[m-rev.] for post-commit review: Coverage Profiling completed.
Paul Bone
pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Sep 25 23:33:59 AEST 2008
For post-commit review by Zoltan.
Estimated hours taken: 10
Branches: main
Re-write coverage profiling transformation and propagation algorithm. The code
in the profiler and in the compiler both now traverse a procedure in the same
way. This way the coverage profiling transformation knows if the coverage
propagation algorithm will be able to infer the coverage at a given point in
the program or if it needs a coverage point inserted.
As above.
Print out status messages before performing deep profiling on each
procedure when the verbose option is enabled..
The first pass of the coverage profiling transformation has been disabled
since it's not currently used by the second pass.
Conform to changes in compiler/deep_profiling.m
Disable the work around for bug 85 since it is no longer triggered by
As above.
Fix a bug when printing out a scope goal in the procedure representation.
Index: compiler/Mercury.options
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Mercury.options,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -p -b -r1.38 Mercury.options
--- compiler/Mercury.options 23 Sep 2008 01:26:10 -0000 1.38
+++ compiler/Mercury.options 25 Sep 2008 12:42:05 -0000
@@ -60,9 +60,6 @@ MCFLAGS-analysis = --no-common-struct
# mmc -r analysis.file.c -s asm_fast.gc -O4 --intermodule-optimisation
MCFLAGS-analysis.file = --no-optimise-higher-order
-# Workaround for bug 85 in Mantis.
-MCFLAGS-ll_backend.deep_profiling = -O2
# This works around bug 32 in Mantis.
MCFLAGS-check_hlds.check_typeclass = --no-loop-invariants
Index: compiler/deep_profiling.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/deep_profiling.m,v
retrieving revision 1.86
diff -u -p -b -r1.86 deep_profiling.m
--- compiler/deep_profiling.m 20 Sep 2008 11:38:03 -0000 1.86
+++ compiler/deep_profiling.m 25 Sep 2008 13:31:02 -0000
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
:- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
+:- import_module io.
-:- pred apply_deep_profiling_transformation(module_info::in, module_info::out)
- is det.
+:- pred apply_deep_profiling_transformation(module_info::in, module_info::out,
+ io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -36,11 +38,13 @@
:- import_module hlds.code_model.
:- import_module hlds.goal_util.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_goal.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_out.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
:- import_module hlds.hlds_rtti.
:- import_module hlds.instmap.
:- import_module hlds.pred_table.
:- import_module libs.compiler_util.
+:- import_module libs.file_util.
:- import_module libs.globals.
:- import_module libs.options.
:- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.
@@ -69,7 +73,7 @@
-apply_deep_profiling_transformation(!ModuleInfo) :-
+apply_deep_profiling_transformation(!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, deep_profile_tail_recursion,
@@ -82,7 +86,8 @@ apply_deep_profiling_transformation(!Mod
module_info_predids(PredIds, !ModuleInfo),
module_info_get_predicate_table(!.ModuleInfo, PredTable0),
predicate_table_get_preds(PredTable0, PredMap0),
- list.foldl(transform_predicate(!.ModuleInfo), PredIds, PredMap0, PredMap),
+ list.foldl2(transform_predicate(!.ModuleInfo), PredIds, PredMap0, PredMap,
+ !IO),
predicate_table_set_preds(PredMap, PredTable0, PredTable),
module_info_set_predicate_table(PredTable, !ModuleInfo).
@@ -444,21 +449,21 @@ figure_out_rec_call_numbers_in_case_list
:- pred transform_predicate(module_info::in, pred_id::in,
- pred_table::in, pred_table::out) is det.
+ pred_table::in, pred_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-transform_predicate(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredMap0, PredMap) :-
+transform_predicate(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredMap0, PredMap, !IO) :-
map.lookup(PredMap0, PredId, PredInfo0),
ProcIds = pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo0),
pred_info_get_procedures(PredInfo0, ProcTable0),
- list.foldl(maybe_transform_procedure(ModuleInfo, PredId),
- ProcIds, ProcTable0, ProcTable),
+ list.foldl2(maybe_transform_procedure(ModuleInfo, PredId),
+ ProcIds, ProcTable0, ProcTable, !IO),
pred_info_set_procedures(ProcTable, PredInfo0, PredInfo),
map.det_update(PredMap0, PredId, PredInfo, PredMap).
:- pred maybe_transform_procedure(module_info::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
- proc_table::in, proc_table::out) is det.
+ proc_table::in, proc_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-maybe_transform_procedure(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, !ProcTable) :-
+maybe_transform_procedure(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, !ProcTable, !IO) :-
map.lookup(!.ProcTable, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
proc_info_get_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
PredModuleName = predicate_module(ModuleInfo, PredId),
@@ -476,6 +481,12 @@ maybe_transform_procedure(ModuleInfo, Pr
+ module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+ globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, verbose, Verbose),
+ ProcName = pred_proc_id_pair_to_string(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose,
+ string.format("Deep profiling: %s\n", [s(ProcName)]),
+ !IO),
deep_prof_transform_proc(ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId),
ProcInfo0, ProcInfo),
map.det_update(!.ProcTable, ProcId, ProcInfo, !:ProcTable)
@@ -2008,7 +2019,7 @@ coverage_prof_transform_goal(ModuleInfo,
CoverageProfilingOptions ^ cpo_use_2pass = no
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(!Goal, coverage_after_known, _,
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(!Goal, coverage_before_known, _,
CoverageInfo0, CoverageInfo, _),
CoverageInfo ^ ci_coverage_points = CoveragePointsMap,
CoverageInfo ^ ci_var_info = !:VarInfo,
@@ -2017,140 +2028,42 @@ coverage_prof_transform_goal(ModuleInfo,
% Transform a goal for coverage profiling. This is the second pass of
% the coverage profiling transformation, and it consists of several steps.
- % If the first pass has been performed then we collect the relevant
- % information from the goal_info structure.
+ % Step 1: Apply transformation recursively.
- % Step 1: Make a decision whether to insert a coverage point after this
- % goal or not.
+ % Step 2: Consider inserting a coverage point after this goal to measure
+ % how many times it succeeds.
- % Step 2: Determine if coverage information is known for goals that
- % execute before this goal completes. This includes goals before this
- % goal (such as within a conjunction) or goals within this goal.
- % Information collected in the first pass is used here.
- %
- % Step 3: Transform inner goals if this goal is non-atomic.
- %
- % Step 4: Insert a coverage point after this goal if we decided to do so
- % at step 1. This is done here after any inner goals have been
- % transformed.
+ % Step 3: Insert the coverage point if we decided to earlier.
:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
- coverage_after_known::in, coverage_after_known::out,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Goal,
- CoverageAfterKnown0, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
Detism = GoalInfo0 ^ goal_info_get_determinism,
CPOptions = !.Info ^ ci_coverage_profiling_opts,
+ GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
- % Depending on command line arguments first pass information may or may not
- % be available, if it is not available, we assume semi-sensible defaults.
- DPInfo = goal_info_get_dp_info(GoalInfo0),
- DPInfo = dp_goal_info(IsMDProfInst, MaybeDPCoverageInfo),
- (
- MaybeDPCoverageInfo =
- yes(dp_coverage_goal_info(GoalTrivial, GoalPortCountsCoverageAfter))
- ;
- MaybeDPCoverageInfo = no,
- % XXX: Zoltan says;
- % Is this the best default you can get? You should be able to do
- % better for goals like unifications.
- %
- % pbone: I agree. Idealy we should get more accurate information for
- % atomic goals and fall back to these defaults for any other goal.
- GoalTrivial = goal_is_nontrivial,
- GoalPortCountsCoverageAfter = no_port_counts_give_coverage_after
- ),
- (
- GoalPortCountsCoverageAfter = port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- CoverageAfterKnown1 = coverage_after_known
- ;
- GoalPortCountsCoverageAfter = no_port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- CoverageAfterKnown1 = CoverageAfterKnown0
- ),
- % Step 1.
- %
- % Consider inserting a coverage point after this goal to measure how
- % many solutions it may have.
- (
- % Never insert coverage points on goals that are part of the deep
- % profiling instrumentation.
- IsMDProfInst = goal_is_mdprof_inst
- ;
- % We already have execution counts for the program point after this
- % goal; adding a counter would be redundant.
- CoverageAfterKnown1 = coverage_after_known
- ;
- % We don't need to know the execution count of this goal, since
- % it is too cheap to matter.
- GoalTrivial = goal_is_trivial
- ;
- % Never insert coverage points after conjunctions; wait until
- % the algorithm recurses to inside the conjunction and make a
- % better decision about the last conjunct. This can reduce the
- % number of coverage points inserted in some cases.
- GoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, _)
- % We haven't yet thought about whether or not we should treat
- % parallel conjunctions the same way.
- )
+ IsMDProfInst = goal_is_not_mdprof_inst,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown = coverage_before_unknown
- MaybeCPType = no
+ unexpected(this_file, string.format(
+ "coverage_prof_second_pass_goal: Coverage information is unknown\n"
+ ++ "\tGoalPath: %s",
+ [s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))]))
- CoverageAfterGoals = CPOptions ^ cpo_coverage_after_goal,
- (
- CoverageAfterGoals = yes,
- MaybeCPType = yes(cp_type_coverage_after)
- ;
- CoverageAfterGoals = no,
- MaybeCPType = no
- )
+ true
- % Step 2.
