[m-rev.] diff: reduce clutter in my workspace

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Thu Jan 10 15:36:08 AEDT 2008

Branches: main

Commit some simple changes accumulating in a workspaces to reduce clutter.

	Write datastructs_subsumed_by_list more declaratively.

	Rename `preds_requiring_no_analysis' to
	`some_preds_requiring_no_analysis' to reflect what it does and
	simplify the implementation.

	Use `needs_update' instead of `bool' in a spot.

	Update comments.

	Conform to use of `needs_update' instead of `bool'.

	Update comments.

	Move a goal into execution order.

	Delete an unnecessary (and overloaded) predicate.

	Make the reuse information dump more readable (longer strings instead
	of single character codes, names instead of ids).

	Use `map.apply_to_list' instead of higher order calls.

	Use readable strings for fixpoint table short descriptions.

	Rename some variables.

	Use `map.apply_to_list' instead of higher order calls.

	Use `assoc_list.keys' instead of higher order calls.

	Fix typo.

Index: compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 ctgc.datastruct.m
--- compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m	31 Jul 2006 08:31:33 -0000	1.9
+++ compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:45 -0000
@@ -151,9 +151,11 @@
 datastructs_subsumed_by_list(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, PerhapsSubsumedData, 
         Data) :- 
-    list.takewhile(datastructs_subsume_datastruct(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Data), 
-        PerhapsSubsumedData, _, NotSubsumed), 
-    NotSubsumed = [].
+    all [X] (
+        list.member(X, PerhapsSubsumedData)
+    =>
+        datastructs_subsume_datastruct(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Data, X)
+    ).
 :- pred datastructs_subsume_datastruct(module_info::in, proc_info::in, 
     list(datastruct)::in, datastruct::in) is semidet.
Index: compiler/ctgc.util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ctgc.util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 ctgc.util.m
--- compiler/ctgc.util.m	28 Sep 2007 03:17:11 -0000	1.13
+++ compiler/ctgc.util.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:45 -0000
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
     % current module, as these predicates are not analysed by the CTGC
     % system.
-:- pred preds_requiring_no_analysis(module_info::in, list(pred_proc_id)::in)
-    is semidet.
+:- pred some_preds_requiring_no_analysis(module_info::in,
+    list(pred_proc_id)::in) is semidet.
 :- pred pred_requires_no_analysis(module_info::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
 :- pred pred_requires_analysis(module_info::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
@@ -76,13 +76,9 @@
 pred_requires_analysis(ModuleInfo, PredId) :-
     \+ pred_requires_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PredId).
-:- func get_pred_id(pred_proc_id) = pred_id.
-get_pred_id(proc(PredId, _)) = PredId.
-preds_requiring_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PPIds) :-
-    list.takewhile(pred_requires_analysis(ModuleInfo),
-        list.map(get_pred_id, PPIds), _RequiresAnalysis, RequiresNoAnalysis),
-    RequiresNoAnalysis = [_|_].
+some_preds_requiring_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PPIds) :-
+    list.member(proc(PredId, _), PPIds),
+    pred_requires_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PredId).
 :- pred not_defined_in_this_module(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in)
     is semidet.
Index: compiler/hlds_goal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_goal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.185
diff -u -r1.185 hlds_goal.m
--- compiler/hlds_goal.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:42 -0000	1.185
+++ compiler/hlds_goal.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:46 -0000
@@ -764,8 +764,7 @@
     % Information on how to construct the cell for a construction unification.
     % The `construct_statically' alternative is set by the mark_static_terms.m
     % pass, and is currently only used for the MLDS back-end (for the LLDS
-    % back-end, the same optimization is handled by var_locn.m). The
-    % `reuse_cell' alternative is not yet used.
+    % back-end, the same optimization is handled by var_locn.m).
 :- type how_to_construct
     --->    construct_statically(
@@ -802,7 +801,7 @@
                 list(cons_id),      % The cell to be reused may be tagged
                                     % with one of these cons_ids.
-                list(bool)          % A `no' entry means that the corresponding
+                list(needs_update)  % Whether the corresponding
