[m-rev.] diff: MLDS codegen cleanups.

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Jan 16 13:30:38 AEDT 2009

	Misc cleanups of MLDS code generation.


cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing analysis
cvs diff: Diffing bindist
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested/vc71
cvs diff: Diffing browser
cvs diff: Diffing bytecode
cvs diff: Diffing compiler
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.484
diff -u -r1.484 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	23 Dec 2008 01:37:36 -0000	1.484
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	14 Jan 2009 15:32:24 -0000
@@ -5060,7 +5060,7 @@
         globals.io_set_option(optimize_initializations, bool(no), !IO),
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Optimizing MLDS...\n", !IO),
-        ml_optimize.optimize(!MLDS, !IO),
+        mlds_optimize(!MLDS, !IO),
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
@@ -5115,7 +5115,7 @@
         Optimize = yes,
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Optimizing MLDS again...\n", !IO),
-        ml_optimize.optimize(!MLDS, !IO),
+        mlds_optimize(!MLDS, !IO),
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO)
         Optimize = no
@@ -5141,7 +5141,7 @@
     RttiDefns = rtti_data_list_to_mlds(HLDS, RttiData),
     !.MLDS = mlds(ModuleName, ForeignCode, Imports, Defns0, InitPreds,
         FinalPreds, ExportedEnums),
-    list.append(RttiDefns, Defns0, Defns),
+    Defns = RttiDefns ++ Defns0,
     !:MLDS = mlds(ModuleName, ForeignCode, Imports, Defns, InitPreds,
         FinalPreds, ExportedEnums).
Index: compiler/ml_call_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_call_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -u -r1.82 ml_call_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_call_gen.m	11 Feb 2008 21:25:59 -0000	1.82
+++ compiler/ml_call_gen.m	14 Jan 2009 15:14:09 -0000
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_generic_call(generic_call::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     list(mer_mode)::in, determinism::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % ml_gen_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgNames, ArgLvals, ArgTypes,
@@ -51,21 +51,21 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_call(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, list(mlds_var_name)::in,
     list(mlds_lval)::in, list(mer_type)::in, code_model::in,
-    prog_context::in, bool::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, bool::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate MLDS code for a call to a builtin procedure.
 :- pred ml_gen_builtin(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate MLDS code for a cast. The list of argument variables
     % must have only two elements, the input and the output.
 :- pred ml_gen_cast(prog_context::in, list(prog_var)::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate an rval containing the address of the specified procedure.
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_box_or_unbox_lval(mer_type::in, mer_type::in, box_policy::in,
     mlds_lval::in, mlds_var_name::in, prog_context::in, bool::in, int::in,
-    mlds_lval::out, mlds_defns::out, statements::out, statements::out,
+    mlds_lval::out, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate the appropriate MLDS type for a continuation function
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_main_generic_call(generic_call::in(main_generic_call),
     list(prog_var)::in, list(mer_mode)::in, determinism::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_main_generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, ArgModes, Determinism, Context,
@@ -297,7 +298,7 @@
         % Conjoin the code generated by the two closures that we computed
         % above. `ml_combine_conj' will generate whatever kind of sequence
         % is necessary for this code model.
-        %
         ml_combine_conj(CodeModel, Context, DoGenCall,
             DoGenConvOutputAndSucceed, CallAndConvOutputDecls,
             CallAndConvOutputStatements, !Info),
@@ -419,7 +420,7 @@
         ml_combine_conj(CodeModel, Context, DoGenCall,
             DoGenConvOutputAndSucceed, CallAndConvOutputDecls,
             CallAndConvOutputStatements, !Info),
-        Decls = list.append(ConvArgDecls, CallAndConvOutputDecls),
+        Decls = ConvArgDecls ++ CallAndConvOutputDecls,
         Statements = CallAndConvOutputStatements
@@ -430,7 +431,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_mlds_call(mlds_func_signature::in, maybe(mlds_rval)::in,
     mlds_rval::in, list(mlds_rval)::in, list(mlds_lval)::in,
     list(mlds_type)::in, determinism::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_mlds_call(Signature, ObjectRval, FuncRval, ArgRvals0, RetLvals0,
@@ -494,7 +495,7 @@
     Statements = [Statement].
 :- pred ml_gen_success_cont(list(mlds_type)::in, list(mlds_lval)::in,
-    prog_context::in, success_cont::out, mlds_defns::out,
+    prog_context::in, success_cont::out, list(mlds_defn)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_success_cont(OutputArgTypes, OutputArgLvals, Context,
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@
             OutputArgTypes, Context, CopyDecls, CopyStatements),
         ml_gen_call_current_success_cont(Context, CallCont, !Info),
         CopyStatement = ml_gen_block(CopyDecls,
-            list.append(CopyStatements, [CallCont]), Context),
+            CopyStatements ++ [CallCont], Context),
         % pop nesting level
         ml_gen_label_func(!.Info, ContFuncLabel, Params, Context,
             CopyStatement, ContFuncDefn),
@@ -571,8 +572,8 @@
     ml_gen_cont_params_2(Types, ArgNum + 1, Arguments).
 :- pred ml_gen_copy_args_to_locals(ml_gen_info::in, list(mlds_lval)::in,
-    list(mlds_type)::in, prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_type)::in, prog_context::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_copy_args_to_locals(Info, ArgLvals, ArgTypes, Context,
         CopyDecls, CopyStatements) :-
@@ -581,8 +582,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_copy_args_to_locals_2(ml_gen_info::in, list(mlds_lval)::in,
-    list(mlds_type)::in, int::in, prog_context::in, statements::out)
-    is det.
+    list(mlds_type)::in, int::in, prog_context::in,
+    list(statement)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_copy_args_to_locals_2(_Info, [], [], _, _, []).
 ml_gen_copy_args_to_locals_2(Info, [LocalLval | LocalLvals], [Type | Types],
@@ -618,7 +619,7 @@
     list(mer_type)::in, list(mer_type)::in, list(mer_mode)::in,
     pred_or_func::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in, bool::in, int::in,
     list(mlds_rval)::out, list(mlds_lval)::out, list(mlds_type)::out,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_arg_list(VarNames, VarLvals, CallerTypes, CalleeTypes, Modes,
Index: compiler/ml_closure_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_closure_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -r1.57 ml_closure_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_closure_gen.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:50 -0000	1.57
+++ compiler/ml_closure_gen.m	14 Jan 2009 15:14:47 -0000
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_closure(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, prog_var::in, prog_vars::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out)
-    is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
+    ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % ml_gen_closure_wrapper(PredId, ProcId, Offset, NumClosureArgs,
     %   Context, WrapperFuncRval, WrapperFuncType):
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
     % any changes here may need to be reflected there, and vice versa.
 :- pred ml_gen_closure_layout(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, mlds_defns::out,
+    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, list(mlds_defn)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_closure_layout(PredId, ProcId, Context,
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_closure_proc_id(module_info::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_initializer::out, mlds_type::out, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    mlds_initializer::out, mlds_type::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_closure_proc_id(_ModuleInfo, _Context, InitProcId, ProcIdType,
         ClosureProcIdDefns) :-
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 :- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(module_info::in,
     list(closure_arg_info)::in, list(mlds_initializer)::out,
-    list(mlds_type)::out, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_type)::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_args(ModuleInfo, ClosureArgs,
         ClosureArgInits, ClosureArgTypes, Defns) :-
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 :- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(module_info::in,
     closure_arg_info::in, pair(mlds_initializer, mlds_type)::out,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_stack_layout_construct_closure_arg_rval(ModuleInfo, ClosureArg,
         ArgInit - ArgType, !Defns) :-
@@ -288,26 +288,28 @@
     ArgInit = init_obj(CastArgRval).
 :- pred ml_gen_maybe_pseudo_type_info_defn(module_info::in,
-    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out)
+    is det.
 ml_gen_maybe_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, MaybePTI, !Defns) :-
     ml_gen_maybe_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, MaybePTI, _Rval, _Type, !Defns).
 :- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(module_info::in,
-    rtti_pseudo_type_info::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    rtti_pseudo_type_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out)
+    is det.
 ml_gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, PTI, !Defns) :-
     ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, PTI, _Rval, _Type, !Defns).
 :- pred ml_gen_type_info_defn(module_info::in, rtti_type_info::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, TI, !Defns) :-
     ml_gen_type_info(ModuleInfo, TI, _Rval, _Type, !Defns).
 :- pred ml_gen_maybe_pseudo_type_info(module_info::in,
     rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info::in, mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_maybe_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, MaybePseudoTypeInfo, Rval, Type,
         !Defns) :-
@@ -320,7 +322,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(module_info::in, rtti_pseudo_type_info::in,
-    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out)
+    is det.
 ml_gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, Rval, Type, !Defns) :-
@@ -369,7 +372,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_type_info(module_info::in, rtti_type_info::in,
-    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out)
+    is det.
 ml_gen_type_info(ModuleInfo, TypeInfo, Rval, Type, !Defns) :-
@@ -428,7 +432,7 @@
 :- pred ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(module_info::in,
     mlds_var_name::in, prog_context::in, map(tvar, set(layout_locn))::in,
-    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    mlds_rval::out, mlds_type::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_stack_layout_construct_tvar_vector(ModuleInfo, TvarVectorName, Context,
         TVarLocnMap, MLDS_Rval, ArrayType, Defns) :-
@@ -1096,7 +1100,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_closure_wrapper_gc_decls(closure_kind::in, mlds_var_name::in,
     mlds_type::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_closure_wrapper_gc_decls(ClosureKind, ClosureArgName, ClosureArgType,
         PredId, ProcId, Context, GC_Decls, !Info) :-
Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.213
diff -u -r1.213 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:50 -0000	1.213
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	14 Jan 2009 15:38:11 -0000
@@ -715,6 +715,7 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_data.
 :- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
@@ -735,7 +736,7 @@
     % and the other containing the generated statements.
 :- pred ml_gen_goal(code_model::in, hlds_goal::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % ml_gen_wrap_goal(OuterCodeModel, InnerCodeModel, Context,
@@ -748,13 +749,13 @@
     % for OuterCodeModel.
 :- pred ml_gen_wrap_goal(code_model::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    statements::in, statements::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate declarations for a list of local variables.
 :- pred ml_gen_local_var_decls(prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
-    prog_context::in, prog_vars::in, mlds_defns::out,
+    prog_context::in, prog_vars::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
@@ -787,7 +788,6 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_type.
 :- import_module bool.
-:- import_module list.
 :- import_module map.
 :- import_module maybe.
 :- import_module pair.
@@ -921,7 +921,8 @@
         unexpected(this_file, "foreign_type_required_imports: target erlang")
-:- pred ml_gen_defns(module_info::in, mlds_defns::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_defns(module_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det.
 ml_gen_defns(ModuleInfo, Defns, !IO) :-
     ml_gen_types(ModuleInfo, TypeDefns, !IO),
@@ -954,16 +955,16 @@
     % Generate MLDS definitions for all the non-imported predicates
     % (and functions) in the HLDS.
-:- pred ml_gen_preds(module_info::in, mlds_defns::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_preds(module_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det.
 ml_gen_preds(ModuleInfo, PredDefns, !IO) :-
     module_info_preds(ModuleInfo, PredTable),
     map.keys(PredTable, PredIds),
-    PredDefns0 = [],
-    ml_gen_preds_2(ModuleInfo, PredIds, PredTable, PredDefns0, PredDefns, !IO).
+    ml_gen_preds_2(ModuleInfo, PredIds, PredTable, [], PredDefns, !IO).
 :- pred ml_gen_preds_2(module_info::in, list(pred_id)::in, pred_table::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 ml_gen_preds_2(ModuleInfo, PredIds0, PredTable, !Defns, !IO) :-
@@ -994,8 +995,8 @@
     % of a given predicate (or function).
 :- pred ml_gen_pred(module_info::in, pred_id::in, pred_info::in,
-    import_status::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out, io::di, io::uo)
-    is det.
+    import_status::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
 ml_gen_pred(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo, ImportStatus, !Defns, !IO) :-
     ( ImportStatus = status_external(_) ->
@@ -1014,7 +1015,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_procs(list(proc_id)::in, module_info::in, pred_id::in,
-    pred_info::in, proc_table::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    pred_info::in, proc_table::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_procs([], _, _, _, _, !Defns).
 ml_gen_procs([ProcId | ProcIds], ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo, ProcTable,
@@ -1031,7 +1033,7 @@
     % Generate MLDS code for the specified procedure.
 :- pred ml_gen_proc(module_info::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in, pred_info::in,
-    proc_info::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    proc_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_proc(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, _PredInfo, ProcInfo, !Defns) :-
     proc_info_get_context(ProcInfo, Context),
@@ -1040,14 +1042,14 @@
     DeclFlags = ml_gen_proc_decl_flags(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
     ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ProcDefnBody, ExtraDefns),
     ProcDefn = mlds_defn(Name, MLDS_Context, DeclFlags, ProcDefnBody),
-    !:Defns = list.append(ExtraDefns, [ProcDefn | !.Defns]).
+    !:Defns = ExtraDefns ++ [ProcDefn | !.Defns].
 % Code for handling tabling structures
-:- pred ml_gen_table_structs(module_info::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_table_structs(module_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_table_structs(ModuleInfo, Defns) :-
     module_info_get_table_struct_map(ModuleInfo, TableStructMap),
@@ -1073,7 +1075,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_add_table_var(module_info::in,
     pair(pred_proc_id, table_struct_info)::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_add_table_var(ModuleInfo, PredProcId - TableStructInfo, !Defns) :-
     module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
@@ -1103,9 +1105,10 @@
         InputStepsInit = init_array(
-        InputStepsDefns = [tabling_name_and_init_to_defn(MLDS_ProcLabel,
+        InputStepsDefn = tabling_name_and_init_to_defn(MLDS_ProcLabel,
             MLDS_Context, const, tabling_steps_desc(call_table),
-            InputStepsInit)]
+            InputStepsInit),
+        InputStepsDefns = [InputStepsDefn]
     init_stats(MLDS_ModuleName, MLDS_ProcLabel, MLDS_Context,
         call_table, curr_table, InputSteps,
@@ -1128,9 +1131,10 @@
         OutputStepsInit = init_array(
-        OutputStepsDefns = [tabling_name_and_init_to_defn(MLDS_ProcLabel,
+        OutputStepsDefn = tabling_name_and_init_to_defn(MLDS_ProcLabel,
             MLDS_Context, const, tabling_steps_desc(answer_table),
-            OutputStepsInit)]
+            OutputStepsInit),
+        OutputStepsDefns = [OutputStepsDefn]
     init_stats(MLDS_ModuleName, MLDS_ProcLabel, MLDS_Context,
         answer_table, curr_table, InputSteps,
@@ -1207,8 +1211,9 @@
         StepDescs = [_ | _],
         list.map(init_stats_step(StatsStepsId), StepDescs, StatsStepsInits),
         StatsStepsArrayInit = init_array(StatsStepsInits),
-        StatsStepDefns = [tabling_name_and_init_to_defn(MLDS_ProcLabel,
-            MLDS_Context, modifiable, StatsStepsId, StatsStepsArrayInit)],
+        StatsStepDefn = tabling_name_and_init_to_defn(MLDS_ProcLabel,
+            MLDS_Context, modifiable, StatsStepsId, StatsStepsArrayInit),
+        StatsStepDefns = [StatsStepDefn],
         StatsStepsArrayRefInit = gen_init_tabling_name(MLDS_ModuleName,
             MLDS_ProcLabel, tabling_stat_steps(CallOrAnswer, CurrOrPrev))
@@ -1320,7 +1325,7 @@
     % Generate an MLDS definition for the specified procedure.
 :- pred ml_gen_proc_defn(module_info::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
-    mlds_entity_defn::out, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    mlds_entity_defn::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_proc_defn(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, ProcDefnBody, ExtraDefns) :-
     module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, PredInfo, ProcInfo),
@@ -1409,7 +1414,7 @@
                 CopiedOutputVars, Goal, Decls0, Statements, !Info),
             ml_gen_proc_params(PredId, ProcId, MLDS_Params, !Info),
             ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(!.Info, ExtraDefns),
-            Decls = list.append(MLDS_LocalVars, Decls0),
+            Decls = MLDS_LocalVars ++ Decls0,
             Statement = ml_gen_block(Decls, Statements, Context),
             FunctionBody = body_defined_here(Statement)
@@ -1497,7 +1502,7 @@
     % local declarations for all the variables used in each sub-goal.
 :- pred ml_gen_all_local_var_decls(hlds_goal::in, prog_varset::in,
-    vartypes::in, list(prog_var)::in, mlds_defns::out,
+    vartypes::in, list(prog_var)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_all_local_var_decls(Goal, VarSet, VarTypes, HeadVars, MLDS_LocalVars,
@@ -1537,7 +1542,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_proc_body(code_model::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     list(mer_type)::in, list(arg_mode)::in, list(prog_var)::in,
-    hlds_goal::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    hlds_goal::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_proc_body(CodeModel, HeadVars, ArgTypes, ArgModes, CopiedOutputVars,
@@ -1594,7 +1599,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_convert_headvars(list(prog_var)::in, list(mer_type)::in,
     list(arg_mode)::in, list(prog_var)::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_convert_headvars(Vars, HeadTypes, ArgModes, CopiedOutputVars, Context,
@@ -1821,7 +1826,7 @@
     % Generate code for a commit.
 :- pred ml_gen_commit(hlds_goal::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_commit(Goal, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -1905,8 +1910,9 @@
         TryCommitStmt = ml_stmt_try_commit(CommitRefLval,
             ml_gen_block([], [GoalStatement, SetSuccessFalse], Context),
-            ml_gen_block([], list.append(CopyLocalsToOutputArgs,
-                [SetSuccessTrue]), Context)),
+            ml_gen_block([], CopyLocalsToOutputArgs ++ [SetSuccessTrue],
+                Context)
+        ),
         TryCommitStatement = statement(TryCommitStmt, MLDS_Context),
         CommitFuncLocalDecls = [CommitRefDecl, SuccessFunc | GoalStaticDecls],
@@ -2024,8 +2030,8 @@
     % But that would impose distributed fat and would make interoperability
     % difficult.]
-:- pred maybe_put_commit_in_own_func(mlds_defns::in, statements::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+:- pred maybe_put_commit_in_own_func(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 maybe_put_commit_in_own_func(CommitFuncLocalDecls, TryCommitStatements,
@@ -2079,7 +2085,7 @@
     % we'll copy the local variables into the output arguments.
 :- pred ml_gen_maybe_make_locals_for_output_args(hlds_goal_info::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     map(prog_var, mlds_lval)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
@@ -2104,7 +2110,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_make_locals_for_output_args(list(prog_var)::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_make_locals_for_output_args([], _, [], [], !Info).
@@ -2168,7 +2174,7 @@
     % Generate MLDS code for the different kinds of HLDS goals.
