[m-rev.] for review: from_ground_term_construct

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Dec 12 17:43:18 AEDT 2008

On 12-Dec-2008, Zoltan Somogyi <zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> As mentioned on mercury-developers, I would like everyone to review their
> own modules. I am also looking for volunteers for reviewing the modules
> that noone who is around these days owns.
> Read the diff to hlds_goal.m first; without it, the rest won't be full sense.
> The diff was done with -b, so the indentation may not seem like it is ok,
> but it is. (Without -b, the diff would be even bigger.) You can't apply
> a -b diff and get something readable, so the full workspace is available
> at /home/taura/workspaces/zs/ws74.
> There is one issue marked XXX below; I will fix it before commit.

Here is the actual diff.


cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing analysis
cvs diff: Diffing bindist
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/msftc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested/vc71
cvs diff: Diffing browser
cvs diff: Diffing bytecode
cvs diff: Diffing compiler
Index: compiler/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.100
diff -u -b -r1.100 Mmakefile
--- compiler/Mmakefile	18 Sep 2008 13:24:14 -0000	1.100
+++ compiler/Mmakefile	7 Dec 2008 07:44:21 -0000
@@ -265,6 +265,9 @@
 check:	$(MC_PROG).check
 .PHONY: ints 
+int3s:	$(MC_PROG).int3s
+.PHONY: ints 
 ints:	$(MC_PROG).ints
Index: compiler/add_heap_ops.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/add_heap_ops.m,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -b -r1.38 add_heap_ops.m
--- compiler/add_heap_ops.m	21 Jan 2008 00:32:46 -0000	1.38
+++ compiler/add_heap_ops.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -187,7 +187,11 @@
         goal_expr_add_heap_ops(NewOuterGoal, OuterGoalInfo, Goal, !Info)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        goal_add_heap_ops(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
+            goal_add_heap_ops(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
Index: compiler/add_trail_ops.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/add_trail_ops.m,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -b -r1.50 add_trail_ops.m
--- compiler/add_trail_ops.m	21 Jan 2008 00:32:46 -0000	1.50
+++ compiler/add_trail_ops.m	12 Dec 2008 01:29:05 -0000
@@ -262,6 +262,12 @@
             GoalExpr =
                 conj(plain_conj, [MarkTicketStackGoal, StoreTicketGoal, Goal3])
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct)
+        ->
+            % The scope has no goals that either create choice points
+            % or allocate dynamic terms.
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, InnerGoal0)
+        ;
             goal_add_trail_ops(InnerGoal0, InnerGoal, !Info),
             GoalExpr = scope(Reason, InnerGoal)
Index: compiler/assertion.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/assertion.m,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -b -r1.62 assertion.m
--- compiler/assertion.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:06 -0000	1.62
+++ compiler/assertion.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -560,7 +560,8 @@
     equal_vars(VarsA, VarsB, !Subst).
 equal_reason(barrier(Removable), barrier(Removable), !Subst).
 equal_reason(commit(ForcePruning), commit(ForcePruning), !Subst).
-equal_reason(from_ground_term(VarA), from_ground_term(VarB), !Subst) :-
+equal_reason(from_ground_term(VarA, Kind), from_ground_term(VarB, Kind),
+        !Subst) :-
     equal_var(VarA, VarB, !Subst).
 :- pred equal_goals_shorthand(shorthand_goal_expr::in, shorthand_goal_expr::in,
Index: compiler/closure_analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/closure_analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -b -r1.17 closure_analysis.m
--- compiler/closure_analysis.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:03 -0000	1.17
+++ compiler/closure_analysis.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -337,9 +337,13 @@
         !.ClosureInfo, _),
     Goal = hlds_goal(negation(NegatedGoal), GoalInfo).
 process_goal(VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal0, Goal, !ClosureInfo) :-
-    Goal0 = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, ScopedGoal0), GoalInfo),
-    process_goal(VarTypes, ModuleInfo, ScopedGoal0, ScopedGoal, !ClosureInfo),
-    Goal = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, ScopedGoal), GoalInfo).
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal0), GoalInfo),
+    ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+        SubGoal = SubGoal0
+    ;
+        process_goal(VarTypes, ModuleInfo, SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ClosureInfo)
+    ),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal), GoalInfo).
 process_goal(VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal0, Goal, !ClosureInfo) :-
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(if_then_else(ExistQVars, Cond0, Then0, Else0), GoalInfo),
     process_goal(VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Cond0, Cond, !.ClosureInfo, CondInfo),
@@ -369,7 +373,6 @@
     list.filter_map(ForeignHOArgs, Args, OutputForeignHOArgs),
     svmap.det_insert_from_assoc_list(OutputForeignHOArgs, !ClosureInfo),
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
 process_goal(_, _, hlds_goal(shorthand(_), _), _, _, _) :-
     unexpected(this_file, "shorthand/1 goal during closure analysis.").
Index: compiler/code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.177
diff -u -b -r1.177 code_gen.m
--- compiler/code_gen.m	28 Nov 2008 06:36:57 -0000	1.177
+++ compiler/code_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
     HasSubGoals = goal_expr_has_subgoals(GoalExpr),
     pre_goal_update(GoalInfo, HasSubGoals, !CI),
     get_instmap(!.CI, InstMap),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap) ->
         CodeModel = goal_info_get_code_model(GoalInfo),
         % Sanity check: code of some code models should occur
         % only in limited contexts.
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@
 generate_goals([Goal | Goals], CodeModel, Code, !CI) :-
     generate_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Code1, !CI),
     get_instmap(!.CI, Instmap),
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(Instmap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(Instmap) ->
         Code = Code1
         generate_goals(Goals, CodeModel, Code2, !CI),
Index: compiler/code_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/code_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.368
diff -u -b -r1.368 code_info.m
--- compiler/code_info.m	28 Nov 2008 06:36:58 -0000	1.368
+++ compiler/code_info.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
     code_util.max_mentioned_abs_reg(AbsLocs, MaxMentionedReg),
     set_follow_vars(abs_follow_vars(FollowVarsMap, MaxMentionedReg + 1), !CI),
     get_instmap(!.CI, InstMap),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap) ->
         VarLocs = assoc_list.map_values(key_abs_locn_to_lval, AbsVarLocs),
         place_vars(VarLocs, Code, !CI)
Index: compiler/const_prop.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/const_prop.m,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -u -b -r1.45 const_prop.m
--- compiler/const_prop.m	7 Aug 2007 07:09:49 -0000	1.45
+++ compiler/const_prop.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, cross_compiling, CrossCompiling),
     LookupArgs = (func(Var) = arg_hlds_info(Var, Type, Inst) :-
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
         Type = VarTypes ^ det_elem(Var)
     ArgHldsInfos = list.map(LookupArgs, Args),
@@ -561,7 +561,8 @@
 make_assignment_goal(OutputArg, InputArg, Goal, !GoalInfo) :-
     make_assignment(OutputArg, InputArg, Goal),
     Delta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(!.GoalInfo),
-    instmap_delta_set(OutputArg ^ arg_var, InputArg ^ arg_inst, Delta0, Delta),
+    instmap_delta_set_var(OutputArg ^ arg_var, InputArg ^ arg_inst,
+        Delta0, Delta),
     goal_info_set_instmap_delta(Delta, !GoalInfo),
     goal_info_set_determinism(detism_det, !GoalInfo).
@@ -571,8 +572,8 @@
 make_construction_goal(OutputArg, Cons, Goal, !GoalInfo) :-
     make_construction(OutputArg, Cons, Goal),
     Delta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(!.GoalInfo),
-    instmap_delta_set(OutputArg ^ arg_var, bound(unique,
-        [bound_functor(Cons, [])]), Delta0, Delta),
+    instmap_delta_set_var(OutputArg ^ arg_var,
+        bound(unique, [bound_functor(Cons, [])]), Delta0, Delta),
     goal_info_set_instmap_delta(Delta, !GoalInfo),
     goal_info_set_determinism(detism_det, !GoalInfo).
Index: compiler/constraint.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/constraint.m,v
retrieving revision 1.91
diff -u -b -r1.91 constraint.m
--- compiler/constraint.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:03 -0000	1.91
+++ compiler/constraint.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
     InstMap0 = !.Info ^ constr_instmap,
     propagate_conj_sub_goal_2(Goal0, Constraints, Goals, !Info),
-    !:Info = !.Info ^ constr_instmap := InstMap0.
+    !Info ^ constr_instmap := InstMap0.
 :- pred propagate_conj_sub_goal_2(hlds_goal::in, list(constraint)::in,
     list(hlds_goal)::out, constraint_info::in, constraint_info::out) is det.
@@ -164,7 +164,8 @@
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
             ( Reason = exist_quant(_)
-            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_deconstruct)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_other)
             propagate_goal(SubGoal0, Constraints, SubGoal, !Info),
             FinalGoals = [hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal), GoalInfo)]
@@ -181,6 +182,12 @@
             flatten_constraints(Constraints, ConstraintGoals),
             FinalGoals = [hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal), GoalInfo) |
+        ;
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct),
+            % There is no point in either propagating constraints into these
+            % scopes or propagating local constraints within these scopes.
+            flatten_constraints(Constraints, ConstraintGoals),
+            FinalGoals = [hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo) | ConstraintGoals]
         GoalExpr = negation(NegGoal0),
@@ -296,41 +303,40 @@
     instmap_changed_vars(InstMap0, InstMap, VarTypes,
         ModuleInfo, ChangedVars0),
-    instmap.vars_list(InstMap, InstMapVars),
-    %
-    % Restrict the set of changed variables down to the set for
-    % which the new inst is not an acceptable substitute for the
-    % old.  This is done to allow reordering of a goal which uses a
-    % variable with inst `ground(shared, no)' with a constraint
-    % which just adds information, changing the inst to
-    % `bound(shared, ...)'.
-    %
-    InCompatible = (pred(Var::in) is semidet :-
-            instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, InstBefore),
+    instmap_vars_list(InstMap, InstMapVars),
+    % Restrict the set of changed variables down to the set for which
+    % the new inst is not an acceptable substitute for the old. This is done
+    % to allow reordering of a goal which uses a variable with inst
+    % `ground(shared, no)' with a constraint which just adds information,
+    % changing the inst to `bound(shared, ...)'.
+    InCompatible =
+        (pred(Var::in) is semidet :-
+            instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, InstBefore),
             instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, Var, InstAfter),
             \+ inst_matches_initial(InstAfter, InstBefore,
                 map.lookup(VarTypes, Var), ModuleInfo)
     IncompatibleInstVars = set.list_to_set(
         list.filter(InCompatible, InstMapVars)),
-    %
-    % This will consider variables with inst `any' to be bound by
-    % the goal, so goals which have non-locals with inst `any' will
-    % not be considered to be constraints. XXX This is too conservative.
-    %
-    Bound = (pred(Var::in) is semidet :-
-            instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, InstBefore),
+    % This will consider variables with inst `any' to be bound by the goal,
+    % so goals which have non-locals with inst `any' will not be considered
+    % to be constraints. XXX This is too conservative.
+    Bound =
+        (pred(Var::in) is semidet :-
+            instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, InstBefore),
             instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, Var, InstAfter),
             \+ inst_matches_binding(InstAfter, InstBefore,
                 map.lookup(VarTypes, Var), ModuleInfo)
     BoundVars = set.list_to_set(list.filter(Bound, InstMapVars)),
-    %
-    % Make sure that variables with inst `any' are placed in
-    % the changed vars set. XXX This is too conservative, but
-    % avoids unexpected reorderings.
-    %
+    % Make sure that variables with inst `any' are placed in the changed vars
+    % set. XXX This is too conservative, but avoids unexpected reorderings.
     set.union(ChangedVars0, BoundVars, ChangedVars),
     AnnotatedConjunct = annotated_conjunct(Goal, ChangedVars, BoundVars,
Index: compiler/continuation_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/continuation_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -b -r1.95 continuation_info.m
--- compiler/continuation_info.m	18 Mar 2008 02:09:30 -0000	1.95
+++ compiler/continuation_info.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
         Name = ""
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
     ( inst_match.inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo, Inst) ->
         LldsInst = llds_inst_ground
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
         [ArgInfo | ArgInfos], [Layout | Layouts], InstMap,
         !VarLocs, !TypeVars) :-
     ArgInfo = arg_info(ArgLoc, _ArgMode),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     Layout = closure_arg_info(Type, Inst),
     set.singleton_set(Locations, reg(reg_r, ArgLoc)),
     svmap.det_insert(Var, Locations, !VarLocs),
Index: compiler/cse_detection.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/cse_detection.m,v
retrieving revision 1.118
diff -u -b -r1.118 cse_detection.m
--- compiler/cse_detection.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:06 -0000	1.118
+++ compiler/cse_detection.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -229,9 +229,8 @@
         InstMap0, _InstMap, Redo).
     % This version is the same as the above except that it returns
-    % the resulting instmap on exit from the goal, which is
-    % computed by applying the instmap delta specified in the
-    % goal's goalinfo.
+    % the resulting instmap on exit from the goal, which is computed by
+    % applying the instmap delta specified in the goal's goalinfo.
 :- pred detect_cse_in_goal_update_instmap(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     cse_info::in, cse_info::out, instmap::in, instmap::out, bool::out) is det.
@@ -286,8 +285,14 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There are no deconstructions at all inside these scopes.
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            Redo = no
+        ;
         detect_cse_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !CseInfo, InstMap0, Redo),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
         detect_cse_in_conj(Goals0, Goals, !CseInfo, ConjType, InstMap0, Redo),
@@ -374,7 +379,7 @@
 detect_cse_in_disj([Var | Vars], Goals0, GoalInfo0, InstMap0,
         !CseInfo, Redo, GoalExpr) :-
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst0),
         ModuleInfo = !.CseInfo ^ csei_module_info,
         % XXX We only need inst_is_bound, but leave this as it is until
         % mode analysis can handle aliasing between free variables.
@@ -414,7 +419,7 @@
         InstMap0, !CseInfo, Redo, GoalExpr) :-
         Var \= SwitchVar,
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst0),
         ModuleInfo = !.CseInfo ^ csei_module_info,
         % XXX We only need inst_is_bound, but leave this as it is until
         % mode analysis can handle aliasing between free variables.
@@ -457,7 +462,7 @@
         InstMap, !CseInfo, Redo, GoalExpr) :-
         ModuleInfo = !.CseInfo ^ csei_module_info,
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst0),
         % XXX We only need inst_is_bound, but leave this as it is until
         % mode analysis can handle aliasing between free variables.
         inst_is_ground_or_any(ModuleInfo, VarInst0),
Index: compiler/dead_proc_elim.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dead_proc_elim.m,v
retrieving revision 1.129
diff -u -b -r1.129 dead_proc_elim.m
--- compiler/dead_proc_elim.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:02 -0000	1.129
+++ compiler/dead_proc_elim.m	11 Dec 2008 16:18:27 -0000
@@ -478,10 +478,16 @@
         GoalExpr = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases),
         dead_proc_examine_cases(Cases, CurrProc, !Queue, !Needed)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        dead_proc_examine_goal(SubGoal, CurrProc, !Queue, !Needed)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The scope has no references to procedures at all.
+            true
+        ;
         dead_proc_examine_goal(SubGoal, CurrProc, !Queue, !Needed)
+        )
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
         dead_proc_examine_goal(Cond, CurrProc, !Queue, !Needed),
@@ -1050,10 +1056,13 @@
     list.foldl(ExamineCase, Cases, !DeadInfo).
 pre_modecheck_examine_goal_expr(generic_call(_,_,_,_), !DeadInfo).
-pre_modecheck_examine_goal_expr(negation(Goal), !DeadInfo) :-
-    pre_modecheck_examine_goal(Goal, !DeadInfo).
-pre_modecheck_examine_goal_expr(scope(_, Goal), !DeadInfo) :-
-    pre_modecheck_examine_goal(Goal, !DeadInfo).
+pre_modecheck_examine_goal_expr(negation(SubGoal), !DeadInfo) :-
+    pre_modecheck_examine_goal(SubGoal, !DeadInfo).
+pre_modecheck_examine_goal_expr(scope(_, SubGoal), !DeadInfo) :-
+    % The invariants that would allow us to optimize from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes haven't been established yet, which is why we must always scan
+    % SubGoal.
+    pre_modecheck_examine_goal(SubGoal, !DeadInfo).
 pre_modecheck_examine_goal_expr(plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, PredName),
         !DeadInfo) :-
     dead_pred_info_add_pred_name(PredName, !DeadInfo).
Index: compiler/deep_profiling.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/deep_profiling.m,v
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -u -b -r1.94 deep_profiling.m
--- compiler/deep_profiling.m	26 Nov 2008 02:59:53 -0000	1.94
+++ compiler/deep_profiling.m	11 Dec 2008 23:59:16 -0000
@@ -426,11 +426,15 @@
         figure_out_rec_call_numbers(Then, !N, !TailCallSites),
         figure_out_rec_call_numbers(Else, !N, !TailCallSites)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal1),
-        figure_out_rec_call_numbers(Goal1, !N, !TailCallSites)
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        figure_out_rec_call_numbers(SubGoal, !N, !TailCallSites)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            true
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal1),
-        figure_out_rec_call_numbers(Goal1, !N, !TailCallSites)
+            figure_out_rec_call_numbers(SubGoal, !N, !TailCallSites)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "shorthand in figure_out_rec_call_numbers")
@@ -1064,8 +1068,13 @@
         ScopedGoalPath = goal_path_add_at_end(Path, step_scope(MaybeCut)),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+            AddedImpurity = no
+        ;
         deep_prof_transform_goal(ScopedGoalPath, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
-            AddedImpurity, !DeepInfo),
+                AddedImpurity, !DeepInfo)
+        ),
         add_impurity_if_needed(AddedImpurity, GoalInfo2, GoalInfo),
             AddForceCommit = no,
@@ -2159,6 +2168,9 @@
         GoalExpr1 = negation(NegGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, ScopeGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes, but that would require special-casing the coverage
+        % propagation code in the deep profiler as well.
         coverage_prof_second_pass_goal(ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal,
             CoverageBeforeKnown, CoverageAfterScopedGoalKnown, !Info,
@@ -2790,6 +2802,9 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(InnerGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, InnerGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes, but that would require special-casing the coverage
+        % propagation code in the deep profiler as well.
         coverage_prof_first_pass(CPOptions, InnerGoal0, InnerGoal,
             dp_coverage_goal_info(Trivial0, PortCountsCoverageAfterDirect)),
Index: compiler/deforest.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/deforest.m,v
retrieving revision 1.87
diff -u -b -r1.87 deforest.m
--- compiler/deforest.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:39 -0000	1.87
+++ compiler/deforest.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -284,25 +284,31 @@
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out, pd_info::in, pd_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-deforest_goal_expr(conj(ConjType, !.Goals), conj(ConjType, !:Goals), !GoalInfo,
-        !PDInfo, !IO) :-
+deforest_goal_expr(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
+        some [!Goals] (
+            !:Goals = Goals0,
         ConjType = plain_conj,
         pd_info_get_instmap(!.PDInfo, InstMap0),
-        partially_evaluate_conj_goals(!.Goals, [], !:Goals, !PDInfo, !IO),
+                partially_evaluate_conj_goals(!.Goals, [], !:Goals,
+                    !PDInfo, !IO),
         pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !PDInfo),
         NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(!.GoalInfo),
-        globals.io_lookup_bool_option(deforestation, Deforestation, !IO),
+                globals.io_lookup_bool_option(deforestation, Deforestation,
+                    !IO),
             Deforestation = yes,
             compute_goal_infos(!Goals, !PDInfo),
             pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !PDInfo),
-            deforest_conj(!.Goals, NonLocals, [], !:Goals, !PDInfo, !IO)
+                    deforest_conj(!.Goals, NonLocals, [], !:Goals, !PDInfo,
+                        !IO)
             Deforestation = no
-        globals.io_lookup_bool_option(constraint_propagation, Constraints,
-            !IO),
+                globals.io_lookup_bool_option(constraint_propagation,
+                    Constraints, !IO),
         pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !PDInfo),
             Constraints = yes,
@@ -315,50 +321,56 @@
         ConjType = parallel_conj
         % XXX cannot deforest across parallel_conjunctions!
-    ).
-deforest_goal_expr(disj(Goals0), disj(Goals), !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    deforest_disj(Goals0, Goals, !PDInfo, !IO).
-deforest_goal_expr(if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-        if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else), !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
+            ),
+            Goals = !.Goals
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
+        deforest_disj(Goals0, Goals, !PDInfo, !IO),
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
     pd_info_get_instmap(!.PDInfo, InstMap0),
     deforest_goal(Cond0, Cond, !PDInfo, !IO),
     pd_info_update_goal(Cond, !PDInfo),
     deforest_goal(Then0, Then, !PDInfo, !IO),
     pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !PDInfo),
     deforest_goal(Else0, Else, !PDInfo, !IO),
-    pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !PDInfo).
-deforest_goal_expr(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
-        switch(Var, CanFail, Cases), !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    deforest_cases(Var, Cases0, Cases, !PDInfo, !IO).
-deforest_goal_expr(GoalExpr, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _).
-deforest_goal_expr(GoalExpr, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _).
-deforest_goal_expr(negation(Goal0), negation(Goal), !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    deforest_goal(Goal0, Goal, !PDInfo, !IO).
-deforest_goal_expr(scope(Reason, Goal0), scope(Reason, Goal), !GoalInfo,
-        !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    deforest_goal(Goal0, Goal, !PDInfo, !IO).
-deforest_goal_expr(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
+        pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !PDInfo),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
+        deforest_cases(Var, Cases0, Cases, !PDInfo, !IO),
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        deforest_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !PDInfo, !IO),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
+            deforest_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !PDInfo, !IO)
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+    ;
     GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, BuiltinState, _, Name),
     deforest_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, Name, BuiltinState,
         hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, !.GoalInfo), hlds_goal(GoalExpr, !:GoalInfo),
-        !PDInfo, !IO).
-deforest_goal_expr(GoalExpr, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _).
-deforest_goal_expr(shorthand(_), _, !GoalInfo, !PDInfo, !IO) :-
-    % these should have been expanded out by now
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal: unexpected shorthand").
+            !PDInfo, !IO)
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
+        % These should have been expanded out by now.
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal: unexpected shorthand")
+    ).
@@ -1358,7 +1370,7 @@
     pd_debug_message("goals match, trying MSG\n", [], !IO),
     pd_info_get_module_info(!.PDInfo, ModuleInfo),
     pd_info_get_instmap(!.PDInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_vars(VersionArgs, VersionInstMap, VersionInsts),
+    instmap_lookup_vars(VersionInstMap, VersionArgs, VersionInsts),
     pd_util.inst_list_size(ModuleInfo, VersionInsts, VersionInstSizes),
     set.to_sorted_list(ConjNonLocals, ConjNonLocalsList),
@@ -1366,7 +1378,7 @@
         % of the non-locals.
         try_MSG(ModuleInfo, VersionInstMap, VersionArgs, Renaming,
             InstMap0, InstMap),
-        instmap.lookup_vars(ConjNonLocalsList, InstMap, ArgInsts),
+        instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, ConjNonLocalsList, ArgInsts),
         pd_util.inst_list_size(ModuleInfo, ArgInsts, NewInstSizes),
         NewInstSizes < VersionInstSizes
@@ -1387,13 +1399,13 @@
 try_MSG(_, _, [], _, !InstMap).
 try_MSG(ModuleInfo, VersionInstMap, [VersionArg | VersionArgs], Renaming,
         !InstMap) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(VersionInstMap, VersionArg, VersionInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(VersionInstMap, VersionArg, VersionInst),
         map.search(Renaming, VersionArg, Arg),
-        instmap.lookup_var(!.InstMap, Arg, VarInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(!.InstMap, Arg, VarInst),
         inst_MSG(VersionInst, VarInst, ModuleInfo, Inst)
-        instmap.set(Arg, Inst, !InstMap)
+        instmap_set_var(Arg, Inst, !InstMap)
@@ -1785,7 +1797,7 @@
         ProcArgInfo = pd_branch_info(_, LeftArgs, _),
         set.member(LeftArg, LeftArgs),
         list.index1_det(Args, LeftArg, Arg),
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
         inst_is_bound_to_functors(ModuleInfo, ArgInst, [_]),
         % We don't attempt to deforest predicates which are
Index: compiler/delay_construct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/delay_construct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -b -r1.27 delay_construct.m
--- compiler/delay_construct.m	29 Jan 2008 04:59:38 -0000	1.27
+++ compiler/delay_construct.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
 :- pred delay_construct_in_goal(hlds_goal::in, instmap::in,
     delay_construct_info::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
-delay_construct_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0), InstMap0, DelayInfo,
-        Goal) :-
+delay_construct_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, DelayInfo, Goal) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0), 
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
@@ -152,15 +152,19 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else), GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         delay_construct_in_goal(SubGoal0, InstMap0, DelayInfo, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal), GoalInfo0)
+        )
         ( GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
-        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0)
+        Goal = Goal0
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
@@ -209,9 +213,9 @@
         GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, Unif, _),
         Unif = construct(Var, _, Args, _, _, _, _),
         Args = [_ | _], % We are constructing a cell, not a constant
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
         inst_is_free(DelayInfo ^ dci_module_info, Inst0),
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap1, Var, Inst1),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap1, Var, Inst1),
         inst_is_ground(DelayInfo ^ dci_module_info, Inst1)
         set.insert(ConstructedVars0, Var, ConstructedVars1),
Index: compiler/delay_partial_inst.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/delay_partial_inst.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -b -r1.9 delay_partial_inst.m
--- compiler/delay_partial_inst.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:02 -0000	1.9
+++ compiler/delay_partial_inst.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -282,9 +282,13 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else), GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         delay_partial_inst_in_goal(InstMap0, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
             !.ConstructMap, _, !DelayInfo),
         Goal = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal), GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = unify(LHS, RHS0, Mode, Unify, Context),
Index: compiler/dep_par_conj.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dep_par_conj.m,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -b -r1.32 dep_par_conj.m
--- compiler/dep_par_conj.m	4 Nov 2008 02:16:32 -0000	1.32
+++ compiler/dep_par_conj.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -332,10 +332,14 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         sync_dep_par_conjs_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, InstMap0, _,
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         ( GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
@@ -675,11 +679,17 @@
             GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
             InvariantEstablished = yes,
+            ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+                % These scopes do not consume anything.
+                unexpected(this_file,
+                    "insert_wait_in_goal: from_ground_term_construct")
+            ;
             insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, AllowSomePathsOnly,
                 FutureMap, ConsumedVar, WaitedOnAllSuccessPaths0,
                 SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
             GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
             Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+            )
             GoalExpr0 = negation(_SubGoal0),
             InvariantEstablished = yes,
@@ -983,6 +993,16 @@
             unexpected(this_file, "negation binds shared variable")
             GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+            ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+                % Pushing the signal into the scope would invalidate the
+                % invariant that from_ground_term_construct scopes do nothing
+                % except construct a ground term. It would also be pointless,
+                % since the code generator will turn the entire scope into a
+                % single assignment statement. We therefore put he signal
+                % *after* the scope.
+                insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
+                    Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
+            ;
             SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(_, SubGoalInfo0),
             Detism0 = goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo0),
             SubDetism0 = goal_info_get_determinism(SubGoalInfo0),
@@ -993,11 +1013,12 @@
                 MaxSolns0 \= at_most_many
                 % The value of ProducedVar is not stable inside SubGoal0,
-                % i.e. SubGoal0 can generate a value for ProducedVar and then
-                % backtrack over the goal that generated it. In such cases,
-                % we can signal the availability of ProducedVar only when it
-                % has become stable, which is when the scope has cut away
-                % any possibility of further backtracking inside SubGoal0.
+                    % i.e. SubGoal0 can generate a value for ProducedVar and
+                    % then backtrack over the goal that generated it. In such
+                    % cases, we can signal the availability of ProducedVar
+                    % only when it has become stable, which is when the scope
+                    % has cut away any possibility of further backtracking
+                    % inside SubGoal0.
                 insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
                     Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
@@ -1006,6 +1027,7 @@
                 GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
                 Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+            )
             ( GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
             ; GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
@@ -1432,9 +1454,15 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % We don't pu either wait or signal operations in such scopes,
+            % so there is nothing to specialize.
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         specialize_sequences_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !SpecInfo),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         ( GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
@@ -2130,11 +2158,19 @@
             cost_before_wait_components(Wait, Seen, Cost)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         should_we_push_wait(Var, SubGoal, Wait)
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The SubGoal may be huge, but since the code generator will
+            % turn it all into a single assignment of a pointer to a large
+            % static data structure, its cost in execution time is negligible.
+            Wait = not_seen_wait_negligible_cost_so_far
+        ;
+            should_we_push_wait(Var, SubGoal, Wait)
+        )
+    ;
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "should_we_push_wait: shorthand")
@@ -2359,8 +2395,16 @@
             unexpected(this_file, "seen_signal_non_negligible_cost_after")
-        GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            ( Var = TermVar ->
+                seen_produced_var(!Signal)
+            ;
+                true
+            )
+        ;   
         should_we_push_signal(Var, SubGoal, !Signal)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "should_we_push_signal: shorthand")
@@ -2678,7 +2722,7 @@
     % Keep only nonlocals which were not already bound at the start of the
     % parallel conjunction.
     Filter = (pred(Var::in) is semidet :-
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst),
         not inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, VarInst)
     UnboundNonlocals = set.filter(Filter, Nonlocals),
Index: compiler/dependency_graph.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/dependency_graph.m,v
retrieving revision 1.100
diff -u -b -r1.100 dependency_graph.m
--- compiler/dependency_graph.m	3 Apr 2008 05:26:42 -0000	1.100
+++ compiler/dependency_graph.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -371,10 +371,16 @@
         add_dependency_arcs_in_goal(Caller, Then, !DepGraph),
         add_dependency_arcs_in_goal(Caller, Else, !DepGraph)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        add_dependency_arcs_in_goal(Caller, SubGoal, !DepGraph)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The scope references no predicates or procedures.
+            true
+        ;
         add_dependency_arcs_in_goal(Caller, SubGoal, !DepGraph)
+        )
         GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/det_analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/det_analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.215
diff -u -b -r1.215 det_analysis.m
--- compiler/det_analysis.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:06 -0000	1.215
+++ compiler/det_analysis.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1669,11 +1669,25 @@
         ; Reason = promise_purity(_, _)
         ; Reason = commit(_)
         ; Reason = barrier(_)
-        ; Reason = from_ground_term(_)
         det_infer_goal(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, SolnContext,
             RightFailingContexts, MaybePromiseEqvSolutionSets0,
             Detism, GoalFailingContexts, !DetInfo, !Specs)
+    ;
+        Reason = from_ground_term(_, FromGroundTermKind),
+        (
+            FromGroundTermKind = from_ground_term_construct,
+            Goal = Goal0,
+            Detism = detism_det,
+            GoalFailingContexts = []
+        ;
+            ( FromGroundTermKind = from_ground_term_deconstruct
+            ; FromGroundTermKind = from_ground_term_other
+            ),
+            det_infer_goal(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, SolnContext,
+                RightFailingContexts, MaybePromiseEqvSolutionSets0,
+                Detism, GoalFailingContexts, !DetInfo, !Specs)
+        )
Index: compiler/det_report.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/det_report.m,v
retrieving revision 1.143
diff -u -b -r1.143 det_report.m
--- compiler/det_report.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:04 -0000	1.143
+++ compiler/det_report.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
             det_info_get_module_info(!.DetInfo, ModuleInfo),
-                    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst),
+                    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst),
                     inst_is_bound_to_functors(ModuleInfo, VarInst, Functors)
                     functors_to_cons_ids(Functors, ConsIds)
Index: compiler/det_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/det_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -b -r1.47 det_util.m
--- compiler/det_util.m	22 Jan 2008 15:06:09 -0000	1.47
+++ compiler/det_util.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
 det_no_output_vars(Vars, InstMap, InstMapDelta, DetInfo) :-
     det_info_get_module_info(DetInfo, ModuleInfo),
-    instmap.no_output_vars(InstMap, InstMapDelta, Vars,
+    instmap_delta_no_output_vars(InstMap, InstMapDelta, Vars,
         DetInfo ^ di_vartypes, ModuleInfo).
Index: compiler/distance_granularity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/distance_granularity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.7 distance_granularity.m
--- compiler/distance_granularity.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:05 -0000	1.7
+++ compiler/distance_granularity.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -362,21 +362,26 @@
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
         IsRecursiveCallInParallelConj = no
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(Goal0),
-        apply_dg_to_goal(Goal0, Goal, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        apply_dg_to_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
             PredIdSpecialized, SymNameSpecialized, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo,
             Distance, IsInParallelConj, !MaybeGranularityVar,
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
-        apply_dg_to_goal(Goal0, Goal, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % Return !.Goal as !:Goal.
+            IsRecursiveCallInParallelConj = no
+        ;
+            apply_dg_to_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
             PredIdSpecialized, SymNameSpecialized, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo,
             Distance, IsInParallelConj, !MaybeGranularityVar,
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         apply_dg_to_goal(Cond0, Cond, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
@@ -583,10 +588,10 @@
                     % Var has instmap bound(Distance).
                     InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
-                    MerInst = bound(shared, [bound_functor(int_const(Distance),
-                        [])]),
-                    instmap_delta_insert(Var, MerInst, InstMapDelta0,
-                        InstMapDelta),
+                    MerInst = bound(shared,
+                        [bound_functor(int_const(Distance), [])]),
+                    instmap_delta_insert_var(Var, MerInst,
+                        InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
                     goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, GoalInfo0,
@@ -730,8 +735,8 @@
                         CallBuiltin, CallUnifyContext, CallSymName),
                     InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
                     MerInst = ground(shared, none),
-                    instmap_delta_insert(Var, MerInst, InstMapDelta0,
-                        InstMapDelta),
+                    instmap_delta_insert_var(Var, MerInst,
+                        InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
                     goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, GoalInfo0,
                     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
@@ -908,17 +913,24 @@
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(Goal0),
-        update_original_predicate_goal(Goal0, Goal, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
-            PredIdSpecialized, SymNameSpecialized, !ProcInfo, Distance),
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        update_original_predicate_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+            CallerPredId, CallerProcId, PredIdSpecialized, SymNameSpecialized,
+            !ProcInfo, Distance),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
-        update_original_predicate_goal(Goal0, Goal, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % Leave !Goal as it is.
+            true
+        ;
+            update_original_predicate_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+                CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
             PredIdSpecialized, SymNameSpecialized, !ProcInfo, Distance),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         update_original_predicate_goal(Cond0, Cond, CallerPredId, CallerProcId,
@@ -976,7 +988,7 @@
         goal_info_set_nonlocals(NonLocals, CallInfo0, CallInfo1),
         InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(CallInfo1),
         MerInst = ground(shared, none),
-        instmap_delta_insert(Var, MerInst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
+        instmap_delta_insert_var(Var, MerInst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
         goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, CallInfo1, CallInfo),
         Call = hlds_goal(CallExpr, CallInfo),
Index: compiler/equiv_type_hlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/equiv_type_hlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -b -r1.51 equiv_type_hlds.m
--- compiler/equiv_type_hlds.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:05 -0000	1.51
+++ compiler/equiv_type_hlds.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -723,8 +723,8 @@
     `with_type` replacer(hlds_goal, replace_info)
     `with_inst` replacer.
-replace_in_goal(EqvMap, Goal0 @ hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0), Goal,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+replace_in_goal(EqvMap, Goal0, Goal, Changed, !Info) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, Changed0, !Info),
     InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
@@ -764,53 +764,62 @@
     `with_type` replacer(hlds_goal_expr, replace_info)
     `with_inst` replacer.
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ conj(ConjType, Goals0), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, Changed, !Info) :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
     replace_in_list(replace_in_goal(EqvMap), Goals0, Goals,
         Changed, !Info),
     ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
     ; Changed = no, GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ disj(Goals0), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
     replace_in_list(replace_in_goal(EqvMap), Goals0, Goals,
         Changed, !Info),
     ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
     ; Changed = no, GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ switch(A, B, Cases0), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
-    replace_in_list(replace_in_case(EqvMap), Cases0, Cases, Changed, !Info),
-    ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = switch(A, B, Cases)
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
+        replace_in_list(replace_in_case(EqvMap), Cases0, Cases,
+            Changed, !Info),
+        ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
     ; Changed = no, GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ negation(NegGoal0), GoalExpr, Changed,
-        !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(NegGoal0),
     replace_in_goal(EqvMap, NegGoal0, NegGoal, Changed, !Info),
     ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = negation(NegGoal)
     ; Changed = no, GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ scope(Reason, SomeGoal0), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SomeGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The code in modes.m sets the kind to from_ground_term_construct
+            % only when SomeGoal0 does not have anything to expand.
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            Changed = no
+        ;
     replace_in_goal(EqvMap, SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, Changed, !Info),
     ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SomeGoal)
     ; Changed = no, GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-        GoalExpr0 @ if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
     replace_in_goal(EqvMap, Cond0, Cond, Changed1, !Info),
     replace_in_goal(EqvMap, Then0, Then, Changed2, !Info),
     replace_in_goal(EqvMap, Else0, Else, Changed3, !Info),
     Changed = Changed1 `or` Changed2 `or` Changed3,
     ( Changed = yes, GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
     ; Changed = no, GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(_, GoalExpr @ plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _), GoalExpr,
-        no, !Info).
-        GoalExpr0 @ call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+        Changed = no
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
     TVarSet0 = !.Info ^ tvarset,
     replace_in_foreign_arg_list(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 ^ foreign_args,
         Args, ChangedArgs, TVarSet0, TVarSet1, no, _),
@@ -825,9 +834,9 @@
         Changed = no,
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ generic_call(A, B, Modes0, D),
-        GoalExpr, Changed, !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = generic_call(Details, Args, Modes0, Detism),
     TVarSet0 = !.Info ^ tvarset,
     Cache0 = !.Info ^ inst_cache,
     replace_in_modes(EqvMap, Modes0, Modes, Changed, TVarSet0, TVarSet,
@@ -836,13 +845,13 @@
         Changed = yes,
         !:Info = !.Info ^ tvarset := TVarSet,
         !:Info = !.Info ^ inst_cache := Cache,
-        GoalExpr = generic_call(A, B, Modes, D)
+            GoalExpr = generic_call(Details, Args, Modes, Detism)
         Changed = no,
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-    ).
-replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0 @ unify(Var, _, _, _, _), GoalExpr,
-        Changed, !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(Var, _, _, _, _),
     module_info_get_type_table(!.Info ^ module_info, Types),
     proc_info_get_vartypes(!.Info ^ proc_info, VarTypes),
     proc_info_get_rtti_varmaps(!.Info ^ proc_info, RttiVarMaps),
@@ -850,8 +859,8 @@
     TypeCtorCat = classify_type(!.Info ^ module_info, VarType),
         % If this goal constructs a type_info for an equivalence type,
-        % we need to expand that to make the type_info for the expanded type.
-        % It is simpler to just recreate the type_info from scratch.
+            % we need to expand that to make the type_info for the expanded
+            % type. It is simpler to just recreate the type_info from scratch.
         GoalExpr0 ^ unify_kind = construct(_, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _),
         ConsId = type_info_cell_constructor(TypeCtor),
@@ -863,8 +872,8 @@
         Changed = yes,
         pred_info_set_typevarset(!.Info ^ tvarset, !.Info ^ pred_info,
-        create_poly_info(!.Info ^ module_info, PredInfo0, !.Info ^ proc_info,
-            PolyInfo0),
+            create_poly_info(!.Info ^ module_info,
+                PredInfo0, !.Info ^ proc_info, PolyInfo0),
         rtti_varmaps_var_info(RttiVarMaps, Var, VarInfo),
             VarInfo = type_info_var(TypeInfoType0),
@@ -929,6 +938,7 @@
             Changed = no,
             GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+        )
 replace_in_goal_expr(EqvMap, GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, Changed, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = shorthand(ShortHand0),
Index: compiler/erl_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/erl_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -b -r1.31 erl_code_gen.m
--- compiler/erl_code_gen.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:05 -0000	1.31
+++ compiler/erl_code_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@
         ( ScopeReason = exist_quant(_)
         ; ScopeReason = promise_purity(_, _)
         ; ScopeReason = barrier(_)
-        ; ScopeReason = from_ground_term(_)
+        ; ScopeReason = from_ground_term(_, _)
         ; ScopeReason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
             % Trace goals with run-time conditions are transformed into
             % if-then-else goals where the condition is a special foreign_proc
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@
     % not bound before the place where the success expression will be
     % inserted).  For our purposes it doesn't matter what insts these variables
     % have, other than not being free, so we just use `ground'.
-    instmap.set(Var, ground(shared, none), !InstMap).
+    instmap_set_var(Var, ground(shared, none), !InstMap).
Index: compiler/exception_analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/exception_analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -b -r1.51 exception_analysis.m
--- compiler/exception_analysis.m	21 Aug 2008 07:31:57 -0000	1.51
+++ compiler/exception_analysis.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -279,8 +279,11 @@
         % that might have user-defined equality or comparison predicate that
         % throw exceptions.
-        all [EResult] list.member(EResult, ProcResults) =>
-            EResult ^ status \= may_throw(_),
+        all [EResult] (
+            list.member(EResult, ProcResults)
+        =>
+            EResult ^ status \= may_throw(_)
+        ),
         some [CResult] (
             list.member(CResult, ProcResults),
             CResult ^ status = throw_conditional
@@ -291,9 +294,12 @@
         % If none of the procedures can throw a user_exception but one or more
         % can throw a type_exception then mark the SCC as maybe throwing a
         % type_exception.
-        %
-        all [EResult] list.member(EResult, ProcResults) =>
-            EResult ^ status \= may_throw(user_exception),
+        all [EResult] (
+            list.member(EResult, ProcResults)
+        =>
+            EResult ^ status \= may_throw(user_exception)
+        ),
         some [TResult] (
             list.member(TResult, ProcResults),
             TResult ^ status = may_throw(type_exception)
@@ -364,21 +370,89 @@
     hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_info::in, proc_result::in, proc_result::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(_, _, Goal, _, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = unify(_, _, _, Kind, _),
+check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, GoalExpr, GoalInfo,
+        !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Kind, _),
         Kind = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "complicated unify during exception analysis.")
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "complicated unify during exception analysis.")
         ( Kind = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
         ; Kind = deconstruct(_, _, _, _, _, _)
         ; Kind = assign(_, _)
         ; Kind = simple_test(_, _)
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(CallPredId, CallProcId, Args, _, _, _),
+        check_goal_for_exceptions_plain_call(SCC, VarTypes,
+            CallPredId, CallProcId, Args, !Result, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(Details, Args, _, _),
+        check_goal_for_exceptions_generic_call(VarTypes, Details, Args,
+            GoalInfo, !Result, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+        % NOTE: for --intermodule-analysis the results for for foreign_procs
+        % will *always* be optimal (since we always rely on user annotation),
+        % so there's nothing to do here.
+        MayCallMercury = get_may_call_mercury(Attributes),
+        (
+            MayCallMercury = proc_may_call_mercury,
+            get_may_throw_exception(Attributes) = MayThrowException,
+            % We do not need to deal with erroneous predicates here because
+            % they will have already been processed.
+            (
+                MayThrowException = default_exception_behaviour,
+                !Result ^ status := may_throw(user_exception)
+            ;
+                MayThrowException = proc_will_not_throw_exception
+            )
+        ;
+            MayCallMercury = proc_will_not_call_mercury
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+        ; GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals)
+        ),
+        check_goals_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, Goals, !Result, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        CaseGoals = list.map((func(case(_, _, CaseGoal)) = CaseGoal), Cases),
+        check_goals_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, CaseGoals, !Result,
+            !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, If, Then, Else),
+        check_goals_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, [If, Then, Else],
+            !Result, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        check_goal_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, SubGoal, !Result, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            true
+        ;
+            check_goal_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, SubGoal, !Result,
+                !ModuleInfo)
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        % These should have been expanded out by now.
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "shorthand goal encountered during exception analysis.")
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, Goal, _, !Result,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = plain_call(CallPredId, CallProcId, CallArgs, _, _, _),
+:- pred check_goal_for_exceptions_plain_call(scc::in, vartypes::in,
+    pred_id::in, proc_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+    proc_result::in, proc_result::out, module_info::in, module_info::out)
+    is det.
+check_goal_for_exceptions_plain_call(SCC, VarTypes, CallPredId, CallProcId,
+        CallArgs, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
     CallPPId = proc(CallPredId, CallProcId),
     module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, CallPredId, CallPredInfo),
@@ -427,9 +501,14 @@
         check_nonrecursive_call(VarTypes, CallPPId, CallArgs, CallPredInfo,
             !Result, !ModuleInfo)
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(_SCC, VarTypes, Goal, GoalInfo, !Result,
-        !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = generic_call(Details, Args, _ArgModes, _),
+:- pred check_goal_for_exceptions_generic_call(vartypes::in,
+    generic_call::in, list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
+    proc_result::in, proc_result::out, module_info::in, module_info::out)
+    is det.
+check_goal_for_exceptions_generic_call(VarTypes, Details, Args, GoalInfo,
+        !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
     module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, intermodule_analysis,
@@ -447,7 +526,7 @@
                     % procedures that are known not to throw exceptions.
                     ConditionalProcs = [_ | _],
-                    %
                     % For 'conditional' procedures we need to make sure that
                     % if any type variables are bound at the generic_call
                     % site, then this does not cause the closure to throw an
@@ -468,16 +547,16 @@
                     % perform a fine-grained enough analysis of where
                     % out-of-line unifications/comparisons occur to be able to
                     % do better.
-                    %
                     check_vars(!.ModuleInfo, VarTypes, Args,
                         MaybeAnalysisStatus, !Result)
                 MaybeWillNotThrow = may_throw,
-                !:Result = !.Result ^ status := may_throw(user_exception)
+                !Result ^ status := may_throw(user_exception)
-            !:Result = !.Result ^ status := may_throw(user_exception)
+            !Result ^ status := may_throw(user_exception)
         % XXX We could do better with class methods.
@@ -488,54 +567,6 @@
         Details = cast(_)
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, negation(Goal), _,
-        !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    check_goal_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, Goal, !Result, !ModuleInfo).
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, Goal, _, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = scope(_, ScopeGoal),
-    check_goal_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, ScopeGoal, !Result,
-        !ModuleInfo).
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(_, _, Goal, _, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-    %
-    % NOTE: for --intermodule-analysis the results for for foreign_procs will
-    % *always* be optimal (since we always rely on user annotation), so
-    % there's nothing to do here.
-    %
-    MayCallMercury = get_may_call_mercury(Attributes),
-    (
-        MayCallMercury = proc_may_call_mercury,
-        get_may_throw_exception(Attributes) = MayThrowException,
-        %
-        % We do not need to deal with erroneous predicates here because they
-        % will have already been processed.
-        %
-        (
-            MayThrowException = default_exception_behaviour,
-            !:Result = !.Result ^ status := may_throw(user_exception)
-        ;
-            MayThrowException = proc_will_not_throw_exception
-        )
-    ;
-        MayCallMercury = proc_will_not_call_mercury
-    ).
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(_, _, shorthand(_), _, _, _, _, _) :-
-    % These should have been expanded out by now.
-    unexpected(this_file,
-        "shorthand goal encountered during exception analysis.").
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, Goal, _, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = switch(_, _, Cases),
-    CaseGoals = list.map((func(case(_, _, CaseGoal)) = CaseGoal), Cases),
-    check_goals_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, CaseGoals, !Result, !ModuleInfo).
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, Goal, _, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    Goal = if_then_else(_, If, Then, Else),
-    check_goals_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, [If, Then, Else],
-        !Result, !ModuleInfo).
-check_goal_for_exceptions_2(SCC, VarTypes, Goal, _, !Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ( Goal = disj(Goals)
-    ; Goal = conj(_, Goals)
-    ),
-    check_goals_for_exceptions(SCC, VarTypes, Goals, !Result, !ModuleInfo).
 :- pred check_goals_for_exceptions(scc::in, vartypes::in,
     hlds_goals::in, proc_result::in, proc_result::out,
@@ -775,8 +806,11 @@
 handle_mixed_conditional_scc(Results) =
-        all [TypeStatus] list.member(Result, Results) =>
+        all [TypeStatus] (
+            list.member(Result, Results)
+        =>
             Result ^ rec_calls \= type_may_throw
+        )
@@ -858,9 +892,8 @@
         ( is_solver_type(ModuleInfo, Type)
         ; is_existq_type(ModuleInfo, Type))
-        % XXX At the moment we just assume that existential
-        % types and solver types result in a type exception
-        % being thrown.
+        % XXX At the moment we just assume that existential types and
+        % solver types result in a type exception being thrown.
         Status = type_may_throw
         TypeCategory = classify_type(ModuleInfo, Type),
@@ -917,9 +950,9 @@
     % type_ctor can be determined by examining the exception status of the
     % arguments, if any.
-    % NOTE: this list does not need to include enumerations since they
-    %       are already handled above.  Also, this list does not need to
-    %       include non-abstract equivalence types.
+    % NOTE: This list does not need to include enumerations since they
+    % are already handled above. Also, this list does not need to include
+    % non-abstract equivalence types.
 :- pred type_ctor_is_safe(type_ctor::in) is semidet.
@@ -1256,12 +1289,12 @@
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, analyse_exceptions,
-    %
     % If we the procedure we are calling is imported and we are using
     % intermodule-analysis then we need to look up the exception status in the
     % analysis registry; otherwise we look it up in the the exception_info
     % table.
-    %
     UseAnalysisRegistry = IsImported `bool.and` IntermodAnalysis
         `bool.and` ExceptionAnalysis,
Index: compiler/follow_code.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/follow_code.m,v
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -b -r1.95 follow_code.m
--- compiler/follow_code.m	26 Mar 2008 11:02:15 -0000	1.95
+++ compiler/follow_code.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -147,9 +147,13 @@
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Remove, SubGoal0),
-        move_follow_code_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, RttiVarMaps, !Changed),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Remove, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
+            move_follow_code_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, RttiVarMaps, !Changed)
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
         ( GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/follow_vars.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/follow_vars.m,v
retrieving revision 1.91
diff -u -b -r1.91 follow_vars.m
--- compiler/follow_vars.m	21 Jan 2008 00:32:47 -0000	1.91
+++ compiler/follow_vars.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -197,8 +197,12 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
         find_follow_vars_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-            !FollowVarsMap, !NextNonReserved),
+                !FollowVarsMap, !NextNonReserved)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
Index: compiler/format_call.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/format_call.m,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -b -r1.13 format_call.m
--- compiler/format_call.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:05 -0000	1.13
+++ compiler/format_call.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -443,9 +443,18 @@
             !Counter, !ConjMaps, !PredMap, !RelevantVars, ModuleInfo),
         svmap.det_insert(SubGoalId, CurId, !PredMap)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes cannot build the format string (since that is
+            % a single constant, from which we don't build such scopes),
+            % or the list of things to print (since that term won't a ground
+            % term except in degenerate cases. These scopes also cannot call
+            % anything.
+            true
+        ;
         traverse_conj([SubGoal], CurId, !FormatCallSites, !Counter,
             !ConjMaps, !PredMap, !RelevantVars, ModuleInfo)
+        )
         GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/goal_form.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/goal_form.m,v
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -u -b -r1.44 goal_form.m
--- compiler/goal_form.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:05 -0000	1.44
+++ compiler/goal_form.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
-% These versions use information from the intermodule-analysis framework
+% These versions use information from the intermodule-analysis framework.
 % XXX Eventually we will only use these versions and the others can be
@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@
 % The first three versions may be more accurate because they can use
 % results of the termination and exception analyses.
 % XXX These don't work with the intermodule-analysis framework, so don't
@@ -101,10 +100,8 @@
 :- pred goal_can_loop_or_throw(module_info::in, hlds_goal::in) is semidet.
 % These versions do not use the results of the termination or exception
 % analyses.
     % Succeeds if the goal cannot loop forever or throw an exception.