                                     % argument already has the correct value
                                     % and does not need to be filled in.
Index: compiler/hlds_pred.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_pred.m,v
retrieving revision 1.235
diff -u -r1.235 hlds_pred.m
--- compiler/hlds_pred.m	31 Dec 2007 10:03:46 -0000	1.235
+++ compiler/hlds_pred.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:47 -0000
@@ -2304,22 +2304,22 @@
                     % that, this field is of no use.
-    % Sharing information is expressed in terms of headvariables and the
+    % Sharing information is expressed in terms of head variables and the
     % type variables occurring in their types. In order to correctly process
     % (mainly renaming) this information, we need both the list of head
-    % variables as well as their types. As this list of headvariables may
-    % contain any compiler-added headvariables, the processing of imported
+    % variables as well as their types. As this list of head variables may
+    % contain any compiler-added head variables, the processing of imported
     % structure sharing information needs to be postponed until the actual
     % structure sharing analysis, which explains the need for the type
-    % imported_sharing to temporarely store the imported sharing information.
+    % imported_sharing to temporarily store the imported sharing information.
 :- type imported_sharing
     --->    imported_sharing(
-                % The list of headvars in which terms the imported sharing
-                % is expressed.
+                % The list of head variables in which terms the imported
+                % sharing is expressed.
                 s_headvars        :: prog_vars,
-                % The types of the headvars.
+                % The types of the head variables.
                 s_types           :: list(mer_type),
                 s_sharing         :: structure_sharing_domain
Index: compiler/liveness.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/liveness.m,v
retrieving revision 1.159
diff -u -r1.159 liveness.m
--- compiler/liveness.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:46 -0000	1.159
+++ compiler/liveness.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:48 -0000
@@ -380,6 +380,8 @@
         set.difference(TypeInfos, Liveness0, NewTypeInfos),
         set.union(Births1, NewTypeInfos, Births)
+    set.union(Liveness0, Births, Liveness),
     ( goal_is_atomic(GoalExpr0) ->
         PreDeaths = Empty,
         PreBirths = Births,
@@ -396,7 +398,6 @@
         set.difference(FinalLiveness, Liveness, PostDeaths),
         set.difference(Liveness, FinalLiveness, PostBirths)
-    set.union(Liveness0, Births, Liveness),
     % We initialize all the fields in order to obliterate any
     % annotations left by a previous invocation of this module.
     goal_info_initialize_liveness_info(PreBirths, PostBirths,
Index: compiler/prog_data.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_data.m,v
retrieving revision 1.200
diff -u -r1.200 prog_data.m
--- compiler/prog_data.m	5 Dec 2007 05:07:36 -0000	1.200
+++ compiler/prog_data.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:50 -0000
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@
 % Stuff for the `structure_sharing_info' pragma.
     % Whenever structure sharing analysis is unable to determine a good
     % approximation of the set of structure sharing pairs that might exist
     % during the execution of a program, it must use "top" as the only safe
Index: compiler/prog_io_pragma.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m,v
retrieving revision 1.130
diff -u -r1.130 prog_io_pragma.m
--- compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	5 Dec 2007 05:07:37 -0000	1.130
+++ compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:50 -0000
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
         NameAndModesResult = ok2(PredName - PredOrFunc, ModeList),
-        % Parse the headvariables:
+        % Parse the head variables:
         HeadVarsTerm = term.functor(term.atom("vars"), ListHVTerm, _),
         term.vars_list(ListHVTerm, HeadVarsGeneric),
         list.map(term.coerce_var, HeadVarsGeneric, HeadVars),
Index: compiler/quantification.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/quantification.m,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -r1.123 quantification.m
--- compiler/quantification.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:55 -0000	1.123
+++ compiler/quantification.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:51 -0000
@@ -709,7 +709,7 @@
     union(NonLocals1, NonLocals2, NonLocals),
     set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info).