 :- pred ml_gen_goal_expr(hlds_goal_expr::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_goal_expr(GoalExpr, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -2284,7 +2290,7 @@
     prog_context::in, string::in, maybe(prog_context)::in, string::in,
     maybe(prog_context)::in, string::in, maybe(prog_context)::in,
     string::in, maybe(prog_context)::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % For model_non pragma c_code,
@@ -2468,16 +2474,13 @@
     Ending_C_Code_Stmt = inline_target_code(ml_target_c, Ending_C_Code),
     Ending_C_Code_Statement = statement(
         ml_stmt_atomic(Ending_C_Code_Stmt), mlds_make_context(Context)),
-    Statements = list.condense([
-        [Starting_C_Code_Statement],
-        ConvStatements,
-        [CallCont,
-        Ending_C_Code_Statement]
-    ]),
+    Statements =
+        [Starting_C_Code_Statement | ConvStatements] ++
+        [CallCont, Ending_C_Code_Statement],
     Decls = ConvDecls.
 :- pred ml_gen_trace_runtime_cond(trace_expr(trace_runtime)::in,
-    term.context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    term.context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_trace_runtime_cond(TraceRuntimeCond, Context, Decls, Statements,
@@ -2521,7 +2524,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_foreign_proc(code_model::in,
     pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(foreign_arg)::in, list(foreign_arg)::in, string::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_foreign_proc(CodeModel, Attributes, PredId, ProcId,
@@ -2590,7 +2593,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_java_proc(code_model::in,
     pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(foreign_arg)::in, list(foreign_arg)::in, string::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_java_proc(_CodeModel, Attributes, _PredId, _ProcId,
@@ -2622,11 +2625,7 @@
     Java_Code_Statement = statement(
-    Statements = list.condense([
-        [Java_Code_Statement],
-        AssignOutputsList,
-        ConvStatements
-        ]),
+    Statements = [Java_Code_Statement | AssignOutputsList] ++ ConvStatements,
     Decls = ConvDecls.
 :- type ordinary_pragma_kind
@@ -2641,12 +2640,11 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_managed_proc(ordinary_pragma_kind::in,
     pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(foreign_arg)::in, list(foreign_arg)::in, string::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_managed_proc(OrdinaryKind, Attributes, _PredId, _ProcId,
         Args, ExtraArgs, ForeignCode, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
     ml_gen_outline_args(Args, OutlineArgs, !Info),
     expect(unify(ExtraArgs, []), this_file,
         "ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_managed_proc: extra args"),
@@ -2689,10 +2687,8 @@
             "kind_failure not yet implemented")
-    Statements = [
-        statement(ml_stmt_atomic(OutlineStmt), MLDSContext) |
-        SuccessIndicatorStatements
-        ],
+    OutlineStatement = statement(ml_stmt_atomic(OutlineStmt), MLDSContext),
+    Statements = [OutlineStatement | SuccessIndicatorStatements],
     Decls = SuccessVarLocals.
 :- pred ml_gen_outline_args(list(foreign_arg)::in, list(outline_arg)::out,
@@ -2734,12 +2730,11 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_il_proc(code_model::in,
     pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(foreign_arg)::in, list(foreign_arg)::in, string::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_il_proc(_CodeModel, Attributes, PredId, ProcId,
         Args, ExtraArgs, ForeignCode, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
     expect(unify(ExtraArgs, []), this_file,
         "ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_managed_proc: extra args"),
@@ -2797,9 +2792,11 @@
     ILCodeFragment = statement(ml_stmt_atomic(OutlineStmt), MLDSContext),
-    Statements = [statement(ml_stmt_block(VarLocals,
-        [ILCodeFragment] ++ ByRefAssignStatements ++ CopiedOutputStatements),
-        mlds_make_context(Context))],
+    BlockStatements = [ILCodeFragment | ByRefAssignStatements] ++
+        CopiedOutputStatements,
+    BlockStatement = statement(ml_stmt_block(VarLocals, BlockStatements),
+        mlds_make_context(Context)),
+    Statements = [BlockStatement],
     Decls = [].
 :- pred build_arg_map(list(foreign_arg)::in, map(prog_var, foreign_arg)::in,
@@ -2955,7 +2952,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_c_proc(ordinary_pragma_kind::in,
     pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(foreign_arg)::in, list(foreign_arg)::in, string::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_ordinary_pragma_c_proc(OrdinaryKind, Attributes, PredId, _ProcId,
@@ -3057,11 +3054,8 @@
         ml_stmt_atomic(Starting_C_Code_Stmt), mlds_make_context(Context)),
     Ending_C_Code_Statement = statement(ml_stmt_atomic(Ending_C_Code_Stmt),
-    Statements = list.condense([
-        [Starting_C_Code_Statement],
-        ConvStatements,
-        [Ending_C_Code_Statement]
-    ]),
+    Statements = [Starting_C_Code_Statement | ConvStatements] ++
+        [Ending_C_Code_Statement],
     Decls = ConvDecls.
     % Generate code fragments to obtain and release the global lock
@@ -3307,8 +3301,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_pragma_java_output_arg_list(foreign_language::in,
-    list(foreign_arg)::in, prog_context::in, statements::out,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(foreign_arg)::in, prog_context::in, list(statement)::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_pragma_java_output_arg_list(_, [], _, [], [], [], !Info).
@@ -3326,8 +3320,8 @@
     % value of an output arg for a `pragma foreign_proc' declaration.
 :- pred ml_gen_pragma_java_output_arg(foreign_language::in,
-    foreign_arg::in, prog_context::in, statements::out,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    foreign_arg::in, prog_context::in, list(statement)::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_pragma_java_output_arg(_Lang, ForeignArg, Context, AssignOutput,
@@ -3377,8 +3371,9 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_pragma_c_output_arg_list(foreign_language::in,
     list(foreign_arg)::in, prog_context::in,
-    list(target_code_component)::out, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    list(target_code_component)::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
+    ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_pragma_c_output_arg_list(_, [], _, [], [], [], !Info).
 ml_gen_pragma_c_output_arg_list(Lang, [ForeignArg | ForeignArgs], Context,
@@ -3396,7 +3391,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_pragma_c_output_arg(foreign_language::in, foreign_arg::in,
     prog_context::in, list(target_code_component)::out,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_pragma_c_output_arg(Lang, Arg, Context, AssignOutput, ConvDecls,
@@ -3421,8 +3416,9 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_pragma_c_gen_output_arg(foreign_language::in, prog_var::in,
     string::in, mer_type::in, box_policy::in, prog_context::in,
-    list(target_code_component)::out, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    list(target_code_component)::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
+    ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_pragma_c_gen_output_arg(Lang, Var, ArgName, OrigType, BoxPolicy,
         Context, AssignOutput, ConvDecls, ConvOutputStatements, !Info) :-
@@ -3509,7 +3505,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_ite(code_model::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_ite(CodeModel, Cond, Then, Else, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -3627,7 +3623,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_negation(hlds_goal::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_negation(Cond, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -3658,7 +3654,7 @@
         ml_gen_set_success(!.Info, const(mlconst_false), Context,
         Decls = CondDecls,
-        Statements = list.append(CondStatements, [SetSuccessFalse])
+        Statements = CondStatements ++ [SetSuccessFalse]
         % model_semi negation, model_semi goal:
         %       <succeeded = not(Goal)>
@@ -3672,7 +3668,7 @@
         ml_gen_set_success(!.Info, unop(std_unop(logical_not), Succeeded),
             Context, InvertSuccess),
         Decls = CondDecls,
-        Statements = list.append(CondStatements, [InvertSuccess])
+        Statements = CondStatements ++ [InvertSuccess]
         CodeModel = model_semi, CondCodeModel = model_non,
         unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_negation: nondet cond")
@@ -3687,26 +3683,32 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_conj(hlds_goals::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
-ml_gen_conj([], CodeModel, Context, [], Statements, !Info) :-
-    ml_gen_success(CodeModel, Context, Statements, !Info).
-ml_gen_conj([SingleGoal], CodeModel, _Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
-    ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, SingleGoal, Decls, Statements, !Info).
-ml_gen_conj([First | Rest], CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
-    Rest = [_ | _],
-    First = hlds_goal(_, FirstGoalInfo),
-    FirstDeterminism = goal_info_get_determinism(FirstGoalInfo),
-    ( determinism_components(FirstDeterminism, _, at_most_zero) ->
-        % the `Rest' code is unreachable
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, First, Decls, Statements, !Info)
-    ;
-        determinism_to_code_model(FirstDeterminism, FirstCodeModel),
-        DoGenFirst = ml_gen_goal(FirstCodeModel, First),
-        DoGenRest = ml_gen_conj(Rest, CodeModel, Context),
-        ml_combine_conj(FirstCodeModel, Context, DoGenFirst, DoGenRest,
-            Decls, Statements, !Info)
+ml_gen_conj(Conjuncts, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
+    (
+        Conjuncts = [],
+        ml_gen_success(CodeModel, Context, Statements, !Info),
+        Decls = []
+    ;
+        Conjuncts = [SingleGoal],
+        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, SingleGoal, Decls, Statements, !Info)
+    ;
+        Conjuncts = [First | Rest],
+        Rest = [_ | _],
+        First = hlds_goal(_, FirstGoalInfo),
+        FirstDeterminism = goal_info_get_determinism(FirstGoalInfo),
+        ( determinism_components(FirstDeterminism, _, at_most_zero) ->
+            % the `Rest' code is unreachable
+            ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, First, Decls, Statements, !Info)
+        ;
+            determinism_to_code_model(FirstDeterminism, FirstCodeModel),
+            DoGenFirst = ml_gen_goal(FirstCodeModel, First),
+            DoGenRest = ml_gen_conj(Rest, CodeModel, Context),
+            ml_combine_conj(FirstCodeModel, Context, DoGenFirst, DoGenRest,
+                Decls, Statements, !Info)
+        )
@@ -3715,93 +3717,102 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_disj(hlds_goals::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
-ml_gen_disj([], CodeModel, Context, [], Statements, !Info) :-
-    % Handle empty disjunctions (a.ka. `fail').
-    ml_gen_failure(CodeModel, Context, Statements, !Info).
-ml_gen_disj([SingleGoal], CodeModel, Context, [], [Statement], !Info) :-
-    % Handle singleton disjunctions.
-    % (The HLDS should not contain singleton disjunctions, but this code
-    % is needed to handle recursive calls to ml_gen_disj).
-    % Note that each arm of the model_non disjunction is placed into a block.
-    % This avoids a problem where ml_join_decls can create block nesting
-    % proportional to the size of the disjunction. The nesting can hit fixed
-    % limit problems in some C compilers.
-    ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, SingleGoal, Goal_Decls, Goal_Statements, !Info),
-    Statement = ml_gen_block(Goal_Decls, Goal_Statements, Context).
-ml_gen_disj([First | Rest], CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
-    Rest = [_ | _],
+ml_gen_disj(Goals, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
-        CodeModel = model_non,
-        % model_non disj:
-        %
-        %       <(Goal ; Goals) && SUCCEED()>
-        %   ===>
-        %       <Goal && SUCCEED()>
-        %       <Goals && SUCCEED()>
-        ml_gen_goal(model_non, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements, !Info),
-        ml_gen_disj(Rest, model_non, Context, RestDecls, RestStatements,
-            !Info),
-        (
-            RestDecls = [],
-            FirstBlock = ml_gen_block(FirstDecls, FirstStatements, Context),
-            Decls = [],
-            Statements = [FirstBlock | RestStatements]
-        ;
-            RestDecls = [_ | _],
-            unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_disj: RestDecls not empty.")
-        )
+        Goals = [],
+        % Handle empty disjunctions (a.ka. `fail').
+        ml_gen_failure(CodeModel, Context, Statements, !Info),
+        Decls = []
+    ;
+        Goals = [SingleGoal],
+        % Handle singleton disjunctions.
+        % (The HLDS should not contain singleton disjunctions, but this code
+        % is needed to handle recursive calls to ml_gen_disj).
+        % Note that each arm of the model_non disjunction is placed into
+        % a block. This avoids a problem where ml_join_decls can create block
+        % nesting proportional to the size of the disjunction. The nesting
+        % can hit fixed limit problems in some C compilers.
+        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, SingleGoal, Goal_Decls, Goal_Statements, !Info),
+        Statement = ml_gen_block(Goal_Decls, Goal_Statements, Context),
+        Statements = [Statement],
+        Decls = []
-        ( CodeModel = model_det
-        ; CodeModel = model_semi
-        ),
-        % model_det/model_semi disj:
-        %
-        %   model_det goal:
-        %       <Goal ; Goals>
-        %   ===>
-        %       <Goal>
-        %       /* <Goals> will never be reached */
-        %
-        %   model_semi goal:
-        %       <Goal ; Goals>
-        %   ===>
-        %   {
-        %       MR_bool succeeded;
-        %
-        %       <succeeded = Goal>;
-        %       if (!succeeded) {
-        %           <Goals>;
-        %       }
-        %   }
-        First = hlds_goal(_, FirstGoalInfo),
-        FirstCodeModel = goal_info_get_code_model(FirstGoalInfo),
+        Goals = [First | Rest],
+        Rest = [_ | _],
-            FirstCodeModel = model_det,
-            ml_gen_goal(model_det, First, Decls, Statements, !Info)
+            CodeModel = model_non,
+            % model_non disj:
+            %
+            %       <(Goal ; Goals) && SUCCEED()>
+            %   ===>
+            %       <Goal && SUCCEED()>
+            %       <Goals && SUCCEED()>
+            ml_gen_goal(model_non, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements, !Info),
+            ml_gen_disj(Rest, model_non, Context, RestDecls, RestStatements,
+                !Info),
+            (
+                RestDecls = [],
+                FirstBlock = ml_gen_block(FirstDecls, FirstStatements,
+                    Context),
+                Decls = [],
+                Statements = [FirstBlock | RestStatements]
+            ;
+                RestDecls = [_ | _],
+                unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_disj: RestDecls not empty.")
+            )
-            FirstCodeModel = model_semi,
-            ml_gen_goal(model_semi, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements, !Info),
-            ml_gen_test_success(!.Info, Succeeded),
-            ml_gen_disj(Rest, CodeModel, Context,
-                RestDecls, RestStatements, !Info),
-            RestStatement = ml_gen_block(RestDecls, RestStatements, Context),
-            IfStmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(
-                unop(std_unop(logical_not), Succeeded), RestStatement, no),
-            IfStatement = statement(IfStmt, mlds_make_context(Context)),
-            Decls = FirstDecls,
-            Statements = FirstStatements ++ [IfStatement]
-        ;
-            FirstCodeModel = model_non,
-            % simplify.m should get wrap commits around these.
-            unexpected(this_file, "model_non disj in model_det disjunction")
+            ( CodeModel = model_det
+            ; CodeModel = model_semi
+            ),
+            % model_det/model_semi disj:
+            %
+            %   model_det goal:
+            %       <Goal ; Goals>
+            %   ===>
+            %       <Goal>
+            %       /* <Goals> will never be reached */
+            %
+            %   model_semi goal:
+            %       <Goal ; Goals>
+            %   ===>
+            %   {
+            %       MR_bool succeeded;
+            %
+            %       <succeeded = Goal>;
+            %       if (!succeeded) {
+            %           <Goals>;
+            %       }
+            %   }
+            First = hlds_goal(_, FirstGoalInfo),
+            FirstCodeModel = goal_info_get_code_model(FirstGoalInfo),
+            (
+                FirstCodeModel = model_det,
+                ml_gen_goal(model_det, First, Decls, Statements, !Info)
+            ;
+                FirstCodeModel = model_semi,
+                ml_gen_goal(model_semi, First, FirstDecls, FirstStatements,
+                    !Info),
+                ml_gen_test_success(!.Info, Succeeded),
+                ml_gen_disj(Rest, CodeModel, Context,
+                    RestDecls, RestStatements, !Info),
+                RestStatement = ml_gen_block(RestDecls, RestStatements,
+                    Context),
+                IfStmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(
+                    unop(std_unop(logical_not), Succeeded), RestStatement, no),
+                IfStatement = statement(IfStmt, mlds_make_context(Context)),
+                Decls = FirstDecls,
+                Statements = FirstStatements ++ [IfStatement]
+            ;
+                FirstCodeModel = model_non,
+                % simplify.m should get wrap commits around these.
+                unexpected(this_file,
+                    "model_non disj in model_det disjunction")
+            )
Index: compiler/ml_code_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.135
diff -u -r1.135 ml_code_util.m
--- compiler/ml_code_util.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:50 -0000	1.135
+++ compiler/ml_code_util.m	14 Jan 2009 15:39:21 -0000
@@ -46,14 +46,16 @@
     % and returning the given lvals, if needed.
 :- pred ml_append_return_statement(ml_gen_info::in, code_model::in,
-    list(mlds_lval)::in, prog_context::in, statements::in,
-    statements::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_lval)::in, prog_context::in, list(statement)::in,
+    list(statement)::out) is det.
     % Generate a block statement, i.e. `{ <Decls>; <Statements>; }'.
     % But if the block consists only of a single statement with no
     % declarations, then just return that statement.
-:- func ml_gen_block(mlds_defns, statements, prog_context)
+:- func ml_gen_block(list(mlds_defn), list(statement), prog_context)
+    = statement.
+:- func ml_gen_block_mlds(list(mlds_defn), list(statement), mlds_context)
     = statement.
     % Join two statement lists and their corresponding declaration lists
@@ -65,11 +67,12 @@
     % in common, then we put each statement list and its declarations into
     % a block, so that the declarations remain local to each statement list.
-:- pred ml_join_decls(mlds_defns::in, statements::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, statements::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out) is det.
+:- pred ml_join_decls(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in, prog_context::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out) is det.
-:- type gen_pred == pred(mlds_defns, statements, ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
+:- type gen_pred == pred(list(mlds_defn), list(statement),
+    ml_gen_info, ml_gen_info).
 :- inst gen_pred == (pred(out, out, in, out) is det).
     % Given closures to generate code for two conjuncts, generate code
@@ -77,7 +80,7 @@
 :- pred ml_combine_conj(code_model::in, prog_context::in,
     gen_pred::in(gen_pred), gen_pred::in(gen_pred),
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Given a function label and the statement which will comprise
@@ -349,12 +352,12 @@
     % Generate code to succeed in the given code_model.
-:- pred ml_gen_success(code_model::in, prog_context::in, statements::out,
+:- pred ml_gen_success(code_model::in, prog_context::in, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate code to fail in the given code_model.
-:- pred ml_gen_failure(code_model::in, prog_context::in, statements::out,
+:- pred ml_gen_failure(code_model::in, prog_context::in, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate the declaration for the built-in `succeeded' flag.
@@ -721,7 +724,8 @@
     % Get the list of extra definitions.
-:- pred ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(ml_gen_info::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_info_get_extra_defns(ml_gen_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::out)
+    is det.
     % Add the given string as the name of an environment variable used by
     % the function being generated.
@@ -801,17 +805,28 @@
         CodeModel = model_non
-ml_gen_block(VarDecls, Statements, Context) =
+ml_gen_block(VarDecls, Statements, Context) = Block :-
         VarDecls = [],
         Statements = [SingleStatement]
-        SingleStatement
+        Block = SingleStatement
-        statement(ml_stmt_block(VarDecls, Statements),
+        Block = statement(ml_stmt_block(VarDecls, Statements),
+ml_gen_block_mlds(VarDecls, Statements, Context) = Block :-
+    (
+        VarDecls = [],
+        Statements = [SingleStatement]
+    ->
+        Block = SingleStatement
+    ;
+        Block = statement(ml_stmt_block(VarDecls, Statements),
+            Context)
+    ).
 ml_join_decls(FirstDecls, FirstStatements, RestDecls, RestStatements, Context,
         Decls, Statements) :-
@@ -1975,32 +1990,47 @@
 :- func ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_type) = bool.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mercury_type(_Type, TypeCategory, _)) =
-    ml_type_category_might_contain_pointers(TypeCategory).
