[m-rev.] for post-commit review: use reports for rest of deep profiler commands
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Sep 25 13:46:37 AEST 2008
Move the remaining deep profiler commands, dump_clique, clique and root,
to the report mechanism.
Define the representation of the new reports.
Change some names to be more consistent.
Add code to create the new reports.
deep_profiler/measurement units.m:
Add a predicate to needed by the root command.
Add code for converting the new reports to displays.
Factor out some previously duplicated code for describing procedures
and call sites and for comparing them by name and by context.
Conform to the changes in display.m.
Expand the display representation to allow the specification of
attributed text, with the available attributes being bold, italic
and underlined. We now use bold in clique reports.
Handle the changes in display.m.
Generate HTML with more structured line breaks.
Switch the default handling of the three commands over to the new
Remove a long unused function.
Parameterize the call_site_and_callee type, to allow report.m
to associate a procedure description, not a proc_static_ptr,
with a normal call site.
cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing analysis
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc
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cvs diff: Diffing deep_profiler
Index: deep_profiler/create_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/create_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -b -r1.10 create_report.m
--- deep_profiler/create_report.m 20 Sep 2008 11:38:04 -0000 1.10
+++ deep_profiler/create_report.m 25 Sep 2008 00:18:02 -0000
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
:- import_module top_procs.
:- import_module array.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
:- import_module exception.
:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
@@ -78,6 +79,14 @@
NumCallseqs, NumCSD, NumCSS, NumPD, NumPS, NumCliques),
Report = report_menu(ok(MenuReport))
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_root(MaybePercent),
+ create_root_report(Deep, MaybePercent, MaybeCliqueReport),
+ Report = report_clique(MaybeCliqueReport)
+ ;
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(CliquePtr),
+ create_clique_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueReport),
+ Report = report_clique(MaybeCliqueReport)
+ ;
Cmd = deep_cmd_program_modules,
create_program_modules_report(Deep, MaybeProgramModulesReport),
Report = report_program_modules(MaybeProgramModulesReport)
@@ -130,22 +139,339 @@
Report = report_call_site_dynamic_dump(MaybeCallSiteStaticDump)
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_clique(CliquePtr),
+ create_clique_dump_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueDump),
+ Report = report_clique_dump(MaybeCliqueDump)
+ ;
Cmd = deep_cmd_restart,
error("create_report/3", "unexpected restart command")
+ ).
+% Code to build a clique report for the root clique, or the clique where
+% the action begins.
+:- pred create_root_report(deep::in, maybe(int)::in,
+ maybe_error(clique_report)::out) is det.
+create_root_report(Deep, MaybePercent, MaybeReport) :-
+ deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
+ create_clique_report(Deep, RootCliquePtr, MaybeRootCliqueReport),
+ (
+ MaybeRootCliqueReport = error(_),
+ MaybeReport = MaybeRootCliqueReport
+ ;
+ MaybeRootCliqueReport = ok(RootCliqueReport),
+ (
+ MaybePercent = no,
+ MaybeReport = ok(RootCliqueReport)
+ ;
+ MaybePercent = yes(Percent),
+ find_start_of_action(Deep, Percent, RootCliqueReport, Report),
+ MaybeReport = ok(Report)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred find_start_of_action(deep::in, int::in,
+ clique_report::in, clique_report::out) is det.
+find_start_of_action(Deep, Percent, CurrentReport, SelectedReport) :-
+ CurrentReport = clique_report(_, _, CliqueProcs),
+ list.foldl(find_start_of_action_clique_proc(Percent), CliqueProcs,
+ [], ActionCliquePtrs),
+ (
+ ActionCliquePtrs = [ActionCliquePtr],
+ create_clique_report(Deep, ActionCliquePtr, MaybeActionCliqueReport),
+ MaybeActionCliqueReport = ok(ActionCliqueReport)
+ ->
+ find_start_of_action(Deep, Percent, ActionCliqueReport, SelectedReport)
+ ;
+ SelectedReport = CurrentReport
+ ).
+:- pred find_start_of_action_clique_proc(int::in, clique_proc_report::in,
+ list(clique_ptr)::in, list(clique_ptr)::out) is det.
+find_start_of_action_clique_proc(Percent, CliqueProcReport,
+ !ActionCliquePtrs) :-
+ CliqueProcReport = clique_proc_report(_, FirstPDReport, LaterPDReports),
+ find_start_of_action_clique_proc_dynamic(Percent,
+ FirstPDReport, !ActionCliquePtrs),
+ list.foldl(find_start_of_action_clique_proc_dynamic(Percent),
+ LaterPDReports, !ActionCliquePtrs).
+:- pred find_start_of_action_clique_proc_dynamic(int::in,
+ clique_proc_dynamic_report::in,
+ list(clique_ptr)::in, list(clique_ptr)::out) is det.
+find_start_of_action_clique_proc_dynamic(Percent, CliquePDReport,
+ !ActionCliquePtrs) :-
+ CliquePDReport = clique_proc_dynamic_report(_, CallSites),
+ list.foldl(find_start_of_action_call_site(Percent), CallSites,
+ !ActionCliquePtrs).
+:- pred find_start_of_action_call_site(int::in, clique_call_site_report::in,
+ list(clique_ptr)::in, list(clique_ptr)::out) is det.
+find_start_of_action_call_site(Percent, CallSiteReport, !ActionCliquePtrs) :-
+ CallSiteReport = clique_call_site_report(_, _, CalleeRowDatas),
+ list.foldl(find_start_of_action_callee(Percent), CalleeRowDatas,
+ !ActionCliquePtrs).
+:- pred find_start_of_action_callee(int::in, perf_row_data(clique_desc)::in,
+ list(clique_ptr)::in, list(clique_ptr)::out) is det.
+find_start_of_action_callee(Percent, RowData, !ActionCliquePtrs) :-
+ MaybeTotalPerf = RowData ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
+ (
+ MaybeTotalPerf = no,
+ error("find_start_of_action_callee: no total perf")
+ ;
+ MaybeTotalPerf = yes(TotalPerf),
+ CallSeqsPercent = TotalPerf ^ perf_row_callseqs_percent,
+ ( percent_at_or_above_threshold(Percent, CallSeqsPercent) ->
+ CliqueDesc = RowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CliquePtr = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+ !:ActionCliquePtrs = [CliquePtr | !.ActionCliquePtrs]
- ( Cmd = deep_cmd_root(_)
- ; Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(_)
- ; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_clique(_)
+ true
+ )
+ ).
+% Code to build a clique report.
+ % Create a clique report, from the given data with the specified
+ % parameters.
+ %
+:- pred create_clique_report(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+ maybe_error(clique_report)::out) is det.
+create_clique_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueReport) :-
+ AncestorRowDatas = find_clique_ancestors(Deep, CliquePtr),
+ deep_lookup_clique_members(Deep, CliquePtr, PDPtrs),
+ list.foldl(group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static(Deep), PDPtrs,
+ map.init, PStoPDsMap),
+ map.to_assoc_list(PStoPDsMap, PStoPDsList0),
+ deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, EntryCSDPtr),
+ ( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, EntryCSDPtr) ->
+ deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, EntryCSDPtr, EntryCSD),
+ EntryPDPtr = EntryCSD ^ csd_callee,
+ list.filter(proc_group_contains(EntryPDPtr), PStoPDsList0,
+ EntryGroup, RestGroup),
+ PStoPDsList = EntryGroup ++ RestGroup
+ ;
+ PStoPDsList = PStoPDsList0
- error("create_report/3", "Command not supported: " ++ string(Cmd))
+ list.map(create_clique_proc_report(Deep, CliquePtr),
+ PStoPDsList, CliqueProcs),
+ CliqueReport = clique_report(CliquePtr, AncestorRowDatas, CliqueProcs),
+ MaybeCliqueReport = ok(CliqueReport).
+:- func find_clique_ancestors(deep, clique_ptr) =
+ list(perf_row_data(ancestor_desc)).
+find_clique_ancestors(Deep, CliquePtr) = Ancestors :-
+ deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, EntryCSDPtr),
+ ( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, EntryCSDPtr) ->
+ deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, EntryCSDPtr, EntryCSD),
+ EntryPDPtr = EntryCSD ^ csd_caller,
+ ( EntryPDPtr = Deep ^ root ->
+ % We could return the true root node, which is the Mercury runtime
+ % system, but that is of no interest to either users or programs.
+ Ancestors = []
+ ;
+ deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, EntryPDPtr, EntryCliquePtr),
+ CalleePDPtr = EntryCSD ^ csd_callee,
+ deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, CalleePDPtr, CalleePD),
+ CalleePSPtr = CalleePD ^ pd_proc_static,
+ CalleeDesc = describe_proc(Deep, CalleePSPtr),
+ deep_lookup_call_site_static_map(Deep, EntryCSDPtr, EntryCSSPtr),
+ EntryCallSiteDesc = describe_call_site(Deep, EntryCSSPtr),
+ AncestorDesc = ancestor_desc(EntryCliquePtr, CliquePtr,
+ CalleeDesc, EntryCallSiteDesc),
+ Own = EntryCSD ^ csd_own_prof,
+ deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, EntryCSDPtr, Desc),
+ own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, AncestorDesc, Own, Desc,
+ Parent),
+ MoreAncestors = find_clique_ancestors(Deep, EntryCliquePtr),
+ Ancestors = [Parent | MoreAncestors]
+ )
+ ;
+ Ancestors = []
+ ).
+:- pred group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+ map(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::in,
+ map(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::out) is det.
+group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static(Deep, PDPtr, PStoPDsMap0, PStoPDsMap) :-
+ require(valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, PDPtr),
+ "group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static: invalid PDPtr"),
+ deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+ PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+ ( map.search(PStoPDsMap0, PSPtr, PSPDs0) ->
+ PSPDs = [PDPtr | PSPDs0],
+ map.det_update(PStoPDsMap0, PSPtr, PSPDs, PStoPDsMap)
+ ;
+ map.det_insert(PStoPDsMap0, PSPtr, [PDPtr], PStoPDsMap)
+ ).
+:- pred proc_group_contains(proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+ pair(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::in) is semidet.
+proc_group_contains(EntryPDPtr, _ - PDPtrs) :-
+ list.member(EntryPDPtr, PDPtrs).
+:- pred create_clique_proc_report(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+ pair(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::in,
+ clique_proc_report::out) is det.