@@ -186,7 +183,7 @@
 % A version of goal_cannot_loop_or_throw that uses results from the
-% intermodule-analysis framework
+% intermodule-analysis framework.
 goal_can_throw(hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), Result, !ModuleInfo) :-
@@ -246,10 +243,16 @@
             Result = cannot_throw
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        goal_can_throw(SubGoal, Result, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes contain only construction unifications.
+            Result = cannot_throw
+        ;
         goal_can_throw(SubGoal, Result, !ModuleInfo)
+        )
         GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, _, _, _, _),
         ExceptionStatus = get_may_throw_exception(Attributes),
@@ -434,10 +437,16 @@
             CanLoop = goal_can_loop_func(MaybeModuleInfo, Else)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        CanLoop = goal_can_loop_func(MaybeModuleInfo, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes contain only construction unifications.
+            CanLoop = no
+        ;
         CanLoop = goal_can_loop_func(MaybeModuleInfo, SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
@@ -555,10 +564,16 @@
             CanThrow = goal_can_throw_func(MaybeModuleInfo, Else)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        CanThrow = goal_can_throw_func(MaybeModuleInfo, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes contain only construction unifications.
+            CanThrow = no
+        ;
         CanThrow = goal_can_throw_func(MaybeModuleInfo, SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
@@ -596,24 +611,41 @@
 :- func goal_is_flat_expr(hlds_goal_expr) = bool.
-goal_is_flat_expr(generic_call(_, _, _, _)) = yes.
-goal_is_flat_expr(plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)) = yes.
-goal_is_flat_expr(unify(_, _, _, _, _)) = yes.
-goal_is_flat_expr(call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = yes.
-goal_is_flat_expr(conj(ConjType, Goals)) = IsFlat :-
+goal_is_flat_expr(GoalExpr) = IsFlat :-
+    (
+        ( GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        IsFlat = yes
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals),
         ConjType = parallel_conj,
         IsFlat = no
         ConjType = plain_conj,
         IsFlat = goal_is_flat_list(Goals)
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = disj(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = shorthand(_)
+        ),
+        IsFlat = no
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        IsFlat = goal_is_flat(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            IsFlat = yes
+        ;
+            IsFlat = goal_is_flat(SubGoal)
+        )
-goal_is_flat_expr(disj(_)) = no.
-goal_is_flat_expr(switch(_, _, _)) = no.
-goal_is_flat_expr(if_then_else(_, _, _, _)) = no.
-goal_is_flat_expr(negation(Goal)) = goal_is_flat(Goal).
-goal_is_flat_expr(scope(_, Goal)) = goal_is_flat(Goal).
-goal_is_flat_expr(shorthand(_)) = no.
 :- func goal_is_flat_list(list(hlds_goal)) = bool.
@@ -698,11 +730,20 @@
             goal_may_allocate_heap(Else, May)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         goal_may_allocate_heap(SubGoal, May)
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes construct ground terms, but they construct them
+            % statically, so if we modify the code above to check the
+            % construct_how field of construction unifications, we could
+            % return May = no here.
+            May = yes
+        ;
+            goal_may_allocate_heap(SubGoal, May)
+        )
+    ;
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
             ShortHand = atomic_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _),
@@ -853,11 +894,18 @@
         int.min(CTMin, EMin, Min),
         int.max(CTMax, EMax, Max)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         count_recursive_calls(SubGoal, PredId, ProcId, Min, Max)
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes contain only construction unifications.
+            Min = 0,
+            Max = 0
+        ;
+            count_recursive_calls(SubGoal, PredId, ProcId, Min, Max)
+        )
+    ;
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
             ShortHand = atomic_goal(_, _, _, _, MainGoal, OrElseGoals),
Index: compiler/goal_path.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/goal_path.m,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -b -r1.51 goal_path.m
--- compiler/goal_path.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:00 -0000	1.51
+++ compiler/goal_path.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -169,6 +169,9 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % We should consider not filling in the goal path slots inside
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes, since we do not use them
+        % for anything.
         SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(_, InnerInfo),
         OuterDetism = goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo),
         InnerDetism = goal_info_get_determinism(InnerInfo),
Index: compiler/goal_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/goal_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.160
diff -u -b -r1.160 goal_util.m
--- compiler/goal_util.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:03 -0000	1.160
+++ compiler/goal_util.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
             Reason = commit(_)
-            Reason = from_ground_term(Var),
+            Reason = from_ground_term(Var, _),
             set.insert(!.Set, Var, !:Set)
             Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
@@ -677,6 +677,9 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(Goal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
+        % For most features there would be no point in attaching them
+        % to the goals inside from_ground_term_construct scopes, but there
+        % may be one or two for which this may be meaningful.
         attach_features_to_all_goals(Features, Goal0, Goal),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal)
@@ -702,31 +705,28 @@
 extra_nonlocal_typeinfos(RttiVarMaps, VarTypes, ExistQVars,
         NonLocals, NonLocalTypeInfos) :-
+    % Find all non-local type vars.  That is, type vars that are existentially
+    % quantified or type vars that appear in the type of a non-local prog_var.
-        % Find all non-local type vars.  That is, type vars that are
-        % existentially quantified or type vars that appear in the
-        % type of a non-local prog_var.
-        %
     set.to_sorted_list(NonLocals, NonLocalsList),
     map.apply_to_list(NonLocalsList, VarTypes, NonLocalsTypes),
     type_vars_list(NonLocalsTypes, NonLocalTypeVarsList0),
     list.append(ExistQVars, NonLocalTypeVarsList0, NonLocalTypeVarsList),
     set.list_to_set(NonLocalTypeVarsList, NonLocalTypeVars),
-        % Find all the type_infos that are non-local, that is,
-        % type_infos for type vars that are non-local in the above
-        % sense.
-        %
+    % Find all the type_infos that are non-local, that is, type_infos for
+    % type vars that are non-local in the above sense.
     TypeVarToProgVar = (func(TypeVar) = ProgVar :-
         rtti_lookup_type_info_locn(RttiVarMaps, TypeVar, Locn),
         type_info_locn_var(Locn, ProgVar)
     NonLocalTypeInfoVars = set.map(TypeVarToProgVar, NonLocalTypeVars),
-        % Find all the typeclass_infos that are non-local.  These
-        % include all typeclass_infos that constrain a type variable
-        % that is non-local in the above sense.
-        %
+    % Find all the typeclass_infos that are non-local. These include
+    % all typeclass_infos that constrain a type variable that is non-local
+    % in the above sense.
         (pred(Var::out) is nondet :-
             % Search through all arguments of all constraints
@@ -772,10 +772,15 @@
         IsLeaf = proc_body_is_leaf_goals(Goals)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(Goal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal)
-        ),
-        IsLeaf = proc_body_is_leaf(Goal)
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        IsLeaf = proc_body_is_leaf(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            IsLeaf = is_leaf
+        ;
+            IsLeaf = proc_body_is_leaf(SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
         IsLeaf = proc_body_is_leaf_cases(Cases)
@@ -915,9 +920,14 @@
         goal_size(SubGoal, Size1),
         Size = Size1 + 1
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes get turned into a single assignment.
+            Size = 1
+        ;
         goal_size(SubGoal, Size1),
         Size = Size1 + 1
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
@@ -992,8 +1002,13 @@
 goal_expr_calls(negation(Goal), PredProcId) :-
     goal_calls(Goal, PredProcId).
-goal_expr_calls(scope(_, Goal), PredProcId) :-
-    goal_calls(Goal, PredProcId).
+goal_expr_calls(scope(Reason, Goal), PredProcId) :-
+    ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+        % These goals contain only construction unifications.
+        fail
+    ;
+        goal_calls(Goal, PredProcId)
+    ).
 goal_expr_calls(plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _), proc(PredId, ProcId)).
@@ -1050,8 +1065,13 @@
 goal_expr_calls_pred_id(negation(Goal), PredId) :-
     goal_calls_pred_id(Goal, PredId).
-goal_expr_calls_pred_id(scope(_, Goal), PredId) :-
-    goal_calls_pred_id(Goal, PredId).
+goal_expr_calls_pred_id(scope(Reason, Goal), PredId) :-
+    ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+        % These goals contain only construction unifications.
+        fail
+    ;
+        goal_calls_pred_id(Goal, PredId)
+    ).
 goal_expr_calls_pred_id(plain_call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _), PredId).
@@ -1100,8 +1120,13 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
         goal_calls_proc_in_list_2(Goal, PredProcIds, !CalledSet)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These goals contain only construction unifications.
+            true
+        ;
         goal_calls_proc_in_list_2(Goal, PredProcIds, !CalledSet)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
@@ -1152,8 +1177,14 @@
     goals_contain_reconstruction([Cond, Then, Else]).
 goal_expr_contains_reconstruction(negation(Goal)) :-
-goal_expr_contains_reconstruction(scope(_, Goal)) :-
-    goal_contains_reconstruction(Goal).
+goal_expr_contains_reconstruction(scope(Reason, Goal)) :-
+    ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+        % These goals contain only construction unifications
+        % that do no reuse.
+        fail
+    ;
+        goal_contains_reconstruction(Goal)
+    ).
 goal_expr_contains_reconstruction(unify(_, _, _, Unify, _)) :-
     Unify = construct(_, _, _, _, HowToConstruct, _, _),
     HowToConstruct = reuse_cell(_).
@@ -1207,7 +1238,7 @@
     map.lookup(!.VarTypes, Var, VarType),
     type_util.get_cons_id_arg_types(!.ModuleInfo, VarType, ConsId, ArgTypes),
     svmap.det_insert_from_corresponding_lists(ArgVars, ArgTypes, !VarTypes),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
         inst_expand(!.ModuleInfo, Inst0, Inst1),
         get_arg_insts(Inst1, ConsId, ConsArity, ArgInsts1)
@@ -1729,9 +1760,13 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         SubGoal = maybe_strip_equality_pretest(SubGoal0),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(ShortHand0),
Index: compiler/granularity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/granularity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -b -r1.10 granularity.m
--- compiler/granularity.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:40 -0000	1.10
+++ compiler/granularity.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -192,9 +192,13 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+        ;
         runtime_granularity_test_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Changed, SCC,
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        )
         ( GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/handle_options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/handle_options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.327
diff -u -b -r1.327 handle_options.m
--- compiler/handle_options.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:39 -0000	1.327
+++ compiler/handle_options.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 :- import_module getopt_io.
 :- import_module io.
 :- import_module list.
+:- import_module maybe.
@@ -73,6 +74,11 @@
 :- pred grade_directory_component(globals::in, string::out) is det.
+    % Return the number of functions symbols at or above which a ground term's
+    % superhomogeneous form should be wrapped in a from_ground_term scope.
+    %
+:- func get_from_ground_term_threshold = maybe(int).
@@ -91,7 +97,6 @@
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module library.
 :- import_module map.
-:- import_module maybe.
 :- import_module pair.
 :- import_module set.
 :- import_module solutions.
@@ -2060,6 +2065,11 @@
+        globals.lookup_int_option(!.Globals, from_ground_term_threshold,
+            FromGroundTermThreshold),
+        set_maybe_from_ground_term_threshold(yes(FromGroundTermThreshold),
+            !IO),
             HighLevel = no,
@@ -2070,6 +2080,15 @@
         globals.io_set_globals(!.Globals, !IO)
+:- mutable(maybe_from_ground_term_threshold, maybe(int), no, ground,
+    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
+% get_from_ground_term_threshold = yes(5).
+get_from_ground_term_threshold = MaybeThreshold :-
+    promise_pure (
+        semipure get_maybe_from_ground_term_threshold(MaybeThreshold)
+    ).
     % These option implications only affect the low-level (LLDS) code
     % generator.  They may in fact be harmful if set for the high-level
     % code generator, because sometimes the same option has different
Index: compiler/higher_order.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/higher_order.m,v
retrieving revision 1.179
diff -u -b -r1.179 higher_order.m
--- compiler/higher_order.m	9 Dec 2008 02:38:59 -0000	1.179
+++ compiler/higher_order.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -602,9 +602,13 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         ho_traverse_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
         Goal = Goal0
@@ -1163,7 +1167,7 @@
     set.list_to_set(CallArgs, NonLocals),
-    instmap_delta_insert(ResultVar, ground(shared, none),
+    instmap_delta_insert_var(ResultVar, ground(shared, none),
         InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
     goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, detism_det, purity_pure, GoalInfo),
     CallGoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, CallArgs, not_builtin,
Index: compiler/hlds_desc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_desc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -b -r1.1 hlds_desc.m
--- compiler/hlds_desc.m	28 Nov 2008 06:36:58 -0000	1.1
+++ compiler/hlds_desc.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
             Reason = barrier(_),
             Desc = "scope barrier"
-            Reason = from_ground_term(_),
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_, _),
             Desc = "scope from_ground_term"
             Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _),
Index: compiler/hlds_goal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_goal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.200
diff -u -b -r1.200 hlds_goal.m
--- compiler/hlds_goal.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:40 -0000	1.200
+++ compiler/hlds_goal.m	12 Dec 2008 03:42:19 -0000
@@ -295,6 +295,74 @@
     ;       top_level_atomic_goal
     ;       nested_atomic_goal.
+    % Each scope that is created from the expansion of a ground term above
+    % a certain size is classified into one of these three categories.
+    % The categories are for scopes that (a) construct a ground term, (b)
+    % take an existing ground term and test whether it has a given shape, and
+    % (c) everything else (perhaps some parts of the term are matched and some
+    % parts are bound, or some invariant listed below is not guaranteed).
+    %
+    % Many parts of the compiler have special code for handling
+    % from_ground_term_construct scopes, code that avoids scanning the code
+    % inside the scope. This can be a very big win, since that code can be
+    % huge. To make this special casing possible, from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes promise the following invariants.
+    %
+    % 1. The only nonlocal variable of the scope is the one listed in the
+    %    scope_reason.
+    % 2. The shape of the code inside the scope is a plain conjunction of
+    %    unifications.
+    % 3. These unifications are construct unifications whose construct_how
+    %    field says construct_statically, and in which the nonlocals,
+    %    instmap_delta and determinism fields of the goal_info are
+    %    correctly filled in. The nonlocals will be all the variables in the
+    %    unification, the instmap delta will say that the value being
+    %    constructed is ground (not unique, because it is static), and the
+    %    determinism says that the goal is det. The goal_info of the
+    %    conjunction will be filled in similarly.
+    % 4. None of the these unifications constructs a higher order value.
+    %
+    % Invariants 3 and 4 are established during mode checking, so code executed
+    % before then cannot rely on them.
+    %
+    % If any compiler pass modifies a from_ground_term_construct scope in a way
+    % that invalidates these invariants, it must set the kind field of the
+    % scope to from_ground_term_other.
+    %
+    % For now, we don't optimize from_ground_term_deconstruct and
+    % from_ground_term_other scopes, so there are no invariants required
+    % of them.
+    %
+    % There are several possible alternative designs that could allow the
+    % special-casing of from_ground_term_construct scopes. Here are two
+    % of them.
+    %
+    % One alternative is to have fourth kind, from_ground_term_initial,
+    % which would promise only the first two invariants, so compiler writers
+    % wouldn't have to worry about when a piece of code is executed if they
+    % need to depend on invariants 3 and/or 4. This works, but it leads to
+    % a slight slowdown normal code (code without big ground terms).
+    %
+    % A second alternative is to have the mode checker turn any scope
+    % that it currently keeps as from_ground_term_construct into a new kind
+    % of generic call, one which basically says "this goal binds this variable
+    % to this ground term", with the ground term represented as a ground term,
+    % not as a bunch of construction unifications. The advantage of this
+    % approach would be that we could delete the local variables of these
+    % scopes (of which there can be hundreds of thousands) from the maps stored
+    % in the fields of the pred_info and proc_info (such as the varset and the
+    % var_types), making lookups and other operations on those maps
+    % significantly faster. The drawback would be the need for totally new code
+    % in most parts of the compiler to handle this new kind of goal.
+    % Using from_ground_term_construct, on the other hand, allows us to keep
+    % using the existing code for scopes in e.g. the type checker and the code
+    % generator.
+    %
+:- type from_ground_term_kind
+    --->    from_ground_term_construct
+    ;       from_ground_term_deconstruct
+    ;       from_ground_term_other.
 :- type scope_reason
     --->    exist_quant(list(prog_var))
             % The goal inside the scope construct has the listed variables
@@ -358,7 +426,7 @@
             % A barrier says nothing about the determinism of either
             % the inner or the outer goal, or about pruning.
-    ;       from_ground_term(prog_var)
+    ;       from_ground_term(prog_var, from_ground_term_kind)
             % The goal inside the scope, which should be a conjunction,
             % results from the conversion of one ground term to
             % superhomogeneous form. The variable specifies what the
@@ -1481,7 +1549,6 @@
     % Return yes if goal(s) contain any foreign code
 :- func goal_has_foreign(hlds_goal) = bool.
-:- func goal_list_has_foreign(list(hlds_goal)) = bool.
 :- type has_subgoals
     --->    has_subgoals
@@ -2279,9 +2346,9 @@
             Reason0 = commit(_),
             Reason = Reason0
-            Reason0 = from_ground_term(Var0),
+            Reason0 = from_ground_term(Var0, Kind),
             rename_var(Must, Subn, Var0, Var),
-            Reason = from_ground_term(Var)
+            Reason = from_ground_term(Var, Kind)
             Reason0 = trace_goal(Flag, Grade, Env, Vars, QuantVars0),
             rename_var_list(Must, Subn, QuantVars0, QuantVars),
@@ -2405,8 +2472,11 @@
             How0 = construct_dynamically,
             How = How0
-            How0 = construct_statically(_),
-            How = How0
+            How0 = construct_statically(StaticConss0),
+            % ZZZ
+            list.map(rename_var_in_static_cons(Must, Subn),
+                StaticConss0, StaticConss),
+            How = construct_statically(StaticConss)
             How0 = construct_in_region(RegVar0),
             rename_var(Must, Subn, RegVar0, RegVar),
@@ -2456,6 +2526,15 @@
         Unify = complicated_unify(Modes, Cat, TypeInfoVars)
+:- pred rename_var_in_static_cons(must_rename::in, prog_var_renaming::in,
+    static_cons::in, static_cons::out) is det.
+rename_var_in_static_cons(Must, Subn, StaticCons0, StaticCons) :-
+    StaticCons0 = static_cons(ConsId, ArgVars0, ArgConss0),
+    list.map(rename_var(Must, Subn), ArgVars0, ArgVars),
+    list.map(rename_var_in_static_cons(Must, Subn), ArgConss0, ArgConss),
+    StaticCons = static_cons(ConsId, ArgVars, ArgConss).
 :- pred rename_generic_call(must_rename::in, prog_var_renaming::in,
     generic_call::in, generic_call::out) is det.
@@ -2698,29 +2777,30 @@
 goal_has_foreign(Goal) = HasForeign :-
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
+        ( GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        HasForeign = no
+    ;
         GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals),
         HasForeign = goal_list_has_foreign(Goals)
-        GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
-        HasForeign = no
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        HasForeign = goal_list_has_foreign(Goals)
-        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
-        HasForeign = no
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        HasForeign = case_list_has_foreign(Cases)
-        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _),
-        HasForeign = no
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        HasForeign = goal_has_foreign(SubGoal)
-        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
         HasForeign = no
-        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
-        HasForeign = goal_list_has_foreign(Goals)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal2),
-        HasForeign = goal_has_foreign(Goal2)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal2),
-        HasForeign = goal_has_foreign(Goal2)
+            HasForeign = goal_has_foreign(SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
@@ -2748,12 +2828,25 @@
+:- func goal_list_has_foreign(list(hlds_goal)) = bool.
 goal_list_has_foreign([]) = no.
-goal_list_has_foreign([X | Xs]) =
-    ( goal_has_foreign(X) = yes ->
-        yes
+goal_list_has_foreign([Goal | Goals]) = HasForeign :-
+    ( goal_has_foreign(Goal) = yes ->
+        HasForeign = yes
+    ;
+        HasForeign = goal_list_has_foreign(Goals)
+    ).
+:- func case_list_has_foreign(list(case)) = bool.
+case_list_has_foreign([]) = no.
+case_list_has_foreign([Case | Cases]) = HasForeign :-
+    Case = case(_, _, Goal),
+    ( goal_has_foreign(Goal) = yes ->
+        HasForeign = yes
-        goal_list_has_foreign(Xs)
+        HasForeign = case_list_has_foreign(Cases)
@@ -3026,7 +3119,7 @@
     GoalExpr = unify(Var, RHS, Mode, Unification, Context),
     set.singleton_set(NonLocals, Var),
-    instmap_delta_insert(Var, Inst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
+    instmap_delta_insert_var(Var, Inst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
     goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, detism_det, purity_pure, GoalInfo).
 construct_functor(Var, ConsId, Args, Goal) :-
Index: compiler/hlds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.459
diff -u -b -r1.459 hlds_out.m
--- compiler/hlds_out.m	3 Nov 2008 03:08:02 -0000	1.459
+++ compiler/hlds_out.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1704,11 +1704,22 @@
         write_indent(Indent, !IO),
         io.write_string("% commit(dont_force_pruning)\n", !IO)
-        Reason = from_ground_term(Var),
+        Reason = from_ground_term(Var, Kind),
         io.write_string("(\n", !IO),
         write_indent(Indent, !IO),
         io.write_string("% from_ground_term [", !IO),
         mercury_output_var(VarSet, AppendVarNums, Var, !IO),
+        io.write_string(", ", !IO),
+        (
+            Kind = from_ground_term_construct,
+            io.write_string("construct", !IO)
+        ;
+            Kind = from_ground_term_deconstruct,
+            io.write_string("deconstruct", !IO)
+        ;
+            Kind = from_ground_term_other,
+            io.write_string("other", !IO)
+        ),
         io.write_string("]\n", !IO)
         Reason = trace_goal(MaybeCompileTime, MaybeRunTime, MaybeIO,
@@ -3111,10 +3122,10 @@
 write_some(_Vars, _VarSet, !IO).
 write_instmap(InstMap, VarSet, AppendVarNums, Indent, !IO) :-
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
         io.write_string("unreachable", !IO)
-        instmap.to_assoc_list(InstMap, AssocList),
+        instmap_to_assoc_list(InstMap, AssocList),
         write_instmap_2(AssocList, VarSet, AppendVarNums, Indent, !IO)
Index: compiler/hlds_pred.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_pred.m,v
retrieving revision 1.248
diff -u -b -r1.248 hlds_pred.m
--- compiler/hlds_pred.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:40 -0000	1.248
+++ compiler/hlds_pred.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1206,8 +1206,8 @@
 compute_arg_types_modes([Var | Vars], VarTypes, InstMap0, InstMap,
         [Type | Types], [Mode | Modes]) :-
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     Mode = (Inst0 -> Inst),
     compute_arg_types_modes(Vars, VarTypes, InstMap0, InstMap, Types, Modes).
@@ -2616,7 +2616,7 @@
     proc_info_get_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes),
     mode_list_get_initial_insts(ModuleInfo, ArgModes, InitialInsts),
     assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, InitialInsts, InstAL),
-    instmap.from_assoc_list(InstAL, InstMap).
+    instmap_from_assoc_list(InstAL, InstMap).
 proc_info_declared_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes) :-
     proc_info_get_maybe_declared_argmodes(ProcInfo, MaybeArgModes),
Index: compiler/implementation_defined_literals.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/implementation_defined_literals.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.2 implementation_defined_literals.m
--- compiler/implementation_defined_literals.m	27 Jun 2008 07:27:07 -0000	1.2
+++ compiler/implementation_defined_literals.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % Implementation-defined literals may appear in
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes.
         subst_literals_in_goal(Info, SubGoal0, SubGoal),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
Index: compiler/implicit_parallelism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/implicit_parallelism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -b -r1.9 implicit_parallelism.m
--- compiler/implicit_parallelism.m	30 Sep 2008 02:30:50 -0000	1.9
+++ compiler/implicit_parallelism.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -320,23 +320,29 @@
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
         update_conj_and_index(!MaybeConj, !.Goal, !IndexInConj)
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(Goal0),
-        process_goal_for_implicit_parallelism(Goal0, Goal, ProcInfo,
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        process_goal_for_implicit_parallelism(SubGoal0, SubGoal, ProcInfo,
             !ModuleInfo, !MaybeConj, !IndexInConj, !CalleesToBeParallelized,
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
         update_conj_and_index(!MaybeConj, !.Goal, !IndexInConj)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
-        % 0 is the default value when we are not in a conjunction (in this case
-        % a scope).
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % Treat the scope as if it were a single unification, since
+            % that is effectively what happens at runtime.
+            increment_index_if_in_conj(!.MaybeConj, !IndexInConj)
+        ;
+            % 0 is the default value when we are not in a conjunction
+            % (in this case a scope).
         process_goal_for_implicit_parallelism(Goal0, Goal, ProcInfo,
             !ModuleInfo, no, _, 0, _, !CalleesToBeParallelized,
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
         update_conj_and_index(!MaybeConj, !.Goal, !IndexInConj)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         process_goal_for_implicit_parallelism(Cond0, Cond, ProcInfo,
Index: compiler/inlining.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/inlining.m,v
retrieving revision 1.160
diff -u -b -r1.160 inlining.m
--- compiler/inlining.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:03 -0000	1.160
+++ compiler/inlining.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -355,8 +355,13 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes are flat and simple by construction.
+            true
+        ;
+        )
         GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, inline_builtin, _, _)
@@ -551,8 +556,8 @@
 :- pred inlining_in_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     inline_info::in, inline_info::out) is det.
-inlining_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), !Info) :-
+inlining_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
         GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars, Builtin, Context, Sym),
         inlining_in_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars, Builtin,
@@ -599,14 +604,21 @@
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The scope has no calls to inline.
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+        ;
         inlining_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
         unexpected(this_file, "inlining_in_goal: unexpected shorthand")
-    ).
+    ),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
 :- pred inlining_in_call(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(prog_var)::in, builtin_state::in, maybe(call_unify_context)::in,
Index: compiler/inst_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/inst_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.56
diff -u -b -r1.56 inst_util.m
--- compiler/inst_util.m	22 Jan 2008 15:06:11 -0000	1.56
+++ compiler/inst_util.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@
 var_inst_contains_any(ModuleInfo, Instmap, Var) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(Instmap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(Instmap, Var, Inst),
     inst_contains_any(ModuleInfo, Inst).
Index: compiler/instmap.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/instmap.m,v
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -b -r1.61 instmap.m
--- compiler/instmap.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:44 -0000	1.61
+++ compiler/instmap.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
     % Is the instmap reachable?
-:- pred is_reachable(instmap::in) is semidet.
+:- pred instmap_is_reachable(instmap::in) is semidet.
     % Is the instmap unreachable?
-:- pred is_unreachable(instmap::in) is semidet.
+:- pred instmap_is_unreachable(instmap::in) is semidet.
     % For any instmap InstMapDelta, exactly one of
     % instmap_delta_is_reachable(InstMapDelta) and
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 :- pred instmap_delta_is_unreachable(instmap_delta::in) is semidet.
-:- pred from_assoc_list(assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::in,
+:- pred instmap_from_assoc_list(assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::in,
     instmap::out) is det.
 :- pred instmap_delta_from_assoc_list(assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::in,
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
     % Return the set of variables in an instmap.
-:- pred vars(instmap::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_vars(instmap::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
     % Return the list of variables in an instmap.
-:- pred vars_list(instmap::in, list(prog_var)::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_vars_list(instmap::in, list(prog_var)::out) is det.
     % Return the set of variables whose instantiations have
     % changed (or our knowledge about them has changed) across
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     % Given an instmap and a variable, determine the inst of that variable.
-:- pred lookup_var(instmap::in, prog_var::in, mer_inst::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_lookup_var(instmap::in, prog_var::in, mer_inst::out) is det.
     % Given an instmap_delta and a variable, determine the new inst
     % of that variable (if any).
@@ -138,25 +138,34 @@
     % Given an instmap and a list of variables, return a list
     % containing the insts of those variable.
-:- pred lookup_vars(list(prog_var)::in, instmap::in,
+:- pred instmap_lookup_vars(instmap::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     list(mer_inst)::out) is det.
     % Insert an entry into an instmap_delta. Note that you cannot call
     % instmap_delta_insert for a variable already present.
-:- pred instmap_delta_insert(prog_var::in, mer_inst::in,
+:- pred instmap_delta_insert_var(prog_var::in, mer_inst::in,
     instmap_delta::in, instmap_delta::out) is det.
     % Set an entry in an instmap.
-:- pred set(prog_var::in, mer_inst::in, instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_set_var(prog_var::in, mer_inst::in, instmap::in, instmap::out)
+    is det.
-    % Set multiple entries in an instmap.
+    % Set multiple entries in an instmap. None of the insts should be
+    % `not_reached'.
-:- pred set_vars(list(prog_var)::in, list(mer_inst)::in,
+:- pred instmap_set_vars(assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::in,
+    instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_set_vars_corresponding(list(prog_var)::in, list(mer_inst)::in,
     instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_set_vars_same(mer_inst::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+    instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_delta_set_var(prog_var::in, mer_inst::in,
+    instmap_delta::in, instmap_delta::out) is det.
-:- pred instmap_delta_set(prog_var::in, mer_inst::in,
+:- pred instmap_delta_set_vars_same(mer_inst::in, list(prog_var)::in, 
     instmap_delta::in, instmap_delta::out) is det.
     % Bind a variable in an instmap to a functor at the beginning
@@ -247,11 +256,11 @@
 :- pred instmap_delta_delete_vars(list(prog_var)::in,
     instmap_delta::in, instmap_delta::out) is det.
-    % `no_output_vars(Instmap, InstmapDelta, Vars, ModuleInfo)'
+    % `instmap_delta_no_output_vars(Instmap, InstmapDelta, Vars, ModuleInfo)'
     % is true if none of the vars in the set Vars could have become more
     % instantiated when InstmapDelta is applied to Instmap.
-:- pred no_output_vars(instmap::in, instmap_delta::in,
+:- pred instmap_delta_no_output_vars(instmap::in, instmap_delta::in,
     set(prog_var)::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in) is semidet.
     % merge_instmap_delta(InitialInstMap, NonLocals,
@@ -297,12 +306,12 @@
 :- pred instmap_delta_apply_sub(must_rename::in, map(prog_var, prog_var)::in,
     instmap_delta::in, instmap_delta::out) is det.
-:- pred apply_sub(must_rename::in, map(prog_var, prog_var)::in,
+:- pred instmap_apply_sub(must_rename::in, map(prog_var, prog_var)::in,
     instmap::in, instmap::out) is det.
-:- pred to_assoc_list(instmap::in,
+:- pred instmap_to_assoc_list(instmap::in,
     assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::out) is det.
 :- pred instmap_delta_to_assoc_list(instmap_delta::in,
@@ -347,6 +356,7 @@
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module maybe.
 :- import_module pair.
+:- import_module std_util.
 :- import_module string.
 :- import_module svmap.
 :- import_module term.
@@ -377,9 +387,9 @@
@@ -387,7 +397,7 @@
-from_assoc_list(AL, reachable(Instmapping)) :-
+instmap_from_assoc_list(AL, reachable(Instmapping)) :-
     map.from_assoc_list(AL, Instmapping).
 instmap_delta_from_assoc_list(AL, reachable(Instmapping)) :-
@@ -419,18 +429,18 @@
     ( Inst1 = Inst2 ->
         instmap_delta_from_mode_list_2(Vars, Modes, ModuleInfo, !InstMapDelta)
-        instmap_delta_set(Var, Inst2, !InstMapDelta),
+        instmap_delta_set_var(Var, Inst2, !InstMapDelta),
         instmap_delta_from_mode_list_2(Vars, Modes, ModuleInfo, !InstMapDelta)
-vars(Instmap, Vars) :-
-    vars_list(Instmap, VarsList),
+instmap_vars(Instmap, Vars) :-
+    instmap_vars_list(Instmap, VarsList),
     set.list_to_set(VarsList, Vars).
-vars_list(unreachable, []).
-vars_list(reachable(InstMapping), VarsList) :-
+instmap_vars_list(unreachable, []).
+instmap_vars_list(reachable(InstMapping), VarsList) :-
     map.keys(InstMapping, VarsList).
 instmap_bound_vars(unreachable, _ModuleInfo, set.init).
@@ -457,22 +467,23 @@
 instmap_changed_vars(InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
-    vars_list(InstMapB, VarsB),
-    changed_vars_2(VarsB, InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
+    instmap_vars_list(InstMapB, VarsB),
+    instmap_changed_vars_2(VarsB, InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-:- pred changed_vars_2(prog_vars::in, instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in,
-    module_info::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+:- pred instmap_changed_vars_2(prog_vars::in, instmap::in, instmap::in,
+    vartypes::in, module_info::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
-changed_vars_2([], _InstMapA, _InstMapB, _Types, _ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
+instmap_changed_vars_2([], _InstMapA, _InstMapB, _Types,
+        _ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
-changed_vars_2([VarB | VarBs], InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        ChangedVars) :-
-    changed_vars_2(VarBs, InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        ChangedVars0),
+instmap_changed_vars_2([VarB | VarBs], InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, ChangedVars) :-
+    instmap_changed_vars_2(VarBs, InstMapA, InstMapB, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, ChangedVars0),
-    lookup_var(InstMapA, VarB, InitialInst),
-    lookup_var(InstMapB, VarB, FinalInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMapA, VarB, InitialInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMapB, VarB, FinalInst),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, VarB, Type),
     ( inst_matches_final(InitialInst, FinalInst, Type, ModuleInfo) ->
@@ -483,8 +494,8 @@
-lookup_var(unreachable, _Var, not_reached).
-lookup_var(reachable(InstMap), Var, Inst) :-
+instmap_lookup_var(unreachable, _Var, not_reached).
+instmap_lookup_var(reachable(InstMap), Var, Inst) :-
     instmapping_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst).
 :- pred instmapping_lookup_var(instmapping::in, prog_var::in, mer_inst::out)
@@ -501,26 +512,86 @@
 instmap_delta_search_var(reachable(InstMap), Var, Inst) :-
     map.search(InstMap, Var, Inst).
-lookup_vars([], _InstMap, []).
-lookup_vars([Arg|Args], InstMap, [Inst|Insts]) :-
-    lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, Inst),
-    lookup_vars(Args, InstMap, Insts).
+instmap_lookup_vars(_InstMap, [], []).
+instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, [Arg | Args], [Inst | Insts]) :-
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, Args, Insts).
-set(_Var, _Inst, unreachable, unreachable).
-set(Var, Inst, reachable(InstMapping0), reachable(InstMapping)) :-
+instmap_set_var(_Var, _Inst, unreachable, unreachable).
+instmap_set_var(Var, Inst, reachable(InstMapping0), reachable(InstMapping)) :-
     map.set(InstMapping0, Var, Inst, InstMapping).
-set_vars([], [], !InstMap).
-set_vars([V | Vs], [I | Is], !InstMap) :-
-    set(V, I, !InstMap),
-    set_vars(Vs, Is, !InstMap).
-set_vars([_ | _], [], !InstMap) :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "set_vars: length mismatch (1)").
-set_vars([], [_ | _], !InstMap) :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "set_vars: length mismatch (2)").
+instmap_set_vars(VarsInsts, !InstMap) :-
+    (
+        !.InstMap = unreachable
+        % Leave the instmap as it is.
+    ;
+        !.InstMap = reachable(InstMapping0),
+        instmapping_set_vars(VarsInsts, InstMapping0, InstMapping),
+        !:InstMap = reachable(InstMapping)
+    ).
+:- pred instmapping_set_vars(assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::in,
+    instmapping::in, instmapping::out) is det.
+instmapping_set_vars([], !InstMapping).
+instmapping_set_vars([Var - Inst | VarsInsts], !InstMapping) :-
+    expect(negate(unify(Inst, not_reached)), this_file,
+        "instmapping_set_vars: not_reached"),
+    svmap.set(Var, Inst, !InstMapping),
+    instmapping_set_vars(VarsInsts, !InstMapping).
+instmap_set_vars_corresponding(Vars, Insts, !InstMap) :-
+    (
+        !.InstMap = unreachable
+        % Leave the instmap as it is.
+    ;
+        !.InstMap = reachable(InstMapping0),
+        instmapping_set_vars_corresponding(Vars, Insts,
+            InstMapping0, InstMapping),
+        !:InstMap = reachable(InstMapping)
+    ).
+:- pred instmapping_set_vars_corresponding(
+    list(prog_var)::in, list(mer_inst)::in,
+    instmapping::in, instmapping::out) is det.
-instmap_delta_set(_Var, _Inst, unreachable, unreachable).
-instmap_delta_set(Var, Inst, reachable(InstMapping0), Instmap) :-
+instmapping_set_vars_corresponding([], [], !InstMapping).
+instmapping_set_vars_corresponding([Var | Vars], [Inst | Insts],
+        !InstMapping) :-
+    expect(negate(unify(Inst, not_reached)), this_file,
+        "instmapping_set_vars_corresponding: not_reached"),
+    svmap.set(Var, Inst, !InstMapping),
+    instmapping_set_vars_corresponding(Vars, Insts, !InstMapping).
+instmapping_set_vars_corresponding([_ | _], [], !InstMapping) :-
+    unexpected(this_file,
+        "instmapping_set_vars_corresponding: length mismatch (1)").
+instmapping_set_vars_corresponding([], [_ | _], !InstMapingp) :-
+    unexpected(this_file,
+        "instmapping_set_vars_corresponding: length mismatch (2)").
+instmap_set_vars_same(Inst, Vars, !InstMap) :-
+    (
+        !.InstMap = unreachable
+        % Leave the instmap as it is.
+    ;
+        !.InstMap = reachable(InstMapping0),
+        expect(negate(unify(Inst, not_reached)), this_file,
+            "instmap_set_vars_same: not_reached"),
+        instmapping_set_vars_same(Inst, Vars, InstMapping0, InstMapping),
+        !:InstMap = reachable(InstMapping)
+    ).
+:- pred instmapping_set_vars_same(mer_inst::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+    instmapping::in, instmapping::out) is det.
+instmapping_set_vars_same(_, [], !InstMapping).
+instmapping_set_vars_same(Inst, [Var | Vars], !InstMapping) :-
+    svmap.set(Var, Inst, !InstMapping),
+    instmapping_set_vars_same(Inst, Vars, !InstMapping).
+instmap_delta_set_var(_Var, _Inst, unreachable, unreachable).
+instmap_delta_set_var(Var, Inst, reachable(InstMapping0), Instmap) :-
     ( Inst = not_reached ->
         Instmap = unreachable
@@ -528,8 +599,20 @@
         Instmap = reachable(InstMapping)
-instmap_delta_insert(_Var, _Inst, unreachable, unreachable).
-instmap_delta_insert(Var, Inst, reachable(InstMapping0), Instmap) :-
+instmap_delta_set_vars_same(Inst, Vars, !InstMapDelta) :-
+    (
+        !.InstMapDelta = unreachable
+        % Leave the instmap as it is.
+    ;
+        !.InstMapDelta = reachable(InstMapping0),
+        expect(negate(unify(Inst, not_reached)), this_file,
+            "instmap_delta_set_vars_same: not_reached"),
+        instmapping_set_vars_same(Inst, Vars, InstMapping0, InstMapping),
+        !:InstMapDelta = reachable(InstMapping)
+    ).
+instmap_delta_insert_var(_Var, _Inst, unreachable, unreachable).
+instmap_delta_insert_var(Var, Inst, reachable(InstMapping0), Instmap) :-
     ( Inst = not_reached ->
         Instmap = unreachable
@@ -547,7 +630,7 @@
         !.InstmapDelta = reachable(InstmappingDelta0),
         % Get the initial inst from the InstMap.
-        lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldInst),
         % Compute the new inst by taking the old inst, applying the instmap
         % delta to it, and then unifying with bound(ConsId, ...).
@@ -560,7 +643,7 @@
         % Add `Var :: OldInst -> NewInst' to the instmap delta.
         ( NewInst \= OldInst ->
-            instmap_delta_set(Var, NewInst, !InstmapDelta)
+            instmap_delta_set_var(Var, NewInst, !InstmapDelta)
@@ -574,7 +657,7 @@
         !.InstmapDelta = reachable(InstmappingDelta0),
         % Get the initial inst from the InstMap.
-        lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldInst),
         % Compute the new inst by taking the old inst, applying the instmap
         % delta to it, and then unifying with bound(MainConsId, ...).
@@ -588,23 +671,23 @@
         % Add `Var :: OldInst -> NewInst' to the instmap delta.
         ( NewInst \= OldInst ->
-            instmap_delta_set(Var, NewInst, !InstmapDelta)
+            instmap_delta_set_var(Var, NewInst, !InstmapDelta)
 bind_var_to_functor(Var, Type, ConsId, !InstMap, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    lookup_var(!.InstMap, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(!.InstMap, Var, Inst0),
     bind_inst_to_functor(Type, ConsId, Inst0, Inst, !ModuleInfo),
-    set(Var, Inst, !InstMap).
+    instmap_set_var(Var, Inst, !InstMap).
 bind_var_to_functors(Var, Type, MainConsId, OtherConsIds,
         !InstMap, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    lookup_var(!.InstMap, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(!.InstMap, Var, Inst0),
     bind_inst_to_functors(Type, MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Inst0, Inst,
-    set(Var, Inst, !InstMap).
+    instmap_set_var(Var, Inst, !InstMap).
 :- pred bind_inst_to_functor(mer_type::in, cons_id::in,
     mer_inst::in, mer_inst::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
@@ -815,7 +898,7 @@
 :- pred lookup_var_in_instmap(prog_var::in, instmap::in, mer_inst::out) is det.
 lookup_var_in_instmap(Var, InstMap, Inst) :-
-    lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst).
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst).
     % merge_var_insts:(Insts, Type, !ModuleInfo, MaybeMergedInst):
@@ -1029,7 +1112,7 @@
         !ModuleInfo, !InstMap, ErrorList) :-
     unify_insts_of_vars(Vars, InitialInstMap, InstMapList, !ModuleInfo,
         !InstMap, ErrorListTail),
-    lookup_var(InitialInstMap, Var, InitialVarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InitialInstMap, Var, InitialVarInst),
     unify_var_insts(InstMapList, Var, [], Insts, InitialVarInst, Inst,
         !ModuleInfo, no, Error),
@@ -1057,7 +1140,7 @@
 unify_var_insts([InstMap - Nonlocals| Rest], Var, !InstList, !Inst,
         !ModuleInfo, !Error) :-
     ( set.member(Var, Nonlocals) ->
-        lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst),
             % We can ignore the determinism of the unification:
             % if it isn't det, then there will be a mode error
@@ -1103,16 +1186,17 @@
-no_output_vars(_, unreachable, _, _, _).
-no_output_vars(InstMap0, reachable(InstMapDelta), Vars, VT, M) :-
+instmap_delta_no_output_vars(_, unreachable, _, _, _).
+instmap_delta_no_output_vars(InstMap0, reachable(InstMapDelta), Vars, VT, M) :-
     set.to_sorted_list(Vars, VarList),
-    no_output_vars_2(VarList, InstMap0, InstMapDelta, VT, M).
+    instmap_delta_no_output_vars_2(VarList, InstMap0, InstMapDelta, VT, M).
-:- pred no_output_vars_2(list(prog_var)::in, instmap::in,
+:- pred instmap_delta_no_output_vars_2(list(prog_var)::in, instmap::in,
     instmapping::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in) is semidet.
-no_output_vars_2([], _, _, _, _).
-no_output_vars_2([Var | Vars], InstMap0, InstMapDelta, VarTypes, ModuleInfo) :-
+instmap_delta_no_output_vars_2([], _, _, _, _).
+instmap_delta_no_output_vars_2([Var | Vars], InstMap0, InstMapDelta, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo) :-
     % We use `inst_matches_binding' to check that the new inst has only
     % added information or lost uniqueness, not bound anything.
     % If the instmap delta contains the variable, the variable may still
@@ -1120,7 +1204,7 @@
     % rather than an increase in instantiatedness. If the instmap delta
     % doesn't contain the variable, it may still have been (partially) output,
     % if its inst is (or contains) `any'.
-    lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
     ( map.search(InstMapDelta, Var, Inst1) ->
         Inst = Inst1
@@ -1128,7 +1212,8 @@
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
     inst_matches_binding(Inst, Inst0, Type, ModuleInfo),
-    no_output_vars_2(Vars, InstMap0, InstMapDelta, VarTypes, ModuleInfo).
+    instmap_delta_no_output_vars_2(Vars, InstMap0, InstMapDelta, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo).
@@ -1168,18 +1253,18 @@
     ( map.search(InstMappingA, Var, InstInA) ->
         InstA = InstInA
-        lookup_var(InstMap, Var, InstA)
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, InstA)
     ( map.search(InstMappingB, Var, InstInB) ->
         InstB = InstInB
-        lookup_var(InstMap, Var, InstB)
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, InstB)
         inst_merge(InstA, InstB, yes(VarTypes ^ det_elem(Var)), Inst1,
-        % XXX Given lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldInst),
+        % XXX Given instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldInst),
         % we should probably set Inst not directly from Inst1, but
         % from a conjunction of OldInst and Inst1. If OldInst says that
         % Var is bound to f, and Inst1 says that it is bound to g,
@@ -1280,7 +1365,7 @@
     instmap_delta_apply_sub_2(InstMappingAL, Must, Renaming,
         map.init, InstMapping).
-apply_sub(Must, Renaming, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
+instmap_apply_sub(Must, Renaming, InstMap0, InstMap) :-
     instmap_delta_apply_sub(Must, Renaming, InstMap0, InstMap).
 :- pred instmap_delta_apply_sub_2(assoc_list(prog_var, mer_inst)::in,
@@ -1300,8 +1385,8 @@
-to_assoc_list(unreachable, []).
-to_assoc_list(reachable(InstMapping), AL) :-
+instmap_to_assoc_list(unreachable, []).
+instmap_to_assoc_list(reachable(InstMapping), AL) :-
     map.to_assoc_list(InstMapping, AL).
 instmap_delta_to_assoc_list(unreachable, []).
@@ -1311,17 +1396,17 @@
 var_is_ground_in_instmap(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Var) :-
-    lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo, Inst).
 var_is_any_in_instmap(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Var) :-
-    lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     inst_is_any(ModuleInfo, Inst).
 var_is_bound_in_instmap_delta(ModuleInfo, InstMap, InstMapDelta, Var) :-
-    instmap.is_reachable(InstMap),
+    instmap_is_reachable(InstMap),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldVarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldVarInst),
     inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, OldVarInst),
     instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, Var, VarInst),
     inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, VarInst).
Index: compiler/intermod.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/intermod.m,v
retrieving revision 1.238
diff -u -b -r1.238 intermod.m
--- compiler/intermod.m	8 Sep 2008 04:35:53 -0000	1.238
+++ compiler/intermod.m	12 Dec 2008 00:44:55 -0000
@@ -479,17 +479,21 @@
 :- pred intermod_traverse_goal_expr(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     bool::out, intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(conj(ConjType, Goals0), conj(ConjType, Goals),
-        DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    intermod_traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, DoWrite, !Info).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(disj(Goals0), disj(Goals), DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    intermod_traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, DoWrite, !Info).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(Goal, Goal, DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    Goal = plain_call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _),
+intermod_traverse_goal_expr(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, DoWrite, !Info) :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(LVar, RHS0, Mode, Kind, UnifyContext),
+        % Export declarations for preds used in higher order pred constants
+        % or function calls.
+        module_qualify_unify_rhs(RHS0, RHS, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = unify(LVar, RHS, Mode, Kind, UnifyContext)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _),
     % Ensure that the called predicate will be exported.
-    add_proc(PredId, DoWrite, !Info).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(Goal @ generic_call(CallType, _, _, _), Goal,
-        DoWrite, !Info) :-
+        add_proc(PredId, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = generic_call(CallType, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
         CallType = higher_order(_, _, _, _),
         DoWrite = yes
@@ -499,30 +503,12 @@
         ; CallType = cast(_)
         DoWrite = no
-    ).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
-        switch(Var, CanFail, Cases), DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    intermod_traverse_cases(Cases0, Cases, DoWrite, !Info).
-    % Export declarations for preds used in higher order pred constants
-    % or function calls.
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(unify(LVar, RHS0, C, D, E),
-        unify(LVar, RHS, C, D, E), DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    module_qualify_unify_rhs(RHS0, RHS, DoWrite, !Info).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(negation(Goal0), negation(Goal), DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    intermod_traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, DoWrite, !Info).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(scope(Reason, Goal0), scope(Reason, Goal),
-        DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    intermod_traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, DoWrite, !Info).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-        if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else), DoWrite, !Info) :-
-    intermod_traverse_goal(Cond0, Cond, DoWrite1, !Info),
-    intermod_traverse_goal(Then0, Then, DoWrite2, !Info),
-    intermod_traverse_goal(Else0, Else, DoWrite3, !Info),
-    bool.and_list([DoWrite1, DoWrite2, DoWrite3], DoWrite).
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(Attrs, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
     % Inlineable exported pragma_foreign_code goals can't use any
     % non-exported types, so we just write out the clauses.
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(Goal @ call_foreign_proc(Attrs, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-        Goal, DoWrite, !Info) :-
     MaybeMayDuplicate = get_may_duplicate(Attrs),
         MaybeMayDuplicate = yes(MayDuplicate),
@@ -536,9 +522,40 @@
         MaybeMayDuplicate = no,
         DoWrite = yes
-    ).
-intermod_traverse_goal_expr(shorthand(ShortHand0), shorthand(ShortHand),
-        DoWrite, !Info) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
+        intermod_traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
+        intermod_traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
+        intermod_traverse_cases(Cases0, Cases, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
+        intermod_traverse_goal(Cond0, Cond, DoWrite1, !Info),
+        intermod_traverse_goal(Then0, Then, DoWrite2, !Info),
+        intermod_traverse_goal(Else0, Else, DoWrite3, !Info),
+        bool.and_list([DoWrite1, DoWrite2, DoWrite3], DoWrite),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        intermod_traverse_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % Mode analysis hasn't been run yet, so we don't know yet whether
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes actually satisfy their invariants,
+        % specifically the invariant that say they contain no calls or
+        % higher-order constants. We therefore cannot special-case them here.
+        intermod_traverse_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, DoWrite, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(ShortHand0),
         ShortHand0 = atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner, MaybeOutputVars,
             MainGoal0, OrElseGoals0),
@@ -551,7 +568,10 @@
         ShortHand0 = bi_implication(_, _),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
-        unexpected(this_file, "intermod_traverse_goal_expr: bi_implication")
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "intermod_traverse_goal_expr: bi_implication")
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand)
 :- pred intermod_traverse_list_of_goals(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
@@ -619,16 +639,14 @@
     ProcIds = pred_info_procids(PredInfo),
     pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
-        %
         % Calling compiler-generated procedures is fine; we don't need
         % to output declarations for them to the `.opt' file, since they
         % will be recreated every time anyway.
-        %
         DoWrite = yes
-        %
         % Don't write the caller to the `.opt' file if it calls a pred
         % without mode or determinism decls, because we'd need to include
         % the mode decls for the callee in the `.opt' file and (since
@@ -637,7 +655,7 @@
         % XXX This prevents intermodule optimizations in such cases,
         % which is a pity.
-        %
             check_marker(Markers, marker_infer_modes)
@@ -671,17 +689,16 @@
         % the compiler generated mutable access predicates we can ensure
         % that reordering is not necessary by construction, so it's safe
         % to include them in .opt files.
-        %
         pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, purity_impure),
         not check_marker(Markers, marker_mutable_access_pred)
         DoWrite = no
-        %
         % If a pred whose code we're going to put in the .opt file calls
         % a predicate which is exported, then we don't need to do anything
         % special.
-        %
             Status = status_exported
@@ -691,21 +708,19 @@
         DoWrite = yes
-        %
         % Declarations for class methods will be recreated from the class
         % declaration in the `.opt' file. Declarations for local classes
         % are always written to the `.opt' file.
