[m-rev.] diff: break up program_representation_utils
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Nov 5 14:39:49 AEDT 2008
Increase the deep profiler's cohesion by dividing the
program_representation_utils.m module into three files:
- coverage.m containing the coverage analysis algorithm,
- var_use_analysis.m containing the variable use analysis algorithm, and
- program_representation_utils.m itself containing generally useful predicates
working on program representations.
The last is actually the smallest file.
There are no algorithm changes, only the movement of code and a few minor
fixes of white space and typos in comments.
New modules, as described above.
Delete the code moved to the new modules.
Move some utility types and predicates here from
deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m, since they may be useful
for other tasks.
Move the data types specific to coverage and var use analysis to the
new modules, along with the utility predicates operating on them.
Import the new modules as needed.
Import the new modules as needed.
cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: coverage.m
RCS file: coverage.m
diff -N coverage.m
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ coverage.m 5 Nov 2008 03:14:54 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2008 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: pbone, zs.
+% This file implements the coverage propagation algorithm, which attaches
+% coverage information to the component goals of a procedure body.
+:- module coverage.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module map.
+:- type coverage_info
+ ---> coverage_unknown
+ ; coverage_known_same(int)
+ % Coverage is known both before and after the goal, and the
+ % coverage is the same before as it is after.
+ ; coverage_known(int, int)
+ % Coverage is known both before and after the goal.
+ ; coverage_known_before(int)
+ % Coverage is known only before the goal.
+ ; coverage_known_after(int).
+ % Coverage is known only before after goal.
+ % Coverage information helper predicates.
+ %
+:- pred get_coverage_before(coverage_info::in, int::out) is semidet.
+:- pred get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_info::in, int::out, int::out)
+ is semidet.
+ % Annotate the program representation structure with coverage information.
+ %
+:- pred procrep_annotate_with_coverage(own_prof_info::in,
+ map(goal_path, call_site_perf)::in, map(goal_path, coverage_point)::in,
+ map(goal_path, coverage_point)::in, proc_rep::in,
+ proc_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module unit.
+get_coverage_before(coverage_known(Before, _), Before).
+get_coverage_before(coverage_known_same(Before), Before).
+get_coverage_before(coverage_known_before(Before), Before).
+get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_known(Before, After), Before, After).
+get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_known_same(Count), Count, Count).
+:- type coverage_before
+ ---> before_unknown
+ ; before_known(int).
+:- type coverage_after
+ ---> after_unknown
+ ; after_known(int).
+:- type sum_coverage_before
+ ---> sum_before_unknown
+ ; sum_before_known(int).
+:- type sum_coverage_after
+ ---> sum_after_unknown
+ ; sum_after_known(int).
+ % Annotate a procedure representation structure with coverage information.
+ %
+ % The following trace flags control debugging for this predicate.
+ %
+ % debug_coverage_propagation:
+ % Print out diagnostic messages to aid in the debugging of the
+ % propagation coverage algorithm.
+ %
+ % no_coverage_propagation_assertions:
+ % Disable assertions used to test this algorithm, This allows the
+ % algorithm to proceed past the problem and allow the programmer to
+ % view erroneous output.
+ %
+procrep_annotate_with_coverage(OwnProf, CallSites, SolnsCoveragePoints,
+ BranchCoveragePoints, !ProcRep) :-
+ some [!ProcDefn, !GoalRep] (
+ !:ProcDefn = !.ProcRep ^ pr_defn,
+ !:GoalRep = !.ProcDefn ^ pdr_goal,
+ Calls = calls(OwnProf),
+ Exits = exits(OwnProf),
+ Before = before_known(Calls),
+ CoverageReference = coverage_reference_info(CallSites,
+ SolnsCoveragePoints, BranchCoveragePoints),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(CoverageReference, empty_goal_path,
+ Before, After, !GoalRep),
+ require(unify(After, after_known(Exits)),
+ "Coverage after procedure not equal with exit count of procedure"),
+ !:ProcDefn = !.ProcDefn ^ pdr_goal := !.GoalRep,
+ !:ProcRep = !.ProcRep ^ pr_defn := !.ProcDefn
+ ).
+ % These maps are keyed by goal_path, comparing these structures is less
+ % efficient than comparing simple structures like the alternative
+ % goal_path_string, however, that involves frequently constructing strings
+ % from goal paths. Using goal_path_string may be faster but I'd rather not
+ % make this optimisation without first testing it.
+ %
+:- type coverage_reference_info
+ ---> coverage_reference_info(
+ cri_call_sites :: map(goal_path, call_site_perf),
+ cri_solns_coverage_points :: map(goal_path, coverage_point),
+ cri_branch_coverage_points :: map(goal_path, coverage_point)
+ ).
+ % Annotate a goal and its children with coverage information.
+ %
+:- pred goal_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ goal_rep(unit)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
+goal_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After, Goal0, Goal) :-
+ Goal0 = goal_rep(GoalExpr0, Detism, _),
+ % Calculate coverage of any inner goals.
+ (
+ GoalExpr0 = conj_rep(Conjuncts0),
+ conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After0,
+ Conjuncts0, Conjuncts),
+ GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = disj_rep(Disjuncts0),
+ disj_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, Before, After0,
+ Disjuncts0, Disjuncts),
+ GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
+ switch_annotate_coverage(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, Before, After0,
+ Cases0, Cases),
+ GoalExpr = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = ite_rep(Cond0, Then0, Else0),
+ ite_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After0, Cond0, Cond,
+ Then0, Then, Else0, Else),
+ GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = negation_rep(NegGoal0),
+ negation_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After0,
+ NegGoal0, NegGoal),
+ GoalExpr = negation_rep(NegGoal)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = scope_rep(ScopedGoal0, MaybeCut),
+ scope_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, MaybeCut, Before, After0,
+ ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal),
+ GoalExpr = scope_rep(ScopedGoal, MaybeCut)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr0 = atomic_goal_rep(Filename, Line, Vars, AtomicGoal),
+ % Note that GoalExpr != GoalExpr0, since they are of different types.
+ GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(Filename, Line, Vars, AtomicGoal),
+ (
+ ( AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ ( map.search(Info ^ cri_call_sites, GoalPath, CallSite) ->
+ Summary = CallSite ^ csf_summary_perf,
+ % Entry due to redo is not counted at the point before the
+ % goal, it is represented when the number of exists is greater
+ % than the number of calls. XXX This won't work with nondet
+ % code, which should be fixed in the future.
+ Calls = Summary ^ perf_row_calls,
+ Exits = Summary ^ perf_row_exits,
+ require(unify(Before, before_known(Calls)),
+ "Coverage before call doesn't match calls port on call site"),
+ After0 = after_known(Exits)
+ ;
+ error("Couldn't look up call site for port counts GP: " ++
+ goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))
+ )
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+ ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
+ ),
+ propagate_detism_coverage(Detism, Before, After0)
+ )
+ ),
+ % Search for a coverage point after this goal. This search is performed
+ % even when the coverage has been calculated from inner goals, since this
+ % is used to perform an assertion that these two sources agree about the
+ % coverage after this goal.
+ ( map.search(Info ^ cri_solns_coverage_points, GoalPath, CoveragePoint) ->
+ CoveragePoint = coverage_point(CoverageAfterCount, _, _),
+ after_count_from_either_source(after_known(CoverageAfterCount),
+ After0, After)
+ ;
+ After0 = After
+ ),
+ GoalCoverage = construct_before_after_coverage(Before, After),
+ Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, GoalCoverage),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.write_string("goal_annotate_coverage: done\n", !IO),
+ io.format("\tGoalPath: %s\n\tDetism %s\n\tCoverage; %s\n",
+ [s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath)),
+ s(string(Detism)),
+ s(string(GoalCoverage))], !IO)
+ ),
+ trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))] (
+ require(check_coverage_complete(GoalCoverage, GoalExpr),
+ string.format("check_coverage_complete failed\n" ++
+ "\tCoverage: %s\n\tGoalPath: %s\n",
+ [s(string(GoalCoverage)), s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))])),
+ require(check_coverage_regarding_detism(GoalCoverage, Detism),
+ string.format("check_coverage_regarding_detism failed: %s %s",
+ [s(string(GoalCoverage)), s(string(Detism))]))
+ ).
+:- func construct_before_after_coverage(coverage_before, coverage_after)
+ = coverage_info.
+construct_before_after_coverage(Before, After) = Coverage :-
+ (
+ Before = before_unknown,
+ After = after_unknown,
+ Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ;
+ Before = before_unknown,
+ After = after_known(AfterExecCount),
+ Coverage = coverage_known_after(AfterExecCount)
+ ;
+ Before = before_known(BeforeExecCount),
+ After = after_unknown,
+ Coverage = coverage_known_before(BeforeExecCount)
+ ;
+ Before = before_known(BeforeExecCount),
+ After = after_known(AfterExecCount),
+ ( BeforeExecCount = AfterExecCount ->
+ Coverage = coverage_known_same(BeforeExecCount)
+ ;
+ Coverage = coverage_known(BeforeExecCount, AfterExecCount)
+ )
+ ).
+ % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information.
+ %
+:- pred conj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After, Conjs0, Conjs) :-
+ conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1, Before, After,
+ Conjs0, Conjs).
+ % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information.
+ %
+ % The list of goals is the tail of a conjunction, the coverage argument
+ % describes the coverage of this list of goals if it were the entire
+ % conjunction. Each goal also has it's own coverage.
+ %
+:- pred conj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ goal_path::in, int::in, coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+conj_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, Before, After, [], []) :-
+ % The empty conjunction is equivalent to 'true' which is deterministic,
+ propagate_det_coverage(Before, After).
+conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum, Before, After,
+ [Conj0 | Conjs0], [Conj | Conjs]) :-
+ HeadGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjunctNum)),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, HeadGoalPath,
+ Before, CoverageAfterHead, Conj0, Conj),
+ after_to_before_coverage(CoverageAfterHead, CoverageBeforeTail),
+ conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum + 1,
+ CoverageBeforeTail, After, Conjs0, Conjs).
+ % Compute the coverage information for a disjunction.
+ %
+ % Rules:
+ % - The coverage before a disjunction is equal to the coverage before the
+ % first disjunct.
+ % - The coverage after a disjunction is equal to the sum of coverages
+ % after each disjunct.
+ %
+:- pred disj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ detism_rep::in, goal_path::in, coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+disj_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, Before, After,
+ Disjs0, Disjs) :-
+ % XXX In theory, we could update Before using information from any counter
+ % at the start of the first disjunct, but we don't do that (yet). This may
+ % not be useful for some disjunctions, for example those called from a
+ % single solution context or committed-choice.
+ Solutions = detism_get_solutions(Detism),
+ disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1, Solutions,
+ Before, sum_after_known(0), SumAfterDisjuncts, Disjs0, Disjs),
+ count_sum_to_count(SumAfterDisjuncts, After).
+:- pred disj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ goal_path::in, int::in, solution_count_rep::in, coverage_before::in,
+ sum_coverage_after::in, sum_coverage_after::out,
+ list(goal_rep)::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+disj_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, _, _, !SumAfter, [], []).
+disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum, Solutions,
+ Before0, !SumAfter, [Disj0 | Disjs0], [Disj | Disjs]) :-
+ DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
+ (
+ Before0 = before_known(_),
+ Before = Before0
+ ;
+ Before0 = before_unknown,
+ get_branch_start_coverage(Info, DisjGoalPath, Before)
+ ),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, DisjGoalPath,
+ Before, After, Disj0, Disj),
+ sum_after_coverage(After, !SumAfter),
+ % We don't know how many times the start of the next disjunct is executed
+ % unless we have a counter there.
+ disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Solutions,
+ before_unknown, !SumAfter, Disjs0, Disjs).
+:- pred switch_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ switch_can_fail_rep::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ list(case_rep(unit))::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+switch_annotate_coverage(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, Before, After,
+ Cases0, Cases) :-
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format("Switch: Before0: %s\n", [s(string(Before))], !IO)
+ ),
+ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, 1,
+ sum_before_known(0), _SumBefore, sum_after_known(0), SumAfter,
+ Before, Cases0, Cases),
+ % For can_fail switches, the sum of the exec counts at the starts of the
+ % arms may be less than the exec count at the start of the switch. However,
+ % even for can_fail switches, the sum of the exec counts at the *ends* of
+ % the arms will always equal the exec count at the end of the switch.
+ count_sum_to_count(SumAfter, After),
+ % Note: This code was removed this while simplifying the algorithm, it does
+ % not infer any extra coverage information since coverage is known before
+ % all goals before goal_annotate_coverage is called, it may be useful if we
+ % allow coverage to be incomplete for trivial goals.
+ %(
+ % CanFail = switch_can_not_fail_rep,
+ % before_count_from_either_source_sum(SumBefore, !Before)
+ %;
+ % CanFail = switch_can_fail_rep
+ %),
+ trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))] (
+ require(check_switch_coverage(CanFail, Cases, Before),
+ string.format("check_switch_coverage failed\n\t" ++
+ "CanFail: %s\n\tCases: %s\n\tBefore: %s, After: %s\n",
+ [s(string(CanFail)), s(string(Cases)),
+ s(string(Before)), s(string(After))]))
+ ).
+ % switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism, GoalPath, CaseNum,
+ % !CoverageSum, CoverageBeforeSwitch, !Cases),
+ %
+ % Perform coverage annotation on cases from the left to the right.
+ % The head of the !.Cases list is case number CaseNum, SwitchCoverage
+ % is the coverage for the entire switch as known by the caller,
+ % !CoverageSum is the sum of the coverage so far.
+ %
+ % For this goal we use a forwards traversal, since the last goal may not
+ % have a coverage point after it, in the expectation that the coverage at
+ % the end of the last goal may need to be computed from the coverage of
+ % each of the other goals.
+ %
+:- pred switch_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ switch_can_fail_rep::in, goal_path::in, int::in,
+ sum_coverage_before::in, sum_coverage_before::out,
+ sum_coverage_after::in, sum_coverage_after::out,
+ coverage_before::in,
+ list(case_rep(unit))::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
+switch_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, _, !SumBefore, !SumAfter, _, [], []).
+switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, CaseNum,
+ !SumBefore, !SumAfter, SwitchBefore,
+ [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases]) :-
+ CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
+ % If this is the last case in the switch, then its coverage information
+ % may be computed from the coverage of other cases and the coverage of the
+ % whole switch. This is only done for the last goal, since only this
+ % optimisation is made by the coverage transformation in the compiler.
+ %
+ % If we cannot calculate this case's coverage information, then try to
+ % retrieve the information from a coverage point associated with the case.
