[m-rev.] diff: delete unused inst and mode table fields
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Jan 28 12:57:57 AEDT 2009
The tables of user defined insts and modes are implemented as maps.
We used to keep a list of the keys of these maps, but they are not
used anywhere, and (since searching the list is linear while looking
up the map is logarithmic) they will never be used. This diff
removes the unused key list fields, but keeps the abstractions
of the tables and the maps separate, in case we want to augment
the maps in different ways later.
cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: hlds_data.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_data.m,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -b -r1.123 hlds_data.m
--- hlds_data.m 14 Jan 2009 08:38:45 -0000 1.123
+++ hlds_data.m 27 Jan 2009 13:40:50 -0000
@@ -96,19 +96,19 @@
:- type hlds_ctor_field_defn
---> hlds_ctor_field_defn(
+ % Context of the field definition.
field_context :: prog_context,
- % context of the field definition
field_status :: import_status,
+ % The type containing the field.
field_type_ctor :: type_ctor,
- % type containing the field
+ % The constructor containing the field.
field_cons_id :: cons_id,
- % constructor containing the field
+ % Argument number (counting from 1).
field_arg_num :: int
- % argument number (counting from 1)
% Field accesses are expanded into inline unifications by post_typecheck.m
@@ -595,33 +595,30 @@
:- type hlds_inst_defn
---> hlds_inst_defn(
- inst_varset :: inst_varset,
% The names of the inst parameters (if any).
+ inst_varset :: inst_varset,
+ % The inst parameters (if any). ([I] in the above example.)
inst_params :: list(inst_var),
- % The inst parameters (if any).
- % ([I] in the above example.)
- inst_body :: hlds_inst_body,
% The definition of this inst.
+ inst_body :: hlds_inst_body,
+ % The location in the source code of this inst definition.
inst_context :: prog_context,
- % The location in the source code of this inst
- % definition.
+ % So intermod.m can tell whether to output this inst.
inst_status :: import_status
- % So intermod.m can tell whether to output
- % this inst.
:- type hlds_inst_body
- ---> eqv_inst(mer_inst) % This inst is equivalent to
- % some other inst.
+ ---> eqv_inst(mer_inst)
+ % This inst is equivalent to some other inst.
- ; abstract_inst. % This inst is just a forward declaration;
- % the real definition will be filled in later.
- % (XXX Abstract insts are not really
- % supported.)
+ ; abstract_inst.
+ % This inst is just a forward declaration; the real definition
+ % will be filled in later.
+ % (XXX Abstract insts are not really supported.)
@@ -657,8 +654,6 @@
:- pred user_inst_table_get_inst_defns(user_inst_table::in,
user_inst_defns::out) is det.
-:- pred user_inst_table_get_inst_ids(user_inst_table::in,
- list(inst_id)::out) is det.
:- pred user_inst_table_insert(inst_id::in, hlds_inst_defn::in,
user_inst_table::in, user_inst_table::out) is semidet.
@@ -681,21 +676,11 @@
inst_table_mostly_uniq :: mostly_uniq_inst_table
-:- type user_inst_defns.
-:- type user_inst_table
- ---> user_inst_table(
- uinst_table_defns :: user_inst_defns,
- uinst_table_ids :: list(inst_id)
- % Cached for efficiency when module
- % qualifying the modes of lambda
- % expressions.
- ).
+:- type user_inst_table == user_inst_defns.
inst_table_init(inst_table(UserInsts, UnifyInsts, MergeInsts, GroundInsts,
AnyInsts, SharedInsts, NondetLiveInsts)) :-
- map.init(UserInstDefns),
- UserInsts = user_inst_table(UserInstDefns, []),
+ map.init(UserInsts),
@@ -727,23 +712,13 @@
inst_table_set_mostly_uniq_insts(MostlyUniqInsts, InstTable,
InstTable ^ inst_table_mostly_uniq := MostlyUniqInsts).
- UserInstTable ^ uinst_table_defns).
- UserInstTable ^ uinst_table_ids).
-user_inst_table_insert(InstId, InstDefn, UserInstTable0, UserInstTable) :-
- UserInstTable0 = user_inst_table(InstDefns0, InstIds0),
- InstDefns0 = UserInstTable0 ^ uinst_table_defns,
- map.insert(InstDefns0, InstId, InstDefn, InstDefns),
- InstIds = [InstId | InstIds0],
- UserInstTable = user_inst_table(InstDefns, InstIds).
-user_inst_table_optimize(UserInstTable0, UserInstTable) :-
- UserInstTable0 = user_inst_table(InstDefns0, InstIds0),
- map.optimize(InstDefns0, InstDefns),
- list.sort(InstIds0, InstIds),
- UserInstTable = user_inst_table(InstDefns, InstIds).