- %
- % Update coverage known information.
- (
- MaybeCPType = yes(_),
- CoverageAfterKnown2 = coverage_after_known
- ;
- MaybeCPType = no,
- CoverageAfterKnown2 = CoverageAfterKnown1
- ),
- % If the goal has a port count, then coverage is known at the point directy
- % before this goal.
- (
- GoalPortCountsCoverageAfter = port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- CoverageAfterKnown = coverage_after_known
- ;
- GoalPortCountsCoverageAfter = no_port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- (
- % If there is not exactly one solution then the coverage is
- % not known.
- ( Detism = detism_semi
- ; Detism = detism_multi
- ; Detism = detism_non
- ; Detism = detism_cc_non
- ; Detism = detism_erroneous
- ; Detism = detism_failure
- ),
- CoverageAfterKnown = coverage_after_unknown
- ;
- % Otherwise the coverage remains the same.
- ( Detism = detism_det
- ; Detism = detism_cc_multi
- ),
- CoverageAfterKnown = CoverageAfterKnown2
- )
- ),
+ % Currently the first pass is unsupported, we don't make use of the
+ % information it provides.
+ DPInfo = goal_info_get_dp_info(GoalInfo0),
+ DPInfo = dp_goal_info(IsMDProfInst, _MaybeDPCoverageInfo),
- % Step 3.
+ % Step 1.
% Apply transformation recursively.
@@ -2159,93 +2072,112 @@ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Go
; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+ ( goal_expr_has_call_site(GoalExpr0) ->
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown0 = coverage_before_known
+ ;
+ coverage_known_after_goal_with_detism(Detism,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0)
+ ),
AddedImpurityInner = no,
- GoalExpr1 = GoalExpr0,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown = CoverageAfterKnown
+ GoalExpr1 = GoalExpr0
GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(ConjType, Goals0, Goals,
- CoverageAfterKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0, !Info,
GoalExpr1 = conj(ConjType, Goals)
- % There may be optimizations that can allow us to avoid inserting
- % superfluous coverage points, however they are most likely to be
- % non-trivial.
GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
- coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(DPInfo, Goals0, Goals, !Info,
- AddedImpurityInner),
- (
- ( Detism = detism_det
- ; Detism = detism_cc_multi
- ),
- NextCoverageAfterKnown = CoverageAfterKnown
- ;
- ( Detism = detism_semi
- ; Detism = detism_multi
- ; Detism = detism_non
- ; Detism = detism_cc_non
- ; Detism = detism_erroneous
- ; Detism = detism_failure
- ),
- NextCoverageAfterKnown = coverage_after_unknown
- ),
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(DPInfo,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0,
+ Goals0, Goals, !Info, AddedImpurityInner),
GoalExpr1 = disj(Goals)
GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases0),
coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(DPInfo, SwitchCanFail,
- Cases0, Cases, CoverageAfterKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnown0, !Info,
- AddedImpurityInner),
- (
- SwitchCanFail = cannot_fail,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown = NextCoverageAfterKnown0
- ;
- SwitchCanFail = can_fail,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown = coverage_after_unknown
- ),
+ Cases0, Cases, CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0,
+ !Info, AddedImpurityInner),
GoalExpr1 = switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases)
GoalExpr0 = negation(NegGoal0),
- % The coverage after a negated goal is always unknown.
coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal,
- coverage_after_unknown, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, _, !Info,
+ % The coverage after a negated goal cannot be inferred from it's inner
+ % goals.
+ coverage_known_after_goal_with_detism(Detism,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0),
GoalExpr1 = negation(NegGoal)
GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, ScopeGoal0),
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, CoverageAfterScopedGoalKnown, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityInner),
% A scope may cut away solutions, if it does we don't know the number
% of solutions of the scoped goal.
ScopedGoalDetism =
ScopeGoal0 ^ hlds_goal_info ^ goal_info_get_determinism,
( ScopedGoalDetism = Detism ->
- CoverageAfterScopedGoalKnown = CoverageAfterKnown
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown0 = CoverageAfterScopedGoalKnown
- CoverageAfterScopedGoalKnown = coverage_after_unknown
+ coverage_known_after_goal_with_detism(Detism,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0)
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal,
- CoverageAfterScopedGoalKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info,
- AddedImpurityInner),
GoalExpr1 = scope(Reason, ScopeGoal)
GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(ITEExistVars, Cond, Then, Else),
coverage_prof_second_pass_ite(DPInfo, ITEExistVars, Cond, Then, Else,
- GoalExpr1, CoverageAfterKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info,
+ GoalExpr1, CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown0, !Info,
GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
unexpected(this_file, "coverage_prof_second_pass_goal: shorthand")
- add_impurity_if_needed(AddedImpurityInner, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo1),
- Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, GoalInfo1),
+ % Step 3.
+ %
+ % Consider inserting a coverage point after this goal to measure how many
+ % times it succeeds.
+ (
+ (
+ % Never insert coverage points on goals that are part of the deep
+ % profiling instrumentation.
+ IsMDProfInst = goal_is_mdprof_inst
+ ;
+ % We already have execution counts for the program point after this
+ % goal; adding a counter would be redundant.
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown0 = coverage_before_known
+ ;
+ % Never insert coverage points after conjunctions; wait until
+ % the algorithm recurses to inside the conjunction and make a
+ % better decision about the last conjunct. This can reduce the
+ % number of coverage points inserted in some cases.
+ GoalExpr0 = conj(_, _)
+ )
+ ->
+ MaybeCPType = no,
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown = NextCoverageBeforeKnown0
+ ;
+ CoverageAfterGoals = CPOptions ^ cpo_coverage_after_goal,
+ (
+ CoverageAfterGoals = yes,
+ MaybeCPType = yes(cp_type_coverage_after),
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown = coverage_before_known
+ ;
+ CoverageAfterGoals = no,
+ MaybeCPType = no,
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown = NextCoverageBeforeKnown0
+ )
+ ),
% Step 4.
% Insert the coverage point if we decided to earlier.
+ add_impurity_if_needed(AddedImpurityInner, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo1),
+ Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, GoalInfo1),
MaybeCPType = yes(CPType),
- Path = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo1),
- CPInfo = coverage_point_info(Path, CPType),
+ CPInfo = coverage_point_info(GoalPath, CPType),
make_coverage_point(CPInfo, CPGoals, !Info),
create_conj_from_list([Goal1 | CPGoals], plain_conj, Goal),
@@ -2257,26 +2189,67 @@ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Go
AddedImpurity = AddedImpurityInner
- % Perform the coverage profiling transformation for conjuncts starting
- % at the tail of the goal list and moving back towards the head. The
- % goal list represents the list of goals within a conjunction minus
- % 'Pos' goals removed from the head.
+ % True if the deep profiler will instrument this call site and the port
+ % counts from it are useful for coverage profiling.
- % This is done tail first as to take advantage of knowledge of goals after
- % the current goal within the conjunction.
+:- pred goal_expr_has_call_site(hlds_goal_expr::in) is semidet.
+goal_expr_has_call_site(GoalExpr) :-
+ (
+ GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, BuiltinState, _, _),
+ ( BuiltinState = out_of_line_builtin
+ ; BuiltinState = not_builtin
+ )
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = generic_call(GenericCall, _, _, _),
+ ( GenericCall = higher_order(_, _, _, _)
+ ; GenericCall = class_method(_, _, _, _)
+ )
+ ;
+ % Even though the deep profiler creates a call site when these may
+ % call mercury the coverage propagation code cannot make use of the
+ % port counts, since they measure how often Mercury is re-entered,
+ % not how often this call is made.
+ GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+ fail
+ ).
+:- pred coverage_known_after_goal_with_detism(determinism::in,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out) is det.
+coverage_known_after_goal_with_detism(Detism, !CoverageKnown) :-
+ (
+ ( Detism = detism_semi
+ ; Detism = detism_multi
+ ; Detism = detism_non
+ ; Detism = detism_cc_non
+ ; Detism = detism_erroneous
+ ; Detism = detism_failure
+ ),
+ !:CoverageKnown = coverage_before_unknown
+ ;
+ ( Detism = detism_det
+ ; Detism = detism_cc_multi
+ )
+ ).
+ % Perform the coverage profiling transformation for conjuncts. The goal
+ % list represents the list of goals within a conjunction minus 'Pos' goals
+ % removed from the head.
:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(conj_type::in,
list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
- coverage_after_known::in, coverage_after_known::out,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
-coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(_, [], [], !CoverageAfterKnown, !Info, no).
+coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(_, [], [], !CoverageBeforeKnown, !Info, no).
coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(ConjType, [Goal0 | Goals0], Goals,
- CoverageAfterKnown0, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
- coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(ConjType, Goals0, Goals1,
- CoverageAfterKnown0, CoverageAfterKnown, !Info, AddedImpurityTail),
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Goal1,
- CoverageAfterKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info, AddedImpurityHead),
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, CoverageBeforeTailKnown, !Info, AddedImpurityHead),
+ % Flatten the conjunction, this is necessary when coverage points are
+ % inserted into conjuncts.