-:- pred implicitly_quantify_unify_rhs(maybe(list(bool))::in,
+:- pred implicitly_quantify_unify_rhs(maybe(list(needs_update))::in,
     hlds_goal_info::in, unify_rhs::in, unify_rhs::out,
     unification::in, unification::out, quant_info::in, quant_info::out) is det.
@@ -1284,8 +1284,8 @@
         !LambdaSet) :-
     conj_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, [LHS, RHS], !Set, !LambdaSet).
-:- pred unify_rhs_vars(nonlocals_to_recompute, unify_rhs, maybe(list(bool)),
-    set_of_var, set_of_var, set_of_var, set_of_var).
+:- pred unify_rhs_vars(nonlocals_to_recompute, unify_rhs,
+    maybe(list(needs_update)), set_of_var, set_of_var, set_of_var, set_of_var).
 :- mode unify_rhs_vars(in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, in, in, out, in, out)
     is det.
 :- mode unify_rhs_vars(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, in, in, out, in, out)
@@ -1314,20 +1314,20 @@
     delete_list(GoalVars, LambdaVars, GoalVars1),
     union(!.LambdaSet, GoalVars1, !:LambdaSet).
-:- pred insert_set_fields(list(bool)::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+:- pred insert_set_fields(list(needs_update)::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     set_of_var::in, set_of_var::out) is det.
 insert_set_fields(SetArgs, Args, !Set) :-
     get_updated_fields(SetArgs, Args,  ArgsToSet),
     insert_list(!.Set, ArgsToSet, !:Set).
-:- pred get_updated_fields(list(bool)::in,
+:- pred get_updated_fields(list(needs_update)::in,
     list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::out) is det.
 get_updated_fields(SetArgs, Args, ArgsToSet) :-
     get_updated_fields(SetArgs, Args, [], ArgsToSet).
-:- pred get_updated_fields(list(bool)::in,
+:- pred get_updated_fields(list(needs_update)::in,
     list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::out) is det.
 get_updated_fields([], [], !ArgsToSet).
@@ -1337,10 +1337,10 @@
     unexpected(this_file, "get_updated_fields").
 get_updated_fields([SetArg | SetArgs], [Arg | Args], !ArgsToSet) :-
-        SetArg = yes,
+        SetArg = needs_update,
         !:ArgsToSet = [Arg | !.ArgsToSet]
-        SetArg = no,
+        SetArg = does_not_need_update,
         !:ArgsToSet = !.ArgsToSet
     get_updated_fields(SetArgs, Args, !ArgsToSet).
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 structure_reuse.analysis.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m	17 May 2007 03:52:51 -0000	1.9
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:51 -0000
@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@
     direct_reuse_pass(SharingTable, !ModuleInfo, 
         ReuseTable0, ReuseTable1, !IO),
     maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Direct reuse: done.\n", !IO),
-    reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(VeryVerbose, ReuseTable1, !IO),
+    reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(VeryVerbose, !.ModuleInfo, ReuseTable1, !IO),
     % Determine information about possible indirect reuses.
     maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Indirect reuse...\n", !IO), 
     indirect_reuse_pass(SharingTable, !ModuleInfo, ReuseTable1, ReuseTable2, 
     maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Indirect reuse: done.\n", !IO),
-    reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(VeryVerbose, ReuseTable2, !IO),
+    reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(VeryVerbose, !.ModuleInfo, ReuseTable2, !IO),
     % For every procedure that has some potential (conditional) reuse (either 
     % direct or indirect), create a new procedure that actually implements
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -r1.10 structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m	7 Aug 2007 07:10:05 -0000	1.10
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:52 -0000
@@ -59,14 +59,8 @@
 determine_dead_deconstructions(ModuleInfo, PredInfo, ProcInfo, SharingTable, 
         Goal, DeadCellTable) :- 
-   determine_dead_deconstructions(
-        detect_bg_info_init(ModuleInfo, PredInfo, ProcInfo, SharingTable), 
-        Goal, DeadCellTable). 
-:- pred determine_dead_deconstructions(detect_bg_info::in, hlds_goal::in, 
-    dead_cell_table::out) is det.
-determine_dead_deconstructions(Background, Goal, DeadCellTable):- 
+    Background = detect_bg_info_init(ModuleInfo, PredInfo, ProcInfo,
+        SharingTable), 
     % In this process we need to know the sharing at each program point, 
     % which boils down to reconstructing that sharing information based on the
     % sharing recorded in the sharing table. 