+create_clique_proc_report(Deep, CliquePtr, PSPtr - PDPtrs, CliqueProcReport) :-
+ (
+ PDPtrs = [],
+ error("create_clique_proc_report", "PDPtrs = []")
+ ;
+ PDPtrs = [FirstPDPtr | LaterPDPtrs],
+ ProcDesc = describe_proc(Deep, PSPtr),
+ create_clique_proc_dynamic_report(Deep, CliquePtr, ProcDesc,
+ FirstPDPtr, FirstPDOwn, FirstPDDesc, FirstPDReport),
+ list.map3(create_clique_proc_dynamic_report(Deep, CliquePtr, ProcDesc),
+ LaterPDPtrs, LaterPDOwns, LaterPDDescs, LaterPDReports),
+ SummaryOwn = sum_own_infos([FirstPDOwn | LaterPDOwns]),
+ SummaryDesc = sum_inherit_infos([FirstPDDesc | LaterPDDescs]),
+ own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, ProcDesc,
+ SummaryOwn, SummaryDesc, ProcSummaryRowData),
+ CliqueProcReport = clique_proc_report(ProcSummaryRowData,
+ FirstPDReport, LaterPDReports)
+:- pred create_clique_proc_dynamic_report(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+ proc_desc::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+ own_prof_info::out, inherit_prof_info::out,
+ clique_proc_dynamic_report::out) is det.
+create_clique_proc_dynamic_report(Deep, _CliquePtr, ProcDesc, PDPtr,
+ Own, Desc, CliquePDReport) :-
+ ( valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, PDPtr) ->
+ deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, PDPtr, Own),
+ deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep, PDPtr, Desc),
+ own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, ProcDesc, Own, Desc,
+ PDRowData),
+ deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+ PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+ require(unify(PSPtr, ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr),
+ "create_clique_proc_dynamic_report: psptr mismatch"),
+ create_child_call_site_reports(Deep, PDPtr, CliqueCallSiteReports),
+ CliquePDReport = clique_proc_dynamic_report(PDRowData,
+ CliqueCallSiteReports)
+ ;
+ error("invalid proc_dynamic index")
+ ).
+:- pred create_child_call_site_reports(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+ list(clique_call_site_report)::out) is det.
+create_child_call_site_reports(Deep, PDPtr, CliqueCallSiteReports) :-
+ deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+ PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+ CSDArray = PD ^ pd_sites,
+ deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+ CSSArray = PS ^ ps_sites,
+ array.to_list(CSDArray, CSDSlots),
+ array.to_list(CSSArray, CSSSlots),
+ assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(CSSSlots, CSDSlots, PairedSlots),
+ list.map(create_child_call_site_report(Deep), PairedSlots,
+ CliqueCallSiteReports).
+:- pred create_child_call_site_report(deep::in,
+ pair(call_site_static_ptr, call_site_array_slot)::in,
+ clique_call_site_report::out) is det.
+create_child_call_site_report(Deep, Pair, CliqueCallSiteReport) :-
+ Pair = CSSPtr - CallSiteArraySlot,
+ deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS),
+ CallSiteDesc = describe_call_site(Deep, CSSPtr),
+ Kind = CSS ^ css_kind,
+ (
+ Kind = normal_call_and_callee(CalleePSPtr, TypeSubst),
+ KnownCalleeDesc = describe_proc(Deep, CalleePSPtr),
+ ProcDescKind = normal_call_and_callee(KnownCalleeDesc, TypeSubst),
+ (
+ CallSiteArraySlot = slot_normal(CSDPtr)
+ ;
+ CallSiteArraySlot = slot_multi(_, _),
+ error("create_child_call_site_report: normal_call error")
+ ),
+ ( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr) ->
+ create_callee_clique_perf_row_data(Deep, CSDPtr,
+ Own, Desc, CalleeCliqueRowData),
+ CalleeCliqueRowDatas = [CalleeCliqueRowData]
+ ;
+ Own = zero_own_prof_info,
+ Desc = zero_inherit_prof_info,
+ CalleeCliqueRowDatas = []
+ )
+ ;
+ (
+ Kind = special_call_and_no_callee,
+ ProcDescKind = special_call_and_no_callee
+ ;
+ Kind = higher_order_call_and_no_callee,
+ ProcDescKind = higher_order_call_and_no_callee
+ ;
+ Kind = method_call_and_no_callee,
+ ProcDescKind = method_call_and_no_callee
+ ;
+ Kind = callback_and_no_callee,
+ ProcDescKind = callback_and_no_callee
+ ),
+ (
+ CallSiteArraySlot = slot_normal(_),
+ error("create_child_call_site_report: non-normal_call error")
+ ;
+ CallSiteArraySlot = slot_multi(_IsZeroed, CSDPtrsArray),
+ array.to_list(CSDPtrsArray, CSDPtrs)
+ ),
+ list.map3(create_callee_clique_perf_row_data(Deep), CSDPtrs,
+ Owns, Descs, CalleeCliqueRowDatas),
+ Own = sum_own_infos(Owns),
+ Desc = sum_inherit_infos(Descs)
+ ),
+ own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, CallSiteDesc, Own, Desc,
+ SummaryRowData),
+ CliqueCallSiteReport = clique_call_site_report(SummaryRowData,
+ ProcDescKind, CalleeCliqueRowDatas).
+:- pred create_callee_clique_perf_row_data(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+ own_prof_info::out, inherit_prof_info::out,
+ perf_row_data(clique_desc)::out) is det.
+create_callee_clique_perf_row_data(Deep, CSDPtr, Own, Desc,
+ CalleeCliqueRowData) :-
+ require(valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr),
+ "create_callee_clique_perf_row_data: invalid call_site_dynamic_ptr"),
+ deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, CSDPtr, CSD),
+ CalleePDPtr = CSD ^ csd_callee,
+ Own = CSD ^ csd_own_prof,
+ deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, Desc),
+ deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, CalleePDPtr, CalleeCliquePtr),
+ CliqueDesc = describe_clique(Deep, CalleeCliquePtr),
+ own_and_inherit_to_perf_row_data(Deep, CliqueDesc, Own, Desc,
+ CalleeCliqueRowData).
% Code to build a program_modules report.
- % Create a modules report, from the given data with the specified
+ % Create a program_modules report, from the given data with the specified
% parameters.
:- pred create_program_modules_report(deep::in,
@@ -680,6 +1006,21 @@
MaybeCallSiteDynamicDumpInfo = error("invalid call_site_dynamic index")
+:- pred create_clique_dump_report(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+ maybe_error(clique_dump_info)::out) is det.
+create_clique_dump_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueDumpInfo) :-
+ ( valid_clique_ptr(Deep, CliquePtr) ->
+ CliqueDesc = describe_clique(Deep, CliquePtr),
+ deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, ParentCSDPtr),
+ deep_lookup_clique_members(Deep, CliquePtr, MemberPDPtrs),
+ CliqueDumpInfo = clique_dump_info(CliqueDesc, ParentCSDPtr,
+ MemberPDPtrs),
+ MaybeCliqueDumpInfo = ok(CliqueDumpInfo)
+ ;
+ MaybeCliqueDumpInfo = error("invalid clique_ptr")
+ ).
% Lookup the proc_static structure with the given PSI index number
@@ -867,8 +1208,17 @@
describe_clique(Deep, CliquePtr) = CliqueDesc :-
( valid_clique_ptr(Deep, CliquePtr) ->
deep_lookup_clique_members(Deep, CliquePtr, MemberPDPtrs),
- ProcDescs = list.map(describe_clique_member(Deep), MemberPDPtrs),
- CliqueDesc = clique_desc(CliquePtr, ProcDescs)
+ deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, ParentCSDPtr),
+ deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, ParentCSDPtr, ParentCSD),
+ EntryPDPtr = ParentCSD ^ csd_callee,
+ ( list.delete_first(MemberPDPtrs, EntryPDPtr, OtherPDPtrs) ->
+ EntryProcDesc = describe_clique_member(Deep, EntryPDPtr),
+ OtherProcDescs =
+ list.map(describe_clique_member(Deep), OtherPDPtrs),
+ CliqueDesc = clique_desc(CliquePtr, EntryProcDesc, OtherProcDescs)
+ ;
+ error("describe_clique", "entry pdptr not a member")
+ )
error("describe_clique", "invalid clique_ptr")
Index: deep_profiler/display.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/display.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -b -r1.9 display.m
--- deep_profiler/display.m 28 Aug 2008 10:26:14 -0000 1.9
+++ deep_profiler/display.m 24 Sep 2008 03:49:36 -0000
@@ -190,8 +190,20 @@
; td_p(percent)
; td_s(string)
+ ; td_as(attr_string)
; td_t(time).
+:- type attr_string
+ ---> attr_str(
+ list(str_attr),
+ string
+ ).
+:- type str_attr
+ ---> attr_bold
+ ; attr_italic
+ ; attr_underline.
% List specific structures
@@ -217,7 +229,7 @@
% A label for the link.
- string,
+ attr_string,
% Class of the link; may control how it is displayed.
Index: deep_profiler/display_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/display_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -b -r1.12 display_report.m
--- deep_profiler/display_report.m 17 Sep 2008 03:26:29 -0000 1.12
+++ deep_profiler/display_report.m 25 Sep 2008 00:39:45 -0000
@@ -69,6 +69,15 @@
Display = display(no, [display_heading(Msg)])
+ Report = report_clique(MaybeCliqueReport),
+ (
+ MaybeCliqueReport = ok(CliqueReport),
+ display_report_clique(Prefs, CliqueReport, Display)
+ ;
+ MaybeCliqueReport = error(Msg),
+ Display = display(no, [display_heading(Msg)])
+ )
+ ;
Report = report_program_modules(MaybeProgramModulesReport),
MaybeProgramModulesReport = ok(ProgramModulesReport),
@@ -163,6 +172,15 @@
MaybeCallSiteDynamicDumpInfo = error(Msg),
Display = display(no, [display_heading(Msg)])
+ ;
+ Report = report_clique_dump(MaybeCliqueDumpInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeCliqueDumpInfo = ok(CliqueDumpInfo),
+ display_report_clique_dump(Prefs, CliqueDumpInfo, Display)
+ ;
+ MaybeCliqueDumpInfo = error(Msg),
+ Display = display(no, [display_heading(Msg)])
+ )
@@ -287,6 +305,241 @@
+% Code to display a clique report.