Goal1 = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, ConjGoals), _),
ConjType = plain_conj
@@ -2285,198 +2258,215 @@ coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(ConjType,
Goals = [Goal1 | Goals1]
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_conj(ConjType, Goals0, Goals1,
+ CoverageBeforeTailKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityTail),
bool.or(AddedImpurityHead, AddedImpurityTail, AddedImpurity).
% Perform the coverage profiling transformation over goals within a
% disjunction. The list of goals represents the tail of the disjunction
% currently being transformed.
- % Disjuncts are also transformed in reverse order, as knowledge from
- % later disjuncts can be used to reduce the number of coverage points
- % placed in earlier disjuncts.
- %
-:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(
- dp_goal_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(dp_goal_info::in,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
+ list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
-coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(_, [], [], !Info, no).
-coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(DPInfo, [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !Info,
- AddedImpurity) :-
- % Transform the tail of the disjunction.
- coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(DPInfo, Goals0, Goals, !Info,
- AddedImpurityTail),
+coverage_prof_second_pass_disj(DPInfo, CoverageBeforeKnown,
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown, Disjs0, Disjs, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
+ % If the disjunction was introduced by the deep profiling pass, it has two
+ % disjuncts and it's second disjunct has 'failure' determinism, then
+ % perform the coverage profiling pass on the first disjunct as if this
+ % is the only goal.
+ (
+ DPInfo = dp_goal_info(goal_is_mdprof_inst, _),
+ Disjs0 = [FirstDisj0, SecondDisj],
+ SecondDisj ^ hlds_goal_info ^ goal_info_get_determinism = detism_failure
+ ->
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(FirstDisj0, FirstDisj,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown, !Info,
+ AddedImpurity),
+ Disjs = [FirstDisj, SecondDisj]
+ ;
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_disj_2(DPInfo, CoverageBeforeKnown,
+ Disjs0, Disjs, !Info, AddedImpurity),
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown = coverage_before_unknown
+ ).
- % Transform this goal and optionally add a coverage point before it.
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Goal1,
- coverage_after_unknown, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info,
- AddedImpurityHead0),
+:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_disj_2(dp_goal_info::in,
+ coverage_before_known::in,
+ list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+ proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
+coverage_prof_second_pass_disj_2(_, _, [], [], !Info, no).
+coverage_prof_second_pass_disj_2(DPInfo, CoverageBeforeKnown0,
+ [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
+ % If coverage is unknown before the disjunct, then decide to insert a
+ % branch coverage point at the beginning of the disjunct.
CPOBranchDisj = !.Info ^ ci_coverage_profiling_opts ^ cpo_branch_disj,
DPInfo = dp_goal_info(IsMDProfInst, _),
CPOBranchDisj = yes,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown = coverage_after_unknown,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown0 = coverage_before_unknown,
IsMDProfInst = goal_is_not_mdprof_inst
+ InsertCP = yes,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown = coverage_before_known
+ ;
+ InsertCP = no,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown = CoverageBeforeKnown0
+ ),
+ % Transform the disjunct its self.
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Goal1,
+ CoverageBeforeKnown, _CoverageAfterHeadKnown, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityHead),
+ % Transform the tail of the disjunction.
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_disj_2(DPInfo,
+ coverage_before_unknown, Goals0, Goals, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityTail),
+ % Insert the coverage point if we decided to above.
+ (
+ InsertCP = yes
+ ->
DisjPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Goal0 ^ hlds_goal_info),
cp_type_branch_arm), Goal1, Goal, !Info),
- AddedImpurityHead = yes
+ AddedImpurity = yes
Goal = Goal1,
- AddedImpurityHead = AddedImpurityHead0
- ),
- bool.or(AddedImpurityHead, AddedImpurityTail, AddedImpurity).
+ AddedImpurity = bool.or(AddedImpurityHead, AddedImpurityTail)
+ ).
+ % coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(DPInfo, SwitchCanFial, !Cases,
+ % CoverageBeforeSwitch, !Info, AddedImpurity).
+ %
+ % Preform coverage profiling transformation on switch cases.
+ %
:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(dp_goal_info::in, can_fail::in,
list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
- coverage_after_known::in, coverage_after_known::out,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
+ proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
+coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(DPInfo, CanFail, Cases0, Cases,
+ CoverageBeforeSwitchKnown, CoverageAfterSwitchKnown, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
+ % If the switch can fail then the coverage after it will be unknown.
+ (
+ CanFail = can_fail,
+ CoverageAfterSwitchKnown0 = coverage_before_unknown
+ ;
+ CanFail = cannot_fail,
+ CoverageAfterSwitchKnown0 = coverage_before_known
+ ),
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase_2(DPInfo, CanFail, Cases0, Cases,
+ CoverageBeforeSwitchKnown, coverage_before_known,
+ CoverageAfterSwitchKnown0, CoverageAfterSwitchKnown, !Info,
+ AddedImpurity).
+:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase_2(dp_goal_info::in, can_fail::in,
+ list(case)::in, list(case)::out, coverage_before_known::in,
+ coverage_before_known::in,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
-coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(_, _, [], [], _, coverage_after_known,
- !Info, no).
-coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(DPInfo, SwitchCanFail,
- [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], CoverageAfterSwitchKnown,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info, AddedImpurity) :-
+coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase_2(_, _, [], [], _, _,
+ !CoverageAfterSwitchKnown, !Info, no).
+coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase_2(DPInfo, SwitchCanFail,
+ [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], CoverageBeforeSwitchKnown,
+ CoverageBeforeEveryCaseKnown, !CoverageAfterSwitchKnown, !Info,
+ AddedImpurity) :-
Goal0 = Case0 ^ case_goal,
% If the switch cannot fail and this is the last case then the coverage
- % at the end of this case can be computed from the coverage after the
- % entire switch and coverage information for the tail of the switch
- % such as branch coverage points.
+ % at the beginning of this case can be computed from the coverage before the
+ % entire switch and coverage information for the tail of the switch such as
+ % branch coverage points.
Cases0 = [],
SwitchCanFail = cannot_fail,
- CoverageAfterHeadKnown = CoverageAfterSwitchKnown
+ CoverageBeforeHeadKnown0 = coverage_before_known_and(
+ CoverageBeforeSwitchKnown, CoverageBeforeEveryCaseKnown)
SwitchCanFail = can_fail,
- CoverageAfterHeadKnown = coverage_after_unknown
+ CoverageBeforeHeadKnown0 = coverage_before_unknown
Cases0 = [_ | _],
- CoverageAfterHeadKnown = coverage_after_unknown
+ CoverageBeforeHeadKnown0 = coverage_before_unknown
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Goal1, CoverageAfterHeadKnown,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown0, !Info, AddedImpurityHead0),
- % Possibly insert coverage point.
+ % Decide whether to insert a coverage point here.
CPOBranchSwitch = !.Info ^ ci_coverage_profiling_opts ^
DPInfo = dp_goal_info(IsMDProfInst, _),
CPOBranchSwitch = yes,
- NextCoverageAfterKnown0 = coverage_after_unknown,
+ CoverageBeforeHeadKnown0 = coverage_before_unknown,
IsMDProfInst = goal_is_not_mdprof_inst
+ InsertCP = yes,
+ CoverageBeforeHeadKnown = coverage_before_known
+ ;
+ InsertCP = no,
+ CoverageBeforeHeadKnown = CoverageBeforeHeadKnown0
+ ),
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Goal0, Goal1, CoverageBeforeHeadKnown,
+ CoverageAfterCaseKnown, !Info, AddedImpurityHead0),
+ !:CoverageAfterSwitchKnown = coverage_before_known_and(
+ CoverageAfterCaseKnown, !.CoverageAfterSwitchKnown),
+ % Possibly insert coverage point.
+ (
+ InsertCP = yes,
CasePath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Goal0 ^ hlds_goal_info),
cp_type_branch_arm), Goal1, Goal, !Info),
- AddedImpurityHead = yes,
- NextCoverageAfterKnownHead = coverage_after_known
+ AddedImpurityHead = yes
+ InsertCP = no,
Goal = Goal1,
- AddedImpurityHead = AddedImpurityHead0,
- NextCoverageAfterKnownHead = NextCoverageAfterKnown0
+ AddedImpurityHead = AddedImpurityHead0
% Handle recursive case and prepare output variables.
- coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase(DPInfo, SwitchCanFail, Cases0, Cases,
- CoverageAfterSwitchKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnownTail, !Info,
- AddedImpurityTail),
+ NextCoverageBeforeEveryCaseKnown = coverage_before_known_and(
+ CoverageBeforeEveryCaseKnown, CoverageBeforeHeadKnown),
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_switchcase_2(DPInfo, SwitchCanFail, Cases0, Cases,
+ CoverageBeforeSwitchKnown, NextCoverageBeforeEveryCaseKnown,
+ !CoverageAfterSwitchKnown, !Info, AddedImpurityTail),
Case = Case0 ^ case_goal := Goal,
- coverage_after_known_branch(NextCoverageAfterKnownHead,
- NextCoverageAfterKnownTail, NextCoverageAfterKnown),
bool.or(AddedImpurityHead, AddedImpurityTail, AddedImpurity).
% Determine if branch coverage points should be inserted in either or
% both of the then and else branches, insert them and transform the
% sub-goals.