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.direct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.direct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 structure_reuse.direct.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.direct.m	23 May 2007 09:41:49 -0000	1.8
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.direct.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:52 -0000
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@
 % File: structure_reuse.direct.m.
 % Main authors: nancy.
-% This module efined procedure and type related to the dectection of so called
-% direct reuses within the CTGC system.  A "direct reuse" is a combination of
-% the location of a deconstruction unification (where a datastructure may
-% become garbage under certain conditions) and a set of locations of
-% construction unifications where the garbage datastructure can be reused
-% locally. 
+% This module defines procedures and types related to the detection of so
+% called "direct reuses" within the CTGC system.  A direct reuse is a
+% combination of the location of a deconstruction unification (where a
+% datastructure may become garbage under certain conditions) and a set of
+% locations of construction unifications where the garbage datastructure can
+% be reused locally. 
 % Direct reuse analysis requires two steps: 
 %   - Detecting where datastructures may become garbage.
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.domain.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.domain.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 structure_reuse.domain.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.domain.m	28 Sep 2007 03:17:14 -0000	1.9
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.domain.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:52 -0000
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
 :- pred reuse_as_table_set(pred_proc_id::in, reuse_as::in, 
     reuse_as_table::in, reuse_as_table::out) is det.
-:- pred reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(bool::in, reuse_as_table::in, 
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(bool::in, module_info::in,
+    reuse_as_table::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
     % Load all the structure reuse information present in the HLDS into
     % a reuse table. 
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@
 :- implementation.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_out.
 :- import_module libs.compiler_util.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_ctgc.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.datastruct.
@@ -357,9 +358,9 @@
         ReuseAs = unconditional
-reuse_as_short_description(no_reuse) = "n".
-reuse_as_short_description(unconditional) = "u".
-reuse_as_short_description(conditional(Conds)) = "c(" ++ Size ++ ")" :- 
+reuse_as_short_description(no_reuse) = "no_reuse".
+reuse_as_short_description(unconditional) = "uncond".
+reuse_as_short_description(conditional(Conds)) = "cond(" ++ Size ++ ")" :- 
     Size = string.int_to_string(list.length(Conds)).
@@ -676,34 +677,34 @@
 reuse_as_table_set(PPId, ReuseAs, !Table) :- 
     !:Table = !.Table ^ elem(PPId) := ReuseAs.
-reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(DoDump, Table, !IO) :-
+reuse_as_table_maybe_dump(DoDump, ModuleInfo, Table, !IO) :-
         DoDump = no
         DoDump = yes,
-        reuse_as_table_dump(Table, !IO)
+        reuse_as_table_dump(ModuleInfo, Table, !IO)
-:- pred reuse_as_table_dump(reuse_as_table::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred reuse_as_table_dump(module_info::in, reuse_as_table::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-reuse_as_table_dump(Table, !IO) :-
-    (
-        map.is_empty(Table)
-    ->
+reuse_as_table_dump(ModuleInfo, Table, !IO) :-
+    ( map.is_empty(Table) ->
         io.write_string("% ReuseTable: Empty", !IO)
         io.write_string("% ReuseTable: PPId --> Reuse\n", !IO), 
-        io.write_list(map.to_assoc_list(Table), "", dump_entries, !IO)
+        map.foldl(dump_entries(ModuleInfo), Table, !IO)
-:- pred dump_entries(pair(pred_proc_id, reuse_as)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred dump_entries(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in, reuse_as::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
-dump_entries(PPId - ReuseAs, !IO) :-
-    PPId = proc(PredId, ProcId), 
-    io.write_string(
-        "% " ++ string.int_to_string(pred_id_to_int(PredId)) ++ ", " ++
-        string.int_to_string(proc_id_to_int(ProcId)) ++ "\t-->" ++
-        reuse_as_short_description(ReuseAs) ++ "\n", !IO).
+dump_entries(ModuleInfo, PPId, ReuseAs, !IO) :-
+    io.write_string("% ", !IO),
+    write_pred_proc_id(ModuleInfo, PPId, !IO),
+    io.write_string("\t--> ", !IO),
+    io.write_string(reuse_as_short_description(ReuseAs), !IO),