+ % Create a display_report structure for a clique report.
+ %
+:- pred display_report_clique(preferences::in, clique_report::in,
+ display::out) is det.
+display_report_clique(Prefs, CliqueReport, Display) :-
+ CliqueReport = clique_report(CliquePtr, InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites0,
+ CliqueProcs0),
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(CliquePtr),
+ CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+ Title = string.format("Clique %d:", [i(CliqueNum)]),
+ % Build the table of all modules.
+ SortByContextPrefs = Prefs ^ pref_criteria := by_context,
+ SortByNamePrefs = Prefs ^ pref_criteria := by_name,
+ SourceHeaderCell = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(SortByContextPrefs),
+ attr_str([], "Source"), link_class_link)),
+ ProcHeaderCell = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(SortByNamePrefs),
+ attr_str([], "Procedure"), link_class_link)),
+ SourceHeaderGroup =
+ make_single_table_header_group(SourceHeaderCell,
+ table_column_class_source_context, column_do_not_colour),
+ ProcHeaderGroup =
+ make_single_table_header_group(ProcHeaderCell,
+ table_column_class_proc, column_do_not_colour),
+ MakeHeaderData = override_order_criteria_header_data(Cmd),
+ perf_table_header(total_columns_meaningful, Prefs, MakeHeaderData,
+ PerfHeaderGroups),
+ AllHeaderGroups = [SourceHeaderGroup, ProcHeaderGroup] ++ PerfHeaderGroups,
+ header_groups_to_header(AllHeaderGroups, NumColumns, Header),
+ list.length(InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites0, NumAncestors),
+ MaybeAncestorLimit = Prefs ^ pref_anc,
+ (
+ MaybeAncestorLimit = yes(AncestorLimit),
+ NumAncestors > AncestorLimit
+ ->
+ AncestorTitle = string.format("The %d closest ancestor call sites:",
+ [i(AncestorLimit)]),
+ list.take_upto(AncestorLimit,
+ InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites0, InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites)
+ ;
+ AncestorTitle = "Ancestor call sites:",
+ InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites = InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites0
+ ),
+ list.reverse(InnerToOuterAncestorCallSites, AncestorCallSites),
+ AncestorDataRows = list.map(clique_ancestor_to_row(Prefs),
+ AncestorCallSites),
+ AncestorSectionHeaderRow = table_section_header(td_s(AncestorTitle)),
+ AncestorRows = [AncestorSectionHeaderRow, table_separator_row] ++
+ AncestorDataRows,
+ CliqueProcsHeaderRow =
+ table_section_header(td_s("Procedures of the clique:")),
+ sort_clique_procs_by_preferences(Prefs, CliqueProcs0, CliqueProcs),
+ ProcRowLists = list.map(clique_proc_to_table_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr),
+ CliqueProcs),
+ list.condense(ProcRowLists, ProcRows),
+ AllRows = AncestorRows ++
+ [table_separator_row, CliqueProcsHeaderRow, table_separator_row] ++
+ ProcRows,
+ Table = table(table_class_box_if_pref, NumColumns, yes(Header), AllRows),
+ DisplayTable = display_table(Table),
+ % Build controls at the bottom of the page.
+ AncestorControls = ancestor_controls(Prefs, Cmd),
+ FieldControls = field_controls(Prefs, Cmd),
+ FormatControls = format_controls(Prefs, Cmd),
+ MenuRestartQuitControls = cmds_menu_restart_quit(yes(Prefs)),
+ Display = display(yes(Title),
+ [DisplayTable,
+ display_paragraph_break, AncestorControls,
+ display_paragraph_break, FieldControls,
+ display_paragraph_break, FormatControls,
+ display_paragraph_break, MenuRestartQuitControls]).
+:- func clique_ancestor_to_row(preferences, perf_row_data(ancestor_desc))
+ = table_row.
+clique_ancestor_to_row(Prefs, AncestorRowData) = Row :-
+ AncestorDesc = AncestorRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CallSiteDesc = AncestorDesc ^ ad_call_site_desc,
+ SourceCell = call_site_desc_source_cell(CallSiteDesc),
+ CliqueProcCell = call_site_desc_clique_proc_cell(Prefs, AncestorDesc),
+ Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
+ perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, AncestorRowData,
+ PerfCells),
+ AllCells = [SourceCell, CliqueProcCell] ++ PerfCells,
+ Row = table_row(AllCells).
+:- func clique_proc_to_table_rows(preferences, clique_ptr, clique_proc_report)
+ = list(table_row).
+clique_proc_to_table_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr, CliqueProcReport) = ProcRows :-
+ CliqueProcReport = clique_proc_report(SummaryRowData,
+ FirstPDReport, LaterPDReports),
+ (
+ LaterPDReports = [],
+ ProcRows = clique_proc_dynamic_to_table_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr,
+ FirstPDReport)
+ ;
+ LaterPDReports = [_ | _],
+ AllPDReports = [FirstPDReport | LaterPDReports],
+ sort_clique_proc_dynamics_by_preferences(Prefs, AllPDReports,
+ SortedAllPDReports),
+ PDProcRowLists =
+ list.map(clique_proc_dynamic_to_table_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr),
+ SortedAllPDReports),
+ % Do we want separators between the rows of different proc dynamics?
+ list.condense(PDProcRowLists, PDProcRows),
+ Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
+ perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, SummaryRowData,
+ SummaryPerfCells),
+ ProcDesc = SummaryRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+ SourceCell = proc_desc_to_source_cell(ProcDesc),
+ ProcCell = proc_desc_to_prefix_proc_name_cell(Prefs, [attr_bold],
+ ProcDesc, "summary "),
+ SummaryRowCells = [SourceCell, ProcCell] ++ SummaryPerfCells,
+ SummaryRow = table_row(SummaryRowCells),
+ ProcRows = [SummaryRow, table_separator_row] ++ PDProcRows
+ ).
+:- func clique_proc_dynamic_to_table_rows(preferences, clique_ptr,
+ clique_proc_dynamic_report) = list(table_row).
+clique_proc_dynamic_to_table_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr, CliqueProcDynamicReport)
+ = ProcRows :-
+ CliqueProcDynamicReport = clique_proc_dynamic_report(SummaryRowData,
+ CallSiteReports),
+ ProcDesc = SummaryRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+ ProcCell = proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell_span(Prefs, [attr_bold],
+ ProcDesc, 2),
+ Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
+ perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, SummaryRowData,
+ SummaryPerfCells),
+ SummaryRowCells = [ProcCell] ++ SummaryPerfCells,
+ SummaryRow = table_row(SummaryRowCells),
+ CallSiteRowLists =
+ list.map(clique_call_site_to_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr), CallSiteReports),
+ list.condense(CallSiteRowLists, CallSiteRows),
+ ProcRows = [SummaryRow, table_separator_row] ++ CallSiteRows.
+:- func clique_call_site_to_rows(preferences, clique_ptr,
+ clique_call_site_report) = list(table_row).
+clique_call_site_to_rows(Prefs, CliquePtr, CallSiteReport) = Rows :-
+ CallSiteReport = clique_call_site_report(CallSiteRowData, Kind,
+ CalleePerfs),
+ CallSiteDesc = CallSiteRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+ SourceCell = call_site_desc_source_cell(CallSiteDesc),
+ Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
+ perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, CallSiteRowData,
+ SummaryPerfCells),
+ (
+ Kind = normal_call_and_callee(CalleeProcDesc, _TypeSubst),
+ (
+ CalleePerfs = [],
+ CalleeProcCell = proc_desc_to_prefix_proc_name_cell(Prefs,
+ [], CalleeProcDesc, "no calls made to "),
+ RowCells = [SourceCell, CalleeProcCell] ++ SummaryPerfCells,
+ Row = table_row(RowCells),
+ Rows = [Row]
+ ;
+ CalleePerfs = [CalleePerf],
+ CalleeCliqueDesc = CalleePerf ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CalleeProcCell = clique_desc_to_non_self_link_proc_name_cell(Prefs,
+ CalleeCliqueDesc, CliquePtr),
+ RowCells = [SourceCell, CalleeProcCell] ++ SummaryPerfCells,
+ Row = table_row(RowCells),
+ Rows = [Row]
+ ;
+ CalleePerfs = [_, _ | _],
+ error("clique_call_site_to_rows: more than one callee at normal")
+ )
+ ;
+ (
+ Kind = special_call_and_no_callee,
+ CalleeCellStr0 = "special call"
+ ;
+ Kind = higher_order_call_and_no_callee,
+ CalleeCellStr0 = "higher order call"
+ ;
+ Kind = method_call_and_no_callee,
+ CalleeCellStr0 = "method call"
+ ;
+ Kind = callback_and_no_callee,
+ CalleeCellStr0 = "callback"
+ ),
+ (
+ CalleePerfs = [],
+ CalleeCellStr = CalleeCellStr0 ++ " (no calls made)"
+ ;
+ CalleePerfs = [_ | _],
+ CalleeCellStr = CalleeCellStr0 ++ " (summary)"
+ ),
+ CalleeCell = table_cell(td_s(CalleeCellStr)),
+ SummaryRowCells = [SourceCell, CalleeCell] ++ SummaryPerfCells,
+ SummaryRow = table_row(SummaryRowCells),
+ Summarize = Prefs ^ pref_summarize,
+ (
+ Summarize = summarize,
+ Rows = [SummaryRow]
+ ;
+ Summarize = do_not_summarize,
+ sort_clique_rows_by_preferences(Prefs, CalleePerfs,
+ SortedCalleePerfs),
+ CalleeRows =
+ list.map(clique_call_site_callee_to_row(Prefs, CliquePtr),
+ SortedCalleePerfs),
+ Rows = [SummaryRow] ++ CalleeRows
+ )
+ ).
+:- func clique_call_site_callee_to_row(preferences, clique_ptr,
+ perf_row_data(clique_desc)) = table_row.
+clique_call_site_callee_to_row(Prefs, CliquePtr, CalleeRowData) = Row :-
+ CalleeCliqueDesc = CalleeRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CalleeProcCell = clique_desc_to_non_self_link_proc_name_cell(Prefs,
+ CalleeCliqueDesc, CliquePtr),
+ Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
+ perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, CalleeRowData, PerfCells),
+ EmptyCell = table_cell(td_s("")),
+ Cells = [EmptyCell, CalleeProcCell] ++ PerfCells,
+ Row = table_row(Cells).