- % This is performed by first transforming the Else and Then branches,
- % then making decisions about cooverage points and inserting them, then
- % transforming the condition and constructing the new ITE goal_expr.
+ % This is performed by first transforming the condition goal,
+ % then making decisions about coverage points and inserting them, then
+ % transforming the then and else branches and constructing the new ITE
+ % goal_expr.
:- pred coverage_prof_second_pass_ite(dp_goal_info::in, list(prog_var)::in,
hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
- coverage_after_known::in, coverage_after_known::out,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
coverage_prof_second_pass_ite(DPInfo, ITEExistVars, Cond0, Then0, Else0,
- GoalExpr, CoverageAfterITEKnown, NextCoverageAfterKnown,
+ GoalExpr, CoverageBeforeITEKnown, NextCoverageBeforeKnown,
!Info, AddedImpurity) :-
- % If the then and else goals have exactly one solution and coverage is
- % known after the ite, then the coverage at the end of one branch can
- % be computed from the other branch and the coverage known after the ite.
- % This helps later to insert fewer coverage points in the beginning of
- % the branches, and may also help reduce coverage points within the
- % branches.
- ThenPortCountsCoverageAfter = goal_get_maybe_dp_port_counts_coverage(Then0),
- ElsePortCountsCoverageAfter = goal_get_maybe_dp_port_counts_coverage(Else0),
- (
- CoverageAfterITEKnown = coverage_after_known,
- ThenDetism = Then0 ^ hlds_goal_info ^ goal_info_get_determinism,
- ElseDetism = Else0 ^ hlds_goal_info ^ goal_info_get_determinism,
- (
- ( ThenDetism = detism_det
- ; ThenDetism = detism_cc_multi
- ),
- ( ElseDetism = detism_det
- ; ElseDetism = detism_cc_multi
- )
- ->
- (
- ThenPortCountsCoverageAfter =
- no_port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- ElsePortCountsCoverageAfter =
- no_port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- % The coverage at the end of the else goal can be calculated
- % from the coverage at the end of the then goal.
- CoverageAfterThenKnown = coverage_after_unknown,
- CoverageAfterElseKnown = coverage_after_known
- ;
- ThenPortCountsCoverageAfter =
- no_port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- ElsePortCountsCoverageAfter = port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- % The coverage at the end of the then goal can be calculated
- % from the coverage at the end of the else goal.
- CoverageAfterThenKnown = coverage_after_known,
- CoverageAfterElseKnown = coverage_after_known
- ;
- ThenPortCountsCoverageAfter = port_counts_give_coverage_after,
- % The coverage at the end of the else goal (if it doesn't have
- % port counts), can be calculated from the coverage of the then
- % goal. Or it's already known because the port counts from
- % within the goal give the coverage information.
- CoverageAfterThenKnown = coverage_after_known,
- CoverageAfterElseKnown = coverage_after_known
- )
- ;
- % The branches of the ITE are not deterministic.
- CoverageAfterThenKnown = coverage_after_unknown,
- CoverageAfterElseKnown = coverage_after_unknown
- )
- ;
- CoverageAfterITEKnown = coverage_after_unknown,
- CoverageAfterElseKnown = coverage_after_unknown,
- CoverageAfterThenKnown = coverage_after_unknown
- ),
- % Transform Else branch,
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Else0, Else1,
- CoverageAfterElseKnown, CoverageBeforeElseKnown1, !Info,
- AddedImpurityElseGoal),
+ % Transform Cond branch.
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Cond0, Cond,
+ CoverageBeforeITEKnown, CoverageKnownAfterCond, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityCond),
- % Transform Then branch.
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Then0, Then1,
- CoverageAfterThenKnown, CoverageBeforeThenKnown1, !Info,
- AddedImpurityThenGoal),
+ CoverageKnownBeforeThen0 = CoverageKnownAfterCond,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeElse0 = coverage_before_unknown,
% Gather information and decide what coverage points to insert.
@@ -2486,59 +2476,69 @@ coverage_prof_second_pass_ite(DPInfo, IT
% Whatever we do we will ensure that the coverage will be known at the
% beginning of each branch,
CPOBranchIf = !.Info ^ ci_coverage_profiling_opts ^ cpo_branch_ite,
- CondPortCountsCoverageAfter = goal_get_maybe_dp_port_counts_coverage(Cond0),
DPInfo = dp_goal_info(IsMDProfInst, _),
CPOBranchIf = yes,
- CondPortCountsCoverageAfter = no_port_counts_give_coverage_after,
IsMDProfInst = goal_is_not_mdprof_inst
- CoverageBeforeThenKnown1 = coverage_after_unknown,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeThen0 = coverage_before_unknown,
ThenPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Then0 ^ hlds_goal_info),
InsertCPThen = yes(coverage_point_info(ThenPath,
- CoverageBeforeThenKnown1 = coverage_after_known,
- InsertCPThen = no
- )
- ;
- % Don't insert any coverage points,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeThen0 = coverage_before_known,
InsertCPThen = no
- (
- CoverageBeforeElseKnown1 = coverage_after_unknown,
+ % Always insert a coverage point for the else branch.
ElsePath = goal_info_get_goal_path(Else0 ^ hlds_goal_info),
InsertCPElse = yes(coverage_point_info(ElsePath,
- cp_type_branch_arm))
+ cp_type_branch_arm)),
+ CoverageKnownBeforeThen = coverage_before_known,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeElse = coverage_before_known
- CoverageBeforeElseKnown1 = coverage_after_known,
- InsertCPElse = no
+ % Don't insert any coverage points,
+ InsertCPThen = no,
+ InsertCPElse = no,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeThen = CoverageKnownBeforeThen0,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeElse = CoverageKnownBeforeElse0
- % Insert any coverage points.
- maybe_insert_coverage_point_before(InsertCPElse, Else1, Else,
- CoverageBeforeElseKnown1, _CoverageBeforeElseKnown, !Info,
- AddedImpurityElseCP),
- bool.or(AddedImpurityElseGoal, AddedImpurityElseCP, AddedImpurityElse),
- maybe_insert_coverage_point_before(InsertCPThen, Then1, Then,
- CoverageBeforeThenKnown1, CoverageBeforeThenKnown, !Info,
- AddedImpurityThenCP),
- bool.or(AddedImpurityThenGoal, AddedImpurityThenCP, AddedImpurityThen),
+ % Transform Then and Else branches,
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Then0, Then1,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeThen, NextCoverageKnownThen, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityThenGoal),
+ coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Else0, Else1,
+ CoverageKnownBeforeElse, NextCoverageKnownElse, !Info,
+ AddedImpurityElseGoal),
- % Transform Cond branch.
- CoverageKnownAfterCond = CoverageBeforeThenKnown,
- coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(Cond0, Cond,
- CoverageKnownAfterCond, NextCoverageAfterKnown, !Info,
- AddedImpurityCond),
+ % Insert any coverage points.
+ (
+ InsertCPThen = yes(CPInfoThen),
+ insert_coverage_point_before(CPInfoThen, Then1, Then, !Info),
+ AddedImpurityThen = yes
+ ;
+ InsertCPThen = no,
+ Then = Then1,
+ AddedImpurityThen = AddedImpurityThenGoal
+ ),
+ (
+ InsertCPElse = yes(CPInfoElse),
+ insert_coverage_point_before(CPInfoElse, Else1, Else, !Info),
+ AddedImpurityElse = yes
+ ;
+ InsertCPElse = no,
+ Else = Else1,
+ AddedImpurityElse = AddedImpurityElseGoal
+ ),
% Build goal experession and tidy up.
AddedImpurity = bool.or(AddedImpurityCond,
bool.or(AddedImpurityThen, AddedImpurityElse)),
- GoalExpr = if_then_else(ITEExistVars, Cond, Then, Else).
+ GoalExpr = if_then_else(ITEExistVars, Cond, Then, Else),
+ NextCoverageBeforeKnown = coverage_before_known_and(
+ NextCoverageKnownThen, NextCoverageKnownElse).
:- func goal_info_get_dp_info(hlds_goal_info) = dp_goal_info.
@@ -2600,12 +2600,12 @@ goal_info_set_mdprof_inst(IsMDProfInst,
:- pred maybe_insert_coverage_point_before(maybe(coverage_point_info)::in,
hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
- coverage_after_known::in, coverage_after_known::out,
+ coverage_before_known::in, coverage_before_known::out,
proc_coverage_info::in, proc_coverage_info::out, bool::out) is det.
-maybe_insert_coverage_point_before(no, !Goal, !CoverageAfterKnown, !Info, no).
+maybe_insert_coverage_point_before(no, !Goal, !CoverageBeforeKnown, !Info, no).
maybe_insert_coverage_point_before(yes(CPInfo), !Goal,
- _, coverage_after_known, !Info, yes) :-
+ _, coverage_before_known, !Info, yes) :-
insert_coverage_point_before(CPInfo, !Goal, !Info).
% Insert a coverage point before the given goal. This returns a flat
@@ -2627,30 +2627,20 @@ insert_coverage_point_before(CPInfo, !Go
% Used to describe if coverage information is known at a partiular point
% within a procedure.
-:- type coverage_after_known
- ---> coverage_after_known
- ; coverage_after_unknown.
- % Merge two coverage_after_known values at the beginning of a branch.
