[m-rev.] for post-commit review: more prog_io cleanups
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Jul 24 14:21:12 AEST 2008
On 24-Jul-2008, Zoltan Somogyi <zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> compiler/prog_io.m:
> More cleanups. Inline more auxiliary predicates whose purpose of
> indexing on Prolog systems has long expired. Replacing Term0, Term1
> etc with meaningful variable names, and use better variable names
> in general. Rename some predicates as well when the old names didn't
> tell you what the predicate did, and where the name was ambiguous.
> Convert several predicates to disjunctions where this allows factoring
> out common code or giving consistent names to arguments. Mark places
> where predicates should be reordered to put related code together,
> but leave reordering nontrivial code for the next change, to make
> this diff easier to read.
> compiler/prog_io_util.m:
> A few changes of the same sort as in prog_io.m.
> compiler/prog_io_goal.m:
> Conform to the new name of a predicate in prog_io.m.
I forgot to commit this before doing the reordering, so here is the diff
that I will commit: the above, a bit more of the same, and the promised
More cleanups. Replace Term0, Term1 etc with meaningful variable
names, and use better variable names in general. Rename some
predicates as well when the old names didn't tell you what the
predicate did, and where the name was ambiguous. Convert several
predicates to disjunctions where this allows factoring out common
code or giving consistent names to arguments.
Inline some more auxiliary predicates whose purpose of indexing
on Prolog systems has long expired. In one case, the simplification
that this made possible showed an opportunity to generate more
comprehensive error messages.
Reorder the predicates in this module to form blocks of code each
dealing with one kind of Mercury construct, e.g. type definitions,
mode definitions, predicate and function declarations, etc.
A few changes of the same sort as in prog_io.m.
Conform to the new name of a predicate in prog_io.m.
Expect the more comprehensive error messages.
cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing analysis
cvs diff: Diffing bindist
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/Mac_files
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/cord
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/cord/private
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/doc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/include
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/include/private
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/doc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/hpc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/ibmc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/icc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/msftc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/tests
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/tests
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested/vc60
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested/vc70
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested/vc71
cvs diff: Diffing browser
cvs diff: Diffing bytecode
cvs diff: Diffing compiler
Index: compiler/prog_io.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io.m,v
retrieving revision 1.292
diff -u -b -r1.292 prog_io.m
--- compiler/prog_io.m 21 Jul 2008 03:10:12 -0000 1.292
+++ compiler/prog_io.m 24 Jul 2008 02:11:59 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
% Copyright (C) 1993-2008 The University of Melbourne.
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@
% Check that for each constrained_inst_var all occurrences have the
% same constraint.
-:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(list(mer_mode)::in)
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(list(mer_mode)::in)
is semidet.
@@ -393,8 +394,8 @@
Error = fatal_module_errors
-search_for_module_source(Dirs, InterfaceDirs,
- ModuleName, MaybeFileName, !IO) :-
+search_for_module_source(Dirs, InterfaceDirs, ModuleName, MaybeFileName,
+ !IO) :-
search_for_module_source_2(Dirs, ModuleName, ModuleName,
MaybeFileName0, !IO),
@@ -410,7 +411,7 @@
% the interface search path. This avoids having a file `read.m'
% in the current directory prevent the compiler from finding
% `bit_buffer.read.int' in the standard library.
- %
io.input_stream(SourceStream, !IO),
search_for_module_source_2(InterfaceDirs, ModuleName,
ModuleName, MaybeFileName2, !IO),
@@ -461,19 +462,20 @@
MaybeFileName = MaybeFileName0
-:- func find_source_error(module_name, list(dir_name),
- maybe(file_name)) = string.
+:- func find_source_error(module_name, list(dir_name), maybe(file_name))
+ = string.
find_source_error(ModuleName, Dirs, MaybeBetterMatch) = Msg :-
ModuleNameStr = sym_name_to_string(ModuleName),
Msg0 = "cannot find source for module `" ++ ModuleNameStr ++
"' in directories " ++ string.join_list(", ", Dirs),
- MaybeBetterMatch = no, Msg = Msg0
+ MaybeBetterMatch = no,
+ Msg = Msg0
MaybeBetterMatch = yes(BetterMatchFile),
- Msg = Msg0 ++ ", but found " ++ BetterMatchFile
- ++ " in interface search path"
+ Msg = Msg0 ++ ", but found " ++ BetterMatchFile ++
+ " in interface search path"
:- pred search_for_module_source_2(list(dir_name)::in, module_name::in,
@@ -935,29 +937,6 @@
-:- func make_pseudo_import_module_decl(prog_context, module_specifier) = item.
-make_pseudo_import_module_decl(Context, ModuleSpecifier) = Item :-
- ModuleDefn = md_import([ModuleSpecifier]),
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
- Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
-:- func make_pseudo_use_module_decl(prog_context, module_specifier) = item.
-make_pseudo_use_module_decl(Context, ModuleSpecifier) = Item :-
- ModuleDefn = md_use([ModuleSpecifier]),
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
- Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
-:- func make_pseudo_include_module_decl(prog_context, module_name) = item.
-make_pseudo_include_module_decl(Context, ModuleSpecifier) = Item :-
- ModuleDefn = md_include_module([ModuleSpecifier]),
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
- Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
:- type read_item_result
---> read_item_eof
; read_item_errors(list(error_spec))
@@ -991,100 +970,99 @@
ReadTermResult = term(VarSet, Term),
parse_item(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, MaybeItem),
- convert_item(MaybeItem, ReadItemResult)
+ (
+ MaybeItem = ok1(Item),
+ ReadItemResult = read_item_ok(Item)
+ ;
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs),
+ ReadItemResult = read_item_errors(Specs)
+ )
-:- pred convert_item(maybe1(item)::in, read_item_result::out) is det.
-convert_item(ok1(Item), read_item_ok(Item)).
-convert_item(error1(Specs), read_item_errors(Specs)).
parse_item(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Result) :-
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom(":-"), [Decl], _DeclContext) ->
+ (
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom(":-"), [DeclTerm], _DeclContext)
+ ->
% It's a declaration.
- parse_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Decl, Result)
- ; Term = term.functor(term.atom("-->"), [DCG_H, DCG_B], DCG_Context) ->
+ parse_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, DeclTerm, Result)
+ ;
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("-->"), [DCG_H_Term, DCG_B_Term],
+ DCG_Context)
+ ->
% It's a DCG clause.
- parse_dcg_clause(ModuleName, VarSet, DCG_H, DCG_B, DCG_Context, Result)
+ parse_dcg_clause(ModuleName, VarSet, DCG_H_Term, DCG_B_Term,
+ DCG_Context, Result)
% It's either a fact or a rule.
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom(":-"), [H, B], TermContext) ->
+ (
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom(":-"),
+ [HeadTermPrime, BodyTermPrime], TermContext)
+ ->
% It's a rule.
- Head = H,
- Body = B,
- TheContext = TermContext
+ HeadTerm = HeadTermPrime,
+ BodyTerm = BodyTermPrime,
+ ClauseContext = TermContext
% It's a fact.
- Head = Term,
- TheContext = get_term_context(Head),
- Body = term.functor(term.atom("true"), [], TheContext)
+ HeadTerm = Term,
+ ClauseContext = get_term_context(HeadTerm),
+ BodyTerm = term.functor(term.atom("true"), [], ClauseContext)
varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet),
- process_clause(ModuleName, Term, Head, Body, ProgVarSet, TheContext,
- Result)
+ parse_clause(ModuleName, Term, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, ProgVarSet,
+ ClauseContext, Result)
-:- pred process_clause(module_name::in, term::in, term::in, term::in,
+:- pred parse_clause(module_name::in, term::in, term::in, term::in,
prog_varset::in, term.context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_clause(ModuleName, Term, Head, Body0, ProgVarSet0, Context, Result) :-
+parse_clause(ModuleName, Term, HeadTerm, BodyTerm0, ProgVarSet0, Context,
+ MaybeItem) :-
GoalContextPieces = [],
- parse_goal(Body0, GoalContextPieces, MaybeBody, ProgVarSet0, ProgVarSet),
+ parse_goal(BodyTerm0, GoalContextPieces, MaybeBodyGoal,
+ ProgVarSet0, ProgVarSet),
- MaybeBody = ok1(Body),
+ MaybeBodyGoal = ok1(BodyGoal),
varset.coerce(ProgVarSet, VarSet),
- Head = term.functor(term.atom("="), [FuncHead0, FuncResult], _),
- FuncHead = desugar_field_access(FuncHead0)
+ HeadTerm = term.functor(term.atom("="),
+ [FuncHeadTerm0, FuncResultTerm], _),
+ FuncHeadTerm = desugar_field_access(FuncHeadTerm0)
HeadContextPieces = [words("In equation head:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FuncHead, Head,
- VarSet, HeadContextPieces, MaybeFunctor),
- process_func_clause(MaybeFunctor, FuncResult, ProgVarSet, Body,
- Context, Result)
- ;
- HeadContextPieces = [words("In clause head:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, Head, Term,
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FuncHeadTerm, HeadTerm,
VarSet, HeadContextPieces, MaybeFunctor),
- process_pred_clause(MaybeFunctor, ProgVarSet, Body, Context,
- Result)
- )
- ;
- MaybeBody = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
-:- pred process_pred_clause(maybe_functor::in, prog_varset::in, goal::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_pred_clause(MaybeFunctor, VarSet, Body, Context, MaybeItem) :-
- MaybeFunctor = ok2(Name, Args0),
- list.map(term.coerce, Args0, Args),
- ItemClause = item_clause_info(user, VarSet, pf_predicate, Name,
- Args, Body, Context),
+ MaybeFunctor = ok2(Name, ArgTerms0),
+ list.map(term.coerce, ArgTerms0 ++ [FuncResultTerm],
+ ProgArgTerms),
+ ItemClause = item_clause_info(user, ProgVarSet, pf_function,
+ Name, ProgArgTerms, BodyGoal, Context),
Item = item_clause(ItemClause),
MaybeItem = ok1(Item)
MaybeFunctor = error2(Specs),
MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
- ).
-:- pred process_func_clause(maybe_functor::in, term::in, prog_varset::in,
- goal::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_func_clause(MaybeFunctor, Result0, VarSet, Body, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ )
+ ;
+ HeadContextPieces = [words("In clause head:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, Term,
+ VarSet, HeadContextPieces, MaybeFunctor),
- MaybeFunctor = ok2(Name, Args0),
- list.append(Args0, [Result0], Args1),
- list.map(term.coerce, Args1, Args),
- ItemClause = item_clause_info(user, VarSet, pf_function, Name,
- Args, Body, Context),
+ MaybeFunctor = ok2(Name, ArgTerms),
+ list.map(term.coerce, ArgTerms, ProgArgTerms),
+ ItemClause = item_clause_info(user, ProgVarSet, pf_predicate,
+ Name, ProgArgTerms, BodyGoal, Context),
Item = item_clause(ItemClause),
MaybeItem = ok1(Item)
MaybeFunctor = error2(Specs),
MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeBodyGoal = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
@@ -1107,243 +1085,293 @@
:- type decl_attrs == assoc_list(decl_attribute, term.context).
parse_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Result) :-
- parse_decl_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, [], Result).
+ parse_attrs_and_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, [], Result).
- % parse_decl_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Attributes, Result):
+ % parse_attrs_and_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Attributes, Result):
% Succeeds if Term is a declaration and binds Result to a representation
% of that declaration. Attributes is a list of enclosing declaration
% attributes, in the order innermost to outermost.
-:- pred parse_decl_2(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, decl_attrs::in,
- maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_attrs_and_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-parse_decl_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Attributes, Result) :-
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom(Atom), Args, Context) ->
+parse_attrs_and_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, !.Attributes, MaybeItem) :-
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom(Functor), Args, Context) ->
- parse_decl_attribute(Atom, Args, Attribute, SubTerm)
+ parse_decl_attribute(Functor, Args, Attribute, SubTerm)
- NewAttributes = [Attribute - Context | Attributes],
- parse_decl_2(ModuleName, VarSet, SubTerm, NewAttributes, Result)
+ !:Attributes = [Attribute - Context | !.Attributes],
+ parse_attrs_and_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, SubTerm, !.Attributes,
+ MaybeItem)
- process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Atom, Args, Attributes, Context,
- ResultPrime)
+ parse_attributed_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Functor, Args,
+ !.Attributes, Context, MaybeItemPrime)
- ResultPrime = Result
+ MaybeItemPrime = MaybeItem
TermStr = mercury_term_to_string(VarSet, no, Term),
Pieces = [words("Error: unrecognized declaration:"), nl,
words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
Context = get_term_context(Term),
Pieces = [words("Error: atom expected after `:-'."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
- % process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Attributes, Atom, Args, Result):
+ % parse_attributed_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Functor, Args, Attributes,
+ % Context, Result):
% Succeeds if Atom(Args) is a declaration and binds Result to a
% representation of that declaration. Attributes is a list of
% enclosing declaration attributes, in the order outermost to innermost.
-:- pred process_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, string::in, list(term)::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is semidet.
-% XXX Break this up into one predicate per declaration,
-% with this predicate doing nothing except switching between them.
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "type", [TypeDecl], Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- parse_type_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, TypeDecl, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "pred", [PredDecl], Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- parse_type_decl_pred(ModuleName, VarSet, PredDecl, Attributes, Context,
- Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "func", [FuncDecl], Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- parse_type_decl_func(ModuleName, VarSet, FuncDecl, Attributes, Context,
- Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "mode", [ModeDecl], Attributes,
- Context, Result) :-
- parse_mode_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, ModeDecl, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "inst", [InstDecl], Attributes,
- Context, Result) :-
- parse_inst_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, InstDecl, Context, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, "import_module", [ModuleSpec], Attributes,
- Context, Result) :-
- parse_symlist_decl(parse_module_specifier(VarSet), make_import,
- ModuleSpec, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, "use_module", [ModuleSpec], Attributes,
- Context, Result) :-
- parse_symlist_decl(parse_module_specifier(VarSet), make_use,
- ModuleSpec, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, "export_module", [ModuleSpec], Attributes,
- Context, Result) :-
- parse_symlist_decl(parse_module_specifier(VarSet), make_export,
- ModuleSpec, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(_ModuleName, _VarSet, "interface", [], Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(md_interface, Context),
- Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn),
- Result0 = ok1(Item),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
+:- pred parse_attributed_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, string::in,
+ list(term)::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out)
+ is semidet.
-process_decl(_ModuleName, _VarSet, "implementation", [], Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(md_implementation, Context),
+parse_attributed_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Functor, ArgTerms, Attributes,
+ Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ (
+ Functor = "type",
+ ArgTerms = [TypeDefnTerm],
+ parse_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, TypeDefnTerm, Attributes, Context,
+ MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "inst",
+ ArgTerms = [InstDeclTerm],
+ parse_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, InstDeclTerm, Context, Result0),
+ check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "mode",
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm],
+ ( SubTerm = term.functor(term.atom("=="), [HeadTerm, BodyTerm], _) ->
+ % This is the definition of a mode.
+ parse_condition_suffix(BodyTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Condition),
+ parse_mode_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BeforeCondTerm,
+ ModeDefnResult),
+ process_maybe1(make_mode_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context),
+ ModeDefnResult, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ % This is the declaration of one mode of a predicate or function.
+ parse_mode_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, SubTerm, Attributes,
+ Context, MaybeItem)
+ )
+ ;
+ (
+ Functor = "pred",
+ PredOrFunc = pf_predicate
+ ;
+ Functor = "func",
+ PredOrFunc = pf_function
+ ),
+ ArgTerms = [DeclTerm],
+ parse_pred_or_func_decl(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, VarSet, DeclTerm,
+ Attributes, Context, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ (
+ Functor = "import_module",
+ Maker = make_import
+ ;
+ Functor = "use_module",
+ Maker = make_use
+ ;
+ Functor = "export_module",
+ Maker = make_export
+ ),
+ ArgTerms = [ModuleSpecTerm],
+ parse_symlist_decl(parse_module_specifier(VarSet), Maker,
+ ModuleSpecTerm, Attributes, Context, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ (
+ Functor = "interface",
+ ModuleDefn = md_interface
+ ;
+ Functor = "implementation",
+ ModuleDefn = md_implementation
+ ),
+ ArgTerms = [],
+ ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn),
- Result0 = ok1(Item),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "external", Args, Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "external",
- Args = [PredSpec],
- MaybeBackend = no
+ ArgTerms = [PredSpecTerm],
+ MaybeBackEnd = no
- Args = [BackendArg, PredSpec],
- BackendArg = term.functor(term.atom(Functor), [], _),
+ ArgTerms = [BackEndArgTerm, PredSpecTerm],
+ BackEndArgTerm = term.functor(term.atom(BackEndFunctor), [], _),
- Functor = "high_level_backend",
- Backend = high_level_backend
+ BackEndFunctor = "high_level_backend",
+ BackEnd = high_level_backend
- Functor = "low_level_backend",
- Backend = low_level_backend
+ BackEndFunctor = "low_level_backend",
+ BackEnd = low_level_backend
- MaybeBackend = yes(Backend)
+ MaybeBackEnd = yes(BackEnd)
parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name_specifier(ModuleName, VarSet,
- PredSpec, Result0),
- process_maybe1(make_external(MaybeBackend, Context), Result0, Result1),
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(DefaultModuleName, VarSet, "module", [ModuleName], Attributes,
- Context, Result) :-
- parse_module_name(DefaultModuleName, VarSet, ModuleName, Result0),
+ PredSpecTerm, MaybeSymSpec),
+ process_maybe1(make_external(MaybeBackEnd, Context),
+ MaybeSymSpec, MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "module",
+ ArgTerms = [ModuleNameTerm],
+ parse_module_name(ModuleName, VarSet, ModuleNameTerm,
+ MaybeModuleNameSym),
- Result0 = ok1(ModuleNameSym),
+ MaybeModuleNameSym = ok1(ModuleNameSym),
ModuleDefn = md_module(ModuleNameSym),
ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn),
- Result1 = ok1(Item)
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item)
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result1 = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeModuleNameSym = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(DefaultModuleName, VarSet, "include_module", [ModuleNames],
- Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- parse_list(parse_module_name(DefaultModuleName, VarSet), ModuleNames,
- Result0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "include_module",
+ ArgTerms = [ModuleNamesTerm],
+ parse_list(parse_module_name(ModuleName, VarSet), ModuleNamesTerm,
+ MaybeModuleNameSyms),
- Result0 = ok1(ModuleNameSyms),
+ MaybeModuleNameSyms = ok1(ModuleNameSyms),
ModuleDefn = md_include_module(ModuleNameSyms),
ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn),
- Result1 = ok1(Item)
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item)
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result1 = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeModuleNameSyms = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(DefaultModuleName, VarSet, "end_module", [ModuleName],
- Attributes, Context, Result) :-
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "end_module",
+ ArgTerms = [ModuleNameTerm],
% The name in an `end_module' declaration not inside the scope of the
- % module being ended, so the default module name here is the parent
- % of the previous default module name.
+ % module being ended, so the default module name here (ModuleName)
+ % is the parent of the previous default module name.
- sym_name_get_module_name_default(DefaultModuleName, RootModuleName,
- ParentOfDefaultModuleName),
- parse_module_name(ParentOfDefaultModuleName, VarSet, ModuleName, Result0),
+ sym_name_get_module_name_default(ModuleName, RootModuleName,
+ ParentOfModuleName),
+ parse_module_name(ParentOfModuleName, VarSet, ModuleNameTerm,
+ MaybeModuleNameSym),
- Result0 = ok1(ModuleNameSym),
+ MaybeModuleNameSym = ok1(ModuleNameSym),
ModuleDefn = md_end_module(ModuleNameSym),
ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn),
- Result1 = ok1(Item)
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item)
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result1 = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeModuleNameSym = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "pragma", Pragma, Attributes, Context,
- Result):-
- parse_pragma(ModuleName, VarSet, Pragma, Context, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "promise", Assertion, Attributes, Context,
- Result):-
- parse_promise(ModuleName, promise_type_true, VarSet,
- Assertion, Attributes, Context, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "promise_exclusive", PromiseGoal, Attributes,
- Context, Result):-
- parse_promise(ModuleName, promise_type_exclusive, VarSet,
- PromiseGoal, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "promise_exhaustive", PromiseGoal, Attributes,
- Context, Result):-
- parse_promise(ModuleName, promise_type_exhaustive, VarSet,
- PromiseGoal, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "promise_exclusive_exhaustive", PromiseGoal,
- Attributes, Context, Result):-
- parse_promise(ModuleName, promise_type_exclusive_exhaustive, VarSet,
- PromiseGoal, Attributes, Context, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "typeclass", Args, Attributes, Context,
- Result):-
- parse_typeclass(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, Result0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "pragma",
+ parse_pragma(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms, Context, MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
- Result0 = ok1(ItemTypeClass),
- Result1 = ok1(item_typeclass(ItemTypeClass))
+ Functor = "promise",
+ PromiseType = promise_type_true
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result1 = error1(Specs)
+ Functor = "promise_exclusive",
+ PromiseType = promise_type_exclusive
+ ;
+ Functor = "promise_exhaustive",
+ PromiseType = promise_type_exhaustive
+ ;
+ Functor = "promise_exclusive_exhaustive",
+ PromiseType = promise_type_exclusive_exhaustive
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "instance", Args, Attributes, Context,
- Result):-
- parse_instance(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, Result0),
+ parse_promise(ModuleName, PromiseType, VarSet, ArgTerms, Attributes,
+ Context, MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "typeclass",
+ parse_typeclass(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms, Context,
+ MaybeItemTypeClass),
- Result0 = ok1(ItemInstance),
- Result1 = ok1(item_instance(ItemInstance))
+ MaybeItemTypeClass = ok1(ItemTypeClass),
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(item_typeclass(ItemTypeClass))
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result1 = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeItemTypeClass = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
+ ),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "instance",
+ parse_instance(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms, Context,
+ MaybeItemInstance),
+ (
+ MaybeItemInstance = ok1(ItemInstance),
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(item_instance(ItemInstance))
+ ;
+ MaybeItemInstance = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
+ ),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ ( Functor = "initialise"
+ ; Functor = "initialize"
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm],
+ parse_initialise_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, SubTerm, Context,
+ MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ ( Functor = "finalise"
+ ; Functor = "finalize"
+ ),
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm],
+ parse_finalise_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, SubTerm, Context, MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "mutable",
+ parse_mutable_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms, Context, MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Functor = "version_numbers",
+ process_version_numbers(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms, Attributes,
+ Context, MaybeItem)
+ ).
+:- pred parse_symlist_decl(parser(module_specifier)::parser,
+ maker(list(module_specifier), module_defn)::maker,
+ term::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+parse_symlist_decl(ParserPred, MakeModuleDefnPred, Term, Attributes, Context,
+ MaybeItem) :-
+ parse_list(ParserPred, Term, MaybeModuleSpecs),
+ process_maybe1(make_module_defn(MakeModuleDefnPred, Context),
+ MaybeModuleSpecs, MaybeItem0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem).
+:- pred process_version_numbers(module_name::in, varset::in, list(term)::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is semidet.
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "version_numbers",
- [VersionNumberTerm, ModuleNameTerm, VersionNumbersTerm],
- Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- parse_module_specifier(VarSet, ModuleNameTerm, ModuleNameResult),
+process_version_numbers(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms, Attributes, Context,
+ Result) :-
+ ArgTerms = [VersionNumberTerm, ModuleNameTerm, VersionNumbersTerm],
+ parse_module_specifier(VarSet, ModuleNameTerm, MaybeModuleName),
VersionNumberTerm = term.functor(term.integer(VersionNumber), [], _),
VersionNumber = version_numbers_version_number
- ModuleNameResult = ok1(ModuleName),
+ MaybeModuleName = ok1(ModuleName),
@@ -1359,7 +1387,7 @@
% XXX _Spec
- ModuleNameResult = error1(_Spec),
+ MaybeModuleName = error1(_Spec),
Pieces = [words("Error: invalid module name in"),
quote(":- version_numbers"), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
@@ -1388,41 +1416,41 @@
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, InitDecl, Args, Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- ( InitDecl = "initialise" ; InitDecl = "initialize" ),
- parse_initialise_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, FinalDecl, Args, Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- ( FinalDecl = "finalise" ; FinalDecl = "finalize" ),
- parse_finalise_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
-process_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, "mutable", Args, Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- parse_mutable_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result).