-        %
         pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
         check_marker(Markers, marker_class_method)
         DoWrite = yes
-        %
         % If a pred whose code we're going to put in the `.opt' file calls
         % a predicate which is local to that module, then we need to put
         % the declaration for the called predicate in the `.opt' file.
-        %
         DoWrite = yes,
@@ -717,9 +732,8 @@
         ; Status = status_opt_imported
-        %
         % Imported pred - add import for module.
-        %
         DoWrite = yes,
         PredModule = pred_info_module(PredInfo),
         intermod_info_get_modules(!.Info, Modules0),
@@ -743,9 +757,11 @@
         RHS = RHS0,
         DoWrite = yes
-        RHS0 = rhs_lambda_goal(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Goal0),
+        RHS0 = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, HOGroundness, PorF, EvalMethod,
+            NonLocals, QuantVars, Modes, Detism, Goal0),
         intermod_traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, DoWrite, !Info),
-        RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Goal)
+        RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, HOGroundness, PorF, EvalMethod,
+            NonLocals, QuantVars, Modes, Detism, Goal)
         RHS0 = rhs_functor(Functor, _Exist, _Vars),
         RHS = RHS0,
@@ -795,11 +811,11 @@
     DefinedThisModule = status_defined_in_this_module(Status),
         DefinedThisModule = yes,
-        %
         % The bodies are always stripped from instance declarations
         % before writing them to `int' files, so the full instance
         % declaration should be written even for exported instances.
-        %
         SaveInfo = !.Info,
             Interface0 = instance_body_concrete(Methods0),
@@ -943,7 +959,6 @@
         MethodArity, MethodCallTVarSet, MethodCallExistQTVars,
         MethodCallArgTypes, MethodCallHeadTypeParams, MethodContext,
         MaybePredId, InstanceMethodName) :-
     module_info_get_ctor_field_table(ModuleInfo, CtorFieldTable),
         is_field_access_function_name(ModuleInfo, InstanceMethodName0,
@@ -1081,14 +1096,13 @@
     module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
     globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
-    %
     % Note that we don't resolve overloading for the foreign definitions
     % which won't be used on this back-end, because their unification and
     % comparison predicates have not been typechecked. They are only written
     % to the `.opt' it can be handy when building against a workspace
     % for the other definitions to be present (e.g. when testing compiling
     % a module to IL when the workspace was compiled to C).
-    %
         ( Target = target_c
         ; Target = target_asm
@@ -1722,7 +1736,8 @@
             % Pull the foreign code out of the goal.
             Goal = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, Goals), _),
-            list.filter((pred(X::in) is semidet :-
+            list.filter(
+                (pred(X::in) is semidet :-
                     X = hlds_goal(call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _), _)
                 ), Goals, [ForeignCodeGoal]),
             ForeignCodeGoal = hlds_goal(call_foreign_proc(Attributes,
@@ -2355,9 +2370,7 @@
         [], AncestorImports1,
         [], AncestorImports2, !Module, !IO),
-    %
     % Figure out which .int files are needed by the .opt files
-    %
     get_dependencies(OptItems, NewImportDeps0, NewUseDeps0),
     globals.io_get_globals(Globals, !IO),
     get_implicit_dependencies(OptItems, Globals,
Index: compiler/interval.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/interval.m,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -b -r1.38 interval.m
--- compiler/interval.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:07 -0000	1.38
+++ compiler/interval.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -275,8 +275,15 @@
         leave_branch_start(branch_ite, StartAnchor, BeforeId, MaybeResumeVars,
             CondOpenIntervals, !IntervalInfo)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % We treat this scope as a construction unification that unifies
+            % TermVar with a single big variable-free term, since this is what
+            % the generated code will do.
+            require_access([TermVar], !IntervalInfo)
+        ;
         build_interval_info_in_goal(SubGoal, !IntervalInfo, !Acc)
+        )
         GoalExpr = generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, ArgModes, _Detism),
         goal_info_get_maybe_need_across_call(GoalInfo, MaybeNeedAcrossCall),
@@ -947,9 +954,9 @@
             rename_var_list(need_not_rename, !.VarRename, Vars0, Vars),
             Reason = exist_quant(Vars)
-            Reason0 = from_ground_term(Var0),
+            Reason0 = from_ground_term(Var0, Kind),
             rename_var(need_not_rename, !.VarRename, Var0, Var),
-            Reason = from_ground_term(Var)
+            Reason = from_ground_term(Var, Kind)
             ( Reason0 = promise_purity(_, _)
             ; Reason0 = promise_solutions(_, _)
@@ -959,10 +966,15 @@
             Reason = Reason0
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There won't be any decisions to record.
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
         record_decisions_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarInfo, !VarRename,
             InsertMap, MaybeFeature),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = generic_call(GenericCall, _, _, _),
         % Casts are generated inline.
Index: compiler/ite_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ite_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -b -r1.106 ite_gen.m
--- compiler/ite_gen.m	28 Nov 2008 06:36:58 -0000	1.106
+++ compiler/ite_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
     goal_info_get_store_map(IteGoalInfo, StoreMap),
     get_instmap(!.CI, EndCondInstMap),
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(EndCondInstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(EndCondInstMap) ->
         % If the instmap indicates we cannot reach the then part,
         % do not attempt to generate it (may cause aborts).
         ThenTraceCode = empty,
Index: compiler/lambda.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/lambda.m,v
retrieving revision 1.136
diff -u -b -r1.136 lambda.m
--- compiler/lambda.m	22 Oct 2008 05:42:57 -0000	1.136
+++ compiler/lambda.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -218,11 +218,11 @@
 :- pred lambda_process_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     lambda_info::in, lambda_info::out) is det.
-lambda_process_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), !Info) :-
+lambda_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo),
-        GoalExpr0 = unify(XVar, Y, Mode, Unification, Context),
-        lambda_process_unify_goal(XVar, Y, Mode, Unification, Context,
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unification, Context),
+        lambda_process_unify_goal(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unification, Context,
             GoalExpr, !Info)
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
@@ -233,17 +233,23 @@
         lambda_process_goal_list(Goals0, Goals, !Info),
         GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(Goal0),
-        lambda_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal)
-    ;
         GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
         lambda_process_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info),
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
-        lambda_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal)
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        lambda_process_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % If the scope had any rhs_lambda_goals, modes.m wouldn't have
+            % left its kind field as from_ground_term_construct.
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+        ;
+            lambda_process_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         lambda_process_goal(Cond0, Cond, !Info),
@@ -271,7 +277,8 @@
             % These should have been expanded out by now.
             unexpected(this_file, "lambda_process_goal_2: bi_implication")
-    ).
+    ),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
 :- pred lambda_process_goal_list(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     lambda_info::in, lambda_info::out) is det.
Index: compiler/lco.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/lco.m,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -b -r1.55 lco.m
--- compiler/lco.m	7 Oct 2008 05:27:43 -0000	1.55
+++ compiler/lco.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@
 :- pred lco_in_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, lco_info::in, lco_info::out,
     lco_const_info::in) is det.
-lco_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo), hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
-        !Info, ConstInfo) :-
+lco_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, ConstInfo) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo),
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
@@ -403,8 +403,12 @@
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+        ;
         lco_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info, ConstInfo),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        )
         ( GoalExpr0 = negation(_)
         ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
@@ -417,7 +421,8 @@
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
         unexpected(this_file, "lco_in_goal: shorthand")
-    ).
+    ),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
@@ -781,7 +786,7 @@
         AddrArgsTail, !InstMapDelta),
     ( map.search(Subst, OrigVar, AddrVar) ->
         UpdatedVar = AddrVar,
-        instmap_delta_set(AddrVar, ground(shared, none), !InstMapDelta),
+        instmap_delta_set_var(AddrVar, ground(shared, none), !InstMapDelta),
         AddrArgs = [ArgNum | AddrArgsTail]
         UpdatedVar = OrigVar,
@@ -921,9 +926,14 @@
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            Changed = no
+        ;
         transform_variant_goal(ModuleInfo, VarToAddr, InstMap0,
             SubGoal0, SubGoal, Changed),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = negation(_),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
@@ -1012,9 +1022,9 @@
     pair(prog_var)::in) is semidet.
 is_grounding(ModuleInfo, InstMap0, InstMap, Var - _AddrVar) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
     not inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo, Inst0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo, Inst).
 :- pred make_store_goal(module_info::in, pair(prog_var)::in,
Index: compiler/live_vars.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/live_vars.m,v
retrieving revision 1.137
diff -u -b -r1.137 live_vars.m
--- compiler/live_vars.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:08 -0000	1.137
+++ compiler/live_vars.m	11 Dec 2008 23:57:03 -0000
@@ -323,15 +323,26 @@
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(Goal0),
-        build_live_sets_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, ResumeVars0, AllocData,
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        build_live_sets_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, ResumeVars0, AllocData,
             !StackAlloc, !Liveness, !NondetLiveness, !ParStackVars),
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % We do not modify construct unifications or conjunctions,
+            % so we do not modify these scopes, which contain only a
+            % conjunction of construct unifications.
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            GoalInfo = GoalInfo0,
+            % The scope does not contain any calls, resume points or parallel
+            % conjunctions, so there are no updates to !StackAlloc,
+            % !NondetLiveness, or !ParStackVars.
+            set.insert(!.Liveness, TermVar, !:Liveness)
+        ;
         NondetLiveness0 = !.NondetLiveness,
-        build_live_sets_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, ResumeVars0, AllocData,
+            build_live_sets_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, ResumeVars0, AllocData,
             !StackAlloc, !Liveness, !NondetLiveness, !ParStackVars),
         % If the "some" goal cannot succeed more than once, then execution
         % cannot backtrack into the inner goal once control has left it.
@@ -346,8 +357,9 @@
             !:NondetLiveness = NondetLiveness0
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, Modes, _Det),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
Index: compiler/liveness.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/liveness.m,v
retrieving revision 1.165
diff -u -b -r1.165 liveness.m
--- compiler/liveness.m	2 Jun 2008 02:27:26 -0000	1.165
+++ compiler/liveness.m	12 Dec 2008 04:59:51 -0000
@@ -201,6 +201,7 @@
 :- import_module libs.options.
 :- import_module libs.trace_params.
 :- import_module ll_backend.trace_gen.
+:- import_module parse_tree.mercury_to_mercury.
 :- import_module assoc_list.
 :- import_module bool.
@@ -360,8 +361,8 @@
 :- pred detect_liveness_in_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, live_info::in) is det.
-detect_liveness_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), Liveness0, Liveness, LiveInfo) :-
+detect_liveness_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, Liveness0, FinalLiveness, LiveInfo) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     % Work out which variables get born in this goal.
     liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo0,
         BaseNonLocals, CompletedNonLocals),
@@ -379,76 +380,56 @@
         set.difference(TypeInfos, Liveness0, NewTypeInfos),
         set.union(Births1, NewTypeInfos, Births)
-    set.union(Liveness0, Births, Liveness),
-    HasSubGoals = goal_expr_has_subgoals(GoalExpr0),
+    set.union(Liveness0, Births, FinalLiveness),
-        HasSubGoals = does_not_have_subgoals,
-        PreDeaths = Empty,
+        ( GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_,_,  _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        PreDeaths = set.init,
         PreBirths = Births,
-        PostDeaths = Empty,
-        PostBirths = Empty,
+        PostDeaths = set.init,
+        PostBirths = set.init,
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-        HasSubGoals = has_subgoals,
-        PreDeaths = Empty,
-        PreBirths = Empty,
-        detect_liveness_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, Liveness0,
-            ActualLiveness, CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo),
-        set.intersect(CompletedNonLocals, ActualLiveness, NonLocalLiveness),
-        set.union(NonLocalLiveness, Liveness0, FinalLiveness),
-        set.difference(FinalLiveness, Liveness, PostDeaths),
-        set.difference(Liveness, FinalLiveness, PostBirths)
-    ),
-    % We initialize all the fields in order to obliterate any annotations
-    % left by a previous invocation of this module.
-    goal_info_initialize_liveness_info(PreBirths, PostBirths,
-        PreDeaths, PostDeaths, no_resume_point, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo).
-    % Here we process each of the different sorts of goals.
-    %
-:- pred detect_liveness_in_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
-    set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, set(prog_var)::in,
-    live_info::in) is det.
-detect_liveness_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !Liveness,
-        NonLocals, LiveInfo) :-
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
             ConjType = plain_conj,
-            detect_liveness_in_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Liveness, LiveInfo)
+                detect_liveness_in_conj(Goals0, Goals, Liveness0, Liveness,
+                    LiveInfo)
             ConjType = parallel_conj,
-            detect_liveness_in_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !.Liveness, NonLocals,
-                LiveInfo, Union0, Union),
-            set.union(Union, !Liveness)
+                detect_liveness_in_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, Liveness0,
+                    CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Union0, Union),
+                set.union(Union, Liveness0, Liveness)
         GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
         GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
-        detect_liveness_in_disj(Goals0, Goals, !.Liveness, NonLocals,
-            LiveInfo, Union0, Union),
-        set.union(Union, !Liveness),
+            detect_liveness_in_disj(Goals0, Goals, Liveness0,
+                CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Union0, Union),
+            set.union(Union, Liveness0, Liveness),
         GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
         GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, Det, Cases0),
-        detect_liveness_in_cases(Cases0, Cases, !.Liveness, NonLocals,
-            LiveInfo, !Liveness),
+            detect_liveness_in_cases(Cases0, Cases, Liveness0,
+                CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Liveness0, Liveness),
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, Det, Cases)
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-        Liveness0 = !.Liveness,
         detect_liveness_in_goal(Cond0, Cond, Liveness0, LivenessCond,
-        % If the condition cannot succeed, any variables which become live
-        % in the else part should be put in the post-birth set of the then part
-        % by add_liveness_after_goal, and the other sets should be empty.
+            % If the condition cannot succeed, any variables which become
+            % live in the else part should be put in the post-birth set
+            % of the then part by add_liveness_after_goal, and the other
+            % sets should be empty.
         Cond = hlds_goal(_, CondInfo),
         CondDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(CondInfo),
         ( instmap_delta_is_unreachable(CondDelta) ->
@@ -463,40 +444,47 @@
         set.union(LivenessThen, LivenessElse, Liveness),
-        set.intersect(Liveness, NonLocals, NonLocalLiveness),
+            set.intersect(Liveness, CompletedNonLocals,
+                ITENonLocalLiveness),
-        set.difference(NonLocalLiveness, LivenessThen, ResidueThen),
-        set.difference(NonLocalLiveness, LivenessElse, ResidueElse),
+            set.difference(ITENonLocalLiveness, LivenessThen, ResidueThen),
+            set.difference(ITENonLocalLiveness, LivenessElse, ResidueElse),
         add_liveness_after_goal(Then1, ResidueThen, Then),
         add_liveness_after_goal(Else1, ResidueElse, Else),
-        !:Liveness = Liveness,
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
         GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
-        detect_liveness_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Liveness, LiveInfo),
+            detect_liveness_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, Liveness0, Liveness,
+                LiveInfo),
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        detect_liveness_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Liveness, LiveInfo),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+            ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+                detect_liveness_in_construct(SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+                    Liveness0, Liveness, TermVar)
-        GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_goal_2: plain_call")
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_goal_2: generic_call")
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_,_,  _, _, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_goal_2: call_foreign_proc")
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_goal_2: unify")
+                detect_liveness_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, Liveness0, Liveness,
+                    LiveInfo)
+            ),
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        ),
+        PreDeaths = set.init,
+        PreBirths = set.init,
+        set.intersect(CompletedNonLocals, Liveness, NonLocalLiveness),
+        set.union(NonLocalLiveness, Liveness0, GoalFinalLiveness),
+        set.difference(GoalFinalLiveness, FinalLiveness, PostDeaths),
+        set.difference(FinalLiveness, GoalFinalLiveness, PostBirths)
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_goal_2: shorthand")
-    ).
+        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_goal: shorthand")
+    ),
+    % We always initialize all the liveness-related fields in order to
+    % obliterate any annotations left by a previous invocation of this module.
+    goal_info_initialize_liveness_info(PreBirths, PostBirths,
+        PreDeaths, PostDeaths, no_resume_point, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
@@ -560,6 +548,67 @@
+:- pred detect_liveness_in_construct(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+    set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, prog_var::in) is det.
+detect_liveness_in_construct(Goal0, Goal, !Liveness, TermVar) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
+    ( GoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts0) ->
+        set.init(LocalLiveVars0),
+        detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts,
+            LocalLiveVars0, LocalLiveVars),
+        ( set.singleton_set(LocalLiveVars, TermVar) ->
+            set.insert(!.Liveness, TermVar, !:Liveness),
+            GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts),
+            set.init(PreBirths),
+            set.init(PostBirths),
+            set.init(PreDeaths),
+            set.init(PostDeaths),
+            goal_info_initialize_liveness_info(PreBirths, PostBirths,
+                PreDeaths, PostDeaths, no_resume_point, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+            Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+        ;
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "detect_liveness_in_construct: unexpected liveness")
+        )
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file, "detect_liveness_in_construct: not conj")
+    ).
+:- pred detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop(
+    list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+    set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop([], [], !LocalLiveVars).
+detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals],
+        !LocalLiveVars) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+        Unification = construct(LHSVar, _ConsId, RHSVars, _ArgModes,
+            construct_statically(_), cell_is_shared, no_construct_sub_info)
+    ->
+        ( set.remove_list(!.LocalLiveVars, RHSVars, !:LocalLiveVars) ->
+            set.insert(!.LocalLiveVars, LHSVar, !:LocalLiveVars),
+            PreBirths = set.make_singleton_set(LHSVar),
+            set.init(PostBirths),
+            set.init(PreDeaths),
+            set.list_to_set(RHSVars, PostDeaths),
+            goal_info_initialize_liveness_info(PreBirths, PostBirths,
+                PreDeaths, PostDeaths, no_resume_point, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+            Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+        ;
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop: rhs var not live")
+        )
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop: unexpected conjunct")
+    ),
+    detect_liveness_in_construct_goal_loop(Goals0, Goals, !LocalLiveVars).
 :- pred detect_liveness_in_par_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::in, live_info::in,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
@@ -582,8 +631,8 @@
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, set(prog_var)::in,
     live_info::in) is det.
-detect_deadness_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), !Deadness, !.Liveness, LiveInfo) :-
+detect_deadness_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Deadness, !.Liveness, LiveInfo) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     goal_info_get_pre_deaths(GoalInfo0, PreDeaths0),
     goal_info_get_pre_births(GoalInfo0, PreBirths0),
     goal_info_get_post_deaths(GoalInfo0, PostDeaths0),
@@ -595,10 +644,14 @@
     set.difference(!.Liveness, PreDeaths0, !:Liveness),
     set.union(PreBirths0, !Liveness),
-    set.init(Empty),
-    HasSubGoals = goal_expr_has_subgoals(GoalExpr0),
-        HasSubGoals = does_not_have_subgoals,
+        ( GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = conj(_, [])
+        ; GoalExpr0 = disj([])
+        ),
         liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo0,
             _BaseNonLocals, CompletedNonLocals),
         set.intersect(!.Liveness, CompletedNonLocals, LiveNonLocals),
@@ -606,76 +659,61 @@
         set.union(NewPostDeaths, !Deadness),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-        HasSubGoals = has_subgoals,
-        NewPostDeaths = Empty,
-        detect_deadness_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0,
-            !Deadness, !.Liveness, LiveInfo)
-    ),
-    set.union(PostDeaths0, NewPostDeaths, PostDeaths),
-    goal_info_set_post_deaths(PostDeaths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
-    set.difference(!.Deadness, PreBirths0, !:Deadness),
-    set.union(PreDeaths0, !Deadness).
-    % Here we process each of the different sorts of goals.
-    %
-:- pred detect_deadness_in_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
-    hlds_goal_info::in, set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
-    set(prog_var)::in, live_info::in) is det.
-detect_deadness_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo, !Deadness,
-        Liveness0, LiveInfo) :-
-    (
-        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts0),
+        Conjuncts0 = [_ | _],
             ConjType = plain_conj,
-            detect_deadness_in_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Deadness,
-                Liveness0, LiveInfo)
+            detect_deadness_in_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts, !Deadness,
+                !.Liveness, LiveInfo)
             ConjType = parallel_conj,
-            liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo,
+            liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo0,
                 _, CompletedNonLocals),
-            detect_deadness_in_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !.Deadness, Liveness0,
-                CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Union0, Union,
+            detect_deadness_in_par_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts, !.Deadness,
+                !.Liveness, CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Union0, Union,
             !:Deadness = Union
-        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
+        NewPostDeaths = set.init,
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts)
-        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Disjuncts0),
+        Disjuncts0 = [_ | _],
-        liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo,
+        liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo0,
             _, CompletedNonLocals),
-        detect_deadness_in_disj(Goals0, Goals, !.Deadness, Liveness0,
+        detect_deadness_in_disj(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts, !.Deadness, !.Liveness,
             CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Union0, Union, _),
         !:Deadness = Union,
-        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+        NewPostDeaths = set.init,
+        GoalExpr = disj(Disjuncts)
         GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, Det, Cases0),
-        liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo,
+        liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo0,
             _, CompletedNonLocals),
-        detect_deadness_in_cases(Var, Cases0, Cases, !.Deadness, Liveness0,
+        detect_deadness_in_cases(Var, Cases0, Cases, !.Deadness, !.Liveness,
             CompletedNonLocals, LiveInfo, Union0, Union, _),
         !:Deadness = Union,
+        NewPostDeaths = set.init,
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, Det, Cases)
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         Deadness0 = !.Deadness,
-        update_liveness_goal(Cond0, LiveInfo, Liveness0, LivenessCond),
+        update_liveness_goal(Cond0, LiveInfo, !.Liveness, LivenessCond),
         detect_deadness_in_goal(Else0, Else1, Deadness0, DeadnessElse,
-            Liveness0, LiveInfo),
+            !.Liveness, LiveInfo),
         detect_deadness_in_goal(Then0, Then, Deadness0, DeadnessThen,
             LivenessCond, LiveInfo),
         detect_deadness_in_goal(Cond0, Cond1, DeadnessThen, DeadnessCond,
-            Liveness0, LiveInfo),
+            !.Liveness, LiveInfo),
-        liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo,
+        liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo0,
             _, CompletedNonLocals),
-        InstmapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo),
+        InstmapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
         ( instmap_delta_is_reachable(InstmapDelta) ->
             Cond0 = hlds_goal(_, CondGoalInfo),
             CondInstmapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(CondGoalInfo),
@@ -720,34 +758,37 @@
             add_branch_pre_deaths(DeadnessElse, Deadness0,
                 CompletedNonLocalDeadness, yes, Else1, Else)
+        NewPostDeaths = set.init,
         !:Deadness = Deadness,
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
         GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
         detect_deadness_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Deadness,
-            Liveness0, LiveInfo),
+            !.Liveness, LiveInfo),
+        NewPostDeaths = set.init,
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The job was done by detect_liveness_in_goal.
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
         detect_deadness_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Deadness,
-            Liveness0, LiveInfo),
+                !.Liveness, LiveInfo)
+        ),
+        NewPostDeaths = set.init,
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
-        GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_deadness_in_goal_2: plain_call")
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_deadness_in_goal_2: generic_call")
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_deadness_in_goal_2: call_foreign_proc")
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "detect_deadness_in_goal_2: unify")
-    ;
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "detect_deadness_in_goal_2: shorthand")
-    ).
+    ),
+    set.union(PostDeaths0, NewPostDeaths, PostDeaths),
+    goal_info_set_post_deaths(PostDeaths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    set.difference(!.Deadness, PreBirths0, !:Deadness),
+    set.union(PreDeaths0, !Deadness).
@@ -924,7 +965,8 @@
 :- pred update_liveness_goal(hlds_goal::in, live_info::in,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
-update_liveness_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), LiveInfo, !Liveness) :-
+update_liveness_goal(Goal, LiveInfo, !Liveness) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
     goal_info_get_pre_deaths(GoalInfo, PreDeaths),
     goal_info_get_pre_births(GoalInfo, PreBirths),
     goal_info_get_post_deaths(GoalInfo, PostDeaths),
@@ -993,10 +1035,15 @@
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        update_liveness_goal(SubGoal, LiveInfo, !Liveness)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            set.insert(!.Liveness, TermVar, !:Liveness)
+        ;
         update_liveness_goal(SubGoal, LiveInfo, !Liveness)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "update_liveness_expr: shorthand")
@@ -1069,8 +1116,8 @@
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, prog_varset::in) is det.
-delay_death_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), !BornVars, !DelayedDead, VarSet) :-
+delay_death_goal(Goal0, Goal, !BornVars, !DelayedDead, VarSet) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     goal_info_get_pre_births(GoalInfo0, PreBirths),
     goal_info_get_pre_deaths(GoalInfo0, PreDeaths0),
     BornVars0 = !.BornVars,
@@ -1093,7 +1140,8 @@
     set.union(PostDelayedDead, !DelayedDead),
     set.divide_by_set(BornVars0, !.DelayedDead, !:DelayedDead, ToBeKilled),
     set.union(UnnamedPostDeaths, ToBeKilled, PostDeaths),
-    goal_info_set_post_deaths(PostDeaths, GoalInfo2, GoalInfo).
+    goal_info_set_post_deaths(PostDeaths, GoalInfo2, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
 :- pred var_is_named(prog_varset::in, prog_var::in) is semidet.
@@ -1177,7 +1225,13 @@
         !:GoalExpr = if_then_else(QuantVars, Cond, Then, Else)
         !.GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal0),
-        delay_death_goal(Goal0, Goal, !.BornVars, _, !DelayedDead, VarSet),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % All the variables in the scope are anonymous, so there would
+            % be no point in delaying their death.
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
+            delay_death_goal(Goal0, Goal, !.BornVars, _, !DelayedDead, VarSet)
+        ),
         !:GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal)
         !.GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
@@ -1288,8 +1342,8 @@
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, live_info::in,
     set(prog_var)::in) is det.
-detect_resume_points_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0), !Liveness, LiveInfo, ResumeVars0) :-
+detect_resume_points_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Liveness, LiveInfo, ResumeVars0) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     goal_info_get_pre_deaths(GoalInfo0, PreDeaths0),
     goal_info_get_pre_births(GoalInfo0, PreBirths0),
     goal_info_get_post_deaths(GoalInfo0, PostDeaths0),
@@ -1298,18 +1352,6 @@
     set.difference(!.Liveness, PreDeaths0, !:Liveness),
     set.union(PreBirths0, !Liveness),
-    detect_resume_points_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !Liveness, GoalInfo0,
-        LiveInfo, ResumeVars0),
-    set.difference(!.Liveness, PostDeaths0, !:Liveness),
-    set.union(PostBirths0, !Liveness).
-:- pred detect_resume_points_in_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
-    set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out, hlds_goal_info::in,
-    live_info::in, set(prog_var)::in) is det.
-detect_resume_points_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr,
-        !Liveness, GoalInfo0, LiveInfo, ResumeVars0) :-
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
@@ -1430,8 +1472,14 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There are no resume points in these scopes.
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+            set.insert(!.Liveness, TermVar, !:Liveness)
+        ;
         detect_resume_points_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Liveness,
-            LiveInfo, ResumeVars0),
+                LiveInfo, ResumeVars0)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         ( GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
@@ -1444,7 +1492,11 @@
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
         unexpected(this_file, "detect_resume_points_in_goal_2: shorthand")
-    ).
+    ),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
+    set.difference(!.Liveness, PostDeaths0, !:Liveness),
+    set.union(PostBirths0, !Liveness).
 :- pred detect_resume_points_in_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
@@ -1627,15 +1679,10 @@
         VarSet = LiveInfo ^ li_varset,
-        set.to_sorted_list(LivenessFirst, FirstVarsList),
-        set.to_sorted_list(LivenessRest, RestVarsList),
-        list.map(varset.lookup_name(VarSet), FirstVarsList, FirstVarNames),
-        list.map(varset.lookup_name(VarSet), RestVarsList, RestVarNames),
-        Pad = (pred(S0::in, S::out) is det :- string.append(S0, " ", S)),
-        list.map(Pad, FirstVarNames, PaddedFirstNames),
-        list.map(Pad, RestVarNames, PaddedRestNames),
-        string.append_list(PaddedFirstNames, FirstNames),
-        string.append_list(PaddedRestNames, RestNames),
+        set.to_sorted_list(LivenessFirst, FirstVars),
+        set.to_sorted_list(LivenessRest, RestVars),
+        FirstNames = mercury_vars_to_string(VarSet, yes, FirstVars),
+        RestNames = mercury_vars_to_string(VarSet, yes, RestVars),
         Msg = "branches of " ++ GoalType ++ " disagree on liveness\n" ++
             "First: " ++ FirstNames ++ "\n" ++ "Rest:  " ++ RestNames ++ "\n",
         unexpected(this_file, Msg)
@@ -1710,29 +1757,32 @@
 :- pred add_liveness_after_goal(hlds_goal::in, set(prog_var)::in,
     hlds_goal::out) is det.
-add_liveness_after_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0), Residue,
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)) :-
+add_liveness_after_goal(Goal0, Residue, Goal) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
     goal_info_get_post_births(GoalInfo0, PostBirths0),
     set.union(PostBirths0, Residue, PostBirths),
-    goal_info_set_post_births(PostBirths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo).
+    goal_info_set_post_births(PostBirths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
 :- pred add_deadness_before_goal(set(prog_var)::in,
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
-add_deadness_before_goal(Residue, hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)) :-
+add_deadness_before_goal(Residue, Goal0, Goal) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
     goal_info_get_pre_deaths(GoalInfo0, PreDeaths0),
     set.union(PreDeaths0, Residue, PreDeaths),
-    goal_info_set_pre_deaths(PreDeaths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo).
+    goal_info_set_pre_deaths(PreDeaths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
 :- pred add_deadness_after_goal(set(prog_var)::in,
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
-add_deadness_after_goal(Residue, hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)) :-
+add_deadness_after_goal(Residue, Goal0, Goal) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
     goal_info_get_post_deaths(GoalInfo0, PostDeaths0),
     set.union(PostDeaths0, Residue, PostDeaths),
-    goal_info_set_post_deaths(PostDeaths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo).
+    goal_info_set_post_deaths(PostDeaths, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
@@ -1769,19 +1819,18 @@
     % Get the nonlocals, and, if doing typeinfo liveness, add the
     % typeinfo vars for the nonlocals.
-:- pred liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(live_info::in,
+:- pred get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(live_info::in,
     hlds_goal_info::in, set(prog_var)::out, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
-liveness.get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo,
+get_nonlocals_and_typeinfos(LiveInfo, GoalInfo,
         NonLocals, CompletedNonLocals) :-
     NonLocals = goal_info_get_code_gen_nonlocals(GoalInfo),
-    liveness.maybe_complete_with_typeinfos(LiveInfo,
-        NonLocals, CompletedNonLocals).
+    maybe_complete_with_typeinfos(LiveInfo, NonLocals, CompletedNonLocals).
-:- pred liveness.maybe_complete_with_typeinfos(live_info::in,
+:- pred maybe_complete_with_typeinfos(live_info::in,
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
-liveness.maybe_complete_with_typeinfos(LiveInfo, Vars0, Vars) :-
+maybe_complete_with_typeinfos(LiveInfo, Vars0, Vars) :-
     maybe_complete_with_typeinfo_vars(Vars0, LiveInfo ^ li_typeinfo_liveness,
         LiveInfo ^ li_vartypes, LiveInfo ^ li_rtti_varmaps, Vars).
Index: compiler/lookup_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/lookup_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.7 lookup_util.m
--- compiler/lookup_util.m	2 Jun 2008 02:27:27 -0000	1.7
+++ compiler/lookup_util.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
             % If a variable has a final inst, then it changed
             % instantiatedness during the switch.
             set.member(Var, ChangedVars),
-            instmap.lookup_var(CurrentInstMap, Var, Initial),
-            instmap.lookup_var(InstMapAfter, Var, Final),
+            instmap_lookup_var(CurrentInstMap, Var, Initial),
+            instmap_lookup_var(InstMapAfter, Var, Final),
             mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, (Initial -> Final))
         solutions.solutions(Lambda, OutVars)
Index: compiler/loop_inv.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/loop_inv.m,v
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -u -b -r1.46 loop_inv.m
--- compiler/loop_inv.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:08 -0000	1.46
+++ compiler/loop_inv.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -141,58 +141,48 @@
 hoist_loop_invariants(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    ( if
+    (
             % We only want to apply this optimization to pure preds (e.g.
             % not benchmark_det_loop).
-            %
        pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, purity_pure),
             % Next, work out whether this predicate is optimizable and
             % compute some auxiliary results along the way.
-            % Obtain the requisite info for this procedure.
-            %
         PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
         proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, Body),
         proc_info_get_headvars(!.ProcInfo, HeadVars),
         proc_info_get_argmodes(!.ProcInfo, HeadVarModes),
-            % Find the set of variables that are used as (partly) unique
-            % inputs to calls.  These variables are not safe candidates
-            % for hoisting.  (A variable whose initial bound inst is
-            % inferred as unique may be hoistable if it is not used as a
-            % unique input to any call.)
-            %
+        % Find the set of variables that are used as (partly) unique inputs
+        % to calls. These variables are not safe candidates for hoisting.
+        % (A variable whose initial bound inst is inferred as unique may be
+        % hoistable if it is not used as a unique input to any call.)
         UniquelyUsedVars = uniquely_used_vars(!.ModuleInfo, Body),
             % Find the set of candidate goals that may be invariant
             % and the set of recursive calls involved.
-            % A goal must appear on all recursive paths to be a
-            % candidate.
-            %
-            % The recursive calls are the set of calls at the end
-            % of each recursive path.
+        % A goal must appear on all recursive paths to be a candidate.
+        % The recursive calls are the set of calls at the end of each
+        % recursive path.
         invariant_goal_candidates(PredProcId, Body, InvGoals0, RecCalls),
-            % We can calculate the set of invariant args from
-            % the set of recursive calls.
-            %
+        % We can calculate the set of invariant args from the set of
+        % recursive calls.
         InvArgs0 = inv_args(!.ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadVarModes, RecCalls),
         InvArgs  = InvArgs0 `delete_elems` UniquelyUsedVars,
-            % Given the invariant args, we can calculate the set
-            % of invariant goals and vars.
-            %
+        % Given the invariant args, we can calculate the set of
+        % invariant goals and vars.
         inv_goals_vars(!.ModuleInfo, UniquelyUsedVars,
             InvGoals0, InvGoals1, InvArgs, InvVars1),
             % We don't want to hoist out unifications with constants (i.e.
             % constructions where the RHS has no arguments) or deconstructions
-            % (it's probably cheaper to do the dereference than pass an extra
+        % (it is probably cheaper to do the dereference than pass an extra
             % argument).
             % We also don't want to hoist out goals that can't succeed,
@@ -206,7 +196,6 @@
             % So here we compute the subset of InvGoals (and the corresponding
             % InvVars) that should not be hoisted.
-            %
         dont_hoist(!.ModuleInfo, InvGoals1, DontHoistGoals, DontHoistVars),
         InvGoals = InvGoals1 `delete_elems` DontHoistGoals,
@@ -214,60 +203,47 @@
             % We only apply the optimization if the set of invariant goals
             % is non-empty.
-            %
         InvGoals = [_ | _]
             % NOTE!  At this point it is vital that
-            % - none of the InvVars are used as (partially) unique
-            % inputs in any goals;
-            % - all of the InvVars are either head vars or constructed
-            % by one of the InvGoals;
+        % - none of the InvVars are used as (partially) unique inputs
+        %   in any goals;
+        % - all of the InvVars are either head vars or constructed by one of
+        %   the InvGoals;
             % - all non-local vars in InvGoals are also in InvVars.
+    ->
-      then
-            % The set of computed invariant vars is the difference
-            % between the whole invariant var set and the set of
-            % invariant args.
-            %
+        % The set of computed invariant vars is the difference between
+        % the whole invariant var set and the set of invariant args.
         ComputedInvVars = InvVars `delete_elems` InvArgs,
-            % We need to calculate the initial instmap for the aux
-            % proc by applying the instmap_deltas from the InvGoals
-            % to InitialInstMap.
-            %
+        % We need to calculate the initial instmap for the aux proc by applying
+        % the instmap_deltas from the InvGoals to InitialInstMap.
         proc_info_get_initial_instmap(!.ProcInfo, !.ModuleInfo,
         InitialAuxInstMap =
             compute_initial_aux_instmap(InvGoals, InitialInstMap),
-            % Create the pred for the aux proc.  This is initially a
-            % copy of the in proc with the head vars extended with the
-            % list of computed inv vars.  The body is adjusted
-            % appropriately in the next step.
-            %
+        % Create the pred for the aux proc.  This is initially a copy of the
+        % in proc with the head vars extended with the list of computed
+        % inv vars. The body is adjusted appropriately in the next step.
         create_aux_pred(PredProcId, HeadVars, ComputedInvVars,
             InitialAuxInstMap, AuxPredProcId, CallAux,
             AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo, !ModuleInfo),
-            % We update the body of AuxProc by replacing adding the
-            % set of computed invariant vars to the argument list,
-            % replacing invariant goals in InProc with `true', and
-            % recursive calls at the end of recursive paths with
-            % calls to the auxiliary procedure.
-            %
+        % We update the body of AuxProc by replacing adding the set of
+        % computed invariant vars to the argument list, % replacing invariant
+        % goals in InProc with `true', and recursive calls at the end of
+        % recursive paths with calls to the auxiliary procedure.
         gen_aux_proc(InvGoals, PredProcId,
             AuxPredProcId, CallAux, Body, AuxPredInfo, AuxProcInfo,
-            % We construct OutProc by replacing recursive calls to
-            % the InProc at the end of recursive paths with calls
-            % to the auxiliary procedure.
-            %
+        % We construct OutProc by replacing recursive calls to the InProc
+        % at the end of recursive paths with calls to the auxiliary procedure.
         gen_out_proc(PredProcId, PredInfo, !ProcInfo, CallAux, Body,
-      else
+    ;
@@ -286,18 +262,16 @@
     --->    invariant_goal_candidates_acc(
                     % path_candidates is the list of accumulated invariant
                     % goal candidates.
-                    %
                 path_candidates         :: hlds_goals,
                     % rec_calls is the list of pairs of recursive calls
                     % with the path_candidates up to that point.  This is
                     % extended whenever a recursive call is identified.
-                    %
                 rec_calls               :: rec_calls
     % invariant_goal_candidates(PredProcId, Body, CandidateInvGoals,
-    %       RecCallGoals)
+    %   RecCallGoals):
     % Computes (a conservative approximation to) the set of candidate
     % invariant atomic goals in Body and the set of recursive calls
@@ -307,104 +281,84 @@
     hlds_goals::out, hlds_goals::out) is det.
 invariant_goal_candidates(PredProcId, Body, CandidateInvGoals, RecCallGoals) :-
-    invariant_goal_candidates_acc(_, RecCalls) =
+    GoalCandidates0 = invariant_goal_candidates_acc([], []),
         invariant_goal_candidates_2(PredProcId, Body,
-            invariant_goal_candidates_acc([], [])),
+        GoalCandidates0, GoalCandidates),
+    GoalCandidates = invariant_goal_candidates_acc(_, RecCalls),
     assoc_list.keys_and_values(RecCalls, RecCallGoals, CandidateInvGoalsList),
     CandidateInvGoals = intersect_candidate_inv_goals(CandidateInvGoalsList).
-:- func invariant_goal_candidates_2(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal,
-            invariant_goal_candidates_acc
-        ) = invariant_goal_candidates_acc.
-        hlds_goal(Call @ plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _), GoalInfo),
-        IGCs) =
-    ( if   proc(PredId, ProcId) = PPId
-      then add_recursive_call(hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo), IGCs)
-      else invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(
-                hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo), IGCs)
-    ).
-        hlds_goal(Call @ generic_call(_, _, _, _), GoalInfo),  IGCs) =
-    invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(
-        hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo),
-        IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(Unification @ unify(_, _, _, _, _), GoalInfo), IGCs) =
-    invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(
-        hlds_goal(Unification, GoalInfo),
-        IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(ForeignProc @ call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-            GoalInfo),
-        IGCs) =
-    invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(
-        hlds_goal(ForeignProc, GoalInfo),
-        IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(conj(ConjType, Conjuncts), _GoalInfo), IGCs0)
-        = IGCs :-
+:- pred invariant_goal_candidates_2(pred_proc_id::in, hlds_goal::in,
+    invariant_goal_candidates_acc::in, invariant_goal_candidates_acc::out)
+    is det.
+invariant_goal_candidates_2(PPId, Goal, !IGCs) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _),
+        ( proc(PredId, ProcId) = PPId ->
+            add_recursive_call(Goal, !IGCs)
+        ;
+            invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(Goal, !IGCs)
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(Goal, !IGCs)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts),
         ConjType = plain_conj,
-        IGCs = list.foldl(invariant_goal_candidates_2(PPId), Conjuncts, IGCs0)
+            list.foldl(invariant_goal_candidates_2(PPId), Conjuncts, !IGCs)
         ConjType = parallel_conj,
-        IGCs = list.foldl(
-            invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId),
-            Conjuncts, IGCs0)
-    ).
-        hlds_goal(disj(Disjuncts), _GoalInfo), IGCs) =
-                Disjuncts,
-                IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(switch(_, _, Cases), _GoalInfo), IGCs) =
+                Conjuncts, !IGCs)
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Disjuncts),
-                case_goals(Cases),
-                IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(negation(NegatedGoal), _GoalInfo), IGCs) =
-    invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, NegatedGoal, IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(scope(_, QuantifiedGoal), _GoalInfo), IGCs) =
-    invariant_goal_candidates_2(PPId, QuantifiedGoal, IGCs).
-        hlds_goal(if_then_else(_XVs, Cond, Then, Else), GoalInfo),  IGCs0)
-        = IGCs :-
-    CondThenGoal = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, [Cond, Then]), GoalInfo),
-    IGCs1        = invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId,
-                        CondThenGoal, IGCs0),
-    ElseGoal     = Else,
-    IGCs         = invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId,
-                        ElseGoal,     IGCs1).
-        hlds_goal(shorthand(_), _GoalInfo), _IGCs) = _ :-
+            Disjuncts, !IGCs)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        list.foldl(invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId),
+            case_goals(Cases), !IGCs)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubdGoal),
+        invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, SubdGoal,
+            !IGCs)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubdGoal),
+        % XXX We should specialize the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes here.
+        invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, SubdGoal,
+            !IGCs)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_XVs, Cond, Then, Else),
+        CoTe = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, [Cond, Then]), GoalInfo),
+        invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, CoTe, !IGCs),
+        invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, Else, !IGCs)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
     % These should have been expanded out by now.
-    unexpected(this_file, "invariant_goal_candidates_2: shorthand").
+        unexpected(this_file, "invariant_goal_candidates_2: shorthand")
+    ).
-:- func invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(pred_proc_id,
-            hlds_goal, invariant_goal_candidates_acc
-        ) = invariant_goal_candidates_acc.
+:- pred invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(pred_proc_id::in,
+    hlds_goal::in,
+    invariant_goal_candidates_acc::in, invariant_goal_candidates_acc::out)
+    is det.
-invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, Goal, IGCs) =
-    ( invariant_goal_candidates_2(PPId, Goal, IGCs) ^ path_candidates :=
-        IGCs ^ path_candidates ).
+invariant_goal_candidates_keeping_path_candidates(PPId, Goal, !IGCs) :-
+    PathCandidates0 = !.IGCs ^ path_candidates,
+    invariant_goal_candidates_2(PPId, Goal, !IGCs),
+    !IGCs ^ path_candidates := PathCandidates0.
@@ -415,36 +369,37 @@
-:- func add_recursive_call(hlds_goal, invariant_goal_candidates_acc) =
-            invariant_goal_candidates_acc.
+:- pred add_recursive_call(hlds_goal::in,
+    invariant_goal_candidates_acc::in, invariant_goal_candidates_acc::out)
+    is det.
-    % We have to reverse the path_candidates because they are
-    % accumulated in reverse order, whereas we need them in
-    % producer-consumer order as they appear in the procedure.
+    % We have to reverse the path_candidates because they are accumulated
+    % in reverse order, whereas we need them in producer-consumer order
+    % as they appear in the procedure.
-add_recursive_call(Goal, IGCs) =
-    IGCs ^ rec_calls :=
-        [Goal - list.reverse(IGCs ^ path_candidates) | IGCs ^ rec_calls].
+add_recursive_call(Goal, !IGCs) :-
+    !IGCs ^ rec_calls :=
+        [Goal - list.reverse(!.IGCs ^ path_candidates) | !.IGCs ^ rec_calls].
-    % NOTE: we could hoist semipure goals that have no preceeding
-    % impure goals, but that's a very low-level optimization that
-    % is not entirely trivial to implement.
+    % NOTE: We could hoist semipure goals that have no preceeding impure goals,
+    % but that's a very low-level optimization that is not entirely trivial
+    % to implement.
-:- func invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(
-            hlds_goal, invariant_goal_candidates_acc
-        ) = invariant_goal_candidates_acc.
+:- pred invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(hlds_goal::in,
+    invariant_goal_candidates_acc::in, invariant_goal_candidates_acc::out)
+    is det.
-        Goal @ hlds_goal(_GoalExpr, GoalInfo), IGCs) =
+invariant_goal_candidates_handle_non_recursive_call(Goal, !IGCs) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(_GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
         not model_non(GoalInfo),
         goal_info_get_purity(GoalInfo) = purity_pure
-        IGCs ^ path_candidates := [Goal | IGCs ^ path_candidates]
+        !IGCs ^ path_candidates := [Goal | !.IGCs ^ path_candidates]
-        IGCs
+        true
@@ -460,7 +415,6 @@
 :- func intersect_candidate_inv_goals(list(hlds_goals)) = hlds_goals.
 intersect_candidate_inv_goals([]) = [].
 intersect_candidate_inv_goals([Goals | Goalss]) =
     list.filter(common_goal(Goalss), Goals).
@@ -499,8 +453,8 @@
 inv_args(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, HeadVarModes, RecCalls) = InvArgs :-
     MaybeInvArgs0 =
-        list.map_corresponding(
-                arg_to_maybe_inv_arg(ModuleInfo), HeadVars, HeadVarModes),
+        list.map_corresponding(arg_to_maybe_inv_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            HeadVars, HeadVarModes),
     MaybeInvArgs  =
         list.foldl(refine_candidate_inv_args, RecCalls, MaybeInvArgs0),
     InvArgs       =
@@ -523,12 +477,12 @@
 refine_candidate_inv_args(hlds_goal(RecCall, _RecCallInfo), MaybeInvArgs) =
-    ( if   RecCall = plain_call(_, _, CallArgs, _, _, _)
-      then list.map_corresponding(refine_candidate_inv_args_2,
-                                   MaybeInvArgs,
-                                   CallArgs)
-      else unexpected(this_file, "refine_candidate_inv_args/2: " ++
-        "non call/6 found in argument 1")
+    ( RecCall = plain_call(_, _, CallArgs, _, _, _) ->
+        list.map_corresponding(refine_candidate_inv_args_2,
+            MaybeInvArgs, CallArgs)
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "refine_candidate_inv_args/2: non call/6 found in argument 1")
 :- func refine_candidate_inv_args_2(maybe(prog_var), prog_var) =
@@ -571,15 +525,15 @@
 :- pred inv_goals_vars_2(module_info::in, prog_vars::in, hlds_goal::in,
     hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out, prog_vars::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
-inv_goals_vars_2(MI, UUVs, Goal, IGs0, IGs, IVs0, IVs) :-
-    ( if
+inv_goals_vars_2(ModuleInfo, UUVs, Goal, IGs0, IGs, IVs0, IVs) :-
+    (
         not invariant_goal(IGs0, Goal),
         not has_uniquely_used_arg(UUVs, Goal),
-        input_args_are_invariant(MI, Goal, IVs0)
-      then
+        input_args_are_invariant(ModuleInfo, Goal, IVs0)
+    ->
         IGs = [Goal | IGs0],
-        IVs = add_outputs(MI, UUVs, Goal, IVs0)
-      else
+        add_outputs(ModuleInfo, UUVs, Goal, IVs0, IVs)
+    ;
         IGs = IGs0,
         IVs = IVs0
@@ -627,17 +581,17 @@
     hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out, prog_vars::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
 dont_hoist_2(ModuleInfo, Goal, !DHGs, !DHVs) :-
-    ( if
+    (
         ( const_construction(Goal)
         ; deconstruction(Goal)
         ; impure_goal(Goal)
         ; cannot_succeed(Goal)
         ; call_has_inst_any(ModuleInfo, Goal)
-      then
+    ->
         list.cons(Goal, !DHGs),
-        !:DHVs = add_outputs(ModuleInfo, [], Goal, !.DHVs)
-      else
+        add_outputs(ModuleInfo, [], Goal, !DHVs)
+    ;
@@ -711,7 +665,7 @@
 arg_is_input(InstInfo, Arg) :-
     InstInfo = {_ModuleInfo, InstMap},
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, Inst),
     inst_is_input(InstInfo, Inst).
@@ -727,19 +681,23 @@
-:- func add_outputs(module_info, prog_vars, hlds_goal, prog_vars) =
-    prog_vars.
+:- pred add_outputs(module_info::in, prog_vars::in, hlds_goal::in,
+    prog_vars::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
-add_outputs(ModuleInfo, UUVs, Goal, InvVars) =
-    list.foldl(add_output(UUVs), goal_outputs(ModuleInfo, Goal), InvVars).
+add_outputs(ModuleInfo, UUVs, Goal, !InvVars) :-
+    list.foldl(add_output(UUVs), goal_outputs(ModuleInfo, Goal), !InvVars).
-:- func add_output(prog_vars, prog_var, prog_vars) = prog_vars.
+:- pred add_output(prog_vars::in, prog_var::in,
+    prog_vars::in, prog_vars::out) is det.
-add_output(UniquelyUsedVars, X, InvVars) =
-    ( if   not list.member(X, InvVars),
+add_output(UniquelyUsedVars, X, !InvVars) :-
+    (
+        not list.member(X, !.InvVars),
            not list.member(X, UniquelyUsedVars)
-      then [X | InvVars]
-      else InvVars
+    ->
+        !:InvVars = [X | !.InvVars]
+    ;
+        true
@@ -850,14 +808,11 @@
 gen_aux_proc(InvGoals, PredProcId, AuxPredProcId, CallAux, Body,
         AuxPredInfo, !.AuxProcInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
         % Compute the aux proc body.
-        %
     GapInfo = gen_aux_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, InvGoals, PredProcId, CallAux),
-    AuxBody = gen_aux_proc_2(GapInfo, Body),
+    AuxBody = gen_aux_proc_goal(GapInfo, Body),
         % Put the new proc body and instmap into the module_info.
-        %
     AuxPredProcId = proc(AuxPredId, AuxProcId),
     hlds_pred.proc_info_set_goal(AuxBody, !AuxProcInfo),
@@ -870,74 +825,68 @@
-:- func gen_aux_proc_2(gen_aux_proc_info, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
+:- func gen_aux_proc_goal(gen_aux_proc_info, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
-        hlds_goal(Call @ plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _,_,_,_), GoalInfo)) =
-    ( if   proc(PredId, ProcId) = Info ^ pred_proc_id
-      then gen_aux_call(Info ^ call_aux_goal, hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo))
-      else gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info,
-        hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo))
-    ).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(Call @ generic_call(_, _, _, _), GoalInfo)) =
-    gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo)).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(Unification @ unify(_, _, _, _, _), GoalInfo)) =
-    gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info,
-        hlds_goal(Unification, GoalInfo)).
-        hlds_goal(ForeignProc @ call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-            GoalInfo)) =
-    gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info,
-        hlds_goal(ForeignProc, GoalInfo)).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(conj(ConjType, Conjuncts), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(conj(ConjType, gen_aux_proc_list(Info, Conjuncts)), GoalInfo).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(disj(Disjuncts), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(disj(gen_aux_proc_list(Info, Disjuncts)), GoalInfo).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, gen_aux_proc_switch(Info, Cases)),
-        GoalInfo).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(negation(NegatedGoal), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(negation(gen_aux_proc_2(Info, NegatedGoal)), GoalInfo).