+ (
+ Cases0 = [],
+ CanFail = switch_can_not_fail_rep,
+ SwitchBefore = before_known(SwitchBeforeExecCount),
+ !.SumBefore = sum_before_known(SumBeforeExecCount)
+ ->
+ BeforeCase = before_known(SwitchBeforeExecCount - SumBeforeExecCount)
+ ;
+ % Search for a coverage point for this case.
+ get_branch_start_coverage(Info, CaseGoalPath, BeforeCase)
+ ),
+ % Calculate and annotate the coverage for the case itself.
+ Case0 = case_rep(ConsID, OtherConsIDs, Goal0),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, CaseGoalPath,
+ BeforeCase, AfterCase, Goal0, Goal),
+ Case = case_rep(ConsID, OtherConsIDs, Goal),
+ % Keep a sum of the execution counts seen in cases so far.
+ sum_before_coverage(BeforeCase, !SumBefore),
+ sum_after_coverage(AfterCase, !SumAfter),
+ switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, CaseNum + 1,
+ !SumBefore, !SumAfter, SwitchBefore, Cases0, Cases).
+ % Propagate coverage information for if-then-else goals.
+ %
+:- pred ite_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out,
+ goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out,
+ goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
+ite_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After,
+ Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else) :-
+ CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
+ ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
+ ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
+ CondDetism = Cond0 ^ goal_detism_rep,
+ % Step 1:
+ % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the condition goal.
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, CondGoalPath,
+ Before, AfterCond, Cond0, Cond),
+ after_to_before_coverage(AfterCond, BeforeThen0),
+ % Step 2:
+ % Lookup coverage information for the starts of the then and else goals.
+ (
+ BeforeThen0 = before_known(_),
+ BeforeThen = BeforeThen0
+ ;
+ BeforeThen0 = before_unknown,
+ get_branch_start_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, BeforeThen)
+ ),
+ % XXX It should be possible, if the condition is not at_most_many and does
+ % not throw exceptions, to compute BeforeElse as the difference between the
+ % counts in the initial value of !.Before and AfterCond, if both are known.
+ % check_ite_coverage already knows the relationship. Using exception
+ % counts on call goals and propagating them through the coverage annotation
+ % algorithms can solve this.
+ get_branch_start_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, BeforeElse),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format("ITE Coverage inferred before then and else branches:\n" ++
+ "\tWhole: %s \n\tThen: %s\n\tElse: %s\n" ++
+ "\tGoalPath %s\n",
+ [s(string(Before)), s(string(BeforeThen)), s(string(BeforeElse)),
+ s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))], !IO)
+ ),
+ % Step 3:
+ % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the then and else goals.
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath,
+ BeforeThen, AfterThen, Then0, Then),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath,
+ BeforeElse, AfterElse, Else0, Else),
+ % Step 4:
+ % Update what we know about the if-then-else as a whole.
+ (
+ AfterThen = after_known(AfterThenExecCount),
+ AfterElse = after_known(AfterElseExecCount)
+ ->
+ After = after_known(AfterThenExecCount + AfterElseExecCount)
+ ;
+ After = after_unknown
+ ),
+ trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))] (
+ require(
+ check_ite_coverage(Before, After, Before, AfterCond,
+ BeforeThen, AfterThen, BeforeElse, AfterElse, CondDetism),
+ string.format("check_ite_coverage/4 failed\n" ++
+ "\tWhole: %s %s\n" ++
+ "\tCond: %s %s\n\tThen: %s %s\n\tElse: %s %s\n" ++
+ "\tGoalPath: %s\n",
+ [s(string(Before)), s(string(After)),
+ s(string(Before)), s(string(AfterCond)),
+ s(string(BeforeThen)), s(string(AfterThen)),
+ s(string(BeforeElse)), s(string(AfterElse)),
+ s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))]))
+ ).
+:- pred not_unify(T::in, T::in) is semidet.
+not_unify(A, B) :- not unify(A, B).
+ % Get the coverage information from a coverage point about the branch
+ % referenced by the given goal path.
+ %
+:- pred get_branch_start_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_before::out) is det.
+get_branch_start_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before) :-
+ ( map.search(Info ^ cri_branch_coverage_points, GoalPath, CP) ->
+ CP = coverage_point(ExecCount, _, _),
+ Before = before_known(ExecCount)
+ ;
+ Before = before_unknown
+ ).
+:- pred negation_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
+negation_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After,
+ NegGoal0, NegGoal) :-
+ NegGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, NegGoalPath,
+ Before, _CoverageAfter, NegGoal0, NegGoal),
+ % The coverage after a negation is always unknown.
+ After = after_unknown,
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format("Negation: setting negation: before %s, after %s\n",
+ [s(string(Before)), s(string(After))], !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred scope_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
+ goal_path::in, maybe_cut::in, coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
+ goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
+scope_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, MaybeCut, Before, After,
+ ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal) :-
+ ScopeGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(MaybeCut)),
+ goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ScopeGoalPath,
+ Before, AfterScopedGoal, ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal),
+ (
+ MaybeCut = scope_is_cut,
+ After = after_unknown
+ ;
+ MaybeCut = scope_is_no_cut,
+ After = AfterScopedGoal
+ ).
+% These predicates are used to check that computed coverage counts make sense.
+ % Check that the coverage of a goal makes sense given the determinism of
+ % that goal.
+ %
+:- pred check_coverage_regarding_detism(coverage_info::in, detism_rep::in)
+ is semidet.
+check_coverage_regarding_detism(Coverage, Detism) :-
+ detism_coverage_ok(Coverage, Detism) = yes.
+:- func detism_coverage_ok(coverage_info, detism_rep) = bool.
+detism_coverage_ok(Coverage, Detism) = OK :-
+ (
+ ( Detism = det_rep
+ ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
+ ),
+ (
+ ( Coverage = coverage_known_same(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ),
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ Coverage = coverage_known(Entry, Exit),
+ % Execution may leave via the Excp port rather than the exit port.
+ % so the exit port count may be smaller than or equal to the entry
+ % port count.
+ ( Entry >= Exit ->
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ OK = no
+ )
+ ;
+ ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+ ),
+ % If you known coverage at one of these points, you can compute
+ % the coverage at the other point.
+ OK = no
+ )
+ ;
+ ( Detism = semidet_rep
+ ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
+ ),
+ (
+ ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_same(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ),
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ Coverage = coverage_known(Entry, Exit),
+ ( Entry >= Exit ->
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ OK = no
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ Detism = multidet_rep,
+ (
+ ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_same(_)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ),
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ Coverage = coverage_known(_Entry, _Exit),
+ % If the goal throws exceptions no inequalities can be used to
+ % check the correctness of the coverage information.
+ OK = yes
+ )
+ ;
+ Detism = nondet_rep,
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ ( Detism = erroneous_rep
+ ; Detism = failure_rep
+ ),
+ (
+ % The coverage_known_dert case probably won't occur, but it might.
+ ( Coverage = coverage_known(_, Exit)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_same(Exit)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(Exit)
+ ),
+ ( Exit = 0 ->
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ OK = no
+ )
+ ;
+ Coverage = coverage_known_before(_),
+ OK = yes
+ ;
+ Coverage = coverage_unknown,
+ % This shouldn't occur, we should infer at least
+ % coverage_known_after(0).
+ OK = yes
+ )
+ ).
+ % Check that the coverage on the switch goal and on its cases do not
+ % contradict with each other. This works only for cannot_fail switches.
+ %
+:- pred check_switch_coverage(switch_can_fail_rep::in,
+ list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, coverage_before::in) is semidet.
+check_switch_coverage(CanFail, Cases, Before) :-
+ (
+ CanFail = switch_can_not_fail_rep,
+ list.foldl(sum_switch_case_coverage, Cases, yes(0), MaybeSum),
+ (
+ MaybeSum = yes(Sum),
+ (
+ ( Before = before_known(Sum)
+ ; Before = before_unknown
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeSum = no
+ )
+ ;
+ CanFail = switch_can_fail_rep
+ ).
+:- pred sum_switch_case_coverage(case_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ maybe(int)::in, maybe(int)::out) is det.
+sum_switch_case_coverage(case_rep(_, _, Goal), !Acc) :-
+ (
+ !.Acc = yes(Count),
+ Coverage = Goal ^ goal_annotation,
+ (
+ ( Coverage = coverage_known_same(Addend)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known(Addend, _)
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_before(Addend)
+ ),
+ !:Acc = yes(Count + Addend)
+ ;
+ ( Coverage = coverage_unknown
+ ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+ ),
+ !:Acc = no
+ )
+ ;
+ !.Acc = no
+ ).
+:- pred check_ite_coverage(coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
+ detism_rep::in) is semidet.
+check_ite_coverage(Before, After, BeforeCond, AfterCond,
+ BeforeThen, AfterThen, _BeforeElse, AfterElse, CondDetism) :-
+ (
+ Before = before_known(BeforeExecCount),
+ BeforeCond = before_known(BeforeCondExecCount)
+ ->
+ BeforeExecCount = BeforeCondExecCount
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ (
+ After = after_known(AfterExecCount),
+ AfterThen = after_known(AfterThenExecCount),
+ AfterElse = after_known(AfterElseExecCount)
+ ->
+ AfterExecCount = AfterThenExecCount + AfterElseExecCount
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ (
+ AfterCond = after_known(AfterCondExecCount),
+ BeforeThen = before_known(BeforeKnownExecCount)
+ ->
+ AfterCondExecCount = BeforeKnownExecCount
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ % Since the condition may throw exceptions and exception count information
+ % is not propagated checking the coverage before the else goal based on the
+ % coverage before and after the condition goal cannot be done.
+ ( AfterCond = after_known(AfterCondExecCount2) ->
+ NumSolutions = detism_get_solutions(CondDetism),
+ (
+ NumSolutions = at_most_zero_rep,
+ AfterCondExecCount2 = 0
+ ;
+ ( NumSolutions = at_most_one_rep
+ ; NumSolutions = at_most_many_rep
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ true
+ ).
+:- pred check_coverage_complete(coverage_info::in, goal_expr_rep(T)::in)
+ is semidet.
+check_coverage_complete(coverage_known(_, _), _GoalExpr).
+check_coverage_complete(coverage_known_same(_), _GoalExpr).
+% Uncomment this clause if, in the future, we allow coverage to be incomplete
+% for trivial goals.
+%check_coverage_complete(Coverage, GoalExpr) :-
+% ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
+% ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
+% ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
+% ),
+% goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalExpr).
+:- func goal_is_trivial(goal_rep(T)) = bool.
+goal_is_trivial(Goal) = IsTrivial:-
+ GoalExpr = Goal ^ goal_expr_rep,
+ IsTrivial = goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalExpr).
+:- func goal_expr_is_trivial(goal_expr_rep(T)) = bool.
+goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalRep) = IsTrivial :-
+ (
+ (
+ GoalRep = conj_rep(SubGoalReps)
+ ;
+ GoalRep = disj_rep(SubGoalReps)
+ ;
+ GoalRep = switch_rep(_, _, CaseReps),
+ SubGoalReps = list.map(project_case_rep_goal, CaseReps)
+ ;
+ GoalRep = ite_rep(CondRep, ThenRep, ElseRep),
+ SubGoalReps = [CondRep, ThenRep, ElseRep]
+ ),
+ SubGoalIsTrivials = list.map(goal_is_trivial, SubGoalReps),
+ bool.and_list(SubGoalIsTrivials, IsTrivial)
+ ;
+ ( GoalRep = negation_rep(SubGoalRep)
+ ; GoalRep = scope_rep(SubGoalRep, _)
+ ),
+ IsTrivial = goal_is_trivial(SubGoalRep)
+ ;
+ GoalRep = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, AtomicGoalRep),
+ (
+ ( AtomicGoalRep = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ IsTrivial = no
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoalRep = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = cast_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+ % Built-in calls are cheap enough to consider to be trivial.
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+ ; AtomicGoalRep = event_call_rep(_, _)
+ ),
+ IsTrivial = yes
+ )
+ ).
+% Coverage information helper predicates.
+ % The coverage before a det goal should always equal the coverage after.
+ %
+:- pred propagate_det_coverage( coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out)
+ is det.
+propagate_det_coverage(Before, After) :-
+ (
+ Before = before_unknown,
+ After = after_unknown
+ ;
+ Before = before_known(Count),
+ After = after_known(Count)
+ ).
+ % If the determinism is deterministic or cc_multi use
+ % propagate_det_coverage.
+ %
+ % Note: This predicate must not be called on deterministic call goals or on
+ % any deterministic non-atomic goal, since the coverage after the call may
+ % be different to the coverage before if the called code throws an
+ % exception.
+ %
+:- pred propagate_detism_coverage(detism_rep::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out) is det.
+propagate_detism_coverage(Detism, Before, After) :-
+ % TODO: Infer that if a goal has a coverage of exactly 0 before it, then it
+ % must have a coverage of exactly 0 after it. And that a goal that cannot
+ % fail or throw an exception that has a coverage of 0 after it, must have a
+ % coverage of 0 before it - Since the coverage profiling and propagation
+ % algorithms are already complete this isn't required. It should be
+ % considered if we choose not to calculate coverage for trivial goals.
+ (
+ ( Detism = det_rep
+ ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
+ ),
+ propagate_det_coverage(Before, After)
+ ;
+ ( Detism = erroneous_rep
+ ; Detism = failure_rep
+ ),
+ % Execution never reaches the end of these goals.
+ After = after_known(0)
+ ;
+ ( Detism = semidet_rep
+ ; Detism = nondet_rep
+ ; Detism = multidet_rep
+ ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
+ ),
+ % We can infer nothing for goals with these determinisms.
+ After = after_unknown
+ ).
+:- pred after_to_before_coverage(coverage_after::in, coverage_before::out)
+ is det.
+after_to_before_coverage(After, Before) :-
+ (
+ After = after_unknown,
+ Before = before_unknown
+ ;
+ After = after_known(ExecCount),
+ Before = before_known(ExecCount)
+ ).
+:- pred after_count_from_either_source(coverage_after::in,
+ coverage_after::in, coverage_after::out) is det.
+after_count_from_either_source(AfterA, AfterB, After) :-
+ (
+ AfterA = after_unknown,
+ AfterB = after_unknown,
+ After = after_unknown
+ ;
+ AfterA = after_unknown,
+ AfterB = after_known(AfterCount),
+ After = after_known(AfterCount)
+ ;
+ AfterA = after_known(AfterCount),
+ AfterB = after_unknown,
+ After = after_known(AfterCount)
+ ;
+ AfterA = after_known(AfterCountA),
+ AfterB = after_known(AfterCountB),
+ require(unify(AfterCountA, AfterCountB),
+ "after_count_from_either_source: mismatch"),
+ After = after_known(AfterCountA)
+ ).