:- pred parse_decl_attribute(string::in, list(term)::in, decl_attribute::out,
term::out) is semidet.
-parse_decl_attribute("impure", [Decl],
- decl_attr_purity(purity_impure), Decl).
-parse_decl_attribute("semipure", [Decl],
- decl_attr_purity(purity_semipure), Decl).
-parse_decl_attribute("<=", [Decl, Constraints],
- decl_attr_constraints(quant_type_univ, Constraints), Decl).
-parse_decl_attribute("=>", [Decl, Constraints],
- decl_attr_constraints(quant_type_exist, Constraints), Decl).
-parse_decl_attribute("some", [TVars, Decl],
- decl_attr_quantifier(quant_type_exist, TVarsList), Decl) :-
- parse_list_of_vars(TVars, TVarsList).
-parse_decl_attribute("all", [TVars, Decl],
- decl_attr_quantifier(quant_type_univ, TVarsList), Decl) :-
- parse_list_of_vars(TVars, TVarsList).
-parse_decl_attribute("solver", [Decl], decl_attr_solver_type, Decl).
+parse_decl_attribute(Functor, ArgTerms, Attribute, SubTerm) :-
+ (
+ Functor = "impure",
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm],
+ Attribute = decl_attr_purity(purity_impure)
+ ;
+ Functor = "semipure",
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm],
+ Attribute = decl_attr_purity(purity_semipure)
+ ;
+ Functor = "<=",
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm, ConstraintsTerm],
+ Attribute = decl_attr_constraints(quant_type_univ, ConstraintsTerm)
+ ;
+ Functor = "=>",
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm, ConstraintsTerm],
+ Attribute = decl_attr_constraints(quant_type_exist, ConstraintsTerm)
+ ;
+ Functor = "some",
+ ArgTerms = [TVarsTerm, SubTerm],
+ parse_list_of_vars(TVarsTerm, TVars),
+ Attribute = decl_attr_quantifier(quant_type_exist, TVars)
+ ;
+ Functor = "all",
+ ArgTerms = [TVarsTerm, SubTerm],
+ parse_list_of_vars(TVarsTerm, TVars),
+ Attribute = decl_attr_quantifier(quant_type_univ, TVars)
+ ;
+ Functor = "solver",
+ ArgTerms = [SubTerm],
+ Attribute = decl_attr_solver_type
+ ).
:- pred check_no_attributes(maybe1(T)::in, decl_attrs::in, maybe1(T)::out)
is det.
@@ -1456,178 +1484,111 @@
attribute_description(decl_attr_solver_type) = "solver type specifier".
+% Parsing type definitions.
-:- pred parse_promise(module_name::in, promise_type::in, varset::in,
- list(term)::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out)
- is semidet.
+:- type processed_type_body
+ ---> processed_type_body(
+ sym_name,
+ list(type_param),
+ type_defn
+ ).
-parse_promise(ModuleName, PromiseType, VarSet, [Term], Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet0),
- ContextPieces = [],
- parse_goal(Term, ContextPieces, MaybeGoal0, ProgVarSet0, ProgVarSet),
+ % parse_type_defn parses the definition of a type.
+ %
+:- pred parse_type_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, decl_attrs::in,
+ prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+parse_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, TypeDefnTerm, Attributes, Context,
+ MaybeItem) :-
- MaybeGoal0 = ok1(Goal0),
- % Get universally quantified variables.
+ TypeDefnTerm = term.functor(term.atom(Name), ArgTerms, _),
+ ArgTerms = [HeadTerm, BodyTerm],
+ ( Name = "--->"
+ ; Name = "=="
+ ; Name = "where"
+ )
+ ->
+ parse_condition_suffix(BodyTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Condition),
- PromiseType = promise_type_true,
- ( Goal0 = all_expr(UnivVars0, AllGoal) - _Context ->
- UnivVars0 = UnivVars,
- Goal = AllGoal
+ Name = "--->",
+ parse_du_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ HeadTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Attributes, MaybeProcessedTypeBody)
- UnivVars = [],
- Goal = Goal0
- )
+ Name = "==",
+ parse_eqv_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ HeadTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Attributes, MaybeProcessedTypeBody)
- ( PromiseType = promise_type_exclusive
- ; PromiseType = promise_type_exhaustive
- ; PromiseType = promise_type_exclusive_exhaustive
- ),
- get_quant_vars(quant_type_univ, ModuleName, Attributes, _,
- [], UnivVars0),
- list.map(term.coerce_var, UnivVars0, UnivVars),
- Goal0 = Goal
- ),
- ItemPromise = item_promise_info(PromiseType, Goal, ProgVarSet,
- UnivVars, Context),
- Item = item_promise(ItemPromise),
- Result = ok1(Item)
+ Name = "where",
+ parse_solver_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ HeadTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Attributes, MaybeProcessedTypeBody)
+ )
- MaybeGoal0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
-:- pred parse_type_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, decl_attrs::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-parse_type_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, TypeDecl, Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- (
- TypeDecl = term.functor(term.atom(Name), Args, _),
- parse_type_decl_type(ModuleName, VarSet, Name, Args, Attributes, Cond,
- TypeDeclResultPrime)
- ->
- TypeDeclResult = TypeDeclResultPrime,
- Cond1 = Cond
- ;
- process_abstract_type(ModuleName, VarSet, TypeDecl, Attributes,
- TypeDeclResult),
- Cond1 = cond_true
+ parse_abstract_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, TypeDefnTerm,
+ Attributes, MaybeProcessedTypeBody),
+ Condition = cond_true
% We should check the condition for errors (don't bother at the moment,
% since we ignore conditions anyhow :-).
- process_maybe1(make_type_defn(VarSet, Cond1, Context), TypeDeclResult,
- Result).
-:- pred make_type_defn(varset::in, condition::in, prog_context::in,
- processed_type_body::in, item::out) is det.
-make_type_defn(VarSet0, Cond, Context, ProcessedTypeBody, Item) :-
- ProcessedTypeBody = processed_type_body(Name, Args, TypeDefn),
- varset.coerce(VarSet0, VarSet),
- ItemTypeDefn = item_type_defn_info(VarSet, Name, Args, TypeDefn, Cond,
- Context),
- Item = item_type_defn(ItemTypeDefn).
-:- pred make_external(maybe(backend)::in, prog_context::in,
- sym_name_specifier::in, item::out) is det.
-make_external(MaybeBackend, Context, SymSpec, Item) :-
- ModuleDefn = md_external(MaybeBackend, SymSpec),
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
- Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
-:- pred get_is_solver_type(is_solver_type::out,
- decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out) is det.
-get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, !Attributes) :-
- ( !.Attributes = [decl_attr_solver_type - _ | !:Attributes] ->
- IsSolverType = solver_type
- ;
- IsSolverType = non_solver_type
- ).
+ process_maybe1(make_type_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody, MaybeItem).
+% Code dealing with definitions of discriminated union types.
- % parse_type_decl_type(Term, Condition, Result) succeeds if Term is
- % a "type" type declaration, and binds Condition to the condition for
- % that declaration (if any), and Result to a representation of the
- % declaration.
- %
-:- pred parse_type_decl_type(module_name::in, varset::in, string::in,
- list(term)::in, decl_attrs::in, condition::out,
- maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is semidet.
+ % parse_du_type_defn parses the definition of a discriminated union type.
+ %
+:- pred parse_du_type_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
-parse_type_decl_type(ModuleName, VarSet, Connective, [HeadTerm, BodyTerm],
- Attributes0, Condition, Result) :-
- (
- Connective = "--->",
- get_condition(BodyTerm, Body, Condition),
+parse_du_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Attributes0,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody) :-
get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, Attributes0, Attributes),
IsSolverType = solver_type,
- Pieces = [words("Error: a solver type:"),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: a solver type"),
words("cannot have data constructors."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1([Spec])
IsSolverType = non_solver_type,
- du_type_rhs_ctors_and_where_terms(Body, CtorsTerm, MaybeWhereTerm),
- CtorsResult = convert_constructors(ModuleName, VarSet, CtorsTerm),
- (
- CtorsResult = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- CtorsResult = ok1(Ctors),
- WhereResult = parse_type_decl_where_term(non_solver_type,
+ parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs),
+ du_type_rhs_ctors_and_where_terms(BodyTerm, CtorsTerm, MaybeWhereTerm),
+ MaybeCtors = parse_constructors(ModuleName, VarSet, CtorsTerm),
+ MaybeWhere = parse_type_decl_where_term(non_solver_type,
ModuleName, VarSet, MaybeWhereTerm),
+ % The code to process `where' attributes will return an error
+ % if solver attributes are given for a non-solver type. Because
+ % this is a du type, if the unification with WhereResult succeeds
+ % then _NoSolverTypeDetails is guaranteed to be `no'.
+ (
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = ok2(Functor, Params),
+ MaybeCtors = ok1(Ctors),
+ MaybeWhere = ok2(_NoSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp)
+ ->
+ process_du_ctors(Params, VarSet, BodyTerm, Ctors, [], CtorsSpecs),
- WhereResult = error2(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- % The code to process `where' attributes will return
- % an error result if solver attributes are given for
- % a non-solver type. Because this is a du type, if the
- % unification with WhereResult succeeds then
- % _NoSolverTypeDetails is guaranteed to be `no'.
- WhereResult = ok2(_NoSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp),
- process_du_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm,
- Ctors, MaybeUserEqComp, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result)
- )
- )
+ CtorsSpecs = [],
+ TypeDefn = parse_tree_du_type(Ctors, MaybeUserEqComp),
+ ProcessedTypeBody = processed_type_body(Functor, Params,
+ TypeDefn),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = ok1(ProcessedTypeBody),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeProcessedTypeBody0, Attributes,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody)
+ ;
+ CtorsSpecs = [_ | _],
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1(CtorsSpecs)
- Connective = "==",
- get_condition(BodyTerm, Body, Condition),
- process_eqv_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Body, Result0),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes0, Result)
- ;
- Connective = "where",
- get_condition(BodyTerm, Body, Condition),
- get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, Attributes0, Attributes),
- (
- IsSolverType = non_solver_type,
- Pieces = [words("Error: only solver types can be defined"),
- words("by a `where' block alone."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- IsSolverType = solver_type,
- Result0 = parse_type_decl_where_term(solver_type, ModuleName,
- VarSet, yes(Body)),
- (
- Result0 = error2(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result0 = ok2(MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp),
- process_solver_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
- MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp, Result1),
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result)
- )
+ Specs = get_any_errors2(MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeCtors) ++ get_any_errors2(MaybeWhere),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1(Specs)
@@ -1646,449 +1607,446 @@
MaybeWhereTerm = no
- % parse_type_decl_pred(ModuleName, VarSet, Pred, Attributes, Result)
- % succeeds if Pred is a predicate type declaration, and binds Result
- % to a representation of the declaration.
+ % Convert a list of terms separated by semi-colons (known as a
+ % "disjunction", even thought the terms aren't goals in this case)
+ % into a list of constructors.
-:- pred parse_type_decl_pred(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- func parse_constructors(module_name, varset, term) =
+ maybe1(list(constructor)).
-parse_type_decl_pred(ModuleName, VarSet, Pred, Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- get_condition(Pred, Body, Condition),
- get_determinism(VarSet, Body, Body2, MaybeDeterminism),
- get_with_inst(Body2, Body3, WithInst),
- get_with_type(VarSet, Body3, Body4, WithTypeResult),
- ( WithTypeResult = ok1(WithType),
- process_type_decl_pred_or_func(pf_predicate, ModuleName, WithType,
- WithInst, MaybeDeterminism, VarSet, Body4, Condition, Attributes,
- Context, Result)
- ;
- WithTypeResult = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
+parse_constructors(ModuleName, VarSet, Term) = MaybeConstructors :-
+ disjunction_to_list(Term, BodyTermList),
+ MaybeConstructors = parse_constructors_2(ModuleName, VarSet, BodyTermList).
-:- pred process_type_decl_pred_or_func(pred_or_func::in, module_name::in,
- maybe(mer_type)::in, maybe1(maybe(mer_inst))::in,
- maybe1(maybe(determinism))::in, varset::in, term::in, condition::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+ % True if the term is a valid list of constructors.
+ %
+:- func parse_constructors_2(module_name, varset, list(term)) =
+ maybe1(list(constructor)).
-process_type_decl_pred_or_func(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, WithType, WithInst0,
- MaybeDeterminism0, VarSet, Body, Condition, Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- (
- MaybeDeterminism0 = ok1(MaybeDeterminism),
- (
- WithInst0 = ok1(WithInst),
- ( MaybeDeterminism = yes(_), WithInst = yes(_) ->
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"),
- words("and determinism both specified."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Body), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ; WithInst = yes(_), WithType = no ->
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"),
- words("specified without"), quote("with_type"),
- suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Body), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+parse_constructors_2(_ModuleName, _, []) = ok1([]).
+parse_constructors_2(ModuleName, VarSet, [Head | Tail]) = MaybeConstructors :-
+ MaybeHeadConstructor = parse_constructor(ModuleName, VarSet, Head),
+ MaybeTailConstructors = parse_constructors_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Tail),
+ (
+ MaybeHeadConstructor = ok1(HeadConstructor),
+ MaybeTailConstructors = ok1(TailConstructors)
+ ->
+ Constructors = [HeadConstructor | TailConstructors],
+ MaybeConstructors = ok1(Constructors)
+ ;
+ Specs = get_any_errors1(MaybeHeadConstructor) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeTailConstructors),
+ MaybeConstructors = error1(Specs)
+ ).
+:- func parse_constructor(module_name, varset, term) = maybe1(constructor).
+parse_constructor(ModuleName, VarSet, Term) = MaybeConstructor :-
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("some"), [VarsTerm, SubTerm], _) ->
+ ( parse_list_of_vars(VarsTerm, ExistQVars) ->
+ list.map(term.coerce_var, ExistQVars, ExistQTVars),
+ MaybeConstructor = parse_constructor_2(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ ExistQTVars, Term, SubTerm)
- (
- % Function declarations with `with_type` annotations
- % have the same form as predicate declarations.
- PredOrFunc = pf_function,
- WithType = no
- ->
- process_func(ModuleName, VarSet, Body, Condition,
- MaybeDeterminism, Attributes, Context, Result)
- ;
- process_pred_decl(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, VarSet, Body,
- Condition, WithType, WithInst, MaybeDeterminism,
- Attributes, Context, Result)
- )
- )
- ;
- WithInst0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in variable list at"),
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(VarsTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeConstructor = error1([Spec])
- MaybeDeterminism0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
- % parse_type_decl_func(ModuleName, VarSet, Func, Attributes, Result)
- % succeeds if Func is a function type declaration, and binds Result to
- % a representation of the declaration.
- %
-:- pred parse_type_decl_func(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-parse_type_decl_func(ModuleName, VarSet, Func, Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- get_condition(Func, Body, Condition),
- get_determinism(VarSet, Body, Body2, MaybeDeterminism),
- get_with_inst(Body2, Body3, WithInst),
- get_with_type(VarSet, Body3, Body4, WithTypeResult),
- (
- WithTypeResult = ok1(WithType),
- process_type_decl_pred_or_func(pf_function, ModuleName,
- WithType, WithInst, MaybeDeterminism, VarSet, Body4,
- Condition, Attributes, Context, Result)
- ;
- WithTypeResult = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ ExistQVars = [],
+ MaybeConstructor = parse_constructor_2(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars,
+ Term, Term)
- % parse_mode_decl_pred(ModuleName, Pred, Condition, Result) succeeds
- % if Pred is a predicate mode declaration, and binds Condition to the
- % condition for that declaration (if any), and Result to a
- % representation of the declaration.
- %
-:- pred parse_mode_decl_pred(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- func parse_constructor_2(module_name, varset, list(tvar), term, term) =
+ maybe1(constructor).
-parse_mode_decl_pred(ModuleName, VarSet, Pred, Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- get_condition(Pred, Body, Condition),
- get_determinism(VarSet, Body, Body2, MaybeDeterminism0),
- get_with_inst(Body2, Body3, WithInst0),
- (
- MaybeDeterminism0 = ok1(MaybeDeterminism),
+parse_constructor_2(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars, ContainingTerm, Term)
+ = MaybeConstructor :-
+ get_existential_constraints_from_term(ModuleName, VarSet, Term,
+ BeforeConstraintsTerm, MaybeConstraints),
- WithInst0 = ok1(WithInst),
+ MaybeConstraints = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeConstructor = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeConstraints = ok1(Constraints),
- MaybeDeterminism = yes(_),
- WithInst = yes(_)
+ % Note that as a special case, one level of curly braces around
+ % the constructor are ignored. This is to allow you to define
+ % ';'/2 and 'some'/2 constructors.
+ BeforeConstraintsTerm = term.functor(term.atom("{}"),
+ [InsideBracesTerm], _Context)
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"),
- words("and determinism both specified."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Body), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MainTerm = InsideBracesTerm
- process_mode(ModuleName, VarSet, Body3, Condition, Attributes,
- WithInst, MaybeDeterminism, Context, Result)
- )
+ MainTerm = BeforeConstraintsTerm
+ ),
+ ContextPieces = [words("In constructor definition:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, MainTerm, ContainingTerm,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeFunctorAndArgTerms),
+ (
+ MaybeFunctorAndArgTerms = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeConstructor = error1(Specs)
- WithInst0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeFunctorAndArgTerms = ok2(Functor, ArgTerms),
+ MaybeConstructorArgs = convert_constructor_arg_list(ModuleName,
+ VarSet, ArgTerms),
+ (
+ MaybeConstructorArgs = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeConstructor = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeConstructorArgs = ok1(ConstructorArgs),
+ Ctor = ctor(ExistQVars, Constraints, Functor, ConstructorArgs,
+ get_term_context(MainTerm)),
+ MaybeConstructor = ok1(Ctor)
+ )
- ;
- MaybeDeterminism0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
-:- pred parse_initialise_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, list(term)::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is semidet.
+:- pred get_existential_constraints_from_term(module_name::in, varset::in,
+ term::in, term::out, maybe1(list(prog_constraint))::out) is det.
-parse_initialise_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, [Term], Context, Result) :-
- parse_symbol_name_specifier(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymNameSpecifier),
- (
- MaybeSymNameSpecifier = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- MaybeSymNameSpecifier = ok1(SymNameSpecifier),
- (
- SymNameSpecifier = name(_),
- TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("initialise"),
- words("declaration"), words("requires arity, found"),
- words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- SymNameSpecifier = name_arity(SymName, Arity),
+get_existential_constraints_from_term(ModuleName, VarSet, !PredTypeTerm,
+ MaybeExistentialConstraints) :-
- ( Arity = 0 ; Arity = 2 )
+ !.PredTypeTerm = term.functor(term.atom("=>"),
+ [!:PredTypeTerm, ExistentialConstraints], _)
- ItemInitialise = item_initialise_info(user, SymName, Arity,
- Context),
- Item = item_initialise(ItemInitialise),
- Result = ok1(Item)
+ parse_class_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistentialConstraints,
+ MaybeExistentialConstraints)
- TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("initialise"),
- words("declaration specifies a predicate"),
- words("whose arity is not zero or two:"),
- words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- )
- )
+ MaybeExistentialConstraints = ok1([])
-:- pred parse_finalise_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, list(term)::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is semidet.
+:- func convert_constructor_arg_list(module_name, varset, list(term)) =
+ maybe1(list(constructor_arg)).
-parse_finalise_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, [Term], Context, Result) :-
- parse_symbol_name_specifier(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymNameSpecifier),
+convert_constructor_arg_list(_, _, []) = ok1([]).
+convert_constructor_arg_list(ModuleName, VarSet, [Term | Terms])
+ = MaybeConstructorArgs :-
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("::"), [NameTerm, TypeTerm], _) ->
+ ContextPieces = [words("In field name:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, NameTerm, Term,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeSymNameAndArgs),
- MaybeSymNameSpecifier = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeConstructorArgs = error1(Specs)
- MaybeSymNameSpecifier = ok1(SymNameSpecifier),
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = ok2(SymName, SymNameArgs),
- SymNameSpecifier = name(_),
- TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("finalise"),
- words("declaration"), words("requires arity, found"),
- words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ SymNameArgs = [_ | _],
+ % XXX Should we add "... at function symbol ..."?
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in constructor name."),
+ nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- SymNameSpecifier = name_arity(SymName, Arity),
- (
- ( Arity = 0 ; Arity = 2 )
- ->
- ItemFinalise = item_finalise_info(user, SymName, Arity,
- Context),
- Item = item_finalise(ItemFinalise),
- Result = ok1(Item)
+ MaybeConstructorArgs = error1([Spec])
- TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("finalise"),
- words("declaration specifies a predicate"),
- words("whose arity is not zero or two:"),
- words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ SymNameArgs = [],
+ MaybeFieldName = yes(SymName),
+ MaybeConstructorArgs =
+ convert_constructor_arg_list_2(ModuleName,
+ VarSet, MaybeFieldName, TypeTerm, Terms)
+ ;
+ MaybeFieldName = no,
+ TypeTerm = Term,
+ MaybeConstructorArgs = convert_constructor_arg_list_2(ModuleName,
+ VarSet, MaybeFieldName, TypeTerm, Terms)
-% Mutable declarations
-% See prog_mutable.m for implementation details.
-:- pred parse_mutable_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, list(term)::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is semidet.
-parse_mutable_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, Terms, Context, Result) :-
- Terms = [NameTerm, TypeTerm, ValueTerm, InstTerm | OptMutAttrsTerm],
- parse_mutable_name(NameTerm, NameResult),
- parse_mutable_type(VarSet, TypeTerm, TypeResult),
- term.coerce(ValueTerm, Value),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet),
- parse_mutable_inst(VarSet, InstTerm, InstResult),
+:- func convert_constructor_arg_list_2(module_name, varset, maybe(sym_name),
+ term, list(term)) = maybe1(list(constructor_arg)).
- % The list of attributes is optional.
- (
- OptMutAttrsTerm = [],
- MutAttrsResult = ok1(default_mutable_attributes)
- ;
- OptMutAttrsTerm = [MutAttrsTerm],
- parse_mutable_attrs(VarSet, MutAttrsTerm, MutAttrsResult)
- ),
+convert_constructor_arg_list_2(ModuleName, VarSet, MaybeFieldName,
+ TypeTerm, Terms) = Result :-
+ ContextPieces = [words("In type definition:")],
+ parse_type(TypeTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, TypeResult),
- NameResult = ok1(Name),
TypeResult = ok1(Type),
- InstResult = ok1(Inst),
- MutAttrsResult = ok1(MutAttrs)
- ->
- % We *must* attach the varset to the mutable item because if the
- % initial value is non-ground, then the initial value will be a
- % variable and the mutable initialisation predicate will contain
- % references to it. Ignoring the varset may lead to later compiler
- % passes attempting to reuse this variable when fresh variables are
- % allocated.
- ItemMutable = item_mutable_info(Name, Type, Value, Inst, MutAttrs,
- ProgVarSet, Context),
- Item = item_mutable(ItemMutable),
- Result = ok1(Item)
+ Context = get_term_context(TypeTerm),
+ Arg = ctor_arg(MaybeFieldName, Type, Context),
+ Result0 = convert_constructor_arg_list(ModuleName, VarSet, Terms),
+ (
+ Result0 = error1(Specs),
+ Result = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ Result0 = ok1(Args),
+ Result = ok1([Arg | Args])
+ )
- Specs = get_any_errors1(NameResult) ++ get_any_errors1(TypeResult) ++
- get_any_errors1(InstResult) ++ get_any_errors1(MutAttrsResult),
+ TypeResult = error1(Specs),
Result = error1(Specs)
-:- pred parse_mutable_name(term::in, maybe1(string)::out) is det.
