[m-rev.] For post-commit review: Variable use analysis for Deep Profiler.
Paul Bone
pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Oct 16 12:08:57 AEDT 2008
For post-commit review by Zoltan.
Estimated Hours Taken: 15
Branches: main
Add an analysis report to the deep profiler that can determine when an
argument to a procedure is likely to be consumed or produced. This is useful
for determining the parallelism within dependant conjunctions.
Due to limitations in the deep profiler recursive code cannot be handled well,
the following two problems (and workarounds) exist.
If the variable we're searching for uses of is consumed or produced within
a recursive (or mutually recursive) call, we do not follow this recursion.
Instead assume a pessimistic default, that if the call produces the
variable assume it's produced at the end of the call, if the call consumes
the variable assume it's consumed at the beginning of the call.
When calculating the cost of a goal that occurs before a consumption or
after a production we cannot relative an accurate cost of a recursive call
from the deep profiler (A cost of 1.0 is returned).
Add the new report structure.
The code for the new analysis depends on the program representation
bytecode, it has been added to this module.
Code to create the new report.
Basic code to display the report.
Include support for parsing and running the commands that refer to this
new report.
Conform to changes in report.m
Conform to changes in report.m
Index: deep_profiler/create_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/create_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -p -b -r1.13 create_report.m
--- deep_profiler/create_report.m 5 Oct 2008 06:31:06 -0000 1.13
+++ deep_profiler/create_report.m 16 Oct 2008 00:56:06 -0000
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
:- module create_report.
:- interface.
+:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module profile.
:- import_module query.
:- import_module report.
@@ -26,6 +27,23 @@
+ % Create a proc var use dump report.
+ %
+:- pred create_proc_var_use_dump_report(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+ maybe_error(proc_var_use_dump_info)::out) is det.
+ % Create a proc report.
+ %
+:- pred create_proc_report(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+ maybe_error(proc_report)::out) is det.
+ % Create a procrep coverage report.
+ %
+:- pred create_procrep_coverage_report(deep::in,
+ proc_static_ptr::in, maybe_error(procrep_coverage_info)::out) is det.
:- implementation.
:- import_module apply_exclusion.
@@ -44,9 +62,9 @@
:- import_module list.
:- import_module map.
:- import_module math.
-:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module pair.
:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module svmap.
:- import_module univ.
@@ -99,7 +117,7 @@ create_report(Cmd, Deep, Report) :-
Report = report_top_procs(MaybeTopProcsReport)
Cmd = deep_cmd_procrep_coverage(PSPtr),
- generate_procrep_coverage_dump_report(Deep, PSPtr,
+ create_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr,
Report = report_procrep_coverage_dump(MaybeProcrepCoverageReport)
@@ -134,6 +152,10 @@ create_report(Cmd, Deep, Report) :-
create_clique_dump_report(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeCliqueDump),
Report = report_clique_dump(MaybeCliqueDump)
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(PSPtr),
+ create_proc_var_use_dump_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcVarUseDump),
+ Report = report_proc_var_use_dump(MaybeProcVarUseDump)
+ ;
Cmd = deep_cmd_restart,
error("create_report/3", "unexpected restart command")
@@ -585,9 +607,6 @@ create_top_procs_report(Deep, Limit, Cos
% Code to build a proc report.
-:- pred create_proc_report(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
- maybe_error(proc_report)::out) is det.
create_proc_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcReport) :-
( valid_proc_static_ptr(Deep, PSPtr) ->
ProcDesc = describe_proc(Deep, PSPtr),
@@ -848,13 +867,10 @@ create_proc_caller_cliques(Deep, CalleeP
-% Code to generate the coverage annotated procedure representation report.
+% Code to create the coverage annotated procedure representation report.
-:- pred generate_procrep_coverage_dump_report(deep::in,
- proc_static_ptr::in, maybe_error(procrep_coverage_info)::out) is det.
-generate_procrep_coverage_dump_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeReport) :-
+create_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeReport) :-
MaybeProgRepResult = Deep ^ procrep_file,
MaybeProgRepResult = no,
@@ -875,8 +891,8 @@ generate_procrep_coverage_dump_report(De
% Gather call site information.
CallSitesArray = PS ^ ps_sites,
- array.foldl(create_cs_summary_add_to_map(Deep), CallSitesArray,
- map.init) = CallSitesMap,
+ CallSitesMap = array.foldl(create_cs_summary_add_to_map(Deep),
+ CallSitesArray, map.init),
% Gather information about coverage points.
