, MinUnsatSet, ErrorLocations) :-
+error_from_one_min_set(ConstraintMap, MinUnsatSet, Components) :-
     set.to_sorted_list(MinUnsatSet, MinUnsatList),
     map.apply_to_list(MinUnsatList, ConstraintMap, Constraints),
     list.filter_map(get_first_disjunct, Constraints, ConjConstraints),
     list.map(conj_constraint_get_context, ConjConstraints, Contexts),
     list.map(context_to_string, Contexts, ContextStrings),
-    ErrorLocations = list_to_pieces(ContextStrings).
+    Components = list_to_pieces(ContextStrings).
     % Uses the min_unsat1 algorithm 
     % (www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pjs/papers/ppdp2003b.ps.gz) 
@@ -1470,12 +1541,14 @@
     type_constraint_set::in, type_constraint_set::in,
     list(type_constraint_set)::in, list(type_constraint_set)::out) is det.
-min_unsat_constraints(tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, 
-        VarConstraints0, TVarSet, _), D, P, !MinUnsats) :-
+min_unsat_constraints(TCInfo, D, P, !MinUnsats) :-
+    % XXX What are D and P?
+    TCInfo = tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, VarConstraints0,
+        TVarSet, _),
     set.union(P, D, Union),
     trace [compile_time(flag("type_error_diagnosis")), io(!IO)] (
-        list.map(string.int_to_string, set.to_sorted_list(Union), IDs),
-        io.print("\n    Constraints " ++ string.join_list(", ", IDs) ++ "\n",
+        list.map(string.int_to_string, set.to_sorted_list(Union), Ids),
+        io.print("\n    Constraints " ++ string.join_list(", ", Ids) ++ "\n",
     % Remove all constraints which are not part of the subset currently
@@ -1490,10 +1563,9 @@
         map.init, map.init, tconstr_solution(_, _, Success)),
         Success = no,
-        set.fold3(next_min_unsat(Constraint), P, D, NewD, P, _,
-            !MinUnsats),
+        set.fold3(next_min_unsat(Constraint), P, D, NewD, P, _, !MinUnsats),
         ( list.all_false(set.superset(NewD), !.MinUnsats) ->
-            !:MinUnsats = [NewD|!.MinUnsats]
+            !:MinUnsats = [NewD | !.MinUnsats]
@@ -1516,8 +1588,7 @@
 add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo) :-
     Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_type_check, [ErrMsg]),
-    !:TCInfo = !.TCInfo^tconstr_error_spec :=
-        [Spec | !.TCInfo^tconstr_error_spec ].
+    !TCInfo ^ tconstr_error_specs := [Spec | !.TCInfo ^ tconstr_error_specs].
 :- pred context_to_string(prog_context::in, string::out) is det.
@@ -1529,25 +1600,29 @@
 :- pred conj_constraint_get_context(conj_type_constraint::in, 
     prog_context::out) is det.
-conj_constraint_get_context(Constraint, Constraint^tconstr_context).
+conj_constraint_get_context(Constraint, Constraint ^ tconstr_context).
 % Constraint generation
-    % Turns a goal expression to a constraint on the types of variable 
-    % appearing within that goal, then updates all relevant maps with the 
+    % Turn a goal expression to a constraint on the types of variable
+    % appearing within that goal, then update all relevant maps with the
     % information in the new constraint.
 :- pred goal_to_constraint(tconstr_environment::in, hlds_goal::in,
     type_constraint_info::in, type_constraint_info::out) is det.
-    % Transforms a unification constraint into an assignment of types to the
-    % variables being unified.
-    % 
-goal_to_constraint(Environment @ tconstr_environment(_, _, FuncEnv, PredEnv), 
-        hlds_goal(unify(L, RHS, _, _, _), Info), !TCInfo) :- 
-    Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
+goal_to_constraint(Environment, Goal, !TCInfo) :-
+    Environment = tconstr_environment(_, _, FuncEnv, PredEnv),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(L, RHS, _, _, _),
+        % Transform a unification constraint into an assignment of types
+        % to the variables being unified.
+        Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
     get_var_type(L, LTVar, !TCInfo),
         RHS = rhs_var(R),
@@ -1556,25 +1631,25 @@
             tconstr_active, Context, no, no)],
         RelevantTVars = [LTVar, RTVar]
-        RHS = rhs_functor(Cons_ID, _, Args),
+            RHS = rhs_functor(ConsId, _, Args),
-            builtin_atomic_type(Cons_ID, Builtin)
+                builtin_atomic_type(ConsId, Builtin)
-            Constraints = [ctconstr([stconstr(LTVar, builtin_type(Builtin))], 
-                tconstr_active, Context, no, no)],
+                SimpleConstraint = stconstr(LTVar, builtin_type(Builtin)),
+                Constraints = [ctconstr([SimpleConstraint], tconstr_active,
+                    Context, no, no)],
             RelevantTVars = [LTVar]
-            Cons_ID = cons(Name, Arity),
+                ConsId = cons(Name, Arity),
             Arity = list.length(Args)
             list.map_foldl(get_var_type, Args, ArgTypeVars, !TCInfo), 
             % If it is a type constructor, create a disjunction
             % constraint with each possible type of the constructor.