+ % Convert a sum_coverage_after to a coverage_after.
+ %
+:- pred count_sum_to_count(sum_coverage_after::in, coverage_after::out) is det.
+count_sum_to_count(sum_after_unknown, after_unknown).
+count_sum_to_count(sum_after_known(C), after_known(C)).
+:- pred before_count_from_either_source(coverage_before::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_before::out) is det.
+before_count_from_either_source(BeforeA, BeforeB, Before) :-
+ (
+ BeforeA = before_unknown,
+ BeforeB = before_unknown,
+ Before = before_unknown
+ ;
+ BeforeA = before_unknown,
+ BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCount),
+ Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
+ ;
+ BeforeA = before_known(BeforeCount),
+ BeforeB = before_unknown,
+ Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
+ ;
+ BeforeA = before_known(BeforeCountA),
+ BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCountB),
+ require(unify(BeforeCountA, BeforeCountB),
+ "before_count_from_either_source: mismatch"),
+ Before = before_known(BeforeCountA)
+ ).
+:- pred before_count_from_either_source_sum(sum_coverage_before::in,
+ coverage_before::in, coverage_before::out) is det.
+before_count_from_either_source_sum(BeforeA, BeforeB, Before) :-
+ (
+ BeforeA = sum_before_unknown,
+ BeforeB = before_unknown,
+ Before = before_unknown
+ ;
+ BeforeA = sum_before_unknown,
+ BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCount),
+ Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
+ ;
+ BeforeA = sum_before_known(BeforeCount),
+ BeforeB = before_unknown,
+ Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
+ ;
+ BeforeA = sum_before_known(BeforeCountA),
+ BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCountB),
+ require(unify(BeforeCountA, BeforeCountB),
+ "before_count_from_either_source: mismatch"),
+ Before = before_known(BeforeCountA)
+ ).
+:- pred sum_before_coverage(coverage_before::in,
+ sum_coverage_before::in, sum_coverage_before::out) is det.
+sum_before_coverage(Before, !SumBefore) :-
+ (
+ !.SumBefore = sum_before_known(SumExecCount),
+ Before = before_known(ExecCount)
+ ->
+ !:SumBefore = sum_before_known(SumExecCount + ExecCount)
+ ;
+ !:SumBefore = sum_before_unknown
+ ).
+:- pred sum_after_coverage(coverage_after::in,
+ sum_coverage_after::in, sum_coverage_after::out) is det.
+sum_after_coverage(After, !SumAfter) :-
+ (
+ !.SumAfter = sum_after_known(SumExecCount),
+ After = after_known(ExecCount)
+ ->
+ !:SumAfter = sum_after_known(SumExecCount + ExecCount)
+ ;
+ !:SumAfter = sum_after_unknown
+ ).
Index: create_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/create_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -b -r1.14 create_report.m
--- create_report.m 16 Oct 2008 01:16:36 -0000 1.14
+++ create_report.m 5 Nov 2008 02:51:30 -0000
@@ -47,12 +47,14 @@
:- implementation.
:- import_module apply_exclusion.
+:- import_module coverage.
:- import_module mdbcomp.
:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
:- import_module measurement_units.
:- import_module measurements.
:- import_module program_representation_utils.
:- import_module top_procs.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
:- import_module array.
:- import_module assoc_list.
Index: display_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/display_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -b -r1.16 display_report.m
--- display_report.m 16 Oct 2008 01:16:36 -0000 1.16
+++ display_report.m 5 Nov 2008 03:21:36 -0000
@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@
:- implementation.
+:- import_module coverage.
:- import_module mdbcomp.
:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
:- import_module measurement_units.
:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
:- import_module array.
:- import_module assoc_list.
Index: mdprof_feedback.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/mdprof_feedback.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -b -r1.13 mdprof_feedback.m
--- mdprof_feedback.m 20 Oct 2008 06:31:28 -0000 1.13
+++ mdprof_feedback.m 5 Nov 2008 02:51:58 -0000
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
:- import_module query. % For the cmd structure
:- import_module report.
:- import_module startup.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
:- import_module array.
:- import_module assoc_list.
Index: program_representation_utils.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/program_representation_utils.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -b -r1.18 program_representation_utils.m
--- program_representation_utils.m 20 Oct 2008 06:31:28 -0000 1.18
+++ program_representation_utils.m 5 Nov 2008 02:58:39 -0000
@@ -22,14 +22,9 @@
:- import_module mdbcomp.
:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
-:- import_module measurements.
-:- import_module profile.
-:- import_module report.
:- import_module cord.
:- import_module list.
-:- import_module map.
-:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module set.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module unit.
@@ -71,15 +66,6 @@
- % Annotate the program representation structure with coverage information.
- %
-:- pred procrep_annotate_with_coverage(own_prof_info::in,
- map(goal_path, call_site_perf)::in, map(goal_path, coverage_point)::in,
- map(goal_path, coverage_point)::in, proc_rep::in,
- proc_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
% A map of variables to instantiation states, Like inst_map within the
% compiler.
@@ -132,30 +118,6 @@
- % geneirc_vars_first_use(HeadVarsToVars, Deep, PSPtr, CallStack,
- % VarUseInfos, ProcAverageCost).
- %
- % Find the first uses of the given variables.
- %
- % CallStack is used to prevent unbound % recursion, initialise it to
- % set.init.
- %
-:- pred generic_vars_first_use(
- pred(list(head_var_rep), list(var_rep), list(var_use_type)),
- deep, proc_static_ptr, set(proc_static_ptr),
- maybe_error(proc_var_use_dump_info)).
-:- mode generic_vars_first_use(pred(in, out, out) is det,
- in, in, in, out) is det.
-:- pred head_vars_all(list(head_var_rep)::in, list(var_rep)::out,
- list(var_use_type)::out) is det.
-:- pred var_mode_to_var_use(var_mode_rep::in, var_use_type::out) is det.
-:- pred pessimistic_var_use_info(var_use_type::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
% Retrieve a set of all the vars involved with this atomic goal.
:- pred atomic_goal_get_vars(atomic_goal_rep::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
@@ -164,15 +126,15 @@
:- implementation.
-:- import_module create_report.
+% :- import_module create_report.
:- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.
:- import_module array.
:- import_module bool.
-:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module io.
:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
:- import_module require.
:- import_module svmap.
@@ -599,1689 +561,6 @@
-:- type coverage_before
- ---> before_unknown
- ; before_known(int).
-:- type coverage_after
- ---> after_unknown
- ; after_known(int).
-:- type sum_coverage_before
- ---> sum_before_unknown
- ; sum_before_known(int).
-:- type sum_coverage_after
- ---> sum_after_unknown
- ; sum_after_known(int).
- % Annotate a procedure representation structure with coverage information.
- %
- % The following trace flags control debugging for this predicate.
- %
- % debug_coverage_propagation:
- % Print out diagnostic messages to aid in the debugging of the
- % propagation coverage algorithm.
- %
- % no_coverage_propagation_assertions:
- % Disable assertions used to test this algorithm, This allows the
- % algorithm to proceed past the problem and allow the programmer to
- % view erroneous output.
- %
-procrep_annotate_with_coverage(OwnProf, CallSites, SolnsCoveragePoints,
- BranchCoveragePoints, !ProcRep) :-
- some [!ProcDefn, !GoalRep] (
- !:ProcDefn = !.ProcRep ^ pr_defn,
- !:GoalRep = !.ProcDefn ^ pdr_goal,
- Calls = calls(OwnProf),
- Exits = exits(OwnProf),
- Before = before_known(Calls),
- CoverageReference = coverage_reference_info(CallSites,
- SolnsCoveragePoints, BranchCoveragePoints),
- goal_annotate_coverage(CoverageReference, empty_goal_path,
- Before, After, !GoalRep),
- require(unify(After, after_known(Exits)),
- "Coverage after procedure not equal with exit count of procedure"),
- !:ProcDefn = !.ProcDefn ^ pdr_goal := !.GoalRep,
- !:ProcRep = !.ProcRep ^ pr_defn := !.ProcDefn
- ).
- % These maps are keyed by goal_path, comparing these structures is less
- % efficient than comparing simple structures like the alternative
- % goal_path_string, however, that involves frequently constructing strings
- % from goal paths. Using goal_path_string may be faster but I'd rather not
- % make this optimisation without first testing it.
- %
-:- type coverage_reference_info
- ---> coverage_reference_info(
- cri_call_sites :: map(goal_path, call_site_perf),
- cri_solns_coverage_points :: map(goal_path, coverage_point),
- cri_branch_coverage_points :: map(goal_path, coverage_point)
- ).
- % Annotate a goal and its children with coverage information.
- %
-:- pred goal_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- goal_rep(unit)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
-goal_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After, Goal0, Goal) :-
- Goal0 = goal_rep(GoalExpr0, Detism, _),
- % Calculate coverage of any inner goals.
- (
- GoalExpr0 = conj_rep(Conjuncts0),
- conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After0,
- Conjuncts0, Conjuncts),
- GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts)
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = disj_rep(Disjuncts0),
- disj_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, Before, After0,
- Disjuncts0, Disjuncts),
- GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts)
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
- switch_annotate_coverage(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, Before, After0,
- Cases0, Cases),
- GoalExpr = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases)
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = ite_rep(Cond0, Then0, Else0),
- ite_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After0, Cond0, Cond,
- Then0, Then, Else0, Else),
- GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else)
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = negation_rep(NegGoal0),
- negation_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After0,
- NegGoal0, NegGoal),
- GoalExpr = negation_rep(NegGoal)
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = scope_rep(ScopedGoal0, MaybeCut),
- scope_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, MaybeCut, Before, After0,
- ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal),
- GoalExpr = scope_rep(ScopedGoal, MaybeCut)
- ;
- GoalExpr0 = atomic_goal_rep(Filename, Line, Vars, AtomicGoal),
- % Note that GoalExpr != GoalExpr0, since they are of different types.
- GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(Filename, Line, Vars, AtomicGoal),
- (
- ( AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ),
- ( map.search(Info ^ cri_call_sites, GoalPath, CallSite) ->
- Summary = CallSite ^ csf_summary_perf,
- % Entry due to redo is not counted at the point before the
- % goal, it is represented when the number of exists is greater
- % than the number of calls. XXX This won't work with nondet
- % code, which should be fixed in the future.
- Calls = Summary ^ perf_row_calls,
- Exits = Summary ^ perf_row_exits,
- require(unify(Before, before_known(Calls)),
- "Coverage before call doesn't match calls port on call site"),
- After0 = after_known(Exits)
- ;
- error("Couldn't look up call site for port counts GP: " ++
- goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))
- )
- ;
- ( AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
- ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
- ),
- propagate_detism_coverage(Detism, Before, After0)
- )
- ),
- % Search for a coverage point after this goal. This search is performed
- % even when the coverage has been calculated from inner goals, since this
- % is used to perform an assertion that these two sources agree about the
- % coverage after this goal.
- ( map.search(Info ^ cri_solns_coverage_points, GoalPath, CoveragePoint) ->
- CoveragePoint = coverage_point(CoverageAfterCount, _, _),
- after_count_from_either_source(after_known(CoverageAfterCount),
- After0, After)
- ;
- After0 = After
- ),
- GoalCoverage = construct_before_after_coverage(Before, After),
- Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, GoalCoverage),
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
- io.write_string("goal_annotate_coverage: done\n", !IO),
- io.format("\tGoalPath: %s\n\tDetism %s\n\tCoverage; %s\n",
- [s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath)),
- s(string(Detism)),
- s(string(GoalCoverage))], !IO)
- ),
- trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))] (
- require(check_coverage_complete(GoalCoverage, GoalExpr),
- string.format("check_coverage_complete failed\n" ++
- "\tCoverage: %s\n\tGoalPath: %s\n",
- [s(string(GoalCoverage)), s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))])),
- require(check_coverage_regarding_detism(GoalCoverage, Detism),
- string.format("check_coverage_regarding_detism failed: %s %s",
- [s(string(GoalCoverage)), s(string(Detism))]))
- ).
-:- func construct_before_after_coverage(coverage_before, coverage_after)
- = coverage_info.
-construct_before_after_coverage(Before, After) = Coverage :-
- (
- Before = before_unknown,
- After = after_unknown,
- Coverage = coverage_unknown
- ;
- Before = before_unknown,
- After = after_known(AfterExecCount),
- Coverage = coverage_known_after(AfterExecCount)
- ;
- Before = before_known(BeforeExecCount),
- After = after_unknown,
- Coverage = coverage_known_before(BeforeExecCount)
- ;
- Before = before_known(BeforeExecCount),
- After = after_known(AfterExecCount),
- ( BeforeExecCount = AfterExecCount ->
- Coverage = coverage_known_same(BeforeExecCount)
- ;
- Coverage = coverage_known(BeforeExecCount, AfterExecCount)
- )
- ).
- % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information.
- %
-:- pred conj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-conj_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After, Conjs0, Conjs) :-
- conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1, Before, After,
- Conjs0, Conjs).
- % Annotate a conjunction with coverage information.
- %
- % The list of goals is the tail of a conjunction, the coverage argument
- % describes the coverage of this list of goals if it were the entire
- % conjunction. Each goal also has it's own coverage.
- %
-:- pred conj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
- goal_path::in, int::in, coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-conj_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, Before, After, [], []) :-
- % The empty conjunction is equivalent to 'true' which is deterministic,
- propagate_det_coverage(Before, After).
-conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum, Before, After,
- [Conj0 | Conjs0], [Conj | Conjs]) :-
- HeadGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjunctNum)),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, HeadGoalPath,
- Before, CoverageAfterHead, Conj0, Conj),
- after_to_before_coverage(CoverageAfterHead, CoverageBeforeTail),
- conj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, ConjunctNum + 1,
- CoverageBeforeTail, After, Conjs0, Conjs).
- % Compute the coverage information for a disjunction.
- %
- % Rules:
- % - The coverage before a disjunction is equal to the coverage before the
- % first disjunct.
- % - The coverage after a disjunction is equal to the sum of coverages
- % after each disjunct.
- %
-:- pred disj_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
- detism_rep::in, goal_path::in, coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- list(goal_rep(unit))::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-disj_annotate_coverage(Info, Detism, GoalPath, Before, After,
- Disjs0, Disjs) :-
- % XXX In theory, we could update Before using information from any counter
- % at the start of the first disjunct, but we don't do that (yet). This may
- % not be useful for some disjunctions, for example those called from a
- % single solution context or committed-choice.