CoveragePointsArray = PS ^ ps_coverage_points,
@@ -890,7 +906,8 @@ generate_procrep_coverage_dump_report(De
MaybeReport = ok(procrep_coverage_info(PSPtr, ProcRep))
MaybeReport =
- error("Program Representation doesn't contain procedure")
+ error("Program Representation doesn't contain procedure: "
+ ++ string(PSPtr))
MaybeReport = error("Invalid proc_static index")
@@ -1017,6 +1034,10 @@ create_clique_dump_report(Deep, CliquePt
MaybeCliqueDumpInfo = error("invalid clique_ptr")
+create_proc_var_use_dump_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcVarUseDump) :-
+ generic_vars_first_use(head_vars_all, Deep, PSPtr, set.init,
+ MaybeProcVarUseDump).
% Lookup the proc_static structure with the given PSI index number
Index: deep_profiler/display_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/display_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -p -b -r1.15 display_report.m
--- deep_profiler/display_report.m 5 Oct 2008 06:31:06 -0000 1.15
+++ deep_profiler/display_report.m 11 Oct 2008 05:41:35 -0000
@@ -181,6 +181,15 @@ report_to_display(Deep, Prefs, Report) =
MaybeCliqueDumpInfo = error(Msg),
Display = display(no, [display_heading(Msg)])
+ ;
+ Report = report_proc_var_use_dump(MaybeProcVarUseDumpInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeProcVarUseDumpInfo = ok(ProcVarUseDumpInfo),
+ display_report_proc_var_use_dump(Prefs, ProcVarUseDumpInfo, Display)
+ ;
+ MaybeProcVarUseDumpInfo = error(Msg),
+ Display = display(no, [display_heading(Msg)])
+ )
@@ -1510,6 +1519,28 @@ display_report_clique_dump_member(Prefs,
PDData = td_l(Link),
Pair = PDLabel - PDData.
+:- pred display_report_proc_var_use_dump(preferences::in,
+ proc_var_use_dump_info::in, display::out) is det.
+display_report_proc_var_use_dump(_Prefs, ProcVarUseDumpInfo, Display) :-
+ ProcVarUseDumpInfo = proc_var_use_dump_info(AverageProcCost, VarUses),
+ ProcCostRow = table_row([table_cell(td_s("Average Proc Cost: ")),
+ table_cell(td_f(AverageProcCost))]),
+ format_proc_var_uses(VarUses, 1, VarUseRows),
+ Rows = [ ProcCostRow | VarUseRows ],
+ Table = table(table_class_do_not_box, 2, no, Rows),
+ Title = "Dump of procedure's var use info",
+ Display = display(yes(Title), [display_table(Table)]).
+:- pred format_proc_var_uses(list(var_use_info)::in, int::in,
+ list(table_row)::out) is det.
+format_proc_var_uses([], _, []).
+format_proc_var_uses([VarUse | VarUses], RowNum, [Row | Rows]) :-
+ format_proc_var_uses(VarUses, RowNum+1, Rows),
+ Row = table_row([table_cell(td_s(format("Argument: %i", [i(RowNum)]))),
+ table_cell(td_s(string(VarUse)))]).
% Common column header strings.
Index: deep_profiler/old_html_format.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/old_html_format.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -b -r1.1 old_html_format.m
--- deep_profiler/old_html_format.m 25 Sep 2008 07:33:14 -0000 1.1
+++ deep_profiler/old_html_format.m 5 Oct 2008 11:21:38 -0000
@@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ command_relevant_toggles(deep_cmd_dump_p
command_relevant_toggles(deep_cmd_dump_call_site_static(_)) = [].
command_relevant_toggles(deep_cmd_dump_call_site_dynamic(_)) = [].
command_relevant_toggles(deep_cmd_dump_clique(_)) = [].
+command_relevant_toggles(deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(_)) = [].
:- func footer_field_toggle(cmd, preferences, deep) = string.
Index: deep_profiler/old_query.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/old_query.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -p -b -r1.1 old_query.m
--- deep_profiler/old_query.m 25 Sep 2008 07:33:14 -0000 1.1
+++ deep_profiler/old_query.m 5 Oct 2008 11:20:48 -0000
@@ -138,7 +138,11 @@ old_exec(Cmd, Pref, Deep, HTML, !IO) :-
old_exec(deep_cmd_dump_clique(CliquePtr), _Pref, Deep, HTML, !IO) :-
HTML = generate_clique_debug_page(CliquePtr, Deep).
old_exec(deep_cmd_procrep_coverage(_), _, _, HTML, !IO) :-
- HTML = "query.m: deep_cmd_procrep_coverage is unsupported by old_exec\n".
+ HTML =
+ "old_query.m: deep_cmd_procrep_coverage is unsupported by old_exec\n".