-parse_mutable_name(NameTerm, NameResult) :-
- ( NameTerm = term.functor(atom(Name), [], _) ->
- NameResult = ok1(Name)
- ;
- Pieces = [words("Error: invalid mutable name."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(NameTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- NameResult = error1([Spec])
- ).
+:- pred process_du_ctors(list(type_param)::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ list(constructor)::in, list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
-:- pred parse_mutable_type(varset::in, term::in, maybe1(mer_type)::out) is det.
+process_du_ctors(_Params, _, _, [], !Specs).
+process_du_ctors(Params, VarSet, BodyTerm, [Ctor | Ctors], !Specs) :-
+ Ctor = ctor(ExistQVars, Constraints, _CtorName, CtorArgs, _Context),
+ (
+ % Check that all type variables in the ctor are either explicitly
+ % existentially quantified or occur in the head of the type.
-parse_mutable_type(VarSet, TypeTerm, TypeResult) :-
- ( term.contains_var(TypeTerm, _) ->
- TypeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, TypeTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: the type in a mutable declaration"),
- words("cannot contain variables:"),
- words(TypeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ CtorArgTypes = list.map(func(C) = C ^ arg_type, CtorArgs),
+ type_vars_list(CtorArgTypes, VarsInCtorArgTypes0),
+ list.sort_and_remove_dups(VarsInCtorArgTypes0, VarsInCtorArgTypes),
+ list.filter(list.contains(ExistQVars ++ Params), VarsInCtorArgTypes,
+ _ExistQOrParamVars, NotExistQOrParamVars),
+ NotExistQOrParamVars = [_ | _]
+ ->
+ % There should be no duplicate names to remove.
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
+ NotExistQOrParamVarsStr =
+ mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, NotExistQOrParamVars),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: free type"),
+ words(choose_number(NotExistQOrParamVars,
+ "parameter", "parameters")),
+ words(NotExistQOrParamVarsStr),
+ words("in RHS of type definition."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(TypeTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- TypeResult = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
- ContextPieces = [],
- parse_type(TypeTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, TypeResult)
- ).
-:- pred parse_mutable_inst(varset::in, term::in, maybe1(mer_inst)::out) is det.
+ % Check that all type variables in existential quantifiers do not
+ % occur in the head (maybe this should just be a warning, not an error?
+ % If we were to allow it, we would need to rename them apart.)
-parse_mutable_inst(VarSet, InstTerm, InstResult) :-
- ( term.contains_var(InstTerm, _) ->
- InstTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, InstTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: the inst in a mutable declaration"),
- words("cannot contain variables:"),
- words(InstTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(InstTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- InstResult = error1([Spec])
- ; convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, InstTerm, Inst) ->
- InstResult = ok1(Inst)
+ set.list_to_set(ExistQVars, ExistQVarsSet),
+ set.list_to_set(Params, ParamsSet),
+ set.intersect(ExistQVarsSet, ParamsSet, ExistQParamsSet),
+ set.non_empty(ExistQParamsSet)
+ ->
+ % There should be no duplicate names to remove.
+ set.to_sorted_list(ExistQParamsSet, ExistQParams),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
+ ExistQParamVarsStr =
+ mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, ExistQParams),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"),
+ words(choose_number(ExistQParams,
+ "type variable", "type variables")),
+ words(ExistQParamVarsStr),
+ words(choose_number(ExistQParams, "has", "have")),
+ words("overlapping scopes"),
+ words("(explicit type quantifier shadows argument type)."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
- Pieces = [words("Error: invalid inst in mutable declaration."), nl],
+ % Check that all type variables in existential quantifiers occur
+ % somewhere in the constructor argument types or constraints.
+ CtorArgTypes = list.map(func(C) = C ^ arg_type, CtorArgs),
+ type_vars_list(CtorArgTypes, VarsInCtorArgTypes0),
+ list.sort_and_remove_dups(VarsInCtorArgTypes0, VarsInCtorArgTypes),
+ constraint_list_get_tvars(Constraints, ConstraintTVars),
+ list.filter(list.contains(VarsInCtorArgTypes ++ ConstraintTVars),
+ ExistQVars, _OccursExistQVars, NotOccursExistQVars),
+ NotOccursExistQVars = [_ | _]
+ ->
+ % There should be no duplicate names to remove.
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
+ NotOccursExistQVarsStr =
+ mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, NotOccursExistQVars),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"),
+ words(choose_number(NotOccursExistQVars,
+ "type variable", "type variables")),
+ words(NotOccursExistQVarsStr),
+ words("in existential quantifier"),
+ words(choose_number(NotOccursExistQVars,
+ "does not occur", "do not occur")),
+ words("in arguments or constraints of constructor."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(InstTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- InstResult = error1([Spec])
- ).
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
+ ;
+ % Check that all type variables in existential constraints occur in
+ % the existential quantifiers.
-:- type collected_mutable_attribute
- ---> mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed)
- ; mutable_attr_foreign_name(foreign_name)
- ; mutable_attr_attach_to_io_state(bool)
- ; mutable_attr_constant(bool)
- ; mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local).
+ ConstraintArgTypeLists =
+ list.map(prog_constraint_get_arg_types, Constraints),
+ list.condense(ConstraintArgTypeLists, ConstraintArgTypes),
+ type_vars_list(ConstraintArgTypes, VarsInCtorArgTypes0),
+ list.sort_and_remove_dups(VarsInCtorArgTypes0, VarsInCtorArgTypes),
+ list.filter(list.contains(ExistQVars), VarsInCtorArgTypes,
+ _ExistQArgTypes, NotExistQArgTypes),
+ NotExistQArgTypes = [_ | _]
+ ->
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
+ NotExistQArgTypesStr =
+ mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, NotExistQArgTypes),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"),
+ words(choose_number(NotExistQArgTypes,
+ "type variable", "type variables")),
+ words(NotExistQArgTypesStr),
+ words("in class constraints,"),
+ words(choose_number(NotExistQArgTypes,
+ "which was", "which were")),
+ words("introduced with"), quote("=>"),
+ words("must be explicitly existentially quantified"),
+ words("using"), quote("some"), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ process_du_ctors(Params, VarSet, BodyTerm, Ctors, !Specs).
-:- pred parse_mutable_attrs(varset::in, term::in,
- maybe1(mutable_var_attributes)::out) is det.
-parse_mutable_attrs(VarSet, MutAttrsTerm, MutAttrsResult) :-
- Attributes0 = default_mutable_attributes,
- ConflictingAttributes = [
- mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed) -
- mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_untrailed),
- mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed) -
- mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local),
- mutable_attr_constant(yes) - mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed),
- mutable_attr_constant(yes) - mutable_attr_attach_to_io_state(yes),
- mutable_attr_constant(yes) -
- mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local)
- ],
+ % parse_eqv_type_defn parses the definition of an equivalence type.
+ %
+:- pred parse_eqv_type_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
+parse_eqv_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Attributes,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody) :-
+ parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, MaybeNameParams),
- list_term_to_term_list(MutAttrsTerm, MutAttrTerms),
- map_parser(parse_mutable_attr, MutAttrTerms, MaybeAttrList),
- MaybeAttrList = ok1(CollectedMutAttrs)
- ->
- % We check for trailed/untrailed, constant/trailed,
- % trailed/thread_local, constant/attach_to_io_state,
- % constant/thread_local conflicts here and deal with conflicting
- % foreign_name attributes in make_hlds_passes.m.
+ MaybeNameParams = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeNameParams = ok2(Name, Params),
+ % Check that all the variables in the body occur in the head.
- list.member(Conflict1 - Conflict2, ConflictingAttributes),
- list.member(Conflict1, CollectedMutAttrs),
- list.member(Conflict2, CollectedMutAttrs)
+ term.contains_var(BodyTerm, Var),
+ term.coerce_var(Var, TVar),
+ not list.member(TVar, Params)
- % XXX Should generate more specific error message.
- MutAttrsStr = mercury_term_to_string(VarSet, no, MutAttrsTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: conflicting attributes"),
- words("in attribute list:"), nl,
- words(MutAttrsStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ BodyTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, BodyTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: free type parameter"),
+ words("in RHS of type definition:"),
+ words(BodyTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(MutAttrsTerm),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
- MutAttrsResult = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = error1([Spec])
- list.foldl(process_mutable_attribute, CollectedMutAttrs,
- Attributes0, Attributes),
- MutAttrsResult = ok1(Attributes)
- )
+ % XXX Should pass more correct ContextPieces.
+ ContextPieces = [],
+ parse_type(BodyTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeType),
+ (
+ MaybeType = ok1(Type),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = ok1(processed_type_body(Name, Params,
+ parse_tree_eqv_type(Type)))
- MutAttrsStr = mercury_term_to_string(VarSet, no, MutAttrsTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: malformed attribute list"),
- words("in mutable declaration:"),
- words(MutAttrsStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(MutAttrsTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- MutAttrsResult = error1([Spec])
- ).
+ MaybeType = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = error1(Specs)
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeProcessedTypeBody0, Attributes,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody).
-:- pred process_mutable_attribute(collected_mutable_attribute::in,
- mutable_var_attributes::in, mutable_var_attributes::out) is det.
-process_mutable_attribute(mutable_attr_trailed(Trailed), !Attributes) :-
- set_mutable_var_trailed(Trailed, !Attributes).
- !Attributes) :-
- set_mutable_add_foreign_name(ForeignName, !Attributes).
- !Attributes) :-
- set_mutable_var_attach_to_io_state(AttachToIOState, !Attributes).
-process_mutable_attribute(mutable_attr_constant(Constant), !Attributes) :-
- set_mutable_var_constant(Constant, !Attributes),
+ % parse_solver_type_defn parses the definition of a solver type.
+ %
+:- pred parse_solver_type_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
+parse_solver_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Attributes0,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody) :-
+ get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, Attributes0, Attributes),
- Constant = yes,
- set_mutable_var_trailed(mutable_untrailed, !Attributes),
- set_mutable_var_attach_to_io_state(no, !Attributes)
+ IsSolverType = non_solver_type,
+ Pieces = [words("Error: only solver types can be defined"),
+ words("by a `where' block alone."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1([Spec])
- Constant = no
+ IsSolverType = solver_type,
+ MaybeWhere = parse_type_decl_where_term(solver_type, ModuleName,
+ VarSet, yes(BodyTerm)),
+ (
+ MaybeWhere = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeWhere = ok2(MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp),
+ parse_solver_type_base(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
+ MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeProcessedTypeBody0, Attributes,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody)
+ )
-process_mutable_attribute(mutable_attr_thread_local(ThrLocal), !Attributes) :-
- set_mutable_var_thread_local(ThrLocal, !Attributes).
-:- pred parse_mutable_attr(term::in,
- maybe1(collected_mutable_attribute)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_solver_type_base(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ maybe(solver_type_details)::in, maybe(unify_compare)::in,
+ maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
-parse_mutable_attr(MutAttrTerm, MutAttrResult) :-
+parse_solver_type_base(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
+ MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp, MaybeProcessedTypeBody) :-
- MutAttrTerm = term.functor(term.atom(String), [], _),
+ MaybeSolverTypeDetails = yes(SolverTypeDetails),
+ parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, MaybeNameParams),
- String = "untrailed",
- MutAttr = mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_untrailed)
- ;
- String = "trailed",
- MutAttr = mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed)
- ;
- String = "attach_to_io_state",
- MutAttr = mutable_attr_attach_to_io_state(yes)
- ;
- String = "constant",
- MutAttr = mutable_attr_constant(yes)
+ MaybeNameParams = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1(Specs)
- String = "thread_local",
- MutAttr = mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local)
- )
+ MaybeNameParams = ok2(Name, Params),
+ (
+ RepnType = SolverTypeDetails ^ representation_type,
+ type_contains_var(RepnType, Var),
+ not list.member(Var, Params)
- MutAttrResult = ok1(MutAttr)
+ HeadTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, HeadTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: free type variable"),
+ words("in representation type:"),
+ words(HeadTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1([Spec])
- MutAttrTerm = term.functor(term.atom("foreign_name"), Args, _),
- Args = [LangTerm, ForeignNameTerm],
- parse_foreign_language(LangTerm, Lang),
- ForeignNameTerm = term.functor(term.string(ForeignName), [], _)
- ->
- MutAttr = mutable_attr_foreign_name(foreign_name(Lang, ForeignName)),
- MutAttrResult = ok1(MutAttr)
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = ok1(processed_type_body(Name, Params,
+ parse_tree_solver_type(SolverTypeDetails,
+ MaybeUserEqComp)))
+ )
+ )
- Pieces = [words("Error: unrecognised attribute"),
- words("in mutable declaration."), nl],
+ MaybeSolverTypeDetails = no,
+ Pieces = [words("Solver type with no solver_type_details."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(MutAttrTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- MutAttrResult = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody = error1([Spec])
+% Parse an abstract type definition.
+:- pred parse_abstract_type_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
+parse_abstract_type_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Attributes0,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody) :-
+ parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs),
+ get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, Attributes0, Attributes),
+ (
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = ok2(Functor, Params),
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody0 = ok1(processed_type_body(Functor, Params,
+ parse_tree_abstract_type(IsSolverType)))
+ ),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeProcessedTypeBody0, Attributes,
+ MaybeProcessedTypeBody).
+% Parse ... where ... clauses in type definitions. These clauses can specify
+% type-specific unify and/or compare predicates for discriminated union types
+% and solver type details for solver types.
% The optional `where ...' part of the type definition syntax
% is a comma separated list of special type `attributes'.
@@ -2107,17 +2065,17 @@
% - `comparison is <<pred name>>' (optional).
parse_type_decl_where_part_if_present(IsSolverType, ModuleName, VarSet,
- Term0, Term, Result) :-
+ Term, BeforeWhereTerm, MaybeWhereDetails) :-
- Term0 = term.functor(term.atom("where"), Args0, _Context),
- Args0 = [Term1, WhereTerm]
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("where"),
+ [BeforeWhereTermPrime, WhereTerm], _)
- Term = Term1,
- Result = parse_type_decl_where_term(IsSolverType, ModuleName,
- VarSet, yes(WhereTerm))
+ BeforeWhereTerm = BeforeWhereTermPrime,
+ MaybeWhereDetails = parse_type_decl_where_term(IsSolverType,
+ ModuleName, VarSet, yes(WhereTerm))
- Term = Term0,
- Result = ok2(no, no)
+ BeforeWhereTerm = Term,
+ MaybeWhereDetails = ok2(no, no)
% The maybe2 wrapper allows us to return an error code or a pair
@@ -2137,82 +2095,82 @@
some [!MaybeTerm] (
!:MaybeTerm = MaybeTerm0,
- TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeTypeIsAbstractNoncanonical, !MaybeTerm),
parse_where_type_is(ModuleName, VarSet)),
- RepresentationIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeRepresentationIs, !MaybeTerm),
- InitialisationIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeInitialisationIs, !MaybeTerm),
- GroundIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeGroundIs, !MaybeTerm),
- AnyIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeAnyIs, !MaybeTerm),
- CStoreIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeCStoreIs, !MaybeTerm),
parse_where_pred_is(ModuleName, VarSet)),
- EqualityIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
+ MaybeEqualityIs, !MaybeTerm),
parse_where_pred_is(ModuleName, VarSet)),
- ComparisonIsResult, !MaybeTerm),
- parse_where_end(!.MaybeTerm, WhereEndResult)
+ MaybeComparisonIs, !MaybeTerm),
+ parse_where_end(!.MaybeTerm, MaybeWhereEnd)
MaybeWhereDetails = make_maybe_where_details(
- TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalResult,
- RepresentationIsResult,
- InitialisationIsResult,
- GroundIsResult,
- AnyIsResult,
- CStoreIsResult,
- EqualityIsResult,
- ComparisonIsResult,
- WhereEndResult,
+ MaybeTypeIsAbstractNoncanonical,
+ MaybeRepresentationIs,
+ MaybeInitialisationIs,
+ MaybeGroundIs,
+ MaybeAnyIs,
+ MaybeCStoreIs,
+ MaybeEqualityIs,
+ MaybeComparisonIs,
+ MaybeWhereEnd,
- % parse_where_attribute(Parser, Result, MaybeTerm0, MaybeTerm)
+ % parse_where_attribute(Parser, Result, MaybeTerm, MaybeTailTerm)
% handles
- % - where MaybeTerm0 may contain nothing
- % - where MaybeTerm0 may be a comma-separated pair
+ % - where MaybeTerm may contain nothing
+ % - where MaybeTerm may be a comma-separated pair
% - applies Parser to the appropriate (sub)term to obtain Result
- % - sets MaybeTerm depending upon whether the Result is an error
- % or not and whether there is more to parse because MaybeTerm0
+ % - sets MaybeTailTerm depending upon whether the Result is an error
+ % or not and whether there is more to parse because MaybeTerm
% was a comma-separated pair.
:- pred parse_where_attribute((func(term) = maybe1(maybe(T)))::in,
maybe1(maybe(T))::out, maybe(term)::in, maybe(term)::out) is det.
-parse_where_attribute(Parser, Result, MaybeTerm0, MaybeRest) :-
+parse_where_attribute(Parser, Result, MaybeTerm, MaybeTailTerm) :-
- MaybeTerm0 = no,
- MaybeRest = no,
+ MaybeTerm = no,
+ MaybeTailTerm = no,
Result = ok1(no)
- MaybeTerm0 = yes(Term0),
+ MaybeTerm = yes(Term),
- Term0 = term.functor(term.atom(","), [Term1, Term], _Context)
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom(","), [HeadTerm, TailTerm], _)
- Result = Parser(Term1),
- MaybeRestIfYes = yes(Term)
+ Result = Parser(HeadTerm),
+ MaybeTailTermIfYes = yes(TailTerm)
- Result = Parser(Term0),
- MaybeRestIfYes = no
+ Result = Parser(Term),
+ MaybeTailTermIfYes = no
Result = error1(_),
- MaybeRest = no
+ MaybeTailTerm = no
Result = ok1(no),
- MaybeRest = yes(Term0)
+ MaybeTailTerm = yes(Term)
Result = ok1(yes(_)),
- MaybeRest = MaybeRestIfYes
+ MaybeTailTerm = MaybeTailTermIfYes
@@ -2246,10 +2204,7 @@
:- func parse_where_type_is_abstract_noncanonical(term) = maybe1(maybe(unit)).
parse_where_type_is_abstract_noncanonical(Term) =
- (
- Term = term.functor(term.atom("type_is_abstract_noncanonical"), [],
- _Context)
- ->
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("type_is_abstract_noncanonical"), [], _) ->
@@ -2260,8 +2215,7 @@
parse_where_initialisation_is(ModuleName, VarSet, Term) = Result :-
Result0 = parse_where_is("initialisation",
- parse_where_pred_is(ModuleName, VarSet),
- Term),
+ parse_where_pred_is(ModuleName, VarSet), Term),
Result0 = ok1(no)
@@ -2303,8 +2257,8 @@
parse_where_inst_is(_ModuleName, Term) = Result :-
- prog_io_util.convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, Term, Inst),
- not prog_mode.inst_contains_unconstrained_var(Inst)
+ convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, Term, Inst),
+ not inst_contains_unconstrained_var(Inst)
Result = ok1(Inst)
@@ -2323,42 +2277,41 @@
:- func parse_where_mutable_is(module_name, term) = maybe1(list(item)).
-parse_where_mutable_is(ModuleName, Term) = Result :-
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("mutable"), _Args, _Ctxt) ->
- parse_mutable_decl_term(ModuleName, Term, Result0),
+parse_where_mutable_is(ModuleName, Term) = MaybeItems :-
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("mutable"), _, _) ->
+ parse_mutable_decl_term(ModuleName, Term, MaybeItem),
- Result0 = ok1(Mutable),
- Result = ok1([Mutable])
+ MaybeItem = ok1(Mutable),
+ MaybeItems = ok1([Mutable])
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeItems = error1(Specs)
; list_term_to_term_list(Term, Terms) ->
- map_parser(parse_mutable_decl_term(ModuleName), Terms, Result)
+ map_parser(parse_mutable_decl_term(ModuleName), Terms, MaybeItems)
Pieces = [words("Error: expected a mutable declaration"),
words("or a list of mutable declarations."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItems = error1([Spec])
:- pred parse_mutable_decl_term(module_name::in, term::in, maybe1(item)::out)
is det.
-parse_mutable_decl_term(ModuleName, Term, Result) :-
+parse_mutable_decl_term(ModuleName, Term, MaybeItem) :-
Term = term.functor(term.atom("mutable"), Args, Context),
- parse_mutable_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, Result0)
+ parse_mutable_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Args, Context, MaybeItemPrime)
- Result = Result0
+ MaybeItem = MaybeItemPrime
Pieces = [words("Error: expected a mutable declaration."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
:- pred parse_where_end(maybe(term)::in, maybe1(maybe(unit))::out) is det.
@@ -2378,42 +2331,38 @@
maybe1(maybe(unit)), term)
= maybe2(maybe(solver_type_details), maybe(unify_compare)).
-make_maybe_where_details(IsSolverType, TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalResult,
- RepresentationIsResult, InitialisationIsResult,
- GroundIsResult, AnyIsResult, CStoreIsResult,
- EqualityIsResult, ComparisonIsResult, WhereEndResult, WhereTerm)
- = Result :-
- (
- TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalResult = ok1(TypeIsAbstractNoncanonical),
- RepresentationIsResult = ok1(RepresentationIs),
- InitialisationIsResult = ok1(InitialisationIs),
- GroundIsResult = ok1(GroundIs),
- AnyIsResult = ok1(AnyIs),
- CStoreIsResult = ok1(CStoreIs),
- EqualityIsResult = ok1(EqualityIs),
- ComparisonIsResult = ok1(ComparisonIs),
- WhereEndResult = ok1(WhereEnd)
+make_maybe_where_details(IsSolverType, MaybeTypeIsAbstractNoncanonical,
+ MaybeRepresentationIs, MaybeInitialisationIs,
+ MaybeGroundIs, MaybeAnyIs, MaybeCStoreIs,
+ MaybeEqualityIs, MaybeComparisonIs, MaybeWhereEnd, WhereTerm)
+ = MaybeSolverUC :-
+ (
+ MaybeTypeIsAbstractNoncanonical = ok1(TypeIsAbstractNoncanonical),
+ MaybeRepresentationIs = ok1(RepresentationIs),
+ MaybeInitialisationIs = ok1(InitialisationIs),
+ MaybeGroundIs = ok1(GroundIs),
+ MaybeAnyIs = ok1(AnyIs),
+ MaybeCStoreIs = ok1(CStoreIs),
+ MaybeEqualityIs = ok1(EqualityIs),
+ MaybeComparisonIs = ok1(ComparisonIs),
+ MaybeWhereEnd = ok1(WhereEnd)
- Result = make_maybe_where_details_2(IsSolverType,
+ MaybeSolverUC = make_maybe_where_details_2(IsSolverType,
TypeIsAbstractNoncanonical, RepresentationIs, InitialisationIs,
GroundIs, AnyIs, CStoreIs, EqualityIs, ComparisonIs,
WhereEnd, WhereTerm)
- TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalSpecs =
- get_any_errors1(TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalResult),
- RepresentationIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(RepresentationIsResult),
- InitialisationIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(InitialisationIsResult),
- GroundIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(GroundIsResult),
- AnyIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(AnyIsResult),
- CStoreIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(CStoreIsResult),
- EqualityIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(EqualityIsResult),
- ComparisonIsSpecs = get_any_errors1(ComparisonIsResult),
- WhereEndSpecs = get_any_errors1(WhereEndResult),
- Specs = TypeIsAbstractNoncanonicalSpecs ++ RepresentationIsSpecs ++
- InitialisationIsSpecs ++ GroundIsSpecs ++ AnyIsSpecs ++
- CStoreIsSpecs ++ EqualityIsSpecs ++ ComparisonIsSpecs ++
- WhereEndSpecs,
- Result = error2(Specs)
+ Specs =
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeTypeIsAbstractNoncanonical) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeRepresentationIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeInitialisationIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeGroundIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeAnyIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeCStoreIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeEqualityIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeComparisonIs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeWhereEnd),
+ MaybeSolverUC = error2(Specs)
:- func make_maybe_where_details_2(is_solver_type, maybe(unit),
@@ -2424,7 +2373,7 @@
make_maybe_where_details_2(IsSolverType, TypeIsAbstractNoncanonical,
RepresentationIs, InitialisationIs, GroundIs, AnyIs, CStoreIs,
- EqualityIs, ComparisonIs, _WhereEnd, WhereTerm) = Result :-
+ EqualityIs, ComparisonIs, _WhereEnd, WhereTerm) = MaybeSolverUC :-
TypeIsAbstractNoncanonical = yes(_),
% rafe: XXX I think this is wrong. There isn't a problem with having
@@ -2438,7 +2387,8 @@
ComparisonIs = maybe.no,
CStoreIs = maybe.no
- Result = ok2(no, yes(abstract_noncanonical_type(IsSolverType)))
+ MaybeSolverUC =
+ ok2(no, yes(abstract_noncanonical_type(IsSolverType)))
Pieces = [words("Error:"),
quote("where type_is_abstract_noncanonical"),
@@ -2446,7 +2396,7 @@
words("attributes."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(WhereTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSolverUC = error2([Spec])
TypeIsAbstractNoncanonical = maybe.no,
@@ -2498,7 +2448,7 @@
MaybeUnifyCompare = yes(unify_compare(
MaybeEqPred, MaybeCmpPred))
- Result = ok2(MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUnifyCompare)
+ MaybeSolverUC = ok2(MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUnifyCompare)
RepresentationIs = no
@@ -2507,7 +2457,7 @@
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSolverUC = error2([Spec])
unexpected(this_file, "make_maybe_where_details_2: " ++
"shouldn't have reached this point! (1)")
@@ -2527,658 +2477,485 @@
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSolverUC = error2([Spec])
EqualityIs = MaybeEqPred,
ComparisonIs = MaybeCmpPred,
- Result = ok2(no, yes(unify_compare(MaybeEqPred, MaybeCmpPred)))
+ MaybeSolverUC =
+ ok2(no, yes(unify_compare(MaybeEqPred, MaybeCmpPred)))
- % get_determinism(VarSet, BodyTerm0, BodyTerm, MaybeMaybeDeterminism) binds
- % MaybeMaybeDeterminism to ok1(yes()) wrapped around the determinism
- % of BodyTerm0, if any, and binds BodyTerm to the other part of BodyTerm0.