+    io.nl(!IO).
 load_structure_reuse_table(ModuleInfo) = ReuseTable :- 
     module_info_predids(PredIds, ModuleInfo, _ModuleInfo),
@@ -733,7 +734,7 @@
         MaybePublicReuse = no
 :- func this_file = string.
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 structure_reuse.indirect.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:57 -0000	1.13
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:52 -0000
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
     reuse_as_table::in, reuse_as_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 indirect_reuse_analyse_scc(SharingTable, SCC, !ModuleInfo, !ReuseTable, !IO) :-
-    ( preds_requiring_no_analysis(!.ModuleInfo, SCC) ->
+    ( some_preds_requiring_no_analysis(!.ModuleInfo, SCC) ->
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
         ReuseTable) = BG :-
     % We don't need to keep track of any information regarding inserted
     % type-info arguments and alike, so we remove them from the list
-    % of headvariables:
+    % of head variables:
     proc_info_get_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
     proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, Vartypes), 
     HeadVarsOfInterest = 
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
     SharingAs = AnalysisInfo ^ sharing_as,
     proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, ActualVarTypes),
     pred_info_get_typevarset(PredInfo, ActualTVarset),
-    list.map(map.lookup(ActualVarTypes), CalleeArgs, CalleeTypes),
+    map.apply_to_list(CalleeArgs, ActualVarTypes, CalleeTypes),
     reuse_as_rename_using_module_info(ModuleInfo, CalleePPId,
         CalleeArgs, CalleeTypes, ActualTVarset, FormalReuseAs, ActualReuseAs),
     LiveData = livedata_init_at_goal(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, GoalInfo,
@@ -660,7 +660,11 @@
     get_from_fixpoint_table(PPId, ReuseAs, !Table).
 sr_fixpoint_table_get_short_description(PPId, Table) = Descr :-
-    ( fixpoint_table.is_recursive(Table) -> Rec = "(r)" ; Rec = "(-)"),
+    ( fixpoint_table.is_recursive(Table) ->
+        Rec = "(rec)"
+    ;
+        Rec = "(non-rec)"
+    ),
     ( As = sr_fixpoint_table_get_final_as_semidet(PPId, Table) ->
         Descr0 = reuse_as_short_description(As)
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 structure_reuse.versions.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:58 -0000	1.8
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:52 -0000
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
 :- type reuse_name == sym_name.
 :- func generate_reuse_name(module_info, pred_proc_id) = reuse_name.
 generate_reuse_name(ModuleInfo, PPId) = ReuseName :-
     module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PPId, PredInfo, _ProcInfo),
     PPId = proc(_, ProcId),
@@ -104,8 +105,8 @@
     % Process all the goals to update the reuse annotations:
     module_info_get_structure_reuse_map(!.ModuleInfo, ReuseMap),
-    list.foldl2(process_proc(ReuseMap), list.append(ReuseCondPPIds,
-        UncondPPIds), !ModuleInfo, !IO).
+    ReusePPIds = ReuseCondPPIds ++ UncondPPIds,
+    list.foldl2(process_proc(ReuseMap), ReusePPIds, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
 :- pred has_conditional_reuse(reuse_as_table::in, pred_proc_id::in) is semidet.
@@ -115,13 +116,14 @@
 :- pred has_unconditional_reuse(reuse_as_table::in, pred_proc_id::in)
     is semidet.
 has_unconditional_reuse(ReuseTable, PPId) :-
     ReuseAs = reuse_as_table_search(PPId, ReuseTable),
-create_fresh_pred_proc_info_copy(PPId, NewPPId, !ModuleInfo):-
+create_fresh_pred_proc_info_copy(PPId, NewPPId, !ModuleInfo) :-
     module_info_pred_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, PPId, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0),
     ReusePredName = generate_reuse_name(!.ModuleInfo, PPId),
     create_fresh_pred_proc_info_copy_2(PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, ReusePredName,
@@ -136,12 +138,11 @@
     map.det_insert(ReuseMap0, PPId, NewPPId - ReusePredName, ReuseMap),
     module_info_set_structure_reuse_map(ReuseMap, !ModuleInfo).
 :- pred create_fresh_pred_proc_info_copy_2(pred_info::in, proc_info::in,
     reuse_name::in, pred_info::out, proc_id::out) is det.
 create_fresh_pred_proc_info_copy_2(PredInfo, ProcInfo, ReusePredName,
-        ReusePredInfo, ReuseProcId):-
+        ReusePredInfo, ReuseProcId) :-
     ModuleName = pred_info_module(PredInfo),
     PredOrFunc = pred_info_is_pred_or_func(PredInfo),
     pred_info_get_context(PredInfo, ProgContext),
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@
     pred_proc_id::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-process_proc(ReuseMap, PPId, !ModuleInfo, !IO):-