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_mercury_array_type(_)) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_native_int_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_native_float_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_native_bool_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_native_char_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_foreign_type(_)) = no.
-    % We assume that foreign types are not allowed to contain pointers
-    % to the Mercury heap.  XXX is this requirement too strict?
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_class_type(_, _, Category)) =
-    (if Category = mlds_enum then no else yes).
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_ptr_type(_)) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_array_type(_)) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_func_type(_)) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_generic_type) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_generic_env_ptr_type) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_type_info_type) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_pseudo_type_info_type) = yes.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_cont_type(_)) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_commit_type) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_rtti_type(_)) = yes.
-    % Values of mlds_tabling_type types may contain pointers, but they won't
-    % exist if we are using accurate GC.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_tabling_type(_)) = no.
-ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(mlds_unknown_type) = yes.
+ml_type_might_contain_pointers_for_gc(Type) = MightContainPointers :-
+    (
+        Type = mercury_type(_Type, TypeCategory, _),
+        MightContainPointers =
+            ml_type_category_might_contain_pointers(TypeCategory)
+    ;
+        Type = mlds_class_type(_, _, Category),
+        ( Category = mlds_enum ->
+            MightContainPointers = no
+        ;
+            MightContainPointers = yes
+        )
+    ;
+        ( Type = mlds_mercury_array_type(_)
+        ; Type = mlds_ptr_type(_)
+        ; Type = mlds_array_type(_)
+        ; Type = mlds_generic_type
+        ; Type = mlds_generic_env_ptr_type
+        ; Type = mlds_type_info_type
+        ; Type = mlds_pseudo_type_info_type
+        ; Type = mlds_rtti_type(_)
+        ; Type = mlds_unknown_type
+        ),
+        MightContainPointers = yes
+    ;
+        ( Type = mlds_native_int_type
+        ; Type = mlds_native_float_type
+        ; Type = mlds_native_bool_type
+        ; Type = mlds_native_char_type
+        ; Type = mlds_foreign_type(_)
+        % We assume that foreign types are not allowed to contain pointers
+        % to the Mercury heap.  XXX is this requirement too strict?
+        ; Type = mlds_func_type(_)
+        ; Type = mlds_cont_type(_)
+        ; Type = mlds_commit_type
+        ; Type = mlds_tabling_type(_)
+        % Values of mlds_tabling_type types may contain pointers, but
+        % they won't exist if we are using accurate GC.
+        ),
+        MightContainPointers = no
+    ).
 :- func ml_type_category_might_contain_pointers(type_ctor_category) = bool.
@@ -2115,7 +2145,7 @@
     % Combine the MLDS code fragments together.
     GC_TraceCode = ml_gen_block(MLDS_NewobjLocals ++ MLDS_NonLocalVarDecls,
-        [MLDS_TypeInfoStatement] ++ [MLDS_TraceStatement], Context).
+        [MLDS_TypeInfoStatement, MLDS_TraceStatement], Context).
     % ml_gen_trace_var(VarName, DeclType, TypeInfo, Context, Code):
     % Generate a call to `private_builtin.gc_trace'
@@ -2196,7 +2226,7 @@
                 fnoi_context        :: mlds_context,
                 % The local variable declarations accumulated so far.
-                fnoi_locals         :: mlds_defns,
+                fnoi_locals         :: list(mlds_defn),
                 % A counter used to allocate variable names.
                 fnoi_next_id        :: counter
@@ -2208,7 +2238,7 @@
     % allocation.
 :- pred fixup_newobj(statement::in, mlds_module_name::in,
-     statement::out, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+     statement::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 fixup_newobj(Statement0, ModuleName, Statement, Defns) :-
     Statement0 = statement(Stmt0, Context),
@@ -2333,8 +2363,10 @@
         Context = !.Fixup ^ fnoi_context,
         VarDecl = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl_init(var(VarName), VarType, Initializer,
             GCStatement, Context),
-        !:Fixup = !.Fixup ^ fnoi_next_id := NextId,
-        !:Fixup= !.Fixup ^ fnoi_locals := !.Fixup ^ fnoi_locals ++ [VarDecl],
+        !Fixup ^ fnoi_next_id := NextId,
+        % XXX We should keep a more structured representation of the local
+        % variables, such as a map from variable names.
+        !Fixup ^ fnoi_locals := !.Fixup ^ fnoi_locals ++ [VarDecl],
         % Generate code to initialize the variable.
@@ -2419,6 +2451,7 @@
                 mgi_cond_var            :: counter,
                 mgi_conv_var            :: counter,
                 mgi_const_num           :: counter,
                 mgi_const_var_name_map  :: map(prog_var, mlds_var_name),
                 % A partial mapping from vars to lvals, used to override
@@ -2430,7 +2463,7 @@
                 % current procedure.
                 mgi_var_lvals           :: map(prog_var, mlds_lval),
-                mgi_extra_defns         :: mlds_defns,
+                mgi_extra_defns         :: list(mlds_defn),
                 mgi_env_var_names       :: set(string)
Index: compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_elim_nested.m,v
retrieving revision 1.99
diff -u -r1.99 ml_elim_nested.m
--- compiler/ml_elim_nested.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:50 -0000	1.99
+++ compiler/ml_elim_nested.m	14 Jan 2009 13:46:29 -0000
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@
 :- pred ml_maybe_copy_args(mlds_arguments::in, statement::in,
     elim_info::in, mlds_type::in, mlds_type::in, mlds_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out) is det.
 ml_maybe_copy_args([], _, _, _, _, _, [], []).
 ml_maybe_copy_args([Arg|Args], FuncBody, ElimInfo, ClassType, EnvPtrTypeName,
@@ -883,10 +883,11 @@
     EnvDecls = [EnvVarDecl, EnvPtrVarDecl],
     InitEnv = NewObj ++ [InitEnv0] ++ LinkStackChain.
-:- pred ml_chain_stack_frames(mlds_defns::in, statements::in,
+:- pred ml_chain_stack_frames(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in,
     mlds_type::in, mlds_context::in, mlds_entity_name::in,
-    mlds_module_name::in, globals::in, mlds_defns::out, mlds_initializer::out,
-    statements::out, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    mlds_module_name::in, globals::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, mlds_initializer::out,
+    list(statement)::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_chain_stack_frames(Fields0, GCTraceStatements, EnvTypeName, Context,
         FuncName, ModuleName, Globals, Fields,
@@ -1038,7 +1039,7 @@
         Virtuality, Finality, Constness, Abstractness).
 :- pred extract_gc_statements(mlds_defn::in, mlds_defn::out,
-    statements::out, statements::out) is det.
+    list(statement)::out, list(statement)::out) is det.
 extract_gc_statements(mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body0),
         mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body), GCInitStmts, GCTraceStmts) :-
@@ -1223,7 +1224,7 @@
     % But if the block consists only of a single statement with no
     % declarations, then just return that statement.
-:- func make_block_stmt(mlds_defns, statements, mlds_context)
+:- func make_block_stmt(list(mlds_defn), list(statement), mlds_context)
     = statement.
 make_block_stmt(VarDecls, Statements, Context) =
@@ -1367,7 +1368,7 @@
         !Info) :-
     flatten_statement(Statement0, Statement, !Info).
-:- pred flatten_statements(statements::in, statements::out,
+:- pred flatten_statements(list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     elim_info::in, elim_info::out) is det.
 flatten_statements(!Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -1530,8 +1531,8 @@
 %   Return the remaining (non-hoisted) definitions,
 %   the list of assignment statements, and the updated elim_info.
-:- pred flatten_nested_defns(mlds_defns::in, statements::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+:- pred flatten_nested_defns(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     elim_info::in, elim_info::out) is det.
 flatten_nested_defns([], _, [], [], !Info).
@@ -1544,8 +1545,9 @@
     Defns = Defns1 ++ Defns2,
     InitStatements = InitStatements1 ++ InitStatements2.
-:- pred flatten_nested_defn(mlds_defn::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    statements::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+:- pred flatten_nested_defn(mlds_defn::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     elim_info::in, elim_info::out) is det.
 flatten_nested_defn(Defn0, FollowingDefns, FollowingStatements,
@@ -1660,7 +1662,7 @@
     % top level (if it's a static const).
 :- pred ml_should_add_local_data(elim_info::in, mlds_data_name::in,
-    mlds_gc_statement::in, mlds_defns::in, statements::in)
+    mlds_gc_statement::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in)
     is semidet.
 ml_should_add_local_data(Info, DataName, GCStatement,
@@ -1693,7 +1695,7 @@
     % fields here?
 :- pred ml_need_to_hoist(mlds_module_name::in, mlds_data_name::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, statements::in) is semidet.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(statement)::in) is semidet.
 ml_need_to_hoist(ModuleName, DataName,
         FollowingDefns, FollowingStatements) :-
@@ -1950,7 +1952,7 @@
     Locals = elim_info_get_local_data(!.Info),
     fixup_gc_statements_defns(Locals, !Info).
-:- pred fixup_gc_statements_defns(mlds_defns::in,
+:- pred fixup_gc_statements_defns(list(mlds_defn)::in,
     elim_info::in, elim_info::out) is det.
 fixup_gc_statements_defns([], !Info).
@@ -2113,7 +2115,7 @@
 %   Nondeterministically return all the definitions contained
 %   in the specified construct.
-:- pred defns_contains_defn(mlds_defns::in, mlds_defn::out) is nondet.
+:- pred defns_contains_defn(list(mlds_defn)::in, mlds_defn::out) is nondet.
 defns_contains_defn(Defns, Name) :-
     list.member(Defn, Defns),
@@ -2139,7 +2141,7 @@
     ; defns_contains_defn(CtorDefns, Name)
-:- pred statements_contains_defn(statements::in, mlds_defn::out) is nondet.
+:- pred statements_contains_defn(list(statement)::in, mlds_defn::out) is nondet.
 statements_contains_defn(Statements, Defn) :-
     list.member(Statement, Statements),
@@ -2232,8 +2234,8 @@
 add_unchain_stack_to_maybe_statement(yes(Statement0), yes(Statement), !Info) :-
     add_unchain_stack_to_statement(Statement0, Statement, !Info).
-:- pred add_unchain_stack_to_statements(statements::in,
-    statements::out,
+:- pred add_unchain_stack_to_statements(
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     elim_info::in, elim_info::out) is det.
 add_unchain_stack_to_statements(!Statements, !Info) :-
Index: compiler/ml_optimize.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_optimize.m,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -r1.55 ml_optimize.m
--- compiler/ml_optimize.m	8 Sep 2008 03:39:03 -0000	1.55
+++ compiler/ml_optimize.m	14 Jan 2009 15:44:33 -0000
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 :- import_module io.
-:- pred optimize(mlds::in, mlds::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred mlds_optimize(mlds::in, mlds::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -64,36 +64,38 @@
 :- type opt_info
     --->    opt_info(
-                globals         :: globals,
-                module_name     :: mlds_module_name,
-                entity_name     :: mlds_entity_name,
-                func_params     :: mlds_func_params,
-                context         :: mlds_context
+                oi_globals          :: globals,
+                oi_module_name      :: mlds_module_name,
+                oi_entity_name      :: mlds_entity_name,
+                oi_func_params      :: mlds_func_params,
+                oi_context          :: mlds_context
-optimize(MLDS0, MLDS, !IO) :-
+mlds_optimize(!MLDS, !IO) :-
     globals.io_get_globals(Globals, !IO),
-    Defns = optimize_in_defns(MLDS0 ^ defns, Globals,
-        mercury_module_name_to_mlds(MLDS0 ^ name)),
-    MLDS = MLDS0 ^ defns := Defns.
+    Defns0 = !.MLDS ^ mlds_defns,
+    ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(!.MLDS ^ mlds_name),
+    optimize_in_defns(Globals, ModuleName, Defns0, Defns),
+    !MLDS ^ mlds_defns := Defns.
-:- func optimize_in_defns(mlds_defns, globals, mlds_module_name)
-    = mlds_defns.
+:- pred optimize_in_defns(globals::in, mlds_module_name::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
-optimize_in_defns(Defns, Globals, ModuleName) =
-    list.map(optimize_in_defn(ModuleName, Globals), Defns).
+optimize_in_defns(Globals, ModuleName, !Defns) :-
+    list.map(optimize_in_defn(ModuleName, Globals), !Defns).
-:- func optimize_in_defn(mlds_module_name, globals, mlds_defn) = mlds_defn.
+:- pred optimize_in_defn(mlds_module_name::in, globals::in,
+    mlds_defn::in, mlds_defn::out) is det.
-optimize_in_defn(ModuleName, Globals, Defn0) = Defn :-
+optimize_in_defn(ModuleName, Globals, Defn0, Defn) :-
     Defn0 = mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody0),
         DefnBody0 = mlds_function(PredProcId, Params, FuncBody0, Attributes,
         OptInfo = opt_info(Globals, ModuleName, Name, Params, Context),
-        FuncBody1 = optimize_func(OptInfo, FuncBody0),
-        FuncBody = optimize_in_function_body(OptInfo, FuncBody1),
+        optimize_func(OptInfo, FuncBody0, FuncBody1),
+        optimize_in_function_body(OptInfo, FuncBody1, FuncBody),
         DefnBody = mlds_function(PredProcId, Params, FuncBody, Attributes,
@@ -105,45 +107,60 @@
         DefnBody0 = mlds_class(ClassDefn0),
         ClassDefn0 = mlds_class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
             CtorDefns0, MemberDefns0),
-        MemberDefns = optimize_in_defns(MemberDefns0, Globals, ModuleName),
-        CtorDefns = optimize_in_defns(CtorDefns0, Globals, ModuleName),
+        optimize_in_defns(Globals, ModuleName, MemberDefns0, MemberDefns),
+        optimize_in_defns(Globals, ModuleName, CtorDefns0, CtorDefns),
         ClassDefn = mlds_class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
             CtorDefns, MemberDefns),
         DefnBody = mlds_class(ClassDefn),
         Defn = mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody)
-:- func optimize_in_function_body(opt_info, mlds_function_body)
-    = mlds_function_body.
+:- pred optimize_in_function_body(opt_info::in,
+    mlds_function_body::in, mlds_function_body::out) is det.
-optimize_in_function_body(_, body_external) = body_external.
-optimize_in_function_body(OptInfo, body_defined_here(Statement0)) =
-        body_defined_here(Statement) :-
-    Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0).
+optimize_in_function_body(OptInfo, !Body) :-
+    (
+        !.Body = body_external
+    ;
+        !.Body = body_defined_here(Statement0),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement),
+        !:Body = body_defined_here(Statement)
+    ).
-:- func optimize_in_maybe_statement(opt_info, maybe(statement))
-    = maybe(statement).
+:- pred optimize_in_maybe_statement(opt_info::in,
+    maybe(statement)::in, maybe(statement)::out) is det.
-optimize_in_maybe_statement(_, no) = no.
-optimize_in_maybe_statement(OptInfo, yes(Statement0)) = yes(Statement) :-
-    Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0).
+optimize_in_maybe_statement(OptInfo, !MaybeStatement) :-
+    (
+        !.MaybeStatement = no
+    ;
+        !.MaybeStatement = yes(Statement0),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement),
+        !:MaybeStatement = yes(Statement)
+    ).
-:- func optimize_in_statements(opt_info, list(statement)) = list(statement).
+:- pred optimize_in_statements(opt_info::in,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
-optimize_in_statements(OptInfo, Statements) =
-    list.map(optimize_in_statement(OptInfo), Statements).
+optimize_in_statements(OptInfo, !Statements) :-
+    list.map(optimize_in_statement(OptInfo), !Statements).
-:- func optimize_in_statement(opt_info, statement) = statement.
+:- pred optimize_in_statement(opt_info::in,
+    statement::in, statement::out) is det.
-optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, statement(Stmt, Context)) =
-    statement(optimize_in_stmt(OptInfo ^ context := Context, Stmt), Context).
+optimize_in_statement(!.OptInfo, !Statement) :-
+    !.Statement = statement(Stmt0, Context),
+    !OptInfo ^ oi_context := Context,
+    optimize_in_stmt(!.OptInfo, Stmt0, Stmt),
+    !:Statement = statement(Stmt, Context).
-:- func optimize_in_stmt(opt_info, mlds_stmt) = mlds_stmt.
+:- pred optimize_in_stmt(opt_info::in,
+    mlds_stmt::in, mlds_stmt::out) is det.
-optimize_in_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0) = Stmt :-
+optimize_in_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0, Stmt) :-
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
-        Stmt = optimize_in_call_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0)
+        optimize_in_call_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0, Stmt)
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_block(Defns0, Statements0),
@@ -151,26 +168,26 @@
         maybe_eliminate_locals(OptInfo, Defns1, Defns,
             Statements1, Statements2),
         maybe_flatten_block(Statements2, Statements3),
-        Statements = optimize_in_statements(OptInfo, Statements3),
+        optimize_in_statements(OptInfo, Statements3, Statements),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_block(Defns, Statements)
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_while(Rval, Statement0, Once),
-        Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_while(Rval, Statement, Once)
-        Stmt0 = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Rval, Then, MaybeElse),
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Rval,
-            optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Then),
-            map_maybe(optimize_in_statement(OptInfo), MaybeElse))
+        Stmt0 = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Rval, Then0, MaybeElse0),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Then0, Then),
+        optimize_in_maybe_statement(OptInfo, MaybeElse0, MaybeElse),
+        Stmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Rval, Then, MaybeElse)
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_switch(Type, Rval, Range, Cases0, Default0),
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_switch(Type, Rval, Range,
-            list.map(optimize_in_case(OptInfo), Cases0),
-            optimize_in_default(OptInfo, Default0))
+        list.map(optimize_in_case(OptInfo), Cases0, Cases),
+        optimize_in_default(OptInfo, Default0, Default),
+        Stmt = ml_stmt_switch(Type, Rval, Range, Cases, Default)
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_try_commit(Ref, TryGoal0, HandlerGoal0),
-        TryGoal = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, TryGoal0),
-        HandlerGoal = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, HandlerGoal0),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, TryGoal0, TryGoal),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, HandlerGoal0, HandlerGoal),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_try_commit(Ref, TryGoal, HandlerGoal)
         ( Stmt0 = ml_stmt_do_commit(_)
@@ -183,71 +200,76 @@
         Stmt = Stmt0
-:- func optimize_in_case(opt_info, mlds_switch_case) = mlds_switch_case.
+:- pred optimize_in_case(opt_info::in,
+    mlds_switch_case::in, mlds_switch_case::out) is det.
-optimize_in_case(OptInfo, Case0) = Case :-
+optimize_in_case(OptInfo, Case0, Case) :-
     Case0 = mlds_switch_case(Conds, Statement0),
-    Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0),
+    optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement),
     Case = mlds_switch_case(Conds, Statement).
-:- func optimize_in_default(opt_info, mlds_switch_default) =
-    mlds_switch_default.
+:- pred optimize_in_default(opt_info::in,
+    mlds_switch_default::in, mlds_switch_default::out) is det.