- % If BodyTerm0 does not contain a determinism, then MaybeMaybeDeterminism
- % is bound to ok1(no).
- %
-:- pred get_determinism(varset::in, term::in, term::out,
- maybe1(maybe(determinism))::out) is det.
+% Predicates useful for parsing several kinds of type definitions.
-get_determinism(VarSet, BodyTerm0, BodyTerm, MaybeMaybeDeterminism) :-
+parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs) :-
- BodyTerm0 = term.functor(term.atom("is"), Args, _),
- Args = [BodyTerm1, DeterminismTerm]
- ->
- BodyTerm = BodyTerm1,
+ HeadTerm = term.variable(_, Context),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: variable on LHS of type definition."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = error2([Spec])
+ ;
+ HeadTerm = term.functor(_, _, HeadContext),
+ ContextPieces = [words("In type definition:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, HeadTerm,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, HeadResult),
- DeterminismTerm = term.functor(term.atom(DeterminismFunctor),
- [], _),
- standard_det(DeterminismFunctor, Determinism)
- ->
- MaybeMaybeDeterminism = ok1(yes(Determinism))
+ HeadResult = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = error2(Specs)
- BodyTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, BodyTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: invalid determinism category"),
- words(BodyTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ HeadResult = ok2(Name, ArgTerms),
+ % Check that all the head args are variables.
+ ( term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Params0) ->
+ % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
+ (
+ list.member(_, Params0, [Param | OtherParams]),
+ list.member(Param, OtherParams)
+ ->
+ Pieces = [words("Error: repeated type parameters"),
+ words("in LHS of type definition."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(DeterminismTerm),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
- MaybeMaybeDeterminism = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(HeadContext, [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = error2([Spec])
+ ;
+ list.map(term.coerce_var, Params0, Params),
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = ok2(Name, Params)
- BodyTerm = BodyTerm0,
- MaybeMaybeDeterminism = ok1(no)
+ HeadTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, HeadTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: type parameters must be variables:"),
+ words(HeadTermStr), suffix(".") ,nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(HeadContext, [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeTypeCtorAndArgs = error2([Spec])
+ )
+ )
+ ).
+% Parsing inst definitions.
+:- type processed_inst_body
+ ---> processed_inst_body(
+ sym_name,
+ list(inst_var),
+ inst_defn
- % Process the `with_inst` part of a declaration of the form:
- % :- mode p(int) `with_inst` (pred(in, out) is det).
+ % Parse a `:- inst <InstDefn>.' declaration.
-:- pred get_with_inst(term::in, term::out, maybe1(maybe(mer_inst))::out)
- is det.
+:- pred parse_inst_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-get_with_inst(BodyTerm0, BodyTerm, WithInst) :-
+parse_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ % XXX Some of the tests here could be factored out.
- BodyTerm0 = term.functor(term.atom("with_inst"),
- [BodyTerm1, InstTerm], _)
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("=="), [HeadTerm, BodyTerm], _)
- ( convert_inst(allow_constrained_inst_var, InstTerm, Inst) ->
- WithInst = ok1(yes(Inst))
+ parse_condition_suffix(BodyTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Condition),
+ parse_inst_defn_base(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BeforeCondTerm,
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody),
+ process_maybe1(make_inst_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody, MaybeItem)
- Pieces = [words("Error: invalid inst in"), quote("with_inst"),
- suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm0), [always(Pieces)])]),
- WithInst = error1([Spec])
- ),
- BodyTerm = BodyTerm1
+ % XXX This is for `abstract inst' declarations,
+ % which are not really supported.
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("is"), Args, _),
+ Args = [HeadTerm, term.functor(term.atom("private"), [], _)]
+ ->
+ Condition = cond_true,
+ parse_abstract_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody),
+ process_maybe1(make_inst_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("--->"), [HeadTerm, BodyTerm], _)
+ ->
+ parse_condition_suffix(BodyTerm, BeforeCondTerm, Condition),
+ BoundBeforeCondTerm =
+ term.functor(term.atom("bound"), [BeforeCondTerm], Context),
+ parse_inst_defn_base(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BoundBeforeCondTerm,
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody),
+ % We should check the condition for errors. We don't bother
+ % at the moment, since we ignore conditions anyhow :-)
+ process_maybe1(make_inst_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody, MaybeItem)
- BodyTerm = BodyTerm0,
- WithInst = ok1(no)
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("=="), words("expected in"),
+ quote(":- inst"), words("definition."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
-:- pred get_with_type(varset::in, term::in, term::out,
- maybe1(maybe(mer_type))::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_inst_defn_base(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
+ maybe1(processed_inst_body)::out) is det.
-get_with_type(VarSet, BodyTerm0, BodyTerm, Result) :-
+parse_inst_defn_base(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm,
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody) :-
+ ContextPieces = [words("In inst definition:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, BodyTerm,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeNameAndArgs),
- BodyTerm0 = term.functor(TypeQualifier, [BodyTerm1, TypeTerm1], _),
+ MaybeNameAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeNameAndArgs = ok2(Name, ArgTerms),
- TypeQualifier = term.atom("with_type")
+ % Check that all the head args are variables.
+ term.term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Args)
+ ->
+ (
+ % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
+ list.member(Arg2, Args, [Arg2 | OtherArgs]),
+ list.member(Arg2, OtherArgs)
+ ->
+ % XXX Should improve the error message here.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: repeated inst parameters"),
+ words("in LHS of inst definition."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
- TypeQualifier = term.atom(":")
+ % Check that all the variables in the body occur in the head.
+ term.contains_var(BodyTerm, Var2),
+ \+ list.member(Var2, Args)
+ ->
+ Pieces = [words("Error: free inst parameter"),
+ words("in RHS of inst definition."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
+ ;
+ % Check that the inst is a valid user-defined inst, i.e. that it
+ % does not have the form of one of the builtin insts.
+ \+ (
+ convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, HeadTerm,
+ UserInst),
+ UserInst = defined_inst(user_inst(_, _))
- BodyTerm = BodyTerm1,
- % XXX Should supply more correct ContextPieces.
- ContextPieces = [],
- parse_type(TypeTerm1, VarSet, ContextPieces, Result0),
+ % XXX Name the builtin inst.
+ Pieces =
+ [words("Error: attempt to redefine builtin inst."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
+ ;
+ % Should improve the error message here.
- Result0 = ok1(Type),
- Result = ok1(yes(Type))
+ convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, BodyTerm,
+ ConvertedBody)
+ ->
+ list.map(term.coerce_var, Args, InstArgs),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = ok1(processed_inst_body(Name,
+ InstArgs, eqv_inst(ConvertedBody)))
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ BodyTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, BodyTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in inst body at"),
+ words(BodyTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
+ )
- BodyTerm = BodyTerm0,
- Result = ok1(no)
- ).
- % get_condition(Term0, Term, Condition) binds Condition
- % to a representation of the 'where' condition of Term0, if any,
- % and binds Term to the other part of Term0. If Term0 does not
- % contain a condition, then Condition is bound to true.
- %
-:- pred get_condition(term::in, term::out, condition::out) is det.
-get_condition(Body, Body, cond_true).
-% % NU-Prolog supported type declarations of the form
-% % :- pred p(T) where p(X) : sorted(X).
-% % or
-% % :- type sorted_list(T) = list(T) where X : sorted(X).
-% % :- pred p(sorted_list(T).
-% % There is some code here to support that sort of thing, but
-% % probably we would now need to use a different syntax, since
-% % Mercury now uses `where' for different purposes (e.g. specifying
-% % user-defined equality predicates, and also for type classes ...)
-% get_condition(B, Body, Condition) :-
-% (
-% B = term.functor(term.atom("where"), [Body1, Condition1],
-% _Context)
-% ->
-% Body = Body1,
-% Condition = where(Condition1)
-% ;
-% Body = B,
-% Condition = true
-% ).
-:- type processed_type_body
- ---> processed_type_body(
- sym_name,
- list(type_param),
- type_defn
+ % XXX If term_list_to_var_list returned the non-var's term
+ % or context, we could use it here.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: inst parameters must be variables."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
+ )
-:- pred process_solver_type(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- maybe(solver_type_details)::in, maybe(unify_compare)::in,
- maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_abstract_inst_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ maybe1(processed_inst_body)::out) is det.
-process_solver_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
- MaybeSolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp, Result) :-
- (
- MaybeSolverTypeDetails = yes(SolverTypeDetails),
- parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result0),
+parse_abstract_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm,
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody) :-
+ ContextPieces = [words("In inst definition:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, HeadTerm,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeNameAndArgs),
- Result0 = error2(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ MaybeNameAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1(Specs)
- Result0 = ok2(Name, Params),
+ MaybeNameAndArgs = ok2(Name, ArgTerms),
- RepnType = SolverTypeDetails ^ representation_type,
- type_contains_var(RepnType, Var),
- not list.member(Var, Params)
+ % Check that all the head args are variables.
+ term.term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Args)
- HeadTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, HeadTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: free type variable"),
- words("in representation type:"),
- words(HeadTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ (
+ % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
+ list.member(Arg2, Args, [Arg2 | OtherArgs]),
+ list.member(Arg2, OtherArgs)
+ ->
+ % XXX We should we list the repeated parameters.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: repeated inst parameters"),
+ words("in abstract inst definition."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
- Result = ok1(processed_type_body(Name, Params,
- parse_tree_solver_type(SolverTypeDetails,
- MaybeUserEqComp)))
- )
+ list.map(term.coerce_var, Args, InstArgs),
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = ok1(processed_inst_body(Name,
+ InstArgs, abstract_inst))
- MaybeSolverTypeDetails = no,
- Pieces = [words("Solver type with no solver_type_details."), nl],
+ % XXX If term_list_to_var_list returned the non-var's term
+ % or context, we could use it here.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: inst parameters must be variables."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeProcessedInstBody = error1([Spec])
+ )
+% Parsing mode definitions.
- % This is for "Head == Body" (equivalence) definitions.
- %
-:- pred process_eqv_type(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
-process_eqv_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Result) :-
- parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result0),
- process_eqv_type_2(Result0, VarSet, BodyTerm, Result).
+:- type processed_mode_body
+ ---> processed_mode_body(
+ sym_name,
+ list(inst_var),
+ mode_defn
+ ).
-:- pred process_eqv_type_2(maybe2(sym_name, list(type_param))::in,
- varset::in, term::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_mode_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
+ maybe1(processed_mode_body)::out) is det.
-process_eqv_type_2(error2(Specs), _, _, error1(Specs)).
-process_eqv_type_2(ok2(Name, Params), VarSet, BodyTerm0, Result) :-
- % Check that all the variables in the body occur in the head.
+parse_mode_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm,
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody) :-
+ ContextPieces = [words("In mode definition:")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, HeadTerm,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeModeNameAndArgs),
- term.contains_var(BodyTerm0, Var),
- term.coerce_var(Var, TVar),
- \+ list.member(TVar, Params)
+ MaybeModeNameAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeModeNameAndArgs = ok2(Name, ArgTerms),
+ % Check that all the head args are variables.
+ ( term.term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Args) ->
+ (
+ % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
+ list.member(Arg2, Args, [Arg2 | OtherArgs]),
+ list.member(Arg2, OtherArgs)
- BodyTerm0Str = describe_error_term(VarSet, BodyTerm0),
- Pieces = [words("Error: free type parameter"),
- words("in RHS of type definition:"),
- words(BodyTerm0Str), suffix("."), nl],
+ % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
+ % XXX We should list the duplicated head arg variables.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: repeated parameters"),
+ words("in LHS of mode definition."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm0), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody = error1([Spec])
+ ;
+ % Check that all the variables in the body occur in the head.
+ term.contains_var(BodyTerm, Var2),
+ \+ list.member(Var2, Args)
+ ->
+ % XXX Shouldn't we be using the BodyTerm's context?
+ % XXX We should list the Var2s for which the condition holds.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: free inst parameter"),
+ words("in RHS of mode definition."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody = error1([Spec])
- % XXX Should pass more correct ContextPieces.
- ContextPieces = [],
- parse_type(BodyTerm0, VarSet, ContextPieces, BodyResult),
- BodyResult = ok1(BodyTerm),
- Result = ok1(processed_type_body(Name, Params,
- parse_tree_eqv_type(BodyTerm)))
+ convert_mode(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, BodyTerm, Mode)
+ ->
+ list.map(term.coerce_var, Args, InstArgs),
+ ProcessedModeBody = processed_mode_body(Name, InstArgs,
+ eqv_mode(Mode)),
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody = ok1(ProcessedModeBody)
- BodyResult = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ % XXX We should improve the error message here.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error"),
+ words("in mode definition body."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ % XXX If term_list_to_var_list returned the non-var's term
+ % or context, we could use it here.
+ Pieces = [words("Error: mode parameters must be variables."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeProcessedModeBody = error1([Spec])
+% Parsing ":- pred" and ":- func" declarations.
- % process_du_type(ModuleName, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Ctors,
- % MaybeUserEqComp, Result):
+ % parse_pred_or_func_decl parses a predicate or function declaration.
- % Checks that its arguments are well formed, and if they are,
- % binds Result to a representation of the type information about the
- % TypeHead.
- % This is for "Head ---> Body [where ...]" (constructor) definitions.
- %
-:- pred process_du_type(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
- list(constructor)::in, maybe(unify_compare)::in,
- maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_pred_or_func_decl(pred_or_func::in, module_name::in, varset::in,
+ term::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_du_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Ctors, MaybeUserEqComp,
- Result) :-
- parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result0),
- (
- Result0 = error2(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result0 = ok2(Functor, Params),
- process_du_ctors(Params, VarSet, BodyTerm, Ctors, [], Specs),
+parse_pred_or_func_decl(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Attributes,
+ Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ parse_condition_suffix(Term, BeforeCondTerm, Condition),
+ parse_determinism_suffix(VarSet, BeforeCondTerm, BeforeDetismTerm,
+ MaybeMaybeDetism),
+ parse_with_inst_suffix(BeforeDetismTerm, BeforeWithInstTerm,
+ MaybeWithInst),
+ parse_with_type_suffix(VarSet, BeforeWithInstTerm, BeforeWithTypeTerm,
+ MaybeWithType),
+ BaseTerm = BeforeWithTypeTerm,
+ (
+ MaybeMaybeDetism = ok1(MaybeDetism),
+ MaybeWithInst = ok1(WithInst),
+ MaybeWithType = ok1(WithType)
+ ->
- Specs = [],
- TypeDefn = parse_tree_du_type(Ctors, MaybeUserEqComp),
- ProcessedTypeBody = processed_type_body(Functor, Params, TypeDefn),
- Result = ok1(ProcessedTypeBody)
- ;
- Specs = [_ | _],
- Result = error1(Specs)
- )
- ).
-:- pred process_du_ctors(list(type_param)::in, varset::in, term::in,
- list(constructor)::in, list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
-process_du_ctors(_Params, _, _, [], !Specs).
-process_du_ctors(Params, VarSet, BodyTerm, [Ctor | Ctors], !Specs) :-
- Ctor = ctor(ExistQVars, Constraints, _CtorName, CtorArgs, _Context),
- (
- % Check that all type variables in the ctor are either explicitly
- % existentially quantified or occur in the head of the type.
- CtorArgTypes = list.map(func(C) = C ^ arg_type, CtorArgs),
- type_vars_list(CtorArgTypes, VarsInCtorArgTypes0),
- list.sort_and_remove_dups(VarsInCtorArgTypes0, VarsInCtorArgTypes),
- list.filter(list.contains(ExistQVars ++ Params), VarsInCtorArgTypes,
- _ExistQOrParamVars, NotExistQOrParamVars),
- NotExistQOrParamVars = [_ | _]
- ->
- % There should be no duplicate names to remove.
- varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
- NotExistQOrParamVarsStr =
- mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, NotExistQOrParamVars),
- Pieces = [words("Error: free type"),
- words(choose_number(NotExistQOrParamVars,
- "parameter", "parameters")),
- words(NotExistQOrParamVarsStr),
- words("in RHS of type definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
- ;
- % Check that all type variables in existential quantifiers do not
- % occur in the head (maybe this should just be a warning, not an error?
- % If we were to allow it, we would need to rename them apart.)
- set.list_to_set(ExistQVars, ExistQVarsSet),
- set.list_to_set(Params, ParamsSet),
- set.intersect(ExistQVarsSet, ParamsSet, ExistQParamsSet),
- set.non_empty(ExistQParamsSet)
- ->
- % There should be no duplicate names to remove.
- set.to_sorted_list(ExistQParamsSet, ExistQParams),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
- ExistQParamVarsStr =
- mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, ExistQParams),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"),
- words(choose_number(ExistQParams,
- "type variable", "type variables")),
- words(ExistQParamVarsStr),
- words(choose_number(ExistQParams, "has", "have")),
- words("overlapping scopes"),
- words("(explicit type quantifier shadows argument type)."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
- ;
- % Check that all type variables in existential quantifiers occur
- % somewhere in the constructor argument types or constraints.
- CtorArgTypes = list.map(func(C) = C ^ arg_type, CtorArgs),
- type_vars_list(CtorArgTypes, VarsInCtorArgTypes0),
- list.sort_and_remove_dups(VarsInCtorArgTypes0, VarsInCtorArgTypes),
- constraint_list_get_tvars(Constraints, ConstraintTVars),
- list.filter(list.contains(VarsInCtorArgTypes ++ ConstraintTVars),
- ExistQVars, _OccursExistQVars, NotOccursExistQVars),
- NotOccursExistQVars = [_ | _]
+ MaybeDetism = yes(_),
+ WithInst = yes(_)
- % There should be no duplicate names to remove.
- varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
- NotOccursExistQVarsStr =
- mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, NotOccursExistQVars),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"),
- words(choose_number(NotOccursExistQVars,
- "type variable", "type variables")),
- words(NotOccursExistQVarsStr),
- words("in existential quantifier"),
- words(choose_number(NotOccursExistQVars,
- "does not occur", "do not occur")),
- words("in arguments or constraints of constructor."), nl],
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"),
+ words("and determinism both specified."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BaseTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
- % Check that all type variables in existential constraints occur in
- % the existential quantifiers.
- ConstraintArgTypeLists =
- list.map(prog_constraint_get_arg_types, Constraints),
- list.condense(ConstraintArgTypeLists, ConstraintArgTypes),
- type_vars_list(ConstraintArgTypes, VarsInCtorArgTypes0),
- list.sort_and_remove_dups(VarsInCtorArgTypes0, VarsInCtorArgTypes),
- list.filter(list.contains(ExistQVars), VarsInCtorArgTypes,
- _ExistQArgTypes, NotExistQArgTypes),
- NotExistQArgTypes = [_ | _]
+ WithInst = yes(_),
+ WithType = no
- varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
- NotExistQArgTypesStr =
- mercury_vars_to_string(GenericVarSet, no, NotExistQArgTypes),
- Pieces = [words("Error:"),
- words(choose_number(NotExistQArgTypes,
- "type variable", "type variables")),
- words(NotExistQArgTypesStr),
- words("in class constraints,"),
- words(choose_number(NotExistQArgTypes,
- "which was", "which were")),
- words("introduced with"), quote("=>"),
- words("must be explicitly existentially quantified"),
- words("using"), quote("some"), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- !:Specs = [Spec | !.Specs]
- ;
- true
- ),
- process_du_ctors(Params, VarSet, BodyTerm, Ctors, !Specs).
- % process_abstract_type(ModuleName, TypeHead, Result):
- %
- % Checks that its argument is well formed, and if it is, binds Result
- % to a representation of the type information about the TypeHead.
- %
-:- pred process_abstract_type(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- decl_attrs::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
-process_abstract_type(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Attributes0, Result) :-
- parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result0),
- get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, Attributes0, Attributes),
- process_abstract_type_2(Result0, IsSolverType, Result1),
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
-:- pred process_abstract_type_2(maybe2(sym_name, list(type_param))::in,
- is_solver_type::in, maybe1(processed_type_body)::out) is det.
-process_abstract_type_2(error2(Specs), _, error1(Specs)).
-process_abstract_type_2(ok2(Functor, Params), IsSolverType, Result) :-
- Result = ok1(processed_type_body(Functor, Params,
- parse_tree_abstract_type(IsSolverType))).
-parse_type_defn_head(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result) :-
- (
- HeadTerm = term.variable(_, Context),
- Pieces = [words("Error: variable on LHS of type definition."), nl],
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"), words("specified"),
+ words("without"), quote("with_type"), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BaseTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
- HeadTerm = term.functor(_, _, _),
- ContextPieces = [words("In type definition:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, HeadTerm,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, Headresult),
- parse_type_defn_head_2(Headresult, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result)
- ).
-:- pred parse_type_defn_head_2(maybe_functor::in, varset::in, term::in,
- maybe2(sym_name, list(tvar))::out) is det.
-parse_type_defn_head_2(error2(Specs), _, _, error2(Specs)).
-parse_type_defn_head_2(ok2(Name, Args), VarSet, HeadTerm, Result) :-
- parse_type_defn_head_3(Name, Args, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result).
-:- pred parse_type_defn_head_3(sym_name::in, list(term)::in, varset::in,
- term::in, maybe2(sym_name, list(tvar))::out) is det.
-parse_type_defn_head_3(Name, Args, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result) :-
- % Check that all the head args are variables.
- ( term_list_to_var_list(Args, Params0) ->
- % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
- list.member(_, Params0, [Param | OtherParams]),
- list.member(Param, OtherParams)
+ % Function declarations with `with_type` annotations
+ % have the same form as predicate declarations.