- %
- % The coverage profiling algorithm moves right to left through conjunctions
- % and disjunctions, and from inner goals to outer goals on all non-atomic
- % goals. It may reach a branch of execution knowing the coverage known
- % information entering both branches, this predicate computes the coverage
- % known information for the branch as a whole. For example. In an
- % if-then-else this can compute weather the coverage is known after the
- % condition based in weather the coverage is known before both the then and
- % else branches.
- %
-:- pred coverage_after_known_branch(coverage_after_known::in,
- coverage_after_known::in, coverage_after_known::out) is det.
-coverage_after_known_branch(coverage_after_known, coverage_after_known,
- coverage_after_known).
-coverage_after_known_branch(coverage_after_known, coverage_after_unknown,
- coverage_after_unknown).
-coverage_after_known_branch(coverage_after_unknown, _,
- coverage_after_unknown).
+:- type coverage_before_known
+ ---> coverage_before_known
+ ; coverage_before_unknown.
+ % The logical 'and' of coverage_before_known values.
+:- func coverage_before_known_and(coverage_before_known, coverage_before_known)
+ = coverage_before_known.
+coverage_before_known_and(coverage_before_known, coverage_before_known) =
+ coverage_before_known.
+coverage_before_known_and(coverage_before_known, coverage_before_unknown) =
+ coverage_before_unknown.
+coverage_before_known_and(coverage_before_unknown, _) =
+ coverage_before_unknown.
% Create a coverage info struture, initializing some values to sensible
% defaults.
@@ -2722,7 +2712,7 @@ has_port_counts_after(Goal, PCDirect, PC
has_port_counts_if_det(Detism, PCBefore, PC)
- % Given the current goal's determinism and wheather the next earliest goal
+ % Given the current goal's determinism and whether the next earliest goal
% has port counts does this goal have port counts
:- pred has_port_counts_if_det(determinism::in,
@@ -2745,10 +2735,13 @@ has_port_counts_if_det(Detism, PortCount
% transformation.
% This pass gathers the information in the dp_coverage_goal_info structure,
- % namely weather the goal is trivial (if it and none of it's subgoals are
- % calls), And weather a port count is available from the deep profiler
+ % namely whether the goal is trivial (if it and none of it's subgoals are
+ % calls), And whether a port count is available from the deep profiler
% from which the coverage _after_ this goal can be computed.
+ % XXX: Currently the first pass is unsupported. The second pass does not
+ % use the information it generates.
+ %
:- pred coverage_prof_first_pass(coverage_profiling_options::in, hlds_goal::in,
hlds_goal::out, port_counts_give_coverage_after::in,
dp_coverage_goal_info::out) is det.
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.478
diff -u -p -b -r1.478 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m 5 Sep 2008 03:57:36 -0000 1.478
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m 24 Sep 2008 04:33:39 -0000
@@ -4409,7 +4409,7 @@ maybe_deep_profiling(Verbose, Stats, !HL
"% Applying deep profiling transformation...\n", !IO),
maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO),
- apply_deep_profiling_transformation(!HLDS),
+ apply_deep_profiling_transformation(!HLDS, !IO),
maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
maybe_report_stats(Stats, !IO)
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.631
diff -u -p -b -r1.631 options.m
--- compiler/options.m 24 Sep 2008 06:47:14 -0000 1.631
+++ compiler/options.m 25 Sep 2008 12:52:58 -0000
@@ -304,6 +304,7 @@
; profile_deep_coverage_branch_disj
% Tunables for the coverage profiling pass.
+ % XXX: Currently both these options are unsupported.
; profile_deep_coverage_use_portcounts
; profile_deep_coverage_use_trivial
@@ -1167,8 +1168,8 @@ option_defaults_2(compilation_model_opti
profile_deep_coverage_branch_ite - bool(yes),
profile_deep_coverage_branch_switch - bool(yes),
profile_deep_coverage_branch_disj - bool(yes),
- profile_deep_coverage_use_portcounts - bool(yes),
- profile_deep_coverage_use_trivial - bool(yes),
+ profile_deep_coverage_use_portcounts - bool(no),
+ profile_deep_coverage_use_trivial - bool(no),
profile_for_implicit_parallelism - bool(no),
use_zeroing_for_ho_cycles - bool(yes),
use_lots_of_ho_specialization - bool(no),
Index: deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -p -b -r1.4 program_representation_utils.m
--- deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m 21 Sep 2008 12:05:06 -0000 1.4
+++ deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m 25 Sep 2008 12:56:13 -0000
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ print_goal_to_strings(VarTable, Indent,
GoalExprRep = scope_rep(SubGoalRep, MaybeCut),
MaybeCut = scope_is_cut,
- CutString = cord.empty
+ CutString = cord.singleton(" cut")
MaybeCut = scope_is_no_cut,
- CutString = cord.singleton(" cut")
+ CutString = cord.empty
print_goal_to_strings(VarTable, Indent + 1, SubGoalRep, SubGoalString),
Strings = indent(Indent) ++ DetismString ++ GoalAnnotationString ++
@@ -507,6 +507,19 @@ modulerep_search_proc(ModuleRep, ProcLab
+ % Annotate a procedure representation structure with coverage information.
+ %
+ % The following trace flags control debugging for this predicate.
+ %
+ % debug_coverage_propagation:
+ % Print out diagnostic messages to aid in the debugging of the
+ % propagation coverage algorithm.
+ %
+ % no_coverage_propagation_assertions:
+ % Disable assertions used to test this algorithm, This allows the
+ % algorithm to proceed past the problem and allow the programmer to
+ % view erroneous output.
+ %
procrep_annotate_with_coverage(OwnProf, CallSites, SolnsCoveragePoints,
BranchCoveragePoints, !ProcRep) :-
some [!ProcDefn, !GoalRep] (
@@ -542,6 +555,81 @@ procrep_annotate_with_coverage(OwnProf,
cri_branch_coverage_points :: map(goal_path, coverage_point)
+ % Try to get coverage information from:
+ % + Port counts if this is an atomic goal.
+ % + A solution count from a coverage point after the goal
+ % + If the goal is in a conjunction and it is not the first conjunct, try
+ % to get the solution count of the previous goal.
+ %
+ % This does not check for branch entry counts.
+ %
+:- pred get_coverage_information(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ goal_expr_rep(T)::in, goal_path::in, detism_rep::in,
+ coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out) is det.
+get_coverage_information(Info, GoalExpr, GoalPath, Detism, !Coverage) :-
+ % Try to get coverage information from goal port counts.
+ (
+ ( !.Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ; !.Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+ ; !.Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+ ),
+ GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, AtomicGoal),
+ ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+ )
+ ->
+ (
+ map.search(Info ^ cri_call_sites, GoalPath, CallSite),
+ % Callback call sites measure the port counts when mercury is
+ % re-entered, not the number of calls made from this call site.
+ CallSite ^ csf_kind \= callback_and_no_info
+ ->
+ Summary = CallSite ^ csf_summary_perf,
+ % Entry due to redo is not counted at the point before the
+ % goal, it's represented when the number of exists is greater
+ % than the number of calls, This won't work with nondet code
+ % which should be fixed in the future.
+ Calls = Summary ^ perf_row_calls,
+ Exits = Summary ^ perf_row_exits,
+ !:Coverage = coverage_known(Calls, Exits)
+ ;
+ (
+ % These goal call types must have call sites, whereas some
+ % builtins and foreign code pragmas may not.
+ ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ )
+ ->
+ error("Couldn't look up call site for port counts GP: " ++
+ goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))
+ ;
+ true
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ % Search for a coverage point after this goal.
+ (
+ ( !.Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ; !.Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+ ),
+ map.search(Info ^ cri_solns_coverage_points, GoalPath, CoveragePoint1)
+ ->
+ CoveragePoint1 = coverage_point(Count1, _, _),
+ !:Coverage = merge_coverage(!.Coverage, coverage_known_after(Count1))
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ propagate_coverage(Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage).
% Annotate a goal and it's children with coverage information.
:- pred goal_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
@@ -552,26 +640,12 @@ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !
Goal0 = goal_rep(GoalExpr0, Detism, _),
% Gather any coverage information about this goal and apply it.
- (
- get_coverage_after(!.Coverage) = coverage_unknown,
- map.search(Info ^ cri_solns_coverage_points, GoalPath, CoveragePoint)
- ->
- CoveragePoint = coverage_point(Coverage, _, _),
- !:Coverage = merge_coverage(get_coverage_before(!.Coverage),
- coverage_known_after(Coverage))
- ;
- true
- ),
- % TODO: Infer that if a goal has a coverage of exactly 0 before it, then it
- % must have a coverage of exactly 0 after it. And that a goal that cannot
- % fail that has a coverage of 0 after it, must have a coverage of 0 before
- % it.
- maybe_propagate_det_coverage(Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage),
+ get_coverage_information(Info, GoalExpr0, GoalPath, Detism, !Coverage),
% Calculate coverage of any inner goals.
GoalExpr0 = conj_rep(Conjuncts0),
- conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, 1, !Coverage,
+ conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !Coverage,
Conjuncts0, Conjuncts),
GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts)
@@ -581,7 +655,7 @@ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !
GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts)
GoalExpr0 = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
- switch_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage,
+ switch_annotate_coverage(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, !Coverage,
Cases0, Cases),
GoalExpr = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases)
@@ -601,51 +675,9 @@ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !
GoalExpr = scope_rep(ScopedGoal, MaybeCut)
GoalExpr0 = atomic_goal_rep(Filename, Line, Vars, AtomicGoal),
- (
- ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
- )
- ;
- ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
- ),
- ( map.search(Info ^ cri_call_sites, GoalPath, CallSite) ->
- Summary = CallSite ^ csf_summary_perf,
- % Entry due to redo is not counted at the point before the
- % goal, it's represented when the number of exists is greater
- % than the number of calls, This won't work with nondet code
- % which should be fixed in the future.
- Calls = Summary ^ perf_row_calls,
- Exits = Summary ^ perf_row_exits,
- !:Coverage = coverage_known(Calls, Exits)
- ;
- (
- % These goal call types must have call sites, whereas some
- % builtins and foreign code pragmas may not.
- ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
- )
- ->
- error("Couldn't look up call site for port counts GP: " ++
- goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))
- ;
- true
- )
- )
- ),
GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(Filename, Line, Vars, AtomicGoal)
- maybe_propagate_det_coverage(Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage),
+ propagate_coverage(Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage),
Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, !.Coverage),
trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
io.write_string("goal_annotate_coverage: done\n", !IO),
@@ -654,57 +686,56 @@ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !
s(string(!.Coverage))], !IO)
+ trace [ compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions")) ]
+ (
+ require(check_coverage_complete(!.Coverage, GoalExpr),
+ string.format("check_coverage_complete failed\n" ++
+ "\tCoverage: %s\n\tGoalPath: %s\n",
+ [s(string(!.Coverage)), s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))])),
require(check_coverage_regarding_detism(!.Coverage, Detism),
string.format("check_coverage_regarding_detism failed: %s %s",
- [s(string(!.Coverage)), s(string(Detism))])).
+ [s(string(!.Coverage)), s(string(Detism))]))
+ ).
+ % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information.
+ %
+:- pred conj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
+ list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
- % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information. This folds from the
- % right over the list of conjuncts (backwards).
+conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !Coverage, Conjs0, Conjs) :-
+ conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1, !Coverage, Conjs0, Conjs).
+ % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information.
% The list of goals is the tail of a conjunction, the coverage argument
% describes the coverage of this list of goals if it where the entire
- % conjunction. However each goal has it's own coverage.
+ % conjunction. Each goal also has it's own coverage.
-:- pred conj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+:- pred conj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
int::in, coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-conj_annotate_coverage(_, GoalPath, ConjunctNum, !Coverage, [], []) :-
+conj_annotate_coverage_2(_, GoalPath, ConjunctNum, !Coverage, [], []) :-
% The empty conjunction is equivalent to 'true' which is deterministic,
ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjunctNum)),
propagate_det_coverage(ConjGoalPath, !Coverage).
-conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum, !Coverage,
+conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum, !Coverage,
[Conj0 | Conjs0], [Conj | Conjs]) :-
split_coverage(!.Coverage, CoverageBefore0, CoverageAfter0),
- conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum+1,
- CoverageAfter0, TailCoverage1, Conjs0, Conjs1),
- split_coverage(TailCoverage1, CoverageBeforeTail1, CoverageAfter1),
- goal_transition_coverage(CoverageAfterHead0, CoverageBeforeTail1),
- HeadCoverage0 = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore0, CoverageAfterHead0),
goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjunctNum)),
- HeadCoverage0, HeadCoverage, Conj0, Conj),
- % If computing the coverage for the head gave us information that can be
- % used to re-compute the coverage for the tail, and we don't already know
- % the coverage at the beginning of the tail. Then re-compute the coverage
- % for the tail.
+ CoverageBefore0, HeadCoverage, Conj0, Conj),
split_coverage(HeadCoverage, CoverageBefore, CoverageAfterHead),
- (
- CoverageBeforeTail1 = coverage_unknown,
- CoverageAfterHead = coverage_known_after(Count)
- ->
- CoverageBeforeTail = coverage_known_before(Count),
- TailCoverage2 = merge_coverage(CoverageBeforeTail, CoverageAfter1),
- conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum+1,
- TailCoverage2, TailCoverage, Conjs0, Conjs),
- CoverageAfter = get_coverage_after(TailCoverage)
- ;
- Conjs = Conjs1,
- CoverageAfter = CoverageAfter1
- ),
+ goal_transition_coverage(CoverageAfterHead, CoverageBeforeTail),
+ TailCoverage0 = merge_coverage(CoverageBeforeTail, CoverageAfter0),
+ conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum+1,
+ TailCoverage0, TailCoverage, Conjs0, Conjs),
+ CoverageAfter = get_coverage_after(TailCoverage),
!:Coverage = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter).
% Compute the coverage information for a disjunction.
@@ -713,72 +744,50 @@ conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, C
% - The coverage before a disjunction is equal to the coverage before the
% first disjunct.
% - The coverage after a disjunction is equal to the sum of coverages
- % after each disjunct.
- % - If the disjunction has at most one solution, then the coverage
- % entering a disjunct is the failure count of the previous disjunct.
- %
- % Examples:
- % A semidet disjunction.
- % 5 ( 5 D1 2; 3 D2 2; 1 D3 0 ) 4
- %
- % A nondet disjunction.
- % 5 ( 5 D1 2; 5 D2 3; 5 D3 1 ) 6 (2 exit, 4 redo)
- %
- % For simplicity start with a backwards-only traversal, Not all the rules
- % described in this comment are applied.
+ % after each disjunct. This rule is not yet implemented.
:- pred disj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, detism_rep::in,
goal_path::in, coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-disj_annotate_coverage(Info, _Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage,
+disj_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage,
Disjs0, Disjs) :-
CoverageBefore0 = get_coverage_before(!.Coverage),
- disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1,
- Disjs0, Disjs, CoverageBefore),
+ Solutions = detism_get_solutions(Detism),
+ disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1, Solutions,
+ CoverageBefore0, Disjs0, Disjs).
- % If coverage before the disjunction was unknown before and is now
- % discovered, update it.
+:- pred disj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ goal_path::in, int::in, solution_count::in,
+ coverage_info::in(coverage_before),
+ list(goal_rep)::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+disj_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, _, _, [], []).
+disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum, Solutions, CoverageBefore0,
+ [Disj0 | Disjs0], [Disj | Disjs]) :-
+ DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
CoverageBefore0 = coverage_unknown,
- CoverageBefore = coverage_known_before(_)
- ->
- CoverageAfter = get_coverage_after(!.Coverage),
- !:Coverage = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter)
+ get_branch_coverage(Info, DisjGoalPath, CoverageBefore1)
- true
- ).
-:- pred disj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
- goal_path::in, int::in,
- list(goal_rep)::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out,
- coverage_info::out(coverage_before)) is det.
-disj_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, [], [], coverage_known_before(0)).
-disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum,
- [Disj0 | Disjs0], [Disj | Disjs], CoverageBefore) :-
- disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum + 1,
- Disjs0, Disjs, _),
- ThisGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
- get_branch_coverage(Info, ThisGoalPath, CoverageBeforeDisj),
- % This can be set from the coverage entering the next disjunct, however the
- % transformation in the compiler doesn't do this, so for simplicity, this
- % is pessimistic. Otherwise set is using CoverageBeforeTail.
- CoverageAfterDisj = coverage_unknown,
- CoverageDisj0 = merge_coverage(CoverageBeforeDisj, CoverageAfterDisj),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ThisGoalPath, CoverageDisj0, CoverageDisj,
+ CoverageBefore0 = coverage_known_before(_),
+ CoverageBefore1 = CoverageBefore0
+ ),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, DisjGoalPath, CoverageBefore1, _CoverageDisj,
Disj0, Disj),
- CoverageBefore = get_coverage_before(CoverageDisj).
-:- pred switch_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, detism_rep::in,
- goal_path::in, coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
+ disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Solutions,
+ coverage_unknown, Disjs0, Disjs).
+:- pred switch_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ switch_can_fail_rep::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
list(case_rep(unit))::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-switch_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage, Cases0, Cases) :-
- switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism, GoalPath, 1,
+switch_annotate_coverage(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, !Coverage, Cases0, Cases) :-
+ Coverage0 = !.Coverage,
+ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, 1,
coverage_known_det(0), SwitchCoverage, !.Coverage, Cases0, Cases),
% Use the newly computed coverage if it's more informed than the current
% coverage.
@@ -809,10 +818,13 @@ switch_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, G
!:Coverage = SwitchCoverage
- require(check_switch_coverage(Detism, Cases, !.Coverage),
+ trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ]
+ io.format("Switch: Coverage0: %s\n", [s(string(Coverage0))], !IO),
+ trace [ compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions")) ]
+ require(check_switch_coverage(CanFail, Cases, !.Coverage),
string.format("check_switch_coverage failed\n\t" ++
- "Detism: %s\n\tCases: %s\n\tCoverage: %s\n",
- [s(string(Detism)), s(string(Cases)), s(string(!.Coverage))])).
+ "CanFail: %s\n\tCases: %s\n\tCoverage: %s\n",
+ [s(string(CanFail)), s(string(Cases)), s(string(!.Coverage))])).
% switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism, GoalPath, CaseNum,
% !CoverageSum, SwitchCoverage, !Cases),
@@ -827,14 +839,14 @@ switch_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, G
% the end of the last goal may need to be computed from the coverage of
% each of the other goals.
-:- pred switch_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in, detism_rep::in,
- goal_path::in, int::in, coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
- coverage_info::in,
+:- pred switch_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ switch_can_fail_rep::in, goal_path::in, int::in, coverage_info::in,
+ coverage_info::out, coverage_info::in,
list(case_rep(unit))::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
switch_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, _, !CoverageSum, _, [], []).
-switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism, GoalPath, CaseNum,
+switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, CaseNum,
!CoverageSum, SwitchCoverage, [ Case0 | Cases0 ], [ Case | Cases ]) :-
CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath,
step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
@@ -849,7 +861,7 @@ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism,
Cases0 = [],
- detism_get_can_fail(Detism) = cannot_fail
+ CanFail = switch_can_not_fail
coverage_count_before(SwitchCoverage, SwitchCountBefore),
@@ -885,7 +897,8 @@ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism,
% Keep a sum of the coverage seen in cases so far.
coverage_count_before(!.CoverageSum, SumCountBefore1),
- coverage_count_before(Coverage, CountBefore)
+ coverage_count_before(Coverage, CountBefore),
+ CanFail = switch_can_not_fail
CoverageSumBefore = coverage_known_before(SumCountBefore1 + CountBefore)
@@ -901,25 +914,24 @@ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism,
!:CoverageSum = merge_coverage(CoverageSumBefore, CoverageSumAfter),
- switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism, GoalPath, CaseNum + 1,
+ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, CaseNum + 1,
!CoverageSum, SwitchCoverage, Cases0, Cases).
% Propagate coverage information for if-then-else goals.
% Step 1:
- % Compute the coverage of the Then and Else goals,
+ % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the condition goal.
% Step 2:
- % Infer and compute coverage information for the cond goal.
+ % Lookup coverage information for the then and else goals if it cannot be
+ % inferred from the condition goal. Set the coverage before the then and
+ % else goals.
% Step 3:
- % Infer coverage information for goals using the determinisms of the then
- % and else branches and the switch as a whole, and any coverage
- % information as computed above.
+ % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the then and else goals.
% Step 4:
- % Re-compute coverages for any sub goals within the Then and Else goals
- % whose coverage is more known than after step 1.
+ % Calculate the coverage at the end of the entire switch.
:- pred ite_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
@@ -933,147 +945,80 @@ ite_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, !C
ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
CondDetism = Cond0 ^ goal_detism_rep,
+ split_coverage(!.Coverage, CoverageBefore0, CoverageAfter0),
- % Step 1, compute coverage of each goal without inference.
- get_branch_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, ThenCoverage0),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, ThenCoverage0, ThenCoverage1,
- Then0, Then1),
- get_branch_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, ElseCoverage0),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, ElseCoverage0, ElseCoverage1,
- Else0, Else1),
- % Step 2: Infer coverage for the Cond goal..
- (
- get_coverage_before(ThenCoverage1) =
- coverage_known_before(ThenEntryCount)
- ->
- CondCoverageAfter0 = coverage_known_after(ThenEntryCount)
- ;
- CondCoverageAfter0 = coverage_unknown
- ),
- CondCoverage0 = merge_coverage(get_coverage_before(!.Coverage),
- CondCoverageAfter0),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, CondGoalPath, CondCoverage0, CondCoverage,
+ % Step 1:
+ % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the condition goal.
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, CondGoalPath, CoverageBefore0, CondCoverage,
Cond0, Cond),
- split_coverage(CondCoverage, CondCoverageBefore, CondCoverageAfter),
- % Step 3: Infer coverages for the Then and Else goals if unknown.
- CoverageAfter0 = get_coverage_after(!.Coverage),
- split_coverage(ThenCoverage1, ThenCoverageBefore1, ThenCoverageAfter1),
+ % Step 2:
+ % Lookup coverage information for the then and else goals. Set the
+ % coverage before the then and else goals.
- ThenCoverageBefore1 = coverage_unknown,
- CondCoverageAfter = coverage_known_after(CondCountAfterPrime)
+ coverage_count_after(CondCoverage, CountAfterCond)
- ThenCoverageBefore2 = coverage_known_before(CondCountAfterPrime),
- trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
- io.format("ITE Set coverage before Then: %d\n",
- [i(CondCountAfterPrime)], !IO)
- )
+ ThenCoverage0 = coverage_known_before(CountAfterCond)
- ThenCoverageBefore2 = ThenCoverageBefore1
+ get_branch_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, ThenCoverage0)
- (
- ThenCoverageAfter1 = coverage_unknown,
- CoverageAfter0 = coverage_known_after(CountAfterPrime),
- ElseCoverageAfter1 = coverage_known_after(ElseCountAfterPrime)
- ->
- ThenCoverageAfter2 =
- coverage_known_after(CountAfterPrime - ElseCountAfterPrime),
+ get_branch_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, ElseCoverage0),
trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
- io.format("ITE Set coverage after Then: %d - %d\n",
- [i(CountAfterPrime), i(ElseCountAfterPrime)], !IO)
- )
- ;
- ThenCoverageAfter2 = ThenCoverageAfter1
+ io.format("ITE Coverage inferred after then and else branches:\n" ++
+ "\tWhole: %s\n\tThen: %s\n\tElse: %s\n" ++
+ "\tGoalPath %s\n",
+ [s(string(!.Coverage)),
+ s(string(ThenCoverage0)), s(string(ElseCoverage0)),
+ s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))], !IO)
- ThenCoverage2 = merge_coverage(ThenCoverageBefore2, ThenCoverageAfter2),
- split_coverage(ElseCoverage1, ElseCoverageBefore1, ElseCoverageAfter1),
+ % Step 3:
+ % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the then and else goals.
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, ThenCoverage0, ThenCoverage,
+ Then0, Then),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, ElseCoverage0, ElseCoverage,
+ Else0, Else),
+ % Step 4:
+ % Calculate the coverage at the end of the entire switch.
- ElseCoverageBefore1 = coverage_unknown,
- CondCoverageAfter = coverage_known_after(CondCountAfter),
- CondCoverageBefore = coverage_known_before(CondCountBefore),
- detism_get_solutions(CondDetism) = NumSolutions,
- ( NumSolutions = at_most_zero
- ; NumSolutions = at_most_one
- )
- ->
- CondFailures = CondCountBefore - CondCountAfter,
- ElseCoverageBefore2 = coverage_known_before(CondFailures),
- trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
- io.format("ITE Set coverage before Else: %d\n",
- [i(CondFailures)], !IO)
- )
+ CoverageBefore0 = coverage_known_before(_),
+ CoverageBefore = CoverageBefore0
- ElseCoverageBefore2 = ElseCoverageBefore1
+ CoverageBefore0 = coverage_unknown,
+ CoverageBefore = get_coverage_before(CondCoverage)
- ElseCoverageAfter1 = coverage_unknown,
- CoverageAfter0 = coverage_known_after(CountAfter),
- ThenCoverageAfter1 = coverage_known_after(ThenCountAfterPrime)
- ->
- ElseCoverageAfter2 =
- coverage_known_after(CountAfter - ThenCountAfterPrime),
- trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
- io.format("ITE Set coverage after Else: %d - %d\n",
- [i(CountAfter), i(ThenCountAfterPrime)], !IO)
- )
- ;
- ElseCoverageAfter2 = ElseCoverageAfter1
- ),
- ElseCoverage2 = merge_coverage(ElseCoverageBefore2, ElseCoverageAfter2),
- % Step 4: If more coverage information was inferred then complete the
- % coverage calculations for any inner goals in Then and Else.
- ( ThenCoverage1 \= ThenCoverage2 ->
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, ThenCoverage2, ThenCoverage,
- Then0, Then)
- ;
- ThenCoverage = ThenCoverage2,
- % Then1 is the result of the previous call to gaol_annotate_coverage
- % for the then goal.
- Then = Then1
- ),
- ( ElseCoverage1 \= ElseCoverage2 ->
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, ElseCoverage2, ElseCoverage,
- Else0, Else)
+ CoverageAfter0 = coverage_known_after(_),
+ CoverageAfter = CoverageAfter0
- ElseCoverage = ElseCoverage2,
- % Else1 is the result of the previous call to gaol_annotate_coverage
- % for the else goal.
- Else = Else1
- ),
- % Finally update the coverage state for the whole switch.