+old_exec(deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(_), _, _, HTML, !IO) :-
+ HTML =
+ "old_query.m: deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use is unsupported by old_exec\n".
Index: deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -p -b -r1.16 program_representation_utils.m
--- deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m 9 Oct 2008 07:11:36 -0000 1.16
+++ deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m 16 Oct 2008 00:56:58 -0000
@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@
:- import_module report.
:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module list.
:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module set.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module unit.
@@ -77,17 +80,37 @@
+ % geneirc_vars_first_use(HeadVarsToVars, Deep, PSPtr, CallStack,
+ % VarUseInfos, ProcAverageCost).
+ %
+ % Find the first uses of the given variables.
+ %
+ % CallStack is used to prevent unbound % recursion, initialise it to
+ % set.init.
+ %
+:- pred generic_vars_first_use(
+ pred(list(head_var_rep), list(var_rep), list(var_use_type)),
+ deep, proc_static_ptr, set(proc_static_ptr),
+ maybe_error(proc_var_use_dump_info)).
+:- mode generic_vars_first_use(pred(in, out, out) is det,
+ in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred head_vars_all(list(head_var_rep)::in, list(var_rep)::out,
+ list(var_use_type)::out) is det.
:- implementation.
+:- import_module create_report.
:- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.
:- import_module array.
:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module io.
-:- import_module list.
:- import_module map.
-:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module require.
@@ -1497,4 +1520,779 @@ detism_get_can_fail(erroneous_rep) =
detism_get_can_fail(failure_rep) = can_fail_rep.
+% Coverage information helper predicates.
+:- pred get_coverage_before(coverage_info::in, int::out) is semidet.
+get_coverage_before(coverage_known(Before, _), Before).
+get_coverage_before(coverage_known_same(Before), Before).
+get_coverage_before(coverage_known_before(Before), Before).
+:- pred get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_info::in, int::out, int::out)
+ is semidet.
+get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_known(Before, After), Before, After).
+get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_known_same(Count), Count, Count).
+ % This type represents whether the first use of a variable has been found
+ % or not. If it has then the call sequence counts since it was found is
+ % stored in this type also.
+ %
+:- type found_first_use
+ ---> have_not_found_first_use
+ ; found_first_use(
+ cost_before_use :: float
+ ).
+:- inst found_first_use_found
+ ---> found_first_use(ground).
+:- type var_first_use_static_info
+ ---> var_first_use_static_info(
+ fui_deep :: deep,
+ fui_call_site_map :: map(goal_path, call_site_perf),
+ fui_var :: var_rep,
+ fui_var_use :: var_use_type,
+ fui_call_stack :: set(proc_static_ptr)
+ % A set of call sites that have been followed, this
+ % prevents unbound recursion.
+ ).
+ % Find the first use of a variable in a goal.
+ % Procedure calls can be resolved via the call site which we'll need to
+ % lookup anyway to find cost information, This will callback to the deep
+ % profiler as it crosses procedure boundaries.
+ %
+ % Another value should be used to describe if we're looking for a producer
+ % or consumer, this affects how pessimistic defaults are calculated. XXX:
+ % This is not yet implemented for now I implement the first time a variable
+ % is consumed and then hopefully extend that code.
+ %
+:- pred goal_var_first_use(goal_path::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out)
+ is det.
+goal_var_first_use(GoalPath, Goal, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, _Coverage),
+ (
+ GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts),
+ conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, 1, Conjuncts, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts),
+ disj_var_first_use(GoalPath, Disjuncts, Detism, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = switch_rep(SwitchedOnVar, _CanFail, Cases),
+ switch_var_first_use(GoalPath, SwitchedOnVar, Cases,
+ StaticInfo, !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
+ ite_var_first_use(GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ (
+ GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
+ SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, ScopeIsCut),
+ SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(ScopeIsCut))
+ ),
+ goal_var_first_use(SubGoalPath, SubGoal, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
+ (
+ ( AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ call_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, GoalPath, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+ ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ % trivial goals have a zero cost, so !CostSoFar is not updated.
+ atomic_trivial_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, !.CostSoFar,
+ StaticInfo, FoundFirstUse)
+ )
+ ),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
+ io.format("Trace: goal_var_first_use: %s\n",
+ [s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))], !IO).
+:- inst atomic_goal_rep_call
+ ---> plain_call_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; higher_order_call_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; method_call_rep(ground, ground, ground).
+:- pred call_var_first_use(atomic_goal_rep::in(atomic_goal_rep_call),
+ list(var_rep)::in, goal_path::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+call_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, GoalPath, StaticInfo,
+ CostSoFar, NextCostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ map.lookup(StaticInfo ^ fui_call_site_map, GoalPath, CallSitePerf),
+ % Calculate the cost of this call and add it to the cost so far.