+ PredOrFunc = pf_function,
+ WithType = no
- Pieces = [words("Error: repeated type parameters"),
- words("in LHS of type definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
- ;
- list.map(term.coerce_var, Params0, Params),
- Result = ok2(Name, Params)
- )
- ;
- HeadTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, HeadTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: type parameters must be variables:"),
- words(HeadTermStr), suffix(".") ,nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
- ).
- % Convert a list of terms separated by semi-colons (known as a
- % "disjunction", even thought the terms aren't goals in this case)
- % into a list of constructors.
- %
-:- func convert_constructors(module_name, varset, term) =
- maybe1(list(constructor)).
-convert_constructors(ModuleName, VarSet, BodyTerm) = Result :-
- disjunction_to_list(BodyTerm, BodyTermList),
- Result = convert_constructors_2(ModuleName, VarSet, BodyTermList).
- % True if input argument is a valid list of constructors.
- %
-:- func convert_constructors_2(module_name, varset, list(term)) =
- maybe1(list(constructor)).
-convert_constructors_2(_ModuleName, _, []) = ok1([]).
-convert_constructors_2(ModuleName, VarSet, [Term | Terms]) = Result :-
- Result0 = convert_constructor(ModuleName, VarSet, Term),
- (
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result0 = ok1(Constructor),
- Result1 = convert_constructors_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Terms),
- (
- Result1 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
+ parse_func_decl_base(ModuleName, VarSet, BaseTerm, Condition,
+ MaybeDetism, Attributes, Context, MaybeItem)
- Result1 = ok1(Constructors),
- Result = ok1([Constructor | Constructors])
+ parse_pred_decl_base(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, VarSet, BaseTerm,
+ Condition, WithType, WithInst, MaybeDetism,
+ Attributes, Context, MaybeItem)
- ).
-:- func convert_constructor(module_name, varset, term) = maybe1(constructor).
-convert_constructor(ModuleName, VarSet, Term0) = Result :-
- ( Term0 = term.functor(term.atom("some"), [Vars, Term1], _Context) ->
- ( parse_list_of_vars(Vars, ExistQVars0) ->
- list.map(term.coerce_var, ExistQVars0, ExistQVars),
- Result = convert_constructor_2(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars,
- Term0, Term1)
- ;
- Term0Str = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term0),
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in variable list at"),
- words(Term0Str), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term0), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ExistQVars = [],
- Result = convert_constructor_2(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars,
- Term0, Term0)
- ).
-:- func convert_constructor_2(module_name, varset, list(tvar), term, term) =
- maybe1(constructor).
-convert_constructor_2(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars, Term0, Term1) = Result :-
- get_existential_constraints_from_term(ModuleName, VarSet, Term1, Term2,
- Result0),
- (
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result0 = ok1(Constraints),
- (
- % Note that as a special case, one level of curly braces around
- % the constructor are ignored. This is to allow you to define
- % ';'/2 and 'some'/2 constructors.
- Term2 = term.functor(term.atom("{}"), [Term3], _Context)
- ->
- Term4 = Term3
- ;
- Term4 = Term2
- ),
- Result = convert_constructor_3(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars,
- Constraints, Term0, Term4)
- ).
-:- func convert_constructor_3(module_name, varset, list(tvar),
- list(prog_constraint), term, term) = maybe1(constructor).
-convert_constructor_3(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistQVars, Constraints,
- Term0, Term1) = Result :-
- ContextPieces = [words("In constructor definition:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, Term1, Term0, VarSet,
- ContextPieces, Result0),
- (
- Result0 = error2(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result0 = ok2(Functor, ArgTerms),
- Result1 = convert_constructor_arg_list(ModuleName, VarSet, ArgTerms),
- (
- Result1 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result1 = ok1(Args),
- Ctxt = get_term_context(Term1),
- Result = ok1(ctor(ExistQVars, Constraints, Functor, Args, Ctxt))
- )
+ Specs = get_any_errors1(MaybeMaybeDetism)
+ ++ get_any_errors1(MaybeWithInst)
+ ++ get_any_errors1(MaybeWithType),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
% parse a `:- pred p(...)' declaration or a
% `:- func f(...) `with_type` t' declaration
-:- pred process_pred_decl(pred_or_func::in, module_name::in, varset::in,
+:- pred parse_pred_decl_base(pred_or_func::in, module_name::in, varset::in,
term::in, condition::in, maybe(mer_type)::in, maybe(mer_inst)::in,
maybe(determinism)::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in,
maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_pred_decl(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, VarSet, PredType, Cond, WithType,
- WithInst, MaybeDet, Attributes0, Context, Result) :-
+parse_pred_decl_base(PredOrFunc, ModuleName, VarSet, PredTypeTerm, Condition,
+ WithType, WithInst, MaybeDet, Attributes0, Context, MaybeItem) :-
get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
- Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeClassContext),
+ Attributes0, Attributes1, MaybeExistClassInstContext),
- MaybeClassContext = ok3(ExistQVars, Constraints, InstConstraints),
+ MaybeExistClassInstContext = error3(Specs),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeExistClassInstContext =
+ ok3(ExistQVars, Constraints, InstConstraints),
ContextPieces = [words("In")] ++ pred_or_func_decl_pieces(PredOrFunc)
++ [suffix(":")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, PredType, PredType,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, PredTypeResult),
- process_pred_decl_2(PredOrFunc, PredTypeResult, PredType, VarSet,
- WithType, WithInst, MaybeDet, Cond, ExistQVars,
- Constraints, InstConstraints, Attributes, Context, Result)
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, PredTypeTerm, PredTypeTerm,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybePredNameAndArgs),
+ (
+ MaybePredNameAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
- MaybeClassContext = error3(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
-:- pred process_pred_decl_2(pred_or_func::in, maybe_functor::in, term::in,
- varset::in, maybe(mer_type)::in, maybe(mer_inst)::in,
- maybe(determinism)::in, condition::in, existq_tvars::in,
- prog_constraints::in, inst_var_sub::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in,
- maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_pred_decl_2(_, error2(Specs), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
- error1(Specs)).
-process_pred_decl_2(PredOrFunc, ok2(F, As0), PredTypeTerm, VarSet,
- WithType, WithInst, MaybeDet, Cond, ExistQVars,
- ClassContext, InstConstraints, Attributes0, Context, Result) :-
- ( convert_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, As0, As) ->
- ( verify_type_and_mode_list(As) ->
+ MaybePredNameAndArgs = ok2(Functor, ArgTerms),
+ ( parse_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, ArgTerms, Args) ->
+ ( verify_type_and_mode_list(Args) ->
WithInst = yes(_),
- As = [type_only(_) | _]
+ Args = [type_only(_) | _]
Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"),
words("specified without argument modes."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error,
+ phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
WithInst = no,
WithType = yes(_),
- As = [type_and_mode(_, _) | _]
+ Args = [type_and_mode(_, _) | _]
Pieces = [words("Error: arguments have modes but"),
quote("with_inst"), words("not specified."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error,
+ phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
- \+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_type_and_modes(As)
+ inst_var_constraints_types_modes_self_consistent(Args)
- PredTypeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, PredTypeTerm),
+ get_purity(Purity, Attributes1, Attributes),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, TVarSet),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, IVarSet),
+ Origin = user,
+ ItemPredDecl = item_pred_decl_info(Origin,
+ TVarSet, IVarSet, ExistQVars, PredOrFunc,
+ Functor, Args, WithType, WithInst,
+ MaybeDet, Condition, Purity, Constraints, Context),
+ Item = item_pred_decl(ItemPredDecl),
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ PredTypeTermStr =
+ describe_error_term(VarSet, PredTypeTerm),
Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints on"),
words("inst variables in")] ++
pred_or_func_decl_pieces(PredOrFunc) ++
- [suffix(":"), nl, words(PredTypeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [suffix(":"), nl,
+ words(PredTypeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error,
+ phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- get_purity(Purity, Attributes0, Attributes),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, TVarSet),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, IVarSet),
- Origin = user,
- ItemPredDecl = item_pred_decl_info(Origin, TVarSet, IVarSet,
- ExistQVars, PredOrFunc, F, As, WithType, WithInst,
- MaybeDet, Cond, Purity, ClassContext, Context),
- Item = item_pred_decl(ItemPredDecl),
- Result0 = ok1(Item),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result)
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
- Pieces = [words("Error: some but not all arguments have modes."),
- nl],
+ Pieces = [words("Error: some but not all arguments"),
+ words("have modes."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
PredTypeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, PredTypeTerm),
@@ -3186,31 +2963,407 @@
pred_or_func_decl_pieces(PredOrFunc) ++
[words("at"), words(PredTypeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(PredTypeTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ).
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(PredTypeTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ )
+ ).
-:- pred get_purity(purity::out, decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out) is det.
+ % Parse a `:- func p(...)' declaration *without* a with_type clause.
+ %
+:- pred parse_func_decl_base(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ condition::in, maybe(determinism)::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in,
+ maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-get_purity(Purity, !Attributes) :-
- ( !.Attributes = [decl_attr_purity(Purity0) - _ | !:Attributes] ->
- Purity = Purity0
+parse_func_decl_base(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Condition, MaybeDet,
+ Attributes0, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeContext),
+ (
+ MaybeContext = error3(Specs),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
- Purity = purity_pure
+ MaybeContext = ok3(ExistQVars, Constraints, InstConstraints),
+ (
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("="),
+ [MaybeSugaredFuncTerm, ReturnTerm], _)
+ ->
+ FuncTerm = desugar_field_access(MaybeSugaredFuncTerm),
+ ContextPieces = [words("In"), quote(":- func"),
+ words("declaration")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FuncTerm, Term,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeFuncNameAndArgs),
+ (
+ MaybeFuncNameAndArgs = error2(Specs),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
+ ;
+ MaybeFuncNameAndArgs = ok2(FuncName, ArgTerms),
+ (
+ parse_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, ArgTerms,
+ ArgsPrime)
+ ->
+ MaybeArgs = ok1(ArgsPrime)
+ ;
+ FuncTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FuncTerm),
+ ArgsPieces = [words("Error: syntax error in arguments of"),
+ quote(":- func"), words("declaration at"),
+ words(FuncTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ ArgsSpec = error_spec(severity_error,
+ phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm),
+ [always(ArgsPieces)])]),
+ MaybeArgs = error1([ArgsSpec])
+ ),
+ (
+ parse_type_and_mode(InstConstraints, ReturnTerm,
+ ReturnArgPrime)
+ ->
+ MaybeReturnArg = ok1(ReturnArgPrime)
+ ;
+ ReturnPieces = [words("Error: syntax error"),
+ words("in return type of"), quote(":- func"),
+ words("declaration."), nl],
+ ReturnSpec = error_spec(severity_error,
+ phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(ReturnTerm),
+ [always(ReturnPieces)])]),
+ MaybeReturnArg = error1([ReturnSpec])
+ ),
+ (
+ MaybeArgs = ok1(Args),
+ MaybeReturnArg = ok1(ReturnArg)
+ ->
+ % We use an auxiliary predicate because the code is just
+ % too deeply indented here.
+ parse_func_decl_base_2(FuncName, Args, ReturnArg,
+ FuncTerm, Term, VarSet, MaybeDet, Condition,
+ ExistQVars, Constraints, Attributes,
+ Context, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ Specs = get_any_errors1(MaybeArgs) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeReturnArg),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("="), words("expected in"),
+ quote(":- func"), words("declaration."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
+ )
-:- func pred_or_func_decl_pieces(pred_or_func) = list(format_component).
+:- pred parse_func_decl_base_2(sym_name::in, list(type_and_mode)::in,
+ type_and_mode::in, term::in, term::in, varset::in, maybe(determinism)::in,
+ condition::in, existq_tvars::in, prog_constraints::in, decl_attrs::in,
+ prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-pred_or_func_decl_pieces(pf_function) =
- [quote(":- func"), words("declaration")].
-pred_or_func_decl_pieces(pf_predicate) =
- [quote(":- pred"), words("declaration")].
+parse_func_decl_base_2(FuncName, Args, ReturnArg, FuncTerm, Term,
+ VarSet, MaybeDet, Condition, ExistQVars, Constraints, Attributes0,
+ Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ (
+ verify_type_and_mode_list(Args)
+ ->
+ ConsistentArgsSpecs = []
+ ;
+ ConsistentPieces =
+ [words("Error: some but not all arguments have modes."), nl],
+ ConsistentSpec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm),
+ [always(ConsistentPieces)])]),
+ ConsistentArgsSpecs = [ConsistentSpec]
+ ),
+ (
+ Args = [type_and_mode(_, _) | _],
+ ReturnArg = type_only(_)
+ ->
+ ArgsOnlyPieces = [words("Error: function arguments have modes,"),
+ words("but function result does not."), nl],
+ ArgsOnlySpec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm),
+ [always(ArgsOnlyPieces)])]),
+ ArgsOnlySpecs = [ArgsOnlySpec]
+ ;
+ ArgsOnlySpecs = []
+ ),
+ (
+ Args = [type_only(_) | _],
+ ReturnArg = type_and_mode(_, _)
+ ->
+ ReturnOnlyPieces = [words("Error: function result has mode,"),
+ words("but function arguments do not."), nl],
+ ReturnOnlySpec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm),
+ [always(ReturnOnlyPieces)])]),
+ ReturnOnlySpecs = [ReturnOnlySpec]
+ ;
+ ReturnOnlySpecs = []
+ ),
+ ConsistencySpecs = ConsistentArgsSpecs ++ ArgsOnlySpecs ++ ReturnOnlySpecs,
+ (
+ ConsistencySpecs = [_ | _],
+ MaybeItem = error1(ConsistencySpecs)
+ ;
+ ConsistencySpecs = [],
+ get_purity(Purity, Attributes0, Attributes),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, TVarSet),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, IVarSet),
+ AllArgs = Args ++ [ReturnArg],
+ ( inst_var_constraints_types_modes_self_consistent(AllArgs) ->
+ Origin = user,
+ ItemPredDecl = item_pred_decl_info(Origin, TVarSet, IVarSet,
+ ExistQVars, pf_function, FuncName, AllArgs, no, no,
+ MaybeDet, Condition, Purity, Constraints, Context),
+ Item = item_pred_decl(ItemPredDecl),
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints"),
+ words("on inst variables in function declaration:"), nl,
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred parse_type_and_mode_list(inst_var_sub::in, list(term)::in,
+ list(type_and_mode)::out) is semidet.
+parse_type_and_mode_list(_, [], []).
+parse_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, [H0 | T0], [H | T]) :-
+ parse_type_and_mode(InstConstraints, H0, H),
+ parse_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, T0, T).
+:- pred parse_type_and_mode(inst_var_sub::in, term::in, type_and_mode::out)
+ is semidet.
+parse_type_and_mode(InstConstraints, Term, MaybeTypeAndMode) :-
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("::"), [TypeTerm, ModeTerm], _Context) ->
+ maybe_parse_type(TypeTerm, Type),
+ convert_mode(allow_constrained_inst_var, ModeTerm, Mode0),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints, Mode0, Mode),
+ MaybeTypeAndMode = type_and_mode(Type, Mode)
+ ;
+ maybe_parse_type(Term, Type),
+ MaybeTypeAndMode = type_only(Type)
+ ).
+ % Verify that among the arguments of a :- pred or :- func declaration,
+ % either all arguments specify a mode or none of them do.
+ %
+:- pred verify_type_and_mode_list(list(type_and_mode)::in) is semidet.
+verify_type_and_mode_list([First | Rest]) :-
+ verify_type_and_mode_list_2(Rest, First).
+:- pred verify_type_and_mode_list_2(list(type_and_mode)::in, type_and_mode::in)
+ is semidet.
+verify_type_and_mode_list_2([], _).
+verify_type_and_mode_list_2([Head | Tail], First) :-
+ (
+ Head = type_only(_),
+ First = type_only(_)
+ ;
+ Head = type_and_mode(_, _),
+ First = type_and_mode(_, _)
+ ),
+ verify_type_and_mode_list_2(Tail, First).
+% Parsing mode declarations for predicates and functions.
+:- pred parse_mode_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+parse_mode_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Attributes, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ parse_condition_suffix(Term, BeforeCondTerm, Condition),
+ parse_determinism_suffix(VarSet, BeforeCondTerm, BeforeDetismTerm,
+ MaybeMaybeDetism),
+ parse_with_inst_suffix(BeforeDetismTerm, BeforeWithInstTerm,
+ MaybeWithInst),
+ BaseTerm = BeforeWithInstTerm,
+ (
+ MaybeMaybeDetism = ok1(MaybeDetism),
+ MaybeWithInst = ok1(WithInst)
+ ->
+ (
+ MaybeDetism = yes(_),
+ WithInst = yes(_)
+ ->
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("with_inst"),
+ words("and determinism both specified."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(BeforeCondTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
+ ;
+ parse_mode_decl_base(ModuleName, VarSet, BaseTerm, Condition,
+ Attributes, WithInst, MaybeDetism, Context, MaybeItem)
+ )
+ ;
+ Specs = get_any_errors1(MaybeMaybeDetism)
+ ++ get_any_errors1(MaybeWithInst),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
+ ).
+:- pred parse_mode_decl_base(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ condition::in, decl_attrs::in, maybe(mer_inst)::in, maybe(determinism)::in,
+ prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+parse_mode_decl_base(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Condition, Attributes, WithInst,
+ MaybeDet, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ (
+ WithInst = no,
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("="),
+ [MaybeSugaredFuncTerm, ReturnTypeTerm], _)
+ ->
+ FuncTerm = desugar_field_access(MaybeSugaredFuncTerm),
+ ContextPieces = [words("In function"), quote(":- mode"),
+ words("declaration")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FuncTerm, Term,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, R),
+ parse_func_mode_decl(R, ModuleName, FuncTerm, ReturnTypeTerm,
+ Term, VarSet, MaybeDet, Condition, Attributes, Context, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ ContextPieces = [words("In"), quote(":- mode"), words("declaration")],
+ parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, Term, Term,
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, R),
+ parse_pred_mode_decl(R, ModuleName, Term, VarSet,
+ WithInst, MaybeDet, Condition, Attributes, Context, MaybeItem)
+ ).
+:- pred parse_pred_mode_decl(maybe_functor::in, module_name::in, term::in,
+ varset::in, maybe(mer_inst)::in, maybe(determinism)::in, condition::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+parse_pred_mode_decl(error2(Specs), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, error1(Specs)).
+parse_pred_mode_decl(ok2(F, As0), ModuleName, PredModeTerm, VarSet, WithInst,
+ MaybeDet, Condition, Attributes0, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ ( convert_mode_list(allow_constrained_inst_var, As0, As1) ->
+ get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeConstraints),
+ (
+ MaybeConstraints = ok3(_, _, InstConstraints),
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints), As1, As),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet),
+ ( inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(As) ->
+ (
+ WithInst = no,
+ PredOrFunc = yes(pf_predicate)
+ ;
+ WithInst = yes(_),
+ % We don't know whether it's a predicate or a function
+ % until we expand out the inst.
+ PredOrFunc = no
+ ),
+ ItemModeDecl = item_mode_decl_info(ProgVarSet, PredOrFunc,
+ F, As, WithInst, MaybeDet, Condition, Context),
+ Item = item_mode_decl(ItemModeDecl),
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item)
+ ;
+ PredModeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, PredModeTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints"),
+ words("on inst variables"),
+ words("in predicate mode declaration:"), nl,
+ words(PredModeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(PredModeTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeConstraints = error3(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
+ ),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ PredModeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, PredModeTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in mode declaration at"),
+ words(PredModeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(PredModeTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
+ ).
+:- pred parse_func_mode_decl(maybe_functor::in, module_name::in, term::in,
+ term::in, term::in, varset::in, maybe(determinism)::in, condition::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+parse_func_mode_decl(error2(Specs), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, error1(Specs)).
+parse_func_mode_decl(ok2(F, As0), ModuleName, FuncMode, RetMode0, FullTerm,
+ VarSet, MaybeDet, Condition, Attributes0, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ (
+ convert_mode_list(allow_constrained_inst_var, As0, As1)
+ ->
+ get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
+ Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeConstraints),
+ (
+ MaybeConstraints = ok3(_, _, InstConstraints),
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints), As1, As),
+ (
+ convert_mode(allow_constrained_inst_var, RetMode0, RetMode1)
+ ->
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints,
+ RetMode1, RetMode),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, InstVarSet),
+ ArgModes = As ++ [RetMode],
+ (
+ inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(ArgModes)
+ ->
+ ItemModeDecl = item_mode_decl_info(InstVarSet,
+ yes(pf_function), F, ArgModes, no, MaybeDet, Condition,
+ Context),
+ Item = item_mode_decl(ItemModeDecl),
+ MaybeItem0 = ok1(Item)
+ ;
+ FullTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FullTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints"),
+ words("on inst variables"),
+ words("in function mode declaration:"), nl,
+ words(FullTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(FullTerm),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ ;
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in return mode"),
+ words("of function mode declaration."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(RetMode0),
+ [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeConstraints = error3(Specs),
+ MaybeItem0 = error1(Specs)
+ ),
+ check_no_attributes(MaybeItem0, Attributes, MaybeItem)
+ ;
+ % XXX Should say which argument.
+ FuncModeStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FuncMode),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in arguments of"),
+ words("function mode declaration at"),
+ words(FuncModeStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncMode), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeItem = error1([Spec])
+ ).
% We could perhaps get rid of some code duplication between here and
% prog_io_typeclass.m?
+ % XXX This documentation is out of date.
% get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, Attributes0,
% Attributes, MaybeContext, MaybeInstConstraints):
@@ -3228,7 +3381,7 @@
maybe3(existq_tvars, prog_constraints, inst_var_sub)::out) is det.
get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet, RevAttributes0,
- RevAttributes, MaybeContext) :-
+ RevAttributes, MaybeExistClassInstContext) :-
% Constraints and quantifiers should occur in the following order
% (outermost to innermost):
@@ -3273,930 +3426,782 @@
Attributes, MaybeExistConstraints),
list.reverse(Attributes, RevAttributes),
- combine_quantifier_results(MaybeUnivConstraints, MaybeExistConstraints,
- ExistQVars, MaybeContext).
+ (
+ MaybeUnivConstraints = ok2(UnivConstraints, UnivInstConstraints),
+ MaybeExistConstraints = ok2(ExistConstraints, ExistInstConstraints)
+ ->
+ ClassConstraints = constraints(UnivConstraints, ExistConstraints),
+ InstConstraints =
+ map.old_merge(UnivInstConstraints, ExistInstConstraints),
+ MaybeExistClassInstContext = ok3(ExistQVars, ClassConstraints,
+ InstConstraints)
+ ;
+ Specs = get_any_errors2(MaybeUnivConstraints) ++
+ get_any_errors2(MaybeExistConstraints),
+ MaybeExistClassInstContext = error3(Specs)
+ ).
-:- pred combine_quantifier_results(maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::in,
- maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::in, existq_tvars::in,
- maybe3(existq_tvars, prog_constraints, inst_var_sub)::out) is det.
-combine_quantifier_results(error2(Specs1), error2(Specs2), _,
- error3(Specs1 ++ Specs2)).
-combine_quantifier_results(error2(Specs), ok2(_, _), _, error3(Specs)).
-combine_quantifier_results(ok2(_, _), error2(Specs), _, error3(Specs)).
-combine_quantifier_results(ok2(UnivConstraints, InstConstraints0),
- ok2(ExistConstraints, InstConstraints1), ExistQVars,
- ok3(ExistQVars, constraints(UnivConstraints, ExistConstraints),
- InstConstraints0 `map.old_merge` InstConstraints1)).
-:- pred get_quant_vars(quantifier_type::in, module_name::in,
- decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out, list(var)::in, list(var)::out) is det.
