[m-rev.] for review: update grade set in nightly tests
Julien Fischer
juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Dec 22 12:50:32 AEDT 2009
The request for review here is to get some feedback on on what other
grades should be built and tested during the nightly builds in addition
to those in the diff below:
Currently the following grade components are not tested at all,
but probably should be:
* exts
* the rbmm related grades [which?]
The following are (from memory) broken at the moment:
* hl_nest
* fast
* jump
* agc
(I didn't include the erlang grade in the above because I am going to include
it on several hosts - just not in this diff; the same for the java grade on
the Linux hosts.)
Improve test coverage for the nightly tests by testing a wider range of grades
and GCC versions.
Use gcc 4.1 and 4.2 more. (3.4 is now only used on taura).
XXX some the hosts should be using 4.3 and 4.4, but 4.3 at
least causes problems with hlc.gc that need to be looked into
Test asm_jump, stseg, mm, mmos, hl and nogc grades. (We weren't
testing them because the machines that used to do so had died.)
Test the java grade on eris.
Install more grades on eris as well.
Test parallel trailing grades.
Index: test_mercury
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/tools/test_mercury,v
retrieving revision 1.361
diff -u -r1.361 test_mercury
--- test_mercury 17 Dec 2009 20:03:32 -0000 1.361
+++ test_mercury 22 Dec 2009 01:17:35 -0000
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
# Set --profile-for-implicit-parallelism so that the deep profiling
# version of the standard library is suitable for Paul's implicit
# parallelism work. This is not enabled by default because it enables
- # inlineing which is confusing for programmers using the deep profiler.
+ # inlining which is confusing for programmers using the deep profiler.
OPTIMIZE="-O5 --intermodule-optimization"
@@ -418,54 +418,60 @@
case $HOST in
- CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4"
+ CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2"
INSTALL_LIBGRADES="asm_fast.gc \
- asm_fast.gc.par \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.debug \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.profdeep \
+ asm_fast.gc.decldebug \
+ asm_fast.gc.profdeep \
+ asm_fast.gc.stseg \
+ asm_fast.gc.stseg.trseg \
+ asm_fast.gc.tsc.debug \
hlc.gc \
hlc.gc.trseg \
- hlc.par.gc \
- hlc_nest.gc"
+ asm_fast"
- CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4"
+ CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.1"
INSTALL_LIBGRADES="asm_fast.gc \
asm_fast.gc.trseg \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.ll_debug \
asm_fast.gc.trseg.debug \
+ asm_fast.gc.trseg.profdeep \
+ reg.gc \
+ reg.gc.trseg \
hlc.gc \
- hlc.gc.trseg.ll_debug \
hlc.gc.trseg \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.prof \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.memprof \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.profdeep"
+ hlc.par.gc.trseg \
+ hlc_nest.gc"
- CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4"
+ CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.1"
- hlc.gc.trseg \
- hlc.par.gc \
asm_fast.gc \
- asm_fast.par.gc \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.debug \
- asm_fast.gc.profdeep \
- asm_fast.gc.stseg"
+ asm_fast.gc.prof \
+ asm_fast.gc.memprof \
+ asm_fast.gc.mm \
+ asm_fast.gc.tr \
+ hlc.par.gc \
+ hlc.gc.trseg \
+ hl.gc \
+ hl.par.gc"
- # The asm_fast grades don't work on Darwin.
- # The reg grades don't work with the default gcc compiler
- # on this machine either.
+ # The asm_fast grades don't (yet) work on Darwin.
+ # XXX The reg grades cause heap exhaustion on Mac OS 10.6.
# XXX compilation of the debug grades is very slow with
# Mac OS 10.6 an gcc 4.2 - it is disabled for now.
+ # We should also test the following grades on eris:
+ # hlc.par.gc
+ # none.par.gc
+ # hl.gc.par
+ # The Boehm GC doesn't currently build in .par grades
+ # on eris [bug #121].
@@ -476,33 +482,35 @@
hlc.gc.trseg.ll_debug \
hlc.gc.trseg.prof \
hlc.gc.trseg.memprof \
- none.gc.trseg "
+ none.gc \
+ none.gc.trseg \
+ hl.gc \
+ java"
INSTALL_LIBGRADES="asm_fast.gc \
- asm_fast.gc.tr \
asm_fast.par.gc \
- asm_fast.gc.tr.debug \
asm_fast.gc.profdeep \
asm_fast.gc.decldebug \
- asm_fast.gc.tsc.tr.debug \
+ asm_fast.gc.tsw.debug \
+ asm_fast.gc.mmos \
+ asm_fast.gc.mmos.debug \
+ asm_jump.gc \
hlc.gc \
- hlc.gc.tr \
- CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4"
+ CONFIG_OPTS="--with-cc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.1"
INSTALL_LIBGRADES="asm_fast.gc \
hlc.gc \
hlc.gc.trseg \
hlc.gc.trseg.prof \
hlc.gc.trseg.memprof \
hlc.gc.trseg.ll_debug \
- asm_fast.gc.par \
- asm_fast.gc.tsw.tr.debug \
+ asm_fast.gc.tr \
+ asm_fast.gc.trseg \
asm_fast.gc.trseg.debug \
- asm_fast.gc.trseg.decldebug \
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