+ CallSitePerf ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_maybe_total =
+ MaybeTotal,
+ (
+ MaybeTotal = yes(RowData)
+ ;
+ MaybeTotal = no,
+ CallSitePerf ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_self =
+ RowData
+ ),
+ ProcCost = RowData ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall,
+ % XXX: this doesn't work for (mutually-)recursive calls, the deep profiler
+ % sets their cost to 1.0. For now we just have to hope that the variables
+ % we're searching for are used in the recursive call so the trick above
+ % works.
+ NextCostSoFar = CostSoFar + ProcCost,
+ % Determine if the variable we're searching for uses of is involved with
+ % this call.
+ (
+ AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, Args),
+ (
+ nth_member_search(Args, Var, ArgNum),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption
+ ;
+ % If we're looking for a production ensure that this call binds
+ % this variable.
+ VarUseType = var_use_production,
+ member(Var, BoundVars)
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_other
+ )
+ ->
+ (
+ CallSitePerf ^ csf_kind =
+ normal_call_and_info(Callee)
+ ->
+ PSPtr = Callee ^ nci_callee_desc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+ CallStack0 = StaticInfo ^ fui_call_stack,
+ ( contains(CallStack0, PSPtr) ->
+ % Don't follow recursive or mutually recursive calls.
+ % XXX: I'd like to create the result that is the sum of the
+ % recursive expression: Cost(i) = Cost + Cost(i - 1).
+ % Note: this makes a pessimistic assumption instead. Note:
+ % It doesn't matter what type of variable use we're
+ % searching for either the cost before a consumer is 0.0 or
+ % the cost after a producer is 0.0. So asserting
+ % TimeBeforeUse = 0.0 works in both cases.
+ ProcCostUntilUse = 0.0
+ ;
+ CallStack = set.insert(CallStack0, PSPtr),
+ proc_var_first_use(StaticInfo ^ fui_deep, PSPtr, ArgNum,
+ VarUseType, CallStack, ProcVarUseInfo),
+ ProcVarUseInfo = var_use_info(ProcCostUntilUse0, _),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ (
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_since_proc_start(ProcCostUntilUse)
+ ;
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_before_proc_end(ProcCostAfterUse),
+ ProcCostUntilUse = ProcCost - ProcCostAfterUse
+ )
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ (
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_since_proc_start(ProcCostBeforeUse),
+ ProcCostUntilUse = ProcCost - ProcCostBeforeUse
+ ;
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_before_proc_end(ProcCostUntilUse)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ % Some builtin calls show up as plain calls in the procedure
+ % representation. Namely builtin.compare. In these cases use
+ % a pessimistic default.
+ ProcCostUntilUse = 0.0
+ ),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar + ProcCostUntilUse),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
+ io.format(
+ "Trace: Set first use info for variable use in call: %s\n",
+ [s(string(FoundFirstUse))], !IO)
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ )
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(HOVar, Args)
+ % The first argument of this functor is really the type info variable,
+ % not a higher order term.
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(HOVar, _, Args)
+ ),
+ (
+ ( HOVar = Var
+ ; member(Var, Args)
+ )
+ ->
+ % XXX: Make a pessimistic default, since we don't bother to perform
+ % this analysis recursively for higher order or method calls.
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar)
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ )
+ ).
+:- inst atomic_trivial_goal_rep
+ ---> unify_construct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; unify_deconstruct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; partial_construct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; partial_deconstruct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; unify_assign_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; cast_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; unify_simple_test_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; pragma_foreign_code_rep(ground)
+ ; event_call_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; builtin_call_rep(ground, ground, ground).
+:- pred atomic_trivial_var_first_use(
+ atomic_goal_rep::in(atomic_trivial_goal_rep), list(var_rep)::in, float::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, found_first_use::out) is det.
+atomic_trivial_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, CostSoFar, StaticInfo,
+ FoundFirstUse) :-
+ Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(UnifyVar, _, Vars0)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(UnifyVar, _, Vars0)
+ ),
+ Vars = [UnifyVar | Vars0]
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal =
+ partial_construct_rep(UnifyVar, _, MaybeVars0)
+ ; AtomicGoal =
+ partial_deconstruct_rep(UnifyVar, _, MaybeVars0)
+ ),
+ list.filter_map(maybe_x_to_x, MaybeVars0, Vars0),
+ Vars = [UnifyVar | Vars0]
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(VarA, VarB)
+ ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(VarA, VarB)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(VarA, VarB)
+ ),
+ Vars = [ VarA, VarB ]
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(Vars)
+ ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, Vars)
+ ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, Vars)
+ )
+ ),
+ (
+ member(Var, Vars),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_production,
+ member(Var, BoundVars)
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_other
+ )
+ ->
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar)
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ).