-get_quant_vars(QuantType, ModuleName, !Attributes, !Vars) :-
- (
- !.Attributes = [decl_attr_quantifier(QuantType, QuantVars) - _
- | !:Attributes]
- ->
- list.append(!.Vars, QuantVars, !:Vars),
- get_quant_vars(QuantType, ModuleName, !Attributes, !Vars)
- ;
- true
- ).
-:- pred get_constraints(quantifier_type::in, module_name::in, varset::in,
- decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out, maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::out)
- is det.
+:- pred get_constraints(quantifier_type::in, module_name::in, varset::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out, maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::out)
+ is det.
get_constraints(QuantType, ModuleName, VarSet, !Attributes,
- MaybeConstraints) :-
+ MaybeClassInstConstraints) :-
!.Attributes = [
decl_attr_constraints(QuantType, ConstraintsTerm) - _Term
| !:Attributes]
parse_class_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet, ConstraintsTerm,
- MaybeConstraints0),
+ MaybeHeadConstraints),
% there may be more constraints of the same type --
% collect them all and combine them
get_constraints(QuantType, ModuleName, VarSet, !Attributes,
- MaybeConstraints1),
- combine_constraint_list_results(MaybeConstraints1,
- MaybeConstraints0, MaybeConstraints)
- ;
- MaybeConstraints = ok2([], map.init)
- ).
-:- pred combine_constraint_list_results(maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::in,
- maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::in,
- maybe_class_and_inst_constraints::out) is det.
-combine_constraint_list_results(error2(Specs1), error2(Specs2),
- error2(Specs1 ++ Specs2)).
-combine_constraint_list_results(error2(Specs), ok2(_, _), error2(Specs)).
-combine_constraint_list_results(ok2(_, _), error2(Specs), error2(Specs)).
-combine_constraint_list_results(ok2(CC0, IC0), ok2(CC1, IC1),
- ok2(CC0 ++ CC1, IC0 `map.old_merge` IC1)).
-:- pred get_existential_constraints_from_term(module_name::in, varset::in,
- term::in, term::out, maybe1(list(prog_constraint))::out) is det.
-get_existential_constraints_from_term(ModuleName, VarSet, !PredTypeTerm,
- MaybeExistentialConstraints) :-
+ MaybeTailConstraints),
- !.PredTypeTerm = term.functor(term.atom("=>"),
- [!:PredTypeTerm, ExistentialConstraints], _)
+ MaybeHeadConstraints =
+ ok2(HeadClassConstraints, HeadInstConstraint),
+ MaybeTailConstraints =
+ ok2(TailClassConstraints, TailInstConstraint)
- parse_class_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet, ExistentialConstraints,
- MaybeExistentialConstraints)
+ ClassConstraints = HeadClassConstraints ++ TailClassConstraints,
+ InstConstraints =
+ map.old_merge(HeadInstConstraint, TailInstConstraint),
+ MaybeClassInstConstraints = ok2(ClassConstraints, InstConstraints)
- MaybeExistentialConstraints = ok1([])
+ Specs = get_any_errors2(MaybeHeadConstraints) ++
+ get_any_errors2(MaybeTailConstraints),
+ MaybeClassInstConstraints = error2(Specs)
+ )
+ ;
+ MaybeClassInstConstraints = ok2([], map.init)
- % Verify that among the arguments of a :- pred declaration,
- % either all arguments specify a mode or none of them do.
- %
-:- pred verify_type_and_mode_list(list(type_and_mode)::in) is semidet.
-verify_type_and_mode_list([First | Rest]) :-
- verify_type_and_mode_list_2(Rest, First).
-:- pred verify_type_and_mode_list_2(list(type_and_mode)::in, type_and_mode::in)
+:- pred parse_promise(module_name::in, promise_type::in, varset::in,
+ list(term)::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out)
is semidet.
-verify_type_and_mode_list_2([], _).
-verify_type_and_mode_list_2([Head | Tail], First) :-
+parse_promise(ModuleName, PromiseType, VarSet, [Term], Attributes, Context,
+ Result) :-
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet0),
+ ContextPieces = [],
+ parse_goal(Term, ContextPieces, MaybeGoal0, ProgVarSet0, ProgVarSet),
- Head = type_only(_),
- First = type_only(_)
+ MaybeGoal0 = ok1(Goal0),
+ % Get universally quantified variables.
+ (
+ PromiseType = promise_type_true,
+ ( Goal0 = all_expr(UnivVars0, AllGoal) - _Context ->
+ UnivVars0 = UnivVars,
+ Goal = AllGoal
- Head = type_and_mode(_, _),
- First = type_and_mode(_, _)
+ UnivVars = [],
+ Goal = Goal0
+ )
+ ;
+ ( PromiseType = promise_type_exclusive
+ ; PromiseType = promise_type_exhaustive
+ ; PromiseType = promise_type_exclusive_exhaustive
- verify_type_and_mode_list_2(Tail, First).
+ get_quant_vars(quant_type_univ, ModuleName, Attributes, _,
+ [], UnivVars0),
+ list.map(term.coerce_var, UnivVars0, UnivVars),
+ Goal0 = Goal
+ ),
+ ItemPromise = item_promise_info(PromiseType, Goal, ProgVarSet,
+ UnivVars, Context),
+ Item = item_promise(ItemPromise),
+ Result = ok1(Item)
+ ;
+ MaybeGoal0 = error1(Specs),
+ Result = error1(Specs)
+ ).
- % Parse a `:- func p(...)' declaration.
- %
-:- pred process_func(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, condition::in,
- maybe(determinism)::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in,
- maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_initialise_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
+ prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_func(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Cond, MaybeDet, Attributes0,
- Context, Result) :-
- get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
- Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeContext),
+parse_initialise_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Context, Result) :-
+ parse_symbol_name_specifier(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymNameSpecifier),
- MaybeContext = ok3(ExistQVars, Constraints, InstConstraints),
- process_func_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Cond, MaybeDet, ExistQVars,
- Constraints, InstConstraints, Attributes, Context, Result)
- ;
- MaybeContext = error3(Specs),
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier = error1(Specs),
Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
-:- pred process_func_2(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, condition::in,
- maybe(determinism)::in, existq_tvars::in, prog_constraints::in,
- inst_var_sub::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out)
- is det.
-process_func_2(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Cond, MaybeDet, ExistQVars,
- Constraints, InstConstraints, Attributes, Context, Result) :-
+ ;
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier = ok1(SymNameSpecifier),
- Term = term.functor(term.atom("="),
- [FuncTerm0, ReturnTypeTerm], _Context),
- FuncTerm = desugar_field_access(FuncTerm0)
+ SymNameSpecifier = name(_),
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("initialise"),
+ words("declaration"), words("requires arity, found"),
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ Result = error1([Spec])
+ ;
+ SymNameSpecifier = name_arity(SymName, Arity),
+ (
+ ( Arity = 0 ; Arity = 2 )
- ContextPieces = [words("In"), quote(":- func"), words("declaration")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FuncTerm, Term,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, FuncTermResult),
- process_func_3(FuncTermResult, FuncTerm, ReturnTypeTerm, Term, VarSet,
- MaybeDet, Cond, ExistQVars, Constraints, InstConstraints,
- Attributes, Context, Result)
+ ItemInitialise = item_initialise_info(user, SymName, Arity,
+ Context),
+ Item = item_initialise(ItemInitialise),
+ Result = ok1(Item)
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("="), words("expected in"),
- quote(":- func"), words("declaration."), nl],
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("initialise"),
+ words("declaration specifies a predicate"),
+ words("whose arity is not zero or two:"),
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
Result = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ )
-:- pred process_func_3(maybe_functor::in, term::in, term::in, term::in,
- varset::in, maybe(determinism)::in, condition::in, existq_tvars::in,
- prog_constraints::in, inst_var_sub::in, decl_attrs::in,
+:- pred parse_finalise_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
-process_func_3(error2(Specs), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
- error1(Specs)).
-process_func_3(ok2(F, As0), FuncTerm, ReturnTypeTerm, FullTerm, VarSet,
- MaybeDet, Cond, ExistQVars, ClassContext, InstConstraints,
- Attributes0, Context, Result) :-
- ( convert_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, As0, As) ->
+parse_finalise_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Context, Result) :-
+ parse_symbol_name_specifier(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymNameSpecifier),
- \+ verify_type_and_mode_list(As)
- ->
- Pieces = [words("Error: some but not all arguments have modes."),
- nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier = error1(Specs),
+ Result = error1(Specs)
- convert_type_and_mode(InstConstraints, ReturnTypeTerm, ReturnType)
- ->
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier = ok1(SymNameSpecifier),
- As = [type_and_mode(_, _) | _],
- ReturnType = type_only(_)
- ->
- Pieces = [words("Error: function arguments have modes,"),
- words("but function result does not."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- As = [type_only(_) | _],
- ReturnType = type_and_mode(_, _)
- ->
- Pieces = [words("Error: function result has mode,"),
- words("but function arguments do not."), nl],
+ SymNameSpecifier = name(_),
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("finalise"),
+ words("declaration"), words("requires arity, found"),
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
Result = error1([Spec])
- get_purity(Purity, Attributes0, Attributes),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, TVarSet),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, IVarSet),
- list.append(As, [ReturnType], Args),
+ SymNameSpecifier = name_arity(SymName, Arity),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_type_and_modes(Args)
+ ( Arity = 0 ; Arity = 2 )
- Origin = user,
- Result0 = ok1(Item),
- Item = item_pred_decl(ItemPredDecl),
- ItemPredDecl = item_pred_decl_info(Origin, TVarSet, IVarSet,
- ExistQVars, pf_function, F, Args, no, no, MaybeDet,
- Cond, Purity, ClassContext, Context),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result)
+ ItemFinalise = item_finalise_info(user, SymName, Arity,
+ Context),
+ Item = item_finalise(ItemFinalise),
+ Result = ok1(Item)
- FullTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FullTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints"),
- words("on inst variables in function declaration:"),
- nl, words(FullTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("finalise"),
+ words("declaration specifies a predicate"),
+ words("whose arity is not zero or two:"),
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FullTerm),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in return type of"),
- quote(":- func"), words("declaration."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(ReturnTypeTerm),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- )
- ;
- FuncTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FuncTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in arguments of"),
- quote(":- func"), words("declaration at"),
- words(FuncTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+% Mutable declarations
+% See prog_mutable.m for implementation details.
- % Perform one of the following field-access syntax rewrites if possible:
- %
- % A ^ f(B, ...) ---> f(B, ..., A)
- % (A ^ f(B, ...) := X) ---> 'f :='(B, ..., A, X)
- %
-:- func desugar_field_access(term) = term.
+:- pred parse_mutable_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, list(term)::in,
+ prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is semidet.
+parse_mutable_decl(_ModuleName, VarSet, Terms, Context, MaybeItem) :-
+ Terms = [NameTerm, TypeTerm, ValueTerm, InstTerm | OptMutAttrsTerm],
+ parse_mutable_name(NameTerm, MaybeName),
+ parse_mutable_type(VarSet, TypeTerm, MaybeType),
+ term.coerce(ValueTerm, Value),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet),
+ parse_mutable_inst(VarSet, InstTerm, MaybeInst),
-desugar_field_access(Term) =
+ % The list of attributes is optional.
- Term = functor(atom("^"), [A, RHS], _),
- RHS = functor(atom(FieldName), Bs, Context)
- ->
- functor(atom(FieldName), Bs ++ [A], Context)
+ OptMutAttrsTerm = [],
+ MaybeMutAttrs = ok1(default_mutable_attributes)
- Term = functor(atom(":="), [LHS, X], _),
- LHS = functor(atom("^"), [A, RHS], Context),
- RHS = functor(atom(FieldName), Bs, Context)
+ OptMutAttrsTerm = [MutAttrsTerm],
+ parse_mutable_attrs(VarSet, MutAttrsTerm, MaybeMutAttrs)
+ ),
+ (
+ MaybeName = ok1(Name),
+ MaybeType = ok1(Type),
+ MaybeInst = ok1(Inst),
+ MaybeMutAttrs = ok1(MutAttrs)
- functor(atom(FieldName ++ " :="), Bs ++ [A, X], Context)
+ % We *must* attach the varset to the mutable item because if the
+ % initial value is non-ground, then the initial value will be a
+ % variable and the mutable initialisation predicate will contain
+ % references to it. Ignoring the varset may lead to later compiler
+ % passes attempting to reuse this variable when fresh variables are
+ % allocated.
+ ItemMutable = item_mutable_info(Name, Type, Value, Inst, MutAttrs,
+ ProgVarSet, Context),
+ Item = item_mutable(ItemMutable),
+ MaybeItem = ok1(Item)
- Term
+ Specs = get_any_errors1(MaybeName) ++ get_any_errors1(MaybeType) ++
+ get_any_errors1(MaybeInst) ++ get_any_errors1(MaybeMutAttrs),
+ MaybeItem = error1(Specs)
- % Parse a `:- mode p(...)' declaration.
- %
-:- pred process_mode(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, condition::in,
- decl_attrs::in, maybe(mer_inst)::in, maybe(determinism)::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_mutable_name(term::in, maybe1(string)::out) is det.
-process_mode(ModuleName, VarSet, Term, Cond, Attributes, WithInst, MaybeDet,
- Context, Result) :-
- (
- WithInst = no,
- Term = term.functor(term.atom("="), [FuncTerm0, ReturnTypeTerm],
- _Context),
- FuncTerm = desugar_field_access(FuncTerm0)
- ->
- ContextPieces = [words("In function"), quote(":- mode"),
- words("declaration")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, FuncTerm, Term,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, R),
- process_func_mode(R, ModuleName, FuncTerm, ReturnTypeTerm,
- Term, VarSet, MaybeDet, Cond, Attributes, Context, Result)
+parse_mutable_name(NameTerm, MaybeName) :-
+ ( NameTerm = term.functor(atom(Name), [], _) ->
+ MaybeName = ok1(Name)
- ContextPieces = [words("In"), quote(":- mode"), words("declaration")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, Term, Term,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, R),
- process_mode_decl(R, ModuleName, Term, VarSet,
- WithInst, MaybeDet, Cond, Attributes, Context, Result)
+ Pieces = [words("Error: invalid mutable name."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(NameTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeName = error1([Spec])
-:- pred process_mode_decl(maybe_functor::in, module_name::in, term::in,
- varset::in, maybe(mer_inst)::in, maybe(determinism)::in, condition::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_mutable_type(varset::in, term::in, maybe1(mer_type)::out) is det.
-process_mode_decl(error2(Specs), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, error1(Specs)).
-process_mode_decl(ok2(F, As0), ModuleName, PredModeTerm, VarSet, WithInst,
- MaybeDet, Cond, Attributes0, Context, Result) :-
- ( convert_mode_list(allow_constrained_inst_var, As0, As1) ->
- get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
- Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeConstraints),
- (
- MaybeConstraints = ok3(_, _, InstConstraints),
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints), As1, As),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, ProgVarSet),
- ( inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(As) ->
- (
- WithInst = no,
- PredOrFunc = yes(pf_predicate)
- ;
- WithInst = yes(_),
- % We don't know whether it's a predicate or a function
- % until we expand out the inst.
- PredOrFunc = no
- ),
- ItemModeDecl = item_mode_decl_info(ProgVarSet, PredOrFunc,
- F, As, WithInst, MaybeDet, Cond, Context),
- Item = item_mode_decl(ItemModeDecl),
- Result0 = ok1(Item)
- ;
- PredModeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, PredModeTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints"),
- words("on inst variables"),
- words("in predicate mode declaration:"), nl,
- words(PredModeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+parse_mutable_type(VarSet, TypeTerm, MaybeType) :-
+ ( term.contains_var(TypeTerm, _) ->
+ TypeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, TypeTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: the type in a mutable declaration"),
+ words("cannot contain variables:"),
+ words(TypeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(PredModeTerm),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result0 = error1([Spec])
- )
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(TypeTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeType = error1([Spec])
- MaybeConstraints = error3(Specs),
- Result0 = error1(Specs)
- ),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result)
+ ContextPieces = [],
+ parse_type(TypeTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeType)
+ ).
+:- pred parse_mutable_inst(varset::in, term::in, maybe1(mer_inst)::out) is det.
+parse_mutable_inst(VarSet, InstTerm, MaybeInst) :-
+ ( term.contains_var(InstTerm, _) ->
+ InstTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, InstTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: the inst in a mutable declaration"),
+ words("cannot contain variables:"),
+ words(InstTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(InstTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeInst = error1([Spec])
+ ; convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, InstTerm, Inst) ->
+ MaybeInst = ok1(Inst)
- PredModeTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, PredModeTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in mode declaration at"),
- words(PredModeTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Pieces = [words("Error: invalid inst in mutable declaration."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(PredModeTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(InstTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeInst = error1([Spec])
-:- pred process_func_mode(maybe_functor::in, module_name::in, term::in,
- term::in, term::in, varset::in, maybe(determinism)::in, condition::in,
- decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- type collected_mutable_attribute
+ ---> mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed)
+ ; mutable_attr_foreign_name(foreign_name)
+ ; mutable_attr_attach_to_io_state(bool)
+ ; mutable_attr_constant(bool)
+ ; mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local).
-process_func_mode(error2(Specs), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, error1(Specs)).
-process_func_mode(ok2(F, As0), ModuleName, FuncMode, RetMode0, FullTerm,
- VarSet, MaybeDet, Cond, Attributes0, Context, Result) :-
+:- pred parse_mutable_attrs(varset::in, term::in,
+ maybe1(mutable_var_attributes)::out) is det.
+parse_mutable_attrs(VarSet, MutAttrsTerm, MaybeMutAttrs) :-
+ Attributes0 = default_mutable_attributes,
+ ConflictingAttributes = [
+ mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed) -
+ mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_untrailed),
+ mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed) -
+ mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local),
+ mutable_attr_constant(yes) - mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed),
+ mutable_attr_constant(yes) - mutable_attr_attach_to_io_state(yes),
+ mutable_attr_constant(yes) -
+ mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local)
+ ],
- convert_mode_list(allow_constrained_inst_var, As0, As1)
+ list_term_to_term_list(MutAttrsTerm, MutAttrTerms),
+ map_parser(parse_mutable_attr, MutAttrTerms, MaybeAttrList),
+ MaybeAttrList = ok1(CollectedMutAttrs)
- get_class_context_and_inst_constraints(ModuleName, VarSet,
- Attributes0, Attributes, MaybeConstraints),
- (
- MaybeConstraints = ok3(_, _, InstConstraints),
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints), As1, As),
+ % We check for trailed/untrailed, constant/trailed,
+ % trailed/thread_local, constant/attach_to_io_state,
+ % constant/thread_local conflicts here and deal with conflicting
+ % foreign_name attributes in make_hlds_passes.m.
- convert_mode(allow_constrained_inst_var, RetMode0, RetMode1)
+ list.member(Conflict1 - Conflict2, ConflictingAttributes),
+ list.member(Conflict1, CollectedMutAttrs),
+ list.member(Conflict2, CollectedMutAttrs)
- constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints,
- RetMode1, RetMode),
- varset.coerce(VarSet, InstVarSet),
- list.append(As, [RetMode], ArgModes),
- ( inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(ArgModes) ->
- ItemModeDecl = item_mode_decl_info(InstVarSet,
- yes(pf_function), F, ArgModes, no, MaybeDet, Cond,
- Context),
- Item = item_mode_decl(ItemModeDecl),
- Result0 = ok1(Item)
- ;
- FullTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FullTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: inconsistent constraints"),
- words("on inst variables"),
- words("in function mode declaration:"), nl,
- words(FullTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ % XXX Should generate more specific error message.
+ MutAttrsStr = mercury_term_to_string(VarSet, no, MutAttrsTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: conflicting attributes"),
+ words("in attribute list:"), nl,
+ words(MutAttrsStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FullTerm),
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(MutAttrsTerm),
- Result0 = error1([Spec])
- )
+ MaybeMutAttrs = error1([Spec])
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in return mode"),
- words("of function mode declaration."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(RetMode0),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result0 = error1([Spec])
+ list.foldl(process_mutable_attribute, CollectedMutAttrs,
+ Attributes0, Attributes),
+ MaybeMutAttrs = ok1(Attributes)
- MaybeConstraints = error3(Specs),
- Result0 = error1(Specs)
- ),
- check_no_attributes(Result0, Attributes, Result)
- ;
- % XXX Should say which argument.
- FuncModeStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, FuncMode),
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in arguments of"),
- words("function mode declaration at"),
- words(FuncModeStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ MutAttrsStr = mercury_term_to_string(VarSet, no, MutAttrsTerm),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: malformed attribute list"),
+ words("in mutable declaration:"),
+ words(MutAttrsStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(FuncMode), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(Mode0, Mode) :-
- constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(map.init, Mode0, Mode).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints, I0 -> F0, I -> F) :-
- constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, I0, I),
- constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, F0, F).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints, user_defined_mode(Name, Args0),
- user_defined_mode(Name, Args)) :-
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints), Args0, Args).
-:- pred constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(inst_var_sub::in,
- mer_inst::in, mer_inst::out) is det.
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(_, any(U, none), any(U, none)).
- any(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo0)),
- any(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo))) :-
- constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(InstConstraints, PredInstInfo0,
- PredInstInfo).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(_, free, free).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(_, free(T), free(T)).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, bound(U, BIs0), bound(U, BIs)) :-
- list.map(
- (pred(bound_functor(C, Is0)::in, bound_functor(C, Is)::out) is det :-
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints), Is0, Is)),
- BIs0, BIs).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(_, ground(U, none), ground(U, none)).
- ground(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo0)),
- ground(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo))) :-
- constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(InstConstraints, PredInstInfo0,
- PredInstInfo).
- constrained_inst_vars(Vars0, Inst0),
- constrained_inst_vars(Vars, Inst)) :-
- constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, Inst0, Inst1),
- ( Inst1 = constrained_inst_vars(Vars2, Inst2) ->
- Vars = Vars0 `set.union` Vars2,
- Inst = Inst2
- ;
- Vars = Vars0,
- Inst = Inst1
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(MutAttrsTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeMutAttrs = error1([Spec])
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(_, not_reached, not_reached).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, inst_var(Var),
- constrained_inst_vars(set.make_singleton_set(Var), Inst)) :-
- ( map.search(InstConstraints, Var, Inst0) ->
- Inst = Inst0
- ;
- Inst = ground(shared, none)
- ).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, defined_inst(Name0),
- defined_inst(Name)) :-
- constrain_inst_vars_in_inst_name(InstConstraints, Name0, Name).
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, abstract_inst(N, Is0),
- abstract_inst(N, Is)) :-
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints), Is0, Is).
-:- pred constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(inst_var_sub::in,
- pred_inst_info::in, pred_inst_info::out) is det.
-constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(InstConstraints, PII0, PII) :-
- PII0 = pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc, Modes0, Det),
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints), Modes0, Modes),
- PII = pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc, Modes, Det).
-:- pred constrain_inst_vars_in_inst_name(inst_var_sub::in,
- inst_name::in, inst_name::out) is det.
+:- pred process_mutable_attribute(collected_mutable_attribute::in,
+ mutable_var_attributes::in, mutable_var_attributes::out) is det.
-constrain_inst_vars_in_inst_name(InstConstraints, Name0, Name) :-
- ( Name0 = user_inst(SymName, Args0) ->
- list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints), Args0, Args),
- Name = user_inst(SymName, Args)
+process_mutable_attribute(mutable_attr_trailed(Trailed), !Attributes) :-
+ set_mutable_var_trailed(Trailed, !Attributes).
+ !Attributes) :-
+ set_mutable_add_foreign_name(ForeignName, !Attributes).
+ !Attributes) :-
+ set_mutable_var_attach_to_io_state(AttachToIOState, !Attributes).
+process_mutable_attribute(mutable_attr_constant(Constant), !Attributes) :-
+ set_mutable_var_constant(Constant, !Attributes),
+ (
+ Constant = yes,
+ set_mutable_var_trailed(mutable_untrailed, !Attributes),
+ set_mutable_var_attach_to_io_state(no, !Attributes)
- Name = Name0
+ Constant = no
+process_mutable_attribute(mutable_attr_thread_local(ThrLocal), !Attributes) :-
+ set_mutable_var_thread_local(ThrLocal, !Attributes).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes) :-
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, map.init, _).
-:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(list(mer_mode)::in,
- inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, !Sub) :-
- list.foldl(inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode, Modes, !Sub).
-:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_type_and_modes(
- list(type_and_mode)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred parse_mutable_attr(term::in,
+ maybe1(collected_mutable_attribute)::out) is det.
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_type_and_modes(TypeAndModes) :-
- list.foldl((pred(TypeAndMode::in, in, out) is semidet -->
+parse_mutable_attr(MutAttrTerm, MutAttrResult) :-
- { TypeAndMode = type_only(_) }
- ;
- { TypeAndMode = type_and_mode(_, Mode) },
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(Mode)
- )), TypeAndModes, map.init, _).
-:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(mer_mode::in,
- inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(InitialInst -> FinalInst, !Sub) :-
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(InitialInst, !Sub),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(FinalInst, !Sub).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(user_defined_mode(_, ArgInsts),
- !Sub) :-
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(ArgInsts, !Sub).
-:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(list(mer_inst)::in,
- inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts, !Sub) :-
- list.foldl(inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst, Insts, !Sub).
-:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(mer_inst::in,
- inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(any(_, HOInstInfo), !Sub) :-
+ MutAttrTerm = term.functor(term.atom(String), [], _),
- HOInstInfo = none
+ String = "untrailed",
+ MutAttr = mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_untrailed)
- HOInstInfo = higher_order(pred_inst_info(_, Modes, _)),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, !Sub)
- ).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(free, !Sub).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(free(_), !Sub).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(bound(_, BoundInsts), !Sub) :-
- list.foldl(
- (pred(bound_functor(_, Insts)::in, in, out) is semidet -->
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts)),
- BoundInsts, !Sub).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(ground(_, HOInstInfo), !Sub) :-
- (
- HOInstInfo = none
+ String = "trailed",
+ MutAttr = mutable_attr_trailed(mutable_trailed)
- HOInstInfo = higher_order(pred_inst_info(_, Modes, _)),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, !Sub)
- ).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(not_reached, !Sub).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(inst_var(_), !Sub) :-
- unexpected(this_file, "inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst: " ++
- "unconstrained inst_var").
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(defined_inst(InstName), !Sub) :-
- ( InstName = user_inst(_, Insts) ->
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts, !Sub)
+ String = "attach_to_io_state",
+ MutAttr = mutable_attr_attach_to_io_state(yes)
- true
- ).
-inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(abstract_inst(_, Insts), !Sub) :-
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts, !Sub).
- constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, Inst), !Sub) :-
- set.fold((pred(InstVar::in, in, out) is semidet -->
- ( Inst0 =^ map.elem(InstVar) ->
- % Check that the inst_var constraint is consistent with
- % the previous constraint on this inst_var.
- { Inst = Inst0 }
+ String = "constant",
+ MutAttr = mutable_attr_constant(yes)
+ ;
+ String = "thread_local",
+ MutAttr = mutable_attr_thread_local(mutable_thread_local)
+ )
+ ->
+ MutAttrResult = ok1(MutAttr)
+ ;
+ MutAttrTerm = term.functor(term.atom("foreign_name"), Args, _),
+ Args = [LangTerm, ForeignNameTerm],
+ parse_foreign_language(LangTerm, Lang),
+ ForeignNameTerm = term.functor(term.string(ForeignName), [], _)
+ ->
+ MutAttr = mutable_attr_foreign_name(foreign_name(Lang, ForeignName)),
+ MutAttrResult = ok1(MutAttr)
- ^ map.elem(InstVar) := Inst
- )), InstVars, !Sub),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(Inst, !Sub).
+ Pieces = [words("Error: unrecognised attribute"),
+ words("in mutable declaration."), nl],
+ Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(MutAttrTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MutAttrResult = error1([Spec])
+ ).
- % Parse a `:- inst <InstDefn>.' declaration.
+ % parse_condition_suffix(Term, BeforeCondTerm, Condition):
-:- pred parse_inst_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+ % Bind Condition to a representation of the 'where' condition of Term,
+ % if any, and bind BeforeCondTerm to the other part of Term. If Term
+ % does not contain a condition, then set Condition to true.
+ %
+ % NU-Prolog supported type declarations of the form
+ % :- pred p(T) where p(X) : sorted(X).
+ % or
+ % :- type sorted_list(T) = list(T) where X : sorted(X).
+ % :- pred p(sorted_list(T).
+ % There is some code here to support that sort of thing, but
+ % probably we would now need to use a different syntax, since
+ % Mercury now uses `where' for different purposes (e.g. specifying
+ % user-defined equality predicates, and also for type classes ...)
+ %
+:- pred parse_condition_suffix(term::in, term::out, condition::out) is det.
-parse_inst_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, InstDefn, Context, Result) :-
- % XXX Some of the tests here could be factored out.
+parse_condition_suffix(Term, Term, cond_true).
+% parse_condition_suffix(B, Body, Condition) :-
+% (
+% B = term.functor(term.atom("where"), [Body1, Condition1],
+% _Context)
+% ->
+% Body = Body1,
+% Condition = where(Condition1)
+% ;
+% Body = B,
+% Condition = true
+% ).
+ % parse_determinism_suffix(VarSet, BodyTerm, BeforeDetismTerm,
+ % MaybeMaybeDetism):
+ %
+ % Look for a suffix of the form "is <detism>" in Term. If we find one,
+ % bind MaybeMaybeDetism to ok1(yes()) wrapped around the determinism,
+ % and bind BeforeDetismTerm to the other part of Term. If we don't
+ % find, one, then bind MaybeMaybeDetism to ok1(no).
+ %
+:- pred parse_determinism_suffix(varset::in, term::in, term::out,
+ maybe1(maybe(determinism))::out) is det.
+parse_determinism_suffix(VarSet, Term, BeforeDetismTerm, MaybeMaybeDetism) :-
- InstDefn = term.functor(term.atom("=="), [H, B], _Context)
- ->
- get_condition(B, Body, Condition),
- convert_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, H, Body, R),
- process_maybe1(make_inst_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context), R, Result)
- ;
- % XXX This is for `abstract inst' declarations,
- % which are not really supported.
- InstDefn = term.functor(term.atom("is"), Args, _Context),
- Args = [Head, term.functor(term.atom("private"), [], _)]
- ->
- Condition = cond_true,
- convert_abstract_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, Head, R),
- process_maybe1(make_inst_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context), R, Result)
- ;
- InstDefn = term.functor(term.atom("--->"), [H, B], _Context)
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("is"), Args, _),
+ Args = [BeforeDetismTermPrime, DetismTerm]
- get_condition(B, Body, Condition),
- Body1 = term.functor(term.atom("bound"), [Body], Context),
- convert_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, H, Body1, R),
- % We should check the condition for errors. We don't bother
- % at the moment, since we ignore conditions anyhow :-)
- process_maybe1(make_inst_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context), R, Result)
+ BeforeDetismTerm = BeforeDetismTermPrime,
+ (
+ DetismTerm = term.functor(term.atom(DetismFunctor), [], _),
+ standard_det(DetismFunctor, Detism)
+ ->
+ MaybeMaybeDetism = ok1(yes(Detism))
- Pieces = [words("Error:"), quote("=="), words("expected in"),
- quote(":- inst"), words("definition."), nl],
+ TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
+ Pieces = [words("Error: invalid determinism category"),
+ words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(InstDefn), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(DetismTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeMaybeDetism = error1([Spec])
+ )
+ ;
+ BeforeDetismTerm = Term,
+ MaybeMaybeDetism = ok1(no)
- % Parse a `:- inst <Head> ---> <Body>.' definition.
+ % Process the `with_type type` suffix part of a declaration.
-:- pred convert_inst_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_inst_body)::out) is det.
-convert_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Result) :-
- ContextPieces = [words("In inst definition:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, BodyTerm,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, QualResult),
- convert_inst_defn_2(QualResult, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Result).
-:- pred convert_inst_defn_2(maybe_functor::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_inst_body)::out) is det.
+:- pred parse_with_type_suffix(varset::in, term::in, term::out,
+ maybe1(maybe(mer_type))::out) is det.
-convert_inst_defn_2(error2(Specs), _, _, _, error1(Specs)).
-convert_inst_defn_2(ok2(Name, ArgTerms), VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Result) :-
+parse_with_type_suffix(VarSet, Term, BeforeWithTypeTerm, MaybeWithType) :-
- % Check that all the head args are variables.
- term.term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Args)
- ->
+ Term = term.functor(TypeQualifier,
+ [BeforeWithTypeTermPrime, TypeTerm], _),
- % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
- list.member(Arg2, Args, [Arg2 | OtherArgs]),
- list.member(Arg2, OtherArgs)
- ->
- % XXX Should improve the error message here.
- Pieces = [words("Error: repeated inst parameters"),
- words("in LHS of inst definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ TypeQualifier = term.atom("with_type")
- % Check that all the variables in the body occur in the head.
- term.contains_var(BodyTerm, Var2),
- \+ list.member(Var2, Args)
+ TypeQualifier = term.atom(":")
+ )
- Pieces = [words("Error: free inst parameter"),
- words("in RHS of inst definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ BeforeWithTypeTerm = BeforeWithTypeTermPrime,
+ % XXX Should supply more correct ContextPieces.
+ ContextPieces = [],
+ parse_type(TypeTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeType),
+ (
+ MaybeType = ok1(Type),
+ MaybeWithType = ok1(yes(Type))
- % Check that the inst is a valid user-defined inst, i.e. that it
- % does not have the form of one of the builtin insts.
- \+ (
- convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, HeadTerm,
- UserInst),
- UserInst = defined_inst(user_inst(_, _))
+ MaybeType = error1(Specs),
+ MaybeWithType = error1(Specs)
- ->
- % XXX Name the builtin inst.
- Pieces = [words("Error: attempt to redefine builtin inst."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- % Should improve the error message here.
+ BeforeWithTypeTerm = Term,
+ MaybeWithType = ok1(no)
+ ).
+ % Process the `with_inst inst` suffix part of a declaration.
+ %
+:- pred parse_with_inst_suffix(term::in, term::out,
+ maybe1(maybe(mer_inst))::out) is det.
+parse_with_inst_suffix(Term, BeforeWithInstTerm, MaybeWithInst) :-
- convert_inst(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, BodyTerm,
- ConvertedBody)
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom("with_inst"),
+ [BeforeWithInstTermPrime, InstTerm], _)
- list.map(term.coerce_var, Args, InstArgs),
- Result = ok1(processed_inst_body(Name, InstArgs,
- eqv_inst(ConvertedBody)))
+ BeforeWithInstTerm = BeforeWithInstTermPrime,
+ ( convert_inst(allow_constrained_inst_var, InstTerm, Inst) ->
+ MaybeWithInst = ok1(yes(Inst))
- BodyTermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, BodyTerm),
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in inst body at"),
- words(BodyTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
+ Pieces = [words("Error: invalid inst in"), quote("with_inst"),
+ suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(BodyTerm),
- [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- )
+ [simple_msg(get_term_context(InstTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
+ MaybeWithInst = error1([Spec])
- % XXX If term_list_to_var_list returned the non-var's term or context,
- % we could use it here.
- Pieces = [words("Error: inst parameters must be variables."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(HeadTerm), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ BeforeWithInstTerm = Term,
+ MaybeWithInst = ok1(no)
-:- type processed_inst_body
- ---> processed_inst_body(
- sym_name,
- list(inst_var),
- inst_defn
- ).
-:- pred convert_abstract_inst_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_inst_body)::out) is det.
-convert_abstract_inst_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, Result) :-
- ContextPieces = [words("In inst definition:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, HeadTerm,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, HeadResult),
- convert_abstract_inst_defn_2(HeadResult, HeadTerm, Result).
-:- pred convert_abstract_inst_defn_2(maybe_functor::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_inst_body)::out) is det.
+:- pred get_quant_vars(quantifier_type::in, module_name::in,
+ decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out, list(var)::in, list(var)::out) is det.
-convert_abstract_inst_defn_2(error2(Specs), _, error1(Specs)).
-convert_abstract_inst_defn_2(ok2(Name, ArgTerms), Head, Result) :-
- (
- % Check that all the head args are variables.
- term.term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Args)
- ->
+get_quant_vars(QuantType, ModuleName, !Attributes, !Vars) :-
- % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
- list.member(Arg2, Args, [Arg2 | OtherArgs]),
- list.member(Arg2, OtherArgs)
+ !.Attributes = [decl_attr_quantifier(QuantType, QuantVars) - _
+ | !:Attributes]
- % XXX We should we list the repeated parameters?
- Pieces = [words("Error: repeated inst parameters"),
- words("in abstract inst definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Head), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- list.map(term.coerce_var, Args, InstArgs),
- Result = ok1(processed_inst_body(Name, InstArgs, abstract_inst))
- )
+ !:Vars = !.Vars ++ QuantVars,
+ get_quant_vars(QuantType, ModuleName, !Attributes, !Vars)
- % XXX If term_list_to_var_list returned the non-var's term or context,
- % we could use it here.
- Pieces = [words("Error: inst parameters must be variables."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Head), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ true
-:- pred make_inst_defn(varset::in, condition::in, prog_context::in,
- processed_inst_body::in, item::out) is det.
-make_inst_defn(VarSet0, Cond, Context, ProcessedInstBody, Item) :-
- ProcessedInstBody = processed_inst_body(Name, Params, InstDefn),
- varset.coerce(VarSet0, VarSet),
- ItemInstDefn = item_inst_defn_info(VarSet, Name, Params, InstDefn, Cond,
- Context),
- Item = item_inst_defn(ItemInstDefn).
- % Parse a `:- mode foo == ...' definition.
+ % Perform one of the following field-access syntax rewrites if possible:
-:- pred parse_mode_decl(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, decl_attrs::in,
- prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+ % A ^ f(B, ...) ---> f(B, ..., A)
+ % (A ^ f(B, ...) := X) ---> 'f :='(B, ..., A, X)
+ %
+:- func desugar_field_access(term) = term.
-parse_mode_decl(ModuleName, VarSet, ModeDefn, Attributes, Context, Result) :-
- ( mode_op(ModeDefn, H, B) ->
- get_condition(B, Body, Condition),
- convert_mode_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, H, Body, R),
- process_maybe1(make_mode_defn(VarSet, Condition, Context), R, Result)
+desugar_field_access(Term) = DesugaredTerm :-
+ (
+ Term = functor(atom("^"), [A, RHS], _),
+ RHS = functor(atom(FieldName), Bs, Context)
+ ->
+ DesugaredTerm = functor(atom(FieldName), Bs ++ [A], Context)
- parse_mode_decl_pred(ModuleName, VarSet, ModeDefn, Attributes,
- Context, Result)
+ % XXX We shouldn't insist on the context of LHS and RHS being the same.
+ Term = functor(atom(":="), [LHS, X], _),
+ LHS = functor(atom("^"), [A, RHS], Context),
+ RHS = functor(atom(FieldName), Bs, Context)
+ ->
+ FunctionName = FieldName ++ " :=",
+ DesugaredTerm = functor(atom(FunctionName), Bs ++ [A, X], Context)
+ ;
+ DesugaredTerm = Term
-:- pred mode_op(term::in, term::out, term::out) is semidet.
-mode_op(term.functor(term.atom(Op), [H, B], _), H, B) :-
- Op = "==".
+constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(Mode0, Mode) :-
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(map.init, Mode0, Mode).
-:- type processed_mode_body
- ---> processed_mode_body(
- sym_name,
- list(inst_var),
- mode_defn
+constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints, Mode0, Mode) :-
+ (
+ Mode0 = (I0 -> F0),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, I0, I),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, F0, F),
+ Mode = (I -> F)
+ ;
+ Mode0 = user_defined_mode(Name, Args0),
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints), Args0, Args),
+ Mode = user_defined_mode(Name, Args)
-:- pred convert_mode_defn(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_mode_body)::out) is det.
-convert_mode_defn(ModuleName, VarSet, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Result) :-
- ContextPieces = [words("In mode definition:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, HeadTerm, HeadTerm,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, HeadResult),
- convert_mode_defn_2(HeadResult, HeadTerm, BodyTerm, Result).
-:- pred convert_mode_defn_2(maybe_functor::in, term::in, term::in,
- maybe1(processed_mode_body)::out) is det.
+:- pred constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(inst_var_sub::in,
+ mer_inst::in, mer_inst::out) is det.
-convert_mode_defn_2(error2(Specs), _, _, error1(Specs)).
-convert_mode_defn_2(ok2(Name, ArgTerms), Head, Body, Result) :-
- (
- % Check that all the head args are variables.
- term.term_list_to_var_list(ArgTerms, Args)
- ->
+constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, Inst0, Inst) :-
- % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
- list.member(Arg2, Args, [Arg2 | OtherArgs]),
- list.member(Arg2, OtherArgs)
- ->
- % Check that all the head arg variables are distinct.
- % XXX We should list the duplicated head arg variables.
- Pieces = [words("Error: repeated parameters"),
- words("in LHS of mode definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Head), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ Inst0 = any(U, none),
+ Inst = any(U, none)
- % Check that all the variables in the body occur in the head.
- term.contains_var(Body, Var2),
- \+ list.member(Var2, Args)
- ->
- % XXX Shouldn't we be using the Body's context?
- % XXX We should list the Var2s for which the condition holds.
- Pieces = [words("Error: free inst parameter"),
- words("in RHS of mode definition."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Head), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ Inst0 = any(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo0)),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(InstConstraints,
+ PredInstInfo0, PredInstInfo),
+ Inst = any(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo))
- (
- convert_mode(no_allow_constrained_inst_var, Body,
- ConvertedBody)
- ->
- list.map(term.coerce_var, Args, InstArgs),
- Result = ok1(processed_mode_body(Name, InstArgs,
- eqv_mode(ConvertedBody)))
+ Inst0 = free,
+ Inst = free
- % XXX We should improve the error message here.
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error"),
- words("in mode definition body."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Body), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- )
- )
+ Inst0 = free(Type),
+ Inst = free(Type)
- % XXX If term_list_to_var_list returned the non-var's term or context,
- % we could use it here.
- Pieces = [words("Error: mode parameters must be variables."), nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Head), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ Inst0 = bound(U, BIs0),
+ list.map(
+ (pred(bound_functor(C, Is0)::in, bound_functor(C, Is)::out)
+ is det :-
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints),
+ Is0, Is)),
+ BIs0, BIs),
+ Inst = bound(U, BIs)
+ ;
+ Inst0 = ground(U, none),
+ Inst = ground(U, none)
+ ;
+ Inst0 = ground(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo0)),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(InstConstraints,
+ PredInstInfo0, PredInstInfo),
+ Inst = ground(U, higher_order(PredInstInfo))
+ ;
+ Inst0 = constrained_inst_vars(Vars0, SubInst0),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints, SubInst0, SubInst1),
+ ( SubInst1 = constrained_inst_vars(SubVars, SubSubInst) ->
+ set.union(Vars0, SubVars, Vars),
+ SubInst = SubSubInst
+ ;
+ Vars = Vars0,
+ SubInst = SubInst1
+ ),
+ Inst = constrained_inst_vars(Vars, SubInst)
+ ;
+ Inst0 = not_reached,
+ Inst = not_reached
+ ;
+ Inst0 = inst_var(Var),
+ ( map.search(InstConstraints, Var, SubInstPrime) ->
+ SubInst = SubInstPrime
+ ;
+ SubInst = ground(shared, none)
+ ),
+ Inst = constrained_inst_vars(set.make_singleton_set(Var), SubInst)
+ ;
+ Inst0 = defined_inst(Name0),
+ constrain_inst_vars_in_inst_name(InstConstraints, Name0, Name),
+ Inst = defined_inst(Name)
+ ;
+ Inst0 = abstract_inst(InstName, SubInsts0),
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints),
+ SubInsts0, SubInsts),
+ Inst = abstract_inst(InstName, SubInsts)
-:- pred convert_type_and_mode_list(inst_var_sub::in, list(term)::in,
- list(type_and_mode)::out) is semidet.
+:- pred constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(inst_var_sub::in,
+ pred_inst_info::in, pred_inst_info::out) is det.
-convert_type_and_mode_list(_, [], []).
-convert_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, [H0 | T0], [H | T]) :-
- convert_type_and_mode(InstConstraints, H0, H),
- convert_type_and_mode_list(InstConstraints, T0, T).
+constrain_inst_vars_in_pred_inst_info(InstConstraints, PII0, PII) :-
+ PII0 = pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc, Modes0, Det),
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints), Modes0, Modes),
+ PII = pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc, Modes, Det).
-:- pred convert_type_and_mode(inst_var_sub::in, term::in, type_and_mode::out)
- is semidet.
+:- pred constrain_inst_vars_in_inst_name(inst_var_sub::in,
+ inst_name::in, inst_name::out) is det.
-convert_type_and_mode(InstConstraints, Term, Result) :-
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("::"), [TypeTerm, ModeTerm], _Context) ->
- maybe_parse_type(TypeTerm, Type),
- convert_mode(allow_constrained_inst_var, ModeTerm, Mode0),
- constrain_inst_vars_in_mode(InstConstraints, Mode0, Mode),
- Result = type_and_mode(Type, Mode)
+constrain_inst_vars_in_inst_name(InstConstraints, Name0, Name) :-
+ ( Name0 = user_inst(SymName, Args0) ->
+ list.map(constrain_inst_vars_in_inst(InstConstraints), Args0, Args),
+ Name = user_inst(SymName, Args)
- maybe_parse_type(Term, Type),
- Result = type_only(Type)
+ Name = Name0
-:- pred make_mode_defn(varset::in, condition::in, prog_context::in,
- processed_mode_body::in, item::out) is det.
-make_mode_defn(VarSet0, Cond, Context, ProcessedModeBody, Item) :-
- ProcessedModeBody = processed_mode_body(Name, Params, ModeDefn),
- varset.coerce(VarSet0, VarSet),
- ItemModeDefn = item_mode_defn_info(VarSet, Name, Params, ModeDefn, Cond,
- Context),
- Item = item_mode_defn(ItemModeDefn).
+inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(Modes) :-
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, map.init, _).
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(list(mer_mode)::in,
+ inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-:- type maker(T1, T2) == pred(T1, T2).
-:- mode maker == (pred(in, out) is det).
+inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, !Sub) :-
+ list.foldl(inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode, Modes, !Sub).
-:- pred parse_symlist_decl(parser(module_specifier)::parser,
- maker(list(module_specifier), module_defn)::maker,
- term::in, decl_attrs::in, prog_context::in, maybe1(item)::out) is det.
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_types_modes_self_consistent(
+ list(type_and_mode)::in) is semidet.
-parse_symlist_decl(ParserPred, MakeModuleDefnPred, Term, Attributes, Context,
- Result) :-
- parse_list(ParserPred, Term, Result0),
- process_maybe1(make_module_defn(MakeModuleDefnPred, Context),
- Result0, Result1),
- check_no_attributes(Result1, Attributes, Result).
+inst_var_constraints_types_modes_self_consistent(TypeAndModes) :-
+ list.foldl(inst_var_constraints_type_mode_consistent, TypeAndModes,
+ map.init, _).
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_type_mode_consistent(type_and_mode::in,
+ inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
+inst_var_constraints_type_mode_consistent(TypeAndMode, !Sub) :-
+ (
+ TypeAndMode = type_only(_)
+ ;
+ TypeAndMode = type_and_mode(_, Mode),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(Mode, !Sub)
+ ).
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(mer_mode::in,
+ inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-:- pred make_module_defn(maker(list(module_specifier), module_defn)::maker,
- prog_context::in, list(module_specifier)::in, item::out) is det.
+inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_mode(Mode, !Sub) :-
+ (
+ Mode = (InitialInst -> FinalInst),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(InitialInst, !Sub),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(FinalInst, !Sub)
+ ;
+ Mode = user_defined_mode(_, ArgInsts),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(ArgInsts, !Sub)
+ ).