-optimize_in_default(_OptInfo, default_is_unreachable) = default_is_unreachable.
-optimize_in_default(_OptInfo, default_do_nothing) = default_do_nothing.
-optimize_in_default(OptInfo, default_case(Statement0)) =
-        default_case(Statement) :-
-    Statement = optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0).
+optimize_in_default(OptInfo, Default0, Default) :-
+    (
+        Default0 = default_is_unreachable,
+        Default = default_is_unreachable
+    ;
+        Default0 = default_do_nothing,
+        Default = default_do_nothing
+    ;
+        Default0 = default_case(Statement0),
+        optimize_in_statement(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement),
+        Default = default_case(Statement)
+    ).
 :- inst mlcall
     --->    ml_stmt_call(ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground).
-:- func optimize_in_call_stmt(opt_info::in, mlds_stmt::in(mlcall))
-    = (mlds_stmt::out) is det.
+:- pred optimize_in_call_stmt(opt_info::in,
+    mlds_stmt::in(mlcall), mlds_stmt::out) is det.
-optimize_in_call_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0) = Stmt :-
+optimize_in_call_stmt(OptInfo, Stmt0, Stmt) :-
     Stmt0 = ml_stmt_call(_Signature, FuncRval, _MaybeObject, CallArgs,
         _Results, _IsTailCall),
     % If we have a self-tailcall, assign to the arguments and
     % then goto the top of the tailcall loop.
+    Globals = OptInfo ^ oi_globals,
+    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, optimize_tailcalls, OptTailCalls),
-        globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ globals, optimize_tailcalls, yes),
-        can_optimize_tailcall(
-            qual(OptInfo ^ module_name, module_qual, OptInfo ^ entity_name),
-            Stmt0)
+        OptTailCalls = yes,
+        ModuleName = OptInfo ^ oi_module_name,
+        EntityName = OptInfo ^ oi_entity_name,
+        can_optimize_tailcall(qual(ModuleName, module_qual, EntityName), Stmt0)
+        Context = OptInfo ^ oi_context,
         CommentStatement = statement(
             ml_stmt_atomic(comment("direct tailcall eliminated")),
-            OptInfo ^ context),
-        GotoStatement = statement(
-            ml_stmt_goto(tailcall_loop_top(OptInfo ^ globals)),
-            OptInfo ^ context),
-        OptInfo ^ func_params = mlds_func_params(FuncArgs, _RetTypes),
+            Context),
+        GotoStatement = statement(ml_stmt_goto(tailcall_loop_top(Globals)),
+            Context),
+        OptInfo ^ oi_func_params = mlds_func_params(FuncArgs, _RetTypes),
         generate_assign_args(OptInfo, FuncArgs, CallArgs,
             AssignStatements, AssignDefns),
         AssignVarsStatement = statement(ml_stmt_block(AssignDefns,
-            AssignStatements), OptInfo ^ context),
+            AssignStatements), Context),
-        CallReplaceStatements = [
-            CommentStatement,
-            AssignVarsStatement,
-            GotoStatement
-            ],
+        CallReplaceStatements = [CommentStatement, AssignVarsStatement,
+            GotoStatement],
         Stmt = ml_stmt_block([], CallReplaceStatements)
-        % Convert calls to `mark_hp' and `restore_hp' to the
-        % corresponding MLDS instructions.  This ensures that
-        % they get generated as inline code.  (Without this
-        % they won't, since HLDS inlining doesn't get run again
-        % after the add_heap_ops pass that adds these calls.)
-        % This approach is better than running HLDS inlining
-        % again, both because it cheaper in compilation time
-        % and because inlining the C code doesn't help with
-        % the --target asm back-end, whereas generating the
-        % appropriate MLDS instructions does.
-        %
+        % Convert calls to `mark_hp' and `restore_hp' to the corresponding
+        % MLDS instructions. This ensures that they get generated as
+        % inline code. (Without this they won't, since HLDS inlining doesn't
+        % get run again after the add_heap_ops pass that adds these calls.)
+        % This approach is better than running HLDS inlining again,
+        % both because it cheaper in compilation time and because inlining
+        % the C code doesn't help with the --target asm back-end, whereas
+        % generating the appropriate MLDS instructions does.
         FuncRval = const(mlconst_code_addr(
             code_addr_proc(qual(ModName, module_qual, ProcLabel),
@@ -276,17 +298,17 @@
 :- func tailcall_loop_top(globals) = mlds_goto_target.
-tailcall_loop_top(Globals) =
+tailcall_loop_top(Globals) = Target :-
     ( target_supports_break_and_continue(Globals) ->
         % The function body has been wrapped inside
         % `while (true) { ... break; }', and so to branch to the top of the
         % function, we just do a `continue' which will continue the next
         % iteration of the loop.
-        continue
+        Target = continue
         % A label has been inserted at the start of the function, and so to
         % branch to the top of the function, we just branch to that label.
-        label(tailcall_loop_label_name)
+        Target = label(tailcall_loop_label_name)
     % The label name we use for the top of the loop introduced by
@@ -316,7 +338,8 @@
         % Extract the variable name.
         Name = entity_data(var(VarName))
-        QualVarName = qual(OptInfo ^ module_name, module_qual, VarName),
+        ModuleName = OptInfo ^ oi_module_name,
+        QualVarName = qual(ModuleName, module_qual, VarName),
             % Don't bother assigning a variable to itself.
             ArgRval = lval(var(QualVarName, _VarType))
@@ -345,21 +368,22 @@
             VarName = mlds_var_name(VarNameStr, MaybeNum),
             TempName = mlds_var_name(VarNameStr ++ "__tmp_copy", MaybeNum),
-            QualTempName = qual(OptInfo ^ module_name, module_qual, TempName),
+            QualTempName = qual(ModuleName, module_qual, TempName),
             Initializer = no_initializer,
             % We don't need to trace the temporary variables for GC, since they
             % are not live across a call or a heap allocation.
             GCStatement = gc_no_stmt,
+            Context = OptInfo ^ oi_context,
             TempDefn = ml_gen_mlds_var_decl_init(var(TempName), Type,
-                Initializer, GCStatement, OptInfo ^ context),
+                Initializer, GCStatement, Context),
             TempInitStatement = statement(
                 ml_stmt_atomic(assign(var(QualTempName, Type), ArgRval)),
-                OptInfo ^ context),
+                Context),
             AssignStatement = statement(
                     var(QualVarName, Type),
                     lval(var(QualTempName, Type)))),
-                OptInfo ^ context),
+                Context),
             generate_assign_args(OptInfo, Args, ArgRvals,
                 Statements0, TempDefns0),
             Statements = [TempInitStatement | Statements0] ++
@@ -373,25 +397,35 @@
-:- func optimize_func(opt_info, mlds_function_body) = mlds_function_body.
+:- pred optimize_func(opt_info::in,
+    mlds_function_body::in, mlds_function_body::out) is det.
-optimize_func(_, body_external) = body_external.
-optimize_func(OptInfo, body_defined_here(Statement)) =
-    body_defined_here(optimize_func_stmt(OptInfo, Statement)).
+optimize_func(OptInfo, Body0, Body) :-
+    (
+        Body0 = body_external,
+        Body = body_external
+    ;
+        Body0 = body_defined_here(Statement0),
+        optimize_func_stmt(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement),
+        Body = body_defined_here(Statement)
+    ).
-:- func optimize_func_stmt(opt_info, statement) = statement.
+:- pred optimize_func_stmt(opt_info::in,
+    statement::in, statement::out) is det.
-optimize_func_stmt(OptInfo, statement(Stmt0, Context)) =
-        statement(Stmt, Context) :-
+optimize_func_stmt(OptInfo, Statement0, Statement) :-
+    Statement0 = statement(Stmt0, Context),
     % Tailcall optimization -- if we do a self tailcall, we can turn it
     % into a loop.
+    Globals = OptInfo ^ oi_globals,
-        globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ globals, optimize_tailcalls, yes),
+        globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, optimize_tailcalls, yes),
         stmt_contains_statement(Stmt0, Call),
         Call = statement(CallStmt, _),
-        can_optimize_tailcall(
-            qual(OptInfo ^ module_name, module_qual, OptInfo ^ entity_name),
+        ModuleName = OptInfo ^ oi_module_name,
+        EntityName = OptInfo ^ oi_entity_name,
+        can_optimize_tailcall(qual(ModuleName, module_qual, EntityName),
         Comment = ml_stmt_atomic(comment("tailcall optimized into a loop")),
@@ -400,7 +434,7 @@
         % or using a label and goto.  We prefer to use the former, if possible,
         % since it is a higher-level construct that may help the back-end
         % compiler's optimizer.
-        ( target_supports_break_and_continue(OptInfo ^ globals) ->
+        ( target_supports_break_and_continue(Globals) ->
             % Wrap a while loop around the function body:
             %   while (true) {
             %       /* tailcall optimized into a loop */
@@ -432,7 +466,8 @@
         Stmt = Stmt0
-    ).
+    ),
+    Statement = statement(Stmt, Context).
 :- pred target_supports_break_and_continue(globals::in) is semidet.
@@ -460,18 +495,18 @@
     % a compiler limit in the Microsoft C compiler (version 13.10.3077) for
     % too deeply nested blocks.
-:- pred maybe_flatten_block(statements::in, statements::out) is det.
+:- pred maybe_flatten_block(list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
 maybe_flatten_block(!Stmts) :-
     !:Stmts = list.condense(list.map(flatten_block, !.Stmts)).
-:- func flatten_block(statement) = statements.
+:- func flatten_block(statement) = list(statement).
-flatten_block(Statement) =
+flatten_block(Statement) = Statements :-
     ( Statement = statement(ml_stmt_block([], BlockStatements), _) ->
-        BlockStatements
+        Statements = BlockStatements
-        [Statement]
+        Statements = [Statement]
@@ -560,23 +595,21 @@
 %       ...
 :- pred maybe_convert_assignments_into_initializers(opt_info::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::in, statements::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
 maybe_convert_assignments_into_initializers(OptInfo, !Defns, !Statements) :-
-    (
-        % Check if --optimize-initializations is enabled
-        globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ globals,
-            optimize_initializations, yes)
-    ->
+    Globals = OptInfo ^ oi_globals,
+    % Check if --optimize-initializations is enabled.
+    ( globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, optimize_initializations, yes) ->
         convert_assignments_into_initializers(OptInfo, !Defns, !Statements)
 :- pred convert_assignments_into_initializers(opt_info::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::in, statements::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
 convert_assignments_into_initializers(OptInfo, !Defns, !Statements) :-
@@ -587,7 +620,7 @@
         LHS = var(ThisVar, _ThisType),
         ThisVar = qual(Qualifier, QualKind, VarName),
         ThisData = qual(Qualifier, QualKind, var(VarName)),
-        Qualifier = OptInfo ^ module_name,
+        Qualifier = OptInfo ^ oi_module_name,
         list.takewhile(isnt(var_defn(VarName)), !.Defns,
             _PrecedingDefns, [_VarDefn | FollowingDefns]),
@@ -609,7 +642,7 @@
         % Replace the assignment statement with an initializer
         % on the variable declaration.
-        set_initializer(!.Defns, VarName, RHS, !:Defns),
+        set_initializer(VarName, RHS, !Defns),
         % Now try to apply the same optimization again.
         convert_assignments_into_initializers(OptInfo, !Defns, !Statements)
@@ -623,17 +656,17 @@
 var_defn(VarName, Defn) :-
     Defn = mlds_defn(entity_data(var(VarName)), _, _, _).
-    % set_initializer(Defns0, VarName, Rval, Defns):
+    % set_initializer(VarName, Rval, Defns0, Defns):
     % Finds the first definition of the specified variable in Defns0,
     % and replaces the initializer of that definition with init_obj(Rval).
-:- pred set_initializer(mlds_defns::in, mlds_var_name::in, mlds_rval::in,
-    mlds_defns::out) is det.
+:- pred set_initializer(mlds_var_name::in, mlds_rval::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
-set_initializer([], _, _, _) :-
+set_initializer(_, _, [], _) :-
     unexpected(this_file, "set_initializer: var not found!").
-set_initializer([Defn0 | Defns0], VarName, Rval, [Defn | Defns]) :-
+set_initializer(VarName, Rval, [Defn0 | Defns0], [Defn | Defns]) :-
     Defn0 = mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody0),
         Name = entity_data(var(VarName)),
@@ -644,7 +677,7 @@
         Defns = Defns0
         Defn = Defn0,
-        set_initializer(Defns0, VarName, Rval, Defns)
+        set_initializer(VarName, Rval, Defns0, Defns)
@@ -657,11 +690,12 @@
 % would be to do one pass to figure out which variables could be eliminated,
 % and then do another pass to actually eliminate them.
-:- pred maybe_eliminate_locals(opt_info::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::in, statements::out) is det.
+:- pred maybe_eliminate_locals(opt_info::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
 maybe_eliminate_locals(OptInfo, !Defns, !Statements) :-
-    globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ globals, eliminate_local_vars,
+    globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ oi_globals, eliminate_local_vars,
         EliminateLocalVars = yes,
@@ -670,10 +704,11 @@
         EliminateLocalVars = no
-:- pred eliminate_locals(opt_info::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::in, statements::out) is det.
+:- pred eliminate_locals(opt_info::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
-eliminate_locals(_OptInfo, [], [], Statements, Statements).
+eliminate_locals(_OptInfo, [], [], !Statements).
 eliminate_locals(OptInfo, [Defn0 | Defns0], Defns, !Statements) :-
     ( try_to_eliminate_defn(OptInfo, Defn0, Defns0, Defns1, !Statements) ->
         eliminate_locals(OptInfo, Defns1, Defns, !Statements)
@@ -712,8 +747,9 @@
     % or if any of the statements or definitions take the address
     % of the variable, or assign to it.
-:- pred try_to_eliminate_defn(opt_info::in, mlds_defn::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::in, statements::out) is semidet.
+:- pred try_to_eliminate_defn(opt_info::in, mlds_defn::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is semidet.
 try_to_eliminate_defn(OptInfo, Defn0, Defns0, Defns, !Statements) :-
     Defn0 = mlds_defn(Name, _Context, Flags, DefnBody),
@@ -724,7 +760,7 @@
     DefnBody = mlds_data(_Type, Initializer, _GCStatement),
     % ... with a known initial value.
-    QualVarName = qual(OptInfo ^ module_name, module_qual, VarName),
+    QualVarName = qual(OptInfo ^ oi_module_name, module_qual, VarName),
         Initializer = init_obj(Rval)
@@ -747,8 +783,9 @@
-        globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ globals, reorder_conj, yes),
-        globals.lookup_bool_option(OptInfo ^ globals, reorder_disj, yes)
+        Globals = OptInfo ^ oi_globals,
+        globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, reorder_conj, yes),
+        globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, reorder_disj, yes)
     % Replace uses of this variable with the variable's value,
@@ -810,7 +847,7 @@
     % value can't be determined.
 :- pred find_initial_val_in_statements(mlds_var::in, mlds_rval::out,
-    statements::in, statements::out) is semidet.
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is semidet.
 find_initial_val_in_statements(VarName, Rval, [Statement0 | Statements0],
         Statements) :-
@@ -868,7 +905,8 @@
     % transformation should not be performed.
 :- pred eliminate_var(mlds_var::in, mlds_rval::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out, statements::in, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     int::out, bool::out) is det.
 eliminate_var(QualVarName, VarRval, !Defns, !Statements, Count, Invalidated) :-
@@ -886,15 +924,15 @@
 % ^replace_count field for each occurrence as an rvalue, and setting
 % ^invalidated to yes if the variable occurs as an lvalue.
-:- pred eliminate_var_in_block(mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::in, statements::out,
+:- pred eliminate_var_in_block(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     var_elim_info::in, var_elim_info::out) is det.
 eliminate_var_in_block(!Defns, !Statements, !VarElimInfo) :-
     eliminate_var_in_defns(!Defns, !VarElimInfo),
     eliminate_var_in_statements(!Statements, !VarElimInfo).
-:- pred eliminate_var_in_defns(mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out,
+:- pred eliminate_var_in_defns(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
     var_elim_info::in, var_elim_info::out) is det.
 eliminate_var_in_defns(!Defns, !VarElimInfo) :-
@@ -1039,7 +1077,7 @@
 :- pred eliminate_var_in_statements(
-    statements::in, statements::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     var_elim_info::in, var_elim_info::out) is det.
 eliminate_var_in_statements(!Statements, !VarElimInfo) :-
Index: compiler/ml_simplify_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_simplify_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -r1.26 ml_simplify_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_simplify_switch.m	11 Feb 2008 21:26:02 -0000	1.26
+++ compiler/ml_simplify_switch.m	14 Jan 2009 14:32:46 -0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_type.
 :- import_module bool.
+:- import_module cord.
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module list.
 :- import_module map.
@@ -272,7 +273,7 @@
 :- pred generate_dense_switch(list(mlds_switch_case)::in,
     mlds_switch_default::in, int::in, int::in, bool::in,
     mlds_type::in, mlds_rval::in, mlds_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 generate_dense_switch(Cases, Default, FirstVal, LastVal, NeedRangeCheck,
@@ -328,18 +329,19 @@
         DoSwitch = statement(ml_stmt_if_then_else(InRange, SwitchBody, Else),
-        Statements = [StartComment, DoSwitch] ++
-            [EndLabelStatement, EndComment]
+        Statements = [StartComment, DoSwitch, EndLabelStatement, EndComment]
         NeedRangeCheck = no,
-        Statements = [StartComment, DoJump | CasesCode] ++
-            DefaultStatements ++ [EndLabelStatement, EndComment]
+        Statements =
+            [StartComment, DoJump | CasesCode] ++
+            DefaultStatements ++
+            [EndLabelStatement, EndComment]
     Decls = CasesDecls.
 :- pred generate_cases(list(mlds_switch_case)::in, mlds_label::in,
     case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 generate_cases([], _EndLabel, !CaseLabelsMap, [], [], !Info).
@@ -358,7 +360,7 @@
 :- pred generate_case(mlds_switch_case::in, mlds_label::in,
     case_labels_map::in, case_labels_map::out,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 generate_case(Case, EndLabel, CaseLabelsMap0, CaseLabelsMap,
Index: compiler/ml_string_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_string_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 ml_string_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_string_switch.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:50 -0000	1.37
+++ compiler/ml_string_switch.m	14 Jan 2009 14:47:29 -0000
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 :- pred ml_generate_string_switch(list(tagged_case)::in, prog_var::in,
     code_model::in, can_fail::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out)
-    is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
+    ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
@@ -121,9 +121,8 @@
         ( CodeModel = model_semi
         ; CodeModel = model_non
-        FailComment =
-            statement(ml_stmt_atomic(comment("no match, so fail")),
-                MLDS_Context),
+        FailComment = statement(ml_stmt_atomic(comment("no match, so fail")),
+            MLDS_Context),
         ml_gen_failure(CodeModel, Context, FailStatements, !Info)
@@ -226,7 +225,9 @@
     % Collect all the generated variable/constant declarations
     % and code fragments together.
     Decls = [NextSlotsDefn, StringTableDefn, SlotVarDefn, StringVarDefn],
-    Statements = HashLookupStatements ++ [FailComment | FailStatements] ++
+    Statements =
+        HashLookupStatements ++
+        [FailComment | FailStatements] ++
         [EndLabelStatement, EndComment].