-            ( 
-                map.search(FuncEnv, Cons_ID, Cons_Defns)
-            ->
-                list.map_foldl(functor_unif_constraint(LTVar, ArgTypeVars,
-                    Info), Cons_Defns, TypeConstraints, !TCInfo)
+                ( map.search(FuncEnv, ConsId, Cons_Defns) ->
+                    list.map_foldl(
+                        functor_unif_constraint(LTVar, ArgTypeVars, GoalInfo),
+                        Cons_Defns, TypeConstraints, !TCInfo)
                 TypeConstraints = []
@@ -1582,115 +1657,90 @@
             % constraint for each predicate it could refer to.
-                    may_be_partially_qualified, Name, PredIDs)
+                        may_be_partially_qualified, Name, PredIds)
                 predicate_table_get_preds(PredEnv, Preds),
-                list.filter_map_foldl(ho_pred_unif_constraint(Preds, Info, 
-                    LTVar, ArgTypeVars), PredIDs, PredConstraints, !TCInfo)
+                    list.filter_map_foldl(
+                        ho_pred_unif_constraint(Preds, GoalInfo, LTVar,
+                            ArgTypeVars),
+                        PredIds, PredConstraints, !TCInfo)
                 PredConstraints = []
             Constraints = TypeConstraints ++ PredConstraints,
-            ( Constraints = [] ->
+                (
+                    Constraints = [],
                 ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([
-                    words("The constructor ID"), 
+                        words("The constructor"),
                     sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity),
                     words("has not been defined")])]),
                 add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
-                true
+                    Constraints = [_ | _]
-            RelevantTVars = [LTVar|ArgTypeVars]
+                RelevantTVars = [LTVar | ArgTypeVars]
-            ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("The given type"),
-                words("is not supported by constraint-based type"), 
-                words("checking.")])]),
+                Pieces = [words("The given type is not supported"),
+                    words("by constraint-based type checking.")],
+                ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
             add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo),
             RelevantTVars = [],
             Constraints = []
-        RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, _, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, _, Args, _,
-            _, Goal),
+            RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, _, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, _, Args,
+                _, _, LambdaGoal),
         list.map_foldl(get_var_type, Args, ArgTVars, !TCInfo),
         ArgTypes = list.map(tvar_to_type, ArgTVars),
-        construct_higher_order_type(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, ArgTypes,
-            LambdaType),
+            construct_higher_order_type(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod,
+                ArgTypes, LambdaType),
         Constraints = [ctconstr([stconstr(LTVar, LambdaType)], 
             tconstr_active, Context, no, no)],
-        RelevantTVars = [LTVar|ArgTVars],
-        goal_to_constraint(Environment, Goal, !TCInfo)
+            RelevantTVars = [LTVar | ArgTVars],
+            goal_to_constraint(Environment, LambdaGoal, !TCInfo)
-    add_type_constraint(Constraints, RelevantTVars, !TCInfo). 
-    % Transforms a predicate call to variable assignments of the variables used
-    % in the predicate call.
-    % 
-goal_to_constraint(tconstr_environment(_, _, _, PredEnv),
-        hlds_goal(plain_call(_, _, Args, _, _, Name), Info), !TCInfo) :- 
-    % "may_be_partially_qualified" might be replaced by "is_fully_qualified"
-    % XXX (I don't know what either of them mean).
-    ( predicate_table_search_pred_sym(PredEnv, may_be_partially_qualified,
-            Name, PredIDs0) ->
-        PredIDs1 = PredIDs0
+        add_type_constraint(Constraints, RelevantTVars, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, Args, _, _, Name),
+        % Transform a call to variable assignments of the variables
+        % used in the call.
+        (
+            predicate_table_search_pred_sym(PredEnv,
+                may_be_partially_qualified, Name, PredIds0)
+        ->
+            PredIds1 = PredIds0
-        PredIDs1 = [] 
+            PredIds1 = []
     predicate_table_get_preds(PredEnv, Preds),
-    list.filter(pred_has_arity(Preds, list.length(Args)), PredIDs1, 
-        PredIDs),
+        list.filter(pred_has_arity(Preds, list.length(Args)),
+            PredIds1, PredIds),
     list.map_foldl(get_var_type, Args, ArgTVars, !TCInfo),
-    list.map2_foldl(pred_call_constraint(Preds, Info, ArgTVars), PredIDs, 
-        Constraints, PredTVars, !TCInfo),
+        list.map2_foldl(pred_call_constraint(Preds, GoalInfo, ArgTVars),
+            PredIds, Constraints, PredTVars, !TCInfo),
     list.condense([ArgTVars | PredTVars], TVars),
-    add_type_constraint(Constraints, TVars, !TCInfo).