-gen_aux_proc_2(Info, hlds_goal(scope(Reason, QuantifiedGoal), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(scope(Reason, gen_aux_proc_2(Info, QuantifiedGoal)), GoalInfo).
-        hlds_goal(if_then_else(XVars, Cond, Then, Else), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(
-        if_then_else(XVars,
-             gen_aux_proc_2(Info, Cond),
-             gen_aux_proc_2(Info, Then),
-             gen_aux_proc_2(Info, Else)
+gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, Goal) = AuxGoal :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _,_,_,_),
+        ( proc(PredId, ProcId) = Info ^ pred_proc_id ->
+            AuxGoal = gen_aux_call(Info ^ call_aux_goal, Goal)
+        ;
+            AuxGoal = gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Goal)
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
-        GoalInfo).
-gen_aux_proc_2(_Info, hlds_goal(shorthand(_), _GoalInfo)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "gen_aux_proc_2/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
-:- func gen_aux_proc_list(gen_aux_proc_info, hlds_goals) = hlds_goals.
-gen_aux_proc_list(Info, Goals) = list.map(gen_aux_proc_2(Info), Goals).
+        AuxGoal = gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Goal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts),
+        AuxConjuncts = list.map(gen_aux_proc_goal(Info), Conjuncts),
+        AuxGoalExpr = conj(ConjType, AuxConjuncts),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Disjuncts),
+        AuxDisjuncts = list.map(gen_aux_proc_goal(Info), Disjuncts),
+        AuxGoalExpr = disj(AuxDisjuncts),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
+        AuxCases = list.map(gen_aux_proc_case(Info), Cases),
+        AuxGoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, AuxCases),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        AuxSubGoal = gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, SubGoal),
+        AuxGoalExpr = negation(AuxSubGoal),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We should consider special casing the handling of
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes.
+        AuxSubGoal = gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, SubGoal),
+        AuxGoalExpr = scope(Reason, AuxSubGoal),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
+        AuxCond = gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, Cond),
+        AuxThen = gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, Then),
+        AuxElse = gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, Else),
+        AuxGoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, AuxCond, AuxThen, AuxElse),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(this_file, "gen_aux_proc_goal: shorthand")
+    ).
-:- func gen_aux_proc_switch(gen_aux_proc_info, list(case)) = list(case).
+:- func gen_aux_proc_case(gen_aux_proc_info, case) = case.
-gen_aux_proc_switch(Info, Cases) =
-    list.map(
-        func(case(MainCaseId, OtherConsIds, Goal)) =
-            case(MainCaseId, OtherConsIds, gen_aux_proc_2(Info, Goal)),
-        Cases
-    ).
+gen_aux_proc_case(Info, Case) = AuxCase :-
+    Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
+    AuxGoal = gen_aux_proc_goal(Info, Goal),
+    AuxCase = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, AuxGoal).
@@ -945,9 +894,10 @@
 gen_aux_proc_handle_non_recursive_call(Info, Goal0) =
-    ( if   invariant_goal(Info ^ inv_goals, Goal0)
-      then true_goal
-      else Goal0
+    ( invariant_goal(Info ^ inv_goals, Goal0) ->
+        true_goal
+    ;
+        Goal0
@@ -961,13 +911,10 @@
 gen_out_proc(PredProcId, PredInfo0, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo, CallAux, Body0,
         ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
         % Compute the new procedure body.
-        %
-    Body = gen_out_proc_2(PredProcId, CallAux, Body0),
+    Body = gen_out_proc_goal(PredProcId, CallAux, Body0),
         % Put the new procedure body into the module_info.
-        %
     PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
     proc_info_get_varset(ProcInfo0, VarSet),
@@ -987,81 +934,79 @@
-    % gen_out_proc_2(PredProcId, CallAux, Goal0) = Goal:
+    % gen_out_proc_goal(PredProcId, CallAux, Goal0) = Goal:
     % Goal is Goal0 with calls to PredProcId replaced with CallAux.
-:- func gen_out_proc_2(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
+:- func gen_out_proc_goal(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(Call @ plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _), GoalInfo)) =
-    ( if   proc(PredId, ProcId) = PPId
-      then gen_aux_call(CallAux, hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo))
-      else hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo)
-    ).
-gen_out_proc_2(_PPId, _CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(Call @ generic_call(_, _, _, _), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(Call, GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(_PPId, _CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(Unification @ unify(_, _, _, _, _), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(Unification, GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(_PPId, _CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(ForeignProc @ call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-            GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(ForeignProc, GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(conj(ConjType, Conjuncts), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(
-        conj(ConjType, list.map(gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux), Conjuncts)),
-        GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(disj(Disjuncts), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(
-        disj(list.map(gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux), Disjuncts)),
-        GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(switch(Var, CanFail, list.map(GOPCase, Cases)), GoalInfo)
- :-
-    GOPCase =
-        ( func(case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal)) =
-                case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds,
-                    gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux, Goal)) ).
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(negation(NegatedGoal), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(negation(gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux, NegatedGoal)), GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(scope(Reason, QuantifiedGoal), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(
-        scope(Reason, gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux, QuantifiedGoal)),
-        GoalInfo).
-gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux,
-        hlds_goal(if_then_else(XVars, Cond, Then, Else), GoalInfo)) =
-    hlds_goal(
-        if_then_else( XVars,
-            gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux, Cond),
-            gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux, Then),
-            gen_out_proc_2(PPId, CallAux, Else)),
-        GoalInfo).
+gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, Goal) = AuxGoal :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _),
+        ( proc(PredId, ProcId) = PPId ->
+            AuxGoal = gen_aux_call(CallAux, Goal)
+        ;
+            AuxGoal = Goal
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        AuxGoal = Goal
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts),
+        AuxConjuncts = list.map(gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux), Conjuncts),
+        AuxGoalExpr = conj(ConjType, AuxConjuncts),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Disjuncts),
+        AuxDisjuncts = list.map(gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux), Disjuncts),
+        AuxGoalExpr = disj(AuxDisjuncts),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
+        AuxCases = list.map(gen_out_proc_case(PPId, CallAux), Cases),
+        AuxGoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, AuxCases),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        AuxSubGoal = gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, SubGoal),
+        AuxGoalExpr = negation(AuxSubGoal),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We should consider special casing the handling of
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes.
+        AuxSubGoal = gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, SubGoal),
+        AuxGoalExpr = scope(Reason, AuxSubGoal),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
+        AuxCond = gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, Cond),
+        AuxThen = gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, Then),
+        AuxElse = gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, Else),
+        AuxGoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, AuxCond, AuxThen, AuxElse),
+        AuxGoal = hlds_goal(AuxGoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(this_file, "gen_out_proc_goal: shorthand")
+    ).
-gen_out_proc_2(_PPId, _CallAux, hlds_goal(shorthand(_), _GoalInfo)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "gen_out_proc_2/3: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+:- func gen_out_proc_case(pred_proc_id, hlds_goal, case) = case.
+gen_out_proc_case(PPId, CallAux, Case) = AuxCase :-
+    Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
+    AuxGoal = gen_out_proc_goal(PPId, CallAux, Goal),
+    AuxCase = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, AuxGoal).
 :- func gen_aux_call(hlds_goal, hlds_goal) = hlds_goal.
 gen_aux_call(hlds_goal(CallAux0, _CallAuxInfo0), hlds_goal(Call, CallInfo)) =
-    ( if
+    (
         AuxArgs0      = CallAux0   ^ call_args,
         Args0         = Call       ^ call_args,
         Args          = replace_initial_args(Args0, AuxArgs0),
@@ -1072,9 +1017,9 @@
         % are not changed by the recursive call and there is no need
         % to adjust the instmap_delta.  All other fields are correct for
         % CallInfo.
-      then
+    ->
         hlds_goal(CallAux, CallInfo)
-      else
+    ;
         unexpected(this_file, "gen_aux_call/2: args not both ordinary calls")
@@ -1083,12 +1028,10 @@
 :- func replace_initial_args(list(T), list(T)) = list(T).
 replace_initial_args([],       Ys      ) = Ys.
 replace_initial_args([X | Xs], [_ | Ys]) = [X | replace_initial_args(Xs, Ys)].
 replace_initial_args([_ | _],  []      ) = _ :-
-        "replace_initial_args/2: first arg longer than second").
+        "replace_initial_args: first arg longer than second").
@@ -1103,73 +1046,79 @@
 :- func uniquely_used_vars(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
 uniquely_used_vars(ModuleInfo, Goal) =
-    list.sort_and_remove_dups(uniquely_used_vars_2(ModuleInfo, Goal)).
+    list.sort_and_remove_dups(used_vars(ModuleInfo, Goal)).
-:- func uniquely_used_vars_2(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
-uniquely_used_vars_2(ModuleInfo, Goal) =
-    uniquely_used_vars_3(ModuleInfo, Goal ^ hlds_goal_expr).
-:- func uniquely_used_vars_3(module_info, hlds_goal_expr) = prog_vars.
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(uniquely_used_args(MI), Args,
-        argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, generic_call(_, Args, Modes, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(uniquely_used_args(MI), Args, Modes).
-        call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, Args, Extras, _, _)) =
-    %
-    % XXX `Extras' should be empty for pure calls.  We cannot apply LIO to
-    % non-pure goals so we shouldn't need to consider `Extras'.  However, we
-    % currently don't deal with the situation where we may be trying to apply
-    % LIO to a non-pure goal until *after* we have called this predicate, so
-    % `Extras' may not be empty.  As a work-around we just add any variables
-    % in `Extras' to the set of variables that cannot be hoisted.
-    %
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(uniquely_used_args(MI),
-        list.map(foreign_arg_var, Args),
-        argmodes(MI,PredId,ProcId)) ++ list.map(foreign_arg_var, Extras).
+:- func used_vars(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
+used_vars(ModuleInfo, Goal) = UsedVars :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _),
+        UsedVars = list.filter_map_corresponding(
+            uniquely_used_args(ModuleInfo),
+            Args, argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, Args, Modes, _),
+        UsedVars = list.filter_map_corresponding(
+            uniquely_used_args(ModuleInfo),
+            Args, Modes)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId,
+            ForeignArgs, ExtraForeignArgs, _, _),
+        % XXX `Extras' should be empty for pure calls.  We cannot apply LIO
+        % to non-pure goals so we shouldn't need to consider `Extras'.
+        % However, we currently don't deal with the situation where we may be
+        % trying to apply LIO to a non-pure goal until *after* we have called
+        % this predicate, so `Extras' may not be empty.  As a work-around,
+        % we just add any variables in `Extras' to the set of variables
+        % that cannot be hoisted.
+        UsedArgVars = list.filter_map_corresponding(
+            uniquely_used_args(ModuleInfo),
+            list.map(foreign_arg_var, ForeignArgs),
+            argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId)),
+        UsedExtraArgVars = list.map(foreign_arg_var, ExtraForeignArgs),
+        UsedVars = UsedArgVars ++ UsedExtraArgVars
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = unify(_LHS, _RHS, _UMode, _UKind, _), 
     % XXX This is very conservative!
-    %
-uniquely_used_vars_3(_MI, unify(_LHS, _RHS, _UMode, _UKind, _)) = [].
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, conj(_, Conjuncts)) =
-    list.condense(list.map(uniquely_used_vars_2(MI), Conjuncts)).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, disj(Disjuncts)) =
-    list.condense(list.map(uniquely_used_vars_2(MI), Disjuncts)).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, switch(_, _, Cases)) =
-    list.condense(list.map(uniquely_used_vars_2(MI), case_goals(Cases))).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, negation(NegatedGoal)) =
-    uniquely_used_vars_2(MI, NegatedGoal).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, scope(_, QuantifiedGoal)) =
-    uniquely_used_vars_2(MI, QuantifiedGoal).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(MI, if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else)) =
-    uniquely_used_vars_2(MI, Cond) ++
-        uniquely_used_vars_2(MI, Then) ++
-            uniquely_used_vars_2(MI, Else).
-uniquely_used_vars_3(_MI, shorthand(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "uniquely_used_vars_3/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
+        UsedVars = []
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(_, Conjuncts),
+        UsedVars = list.condense(list.map(used_vars(ModuleInfo), Conjuncts))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Disjuncts),
+        UsedVars = list.condense(list.map(used_vars(ModuleInfo), Disjuncts))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        UsedVars = list.condense(list.map(used_vars(ModuleInfo),
+            case_goals(Cases)))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
+        UsedVars = used_vars(ModuleInfo, Cond) ++
+            used_vars(ModuleInfo, Then) ++ used_vars(ModuleInfo, Else)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        UsedVars = used_vars(ModuleInfo, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We should consider special casing the handling of
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes.
+        UsedVars = used_vars(ModuleInfo, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(this_file, "used_vars: shorthand")
+    ).
 :- func uniquely_used_args(module_info, prog_var, mer_mode) = prog_var
     is semidet.
-uniquely_used_args(MI, X, M) = X :-
-    mode_get_insts(MI, M, InInst, _OutInst),
-    not inst_is_not_partly_unique(MI, InInst).
+uniquely_used_args(ModuleInfo, X, M) = X :-
+    mode_get_insts(ModuleInfo, M, InInst, _OutInst),
+    not inst_is_not_partly_unique(ModuleInfo, InInst).
@@ -1186,34 +1135,34 @@
 :- func goal_inputs(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
-goal_inputs(ModuleInfo, Goal) =
-    goal_expr_inputs(ModuleInfo, Goal ^ hlds_goal_expr).
-:- func goal_expr_inputs(module_info, hlds_goal_expr) = prog_vars.
-goal_expr_inputs(MI, plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(MI), Args,
-        argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
-goal_expr_inputs(MI, generic_call(_, Args, ArgModes, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(MI), Args, ArgModes).
-goal_expr_inputs(MI, call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(MI),
-        list.map(foreign_arg_var, Args), argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
-goal_expr_inputs(MI, unify(LHS, UnifyRHS, _, Kind, _)) = Inputs :-
+goal_inputs(ModuleInfo, Goal) = Inputs :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _),
+        Inputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            Args, argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, Args, ArgModes, _),
+        Inputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            Args, ArgModes)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, ForeignArgs, _, _, _),
+        Inputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            list.map(foreign_arg_var, ForeignArgs),
+            argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = unify(LHS, UnifyRHS, _, Kind, _),
         % The LHS is always an output var in constructions.
         Kind   = construct(_, _, RHSArgs, ArgUniModes, _, _, _),
-        Inputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(
-                        input_arg(MI), RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes))
+            Inputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(ModuleInfo),
+                RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes))
         % The LHS is always in input var in deconstructions.
         Kind   = deconstruct(_, _, RHSArgs, ArgUniModes, _, _),
-        Inputs = [ LHS
-                 | list.filter_map_corresponding(
-                        input_arg(MI), RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes)) ]
+            RHSInputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(input_arg(ModuleInfo),
+                RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes)),
+            Inputs = [LHS | RHSInputs]
         % The RHS is the only input in an assignment.
         Kind   = assign(_, RHS),
@@ -1236,38 +1185,28 @@
             % These should have been expanded out by now.
             unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs: lambda goal")
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = conj(_, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = disj(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = negation(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = shorthand(_)
+        ),
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs: compound goal")
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, conj(_, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: conj/2 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, switch(_, _, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: switch/3 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, disj(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: disj/1 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, negation(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: negation/1 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, scope(_, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: some/3 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, if_then_else(_, _, _, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: if_then_else/4 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_inputs(_MI, shorthand(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_inputs/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
     % An input arg is one whose pre-call inst is not free.
 :- func input_arg(module_info, prog_var, mer_mode) = prog_var is semidet.
-input_arg(MI, X, M) = X :-
-    mode_get_insts(MI, M, InInst, _OutInst),
-    not inst_is_free(MI, InInst).
+input_arg(ModuleInfo, X, M) = X :-
+    mode_get_insts(ModuleInfo, M, InInst, _OutInst),
+    not inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, InInst).
@@ -1276,81 +1215,66 @@
 :- func goal_outputs(module_info, hlds_goal) = prog_vars.
-goal_outputs(ModuleInfo, Goal) =
-    goal_expr_outputs(ModuleInfo, Goal ^ hlds_goal_expr).
-:- func goal_expr_outputs(module_info, hlds_goal_expr) = prog_vars.
-goal_expr_outputs(MI, plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(MI), Args,
-        argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
-goal_expr_outputs(MI, generic_call(_, Args, ArgModes, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(MI), Args, ArgModes).
-goal_expr_outputs(MI, call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _)) =
-    list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(MI),
-        list.map(foreign_arg_var, Args), argmodes(MI, PredId, ProcId)).
-goal_expr_outputs(MI, unify(LHS, _RHS, _, Kind, _)) = Outputs :-
+goal_outputs(ModuleInfo, Goal) = Outputs :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _),
+        Outputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            Args, argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, Args, ArgModes, _),
+        Outputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            Args, ArgModes)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, ProcId, ForeignArgs, _, _, _),
+        Outputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(ModuleInfo),
+            list.map(foreign_arg_var, ForeignArgs),
+            argmodes(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId))
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = unify(LHS, _RHS, _, Kind, _),
             % The LHS is the only output in a construction.
-            %
         Kind    = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
         Outputs = [LHS]
             % The LHS is always in input in deconstructions.
-            %
         Kind    = deconstruct(_, _, RHSArgs, ArgUniModes, _, _),
-        Outputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(
-                            output_arg(MI), RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes))
+            Outputs = list.filter_map_corresponding(output_arg(ModuleInfo),
+                RHSArgs, rhs_modes(ArgUniModes))
             % The LHS is the only output in an assignment.
-            %
         Kind    = assign(_, _),
         Outputs = [LHS]
             % Both sides of a simple test are inputs.
-            %
         Kind    = simple_test(_, _),
         Outputs = []
             % Both sides of a complicated unification are inputs.
-            %
         Kind    = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
         Outputs = []
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = conj(_, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = disj(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = negation(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = shorthand(_)
+        ),
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs: compound goal")
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, conj(_, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: conj/2 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, switch(_, _, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: switch/3 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, disj(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: disj/1 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, negation(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: negation/1 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, scope(_, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: some/3 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, if_then_else(_, _, _, _)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: if_then_else/4 in hlds_goal").
-goal_expr_outputs(_MI, shorthand(_)) = _ :-
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_outputs/2: shorthand/1 in hlds_goal").
     % An output arg is one whose pre-call inst is free.
 :- func output_arg(module_info, prog_var, mer_mode) = prog_var is semidet.
-output_arg(MI, X, M) = X :-
-    mode_get_insts(MI, M, InInst, _OutInst),
-    inst_is_free(MI, InInst).
+output_arg(ModuleInfo, X, M) = X :-
+    mode_get_insts(ModuleInfo, M, InInst, _OutInst),
+    inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, InInst).
Index: compiler/make_hlds_passes.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/make_hlds_passes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -u -b -r1.81 make_hlds_passes.m
--- compiler/make_hlds_passes.m	28 Jul 2008 08:34:17 -0000	1.81
+++ compiler/make_hlds_passes.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -193,9 +193,12 @@
         maybe_write_string(Statistics, "% Processed all items in pass 2\n",
         maybe_report_stats(Statistics, !IO),
         init_qual_info(MQInfo0, EqvMap, QualInfo0),
         add_item_list_pass_3(Items, status_local, !ModuleInfo,
             QualInfo0, QualInfo, !Specs),
+        maybe_write_string(Statistics, "% Processed all items in pass 3\n",
+            !IO),
         qual_info_get_mq_info(QualInfo, MQInfo),
         mq_info_get_type_error_flag(MQInfo, InvalidTypes3),
Index: compiler/make_hlds_warn.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/make_hlds_warn.m,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -b -r1.28 make_hlds_warn.m
--- compiler/make_hlds_warn.m	6 Jun 2008 07:48:33 -0000	1.28
+++ compiler/make_hlds_warn.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -123,8 +123,9 @@
     prog_varset::in, simple_call_id::in, module_info::in,
     list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
-warn_singletons_in_goal(hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), QuantVars, VarSet,
-        PredCallId, ModuleInfo, !Specs) :-
+warn_singletons_in_goal(Goal, QuantVars, VarSet, PredCallId, ModuleInfo,
+        !Specs) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
         GoalExpr = conj(_ConjType, Goals),
         warn_singletons_in_goal_list(Goals, QuantVars, VarSet, PredCallId,
Index: compiler/mark_static_terms.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mark_static_terms.m,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -b -r1.29 mark_static_terms.m
--- compiler/mark_static_terms.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:48 -0000	1.29
+++ compiler/mark_static_terms.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -62,59 +62,64 @@
 :- pred goal_mark_static_terms(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     static_info::in, static_info::out) is det.
-goal_mark_static_terms(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo),
-        hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo), !SI) :-
-    goal_expr_mark_static_terms(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !SI).
-:- pred goal_expr_mark_static_terms(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
-    static_info::in, static_info::out) is det.
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(conj(ConjType, Goals0), conj(ConjType, Goals),
-        !SI) :-
-    % It's OK to treat parallel conjunctions as if they were sequential here,
-    % since if we mark any variables as static, the computation of those
-    % variables will be done at compile time.
-    conj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(disj(Goals0), disj(Goals), !SI) :-
+goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, !SI) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
+        % It's OK to treat parallel conjunctions as if they were sequential
+        % here, since if we mark any variables as static, the computation
+        %of those variables will be done at compile time.
+        conj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !SI),
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
     % We revert to the original static_info at the end of branched goals.
-    disj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !.SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(switch(A, B, Cases0), switch(A, B, Cases), !SI) :-
+        disj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !.SI),
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
     % We revert to the original static_info at the end of branched goals.
-    cases_mark_static_terms(Cases0, Cases, !.SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(negation(Goal0), negation(Goal), !SI) :-
+        cases_mark_static_terms(Cases0, Cases, !.SI),
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
     % We revert to the original static_info at the end of the negation.
-    goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, !.SI, _SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(scope(A, Goal0), scope(A, Goal), !SI) :-
-    goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, !SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(if_then_else(A, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-        if_then_else(A, Cond, Then, Else), SI0, SI0) :-
+        goal_mark_static_terms(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !.SI, _SI),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes, since these already have all their unifications marked
+        % as construct_statically.
+        goal_mark_static_terms(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !SI),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
+        SI0 = !.SI,
     % We run the Cond and the Then in sequence, and we run the Else
     % in parallel with that, and then we throw away the static_infos
     % we computed and revert to the original static_info at the end,
     % since this was a branched goal.
     goal_mark_static_terms(Cond0, Cond, SI0, SI_Cond),
     goal_mark_static_terms(Then0, Then, SI_Cond, _SI_Then),
-    goal_mark_static_terms(Else0, Else, SI0, _SI_Else).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(Goal @ plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _), Goal, !SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(Goal @ generic_call(_, _, _, _), Goal, !SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(unify(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unification0, Context),
-        unify(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unification, Context), !SI) :-
-    unification_mark_static_terms(Unification0, Unification, !SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(Goal @ call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-        Goal, !SI).
-goal_expr_mark_static_terms(shorthand(_), _, !SI) :-
+        goal_mark_static_terms(Else0, Else, SI0, _SI_Else),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unification0, Context),
+        unification_mark_static_terms(Unification0, Unification, !SI),
+        GoalExpr = unify(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unification, Context)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
     % These should have been expanded out by now.
-    unexpected(this_file, "fill_expr_slots: unexpected shorthand").
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal_mark_static_terms: shorthand")
+    ).
 :- pred conj_mark_static_terms(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
     static_info::in, static_info::out) is det.
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.483
diff -u -b -r1.483 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:41 -0000	1.483
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -4087,7 +4087,7 @@
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Finding unused arguments ...\n", !IO),
         maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO),
-        unused_args.process_module(!HLDS, [], Specs, !IO),
+        unused_args_process_module(!HLDS, [], Specs, !IO),
         write_error_specs(Specs, Globals, 0, _NumWarnings, 0, NumErrors, !IO),
         module_info_incr_num_errors(NumErrors, !HLDS),
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
@@ -4108,7 +4108,7 @@
             "% Removing unneeded code from procedure bodies...\n", !IO),
         maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO),
-            update_module_io(unneeded_code.process_proc_msg), !HLDS, !IO),
+            update_module_io(unneeded_process_proc_msg), !HLDS, !IO),
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
         maybe_report_stats(Stats, !IO)
@@ -4345,7 +4345,7 @@
             "% Applying term size profiling transformation...\n", !IO),
         maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO),
-            update_module_io(size_prof.process_proc_msg(Transform)),
+            update_module_io(size_prof_process_proc_msg(Transform)),
             !HLDS, !IO),
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
         maybe_report_stats(Stats, !IO)
@@ -5226,9 +5226,19 @@
             globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, dump_same_hlds, DumpSameHLDS),
-                DumpSameHLDS = no
+                DumpSameHLDS = no,
                 % Don't create a dump file for this stage, and keep the records
-                % about previously dumped stages as they are.
+                % about previously dumped stages as they are. We do print a
+                % message (if asked to) about *why* we don't create this file.
+                maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% HLDS dump `", !IO),
+                maybe_write_string(Verbose, DumpFileName, !IO),
+                maybe_write_string(Verbose, "' would be identical ", !IO),
+                maybe_write_string(Verbose, "to previous dump.\n", !IO),
+                % If a previous dump exists with this name, leaving it around
+                % would be quite misleading. However, there is nothing useful
+                % we can do if the removal fails.
+                io.remove_file(DumpFileName, _Result, !IO)
                 DumpSameHLDS = yes,
                 CurDumpFileName = PrevDumpFileName,
Index: compiler/middle_rec.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/middle_rec.m,v
retrieving revision 1.135
diff -u -b -r1.135 middle_rec.m
--- compiler/middle_rec.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:09 -0000	1.135
+++ compiler/middle_rec.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -119,29 +119,39 @@
 :- func contains_only_builtins(hlds_goal) = bool.
-contains_only_builtins(hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo)) =
-    contains_only_builtins_expr(GoalExpr).
+contains_only_builtins(Goal) = 
+    contains_only_builtins_expr(Goal ^ hlds_goal_expr).
 :- func contains_only_builtins_expr(hlds_goal_expr) = bool.
-contains_only_builtins_expr(conj(ConjType, Goals)) = OnlyBuiltins :-
+contains_only_builtins_expr(GoalExpr) = OnlyBuiltins :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals),
         ConjType = plain_conj,
         OnlyBuiltins = contains_only_builtins_list(Goals)
         ConjType = parallel_conj,
         OnlyBuiltins = no
-    ).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(disj(Goals)) =
-    contains_only_builtins_list(Goals).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(switch(_Var, _Category, Cases)) =
-    contains_only_builtins_cases(Cases).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(negation(Goal)) =
-    contains_only_builtins(Goal).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(scope(_, Goal)) =
-    contains_only_builtins(Goal).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(if_then_else(_Vars, Cond, Then, Else))
-        = OnlyBuiltins :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        OnlyBuiltins = contains_only_builtins_list(Goals)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_Var, _CanFail, Cases),
+        OnlyBuiltins = contains_only_builtins_cases(Cases)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        OnlyBuiltins = contains_only_builtins(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            OnlyBuiltins = yes
+        ;
+            OnlyBuiltins = contains_only_builtins(SubGoal)
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
         contains_only_builtins(Cond) = yes,
         contains_only_builtins(Then) = yes,
@@ -150,20 +160,20 @@
         OnlyBuiltins = yes
         OnlyBuiltins = no
-    ).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(plain_call(_, _, _, BuiltinState, _, _))
-        = OnlyBuiltins :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, BuiltinState, _, _),
         BuiltinState = inline_builtin,
         OnlyBuiltins = yes
-        BuiltinState = out_of_line_builtin,
+            ( BuiltinState = out_of_line_builtin
+            ; BuiltinState = not_builtin
+            ),
         OnlyBuiltins = no
+        )
-        BuiltinState = not_builtin,
-        OnlyBuiltins = no
-    ).
-contains_only_builtins_expr(unify(_, _, _, Uni, _)) = OnlyBuiltins :-
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Uni, _),
     % Complicated unifies are _non_builtin_
         Uni = assign(_, _),
@@ -192,10 +202,16 @@
         Uni = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
         OnlyBuiltins = no
+        )
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        OnlyBuiltins = no
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(this_file, "contains_only_builtins: shorthand")
-contains_only_builtins_expr(call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = no.
-contains_only_builtins_expr(generic_call(_, _, _, _)) = no.
-contains_only_builtins_expr(shorthand(_)) = no.
 :- func contains_only_builtins_cases(list(case)) = bool.
Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.211
diff -u -b -r1.211 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	11 Feb 2008 21:26:00 -0000	1.211
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -2267,6 +2267,8 @@
         ml_gen_negation(SubGoal, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info)
         GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We could special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         ml_gen_commit(SubGoal, CodeModel, Context, Decls, Statements, !Info)
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
Index: compiler/mode_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -b -r1.31 mode_debug.m
--- compiler/mode_debug.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:11 -0000	1.31
+++ compiler/mode_debug.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
         maybe_report_stats(Statistics, !IO),
         maybe_flush_output(Statistics, !IO),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-        ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap) ->
-            instmap.to_assoc_list(InstMap, NewInsts),
+        ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap) ->
+            instmap_to_assoc_list(InstMap, NewInsts),
             mode_info_get_last_checkpoint_insts(!.ModeInfo, OldInstMap),
             mode_info_get_varset(!.ModeInfo, VarSet),
             mode_info_get_instvarset(!.ModeInfo, InstVarSet),
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 write_var_insts([], _, _, _, _, _, !IO).
 write_var_insts([Var - Inst | VarInsts], OldInstMap, VarSet, InstVarSet,
         Verbose, Minimal, !IO) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(OldInstMap, Var, OldInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(OldInstMap, Var, OldInst),
             identical_insts(Inst, OldInst)
Index: compiler/mode_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.97
diff -u -b -r1.97 mode_info.m
--- compiler/mode_info.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:10 -0000	1.97
+++ compiler/mode_info.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -646,8 +646,8 @@
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.MI, InstMap0),
     !MI ^ mi_instmap := InstMap,
-        instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap),
-        instmap.is_reachable(InstMap0)
+        instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap),
+        instmap_is_reachable(InstMap0)
         mode_info_get_delay_info(!.MI, DelayInfo0),
         delay_info_bind_all_vars(DelayInfo0, DelayInfo),
Index: compiler/mode_ordering.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_ordering.m,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -b -r1.28 mode_ordering.m
--- compiler/mode_ordering.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:01 -0000	1.28
+++ compiler/mode_ordering.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -312,6 +312,8 @@
     goal_info_copy_mode_var_sets(SubGoal ^ hlds_goal_info, !GoalInfo).
 mode_order_goal_2(Goal0, Goal, !GoalInfo, !MOI) :-
+    % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes.
     Goal0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
     Goal = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
     mode_order_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !MOI),
Index: compiler/mode_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.206
diff -u -b -r1.206 mode_util.m
--- compiler/mode_util.m	28 Aug 2008 03:12:53 -0000	1.206
+++ compiler/mode_util.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@
     % If the initial instmap is unreachable so is the final instmap.
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap0) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap0) ->
             GoalInfo1, GoalInfo)
@@ -1120,8 +1120,14 @@
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        recompute_instmap_delta_1(RecomputeAtomic, SubGoal0, SubGoal, VarTypes,
-            InstMap0, InstMapDelta, !RI),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+            SubGoal = hlds_goal(_, SubGoalInfo),
+            InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(SubGoalInfo)
+        ;
+            recompute_instmap_delta_1(RecomputeAtomic, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+                VarTypes, InstMap0, InstMapDelta, !RI)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_Details, Vars, Modes, Detism),
@@ -1361,8 +1367,8 @@
     % This is similar to modecheck_var_has_inst.
     SaveModuleInfo = !.ModuleInfo,
     SaveSub = !.Sub,
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap) ->
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap) ->
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
         map.lookup(VarTypes, Arg, Type),
         ( inst_matches_initial(ArgInst, Inst, Type, !ModuleInfo, !Sub) ->
@@ -1394,8 +1400,8 @@
 recompute_instmap_delta_call_2([Arg | Args], InstMap, [Mode0 | Modes0],
         [Mode | Modes], !ModuleInfo) :-
     % This is similar to modecheck_set_var_inst.
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap) ->
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst0),
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap) ->
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst0),
         mode_get_insts(!.ModuleInfo, Mode0, _, FinalInst),
             abstractly_unify_inst(is_dead, ArgInst0, FinalInst,
@@ -1431,7 +1437,7 @@
         % as in the old instmap.
         OldInstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo),
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, InitialInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, InitialInst),
         ( instmap_delta_search_var(OldInstMapDelta, Var, FinalInst1) ->
             % XXX we need to merge the information in InitialInst
             % and FinalInst1. In puzzle_detism_bug, InitialInst
@@ -1468,7 +1474,7 @@
             UniMode = UniMode0,
-            instmap_delta_set(Var, Inst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta)
+            instmap_delta_set_var(Var, Inst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta)
             InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo),
             UniMode = UniMode0
@@ -1602,12 +1608,12 @@
 fixup_switch_var(Var, InstMap0, InstMap, Goal0, Goal) :-
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
     InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     ( Inst = Inst0 ->
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
-        instmap_delta_set(Var, Inst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
+        instmap_delta_set_var(Var, Inst, InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
         goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo)
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
Index: compiler/modecheck_call.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modecheck_call.m,v
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -u -b -r1.83 modecheck_call.m
--- compiler/modecheck_call.m	22 Jan 2008 15:06:13 -0000	1.83
+++ compiler/modecheck_call.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
                 ArgVars = ArgVars0,
                 WaitingVars = set.list_to_set(ArgVars),
                 ExtraGoals = no_extra_goals,
-                instmap.lookup_vars(ArgVars, InstMap, ArgInsts),
+                instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, ArgVars, ArgInsts),
                 mode_info_set_call_arg_context(0, !ModeInfo),
                     mode_error_in_callee(ArgVars, ArgInsts, PredId, TheProcId,
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
     % First, check that `PredVar' has a higher-order pred inst
     % (of the appropriate arity).
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, PredVar, PredVarInst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, PredVar, PredVarInst0),
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
     inst_expand(ModuleInfo0, PredVarInst0, PredVarInst),
     list.length(Args0, Arity),
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
         TheProcId = invalid_proc_id,    % dummy value
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-        instmap.lookup_vars(ArgVars, InstMap, ArgInsts),
+        instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, ArgVars, ArgInsts),
         mode_info_set_call_arg_context(0, !ModeInfo),
             mode_error_no_matching_mode(ArgVars, ArgInsts), !ModeInfo)
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
     mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
     mode_info_get_instmap(ModeInfo, InstMap),
     mode_info_get_var_types(ModeInfo, VarTypes),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
     normalise_inst(ModuleInfo, Type, Inst0, Inst),
Index: compiler/modecheck_unify.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modecheck_unify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.126
diff -u -b -r1.126 modecheck_unify.m
--- compiler/modecheck_unify.m	28 Apr 2008 00:50:54 -0000	1.126
+++ compiler/modecheck_unify.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -84,13 +84,12 @@
-    % We first have to check that if a unification occurs in a negated
-    % context with an inst any argument then it has an explicit `impure'
-    % annotation.
+    % If a unification occurs in a negated context with an inst "any" argument
+    % then it has an explicit `impure' annotation.
     % With lambdas, the lambda itself has a higher-order any inst if it
-    % includes any inst any nonlocals.  The value of the lambda expression
-    % does not become fixed until all of the non-locals become fixed.
+    % includes any inst "any" nonlocals.  The value of the lambda expression
+    % does not become fixed until all of the nonlocals become fixed.
     % Executing such a lambda may constrain nonlocal solver variables,
     % which in turn constrains the higher-order value itself.  Effectively,
     % call/N constrains the predicate value to be "some predicate that is
@@ -101,41 +100,60 @@
     % But we also allow a ground higher-order inst to be used with non-ground
     % locals, provided the type of the higher-order value is impure.
-modecheck_unification(X, RHS, Unification0, UnifyContext, UnifyGoalInfo0,
-        Unify, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
+modecheck_unification(LHSVar, RHS, Unification0, UnifyContext, UnifyGoalInfo0,
+        Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
+    (
+        RHS = rhs_var(RHSVar),
+        modecheck_unification_var(LHSVar, RHSVar,
+            Unification0, UnifyContext, UnifyGoalInfo0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
+    ;
+        RHS = rhs_functor(ConsId, IsExistConstr, RHSVars),
+        modecheck_unification_functor(LHSVar, ConsId, IsExistConstr, RHSVars,
+            Unification0, UnifyContext, UnifyGoalInfo0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
+    ;
+        RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, HOGroundness, _PredOrFunc,
+            _LambdaEvalMethod, LambdaNonLocals, _LambdaQuantVars, _ArgModes,
+            _Detism, _LambdaGoal),
-            % If this is a ground lambda unification containing some inst any
-            % nonlocals, then the lambda should be marked as impure.
-            %
-        RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, ho_ground, _, _, NonLocals, _, _, _, _),
         Purity \= purity_impure,
+            HOGroundness = ho_ground,
         mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
         AnyVars = list.filter(var_inst_contains_any(ModuleInfo, InstMap),
-            NonLocals),
+                LambdaNonLocals),
         AnyVars = [_ | _]
             purity_error_lambda_should_be_any(AnyVars), !ModeInfo),
-        Unify = conj(plain_conj, [])
+            Goal = conj(plain_conj, [])
-        modecheck_unification_2(X, RHS, Unification0, UnifyContext,
-            UnifyGoalInfo0, Unify, !ModeInfo, !IO)
+            (
+                goal_info_has_feature(UnifyGoalInfo0,
+                    feature_lambda_undetermined_mode)
+            ->
+                modecheck_unification_rhs_undetermined_mode_lambda(LHSVar,
+                    RHS, Unification0, UnifyContext, UnifyGoalInfo0, Goal,
+                    !ModeInfo, !IO)
+            ;
+                modecheck_unification_rhs_lambda(LHSVar,
+                    RHS, Unification0, UnifyContext, UnifyGoalInfo0, Goal,
+                    !ModeInfo, !IO)
+            )
+        )
-:- pred modecheck_unification_2(prog_var::in, unify_rhs::in, unification::in,
+:- pred modecheck_unification_var(prog_var::in, prog_var::in, unification::in,
     unify_context::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-modecheck_unification_2(X, rhs_var(Y), Unification0, UnifyContext,
+modecheck_unification_var(X, Y, Unification0, UnifyContext,
         UnifyGoalInfo0, UnifyGoalExpr, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
     mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, X, InstOfX0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Y, InstOfY0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, X, InstOfX0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Y, InstOfY0),
     % If X and Y are free and have a solver type and we are allowed to
     % insert initialisation calls at this point, then do so to allow
     % scheduling of the unification.
@@ -150,7 +168,7 @@
         construct_initialisation_call(X, VarType, any_inst,
             context_init, no, InitXGoal, !ModeInfo),
         MaybeInitX = yes(InitXGoal),
-        instmap.set(X, any_inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
+        instmap_set_var(X, any_inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
         InstOfX    = any_inst,
         InstOfY    = InstOfY0
@@ -221,14 +239,17 @@
         UnifyGoalExpr = unify(X, rhs_var(Y), Modes, Unification, UnifyContext)
-        rhs_functor(ConsId0, IsExistConstruction, ArgVars0),
+:- pred modecheck_unification_functor(prog_var::in, cons_id::in,
+    is_existential_construction::in, list(prog_var)::in, unification::in,
+    unify_context::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+modecheck_unification_functor(X0, ConsId0, IsExistConstruction, ArgVars0,
         Unification0, UnifyContext, GoalInfo0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
     mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes0),
     map.lookup(VarTypes0, X0, TypeOfX),
-    %
     % We replace any unifications with higher-order pred constants
     % by lambda expressions.  For example, we replace
@@ -243,7 +264,7 @@
     % (e.g. for deforestation), then we may need to do it again here.
     % Note that any changes to this code here will probably need to be
     % duplicated there too.
-    %
         % Check if variable has a higher-order type.
         type_is_higher_order_details(TypeOfX, Purity, _, EvalMethod,
@@ -261,7 +282,7 @@
         mode_info_set_var_types(VarTypes, !ModeInfo),
         % Modecheck this unification in its new form.
-        modecheck_unification_2(X0, Functor0, Unification0, UnifyContext,
+        modecheck_unification(X0, Functor0, Unification0, UnifyContext,
             GoalInfo0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
         % It's not a higher-order pred unification - just
@@ -271,17 +292,6 @@
             UnifyContext, GoalInfo0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
-modecheck_unification_2(X, LambdaGoal, Unification0, UnifyContext, GoalInfo,
-        Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
-    LambdaGoal = rhs_lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-    ( goal_info_has_feature(GoalInfo, feature_lambda_undetermined_mode) ->
-        modecheck_unification_rhs_undetermined_mode_lambda(X, LambdaGoal,
-            Unification0, UnifyContext, GoalInfo, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
-    ;
-        modecheck_unification_rhs_lambda(X, LambdaGoal, Unification0,
-            UnifyContext, GoalInfo, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
-    ).
 :- pred modecheck_unification_rhs_lambda(prog_var::in,
     unify_rhs::in(rhs_lambda_goal), unification::in, unify_context::in,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out, mode_info::in, mode_info::out,
@@ -374,13 +384,13 @@
         mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, NonLocalTypes),
         NonLocals = set.filter((pred(NonLocal::in) is semidet :-
                 map.lookup(NonLocalTypes, NonLocal, NonLocalType),
-                instmap.lookup_var(InstMap1, NonLocal, NonLocalInst),
+                instmap_lookup_var(InstMap1, NonLocal, NonLocalInst),
                 \+ inst_matches_initial(NonLocalInst, any(shared, none),
                     NonLocalType, ModuleInfo0)
             ), NonLocals1)
     set.to_sorted_list(NonLocals, NonLocalsList),
-    instmap.lookup_vars(NonLocalsList, InstMap1, NonLocalInsts),
+    instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap1, NonLocalsList, NonLocalInsts),
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo2),
         % XXX This test is too conservative.
@@ -408,7 +418,7 @@
         make_shared_inst_list(NonLocalInsts, SharedNonLocalInsts,
             ModuleInfo2, ModuleInfo3),
-        instmap.set_vars(NonLocalsList, SharedNonLocalInsts,
+        instmap_set_vars_corresponding(NonLocalsList, SharedNonLocalInsts,
             InstMap1, InstMap2),
         mode_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo3, !ModeInfo),
         mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap2, !ModeInfo),
@@ -436,7 +446,7 @@
         % Ensure that the non-local vars are shared OUTSIDE the
         % lambda unification as well as inside.
-        instmap.set_vars(NonLocalsList, SharedNonLocalInsts,
+        instmap_set_vars_corresponding(NonLocalsList, SharedNonLocalInsts,
             InstMap0, InstMap11),
         mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap11, !ModeInfo),
@@ -449,19 +459,19 @@
             (pred(Var :: in) is semidet :-
-                instmap.lookup_var(InstMap1, Var, Inst),
+                instmap_lookup_var(InstMap1, Var, Inst),
                 \+ inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo2, Inst)
             ), NonLocalsList, NonGroundNonLocals),
             NonGroundNonLocals = [BadVar | _],
-            instmap.lookup_var(InstMap1, BadVar, BadInst),
+            instmap_lookup_var(InstMap1, BadVar, BadInst),
             set.singleton_set(WaitingVars, BadVar),
                 mode_error_non_local_lambda_var(BadVar, BadInst), !ModeInfo)
             NonGroundNonLocals = [],
-                "modecheck_unification_2(lambda): very strange var")
+                "modecheck_unification_rhs_lambda: very strange var")
         % Return any old garbage.
         RHS = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, Groundness, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod,
@@ -479,7 +489,7 @@
         RHS0, RHS, Unification0, Unification, Mode, !ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, X, InstOfX),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, X, InstOfX),
     InstOfY = ground(unique, higher_order(LambdaPredInfo)),
     LambdaPredInfo = pred_inst_info(PredOrFunc, LambdaModes, LambdaDet),
@@ -493,7 +503,7 @@
         Mode = ModeOfX - ModeOfY,
         % the lambda expression just maps its argument variables
         % from their current insts to the same inst
-        instmap.lookup_vars(ArgVars, InstMap0, ArgInsts),
+        instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap0, ArgVars, ArgInsts),
         inst_lists_to_mode_list(ArgInsts, ArgInsts, ArgModes),
         categorize_unify_var_lambda(ModeOfX, ArgModes, X, ArgVars, PredOrFunc,
             RHS0, RHS, Unification0, Unification, !ModeInfo),
@@ -522,9 +532,9 @@
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out, mode_info::in, mode_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-modecheck_unification_rhs_undetermined_mode_lambda(X, LambdaGoal0, Unification,
+modecheck_unification_rhs_undetermined_mode_lambda(X, RHS0, Unification,
         UnifyContext, GoalInfo0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
-    LambdaGoal0 = rhs_lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Goal0),
+    RHS0 = rhs_lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, Goal0),
     % Find out the predicate called in the lambda goal.
     ( predids_with_args_from_goal(Goal0, [{PredId, ArgVars}]) ->
         mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
@@ -543,12 +553,11 @@
             Goal = true_goal_expr
             MatchResult = possible_modes([ProcId]),
-            fix_undetermined_mode_lambda_goal(ProcId, LambdaGoal0, LambdaGoal,
-                ModuleInfo),
+            fix_undetermined_mode_lambda_goal(ProcId, RHS0, RHS, ModuleInfo),
                 GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
             % Modecheck this unification in its new form.
-            modecheck_unification_2(X, LambdaGoal, Unification, UnifyContext,
+            modecheck_unification_rhs_lambda(X, RHS, Unification, UnifyContext,
                 GoalInfo, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
             MatchResult = possible_modes([_, _ | _]),
@@ -580,7 +589,7 @@
     qualify_cons_id(TypeOfX, ArgVars0, ConsId0, ConsId, InstConsId),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, X0, InstOfX0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, X0, InstOfX0),
         % If the unification was originally of the form X = 'new f'(Y),
         % it must be classified as a construction. If it were classified as a
@@ -618,7 +627,7 @@
         inst_match.inst_is_free(ModuleInfo0, InstOfX),
-        instmap.lookup_vars(ArgVars0, InstMap0, InstArgs0),
+        instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap0, ArgVars0, InstArgs0),
         all_arg_vars_are_non_free_or_solver_vars(ArgVars0, InstArgs0,
             VarTypes, ModuleInfo0, ArgVarsToInit)
@@ -634,7 +643,7 @@
         ExtraGoals1 = no_extra_goals
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap1),
-    instmap.lookup_vars(ArgVars0, InstMap1, InstArgs),
+    instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap1, ArgVars0, InstArgs),
     mode_info_var_list_is_live(!.ModeInfo, ArgVars0, LiveArgs),
     InstOfY = bound(unique, [bound_functor(InstConsId, InstArgs)]),
@@ -756,11 +765,10 @@
         ExtraGoals2 = no_extra_goals
-    %
     % Optimize away construction of unused terms by replacing the unification
     % with `true'. Optimize away unifications which always fail by replacing
     % them with `fail'.
-    %
         Unification = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
         LiveX = is_dead
@@ -807,20 +815,20 @@
         Functor = rhs_functor(ConsId, IsExistConstruction, ArgVars),
         Unify = unify(X, Functor, Mode, Unification, UnifyContext),
-        %
         % Modecheck_unification sometimes needs to introduce new goals
         % to handle complicated sub-unifications in deconstructions.
         % The only time this can happen during unique mode analysis is if
         % the instmap is unreachable, since inst_is_bound succeeds for
         % not_reached. (If it did in other cases, the code would be wrong
         % since it wouldn't have the correct determinism annotations.)
-        %
         append_extra_goals(ExtraGoals0, ExtraGoals1, ExtraGoals01),
         append_extra_goals(ExtraGoals01, ExtraGoals2, ExtraGoals),
             HowToCheckGoal = check_unique_modes,
             ExtraGoals = extra_goals(_, _),
-            instmap.is_reachable(InstMap1)
+            instmap_is_reachable(InstMap1)
                 "re-modecheck of unification " ++
@@ -1192,7 +1200,6 @@
         mode_info_error(WaitingVars, mode_error_poly_unify(Y, InitialInstY),
         % Check that we're not trying to do a higher-order unification.
         type_is_higher_order_details(Type, _, PredOrFunc, _, _)
@@ -1206,7 +1213,7 @@
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
             ( is_unify_or_compare_pred(PredInfo)
-            ; instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap0)
+            ; instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap0)
@@ -1284,7 +1291,7 @@
             % not be converted back to a predicate constant, but that doesn't
             % matter since the code will be pruned away later by simplify.m.
             ConsId = pred_const(ShroudedPredProcId, EvalMethod),
-            instmap.is_reachable(InstMap)
+            instmap_is_reachable(InstMap)
             proc(PredId, ProcId) = unshroud_pred_proc_id(ShroudedPredProcId),
@@ -1305,7 +1312,7 @@
         Unification = construct(X, ConsId, ArgVars, ArgModes,
             construct_dynamically, cell_is_unique, SubInfo)
-    ; instmap.is_reachable(InstMap) ->
+    ; instmap_is_reachable(InstMap) ->
         % If it is a deconstruction, it is a mode error.
         % The error message would be incorrect in unreachable code,
         % since not_reached is considered bound.
@@ -1403,7 +1410,7 @@
             mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
                 type_is_higher_order_details(TypeOfX, _, PredOrFunc, _, _),
-                instmap.is_reachable(InstMap0)
+                instmap_is_reachable(InstMap0)
@@ -1512,7 +1519,7 @@
     % to delay the goal.
     Initial = mode_get_initial_inst(ModuleInfo, ArgMode),
     ( Initial = ground(_, higher_order(_)) ->
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
         map.lookup(VarTypes, Arg, ArgType),
         ( inst_matches_initial(ArgInst, Initial, ArgType, ModuleInfo) ->
             match_mode_by_higher_order_insts(ModuleInfo, InstMap, VarTypes,
@@ -1631,7 +1638,7 @@
 init_instmap_may_have_subtype(ModeInfo) = MayHaveSubtype :-
     mode_info_get_initial_instmap(ModeInfo, InitialInstMap),
-    instmap.to_assoc_list(InitialInstMap, InitVarsInsts),
+    instmap_to_assoc_list(InitialInstMap, InitVarsInsts),
     assoc_list.values(InitVarsInsts, InitInsts),
     mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
     MayRestrictList =
Index: compiler/modes.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.371
diff -u -b -r1.371 modes.m
--- compiler/modes.m	8 Sep 2008 04:35:53 -0000	1.371
+++ compiler/modes.m	12 Dec 2008 04:39:40 -0000
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@
 :- import_module mdbcomp.
 :- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.
 :- import_module parse_tree.error_util.
+:- import_module parse_tree.mercury_to_mercury.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_event.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_mode.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_out.
@@ -396,6 +397,7 @@
 :- import_module pair.
 :- import_module set.
 :- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
 :- import_module term.
 :- import_module varset.
@@ -492,7 +494,6 @@
                 DebugModes = no
-            %
             % Mode analysis may have modified the procedure bodies,
             % since it does some optimizations such as deleting unreachable
             % code. But since we didn't reach a fixpoint yet, the mode
@@ -500,7 +501,6 @@
             % will have been done based on incomplete information, and so
             % they may produce incorrect results. We thus need to restore
             % the old procedure bodies.
-            %
                 WhatToCheck = check_modes,
@@ -582,20 +582,19 @@
         map.set(PredTable0, PredId, PredInfo, PredTable)
-    % copy_proc_body(OldProcTable, ProcId, ProcTable0, ProcTable):
+    % copy_proc_body(OldProcTable, ProcId, !ProcTable):
-    % Copy the body of the specified ProcId from OldProcTable
-    % into ProcTable0, giving ProcTable.
+    % Copy the body of the specified ProcId from OldProcTable into !ProcTable.