% Code to display a program_modules report.
@@ -315,8 +568,8 @@
% Build the table of all modules.
SortByNamePrefs = Prefs ^ pref_criteria := by_name,
- ModuleHeaderCell = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(SortByNamePrefs), "Module",
- link_class_link)),
+ ModuleHeaderCell = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(SortByNamePrefs),
+ attr_str([], "Module"), link_class_link)),
RankHeaderGroup =
table_column_class_ordinal_rank, column_do_not_colour),
@@ -332,7 +585,7 @@
maybe_ranked_subject_perf_table_row(Prefs, ranked,
- total_columns_not_meaningful, module_active_to_cell),
+ total_columns_not_meaningful, module_active_to_module_name_cell),
ModuleRowDatas, Rows, 1, _),
Table = table(table_class_box_if_pref, NumColumns, yes(Header), Rows),
DisplayTable = display_table(Table),
@@ -395,8 +648,8 @@
% Build the table of all modules.
SortByNamePrefs = Prefs ^ pref_criteria := by_name,
- ProcHeaderCell = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(SortByNamePrefs), "Procedure",
- link_class_link)),
+ ProcHeaderCell = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(SortByNamePrefs),
+ attr_str([], "Procedure"), link_class_link)),
RankHeaderGroup =
table_column_class_ordinal_rank, column_do_not_colour),
@@ -412,7 +665,7 @@
maybe_ranked_subject_perf_table_row(Prefs, ranked,
- total_columns_meaningful, proc_active_to_cell),
+ total_columns_meaningful, proc_active_to_proc_name_cell),
ProcRowDatas, Rows, 1, _),
Table = table(table_class_box_if_pref, NumColumns, yes(Header), Rows),
DisplayTable = display_table(Table),
@@ -459,7 +712,7 @@
NumColumns, Header),
maybe_ranked_subject_perf_table_row(Prefs, ranked,
- total_columns_meaningful, proc_desc_to_cell),
+ total_columns_meaningful, proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell),
TopProcs, Rows, 1, _),
Table = table(table_class_box_if_pref, NumColumns, yes(Header), Rows),
DisplayTable = display_table(Table),
@@ -594,10 +847,7 @@
call_site_perf(KindAndCallee, SummaryPerfRowData, SubPerfs0, _),
CallSiteDesc = SummaryPerfRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
- FileName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_file_name,
- LineNumber = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_line_number,
- Context = string.format("%s:%d", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]),
- ContextCell = table_cell(td_s(Context)),
+ ContextCell = call_site_desc_source_cell(CallSiteDesc),
KindAndCallee = normal_call_and_info(NormalCalleeId),
@@ -612,7 +862,7 @@
CalleePSPtr = CalleeDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
CallSiteLinkCmd = deep_cmd_proc(CalleePSPtr),
CallSiteLink = deep_link(CallSiteLinkCmd, yes(Prefs),
- CallSiteStr, link_class_link),
+ attr_str([], CallSiteStr), link_class_link),
CallSiteCell = table_cell(td_l(CallSiteLink)),
require(unify(SubPerfs0, []),
@@ -656,18 +906,10 @@
report_proc_call_site_callee(Prefs, RowData) = Row :-
Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
EmptyCell = table_empty_cell,
ProcDesc = RowData ^ perf_row_subject,
- ProcDesc = proc_desc(PSPtr, _FileName, _LineNumber, RefinedName),
- ProcLinkCmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
- ProcLink = deep_link(ProcLinkCmd, yes(Prefs), RefinedName,
- link_class_link),
- ProcCell = table_cell(td_l(ProcLink)),
+ ProcCell = proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell(Prefs, ProcDesc),
perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, RowData, PerfCells),
Cells = [EmptyCell, ProcCell] ++ PerfCells,
Row = table_row(Cells).
@@ -892,17 +1134,8 @@
!:RowNum = !.RowNum + 1,
CallSiteDesc = CallSiteRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
- PSPtr = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_container,
- FileName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_file_name,
- LineNumber = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_line_number,
- CallerRefinedName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
- Source = string.format("%s:%d", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]),
- SourceCell = table_cell(td_s(Source)),
- ProcLinkCmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
- ProcLink = deep_link(ProcLinkCmd, yes(Prefs), CallerRefinedName,
- link_class_link),
- ProcCell = table_cell(td_l(ProcLink)),
+ SourceCell = call_site_desc_to_source_cell(CallSiteDesc),
+ ProcCell = call_site_desc_to_caller_proc_name_cell(Prefs, CallSiteDesc),
Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, CallSiteRowData,
@@ -918,17 +1151,8 @@
!:RowNum = !.RowNum + 1,
ProcDesc = ProcRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
- PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
- FileName = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_file_name,
- LineNumber = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_line_number,
- RefinedName = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
- Source = string.format("%s:%d", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]),
- SourceCell = table_cell(td_s(Source)),
- ProcLinkCmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
- ProcLink = deep_link(ProcLinkCmd, yes(Prefs), RefinedName,
- link_class_link),
- ProcCell = table_cell(td_l(ProcLink)),
+ SourceCell = proc_desc_to_source_cell(ProcDesc),
+ ProcCell = proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell(Prefs, ProcDesc),
Fields = Prefs ^ pref_fields,
perf_table_row(total_columns_meaningful, Fields, ProcRowData, PerfCells),
@@ -958,17 +1182,17 @@
!:RowNum = !.RowNum + 1,
CliqueDesc = CliqueRowData ^ perf_row_subject,
- CliquePtr = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+ CliqueDesc = clique_desc(CliquePtr, EntryProcDesc, OtherProcDescs),
CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
CliqueLinkCmd = deep_cmd_clique(CliquePtr),
CliqueText = string.format("clique %d", [i(CliqueNum)]),
- CliqueLink = deep_link(CliqueLinkCmd, yes(Prefs), CliqueText,
+ CliqueLink = deep_link(CliqueLinkCmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], CliqueText),
CliqueCell = table_cell(td_l(CliqueLink)),
MembersStrs = list.map(project_proc_desc_refined_name,
- CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_members),
+ [EntryProcDesc | OtherProcDescs]),
MembersStr = string.join_list(", ", MembersStrs),
MembersCell = table_cell(td_s(MembersStr)),
@@ -987,7 +1211,7 @@
make_proc_callers_link(Prefs, Label, PSPtr, CallerGroups, BunchNum,
ContourExcl) = Item :-
Cmd = deep_cmd_proc_callers(PSPtr, CallerGroups, BunchNum, ContourExcl),
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Label, link_class_control),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Label), link_class_control),
Item = display_link(Link).
@@ -1082,7 +1306,7 @@
string.format("Dump of proc_dynamic %d", [i(PDI)], Title),
ProcStaticLink = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_proc_static(PSPtr), yes(Prefs),
- string.int_to_string(PSI), link_class_link),
+ attr_str([], string.int_to_string(PSI)), link_class_link),
MainValues =
[("Proc static:" - td_l(ProcStaticLink)),
("Raw name:" - td_s(RawName)),
@@ -1115,7 +1339,8 @@
CallSite = slot_normal(CSDPtr),
CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
CSDLink = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_call_site_dynamic(CSDPtr),
- yes(Prefs), string.int_to_string(CSDI), link_class_link),
+ yes(Prefs), attr_str([], string.int_to_string(CSDI)),
+ link_class_link),
CSDCell = table_cell(td_l(CSDLink)),
FirstRow = table_row([CallSiteNumCell, CSDCell]),
Rows = [FirstRow]
@@ -1144,7 +1369,7 @@
dump_psd_call_site_multi_entry(Prefs, CSDPtr, Row) :-
CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
CSDLink = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_call_site_dynamic(CSDPtr), yes(Prefs),
- string.int_to_string(CSDI), link_class_link),
+ attr_str([], string.int_to_string(CSDI)), link_class_link),
CSDCell = table_cell(td_l(CSDLink)),
EmptyCell = table_cell(td_s("")),
Row = table_row([EmptyCell, CSDCell]).
@@ -1163,7 +1388,7 @@
ContainingProcStaticLink = deep_link(
deep_cmd_dump_proc_static(ContainingPSPtr), yes(Prefs),
- string.int_to_string(ContainingPSI), link_class_link),
+ attr_str([], string.int_to_string(ContainingPSI)), link_class_link),
CallSiteKind = normal_call_and_callee(CalleePSPtr, TypeSpecDesc),
@@ -1175,8 +1400,8 @@
CalleeDesc = CalleeDesc0 ++ " typespec " ++ TypeSpecDesc
CalleeProcStaticLink = deep_link(
- deep_cmd_dump_proc_static(CalleePSPtr), yes(Prefs), CalleeDesc,
- link_class_link),
+ deep_cmd_dump_proc_static(CalleePSPtr), yes(Prefs),
+ attr_str([], CalleeDesc), link_class_link),
CallSiteKindData = td_l(CalleeProcStaticLink)
CallSiteKind = special_call_and_no_callee,
@@ -1208,20 +1433,22 @@
:- pred display_report_call_site_dynamic_dump(preferences::in,
call_site_dynamic_dump_info::in, display::out) is det.
-display_report_call_site_dynamic_dump(Prefs, CallSiteStaticDumpInfo,
+display_report_call_site_dynamic_dump(Prefs, CallSiteDynamiccDumpInfo,
Display) :-
- CallSiteStaticDumpInfo = call_site_dynamic_dump_info(CSDPtr,
+ CallSiteDynamiccDumpInfo = call_site_dynamic_dump_info(CSDPtr,
CallerPDPtr, CalleePDPtr, RowData),
CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
string.format("Dump of call_site_dynamic %d", [i(CSDI)], Title),
CallerPDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(CallerPDI),
CallerProcDynamicLink = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_proc_dynamic(CallerPDPtr),
- yes(Prefs), string.int_to_string(CallerPDI), link_class_link),
+ yes(Prefs), attr_str([], string.int_to_string(CallerPDI)),
+ link_class_link),
CalleePDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(CalleePDI),
CalleeProcDynamicLink = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_proc_dynamic(CalleePDPtr),
- yes(Prefs), string.int_to_string(CalleePDI), link_class_link),
+ yes(Prefs), attr_str([], string.int_to_string(CalleePDI)),
+ link_class_link),
FirstValues =
[("Caller proc_dynamic:" - td_l(CallerProcDynamicLink)),
@@ -1234,13 +1461,55 @@
maybe_ranked_proc_table_header(Prefs, non_ranked, MakeHeaderData,
NumColumns, Header),
maybe_ranked_subject_perf_table_row(Prefs, non_ranked,
- total_columns_meaningful, call_site_desc_to_cell, RowData, PerfRow,
- 1, _),
+ total_columns_meaningful, call_site_desc_to_name_path_slot_cell,
+ RowData, PerfRow, 1, _),
PerfTable = table(table_class_box, NumColumns, yes(Header), [PerfRow]),
Display = display(yes(Title),
[display_table(FirstTable), display_table(PerfTable)]).