-    % call_foreign_proc goals are implemented in a similar manner to predicate
-    % calls. The rest are implemented by calling expression_to_constraint on 
-    % each goal within the goal.
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(conj(_, Goals), _), !TCInfo) :-
-    list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), Goals, !TCInfo).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(disj(Goals), _), !TCInfo) :-
-    list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), Goals, !TCInfo).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(negation(Goal), _), !TCInfo) :-
-    goal_to_constraint(Environment, Goal, !TCInfo).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(
-        call_foreign_proc(_,PredID,_,ForeignArgs,_,_,_), Info), !TCInfo) :-
-    Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
+        add_type_constraint(Constraints, TVars, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, _, ForeignArgs, _, _, _),
+        Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
     ArgVars = list.map(foreign_arg_var, ForeignArgs),
     ArgTypes0 = list.map(foreign_arg_type, ForeignArgs),
-    predicate_table_get_preds(Environment^pred_env, Preds),
-    ( map.search(Preds, PredID, PredInfo) ->
+        predicate_table_get_preds(Environment ^ pred_env, Preds),
+        ( map.search(Preds, PredId, PredInfo) ->
         pred_info_get_typevarset(PredInfo, PredTVarSet),
-        prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset, 
+            prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
             PredTVarSet, NewTVarSet, TVarRenaming),
-        !:TCInfo = !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
+            !TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
             ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
             ArgVars, ArgTypes, !TCInfo)
-        ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("Cannot find the"),
-            words("predicate with ID"), int_fixed(pred_id_to_int(PredID)),
-            words("referenced by the call_foreign_proc")])]),
-        add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
-    ).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(scope(_,Goal), _), !TCInfo) :-
-    goal_to_constraint(Environment, Goal, !TCInfo).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(if_then_else(_,Cond,Then,Else), _),
-        !TCInfo) :-
-    goal_to_constraint(Environment, Cond, !TCInfo),
-    goal_to_constraint(Environment, Then, !TCInfo),
-    goal_to_constraint(Environment, Else, !TCInfo).
-        hlds_goal(generic_call(Details, Vars, _, _), Info), !TCInfo) :-
-    Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
+            unexpected(this_file, "cannot find pred_info for foreign_proc")
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(Details, Vars, _, _),
+        Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
     list.map_foldl(get_var_type, Vars, ArgTVars, !TCInfo),
     ArgTypes = list.map(tvar_to_type, ArgTVars),
@@ -1700,77 +1750,102 @@
             HOType = higher_order_type(ArgTypes, no, Purity, lambda_normal)
             Kind = pf_function,
-            svvarset.new_var(FunctionTVar, !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset, 
+                svvarset.new_var(FunctionTVar, !.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
-            !:TCInfo = !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
+                !TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
             HOType = apply_n_type(FunctionTVar, ArgTypes, kind_star)
         variable_assignment_constraint(Context, CallVar, HOType, !TCInfo)
         % Class methods are handled by looking up the method number in the
         % class' method list.
-        Details = class_method(_, MethodNum, ClassID, _),
-        ClassID = class_id(Name, Arity),
-        ( map.search(Environment^class_env, ClassID, ClassDefn) ->
-            ( list.index0(ClassDefn^class_hlds_interface, MethodNum, Method) ->
-                Method = hlds_class_proc(PredID, _),
-                predicate_table_get_preds(Environment^pred_env, Preds),
-                ( pred_has_arity(Preds, list.length(Vars), PredID) ->
-                    pred_call_constraint(Preds, Info, ArgTVars, PredID, 
+            Details = class_method(_, MethodNum, ClassId, _),
+            ClassId = class_id(Name, Arity),
+            ( map.search(Environment ^ class_env, ClassId, ClassDefn) ->
+                (
+                    list.index0(ClassDefn ^ class_hlds_interface, MethodNum,
+                        Method)
+                ->
+                    Method = hlds_class_proc(PredId, _),
+                    predicate_table_get_preds(Environment ^ pred_env, Preds),
+                    ( pred_has_arity(Preds, list.length(Vars), PredId) ->
+                        pred_call_constraint(Preds, GoalInfo, ArgTVars, PredId,
                         Constraint, PredTVars, !TCInfo),
                     list.append(ArgTVars, PredTVars, TVars),
                     add_type_constraint([Constraint], TVars, !TCInfo)
-                    ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("Incorrect"),
-                        words("number of arguments provided to method"),
-                        int_fixed(MethodNum), words("of typeclass"),
-                        sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity)])]),
+                        Pieces = [words("Incorrect number of arguments"),
+                            words("provided to method"), int_fixed(MethodNum),
+                            words("of typeclass"),
+                            sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity)],
+                        ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
                     add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
-                ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("The typeclass"),
+                    Pieces = [words("The typeclass"),
                     sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity),
-                    words("does not have the given method.")])]),
+                        words("does not have the given method.")],
+                    ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
                 add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
-            ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("The typeclass"),
-                sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity), words("is undefined.")])]),
+                Pieces = [words("The typeclass"),
+                    sym_name_and_arity(Name / Arity),
+                    words("is undefined.")],
+                ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
             add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
         Details = event_call(Name),
-        ( event_arg_types(Environment^event_env, Name, _ArgTypes0) ->
-            ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("Event calls are"),
-                words("not supported by constraint-based typechecking.")])]),
+            ( event_arg_types(Environment ^ event_env, Name, _ArgTypes0) ->
+                Pieces = [words("Event calls are not yet supported"),
+                    words("by constraint-based typechecking.")],
+                ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
             add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
-            ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("There is not event"),
-                words("named"), words(Name)])]),
+                Pieces = [words("There is not event named"), words(Name)],
+                ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
             add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo)
         % Casts do not contain any type information.