+process_proc(ReuseMap, PPId, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
     write_proc_progress_message("(reuse version) ", PPId, !.ModuleInfo, !IO),
     module_info_pred_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, PPId, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0),
     proc_info_get_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
@@ -284,17 +285,13 @@
         CellToReuse = cell_to_reuse(DeadVar, PossibleConsIds,
-            list.map(needs_update_to_bool, CellsToUpdate)),
+            CellsToUpdate),
         HowToConstruct = reuse_cell(CellToReuse),
         !:Unification = construct(A, B, C, D, HowToConstruct, F, G)
-:- func needs_update_to_bool(needs_update) = bool.
-needs_update_to_bool(needs_update) = no.
-needs_update_to_bool(does_not_need_update) = yes.
 :- pred determine_reuse_version(structure_reuse_map::in, pred_id::in,
     proc_id::in, sym_name::in, pred_id::out, proc_id::out,
     reuse_name::out) is det.
Index: compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -r1.24 structure_sharing.analysis.m
--- compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:58 -0000	1.24
+++ compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:52 -0000
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
     sharing_as_table::in, sharing_as_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 analyse_scc(ModuleInfo, SCC, !SharingTable, !IO) :-
-    ( preds_requiring_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, SCC) ->
+    ( some_preds_requiring_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, SCC) ->
         analyse_scc_until_fixpoint(ModuleInfo, SCC, !.SharingTable,
@@ -342,16 +342,17 @@
                 "par_conj (" ++ ContextString ++ ")", !.SharingAs)
-        GoalExpr = plain_call(CalleePredId, CalleeProcId, CalleeArgs,_, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(CalleePredId, CalleeProcId, CallArgs,_, _, _),
         CalleePPId = proc(CalleePredId, CalleeProcId),
         lookup_sharing(ModuleInfo, SharingTable, CalleePPId,
             !FixpointTable, CalleeSharing),
         % Rename
-        proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, AllTypes),
-        list.map(map.lookup(AllTypes), CalleeArgs, ActualTypes),
+        proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, CallerVarTypes),
+        map.apply_to_list(CallArgs, CallerVarTypes, ActualTypes),
         pred_info_get_typevarset(PredInfo, ActualTVarset),
-        sharing_as_rename_using_module_info(ModuleInfo, CalleePPId, CalleeArgs,
+        sharing_as_rename_using_module_info(ModuleInfo, CalleePPId, CallArgs,
             ActualTypes, ActualTVarset, CalleeSharing, RenamedSharing),
         % Combine
Index: compiler/trans_opt.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/trans_opt.m,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -r1.45 trans_opt.m
--- compiler/trans_opt.m	19 Jan 2007 07:04:33 -0000	1.45
+++ compiler/trans_opt.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:53 -0000
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
 :- import_module transform_hlds.termination.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.trailing_analysis.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
 :- import_module list.
 :- import_module map.
 :- import_module pair.
@@ -139,13 +140,13 @@
         % All predicates to write global items into the .trans_opt
         % file should go here.
-        % Select all the predicates for which something should be writting
+        % Select all the predicates for which something should be written
         % into the .trans_opt file. 
         module_info_predids(PredIds, Module, _Module),
         module_info_get_structure_reuse_map(Module, ReuseMap), 
         map.values(ReuseMap, ReuseResults), 
-        list.map(fst, ReuseResults, ReusePredProcIds), 
+        assoc_list.keys(ReuseResults, ReusePredProcIds), 
         list.map(get_pred_id, ReusePredProcIds, ReusePredIds), 
         list.delete_elems(PredIds, ReusePredIds, PredIdsNoReuseVersions), 
Index: compiler/type_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/type_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.187
diff -u -r1.187 type_util.m
--- compiler/type_util.m	30 Dec 2007 08:24:00 -0000	1.187
+++ compiler/type_util.m	10 Jan 2008 04:08:53 -0000
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
         TypeDefn = TypeDefnPrime,
         ConsDefn = ConsDefnPrime
-        unexpected(this_file, "gget_type_and_cons_defn")
+        unexpected(this_file, "get_type_and_cons_defn")
 :- pred do_get_type_and_cons_defn(module_info::in, type_ctor::in, cons_id::in,

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