 :- pred copy_proc_body(proc_table::in, proc_id::in,
     proc_table::in, proc_table::out) is det.
-copy_proc_body(OldProcTable, ProcId, ProcTable0, ProcTable) :-
+copy_proc_body(OldProcTable, ProcId, !ProcTable) :-
     map.lookup(OldProcTable, ProcId, OldProcInfo),
     proc_info_get_goal(OldProcInfo, OldProcBody),
-    map.lookup(ProcTable0, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
+    map.lookup(!.ProcTable, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
     proc_info_set_goal(OldProcBody, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo),
-    map.set(ProcTable0, ProcId, ProcInfo, ProcTable).
+    svmap.set(ProcId, ProcInfo, !ProcTable).
 :- func should_modecheck_pred(pred_info) = bool.
@@ -656,24 +655,21 @@
     ( check_marker(Markers, marker_infer_modes) ->
             WhatToCheck = check_modes,
-            write_pred_progress_message("% Mode-analysing ",
-                PredId, ModuleInfo, !IO)
+            Msg = "% Mode-analysing "
             WhatToCheck = check_unique_modes,
-            write_pred_progress_message("% Unique-mode-analysing ",
-                PredId, ModuleInfo, !IO)
+            Msg = "% Unique-mode-analysing "
             WhatToCheck = check_modes,
-            write_pred_progress_message("% Mode-checking ",
-                PredId, ModuleInfo, !IO)
+            Msg = "% Mode-checking "
             WhatToCheck = check_unique_modes,
-            write_pred_progress_message("% Unique-mode-checking ",
-                PredId, ModuleInfo, !IO)
+            Msg = "% Unique-mode-checking "
-    ).
+    ),
+    write_pred_progress_message(Msg, PredId, ModuleInfo, !IO).
@@ -708,9 +704,8 @@
     ProcIds = pred_info_procids(PredInfo0),
     modecheck_procs(ProcIds, PredId, WhatToCheck, MayChangeCalledProc,
         !ModuleInfo, !Changed, init_error_spec_accumulator, ErrorSpecs, !IO),
-    %
     % Report errors and warnings.
-    %
     module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
     ErrorSpecsList = error_spec_accumulator_to_list(ErrorSpecs),
     write_error_specs(ErrorSpecsList, Globals, 0, _NumWarnings, 0, NumErrors,
@@ -806,7 +801,7 @@
         % Construct the initial instmap.
         mode_list_get_initial_insts(!.ModuleInfo, ArgModes0, ArgInitialInsts),
         assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, ArgInitialInsts, InstAL),
-        instmap.from_assoc_list(InstAL, InstMap0),
+        instmap_from_assoc_list(InstAL, InstMap0),
         % Construct the initial set of live vars:
         % initially, only the non-clobbered head variables are live.
@@ -912,7 +907,7 @@
             % Manufacture an instmap_delta for the disjunction as a whole.
             assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, ArgFinalInsts0,
-            instmap.from_assoc_list(HeadVarFinalInsts, FinalInstMap),
+            instmap_from_assoc_list(HeadVarFinalInsts, FinalInstMap),
             compute_instmap_delta(InstMap0, FinalInstMap, BodyNonLocals,
@@ -1017,7 +1012,7 @@
     % Modecheck this case (if it is reachable).
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap1),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
         modecheck_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !ModeInfo, !IO),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap)
@@ -1065,7 +1060,7 @@
     modecheck_functors_test(Var, MainConsId, OtherConsIds, !ModeInfo),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap1),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
         unique_modes_check_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !ModeInfo, !IO)
         % We should not mode-analyse the goal, since it is unreachable.
@@ -1085,21 +1080,21 @@
-    % Modecheck_final_insts for a lambda expression.
+    % This is modecheck_final_insts for a lambda expression.
 modecheck_lambda_final_insts(HeadVars, ArgFinalInsts, !Goal, !ModeInfo) :-
-        % for lambda expressions, modes must always be
-        % declared, we never infer them.
+    % For lambda expressions, modes must always be declared;
+    % we never infer them.
     InferModes = no,
     modecheck_final_insts(HeadVars, InferModes, ArgFinalInsts,
         _NewFinalInsts, !Goal, !ModeInfo).
+    % Check that the final insts of the head vars match their expected insts.
+    %
 :- pred modecheck_final_insts(list(prog_var)::in, bool::in,
     list(mer_inst)::in, list(mer_inst)::out, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     mode_info::in, mode_info::out) is det.
-    % Check that the final insts of the head vars match their expected insts.
-    %
 modecheck_final_insts(HeadVars, InferModes, FinalInsts0, FinalInsts,
         Body0, Body, !ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
@@ -1112,10 +1107,9 @@
     % rejected modes.
         Errors = [_ | _],
-        % If there were any mode errors, something must have
-        % changed, since if the procedure had mode errors
-        % in a previous pass then it wouldn't have been
-        % processed at all in this pass.
+        % If there were any mode errors, something must have changed, since
+        % if the procedure had mode errors in a previous pass, then it
+        % wouldn't have been processed at all in this pass.
         Changed0 = yes,
@@ -1124,7 +1118,7 @@
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap)
     mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes),
-    instmap.lookup_vars(HeadVars, InstMap, VarFinalInsts1),
+    instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, HeadVars, VarFinalInsts1),
     map.apply_to_list(HeadVars, VarTypes, ArgTypes),
         InferModes = yes,
@@ -1360,7 +1354,8 @@
         ConjType = plain_conj,
         mode_checkpoint(enter, "conj", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            Goals0 = [],         % for efficiency, optimize common case
+            Goals0 = [],
+            % Optimize the common case for efficiency.
             GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, [])
             Goals0 = [_ | _],
@@ -1393,23 +1388,109 @@
         % modecheck_clause_disj or the code that calls it.
         Disjuncts0 = [_ | _],
         NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
-        modecheck_disj_list(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts1, InstMapList0,
-            !ModeInfo, !IO),
+        modecheck_disj_list(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts1, InstMaps0,
+            NonLocals, LargeFlatConstructs, !ModeInfo, !IO),
         ( mode_info_solver_init_is_supported(!.ModeInfo) ->
             mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes),
-                VarTypes, Disjuncts1, Disjuncts2, InstMapList0, InstMapList,
+                VarTypes, Disjuncts1, Disjuncts2, InstMaps0, InstMaps,
-            InstMapList = InstMapList0,
+            InstMaps = InstMaps0,
             Disjuncts2 = Disjuncts1
-        Disjuncts = flatten_disjs(Disjuncts2),
-        instmap_merge(NonLocals, InstMapList, merge_disj, !ModeInfo),
+        Disjuncts3 = flatten_disjs(Disjuncts2),
+        merge_disj_branches(NonLocals, LargeFlatConstructs,
+            Disjuncts3, Disjuncts, InstMaps, !ModeInfo),
         disj_list_to_goal(Disjuncts, GoalInfo0, hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo))
     mode_checkpoint(exit, "disj", !ModeInfo, !IO).
+:- pred modecheck_goal_switch(prog_var::in, can_fail::in, list(case)::in,
+    hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+modecheck_goal_switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0, GoalInfo0, GoalExpr,
+        !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
+    mode_checkpoint(enter, "switch", !ModeInfo, !IO),
+    (
+        Cases0 = [],
+        Cases = [],
+        instmap.init_unreachable(InstMap),
+        mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo)
+    ;
+        % If you modify this code, you may also need to modify
+        % modecheck_clause_switch or the code that calls it.
+        Cases0 = [_ | _],
+        NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
+        modecheck_case_list(Cases0, Var, Cases1, InstMaps,
+            NonLocals, LargeFlatConstructs, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+        merge_switch_branches(NonLocals, LargeFlatConstructs,
+            Cases1, Cases, InstMaps, !ModeInfo)
+    ),
+    GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
+    mode_checkpoint(exit, "switch", !ModeInfo, !IO).
+:- pred merge_disj_branches(set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+    list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out, list(instmap)::in,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out) is det.
+merge_disj_branches(NonLocals, LargeFlatConstructs, Disjuncts0, Disjuncts,
+        InstMaps0, !ModeInfo) :-
+    ( set.empty(LargeFlatConstructs) ->
+        Disjuncts = Disjuncts0,
+        InstMaps = InstMaps0
+    ;
+        % The instmaps will each map every var in LargeFlatConstructs
+        % to a very big inst. This means that instmap_merge will take a long
+        % time on those variables and add lots of big insts to the merge_inst
+        % table. That in turn will cause the later equiv_type_hlds pass
+        % to take a long time processing the merge_inst table. All this
+        % expensse is for nothing, since the chances that the following code
+        % wants to know the precise set of possible bindings of variables
+        % constructed in what are effectively fact tables is astronomically
+        % small.
+        %
+        % For the variables in LargeFlatConstructs, we know that their
+        % final insts do not cause unreachability, do not have uniqueness,
+        % do not have higher order inst info, and any information they contain
+        % about specific bindings is something we are better off without.
+        % We therefore just map all these variables to ground in the instmaps
+        % of all the arms before merging them.
+        list.map(
+            set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goal(LargeFlatConstructs),
+            Disjuncts0, Disjuncts),
+        LargeFlatConstructList = set.to_sorted_list(LargeFlatConstructs),
+        list.map(
+            instmap_set_vars_same(ground(shared, none),
+                LargeFlatConstructList),
+            InstMaps0, InstMaps)
+    ),
+    instmap_merge(NonLocals, InstMaps, merge_disj, !ModeInfo).
+:- pred merge_switch_branches(set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::in,
+    list(case)::in, list(case)::out, list(instmap)::in,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out) is det.
+merge_switch_branches(NonLocals, LargeFlatConstructs, Cases0, Cases,
+        InstMaps0, !ModeInfo) :-
+    ( set.empty(LargeFlatConstructs) ->
+        Cases = Cases0,
+        InstMaps = InstMaps0
+    ;
+        % The same considerations apply here as in merge_disj_branches.
+        list.map(
+            set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_case(LargeFlatConstructs),
+            Cases0, Cases),
+        LargeFlatConstructList = set.to_sorted_list(LargeFlatConstructs),
+        list.map(
+            instmap_set_vars_same(ground(shared, none),
+                LargeFlatConstructList),
+            InstMaps0, InstMaps)
+    ),
+    instmap_merge(NonLocals, InstMaps, merge_disj, !ModeInfo).
 :- pred modecheck_goal_if_then_else(list(prog_var)::in,
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
@@ -1431,7 +1512,7 @@
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMapCond),
     mode_info_remove_live_vars(ThenVars, !ModeInfo),
     mode_info_unlock_vars(var_lock_if_then_else, NonLocals, !ModeInfo),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMapCond) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMapCond) ->
         modecheck_goal(Then0, Then1, !ModeInfo, !IO),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMapThen1)
@@ -1533,21 +1614,89 @@
         mode_checkpoint(exit, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
-        Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar),
+        Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, _OldKind),
         % The original goal does no quantification, so deleting the `scope'
         % would be OK. However, deleting it during mode analysis would mean
         % we don't have it during unique mode analysis.
-        (
             mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-            instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, TermVar, InstOfVar),
-            InstOfVar = free,
-            SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr0, SubGoalInfo),
-            SubGoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, [UnifyTermGoal | UnifyArgGoals]),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, TermVar, TermVarInst),
+        mode_info_get_varset(!.ModeInfo, VarSet),
+        modecheck_specializable_ground_term(SubGoal0, TermVar, TermVarInst,
+            MaybeGroundTermMode),
+        (
+            MaybeGroundTermMode = yes(construct_ground_term(RevConj0)),
+            SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(_, SubGoalInfo0),
+            modecheck_ground_term_construct(TermVar, RevConj0,
+                SubGoalInfo0, VarSet, SubGoal, !ModeInfo),
+            Kind = from_ground_term_construct,
+            UpdatedReason = from_ground_term(TermVar, Kind),
+            GoalExpr = scope(UpdatedReason, SubGoal)
+        ;
+            (
+                MaybeGroundTermMode = yes(deconstruct_ground_term(_)),
+                % We should specialize the handling of these scopes as well as
+                % scopes that construct ground terms, but we don't yet have
+                % a compelling motivating example.
+                SubGoal1 = SubGoal0,
+                Kind = from_ground_term_deconstruct
+            ;
+                MaybeGroundTermMode = no,
+                (
+                    TermVarInst = free,
+                    SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr0, SubGoalInfo0),
+                    SubGoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, SubGoalConjuncts0)
+                ->
+                    % We reverse the list here for the same reason
+                    % modecheck_specializable_ground_term does in the
+                    % corresponding case.
+                    list.reverse(SubGoalConjuncts0, SubGoalConjuncts1),
+                    SubGoalExpr1 = conj(plain_conj, SubGoalConjuncts1),
+                    SubGoal1 = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr1, SubGoalInfo0)
+                ;
+                    SubGoal1 = SubGoal0
+                ),
+                Kind = from_ground_term_other
+            ),
+            mode_checkpoint(enter, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
+            modecheck_goal(SubGoal1, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+            mode_checkpoint(exit, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
+            UpdatedReason = from_ground_term(TermVar, Kind),
+            GoalExpr = scope(UpdatedReason, SubGoal)
+        )
+    ;
+        Reason = promise_purity(_Implicit, _Purity),
+        mode_info_get_in_promise_purity_scope(!.ModeInfo, InPPScope),
+        mode_info_set_in_promise_purity_scope(in_promise_purity_scope,
+            !ModeInfo),
+        mode_checkpoint(enter, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
+        modecheck_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+        mode_checkpoint(exit, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        mode_info_set_in_promise_purity_scope(InPPScope, !ModeInfo)
+    ).
+:- type ground_term_mode
+    --->    construct_ground_term(list(hlds_goal))
+    ;       deconstruct_ground_term(list(hlds_goal)).
+:- pred modecheck_specializable_ground_term(hlds_goal::in, prog_var::in,
+    mer_inst::in, maybe(ground_term_mode)::out) is det.
+modecheck_specializable_ground_term(SubGoal, TermVar, TermVarInst,
+        MaybeGroundTermMode) :-
+    SubGoal = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr, SubGoalInfo),
+    (
+        NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(SubGoalInfo),
+        set.singleton_set(NonLocals, TermVar),
+        goal_info_get_purity(SubGoalInfo) = purity_pure,
+        SubGoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, [UnifyTermGoal | UnifyArgGoals]),
             % If TermVar is created by an impure unification, which is
             % possible for solver types, it is possible for UnifyTermGoal
             % to contain a unification other than one involving TermVar.
-            UnifyTermGoal ^ hlds_goal_expr = unify(TermVar, _, _, _, _)
+        UnifyTermGoal ^ hlds_goal_expr = unify(TermVar, _, _, _, _),
+        all_plain_construct_unifies([UnifyTermGoal | UnifyArgGoals])
+        ( TermVarInst = free ->
             % UnifyTerm unifies TermVar with the arguments created
             % by UnifyArgs. Since TermVar is now free and the
             % argument variables haven't been encountered yet,
@@ -1559,34 +1708,126 @@
             % repeatedly: it is linear instead of quadratic.
             list.reverse([UnifyTermGoal | UnifyArgGoals], RevConj),
-            RevSubGoal0 = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, RevConj), SubGoalInfo),
-            mode_info_get_in_from_ground_term(!.ModeInfo, WasInFromGroundTerm),
-            mode_info_set_in_from_ground_term(in_from_ground_term, !ModeInfo),
-            mode_checkpoint(enter, "ground scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            modecheck_goal(RevSubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            mode_checkpoint(exit, "ground scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            mode_info_set_in_from_ground_term(WasInFromGroundTerm, !ModeInfo),
-            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+            MaybeGroundTermMode = yes(construct_ground_term(RevConj))
+        ; TermVarInst = ground(shared, none) ->
+            Conj = [UnifyTermGoal | UnifyArgGoals],
+            MaybeGroundTermMode = yes(deconstruct_ground_term(Conj))
-            mode_checkpoint(enter, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            modecheck_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            mode_checkpoint(exit, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+            MaybeGroundTermMode = no
-        Reason = promise_purity(_Implicit, _Purity),
-        mode_info_get_in_promise_purity_scope(!.ModeInfo, InPPScope),
-        mode_info_set_in_promise_purity_scope(in_promise_purity_scope,
-            !ModeInfo),
-        mode_checkpoint(enter, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-        modecheck_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-        mode_checkpoint(exit, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
-        mode_info_set_in_promise_purity_scope(InPPScope, !ModeInfo)
+        MaybeGroundTermMode = no
+:- pred all_plain_construct_unifies(list(hlds_goal)::in) is semidet.
+all_plain_construct_unifies([Goal | Goals]) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
+    GoalExpr = unify(_LHSVar, RHS, _, _, _),
+    RHS = rhs_functor(_ConsId, no, _RHSVars),
+    all_plain_construct_unifies(Goals).
+:- pred modecheck_ground_term_construct(prog_var::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+    hlds_goal_info::in, prog_varset::in, hlds_goal::out,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out) is det.
+modecheck_ground_term_construct(TermVar, ConjGoals0, !.SubGoalInfo, VarSet,
+        SubGoal, !ModeInfo) :-
+    map.init(LocalVarMap0),
+    modecheck_ground_term_construct_goal_loop(VarSet, ConjGoals0, ConjGoals,
+        LocalVarMap0, LocalVarMap),
+    map.lookup(LocalVarMap, TermVar, TermVarInfo),
+    TermVarInfo = construct_var_info(TermVarInst, _),
+    instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([TermVar - TermVarInst], InstMapDelta),
+    goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, !SubGoalInfo),
+    % We present the determinism, so that the determinism analysis pass
+    % does not have to traverse the goals inside the scope.
+    goal_info_set_determinism(detism_det, !SubGoalInfo),
+    SubGoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, ConjGoals),
+    SubGoal = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr, !.SubGoalInfo),
+    mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
+    instmap_set_var(TermVar, TermVarInst, InstMap0, InstMap),
+    mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo).
+:- type construct_var_info
+    --->    construct_var_info(mer_inst, static_cons).
+:- type construct_var_info_map == map(prog_var, construct_var_info).
+:- pred modecheck_ground_term_construct_goal_loop(prog_varset::in,
+    list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+    construct_var_info_map::in, construct_var_info_map::out) is det.
+modecheck_ground_term_construct_goal_loop(_, [], [], !LocalVarMap).
+        [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !LocalVarMap) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(LHSVar, RHS, _, _, UnifyContext),
+        RHS = rhs_functor(ConsId, no, RHSVars)
+    ->
+        % We could set TermInst to simply to ground, as opposed to the inst
+        % we now use which gives information about LHSVar's shape. This would
+        % remove the need for the inst information in !LocalVarMap, and
+        % would make HLDS dumps linear in the size of the term instead of
+        % quadratic. However, due to structure sharing, the actual memory
+        % requirements of these bound insts are only linear in the size of the
+        % term.
+        modecheck_ground_term_construct_arg_loop(RHSVars, ArgInsts, UniModes,
+            StaticConss, !LocalVarMap),
+        BoundInst = bound_functor(ConsId, ArgInsts),
+        TermInst = bound(shared, [BoundInst]),
+        LHSMode = (free -> TermInst),
+        RHSMode = (TermInst -> TermInst),
+        UnifyMode = LHSMode - RHSMode,
+        ConstructHow = construct_statically(StaticConss),
+        Uniqueness = cell_is_shared,
+        Unification = construct(LHSVar, ConsId, RHSVars, UniModes,
+            ConstructHow, Uniqueness, no_construct_sub_info),
+        GoalExpr = unify(LHSVar, RHS, UnifyMode, Unification, UnifyContext),
+        instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([LHSVar - TermInst], InstMapDelta),
+        goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo1),
+        % We preset the determinism, so that the determinism analysis pass
+        % does not have to traverse the goals inside the scope.
+        goal_info_set_determinism(detism_det, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo),
+        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+        LHSVarStaticCons = static_cons(ConsId, RHSVars, StaticConss),
+        LHSVarInfo = construct_var_info(TermInst, LHSVarStaticCons),
+        svmap.det_insert(LHSVar, LHSVarInfo, !LocalVarMap)
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "modecheck_ground_term_construct_goal_loop: not rhs_functor unify")
+    ),
+    modecheck_ground_term_construct_goal_loop(VarSet, Goals0, Goals,
+        !LocalVarMap).
+:- pred modecheck_ground_term_construct_arg_loop(list(prog_var)::in,
+    list(mer_inst)::out, list(uni_mode)::out, list(static_cons)::out,
+    construct_var_info_map::in, construct_var_info_map::out) is det.
+modecheck_ground_term_construct_arg_loop([], [], [], [], !LocalVarMap).
+modecheck_ground_term_construct_arg_loop([Var | Vars], [VarInst | VarInsts],
+        [UniMode | UniModes], [StaticCons | StaticConss], !LocalVarMap) :-
+    % Each variable introduced by the superhomogeneous transformation
+    % for a ground term appears in the from_ground_term scope exactly twice.
+    % Once when it is produced (which is handled in the goal loop predicate),
+    % and once when it is consumed, which is handled here.
+    %
+    % Since there will be no more appearances of this variable, we remove it
+    % from LocalVarMap. This greatly reduces the size of LocalVarMap.
+    svmap.det_remove(Var, VarInfo, !LocalVarMap),
+    VarInfo = construct_var_info(VarInst, StaticCons),
+    LHSOldInst = free,
+    RHSOldInst = VarInst,
+    LHSNewInst = VarInst,
+    RHSNewInst = VarInst,
+    UniMode = ((LHSOldInst - RHSOldInst) -> (LHSNewInst - RHSNewInst)),
+    modecheck_ground_term_construct_arg_loop(Vars, VarInsts, UniModes,
+        StaticConss, !LocalVarMap).
 :- pred modecheck_goal_plain_call(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     list(prog_var)::in, maybe(call_unify_context)::in, sym_name::in,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
@@ -1675,7 +1916,7 @@
             Mode1 = in_mode,
             Mode2 = out_mode,
-            instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg1, Inst1),
+            instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg1, Inst1),
             Inst1 = bound(Unique, [bound_functor(ConsId, [])]),
             mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
             module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, TypeTable),
@@ -1716,29 +1957,6 @@
     mode_checkpoint(exit, "unify", !ModeInfo, !IO).
-:- pred modecheck_goal_switch(prog_var::in, can_fail::in, list(case)::in,
-    hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
-    mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-modecheck_goal_switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0, GoalInfo0, GoalExpr,
-        !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
-    mode_checkpoint(enter, "switch", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-    (
-        Cases0 = [],
-        Cases = [],
-        instmap.init_unreachable(InstMap),
-        mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo)
-    ;
-        % If you modify this code, you may also need to modify
-        % modecheck_clause_switch or the code that calls it.
-        Cases0 = [_ | _],
-        NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
-        modecheck_case_list(Cases0, Var, Cases, InstMapList, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-        instmap_merge(NonLocals, InstMapList, merge_disj, !ModeInfo)
-    ),
-    GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
-    mode_checkpoint(exit, "switch", !ModeInfo, !IO).
 :- pred modecheck_goal_call_foreign_proc(pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in,
     pred_id::in, proc_id::in, list(foreign_arg)::in, list(foreign_arg)::in,
     maybe(trace_expr(trace_runtime))::in, pragma_foreign_code_impl::in,
@@ -1882,8 +2100,8 @@
 check_no_inst_any_vars(NegCtxtDesc, [NonLocal | NonLocals], InstMap0, InstMap,
         !ModeInfo) :-
-        ( instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, NonLocal, Inst)
-        ; instmap.lookup_var(InstMap,  NonLocal, Inst)
+        ( instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, NonLocal, Inst)
+        ; instmap_lookup_var(InstMap,  NonLocal, Inst)
         mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
         inst_contains_any(ModuleInfo, Inst)
@@ -1913,7 +2131,7 @@
         % There's no point adding extra goals if the code is
         % unreachable anyway.
-        instmap.is_reachable(InstMap0),
+        instmap_is_reachable(InstMap0),
         % If we recorded errors processing the goal, it will have to be
         % reprocessed anyway, so don't add the extra goals now.
@@ -2025,14 +2243,14 @@
     construct_initialisation_calls(ThenVarsToInit, ThenInitCalls, !ModeInfo),
     InitedThenVars = list_to_set(ThenVarsToInit),
     Then = append_init_calls_to_goal(InitedThenVars, ThenInitCalls, Then0),
-    ThenInstMap = set_vars_to_inst_any(ThenVarsToInit, ThenInstMap0),
+    instmap_set_vars_same(any_inst, ThenVarsToInit, ThenInstMap0, ThenInstMap),
     ElseVarsToInit = solver_vars_to_init(EnsureInitialised, ModuleInfo,
     construct_initialisation_calls(ElseVarsToInit, ElseInitCalls, !ModeInfo),
     InitedElseVars = list_to_set(ElseVarsToInit),
     Else = append_init_calls_to_goal(InitedElseVars, ElseInitCalls, Else0),
-    ElseInstMap = set_vars_to_inst_any(ElseVarsToInit, ElseInstMap0).
+    instmap_set_vars_same(any_inst, ElseVarsToInit, ElseInstMap0, ElseInstMap).
 :- func solver_vars_that_must_be_initialised(list(prog_var),
     vartypes, module_info, list(instmap)) = list(prog_var).
@@ -2049,7 +2267,7 @@
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, VarType),
     type_is_solver_type_with_auto_init(ModuleInfo, VarType),
     list.member(InstMap, InstMaps),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     not inst_match.inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, Inst).
 :- pred is_solver_var(vartypes::in, module_info::in, prog_var::in) is semidet.
@@ -2075,7 +2293,7 @@
     construct_initialisation_calls(VarsToInit, InitCalls, !ModeInfo),
     InitedVars = list_to_set(VarsToInit),
     Goal = append_init_calls_to_goal(InitedVars, InitCalls, Goal0),
-    InstMap = set_vars_to_inst_any(VarsToInit, InstMap0),
+    instmap_set_vars_same(any_inst, VarsToInit, InstMap0, InstMap),
     add_necessary_disj_init_calls(Goals0, Goals, InstMaps0, InstMaps,
         EnsureInitialised, !ModeInfo).
@@ -2119,16 +2337,9 @@
     is semidet.
 solver_var_to_init(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Var) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     inst_match.inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, Inst).
-:- func set_vars_to_inst_any(list(prog_var), instmap) = instmap.
-set_vars_to_inst_any([], InstMap) = InstMap.
-set_vars_to_inst_any([Var | Vars], InstMap0) = InstMap :-
-    instmap.set(Var, any_inst, InstMap0, InstMap1),
-    InstMap = set_vars_to_inst_any(Vars, InstMap1).
     % Modecheck a conjunction without doing any reordering.
@@ -2144,7 +2355,7 @@
     mode_info_remove_live_vars(NonLocals, !ModeInfo),
     modecheck_goal(Goal0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
         % We should not mode-analyse the remaining goals, since they
         % are unreachable.  Instead we optimize them away, so that
         % later passes won't complain about them not having mode information.
@@ -2366,7 +2577,7 @@
     mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo, !ModeInfo),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
         % We should not mode-analyse the remaining goals, since they are
         % unreachable. Instead we optimize them away, so that later passes
         % won't complain about them not having mode information.
@@ -2399,7 +2610,7 @@
     % from inst free to inst any. This predicate attempts to schedule
     % such goals.
-    % XXX despite its name this predicate will in fact try to reschedule all
+    % XXX Despite its name this predicate will in fact try to reschedule all
     %     delayed goals, not just delayed solver goals.
 :- pred modecheck_delayed_solver_goals(conj_type::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
@@ -2473,7 +2684,7 @@
             % Work out which vars are already instantiated
             % (i.e. have non-free insts).
             mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-            instmap.to_assoc_list(InstMap, VarInsts),
+            instmap_to_assoc_list(InstMap, VarInsts),
             NonFreeVars0 = set.list_to_set(
@@ -2665,6 +2876,8 @@
     !:NonFree = set.union(NonFreeThen, NonFreeElse).
 candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal0, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+    % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes.
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(scope(_, Goal), _),
     candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars).
@@ -2679,7 +2892,6 @@
     % We assume that generic calls are deterministic. The modes field of
     % higher_order calls is junk until *after* mode analysis, hence we can't
     % handle them here.
-    %
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
     GoalExpr = generic_call(Details, Args, ArgModes, _JunkDetism),
     Details \= higher_order(_, _, _, _),
@@ -2725,7 +2937,6 @@
     set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
 candidate_init_vars_call(_ModeInfo, [], [], !NonFree, !CandidateVars).
 candidate_init_vars_call(ModeInfo, [Arg | Args], [Mode | Modes],
         !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
     mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
@@ -2742,14 +2953,12 @@
         FinalInst \= free(_)
         % And it is.
-        (
-            not set.contains(!.NonFree, Arg)
-        ->
+        ( set.contains(!.NonFree, Arg) ->
+            % This arg appears in an implied mode.
+            fail
+        ;
             % This arg is instantiated on output.
             !:NonFree = set.insert(!.NonFree, Arg)
-        ;
-            % This arg appears in an implied mode.
-            false
         % This arg is unused.
@@ -2801,9 +3010,7 @@
         mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo3, !ModeInfo),
         % See if we scheduled any goals.
-        (
-            length(DelayedGoals1) < length(DelayedGoals0)
-        ->
+        ( length(DelayedGoals1) < length(DelayedGoals0) ->
             % We scheduled some goals. Keep going until we either
             % flounder or succeed.
@@ -2915,35 +3122,37 @@
 :- pred modecheck_disj_list(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
-    list(instmap)::out, mode_info::in, mode_info::out,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(instmap)::out, set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-modecheck_disj_list([], [], [], !ModeInfo, !IO).
+modecheck_disj_list([], [], [], !LargeFlatConstructs, !ModeInfo, !IO).
 modecheck_disj_list([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], [InstMap | InstMaps],
-        !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
+        !LargeFlatConstructs, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
     modecheck_goal(Goal0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+    accumulate_large_flat_constructs(Goal, !LargeFlatConstructs),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
     mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !ModeInfo),
-    modecheck_disj_list(Goals0, Goals, InstMaps, !ModeInfo, !IO).
+    modecheck_disj_list(Goals0, Goals, InstMaps, !LargeFlatConstructs,
+        !ModeInfo, !IO).
 :- pred modecheck_case_list(list(case)::in, prog_var::in, list(case)::out,
-    list(instmap)::out, mode_info::in, mode_info::out,
-    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    list(instmap)::out, set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
+    mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-modecheck_case_list([], _Var, [], [], !ModeInfo, !IO).
+modecheck_case_list([], _Var, [], [], !LargeFlatConstructs, !ModeInfo, !IO).
 modecheck_case_list([Case0 | Cases0], Var, [Case | Cases],
-        [InstMap | InstMaps], !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
+        [InstMap | InstMaps], !LargeFlatConstructs, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
     Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    % Record the fact that Var was bound to ConsId in the
-    % instmap before processing this case.
+    % Record the fact that Var was bound to ConsId in the instmap
+    % before processing this case.
     modecheck_functors_test(Var, MainConsId, OtherConsIds, !ModeInfo),
     % Modecheck this case (if it is reachable).
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap1),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
         modecheck_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !ModeInfo, !IO),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap)
@@ -2956,10 +3165,25 @@
     % Don't lose the information added by the functor test above.
     fixup_switch_var(Var, InstMap0, InstMap, Goal1, Goal),
-    Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
+    Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
+    accumulate_large_flat_constructs(Goal, !LargeFlatConstructs),
     mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap0, !ModeInfo),
-    modecheck_case_list(Cases0, Var, Cases, InstMaps, !ModeInfo, !IO).
+    modecheck_case_list(Cases0, Var, Cases, InstMaps, !LargeFlatConstructs,
+        !ModeInfo, !IO).
+:- pred accumulate_large_flat_constructs(hlds_goal::in,
+    set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+accumulate_large_flat_constructs(Goal, !LargeFlatConstructs) :-
+    ( set.empty(!.LargeFlatConstructs) ->
+        % Calling goal_large_flat_constructs and then set.intersect
+        % would be waste of time; !:LargeFlatConstructs will still be empty.
+        true
+    ;
+        GoalLargeFlatConstructs = goal_large_flat_constructs(Goal),
+        set.intersect(GoalLargeFlatConstructs, !LargeFlatConstructs)
+    ).
 modecheck_functor_test(Var, ConsId, !ModeInfo) :-
     % Figure out the arity of this constructor, _including_ any type-infos
@@ -3011,6 +3235,157 @@
+:- func goal_large_flat_constructs(hlds_goal) = set(prog_var).
+goal_large_flat_constructs(Goal) = LargeFlatConstructs :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
+        % Unifications not wrapped in from_ground_term_construct scopes
+        % are never marked by the modechecker as being constructed statically.
+        LargeFlatConstructs = set.init
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        LargeFlatConstructs = set.init
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr = disj(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr = negation(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = shorthand(_)
+        ; GoalExpr = conj(parallel_conj, _)
+        ),
+        LargeFlatConstructs = set.init
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, _),
+        (
+            Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct),
+            LargeFlatConstructs = set.make_singleton_set(TermVar)
+        ;
+            ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_deconstruct)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_other)
+            ; Reason = exist_quant(_)
+            ; Reason = promise_solutions(_, _)
+            ; Reason = promise_purity(_, _)
+            ; Reason = commit(_)
+            ; Reason = barrier(_)
+            ; Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
+            ),
+            LargeFlatConstructs = set.init
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts),
+        goals_large_flat_constructs(Conjuncts, set.init, LargeFlatConstructs)
+    ).
+:- pred goals_large_flat_constructs(list(hlds_goal)::in,
+    set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is det.
+goals_large_flat_constructs([], !LargeFlatConstructs).
+goals_large_flat_constructs([Goal | Goals], !LargeFlatConstructs) :-
+    GoalLargeFlatConstructs = goal_large_flat_constructs(Goal),
+    set.union(GoalLargeFlatConstructs, !LargeFlatConstructs),
+    goals_large_flat_constructs(Goals, !LargeFlatConstructs).
+:- pred set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goal(set(prog_var)::in,
+    hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+        Goal0, Goal) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
+        Goal = Goal0
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        Goal = Goal0
+    ;
+        ( GoalExpr0 = disj(_)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = switch(_, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = negation(_)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = conj(parallel_conj, _)
+        ),
+        Goal = Goal0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        (
+            Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct),
+            ( set.member(TermVar, LargeFlatConstructs) ->
+                InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
+                instmap_delta_set_var(TermVar, ground(shared, none),
+                    InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
+                goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+                SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr0, SubGoalInfo0),
+                goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta,
+                    SubGoalInfo0, SubGoalInfo),
+                % We could also replace the instmap deltas of the conjuncts
+                % inside SubGoalExpr0. Doing so would take time but reduce
+                % the compiler's memory requirements.
+                SubGoal = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr0, SubGoalInfo),
+                GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+                Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+            ;
+                Goal = Goal0
+            )
+        ;
+            ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_deconstruct)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_other)
+            ; Reason = exist_quant(_)
+            ; Reason = promise_solutions(_, _)
+            ; Reason = promise_purity(_, _)
+            ; Reason = commit(_)
+            ; Reason = barrier(_)
+            ; Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
+            ),
+            Goal = Goal0
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts0),
+        set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goals(LargeFlatConstructs,
+            Conjuncts0, Conjuncts),
+        GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts),
+        InstMapDelta0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0),
+        instmap_delta_changed_vars(InstMapDelta0, ChangedVars),
+        set.intersect(ChangedVars, LargeFlatConstructs, GroundVars),
+        instmap_delta_set_vars_same(ground(shared, none),
+            set.to_sorted_list(GroundVars), InstMapDelta0, InstMapDelta),
+        goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMapDelta, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ).
+:- pred set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goals(set(prog_var)::in,
+    list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
+set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goals(_, [], []).
+        [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) :-
+    set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goal(LargeFlatConstructs,
+        Goal0, Goal),
+    set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goals(LargeFlatConstructs,
+        Goals0, Goals).
+:- pred set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_case(set(prog_var)::in,
+    case::in, case::out) is det.
+        Case0, Case) :-
+    Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
+    set_large_flat_constructs_to_ground_in_goal(LargeFlatConstructs,
+        Goal0, Goal),
+    Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal).
     % Calculate the argument number offset that needs to be passed to
     % modecheck_var_list_is_live, modecheck_var_has_inst_list, and
     % modecheck_set_var_inst_list.  This offset number is calculated
@@ -3155,7 +3530,7 @@
 modecheck_var_has_inst_exact_match(VarId, Inst, !Subst, !ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, VarId, VarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, VarId, VarInst),
     mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, VarId, Type),
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
@@ -3176,7 +3551,7 @@
 modecheck_var_has_inst_no_exact_match(VarId, Inst, !Subst, !ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, VarId, VarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, VarId, VarInst),
     mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, VarId, Type),
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
@@ -3228,10 +3603,10 @@
 modecheck_set_var_inst_call(Var0, InitialInst, FinalInst, Var, !ExtraGoals,
         !ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap0) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap0) ->
         % The new inst must be computed by unifying the
         % old inst and the proc's final inst.
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var0, VarInst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var0, VarInst0),
         handle_implied_mode(Var0, VarInst0, InitialInst, Var, !ExtraGoals,
         modecheck_set_var_inst(Var0, FinalInst, no, !ModeInfo),
@@ -3252,10 +3627,10 @@
 modecheck_set_var_inst(Var0, FinalInst, MaybeUInst, !ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_parallel_vars(!.ModeInfo, PVars0),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap0) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap0) ->
         % The new inst must be computed by unifying the
         % old inst and the proc's final inst.
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var0, Inst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var0, Inst0),
         mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
             abstractly_unify_inst(is_dead, Inst0, FinalInst,
@@ -3282,7 +3657,7 @@
             % the only thing we can have done is lose uniqueness.
             inst_matches_initial(Inst0, Inst, Type, ModuleInfo)
-            instmap.set(Var0, Inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
+            instmap_set_var(Var0, Inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
             mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo)
             % We must have either added some information,
@@ -3312,7 +3687,7 @@
                 mode_error_bind_var(Reason0, Var0, Inst0, Inst), !ModeInfo)
-            instmap.set(Var0, Inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
+            instmap_set_var(Var0, Inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
             mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo),
             mode_info_get_delay_info(!.ModeInfo, DelayInfo0),
             delay_info_bind_var(Var0, DelayInfo0, DelayInfo),
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.640
diff -u -b -r1.640 options.m
--- compiler/options.m	28 Nov 2008 06:36:59 -0000	1.640
+++ compiler/options.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -571,6 +571,7 @@
     ;       inline_simple_threshold
     ;       inline_vars_threshold
     ;       intermod_inline_simple_threshold
+    ;       from_ground_term_threshold
     ;       common_struct
     ;       common_struct_preds
     ;       common_goal
@@ -1416,6 +1417,7 @@
     intermod_inline_simple_threshold    -   int(5),
                                         % Has no effect until
                                         % --intermodule-optimization.
+    from_ground_term_threshold          -   int(5),
     common_struct                       -   bool(no),
     common_struct_preds                 -   string(""),
     common_goal                         -   bool(yes),
@@ -2203,6 +2205,8 @@
 long_option("inline-simple-threshold",      inline_simple_threshold).
+                                    from_ground_term_threshold).
 long_option("inline-vars-threshold",        inline_vars_threshold).
 long_option("common-struct",        common_struct).
 long_option("common-struct-preds",  common_struct_preds).
@@ -4580,6 +4584,10 @@
         "\tcontaining more than <threshold> variables. Procedures",
         "\tcontaining large numbers of variables can cause",
         "\tslow compilation.",
+%       "--from-ground-term-threshold <n>",
+%       "\tWrap a from_ground_term scope around the expanded,",
+%       "\tsuperhomogeneous form of a ground term that involves at least.",
+%       "\tthe given number of function symbols.",
         "\tDisable optimization of common term structures.",
 %       "--common-struct-preds <predids>",
Index: compiler/ordering_mode_constraints.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ordering_mode_constraints.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -b -r1.19 ordering_mode_constraints.m
--- compiler/ordering_mode_constraints.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:01 -0000	1.19
+++ compiler/ordering_mode_constraints.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -346,8 +346,17 @@
 :- pred goal_expr_reordering(pred_id::in, mc_var_map::in, mc_bindings::in,
     hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out) is semidet.
-goal_expr_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, conj(ConjType, Goals0),
-        conj(ConjType, Goals)) :-
+goal_expr_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, GoalExpr0, GoalExpr) :-
+    (
+        ( GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        % Atomic goals cannot be reordered.
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
         ConjType = plain_conj,
         % Build constraints for this conjunction.
@@ -364,45 +373,37 @@
         ConjType = parallel_conj,
         list.map(goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings), Goals0, Goals)
-    ).
-    % goal_expr_reordering for atomic goals, and ones that shouldn't
-    % exist yet.
-    %
-goal_expr_reordering(_PredId, _VarMap, _Bindings, GoalExpr, GoalExpr) :-
-    (
-        GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
-        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
+        list.map(goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings), Goals0, Goals),
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
-        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
-        unexpected(this_file, "shorthand goal")
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(_, _, _),
+        % We haven't yet even tried to turn disjunctions into switches.
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_reordering: switch")
-        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "switch")
-    ).
-goal_expr_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, disj(Goals0), disj(Goals)) :-
-    list.map(goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings), Goals0, Goals).
-goal_expr_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings,
-        negation(Goal0), negation(Goal)) :-
-    goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, Goal0, Goal).
-goal_expr_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, scope(Reason, Goal0),
-        scope(Reason, Goal)) :-
-    goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, Goal0, Goal).
-goal_expr_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings,
-        if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-        if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)) :-
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
     goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, Cond0, Cond),
     goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, Then0, Then),
-    goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, Else0, Else).
+        goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, Else0, Else),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, SubGoal0, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % Is it possible to special-case the handling of
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes?
+        goal_reordering(PredId, VarMap, Bindings, SubGoal0, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
+        % XXX We need to handle atomic goals.
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal_expr_reordering: NYI: shorthand")
+    ).
Index: compiler/par_conj_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/par_conj_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -b -r1.37 par_conj_gen.m
--- compiler/par_conj_gen.m	11 Oct 2007 11:45:20 -0000	1.37
+++ compiler/par_conj_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@
 find_outputs([], _Initial, _Final, _ModuleInfo, !Outputs).
 find_outputs([Var | Vars],  Initial, Final, ModuleInfo, !Outputs) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(Initial, Var, InitialInst),
-    instmap.lookup_var(Final, Var, FinalInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(Initial, Var, InitialInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(Final, Var, FinalInst),
     ( mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, (InitialInst -> FinalInst)) ->
         !:Outputs = [Var | !.Outputs]
Index: compiler/parallel_to_plain_conj.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/parallel_to_plain_conj.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -b -r1.1 parallel_to_plain_conj.m
--- compiler/parallel_to_plain_conj.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:04 -0000	1.1
+++ compiler/parallel_to_plain_conj.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -79,7 +79,12 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        parallel_to_plain_conjs_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There cannot be parallel conjunctions inside these scopes.
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
+            parallel_to_plain_conjs_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         ( GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/pd_cost.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pd_cost.m,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -b -r1.36 pd_cost.m
--- compiler/pd_cost.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:53 -0000	1.36
+++ compiler/pd_cost.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -59,23 +59,25 @@
 :- pred goal_expr_cost(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_info::in, int::out)
     is det.
-goal_expr_cost(conj(_, Goals), _, Cost) :-
-    goal_costs(Goals, 0, Cost).
-goal_expr_cost(disj(Goals), _, Cost) :-
+goal_expr_cost(GoalExpr, GoalInfo, Cost) :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals),
+        goal_costs(Goals, 0, Cost)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
     goal_costs(Goals, 0, Cost0),
-    Cost = Cost0 + cost_of_stack_flush.
-goal_expr_cost(switch(_, _, Cases), _, Cost) :-
-    cases_cost(Cases, cost_of_simple_test, Cost).
-goal_expr_cost(if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else), _, Cost) :-
+        Cost = Cost0 + cost_of_stack_flush
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        cases_cost(Cases, cost_of_simple_test, Cost)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
     goal_cost(Cond, Cost1),
     goal_cost(Then, Cost2),
     goal_cost(Else, Cost3),
-    Cost = Cost1 + Cost2 + Cost3.
-goal_expr_cost(plain_call(_, _, Args, BuiltinState, _, _), _, Cost) :-
+        Cost = Cost1 + Cost2 + Cost3
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, Args, BuiltinState, _, _),
         BuiltinState = inline_builtin,
         Cost = cost_of_builtin_call
@@ -87,24 +89,28 @@
         InputArgs = Arity // 2, % rough
         Cost = cost_of_stack_flush + cost_of_call
             + cost_of_reg_assign * InputArgs
-    ).
-goal_expr_cost(negation(Goal), _, Cost) :-
-    goal_cost(Goal, Cost).
-goal_expr_cost(scope(_, Goal), _, Cost) :-
-    goal_cost(Goal, Cost).
-goal_expr_cost(generic_call(_, Args, _, _), _, Cost) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(Goal),
+        goal_cost(Goal, Cost)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Cost = cost_of_reg_assign
+        ;
+            goal_cost(Goal, Cost)
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, Args, _, _),
     list.length(Args, Arity),
     Cost0 = cost_of_reg_assign * Arity // 2,
-    Cost = Cost0 + cost_of_stack_flush + cost_of_higher_order_call.
-goal_expr_cost(unify(_, _, _, Unification, _), GoalInfo, Cost) :-
+        Cost = Cost0 + cost_of_stack_flush + cost_of_higher_order_call
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
     NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo),
-    unify_cost(NonLocals, Unification, Cost).
-goal_expr_cost(call_foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, Args, _, _, _), _, Cost) :-
+        unify_cost(NonLocals, Unification, Cost)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, Args, _, _, _),
     ( get_may_call_mercury(Attributes) = proc_will_not_call_mercury ->
         Cost1 = 0
@@ -113,25 +119,35 @@
     % XXX This is *too* rough.
     list.length(Args, Arity),
     InputArgs = Arity // 2, % rough
-    Cost = Cost1 + cost_of_call + cost_of_reg_assign * InputArgs.
-goal_expr_cost(shorthand(_), _, _) :-
+        Cost = Cost1 + cost_of_call + cost_of_reg_assign * InputArgs
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
     % these should have been expanded out by now
-    unexpected(this_file, "goal_cost: unexpected shorthand").
+        unexpected(this_file, "goal_cost: unexpected shorthand")
+    ).
 :- pred unify_cost(set(prog_var)::in, unification::in, int::out) is det.
-unify_cost(_, assign(_, _), 0).
-unify_cost(_, complicated_unify(_, _, _), cost_of_stack_flush).
-unify_cost(_, simple_test(_, _), cost_of_simple_test).
-unify_cost(NonLocals, construct(Var, _, Args, _, _, _, _), Cost) :-
+unify_cost(NonLocals, Unification, Cost) :-
+    (
+        Unification = assign(_, _),
+        Cost = 0
+    ;
+        Unification = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
+        Cost = cost_of_stack_flush
+    ;
+        Unification = simple_test(_, _),
+        Cost = cost_of_simple_test
+    ;
+        Unification = construct(Var, _, Args, _, _, _, _),
     ( set.member(Var, NonLocals) ->
         list.length(Args, Arity),
         Cost = cost_of_heap_incr + Arity * cost_of_heap_assign
         Cost = 0
-    ).
-unify_cost(NonLocals, deconstruct(_, _, Args, _, CanFail, _), Cost) :-
+        )
+    ;
+        Unification = deconstruct(_, _, Args, _, CanFail, _),
         CanFail = can_fail,
         Cost0 = cost_of_simple_test
@@ -139,11 +155,10 @@
         CanFail = cannot_fail,
         Cost0 = 0
-    list.filter((pred(X::in) is semidet :-
-            set.member(X, NonLocals)
-        ), Args, NonLocalArgs),
+        list.filter(set.contains(NonLocals), Args, NonLocalArgs),
     list.length(NonLocalArgs, NumAssigns),
-    Cost = Cost0 + cost_of_heap_incr + NumAssigns * cost_of_heap_assign.
+        Cost = Cost0 + cost_of_heap_incr + NumAssigns * cost_of_heap_assign
+    ).
 :- pred goal_costs(list(hlds_goal)::in, int::in, int::out) is det.
Index: compiler/pd_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pd_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -b -r1.37 pd_info.m
--- compiler/pd_info.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:53 -0000	1.37
+++ compiler/pd_info.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -222,27 +222,30 @@
     % body for unfolding and deforestation opportunities.
 :- type unfold_info
     --->    unfold_info(
-                proc_info       :: proc_info,
-                instmap         :: instmap,
-                cost_delta      :: int,
-                                % improvement in cost measured while
-                                % processing this procedure
-                local_term_info :: local_term_info,
-                                % information used to prevent
-                                % infinite unfolding within the
-                                % current procedure.
-                pred_info       :: pred_info,
-                parents         :: set(pred_proc_id),
-                pred_proc_id    :: pred_proc_id,
-                                % current pred_proc_id
-                changed         :: bool,
-                                % has anything changed
-                size_delta      :: int,
-                                % increase in size measured while
-                                % processing this procedure
-                rerun_det       :: bool
-                                % does determinism analysis
-                                % need to be rerun.
+                ufi_proc_info       :: proc_info,
+                ufi_instmap         :: instmap,
+                % Improvement in cost measured while processing this procedure.
+                ufi_cost_delta      :: int,
+                % Information used to prevent infinite unfolding within the
+                % current procedure..
+                ufi_local_term_info :: local_term_info,
+                ufi_pred_info       :: pred_info,
+                ufi_parents         :: set(pred_proc_id),
+                % Current pred_proc_id.
+                ufi_pred_proc_id    :: pred_proc_id,
+                % Has anything changed?
+                ufi_changed         :: bool,
+                % Increase in size measured while processing this procedure.
+                ufi_size_delta      :: int,
+                % Does determinism analysis need to be rerun.
+                ufi_rerun_det       :: bool
     % pd_arg_info records which procedures have arguments for which
@@ -308,66 +311,66 @@
 :- implementation.
-pd_info_get_proc_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ proc_info) :-
+pd_info_get_proc_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_proc_info) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_instmap(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ instmap) :-
+pd_info_get_instmap(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_instmap) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_cost_delta(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ cost_delta) :-
+pd_info_get_cost_delta(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_cost_delta) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_local_term_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ local_term_info) :-
+pd_info_get_local_term_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_local_term_info) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_pred_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ pred_info) :-
+pd_info_get_pred_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_pred_info) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_parents(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ parents) :-
+pd_info_get_parents(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_parents) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_pred_proc_id(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ pred_proc_id) :-
+pd_info_get_pred_proc_id(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_pred_proc_id) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_changed(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ changed) :-
+pd_info_get_changed(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_changed) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_size_delta(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ size_delta) :-
+pd_info_get_size_delta(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_size_delta) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
-pd_info_get_rerun_det(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ rerun_det) :-
+pd_info_get_rerun_det(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo ^ ufi_rerun_det) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(PDInfo, UnfoldInfo).
 pd_info_set_proc_info(ProcInfo, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ proc_info := ProcInfo,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_proc_info := ProcInfo,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ instmap := InstMap,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_instmap := InstMap,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_cost_delta(CostDelta, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ cost_delta := CostDelta,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_cost_delta := CostDelta,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_local_term_info(TermInfo, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ local_term_info := TermInfo,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_local_term_info := TermInfo,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_pred_info(PredInfo, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ pred_info := PredInfo,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_pred_info := PredInfo,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_parents(Parents, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ parents := Parents,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_parents := Parents,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_pred_proc_id(PredProcId, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ pred_proc_id := PredProcId,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_pred_proc_id := PredProcId,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_changed(Changed, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ changed := Changed,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_changed := Changed,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_size_delta(SizeDelta, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ size_delta := SizeDelta,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_size_delta := SizeDelta,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_set_rerun_det(Rerun, !PDInfo) :-
     pd_info_get_unfold_info(!.PDInfo, UnfoldInfo0),
-    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ rerun_det := Rerun,
+    UnfoldInfo = UnfoldInfo0 ^ ufi_rerun_det := Rerun,
     pd_info_set_unfold_info(UnfoldInfo, !PDInfo).
 pd_info_incr_cost_delta(Delta1, !PDInfo) :-
@@ -591,9 +594,9 @@
 pd_info.check_insts(_, [], _, _, _, _, !ExactSoFar).
 pd_info.check_insts(ModuleInfo, [OldVar | Vars], VarRenaming, OldInstMap,
         NewInstMap, VarTypes, !ExactSoFar) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(OldInstMap, OldVar, OldVarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(OldInstMap, OldVar, OldVarInst),
     map.lookup(VarRenaming, OldVar, NewVar),
-    instmap.lookup_var(NewInstMap, NewVar, NewVarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(NewInstMap, NewVar, NewVarInst),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, NewVar, Type),
     inst_matches_initial(NewVarInst, OldVarInst, Type, ModuleInfo),
Index: compiler/pd_term.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pd_term.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -b -r1.18 pd_term.m
--- compiler/pd_term.m	6 Jan 2007 09:23:46 -0000	1.18
+++ compiler/pd_term.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
         [ArgNo - Size | Sizes]) :-
     NextArgNo = ArgNo + 1,
     initial_sizes(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Args, NextArgNo, Sizes),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
     pd_util.inst_size(ModuleInfo, ArgInst, Size).