         Details = cast(_)
-    ).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(switch(_,_,Cases), _), !TCInfo) :- 
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals),
+        list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), Goals, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), Goals, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, SubGoal, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, SubGoal, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, Cond, !TCInfo),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, Then, !TCInfo),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, Else, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
     list.map(get_case_goal, Cases, Goals),
-    list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), Goals, !TCInfo).
-goal_to_constraint(Env, hlds_goal(shorthand(bi_implication(GoalA, GoalB)), _),
-        !TCInfo) :-
-    goal_to_constraint(Env, GoalA, !TCInfo),
-    goal_to_constraint(Env, GoalB, !TCInfo).
+        list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), Goals, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(bi_implication(GoalA, GoalB)),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, GoalA, !TCInfo),
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, GoalB, !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner,
+            _, Main, Alternatives, _)),
     % Atomic goals are handled by forcing their inner arguments
     % to be of type stm_atomic_type, their outer arguments to be
     % of type stm_atomic_type or io_state_type, depending on the type
     % of atomic goal. The transaction goals are handled by recursive
     % calls to goal_to_constraint.
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(shorthand(atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer,
-        Inner, _, Main, Alternatives, _)), Info), !TCInfo) :-
-    Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
+        Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
     % Inner variable handling (simple assignment).
     Inner = atomic_interface_vars(InnerInitVar, InnerFinalVar),
     variable_assignment_constraint(Context, InnerInitVar, stm_atomic_type, 
@@ -1789,7 +1864,7 @@
         tconstr_active, Context, no, no),
     FinalIOConstraint = ctconstr([stconstr(OuterFinal, io_state_type)],
         tconstr_active, Context, no, no),
-    % Determine which constraints should be applied to outer variables.
+        % Determine which constraints should be applied to outer variables..
         GoalType = unknown_atomic_goal_type,
         add_type_constraint([InitStmConstraint, InitIOConstraint],
@@ -1806,11 +1881,11 @@
         add_type_constraint([FinalStmConstraint], [OuterFinal], !TCInfo)
     % Recursively evaluate transaction goals.
-    list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), [Main|Alternatives], !TCInfo).
-goal_to_constraint(Environment, hlds_goal(shorthand(try_goal(MaybeIO, _ResultVar,
-        SubGoal)), Info), !TCInfo) :-
-    Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
+        list.foldl(goal_to_constraint(Environment), [Main | Alternatives],
+            !TCInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(try_goal(MaybeIO, _ResultVar, SubGoal)),
+        Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
         MaybeIO = yes(try_io_state_vars(IOVarA, IOVarB)),
         get_var_type(IOVarA, InitA, !TCInfo),
@@ -1824,7 +1899,8 @@
         MaybeIO = no
-    goal_to_constraint(Environment, SubGoal, !TCInfo).
+        goal_to_constraint(Environment, SubGoal, !TCInfo)
+    ).
     % Creates a constraint from the information stored in a predicate
     % definition. This may only be called if the number of arguments given
@@ -1834,26 +1910,28 @@
     list(tvar)::in, pred_id::in, conj_type_constraint::out, list(tvar)::out,
     type_constraint_info::in, type_constraint_info::out) is det.