- Solutions = detism_get_solutions(Detism),
- disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, 1, Solutions,
- Before, sum_after_known(0), SumAfterDisjuncts, Disjs0, Disjs),
- count_sum_to_count(SumAfterDisjuncts, After).
-:- pred disj_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
- goal_path::in, int::in, solution_count_rep::in, coverage_before::in,
- sum_coverage_after::in, sum_coverage_after::out,
- list(goal_rep)::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-disj_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, _, _, !SumAfter, [], []).
-disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum, Solutions,
- Before0, !SumAfter, [Disj0 | Disjs0], [Disj | Disjs]) :-
- DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
- (
- Before0 = before_known(_),
- Before = Before0
- ;
- Before0 = before_unknown,
- get_branch_start_coverage(Info, DisjGoalPath, Before)
- ),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, DisjGoalPath,
- Before, After, Disj0, Disj),
- sum_after_coverage(After, !SumAfter),
- % We don't know how many times the start of the next disjunct is executed
- % unless we have a counter there.
- disj_annotate_coverage_2(Info, GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Solutions,
- before_unknown, !SumAfter, Disjs0, Disjs).
-:- pred switch_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
- switch_can_fail_rep::in, goal_path::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- list(case_rep(unit))::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-switch_annotate_coverage(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, Before, After,
- Cases0, Cases) :-
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
- io.format("Switch: Before0: %s\n",
- [s(string(Before))], !IO)
- ),
- switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, 1,
- sum_before_known(0), _SumBefore, sum_after_known(0), SumAfter,
- Before, Cases0, Cases),
- % For can_fail switches, the sum of the exec counts at the starts of the
- % arms may be less than the exec count at the start of the switch. However,
- % even for can_fail switches, the sum of the exec counts at the *ends* of
- % the arms will always equal the exec count at the end of the switch.
- count_sum_to_count(SumAfter, After),
- % Note: This code was removed this while simplifying the algorithm, it does
- % not infer any extra coverage information since coverage is known before
- % all goals before goal_annotate_coverage is called, it may be useful if we
- % allow coverage to be incomplete for trivial goals.
- %(
- % CanFail = switch_can_not_fail_rep,
- % before_count_from_either_source_sum(SumBefore, !Before)
- %;
- % CanFail = switch_can_fail_rep
- %),
- trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))] (
- require(check_switch_coverage(CanFail, Cases, Before),
- string.format("check_switch_coverage failed\n\t" ++
- "CanFail: %s\n\tCases: %s\n\tBefore: %s, After: %s\n",
- [s(string(CanFail)), s(string(Cases)),
- s(string(Before)), s(string(After))]))
- ).
- % switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, Detism, GoalPath, CaseNum,
- % !CoverageSum, CoverageBeforeSwitch, !Cases),
- %
- % Perform coverage annotation on cases from the left to the right.
- % The head of the !.Cases list is case number CaseNum, SwitchCoverage
- % is the coverage for the entire switch as known by the caller,
- % !CoverageSum is the sum of the coverage so far.
- %
- % For this goal we use a forwards traversal, since the last goal may not
- % have a coverage point after it, in the expectation that the coverage at
- % the end of the last goal may need to be computed from the coverage of
- % each of the other goals.
- %
-:- pred switch_annotate_coverage_2(coverage_reference_info::in,
- switch_can_fail_rep::in, goal_path::in, int::in,
- sum_coverage_before::in, sum_coverage_before::out,
- sum_coverage_after::in, sum_coverage_after::out,
- coverage_before::in,
- list(case_rep(unit))::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::out) is det.
-switch_annotate_coverage_2(_, _, _, _, !SumBefore, !SumAfter, _, [], []).
-switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, CaseNum,
- !SumBefore, !SumAfter, SwitchBefore,
- [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases]) :-
- CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
- % If this is the last case in the switch, then its coverage information
- % may be computed from the coverage of other cases and the coverage of the
- % whole switch. This is only done for the last goal, since only this
- % optimisation is made by the coverage transformation in the compiler.
- %
- % If we cannot calculate this case's coverage information, then try to
- % retrieve the information from a coverage point associated with the case.
- (
- Cases0 = [],
- CanFail = switch_can_not_fail_rep,
- SwitchBefore = before_known(SwitchBeforeExecCount),
- !.SumBefore = sum_before_known(SumBeforeExecCount)
- ->
- BeforeCase = before_known(SwitchBeforeExecCount - SumBeforeExecCount)
- ;
- % Search for a coverage point for this case.
- get_branch_start_coverage(Info, CaseGoalPath, BeforeCase)
- ),
- % Calculate and annotate the coverage for the case itself.
- Case0 = case_rep(ConsID, OtherConsIDs, Goal0),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, CaseGoalPath,
- BeforeCase, AfterCase, Goal0, Goal),
- Case = case_rep(ConsID, OtherConsIDs, Goal),
- % Keep a sum of the execution counts seen in cases so far.
- sum_before_coverage(BeforeCase, !SumBefore),
- sum_after_coverage(AfterCase, !SumAfter),
- switch_annotate_coverage_2(Info, CanFail, GoalPath, CaseNum + 1,
- !SumBefore, !SumAfter, SwitchBefore, Cases0, Cases).
- % Propagate coverage information for if-then-else goals.
- %
-:- pred ite_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out,
- goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out,
- goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
-ite_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After,
- Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else) :-
- CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
- ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
- ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
- CondDetism = Cond0 ^ goal_detism_rep,
- % Step 1:
- % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the condition goal.
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, CondGoalPath,
- Before, AfterCond, Cond0, Cond),
- after_to_before_coverage(AfterCond, BeforeThen0),
- % Step 2:
- % Lookup coverage information for the starts of the then and else goals.
- (
- BeforeThen0 = before_known(_),
- BeforeThen = BeforeThen0
- ;
- BeforeThen0 = before_unknown,
- get_branch_start_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath, BeforeThen)
- ),
- % XXX It should be possible, if the condition is not at_most_many and does
- % not throw exceptions, to compute BeforeElse as the difference between the
- % counts in the initial value of !.Before and AfterCond, if both are known.
- % check_ite_coverage already knows the relationship. Using exception
- % counts on call goals and propagating them through the coverage annotation
- % algorithms can solve this.
- get_branch_start_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath, BeforeElse),
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
- io.format("ITE Coverage inferred before then and else branches:\n" ++
- "\tWhole: %s \n\tThen: %s\n\tElse: %s\n" ++
- "\tGoalPath %s\n",
- [s(string(Before)), s(string(BeforeThen)), s(string(BeforeElse)),
- s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))], !IO)
- ),
- % Step 3:
- % Call goal_annotate_coverage for the then and else goals.
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ThenGoalPath,
- BeforeThen, AfterThen, Then0, Then),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ElseGoalPath,
- BeforeElse, AfterElse, Else0, Else),
- % Step 4:
- % Update what we know about the if-then-else as a whole.
- (
- AfterThen = after_known(AfterThenExecCount),
- AfterElse = after_known(AfterElseExecCount)
- ->
- After = after_known(AfterThenExecCount + AfterElseExecCount)
- ;
- After = after_unknown
- ),
- trace [compile_time(not flag("no_coverage_propagation_assertions"))] (
- require(
- check_ite_coverage(Before, After, Before, AfterCond,
- BeforeThen, AfterThen, BeforeElse, AfterElse, CondDetism),
- string.format("check_ite_coverage/4 failed\n" ++
- "\tWhole: %s %s\n" ++
- "\tCond: %s %s\n\tThen: %s %s\n\tElse: %s %s\n" ++
- "\tGoalPath: %s\n",
- [s(string(Before)), s(string(After)),
- s(string(Before)), s(string(AfterCond)),
- s(string(BeforeThen)), s(string(AfterThen)),
- s(string(BeforeElse)), s(string(AfterElse)),
- s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))]))
- ).
-:- pred not_unify(T::in, T::in) is semidet.
-not_unify(A, B) :- not unify(A, B).
- % Get the coverage information from a coverage point about the branch
- % referenced by the given goal path.
- %
-:- pred get_branch_start_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
- coverage_before::out) is det.
-get_branch_start_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before) :-
- ( map.search(Info ^ cri_branch_coverage_points, GoalPath, CP) ->
- CP = coverage_point(ExecCount, _, _),
- Before = before_known(ExecCount)
- ;
- Before = before_unknown
- ).
-:- pred negation_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in, goal_path::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
-negation_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, Before, After,
- NegGoal0, NegGoal) :-
- NegGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, NegGoalPath,
- Before, _CoverageAfter, NegGoal0, NegGoal),
- % The coverage after a negation is always unknown.
- After = after_unknown,
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_coverage_propagation")), io(!IO)] (
- io.format("Negation: setting negation: before %s, after %s\n",
- [s(string(Before)), s(string(After))], !IO)
- ).
-:- pred scope_annotate_coverage(coverage_reference_info::in,
- goal_path::in, maybe_cut::in, coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out,
- goal_rep::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::out) is det.
-scope_annotate_coverage(Info, GoalPath, MaybeCut, Before, After,
- ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal) :-
- ScopeGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(MaybeCut)),
- goal_annotate_coverage(Info, ScopeGoalPath,
- Before, AfterScopedGoal, ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal),
- (
- MaybeCut = scope_is_cut,
- After = after_unknown
- ;
- MaybeCut = scope_is_no_cut,
- After = AfterScopedGoal
- ).
-% These predicates are used to check that computed coverage counts make sense.
- % Check that the coverage of a goal makes sense given the determinism of
- % that goal.
- %
-:- pred check_coverage_regarding_detism(coverage_info::in, detism_rep::in)
- is semidet.
-check_coverage_regarding_detism(Coverage, Detism) :-
- detism_coverage_ok(Coverage, Detism) = yes.
-:- func detism_coverage_ok(coverage_info, detism_rep) = bool.
-detism_coverage_ok(Coverage, Detism) = OK :-
- (
- ( Detism = det_rep
- ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
- ),
- (
- ( Coverage = coverage_known_same(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
- ),
- OK = yes
- ;
- Coverage = coverage_known(Entry, Exit),
- % Execution may leave via the Excp port rather than the exit port.
- % so the exit port count may be smaller than or equal to the entry
- % port count.
- ( Entry >= Exit ->
- OK = yes
- ;
- OK = no
- )
- ;
- ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
- ),
- % If you known coverage at one of these points, you can compute
- % the coverage at the other point.
- OK = no
- )
- ;
- ( Detism = semidet_rep
- ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
- ),
- (
- ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_same(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
- ),
- OK = yes
- ;
- Coverage = coverage_known(Entry, Exit),
- ( Entry >= Exit ->
- OK = yes
- ;
- OK = no
- )
- )
- ;
- Detism = multidet_rep,
- (
- ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_same(_)
- ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
- ),
- OK = yes
- ;
- Coverage = coverage_known(_Entry, _Exit),
- % If the goal throws exceptions no inequalities can be used to
- % check the correctness of the coverage information.
- OK = yes
- )
- ;
- Detism = nondet_rep,
- OK = yes
- ;
- ( Detism = erroneous_rep
- ; Detism = failure_rep
- ),
- (
- % The coverage_known_dert case probably won't occur, but it might.
- ( Coverage = coverage_known(_, Exit)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_same(Exit)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(Exit)
- ),
- ( Exit = 0 ->
- OK = yes
- ;
- OK = no
- )
- ;
- Coverage = coverage_known_before(_),
- OK = yes
- ;
- Coverage = coverage_unknown,
- % This shouldn't occur, we should infer at least
- % coverage_known_after(0).
- OK = yes
- )
- ).
- % Check that the coverage on the switch goal and on its cases do not
- % contradict with each other. This works only for cannot_fail switches.
- %
-:- pred check_switch_coverage(switch_can_fail_rep::in,
- list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, coverage_before::in) is semidet.
-check_switch_coverage(CanFail, Cases, Before) :-
- (
- CanFail = switch_can_not_fail_rep,
- list.foldl(sum_switch_case_coverage, Cases, yes(0), MaybeSum),
- (
- MaybeSum = yes(Sum),
- (
- ( Before = before_known(Sum)
- ; Before = before_unknown
- )
- )
- ;
- MaybeSum = no
- )
- ;
- CanFail = switch_can_fail_rep
- ).
-:- pred sum_switch_case_coverage(case_rep(coverage_info)::in,
- maybe(int)::in, maybe(int)::out) is det.
-sum_switch_case_coverage(case_rep(_, _, Goal), !Acc) :-
- (
- !.Acc = yes(Count),
- Coverage = Goal ^ goal_annotation,
- (
- ( Coverage = coverage_known_same(Addend)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known(Addend, _)
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_before(Addend)
- ),
- !:Acc = yes(Count + Addend)
- ;
- ( Coverage = coverage_unknown
- ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
- ),
- !:Acc = no
- )
- ;
- !.Acc = no
- ).
-:- pred check_ite_coverage(coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::in,
- detism_rep::in) is semidet.
-check_ite_coverage(Before, After, BeforeCond, AfterCond,
- BeforeThen, AfterThen, _BeforeElse, AfterElse, CondDetism) :-
- (
- Before = before_known(BeforeExecCount),
- BeforeCond = before_known(BeforeCondExecCount)
- ->
- BeforeExecCount = BeforeCondExecCount
- ;
- true
- ),
- (
- After = after_known(AfterExecCount),
- AfterThen = after_known(AfterThenExecCount),
- AfterElse = after_known(AfterElseExecCount)
- ->
- AfterExecCount = AfterThenExecCount + AfterElseExecCount
- ;
- true
- ),
- (
- AfterCond = after_known(AfterCondExecCount),
- BeforeThen = before_known(BeforeKnownExecCount)
- ->
- AfterCondExecCount = BeforeKnownExecCount
- ;
- true
- ),
- % Since the condition may throw exceptions and exception count information
- % is not propagated checking the coverage before the else goal based on the
- % coverage before and after the condition goal cannot be done.
- ( AfterCond = after_known(AfterCondExecCount2) ->
- NumSolutions = detism_get_solutions(CondDetism),
- (
- NumSolutions = at_most_zero_rep,
- AfterCondExecCount2 = 0
- ;
- ( NumSolutions = at_most_one_rep
- ; NumSolutions = at_most_many_rep
- )
- )
- ;
- true
- ).
-:- pred check_coverage_complete(coverage_info::in, goal_expr_rep(T)::in)
- is semidet.