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
     get_matching_sizes(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Args, OldSizes, NewSizes,
         OldTotal1, NewTotal1),
     list.index1_det(Args, ArgNo, Arg),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Arg, ArgInst),
     pd_util.inst_size(ModuleInfo, ArgInst, NewSize),
     OldTotal = OldTotal1 + OldSize,
     NewTotal = NewTotal1 + NewSize.
Index: compiler/pd_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pd_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -u -b -r1.70 pd_util.m
--- compiler/pd_util.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:04 -0000	1.70
+++ compiler/pd_util.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
     ( instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, NonLocal, FinalInst0) ->
         FinalInst = FinalInst0
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, NonLocal, FinalInst)
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, NonLocal, FinalInst)
     ( inst_is_clobbered(ModuleInfo, FinalInst) ->
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
     AddExtraInfoVars =
         (pred(ChangedVar::in, Vars0::in, Vars::out) is det :-
-                instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, ChangedVar, VarInst),
+                instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, ChangedVar, VarInst),
                 instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, ChangedVar,
                 inst_is_bound_to_functors(ModuleInfo, DeltaVarInst, [_]),
Index: compiler/polymorphism.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/polymorphism.m,v
retrieving revision 1.335
diff -u -b -r1.335 polymorphism.m
--- compiler/polymorphism.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:01 -0000	1.335
+++ compiler/polymorphism.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
     map.apply_to_list(ExtraHeadVarList, VarTypes0, ExtraArgTypes),
-    list.append(ExtraArgTypes, ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
+    ArgTypes = ExtraArgTypes ++ ArgTypes0,
     pred_info_set_arg_types(TypeVarSet, ExistQVars, ArgTypes,
         PredInfo0, PredInfo1),
@@ -672,7 +672,7 @@
     % XXX ARGVEC - revisit this when the proc_info uses proc_arg_vectors.
     proc_info_get_argmodes(!.ProcInfo, ArgModes1),
     ExtraArgModesList = poly_arg_vector_to_list(ExtraArgModes),
-    list.append(ExtraArgModesList, ArgModes1, ArgModes),
+    ArgModes = ExtraArgModesList ++ ArgModes1,
     proc_info_set_argmodes(ArgModes, !ProcInfo).
     % XXX document me
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@
         ArgVars = ExtraVars ++ ArgVars0,
         CallExpr = GoalExpr0 ^ call_args := ArgVars,
         Call = hlds_goal(CallExpr, GoalInfo),
-        list.append(ExtraGoals, [Call], GoalList),
+        GoalList = ExtraGoals ++ [Call],
         conj_list_to_goal(GoalList, GoalInfo0, Goal)
         GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, PredId, _, _, _, _, _),
@@ -1105,8 +1105,54 @@
             polymorphism_process_case_list(Cases0, Cases, !Info),
             GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
-            GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+            GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason0, SubGoal0),
+            (
+                Reason0 =
+                    from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct)
+            ->
+                poly_info_get_varset(!.Info, VarSetBefore),
+                MaxVarBefore = varset.max_var(VarSetBefore),
+                polymorphism_process_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+                poly_info_get_varset(!.Info, VarSetAfter),
+                MaxVarAfter = varset.max_var(VarSetAfter),
+                ( not MaxVarAfter = MaxVarBefore ->
+                    % We did introduced some variables into the scope,
+                    % so we cannot guarantee that the scope still satisfies
+                    % the invariants of from_ground_term_construct scopes.
+                    Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_other)
+                ;
+                    poly_info_get_var_types(!.Info, VarTypes),
+                    map.lookup(VarTypes, TermVar, TermVarType),
+                    type_vars(TermVarType, TermVarTypeVars),
+                    (
+                        TermVarTypeVars = [_ | _],
+                        % We may have (and probably did) modified the code in
+                        % the scope by adding a reference to typeinfo variables
+                        % representing TermVarTypeVars.
+                        Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar,
+                            from_ground_term_other)
+                    ;
+                        TermVarTypeVars = [],
+                        % TermVarTypeVars = [] says that there is no
+                        % polymorphism imposed from the outside via TermVar,
+                        % and MaxVarAfter = MaxVarBefore says that there was no
+                        % polymorphism added by the goals inside the scope
+                        % (since those would have required the creation of
+                        % new typeinfo variables).
+                        % XXX zs: I am only 90% sure of the statement in the
+                        % parentheses. If it turns out to be wrong, we would
+                        % have to add a flag to poly_infos that is set whenever
+                        % this pass modifies a goal, at least in ways that
+                        % would invalidate the from_ground_term_construct
+                        % invariant.
+                        Reason = Reason0
+                    )
+                )
+            ;
             polymorphism_process_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+                Reason = Reason0
+            ),
             GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
             GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
@@ -1147,14 +1193,14 @@
         MaybeNameMode = yes(ArgName0 - Mode),
         ( mode_is_output(ModuleInfo, Mode) ->
-            string.append("&", ArgName0, ArgName)
+            ArgName = "&" ++ ArgName0
             ArgName = ArgName0
         ( String0 = "" ->
             String = ArgName
-            String = string.append_list([ArgName, ", ", String0])
+            String = ArgName ++ ", " ++ String0
         MaybeNameMode = no,
@@ -1204,7 +1250,7 @@
         fixup_lambda_quantification(ArgVars0, LambdaVars, ExistQVars,
             LambdaGoal1, LambdaGoal, NonLocalTypeInfos, !Info),
         set.to_sorted_list(NonLocalTypeInfos, NonLocalTypeInfosList),
-        list.append(NonLocalTypeInfosList, ArgVars0, ArgVars),
+        ArgVars = NonLocalTypeInfosList ++ ArgVars0,
         Y1 = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, Groundness, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod,
             ArgVars, LambdaVars, Modes, Det, LambdaGoal),
         NonLocals0 = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
@@ -1372,7 +1418,7 @@
             IsConstruction, ActualArgTypes, TypeOfX, GoalInfo0,
             ExtraVars, ExtraGoals, !Info),
-        list.append(ExtraVars, ArgVars0, ArgVars),
+        ArgVars = ExtraVars ++ ArgVars0,
         NonLocals0 = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
         set.insert_list(NonLocals0, ExtraVars, NonLocals),
         goal_info_set_nonlocals(NonLocals, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo1),
@@ -1385,7 +1431,7 @@
         UnifyExpr = unify(X0, rhs_functor(ConsId, IsConstruction, ArgVars),
             Mode0, Unification, UnifyContext),
         Unify = hlds_goal(UnifyExpr, GoalInfo),
-        list.append(ExtraGoals, [Unify], GoalList),
+        GoalList = ExtraGoals ++ [Unify],
         conj_list_to_goal(GoalList, GoalInfo0, Goal)
         % We leave construction/deconstruction unifications alone.
@@ -1402,10 +1448,9 @@
 convert_pred_to_lambda_goal(Purity, EvalMethod, X0, PredId, ProcId,
         ArgVars0, PredArgTypes, UnifyContext, GoalInfo0, Context,
         ModuleInfo0, Functor, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
     % Create the new lambda-quantified variables.
     create_fresh_vars(PredArgTypes, LambdaVars, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
-    list.append(ArgVars0, LambdaVars, Args),
+    Args = ArgVars0 ++ LambdaVars,
     % Build up the hlds_goal_expr for the call that will form the lambda goal.
     module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, PredId, ProcId,
@@ -1424,7 +1469,7 @@
     % Construct a goal_info for the lambda goal, making sure to set up
     % the nonlocals field in the goal_info correctly. The goal_path is needed
     % to compute constraint_ids correctly.
-    %
     NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
     set.insert_list(NonLocals, LambdaVars, OutsideVars),
     set.list_to_set(Args, InsideVars),
@@ -1649,7 +1694,7 @@
     CallExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, PredId, ProcId,
         Args, ProcExtraArgs, MaybeTraceRuntimeCond, Impl),
     Call = hlds_goal(CallExpr, GoalInfo),
-    list.append(ExtraGoals, [Call], GoalList),
+    GoalList = ExtraGoals ++ [Call],
     conj_list_to_goal(GoalList, GoalInfo0, Goal).
 :- pred polymorphism_process_foreign_proc_args(pred_info::in, bool::in,
@@ -1736,7 +1781,7 @@
 foreign_proc_add_typeinfo(CanOptAwayUnnamed, Mode, Impl, TypeVarSet, TVar,
         MaybeArgName - native_if_possible) :-
     ( varset.search_name(TypeVarSet, TVar, TypeVarName) ->
-        string.append("TypeInfo_for_", TypeVarName, C_VarName),
+        C_VarName = "TypeInfo_for_" ++ TypeVarName,
         % If the variable name corresponding to the type_info isn't mentioned
         % in the C code fragment, don't pass the variable to the C code at all.
@@ -1765,7 +1810,7 @@
 underscore_and_tvar_name(TypeVarSet, TVar) = TVarName :-
     varset.lookup_name(TypeVarSet, TVar, TVarName0),
-    string.append("_", TVarName0, TVarName).
+    TVarName = "_" ++ TVarName0.
 :- pred polymorphism_process_goal_list(list(hlds_goal)::in,
     list(hlds_goal)::out, poly_info::in, poly_info::out) is det.
@@ -2371,7 +2416,6 @@
 construct_typeclass_info(ArgUnconstrainedTypeInfoVars, ArgTypeInfoVars,
         ArgTypeClassInfoVars, ClassId, Constraint, InstanceNum, InstanceTypes,
         SuperClassProofs, ExistQVars, NewVar, NewGoals, !Info) :-
     poly_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
     module_info_get_class_table(ModuleInfo, ClassTable),
@@ -2381,9 +2425,8 @@
         ExistQVars, ArgSuperClassVars, SuperClassGoals, !Info),
     % Lay out the argument variables as expected in the typeclass_info.
-    list.append(ArgTypeClassInfoVars, ArgSuperClassVars, ArgVars0),
-    list.append(ArgVars0, ArgTypeInfoVars, ArgVars1),
-    list.append(ArgUnconstrainedTypeInfoVars, ArgVars1, ArgVars),
+    ArgVars = ArgUnconstrainedTypeInfoVars ++ ArgTypeClassInfoVars ++
+        ArgSuperClassVars ++ ArgTypeInfoVars,
     ClassId = class_id(ClassName, _Arity),
@@ -2454,8 +2497,7 @@
     goal_info_set_determinism(detism_det, GoalInfo2, GoalInfo),
     TypeClassInfoGoal = hlds_goal(Unify, GoalInfo),
-    NewGoals0 = [TypeClassInfoGoal, BaseGoal],
-    list.append(NewGoals0, SuperClassGoals, NewGoals).
+    NewGoals = [TypeClassInfoGoal, BaseGoal] ++ SuperClassGoals.
@@ -2734,7 +2776,7 @@
             TypeInfoType = type_info_type,
             map.det_update(!.VarTypes, TypeCtorVar, TypeInfoType, !:VarTypes),
             Var = TypeCtorVar,
-            list.append(ArgTypeInfoGoals, ExtraGoals0, ExtraGoals)
+            ExtraGoals = ArgTypeInfoGoals ++ ExtraGoals0
             % The type_info to represent Type is just a type_ctor_info. We used
             % to simply change the type of TypeCtorVar from type_ctor_info to
@@ -2912,7 +2954,7 @@
     new_type_info_var(Type, type_info, Var, !Info),
     ( varset.search_name(TypeVarSet, TypeVar, TypeVarName) ->
         poly_info_get_varset(!.Info, VarSet0),
-        string.append("TypeInfo_for_", TypeVarName, VarName),
+        VarName = "TypeInfo_for_" ++ TypeVarName,
         varset.name_var(VarSet0, Var, VarName, VarSet),
         poly_info_set_varset(VarSet, !Info)
@@ -2949,7 +2991,7 @@
         % XXX Perhaps we should record the variables holding
         % type_ctor_infos in the rtti_varmaps somewhere.
-    string.append(Prefix, VarNumStr, Name),
+    Name = Prefix ++ VarNumStr,
     varset.name_var(!.VarSet, Var, Name, !:VarSet),
     map.set(!.VarTypes, Var, type_info_type, !:VarTypes).
@@ -3128,7 +3170,7 @@
     % Introduce new variable.
     varset.new_var(VarSet0, Var, VarSet1),
-    string.append("TypeClassInfo_for_", ClassString, Name),
+    Name = "TypeClassInfo_for_" ++ ClassString,
     varset.name_var(VarSet1, Var, Name, VarSet),
     build_typeclass_info_type(Constraint, DictionaryType),
     map.set(VarTypes0, Var, DictionaryType, VarTypes),
@@ -3470,10 +3512,6 @@
     poly_info::in, poly_info::out) is det.
 :- pred poly_info_set_proofs(constraint_proof_map::in,
     poly_info::in, poly_info::out) is det.
-:- pred poly_info_set_constraint_map(constraint_map::in,
-    poly_info::in, poly_info::out) is det.
-:- pred poly_info_set_module_info(module_info::in,
-    poly_info::in, poly_info::out) is det.
 poly_info_set_varset(VarSet, !PI) :-
     !PI ^ poly_varset := VarSet.
@@ -3488,10 +3526,6 @@
     !PI ^ poly_rtti_varmaps := RttiVarMaps.
 poly_info_set_proofs(Proofs, !PI) :-
     !PI ^ poly_proof_map := Proofs.
-poly_info_set_constraint_map(ConstraintMap, !PI) :-
-    !PI ^ poly_constraint_map := ConstraintMap.
-poly_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo, !PI) :-
-    !PI ^ poly_module_info := ModuleInfo.
Index: compiler/proc_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/proc_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.29
diff -u -b -r1.29 proc_gen.m
--- compiler/proc_gen.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:42 -0000	1.29
+++ compiler/proc_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@
         ArgModes = get_arginfo(!.CI),
         HeadVars = get_headvars(!.CI),
         assoc_list.from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, ArgModes, Args),
-        ( instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
+        ( instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
             OutLvals = set.init,
             FlushCode = empty
Index: compiler/prog_rep.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_rep.m,v
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -u -b -r1.65 prog_rep.m
--- compiler/prog_rep.m	2 Oct 2008 05:22:37 -0000	1.65
+++ compiler/prog_rep.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
 head_var_to_byte_list(Info, InitialInstmap, InstmapDelta, Var) = Bytes :-
     var_to_byte_list(Info, Var) = VarBytes,
     ModuleInfo = Info ^ pri_module_info,
-    lookup_var(InitialInstmap, Var, InitialInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InitialInstmap, Var, InitialInst),
     ( instmap_delta_search_var(InstmapDelta, Var, FinalInstPrime) ->
         FinalInst = FinalInstPrime
Index: compiler/prop_mode_constraints.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prop_mode_constraints.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -b -r1.19 prop_mode_constraints.m
--- compiler/prop_mode_constraints.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:13 -0000	1.19
+++ compiler/prop_mode_constraints.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -343,6 +343,8 @@
         !:GoalExpr = negation(Goal)
         !.GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         ensure_unique_arguments_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !SeenSoFar, !Varset,
         !:GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal)
Index: compiler/purity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -b -r1.123 purity.m
--- compiler/purity.m	8 Sep 2008 04:35:54 -0000	1.123
+++ compiler/purity.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -692,10 +692,14 @@
             !:Info = !.Info ^ pi_implicit_purity := ImplicitPurity0,
             Purity = PromisedPurity
+            % We haven't yet classified from_ground_term scopes into
+            % from_ground_term_construct and other kinds, which is a pity,
+            % since from_ground_term_construct scopes do not need purity
+            % checking.
             ( Reason = promise_solutions(_, _)
             ; Reason = commit(_)
             ; Reason = barrier(_)
-            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, _)
             compute_goal_purity(Goal0, Goal, Purity, ContainsTrace, !Info)
Index: compiler/quantification.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/quantification.m,v
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -b -r1.128 quantification.m
--- compiler/quantification.m	2 Dec 2008 04:20:51 -0000	1.128
+++ compiler/quantification.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -279,20 +279,21 @@
 :- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(in, out,
     in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
-implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(Goal0, Goal, NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info) :-
+implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(Goal0, Goal, NonLocalsToRecompute,
+        !Info) :-
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     get_seen(!.Info, SeenVars),
     implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr1, GoalInfo0,
-        NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
+        NonLocalsToRecompute, PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0, !Info),
     get_nonlocals(!.Info, NonLocalVars),
-    (
+    difference(PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0, NonLocalVars, LocalVars),
+    intersect(SeenVars, LocalVars, RenameVars),
         % If there are any variables that are local to the goal
         % which we have come across before, then we rename them apart.
-        goal_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal0, GoalVars0),
-        difference(GoalVars0, NonLocalVars, LocalVars),
-        intersect(SeenVars, LocalVars, RenameVars),
-        \+ empty(RenameVars)
-    ->
+    ( empty(RenameVars) ->
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr1,
+        GoalInfo1 = GoalInfo0
+    ;
         rename_apart(RenameVars, RenameMap, NonLocalsToRecompute,
             hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, GoalInfo0), hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo1),
@@ -305,9 +306,6 @@
             map.foldl(rtti_var_info_duplicate, RenameMap, !RttiVarMaps),
             set_rtti_varmaps(!.RttiVarMaps, !Info)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr = GoalExpr1,
-        GoalInfo1 = GoalInfo0
     set_goal_nonlocals_translate(NonLocalVars, NonLocals, NonLocalsToRecompute,
         GoalInfo1, GoalInfo2, !Info),
@@ -335,84 +333,26 @@
     % goal_infos in the usual (no warning) case.
 :- pred implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2(hlds_goal_expr, hlds_goal_expr,
-    hlds_goal_info, nonlocals_to_recompute, quant_info, quant_info).
+    hlds_goal_info, nonlocals_to_recompute, set_of_var,
+    quant_info, quant_info).
 :- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2(in, out, in,
-    in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
+    in(ordinary_nonlocals), out, in, out) is det.
 :- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2(in, out, in,
-    in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
+    in(code_gen_nonlocals), out, in, out) is det.
 implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0,
-        NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info) :-
+        NonLocalsToRecompute, PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0, !Info) :-
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason0, SubGoal0),
-        (
-            Reason0 = exist_quant(Vars0),
-            Reason1 = exist_quant([])
-        ;
-            ( Reason0 = promise_purity(_, _)
-            ; Reason0 = promise_solutions(_, _)
-            ; Reason0 = commit(_)
-            ; Reason0 = barrier(_)
-            ; Reason0 = from_ground_term(_)
-            ),
-            Reason1 = Reason0,
-            Vars0 = []
-        ;
-            Reason0 = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, Vars0),
-            Reason1 = Reason0
-        ),
-        get_outside(!.Info, OutsideVars),
-        get_lambda_outside(!.Info, LambdaOutsideVars),
-        get_quant_vars(!.Info, QuantVars),
-        % Rename apart all the quantified variables that occur
-        % outside this goal.
-        QVars = list_to_set(Vars0),
-        intersect(OutsideVars, QVars, RenameVars1),
-        intersect(LambdaOutsideVars, QVars, RenameVars2),
-        union(RenameVars1, RenameVars2, RenameVars),
-        ( empty(RenameVars) ->
-            SubGoal1 = SubGoal0,
-            Vars = Vars0,
-            Reason = Reason1
-        ;
-            Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
-            warn_overlapping_scope(RenameVars, Context, !Info),
-            rename_apart(RenameVars, RenameMap, NonLocalsToRecompute,
-                SubGoal0, SubGoal1, !Info),
-            rename_var_list(need_not_rename, RenameMap, Vars0, Vars),
-            (
-                Reason1 = promise_solutions(PromiseVars0, Kind),
-                rename_var_list(need_not_rename, RenameMap,
-                    PromiseVars0, PromiseVars),
-                Reason = promise_solutions(PromiseVars, Kind)
-            ;
-                Reason1 = exist_quant(_),
-                % We have already handled this case.
-                Reason = Reason1
-            ;
-                ( Reason1 = promise_purity(_, _)
-                ; Reason1 = commit(_)
-                ; Reason1 = barrier(_)
-                ; Reason1 = from_ground_term(_)
-                ; Reason1 = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
-                ),
-                Reason = Reason1
-            )
-        ),
-        update_seen_vars(QVars, !Info),
-        insert_list(QuantVars, Vars, QuantVars1),
-        set_quant_vars(QuantVars1, !Info),
-        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(SubGoal1, SubGoal,
-            NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
-        get_nonlocals(!.Info, NonLocals0),
-        delete_list(NonLocals0, Vars, NonLocals),
-        set_quant_vars(QuantVars, !Info),
-        set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope(Reason0, SubGoal0,
+            GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, NonLocalsToRecompute,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0, !Info)
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
         implicitly_quantify_conj(Goals0, Goals, NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
         NonLocalVarSets0 = [],
@@ -420,7 +360,9 @@
             NonLocalVarSets0, NonLocalVarSets),
         union_list(NonLocalVarSets, NonLocalVars),
         set_nonlocals(NonLocalVars, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, Det, Cases0),
         NonLocalVarSets0 = [],
@@ -431,7 +373,9 @@
         union_list(NonLocalVarSets, NonLocalVars0),
         insert(NonLocalVars0, Var, NonLocalVars),
         set_nonlocals(NonLocalVars, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = switch(Var, Det, Cases)
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, Det, Cases),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
         % Quantified variables cannot be pushed inside a negation, so we insert
@@ -448,7 +392,9 @@
             NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         set_outside(OutsideVars, !Info),
-        set_quant_vars(QuantVars, !Info)
+        set_quant_vars(QuantVars, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars0, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         % After this pass, explicit quantifiers are redundant, since all
@@ -506,17 +452,23 @@
         intersect(NonLocalsIfThenElse, OutsideVars, NonLocalsO),
         intersect(NonLocalsIfThenElse, LambdaOutsideVars, NonLocalsL),
         union(NonLocalsO, NonLocalsL, NonLocals),
-        set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info)
+        set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, HeadVars, _, _, _),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
-        implicitly_quantify_primitive_goal(HeadVars, !Info)
+        implicitly_quantify_primitive_goal(HeadVars, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = generic_call(GenericCall, CallArgVars, _, _),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
         goal_util.generic_call_vars(GenericCall, ArgVars0),
         list.append(ArgVars0, CallArgVars, ArgVars),
-        implicitly_quantify_primitive_goal(ArgVars, !Info)
+        implicitly_quantify_primitive_goal(ArgVars, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = unify(Var, UnifyRHS0, Mode, Unification0, UnifyContext),
         get_outside(!.Info, OutsideVars),
@@ -593,14 +545,18 @@
         intersect(GoalVars, OutsideVars, NonLocalVars1),
         intersect(GoalVars, LambdaOutsideVars, NonLocalVars2),
         union(NonLocalVars1, NonLocalVars2, NonLocalVars),
-        set_nonlocals(NonLocalVars, !Info)
+        set_nonlocals(NonLocalVars, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, Args, ExtraArgs, _, _),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
         Vars = list.map(foreign_arg_var, Args),
         ExtraVars = list.map(foreign_arg_var, ExtraArgs),
         list.append(Vars, ExtraVars, AllVars),
-        implicitly_quantify_primitive_goal(AllVars, !Info)
+        implicitly_quantify_primitive_goal(AllVars, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(ShortHand0),
@@ -638,20 +594,143 @@
             GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand)
             ShortHand0 = bi_implication(LHS, RHS),
-            implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2_bi_implication(LHS, RHS,
+            implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_bi_implication(LHS, RHS,
                 GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info)
-        )
+        ),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0)
-:- pred implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2_bi_implication(
+:- pred implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope(scope_reason, hlds_goal,
+    hlds_goal_expr, hlds_goal_info, nonlocals_to_recompute, set_of_var,
+    quant_info, quant_info).
+:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope(in, in, out, in,
+    in(ordinary_nonlocals), out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope(in, in, out, in,
+    in(code_gen_nonlocals), out, in, out) is det.
+implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope(Reason0, SubGoal0, GoalExpr,
+        GoalInfo0, NonLocalsToRecompute, PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0, !Info) :-
+    GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason0, SubGoal0),
+    get_quant_vars(!.Info, QuantVars),
+    (
+        Reason0 = exist_quant(Vars0),
+        Reason1 = exist_quant([]),
+        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars(
+            Reason1, Reason, SubGoal0, SubGoal1, Vars0, Vars, GoalInfo0,
+            NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0),
+        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(SubGoal1, SubGoal,
+            NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
+        get_nonlocals(!.Info, NonLocals0),
+        delete_list(NonLocals0, Vars, NonLocals),
+        set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info)
+    ;
+        Reason0 = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct),
+        Reason = Reason0,
+        % Not quantifying the subgoal is a substantial speedup. It is ok
+        % because superhomogeneous.m sets up the nonlocal sets of the
+        % unifications, their conjunction, and the scope goal itself,
+        % and every later compiler pass than can invalidate those nonlocal sets
+        % will either set the kind to from_ground_term_other or remove the
+        % scope altogether.
+        SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+        NonLocals = make_singleton_set(TermVar),
+        set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info),
+        PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0 = NonLocals
+    ;
+        ( Reason0 = promise_purity(_, _)
+        ; Reason0 = promise_solutions(_, _)
+        ; Reason0 = commit(_)
+        ; Reason0 = barrier(_)
+        ; Reason0 = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_deconstruct)
+        ; Reason0 = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_other)
+        ),
+        Reason = Reason0,
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0),
+        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+            NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info)
+    ;
+        Reason0 = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, Vars0),
+        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars(
+            Reason0, Reason, SubGoal0, SubGoal1, Vars0, Vars, GoalInfo0,
+            NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
+        goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr0,
+            PossiblyNonLocalGoalVars0),
+        implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info(SubGoal1, SubGoal,
+            NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info),
+        get_nonlocals(!.Info, NonLocals0),
+        delete_list(NonLocals0, Vars, NonLocals),
+        set_nonlocals(NonLocals, !Info)
+    ),
+    set_quant_vars(QuantVars, !Info),
+    GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal).
+:- pred implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars(
+    scope_reason, scope_reason, hlds_goal, hlds_goal,
+    list(prog_var), list(prog_var), hlds_goal_info, nonlocals_to_recompute,
+    quant_info, quant_info).
+:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars(in, out,
+    in, out, in, out, in, in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
+:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars(in, out,
+    in, out, in, out, in, in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
+implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars(Reason0, Reason,
+        SubGoal0, SubGoal, Vars0, Vars, GoalInfo0, NonLocalsToRecompute,
+        !Info) :-
+    get_outside(!.Info, OutsideVars),
+    get_lambda_outside(!.Info, LambdaOutsideVars),
+    get_quant_vars(!.Info, QuantVars),
+    % Rename apart all the quantified variables that occur
+    % outside this goal.
+    QVars = list_to_set(Vars0),
+    intersect(OutsideVars, QVars, RenameVars1),
+    intersect(LambdaOutsideVars, QVars, RenameVars2),
+    union(RenameVars1, RenameVars2, RenameVars),
+    ( empty(RenameVars) ->
+        SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+        Vars = Vars0,
+        Reason = Reason0
+    ;
+        Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
+        warn_overlapping_scope(RenameVars, Context, !Info),
+        rename_apart(RenameVars, RenameMap, NonLocalsToRecompute,
+            SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+        rename_var_list(need_not_rename, RenameMap, Vars0, Vars),
+        (
+            Reason0 = exist_quant(_),
+            Reason = exist_quant([])
+        ;
+            Reason0 = trace_goal(Comp, Run, IO, Mut, TraceVars0),
+            rename_var_list(need_not_rename, RenameMap, TraceVars0, TraceVars),
+            Reason = trace_goal(Comp, Run, IO, Mut, TraceVars)
+        ;
+            ( Reason0 = promise_purity(_, _)
+            ; Reason0 = commit(_)
+            ; Reason0 = barrier(_)
+            ; Reason0 = from_ground_term(_, _)
+            ; Reason0 = promise_solutions(_, _)
+            ),
+            % We shouldn't invoke this predicate for these kinds of scopes.
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_scope_rename_vars")
+        )
+    ),
+    update_seen_vars(QVars, !Info),
+    insert_list(QuantVars, Vars, QuantVars1),
+    set_quant_vars(QuantVars1, !Info).
+:- pred implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_bi_implication(
     hlds_goal, hlds_goal, hlds_goal_expr, hlds_goal_info,
     nonlocals_to_recompute, quant_info, quant_info).
-:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2_bi_implication(in, in, out, in,
+:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_bi_implication(in, in, out, in,
     in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
-:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2_bi_implication(in, in, out, in,
+:- mode implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_bi_implication(in, in, out, in,
     in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
-implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_2_bi_implication(LHS0, RHS0, GoalExpr,
+implicitly_quantify_goal_quant_info_bi_implication(LHS0, RHS0, GoalExpr,
         OldGoalInfo, NonLocalsToRecompute, !Info) :-
     % Get the initial values of various settings.
@@ -1030,9 +1109,9 @@
 :- mode conj_vars(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, in, out, in, out) is det.
 conj_vars(_, [], !Set, !LambdaSet).
-conj_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, [hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo) | Goals],
-        !Set, !LambdaSet) :-
-    goal_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, !Set, !LambdaSet),
+conj_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, [Goal | Goals], !Set, !LambdaSet) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
+    goal_expr_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, !Set, !LambdaSet),
     conj_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goals, !Set, !LambdaSet).
 :- pred disj_vars(nonlocals_to_recompute, list(hlds_goal),
@@ -1067,11 +1146,7 @@
 compute_disj_vars(_, [], !Sets, !LambdaSets).
 compute_disj_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, [Goal | Goals], !Sets, !LambdaSets) :-
-    EmptySet = init,
-    EmptyLambdaSet = init,
-    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
-    goal_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr,
-        EmptySet, GoalSet, EmptyLambdaSet, GoalLambdaSet),
+    goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, GoalSet, GoalLambdaSet),
     !:Sets = [GoalSet | !.Sets],
     !:LambdaSets = [GoalLambdaSet | !.LambdaSets],
     compute_disj_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goals, !Sets, !LambdaSets).
@@ -1108,11 +1183,8 @@
 compute_case_vars(_, [], !Sets, !LambdaSets).
 compute_case_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, [Case | Cases], !Sets, !LambdaSets) :-
-    Case = case(_MainConsId, _OtherConsIds, hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo)),
-    EmptySet = init,
-    EmptyLambdaSet = init,
-    goal_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr,
-        EmptySet, GoalSet, EmptyLambdaSet, GoalLambdaSet),
+    Case = case(_MainConsId, _OtherConsIds, Goal),
+    goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, GoalSet, GoalLambdaSet),
     !:Sets = [GoalSet | !.Sets],
     !:LambdaSets = [GoalLambdaSet | !.LambdaSets],
     compute_case_vars(NonLocalsToRecompute, Cases, !Sets, !LambdaSets).
@@ -1165,10 +1237,21 @@
 :- mode goal_vars_bitset(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
 goal_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, BothSet) :-
-    goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, Set, LambdaSet),
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
+    goal_expr_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, Set, LambdaSet),
+    BothSet = union(Set, LambdaSet).
+:- pred goal_expr_vars_bitset(nonlocals_to_recompute,
+    hlds_goal_expr, set_of_var).
+:- mode goal_expr_vars_bitset(in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
+:- mode goal_expr_vars_bitset(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out) is det.
+goal_expr_vars_bitset(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, BothSet) :-
+    goal_expr_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, Set, LambdaSet),
     BothSet = union(Set, LambdaSet).
-    % goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, NonLambdaSet, LambdaSet):
+    % goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal,
+    %   NonLambdaSet, LambdaSet):
     % Set is the set of variables that occur free (unquantified) in Goal,
     % not counting occurrences in lambda expressions. LambdaSet is the set
@@ -1180,18 +1263,27 @@
 :- mode goal_vars_both(in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, out, out) is det.
 :- mode goal_vars_both(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out, out) is det.
-goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, hlds_goal(Goal, _GoalInfo),
-        Set, LambdaSet) :-
+goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, Set, LambdaSet) :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _),
+    goal_expr_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, Set, LambdaSet).
+:- pred goal_expr_vars_both(nonlocals_to_recompute, hlds_goal_expr,
+    set_of_var, set_of_var).
+:- mode goal_expr_vars_both(in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, out, out) is det.
+:- mode goal_expr_vars_both(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, out, out) is det.
+goal_expr_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, Set, LambdaSet) :-
     Set0 = init,
     LambdaSet0 = init,
-    goal_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, Goal, Set0, Set, LambdaSet0, LambdaSet).
+    goal_expr_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, Set0, Set,
+        LambdaSet0, LambdaSet).
-:- pred goal_vars_2(nonlocals_to_recompute, hlds_goal_expr,
+:- pred goal_expr_vars_2(nonlocals_to_recompute, hlds_goal_expr,
     set_of_var, set_of_var, set_of_var, set_of_var).
-:- mode goal_vars_2(in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-:- mode goal_vars_2(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode goal_expr_vars_2(in(ordinary_nonlocals), in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- mode goal_expr_vars_2(in(code_gen_nonlocals), in, in, out, in, out) is det.
-goal_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, !Set, !LambdaSet) :-
+goal_expr_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, GoalExpr, !Set, !LambdaSet) :-
         GoalExpr = unify(LHS, RHS, _, Unification, _),
         insert(!.Set, LHS, !:Set),
@@ -1280,11 +1372,12 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         SubGoal = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr, _SubGoalInfo),
-        goal_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, SubGoalExpr, !Set, !LambdaSet)
+        goal_expr_vars_2(NonLocalsToRecompute, SubGoalExpr, !Set, !LambdaSet)
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Set0 = !.Set,
         LambdaSet0 = !.LambdaSet,
+        % ZZZ
         goal_vars_both(NonLocalsToRecompute, SubGoal, !:Set, !:LambdaSet),
             Reason = exist_quant(Vars),
@@ -1300,7 +1393,9 @@
             Reason = barrier(_)
-            Reason = from_ground_term(_)
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_Var, _)
+            % _Var should have been put into the relevant sets when we
+            % processed SubGoal, since it should appear in SubGoal.
             Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
Index: compiler/rbmm.actual_region_arguments.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rbmm.actual_region_arguments.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -b -r1.3 rbmm.actual_region_arguments.m
--- compiler/rbmm.actual_region_arguments.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:14 -0000	1.3
+++ compiler/rbmm.actual_region_arguments.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -191,6 +191,8 @@
         GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
         GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         record_actual_region_arguments_goal(ModuleInfo, CallerPPId,
             RptaInfoTable, ConstantRTable, DeadRTable, BornRTable, SubGoal,
Index: compiler/rbmm.add_rbmm_goal_infos.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rbmm.add_rbmm_goal_infos.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.4 rbmm.add_rbmm_goal_infos.m
--- compiler/rbmm.add_rbmm_goal_infos.m	8 Apr 2008 20:12:17 -0000	1.4
+++ compiler/rbmm.add_rbmm_goal_infos.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -313,6 +313,8 @@
         ActualRegionsArgsProc, ResurRenamingProc, IteRenamingProc,
         NameToRegionVarProc, !Expr, !Info) :-
     !.Expr = scope(Reason, Goal0), 
+    % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes.
     collect_rbmm_goal_info_goal(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Graph,
         ActualRegionsArgsProc, ResurRenamingProc, IteRenamingProc,
         NameToRegionVarProc, Goal0, Goal),
Index: compiler/rbmm.condition_renaming.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rbmm.condition_renaming.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -b -r1.10 rbmm.condition_renaming.m
--- compiler/rbmm.condition_renaming.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:01 -0000	1.10
+++ compiler/rbmm.condition_renaming.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@
 collect_non_local_and_in_cond_regions_expr(Graph, LRBeforeProc, LRAfterProc,
         ResurRenamingProc, ResurRenamingAnnoProc, scope(_, Goal),
         !NonLocalRegionsProc, !InCondRegionsProc) :-
+    % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes.
     collect_non_local_and_in_cond_regions_goal(Graph, LRBeforeProc,
         LRAfterProc, ResurRenamingProc, ResurRenamingAnnoProc, Goal,
         !NonLocalRegionsProc, !InCondRegionsProc).
@@ -514,6 +516,8 @@
             Goal, !NonLocalRegionProc)
         Expr = scope(_, Goal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
             LRBeforeProc, LRAfterProc,
             ResurRenamingProc, ResurRenamingAnnoProc,
@@ -689,6 +693,8 @@
             Goal, !InCondRegionsProc)
         Expr = scope(_, Goal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
             LRBeforeProc, LRAfterProc,
             ResurRenamingProc, ResurRenamingAnnoProc,
@@ -852,6 +858,8 @@
 collect_ite_renaming_expr(scope(_, Goal), IteRenamedRegionProc,
         Graph, !IteRenamingProc) :-
+    % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes.
     collect_ite_renaming_goal(IteRenamedRegionProc, Graph, Goal,
@@ -960,6 +968,8 @@
             Graph, Goal, !IteRenamingProc)
         Expr = scope(_, Goal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
             Graph, Goal, !IteRenamingProc)
Index: compiler/rbmm.execution_path.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rbmm.execution_path.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -b -r1.8 rbmm.execution_path.m
--- compiler/rbmm.execution_path.m	3 Apr 2008 05:26:45 -0000	1.8
+++ compiler/rbmm.execution_path.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@
         execution_paths_covered_goal(ProcInfo, Goal, !ExecPaths)
         Expr = scope(_, Goal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         execution_paths_covered_goal(ProcInfo, Goal, !ExecPaths)
         Expr = if_then_else(_V, Cond, Then, Else),
Index: compiler/rbmm.region_transformation.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rbmm.region_transformation.m,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -b -r1.7 rbmm.region_transformation.m
--- compiler/rbmm.region_transformation.m	8 Apr 2008 20:12:17 -0000	1.7
+++ compiler/rbmm.region_transformation.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -548,6 +548,8 @@
         !:GoalExpr = negation(Goal)
         !.GoalExpr = scope(Reason, Goal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         region_transform_goal(ModuleInfo, Graph, ResurRenamingProc,
             IteRenamingProc, ActualRegionArgProc, RegionInstructionProc,
             ResurRenamingAnnoProc, IteRenamingAnnoProc, Goal0, Goal,
Index: compiler/saved_vars.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/saved_vars.m,v
retrieving revision 1.79
diff -u -b -r1.79 saved_vars.m
--- compiler/saved_vars.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:42 -0000	1.79
+++ compiler/saved_vars.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -147,7 +147,14 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        saved_vars_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !SlotInfo),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % Moving unifications around inside these scopes is
+            % (a) counterproductive, and (b) incorrect, since it would
+            % invalidate the invariants required of such scopes.
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
+            saved_vars_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !SlotInfo)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
@@ -195,7 +202,7 @@
         \+ slot_info_do_not_duplicate_var(!.SlotInfo, Var),
         skip_constant_constructs(Goals0, Constants, OtherGoals),
         OtherGoals = [First | _Rest],
-        can_push(Var, First)
+        can_push(Var, First) = yes
         set.is_member(Var, NonLocals, IsNonLocal),
         saved_vars_delay_goal(OtherGoals, Goals1, Goal0, Var, IsNonLocal,
@@ -261,28 +268,59 @@
     % NOTE: the logic of this predicate must match the logic of
     % saved_vars_delay_goal.
-:- pred can_push(prog_var::in, hlds_goal::in) is semidet.
+:- func can_push(prog_var, hlds_goal) = bool.
-can_push(Var, First) :-
-    First = hlds_goal(FirstExpr, FirstInfo),
-    FirstNonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(FirstInfo),
-    ( set.member(Var, FirstNonLocals) ->
+can_push(Var, Goal) = CanPush :-
+    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+    NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo),
+    ( set.member(Var, NonLocals) ->
-            FirstExpr = conj(plain_conj, _)
+            ( GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+            ; GoalExpr = negation(_)
+            ; GoalExpr = disj(_)
+            ; GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, _)
+            ),
+            CanPush = yes
+        ;
+            ( GoalExpr = conj(parallel_conj, _)
+            ; GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+            ; GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+            ; GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+            ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+            ),
+            CanPush = no
-            FirstExpr = scope(_, _)
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, _),
+            (
+                ( Reason = exist_quant(_)
+                ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_deconstruct)
+                ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_other)
+                ),
+                CanPush = yes
-            FirstExpr = negation(_)
+                ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct)
+                ; Reason = promise_solutions(_, _)
+                ; Reason = promise_purity(_, _)
+                ; Reason = commit(_)
+                ; Reason = barrier(_)
+                ; Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
+                ),
+                CanPush = no
+            )
-            FirstExpr = disj(_)
+            GoalExpr = switch(SwitchVar, _, _),
+            ( Var = SwitchVar ->
+                CanPush = no
-            FirstExpr = switch(SwitchVar, _, _),
-            Var \= SwitchVar
+                CanPush = yes
+            )
-            FirstExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _)
+            GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+            % These should have been expanded out by now.
+            unexpected(this_file, "can_push: unexpected shorthand")
-        true
+        CanPush = yes
     % The main inputs of this predicate are a list of goals in a
Index: compiler/simplify.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/simplify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.234
diff -u -b -r1.234 simplify.m
--- compiler/simplify.m	15 Oct 2008 04:06:04 -0000	1.234
+++ compiler/simplify.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -791,8 +791,13 @@
         Goal2 = hlds_goal(scope(Reason2, SomeGoal2), _GoalInfo2),
-        ( Reason2 = barrier(removable)
-        ; Reason2 = from_ground_term(_)
+        (
+            Reason2 = barrier(removable)
+        ;
+            Reason2 = from_ground_term(_, Kind),
+            ( Kind = from_ground_term_deconstruct
+            ; Kind = from_ground_term_other
+            )
         Goal3 = SomeGoal2
@@ -801,7 +806,7 @@
     simplify_info_maybe_clear_structs(before, Goal3, !Info),
     Goal3 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr3, GoalInfo3),
-    simplify_goal_2(GoalExpr3, GoalExpr, GoalInfo3, GoalInfo4, !Info),
+    simplify_goal_expr(GoalExpr3, GoalExpr, GoalInfo3, GoalInfo4, !Info),
     simplify_info_maybe_clear_structs(after, hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo4),
     simplify_info_set_inside_duplicated_for_switch(InsideDuplForSwitch, !Info),
@@ -862,53 +867,53 @@
 :- inst goal_expr_foreign_proc == bound(call_foreign_proc(ground, ground,
     ground, ground, ground, ground, ground)).
-:- pred simplify_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+:- pred simplify_goal_expr(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_expr(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info) :-
         !.GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals),
             ConjType = plain_conj,
-            simplify_goal_2_plain_conj(Goals, !:GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+            simplify_goal_plain_conj(Goals, !:GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
             ConjType = parallel_conj,
-            simplify_goal_2_parallel_conj(Goals, !:GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+            simplify_goal_parallel_conj(Goals, !:GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = disj(_),
-        simplify_goal_2_disj(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_disj(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = switch(_, _, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_switch(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_switch(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_generic_call(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_generic_call(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_plain_call(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_plain_call(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_unify(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_unify(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, _, _, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_ite(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_ite(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = negation(_),
-        simplify_goal_2_neg(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_neg(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = scope(_, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_scope(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_scope(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
-        simplify_goal_2_foreign_proc(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
+        simplify_goal_foreign_proc(!GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info)
         !.GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand0),
             ShortHand0 = atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner,
                 MaybeOutputVars, MainGoal, OrElseGoals),
-            simplify_goal_2_atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner,
+            simplify_goal_atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner,
                 MaybeOutputVars, MainGoal, OrElseGoals, !:GoalExpr, !GoalInfo,
@@ -918,11 +923,11 @@
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_plain_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+:- pred simplify_goal_plain_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_plain_conj(Goals0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_plain_conj(Goals0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     simplify_info_get_instmap(!.Info, InstMap0),
     excess_assigns_in_conj(GoalInfo0, Goals0, Goals1, !Info),
     simplify_conj(Goals1, [], Goals, GoalInfo0, !Info),
@@ -959,11 +964,11 @@
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_parallel_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+:- pred simplify_goal_parallel_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_parallel_conj(Goals0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_parallel_conj(Goals0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
         Goals0 = [],
         Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
@@ -982,12 +987,12 @@
         simplify_info_set_has_parallel_conj(yes, !Info)
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_disj(
+:- pred simplify_goal_disj(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_disj), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_disj(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_disj(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = disj(Disjuncts0),
     simplify_info_get_instmap(!.Info, InstMap0),
     simplify_disj(Disjuncts0, [], Disjuncts, [], InstMaps, !.Info, !Info),
@@ -1034,16 +1039,16 @@
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_switch(
+:- pred simplify_goal_switch(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_switch), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_switch(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_switch(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, SwitchCanFail0, Cases0),
     simplify_info_get_instmap(!.Info, InstMap0),
     simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, VarInst),
     ( inst_is_bound_to_functors(ModuleInfo0, VarInst, Functors) ->
         functors_to_cons_ids(Functors, ConsIds0),
         list.sort(ConsIds0, ConsIds),
@@ -1053,8 +1058,10 @@
         Cases1 = Cases0,
         MaybeConsIds = no
-    simplify_switch(Var, Cases1, [], Cases, [], InstMaps,
+    simplify_switch(Var, Cases1, [], RevCases, [], InstMaps,
+        not_seen_non_ground_term, SeenNonGroundTerm,
         SwitchCanFail0, SwitchCanFail, !.Info, !Info),
+    list.reverse(RevCases, Cases),
         Cases = [],
         % An empty switch always fails.
@@ -1124,7 +1131,11 @@
         Cases = [_, _ | _],
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases),
-        ( goal_info_has_feature(GoalInfo0, feature_mode_check_clauses_goal) ->
+        (
+            ( goal_info_has_feature(GoalInfo0, feature_mode_check_clauses_goal)
+            ; SeenNonGroundTerm = not_seen_non_ground_term
+            )
+        ->
             % Recomputing the instmap delta would take very long and is
             % very unlikely to get any better precision.
             GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
@@ -1154,12 +1165,12 @@
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_generic_call(
+:- pred simplify_goal_generic_call(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_generic_call), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_generic_call(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_generic_call(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = generic_call(GenericCall, Args, Modes, Det),
         GenericCall = higher_order(Closure, Purity, _, _),
@@ -1196,12 +1207,12 @@
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_plain_call(
+:- pred simplify_goal_plain_call(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_plain_call), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_plain_call(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_plain_call(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, IsBuiltin, _, _),
     simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
     module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
@@ -1232,12 +1243,12 @@
             GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info)
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_unify(
+:- pred simplify_goal_unify(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_unify), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_unify(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_unify(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = unify(LT0, RT0, M, U0, C),
         RT0 = rhs_lambda_goal(Purity, Groundness, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod,
@@ -1309,12 +1320,12 @@
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_ite(
+:- pred simplify_goal_ite(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_ite), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_ite(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_ite(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     % (A -> B ; C) is logically equivalent to (A, B ; ~A, C).
     % If the determinism of A means that one of these disjuncts
     % cannot succeed, then we replace the if-then-else with the
@@ -1443,17 +1454,17 @@
             ; CondSolns0 = at_most_many
             ; CondSolns0 = at_most_many_cc
-            simplify_goal_2_ordinary_ite(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, GoalExpr,
+            simplify_goal_ordinary_ite(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, GoalExpr,
                 GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info)
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_ordinary_ite(list(prog_var)::in,
+:- pred simplify_goal_ordinary_ite(list(prog_var)::in,
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_ordinary_ite(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, GoalExpr,
+simplify_goal_ordinary_ite(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0, GoalExpr,
         GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     ( Else0 = hlds_goal(disj([]), _) ->
         % (A -> C ; fail) is equivalent to (A, C)
@@ -1512,7 +1523,7 @@
             simplify_info_undo_goal_updates(Info0, !Info),
-            simplify_goal_2(IfThenElse, GoalExpr, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo,
+            simplify_goal_expr(IfThenElse, GoalExpr, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo,
             simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
@@ -1711,12 +1722,12 @@
         unexpected(this_file, "warn_switch_for_ite_cond: solver type")
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_neg(
+:- pred simplify_goal_neg(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_neg), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_neg(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_neg(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
     % Can't use calls or unifications seen within a negation,
     % since non-local variables may not be bound within the negation.
@@ -1775,50 +1786,108 @@
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_scope(
+:- pred simplify_goal_scope(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_scope), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_scope(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_scope(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason0, SubGoal0),
+    ( Reason0 = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+        simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
+        module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
+        globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, common_struct, CommonStruct),
+        (
+            CommonStruct = yes,
+            % Traversing the construction unifications inside the scope would
+            % allow common.m to
+            %
+            % - replace some of those constructions with references to other
+            %   variables that were constructed the same way, and
+            % - remember those constructions, so that other constructions
+            %   outside the scope could be replaced with references to
+            %   variables built inside the scope.
+            %
+            % Since unifying a variable with a statically constructed ground
+            % term yields code that is at least as fast as unifying that
+            % variable with another variable that is already bound to that
+            % term, and probably faster because it does not require saving the
+            % other variable across calls, neither of these actions would be
+            % an advantage. On the other hand, both would complicate the
+            % required treatment of from_ground_term_construct scopes in
+            % liveness.m, slowing down the liveness pass, as well as this pass.
+            % Since the code inside the scope is already as simple as
+            % it can be, we leave it alone.
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+        ;
+            CommonStruct = no,
+            % Looking inside the scope may allow us to reduce the number of
+            % memory cells we may need to allocate dynamically. This
+            % improvement in the generated code trumps the cost in compile
+            % time. However, we need to update the reason, since leaving it
+            % as from_ground_term_construct would tell liveness.m that the
+            % code inside the scope hasn't had either of the actions mentioned
+            % in the comment above applied to it, and in this case, we cannot
+            % guarantee that.
+            simplify_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+            NewReason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_other),
+            GoalExpr = scope(NewReason, SubGoal),
+            GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+        )
+    ;
     simplify_info_get_common_info(!.Info, Common),
     simplify_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
     nested_scopes(Reason0, SubGoal, GoalInfo0, Goal1),
-    Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, GoalInfo1),
+        Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, _GoalInfo1),
     ( GoalExpr1 = scope(FinalReason, FinalSubGoal) ->
-            FinalReason = promise_purity(_, _),
-            Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = yes
-        ;
-            FinalReason = commit(_),
-            Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = no
-        ;
-            FinalReason = from_ground_term(_),
-            Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = yes
-        ;
-            FinalReason = barrier(removable),
-            Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = yes
+                ( FinalReason = promise_purity(_, _)
+                ; FinalReason = from_ground_term(_, _)
+                ; FinalReason = barrier(removable)
+                ),
+                Goal = Goal1
-            FinalReason = barrier(not_removable),
+                ( FinalReason = commit(_)
+                ; FinalReason = exist_quant(_)
+                ; FinalReason = promise_solutions(_, _)
+                ; FinalReason = barrier(not_removable)
+                ),
             Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = no
+                % Replacing calls, constructions or deconstructions outside
+                % a commit with references to variables created inside the
+                % commit would increase the set of output variables of the goal
+                % inside the commit. This is not allowed because it could
+                % change the determinism.