-pred_call_constraint(PredTable, Info, ArgTVars, PredID, ctconstr(Constraints,
-        tconstr_active, Context, yes(GoalPath), yes(PredID)), TVars, 
+pred_call_constraint(PredTable, Info, ArgTVars, PredId, Constraint, TVars,
         !TCInfo) :-
+    Constraint = ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_active, Context,
+        yes(GoalPath), yes(PredId)),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
     GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Info),
-    ( map.search(PredTable, PredID, PredInfo) ->
+    ( map.search(PredTable, PredId, PredInfo) ->
         pred_info_get_arg_types(PredInfo, PredArgTypes0),
         pred_info_get_typevarset(PredInfo, PredTVarSet),
-        prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset, 
+        prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
             PredTVarSet, NewTVarSet, TVarRenaming),
-        !:TCInfo = !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
+        !TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
             PredArgTypes0, PredArgTypes),
         Constraints = list.map_corresponding(create_stconstr, ArgTVars,
         prog_type.type_vars_list(PredArgTypes, TVars)
-        ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("The predicate with ID"),
-            int_fixed(pred_id_to_int(PredID)),
-            words("has not been defined.")])]),
+        Pieces = [words("The predicate with id"),
+            int_fixed(pred_id_to_int(PredId)),
+            words("has not been defined.")],
+        ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
         add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo),
         TVars = [],
         Constraints = []
@@ -1864,23 +1942,25 @@
     % X :: pred(int, int), Y :: int.
     % Fails if the number of arguments supplied to the predicate is greater
     % than its arity.
+    %
 :- pred ho_pred_unif_constraint(pred_table::in, hlds_goal_info::in, tvar::in, 
     list(tvar)::in, pred_id::in, conj_type_constraint::out, 
     type_constraint_info::in, type_constraint_info::out) is semidet.
-ho_pred_unif_constraint(PredTable, Info, LHSTVar, ArgTVars, PredID, 
-        ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_active, Context, yes(GoalPath), 
-        yes(PredID)), !TCInfo) :-
+ho_pred_unif_constraint(PredTable, Info, LHSTVar, ArgTVars, PredId, Constraint,
+        !TCInfo) :-
+    Constraint = ctconstr(Constraints, tconstr_active, Context,
+        yes(GoalPath), yes(PredId)),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
     GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Info),
-    ( map.search(PredTable, PredID, PredInfo) ->
+    ( map.search(PredTable, PredId, PredInfo) ->
         pred_info_get_arg_types(PredInfo, PredArgTypes0),
         pred_info_get_typevarset(PredInfo, PredTVarSet),
         pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, Purity),
         PredOrFunc = pred_info_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo),
-        prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset, PredTVarSet,
-            NewTVarSet, TVarRenaming),
-        !:TCInfo = !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
+        prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
+            PredTVarSet, NewTVarSet, TVarRenaming),
+        !TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
             PredArgTypes0, PredArgTypes),
@@ -1901,19 +1981,20 @@
                     LambdaTypes1 = [],
                     LHSConstraint = stconstr(LHSTVar, ReturnType)
-                    LambdaTypes1 = [_|_],
+                    LambdaTypes1 = [_ | _],
                     LHSConstraint = stconstr(LHSTVar, higher_order_type(
                         LambdaTypes1, yes(ReturnType), Purity, lambda_normal))
-            Constraints = [LHSConstraint|ArgConstraints]
+            Constraints = [LHSConstraint | ArgConstraints]
-        ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always([words("The predicate with ID"),
-            int_fixed(pred_id_to_int(PredID)), 
-            words("has not been defined.")])]),
+        Pieces = [words("The predicate with id"),
+            int_fixed(pred_id_to_int(PredId)),
+            words("has not been defined.")],
+        ErrMsg = simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)]),
         add_message_to_spec(ErrMsg, !TCInfo),
         Constraints = []
@@ -1928,7 +2009,7 @@
     get_var_type(Var, TVar, !TCInfo),
     Constraint = ctconstr([stconstr(TVar, Type)], tconstr_active, Context, 
         no, no),
-    add_type_constraint([Constraint], [TVar|TypeVariables], !TCInfo).
+    add_type_constraint([Constraint], [TVar | TypeVariables], !TCInfo).
     % Create a conjunction of type constraints from a functor unification goal.
     % The LHS variable is constrained to be of the result type, and each RHS
@@ -1940,17 +2021,18 @@
     hlds_cons_defn::in, conj_type_constraint::out, type_constraint_info::in, 
     type_constraint_info::out) is det.
-functor_unif_constraint(LTVar, ArgTVars, Info, hlds_cons_defn(TypeCtor, 
-        FunctorTVarSet, TypeParams0, _, _, _, FuncArgs, _), Constraints, 
+functor_unif_constraint(LTVar, ArgTVars, Info, ConsDefn, Constraints,
         !TCInfo) :-
+    ConsDefn = hlds_cons_defn(TypeCtor, FunctorTVarSet, TypeParams0, _, _, _,
+        FuncArgs, _),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(Info),
     GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Info),
     % Find the types of each argument and the result type, given a renaming
     % of type variables.