Index: compiler/ml_switch_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -r1.37 ml_switch_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_switch_gen.m	11 Feb 2008 21:26:02 -0000	1.37
+++ compiler/ml_switch_gen.m	14 Jan 2009 14:34:12 -0000
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_switch(prog_var::in, can_fail::in, list(case)::in,
     code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate an appropriate default for a switch.
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
 :- pred ml_switch_generate_if_then_else_chain(list(tagged_case)::in,
     prog_var::in, code_model::in, can_fail::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_switch_generate_if_then_else_chain([], _Var, CodeModel, CanFail, Context,
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
 :- pred ml_switch_generate_mlds_switch(list(tagged_case)::in,
     prog_var::in, code_model::in, can_fail::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_switch_generate_mlds_switch(Cases, Var, CodeModel, CanFail, Context,
@@ -492,11 +492,9 @@
         CanFail = can_fail,
         ml_gen_failure(CodeModel, Context, FailStatements, !Info),
-        (
-            FailStatements = [],
+        ( is_empty(FailStatements) ->
             Default = default_do_nothing
-            FailStatements = [_ | _],
             Fail = ml_gen_block([], FailStatements, Context),
             Default = default_case(Fail)
Index: compiler/ml_tag_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_tag_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -r1.27 ml_tag_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_tag_switch.m	21 Jan 2008 00:32:52 -0000	1.27
+++ compiler/ml_tag_switch.m	14 Jan 2009 14:34:19 -0000
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
 :- pred ml_generate_tag_switch(list(tagged_case)::in, prog_var::in,
     code_model::in, can_fail::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out)
-    is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
+    ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
Index: compiler/ml_tailcall.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_tailcall.m,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -r1.48 ml_tailcall.m
--- compiler/ml_tailcall.m	21 Jan 2008 00:32:52 -0000	1.48
+++ compiler/ml_tailcall.m	14 Jan 2009 15:44:44 -0000
@@ -90,8 +90,10 @@
-ml_mark_tailcalls(MLDS0, MLDS, !IO) :-
-    MLDS = MLDS0 ^ defns := mark_tailcalls_in_defns(MLDS0 ^ defns).
+ml_mark_tailcalls(!MLDS, !IO) :-
+    Defns0 = !.MLDS ^ mlds_defns,
+    mark_tailcalls_in_defns(Defns0, Defns),
+    !MLDS ^ mlds_defns := Defns.
@@ -105,8 +107,8 @@
     % which are in scope.
 :- type locals == list(local_defns).
 :- type local_defns
-    --->    params(mlds_arguments)
-    ;       defns(mlds_defns).
+    --->    local_params(mlds_arguments)
+    ;       local_defns(list(mlds_defn)).
@@ -128,20 +130,22 @@
 %   The `Locals' argument contains a list of the
 %   local definitions which are in scope at this point.
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_defns(mlds_defns) = mlds_defns.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_defns(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out)
+    is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_defns(Defns) = list.map(mark_tailcalls_in_defn, Defns).
+mark_tailcalls_in_defns(Defns0, Defns) :-
+    list.map(mark_tailcalls_in_defn, Defns0, Defns).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_defn(mlds_defn) = mlds_defn.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_defn(mlds_defn::in, mlds_defn::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_defn(Defn0) = Defn :-
+mark_tailcalls_in_defn(Defn0, Defn) :-
     Defn0 = mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody0),
         DefnBody0 = mlds_function(PredProcId, Params, FuncBody0, Attributes,
         % Compute the initial value of the `Locals' and `AtTail' arguments.
         Params = mlds_func_params(Args, RetTypes),
-        Locals = [params(Args)],
+        Locals = [local_params(Args)],
             RetTypes = [],
             AtTail = yes([])
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@
             RetTypes = [_ | _],
             AtTail = no
-        FuncBody = mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(FuncBody0, AtTail, Locals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(AtTail, Locals, FuncBody0, FuncBody),
         DefnBody = mlds_function(PredProcId, Params, FuncBody, Attributes,
         Defn = mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody)
@@ -160,42 +164,54 @@
         DefnBody0 = mlds_class(ClassDefn0),
         ClassDefn0 = mlds_class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
             CtorDefns0, MemberDefns0),
-        CtorDefns = mark_tailcalls_in_defns(CtorDefns0),
-        MemberDefns = mark_tailcalls_in_defns(MemberDefns0),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_defns(CtorDefns0, CtorDefns),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_defns(MemberDefns0, MemberDefns),
         ClassDefn = mlds_class_defn(Kind, Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
             CtorDefns, MemberDefns),
         DefnBody = mlds_class(ClassDefn),
         Defn = mlds_defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody)
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(mlds_function_body, at_tail, locals)
-    = mlds_function_body.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    mlds_function_body::in, mlds_function_body::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(body_external, _, _) = body_external.
-mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(body_defined_here(Statement0), AtTail, Locals)
-        = body_defined_here(Statement) :-
-    Statement = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, AtTail, Locals).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(maybe(statement), at_tail, locals)
-    = maybe(statement).
-mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(no, _, _) = no.
-mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(yes(Statement0), AtTail, Locals) =
-        yes(Statement) :-
-    Statement = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, AtTail, Locals).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_statements(statements, at_tail, locals)
-    = statements.
-mark_tailcalls_in_statements([], _, _) = [].
-mark_tailcalls_in_statements([First0 | Rest0], AtTail, Locals) =
-        [First | Rest] :-
+mark_tailcalls_in_function_body(AtTail, Locals, Body0, Body) :-
+    (
+        Body0 = body_external,
+        Body = body_external
+    ;
+        Body0 = body_defined_here(Statement0),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Statement0, Statement),
+        Body = body_defined_here(Statement)
+    ).
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    maybe(statement)::in, maybe(statement)::out) is det.
+mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(AtTail, Locals,
+        MaybeStatement0, MaybeStatement) :-
+    (
+        MaybeStatement0 = no,
+        MaybeStatement = no
+    ;
+        MaybeStatement0 = yes(Statement0),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Statement0, Statement),
+        MaybeStatement = yes(Statement)
+    ).
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_statements(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out) is det.
+mark_tailcalls_in_statements(_, _, [], []).
+mark_tailcalls_in_statements(AtTail, Locals,
+        [First0 | Rest0], [First | Rest]) :-
     % If there are no statements after the first, then the first statement
     % is in a tail call position iff the statement list is in a tail call
     % position. If the First statement is followed by a `return' statement,
     % then it is in a tailcall position. Otherwise, i.e. if the first statement
     % is followed by anything other than a `return' statement, then
     % the first statement is not in a tail call position.
+    mark_tailcalls_in_statements(AtTail, Locals, Rest0, Rest),
         Rest = [],
         FirstAtTail = AtTail
@@ -207,19 +223,20 @@
             FirstAtTail = no
-    First = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(First0, FirstAtTail, Locals),
-    Rest = mark_tailcalls_in_statements(Rest0, AtTail, Locals).
+    mark_tailcalls_in_statement(FirstAtTail, Locals, First0, First).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_statement(statement, at_tail, locals) = statement.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_statement(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    statement::in, statement::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, AtTail, Locals) = Statement :-
+mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Statement0, Statement) :-
     Statement0 = statement(Stmt0, Context),
-    Stmt = mark_tailcalls_in_stmt(Stmt0, AtTail, Locals),
+    mark_tailcalls_in_stmt(AtTail, Locals, Stmt0, Stmt),
     Statement = statement(Stmt, Context).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_stmt(mlds_stmt, at_tail, locals) = mlds_stmt.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_stmt(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    mlds_stmt::in, mlds_stmt::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_stmt(Stmt0, AtTail, Locals) = Stmt :-
+mark_tailcalls_in_stmt(AtTail, Locals, Stmt0, Stmt) :-
         % Whenever we encounter a block statement, we recursively mark
         % tailcalls in any nested functions defined in that block.
@@ -228,31 +245,31 @@
         % statements in that block. The statement list will be in a tail
         % position iff the block is in a tail position.
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_block(Defns0, Statements0),
-        Defns = mark_tailcalls_in_defns(Defns0),
-        NewLocals = [defns(Defns) | Locals],
-        Statements = mark_tailcalls_in_statements(Statements0,
-            AtTail, NewLocals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_defns(Defns0, Defns),
+        NewLocals = [local_defns(Defns) | Locals],
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statements(AtTail, NewLocals,
+            Statements0, Statements),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_block(Defns, Statements)
         % The statement in the body of a while loop is never in a tail
         % position.
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_while(Rval, Statement0, Once),
-        Statement = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, no, Locals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(no, Locals, Statement0, Statement),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_while(Rval, Statement, Once)
         % Both the `then' and the `else' parts of an if-then-else are in a
         % tail position iff the if-then-else is in a tail position.
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Cond, Then0, MaybeElse0),
-        Then = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Then0, AtTail, Locals),
-        MaybeElse = mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(MaybeElse0,
-            AtTail, Locals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Then0, Then),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_maybe_statement(AtTail, Locals,
+            MaybeElse0, MaybeElse),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Cond, Then, MaybeElse)
         % All of the cases of a switch (including the default) are in a
         % tail position iff the switch is in a tail position.
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_switch(Type, Val, Range, Cases0, Default0),
-        Cases = mark_tailcalls_in_cases(Cases0, AtTail, Locals),
-        Default = mark_tailcalls_in_default(Default0, AtTail, Locals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_cases(AtTail, Locals, Cases0, Cases),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_default(AtTail, Locals, Default0, Default),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_switch(Type, Val, Range, Cases, Default)
         Stmt0 = ml_stmt_call(Sig, Func, Obj, Args, ReturnLvals, CallKind0),
@@ -288,8 +305,8 @@
         % Both the statement inside a `try_commit' and the handler are in
         % tail call position iff the `try_commit' statement is in a tail call
         % position.
-        Statement = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, AtTail, Locals),
-        Handler = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Handler0, AtTail, Locals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Statement0, Statement),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Handler0, Handler),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_try_commit(Ref, Statement, Handler)
         ( Stmt0 = ml_stmt_label(_)
@@ -302,26 +319,26 @@
         Stmt = Stmt0
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_cases(list(mlds_switch_case), at_tail, locals) =
-    list(mlds_switch_case).
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_cases(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    list(mlds_switch_case)::in, list(mlds_switch_case)::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_cases([], _, _) = [].
-mark_tailcalls_in_cases([Case0 | Cases0], AtTail, Locals) = [Case | Cases] :-
-    Case = mark_tailcalls_in_case(Case0, AtTail, Locals),
-    Cases = mark_tailcalls_in_cases(Cases0, AtTail, Locals).
+mark_tailcalls_in_cases(_, _, [], []).
+mark_tailcalls_in_cases(AtTail, Locals, [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases]) :-
+    mark_tailcalls_in_case(AtTail, Locals, Case0, Case),
+    mark_tailcalls_in_cases(AtTail, Locals, Cases0, Cases).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_case(mlds_switch_case, at_tail, locals) =
-    mlds_switch_case.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_case(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    mlds_switch_case::in, mlds_switch_case::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_case(Case0, AtTail, Locals) = Case :-
+mark_tailcalls_in_case(AtTail, Locals, Case0, Case) :-
     Case0 = mlds_switch_case(Cond, Statement0),
-    Statement = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, AtTail, Locals),
+    mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Statement0, Statement),
     Case = mlds_switch_case(Cond, Statement).
-:- func mark_tailcalls_in_default(mlds_switch_default, at_tail, locals) =
-    mlds_switch_default.
+:- pred mark_tailcalls_in_default(at_tail::in, locals::in,
+    mlds_switch_default::in, mlds_switch_default::out) is det.
-mark_tailcalls_in_default(Default0, AtTail, Locals) = Default :-
+mark_tailcalls_in_default(AtTail, Locals, Default0, Default) :-
         ( Default0 = default_is_unreachable
         ; Default0 = default_do_nothing
@@ -329,7 +346,7 @@
         Default = Default0
         Default0 = default_case(Statement0),
-        Statement = mark_tailcalls_in_statement(Statement0, AtTail, Locals),
+        mark_tailcalls_in_statement(AtTail, Locals, Statement0, Statement),
         Default = default_case(Statement)
@@ -548,11 +565,11 @@
 locals_member(Name, LocalsList) :-
     list.member(Locals, LocalsList),
-        Locals = defns(Defns),
+        Locals = local_defns(Defns),
         list.member(Defn, Defns),
         Defn = mlds_defn(Name, _, _, _)
-        Locals = params(Params),
+        Locals = local_params(Params),
         list.member(Param, Params),
         Param = mlds_argument(Name, _, _)
@@ -578,7 +595,7 @@
     MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName),
     nontailcall_in_defns(MLDS_ModuleName, Defns, Warning).
-:- pred nontailcall_in_defns(mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
+:- pred nontailcall_in_defns(mlds_module_name::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
     tailcall_warning::out) is nondet.
 nontailcall_in_defns(ModuleName, Defns, Warning) :-
Index: compiler/ml_type_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_type_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -r1.76 ml_type_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_type_gen.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:51 -0000	1.76
+++ compiler/ml_type_gen.m	14 Jan 2009 15:16:03 -0000
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % File: ml_type_gen.m
 % Main author: fjh
 % MLDS type generation -- convert HLDS types to MLDS.
 % For enumerations, we use a Java-style emulation: we convert them
 % to classes with a single int member, plus a bunch of static (one_copy)
 % const members for the different enumerations consts.
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 % to each of the constructors which are defined from the base class type.
 % For constructors which are represented as the addresses of specially reserved
 % objects, we generate the static (one_copy) members for those objects.
 :- module ml_backend.ml_type_gen.
@@ -32,12 +32,14 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_data.
 :- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
     % Generate MLDS definitions for all the types in the HLDS.
-:- pred ml_gen_types(module_info::in, mlds_defns::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred ml_gen_types(module_info::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det.
     % Given an HLDS type_ctor, generate the MLDS class name and arity
     % for the corresponding MLDS type.
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_type_defn(module_info::in, type_table::in, type_ctor::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_type_defn(ModuleInfo, TypeTable, TypeCtor, MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
     map.lookup(TypeTable, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
@@ -146,7 +148,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_type_2(hlds_type_body::in, module_info::in, type_ctor::in,
-    hlds_type_defn::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    hlds_type_defn::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_type_2(TypeBody, ModuleInfo, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, !Defns) :-
@@ -206,8 +208,8 @@
     % a C enum rather than a class).
 :- pred ml_gen_enum_type(type_ctor::in, hlds_type_defn::in,
-    list(constructor)::in, cons_tag_values::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(constructor)::in, cons_tag_values::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_enum_type(TypeCtor, TypeDefn, Ctors, TagValues,
         MaybeEqualityMembers, MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
@@ -222,7 +224,8 @@
     ValueMember = ml_gen_enum_value_member(Context),
     EnumConstMembers = list.map(ml_gen_enum_constant(Context, TagValues),
-    Members = MaybeEqualityMembers ++ [ValueMember | EnumConstMembers],
+    Members = MaybeEqualityMembers ++
+        [ValueMember | EnumConstMembers],
     % Enums don't import or inherit anything.
     Imports = [],
@@ -383,7 +386,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_du_parent_type(module_info::in, type_ctor::in,
     hlds_type_defn::in, list(constructor)::in, cons_tag_values::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_du_parent_type(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor, TypeDefn, Ctors, TagValues,
         MaybeEqualityMembers, MLDS_Defns0, MLDS_Defns) :-
@@ -403,7 +406,7 @@
         % If none of the constructors for this type need a secondary tag,
         % then we don't need the members for the secondary tag.
-        %
         \+ (some [Ctor] (
             list.member(Ctor, Ctors),
             ml_needs_secondary_tag(TagValues, Ctor)
@@ -477,7 +480,7 @@
         mlds_data(mlds_native_int_type, no_initializer, gc_no_stmt)).
 :- func ml_gen_tag_constant(prog_context, cons_tag_values, constructor)
-    = mlds_defns.
+    = list(mlds_defn).
 ml_gen_tag_constant(Context, ConsTagValues, Ctor) = MLDS_Defns :-
     % Check if this constructor uses a secondary tag.
@@ -554,7 +557,7 @@
     % constructors use secondary tags.
 :- pred ml_gen_secondary_tag_class(mlds_context::in, mlds_module_name::in,
-    mlds_class_id::in, mlds_defns::in, compilation_target::in,
+    mlds_class_id::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, compilation_target::in,
     mlds_defn::out, mlds_class_id::out) is det.
 ml_gen_secondary_tag_class(MLDS_Context, BaseClassQualifier, BaseClassId,
@@ -585,8 +588,8 @@
     MLDS_TypeFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
     MLDS_TypeDefnBody = mlds_class(mlds_class_defn(mlds_class,
         Imports, Inherits, Implements, Ctors, Members)),
-    MLDS_TypeDefn = mlds_defn(MLDS_TypeName, MLDS_Context, MLDS_TypeFlags,
-        MLDS_TypeDefnBody).
+    MLDS_TypeDefn = mlds_defn(MLDS_TypeName, MLDS_Context,
+        MLDS_TypeFlags, MLDS_TypeDefnBody).
     % Generate definitions corresponding to a constructor of a discriminated
     % union type. This will be one of the following:
@@ -598,8 +601,9 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_du_ctor_member(module_info::in, mlds_class_id::in,
     mlds_module_name::in, mlds_class_id::in, hlds_type_defn::in,
-    cons_tag_values::in, constructor::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    cons_tag_values::in, constructor::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 ml_gen_du_ctor_member(ModuleInfo, BaseClassId, BaseClassQualifier,
         SecondaryTagClassId, TypeDefn, ConsTagValues, Ctor,
@@ -624,7 +628,7 @@
             % back-ends, we need to ensure that the type used for the reserved
             % object has at least one data member, to make sure that each
             % reserved object gets a distinct address.
-            %
             MLDS_ReservedObjName = ml_format_reserved_object_name(
                 UnqualCtorName, CtorArity),
             MLDS_ReservedObjDefn = ml_gen_static_const_defn(
@@ -672,14 +676,16 @@
         list.map_foldl(ml_gen_du_ctor_field(ModuleInfo, Context),
             Args, OrdinaryMembers, ArgNum2, _ArgNum3),
-        list.append(ExtraMembers, OrdinaryMembers, Members),
+        Members = ExtraMembers ++ OrdinaryMembers,
         % Generate a constructor function to initialize the fields, if needed
         % (not all back-ends use constructor functions).
         MaybeSecTagVal = get_secondary_tag(TagVal),
         module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
         globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
-        ( target_uses_constructors(Target) = yes ->
+        UsesConstructors = target_uses_constructors(Target),
+        (
+            UsesConstructors = yes,
             ( ml_tag_uses_base_class(TagVal) ->
                 CtorClassType = BaseClassId,
                 CtorClassQualifier = BaseClassQualifier
@@ -715,6 +721,7 @@
                 Ctors = [CtorFunction]
+            UsesConstructors = no,
             Ctors = []
@@ -784,9 +791,9 @@
 target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_il) = yes.
 target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_java) = yes.
 target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_asm) = no.
-target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_x86_64) = 
+target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_x86_64) =
     unexpected(this_file, "target_x86_64 and --high-level-code").