+ % Create a display_report structure for a clique_dump report.
+ %
+:- pred display_report_clique_dump(preferences::in, clique_dump_info::in,
+ display::out) is det.
+display_report_clique_dump(Prefs, CliqueDumpInfo, Display) :-
+ CliqueDumpInfo = clique_dump_info(CliqueDesc, EntryCSDPtr, MemberPDPtrs),
+ CliquePtr = CliqueDesc ^ cdesc_clique_ptr,
+ CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+ string.format("Dump of clique %d", [i(CliqueNum)], Title),
+ EntryCSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(EntryCSDI),
+ EntryLink = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_call_site_dynamic(EntryCSDPtr),
+ yes(Prefs), attr_str([], string.int_to_string(EntryCSDI)),
+ link_class_link),
+ list.map_foldl(display_report_clique_dump_member(Prefs), MemberPDPtrs,
+ MemberPDLinks, "Member proc_dynamics:", _),
+ Values =
+ [("Caller call_site_dynamic:" - td_l(EntryLink))] ++
+ MemberPDLinks,
+ Rows = list.map(make_labelled_table_row, Values),
+ Table = table(table_class_do_not_box, 2, no, Rows),
+ Display = display(yes(Title), [display_table(Table)]).
+:- pred display_report_clique_dump_member(preferences::in,
+ proc_dynamic_ptr::in, pair(string, table_data)::out,
+ string::in, string::out) is det.
+display_report_clique_dump_member(Prefs, PDPtr, Pair, !Label) :-
+ PDLabel = !.Label,
+ !:Label = "",
+ PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+ Link = deep_link(deep_cmd_dump_proc_dynamic(PDPtr),
+ yes(Prefs), attr_str([], string.int_to_string(PDI)),
+ link_class_link),
+ PDData = td_l(Link),
+ Pair = PDLabel - PDData.
% Common column header strings.
@@ -1260,10 +1529,12 @@
( Criteria = Criteria0 ->
% Should we display a simple string to indicate that this link
% leads back to the same page, or would that be confusing?
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Label, link_class_link),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_link),
TableData = td_l(Link)
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Label, link_class_link),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_link),
TableData = td_l(Link)
@@ -1286,10 +1557,12 @@
( Cmd = Cmd0 ->
% Should we display a simple string to indicate that this link
% leads back to the same page, or would that be confusing?
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs0), Label, link_class_link),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs0), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_link),
TableData = td_l(Link)
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs0), Label, link_class_link),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs0), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_link),
TableData = td_l(Link)
@@ -2082,6 +2355,31 @@
+% Some utility procedures.
+:- func call_site_desc_source_cell(call_site_desc) = table_cell.
+call_site_desc_source_cell(CallSiteDesc) = Cell :-
+ FileName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_file_name,
+ LineNumber = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_line_number,
+ Context = string.format("%s:%d", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_s(Context)).
+:- func call_site_desc_clique_proc_cell(preferences, ancestor_desc)
+ = table_cell.
+call_site_desc_clique_proc_cell(Prefs, AncestorDesc) = Cell :-
+ AncestorDesc = ancestor_desc(CallerCliquePtr, _CalleeCliquePtr,
+ _CalleeProcDesc, CallSiteDesc),
+ ContainingProcName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(CallerCliquePtr),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], ContainingProcName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link)).
% The basic predicates for creating the controls at the bottoms of pages.
@@ -2122,7 +2420,8 @@
% Item = display_pseudo_link(PseudoLink),
% Items = [Item]
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Label, link_class_control),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_control),
Item = display_link(Link),
Items = [Item]
@@ -2164,7 +2463,8 @@
% Item = display_pseudo_link(PseudoLink),
% Items = [Item]
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Label, link_class_control),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_control),
Item = display_link(Link),
Items = [Item]
@@ -2195,7 +2495,8 @@
% Item = display_pseudo_link(PseudoLink),
% Items = [Item]
- Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Label, link_class_control),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_control),
Item = display_link(Link),
Items = [Item]
@@ -2585,9 +2886,10 @@
proc_reports(Proc, NotCmd) = Reports :-
Reports0 = [
- deep_cmd_proc(Proc) - "Procedure",
+ deep_cmd_proc(Proc) -
+ "Procedure",
deep_cmd_procrep_coverage(Proc) -
- "Coverage annotated Procedure Representation"
+ "Coverage annotated procedure representation"
list.filter((pred((Cmd - _)::in) is semidet :-
Cmd \= NotCmd
@@ -2664,6 +2966,68 @@
+% Control how many ancestors we display.
+:- func ancestor_controls(preferences, cmd) = display_item.
+ancestor_controls(Prefs, Cmd) = ControlsItem :-
+ MaybeAncestorLimit = Prefs ^ pref_anc,
+ (
+ MaybeAncestorLimit = no,
+ make_prefs_controls_item(Prefs, Cmd, no,
+ ancestor_toggles_no, AncestorControls)
+ ;
+ MaybeAncestorLimit = yes(AncestorLimit),
+ make_prefs_controls_item(Prefs, Cmd, no,
+ ancestor_toggles_yes(AncestorLimit), AncestorControls)
+ ),
+ Controls = [AncestorControls],
+ ControlsItem = display_list(list_class_vertical_no_bullets,
+ yes("Toggle display of ancestors:"), Controls).
+:- func ancestor_toggles_no =
+ (assoc_list(string, (pred(preferences, preferences)))::
+ out(list_skel(pair(ground, (pred(in, out) is det))))) is det.
+ancestor_toggles_no = [
+ "One ancestor" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(1)),
+ "Two ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(2)),
+ "Three ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(3)),
+ "Five ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(5)),
+ "Ten ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(10))
+:- func ancestor_toggles_yes(int::in) =
+ (assoc_list(string, (pred(preferences, preferences)))::
+ out(list_skel(pair(ground, (pred(in, out) is det))))) is det.
+ancestor_toggles_yes(CurrentLimit) = [
+ "Halve ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(CurrentLimit // 2)),
+ "Remove an ancestor" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(CurrentLimit - 1)),
+ "Add an ancestor" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(CurrentLimit + 1)),
+ "Double ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(yes(CurrentLimit * 2)),
+ "Unlimited ancestors" -
+ set_ancestor_limit(no)
+:- pred set_ancestor_limit(maybe(int)::in,
+ preferences::in, preferences::out) is det.
+set_ancestor_limit(MaybeAncestorLimit, !Prefs) :-
+ !Prefs ^ pref_anc := MaybeAncestorLimit.
% Control the set of displayed fields.
@@ -2809,12 +3173,12 @@
:- func cmds_menu_restart_quit(maybe(preferences)) = display_item.
cmds_menu_restart_quit(MaybePrefs) = ControlsItem :-
- Menu = display_link(deep_link(deep_cmd_menu, MaybePrefs, "Menu",
- link_class_control)),
- Restart = display_link(deep_link(deep_cmd_restart, MaybePrefs, "Restart",
- link_class_control)),
- Quit = display_link(deep_link(deep_cmd_quit, MaybePrefs, "Quit",
- link_class_control)),
+ Menu = display_link(deep_link(deep_cmd_menu, MaybePrefs,
+ attr_str([], "Menu"), link_class_control)),
+ Restart = display_link(deep_link(deep_cmd_restart, MaybePrefs,
+ attr_str([], "Restart"), link_class_control)),
+ Quit = display_link(deep_link(deep_cmd_quit, MaybePrefs,
+ attr_str([], "Quit"), link_class_control)),
List = display_list(list_class_horizontal, no,
[Menu, Restart, Quit]),
ControlsItem = display_list(list_class_vertical_no_bullets,
@@ -2822,37 +3186,110 @@
-% Convert procedure and call site descriptions into table cells.
+% Convert procedure, call site and clique descriptions into table cells.
-:- func module_active_to_cell(preferences, module_active) = table_cell.
+:- func module_active_to_module_name_cell(preferences, module_active) =
+ table_cell.
-module_active_to_cell(Prefs, ModuleActive) = table_cell(Data) :-
+module_active_to_module_name_cell(Prefs, ModuleActive) = Cell :-
ModuleName = ModuleActive ^ ma_module_name,
Cmd = deep_cmd_module(ModuleName),
- Data = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), ModuleName, link_class_link)).
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], ModuleName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link)).
+:- func proc_active_to_proc_name_cell(preferences, proc_active) = table_cell.
+proc_active_to_proc_name_cell(Prefs, ProcActive) =
+ proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell(Prefs, ProcActive ^ pa_proc_desc).
+:- func proc_desc_to_source_cell(proc_desc) = table_cell.
+proc_desc_to_source_cell(ProcDesc) = Cell :-
+ FileName = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_file_name,
+ LineNumber = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_line_number,
+ Source = string.format("%s:%d", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_s(Source)).
+:- func proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell(preferences, proc_desc) = table_cell.
+proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell(Prefs, ProcDesc) = Cell :-
+ PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+ RefinedName = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], RefinedName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link)).
-:- func proc_active_to_cell(preferences, proc_active) = table_cell.
+:- func proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell_span(preferences, list(str_attr),
+ proc_desc, int) = table_cell.
-proc_active_to_cell(Prefs, ProcActive) =
- proc_desc_to_cell(Prefs, ProcActive ^ pa_proc_desc).
+proc_desc_to_proc_name_cell_span(Prefs, Attrs, ProcDesc, Span) = Cell :-
+ PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+ RefinedName = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str(Attrs, RefinedName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_multi_cell(td_l(Link), Span).