+ CoverageAfter0 = coverage_unknown,
- get_coverage_after(ThenCoverage) =
- coverage_known_after(ThenCountAfter),
- get_coverage_after(ElseCoverage) =
- coverage_known_after(ElseCountAfter)
+ coverage_count_after(ThenCoverage, CountAfterThen1),
+ coverage_count_after(ElseCoverage, CountAfterElse1)
- CoverageAfter = coverage_known_after(ThenCountAfter + ElseCountAfter),
- trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
- io.format("ITE Set coverage after ITE: %d + %d\n",
- [i(ThenCountAfter), i(ElseCountAfter)], !IO)
- )
+ CoverageAfter =
+ coverage_known_after(CountAfterThen1 + CountAfterElse1)
- CoverageAfter = get_coverage_after(!.Coverage)
- ),
- ( get_coverage_before(CondCoverage) = coverage_known_before(CountBefore) ->
- CoverageBefore = coverage_known_before(CountBefore),
- trace [ compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ] (
- io.format("ITE Set coverage before ITE: %d\n", [i(CountBefore)],
- !IO)
+ CoverageAfter = coverage_unknown
- ;
- CoverageBefore = get_coverage_before(!.Coverage)
!:Coverage = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter),
+ trace [ compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions")) ]
require(check_ite_coverage(!.Coverage, CondCoverage, ThenCoverage,
ElseCoverage, CondDetism),
string.format("check_ite_coverage/4 failed\n" ++
- "\tWhole: %s\n\tCond: %s\n\tThen: %s\n\tElse: %s\n",
+ "\tWhole: %s\n\tCond: %s\n\tThen: %s\n\tElse: %s\n" ++
+ "\tGoalPath: %s\n",
[s(string(!.Coverage)), s(string(CondCoverage)),
- s(string(ThenCoverage)), s(string(ElseCoverage))])).
+ s(string(ThenCoverage)), s(string(ElseCoverage)),
+ s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))])).
+:- pred not_unify(T::in, T::in) is semidet.
+not_unify(A, B) :- not unify(A, B).
% Get the coverage information from a coverage point about the branch
% referenced by the given goal path.
@@ -1097,29 +1042,25 @@ get_branch_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Cove
negation_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Coverage0, Coverage,
NegGoal0, NegGoal) :-
- split_coverage(Coverage0, CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter0),
- (
- CoverageAfter0 = coverage_known_after(CountAfter0),
- CoverageBefore = coverage_known_before(CountBefore)
- ->
- CoverageAfter1 = coverage_known_after(CountBefore - CountAfter0)
- ;
- CoverageAfter1 = coverage_unknown
- ),
- Coverage1 = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter1),
+ split_coverage(Coverage0, CoverageBefore0, CoverageAfter0),
+ Coverage1 = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore0, coverage_unknown),
NegGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg),
goal_annotate_coverage(Info, NegGoalPath, Coverage1, Coverage2,
NegGoal0, NegGoal),
- CoverageAfter2 = get_coverage_after(Coverage2),
+ CoverageBefore2 = get_coverage_before(Coverage2),
- CoverageAfter2 = coverage_known_after(CountAfter2),
- CoverageBefore = coverage_known_before(CountBeforePrime)
- ->
- CoverageAfter = coverage_known_after(CountBeforePrime - CountAfter2)
+ CoverageBefore2 = coverage_unknown,
+ CoverageBefore = CoverageBefore0
- CoverageAfter = coverage_unknown
+ CoverageBefore2 = coverage_known_before(_),
+ CoverageBefore = CoverageBefore2
- Coverage = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter).
+ Coverage = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, CoverageAfter0),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO) ]
+ io.format("Negation: setting negation coverage: %s\n",
+ [s(string(Coverage))], !IO).
:- pred scope_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
maybe_cut::in, coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out,
@@ -1127,11 +1068,19 @@ negation_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPat
scope_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, MaybeCut, !Coverage,
ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal) :-
+ ScopeCoverageAfter0 = get_coverage_after(!.Coverage),
maybe_cut_discard_solutions(MaybeCut, !Coverage),
ScopeGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(MaybeCut)),
goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ScopeGoalPath, !Coverage, ScopedGoal0,
- maybe_cut_discard_solutions(MaybeCut, !Coverage).
+ maybe_cut_discard_solutions(MaybeCut, !Coverage),
+ split_coverage(!.Coverage, ScopeCoverageBefore, ScopeCoverageAfter1),
+ (
+ ScopeCoverageAfter1 = coverage_unknown,
+ !:Coverage = merge_coverage(ScopeCoverageBefore, ScopeCoverageAfter0)
+ ;
+ ScopeCoverageAfter1 = coverage_known_after(_)
+ ).
:- pred maybe_cut_discard_solutions(maybe_cut::in,
coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out) is det.
@@ -1212,17 +1161,12 @@ check_coverage_regarding_detism(_Coverag
% Check that the coverages over the switch make sense. This works only for
% deterministic switches.
- % XXX: Re-write this to work on entry counts for switches that cannot fail
- % only.
- %
-:- pred check_switch_coverage(detism_rep::in,
+:- pred check_switch_coverage(switch_can_fail_rep::in,
list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, coverage_info::in) is semidet.
-check_switch_coverage(Detism, Cases, Coverage) :-
+check_switch_coverage(CanFail, Cases, Coverage) :-
- ( Detism = det_rep
- ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
- ),
+ CanFail = switch_can_not_fail,
list.foldl(sum_switch_case_coverage, Cases, yes(0), MaybeSum),
MaybeSum = yes(Sum),
@@ -1238,13 +1182,7 @@ check_switch_coverage(Detism, Cases, Cov
MaybeSum = no
- ( Detism = semidet_rep
- ; Detism = multidet_rep
- ; Detism = nondet_rep
- ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
- ; Detism = failure_rep
- ; Detism = erroneous_rep
- )
+ CanFail = switch_can_fail
:- pred sum_switch_case_coverage(case_rep(coverage_info)::in,
@@ -1316,6 +1254,64 @@ check_ite_coverage(WholeCoverage, CondCo
+:- pred check_coverage_complete(coverage_info::in, goal_expr_rep(T)::in)
+ is semidet.
+check_coverage_complete(coverage_known(_, _), _GoalExpr).
+check_coverage_complete(coverage_known_det(_), _GoalExpr).
+% Uncomment this clause if, in the future, we allow coverage to be incomplete
+% for trivial goals.
+%check_coverage_complete(Coverage, GoalExpr) :-
+% ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+% ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+% ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
+% ),
+% goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalExpr).
+:- pred goal_is_trivial(goal_rep(T)::in) is semidet.
+goal_is_trivial(Goal) :-
+ GoalExpr = Goal ^ goal_expr_rep,
+ goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalExpr).
+:- pred goal_expr_is_trivial(goal_expr_rep(T)::in) is semidet.
+goal_expr_is_trivial(conj_rep(Conjs)) :-
+ list.all_true(goal_is_trivial, Conjs).
+goal_expr_is_trivial(disj_rep(Disjs)) :-
+ list.all_true(goal_is_trivial, Disjs).
+goal_expr_is_trivial(switch_rep(_, _, Cases)) :-
+ list.all_true((pred(Case::in) is semidet :-
+ Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
+ goal_is_trivial(Goal)), Cases).
+goal_expr_is_trivial(ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else)) :-
+ goal_is_trivial(Cond),
+ goal_is_trivial(Then),
+ goal_is_trivial(Else).
+goal_expr_is_trivial(negation_rep(SubGoal)) :-
+ goal_is_trivial(SubGoal).
+goal_expr_is_trivial(scope_rep(SubGoal, _)) :-
+ goal_is_trivial(SubGoal).
+goal_expr_is_trivial(atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, AtomicGoal)) :-
+ ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+ % Built-in calls are probably cheap enough to consider to be trivial.
+ ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+ ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
+ ).
% Coverage information helper predicates.
@@ -1348,13 +1344,12 @@ propagate_det_coverage(GoalPath, !Covera
!.Coverage = coverage_known_det(_)
!.Coverage = coverage_known(Before, After),
- ( Before = After ->
+ trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))]
+ require(unify(Before, After),
+ format("Coverage before /= after for a det goal: %s, GP: %s",
+ [s(string(!.Coverage)), s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))])),
!:Coverage = coverage_known_det(Before)
- error(format("Coverage before /= after for a det goal: %s, GP: %s",
- [s(string(!.Coverage)), s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))]))
- )
- ;
( !.Coverage = coverage_known_before(Coverage)
; !.Coverage = coverage_known_after(Coverage)
@@ -1364,10 +1359,16 @@ propagate_det_coverage(GoalPath, !Covera
% If the determinism is deterministic or cc_multi use
% propagate_det_coverage.
-:- pred maybe_propagate_det_coverage(detism_rep::in, goal_path::in,
+:- pred propagate_coverage(detism_rep::in, goal_path::in,
coverage_info::in, coverage_info::out) is det.
-maybe_propagate_det_coverage(Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage) :-
+propagate_coverage(Detism, GoalPath, !Coverage) :-
+ % TODO: Infer that if a goal has a coverage of exactly 0 before it, then it
+ % must have a coverage of exactly 0 after it. And that a goal that cannot
+ % fail that has a coverage of 0 after it, must have a coverage of 0 before
+ % it - Since the coverage profiling and propagation algorithms are already
+ % complete this isn't required. It should be considered if we choose not
+ % to calculate coverage for trivial goals.
( Detism = det_rep
; Detism = cc_multidet_rep ),
@@ -1381,9 +1382,12 @@ maybe_propagate_det_coverage(Detism, Goa
Detism = cc_nondet_rep
- Detism = erroneous_rep
- ;
- Detism = failure_rep
+ ( Detism = erroneous_rep
+ ; Detism = failure_rep
+ ),
+ % Execution never reaches the end of these goals.
+ CoverageBefore = get_coverage_before(!.Coverage),
+ !:Coverage = merge_coverage(CoverageBefore, coverage_known_after(0))
% Information about the coverage before a goal only.
-------------- next part --------------
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