+user_inst_table_get_inst_defns(UserInstDefns, UserInstDefns).
+user_inst_table_insert(InstId, InstDefn, UserInstDefns0, UserInstDefns) :-
+ map.insert(UserInstDefns0, InstId, InstDefn, UserInstDefns).
+user_inst_table_optimize(UserInstDefns0, UserInstDefns) :-
+ map.optimize(UserInstDefns0, UserInstDefns).
@@ -765,23 +740,21 @@
:- type hlds_mode_defn
---> hlds_mode_defn(
- mode_varset :: inst_varset,
% The names of the inst parameters (if any).
+ mode_varset :: inst_varset,
- mode_params :: list(inst_var),
% The list of the inst parameters (if any).
% (e.g. [I] for the second example above.)
+ mode_params :: list(inst_var),
- mody_body :: hlds_mode_body,
% The definition of this mode.
+ mody_body :: hlds_mode_body,
+ % The location of this mode definition in the source code.
mode_context :: prog_context,
- % The location of this mode definition in the
- % original source code.
+ % So intermod.m can tell whether to output this mode.
mode_status :: import_status
- % So intermod.m can tell whether to output
- % this mode.
% The only sort of mode definitions allowed are equivalence modes.
@@ -793,10 +766,6 @@
:- pred mode_table_get_mode_defns(mode_table::in, mode_defns::out) is det.
- % Get the list of defined mode_ids from the mode_table.
- %
-:- pred mode_table_get_mode_ids(mode_table::in, list(mode_id)::out) is det.
% Insert a mode_id and corresponding hlds_mode_defn into the mode_table.
% Fail if the mode_id is already present in the table.
@@ -811,32 +780,17 @@
:- implementation.
-:- type mode_table
- ---> mode_table(
- mode_table_defns :: mode_defns,
- mode_table_ids :: list(mode_id)
- % Cached for efficiency
- ).
-mode_table_get_mode_defns(ModeTable, ModeTable ^ mode_table_defns).
-mode_table_get_mode_ids(ModeTable, ModeTable ^ mode_table_ids).
-mode_table_insert(ModeId, ModeDefn, ModeTable0, ModeTable) :-
- ModeTable0 = mode_table(ModeDefns0, ModeIds0),
- map.insert(ModeDefns0, ModeId, ModeDefn, ModeDefns),
- ModeIds = [ModeId | ModeIds0],
- ModeTable = mode_table(ModeDefns, ModeIds).
-mode_table_init(mode_table(ModeDefns, [])) :-
- map.init(ModeDefns).
-mode_table_optimize(ModeTable0, ModeTable) :-
- ModeTable0 = mode_table(ModeDefns0, ModeIds0),
- map.optimize(ModeDefns0, ModeDefns), % NOP
- % Sort the list of mode_ids for quick conversion to a set by module_qual
- % when qualifying the modes of lambda expressions.
- list.sort(ModeIds0, ModeIds),
- ModeTable = mode_table(ModeDefns, ModeIds).
+:- type mode_table == mode_defns.
+mode_table_get_mode_defns(ModeDefns, ModeDefns).
+mode_table_insert(ModeId, ModeDefn, ModeDefns0, ModeDefns) :-
+ map.insert(ModeDefns0, ModeId, ModeDefn, ModeDefns).
+mode_table_optimize(ModeDefns0, ModeDefns) :-
+ map.optimize(ModeDefns0, ModeDefns).
Index: hlds_module.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_module.m,v
retrieving revision 1.160
diff -u -b -r1.160 hlds_module.m
--- hlds_module.m 21 Jul 2008 03:10:07 -0000 1.160
+++ hlds_module.m 27 Jan 2009 13:40:50 -0000
@@ -596,10 +596,6 @@
:- pred module_info_typeids(module_info::in, list(type_ctor)::out) is det.
-:- pred module_info_instids(module_info::in, list(inst_id)::out) is det.
-:- pred module_info_modeids(module_info::in, list(mode_id)::out) is det.
:- pred module_info_consids(module_info::in, list(cons_id)::out) is det.
% Please see module_info_ensure_dependency_info for the
@@ -1240,15 +1236,6 @@
module_info_get_type_table(MI, Types),
map.keys(Types, TypeCtors).
-module_info_instids(MI, InstIds) :-
- module_info_get_inst_table(MI, InstTable),
- inst_table_get_user_insts(InstTable, UserInstTable),
- user_inst_table_get_inst_ids(UserInstTable, InstIds).
-module_info_modeids(MI, ModeIds) :-
- module_info_get_mode_table(MI, Modes),
- mode_table_get_mode_ids(Modes, ModeIds).
module_info_consids(MI, ConsIds) :-
module_info_get_cons_table(MI, Ctors),
map.keys(Ctors, ConsIds).
cvs diff: Diffing notes
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