-check_coverage_complete(coverage_known(_, _), _GoalExpr).
-check_coverage_complete(coverage_known_same(_), _GoalExpr).
-% Uncomment this clause if, in the future, we allow coverage to be incomplete
-% for trivial goals.
-%check_coverage_complete(Coverage, GoalExpr) :-
-% ( Coverage = coverage_known_before(_)
-% ; Coverage = coverage_known_after(_)
-% ; Coverage = coverage_unknown
-% ),
-% goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalExpr).
-:- func goal_is_trivial(goal_rep(T)) = bool.
-goal_is_trivial(Goal) = IsTrivial:-
- GoalExpr = Goal ^ goal_expr_rep,
- IsTrivial = goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalExpr).
-:- func goal_expr_is_trivial(goal_expr_rep(T)) = bool.
-goal_expr_is_trivial(GoalRep) = IsTrivial :-
- (
- (
- GoalRep = conj_rep(SubGoalReps)
- ;
- GoalRep = disj_rep(SubGoalReps)
- ;
- GoalRep = switch_rep(_, _, CaseReps),
- SubGoalReps = list.map(project_case_rep_goal, CaseReps)
- ;
- GoalRep = ite_rep(CondRep, ThenRep, ElseRep),
- SubGoalReps = [CondRep, ThenRep, ElseRep]
- ),
- SubGoalIsTrivials = list.map(goal_is_trivial, SubGoalReps),
- bool.and_list(SubGoalIsTrivials, IsTrivial)
- ;
- ( GoalRep = negation_rep(SubGoalRep)
- ; GoalRep = scope_rep(SubGoalRep, _)
- ),
- IsTrivial = goal_is_trivial(SubGoalRep)
- ;
- GoalRep = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, AtomicGoalRep),
- (
- ( AtomicGoalRep = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ),
- IsTrivial = no
- ;
- ( AtomicGoalRep = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = cast_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
- % Built-in calls are cheap enough to consider to be trivial.
- ; AtomicGoalRep = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
- ; AtomicGoalRep = event_call_rep(_, _)
- ),
- IsTrivial = yes
- )
- ).
-% Coverage information helper predicates.
- % The coverage before a det goal should always equal the coverage after.
- %
-:- pred propagate_det_coverage( coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out)
- is det.
-propagate_det_coverage(Before, After) :-
- (
- Before = before_unknown,
- After = after_unknown
- ;
- Before = before_known(Count),
- After = after_known(Count)
- ).
- % If the determinism is deterministic or cc_multi use
- % propagate_det_coverage.
- %
- % Note: This predicate must not be called on deterministic call goals or on
- % any deterministic non-atomic goal, since the coverage after the call may
- % be different to the coverage before if the called code throws an
- % exception.
- %
-:- pred propagate_detism_coverage(detism_rep::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_after::out) is det.
-propagate_detism_coverage(Detism, Before, After) :-
- % TODO: Infer that if a goal has a coverage of exactly 0 before it, then it
- % must have a coverage of exactly 0 after it. And that a goal that cannot
- % fail or throw an exception that has a coverage of 0 after it, must have a
- % coverage of 0 before it - Since the coverage profiling and propagation
- % algorithms are already complete this isn't required. It should be
- % considered if we choose not to calculate coverage for trivial goals.
- (
- ( Detism = det_rep
- ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
- ),
- propagate_det_coverage(Before, After)
- ;
- ( Detism = erroneous_rep
- ; Detism = failure_rep
- ),
- % Execution never reaches the end of these goals.
- After = after_known(0)
- ;
- ( Detism = semidet_rep
- ; Detism = nondet_rep
- ; Detism = multidet_rep
- ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
- ),
- % We can infer nothing for goals with these determinisms.
- After = after_unknown
- ).
-:- pred after_to_before_coverage(coverage_after::in, coverage_before::out)
- is det.
-after_to_before_coverage(After, Before) :-
- (
- After = after_unknown,
- Before = before_unknown
- ;
- After = after_known(ExecCount),
- Before = before_known(ExecCount)
- ).
-:- pred after_count_from_either_source(coverage_after::in,
- coverage_after::in, coverage_after::out) is det.
-after_count_from_either_source(AfterA, AfterB, After) :-
- (
- AfterA = after_unknown,
- AfterB = after_unknown,
- After = after_unknown
- ;
- AfterA = after_unknown,
- AfterB = after_known(AfterCount),
- After = after_known(AfterCount)
- ;
- AfterA = after_known(AfterCount),
- AfterB = after_unknown,
- After = after_known(AfterCount)
- ;
- AfterA = after_known(AfterCountA),
- AfterB = after_known(AfterCountB),
- require(unify(AfterCountA, AfterCountB),
- "after_count_from_either_source: mismatch"),
- After = after_known(AfterCountA)
- ).
- % Convert a sum_coverage_after to a coverage_after.
- %
-:- pred count_sum_to_count(sum_coverage_after::in, coverage_after::out) is det.
-count_sum_to_count(sum_after_unknown, after_unknown).
-count_sum_to_count(sum_after_known(C), after_known(C)).
-:- pred before_count_from_either_source(coverage_before::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_before::out) is det.
-before_count_from_either_source(BeforeA, BeforeB, Before) :-
- (
- BeforeA = before_unknown,
- BeforeB = before_unknown,
- Before = before_unknown
- ;
- BeforeA = before_unknown,
- BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCount),
- Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
- ;
- BeforeA = before_known(BeforeCount),
- BeforeB = before_unknown,
- Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
- ;
- BeforeA = before_known(BeforeCountA),
- BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCountB),
- require(unify(BeforeCountA, BeforeCountB),
- "before_count_from_either_source: mismatch"),
- Before = before_known(BeforeCountA)
- ).
-:- pred before_count_from_either_source_sum(sum_coverage_before::in,
- coverage_before::in, coverage_before::out) is det.
-before_count_from_either_source_sum(BeforeA, BeforeB, Before) :-
- (
- BeforeA = sum_before_unknown,
- BeforeB = before_unknown,
- Before = before_unknown
- ;
- BeforeA = sum_before_unknown,
- BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCount),
- Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
- ;
- BeforeA = sum_before_known(BeforeCount),
- BeforeB = before_unknown,
- Before = before_known(BeforeCount)
- ;
- BeforeA = sum_before_known(BeforeCountA),
- BeforeB = before_known(BeforeCountB),
- require(unify(BeforeCountA, BeforeCountB),
- "before_count_from_either_source: mismatch"),
- Before = before_known(BeforeCountA)
- ).
-:- pred sum_before_coverage(coverage_before::in,
- sum_coverage_before::in, sum_coverage_before::out) is det.
-sum_before_coverage(Before, !SumBefore) :-
- (
- !.SumBefore = sum_before_known(SumExecCount),
- Before = before_known(ExecCount)
- ->
- !:SumBefore = sum_before_known(SumExecCount + ExecCount)
- ;
- !:SumBefore = sum_before_unknown
- ).
-:- pred sum_after_coverage(coverage_after::in,
- sum_coverage_after::in, sum_coverage_after::out) is det.
-sum_after_coverage(After, !SumAfter) :-
- (
- !.SumAfter = sum_after_known(SumExecCount),
- After = after_known(ExecCount)
- ->
- !:SumAfter = sum_after_known(SumExecCount + ExecCount)
- ;
- !:SumAfter = sum_after_unknown
- ).
-% Coverage information helper predicates.
-:- pred get_coverage_before(coverage_info::in, int::out) is semidet.
-get_coverage_before(coverage_known(Before, _), Before).
-get_coverage_before(coverage_known_same(Before), Before).
-get_coverage_before(coverage_known_before(Before), Before).
-:- pred get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_info::in, int::out, int::out)
- is semidet.
-get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_known(Before, After), Before, After).
-get_coverage_before_and_after(coverage_known_same(Count), Count, Count).
- % This type represents whether the first use of a variable has been found
- % or not. If it has then the call sequence counts since it was found is
- % stored in this type also.
- %
-:- type found_first_use
- ---> have_not_found_first_use
- ; found_first_use(
- cost_before_use :: float
- ).
-:- inst found_first_use_found
- ---> found_first_use(ground).
-:- type var_first_use_static_info
- ---> var_first_use_static_info(
- fui_deep :: deep,
- fui_call_site_map :: map(goal_path, call_site_perf),
- fui_var :: var_rep,
- fui_var_use :: var_use_type,
- fui_call_stack :: set(proc_static_ptr)
- % A set of call sites that have been followed, this
- % prevents unbound recursion.
- ).
- % Find the first use of a variable in a goal.
- % Procedure calls can be resolved via the call site which we'll need to
- % lookup anyway to find cost information, This will callback to the deep
- % profiler as it crosses procedure boundaries.
- %
- % This does not follow higher order or method calls. It may be possible to
- % follow call the calls seen during profiling and aggregate their variable
- % use information based on how often they are called from that call site.
- %
-:- pred goal_var_first_use(goal_path::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
- var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out)
- is det.
-goal_var_first_use(GoalPath, Goal, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
- Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, _Coverage),
- (
- GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts),
- conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, 1, Conjuncts, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- FoundFirstUse)
- ;
- GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts),
- disj_var_first_use(GoalPath, Disjuncts, Detism, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
- ;
- GoalExpr = switch_rep(SwitchedOnVar, _CanFail, Cases),
- switch_var_first_use(GoalPath, SwitchedOnVar, Cases,
- StaticInfo, !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
- ;
- GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
- ite_var_first_use(GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- FoundFirstUse)
- ;
- (
- GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
- SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg)
- ;
- GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, ScopeIsCut),
- SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(ScopeIsCut))
- ),
- goal_var_first_use(SubGoalPath, SubGoal, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- FoundFirstUse)
- ;
- GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
- (
- ( AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ),
- call_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, GoalPath, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
- ;
- ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
- ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
- ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
- ),
- % trivial goals have a zero cost, so !CostSoFar is not updated.
- atomic_trivial_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, !.CostSoFar,
- StaticInfo, FoundFirstUse)
- )
- ),
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
- io.format("Trace: goal_var_first_use: %s\n",
- [s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))], !IO).
-:- inst atomic_goal_rep_call
- ---> plain_call_rep(ground, ground, ground)
- ; higher_order_call_rep(ground, ground)
- ; method_call_rep(ground, ground, ground).
-:- pred call_var_first_use(atomic_goal_rep::in(atomic_goal_rep_call),
- list(var_rep)::in, goal_path::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
- float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
-call_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, GoalPath, StaticInfo,
- CostSoFar, NextCostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
- Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- map.lookup(StaticInfo ^ fui_call_site_map, GoalPath, CallSitePerf),
- % Calculate the cost of this call and add it to the cost so far.
- CallSitePerf ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_maybe_total =
- MaybeTotal,
- (
- MaybeTotal = yes(RowData)
- ;
- MaybeTotal = no,
- CallSitePerf ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_self =
- RowData
- ),
- ProcCost = RowData ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall,
- % XXX: this doesn't work for (mutually-)recursive calls, the deep profiler
- % sets their cost to 1.0. For now we just have to hope that the variables
- % we're searching for are used in the recursive call so the trick below
- % works.
- NextCostSoFar = CostSoFar + ProcCost,
- % Determine if the variable we're searching for uses of is involved with
- % this call.
- (
- AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, Args),
- (
- nth_member_search(Args, Var, ArgNum),
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption
- ;
- % If we're looking for a production ensure that this call binds
- % this variable.
- VarUseType = var_use_production,
- member(Var, BoundVars)
- ;
- VarUseType = var_use_other
- )
- ->
- (
- CallSitePerf ^ csf_kind =
- normal_call_and_info(Callee)
- ->
- PSPtr = Callee ^ nci_callee_desc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
- CallStack0 = StaticInfo ^ fui_call_stack,
- ( contains(CallStack0, PSPtr) ->
- % Don't follow recursive or mutually recursive calls.
- % XXX: I'd like to create the result that is the sum of the
- % recursive expression: Cost(i) = Cost + Cost(i - 1).
- % Note: this makes a pessimistic assumption instead. Note:
- % It doesn't matter what type of variable use we're
- % searching for either the cost before a consumer is 0.0 or
- % the cost after a producer is 0.0. So asserting
- % TimeBeforeUse = 0.0 works in both cases.
- ProcCostUntilUse = 0.0
- ;
- CallStack = set.insert(CallStack0, PSPtr),
- proc_var_first_use(StaticInfo ^ fui_deep, PSPtr, ArgNum,
- VarUseType, CallStack, ProcVarUseInfo),
- ProcVarUseInfo = var_use_info(ProcCostUntilUse0, _),
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- (
- ProcCostUntilUse0 =
- cost_since_proc_start(ProcCostUntilUse)
- ;
- ProcCostUntilUse0 =
- cost_before_proc_end(ProcCostAfterUse),
- ProcCostUntilUse = ProcCost - ProcCostAfterUse
- )
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- (
- ProcCostUntilUse0 =
- cost_since_proc_start(ProcCostBeforeUse),
- ProcCostUntilUse = ProcCost - ProcCostBeforeUse
- ;
- ProcCostUntilUse0 =
- cost_before_proc_end(ProcCostUntilUse)
- )
- )
- )
- ;
- % Some builtin calls show up as plain calls in the procedure
- % representation. Namely builtin.compare. In these cases use
- % a pessimistic default.
- ProcCostUntilUse = 0.0
- ),
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar + ProcCostUntilUse),
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
- io.format(
- "Trace: Set first use info for variable use in call: %s\n",
- [s(string(FoundFirstUse))], !IO)
- ;
- FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
- )
- ;
- ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(HOVar, Args)
- % The first argument of this functor is really the type info variable,
- % not a higher order term.
- ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(HOVar, _, Args)
- ),
- (
- ( HOVar = Var
- ; member(Var, Args)
- )
- ->
- % XXX: Make a pessimistic default, since we don't bother to perform
- % this analysis recursively for higher order or method calls.
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar)
- ;
- FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
- )
- ).
-:- inst atomic_trivial_goal_rep
- ---> unify_construct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
- ; unify_deconstruct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
- ; partial_construct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
- ; partial_deconstruct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
- ; unify_assign_rep(ground, ground)
- ; cast_rep(ground, ground)
- ; unify_simple_test_rep(ground, ground)
- ; pragma_foreign_code_rep(ground)
- ; event_call_rep(ground, ground)
- ; builtin_call_rep(ground, ground, ground).
-:- pred atomic_trivial_var_first_use(
- atomic_goal_rep::in(atomic_trivial_goal_rep), list(var_rep)::in, float::in,
- var_first_use_static_info::in, found_first_use::out) is det.