-target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_erlang) = 
+target_uses_empty_base_classes(target_erlang) =
     unexpected(this_file, "target erlang").
     % This should return yes if references to function parameters in
@@ -803,13 +810,13 @@
 target_requires_module_qualified_params(target_il) = no.
 target_requires_module_qualified_params(target_java) = yes.
 target_requires_module_qualified_params(target_asm) = no.
-target_requires_module_qualified_params(target_x86_64) = 
+target_requires_module_qualified_params(target_x86_64) =
     unexpected(this_file, "target_x86_64 with --high-level-code").
 target_requires_module_qualified_params(target_erlang) =
     unexpected(this_file, "target erlang").
 :- func gen_constructor_function(globals, mlds_class_id,
-    mlds_type, mlds_module_name, mlds_class_id, maybe(int), mlds_defns,
+    mlds_type, mlds_module_name, mlds_class_id, maybe(int), list(mlds_defn),
     mlds_context) = mlds_defn.
 gen_constructor_function(Globals, BaseClassId, ClassType, ClassQualifier,
@@ -1057,7 +1064,7 @@
 ml_gen_exported_enums(ModuleInfo, MLDS_ExportedEnums, !IO) :-
      module_info_get_exported_enums(ModuleInfo, ExportedEnumInfo),
-     module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable), 
+     module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
      list.map_foldl(ml_gen_exported_enum(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
         ExportedEnumInfo, MLDS_ExportedEnums, !IO).
@@ -1098,7 +1105,7 @@
         TagVal = int_tag(Int),
         ConstValue = const(mlconst_int(Int))
-    ; 
+    ;
         TagVal = foreign_tag(Lang, String),
         ConstValue = const(mlconst_foreign(Lang, String, mlds_native_int_type))
@@ -1127,7 +1134,7 @@
     UnqualName = unqualify_name(QualName),
     UnqualSymName = unqualified(UnqualName),
     map.lookup(Mapping, UnqualSymName, ForeignName),
-    list.cons(ForeignName - EntityDefn, !NamesAndTags).
+    !:NamesAndTags = [ForeignName - EntityDefn | !.NamesAndTags].
Index: compiler/ml_unify_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_unify_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -r1.127 ml_unify_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_unify_gen.m	14 Jan 2009 08:38:46 -0000	1.127
+++ compiler/ml_unify_gen.m	16 Jan 2009 02:17:18 -0000
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     % Generate MLDS code for a unification.
 :- pred ml_gen_unification(unification::in, code_model::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Convert a cons_id for a given type to a cons_tag.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     % by ConsId.
 :- pred ml_gen_tag_test(prog_var::in, cons_id::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out, mlds_rval::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out, mlds_rval::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % ml_gen_secondary_tag_rval(PrimaryTag, VarType, ModuleInfo, VarRval):
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_new_object(maybe(cons_id)::in, mlds_tag::in, bool::in,
     maybe(ctor_name)::in, prog_var::in, list(mlds_rval)::in,
     list(mlds_type)::in, prog_vars::in, list(uni_mode)::in, list(int)::in,
-    how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
         Unification = assign(TargetVar, SourceVar),
         expect(unify(CodeModel, model_det), this_file,
-            "ml_code_gen: assign not det"),
+            "ml_gen_unification: assign not det"),
         ml_variable_type(!.Info, TargetVar, Type),
         ml_gen_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
         IsDummyType = check_dummy_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
         Unification = simple_test(Var1, Var2),
         expect(unify(CodeModel, model_semi), this_file,
-            "ml_code_gen: simple_test not semidet"),
+            "ml_gen_unification: simple_test not semidet"),
         ml_variable_type(!.Info, Var1, Type),
         ( Type = builtin_type(builtin_type_string) ->
             EqualityOp = str_eq
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
         Unification = construct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, HowToConstruct,
             _CellIsUnique, SubInfo),
         expect(unify(CodeModel, model_det), this_file,
-            "ml_code_gen: construct not det"),
+            "ml_gen_unification: construct not det"),
             SubInfo = no_construct_sub_info,
             TakeAddr = []
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
                 MaybeTakeAddr = yes(TakeAddr)
             expect(unify(MaybeSizeProfInfo, no), this_file,
-                "ml_code_gen: term size profiling not yet supported")
+                "ml_gen_unification: term size profiling not yet supported")
         ml_gen_construct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, TakeAddr, HowToConstruct,
             Context, Decls, Statements, !Info)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
                 Decls, Unif_Statements, !Info)
-            % Note that we can deallocate a cell even if the unification fails,
+            % Note that we can deallocate a cell even if the unification fails;
             % it is the responsibility of the structure reuse phase to ensure
             % that this is safe.
             CanCGC = can_cgc,
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@
             % XXX Avoid strip_tag when we know what tag it will have.
             Delete = delete_object(unop(std_unop(strip_tag), lval(VarLval))),
             Stmt = ml_stmt_atomic(Delete),
-            CGC_Statements = [statement(Stmt, mlds_make_context(Context))]
+            CGC_Statement = statement(Stmt, mlds_make_context(Context)),
+            Statements0 = Unif_Statements ++ [CGC_Statement]
             CanCGC = cannot_cgc,
-            CGC_Statements = []
+            Statements0 = Unif_Statements
-        Statements0 = Unif_Statements ++ CGC_Statements,
         % We used to require that CodeModel = ExpectedCodeModel. But the
         % determinism field in the goal_info is allowed to be a conservative
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
         Unification = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
         % Simplify.m should have converted these into procedure calls.
-        unexpected(this_file, "ml_code_gen: complicated unify")
+        unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_unification: complicated unify")
     % ml_gen_construct generates code for a construction unification.
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_construct(prog_var::in, cons_id::in, prog_vars::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, list(int)::in, how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_construct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, TakeAddr, HowToConstruct,
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_construct_2(cons_tag::in, mer_type::in, prog_var::in,
     cons_id::in, prog_vars::in, list(uni_mode)::in, list(int)::in,
-    how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out,
-    statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out,
+    list(statement)::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_construct_2(Tag, Type, Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, TakeAddr,
         HowToConstruct, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
                 VarType, Context, [], Statements, !Info),
             Decls = []
-            unexpected(this_file, "ml_code_gen: no_tag: arity != 1")
+            unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_construct_2: no_tag: arity != 1")
         % Lambda expressions.
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
             Statements = [Statement]
             Args = [_ | _],
-            unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_construct: bad constant term")
+            unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_construct_2: bad constant term")
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@
     % ml_gen_construct.
 :- pred ml_gen_static_const_arg(prog_var::in, static_cons::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, mlds_rval::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, mlds_rval::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_static_const_arg(Var, StaticCons, Context, Defns, Rval, !Info) :-
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
         Rval, !Info).
 :- pred ml_gen_static_const_arg_2(cons_tag::in, mer_type::in, prog_var::in,
-    static_cons::in, prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, mlds_rval::out,
+    static_cons::in, prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, mlds_rval::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_static_const_arg_2(Tag, VarType, Var, StaticCons, Context, Defns, Rval,
@@ -378,7 +378,8 @@
                 Rval, !Info),
             Defns = ArgDefns ++ BoxDefns
-            unexpected(this_file, "ml_code_gen: no_tag: arity != 1")
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "ml_gen_static_const_arg_2: no_tag: arity != 1")
         % Compound terms, including lambda expressions.
@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@
             StaticArgs = [_ | _],
-                "ml_gen_static_const_arg: unknown compound term")
+                "ml_gen_static_const_arg_2: unknown compound term")
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_compound(cons_tag::in, cons_id::in, prog_var::in, prog_vars::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, list(int)::in, how_to_construct::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_compound(Tag, ConsId, Var, ArgVars, ArgModes, TakeAddr, HowToConstruct,
@@ -842,8 +843,9 @@
         % allocated then fall back to dynamic allocation.
         ml_gen_new_object(MaybeConsId, Tag, HasSecTag, MaybeCtorName, Var,
             ExtraRvals, ExtraTypes, ArgVars, ArgModes, TakeAddr,
-            construct_dynamically, Context, DynamicDecls, DynamicStmt, !Info),
-        IfElse = statement(ml_stmt_block(DynamicDecls, DynamicStmt),
+            construct_dynamically, Context, DynamicDecls, DynamicStmts, !Info),
+        IfElse = statement(
+            ml_stmt_block(DynamicDecls, DynamicStmts),
         IfStatement = statement(
@@ -895,9 +897,9 @@
         HighLevelData = yes,
-            % Check for type_infos and typeclass_infos,
-            % since these need to be handled specially;
-            % their Mercury type definitions are lies.
+            % Check for type_infos and typeclass_infos, since these
+            % need to be handled specially; their Mercury type definitions
+            % are lies.
             MLDS_Type = mercury_type(_, TypeCtorCategory, _),
             TypeCtorCategory = ctor_cat_system(_)
@@ -982,7 +984,7 @@
         % With the high-level data representation, we don't box everything,
         % but for the MLDS->C and MLDS->asm back-ends we still need to box
         % floating point fields.
-        %
             HighLevelData = no
@@ -1073,7 +1075,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_box_or_unbox_const_rval_list(list(mer_type)::in,
     list(mer_type)::in, list(mlds_rval)::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, list(mlds_rval)::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(mlds_rval)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_box_or_unbox_const_rval_list(ArgTypes, FieldTypes, ArgRvals,
@@ -1122,7 +1124,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_box_const_rval_list(list(mlds_type)::in, list(mlds_rval)::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, list(mlds_rval)::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(mlds_rval)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_box_const_rval_list([], [], _, [], [], !Info).
@@ -1138,7 +1140,7 @@
     unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_box_const_rval_list: length mismatch").
 :- pred ml_gen_box_const_rval(mlds_type::in, mlds_rval::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, mlds_rval::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, mlds_rval::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_box_const_rval(Type, Rval, Context, ConstDefns, BoxedRval, !Info) :-
@@ -1158,7 +1160,7 @@
         % [For the .NET and Java back-ends, this code currently never gets
         % called, since currently we don't support static ground term
         % optimization for those back-ends.]
-        %
         ( Type = mercury_type(builtin_type(builtin_type_float), _, _)
         ; Type = mlds_native_float_type
@@ -1187,7 +1189,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_static_const_arg_list(list(prog_var)::in, list(static_cons)::in,
-    prog_context::in, mlds_defns::out, list(mlds_rval)::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(mlds_defn)::out, list(mlds_rval)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_static_const_arg_list([], [], _, [], [], !Info).
@@ -1349,7 +1351,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_extra_arg_assign(list(mlds_rval)::in,
     list(mlds_type)::in, mer_type::in, mlds_lval::in, int::in, cons_tag::in,
-    prog_context::in, statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out)
+    prog_context::in, list(statement)::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out)
     is det.
 ml_gen_extra_arg_assign([_ | _], [], _, _, _, _, _, _, !Info) :-
@@ -1395,7 +1397,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_det_deconstruct(prog_var::in, cons_id::in, prog_vars::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_det_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, Modes, Context, Decls, Statements,
@@ -1408,7 +1410,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_det_deconstruct_2(cons_tag::in, mer_type::in, prog_var::in,
     cons_id::in, prog_vars::in, list(uni_mode)::in, prog_context::in,
-    statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    list(statement)::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_det_deconstruct_2(Tag, Type, Var, ConsId, Args, Modes, Context,
         Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -1550,7 +1552,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_unify_args(cons_id::in, prog_vars::in, list(uni_mode)::in,
     list(mer_type)::in, list(constructor_arg)::in, mer_type::in,
     mlds_lval::in, int::in, int::in, cons_tag::in, prog_context::in,
-    statements::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
+    list(statement)::out, ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_unify_args(ConsId, Args, Modes, ArgTypes, Fields, VarType, VarLval,
         Offset, ArgNum, Tag, Context, Statements, !Info) :-
@@ -1567,7 +1569,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_unify_args_2(cons_id::in, prog_vars::in, list(uni_mode)::in,
     list(mer_type)::in, list(constructor_arg)::in, mer_type::in,
     mlds_lval::in, int::in, int::in, cons_tag::in, prog_context::in,
-    statements::in, statements::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is semidet.
 ml_gen_unify_args_2(_, [], [], [], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, !Statements, !Info).
@@ -1584,7 +1586,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_unify_args_for_reuse(cons_id::in, prog_vars::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, list(mer_type)::in, list(constructor_arg)::in,
     list(int)::in, mer_type::in, mlds_lval::in, int::in, int::in, cons_tag::in,
-    prog_context::in, statements::out, list(take_addr_info)::out,
+    prog_context::in, list(statement)::out, list(take_addr_info)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_unify_args_for_reuse(ConsId, Args, Modes, ArgTypes, Fields, TakeAddr,
@@ -1637,7 +1639,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_unify_arg(cons_id::in, prog_var::in, uni_mode::in, mer_type::in,
     constructor_arg::in, mer_type::in, mlds_lval::in, int::in, int::in,
     cons_tag::in, prog_context::in,
-    statements::in, statements::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_unify_arg(ConsId, Arg, Mode, ArgType, Field, VarType, VarLval,
@@ -1692,7 +1694,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_sub_unify(uni_mode::in, mlds_lval::in, mer_type::in,
     mlds_lval::in, mer_type::in, prog_context::in,
-    statements::in, statements::out,
+    list(statement)::in, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_sub_unify(Mode, ArgLval, ArgType, FieldLval, FieldType, Context,
@@ -1765,7 +1767,7 @@
 :- pred ml_gen_semi_deconstruct(prog_var::in, cons_id::in, prog_vars::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, prog_context::in,
-    mlds_defns::out, statements::out,
+    list(mlds_defn)::out, list(statement)::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
 ml_gen_semi_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, Context,
@@ -1778,8 +1780,8 @@
     ml_gen_det_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, Context,
         GetArgsDecls, GetArgsStatements, !Info),
-        GetArgsDecls = [],
-        GetArgsStatements = []
+        is_empty(GetArgsDecls),
+        is_empty(GetArgsStatements)
         Decls = TagTestDecls,
         Statements = TagTestStatements ++ [SetTagTestResult]
Index: compiler/ml_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -r1.61 ml_util.m
--- compiler/ml_util.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:51 -0000	1.61
+++ compiler/ml_util.m	10 Jan 2009 09:38:47 -0000
@@ -5,18 +5,18 @@
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % File: ml_util.m.
 % Main author: fjh, trd.
 % This module contains utility predicates for manipulating the MLDS.
 :- module ml_backend.ml_util.
 :- interface.
-:- import_module libs.globals.  % for foreign_language
+:- import_module libs.globals.          % for foreign_language
 :- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
 :- import_module hlds.hlds_data.
 :- import_module ml_backend.mlds.
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     % Succeeds iff the definitions contain the entry point to
     % the a main predicate.
-:- pred defns_contain_main(mlds_defns::in) is semidet.
+:- pred defns_contain_main(list(mlds_defn)::in) is semidet.
@@ -48,9 +48,6 @@
     % Nondeterministically generates sub-statements from statements.
-:- pred statements_contains_statement(statements::in,
-    statement::out) is nondet.
 :- pred statement_contains_statement(statement::in, statement::out)
     is multi.
@@ -117,7 +114,7 @@
     % Succeeds iff these definitions contains a reference to
     % the specified variable.
-:- pred defns_contains_var(mlds_defns::in, mlds_data::in) is semidet.
+:- pred defns_contains_var(list(mlds_defn)::in, mlds_data::in) is semidet.
     % Succeeds iff this definition contains a reference to
     % the specified variable.
@@ -135,8 +132,9 @@
 % rval_contains_var:
 % lvals_contains_var:
 % lval_contains_var:
-%   Succeeds iff the specified construct contains a reference to
-%   the specified variable.
+% Succeed iff the specified construct contains a reference to
+% the specified variable.
 :- pred initializer_contains_var(mlds_initializer::in, mlds_data::in)
     is semidet.
@@ -248,7 +246,11 @@
 % statement_contains_statement:
 % statements_contains_statement:
 % maybe_statement_contains_statement:
-%   nondeterministically generates sub-statements from statements.
+% Nondeterministically generate sub-statements from statements.
+:- pred statements_contains_statement(list(statement)::in,
+    statement::out) is nondet.
 statements_contains_statement(Statements, SubStatement) :-
     list.member(Statement, Statements),
@@ -284,30 +286,19 @@
         ; default_contains_statement(Default, SubStatement)
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_label(_Label),
-        fail
-    ;
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_goto(_),
-        fail
-    ;
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_computed_goto(_Rval, _Labels),
-        fail
-    ;
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_call(_Sig, _Func, _Obj, _Args, _RetLvals, _TailCall),
-        fail
-    ;
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_return(_Rvals),
-        fail
-    ;
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_do_commit(_Ref),
-        fail
-    ;
         Stmt = ml_stmt_try_commit(_Ref, Statement, Handler),
         ( statement_contains_statement(Statement, SubStatement)
         ; statement_contains_statement(Handler, SubStatement)
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_atomic(_AtomicStmt),
+        ( Stmt = ml_stmt_label(_Label)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_goto(_)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_computed_goto(_Rval, _Labels)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_call(_Sig, _Func, _Obj, _Args, _RetLvals, _TailCall)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_return(_Rvals)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_do_commit(_Ref)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_atomic(_AtomicStmt)
+        ),
@@ -332,10 +323,11 @@
 % statement_contains_var:
 % trail_op_contains_var:
 % atomic_stmt_contains_var:
-%   Succeeds iff the specified construct contains a reference to
-%   the specified variable.
+% Succeed iff the specified construct contains a reference to
+% the specified variable.
-:- pred statements_contains_var(statements::in, mlds_data::in)
+:- pred statements_contains_var(list(statement)::in, mlds_data::in)
     is semidet.
 statements_contains_var(Statements, Name) :-
@@ -379,10 +371,9 @@
         ; default_contains_var(Default, Name)
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_label(_Label),
-        fail
-    ;
-        Stmt = ml_stmt_goto(_),
+        ( Stmt = ml_stmt_label(_Label)
+        ; Stmt = ml_stmt_goto(_)
+        ),
         Stmt = ml_stmt_computed_goto(Rval, _Labels),
@@ -541,9 +532,10 @@
 % defn_contains_var:
 % defn_body_contains_var:
 % function_body_contains_var:
-%   Succeeds iff the specified construct contains a reference to
-%   the specified variable.
+% Succeed iff the specified construct contains a reference to
+% the specified variable.
 defns_contains_var(Defns, Name) :-
     list.member(Defn, Defns),
     defn_contains_var(Defn, Name).
@@ -585,8 +577,9 @@
 % rval_contains_var:
 % lvals_contains_var:
 % lval_contains_var:
-%   Succeeds iff the specified construct contains a reference to
-%   the specified variable.
+% Succeed iff the specified construct contains a reference to
+% the specified variable.
 % initializer_contains_var(no_initializer, _) :- fail.
 initializer_contains_var(init_obj(Rval), Name) :-
Index: compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.166
diff -u -r1.166 mlds.m
--- compiler/mlds.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:51 -0000	1.166
+++ compiler/mlds.m	14 Jan 2009 15:45:11 -0000
@@ -361,27 +361,27 @@
 :- type mlds
     --->    mlds(
                 % The original Mercury module name.