+ % Find the first use of a variable within a conjunction. Note that when
+ % looking for a production of the variable we search backward and add the
+ % time from the end of the goal. Similarly with other goal types that have
+ % an execution order, namely disjunctions and if-then-elses.
+ %
+:- pred conj_var_first_use(goal_path::in, int::in,
+ list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+conj_var_first_use(_, _, [], _, !Cost, have_not_found_first_use).
+conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum, [Conj | Conjs], StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse) :-
+ ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjNum)),
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ goal_var_first_use(ConjGoalPath, Conj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse),
+ conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum + 1, Conjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum + 1, Conjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ConjGoalPath, Conj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse)
+ ),
+ (
+ % XXX: if a variable is bound more than once, because it's used with
+ % partial instantiation then we want to use the last time it is bound.
+ % Instmaps can be used to track this. This is relevant when searching
+ % for the producer of a variable.
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ FoundFirstUse = TailFoundFirstUse
+ ).
+:- pred disj_var_first_use(goal_path::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in,
+ detism_rep::in, var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out,
+ found_first_use::out) is det.
+disj_var_first_use(GoalPath, Disjuncts, Detism, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ % We cannot handle nondet/multi disjunctions. So we use pessimistic
+ % defaults for FoundFirstUse if this disjunction is nondet or multi. For
+ % calculating the cost of the disjunction, assume that is is a semidet
+ % disjunction. Doing this will find the incorrect cost for the
+ % disjunction, however disjunctions occur rarely, this is not likely to
+ % drametically effect anything.
+ CostBeforeConsumption = !.CostSoFar,
+ CostAfterProduction = !.CostSoFar,
+ disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, 1, Disjuncts, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse0),
+ (
+ detism_get_solutions(Detism) = at_most_many_rep,
+ FoundFirstUse0 = found_first_use(_)
+ ->
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostBeforeConsumption)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostAfterProduction)
+ )
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = FoundFirstUse0
+ ).
+:- pred disj_var_first_use_2(goal_path::in, int::in,
+ list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+disj_var_first_use_2(_, _, [], _, !CostSoFar, have_not_found_first_use).
+disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum, [Disj | Disjs], StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse) :-
+ DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ goal_var_first_use(DisjGoalPath, Disj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse),
+ disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Disjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Disjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(DisjGoalPath, Disj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse)
+ ),
+ (
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ TailFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ TailFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ FoundFirstUse = TailFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ TailFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(HeadCost),
+ TailFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(TailCost),
+ % A simple average, this gets overridden later anyway.
+ % XXX: no it doesn't.
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ % The variable is probably consumed in the first disjunct even if
+ % it fails. This is also the pessimistic default.
+ Cost = HeadCost
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ % Use a weighted average to reflect the likely success of the first
+ % disjunct.
+ ( get_coverage_before(Disj ^ goal_annotation, HeadCount) ->
+ HeadWeight = float(HeadCount)
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++ " unknown coverage before disjunct")
+ ),
+ (
+ Disjs = [],
+ TailWeight = 0.0
+ ;
+ Disjs = [FirstTailDisj | _],
+ FirstTailCoverage = FirstTailDisj ^ goal_annotation,
+ ( get_coverage_before(FirstTailCoverage, TailCount) ->
+ TailWeight = float(TailCount)
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++ " unknown coverage before disjunct")
+ )
+ ),
+ weighted_average([HeadWeight, TailWeight], [HeadCost, TailCost],
+ Cost)
+ ),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(Cost)
+ ).
+:- pred switch_var_first_use(goal_path::in, var_rep::in,
+ list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+switch_var_first_use(GoalPath, SwitchedOnVar, Cases, StaticInfo,
+ CostBeforeSwitch, CostAfterSwitch, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, 1, StaticInfo, Cases, CaseWeights,
+ CostBeforeSwitch, CostCases, FoundFirstUseCases),
+ weighted_average(CaseWeights, CostCases, CostAfterSwitch),
+ Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
+ ( Var = SwitchedOnVar ->
+ % This can only possibly be a consumption of this variable.
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostBeforeSwitch)
+ ;
+ ( list.all_true(unify(have_not_found_first_use), FoundFirstUseCases) ->
+ % No case contained a first-use of this variable.
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ;
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ DefaultCost = CostBeforeSwitch
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ DefaultCost = CostAfterSwitch
+ ),
+ list.map(ffu_to_float(DefaultCost), FoundFirstUseCases,
+ FirstUseTimes),
+ weighted_average(CaseWeights, FirstUseTimes, AvgFirstUseTime),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(AvgFirstUseTime)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred switch_var_first_use_2(goal_path::in, int::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in,
+ list(float)::out, float::in, list(float)::out, list(found_first_use)::out)
+ is det.