-make_module_defn(MakeModuleDefnPred, Context, ModuleSpecs, Item) :-
- call(MakeModuleDefnPred, ModuleSpecs, ModuleDefn),
- ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
- Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(list(mer_inst)::in,
+ inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
+inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts, !Sub) :-
+ list.foldl(inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst, Insts, !Sub).
-:- pred process_maybe1(maker(T1, T2)::maker, maybe1(T1)::in, maybe1(T2)::out)
- is det.
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(mer_inst::in,
+ inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-process_maybe1(Maker, ok1(X), ok1(Y)) :-
- call(Maker, X, Y).
-process_maybe1(_, error1(Specs), error1(Specs)).
+inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(Inst, !Sub) :-
+ (
+ ( Inst = free
+ ; Inst = free(_)
+ ; Inst = not_reached
+ )
+ ;
+ Inst = bound(_, BoundInsts),
+ list.foldl(
+ (pred(bound_functor(_, Insts)::in, in, out) is semidet -->
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts)),
+ BoundInsts, !Sub)
+ ;
+ ( Inst = ground(_, HOInstInfo)
+ ; Inst = any(_, HOInstInfo)
+ ),
+ (
+ HOInstInfo = none
+ ;
+ HOInstInfo = higher_order(pred_inst_info(_, Modes, _)),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes, !Sub)
+ )
+ ;
+ Inst = inst_var(_),
+ unexpected(this_file,
+ "inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst: " ++
+ "unconstrained inst_var")
+ ;
+ Inst = defined_inst(InstName),
+ ( InstName = user_inst(_, Insts) ->
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts, !Sub)
+ ;
+ true
+ )
+ ;
+ Inst = abstract_inst(_, Insts),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_insts(Insts, !Sub)
+ ;
+ Inst = constrained_inst_vars(InstVars, SubInst),
+ set.fold(inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst_var(SubInst),
+ InstVars, !Sub),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst(SubInst, !Sub)
+ ).
-:- pred process_maybe1_to_t(maker(T1, maybe1(T2))::maker,
- maybe1(T1)::in, maybe1(T2)::out) is det.
+:- pred inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst_var(mer_inst::in,
+ inst_var::in, inst_var_sub::in, inst_var_sub::out) is semidet.
-process_maybe1_to_t(Maker, ok1(X), Y) :-
- call(Maker, X, Y).
-process_maybe1_to_t(_, error1(Specs), error1(Specs)).
+inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_inst_var(SubInst, InstVar, !Sub) :-
+ ( map.search(!.Sub, InstVar, InstVarInst) ->
+ % Check that the inst_var constraint is consistent with
+ % the previous constraint on this inst_var.
+ InstVarInst = SubInst
+ ;
+ map.det_insert(!.Sub, InstVar, SubInst, !:Sub)
+ ).
@@ -4205,8 +4210,8 @@
:- pred parse_module_specifier(varset::in, term::in,
maybe1(module_specifier)::out) is det.
-parse_module_specifier(VarSet, Term, Result) :-
- parse_symbol_name(VarSet, Term, Result).
+parse_module_specifier(VarSet, Term, MaybeModuleSpecifier) :-
+ parse_symbol_name(VarSet, Term, MaybeModuleSpecifier).
% A ModuleName is an implicitly-quantified sym_name.
@@ -4216,7 +4221,7 @@
:- pred parse_module_name(module_name::in, varset::in, term::in,
maybe1(module_name)::out) is det.
-parse_module_name(DefaultModuleName, VarSet, Term, Result) :-
+parse_module_name(DefaultModuleName, VarSet, Term, MaybeModule) :-
Term = term.variable(_, Context),
Pieces = [words("Error: module names starting with capital letters"),
@@ -4224,11 +4229,11 @@
words("(e.g. "":- module 'Foo'."")."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(Context, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeModule = error1([Spec])
Term = term.functor(_, _, _),
parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name(DefaultModuleName, VarSet,
- Term, Result)
+ Term, MaybeModule)
@@ -4241,52 +4246,44 @@
:- pred parse_symbol_name_specifier(varset::in, term::in,
maybe1(sym_name_specifier)::out) is det.
-parse_symbol_name_specifier(VarSet, Term, Result) :-
+parse_symbol_name_specifier(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymNameSpecifier) :-
parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name_specifier(DefaultModule, VarSet,
- Term, Result).
+ Term, MaybeSymNameSpecifier).
:- pred parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name_specifier(module_name::in,
varset::in, term::in, maybe1(sym_name_specifier)::out) is det.
parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name_specifier(DefaultModule, VarSet, Term,
- Result) :-
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("/"), [NameTerm, ArityTerm], _Context) ->
- ( ArityTerm = term.functor(term.integer(Arity), [], _Context2) ->
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier) :-
+ ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("/"), [NameTerm, ArityTerm], _) ->
+ ( ArityTerm = term.functor(term.integer(Arity), [], _) ->
( Arity >= 0 ->
parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name(DefaultModule, VarSet,
- NameTerm, NameResult),
+ NameTerm, MaybeName),
- NameResult, Result)
+ MaybeName, MaybeSymNameSpecifier)
Pieces = [words("Error: arity in symbol name specifier"),
words("must be a non-negative integer."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier = error1([Spec])
Pieces = [words("Error: arity in symbol name specifier"),
words("must be an integer."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier = error1([Spec])
parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name(DefaultModule, VarSet, Term,
- SymbolNameResult),
- process_maybe1(make_name_specifier, SymbolNameResult, Result)
+ MaybeSymbolName),
+ process_maybe1(make_name_specifier, MaybeSymbolName,
+ MaybeSymNameSpecifier)
-:- pred make_name_arity_specifier(arity::in, sym_name::in,
- sym_name_specifier::out) is det.
-make_name_arity_specifier(Arity, Name, name_arity(Name, Arity)).
-:- pred make_name_specifier(sym_name::in, sym_name_specifier::out) is det.
-make_name_specifier(Name, name(Name)).
% A SymbolName is one of
@@ -4303,7 +4300,7 @@
:- pred parse_symbol_name(varset(T)::in, term(T)::in, maybe1(sym_name)::out)
is det.
-parse_symbol_name(VarSet, Term, Result) :-
+parse_symbol_name(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymName) :-
Term = term.functor(term.atom(FunctorName), [ModuleTerm, NameTerm],
@@ -4311,13 +4308,13 @@
; FunctorName = "."
- ( NameTerm = term.functor(term.atom(Name), [], _Context1) ->
- parse_symbol_name(VarSet, ModuleTerm, ModuleResult),
+ ( NameTerm = term.functor(term.atom(Name), [], _) ->
+ parse_symbol_name(VarSet, ModuleTerm, MaybeModule),
- ModuleResult = ok1(Module),
- Result = ok1(qualified(Module, Name))
+ MaybeModule = ok1(Module),
+ MaybeSymName = ok1(qualified(Module, Name))
- ModuleResult = error1(_ModuleResultSpecs),
+ MaybeModule = error1(_ModuleResultSpecs),
% XXX We should say "module name" OR "identifier", not both.
Pieces = [words("Error: module name identifier"),
words("expected before"), quote(FunctorName),
@@ -4325,40 +4322,41 @@
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(TermContext, [always(Pieces)])]),
% XXX Should we include _ModuleResultSpecs?
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymName = error1([Spec])
Pieces = [words("Error: identifier expected after"),
quote(FunctorName), words("in qualified symbol name."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(TermContext, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymName = error1([Spec])
( Term = term.functor(term.atom(Name), [], _) ->
SymName = string_to_sym_name_sep(Name, "__"),
- Result = ok1(SymName)
+ MaybeSymName = ok1(SymName)
TermStr = describe_error_term(VarSet, Term),
Pieces = [words("Error: symbol name expected at"),
words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymName = error1([Spec])
:- pred parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name(module_name::in, varset::in,
term::in, maybe1(sym_name)::out) is det.
-parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name(DefaultModName, VarSet, Term, Result) :-
- parse_symbol_name(VarSet, Term, Result0),
+parse_implicitly_qualified_symbol_name(DefaultModName, VarSet, Term,
+ MaybeSymName) :-
+ parse_symbol_name(VarSet, Term, MaybeSymName0),
- Result0 = ok1(SymName),
+ MaybeSymName0 = ok1(SymName),
- Result = Result0
+ MaybeSymName = MaybeSymName0
SymName = qualified(ModName, _),
\+ match_sym_name(ModName, DefaultModName)
@@ -4368,27 +4366,29 @@
words("declaration."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
+ MaybeSymName = error1([Spec])
UnqualName = unqualify_name(SymName),
- Result = ok1(qualified(DefaultModName, UnqualName))
+ MaybeSymName = ok1(qualified(DefaultModName, UnqualName))
- Result0 = error1(_),
- Result = Result0
+ MaybeSymName0 = error1(_),
+ MaybeSymName = MaybeSymName0
parse_implicitly_qualified_term(DefaultModuleName, Term, ContainingTerm,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, Result) :-
- parse_qualified_term(Term, ContainingTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, Result0),
- ( Result0 = ok2(SymName, Args) ->
+ VarSet, ContextPieces, MaybeSymNameAndArgs) :-
+ parse_qualified_term(Term, ContainingTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces,
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs0),
+ (
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs0 = ok2(SymName, Args),
- Result = Result0
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = MaybeSymNameAndArgs0
SymName = qualified(ModuleName, _),
\+ match_sym_name(ModuleName, DefaultModuleName)
@@ -4398,13 +4398,15 @@
words("declaration."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = error2([Spec])
UnqualName = unqualify_name(SymName),
- Result = ok2(qualified(DefaultModuleName, UnqualName), Args)
+ QualSymName = qualified(DefaultModuleName, UnqualName),
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = ok2(QualSymName, Args)
- Result = Result0
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs0 = error2(_),
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = MaybeSymNameAndArgs0
sym_name_and_args(Term, SymName, Args) :-
@@ -4415,7 +4417,8 @@
parse_qualified_term(Term, Term, VarSet, ContextPieces,
ok2(SymName, Args)).
-parse_qualified_term(Term, _ContainingTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, Result) :-
+parse_qualified_term(Term, _ContainingTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces,
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs) :-
% XXX We should delete the _ContainingTerm argument.
Term = term.functor(Functor, FunctorArgs, TermContext),
@@ -4424,12 +4427,12 @@
( NameArgsTerm = term.functor(term.atom(Name), Args, _) ->
varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
- parse_symbol_name(GenericVarSet, ModuleTerm, ModuleResult),
+ parse_symbol_name(GenericVarSet, ModuleTerm, MaybeModule),
- ModuleResult = ok1(Module),
- Result = ok2(qualified(Module, Name), Args)
+ MaybeModule = ok1(Module),
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = ok2(qualified(Module, Name), Args)
- ModuleResult = error1(_),
+ MaybeModule = error1(_),
ModuleTermStr = describe_error_term(GenericVarSet, ModuleTerm),
% XXX We should say "module name" OR "identifier", not both.
Pieces = ContextPieces ++ [lower_case_next_if_not_first,
@@ -4438,7 +4441,7 @@
words(ModuleTermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(TermContext, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = error2([Spec])
varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
@@ -4449,13 +4452,13 @@
words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(TermContext, [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = error2([Spec])
varset.coerce(VarSet, GenericVarSet),
( Term = term.functor(term.atom(Name), Args, _) ->
SymName = string_to_sym_name_sep(Name, "__"),
- Result = ok2(SymName, Args)
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = ok2(SymName, Args)
TermStr = describe_error_term(GenericVarSet, Term),
Pieces = ContextPieces ++ [lower_case_next_if_not_first,
@@ -4463,13 +4466,70 @@
words(TermStr), suffix("."), nl],
Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
[simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error2([Spec])
+ MaybeSymNameAndArgs = error2([Spec])
-% Predicates used to convert a sym_list to a program item.
+ % We use the empty module name ('') as the "root" module name; when adding
+ % default module qualifiers in parse_implicitly_qualified_{term,symbol},
+ % if the default module is the root module then we don't add any qualifier.
+ %
+:- pred root_module_name(module_name::out) is det.
+:- pred get_is_solver_type(is_solver_type::out,
+ decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out) is det.
+get_is_solver_type(IsSolverType, !Attributes) :-
+ ( !.Attributes = [decl_attr_solver_type - _ | !:Attributes] ->
+ IsSolverType = solver_type
+ ;
+ IsSolverType = non_solver_type
+ ).
+:- pred get_purity(purity::out, decl_attrs::in, decl_attrs::out) is det.
+get_purity(Purity, !Attributes) :-
+ ( !.Attributes = [decl_attr_purity(Purity0) - _ | !:Attributes] ->
+ Purity = Purity0
+ ;
+ Purity = purity_pure
+ ).
+:- func pred_or_func_decl_pieces(pred_or_func) = list(format_component).
+pred_or_func_decl_pieces(pf_function) =
+ [quote(":- func"), words("declaration")].
+pred_or_func_decl_pieces(pf_predicate) =
+ [quote(":- pred"), words("declaration")].
+:- type maker(T1, T2) == pred(T1, T2).
+:- mode maker == (pred(in, out) is det).
+:- pred process_maybe1(maker(T1, T2)::maker, maybe1(T1)::in, maybe1(T2)::out)
+ is det.
+process_maybe1(Maker, ok1(X), ok1(Y)) :-
+ call(Maker, X, Y).
+process_maybe1(_, error1(Specs), error1(Specs)).
+:- pred process_maybe1_to_t(maker(T1, maybe1(T2))::maker,
+ maybe1(T1)::in, maybe1(T2)::out) is det.
+process_maybe1_to_t(Maker, ok1(X), Y) :-
+ call(Maker, X, Y).
+process_maybe1_to_t(_, error1(Specs), error1(Specs)).
:- pred make_use(list(module_specifier)::in, module_defn::out) is det.
@@ -4485,75 +4545,83 @@
-:- func convert_constructor_arg_list(module_name, varset, list(term)) =
- maybe1(list(constructor_arg)).
+:- pred make_name_arity_specifier(arity::in, sym_name::in,
+ sym_name_specifier::out) is det.
-convert_constructor_arg_list(_, _, []) = ok1([]).
-convert_constructor_arg_list(ModuleName, VarSet, [Term | Terms]) = Result :-
- ( Term = term.functor(term.atom("::"), [NameTerm, TypeTerm], _) ->
- ContextPieces = [words("In field name:")],
- parse_implicitly_qualified_term(ModuleName, NameTerm, Term,
- VarSet, ContextPieces, NameResult),
- (
- NameResult = error2(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- NameResult = ok2(SymName, SymNameArgs),
- (
- SymNameArgs = [_ | _],
- % XXX Should we add "... at function symbol ..."?
- Pieces = [words("Error: syntax error in constructor name."),
- nl],
- Spec = error_spec(severity_error, phase_term_to_parse_tree,
- [simple_msg(get_term_context(Term), [always(Pieces)])]),
- Result = error1([Spec])
- ;
- SymNameArgs = [],
- MaybeFieldName = yes(SymName),
- Result = convert_constructor_arg_list_2(ModuleName, VarSet,
- MaybeFieldName, TypeTerm, Terms)
- )
- )
- ;
- MaybeFieldName = no,
- TypeTerm = Term,
- Result = convert_constructor_arg_list_2(ModuleName, VarSet,
- MaybeFieldName, TypeTerm, Terms)
- ).
+make_name_arity_specifier(Arity, Name, name_arity(Name, Arity)).
-:- func convert_constructor_arg_list_2(module_name, varset, maybe(sym_name),
- term, list(term)) = maybe1(list(constructor_arg)).
+:- pred make_name_specifier(sym_name::in, sym_name_specifier::out) is det.
-convert_constructor_arg_list_2(ModuleName, VarSet, MaybeFieldName,
- TypeTerm, Terms) = Result :-
- ContextPieces = [words("In type definition:")],
- parse_type(TypeTerm, VarSet, ContextPieces, TypeResult),
- (
- TypeResult = ok1(Type),
- Context = get_term_context(TypeTerm),
- Arg = ctor_arg(MaybeFieldName, Type, Context),
- Result0 = convert_constructor_arg_list(ModuleName, VarSet, Terms),
- (
- Result0 = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ;
- Result0 = ok1(Args),
- Result = ok1([Arg | Args])
- )
- ;
- TypeResult = error1(Specs),
- Result = error1(Specs)
- ).
+make_name_specifier(Name, name(Name)).
- % We use the empty module name ('') as the "root" module name; when adding
- % default module qualifiers in parse_implicitly_qualified_{term,symbol},
- % if the default module is the root module then we don't add any qualifier.
- %
-:- pred root_module_name(module_name::out) is det.
+:- pred make_module_defn(maker(list(module_specifier), module_defn)::maker,
+ prog_context::in, list(module_specifier)::in, item::out) is det.
+make_module_defn(MakeModuleDefnPred, Context, ModuleSpecs, Item) :-
+ call(MakeModuleDefnPred, ModuleSpecs, ModuleDefn),
+ ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
+ Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
+:- func make_pseudo_import_module_decl(prog_context, module_specifier) = item.
+make_pseudo_import_module_decl(Context, ModuleSpecifier) = Item :-
+ ModuleDefn = md_import([ModuleSpecifier]),
+ ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
+ Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
+:- func make_pseudo_use_module_decl(prog_context, module_specifier) = item.
+make_pseudo_use_module_decl(Context, ModuleSpecifier) = Item :-
+ ModuleDefn = md_use([ModuleSpecifier]),
+ ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
+ Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
+:- func make_pseudo_include_module_decl(prog_context, module_name) = item.
+make_pseudo_include_module_decl(Context, ModuleSpecifier) = Item :-
+ ModuleDefn = md_include_module([ModuleSpecifier]),
+ ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
+ Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
+:- pred make_type_defn(varset::in, condition::in, prog_context::in,
+ processed_type_body::in, item::out) is det.
+make_type_defn(VarSet0, Condition, Context, ProcessedTypeBody, Item) :-
+ ProcessedTypeBody = processed_type_body(Name, Args, TypeDefn),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet0, VarSet),
+ ItemTypeDefn = item_type_defn_info(VarSet, Name, Args, TypeDefn,
+ Condition, Context),
+ Item = item_type_defn(ItemTypeDefn).
+:- pred make_inst_defn(varset::in, condition::in, prog_context::in,
+ processed_inst_body::in, item::out) is det.
+make_inst_defn(VarSet0, Condition, Context, ProcessedInstBody, Item) :-
+ ProcessedInstBody = processed_inst_body(Name, Params, InstDefn),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet0, VarSet),
+ ItemInstDefn = item_inst_defn_info(VarSet, Name, Params, InstDefn,
+ Condition, Context),
+ Item = item_inst_defn(ItemInstDefn).
+:- pred make_mode_defn(varset::in, condition::in, prog_context::in,
+ processed_mode_body::in, item::out) is det.
+make_mode_defn(VarSet0, Condition, Context, ProcessedModeBody, Item) :-
+ ProcessedModeBody = processed_mode_body(Name, Params, ModeDefn),
+ varset.coerce(VarSet0, VarSet),
+ ItemModeDefn = item_mode_defn_info(VarSet, Name, Params, ModeDefn,
+ Condition, Context),
+ Item = item_mode_defn(ItemModeDefn).
+:- pred make_external(maybe(backend)::in, prog_context::in,
+ sym_name_specifier::in, item::out) is det.
+make_external(MaybeBackend, Context, SymSpec, Item) :-
+ ModuleDefn = md_external(MaybeBackend, SymSpec),
+ ItemModuleDefn = item_module_defn_info(ModuleDefn, Context),
+ Item = item_module_defn(ItemModuleDefn).
Index: compiler/prog_io_goal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io_goal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -b -r1.55 prog_io_goal.m
--- compiler/prog_io_goal.m 16 Jul 2008 03:30:30 -0000 1.55
+++ compiler/prog_io_goal.m 23 Jul 2008 15:01:03 -0000
@@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@
Groundness = ho_any
parse_pred_expr_args(PredArgsList, Args, Modes),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes).
+ inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(Modes).
parse_dcg_pred_expression(PredTerm, Groundness, lambda_normal, Args, Modes,
Det) :-
@@ -1550,7 +1550,7 @@
Groundness = ho_any
parse_dcg_pred_expr_args(PredArgsList, Args, Modes),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes).
+ inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(Modes).
parse_func_expression(FuncTerm, Groundness, lambda_normal, Args, Modes, Det) :-
% Parse a func expression with specified modes and determinism.
@@ -1571,7 +1571,7 @@
parse_lambda_arg(RetTerm, RetArg, RetMode),
list.append(Args0, [RetArg], Args),
list.append(Modes0, [RetMode], Modes),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes)
+ inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(Modes)
% The argument modes default to `in',
% the return mode defaults to `out'.
@@ -1606,7 +1606,7 @@
RetMode = OutMode,
Det = detism_det,
list.append(Modes0, [RetMode], Modes),
- inst_var_constraints_are_consistent_in_modes(Modes),
+ inst_var_constraints_are_self_consistent_in_modes(Modes),
list.append(Args0, [RetTerm], Args1),
list.map(term.coerce, Args1, Args).
Index: compiler/prog_io_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -b -r1.62 prog_io_util.m
--- compiler/prog_io_util.m 21 Jul 2008 03:10:13 -0000 1.62
+++ compiler/prog_io_util.m 23 Jul 2008 02:08:52 -0000
@@ -478,11 +478,11 @@
convert_mode(AllowConstrainedInstVar, Term, Mode) :-
- Term = term.functor(term.atom(">>"), [InstA, InstB], _)
+ Term = term.functor(term.atom(">>"), [InstTermA, InstTermB], _)
- convert_inst(AllowConstrainedInstVar, InstA, ConvertedInstA),
- convert_inst(AllowConstrainedInstVar, InstB, ConvertedInstB),
- Mode = (ConvertedInstA -> ConvertedInstB)
+ convert_inst(AllowConstrainedInstVar, InstTermA, InstA),
+ convert_inst(AllowConstrainedInstVar, InstTermB, InstB),
+ Mode = (InstA -> InstB)
% Handle higher-order predicate modes:
% a mode of the form
@@ -769,15 +769,21 @@
convert_bound_inst(AllowConstrainedInstVar, InstTerm,
bound_functor(ConsId, Args)) :-
InstTerm = term.functor(Functor, Args0, _),
- ( Functor = term.atom(_) ->
+ (
+ Functor = term.atom(_),
sym_name_and_args(InstTerm, SymName, Args1),
list.length(Args1, Arity),
ConsId = cons(SymName, Arity)
- ; Functor = term.implementation_defined(_) ->
+ ;
+ Functor = term.implementation_defined(_),
% Implementation-defined literals should not appear in inst
% definitions.
+ ( Functor = term.integer(_)
+ ; Functor = term.float(_)
+ ; Functor = term.string(_)
+ ),
Args1 = Args0,
list.length(Args1, Arity),
ConsId = make_functor_cons_id(Functor, Arity)
cvs diff: Diffing compiler/notes
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cvs diff: Diffing extras/morphine/non-regression-tests
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/c_calls_mercury
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/simpler_cplusplus_calls_mercury
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cvs diff: Diffing tests
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/exceptions
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/purity
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/invalid
Index: tests/invalid/func_errors.err_exp
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/func_errors.err_exp,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.7 func_errors.err_exp
--- tests/invalid/func_errors.err_exp 16 Jul 2008 03:30:58 -0000 1.7
+++ tests/invalid/func_errors.err_exp 24 Jul 2008 03:43:51 -0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+func_errors.m:010: Error: function arguments have modes, but function result
+func_errors.m:010: does not.
func_errors.m:010: Error: some but not all arguments have modes.
func_errors.m:011: Error: function arguments have modes, but function result
func_errors.m:011: does not.
cvs diff: Diffing tests/invalid/purity
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/mmc_make/lib
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/recompilation
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/term
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
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cvs diff: Diffing trace
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cvs diff: Diffing vim
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