-                name                :: mercury_module_name,
+                mlds_name               :: mercury_module_name,
                 % Code defined in some other language, e.g.  for
                 % `pragma c_header_code', etc.
-                foreign_code_map    :: map(foreign_language,
-                                        mlds_foreign_code),
+                mlds_foreign_code_map   :: map(foreign_language,
+                                            mlds_foreign_code),
                 % The MLDS code itself.
                 % Packages/classes to import
-                toplevel_imports    :: mlds_imports,
+                mlds_toplevel_imports   :: mlds_imports,
                 % Definitions of code and data
-                defns               :: mlds_defns,
+                mlds_defns              :: list(mlds_defn),
                 % The names of init and final preds.
                 % XXX These only work for the C backend because initialisers
                 % and finalisers do not (yet) work for the other backends.
-                init_preds          :: list(string),
-                final_preds         :: list(string),
-                exported_enums      :: list(mlds_exported_enum)
+                mlds_init_preds         :: list(string),
+                mlds_final_preds        :: list(string),
+                mlds_exported_enums     :: list(mlds_exported_enum)
 :- func mlds_get_module_name(mlds) = mercury_module_name.
@@ -452,8 +452,8 @@
     % Is the current module a member of the std library,
     % and if so which module is it?
-:- pred is_std_lib_module(mlds_module_name::in,
-    mercury_module_name::out) is semidet.
+:- pred is_std_lib_module(mlds_module_name::in, mercury_module_name::out)
+    is semidet.
     % Given an MLDS module name (e.g. `foo.bar'), append another class
     % qualifier (e.g. for a class `baz'), and return the result (e.g.
@@ -481,8 +481,6 @@
 :- func wrapper_class_name = string.
-:- type mlds_defns == list(mlds_defn).
 :- type mlds_defn
     --->    mlds_defn(
                 % The name of the entity being declared.
@@ -678,28 +676,29 @@
 :- type mlds_class_name == string.
 :- type mlds_class == mlds_fully_qualified_name(mlds_class_name).
-    % Note that standard C doesn't support empty structs,
-    % so when targetting C, it is the MLDS code generator's
-    % responsibility to ensure that each generated MLDS class
-    % has at least one base class or non-static data member.
+    % Note that standard C doesn't support empty structs, so when targetting C,
+    % it is the MLDS code generator's responsibility to ensure that each
+    % generated MLDS class has at least one base class or non-static
+    % data member.
 :- type mlds_class_defn
     --->    mlds_class_defn(
-                kind        :: mlds_class_kind,
-                imports     :: mlds_imports,
-                            % Imports these classes (or modules, packages, ...).
+                mcd_kind        :: mlds_class_kind,
+                % Imports these classes (or modules, packages, ...).
+                mcd_imports     :: mlds_imports,
-                inherits    :: list(mlds_class_id),
-                            % Inherits these base classes.
+                % Inherits these base classes.
+                mcd_inherits    :: list(mlds_class_id),
-                implements  :: list(mlds_interface_id),
-                            % Implements these interfaces.
+                % Implements these interfaces.
+                mcd_implements  :: list(mlds_interface_id),
-                ctors       :: mlds_defns,
-                            % Has these constructors.
+                % Has these constructors.
+                mcd_ctors       :: list(mlds_defn),
-                members     :: mlds_defns
-                            % Contains these members.
+                % Contains these members.
+                mcd_members     :: list(mlds_defn)
 :- type mlds_type
@@ -967,8 +966,6 @@
 % Statements
-:- type statements == list(statement).
 :- type statement
     --->    statement(
@@ -978,7 +975,7 @@
 :- type mlds_stmt
     % Sequence.
-    --->    ml_stmt_block(mlds_defns, list(statement))
+    --->    ml_stmt_block(list(mlds_defn), list(statement))
     % Iteration.
@@ -1795,7 +1792,7 @@
-mlds_get_module_name(MLDS) = MLDS ^ name.
+mlds_get_module_name(MLDS) = MLDS ^ mlds_name.
Index: compiler/mlds_to_c.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_c.m,v
retrieving revision 1.232
diff -u -r1.232 mlds_to_c.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_c.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:51 -0000	1.232
+++ compiler/mlds_to_c.m	14 Jan 2009 15:45:31 -0000
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
     mlds_output_src_end(Indent, ModuleName, !IO).
-:- func mlds_get_env_var_names(mlds_defns) = set(string).
+:- func mlds_get_env_var_names(list(mlds_defn)) = set(string).
 mlds_get_env_var_names(Defns) = EnvVarNameSet :-
     list.filter_map(mlds_get_env_var_names_from_defn, Defns, EnvVarNameSets),
@@ -595,9 +595,9 @@
         io.write_string(";\n", !IO)
-:- pred mlds_output_init_fn_defns(mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, list(string)::in, list(string)::in, io::di, io::uo)
-    is det.
+:- pred mlds_output_init_fn_defns(mlds_module_name::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
+    list(string)::in, list(string)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_init_fn_defns(ModuleName, FuncDefns, TypeCtorInfoDefns, InitPreds,
         FinalPreds, !IO) :-
@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@
     % Generate calls to MR_init_entry() for the specified functions.
-:- pred mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(mlds_module_name::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(_ModuleName, [], !IO).
 mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(ModuleName, [FuncDefn | FuncDefns], !IO) :-
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@
     % type_ctor_infos.
 :- pred mlds_output_calls_to_register_tci(mlds_module_name::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_calls_to_register_tci(_ModuleName, [], !IO).
@@ -1272,14 +1272,14 @@
 % Code to output declarations and definitions
-:- pred mlds_output_decls(indent::in, mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred mlds_output_decls(indent::in, mlds_module_name::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_decls(Indent, ModuleName, Defns, !IO) :-
     list.foldl(mlds_output_decl_blank_line(Indent, ModuleName), Defns, !IO).
 :- pred mlds_output_defns(indent::in, bool::in, mlds_module_name::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_defns(Indent, Separate, ModuleName, Defns, !IO) :-
     OutputDefn = mlds_output_defn(Indent, Separate, ModuleName),
@@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@
         % actually use the enum types.
         DefnBody = mlds_class(ClassDefn),
-        ClassDefn ^ kind = mlds_enum
+        ClassDefn ^ mcd_kind = mlds_enum
@@ -1509,7 +1509,7 @@
     mlds_class_defn::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_class_decl(_Indent, Name, ClassDefn, !IO) :-
-    ClassKind = ClassDefn ^ kind,
+    ClassKind = ClassDefn ^ mcd_kind,
         ClassKind = mlds_enum,
         io.write_string("enum ", !IO),
@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@
     % for an enumeration type.
 :- pred mlds_output_enum_constants(indent::in, mlds_module_name::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_enum_constants(Indent, EnumModuleName, Members, !IO) :-
     % Select the enumeration constants from the list of members
Index: compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.141
diff -u -r1.141 mlds_to_gcc.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:51 -0000	1.141
+++ compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	10 Jan 2009 07:01:45 -0000
@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@
 	output_init_fn_name(ModuleName, "_debugger"),
-:- pred mlds_output_init_fn_defns(mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
-		mlds_defns::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred mlds_output_init_fn_defns(mlds_module_name::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
+		list(mlds_defn)::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_init_fn_defns(ModuleName, FuncDefns, TypeCtorInfoDefns) -->
 	output_init_fn_name(ModuleName, ""),
@@ -499,15 +499,12 @@
 		% Here we ensure that we only get one "mercury__" at the
 		% start of the function name.
 	{ mdbcomp__prim_data__sym_name_to_string(
-			mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName), "__",
-			ModuleNameString0) },
-	{
-		string__prefix(ModuleNameString0, "mercury__")
-	->
+        mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName), "__",
+        ModuleNameString0) },
+	{ string__prefix(ModuleNameString0, "mercury__") ->
 		ModuleNameString = ModuleNameString0
-		string__append("mercury__", ModuleNameString0,
-				ModuleNameString)
+		string__append("mercury__", ModuleNameString0, ModuleNameString)
 	io__write_string("void "),
@@ -527,8 +524,8 @@
 	% Generate calls to MR_init_entry() for the specified functions.
-:- pred mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
-		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(mlds_module_name::in,
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(_ModuleName, []) --> [].
 mlds_output_calls_to_init_entry(ModuleName, [FuncDefn | FuncDefns]) -->
@@ -548,7 +545,7 @@
 	% type_ctor_infos.
 :- pred mlds_output_calls_to_register_tci(mlds_module_name::in,
-	mlds_defns::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+	list(mlds_defn)::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
 mlds_output_calls_to_register_tci(_ModuleName, []) --> [].
@@ -717,7 +714,7 @@
 	% Handle MLDS definitions that occur at global scope.
-:- pred gen_defns(mlds_module_name, mlds_defns, global_info, global_info,
+:- pred gen_defns(mlds_module_name, list(mlds_defn), global_info, global_info,
 		io__state, io__state).
 :- mode gen_defns(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
@@ -729,8 +726,8 @@
 	% Handle MLDS definitions that are nested inside a
 	% function definition (or inside a block within a function),
 	% and which are hence local to that function.
-:- pred build_local_defns(mlds_defns, mlds_module_name, defn_info, defn_info,
-		io__state, io__state).
+:- pred build_local_defns(list(mlds_defn), mlds_module_name,
+    defn_info, defn_info, io__state, io__state).
 :- mode build_local_defns(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
 build_local_defns([], _, DefnInfo, DefnInfo) --> [].
@@ -750,7 +747,7 @@
 	% Handle MLDS definitions that are nested inside a type,
 	% i.e. fields of that type.
-:- pred build_field_defns(mlds_defns, mlds_module_name, global_info,
+:- pred build_field_defns(list(mlds_defn), mlds_module_name, global_info,
 		gcc__field_decls, field_table, field_table,
 		io__state, io__state).
 :- mode build_field_defns(in, in, in, out, in, out, di, uo) is det.
@@ -1431,7 +1428,7 @@
 	% for an enumeration type.
 :- pred mlds_output_enum_constants(indent, mlds_module_name,
-		mlds_defns, io__state, io__state).
+		list(mlds_defn), io__state, io__state).
 :- mode mlds_output_enum_constants(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
 mlds_output_enum_constants(Indent, EnumModuleName, Members) -->
Index: compiler/mlds_to_il.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_il.m,v
retrieving revision 1.200
diff -u -r1.200 mlds_to_il.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	6 Jan 2009 03:56:26 -0000	1.200
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	14 Jan 2009 15:56:50 -0000
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % File: mlds_to_il.m - Convert MLDS to IL.
 % Main author: trd, petdr.
 % This module generates IL from MLDS.  Currently it's pretty tuned
 % towards generating assembler -- to generate code using
 % Reflection::Emit it is likely some changes will need to be made.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 % XXX We should rename this module to mlds_to_ilds, since that is what
 %     it actually does.
 :- module ml_backend.mlds_to_il.
@@ -385,25 +385,26 @@
     AllExports = list.condense(
             (func(mlds_foreign_code(_, _, _, Exports)) = Exports),
-            map.values(MLDS0 ^ foreign_code_map))
+            map.values(MLDS0 ^ mlds_foreign_code_map))
     % Generate the exports for this file, they will be placed into
     % class methods inside the wrapper class.
     list.map(mlds_export_to_mlds_defn, AllExports, ExportDefns),
-    list.filter((pred(D::in) is semidet :-
+    list.filter(
+        (pred(D::in) is semidet :-
             ( D = mlds_defn(_, _, _, mlds_function(_, _, _, _, _))
             ; D = mlds_defn(_, _, _, mlds_data(_, _, _))
-        ), MLDS0 ^ defns ++ ExportDefns, MercuryCodeMembers, Others),
-    WrapperClass = wrapper_class(
-        list.map(rename_defn, MercuryCodeMembers)),
+        ), MLDS0 ^ mlds_defns ++ ExportDefns, MercuryCodeMembers, Others),
+    WrapperClass = wrapper_class(list.map(rename_defn, MercuryCodeMembers)),
     % Note that ILASM requires that the type definitions in Others
     % must precede the references to those types in WrapperClass.
-    MLDS = MLDS0 ^ defns := list.map(rename_defn, Others) ++ [WrapperClass].
+    MLDS = MLDS0 ^ mlds_defns :=
+        list.map(rename_defn, Others) ++ [WrapperClass].
-:- func wrapper_class(mlds_defns) = mlds_defn.
+:- func wrapper_class(list(mlds_defn)) = mlds_defn.
 wrapper_class(Members) =
@@ -709,8 +710,8 @@
     % newobj instruction to allocate instances of the class. So if a class
     % doesn't already have one, we add an empty one.
-:- func maybe_add_empty_ctor(mlds_defns, mlds_class_kind, mlds_context) =
-    mlds_defns.
+:- func maybe_add_empty_ctor(list(mlds_defn), mlds_class_kind, mlds_context) =
+    list(mlds_defn).
 maybe_add_empty_ctor(Ctors0, Kind, Context) = Ctors :-
@@ -866,7 +867,7 @@
         Access = [assembly]
         AccessFlag = acc_local,
-        unexpected(this_file, 
+        unexpected(this_file,
             "decl_flags_to_methattrs: local access flag")
     PerInstanceFlag = per_instance(Flags),
@@ -905,7 +906,7 @@
 :- func decl_flags_to_fieldattrs(mlds_decl_flags) = list(ilasm.fieldattr).
-    = list.condense([Access, PerInstance, Constness]) :-
+        = list.condense([Access, PerInstance, Constness]) :-
     AccessFlag = access(Flags),
         AccessFlag = acc_public,
@@ -1527,7 +1528,6 @@
 data_initializer_to_instrs(init_struct(_StructType, InitList0), Type,
         AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, !Info) :-
     InitList = flatten_inits(InitList0),
     data_initializer_to_instrs(init_array(InitList), Type,
         AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, !Info).
@@ -1538,7 +1538,6 @@
     % allocations.
 data_initializer_to_instrs(init_array(InitList), Type,
         AllocInstrs, InitInstrs, !Info) :-
     % Figure out the array element type.
     DataRep = !.Info ^ il_data_rep,
     ( Type = mlds_array_type(ElemType0) ->
@@ -1756,7 +1755,7 @@
 statement_to_il(statement(IfThenElseStmt, Context), Instrs, !Info) :-
-    IfThenElseStmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Condition, ThenCase, ElseCase), 
+    IfThenElseStmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Condition, ThenCase, ElseCase),
     generate_condition(Condition, ConditionInstrs, ElseLabel, !Info),
     il_info_make_next_label(DoneLabel, !Info),
     statement_to_il(ThenCase, ThenInstrs, !Info),
@@ -1874,7 +1873,7 @@
 statement_to_il(statement(TryCommitStmt, Context), Instrs, !Info) :-
     TryCommitStmt = ml_stmt_try_commit(_Ref, GoalToTry, CommitHandlerGoal),
     % For commits, we use exception handling.
     % For try_commit instructions, we generate IL code
@@ -1973,7 +1972,7 @@
             Num::in, Num + 1::out) is det :-
                 Instr = ldarg(index(Num))),
             TypeParams, LoadArgInstrs, 0, _),
-        Instrs = 
+        Instrs =
             comment_node("outline foreign proc -- call handwritten version") ++
             LoadInstrs ++
             from_list(LoadArgInstrs) ++
@@ -2587,7 +2586,7 @@
             % Convert an unboxed type to a boxed type: box it first, then cast.
-            Instrs = 
+            Instrs =
                 convert_to_object(SrcILType) ++
@@ -3279,7 +3278,7 @@
             % Names that are to be used only in IL are able to include
             % spaces, punctuation and other special characters, because they
             % are in quotes.
     ;       mangle_for_csharp.
             % Names that are to be used in C# (typically because they are
             % foreign procedures) must be mangled in the same way as for C.
@@ -3722,7 +3721,7 @@
     MLDSType = mercury_type(IntType, ctor_cat_builtin(cat_builtin_int),
 rval_const_to_type(mlconst_foreign(_, _, _))
-        = sorry(this_file, "IL backend and foreign tag."). 
+        = sorry(this_file, "IL backend and foreign tag.").
 rval_const_to_type(mlconst_float(_)) = MLDSType :-
     FloatType = builtin_type(builtin_type_float),
     MLDSType = mercury_type(FloatType, ctor_cat_builtin(cat_builtin_float),
@@ -3738,7 +3737,7 @@
     MLDSType = mercury_type(StrType, ctor_cat_builtin(cat_builtin_string),
-        = sorry(this_file, "IL backend and named const."). 
+        = sorry(this_file, "IL backend and named const.").
 rval_const_to_type(mlconst_null(MldsType)) = MldsType.
@@ -4640,7 +4639,7 @@
 :- func il_method_params_to_il_types(list(il_method_param)) = list(il_type).
 il_method_params_to_il_types([]) = [].
-il_method_params_to_il_types([ il_method_param(Type, _) | Params]) = 
+il_method_params_to_il_types([ il_method_param(Type, _) | Params]) =
         [ Type | Types ] :-
     Types = il_method_params_to_il_types(Params).
Index: compiler/mlds_to_java.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_java.m,v
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -u -r1.105 mlds_to_java.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_java.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:52 -0000	1.105
+++ compiler/mlds_to_java.m	10 Jan 2009 07:24:58 -0000
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
     % Returns code-address information (function label and signature)
     % for each method/function which has its address taken in the MLDS.
-:- pred find_pointer_addressed_methods(mlds_defns::in,
+:- pred find_pointer_addressed_methods(list(mlds_defn)::in,
     list(mlds_code_addr)::in, list(mlds_code_addr)::out) is det.
 find_pointer_addressed_methods([], !CodeAddrs).
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
     method_ptrs_in_defns(Ctors, !CodeAddrs),
     method_ptrs_in_defns(Members, !CodeAddrs).
-:- pred method_ptrs_in_statements(statements::in,
+:- pred method_ptrs_in_statements(list(statement)::in,
     list(mlds_code_addr)::in, list(mlds_code_addr)::out) is det.
 method_ptrs_in_statements([], !CodeAddrs).
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@
     method_ptrs_in_statement(Statement, !CodeAddrs),
     method_ptrs_in_switch_cases(Cases, !CodeAddrs).
-:- pred method_ptrs_in_defns(mlds_defns::in, list(mlds_code_addr)::in,
+:- pred method_ptrs_in_defns(list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_code_addr)::in,
     list(mlds_code_addr)::out) is det.
 method_ptrs_in_defns([], !CodeAddrs).
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@
     % Generates the MLDS to output the required wrapper classes
 :- pred generate_code_addr_wrappers(indent::in, list(mlds_code_addr)::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, mlds_defns::out) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 generate_code_addr_wrappers(_, [], !Defns).
 generate_code_addr_wrappers(Indent, [CodeAddr | CodeAddrs], !Defns) :-
@@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@
 :- pred output_src_start(indent::in, mercury_module_name::in,
-    mlds_imports::in, list(foreign_decl_code)::in, mlds_defns::in,
+    mlds_imports::in, list(foreign_decl_code)::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
 output_src_start(Indent, MercuryModuleName, Imports, ForeignDecls, Defns,
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@
     % variable `args' in the class `mercury.runtime.JavaInternal'.