+switch_var_first_use_2(_, _, _, [], [], _, [], []).
+switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, CaseNum, StaticInfo, [Case | Cases],
+ [Weight | Weights], Cost0, [Cost | Costs],
+ [FoundFirstUse | FoundFirstUses]) :-
+ switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, CaseNum + 1, StaticInfo, Cases, Weights,
+ Cost0, Costs, FoundFirstUses),
+ CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
+ Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
+ goal_var_first_use(CaseGoalPath, Goal, StaticInfo, Cost0, Cost,
+ FoundFirstUse),
+ Goal = goal_rep(_, _, Coverage),
+ ( get_coverage_before(Coverage, BeforeCount) ->
+ Weight = float(BeforeCount)
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++ "unknown coverage before switch case")
+ ).
+:- pred ite_var_first_use(goal_path::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out)
+ is det.
+ite_var_first_use(GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ (
+ get_coverage_before(Then ^ goal_annotation, CountBeforeThen),
+ get_coverage_before(Else ^ goal_annotation, CountBeforeElse)
+ ->
+ Weights = [float(CountBeforeThen), float(CountBeforeElse)]
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++
+ "incomplete coverage information for if then else branches")
+ ),
+ CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
+ ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
+ ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostBeforeITE = !.CostSoFar,
+ goal_var_first_use(CondGoalPath, Cond, StaticInfo,
+ CostBeforeITE, CostAfterCond, CondFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ThenGoalPath, Then, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterCond, CostAfterThen, ThenFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ElseGoalPath, Else, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterCond, CostAfterElse, ElseFoundFirstUse),
+ weighted_average(Weights, [CostAfterThen, CostAfterElse],
+ CostAfterITE),
+ !:CostSoFar = CostAfterITE
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostAfterITE = !.CostSoFar,
+ goal_var_first_use(ThenGoalPath, Then, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterITE, CostAfterThen, ThenFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ElseGoalPath, Else, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterITE, CostAfterElse, ElseFoundFirstUse),
+ weighted_average(Weights, [CostAfterThen, CostAfterElse],
+ CostAfterCond),
+ goal_var_first_use(CondGoalPath, Cond, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterCond, CostBeforeITE, CondFoundFirstUse),
+ !:CostSoFar = CostBeforeITE
+ ),
+ (
+ CondFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ FoundFirstUse = CondFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ CondFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ (
+ ThenFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ ElseFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ->
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ;
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ DefaultCost = CostAfterCond
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ DefaultCost = CostAfterITE
+ ),
+ ffu_to_float(DefaultCost, ThenFoundFirstUse, ThenVarUseTime),
+ ffu_to_float(DefaultCost, ElseFoundFirstUse, ElseVarUseTime),
+ weighted_average(Weights, [ThenVarUseTime, ElseVarUseTime],
+ VarUseTime),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(VarUseTime),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
+ io.format("Trace: ITE: Weights: %s, Then: %f, Else: %f, " ++
+ "VarUseTime: %f\n",
+ [s(string(Weights)), f(ThenVarUseTime), f(ElseVarUseTime),
+ f(VarUseTime)],
+ !IO)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred weighted_average(list(float)::in, list(float)::in, float::out) is det.
+weighted_average(Weights, Values, Average) :-
+ list.foldl2_corresponding(
+ (pred(Value::in, Weight::in, Sum0::in, Sum::out,
+ WeightSum0::in, WeightSum::out) is det :-
+ Sum = Sum0 + (Value * Weight),
+ WeightSum = WeightSum0 + Weight
+ ), Values, Weights, 0.0, Total, 0.0, TotalWeight),
+ ( abs(TotalWeight) < epsilon ->
+ Average = 0.0
+ ;
+ Average = Total / TotalWeight
+ ).
+:- pred ffu_to_float(float::in, found_first_use::in, float::out) is det.
+ffu_to_float(Default, have_not_found_first_use, Default).
+ffu_to_float(_, found_first_use(CostBeforeUse), CostBeforeUse).
+ % proc_var_first_use(Deep, PSPtr, N, VarUseType, CallStack, VarUseInfo).
+ %
+ % Find the first use of the Nth argument of the procedure given by PSPtr.