-:- func proc_desc_to_cell(preferences, proc_desc) = table_cell.
+:- func proc_desc_to_prefix_proc_name_cell(preferences, list(str_attr),
+ proc_desc, string) = table_cell.
-proc_desc_to_cell(Prefs, ProcDesc) = table_cell(Data) :-
- ProcDesc = proc_desc(PSPtr, _FileName, _LineNumber, RefinedName),
+proc_desc_to_prefix_proc_name_cell(Prefs, Attrs, ProcDesc, Prefix) = Cell :-
+ PSPtr = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+ RefinedName = ProcDesc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
Cmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
- Data = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), RefinedName, link_class_link)).
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str(Attrs, Prefix ++ RefinedName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link)).
-:- func call_site_desc_to_cell(preferences, call_site_desc) = table_cell.
+:- func call_site_desc_to_name_path_slot_cell(preferences, call_site_desc)
+ = table_cell.
-call_site_desc_to_cell(Prefs, CallSiteDesc) = table_cell(Data) :-
+call_site_desc_to_name_path_slot_cell(Prefs, CallSiteDesc) = Cell :-
CallSiteDesc = call_site_desc(CSSPtr, _ContainerPSPtr,
_FileName, _LineNumber, RefinedName, SlotNumber, GoalPath),
string.format("%s @ %s #%d", [s(RefinedName), s(GoalPath), i(SlotNumber)],
Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_call_site_static(CSSPtr),
- Data = td_l(deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), Name, link_class_link)).
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], Name), link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link)).
+:- func call_site_desc_to_source_cell(call_site_desc) = table_cell.
+call_site_desc_to_source_cell(CallSiteDesc) = Cell :-
+ FileName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_file_name,
+ LineNumber = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_line_number,
+ Source = string.format("%s:%d", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_s(Source)).
+:- func call_site_desc_to_caller_proc_name_cell(preferences,
+ call_site_desc) = table_cell.
+call_site_desc_to_caller_proc_name_cell(Prefs, CallSiteDesc) = Cell :-
+ PSPtr = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_container,
+ CallerRefinedName = CallSiteDesc ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_proc(PSPtr),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], CallerRefinedName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link)).
+:- func clique_desc_to_non_self_link_proc_name_cell(preferences,
+ clique_desc, clique_ptr) = table_cell.
+clique_desc_to_non_self_link_proc_name_cell(Prefs, CliqueDesc, SelfCliquePtr)
+ = Cell :-
+ CliqueDesc = clique_desc(CliquePtr, EntryProcDesc, _OtherProcDescs),
+ EntryProcName = EntryProcDesc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
+ ( CliquePtr = SelfCliquePtr ->
+ Cell = table_cell(td_s(EntryProcName))
+ ;
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(CliquePtr),
+ Link = deep_link(Cmd, yes(Prefs), attr_str([], EntryProcName),
+ link_class_link),
+ Cell = table_cell(td_l(Link))
+ ).
@@ -2871,7 +3308,8 @@
:- pred make_link(pair(cmd, string)::in, display_item::out) is det.
make_link(Cmd - Label, Item) :-
- Item = display_link(deep_link(Cmd, no, Label, link_class_link)).
+ Item = display_link(deep_link(Cmd, no, attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_link)).
% Make a control from a command and label and optional preferences
% structure.
@@ -2880,7 +3318,166 @@
display_item::out) is det.
make_control(MaybePrefs, Cmd - Label, Item) :-
- Item = display_link(deep_link(Cmd, MaybePrefs, Label, link_class_control)).
+ Item = display_link(deep_link(Cmd, MaybePrefs, attr_str([], Label),
+ link_class_control)).
+% Sort procedures in a clique by the preferred criteria of performance.
+:- pred sort_clique_procs_by_preferences(preferences::in,
+ list(clique_proc_report)::in, list(clique_proc_report)::out) is det.
+sort_clique_procs_by_preferences(Prefs, !CliqueProcs) :-
+ OrderCriteria = Prefs ^ pref_criteria,
+ (
+ OrderCriteria = by_context,
+ list.sort(compare_clique_procs_by_context, !CliqueProcs)
+ ;
+ OrderCriteria = by_name,
+ list.sort(compare_clique_procs_by_name, !CliqueProcs)
+ ;
+ OrderCriteria = by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope),
+ list.sort(compare_clique_procs_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope),
+ !CliqueProcs),
+ % We want the most expensive procedures to appear first.
+ list.reverse(!CliqueProcs)
+ ).
+:- pred compare_clique_procs_by_context(
+ clique_proc_report::in, clique_proc_report::in, comparison_result::out)
+ is det.
+compare_clique_procs_by_context(CliqueProcReportA, CliqueProcReportB,
+ Result) :-
+ CliqueProcDescA = CliqueProcReportA ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CliqueProcDescB = CliqueProcReportB ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ compare_proc_descs_by_context(CliqueProcDescA, CliqueProcDescB, Result).
+:- pred compare_clique_procs_by_name(
+ clique_proc_report::in, clique_proc_report::in, comparison_result::out)
+ is det.
+compare_clique_procs_by_name(CliqueProcReportA, CliqueProcReportB, Result) :-
+ CliqueProcDescA = CliqueProcReportA ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CliqueProcDescB = CliqueProcReportB ^ cpr_proc_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ compare_proc_descs_by_name(CliqueProcDescA, CliqueProcDescB, Result).
+:- pred compare_clique_procs_by_cost(
+ cost_kind::in, include_descendants::in, measurement_scope::in,
+ clique_proc_report::in, clique_proc_report::in, comparison_result::out)
+ is det.
+compare_clique_procs_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope,
+ CliqueProcReportA, CliqueProcReportB, Result) :-
+ ProcRowDataA = CliqueProcReportA ^ cpr_proc_summary,
+ ProcRowDataB = CliqueProcReportB ^ cpr_proc_summary,
+ compare_perf_row_datas_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope,
+ ProcRowDataA, ProcRowDataB, Result).
+% Sort proc_dynamics in a clique by the preferred criteria of performance.
+:- pred sort_clique_proc_dynamics_by_preferences(preferences::in,
+ list(clique_proc_dynamic_report)::in,
+ list(clique_proc_dynamic_report)::out) is det.
+sort_clique_proc_dynamics_by_preferences(Prefs, !CliqueProcDynamics) :-
+ OrderCriteria = Prefs ^ pref_criteria,
+ (
+ ( OrderCriteria = by_context
+ ; OrderCriteria = by_name
+ ),
+ % All the proc_dynamics we want to sort have the same name and context,
+ % so it does not make sense to sort on these criteria. Instead, we sort
+ % on the default performance criteria.
+ CostKind = default_cost_kind,
+ InclDesc = default_incl_desc,
+ Scope = default_scope
+ ;
+ OrderCriteria = by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope)
+ ),
+ list.sort(compare_clique_proc_dynamics_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope),
+ !CliqueProcDynamics),
+ % We want the most expensive procedures to appear first.
+ list.reverse(!CliqueProcDynamics).
+:- pred compare_clique_proc_dynamics_by_cost(
+ cost_kind::in, include_descendants::in, measurement_scope::in,
+ clique_proc_dynamic_report::in, clique_proc_dynamic_report::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_clique_proc_dynamics_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope,
+ CliqueProcDynamicReportA, CliqueProcDynamicReportB, Result) :-
+ ProcDynamicRowDataA = CliqueProcDynamicReportA ^ cpdr_proc_summary,
+ ProcDynamicRowDataB = CliqueProcDynamicReportB ^ cpdr_proc_summary,
+ compare_perf_row_datas_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope,
+ ProcDynamicRowDataA, ProcDynamicRowDataB, Result).
+% Sort clique_call_site_reports by the preferred criteria of performance.
+:- pred sort_clique_call_site_reports_by_preferences(preferences::in,
+ list(clique_call_site_report)::in, list(clique_call_site_report)::out)
+ is det.
+sort_clique_call_site_reports_by_preferences(Prefs, !CallSiteReports) :-
+ OrderCriteria = Prefs ^ pref_criteria,
+ (
+ OrderCriteria = by_context,
+ list.sort(compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_context,
+ !CallSiteReports)
+ ;
+ OrderCriteria = by_name,
+ list.sort(compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_name, !CallSiteReports)
+ ;
+ OrderCriteria = by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope),
+ list.sort(compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_cost(CostKind,
+ InclDesc, Scope), !CallSiteReports),
+ % We want the most expensive call sites to appear first.
+ list.reverse(!CallSiteReports)
+ ).
+:- pred compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_context(
+ clique_call_site_report::in, clique_call_site_report::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+ CallSiteReportB, Result) :-
+ CallSiteDescA =
+ CallSiteReportA ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CallSiteDescB =
+ CallSiteReportB ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ compare_call_site_descs_by_context(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result).
+:- pred compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_name(
+ clique_call_site_report::in, clique_call_site_report::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_name(CallSiteReportA, CallSiteReportB,
+ Result) :-
+ CallSiteDescA =
+ CallSiteReportA ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ CallSiteDescB =
+ CallSiteReportB ^ ccsr_call_site_summary ^ perf_row_subject,
+ compare_call_site_descs_by_name(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result).
+:- pred compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_cost(
+ cost_kind::in, include_descendants::in, measurement_scope::in,
+ clique_call_site_report::in, clique_call_site_report::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_clique_call_site_reports_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope,
+ CliqueCallSiteReportA, CliqueCallSiteReportB, Result) :-
+ PerfA = CliqueCallSiteReportA ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
+ PerfB = CliqueCallSiteReportB ^ ccsr_call_site_summary,
+ compare_perf_row_datas_by_cost(CostKind, InclDesc, Scope, PerfA, PerfB,
+ Result).
@@ -2912,20 +3509,7 @@
compare_call_site_perfs_by_context(CallSitePerfA, CallSitePerfB, Result) :-
CallSiteDescA = CallSitePerfA ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject,
CallSiteDescB = CallSitePerfB ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject,
- FileNameA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_file_name,
- FileNameB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_file_name,
- compare(FileNameResult, FileNameA, FileNameB),
- (
- ( FileNameResult = (<)
- ; FileNameResult = (>)
- ),
- Result = FileNameResult
- ;
- FileNameResult = (=),
- LineNumberA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_line_number,
- LineNumberB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_line_number,
- compare(Result, LineNumberA, LineNumberB)
- ).