 :- pred maybe_write_main_driver(indent::in, java_module_name::in,
-    mlds_defns::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 maybe_write_main_driver(Indent, JavaSafeModuleName, Defns, !IO) :-
     ( defns_contain_main(Defns) ->
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
     ;       cname(mlds_entity_name).   % Constructor class name.
 :- pred output_defns(indent::in, module_info::in, mlds_module_name::in,
-    ctor_data::in, mlds_defns::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    ctor_data::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 output_defns(Indent, ModuleInfo, ModuleName, CtorData, Defns, !IO) :-
     OutputDefn = output_defn(Indent, ModuleInfo, ModuleName, CtorData),
@@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@
 :- pred output_class_body(indent::in, module_info::in, mlds_class_kind::in,
-    mlds_qualified_entity_name::in, mlds_defns::in,
+    mlds_qualified_entity_name::in, list(mlds_defn)::in,
     mlds_module_name::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 output_class_body(Indent, ModuleInfo, mlds_class, _, AllMembers, ModuleName,
@@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@
     io.write_string("}\n", !IO).
 :- pred output_enum_constants(indent::in, module_info::in,
-    mlds_module_name::in, mlds_defns::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    mlds_module_name::in, list(mlds_defn)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 output_enum_constants(Indent, ModuleInfo, EnumModuleName, EnumConsts, !IO) :-
     io.write_list(EnumConsts, "\n",
Index: compiler/modules.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modules.m,v
retrieving revision 1.452
diff -u -r1.452 modules.m
--- compiler/modules.m	5 Sep 2008 03:57:37 -0000	1.452
+++ compiler/modules.m	14 Jan 2009 07:29:47 -0000
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@
 append_pseudo_decl(PseudoDecl, Module0, Module) :-
     Items0 = Module0 ^ items,
-    Items = cord.snoc(Items0, make_pseudo_decl(PseudoDecl)),
+    Items = snoc(Items0, make_pseudo_decl(PseudoDecl)),
     Module = Module0 ^ items := Items.
 make_pseudo_decl(PseudoDecl) = Item :-
Index: compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -r1.85 rtti_to_mlds.m
--- compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	5 Jan 2009 01:30:52 -0000	1.85
+++ compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	14 Jan 2009 14:52:52 -0000
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
     % Return a list of MLDS definitions for the given rtti_data list.
-:- func rtti_data_list_to_mlds(module_info, list(rtti_data)) = mlds_defns.
+:- func rtti_data_list_to_mlds(module_info, list(rtti_data)) = list(mlds_defn).
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
     % return a list of MLDS definitions for the given rtti_data.
-:- func rtti_data_to_mlds(module_info, rtti_data) = mlds_defns.
+:- func rtti_data_to_mlds(module_info, rtti_data) = list(mlds_defn).
 rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo, RttiData) = MLDS_Defns :-
     ( RttiData = rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(type_var(_)) ->
@@ -188,88 +188,92 @@
 :- pred gen_init_rtti_data_defn(rtti_data::in, rtti_id::in, module_info::in,
     mlds_initializer::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
-gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, _RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, ExtraDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(_InstanceModule, _ClassId,
-        _InstanceStr, BaseTypeClassInfo),
-    BaseTypeClassInfo = base_typeclass_info(N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, Methods),
-    NumExtra = BaseTypeClassInfo ^ num_extra,
-    list.map_foldl(gen_init_method(ModuleInfo, NumExtra),
-        Methods, MethodInitializers, [], ExtraDefns),
-    Init = init_array([
-        gen_init_boxed_int(N1),
-        gen_init_boxed_int(N2),
-        gen_init_boxed_int(N3),
-        gen_init_boxed_int(N4),
-        gen_init_boxed_int(N5)
-        | MethodInitializers
-    ]).
-gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_info(TypeInfo),
-    gen_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, TypeInfo, RttiId, Init, SubDefns).
-gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(PseudoTypeInfo),
-    gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, RttiId,
-        Init, SubDefns).
-gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_class_decl(TCDecl),
-    gen_type_class_decl_defn(TCDecl, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns).
-gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_class_instance(Instance),
-    gen_type_class_instance_defn(Instance, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns).
-gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorData),
-    TypeCtorData = type_ctor_data(Version, TypeModule, TypeName,
-        TypeArity, UnifyUniv, CompareUniv, Flags, TypeCtorDetails),
-    RttiTypeCtor = rtti_type_ctor(TypeModule, TypeName, TypeArity),
-    TypeModuleName = sym_name_to_string(TypeModule),
-    NumPtags = type_ctor_details_num_ptags(TypeCtorDetails),
-    NumFunctors = type_ctor_details_num_functors(TypeCtorDetails),
-    FunctorsRttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_functors),
-    LayoutRttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_layout),
-    some [!Defns] (
-        gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
-            TypeCtorDetails, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, NumberMapInfo, !:Defns),
-        % Note that gen_init_special_pred will by necessity add an extra level
-        % of indirection to calling the special preds. However the backend
-        % compiler should be smart enough to ensure that this is inlined away.
-        %
-        gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, UnifyUniv, UnifyInit, !Defns),
-        gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, CompareUniv, CompareInit, !Defns),
-        SubDefns = !.Defns
-    ),
-    Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
-        gen_init_int(TypeArity),
-        gen_init_int(Version),
-        gen_init_int(NumPtags),
-        gen_init_type_ctor_rep(TypeCtorData),
-        UnifyInit,
-        CompareInit,
-        gen_init_string(TypeModuleName),
-        gen_init_string(TypeName),
-        % In the C back-end, these two "structs" are actually unions.
-        % We need to use `init_struct' here so that the initializers
-        % get enclosed in curly braces.
-        init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(FunctorsRttiId)), [
-            FunctorsInfo
-        ]),
-        init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(LayoutRttiId)), [
-            LayoutInfo
-        ]),
-        gen_init_int(NumFunctors),
-        gen_init_int(encode_type_ctor_flags(Flags)),
-        NumberMapInfo
-        % These two are commented out while the corresponding fields of the
-        % MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct type are commented out.
-        % gen_init_maybe(gen_init_rtti_name(RttiTypeCtor), MaybeHashCons),
-        % XXX this may need to change to call
-        % gen_init_special_pred, if this is re-enabled.
-        % gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, PrettyprinterProc)
-    ]).
+gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, Defns) :-
+    (
+        RttiData = rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(_InstanceModule, _ClassId,
+            _InstanceStr, BaseTypeClassInfo),
+        BaseTypeClassInfo = base_typeclass_info(N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, Methods),
+        NumExtra = BaseTypeClassInfo ^ num_extra,
+        list.map_foldl(gen_init_method(ModuleInfo, NumExtra),
+            Methods, MethodInitializers, [], Defns),
+        Init = init_array([
+            gen_init_boxed_int(N1),
+            gen_init_boxed_int(N2),
+            gen_init_boxed_int(N3),
+            gen_init_boxed_int(N4),
+            gen_init_boxed_int(N5)
+            | MethodInitializers
+        ])
+    ;
+        RttiData = rtti_data_type_info(TypeInfo),
+        gen_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, TypeInfo, RttiId, Init, Defns)
+    ;
+        RttiData = rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(PseudoTypeInfo),
+        gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, RttiId,
+            Init, Defns)
+    ;
+        RttiData = rtti_data_type_class_decl(TCDecl),
+        gen_type_class_decl_defn(TCDecl, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, Defns)
+    ;
+        RttiData = rtti_data_type_class_instance(Instance),
+        gen_type_class_instance_defn(Instance, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, Defns)
+    ;
+        RttiData = rtti_data_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorData),
+        TypeCtorData = type_ctor_data(Version, TypeModule, TypeName,
+            TypeArity, UnifyUniv, CompareUniv, Flags, TypeCtorDetails),
+        RttiTypeCtor = rtti_type_ctor(TypeModule, TypeName, TypeArity),
+        TypeModuleName = sym_name_to_string(TypeModule),
+        NumPtags = type_ctor_details_num_ptags(TypeCtorDetails),
+        NumFunctors = type_ctor_details_num_functors(TypeCtorDetails),
+        FunctorsRttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_functors),
+        LayoutRttiId = ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_layout),
+        some [!Defns] (
+            gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
+                TypeCtorDetails, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, NumberMapInfo,
+                !:Defns),
+            % Note that gen_init_special_pred will by necessity add an extra
+            % level of indirection to calling the special preds. However the
+            % backend compiler should be smart enough to ensure that this is
+            % inlined away.
+            gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, UnifyUniv, UnifyInit, !Defns),
+            gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, CompareUniv, CompareInit,
+                !Defns),
+            Defns = !.Defns
+        ),
+        Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
+            gen_init_int(TypeArity),
+            gen_init_int(Version),
+            gen_init_int(NumPtags),
+            gen_init_type_ctor_rep(TypeCtorData),
+            UnifyInit,
+            CompareInit,
+            gen_init_string(TypeModuleName),
+            gen_init_string(TypeName),
+            % In the C back-end, these two "structs" are actually unions.
+            % We need to use `init_struct' here so that the initializers
+            % get enclosed in curly braces.
+            init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(FunctorsRttiId)), [
+                FunctorsInfo
+            ]),
+            init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(LayoutRttiId)), [
+                LayoutInfo
+            ]),
+            gen_init_int(NumFunctors),
+            gen_init_int(encode_type_ctor_flags(Flags)),
+            NumberMapInfo
+            % These two are commented out while the corresponding fields of the
+            % MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct type are commented out.
+            % gen_init_maybe(gen_init_rtti_name(RttiTypeCtor), MaybeHashCons),
+            % XXX this may need to change to call
+            % gen_init_special_pred, if this is re-enabled.
+            % gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, PrettyprinterProc)
+        ])
+    ).
@@ -346,7 +350,7 @@
-    SubDefns = TVarNameDefns ++ MethodIdDefns ++ [TCIdDefn] ++ SuperDefns.
+    SubDefns = TVarNameDefns ++ MethodIdDefns ++ [TCIdDefn | SuperDefns].
 :- pred make_decl_super_id(tc_name::in, int::in, int::in, rtti_id::out)
     is det.
@@ -418,7 +422,7 @@
         gen_init_rtti_id(ModuleName, InstanceTypesRttiId),
         gen_init_rtti_id(ModuleName, InstanceConstrsRttiId)
-    SubDefns = TypesDefns ++ [TypesDefn] ++ TCConstrDefns ++
+    SubDefns = TypesDefns ++ [TypesDefn | TCConstrDefns] ++
 :- pred make_instance_constr_id(tc_name::in, list(tc_type)::in,
@@ -433,71 +437,81 @@
 :- pred gen_type_info_defn(module_info::in, rtti_type_info::in, rtti_id::in,
     mlds_initializer::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
-gen_type_info_defn(_, plain_arity_zero_type_info(_), _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "gen_type_info_defn: plain_arity_zero_type_info").
-gen_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, plain_type_info(RttiTypeCtor, ArgTypes),
-        RttiId, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    ArgRttiDatas = list.map(type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
-    RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
-    SubDefnLists = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
-    SubDefns = list.condense(SubDefnLists),
-    module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-    Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
-        gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
-        gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_type_info_type,
-            ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
-    ]).
-gen_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, var_arity_type_info(VarArityId, ArgTypes),
-        RttiId, Init, SubDefns) :-
-    ArgRttiDatas = list.map(type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
-    RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
-    SubDefnLists = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
-    SubDefns = list.condense(SubDefnLists),
-    RttiTypeCtor = var_arity_id_to_rtti_type_ctor(VarArityId),
-    module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-    Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
-        gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
-        gen_init_int(list.length(ArgTypes)),
-        gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_type_info_type,
-            ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
-    ]).
+gen_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeInfo, RttiId, Init, Defns) :-
+    (
+        RttiTypeInfo = plain_arity_zero_type_info(_),
+        unexpected(this_file, "gen_type_info_defn: plain_arity_zero_type_info")
+    ;
+        RttiTypeInfo = plain_type_info(RttiTypeCtor, ArgTypes),
+        ArgRttiDatas = list.map(type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
+        RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
+        DefnsList = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
+        Defns = list.condense(DefnsList),
+        module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+        Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
+            gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+                type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
+            gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_type_info_type,
+                ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
+        ])
+    ;
+        RttiTypeInfo = var_arity_type_info(VarArityId, ArgTypes),
+        ArgRttiDatas = list.map(type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
+        RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
+        DefnsList = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
+        Defns = list.condense(DefnsList),
+        RttiTypeCtor = var_arity_id_to_rtti_type_ctor(VarArityId),
+        module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+        Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
+            gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+                type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
+            gen_init_int(list.length(ArgTypes)),
+            gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_type_info_type,
+                ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
+        ])
+    ).
 :- pred gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(module_info::in, rtti_pseudo_type_info::in,
     rtti_id::in, mlds_initializer::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
-gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(_, plain_arity_zero_pseudo_type_info(_), _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected(this_file,
-        "gen_pseudo_type_info_defn: plain_arity_zero_pseudo_type_info").
-gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, RttiId, Init,
-        SubDefns) :-
-    PseudoTypeInfo = plain_pseudo_type_info(RttiTypeCtor, ArgTypes),
-    ArgRttiDatas = list.map(maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
-    RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
-    SubDefnLists = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
-    SubDefns = list.condense(SubDefnLists),
-    module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-    Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
-        gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
-        gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_pseudo_type_info_type,
-            ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
-    ]).
-gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, PseudoTypeInfo, RttiId, Init,
-        SubDefns) :-
-    PseudoTypeInfo = var_arity_pseudo_type_info(VarArityId, ArgTypes),
-    ArgRttiDatas = list.map(maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
-    RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
-    SubDefnLists = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
-    SubDefns = list.condense(SubDefnLists),
-    RttiTypeCtor = var_arity_id_to_rtti_type_ctor(VarArityId),
-    module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-    Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
-        gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
-        gen_init_int(list.length(ArgTypes)),
-        gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_pseudo_type_info_type,
-            ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
-    ]).
-gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(_, type_var(_), _, _, _) :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "gen_pseudo_type_info_defn: type_var").
+gen_pseudo_type_info_defn(ModuleInfo, RttiPseudoTypeInfo, RttiId,
+        Init, Defns) :-
+    (
+        RttiPseudoTypeInfo = plain_arity_zero_pseudo_type_info(_),
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "gen_pseudo_type_info_defn: plain_arity_zero_pseudo_type_info")
+    ;
+        RttiPseudoTypeInfo = plain_pseudo_type_info(RttiTypeCtor, ArgTypes),
+        ArgRttiDatas = list.map(maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
+        RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
+        DefnsList = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
+        Defns = list.condense(DefnsList),
+        module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+        Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
+            gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+                type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
+            gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_pseudo_type_info_type,
+                ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
+        ])
+    ;
+        RttiPseudoTypeInfo = var_arity_pseudo_type_info(VarArityId, ArgTypes),
+        ArgRttiDatas = list.map(maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data, ArgTypes),
+        RealRttiDatas = list.filter(real_rtti_data, ArgRttiDatas),
+        DefnsList = list.map(rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo), RealRttiDatas),
+        Defns = list.condense(DefnsList),
+        RttiTypeCtor = var_arity_id_to_rtti_type_ctor(VarArityId),
+        module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+        Init = init_struct(mlds_rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
+            gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+                type_ctor_type_ctor_info),
+            gen_init_int(list.length(ArgTypes)),
+            gen_init_cast_rtti_datas_array(mlds_pseudo_type_info_type,
+                ModuleName, ArgRttiDatas)
+        ])
+    ;
+        RttiPseudoTypeInfo = type_var(_),
+        unexpected(this_file, "gen_pseudo_type_info_defn: type_var")
+    ).
@@ -536,8 +550,7 @@
             RttiTypeCtor, ForeignEnumByOrdinal),
         ByNameDefn = gen_foreign_enum_name_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, ForeignEnumByName),
-        NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor,
-            FunctorNumberMap),
+        NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap),
         LayoutInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         FunctorInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
@@ -549,9 +562,8 @@
         TypeCtorDetails = du(_, DuFunctors, DuByPtag,
             DuByName, FunctorNumberMap),
-        DuFunctorDefnLists = list.map(
+        DuFunctorDefns = list.map(
             gen_du_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor), DuFunctors),
-        DuFunctorDefns = list.condense(DuFunctorDefnLists),
         ByPtagDefns = gen_du_ptag_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, DuByPtag),
         ByNameDefn = gen_du_name_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
@@ -563,14 +575,14 @@
         NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-        Defns = DuFunctorDefns ++ [ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn | ByPtagDefns]
+        Defns = list.condense(DuFunctorDefns) ++
+            [ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn | ByPtagDefns]
         TypeCtorDetails = reserved(_, MaybeResFunctors, ResFunctors,
             DuByPtag, MaybeResByName, FunctorNumberMap),
-        MaybeResFunctorDefnLists = list.map(
+        MaybeResFunctorDefns = list.map(
             gen_maybe_res_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor),
-        MaybeResFunctorDefns = list.condense(MaybeResFunctorDefnLists),
         ByValueDefns = gen_maybe_res_value_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, ResFunctors, DuByPtag),
         ByNameDefn = gen_maybe_res_name_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
@@ -582,8 +594,8 @@
         NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-        Defns = [ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn
-                    | ByValueDefns ++ MaybeResFunctorDefns]
+        Defns = [ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn | ByValueDefns] ++
+            list.condense(MaybeResFunctorDefns)
         TypeCtorDetails = notag(_, NotagFunctor),
         NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, [0]),
@@ -593,8 +605,9 @@
         NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-        Defns = [NumberMapDefn | gen_notag_functor_desc(ModuleInfo,
-                                    RttiTypeCtor, NotagFunctor)]
+        FunctorDefn = gen_notag_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
+            NotagFunctor),
+        Defns = [NumberMapDefn | FunctorDefn]
         TypeCtorDetails = eqv(EqvType),
         TypeRttiData = maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data(EqvType),
@@ -602,7 +615,6 @@
         % The type is a lie, but a safe one.
         FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
         NumberMapInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
         TypeCtorDetails = builtin(_),
         Defns = [],
@@ -697,9 +709,8 @@
         ArgNames = [_ | _],
-        ArgNameDefn = gen_field_names(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
-            Ordinal, MaybeArgNames),
-        ArgNameDefns = [ArgNameDefn],
+        ArgNameDefns = [gen_field_names(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
+            Ordinal, MaybeArgNames)],
         ArgNameInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
Index: compiler/switch_detection.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/switch_detection.m,v
retrieving revision 1.142
diff -u -r1.142 switch_detection.m
--- compiler/switch_detection.m	23 Dec 2008 01:37:41 -0000	1.142
+++ compiler/switch_detection.m	14 Jan 2009 07:29:47 -0000
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@
             State = cons_id_has_conflict,
             ConflictConsIds = ConflictConsIds0
-        Arms = cord.snoc(Arms0, Arm),
+        Arms = snoc(Arms0, Arm),
         Entry = cons_id_entry(State, Arms),
         map.det_update(CasesMap0, ConsId, Entry, CasesMap)
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
             ConflictConsIds = ConflictConsIds0
         State = cons_id_has_conflict,
-        Arms = cord.snoc(Arms0, Arm),
+        Arms = snoc(Arms0, Arm),
         Entry = cons_id_entry(State, Arms),
         map.det_update(CasesMap0, ConsId, Entry, CasesMap)
cvs diff: Diffing compiler/notes
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