+ %
+:- pred proc_var_first_use(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in, int::in,
+ var_use_type::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
+proc_var_first_use(Deep, PSPtr, ArgNum, VarUseType, CallStack, VarUseInfo) :-
+ generic_vars_first_use(head_var_by_pos(ArgNum), Deep, PSPtr, CallStack,
+ MaybeProcVarUseInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeProcVarUseInfo = ok(proc_var_use_dump_info(_, VarUseInfos)),
+ ( VarUseInfos = [VarUseInfoPrime] ->
+ VarUseInfo = VarUseInfoPrime
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++
+ "Expecting exactly one result in proc_var_first_use")
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeProcVarUseInfo = error(_),
+ % Some errors can be caused by trying to look up procedures that can't
+ % be found. For example float.round_to_int is defined using foreign
+ % code, when it gets inlined into another predicate the proc static
+ % pointer points to the foreign code which can't be looked up even
+ % though it uses a 'plain_call' call site.
+ % Return a pessimistic default here.
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(0.0)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(0.0)
+ ),
+ VarUseInfo = var_use_info(CostUntilUse, VarUseType)
+ ),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
+ io.format("Trace: prog_var_first_use: %s\n",
+ [s(string(PSPtr))], !IO).
+:- pred head_var_by_pos(int::in, list(head_var_rep)::in,
+ list(var_rep)::out, list(var_use_type)::out) is det.
+head_var_by_pos(ArgPos, HeadVars, [Var], [VarUseType]) :-
+ list.index1_det(HeadVars, ArgPos, HeadVar),
+ HeadVar = head_var_rep(Var, VarMode),
+ var_mode_to_var_use(VarMode, VarUseType).
+head_vars_all(HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes) :-
+ list.map2((pred(HeadVar::in, Var::out, VarUseType::out) is det :-
+ HeadVar = head_var_rep(Var, VarMode),
+ var_mode_to_var_use(VarMode, VarUseType)
+ ), HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes).
+:- pred var_mode_to_var_use(var_mode_rep::in, var_use_type::out) is det.
+var_mode_to_var_use(var_mode_rep(InitialInst, FinalInst), VarUseType) :-
+ (
+ InitialInst = ir_ground_rep,
+ FinalInst = ir_ground_rep
+ ->
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption
+ ;
+ InitialInst = ir_free_rep,
+ FinalInst = ir_ground_rep
+ ->
+ VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ).
+ % Perform the var_first_use for the vars returned by the closure.
+ %
+generic_vars_first_use(VarsPred, Deep, PSPtr, CallStack, MaybeResult) :-
+ create_proc_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcReport),
+ (
+ MaybeProcReport = ok(ProcReport),
+ create_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcRepCoverage),
+ (
+ MaybeProcRepCoverage = ok(ProcRepCoverageInfo),
+ ProcRepCoverageInfo = procrep_coverage_info(_, ProcRep),
+ ProcDefnRep = ProcRep ^ pr_defn,
+ HeadVars = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_head_vars,
+ VarsPred(HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes),
+ ProcReport = proc_report(ProcSummary, CallSiteSummaries),
+ MaybeTotal = ProcSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
+ (
+ MaybeTotal = yes(RowData)
+ ;
+ MaybeTotal = no,
+ RowData = ProcSummary ^ perf_row_self
+ ),
+ ProcAverageCost = RowData ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall,
+ GoalRep = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_goal,
+ list.foldl((pred(CSS::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
+ GoalPath = CSS ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject
+ ^ csdesc_goal_path,
+ map.det_insert(Map0, GoalPath, CSS, Map)
+ ), CallSiteSummaries, map.init, CallSiteMap),
+ list.map_corresponding(goal_var_first_use_wrapper(Deep, CallStack,
+ CallSiteMap, GoalRep), Vars, VarUseTypes, VarUseInfos),
+ MaybeResult =
+ ok(proc_var_use_dump_info(ProcAverageCost, VarUseInfos))
+ ;
+ MaybeProcRepCoverage = error(Error),
+ MaybeResult = error(Error)
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeProcReport = error(Error),
+ MaybeResult = error(Error)
+ ).
+:- pred goal_var_first_use_wrapper(deep::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in,
+ map(goal_path, call_site_perf)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ var_rep::in, var_use_type::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
+goal_var_first_use_wrapper(Deep, CallStack, CallSiteMap, Goal, Var,
+ VarUseType, VarUseInfo) :-
+ goal_var_first_use(empty_goal_path, Goal,
+ var_first_use_static_info(Deep, CallSiteMap, Var, VarUseType,
+ CallStack),
+ 0.0, _Cost, FoundFirstUse),
+ (
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostUntilUseRaw),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(CostUntilUseRaw)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(CostUntilUseRaw)
+ )
+ ;
+ % If the first use has not been found, then use the average cost of the
+ % procedure as the cost before the first use, since the variable is
+ % never used.