+ compare_call_site_descs_by_context(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result).
:- pred compare_call_site_perfs_by_name(
call_site_perf::in, call_site_perf::in, comparison_result::out) is det.
@@ -2933,9 +3517,7 @@
compare_call_site_perfs_by_name(CallSitePerfA, CallSitePerfB, Result) :-
CallSiteDescA = CallSitePerfA ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject,
CallSiteDescB = CallSitePerfB ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject,
- NameA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
- NameB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
- compare(Result, NameA, NameB).
+ compare_call_site_descs_by_name(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result).
:- pred compare_call_site_perfs_by_cost(
cost_kind::in, include_descendants::in, measurement_scope::in,
@@ -2981,20 +3563,7 @@
CallSiteDescRowDataA, CallSiteDescRowDataB, Result) :-
CallSiteDescA = CallSiteDescRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject,
CallSiteDescB = CallSiteDescRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject,
- FileNameA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_file_name,
- FileNameB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_file_name,
- compare(FileNameResult, FileNameA, FileNameB),
- (
- ( FileNameResult = (<)
- ; FileNameResult = (>)
- ),
- Result = FileNameResult
- ;
- FileNameResult = (=),
- LineNumberA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_line_number,
- LineNumberB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_line_number,
- compare(Result, LineNumberA, LineNumberB)
- ).
+ compare_call_site_descs_by_context(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result).
:- pred compare_call_site_desc_rows_by_name(
perf_row_data(call_site_desc)::in, perf_row_data(call_site_desc)::in,
@@ -3004,9 +3573,7 @@
Result) :-
CallSiteDescA = CallSiteDescRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject,
CallSiteDescB = CallSiteDescRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject,
- NameA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
- NameB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
- compare(Result, NameA, NameB).
+ compare_call_site_descs_by_name(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result).
@@ -3050,28 +3617,7 @@
compare_proc_desc_rows_by_name(ProcDescRowDataA, ProcDescRowDataB, Result) :-
ProcDescA = ProcDescRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject,
ProcDescB = ProcDescRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject,
- NameA = ProcDescA ^ pdesc_refined_name,
- NameB = ProcDescB ^ pdesc_refined_name,
- compare(Result, NameA, NameB).
-:- pred compare_proc_descs_by_context(proc_desc::in, proc_desc::in,
- comparison_result::out) is det.
-compare_proc_descs_by_context(ProcDescA, ProcDescB, Result) :-
- FileNameA = ProcDescA ^ pdesc_file_name,
- FileNameB = ProcDescB ^ pdesc_file_name,
- compare(FileNameResult, FileNameA, FileNameB),
- (
- ( FileNameResult = (<)
- ; FileNameResult = (>)
- ),
- Result = FileNameResult
- ;
- FileNameResult = (=),
- LineNumberA = ProcDescA ^ pdesc_line_number,
- LineNumberB = ProcDescB ^ pdesc_line_number,
- compare(Result, LineNumberA, LineNumberB)
- ).
+ compare_proc_descs_by_name(ProcDescA, ProcDescB, Result).
@@ -3103,10 +3649,8 @@
comparison_result::out) is det.
compare_proc_active_rows_by_context(ProcRowDataA, ProcRowDataB, Result) :-
- ProcActiveA = ProcRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject,
- ProcActiveB = ProcRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject,
- ProcDescA = ProcActiveA ^ pa_proc_desc,
- ProcDescB = ProcActiveB ^ pa_proc_desc,
+ ProcDescA = ProcRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject ^ pa_proc_desc,
+ ProcDescB = ProcRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject ^ pa_proc_desc,
compare_proc_descs_by_context(ProcDescA, ProcDescB, Result).
:- pred compare_proc_active_rows_by_name(
@@ -3114,11 +3658,9 @@
comparison_result::out) is det.
compare_proc_active_rows_by_name(ModuleRowDataA, ModuleRowDataB, Result) :-
- ProcActiveA = ModuleRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject,
- ProcActiveB = ModuleRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject,
- ProcNameA = ProcActiveA ^ pa_proc_desc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
- ProcNameB = ProcActiveB ^ pa_proc_desc ^ pdesc_refined_name,
- compare(Result, ProcNameA, ProcNameB).
+ ProcDescA = ModuleRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject ^ pa_proc_desc,
+ ProcDescB = ModuleRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject ^ pa_proc_desc,
+ compare_proc_descs_by_name(ProcDescA, ProcDescB, Result).
@@ -3242,17 +3784,69 @@
Result) :-
CliqueDescA = CliqueRowDataA ^ perf_row_subject,
CliqueDescB = CliqueRowDataB ^ perf_row_subject,
- ProcDescsA = CliqueDescA ^ cdesc_members,
- ProcDescsB = CliqueDescB ^ cdesc_members,
+ EntryProcDescA = CliqueDescA ^ cdesc_entry_member,
+ EntryProcDescB = CliqueDescB ^ cdesc_entry_member,
+ compare_proc_descs_by_context(EntryProcDescA, EntryProcDescB, Result).
+% Sort call_site_descs and proc_descs by context and by name.
+:- pred compare_call_site_descs_by_context(
+ call_site_desc::in, call_site_desc::in, comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_call_site_descs_by_context(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result) :-
+ FileNameA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_file_name,
+ FileNameB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_file_name,
+ compare(FileNameResult, FileNameA, FileNameB),
- ProcDescsA = [FirstProcDescA | _],
- ProcDescsB = [FirstProcDescB | _]
- ->
- compare_proc_descs_by_context(FirstProcDescA, FirstProcDescB, Result)
+ ( FileNameResult = (<)
+ ; FileNameResult = (>)
+ ),
+ Result = FileNameResult
+ ;
+ FileNameResult = (=),
+ LineNumberA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_line_number,
+ LineNumberB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_line_number,
+ compare(Result, LineNumberA, LineNumberB)
+ ).
+:- pred compare_proc_descs_by_context(proc_desc::in, proc_desc::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_proc_descs_by_context(ProcDescA, ProcDescB, Result) :-
+ FileNameA = ProcDescA ^ pdesc_file_name,
+ FileNameB = ProcDescB ^ pdesc_file_name,
+ compare(FileNameResult, FileNameA, FileNameB),
+ (
+ ( FileNameResult = (<)
+ ; FileNameResult = (>)
+ ),
+ Result = FileNameResult
- error("compare_clique_rows_by_first_proc_name: missing first proc")
+ FileNameResult = (=),
+ LineNumberA = ProcDescA ^ pdesc_line_number,
+ LineNumberB = ProcDescB ^ pdesc_line_number,
+ compare(Result, LineNumberA, LineNumberB)
+:- pred compare_call_site_descs_by_name(call_site_desc::in, call_site_desc::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_call_site_descs_by_name(CallSiteDescA, CallSiteDescB, Result) :-
+ NameA = CallSiteDescA ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
+ NameB = CallSiteDescB ^ csdesc_caller_refined_name,
+ compare(Result, NameA, NameB).
+:- pred compare_proc_descs_by_name(proc_desc::in, proc_desc::in,
+ comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_proc_descs_by_name(ProcDescA, ProcDescB, Result) :-
+ NameA = ProcDescA ^ pdesc_refined_name,
+ NameB = ProcDescB ^ pdesc_refined_name,
+ compare(Result, NameA, NameB).
% Sort perf_row_datas by a criterion of performance.
Index: deep_profiler/html_format.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/html_format.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -b -r1.31 html_format.m
--- deep_profiler/html_format.m 28 Aug 2008 10:26:14 -0000 1.31
+++ deep_profiler/html_format.m 24 Sep 2008 08:29:47 -0000
@@ -160,12 +160,14 @@
% escapes.
:- func escape_html_string(string) = string.
+:- func escape_html_attr_string(attr_string) = string.
% Like escape_html_string, but additionally inserts zero-width space
% characters to suggest where long strings can be broken over multiple
% lines.
:- func escape_break_html_string(string) = string.
+:- func escape_break_html_attr_string(attr_string) = string.
@@ -386,7 +388,7 @@
map_join_html(table_header_group_to_html_row_1(FormatInfo, THNumRows),
!StyleControlMap, THCells, InnerHeaderRowOneHTML),
HeaderRowOneHTML =
- wrap_tags("<tr>", "</tr>\n", InnerHeaderRowOneHTML),
+ wrap_tags("<tr>\n", "</tr>\n", InnerHeaderRowOneHTML),
THNumRows = one_header_row,
HeaderRowTwoHTML = empty_html
@@ -395,12 +397,12 @@
!StyleControlMap, THCells, InnerHeaderRowTwoHTML),
HeaderRowTwoHTML =
- wrap_tags("<tr>", "</tr>\n", InnerHeaderRowTwoHTML)
+ wrap_tags("<tr>\n", "</tr>\n", InnerHeaderRowTwoHTML)
InnerHeaderRowThree =
string.format("<td colspan=\"%d\"/>", [i(NumColumns)]),
HeaderRowThreeHTML =
- wrap_tags("<tr>", "</tr>\n", str_to_html(InnerHeaderRowThree)),
+ wrap_tags("<tr>", "</tr>", str_to_html(InnerHeaderRowThree)),
HeaderHTML = HeaderRowOneHTML ++ HeaderRowTwoHTML ++ HeaderRowThreeHTML
MaybeHeader = no,
@@ -413,7 +415,10 @@
!StyleControlMap, BodyRows, BodyRowsHTML),
% Construct the table.
- HTML = wrap_tags(TableStartTag, TableEndTag, HeaderHTML ++ BodyRowsHTML).
+ WrappedHeaderHTML = wrap_tags("<thead>\n", "</thead>\n", HeaderHTML),
+ WrappedBodyHTML = wrap_tags("<tbody>\n", "</tbody>\n", BodyRowsHTML),
+ HTML = wrap_tags(TableStartTag, TableEndTag,
+ WrappedHeaderHTML ++ WrappedBodyHTML).