+                %
+                % Thus we need to reset the common_info to what it was before
+                % processing the goal inside the commit, to ensure that we
+                % don't make any such replacements when processing the rest
+                % of the goal.
+                simplify_info_set_common_info(Common, !Info)
-            FinalReason = exist_quant(_),
-            Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = no
+                FinalReason = trace_goal(MaybeCompiletimeExpr,
+                    MaybeRuntimeExpr, _, _, _),
+                ( simplify_do_after_front_end(!.Info) ->
+                    simplify_goal_trace_goal(MaybeCompiletimeExpr,
+                        MaybeRuntimeExpr, FinalSubGoal, Goal1, Goal, !Info)
-            FinalReason = promise_solutions(_, _),
-            Goal = Goal1,
-            KeepCommon = no
+                    Goal = Goal1
+                ),
+                simplify_info_set_common_info(Common, !Info)
+            )
-            FinalReason = trace_goal(MaybeCompiletimeExpr, MaybeRuntimeExpr,
-                _, _, _),
-            ( simplify_do_after_front_end(!.Info) ->
+            Goal = Goal1
+        ),
+        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ).
+:- pred simplify_goal_trace_goal(maybe(trace_expr(trace_compiletime))::in,
+    maybe(trace_expr(trace_runtime))::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::in,
+    hlds_goal::out, simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
+simplify_goal_trace_goal(MaybeCompiletimeExpr, MaybeRuntimeExpr, SubGoal,
+        Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
                     MaybeCompiletimeExpr = yes(CompiletimeExpr),
                     KeepGoal = evaluate_compile_time_condition(CompiletimeExpr,
@@ -1831,6 +1900,7 @@
                     KeepGoal = no,
+        Goal0 = hlds_goal(_GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
                     Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
                     Goal = true_goal_with_context(Context)
@@ -1838,24 +1908,22 @@
                     MaybeRuntimeExpr = no,
                     % We keep the scope as a marker of the existence of the
                     % trace scope.
-                    Goal = Goal1
+        Goal = Goal0
                     KeepGoal = yes,
                     MaybeRuntimeExpr = yes(RuntimeExpr),
-                    % We want to execute FinalSubGoal if and only if
-                    % RuntimeExpr turns out to be true. We could have the
-                    % code generators treat this kind of scope as if it were
-                    % an if-then-else, but that would require duplicating
-                    % most of the code required to handle code generation
-                    % for if-then-elses. Instead, we transform the scope
-                    % into an if-then-else, thus reducing the problem to one
-                    % that has already been solved.
-                    %
-                    % The evaluation of the runtime condition is done as
-                    % a special kind of foreign_proc, i.e. one that has
-                    % yes(RuntimeExpr) as its foreign_trace_cond field.
-                    % This kind of foreign_proc also acts as the marker
-                    % for the fact that the then-part originated as the goal
+        % We want to execute SubGoal if and only if RuntimeExpr turns out
+        % to be true. We could have the code generators treat this kind of
+        % scope as if it were an if-then-else, but that would require
+        % duplicating most of the code required to handle code generation
+        % for if-then-elses. Instead, we transform the scope into an
+        % if-then-else, thus reducing the problem to one that has already
+        % been solved.
+        %
+        % The evaluation of the runtime condition is done as a special kind
+        % of foreign_proc, i.e. one that has yes(RuntimeExpr) as its
+        % foreign_trace_cond field. This kind of foreign_proc also acts
+        % as the marker for the fact that the then-part originated as the goal
                     % of a trace scope.
                     simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
                     module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
@@ -1878,66 +1946,38 @@
                             sorry(this_file, "NYI: runtime trace conditions "
                                 ++ "in languages other than C")
-                        set_may_call_mercury(proc_will_not_call_mercury,
-                            !EvalAttributes),
+            set_may_call_mercury(proc_will_not_call_mercury, !EvalAttributes),
                         set_thread_safe(proc_thread_safe, !EvalAttributes),
                         set_purity(purity_semipure, !EvalAttributes),
                         set_terminates(proc_terminates, !EvalAttributes),
-                        set_may_modify_trail(proc_will_not_modify_trail,
-                            !EvalAttributes),
-                        set_may_call_mm_tabled(will_not_call_mm_tabled,
-                            !EvalAttributes),
+            set_may_modify_trail(proc_will_not_modify_trail, !EvalAttributes),
+            set_may_call_mm_tabled(will_not_call_mm_tabled, !EvalAttributes),
                         EvalAttributes = !.EvalAttributes
                     EvalFeatures = [],
-                    % The code field of the call_foreign_proc goal is ignored
-                    % when its foreign_trace_cond field is set to `yes', as
-                    % we do here.
+        % The code field of the call_foreign_proc goal is ignored when
+        % its foreign_trace_cond field is set to `yes', as we do here.
                     EvalCode = "",
                     EvalInstMapDeltaSrc = [],
+        Goal0 = hlds_goal(_GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
                     Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
                     generate_foreign_proc(PrivateBuiltin, EvalPredName,
                         pf_predicate, only_mode, detism_semi, purity_semipure,
                         EvalAttributes, [], [], yes(RuntimeExpr), EvalCode,
                         EvalFeatures, EvalInstMapDeltaSrc, ModuleInfo,
                         Context, CondGoal),
-                    Goal = hlds_goal(
-                        if_then_else([], CondGoal, FinalSubGoal, true_goal),
-                        GoalInfo1)
-                )
-            ;
-                Goal = Goal1
-            ),
-            KeepCommon = no
-        ),
-        (
-            KeepCommon = yes
-        ;
-            KeepCommon = no,
-            % Replacing calls, constructions or deconstructions outside
-            % a commit with references to variables created inside the commit
-            % would increase the set of output variables of the goal inside
-            % the commit. This is not allowed because it could change the
-            % determinism.
-            %
-            % Thus we need to reset the common_info to what it was before
-            % processing the goal inside the commit, to ensure that we don't
-            % make any such replacements when processing the rest of the goal.
-            simplify_info_set_common_info(Common, !Info)
-        )
-    ;
-        Goal = Goal1
-    ),
-    Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo).
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else([], CondGoal, SubGoal, true_goal),
+        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+    ).
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_foreign_proc(
+:- pred simplify_goal_foreign_proc(
     hlds_goal_expr::in(goal_expr_foreign_proc), hlds_goal_expr::out,
     hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_foreign_proc(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info) :-
+simplify_goal_foreign_proc(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(Attributes, PredId, ProcId,
         Args0, ExtraArgs0, MaybeTraceRuntimeCond, Impl),
@@ -2037,13 +2077,13 @@
         Result = bool.and(ResultA, ResultB)
-:- pred simplify_goal_2_atomic_goal(atomic_goal_type::in,
+:- pred simplify_goal_atomic_goal(atomic_goal_type::in,
     atomic_interface_vars::in, atomic_interface_vars::in,
     maybe(list(prog_var))::in, hlds_goal::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
     hlds_goal_expr::out, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_goal_2_atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner, MaybeOutputVars,
+simplify_goal_atomic_goal(GoalType, Outer, Inner, MaybeOutputVars,
         MainGoal0, OrElseGoals0, GoalExpr, !GoalInfo, !Info) :-
     % XXX STM: At the moment we do not simplify the inner goals as there is
     % a chance that the outer and inner variables will change which will
@@ -2088,8 +2128,8 @@
     Args    = [TI, R, X, Y],
     simplify_info_get_instmap(!.Info, InstMap),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, X, XInst),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Y, YInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, X, XInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Y, YInst),
     simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
     ModeNo =
         ( if inst_is_unique(ModuleInfo, XInst) then
@@ -2508,7 +2548,7 @@
             "builtin_unify_pred", pf_predicate, mode_no(0), detism_semi,
             purity_pure, [XVar, YVar], [], [], ModuleInfo, GContext,
             hlds_goal(Call0, _)),
-        simplify_goal_2(Call0, Call1, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info),
+        simplify_goal_expr(Call0, Call1, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo, !Info),
         Call = hlds_goal(Call1, GoalInfo),
         ExtraGoals = []
@@ -2568,7 +2608,8 @@
             make_type_info_vars(TypeArgs, TypeInfoVars, ExtraGoals, !Info),
             call_specific_unify(TypeCtor, TypeInfoVars, XVar, YVar, ProcId,
                 ModuleInfo, Context, GoalInfo0, Call0, CallGoalInfo0),
-            simplify_goal_2(Call0, Call1, CallGoalInfo0, CallGoalInfo1, !Info),
+            simplify_goal_expr(Call0, Call1, CallGoalInfo0, CallGoalInfo1,
+                !Info),
             Call = hlds_goal(Call1, CallGoalInfo1)
@@ -2766,14 +2807,6 @@
             Reason2 = exist_quant(Vars0 ++ Vars1)
-            Reason0 = from_ground_term(_)
-        ->
-            Reason2 = Reason1
-        ;
-            Reason1 = from_ground_term(_)
-        ->
-            Reason2 = Reason0
-        ;
             Reason0 = barrier(Removable0),
             Reason1 = barrier(Removable1)
@@ -2865,7 +2898,7 @@
             % Delete unreachable goals.
                 simplify_info_get_instmap(!.Info, InstMap1),
-                instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap1)
+                instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap1)
                 Goal1 = hlds_goal(_, GoalInfo1),
                 Detism1 = goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo1),
@@ -3061,15 +3094,20 @@
+:- type seen_non_ground_term
+    --->    not_seen_non_ground_term
+    ;       seen_non_ground_term.
 :- pred simplify_switch(prog_var::in, list(case)::in, list(case)::in,
     list(case)::out, list(instmap_delta)::in, list(instmap_delta)::out,
+    seen_non_ground_term::in, seen_non_ground_term::out,
     can_fail::in, can_fail::out, simplify_info::in,
     simplify_info::in, simplify_info::out) is det.
-simplify_switch(_, [], RevCases, Cases, !InstMaps, !CanFail, _, !Info) :-
-    list.reverse(RevCases, Cases).
-simplify_switch(Var, [Case0 | Cases0], RevCases0, Cases, !InstMaps,
-        !CanFail, Info0, !Info) :-
+simplify_switch(_, [], !RevCases, !InstMaps, !SeenNonGroundTerm, !CanFail,
+        _, !Info).
+simplify_switch(Var, [Case0 | Cases0], !RevCases, !InstMaps,
+        !SeenNonGroundTerm, !CanFail, Info0, !Info) :-
     simplify_info_get_instmap(Info0, InstMap0),
     Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
     simplify_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo0),
@@ -3083,11 +3121,20 @@
         % Remove failing branches.
     ( Goal = hlds_goal(disj([]), _) ->
-        RevCases = RevCases0,
+        % We don't add the case to RevCases.
         !:CanFail = can_fail
         Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
-        Goal = hlds_goal(_, GoalInfo),
+        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+        (
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, _),
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct)
+        ->
+            % Leave SeenNonGroundTerm as it is.
+            true
+        ;
+            !:SeenNonGroundTerm = seen_non_ground_term
+        ),
         % Make sure the switched on variable appears in the instmap delta.
         % This avoids an abort in merge_instmap_delta if another branch
@@ -3102,12 +3149,12 @@
         simplify_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo, !Info),
         !:InstMaps = [InstMapDelta | !.InstMaps],
-        RevCases = [Case | RevCases0]
+        !:RevCases = [Case | !.RevCases]
     simplify_info_post_branch_update(Info0, !Info),
-    simplify_switch(Var, Cases0, RevCases, Cases, !InstMaps, !CanFail, Info0,
-        !Info).
+    simplify_switch(Var, Cases0, !RevCases, !InstMaps, !SeenNonGroundTerm,
+        !CanFail, Info0, !Info).
     % Create a semidet unification at the start of a singleton case
     % in a can_fail switch.
@@ -3129,7 +3176,7 @@
     simplify_info_set_varset(VarSet, !Info),
     simplify_info_set_var_types(VarTypes, !Info),
     simplify_info_get_instmap(!.Info, InstMap),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst0),
         inst_expand(ModuleInfo, Inst0, Inst1),
         get_arg_insts(Inst1, ConsId, ConsArity, ArgInsts1)
@@ -3384,7 +3431,12 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        goal_contains_trace(SubGoal0, SubGoal, ContainsTrace),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+            ContainsTrace = contains_no_trace_goal
+        ;
+            goal_contains_trace(SubGoal0, SubGoal, ContainsTrace)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(ShortHand0),
@@ -3448,7 +3500,7 @@
                 simp_inst_varset             :: inst_varset,
                 % Does the goal need requantification?
-                simp_requantify              :: bool,       % ZZZ
+                simp_requantify              :: bool,
                 % Do we need to recompute instmap_deltas for atomic goals?
                 simp_recompute_atomic        :: bool,
Index: compiler/size_prof.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/size_prof.m,v
retrieving revision 1.58
diff -u -b -r1.58 size_prof.m
--- compiler/size_prof.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:14 -0000	1.58
+++ compiler/size_prof.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -98,7 +98,8 @@
     % Perform the transformation on the specified predicate.
-:- pred process_proc_msg(construct_transform::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+:- pred size_prof_process_proc_msg(construct_transform::in,
+    pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -213,7 +214,7 @@
                 spi_module_info             :: module_info
-process_proc_msg(Transform, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+size_prof_process_proc_msg(Transform, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
         !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
     globals.io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
@@ -221,19 +222,20 @@
         io.write_string("% Adding typeinfos in ", !IO),
         hlds_out.write_pred_proc_id_pair(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, !IO),
         io.write_string(": ", !IO),
-        process_proc(Transform, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+        size_prof_process_proc(Transform, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
         io.write_string("done.\n", !IO)
         VeryVerbose = no,
-        process_proc(Transform, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
+        size_prof_process_proc(Transform, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo,
-:- pred process_proc(construct_transform::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+:- pred size_prof_process_proc(construct_transform::in,
+    pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-process_proc(Transform, PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
+size_prof_process_proc(Transform, PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
     Simplifications = list_to_simplifications([]),
     simplify_proc_return_msgs(Simplifications, PredId, ProcId,
         !ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, _Msgs),
@@ -258,7 +260,7 @@
     rtti_varmaps_tvars(RttiVarMaps0, TVars),
     list.foldl(record_typeinfo_in_type_info_varmap(RttiVarMaps0), TVars,
         Info0, Info1),
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal1, Info1, Info),
+    size_prof_process_goal(Goal0, Goal1, Info1, Info),
         % We need to fix up goal_infos by recalculating
         % the nonlocal vars and the non-atomic instmap deltas.
@@ -274,30 +276,31 @@
     proc_info_set_vartypes(VarTypes, !ProcInfo),
     proc_info_set_rtti_varmaps(RttiVarMaps, !ProcInfo).
-:- pred process_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, info::in, info::out)
-    is det.
+:- pred size_prof_process_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+    info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
+size_prof_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
         GoalExpr0 = unify(LHS, RHS, UniMode, Unify0, UnifyContext),
             Unify0 = construct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, _),
-            process_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext, Var, ConsId,
-                Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, GoalInfo0, GoalExpr, !Info)
+            size_prof_process_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext,
+                Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, GoalInfo0, GoalExpr,
+                !Info)
             Unify0 = deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes,
                 _CanFail, _CanCGC),
                 % The following test is an optimization. If
                 % BindingArgModes = [], which is almost 100% likely,
-                % then process_deconstruct would return GoalExpr0 as
+                % then size_prof_process_deconstruct would return GoalExpr0 as
                 % GoalExpr anyway, but would take longer.
                 list.filter(binds_arg_in_cell(!.Info), ArgModes,
                 BindingArgModes = [_ | _]
-                process_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes,
+                size_prof_process_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes,
                     Goal0, GoalExpr, !Info)
                 GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@
             Unify0 = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
             % These should have been expanded out by now.
-            unexpected(this_file, "process_goal: complicated_unify")
+            unexpected(this_file, "size_prof_process_goal: complicated_unify")
         GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
@@ -335,7 +338,7 @@
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
             ConjType = plain_conj,
-            process_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info)
+            size_prof_process_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info)
             ConjType = parallel_conj,
             % This transformation produces code that is much less than
@@ -347,8 +350,8 @@
             RevTypeInfoMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_info_map,
             TypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map,
             KnownSizeMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
-            process_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap0,
-                TypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, KnownSizeMap0),
+            size_prof_process_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info,
+                TargetTypeInfoMap0, TypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, KnownSizeMap0),
             !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map := TargetTypeInfoMap0,
             !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map := TypeInfoMap0,
             !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_info_map := RevTypeInfoMap0,
@@ -367,7 +370,7 @@
             TypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map,
             RevTypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_ctor_map,
             KnownSizeMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
-            process_switch(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info,
+            size_prof_process_switch(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info,
                 TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0,
                 TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
@@ -381,7 +384,7 @@
             Cases = [First | Later]
             Cases0 = [],
-            unexpected(this_file, "size_prof.process_goal: empty switch")
+            unexpected(this_file, "size_prof_process_goal: empty switch")
@@ -396,7 +399,7 @@
             TypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map,
             RevTypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_ctor_map,
             KnownSizeMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
-            process_disj(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info,
+            size_prof_process_disj(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info,
                 TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0,
                 TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
@@ -430,9 +433,9 @@
         KnownSizeMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map := map.init,
-        process_goal(Cond0, Cond, !Info),
+        size_prof_process_goal(Cond0, Cond, !Info),
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map := TargetTypeInfoMap0,
-        process_goal(Then0, Then, !Info),
+        size_prof_process_goal(Then0, Then, !Info),
         TargetTypeInfoMapThen = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map,
         TypeInfoMapThen = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map,
         KnownSizeMapThen = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
@@ -445,7 +448,7 @@
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map := TypeCtorMap0,
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_ctor_map := RevTypeCtorMap0,
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map := KnownSizeMap0,
-        process_goal(Else0, Else, !Info),
+        size_prof_process_goal(Else0, Else, !Info),
         TypeInfoMapElse = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map,
         KnownSizeMapElse = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
@@ -465,7 +468,7 @@
         TypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map,
         RevTypeCtorMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_ctor_map,
         KnownSizeMap0 = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
-        process_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, !Info),
+        size_prof_process_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, !Info),
         % Variables constructed in negated goals are not available after the
         % negated goal fails and the negation succeeds. The sizes we learn
         % in NegGoal0 don't apply after NegGoal0 fails.
@@ -477,26 +480,34 @@
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map := KnownSizeMap0,
         GoalExpr = negation(NegGoal)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SomeGoal0),
-        process_goal(SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, !Info),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SomeGoal)
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason0, SubGoal0),
+        % The code inside from_ground_term_construct scopes wants to construct
+        % terms statically, but for term size profiling, we need to construct
+        % terms dynamically, 
+        ( Reason0 = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_other)
+        ;
+            Reason = Reason0
+        ),
+        size_prof_process_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
-        unexpected(this_file, "size_prof.process_goal: shorthand")
+        unexpected(this_file, "size_prof_process_goal: shorthand")
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0).
-:- pred process_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred size_prof_process_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_conj([], [], !Info).
-process_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], Conj, !Info) :-
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
-    process_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info),
+size_prof_process_conj([], [], !Info).
+size_prof_process_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], Conj, !Info) :-
+    size_prof_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
+    size_prof_process_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info),
     ( Goal = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, SubConj), _) ->
-        % Flatten out any conjunction introduced by process_goal.
+        % Flatten out any conjunction introduced by size_prof_process_goal.
         % We never create conjunctions more than one level deep,
         % so this single test is sufficient to ensure that we never
         % leave conjunctions nested more deeply than the input goal.
@@ -507,30 +518,30 @@
-:- pred process_par_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred size_prof_process_par_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     info::in, info::out, type_info_map::in, type_info_map::in,
     type_ctor_map::in, known_size_map::in) is det.
-process_par_conj([], [], !Info, _, _, _, _).
-process_par_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap0,
-        TypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, KnownSizeMap0) :-
+size_prof_process_par_conj([], [], !Info, _, _, _, _).
+size_prof_process_par_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !Info,
+        TargetTypeInfoMap0, TypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, KnownSizeMap0) :-
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map := TargetTypeInfoMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map := TypeInfoMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map := TypeCtorMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map := KnownSizeMap0,
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
-    process_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap0,
-        TypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, KnownSizeMap0).
+    size_prof_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
+    size_prof_process_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info,
+        TargetTypeInfoMap0, TypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, KnownSizeMap0).
-:- pred process_disj(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred size_prof_process_disj(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out, info::in, info::out,
     type_info_map::in, type_info_map::in, rev_type_info_map::in,
     type_ctor_map::in, rev_type_ctor_map::in,
     type_info_map::out, known_size_map::in, known_size_map::out) is det.
-process_disj(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap,
+size_prof_process_disj(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap,
         TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
         TypeInfoMap, KnownSizeMap0, KnownSizeMap) :-
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map := TypeInfoMap0,
@@ -538,7 +549,7 @@
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_ctor_map := TypeCtorMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_ctor_map := RevTypeCtorMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map := KnownSizeMap0,
-    process_goal(First0, First, !Info),
+    size_prof_process_goal(First0, First, !Info),
     TypeInfoMapFirst = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map,
     KnownSizeMapFirst = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
@@ -546,7 +557,8 @@
         map.union(select_first, TypeInfoMapFirst,
             TargetTypeInfoMap, LaterTargetTypeInfoMap),
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map := LaterTargetTypeInfoMap,
-        process_disj(Head0, Head, Tail0, Tail, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap,
+        size_prof_process_disj(Head0, Head, Tail0, Tail, !Info,
+            TargetTypeInfoMap,
             TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
             TypeInfoMapLater, KnownSizeMap0, KnownSizeMapLater),
         TypeInfoMap = map.common_subset(TypeInfoMapFirst, TypeInfoMapLater),
@@ -561,14 +573,15 @@
-:- pred process_switch(case::in, case::out,
+:- pred size_prof_process_switch(case::in, case::out,
     list(case)::in, list(case)::out, info::in, info::out,
     type_info_map::in, type_info_map::in, rev_type_info_map::in,
     type_ctor_map::in, rev_type_ctor_map::in,
     type_info_map::out, known_size_map::in, known_size_map::out) is det.
-process_switch(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap,
-        TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
+size_prof_process_switch(First0, First, Later0, Later, !Info,
+        TargetTypeInfoMap, TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0,
+        TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
         TypeInfoMap, KnownSizeMap0, KnownSizeMap) :-
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map := TypeInfoMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_info_map := RevTypeInfoMap0,
@@ -576,7 +589,7 @@
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_rev_type_ctor_map := RevTypeCtorMap0,
     !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map := KnownSizeMap0,
     First0 = case(FirstMainConsId, FirstOtherConsIds, FirstGoal0),
-    process_goal(FirstGoal0, FirstGoal, !Info),
+    size_prof_process_goal(FirstGoal0, FirstGoal, !Info),
     TypeInfoMapFirst = !.Info ^ spi_type_info_map,
     KnownSizeMapFirst = !.Info ^ spi_known_size_map,
     First = case(FirstMainConsId, FirstOtherConsIds, FirstGoal),
@@ -585,8 +598,9 @@
         map.union(select_first, TargetTypeInfoMap,
             TypeInfoMapFirst, LaterTargetTypeInfoMap),
         !:Info = !.Info ^ spi_target_type_info_map := LaterTargetTypeInfoMap,
-        process_switch(Head0, Head, Tail0, Tail, !Info, TargetTypeInfoMap,
-            TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0, TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
+        size_prof_process_switch(Head0, Head, Tail0, Tail, !Info,
+            TargetTypeInfoMap, TypeInfoMap0, RevTypeInfoMap0,
+            TypeCtorMap0, RevTypeCtorMap0,
             TypeInfoMapLater, KnownSizeMap0, KnownSizeMapLater),
         TypeInfoMap = map.common_subset(TypeInfoMapFirst, TypeInfoMapLater),
         KnownSizeMap = map.common_subset(KnownSizeMapFirst, KnownSizeMapLater),
@@ -600,13 +614,14 @@
-:- pred process_construct(prog_var::in, unify_rhs::in, unify_mode::in,
-    unify_context::in, prog_var::in, cons_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
-    list(uni_mode)::in, how_to_construct::in, cell_is_unique::in,
-    hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out, info::in, info::out) is det.
+:- pred size_prof_process_construct(prog_var::in, unify_rhs::in,
+    unify_mode::in, unify_context::in, prog_var::in, cons_id::in,
+    list(prog_var)::in, list(uni_mode)::in, how_to_construct::in,
+    cell_is_unique::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+    info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext, Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes,
-        How, Unique, GoalInfo, GoalExpr, !Info) :-
+size_prof_process_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext, Var, ConsId,
+        Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, GoalInfo, GoalExpr, !Info) :-
     map.lookup(!.Info ^ spi_vartypes, Var, VarType),
     ( type_to_ctor_and_args(VarType, VarTypeCtorPrime, _VarTypeArgs) ->
         VarTypeCtor = VarTypeCtorPrime
@@ -635,13 +650,15 @@
                 % TypeInfo_for_K as type_info, not type_ctor_info.
                 record_known_type_ctor_info(Var, M, N, A, !Info)
-                unexpected(this_file, "process_construct: bad type_info")
+                unexpected(this_file,
+                    "size_prof_process_construct: bad type_info")
         ; VarTypeCtorName = "type_ctor_info" ->
             ( ConsId = type_ctor_info_const(M, N, A) ->
                 record_known_type_ctor_info(Var, M, N, A, !Info)
-                unexpected(this_file, "process_construct: bad type_ctor_info")
+                unexpected(this_file,
+                    "size_prof_process_construct: bad type_ctor_info")
             !:Info = !.Info
@@ -653,8 +670,9 @@
         ConsId = cons(_Name, _Arity),
         Args = [_ | _]
-        process_cons_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext, Var, VarType,
-            ConsId, Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, GoalInfo, GoalExpr, !Info)
+        size_prof_process_cons_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext,
+            Var, VarType, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, How, Unique,
+            GoalInfo, GoalExpr, !Info)
         % All ConsIds other than cons/2 with at least one argument
         % construct terms that we consider zero-sized.
@@ -666,17 +684,19 @@
-:- pred process_deconstruct(prog_var::in, cons_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
-    list(uni_mode)::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
+:- pred size_prof_process_deconstruct(prog_var::in, cons_id::in,
+    list(prog_var)::in, list(uni_mode)::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, Goal0, GoalExpr, !Info) :-
+size_prof_process_deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, ArgModes, Goal0, GoalExpr,
+        !Info) :-
     map.lookup(!.Info ^ spi_vartypes, Var, VarType),
     ( type_to_ctor_and_args(VarType, VarTypeCtorPrime, _VarTypeArgs) ->
         VarTypeCtor = VarTypeCtorPrime
-            "process_deconstruct: deconstructing term of variable type")
+            "size_prof_process_deconstruct: " ++
+            "deconstructing term of variable type")
     ModuleInfo = !.Info ^ spi_module_info,
     VarTypeCtorModule = type_ctor_module(ModuleInfo, VarTypeCtor),
@@ -689,7 +709,8 @@
         ConsId = cons(_Name, _Arity),
         Args = [_ | _]
-        process_cons_deconstruct(Var, Args, ArgModes, Goal0, GoalExpr, !Info)
+        size_prof_process_cons_deconstruct(Var, Args, ArgModes, Goal0,
+            GoalExpr, !Info)
         % All ConsIds other than cons/2 deconstruct terms that we
         % consider zero-sized.
@@ -699,23 +720,23 @@
-:- pred process_cons_construct(prog_var::in, unify_rhs::in, unify_mode::in,
-    unify_context::in, prog_var::in, mer_type::in, cons_id::in,
+:- pred size_prof_process_cons_construct(prog_var::in, unify_rhs::in,
+    unify_mode::in, unify_context::in, prog_var::in, mer_type::in, cons_id::in,
     list(prog_var)::in, list(uni_mode)::in, how_to_construct::in,
     cell_is_unique::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_cons_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext, Var, _Type, ConsId,
-        Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, GoalInfo0, GoalExpr, !Info) :-
+size_prof_process_cons_construct(LHS, RHS, UniMode, UnifyContext, Var, _Type,
+        ConsId, Args, ArgModes, How, Unique, GoalInfo0, GoalExpr, !Info) :-
     FunctorSize = compute_functor_size(Args, !.Info),
     find_defined_args(Args, ArgModes, DefinedArgs, NonDefinedArgs, !.Info),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
-    process_args(DefinedArgs, FunctorSize, KnownSize,
+    size_prof_process_args(DefinedArgs, FunctorSize, KnownSize,
         no, MaybeDynamicSizeVar, Context, ArgGoals, !Info),
         MaybeDynamicSizeVar = no,
         expect(unify(ArgGoals, []), this_file,
-            "process_cons_construct: nonempty ArgGoals"),
+            "size_prof_process_cons_construct: nonempty ArgGoals"),
             NonDefinedArgs = [],
             record_known_size(Var, KnownSize, !Info)
@@ -745,20 +766,21 @@
-:- pred process_cons_deconstruct(prog_var::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+:- pred size_prof_process_cons_deconstruct(prog_var::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_cons_deconstruct(Var, Args, ArgModes, UnifyGoal, GoalExpr, !Info) :-
+size_prof_process_cons_deconstruct(Var, Args, ArgModes, UnifyGoal, GoalExpr,
+        !Info) :-
     find_defined_args(Args, ArgModes, DefinedArgs, _NonDefArgs, !.Info),
     UnifyGoal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo0),
-    process_args(DefinedArgs, 0, KnownSize,
+    size_prof_process_args(DefinedArgs, 0, KnownSize,
         no, MaybeDynamicSizeVar, Context, ArgGoals, !Info),
         MaybeDynamicSizeVar = no,
         expect(unify(ArgGoals, []), this_file,
-            "process_cons_deconstruct: nonempty ArgGoals"),
+            "size_prof_process_cons_deconstruct: nonempty ArgGoals"),
         GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
         MaybeDynamicSizeVar = yes(SizeVar0),
@@ -787,12 +809,13 @@
     % of the size only if the sum of the arguments' sizes is not static.
     % In that case, the Goals we return will be nonempty.
-:- pred process_args(list(prog_var)::in, int::in, int::out,
+:- pred size_prof_process_args(list(prog_var)::in, int::in, int::out,
     maybe(prog_var)::in, maybe(prog_var)::out, prog_context::in,
     list(hlds_goal)::out, info::in, info::out) is det.
-process_args([], !KnownSize, !MaybeSizeVar, _, [], !Info).
-process_args([Arg | Args], !KnownSize, !MaybeSizeVar, Context, Goals, !Info) :-
+size_prof_process_args([], !KnownSize, !MaybeSizeVar, _, [], !Info).
+size_prof_process_args([Arg | Args], !KnownSize, !MaybeSizeVar, Context, Goals,
+        !Info) :-
     map.lookup(!.Info ^ spi_vartypes, Arg, Type),
     ( map.search(!.Info ^ spi_known_size_map, Arg, ArgSize) ->
         !:KnownSize = !.KnownSize + ArgSize,
@@ -805,8 +828,9 @@
         list.append(TypeInfoGoals, [SizeGoal], ArgGoals)
-    process_args(Args, !KnownSize, !MaybeSizeVar, Context, LaterGoals, !Info),
-    list.append(ArgGoals, LaterGoals, Goals).
+    size_prof_process_args(Args, !KnownSize, !MaybeSizeVar, Context,
+        LaterGoals, !Info),
+    Goals = ArgGoals ++ LaterGoals.
@@ -1063,9 +1087,9 @@
     % We override any old settings here, for use in the rest of the current
     % branch. Other branches will do likewise. The correct handling of the code
-    % after the branched structure is ensured by process_goal returning only
-    % the common subsets of the maps constructed by the various branches to
-    % be used when processing the following code.
+    % after the branched structure is ensured by size_prof_process_goal
+    % returning only the common subsets of the maps constructed by the
+    % various branches to be used when processing the following code.
 :- pred record_known_type_ctor_info(prog_var::in, module_name::in, string::in,
     int::in, info::in, info::out) is det.
@@ -1268,11 +1292,11 @@
         Args = [],
         Modes = [_ | _],
-        unexpected(this_file, "size_prof.find_defined_args: length mismatch")
+        unexpected(this_file, "size_prof_find_defined_args: length mismatch")
         Args = [_ | _],
         Modes = [],
-        unexpected(this_file, "size_prof.find_defined_args: length mismatch")
+        unexpected(this_file, "size_prof_find_defined_args: length mismatch")
         Args = [FirstArg | LaterArgs],
         Modes = [FirstMode | LaterModes],
@@ -1289,8 +1313,8 @@
 :- pred binds_arg_in_cell(info::in, uni_mode::in) is semidet.
-binds_arg_in_cell(Info, (CellInitInst - _ArgInitInst) ->
-        (CellFinalInst - _ArgFinalInst)) :-
+        (CellInitInst - _ArgInitInst) -> (CellFinalInst - _ArgFinalInst)) :-
     ModuleInfo = Info ^ spi_module_info,
     inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, CellInitInst),
     inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, CellFinalInst).
Index: compiler/ssdebug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ssdebug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -b -r1.17 ssdebug.m
--- compiler/ssdebug.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:14 -0000	1.17
+++ compiler/ssdebug.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -237,7 +237,6 @@
         process_proc_failure(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
     % Source-to-source transformation for a deterministic goal.
 :- pred process_proc_det(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
@@ -329,7 +328,6 @@
             !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes)
     % Source-to-source transformation for a semidet goal.
 :- pred process_proc_semi(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
@@ -483,7 +481,6 @@
     % Source-to-source transformation for a nondeterministic procedure.
 :- pred process_proc_nondet(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
@@ -615,7 +612,6 @@
             !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes)
       % Source-to-source transformation for a failure procedure.
 :- pred process_proc_failure(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
@@ -705,7 +701,6 @@
             !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes)
       % Source-to-source transformation for an erroneous procedure.
       % XXX ERRONEOUS procedure have currently just a call port.
@@ -764,7 +759,6 @@
     % Create the output variable DoRetry.
 :- pred make_retry_var(string::in, prog_var::out,
@@ -777,7 +771,6 @@
     svvarset.new_named_var(VarName, RetryVar, !VarSet),
     svmap.det_insert(RetryVar, RetryType, !VarTypes).
     % Create the goal for recursive call in the case of a retry.
 :- pred make_recursive_call(pred_info::in, module_info::in, pred_id::in,
@@ -792,7 +785,6 @@
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfoHG).
     % make_switch_goal(SwitchVar, SwitchCase1, SwitchCase2, GoalInfo, Goal).
     % Create an output Goal, which is a switch with following pattern :
@@ -818,7 +810,6 @@
         switch(SwitchVar, cannot_fail, [CaseDoRetry, CaseDoNotRetry]),
     % wrap_with_purity_scope(Purity, GoalInfo, Goal0, Goal):
     % The Goal0 is wrap with the Purity to give Goal.
@@ -831,7 +822,6 @@
     ScopeReason = promise_purity(dont_make_implicit_promises, Purity),
     Goal = hlds_goal(scope(ScopeReason, GoalWithoutPurity), GoalInfo).
     % Update the proc_info and pred_info with the result of the
     % source-to-source transformation.
@@ -851,7 +841,6 @@
     repuritycheck_proc(!.ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId), !PredInfo),
     module_info_set_pred_info(PredId, !.PredInfo, !ModuleInfo).
     % Build the following goal : handle_event_EVENT(ProcId, Arguments).
@@ -873,7 +862,6 @@
         Arguments, Features, InstMapSrc, !.ModuleInfo, Context, 
     % make_proc_id_construction(PredInfo, Goals, Var, !Varset, !Vartypes)
     % Returns a set of goals, Goals, which build the ssdb_proc_id structure
@@ -907,7 +895,6 @@
     Goals = [ConstructModuleName, ConstructPredName, ConstructProcIdGoal].
     % make_fail_call(FailGoal, ModuleInfo)
     % Construct the fail goal.
@@ -922,7 +909,6 @@
         "false", pf_predicate, only_mode, detism_failure, purity_pure,
         [], Features, InstMapSrc, ModuleInfo, Context, FailGoal).
     % Detect if all argument's mode are fully input or output.
     % XXX Other mode than fully input or output are not handled for the 
     % moment. So the code of these procedures will not be generated.
@@ -1004,7 +990,6 @@
     %XXX Optimize me: repeated appends are slow.
     Goals = Goals0 ++ ValueGoals ++ [Goal].
     % Return the type list(var_value).
 :- func list_var_value_type = mer_type.
@@ -1017,7 +1002,6 @@
     ListTypeCtor = type_ctor(qualified(unqualified("list"), "list"), 1),
     construct_type(ListTypeCtor, [VarValueType], ListVarValueType).
     % Create the goal's argument description :
     % -> unbound_head_var(Name, Pos) if it is an unbound argument
     % -> bound_head_var(type_of_T, Name, Position, T) if it is a bound argument
Index: compiler/stm_expand.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/stm_expand.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -b -r1.1 stm_expand.m
--- compiler/stm_expand.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:15 -0000	1.1
+++ compiler/stm_expand.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -330,18 +330,23 @@
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, InnerGoal0),
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct),
+            % There can be no atomic goals inside this scope.
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
             ( Reason = exist_quant(_)
             ; Reason = promise_solutions(_, _)
             ; Reason = promise_purity(_, _)
             ; Reason = commit(_)
             ; Reason = barrier(_)
-            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_deconstruct)
+            ; Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_other)
             ; Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
-            )
         stm_process_goal(Instmap, InnerGoal0, InnerGoal, !Info),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, InnerGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         stm_process_if_then_else(Instmap, Cond0, Then0, Else0, Cond, Then,
@@ -514,8 +519,8 @@
 order_vars_into_groups_2(_, [], _, _, !Local, !Input, !Output).
 order_vars_into_groups_2(ModuleInfo, [Var|Vars], InitInstmap, FinalInstmap,
         !LocalVars, !InputVars, !OutputVars) :-
-    lookup_var(InitInstmap, Var, InitVarInst),
-    lookup_var(FinalInstmap, Var, FinalVarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InitInstmap, Var, InitVarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(FinalInstmap, Var, FinalVarInst),
         inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, InitVarInst),
         inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, FinalVarInst)
Index: compiler/store_alloc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/store_alloc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.109
diff -u -b -r1.109 store_alloc.m
--- compiler/store_alloc.m	29 Jan 2008 04:59:43 -0000	1.109
+++ compiler/store_alloc.m	12 Dec 2008 00:33:56 -0000
@@ -144,13 +144,14 @@
     set.difference(Liveness0,  PreDeaths, Liveness1),
     set.union(Liveness1, PreBirths, Liveness2),
     store_alloc_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, Liveness2, Liveness3,
-        !LastLocns, ResumeVars0, StoreAllocInfo),
+        !LastLocns, ResumeVars0, BranchedGoal, StoreAllocInfo),
     set.difference(Liveness3, PostDeaths, Liveness4),
     % If any variables magically become live in the PostBirths,
     % then they have to mundanely become live in a parallel goal,
     % so we don't need to allocate anything for them here.
     set.union(Liveness4, PostBirths, Liveness),
-    ( goal_util.goal_is_branched(GoalExpr) ->
+    (
+        BranchedGoal = is_branched_goal,
         % Any variables that become magically live at the
         % end of the goal should not be included in the store map.
         % That is why we use Liveness4 instead of Liveness here.
@@ -165,20 +166,25 @@
             AdvisoryStoreMap, StoreMap),
         goal_info_set_store_map(StoreMap, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo)
+        BranchedGoal = is_not_branched_goal,
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+:- type branched_goal
+    --->    is_branched_goal
+    ;       is_not_branched_goal.
     % Here we process each of the different sorts of goals.
 :- pred store_alloc_in_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out,
     liveness_info::in, liveness_info::out,
-    last_locns::in, last_locns::out, set(prog_var)::in,
+    last_locns::in, last_locns::out, set(prog_var)::in, branched_goal::out,
     store_alloc_info::in) is det.
 store_alloc_in_goal_2(GoalExpr0, GoalExpr, !Liveness, !LastLocns,
-        ResumeVars0, StoreAllocInfo) :-
+        ResumeVars0, BranchedGoal, StoreAllocInfo) :-
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
@@ -190,27 +196,22 @@
             store_alloc_in_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Liveness, !LastLocns,
                 ResumeVars0, StoreAllocInfo)
-        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals),
+        BranchedGoal = is_not_branched_goal
         GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
         store_alloc_in_disj(Goals0, Goals, !Liveness,
             !.LastLocns, LastLocnsList, ResumeVars0, StoreAllocInfo),
         merge_last_locations(LastLocnsList, !:LastLocns),
-        GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
-    ;
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
-        SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(_, SubGoalInfo0),
-        goal_info_get_resume_point(SubGoalInfo0, ResumeNot),
-        goal_info_resume_vars_and_loc(ResumeNot, ResumeNotVars, _),
-        store_alloc_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Liveness, !.LastLocns, _,
-            ResumeNotVars, StoreAllocInfo),
-        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        BranchedGoal = is_branched_goal
         GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, Det, Cases0),
         store_alloc_in_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Liveness,
             !.LastLocns, LastLocnsList, ResumeVars0, StoreAllocInfo),
         merge_last_locations(LastLocnsList, !:LastLocns),
-        GoalExpr = switch(Var, Det, Cases)
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, Det, Cases),
+        BranchedGoal = is_branched_goal
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         Liveness0 = !.Liveness,
@@ -229,19 +230,36 @@
         !:Liveness = Liveness,
         !:LastLocns = LastLocns,
-        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
+        BranchedGoal = is_branched_goal
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        SubGoal0 = hlds_goal(_, SubGoalInfo0),
+        goal_info_get_resume_point(SubGoalInfo0, ResumeNot),
+        goal_info_resume_vars_and_loc(ResumeNot, ResumeNotVars, _),
+        store_alloc_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Liveness, !.LastLocns, _,
+            ResumeNotVars, StoreAllocInfo),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        BranchedGoal = is_not_branched_goal
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+            set.insert(!.Liveness, TermVar, !:Liveness)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(Remove, SubGoal0),
         store_alloc_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Liveness, !LastLocns,
             ResumeVars0, StoreAllocInfo),
-        GoalExpr = scope(Remove, SubGoal)
+            GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        ),
+        BranchedGoal = is_not_branched_goal
         ( GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
         ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
-        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+        BranchedGoal = is_not_branched_goal
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
Index: compiler/stratify.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/stratify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -b -r1.67 stratify.m
--- compiler/stratify.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:15 -0000	1.67
+++ compiler/stratify.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -16,12 +16,12 @@
 % of the scc. If it encounters a higher order call or a call to an
 % outside module it will also emit a message.
-% It has a second pass which is not currently enabled
+% It has a second pass which is not currently enabled.
 % The second pass looks for possible non stratified code by looking at
 % higher order calls. This second pass works by rebuilding the call
 % graph with any possible arcs that can arise though higher order calls
-% and then traversing the new sccs looking for negative loops
+% and then traversing the new sccs looking for negative loops.
 % The second pass is necessary because the rebuilt call graph does not
 % allow the detection of definite non-stratification.
@@ -192,9 +192,14 @@
         first_order_check_goal(SubGoal, yes, WholeScc,
             ThisPredProcId, Error, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes cannot contain any calls.
+            true
+        ;
         first_order_check_goal(SubGoal, Negated, WholeScc,
             ThisPredProcId, Error, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
+        )
         ( GoalExpr = plain_call(CPred, CProc, _Args, _BuiltinState, _UC, _Sym)
         ; GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_Attributes, CPred, CProc, _, _, _, _)
@@ -334,9 +339,14 @@
         higher_order_check_goal(SubGoal, yes, WholeScc,
             ThisPredProcId, HighOrderLoops, Error, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % These scopes cannot contain any calls.
+            true
+        ;
         higher_order_check_goal(SubGoal, Negated, WholeScc,
             ThisPredProcId, HighOrderLoops, Error, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
+        )
         GoalExpr = plain_call(_CPred, _CProc, _Args, _Builtin, _UC, Sym),
@@ -604,7 +614,7 @@
     add_new_arcs2(Cs, CallerKey, !DepGraph).
     % For each given pred id, pass all non imported procs onto the
-    % process_procs predicate.
+    % stratify_process_procs predicate.
 :- pred expand_predids(list(pred_id)::in, module_info::in,
     call_map::in, call_map::out, ho_map::in, ho_map::out,
@@ -617,26 +627,38 @@
     Procs = pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo),
     pred_info_get_procedures(PredInfo, ProcTable),
     pred_info_get_arg_types(PredInfo, ArgTypes),
-    process_procs(Procs, ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
+    stratify_process_procs(Procs, ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
         !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO),
     expand_predids(PredIds, ModuleInfo, !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO).
     % For each given proc id, generate the set of procedures it calls
     % and its higher order info structure.
-:- pred process_procs(list(proc_id)::in, module_info::in, pred_id::in,
+:- pred stratify_process_procs(list(proc_id)::in, module_info::in, pred_id::in,
     list(mer_type)::in, proc_table::in, call_map::in, call_map::out,
     ho_map::in, ho_map::out, set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out)
     is det.
-process_procs([], _, _, _, _, !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO).
-process_procs([ProcId | Procs], ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
+stratify_process_procs([], _, _, _, _, !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO).
+stratify_process_procs([ProcId | ProcIds], ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes,
+        ProcTable, !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO) :-
+    stratify_process_proc(ProcId, ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
+        !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO),
+    stratify_process_procs(ProcIds, ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
+        !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO).
+:- pred stratify_process_proc(proc_id::in, module_info::in, pred_id::in,
+    list(mer_type)::in, proc_table::in, call_map::in, call_map::out,
+    ho_map::in, ho_map::out, set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out)
+    is det.
+stratify_process_proc(ProcId, ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
         !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO) :-
     map.lookup(ProcTable, ProcId, ProcInfo),
     proc_info_get_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes),
     proc_info_get_goal(ProcInfo, Goal),
     PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
-    check_proc_body(Goal, Calls, HaveAT, CallsHigherOrder),
+    stratify_analyze_proc_body(Goal, Calls, HaveAT, CallsHigherOrder),
     map.det_insert(!.ProcCalls, PredProcId, Calls, !:ProcCalls),
     higherorder_in_out(ArgTypes, ArgModes, ModuleInfo, HOInOut),
     map.det_insert(!.HOInfo, PredProcId, info(HaveAT, HOInOut), !:HOInfo),
@@ -645,9 +667,7 @@
         set.insert(!.CallsHO, PredProcId, !:CallsHO)
         CallsHigherOrder = no
-    ),
-    process_procs(Procs, ModuleInfo, PredId, ArgTypes, ProcTable,
-        !ProcCalls, !HOInfo, !CallsHO).
+    ).
     % Determine if a given set of modes and types indicates that
     % higher order values can be passed into and/or out of a procedure.
@@ -697,20 +717,21 @@
     % Return the set of all procedures called in the given goal
     % and all addresses taken in the given goal.
-:- pred check_proc_body(hlds_goal::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
+:- pred stratify_analyze_proc_body(hlds_goal::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     set(pred_proc_id)::out, bool::out) is det.
-check_proc_body(Goal, Calls, TakenAddrs, CallsHO) :-
+stratify_analyze_proc_body(Goal, Calls, TakenAddrs, CallsHO) :-
-    check_goal(Goal, Calls0, Calls, TakenAddrs0, TakenAddrs, no, CallsHO).
+    stratify_analyze_goal(Goal, Calls0, Calls, TakenAddrs0, TakenAddrs,
+        no, CallsHO).
-:- pred check_goal(hlds_goal::in,
+:- pred stratify_analyze_goal(hlds_goal::in,
     set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-check_goal(Goal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO) :-
+stratify_analyze_goal(Goal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO) :-
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
         GoalExpr = unify(_Var, RHS, _Mode, Unification, _Context),
@@ -750,7 +771,7 @@
             % Do nothing.
             Unification = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
-            unexpected(this_file, "check_goal: complicated_unify")
+            unexpected(this_file, "stratify_analyze_goal: complicated_unify")
         GoalExpr = plain_call(CPred, CProc, _Args, _Builtin, _UC, _Sym),
@@ -769,53 +790,60 @@
         ( GoalExpr = conj(_ConjType, Goals)
         ; GoalExpr = disj(Goals)
-        check_goals(Goals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+        stratify_analyze_goals(Goals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
         GoalExpr = switch(_Var, _Fail, Cases),
-        check_cases(Cases, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+        stratify_analyze_cases(Cases, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(_Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
-        check_goal(Cond, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
-        check_goal(Then, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
-        check_goal(Else, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+        stratify_analyze_goal(Cond, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
+        stratify_analyze_goal(Then, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
+        stratify_analyze_goal(Else, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
-        ( GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ),
-        check_goal(SubGoal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        stratify_analyze_goal(SubGoal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The code in these scopes does not make calls (either first order
+            % or higher order), and it does not take addresses.
+            true
+        ;
+            stratify_analyze_goal(SubGoal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
             ShortHand = atomic_goal(_, _, _, _, MainGoal, OrElseGoals),
-            check_goal(MainGoal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
-            check_goals(OrElseGoals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
+            stratify_analyze_goal(MainGoal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
+            stratify_analyze_goals(OrElseGoals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO)
             ShortHand = bi_implication(_, _),
             % These should have been expanded out by now.
-            unexpected(this_file, "check_goal: bi_implication")
+            unexpected(this_file, "stratify_analyze_goal: bi_implication")
-:- pred check_goals(list(hlds_goal)::in,
+:- pred stratify_analyze_goals(list(hlds_goal)::in,
     set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-check_goals([], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
-check_goals([Goal | Goals], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO) :-
-    check_goal(Goal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
-    check_goals(Goals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
+stratify_analyze_goals([], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
+stratify_analyze_goals([Goal | Goals], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO) :-
+    stratify_analyze_goal(Goal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
+    stratify_analyze_goals(Goals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
-:- pred check_cases(list(case)::in,
+:- pred stratify_analyze_cases(list(case)::in,
     set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     set(pred_proc_id)::in, set(pred_proc_id)::out,
     bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-check_cases([], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
-check_cases([Case | Goals], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO) :-
+stratify_analyze_cases([], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
+stratify_analyze_cases([Case | Goals], !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO) :-
     Case = case(_, _, Goal),
-    check_goal(Goal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
-    check_cases(Goals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
+    stratify_analyze_goal(Goal, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO),
+    stratify_analyze_cases(Goals, !Calls, !HasAT, !CallsHO).
     % This pred returns a list of all the calls in a given set of goals,
     % including calls in unification lambda functions and pred_proc_id's
@@ -888,11 +916,17 @@
         get_called_procs(Then, !Calls),
         get_called_procs(Else, !Calls)
-        ( GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
         get_called_procs(SubGoal, !Calls)
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The code in these scopes does not make calls.
+            true
+        ;
+            get_called_procs(SubGoal, !Calls)
+        )
+    ;
         GoalExpr = shorthand(ShortHand),
             ShortHand = atomic_goal(_, _, _, _, MainGoal, OrElseGoals),
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -b -r1.20 structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m	8 Sep 2008 03:39:06 -0000	1.20
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -634,6 +634,9 @@
             !Table, !IO)
         GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes. Since they construct ground terms statically, there is no
+        % uniqueness we can exploit,
         compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable,
             Goal, Cont, !Table, !IO)
@@ -869,6 +872,9 @@
         GoalExpr = negation(_)
         GoalExpr = scope(_, ScopeGoal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes. Since they construct ground terms statically, there is no
+        % uniqueness we can exploit,
         find_match_in_goal_2(Background, ScopeGoal, !Match)
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
@@ -1162,6 +1168,9 @@
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
         GoalExpr0 = scope(A, ScopeGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes. Since they construct ground terms statically, there is no
+        % uniqueness we can exploit,
         annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal),
         GoalExpr = scope(A, ScopeGoal),
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
@@ -1435,6 +1444,9 @@
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
         GoalExpr0 = scope(A, ScopeGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes. Since they construct ground terms statically, there is no
+        % uniqueness we can exploit,
         check_for_cell_caching_2(DeadCellTable, ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal),
         GoalExpr = scope(A, ScopeGoal),
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -b -r1.20 structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:14 -0000	1.20
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.direct.detect_garbage.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -140,9 +140,13 @@
         % XXX To check and compare with the theory. 