     list.map(get_ctor_arg_type, FuncArgs, FuncArgTypes0),
-    prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset, FunctorTVarSet,
-        NewTVarSet, TVarRenaming),
-    !:TCInfo = !.TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
+    prog_data.tvarset_merge_renaming(!.TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
+        FunctorTVarSet, NewTVarSet, TVarRenaming),
+    !TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset := NewTVarSet,
         TypeParams0, TypeParams),
@@ -1960,16 +2042,17 @@
     LHS_Constraint = stconstr(LTVar, ResultType),
     RHS_Constraints = list.map_corresponding(create_stconstr,
         ArgTVars, FuncArgTypes),
-    Constraints = ctconstr([LHS_Constraint|RHS_Constraints],
+    Constraints = ctconstr([LHS_Constraint | RHS_Constraints],
         tconstr_active, Context, yes(GoalPath), no).
 % Constraint generation utility predicates.
 :- pred pred_has_arity(pred_table::in, int::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
-pred_has_arity(Preds, Arity, PredID) :-
-    map.lookup(Preds, PredID, Pred),
+pred_has_arity(Preds, Arity, PredId) :-
+    map.lookup(Preds, PredId, Pred),
     pred_info_get_arg_types(Pred, PredArgTypes),
     list.length(PredArgTypes) = Arity.
@@ -1995,7 +2078,7 @@
         Type = builtin_type_int
-    % Creates a new ID for a type constraint, then maps each of the given type
+    % Creates a new id for a type constraint, then maps each of the given type
     % variables to that constraint.
 :- pred add_type_constraint(list(conj_type_constraint)::in, list(tvar)::in, 
@@ -2012,12 +2095,12 @@
                 Constraints = [SingleConstraint],
                 Constraint = tconstr_conj(SingleConstraint)
-                Constraints = [_,_|_],
+                Constraints = [_, _ | _],
                 Constraint = tconstr_disj(Constraints, no)
-            counter.allocate(ID, !ConstraintCounter),
-            svmap.det_insert(ID, Constraint, !ConstraintMap),
-            list.foldl(map_var_to_constraint(ID), TVars, !VarConstraints)
+            counter.allocate(Id, !ConstraintCounter),
+            svmap.det_insert(Id, Constraint, !ConstraintMap),
+            list.foldl(map_var_to_constraint(Id), TVars, !VarConstraints)
         !:TConstrInfo = tconstr_info(VarMap, !.ConstraintCounter,
             !.ConstraintMap, !.VarConstraints, TVarSet, Errors)
@@ -2026,15 +2109,15 @@
 :- pred map_var_to_constraint(type_constraint_id::in, tvar::in,
     var_constraint_map::in, var_constraint_map::out) is det.
-map_var_to_constraint(ID, TVar, !VarConstraints) :-
-    ( map.search(!.VarConstraints, TVar, OldIDs) ->
-        ( list.contains(OldIDs, ID) ->
+map_var_to_constraint(Id, TVar, !VarConstraints) :-
+    ( map.search(!.VarConstraints, TVar, OldIds) ->
+        ( list.contains(OldIds, Id) ->
-            svmap.det_update(TVar, [ID|OldIDs], !VarConstraints)
+            svmap.det_update(TVar, [Id | OldIds], !VarConstraints)
-        svmap.det_insert(TVar, [ID], !VarConstraints)
+        svmap.det_insert(TVar, [Id], !VarConstraints)
     % If a program variable corresponds to a particular type variable, return
@@ -2044,7 +2127,8 @@
 :- pred get_var_type(prog_var::in, tvar::out,
     type_constraint_info::in, type_constraint_info::out) is det.
-get_var_type(Var, TVar, tconstr_info(!.VarMap, CC, CM, VC, !.TVarSet, Errs),
+get_var_type(Var, TVar,
+        tconstr_info(!.VarMap, CC, CM, VC, !.TVarSet, Errs),
         tconstr_info(!:VarMap, CC, CM, VC, !:TVarSet, Errs)) :-
     ( bimap.search(!.VarMap, Var, TVar0) ->
         TVar = TVar0
@@ -2059,7 +2143,7 @@
 :- pred get_case_goal(case::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
-get_case_goal(Case, Case^case_goal).
+get_case_goal(Case, Case ^ case_goal).
 :- pred get_ctor_arg_type(constructor_arg::in, mer_type::out) is det.
@@ -2071,9 +2155,9 @@
 % Constraint printing.
 :- pred print_guess(tvarset::in, pair(tvar, type_domain)::in, io::di, io::uo)
     is det.