-atomic_trivial_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, CostSoFar, StaticInfo,
- FoundFirstUse) :-
- Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- atomic_goal_get_vars(AtomicGoal, Vars),
- (
- member(Var, Vars),
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption
- ;
- VarUseType = var_use_production,
- member(Var, BoundVars)
- ;
- VarUseType = var_use_other
- )
- ->
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar)
- ;
- FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
- ).
- % Find the first use of a variable within a conjunction. Note that when
- % looking for a production of the variable we search backward and add the
- % time from the end of the goal. Similarly with other goal types that have
- % an execution order, namely disjunctions and if-then-elses.
- %
-:- pred conj_var_first_use(goal_path::in, int::in,
- list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
- float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
-conj_var_first_use(_, _, [], _, !Cost, have_not_found_first_use).
-conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum, [Conj | Conjs], StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- FoundFirstUse) :-
- ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjNum)),
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- goal_var_first_use(ConjGoalPath, Conj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- HeadFoundFirstUse),
- conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum + 1, Conjs, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse)
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum + 1, Conjs, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse),
- goal_var_first_use(ConjGoalPath, Conj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- HeadFoundFirstUse)
- ),
- (
- % XXX: if a variable is bound more than once, because it's used with
- % partial instantiation then we want to use the last time it is bound.
- % Instmaps can be used to track this. This is relevant when searching
- % for the producer of a variable.
- HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
- FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
- ;
- HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- FoundFirstUse = TailFoundFirstUse
- ).
-:- pred disj_var_first_use(goal_path::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in,
- detism_rep::in, var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out,
- found_first_use::out) is det.
-disj_var_first_use(GoalPath, Disjuncts, Detism, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
- % We cannot handle nondet/multi disjunctions. So we use pessimistic
- % defaults for FoundFirstUse if this disjunction is nondet or multi. For
- % calculating the cost of the disjunction, assume that is is a semidet
- % disjunction. Doing this will find the incorrect cost for the
- % disjunction, however disjunctions occur rarely, this is not likely to
- % drametically effect anything.
- CostBeforeConsumption = !.CostSoFar,
- CostAfterProduction = !.CostSoFar,
- disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, 1, Disjuncts, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse0),
- (
- detism_get_solutions(Detism) = at_most_many_rep,
- FoundFirstUse0 = found_first_use(_)
- ->
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostBeforeConsumption)
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostAfterProduction)
- )
- ;
- FoundFirstUse = FoundFirstUse0
- ).
-:- pred disj_var_first_use_2(goal_path::in, int::in,
- list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
- float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
-disj_var_first_use_2(_, _, [], _, !CostSoFar, have_not_found_first_use).
-disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum, [Disj | Disjs], StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- FoundFirstUse) :-
- DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- goal_var_first_use(DisjGoalPath, Disj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- HeadFoundFirstUse),
- disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Disjs, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse)
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Disjs, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse),
- goal_var_first_use(DisjGoalPath, Disj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
- HeadFoundFirstUse)
- ),
- (
- HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- TailFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
- ;
- HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- TailFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
- FoundFirstUse = TailFoundFirstUse
- ;
- HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
- TailFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
- ;
- HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(HeadCost),
- TailFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(TailCost),
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- % The variable is probably consumed in the first disjunct even if
- % it fails. This is also the pessimistic default.
- Cost = HeadCost
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- % Use a weighted average to reflect the likely success of the first
- % disjunct.
- ( get_coverage_before(Disj ^ goal_annotation, HeadCount) ->
- HeadWeight = float(HeadCount)
- ;
- error(this_file ++ " unknown coverage before disjunct")
- ),
- (
- Disjs = [],
- TailWeight = 0.0
- ;
- Disjs = [FirstTailDisj | _],
- FirstTailCoverage = FirstTailDisj ^ goal_annotation,
- ( get_coverage_before(FirstTailCoverage, TailCount) ->
- TailWeight = float(TailCount)
- ;
- error(this_file ++ " unknown coverage before disjunct")
- )
- ),
- weighted_average([HeadWeight, TailWeight], [HeadCost, TailCost],
- Cost)
- ),
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(Cost)
- ).
-:- pred switch_var_first_use(goal_path::in, var_rep::in,
- list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
- float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
-switch_var_first_use(GoalPath, SwitchedOnVar, Cases, StaticInfo,
- CostBeforeSwitch, CostAfterSwitch, FoundFirstUse) :-
- switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, 1, StaticInfo, Cases, CaseWeights,
- CostBeforeSwitch, CostCases, FoundFirstUseCases),
- weighted_average(CaseWeights, CostCases, CostAfterSwitch),
- Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
- ( Var = SwitchedOnVar ->
- % This can only possibly be a consumption of this variable.
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostBeforeSwitch)
- ;
- ( list.all_true(unify(have_not_found_first_use), FoundFirstUseCases) ->
- % No case contained a first-use of this variable.
- FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
- ;
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- DefaultCost = CostBeforeSwitch
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- DefaultCost = CostAfterSwitch
- ),
- list.map(ffu_to_float(DefaultCost), FoundFirstUseCases,
- FirstUseTimes),
- weighted_average(CaseWeights, FirstUseTimes, AvgFirstUseTime),
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(AvgFirstUseTime)
- )
- ).
-:- pred switch_var_first_use_2(goal_path::in, int::in,
- var_first_use_static_info::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in,
- list(float)::out, float::in, list(float)::out, list(found_first_use)::out)
- is det.
-switch_var_first_use_2(_, _, _, [], [], _, [], []).
-switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, CaseNum, StaticInfo, [Case | Cases],
- [Weight | Weights], Cost0, [Cost | Costs],
- [FoundFirstUse | FoundFirstUses]) :-
- switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, CaseNum + 1, StaticInfo, Cases, Weights,
- Cost0, Costs, FoundFirstUses),
- CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
- Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
- goal_var_first_use(CaseGoalPath, Goal, StaticInfo, Cost0, Cost,
- FoundFirstUse),
- Goal = goal_rep(_, _, Coverage),
- ( get_coverage_before(Coverage, BeforeCount) ->
- Weight = float(BeforeCount)
- ;
- error(this_file ++ "unknown coverage before switch case")
- ).
-:- pred ite_var_first_use(goal_path::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
- goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
- var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out)
- is det.
-ite_var_first_use(GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else, StaticInfo,
- !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
- (
- get_coverage_before(Then ^ goal_annotation, CountBeforeThen),
- get_coverage_before(Else ^ goal_annotation, CountBeforeElse)
- ->
- Weights = [float(CountBeforeThen), float(CountBeforeElse)]
- ;
- error(this_file ++
- "incomplete coverage information for if then else branches")
- ),
- CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
- ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
- ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
- VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- CostBeforeITE = !.CostSoFar,
- goal_var_first_use(CondGoalPath, Cond, StaticInfo,
- CostBeforeITE, CostAfterCond, CondFoundFirstUse),
- goal_var_first_use(ThenGoalPath, Then, StaticInfo,
- CostAfterCond, CostAfterThen, ThenFoundFirstUse),
- goal_var_first_use(ElseGoalPath, Else, StaticInfo,
- CostAfterCond, CostAfterElse, ElseFoundFirstUse),
- weighted_average(Weights, [CostAfterThen, CostAfterElse],
- CostAfterITE),
- !:CostSoFar = CostAfterITE
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- CostAfterITE = !.CostSoFar,
- goal_var_first_use(ThenGoalPath, Then, StaticInfo,
- CostAfterITE, CostAfterThen, ThenFoundFirstUse),
- goal_var_first_use(ElseGoalPath, Else, StaticInfo,
- CostAfterITE, CostAfterElse, ElseFoundFirstUse),
- weighted_average(Weights, [CostAfterThen, CostAfterElse],
- CostAfterCond),
- goal_var_first_use(CondGoalPath, Cond, StaticInfo,
- CostAfterCond, CostBeforeITE, CondFoundFirstUse),
- !:CostSoFar = CostBeforeITE
- ),
- (
- CondFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
- FoundFirstUse = CondFoundFirstUse
- ;
- CondFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- (
- ThenFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- ElseFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
- ->
- FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
- ;
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- DefaultCost = CostAfterCond
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- DefaultCost = CostAfterITE
- ),
- ffu_to_float(DefaultCost, ThenFoundFirstUse, ThenVarUseTime),
- ffu_to_float(DefaultCost, ElseFoundFirstUse, ElseVarUseTime),
- weighted_average(Weights, [ThenVarUseTime, ElseVarUseTime],
- VarUseTime),
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(VarUseTime),
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
- io.format("Trace: ITE: Weights: %s, Then: %f, Else: %f, " ++
- "VarUseTime: %f\n",
- [s(string(Weights)), f(ThenVarUseTime), f(ElseVarUseTime),
- f(VarUseTime)],
- !IO)
- )
- ).
-:- pred weighted_average(list(float)::in, list(float)::in, float::out) is det.
-weighted_average(Weights, Values, Average) :-
- list.foldl2_corresponding(
- (pred(Value::in, Weight::in, Sum0::in, Sum::out,
- WeightSum0::in, WeightSum::out) is det :-
- Sum = Sum0 + (Value * Weight),
- WeightSum = WeightSum0 + Weight
- ), Values, Weights, 0.0, Total, 0.0, TotalWeight),
- ( abs(TotalWeight) < epsilon ->
- Average = 0.0
- ;
- Average = Total / TotalWeight
- ).
-:- pred ffu_to_float(float::in, found_first_use::in, float::out) is det.
-ffu_to_float(Default, have_not_found_first_use, Default).
-ffu_to_float(_, found_first_use(CostBeforeUse), CostBeforeUse).
- % proc_var_first_use(Deep, PSPtr, N, VarUseType, CallStack, VarUseInfo).
- %
- % Find the first use of the Nth argument of the procedure given by PSPtr.
- %
-:- pred proc_var_first_use(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in, int::in,
- var_use_type::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
-proc_var_first_use(Deep, PSPtr, ArgNum, VarUseType, CallStack, VarUseInfo) :-
- generic_vars_first_use(head_var_by_pos(ArgNum), Deep, PSPtr, CallStack,
- MaybeProcVarUseInfo),
- (
- MaybeProcVarUseInfo = ok(proc_var_use_dump_info(_, VarUseInfos)),
- ( VarUseInfos = [VarUseInfoPrime] ->
- VarUseInfo = VarUseInfoPrime
- ;
- error(this_file ++
- "Expecting exactly one result in proc_var_first_use")
- )
- ;
- MaybeProcVarUseInfo = error(_),
- % Some errors can be caused by trying to look up procedures that can't
- % be found. For example float.round_to_int is defined using foreign
- % code, when it gets inlined into another predicate the proc static
- % pointer points to the foreign code which can't be looked up even
- % though it uses a 'plain_call' call site.
- % Return a pessimistic default here.
- pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo)
- ),
- trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)]
- io.format("Trace: prog_var_first_use: %s\n",
- [s(string(PSPtr))], !IO).
-:- pred head_var_by_pos(int::in, list(head_var_rep)::in,
- list(var_rep)::out, list(var_use_type)::out) is det.
-head_var_by_pos(ArgPos, HeadVars, [Var], [VarUseType]) :-
- list.index1_det(HeadVars, ArgPos, HeadVar),
- HeadVar = head_var_rep(Var, VarMode),
- var_mode_to_var_use(VarMode, VarUseType).
-head_vars_all(HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes) :-
- list.map2((pred(HeadVar::in, Var::out, VarUseType::out) is det :-
- HeadVar = head_var_rep(Var, VarMode),
- var_mode_to_var_use(VarMode, VarUseType)
- ), HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes).
-var_mode_to_var_use(var_mode_rep(InitialInst, FinalInst), VarUseType) :-
- (
- InitialInst = ir_ground_rep,
- FinalInst = ir_ground_rep
- ->
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption
- ;
- InitialInst = ir_free_rep,
- FinalInst = ir_ground_rep
- ->
- VarUseType = var_use_production
- ;
- VarUseType = var_use_other
- ).
-pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo) :-
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(0.0)
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(0.0)
- ),
- VarUseInfo = var_use_info(CostUntilUse, VarUseType).
- % Perform the var_first_use for the vars returned by the closure.
- %
-generic_vars_first_use(VarsPred, Deep, PSPtr, CallStack, MaybeResult) :-
- create_proc_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcReport),
- (
- MaybeProcReport = ok(ProcReport),
- create_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcRepCoverage),
- (
- MaybeProcRepCoverage = ok(ProcRepCoverageInfo),
- ProcRepCoverageInfo = procrep_coverage_info(_, ProcRep),
- ProcDefnRep = ProcRep ^ pr_defn,
- HeadVars = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_head_vars,
- VarsPred(HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes),
- ProcReport = proc_report(ProcSummary, CallSiteSummaries),
- MaybeTotal = ProcSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
- (
- MaybeTotal = yes(RowData)
- ;
- MaybeTotal = no,
- RowData = ProcSummary ^ perf_row_self
- ),
- ProcAverageCost = RowData ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall,
- GoalRep = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_goal,
- list.foldl((pred(CSS::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
- GoalPath = CSS ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject
- ^ csdesc_goal_path,
- map.det_insert(Map0, GoalPath, CSS, Map)
- ), CallSiteSummaries, map.init, CallSiteMap),
- list.map_corresponding(goal_var_first_use_wrapper(Deep, CallStack,
- CallSiteMap, GoalRep), Vars, VarUseTypes, VarUseInfos),
- MaybeResult =
- ok(proc_var_use_dump_info(ProcAverageCost, VarUseInfos))
- ;
- MaybeProcRepCoverage = error(Error),
- MaybeResult = error(Error)
- )
- ;
- MaybeProcReport = error(Error),
- MaybeResult = error(Error)
- ).
-:- pred goal_var_first_use_wrapper(deep::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in,
- map(goal_path, call_site_perf)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
- var_rep::in, var_use_type::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
-goal_var_first_use_wrapper(Deep, CallStack, CallSiteMap, Goal, Var,
- VarUseType, VarUseInfo) :-
- goal_var_first_use(empty_goal_path, Goal,
- var_first_use_static_info(Deep, CallSiteMap, Var, VarUseType,
- CallStack),
- 0.0, _Cost, FoundFirstUse),
- (
- FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostUntilUseRaw),
- (
- VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
- CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(CostUntilUseRaw)
- ;
- ( VarUseType = var_use_production
- ; VarUseType = var_use_other
- ),
- CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(CostUntilUseRaw)
- ),
- VarUseInfo = var_use_info(CostUntilUse, VarUseType)
- ;
- % If the first use has not been found, then use the average cost of the
- % procedure as the cost before the first use, since the variable is
- % never used.
- FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
- pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo)
- ).
:- type inst_map
---> inst_map(
map(var_rep, inst_rep),
@@ -2474,39 +753,6 @@
-:- type solution_count_rep
- ---> at_most_zero_rep
- ; at_most_one_rep % Including committed choice.
- ; at_most_many_rep.
-:- func detism_get_solutions(detism_rep) = solution_count_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(det_rep) = at_most_one_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(semidet_rep) = at_most_one_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(multidet_rep) = at_most_many_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(nondet_rep) = at_most_many_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(cc_multidet_rep) = at_most_one_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(cc_nondet_rep) = at_most_one_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(erroneous_rep) = at_most_zero_rep.
-detism_get_solutions(failure_rep) = at_most_zero_rep.
-:- type can_fail_rep
- ---> can_fail_rep
- ; cannot_fail_rep.
-:- func detism_get_can_fail(detism_rep) = can_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(det_rep) = cannot_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(semidet_rep) = can_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(multidet_rep) = cannot_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(nondet_rep) = can_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(cc_multidet_rep) = cannot_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(cc_nondet_rep) = can_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(erroneous_rep) = cannot_fail_rep.
-detism_get_can_fail(failure_rep) = can_fail_rep.
:- func this_file = string.
this_file = "program_representation_utils: ".
Index: report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -b -r1.15 report.m
--- report.m 20 Oct 2008 06:31:28 -0000 1.15
+++ report.m 5 Nov 2008 03:18:26 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
:- module report.
:- interface.
+:- import_module coverage.
:- import_module mdbcomp.
:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
:- import_module measurement_units.
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@
% then this module may depend on those data structures but not the rest of
% query.
:- import_module query.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module maybe.
@@ -205,18 +207,6 @@
prci_proc_rep :: proc_rep(coverage_info)
-:- type coverage_info
- ---> coverage_unknown
- ; coverage_known_same(int)
- % Coverage is known both before and after the goal, and the
- % coverage is the same before as it is after.
- ; coverage_known(int, int)
- % Coverage is known both before and after the goal.
- ; coverage_known_before(int)
- % Coverage is known only before the goal.
- ; coverage_known_after(int).
- % Coverage is known only before after goal.
:- type proc_callers_report
---> proc_callers_report(
% The id of the procedure.
@@ -309,32 +299,6 @@
pvui_var_uses :: list(var_use_info)
- % Gives information about the use of a variable measured in average call
- % sequence counts since either the beginning or the end of the procedure.
- %
-:- type var_use_info
- ---> var_use_info(
- vui_cost_until_use :: cost_until_var_use,
- vui_use_type :: var_use_type
- ).
-:- type var_use_type
- ---> var_use_production
- % The variable is produced: free >> ground
- ; var_use_consumption
- % The variable is consumed: free >> free
- ; var_use_other.
- % The variable is used in some other way.
-:- type cost_until_var_use
- ---> cost_since_proc_start(float)
- ; cost_before_proc_end(float).
-:- func cost_until_to_cost_since_start(cost_until_var_use, float) = float.
-:- func cost_until_to_cost_before_end(cost_until_var_use, float) = float.
% This type represents information about the performance of the subject.
% It is intended to be displayed on a browser page or used by a tool as is.
% It is NOT intended to be subject to further processing, such as adding
@@ -475,25 +439,6 @@
cdesc_other_members :: list(proc_desc)
-:- implementation.
-:- import_module float.
-cost_until_to_cost_since_start(cost_since_proc_start(Cost), _WholeCost) =
- Cost.
-cost_until_to_cost_since_start(cost_before_proc_end(Cost), WholeCost) =
- WholeCost - Cost.
-cost_until_to_cost_before_end(cost_since_proc_start(Cost), WholeCost) =
- WholeCost - Cost.
-cost_until_to_cost_before_end(cost_before_proc_end(Cost), _WholeCost) =
- Cost.
:- end_module report.
Index: var_use_analysis.m
RCS file: var_use_analysis.m
diff -N var_use_analysis.m
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ var_use_analysis.m 5 Nov 2008 03:33:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2008 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: pbone, zs.
+% This file implements the coverage propagation algorithm, which attaches
+% coverage information to the component goals of a procedure body.
+:- module var_use_analysis.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module set.
+ % Gives information about the use of a variable measured in average call
+ % sequence counts since either the beginning or the end of the procedure.
+ %
+:- type var_use_info
+ ---> var_use_info(
+ vui_cost_until_use :: cost_until_var_use,
+ vui_use_type :: var_use_type
+ ).
+:- type var_use_type
+ ---> var_use_production
+ % The variable is produced: free >> ground
+ ; var_use_consumption
+ % The variable is consumed: free >> free
+ ; var_use_other.
+ % The variable is used in some other way.
+:- type cost_until_var_use
+ ---> cost_since_proc_start(float)
+ ; cost_before_proc_end(float).
+:- func cost_until_to_cost_since_start(cost_until_var_use, float) = float.
+:- func cost_until_to_cost_before_end(cost_until_var_use, float) = float.
+ % generic_vars_first_use(HeadVarsToVars, Deep, PSPtr, CallStack,
+ % VarUseInfos, ProcAverageCost).
+ %
+ % Find the first uses of the given variables.
+ %
+ % CallStack is used to prevent unbound recursion; initialise it to
+ % set.init.
+ %
+:- pred generic_vars_first_use(
+ pred(list(head_var_rep), list(var_rep), list(var_use_type))
+ ::in(pred(in, out, out) is det),
+ deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in,
+ maybe_error(proc_var_use_dump_info)::out) is det.
+:- pred head_vars_all(list(head_var_rep)::in, list(var_rep)::out,
+ list(var_use_type)::out) is det.
+:- pred var_mode_to_var_use(var_mode_rep::in, var_use_type::out) is det.
+:- pred pessimistic_var_use_info(var_use_type::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module coverage.
+:- import_module create_report.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module string.
+cost_until_to_cost_since_start(cost_since_proc_start(Cost), _WholeCost) =
+ Cost.
+cost_until_to_cost_since_start(cost_before_proc_end(Cost), WholeCost) =
+ WholeCost - Cost.
+cost_until_to_cost_before_end(cost_since_proc_start(Cost), WholeCost) =
+ WholeCost - Cost.
+cost_until_to_cost_before_end(cost_before_proc_end(Cost), _WholeCost) =
+ Cost.
+ % This type represents whether the first use of a variable has been found
+ % or not. If it has then the call sequence counts since it was found is
+ % stored in this type also.
+ %
+:- type found_first_use
+ ---> have_not_found_first_use
+ ; found_first_use(
+ cost_before_use :: float
+ ).
+:- inst found_first_use_found
+ ---> found_first_use(ground).
+:- type var_first_use_static_info
+ ---> var_first_use_static_info(
+ fui_deep :: deep,
+ fui_call_site_map :: map(goal_path, call_site_perf),
+ fui_var :: var_rep,
+ fui_var_use :: var_use_type,
+ % A set of call sites whose analysis has started but not yet
+ % completed. We keep this set to prevent infinite recursion
+ % in the analysis itself.
+ fui_call_stack :: set(proc_static_ptr)
+ ).
+ % Find the first use of a variable in a goal.
+ % Procedure calls can be resolved via the call site which we'll need to
+ % lookup anyway to find cost information, This will callback to the deep
+ % profiler as it crosses procedure boundaries.
+ %
+ % This does not follow higher order or method calls. It may be possible to
+ % follow call the calls seen during profiling and aggregate their variable
+ % use information based on how often they are called from that call site.
+ %
+:- pred goal_var_first_use(goal_path::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out)
+ is det.
+goal_var_first_use(GoalPath, Goal, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, _Coverage),
+ (
+ GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjuncts),
+ conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, 1, Conjuncts, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjuncts),
+ disj_var_first_use(GoalPath, Disjuncts, Detism, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = switch_rep(SwitchedOnVar, _CanFail, Cases),
+ switch_var_first_use(GoalPath, SwitchedOnVar, Cases,
+ StaticInfo, !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
+ ite_var_first_use(GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ (
+ GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal),
+ SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_neg)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, ScopeIsCut),
+ SubGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_scope(ScopeIsCut))
+ ),
+ goal_var_first_use(SubGoalPath, SubGoal, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
+ (
+ ( AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ call_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, GoalPath, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = unify_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_construct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = partial_deconstruct_rep(_, _, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_assign_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = cast_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = unify_simple_test_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = pragma_foreign_code_rep(_)
+ ; AtomicGoal = event_call_rep(_, _)
+ ; AtomicGoal = builtin_call_rep(_, _, _)
+ ),
+ % trivial goals have a zero cost, so !CostSoFar is not updated.
+ atomic_trivial_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, !.CostSoFar,
+ StaticInfo, FoundFirstUse)
+ )
+ ),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format("Trace: goal_var_first_use: %s\n",
+ [s(goal_path_to_string(GoalPath))], !IO)
+ ).
+:- inst atomic_goal_rep_call
+ ---> plain_call_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; higher_order_call_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; method_call_rep(ground, ground, ground).
+:- pred call_var_first_use(atomic_goal_rep::in(atomic_goal_rep_call),
+ list(var_rep)::in, goal_path::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+call_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, GoalPath, StaticInfo,
+ CostSoFar, NextCostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ map.lookup(StaticInfo ^ fui_call_site_map, GoalPath, CallSitePerf),
+ % Calculate the cost of this call and add it to the cost so far.
+ CallSitePerf ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_maybe_total =
+ MaybeTotal,
+ (
+ MaybeTotal = yes(RowData)
+ ;
+ MaybeTotal = no,
+ CallSitePerf ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_self =
+ RowData
+ ),
+ ProcCost = RowData ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall,
+ % XXX: this doesn't work for (mutually-)recursive calls, the deep profiler
+ % sets their cost to 1.0. For now we just have to hope that the variables
+ % we're searching for are used in the recursive call so the trick below
+ % works.
+ NextCostSoFar = CostSoFar + ProcCost,
+ % Determine if the variable we're searching for uses of is involved with
+ % this call.
+ (
+ AtomicGoal = plain_call_rep(_, _, Args),
+ (
+ nth_member_search(Args, Var, ArgNum),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption
+ ;
+ % If we're looking for a production ensure that this call binds
+ % this variable.
+ VarUseType = var_use_production,
+ member(Var, BoundVars)
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_other
+ )
+ ->
+ (
+ CallSitePerf ^ csf_kind =
+ normal_call_and_info(Callee)
+ ->
+ PSPtr = Callee ^ nci_callee_desc ^ pdesc_ps_ptr,
+ CallStack0 = StaticInfo ^ fui_call_stack,
+ ( contains(CallStack0, PSPtr) ->
+ % Don't follow recursive or mutually recursive calls.
+ % XXX: I'd like to create the result that is the sum of the
+ % recursive expression: Cost(i) = Cost + Cost(i - 1).
+ % Note: this makes a pessimistic assumption instead. Note:
+ % It doesn't matter what type of variable use we're
+ % searching for either the cost before a consumer is 0.0 or
+ % the cost after a producer is 0.0. So asserting
+ % TimeBeforeUse = 0.0 works in both cases.
+ ProcCostUntilUse = 0.0
+ ;
+ CallStack = set.insert(CallStack0, PSPtr),
+ proc_var_first_use(StaticInfo ^ fui_deep, PSPtr, ArgNum,
+ VarUseType, CallStack, ProcVarUseInfo),
+ ProcVarUseInfo = var_use_info(ProcCostUntilUse0, _),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ (
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_since_proc_start(ProcCostUntilUse)
+ ;
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_before_proc_end(ProcCostAfterUse),
+ ProcCostUntilUse = ProcCost - ProcCostAfterUse
+ )
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ (
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_since_proc_start(ProcCostBeforeUse),
+ ProcCostUntilUse = ProcCost - ProcCostBeforeUse
+ ;
+ ProcCostUntilUse0 =
+ cost_before_proc_end(ProcCostUntilUse)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ % Some builtin calls show up as plain calls in the procedure
+ % representation. Namely builtin.compare. In these cases use
+ % a pessimistic default.
+ ProcCostUntilUse = 0.0
+ ),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar + ProcCostUntilUse),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format(
+ "Trace: Set first use info for variable use in call: %s\n",
+ [s(string(FoundFirstUse))], !IO)
+ )
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ )
+ ;
+ ( AtomicGoal = higher_order_call_rep(HOVar, Args)
+ % The first argument of this functor is really the type info variable,
+ % not a higher order term.
+ ; AtomicGoal = method_call_rep(HOVar, _, Args)
+ ),
+ (
+ ( HOVar = Var
+ ; member(Var, Args)
+ )
+ ->
+ % XXX: Make a pessimistic default, since we don't bother to perform
+ % this analysis recursively for higher order or method calls.
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar)
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ )
+ ).
+:- inst atomic_trivial_goal_rep
+ ---> unify_construct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; unify_deconstruct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; partial_construct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; partial_deconstruct_rep(ground, ground, ground)
+ ; unify_assign_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; cast_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; unify_simple_test_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; pragma_foreign_code_rep(ground)
+ ; event_call_rep(ground, ground)
+ ; builtin_call_rep(ground, ground, ground).
+:- pred atomic_trivial_var_first_use(
+ atomic_goal_rep::in(atomic_trivial_goal_rep), list(var_rep)::in, float::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, found_first_use::out) is det.
+atomic_trivial_var_first_use(AtomicGoal, BoundVars, CostSoFar, StaticInfo,
+ FoundFirstUse) :-
+ Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ atomic_goal_get_vars(AtomicGoal, Vars),
+ (
+ member(Var, Vars),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_production,
+ member(Var, BoundVars)
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_other
+ )
+ ->
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostSoFar)
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ).
+ % Find the first use of a variable within a conjunction. Note that when
+ % looking for a production of the variable we search backward and add the
+ % time from the end of the goal. Similarly with other goal types that have
+ % an execution order, namely disjunctions and if-then-elses.
+ %
+:- pred conj_var_first_use(goal_path::in, int::in,
+ list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+conj_var_first_use(_, _, [], _, !Cost, have_not_found_first_use).
+conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum, [Conj | Conjs], StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse) :-
+ ConjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_conj(ConjNum)),
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ goal_var_first_use(ConjGoalPath, Conj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse),
+ conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum + 1, Conjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ conj_var_first_use(GoalPath, ConjNum + 1, Conjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ConjGoalPath, Conj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse)
+ ),
+ (
+ % XXX: if a variable is bound more than once, because it's used with
+ % partial instantiation then we want to use the last time it is bound.