@@ -593,7 +598,7 @@
TableRow = table_row(Cells),
map_join_html_count(table_cell_to_html(FormatInfo, MaybeColClassMap),
!StyleControlMap, 0, Cells, InnerHTML),
- HTML = wrap_tags("<tr>", "</tr>\n", InnerHTML)
+ HTML = wrap_tags("<tr>\n", "</tr>\n", InnerHTML)
@@ -663,6 +668,8 @@
table_data_to_html(_, td_s(String)) =
+table_data_to_html(_, td_as(AttrString)) =
+ str_to_html(escape_break_html_attr_string(AttrString)).
table_data_to_html(_, td_t(Time)) =
@@ -855,7 +862,7 @@
FormatString = "<a class=\"link\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>"
- [s(URL), s(escape_break_html_string(Label))], HTMLStr),
+ [s(URL), s(escape_break_html_attr_string(Label))], HTMLStr),
HTML = str_to_html(HTMLStr).
% Transform a pseudo link into HTML.
@@ -3121,9 +3128,32 @@
escape_html_string(String) =
replace_special_chars(special_html_char, String).
+escape_html_attr_string(attr_str(Attrs, String)) =
+ handle_html_attrs(Attrs, replace_special_chars(special_html_char, String)).
escape_break_html_string(String) =
replace_special_chars(special_html_char_or_break, String).
+escape_break_html_attr_string(attr_str(Attrs, String)) =
+ handle_html_attrs(Attrs,
+ replace_special_chars(special_html_char_or_break, String)).
+:- func handle_html_attrs(list(str_attr), string) = string.
+handle_html_attrs([], Str) = Str.
+handle_html_attrs([Attr | Attrs], InsideStr) = Str :-
+ InnerStr = handle_html_attrs(Attrs, InsideStr),
+ (
+ Attr = attr_bold,
+ Str = "<b>" ++ InnerStr ++ "</b>"
+ ;
+ Attr = attr_italic,
+ Str = "<i>" ++ InnerStr ++ "</i>"
+ ;
+ Attr = attr_underline,
+ Str = "<u>" ++ InnerStr ++ "</u>"
+ ).
:- func replace_special_chars(pred(char, string)::in(pred(in, out) is semidet),
string::in) = (string::out) is det.
Index: deep_profiler/measurement_units.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/measurement_units.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -b -r1.3 measurement_units.m
--- deep_profiler/measurement_units.m 18 Aug 2008 02:14:51 -0000 1.3
+++ deep_profiler/measurement_units.m 24 Sep 2008 15:36:52 -0000
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@
:- func format_percent(percent) = string.
+:- pred percent_at_or_above_threshold(int::in, percent::in) is semidet.
% Time
@@ -187,6 +189,9 @@
format_percent(percent_float(P)) = String :-
string.format("%.2f", [f(P * 100.0)], String).
+percent_at_or_above_threshold(Threshold, percent_float(P)) :-
+ (P * float(100)) >= float(Threshold).
% Time.
Index: deep_profiler/profile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/profile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -b -r1.22 profile.m
--- deep_profiler/profile.m 25 Aug 2008 07:19:39 -0000 1.22
+++ deep_profiler/profile.m 24 Sep 2008 04:31:36 -0000
@@ -220,9 +220,12 @@
; callback.
:- type call_site_kind_and_callee
+ == call_site_kind_and_callee(proc_static_ptr).
+:- type call_site_kind_and_callee(T)
---> normal_call_and_callee(
% The identity of the callee.
- proc_static_ptr,
+ T,
% A description of the type substitution, if any and if known.
Index: deep_profiler/query.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/query.m,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -b -r1.28 query.m
--- deep_profiler/query.m 28 Aug 2008 10:26:14 -0000 1.28
+++ deep_profiler/query.m 25 Sep 2008 00:16:18 -0000
@@ -402,6 +402,8 @@
; Cmd = deep_cmd_restart
; Cmd = deep_cmd_timeout(_)
; Cmd = deep_cmd_menu
+ ; Cmd = deep_cmd_root(_)
+ ; Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(_)
; Cmd = deep_cmd_program_modules
; Cmd = deep_cmd_module(_)
; Cmd = deep_cmd_top_procs(_, _, _, _)
@@ -411,6 +413,7 @@
; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_proc_dynamic(_)
; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_call_site_static(_)
; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_call_site_dynamic(_)
+ ; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_clique(_)
FileExists = yes,
@@ -420,12 +423,6 @@
new_exec(Cmd, Prefs, Deep, MaybeProgRep, HTMLStr, !IO)
- ( Cmd = deep_cmd_root(_)
- ; Cmd = deep_cmd_clique(_)
- ; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_clique(_)
- ),
- old_exec(Cmd, Prefs, Deep, HTMLStr, !IO)
- ;
Cmd = deep_cmd_procrep_coverage(_),
new_exec(Cmd, Prefs, Deep, MaybeProgRep, HTMLStr, !IO)
@@ -1725,7 +1722,6 @@
; assume_within_clique.
:- func ancestor_display = call_site_display.
-:- func upward_display = call_site_display.
:- func downward_display = call_site_display.
:- func downward_summary_display = call_site_display.
@@ -1733,10 +1729,6 @@
call_site_display(call_context, caller_proc_name, caller_clique,
-upward_display =
- call_site_display(call_context, caller_proc_name, callee_clique,
- wrap_url_always).
downward_display =
call_site_display(call_context, callee_proc_name, callee_clique,
Index: deep_profiler/report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -b -r1.9 report.m
--- deep_profiler/report.m 17 Sep 2008 03:26:29 -0000 1.9
+++ deep_profiler/report.m 25 Sep 2008 00:16:36 -0000
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
:- type deep_report
---> report_message(message_report)
; report_menu(maybe_error(menu_report))
+ ; report_clique(maybe_error(clique_report))
; report_program_modules(maybe_error(program_modules_report))
; report_module(maybe_error(module_report))
; report_top_procs(maybe_error(top_procs_report))
@@ -49,7 +50,8 @@
; report_call_site_static_dump(
; report_call_site_dynamic_dump(
- maybe_error(call_site_dynamic_dump_info)).
+ maybe_error(call_site_dynamic_dump_info))
+ ; report_clique_dump(maybe_error(clique_dump_info)).
:- type message_report
---> message_report(
@@ -78,6 +80,60 @@
menu_num_clique :: int
+:- type clique_report
+ ---> clique_report(
+ % The clique the report is for.
+ cr_clique_ptr :: clique_ptr,
+ % The ancestor call sites of the clique,
+ % - from the innermost ancestor call site (in the parent)
+ % - to the outermost ancestor call site (in main/2).
+ cr_ancestor_call_sites :: list(
+ perf_row_data(ancestor_desc)),
+ % Reports for every procedure in the clique.
+ cr_clique_procs :: list(clique_proc_report)
+ ).
+:- type clique_proc_report
+ ---> clique_proc_report(
+ % Summary information for the cost of this procedure in this
+ % clique.
+ cpr_proc_summary :: perf_row_data(proc_desc),
+ cpr_first_proc_dynamic :: clique_proc_dynamic_report,
+ cpr_other_proc_dynamics :: list(clique_proc_dynamic_report)
+ ).
+:- type clique_proc_dynamic_report
+ ---> clique_proc_dynamic_report(
+ % Summary information for the cost of this proc _dynamic
+ % in this clique.
+ cpdr_proc_summary :: perf_row_data(proc_desc),
+ % Information about the costs of the call sites in this
+ % procedure in this clique.
+ cpdr_call_sites :: list(clique_call_site_report)
+ ).
+:- type clique_call_site_report
+ ---> clique_call_site_report(
+ % The id of the call site, and the summary performance for
+ % that call site.
+ ccsr_call_site_summary :: perf_row_data(call_site_desc),
+ ccsr_kind_and_callee :: call_site_kind_and_callee(
+ proc_desc),
+ % All the callees and their associated performance information.
+ % If ccsr_kind_and_callee indicates a normal call, the list
+ % will have either zero entries (no calls through this site)
+ % or one entry (some calls through this site). If this is
+ % some other kind of call site, the list may have any number
+ % of entries.
+ ccsr_callee_perfs :: list(perf_row_data(clique_desc))
+ ).
:- type program_modules_report
---> program_modules_report(
% Summary information about all the modules of the program.
@@ -238,6 +294,20 @@
csddi_own_perf :: perf_row_data(call_site_desc)
+:- type clique_dump_info
+ ---> clique_dump_info(
+ cdi_clique_desc :: clique_desc,
+ cdi_caller_csd_ptr :: call_site_dynamic_ptr,
+ cdi_member_pdptrs :: list(proc_dynamic_ptr)
+ ).
+ % This type represents information about the performance of the subject.
+ % It is intended to be displayed on a browser page or used by a tool as is.
+ % It is NOT intended to be subject to further processing, such as adding
+ % two perf_row_datas together. Any such arithmetic is much better done
+ % on the data structures from which perf_row_datas are derived
+ % (own_prof_info and inherit_prof_info in the measurements module).
+ %
:- type perf_row_data(T)
---> perf_row_data(
% The item represented by this data row.
@@ -261,7 +331,7 @@
% represent clock ticks, whereas for time, we use more
% user-friendly units. When the total time for the program
% is close to zero, i.e. the number of ticks or quanta is zero
- % for the whole programs, then the percentage may be zero
+ % for the whole program, then the percentage may be zero
% for everyhing (it used to be a NaN for 0/0, but we now
% check explicitly for division by zero).
perf_row_ticks :: int,
@@ -348,12 +418,27 @@
csdesc_goal_path :: string
+:- type ancestor_desc
+ ---> ancestor_desc(
+ % The caller and callee cliques.
+ ad_caller_clique_ptr :: clique_ptr,
+ ad_callee_clique_ptr :: clique_ptr,
+ % The callee procedure.
+ ad_callee_pdesc :: proc_desc,
+ % The description of the call site. This includes a description
+ % of the caller procedure.
+ ad_call_site_desc :: call_site_desc
+ ).
% The description of a clique in a report structure.
:- type clique_desc
---> clique_desc(
cdesc_clique_ptr :: clique_ptr,
- cdesc_members :: list(proc_desc)
+ cdesc_entry_member :: proc_desc,
+ cdesc_other_members :: list(proc_desc)
cvs diff: Diffing deep_profiler/notes
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cvs diff: Diffing runtime/GETOPT
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/c_calls_mercury
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/mercury_calls_c
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/c_calls_mercury
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/solutions
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/toplevel
cvs diff: Diffing scripts
cvs diff: Diffing slice
cvs diff: Diffing ssdb
cvs diff: Diffing tests
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/mmc_make/lib
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cvs diff: Diffing trace
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