@@ -2119,13 +2203,15 @@
 :- pred print_conj_constraint_change(tvarset::in, conj_type_constraint::in, 
     conj_type_constraint::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-print_conj_constraint_change(TVarSet, CCS @ ctconstr(_, ActivityA, _, _, _),
-        ctconstr(_, ActivityB, _, _, _), !IO) :-
+print_conj_constraint_change(TVarSet, ConjConstraintA, ConjConstraintB, !IO) :-
+    ConjConstraintA = ctconstr(_, ActivityA, _, _, _),
+    ConjConstraintB = ctconstr(_, ActivityB, _, _, _),
         ActivityA = tconstr_active,
         ActivityB = tconstr_unsatisfiable
-        conj_constraint_to_string(4, TVarSet, CCS, ConstraintString),
+        conj_constraint_to_string(4, TVarSet, ConjConstraintA,
+            ConstraintString),
         io.write_string("  Conjunction marked unsatisfiable:\n", !IO),
         io.write_string(ConstraintString ++ "\n", !IO)
@@ -2135,7 +2221,7 @@
 :- pred print_domain_map_change(tvarset::in, type_domain_map::in,
     pair(tvar, type_domain)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-print_domain_map_change(TVarSet, OldDomainMap, (TVar - NewDomain), !IO) :-
+print_domain_map_change(TVarSet, OldDomainMap, TVar - NewDomain, !IO) :-
     ( map.search(OldDomainMap, TVar, OldDomain) ->
         ( equal_domain(OldDomain, NewDomain) ->
@@ -2154,16 +2240,15 @@
     prog_varset::in, type_domain_map::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 print_constraint_solution(TCInfo, ProgVarSet, DomainMap, !IO) :-
-    bimap.to_assoc_list(TCInfo^tconstr_var_map, VarMapAL),
+    bimap.to_assoc_list(TCInfo ^ tconstr_var_map, VarMapAL),
     list.map(pair.fst, VarMapAL, ProgVars),
     list.map(pair.snd, VarMapAL, RelevantTVars),
     list.map(find_type_domain(DomainMap), RelevantTVars, RelevantDomains),
     io.print("\n", !IO),
-    list.foldl_corresponding(print_prog_var_domain(TCInfo^tconstr_tvarset,
+    list.foldl_corresponding(print_prog_var_domain(TCInfo ^ tconstr_tvarset,
         ProgVarSet), ProgVars, RelevantDomains, !IO).
 :- pred print_prog_var_domain(tvarset::in, prog_varset::in, prog_var::in,
     type_domain::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -2175,7 +2260,7 @@
 :- pred print_type_domain(tvarset::in, pair(tvar, type_domain)::in, 
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-print_type_domain(TVarSet, (TVar - Domain), !IO) :-
+print_type_domain(TVarSet, TVar - Domain, !IO) :-
     type_domain_to_string(TVarSet, Domain, DomainName),
     TVarName = mercury_var_to_string(TVarSet, yes, TVar),
     io.print("  " ++ TVarName ++ " -> {" ++ DomainName ++ "}\n", !IO).
@@ -2200,8 +2285,9 @@
 :- pred print_pred_constraint(type_constraint_info::in, prog_varset::in,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-print_pred_constraint(tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, 
-        VarConstraints, TVarSet, _), ProgVarSet, !IO) :-
+print_pred_constraint(TCInfo, ProgVarSet, !IO) :-
+    TCInfo = tconstr_info(VarMap, _, ConstraintMap, VarConstraints, TVarSet,
+        _),
     bimap.to_assoc_list(VarMap, VarMapAssocList),
     list.foldl(print_var_constraints(ConstraintMap, VarConstraints, 
         TVarSet, ProgVarSet), VarMapAssocList, !IO).
@@ -2211,80 +2297,82 @@
     is det.
 print_var_constraints(ConstraintMap, VarConstraints, TVarSet, ProgVarSet,
-        (Var - TVar), !IO) :-
+        Var - TVar, !IO) :-
     VarName = mercury_var_to_string(ProgVarSet, yes, Var),
     TVarName = mercury_var_to_string(TVarSet, yes, TVar),
     io.print(VarName ++ " -> " ++ TVarName ++ "\n", !IO),
-    ( map.search(VarConstraints, TVar, ConstraintIDs0) ->
-        ConstraintIDs = ConstraintIDs0
+    ( map.search(VarConstraints, TVar, ConstraintIds0) ->
+        ConstraintIds = ConstraintIds0
-        ConstraintIDs = []
+        ConstraintIds = []
-    list.map(constraint_to_string(2, TVarSet, ConstraintMap), ConstraintIDs, 
+    list.map(constraint_to_string(2, TVarSet, ConstraintMap), ConstraintIds,
     String = string.join_list(",\n", StringReps),
     io.print(String ++ "\n", !IO).
 :- pred constraint_to_string(int::in, tvarset::in, type_constraint_map::in,
     type_constraint_id::in, string::out) is det.
-constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, ConstraintMap, ConstraintID, String) :-
-    IDString = string.int_to_string(ConstraintID),
-    map.lookup(ConstraintMap, ConstraintID, Constraint),
+constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, ConstraintMap, ConstraintId, String) :-
+    IdString = string.int_to_string(ConstraintId),
+    map.lookup(ConstraintMap, ConstraintId, Constraint),
     IndentString = duplicate_char(' ', Indent),
         Constraint = tconstr_conj(ConjConstraints),
-        conj_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, ConjConstraints, 
-            ConjString)
+        conj_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, ConjConstraints, ConjString)
         Constraint = tconstr_disj(Constraints, _),
         list.map(conj_constraint_to_string(Indent+2, TVarSet), 
             Constraints, ConjStrings),
-        ConjString = IndentString ++ "(\n" ++ string.join_list(" OR\n", 
-            ConjStrings) ++ "\n" ++ IndentString ++ ")"
+        ConjString = IndentString ++ "(\n"
+            ++ string.join_list(" OR\n", ConjStrings) ++ "\n"
+            ++ IndentString ++ ")"
-    String = IndentString ++ "Constraint " ++ IDString ++ ":\n" ++ 
-        ConjString.
+    String = IndentString ++ "Constraint " ++ IdString ++ ":\n" ++ ConjString.
 :- pred conj_constraint_to_string(int::in, tvarset::in, 
     conj_type_constraint::in, string::out) is det.
-conj_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, 
-        ctconstr(SimpleConstraints, _,  Context, _, PredID), String) :-
+conj_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, Constraint, String) :-
+    Constraint = ctconstr(SimpleConstraints, _,  Context, _, PredId),
     IndentString = duplicate_char(' ', Indent),
     LineNumber = string.int_to_string(term.context_line(Context)),
     FileName = term.context_file(Context),
-        PredID = yes(ID),
+        PredId = yes(Id),
         PredString = " (calling predicate " ++ 
-            int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(ID)) ++ ")"
+            int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(Id)) ++ ")"
-        PredID = no,
+        PredId = no,
         PredString = ""
     ContextString = IndentString ++ "[" ++ FileName ++ ": " ++ LineNumber
         ++ PredString ++ "]\n",
-    ( SimpleConstraints = [SimpleConstraint] ->
-        simple_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, SimpleConstraint, 
-            String0)
+    (
+        SimpleConstraints = [],
+        String0 = "empty conj"
+    ;
+        SimpleConstraints = [SimpleConstraint],
+        simple_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, SimpleConstraint, String0)
+        SimpleConstraints = [_, _ | _],
         list.map(simple_constraint_to_string(Indent + 2, TVarSet),
             SimpleConstraints, SimpleStrings),
-        String0 = IndentString ++ "(\n" ++ string.join_list(" AND\n", 
-            SimpleStrings) ++ "\n" ++ IndentString ++ ")"
+        String0 = IndentString ++ "(\n"
+            ++ string.join_list(" AND\n", SimpleStrings) ++ "\n"
+            ++ IndentString ++ ")"
     String = ContextString ++ String0.
 :- pred simple_constraint_to_string(int::in, tvarset::in, 
     simple_type_constraint::in, string::out) is det.
-simple_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, stconstr(TVar, Type),
-        String) :-
+simple_constraint_to_string(Indent, TVarSet, stconstr(TVar, Type), String) :-
     VarName = mercury_var_to_string(TVarSet, yes, TVar),
     type_to_string(TVarSet, Type, TypeName),
-    String = duplicate_char(' ', Indent) ++ "( " ++ VarName ++ " :: " 
-        ++ TypeName ++ ")".
+    String = duplicate_char(' ', Indent) ++
+        "( " ++ VarName ++ " :: " ++ TypeName ++ ")".
 :- pred type_to_string(tvarset::in, mer_type::in, string::out) is det.
@@ -2333,22 +2421,24 @@
-% General purpose utility.
+% General purpose utilities.
-:- pred type_constraints.remove_maybe(maybe(T)::in, T::out) is semidet.
+:- pred remove_maybe(maybe(T)::in, T::out) is semidet.
-type_constraints.remove_maybe(yes(X), X).
+remove_maybe(yes(X), X).
     % zip_single(Elem, List, NewList):
-    % NewList is the result of adding Elem between each element
-    % in List. Like string.join_list.
-:- pred type_constraints.zip_single(T::in, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is det.
-type_constraints.zip_single(_, [], []).
-type_constraints.zip_single(_, [A], [A]).
-type_constraints.zip_single(E, [A,A0|As], [A,E|Bs]) :-
-    type_constraints.zip_single(E, [A0|As], Bs).
+    % NewList is the result of adding Elem between each element in List.
+    % Like string.join_list.
+    %
+:- pred zip_single(T::in, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is det.
+zip_single(_, [], []).
+zip_single(_, [A], [A]).
+zip_single(E, [A, A0 | As], [A,E | Bs]) :-
+    zip_single(E, [A0 | As], Bs).
cvs diff: Diffing notes
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