+ % Instmaps can be used to track this. This is relevant when searching
+ % for the producer of a variable.
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ FoundFirstUse = TailFoundFirstUse
+ ).
+:- pred disj_var_first_use(goal_path::in, list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in,
+ detism_rep::in, var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out,
+ found_first_use::out) is det.
+disj_var_first_use(GoalPath, Disjuncts, Detism, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ % We cannot handle nondet/multi disjunctions. So we use pessimistic
+ % defaults for FoundFirstUse if this disjunction is nondet or multi.
+ % For calculating the cost of the disjunction, assume that is is a semidet
+ % disjunction. Doing this will find the incorrect cost for the
+ % disjunction, however disjunctions occur rarely, this is not likely to
+ % drametically effect anything.
+ CostBeforeConsumption = !.CostSoFar,
+ CostAfterProduction = !.CostSoFar,
+ disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, 1, Disjuncts, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse0),
+ (
+ detism_get_solutions(Detism) = at_most_many_rep,
+ FoundFirstUse0 = found_first_use(_)
+ ->
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostBeforeConsumption)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostAfterProduction)
+ )
+ ;
+ FoundFirstUse = FoundFirstUse0
+ ).
+:- pred disj_var_first_use_2(goal_path::in, int::in,
+ list(goal_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+disj_var_first_use_2(_, _, [], _, !CostSoFar, have_not_found_first_use).
+disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum, [Disj | Disjs], StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ FoundFirstUse) :-
+ DisjGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_disj(DisjNum)),
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ goal_var_first_use(DisjGoalPath, Disj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse),
+ disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Disjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ disj_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, DisjNum + 1, Disjs, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, TailFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(DisjGoalPath, Disj, StaticInfo, !CostSoFar,
+ HeadFoundFirstUse)
+ ),
+ (
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ TailFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ TailFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ FoundFirstUse = TailFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ TailFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ FoundFirstUse = HeadFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ HeadFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(HeadCost),
+ TailFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(TailCost),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ % The variable is probably consumed in the first disjunct even if
+ % it fails. This is also the pessimistic default.
+ Cost = HeadCost
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ % Use a weighted average to reflect the likely success of the first
+ % disjunct.
+ ( get_coverage_before(Disj ^ goal_annotation, HeadCount) ->
+ HeadWeight = float(HeadCount)
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++ " unknown coverage before disjunct")
+ ),
+ (
+ Disjs = [],
+ TailWeight = 0.0
+ ;
+ Disjs = [FirstTailDisj | _],
+ FirstTailCoverage = FirstTailDisj ^ goal_annotation,
+ ( get_coverage_before(FirstTailCoverage, TailCount) ->
+ TailWeight = float(TailCount)
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++ " unknown coverage before disjunct")
+ )
+ ),
+ weighted_average([HeadWeight, TailWeight], [HeadCost, TailCost],
+ Cost)
+ ),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(Cost)
+ ).
+:- pred switch_var_first_use(goal_path::in, var_rep::in,
+ list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in, var_first_use_static_info::in,
+ float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out) is det.
+switch_var_first_use(GoalPath, SwitchedOnVar, Cases, StaticInfo,
+ CostBeforeSwitch, CostAfterSwitch, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, 1, StaticInfo, Cases, CaseWeights,
+ CostBeforeSwitch, CostCases, FoundFirstUseCases),
+ weighted_average(CaseWeights, CostCases, CostAfterSwitch),
+ Var = StaticInfo ^ fui_var,
+ ( Var = SwitchedOnVar ->
+ % This can only possibly be a consumption of this variable.
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostBeforeSwitch)
+ ;
+ ( list.all_true(unify(have_not_found_first_use), FoundFirstUseCases) ->
+ % No case contained a first-use of this variable.
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ;
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ DefaultCost = CostBeforeSwitch
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ DefaultCost = CostAfterSwitch
+ ),
+ list.map(ffu_to_float(DefaultCost), FoundFirstUseCases,
+ FirstUseTimes),
+ weighted_average(CaseWeights, FirstUseTimes, AvgFirstUseTime),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(AvgFirstUseTime)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred switch_var_first_use_2(goal_path::in, int::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, list(case_rep(coverage_info))::in,
+ list(float)::out, float::in, list(float)::out, list(found_first_use)::out)
+ is det.
+switch_var_first_use_2(_, _, _, [], [], _, [], []).
+switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, CaseNum, StaticInfo, [Case | Cases],
+ [Weight | Weights], Cost0, [Cost | Costs],
+ [FoundFirstUse | FoundFirstUses]) :-
+ switch_var_first_use_2(GoalPath, CaseNum + 1, StaticInfo, Cases, Weights,
+ Cost0, Costs, FoundFirstUses),
+ CaseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_switch(CaseNum, no)),
+ Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
+ goal_var_first_use(CaseGoalPath, Goal, StaticInfo, Cost0, Cost,
+ FoundFirstUse),
+ Goal = goal_rep(_, _, Coverage),
+ ( get_coverage_before(Coverage, BeforeCount) ->
+ Weight = float(BeforeCount)
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++ "unknown coverage before switch case")
+ ).
+:- pred ite_var_first_use(goal_path::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ goal_rep(coverage_info)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ var_first_use_static_info::in, float::in, float::out, found_first_use::out)
+ is det.
+ite_var_first_use(GoalPath, Cond, Then, Else, StaticInfo,
+ !CostSoFar, FoundFirstUse) :-
+ (
+ get_coverage_before(Then ^ goal_annotation, CountBeforeThen),
+ get_coverage_before(Else ^ goal_annotation, CountBeforeElse)
+ ->
+ Weights = [float(CountBeforeThen), float(CountBeforeElse)]
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++
+ "incomplete coverage information for if then else branches")
+ ),
+ CondGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_cond),
+ ThenGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_then),
+ ElseGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(GoalPath, step_ite_else),
+ VarUseType = StaticInfo ^ fui_var_use,
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostBeforeITE = !.CostSoFar,
+ goal_var_first_use(CondGoalPath, Cond, StaticInfo,
+ CostBeforeITE, CostAfterCond, CondFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ThenGoalPath, Then, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterCond, CostAfterThen, ThenFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ElseGoalPath, Else, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterCond, CostAfterElse, ElseFoundFirstUse),
+ weighted_average(Weights, [CostAfterThen, CostAfterElse],
+ CostAfterITE),
+ !:CostSoFar = CostAfterITE
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostAfterITE = !.CostSoFar,
+ goal_var_first_use(ThenGoalPath, Then, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterITE, CostAfterThen, ThenFoundFirstUse),
+ goal_var_first_use(ElseGoalPath, Else, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterITE, CostAfterElse, ElseFoundFirstUse),
+ weighted_average(Weights, [CostAfterThen, CostAfterElse],
+ CostAfterCond),
+ goal_var_first_use(CondGoalPath, Cond, StaticInfo,
+ CostAfterCond, CostBeforeITE, CondFoundFirstUse),
+ !:CostSoFar = CostBeforeITE
+ ),
+ (
+ CondFoundFirstUse = found_first_use(_),
+ FoundFirstUse = CondFoundFirstUse
+ ;
+ CondFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ (
+ ThenFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ ElseFoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ->
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use
+ ;
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ DefaultCost = CostAfterCond
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ DefaultCost = CostAfterITE
+ ),
+ ffu_to_float(DefaultCost, ThenFoundFirstUse, ThenVarUseTime),
+ ffu_to_float(DefaultCost, ElseFoundFirstUse, ElseVarUseTime),
+ weighted_average(Weights, [ThenVarUseTime, ElseVarUseTime],
+ VarUseTime),
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(VarUseTime),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format("Trace: ITE: Weights: %s, Then: %f, Else: %f, " ++
+ "VarUseTime: %f\n",
+ [s(string(Weights)), f(ThenVarUseTime), f(ElseVarUseTime),
+ f(VarUseTime)],
+ !IO)
+ )
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred weighted_average(list(float)::in, list(float)::in, float::out) is det.
+weighted_average(Weights, Values, Average) :-
+ list.foldl2_corresponding(
+ (pred(Value::in, Weight::in, Sum0::in, Sum::out,
+ WeightSum0::in, WeightSum::out) is det :-
+ Sum = Sum0 + (Value * Weight),
+ WeightSum = WeightSum0 + Weight
+ ), Values, Weights, 0.0, Total, 0.0, TotalWeight),
+ ( abs(TotalWeight) < epsilon ->
+ Average = 0.0
+ ;
+ Average = Total / TotalWeight
+ ).
+:- pred ffu_to_float(float::in, found_first_use::in, float::out) is det.
+ffu_to_float(Default, have_not_found_first_use, Default).
+ffu_to_float(_, found_first_use(CostBeforeUse), CostBeforeUse).
+ % proc_var_first_use(Deep, PSPtr, N, VarUseType, CallStack, VarUseInfo).
+ %
+ % Find the first use of the Nth argument of the procedure given by PSPtr.
+ %
+:- pred proc_var_first_use(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in, int::in,
+ var_use_type::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
+proc_var_first_use(Deep, PSPtr, ArgNum, VarUseType, CallStack, VarUseInfo) :-
+ generic_vars_first_use(head_var_by_pos(ArgNum), Deep, PSPtr, CallStack,
+ MaybeProcVarUseInfo),
+ (
+ MaybeProcVarUseInfo = ok(proc_var_use_dump_info(_, VarUseInfos)),
+ ( VarUseInfos = [VarUseInfoPrime] ->
+ VarUseInfo = VarUseInfoPrime
+ ;
+ error(this_file ++
+ "Expecting exactly one result in proc_var_first_use")
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeProcVarUseInfo = error(_),
+ % Some errors can be caused by trying to look up procedures that can't
+ % be found. For example float.round_to_int is defined using foreign
+ % code, when it gets inlined into another predicate the proc static
+ % pointer points to the foreign code which can't be looked up even
+ % though it uses a 'plain_call' call site.
+ % Return a pessimistic default here.
+ pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo)
+ ),
+ trace [compile_time(flag("debug_first_var_use")), io(!IO)] (
+ io.format("Trace: prog_var_first_use: %s\n",
+ [s(string(PSPtr))], !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred head_var_by_pos(int::in, list(head_var_rep)::in,
+ list(var_rep)::out, list(var_use_type)::out) is det.
+head_var_by_pos(ArgPos, HeadVars, [Var], [VarUseType]) :-
+ list.index1_det(HeadVars, ArgPos, HeadVar),
+ HeadVar = head_var_rep(Var, VarMode),
+ var_mode_to_var_use(VarMode, VarUseType).
+head_vars_all(HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes) :-
+ list.map2((pred(HeadVar::in, Var::out, VarUseType::out) is det :-
+ HeadVar = head_var_rep(Var, VarMode),
+ var_mode_to_var_use(VarMode, VarUseType)
+ ), HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes).
+var_mode_to_var_use(var_mode_rep(InitialInst, FinalInst), VarUseType) :-
+ (
+ InitialInst = ir_ground_rep,
+ FinalInst = ir_ground_rep
+ ->
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption
+ ;
+ InitialInst = ir_free_rep,
+ FinalInst = ir_ground_rep
+ ->
+ VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ;
+ VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ).
+pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo) :-
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(0.0)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(0.0)
+ ),
+ VarUseInfo = var_use_info(CostUntilUse, VarUseType).
+ % Perform the var_first_use for the vars returned by the closure.
+ %
+generic_vars_first_use(VarsPred, Deep, PSPtr, CallStack, MaybeResult) :-
+ create_proc_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcReport),
+ (
+ MaybeProcReport = ok(ProcReport),
+ create_procrep_coverage_report(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcRepCoverage),
+ (
+ MaybeProcRepCoverage = ok(ProcRepCoverageInfo),
+ ProcRepCoverageInfo = procrep_coverage_info(_, ProcRep),
+ ProcDefnRep = ProcRep ^ pr_defn,
+ HeadVars = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_head_vars,
+ VarsPred(HeadVars, Vars, VarUseTypes),
+ ProcReport = proc_report(ProcSummary, CallSiteSummaries),
+ MaybeTotal = ProcSummary ^ perf_row_maybe_total,
+ (
+ MaybeTotal = yes(RowData)
+ ;
+ MaybeTotal = no,
+ RowData = ProcSummary ^ perf_row_self
+ ),
+ ProcAverageCost = RowData ^ perf_row_callseqs_percall,
+ GoalRep = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_goal,
+ list.foldl((pred(CSS::in, Map0::in, Map::out) is det :-
+ GoalPath = CSS ^ csf_summary_perf ^ perf_row_subject
+ ^ csdesc_goal_path,
+ map.det_insert(Map0, GoalPath, CSS, Map)
+ ), CallSiteSummaries, map.init, CallSiteMap),
+ list.map_corresponding(goal_var_first_use_wrapper(Deep, CallStack,
+ CallSiteMap, GoalRep), Vars, VarUseTypes, VarUseInfos),
+ MaybeResult =
+ ok(proc_var_use_dump_info(ProcAverageCost, VarUseInfos))
+ ;
+ MaybeProcRepCoverage = error(Error),
+ MaybeResult = error(Error)
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeProcReport = error(Error),
+ MaybeResult = error(Error)
+ ).
+:- pred goal_var_first_use_wrapper(deep::in, set(proc_static_ptr)::in,
+ map(goal_path, call_site_perf)::in, goal_rep(coverage_info)::in,
+ var_rep::in, var_use_type::in, var_use_info::out) is det.
+goal_var_first_use_wrapper(Deep, CallStack, CallSiteMap, Goal, Var,
+ VarUseType, VarUseInfo) :-
+ goal_var_first_use(empty_goal_path, Goal,
+ var_first_use_static_info(Deep, CallSiteMap, Var, VarUseType,
+ CallStack),
+ 0.0, _Cost, FoundFirstUse),
+ (
+ FoundFirstUse = found_first_use(CostUntilUseRaw),
+ (
+ VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+ CostUntilUse = cost_since_proc_start(CostUntilUseRaw)
+ ;
+ ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+ ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+ ),
+ CostUntilUse = cost_before_proc_end(CostUntilUseRaw)
+ ),
+ VarUseInfo = var_use_info(CostUntilUse, VarUseType)
+ ;
+ % If the first use has not been found, then use the average cost of the
+ % procedure as the cost before the first use, since the variable is
+ % never used.
+ FoundFirstUse = have_not_found_first_use,
+ pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, VarUseInfo)
+ ).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "var_use_analysis.m".
cvs diff: Diffing notes
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