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(0.0)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(0.0)
+ )
+ ),
+ VarUseInfo = var_use_info(CostUntilUse, VarUseType).
+:- pred maybe_x_to_x(maybe(T)::in, T::out) is semidet.
+maybe_x_to_x(yes(X), X).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "program_representation_utils: ".
Index: deep_profiler/query.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/query.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -p -b -r1.31 query.m
--- deep_profiler/query.m 3 Oct 2008 07:39:04 -0000 1.31
+++ deep_profiler/query.m 5 Oct 2008 11:06:49 -0000
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@
; deep_cmd_dump_clique(
cmd_dcl_id :: clique_ptr
+ )
+ ; deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(
+ cmd_dpvu_id :: proc_static_ptr
:- type caller_groups
@@ -413,7 +416,9 @@ exec(Cmd, Prefs, Deep, HTMLStr, !IO) :-
new_exec(Cmd, Prefs, Deep, HTMLStr, !IO)
- Cmd = deep_cmd_procrep_coverage(_),
+ ( Cmd = deep_cmd_procrep_coverage(_)
+ ; Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(_)
+ ),
new_exec(Cmd, Prefs, Deep, HTMLStr, !IO)
@@ -611,6 +616,11 @@ cmd_to_string(Cmd) = CmdStr :-
CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
CmdStr = string.format("%s%c%d",
[s(cmd_str_dump_raw_clique), c(cmd_separator_char), i(CliqueNum)])
+ ;
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(PSPtr),
+ PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+ CmdStr = string.format("%s%c%d",
+ [s(cmd_str_dump_proc_var_use), c(cmd_separator_char), i(PSI)])
:- func preferences_to_string(preferences) = string.
@@ -755,6 +765,13 @@ string_to_maybe_cmd(QueryString) = Maybe
Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_clique(CliquePtr),
MaybeCmd = yes(Cmd)
+ Pieces = [cmd_str_dump_proc_var_use, PSIStr],
+ string.to_int(PSIStr, PSI)
+ ->
+ PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+ Cmd = deep_cmd_dump_proc_var_use(PSPtr),
+ MaybeCmd = yes(Cmd)
+ ;
Pieces = [cmd_str_timeout, TimeOutStr],
string.to_int(TimeOutStr, TimeOut)
@@ -1212,6 +1229,9 @@ cmd_str_dump_call_site_dynamic = "dump_c
:- func cmd_str_dump_raw_clique = string.
cmd_str_dump_raw_clique = "dump_raw_clique".
+:- func cmd_str_dump_proc_var_use = string.
+cmd_str_dump_proc_var_use = "dump_proc_var_use".
:- end_module query.
Index: deep_profiler/report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -p -b -r1.13 report.m
--- deep_profiler/report.m 5 Oct 2008 06:31:06 -0000 1.13
+++ deep_profiler/report.m 15 Oct 2008 12:42:10 -0000
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
; report_call_site_dynamic_dump(
- ; report_clique_dump(maybe_error(clique_dump_info)).
+ ; report_clique_dump(maybe_error(clique_dump_info))
+ ; report_proc_var_use_dump(maybe_error(proc_var_use_dump_info)).
:- type message_report
---> message_report(
@@ -302,6 +303,35 @@
cdi_member_pdptrs :: list(proc_dynamic_ptr)
+:- type proc_var_use_dump_info
+ ---> proc_var_use_dump_info(
+ pvui_total_proc_time :: float,
+ pvui_var_uses :: list(var_use_info)
+ ).
+ % Gives information about the use of a variable measured in average call
+ % sequence counts since either the beginning or the end of the procedure.
+ %
+:- type var_use_info
+ ---> var_use_info(
+ vui_cost_until_use :: cost_until_var_use,
+ vui_use_type :: var_use_type
+ ).
+:- type var_use_type
+ ---> var_use_production
+ % The variable is produced: free >> ground
+ ; var_use_consumption
+ % The variable is consumed: free >> free
+ ; var_use_other.
+ % The variable is used in some other way.
+:- type cost_until_var_use
+ ---> cost_since_proc_start(float)
+ ; cost_before_proc_end(float).
% This type represents information about the performance of the subject.
% It is intended to be displayed on a browser page or used by a tool as is.
% It is NOT intended to be subject to further processing, such as adding
@@ -333,7 +363,7 @@
% user-friendly units. When the total time for the program
% is close to zero, i.e. the number of ticks or quanta is zero
% for the whole program, then the percentage may be zero
- % for everyhing (it used to be a NaN for 0/0, but we now
+ % for everything (it used to be a NaN for 0/0, but we now
% check explicitly for division by zero).
perf_row_ticks :: int,
perf_row_time :: time,
-------------- next part --------------
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