         GoalExpr = negation(_Goal)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            true
+        ;
         determine_dead_deconstructions_2(Background, SubGoal, !SharingAs, 
+        )
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, IfGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
         determine_dead_deconstructions_2(Background, IfGoal, !.SharingAs, 
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -b -r1.33 structure_reuse.indirect.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m	28 Jul 2008 03:55:45 -0000	1.33
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.indirect.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -520,9 +520,11 @@
         % XXX To check and compare with the theory.
         GoalExpr0 = negation(_Goal)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(A, SubGoal0),
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         indirect_reuse_analyse_goal(BaseInfo, SubGoal0, SubGoal, !IrInfo),
-        GoalExpr = scope(A, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         % Brief sketch:
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.lbu.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.lbu.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -b -r1.11 structure_reuse.lbu.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.lbu.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:15 -0000	1.11
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.lbu.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -121,19 +121,23 @@
         backward_use_in_cases(VarTypes, Cases0, Cases, !LBU),
         !:Expr = switch(A, B, Cases)
-        !.Expr = negation(Goal0),
-        % handled as: if(Goal0) then fail else true
+        !.Expr = negation(SubGoal0),
+        % handled as: if SubGoal0 then fail else true
         LBU0 = !.LBU,
-        backward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, Goal0, Goal, !.LBU, _),
-        % A not does not introduce any choice-points! Hence the
-        % not itself is deterministic, and no new variables in LBU
+        backward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, SubGoal0, SubGoal, !.LBU, _),
+        % A negation does not introduce any choice-points! Hence the
+        % negation itself is deterministic, and no new variables in LBU
         % are introduced into the resulting LBU-set.
         !:LBU = LBU0,
-        !:Expr = negation(Goal)
+        !:Expr = negation(SubGoal)
-        !.Expr = scope(Reason, SomeGoal0),
-        backward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, !LBU),
-        !:Expr = scope(Reason, SomeGoal)
+        !.Expr = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
+            backward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, SubGoal0, SubGoal, !LBU)
+        ),
+        !:Expr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         % XXX The implementation for if-then-else is different from the theory
         % in the thesis.  We can obtain more precision when the Condition-goal
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.lfu.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.lfu.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -b -r1.11 structure_reuse.lfu.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.lfu.m	28 May 2008 00:52:29 -0000	1.11
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.lfu.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -119,38 +119,34 @@
     InstantiadedBefore = !.InstantiatedVars,
-        GoalExpr0 = conj(A,Goals0)
-    ->
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
         forward_use_in_conj(VarTypes, Goals0, Goals,
             !InstantiatedVars, !DeadVars),
-        GoalExpr = conj(A, Goals)
+        GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals)
-        GoalExpr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0)
-    ->
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
         forward_use_in_cases(VarTypes, Cases0, Cases,
             !InstantiatedVars, !DeadVars),
-        GoalExpr = switch(A, B, Cases)
+        GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
-        GoalExpr0 = disj(Disj0)
-    ->
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Disj0),
         forward_use_in_disj(VarTypes, Disj0, Disj,
             !InstantiatedVars, !DeadVars),
         GoalExpr = disj(Disj)
-        GoalExpr0 = negation(Goal0)
-    ->
-        forward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, Goal0, Goal,
+        GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
+        forward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
             !InstantiatedVars, !DeadVars),
-        GoalExpr = negation(Goal)
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(A, Goal0)
-    ->
-        forward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, Goal0, Goal,
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
+        forward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
             !InstantiatedVars, !DeadVars),
-        GoalExpr = scope(A, Goal)
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
-        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(V, Cond0, Then0, Else0)
-    ->
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         Inst0 = !.InstantiatedVars,
         Dead0 = !.DeadVars,
         forward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, Cond0, Cond,
@@ -160,10 +156,19 @@
         forward_use_in_goal(VarTypes, Else0, Else, Inst0, Inst1, Dead0, Dead1),
         set.union(Inst1, !InstantiatedVars),
         set.union(Dead1, !DeadVars),
-        GoalExpr = if_then_else(V, Cond, Then, Else)
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)
+        ( GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+        ; GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "forward_use_in_composite_goal: atomic goal")
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
-            "Atomic goal in forward_use_in_composite_goal.")
+            "forward_use_in_composite_goal: shorthand")
     set.difference(InstantiadedBefore, !.DeadVars, LFU),
     goal_info_set_lfu(LFU, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
@@ -266,6 +271,8 @@
         Expr = negation(Goal)
         Expr0 = scope(Reason, Goal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         add_vars_to_lfu_in_goal(ForceInUse, Goal0, Goal),
         Expr = scope(Reason, Goal)
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -b -r1.18 structure_reuse.versions.m
--- compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m	23 Jul 2008 05:13:20 -0000	1.18
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.versions.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -415,20 +415,22 @@
         % XXX To check and compare with the theory.
         GoalExpr0 = negation(_Goal)
-        GoalExpr0 = scope(A, SubGoal0),
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         process_goal(ConvertPotentialReuse, ReuseTable, ModuleInfo,
             SubGoal0, SubGoal),
-        GoalExpr = scope(A, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
-        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(A, IfGoal0, ThenGoal0, ElseGoal0),
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, IfGoal0, ThenGoal0, ElseGoal0),
         process_goal(ConvertPotentialReuse, ReuseTable, ModuleInfo,
             IfGoal0, IfGoal),
         process_goal(ConvertPotentialReuse, ReuseTable, ModuleInfo,
             ThenGoal0, ThenGoal),
         process_goal(ConvertPotentialReuse, ReuseTable, ModuleInfo,
             ElseGoal0, ElseGoal),
-        GoalExpr = if_then_else(A, IfGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, IfGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
         !:Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_Attrs, _ForeignPredId, _ForeignProcId,
Index: compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -b -r1.42 structure_sharing.analysis.m
--- compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m	7 Aug 2008 02:56:04 -0000	1.42
+++ compiler/structure_sharing.analysis.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -645,10 +645,15 @@
         % XXX Check theory, but a negated goal can not create bindings,
         % hence it also can not create additional sharing.
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % Ground terms cannot introduce sharing.
+            true
+        ;
         % XXX Check theory.
         analyse_goal(ModuleInfo, PredInfo, ProcInfo, SharingTable, Verbose,
             SubGoal, !FixpointTable, !DepProcs, !SharingAs, !Status)
+        )
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, IfGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
         analyse_goal(ModuleInfo, PredInfo, ProcInfo, SharingTable, Verbose,
Index: compiler/superhomogeneous.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/superhomogeneous.m,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -b -r1.31 superhomogeneous.m
--- compiler/superhomogeneous.m	2 Dec 2008 04:30:25 -0000	1.31
+++ compiler/superhomogeneous.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
 :- import_module hlds.make_hlds.field_access.
 :- import_module hlds.make_hlds.qual_info.
 :- import_module libs.compiler_util.
+:- import_module libs.handle_options.   % for get_from_ground_term_threshold
 :- import_module parse_tree.mercury_to_mercury.
 :- import_module parse_tree.module_qual.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_io_sym_name.
@@ -139,34 +140,30 @@
-:- func from_ground_term_scope_threshold = int.
-from_ground_term_scope_threshold = 15.
 insert_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal, NumAdded,
         !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs) :-
     do_insert_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal,
-        yes(from_ground_term_scope_threshold), NumAdded,
+        get_from_ground_term_threshold, NumAdded,
         !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs).
 insert_arg_unifications_with_supplied_contexts(ArgVars, ArgTerms0,
         ArgContexts, Context, !Goal, NumAdded, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo,
         !SInfo, !Specs) :-
     do_insert_arg_unifications_with_supplied_contexts(ArgVars, ArgTerms0,
-        ArgContexts, Context,
-        !Goal, yes(from_ground_term_scope_threshold), NumAdded,
+        ArgContexts, Context, !Goal,
+        get_from_ground_term_threshold, NumAdded,
         !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs).
 append_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext,
         !Goal, NumAdded, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs) :-
     do_append_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal,
-        yes(from_ground_term_scope_threshold), NumAdded,
+        get_from_ground_term_threshold, NumAdded,
         !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs).
 unravel_unification(LHS0, RHS0, Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity,
         Goal, NumAdded, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs) :-
     do_unravel_unification(LHS0, RHS0, Context, MainContext, SubContext,
-        Purity, Goal, yes(from_ground_term_scope_threshold), NumAdded,
+        Purity, Goal, get_from_ground_term_threshold, NumAdded,
         !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !SInfo, !Specs).
@@ -415,15 +412,51 @@
         MaybeThreshold = yes(Threshold),
         NumAdded > Threshold,
-        LHS = term.variable(X, _),
+        LHS = term.variable(LHSVar, _),
-        Goal0 = hlds_goal(_, GoalInfo),
-        Goal = hlds_goal(scope(from_ground_term(X), Goal0), GoalInfo)
+        Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
+        % We don't yet know whether this scope is actually be a construction;
+        % that is decided during mode analysis. However, the code inside the
+        % scope actually maintains the invariants we expect from
+        % from_ground_term_construct scopes, and quantification can
+        % exploit this knowledge.
+        Kind = from_ground_term_construct,
+        goal_info_set_nonlocals(set.make_singleton_set(LHSVar),
+            GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+        ( GoalExpr0 = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts0) ->
+            mark_nonlocals_in_ground_term_construct(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts),
+            SubGoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts),
+            SubGoal = hlds_goal(SubGoalExpr, GoalInfo),
+            GoalExpr = scope(from_ground_term(LHSVar, Kind), SubGoal),
+            Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+        ;
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "do_unravel_unification: from_ground_term not conj")
+        )
         Goal = Goal0
+:- pred mark_nonlocals_in_ground_term_construct(
+    list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
+mark_nonlocals_in_ground_term_construct([], []).
+mark_nonlocals_in_ground_term_construct([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0),
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(LHSVar, RHS, _, _, _),
+        RHS = rhs_functor(_, _, RHSVars)
+    ->
+        set.list_to_set([LHSVar | RHSVars], NonLocals),
+        goal_info_set_nonlocals(NonLocals, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+        Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "mark_nonlocals_in_ground_term_construct: wrong shape goal")
+    ),
+    mark_nonlocals_in_ground_term_construct(Goals0, Goals).
 :- pred classify_unravel_unification(prog_term::in, prog_term::in,
     prog_context::in, unify_main_context::in, unify_sub_contexts::in,
     purity::in, hlds_goal::out, num_added_goals::out,
Index: compiler/switch_detection.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/switch_detection.m,v
retrieving revision 1.141
diff -u -b -r1.141 switch_detection.m
--- compiler/switch_detection.m	29 Aug 2008 05:33:46 -0000	1.141
+++ compiler/switch_detection.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -274,8 +274,14 @@
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There are neither disjunctions nor deconstruction unifications
+            % inside these scopes.
+            SubGoal = SubGoal0
+        ;
         detect_switches_in_goal(VarTypes, AllowMulti, InstMap0,
-            SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Requant),
+                SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Requant)
+        ),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
         GoalExpr0 = unify(_, RHS0, _, _, _),
@@ -525,7 +531,7 @@
         [Var | Vars], InstMap, AgainList0, GoalExpr, !ModuleInfo, !Requant) :-
     % Can we do at least a partial switch on this variable?
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst0),
         inst_is_bound(!.ModuleInfo, VarInst0),
         partition_disj(AllowMulti, Disjuncts0, Var, GoalInfo, Left, CasesList,
@@ -895,9 +901,19 @@
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo),
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There are no deconstruction unifications inside these scopes.
+            Goal = Goal0,
+            % Whether we want to keep looking at the code that follows them
+            % is a more interesting question. Since we keep going after
+            % construction unifications (whose behavior this scope resembles),
+            % we keep going.
+            FoundDeconstruct = before_deconstruct
+        ;
         find_bind_var_2(Var, ProcessUnify, SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Subst,
             !Result, !Info, FoundDeconstruct),
         Goal = hlds_goal(scope(Reason, SubGoal), GoalInfo)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, SubGoals0),
@@ -1003,7 +1019,7 @@
 cases_to_switch(Var, VarTypes, AllowMulti, Cases0, InstMap, GoalExpr,
         !ModuleInfo, !Requant) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, VarInst),
     ( inst_is_bound_to_functors(!.ModuleInfo, VarInst, Functors) ->
         functors_to_cons_ids(Functors, ConsIds),
         delete_unreachable_cases(Cases0, ConsIds, Cases1),
Index: compiler/tabling_analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/tabling_analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -b -r1.18 tabling_analysis.m
--- compiler/tabling_analysis.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:14 -0000	1.18
+++ compiler/tabling_analysis.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -358,11 +358,18 @@
         Result = get_mm_tabling_status_from_attributes(Attributes),
         MaybeAnalysisStatus = yes(optimal)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        check_goal_for_mm_tabling(SCC, VarTypes, SubGoal, Result,
+            MaybeAnalysisStatus, !ModuleInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Result = mm_tabled_will_not_call,
+            MaybeAnalysisStatus = yes(optimal)
+        ;
         check_goal_for_mm_tabling(SCC, VarTypes, SubGoal, Result,
             MaybeAnalysisStatus, !ModuleInfo)
+        )
             GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals)
@@ -673,8 +680,12 @@
         !:GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         !.GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Status = mm_tabled_will_not_call
+        ;
         annotate_goal(VarTypes, SubGoal0, SubGoal, Status, !ModuleInfo),
         !:GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal)
+        )
         !.GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "shorthand goal")
@@ -684,8 +695,7 @@
     mm_tabling_status::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
 annotate_goal_list(VarTypes, !Goals, Status, !ModuleInfo) :-
-    list.map2_foldl(annotate_goal(VarTypes), !Goals, Statuses,
-        !ModuleInfo),
+    list.map2_foldl(annotate_goal(VarTypes), !Goals, Statuses, !ModuleInfo),
     list.foldl(combine_mm_tabling_status, Statuses, mm_tabled_will_not_call,
Index: compiler/term_constr_build.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/term_constr_build.m,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -b -r1.21 term_constr_build.m
--- compiler/term_constr_build.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:15 -0000	1.21
+++ compiler/term_constr_build.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -389,19 +389,19 @@
 :- pred build_abstract_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
     abstract_goal::out, traversal_info::in, traversal_info::out) is det.
-build_abstract_goal_2(conj(_, Goals), _, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+    (
+        GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals),
     % For the purposes of termination analysis there is no
     % distinction between parallel conjunctions and normal ones.
-    build_abstract_conj(Goals, AbstractGoal, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(disj(Goals), _, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
-    build_abstract_disj(non_switch(Goals), AbstractGoal, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, _, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+        build_abstract_conj(Goals, AbstractGoal, !Info)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        build_abstract_disj(non_switch(Goals), AbstractGoal, !Info)
+    ;
     GoalExpr = switch(SwitchVar, _, Cases),
-    build_abstract_disj(switch(SwitchVar, Cases), AbstractGoal, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, _, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+        build_abstract_disj(switch(SwitchVar, Cases), AbstractGoal, !Info)
+    ;
     GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
     % Reduce the if-then goals to an abstract conjunction.
@@ -417,37 +417,37 @@
     build_abstract_goal(Else, AbstractElse, !Info),
     AbstractFailureGoal = term_conj([CondFail, AbstractElse], [], []),
     AbstractDisjuncts = [AbstractSuccessGoal, AbstractFailureGoal],
-    AbstractGoal = term_disj(AbstractDisjuncts, 2, [], []).
-build_abstract_goal_2(scope(_, Goal), _, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
-    build_abstract_goal(Goal, AbstractGoal, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+        AbstractGoal = term_disj(AbstractDisjuncts, 2, [], [])
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(_Reason, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
+        build_abstract_goal(SubGoal, AbstractGoal, !Info)
+    ;
     GoalExpr = plain_call(CallPredId, CallProcId, CallArgs, _, _, _),
-    CallSizeArgs = prog_vars_to_size_vars(!.Info ^ tti_size_var_map, CallArgs),
+        CallSizeArgs = prog_vars_to_size_vars(!.Info ^ tti_size_var_map,
+            CallArgs),
     build_abstract_call(proc(CallPredId, CallProcId), CallSizeArgs,
-        GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, _, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+            GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info)
+    ;
     GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
-    build_abstract_unification(Unification, AbstractGoal, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(negation(Goal), _GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
+        build_abstract_unification(Unification, AbstractGoal, !Info)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
     % Event though a negated goal cannot have any output we still need
     % to check it for calls to non-terminating procedures.
-    build_abstract_goal(Goal, _, !Info),
+        build_abstract_goal(SubGoal, _, !Info),
     % Find a failure constraint for the goal if
     % `--term2-propagate-failure-constraints' is enabled,
     % otherwise just use the constraint that all non-zero input vars
     % should be non-negative.
-    AbstractGoal = find_failure_constraint_for_goal(Goal, !.Info).
+        AbstractGoal = find_failure_constraint_for_goal(SubGoal, !.Info)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attrs, PredId, ProcId, Args, ExtraArgs,
+            _, _),
     % XXX Eventually we should provide some facility for specifying the
     % arg_size constraints for foreign_procs.
-    %
-build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
-    GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(Attrs, PredId, ProcId, Args, ExtraArgs, _, _),
     % Create non-negativity constraints for each non-zero argument
     % in the foreign proc.
@@ -470,23 +470,23 @@
         info_update_errors(Error, !Info)
     Polyhedron = polyhedron.from_constraints(Constraints),
-    AbstractGoal = term_primitive(Polyhedron, [], []).
+        AbstractGoal = term_primitive(Polyhedron, [], [])
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
     % XXX At the moment all higher-order calls are eventually treated
     % as an error.  We do not record them as a normal type of error
-    % because this is going to change.  To approximate their effect
-    % here just assume that any non-zero output variables from the HO call
+        % because this is going to change. To approximate their effect here
+        % just assume that any non-zero output variables from the HO call
     % are unbounded in size.
-build_abstract_goal_2(GoalExpr, GoalInfo, AbstractGoal, !Info) :-
-    GoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
     AbstractGoal = term_primitive(polyhedron.universe, [], []),
-    info_update_ho_info(Context, !Info).
-build_abstract_goal_2(shorthand(_), _, _, _, _) :-
+        info_update_ho_info(Context, !Info)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
     % These should have been expanded out by now.
-    unexpected(this_file, "build_abstract_goal_2: shorthand").
+        unexpected(this_file, "build_abstract_goal_2: shorthand")
+    ).
Index: compiler/term_pass1.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/term_pass1.m,v
retrieving revision 1.40
diff -u -b -r1.40 term_pass1.m
--- compiler/term_pass1.m	29 Jan 2008 04:59:43 -0000	1.40
+++ compiler/term_pass1.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -371,11 +371,18 @@
         list.foldl3(check_goal_non_term_calls(PPId, VarTypes), Goals,
             !Errors, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
-        ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
-        ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
-        ),
+        GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
+        check_goal_non_term_calls(PPId, VarTypes, SubGoal,
+            !Errors, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The scope has no calls, let alone nonterminating calls.
+            true
+        ;
         check_goal_non_term_calls(PPId, VarTypes, SubGoal,
             !Errors, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
Index: compiler/term_traversal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/term_traversal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.60
diff -u -b -r1.60 term_traversal.m
--- compiler/term_traversal.m	29 Jan 2008 04:59:44 -0000	1.60
+++ compiler/term_traversal.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -331,6 +331,8 @@
         term_traverse_goal(SubGoal, Params, !Info, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
         GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
+        % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+        % scopes.
         term_traverse_goal(SubGoal, Params, !Info, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
Index: compiler/trace_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/trace_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.26
diff -u -b -r1.26 trace_gen.m
--- compiler/trace_gen.m	25 Nov 2008 07:46:43 -0000	1.26
+++ compiler/trace_gen.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@
         Name = ""
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     ( inst_match.inst_is_ground(ModuleInfo, Inst) ->
         LldsInst = llds_inst_ground
Index: compiler/trailing_analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/trailing_analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.37
diff -u -b -r1.37 trailing_analysis.m
--- compiler/trailing_analysis.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:14 -0000	1.37
+++ compiler/trailing_analysis.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -495,7 +495,12 @@
         check_goal_for_trail_mods(SCC, VarTypes, SubGoal, Result,
             MaybeAnalysisStatus, !ModuleInfo)
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, InnerGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, InnerGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % The construction of ground terms will not modify the trail.
+            Result = trail_will_not_modify,
+            MaybeAnalysisStatus = yes(optimal)
+        ;
         OuterGoalInfo = GoalInfo,
         check_goal_for_trail_mods(SCC, VarTypes, InnerGoal, Result0,
             MaybeAnalysisStatus, !ModuleInfo),
@@ -504,11 +509,12 @@
         OuterCodeModel = goal_info_get_code_model(OuterGoalInfo),
         % `trail_conditional' scope goals (of the type that require extra
-        % trailing code) will have their status changed to `trail_may_modify'.
-        % See the comment in the code handling if-then-elses above for
-        % the reason why.
+            % trailing code) will have their status changed to
+            % `trail_may_modify'. See the comment in the code handling
+            % if-then-elses above for the reason why.
         Result = scope_implies_trail_mod(InnerCodeModel, OuterCodeModel,
+        )
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
@@ -980,14 +986,19 @@
         !:GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         !.GoalExpr = scope(Reason, InnerGoal0),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Status = trail_will_not_modify
+        ;
         OuterGoalInfo = GoalInfo,
-        annotate_goal(VarTypes, InnerGoal0, InnerGoal, Status0, !ModuleInfo),
+            annotate_goal(VarTypes, InnerGoal0, InnerGoal, Status0,
+                !ModuleInfo),
         InnerGoal = hlds_goal(_, InnerGoalInfo),
         InnerCodeModel = goal_info_get_code_model(InnerGoalInfo),
         OuterCodeModel = goal_info_get_code_model(OuterGoalInfo),
         Status = scope_implies_trail_mod(InnerCodeModel, OuterCodeModel,
         !:GoalExpr = scope(Reason, InnerGoal)
+        )
         !.GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         unexpected(this_file, "shorthand goal")
Index: compiler/tupling.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/tupling.m,v
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -u -b -r1.46 tupling.m
--- compiler/tupling.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:01 -0000	1.46
+++ compiler/tupling.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1091,6 +1091,8 @@
 count_load_stores_in_goal_expr(scope(_Reason, Goal), _GoalInfo, CountInfo,
         !CountState) :-
+    % XXX We should special-case the handling of from_ground_term_construct
+    % scopes.
     count_load_stores_in_goal(Goal, CountInfo, !CountState).
 count_load_stores_in_goal_expr(conj(ConjType, Goals), _GoalInfo, CountInfo,
@@ -1191,11 +1193,13 @@
         % TODO: If we kept track of the aliases of field variables,
         % then they could be checked also.
         get_own_tupling_proposal(CountInfo) = tupling(_, _, _),
-        all [Var] Var `list.member` FieldVars => (
+        all [Var] (
+            Var `list.member` FieldVars
+        => (
             Var `set.member` InputArgs0,
             assoc_list.search(FieldVarArgPos, Var, Pos),
             list.nth_member_search(ArgVars, Var, Pos)
-        )
+        ))
         % In this case, the cell var is not being used to access field
         % variables, so it should not incur the cell var cost.
@@ -1743,10 +1747,14 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        fix_calls_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes, !RttiVarMaps,
-            TransformMap),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
+            fix_calls_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes,
+                !RttiVarMaps, TransformMap),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
@@ -1755,9 +1763,9 @@
             ConjType = parallel_conj,
-            % XXX: I am not sure whether parallel conjunctions should be treated
-            % with fix_calls_in_goal or fix_calls_in_goal_list.  At any rate,
-            % this is untested.
+            % XXX: I am not sure whether parallel conjunctions should be
+            % treated with fix_calls_in_goal or fix_calls_in_goal_list.
+            % At any rate, this is untested.
             fix_calls_in_goal_list(Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes,
                 !RttiVarMaps, TransformMap)
Index: compiler/typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.433
diff -u -b -r1.433 typecheck.m
--- compiler/typecheck.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:15 -0000	1.433
+++ compiler/typecheck.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@
             Reason = barrier(_)
-            Reason = from_ground_term(_)
+            Reason = from_ground_term(_, _)
             Reason = trace_goal(_, _, _, _, _)
@@ -2727,7 +2727,6 @@
 typecheck_info_get_ctor_list(Info, Functor, Arity, GoalPath, ConsInfos,
         ConsErrors) :-
     typecheck_info_get_is_field_access_function(Info, IsFieldAccessFunc),
-    typecheck_info_get_pred_import_status(Info, ImportStatus),
         % If we're typechecking the clause added for a field access function
         % for which the user has supplied type or mode declarations, the goal
@@ -2735,6 +2734,7 @@
         % not constructor applications or function calls. The clauses in
         % `.opt' files will already have been expanded into unifications.
         IsFieldAccessFunc = yes,
+        typecheck_info_get_pred_import_status(Info, ImportStatus),
         ImportStatus \= status_opt_imported
@@ -2912,11 +2912,20 @@
     convert_cons_defn(Info, GoalPath, Action, X, Y),
     convert_cons_defn_list(Info, GoalPath, Action, Xs, Ys).
-:- pred convert_cons_defn(typecheck_info::in, goal_path::in,
-    cons_constraints_action::in, hlds_cons_defn::in,
-    maybe_cons_type_info::out) is det.
+:- pred convert_cons_defn(typecheck_info, goal_path,
+    cons_constraints_action, hlds_cons_defn, maybe_cons_type_info).
+:- mode convert_cons_defn(in, in, in(bound(do_not_flip_constraints)), in, out)
+    is det.
+:- mode convert_cons_defn(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
 convert_cons_defn(Info, GoalPath, Action, HLDS_ConsDefn, ConsTypeInfo) :-
+    % XXX We should investigate whether the job done by this predicate
+    % on demand and therefore possibly lots of times for the same type,
+    % would be better done just once, either by invoking it (at least with
+    % Action = do_not_flip_constraints) before type checking even starts and
+    % recording the result, or by putting the result into the HLDS_ConsDefn
+    % or some related data structure.
     HLDS_ConsDefn = hlds_cons_defn(ExistQVars0, ExistProgConstraints, Args,
         TypeCtor, _),
     ArgTypes = list.map(func(C) = C ^ arg_type, Args),
Index: compiler/typecheck_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -b -r1.25 typecheck_info.m
--- compiler/typecheck_info.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:15 -0000	1.25
+++ compiler/typecheck_info.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -429,11 +429,17 @@
         type_assign_get_constraint_map(TypeAssign, ConstraintMap0),
         map.keys(VarTypes0, Vars),
+        ( map.is_empty(TypeBindings) ->
+            VarTypes = VarTypes0,
+            ConstraintProofs = ConstraintProofs0,
+            ConstraintMap1 = ConstraintMap0
+        ;
         expand_types(Vars, TypeBindings, VarTypes0, VarTypes),
             ConstraintProofs0, ConstraintProofs),
-            ConstraintMap0, ConstraintMap1),
+                ConstraintMap0, ConstraintMap1)
+        ),
         % When inferring the typeclass constraints, the universal constraints
         % here may be assumed (if this is the last pass) but will not have been
Index: compiler/unique_modes.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unique_modes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -b -r1.127 unique_modes.m
--- compiler/unique_modes.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:16 -0000	1.127
+++ compiler/unique_modes.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -167,8 +167,8 @@
 make_all_nondet_live_vars_mostly_uniq(ModeInfo0, ModeInfo) :-
     mode_info_get_instmap(ModeInfo0, FullInstMap0),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(FullInstMap0) ->
-        instmap.vars_list(FullInstMap0, AllVars),
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(FullInstMap0) ->
+        instmap_vars_list(FullInstMap0, AllVars),
         select_nondet_live_vars(AllVars, ModeInfo0, NondetLiveVars),
         make_var_list_mostly_uniq(NondetLiveVars, ModeInfo0, ModeInfo)
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
 select_changed_inst_vars([Var | Vars], DeltaInstMap, ModeInfo, ChangedVars) :-
     mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
     mode_info_get_instmap(ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
     mode_info_get_var_types(ModeInfo, VarTypes),
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
         % Only variables which are `unique' need to be changed.
-        instmap.is_reachable(InstMap0),
-        instmap.vars_list(InstMap0, Vars),
+        instmap_is_reachable(InstMap0),
+        instmap_vars_list(InstMap0, Vars),
         list.member(Var, Vars),
-        instmap.lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
+        instmap_lookup_var(InstMap0, Var, Inst0),
         inst_expand(ModuleInfo0, Inst0, Inst1),
         ( Inst1 = ground(unique, _)
         ; Inst1 = bound(unique, _)
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
         make_mostly_uniq_inst(Inst0, Inst, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
         mode_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo, !ModeInfo),
-        instmap.set(Var, Inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
+        instmap_set_var(Var, Inst, InstMap0, InstMap),
         mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo)
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
     mode_info_remove_live_vars(ThenVars, !ModeInfo),
     mode_info_unlock_vars(var_lock_if_then_else, NonLocals, !ModeInfo),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMapCond),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMapCond) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMapCond) ->
         unique_modes_check_goal(Then0, Then, !ModeInfo, !IO),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMapThen)
@@ -498,11 +498,21 @@
 unique_modes_check_goal_scope(Reason, SubGoal0, GoalExpr, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
     mode_checkpoint(enter, "scope", !ModeInfo, !IO),
-    ( Reason = from_ground_term(_) ->
-        mode_info_get_in_from_ground_term(!.ModeInfo, WasInFromGroundTerm),
-        mode_info_set_in_from_ground_term(in_from_ground_term, !ModeInfo),
-        unique_modes_check_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-        mode_info_set_in_from_ground_term(WasInFromGroundTerm, !ModeInfo)
+    ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+        % The subgoal was left in its final state during (non-unique) mode
+        % checking. All we need to do here is to add the relevant information
+        % in the goal to ModeInfo.
+        SubGoal = SubGoal0,
+        SubGoal = hlds_goal(_, SubGoalInfo),
+        InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(SubGoalInfo),
+        ( instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, TermVar, TermVarInst) ->
+            mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
+            instmap_set_var(TermVar, TermVarInst, InstMap0, InstMap),
+            mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap, !ModeInfo)
+        ;
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "unique_modes_check_goal_scope: term var not in InstMapDelta")
+        )
         unique_modes_check_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !ModeInfo, !IO)
@@ -594,9 +604,9 @@
         Cases0 = [_ | _],
         NonLocals = goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0),
-        unique_modes_check_case_list(Cases0, Var, Cases, InstMapList,
+        unique_modes_check_case_list(Cases0, Var, Cases, InstMaps,
             !ModeInfo, !IO),
-        instmap_merge(NonLocals, InstMapList, merge_disj, !ModeInfo)
+        instmap_merge(NonLocals, InstMaps, merge_disj, !ModeInfo)
     GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
     mode_checkpoint(exit, "switch", !ModeInfo, !IO).
@@ -699,7 +709,7 @@
         % mode error in callee for this mode
         WaitingVars = set.list_to_set(ArgVars),
         mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-        instmap.lookup_vars(ArgVars, InstMap, ArgInsts),
+        instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap, ArgVars, ArgInsts),
             mode_error_in_callee(ArgVars, ArgInsts, PredId, ProcId0,
                 ProcInfo ^ mode_errors),
@@ -828,7 +838,7 @@
     mode_info_remove_live_vars(NonLocals, !ModeInfo),
     unique_modes_check_goal(Goal0, Goal, !ModeInfo, !IO),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(InstMap) ->
         % We should not mode-analyse the remaining goals, since they are
         % unreachable. Instead we optimize them away, so that later passes
         % won't complain about them not having unique mode information.
@@ -886,12 +896,13 @@
         Multiplicity > 1
     ), NonLocalVarsList, SharedList),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap0),
-    instmap.lookup_vars(SharedList, InstMap0, VarInsts),
+    instmap_lookup_vars(InstMap0, SharedList, VarInsts),
     mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo0),
     make_shared_inst_list(VarInsts, SharedVarInsts,
         ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
     mode_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo1, !ModeInfo),
-    instmap.set_vars(SharedList, SharedVarInsts, InstMap0, InstMap1),
+    instmap_set_vars_corresponding(SharedList, SharedVarInsts,
+        InstMap0, InstMap1),
     mode_info_set_instmap(InstMap1, !ModeInfo).
     % Just process each conjunct in turn. Because we have already done
@@ -979,7 +990,7 @@
     modecheck_functors_test(Var, MainConsId, OtherConsIds, !ModeInfo),
     mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap1),
-    ( instmap.is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
+    ( instmap_is_reachable(InstMap1) ->
         unique_modes_check_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !ModeInfo, !IO)
         % We should not mode-analyse the goal, since it is unreachable.
Index: compiler/unneeded_code.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unneeded_code.m,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -b -r1.48 unneeded_code.m
--- compiler/unneeded_code.m	4 Sep 2008 11:41:01 -0000	1.48
+++ compiler/unneeded_code.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
-:- pred process_proc_msg(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+:- pred unneeded_process_proc_msg(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
-process_proc_msg(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
+unneeded_process_proc_msg(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
     % The transformation considers every nonlocal variable of a goal
     % that is bound on entry to be consumed by that goal. If the nonlocal set
     % contains any such variables that are not actually needed by the goal,
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
         io.write_string("% Removing dead code in ", !IO),
         hlds_out.write_pred_proc_id_pair(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, !IO),
         io.write_string(" ...\n", !IO),
-        pre_process_proc(!ProcInfo),
-        process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, 1, Successful),
+        unneeded_pre_process_proc(!ProcInfo),
+        unneeded_process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, 1, Successful),
             Successful = yes,
             io.write_string("% done.\n", !IO)
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@
         VeryVerbose = no,
-        pre_process_proc(!ProcInfo),
-        process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, 1, _)
+        unneeded_pre_process_proc(!ProcInfo),
+        unneeded_process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, 1, _)
-:- pred pre_process_proc(proc_info::in, proc_info::out) is det.
+:- pred unneeded_pre_process_proc(proc_info::in, proc_info::out) is det.
-pre_process_proc(!ProcInfo) :-
+unneeded_pre_process_proc(!ProcInfo) :-
     proc_info_get_headvars(!.ProcInfo, HeadVars),
     proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, Goal0),
     proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, VarSet0),
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@
                 debug           :: bool
-:- pred process_proc(proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
+:- pred unneeded_process_proc(proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
     module_info::in, module_info::out, pred_id::in, int::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, Pass, Successful) :-
+unneeded_process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, Pass, Successful) :-
     fill_goal_path_slots(!.ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo),
     proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, Goal0),
     proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, VarSet0),
@@ -344,12 +344,12 @@
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal1, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes0,
+    unneeded_process_goal(Goal0, Goal1, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes0,
         !.ModuleInfo, Options, WhereNeededMap1, _, map.init, RefinedGoals1,
         no, Changed),
-    refine_goal(Goal1, Goal2, RefinedGoals1, RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Goal1, Goal2, RefinedGoals1, RefinedGoals),
-        this_file, "process_proc: goal reattachment unsuccessful"),
+        this_file, "unneeded_process_proc: goal reattachment unsuccessful"),
         Changed = yes,
         % We need to fix up the goal_info by recalculating the nonlocal vars
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@
         ( Pass > 3 ->
-            process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, Pass + 1, _)
+            unneeded_process_proc(!ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, PredId, Pass + 1, _)
         Successful = yes
@@ -377,19 +377,20 @@
         Successful = no
-:- pred process_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, instmap::in, instmap::in,
-    vartypes::in, module_info::in, option_values::in,
+:- pred unneeded_process_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+    instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in, option_values::in,
     where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_goal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
+unneeded_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
     can_eliminate_or_move(Goal0, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
         VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, !.WhereNeededMap, WhereInfo),
         WhereInfo = everywhere,
-        process_goal_internal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
-            ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed)
+        unneeded_process_goal_internal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
+            VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals,
+            !Changed)
         WhereInfo = branches(Branches),
         demand_inputs(Goal0, ModuleInfo, InitInstMap, WhereInfo,
@@ -570,7 +571,7 @@
     prog_var::in) is semidet.
 nonlocal_may_be_input(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Var) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, Inst).
@@ -590,7 +591,7 @@
     prog_var::in) is semidet.
 nonlocal_is_virgin_output(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Var) :-
-    instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
+    instmap_lookup_var(InstMap, Var, Inst),
     \+ inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, Inst).
@@ -621,13 +622,14 @@
-:- pred process_goal_internal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred unneeded_process_goal_internal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in,
     option_values::in, where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_goal_internal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
-        ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
+unneeded_process_goal_internal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
+        VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals,
+        !Changed) :-
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
         GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _),
@@ -653,9 +655,9 @@
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts0),
             ConjType = plain_conj,
-            process_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
-                VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals,
-                !Changed),
+            unneeded_process_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts,
+                InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options,
+                !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
             GoalExpr = conj(plain_conj, Conjuncts),
             Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
@@ -674,15 +676,17 @@
             MaybeNumAlt = MaybeNumAltPrime
-            unexpected(this_file, "process_goal_internal: switch count")
+            unexpected(this_file,
+                "unneeded_process_goal_internal: switch count")
         GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
         BranchPoint = branch_point(GoalPath, alt_switch(MaybeNumAlt)),
         map.map_values(demand_var_everywhere, !WhereNeededMap),
-        process_cases(Cases0, Cases, BranchPoint, 1, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
-            VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, GoalPath, !.WhereNeededMap,
-            BranchNeededMap0, BranchNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
+        unneeded_process_cases(Cases0, Cases, BranchPoint, 1,
+            InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, GoalPath,
+            !.WhereNeededMap, BranchNeededMap0, BranchNeededMap, !RefinedGoals,
+            !Changed),
         merge_where_needed_maps(GoalPath, !.WhereNeededMap,
             BranchNeededMap, !:WhereNeededMap),
         demand_var(GoalPath, everywhere, SwitchVar, !WhereNeededMap),
@@ -692,7 +696,7 @@
         GoalExpr0 = disj(Disjuncts0),
         GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
         map.map_values(demand_var_everywhere, !WhereNeededMap),
-        process_disj(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
+        unneeded_process_disj(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
             VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, GoalPath,
             !.WhereNeededMap, !.WhereNeededMap, !:WhereNeededMap,
             !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
@@ -703,28 +707,33 @@
         GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
         BranchPoint = branch_point(GoalPath, alt_ite),
         map.map_values(demand_var_everywhere, !WhereNeededMap),
-        process_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else, BranchPoint,
-            InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, GoalPath,
-            !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
+        unneeded_process_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else,
+            BranchPoint, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
+            Options, GoalPath, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Quant, Cond, Then, Else),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = negation(NegGoal0),
-        process_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
+        unneeded_process_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
             VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options,
             !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
         GoalExpr = negation(NegGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SomeGoal0),
-        process_goal(SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
-            ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
+            unneeded_process_goal(SomeGoal0, SomeGoal,
+                InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options,
+                !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SomeGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
-        unexpected(this_file, "shorthand in process_goal_internal")
+        unexpected(this_file, "unneeded_process_goal_internal: shorthand")
@@ -732,16 +741,16 @@
 :- type bracketed_goal
     --->    bracketed_goal(hlds_goal, instmap, instmap).
-:- pred process_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred unneeded_process_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in,
     option_values::in, where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_conj(Goals0, Goals, InitInstMap, _FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
+unneeded_process_conj(Goals0, Goals, InitInstMap, _FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
     build_bracketed_conj(Goals0, InitInstMap, BracketedGoals),
     list.reverse(BracketedGoals, RevBracketedGoals),
-    process_rev_bracketed_conj(RevBracketedGoals, RevGoals, VarTypes,
+    unneeded_process_rev_bracketed_conj(RevBracketedGoals, RevGoals, VarTypes,
         ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
     list.reverse(RevGoals, Goals).
@@ -750,7 +759,7 @@
 build_bracketed_conj([], _, []).
 build_bracketed_conj([Goal | Goals], InitInstMap, BracketedGoals) :-
-    ( instmap.is_unreachable(InitInstMap) ->
+    ( instmap_is_unreachable(InitInstMap) ->
         BracketedGoals = []
         Goal = hlds_goal(_, GoalInfo),
@@ -761,19 +770,20 @@
         BracketedGoals = [BracketedGoal | BracketedTail]
-:- pred process_rev_bracketed_conj(list(bracketed_goal)::in,
+:- pred unneeded_process_rev_bracketed_conj(list(bracketed_goal)::in,
     list(hlds_goal)::out, vartypes::in, module_info::in, option_values::in,
     where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_rev_bracketed_conj([], [], _, _, _,
+unneeded_process_rev_bracketed_conj([], [], _, _, _,
         !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed).
-process_rev_bracketed_conj([BracketedGoal | BracketedGoals], Goals, VarTypes,
-        ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
+unneeded_process_rev_bracketed_conj([BracketedGoal | BracketedGoals], Goals,
+        VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals,
+        !Changed) :-
     BracketedGoal = bracketed_goal(Goal0, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap),
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal1, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+    unneeded_process_goal(Goal0, Goal1, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
         ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
-    process_rev_bracketed_conj(BracketedGoals, Goals1, VarTypes,
+    unneeded_process_rev_bracketed_conj(BracketedGoals, Goals1, VarTypes,
         ModuleInfo, Options, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
     ( Goal1 = hlds_goal(true_goal_expr, _) ->
         Goals = Goals1
@@ -783,74 +793,75 @@
-:- pred process_disj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred unneeded_process_disj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in,
     option_values::in, goal_path::in,
     where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_disj([], [], _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+unneeded_process_disj([], [], _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
         !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed).
-process_disj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], InitInstMap, FinalInstMap,
-        VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, CurrentPath,
+unneeded_process_disj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals],
+        InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, CurrentPath,
         StartWhereNeededMap, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        Options, StartWhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapFirst, !RefinedGoals,
-        !Changed),
+    unneeded_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, StartWhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapFirst,
+        !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
     map.to_assoc_list(WhereNeededMapFirst, WhereNeededList),
     add_where_needed_list(WhereNeededList, CurrentPath, !WhereNeededMap),
-    process_disj(Goals0, Goals, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+    unneeded_process_disj(Goals0, Goals, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
         ModuleInfo, Options, CurrentPath, StartWhereNeededMap,
         !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed).
-:- pred process_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out, branch_point::in,
-    int::in, instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in, module_info::in,
-    option_values::in, goal_path::in, where_needed_map::in,
+:- pred unneeded_process_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
+    branch_point::in, int::in, instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in,
+    module_info::in, option_values::in, goal_path::in, where_needed_map::in,
     where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out,
     bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_cases([], [], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+unneeded_process_cases([], [], _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
         !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed).
-process_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], BranchPoint, BranchNum,
-        InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, CurrentPath,
-        StartWhereNeededMap, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
+unneeded_process_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases],
+        BranchPoint, BranchNum, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, CurrentPath, StartWhereNeededMap,
+        !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
     Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
-    process_goal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        Options, StartWhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapFirst, !RefinedGoals,
-        !Changed),
+    unneeded_process_goal(Goal0, Goal, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, StartWhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapFirst,
+        !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
     Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
     map.to_assoc_list(WhereNeededMapFirst, WhereNeededList),
     add_alt_start(WhereNeededList, BranchPoint, BranchNum, CurrentPath,
-    process_cases(Cases0, Cases, BranchPoint, BranchNum + 1,
+    unneeded_process_cases(Cases0, Cases, BranchPoint, BranchNum + 1,
         InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, CurrentPath,
         StartWhereNeededMap, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed).
-:- pred process_ite(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred unneeded_process_ite(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     branch_point::in, instmap::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in,
     module_info::in, option_values::in, goal_path::in,
     where_needed_map::in, where_needed_map::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-process_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else, BranchPoint,
+unneeded_process_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else, BranchPoint,
         InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options,
         CurrentPath, !WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed) :-
     Cond0 = hlds_goal(_, CondInfo0),
     InstMapDelta = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(CondInfo0),
     instmap.apply_instmap_delta(InitInstMap, InstMapDelta, InstMapCond),
-    process_goal(Else0, Else, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        Options, !.WhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapElse, !RefinedGoals,
-        !Changed),
-    process_goal(Then0, Then, InstMapCond, FinalInstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-        Options, !.WhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapThen, !RefinedGoals,
-        !Changed),
+    unneeded_process_goal(Else0, Else, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, !.WhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapElse,
+        !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
+    unneeded_process_goal(Then0, Then, InstMapCond, FinalInstMap, VarTypes,
+        ModuleInfo, Options, !.WhereNeededMap, WhereNeededMapThen,
+        !RefinedGoals, !Changed),
     map.to_assoc_list(WhereNeededMapElse, WhereNeededListElse),
@@ -862,7 +873,7 @@
         !.WhereNeededMap, BranchNeededMap, WhereNeededMapCond),
-    process_goal(Cond0, Cond, InitInstMap, InstMapCond,
+    unneeded_process_goal(Cond0, Cond, InitInstMap, InstMapCond,
         VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Options, WhereNeededMapCond,
         !:WhereNeededMap, !RefinedGoals, !Changed).
@@ -933,10 +944,10 @@
-:- pred refine_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred unneeded_refine_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out) is det.
-refine_goal(Goal0, Goal, !RefinedGoals) :-
+unneeded_refine_goal(Goal0, Goal, !RefinedGoals) :-
     Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
         ( GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _, _)
@@ -949,7 +960,7 @@
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts0),
             ConjType = plain_conj,
-            refine_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts, !RefinedGoals),
+            unneeded_refine_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts, !RefinedGoals),
             GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Conjuncts),
             Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
@@ -959,59 +970,64 @@
         GoalExpr0 = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases0),
         GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
-        refine_cases(Cases0, Cases, !RefinedGoals, GoalPath, 1),
+        unneeded_refine_cases(Cases0, Cases, !RefinedGoals, GoalPath, 1),
         GoalExpr = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = disj(Disjuncts0),
         GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
-        refine_disj(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts, !RefinedGoals, GoalPath, 1),
+        unneeded_refine_disj(Disjuncts0, Disjuncts, !RefinedGoals,
+            GoalPath, 1),
         GoalExpr = disj(Disjuncts),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Quant, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
         GoalPath = goal_info_get_goal_path(GoalInfo0),
-        refine_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else, !RefinedGoals,
-            GoalPath),
+        unneeded_refine_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else,
+            !RefinedGoals, GoalPath),
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Quant, Cond, Then, Else),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = negation(NegGoal0),
-        refine_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, !RefinedGoals),
+        unneeded_refine_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, !RefinedGoals),
         GoalExpr = negation(NegGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SomeGoal0),
-        refine_goal(SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, !RefinedGoals),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
+            unneeded_refine_goal(SomeGoal0, SomeGoal, !RefinedGoals),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SomeGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
-        unexpected(this_file, "shorthand in refine_goal")
+        unexpected(this_file, "unneeded_refine_goal: shorthand")
-:- pred refine_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred unneeded_refine_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out) is det.
-refine_conj([], [], !RefinedGoals).
-refine_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], Goals, !RefinedGoals) :-
-    refine_goal(Goal0, HeadGoal, !RefinedGoals),
-    refine_conj(Goals0, TailGoals, !RefinedGoals),
+unneeded_refine_conj([], [], !RefinedGoals).
+unneeded_refine_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], Goals, !RefinedGoals) :-
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Goal0, HeadGoal, !RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_conj(Goals0, TailGoals, !RefinedGoals),
     ( HeadGoal = hlds_goal(conj(plain_conj, HeadGoals), _) ->
         Goals = HeadGoals ++ TailGoals
         Goals = [HeadGoal | TailGoals]
-:- pred refine_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
+:- pred unneeded_refine_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out,
     goal_path::in, int::in) is det.
-refine_cases([], [], !RefinedGoals, _, _).
-refine_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !RefinedGoals, GoalPath,
-        BranchNum) :-
+unneeded_refine_cases([], [], !RefinedGoals, _, _).
+unneeded_refine_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !RefinedGoals,
+        GoalPath, BranchNum) :-
     Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
-    refine_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !RefinedGoals),
     ( map.search(!.RefinedGoals, GoalPath - BranchNum, ToInsertGoals) ->
         insert_refine_goals(ToInsertGoals, Goal1, Goal),
         svmap.delete(GoalPath - BranchNum, !RefinedGoals)
@@ -1019,33 +1035,35 @@
         Goal = Goal1
     Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
-    refine_cases(Cases0, Cases, !RefinedGoals, GoalPath, BranchNum + 1).
+    unneeded_refine_cases(Cases0, Cases, !RefinedGoals,
+        GoalPath, BranchNum + 1).
-:- pred refine_disj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
+:- pred unneeded_refine_disj(list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out,
     goal_path::in, int::in) is det.
-refine_disj([], [], !RefinedGoals, _, _).
-refine_disj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !RefinedGoals,
+unneeded_refine_disj([], [], !RefinedGoals, _, _).
+unneeded_refine_disj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !RefinedGoals,
         GoalPath, BranchNum) :-
-    refine_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Goal0, Goal1, !RefinedGoals),
     ( map.search(!.RefinedGoals, GoalPath - BranchNum, ToInsertGoals) ->
         insert_refine_goals(ToInsertGoals, Goal1, Goal),
         svmap.delete(GoalPath - BranchNum, !RefinedGoals)
         Goal = Goal1
-    refine_disj(Goals0, Goals, !RefinedGoals, GoalPath, BranchNum + 1).
+    unneeded_refine_disj(Goals0, Goals, !RefinedGoals, GoalPath,
+        BranchNum + 1).
-:- pred refine_ite(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred unneeded_refine_ite(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     refined_goal_map::in, refined_goal_map::out, goal_path::in) is det.
-refine_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else,
+unneeded_refine_ite(Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else,
         !RefinedGoals, GoalPath) :-
-    refine_goal(Cond0, Cond, !RefinedGoals),
-    refine_goal(Then0, Then1, !RefinedGoals),
-    refine_goal(Else0, Else1, !RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Cond0, Cond, !RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Then0, Then1, !RefinedGoals),
+    unneeded_refine_goal(Else0, Else1, !RefinedGoals),
     ( map.search(!.RefinedGoals, GoalPath - 1, ToInsertGoalsThen) ->
         insert_refine_goals(ToInsertGoalsThen, Then1, Then),
Index: compiler/untupling.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/untupling.m,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -b -r1.30 untupling.m
--- compiler/untupling.m	27 Feb 2008 07:23:17 -0000	1.30
+++ compiler/untupling.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -543,10 +543,15 @@
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        fix_calls_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes, TransformMap,
-            ModuleInfo),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % There are no calls in these scopes.
+            Goal = Goal0
+        ;
+            fix_calls_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes,
+                TransformMap, ModuleInfo),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
Index: compiler/unused_args.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unused_args.m,v
retrieving revision 1.156
diff -u -b -r1.156 unused_args.m
--- compiler/unused_args.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:16 -0000	1.156
+++ compiler/unused_args.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-:- pred unused_args.process_module(module_info::in, module_info::out,
+:- pred unused_args_process_module(module_info::in, module_info::out,
     list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -120,15 +120,6 @@
-    % Information about the dependencies of a variable that is not known to be
-    % used.
-    %
-:- type usage_info
-    --->    unused(set(prog_var), set(arg_var_in_proc)).
-    % A collection of variable usages for each procedure.
-:- type var_usage == map(pred_proc_id, var_dep).
     % Arguments are stored as their variable id, not their index
     % in the argument vector.
 :- type arg_var_in_proc
@@ -137,10 +128,19 @@
+    % Information about the dependencies of a variable that is not known to be
+    % used.
+    %
+:- type usage_info
+    --->    unused(set(prog_var), set(arg_var_in_proc)).
     % Contains dependency information for the variables in a procedure
     % that are not yet known to be used.
 :- type var_dep == map(prog_var, usage_info).
+    % A collection of variable usages for each procedure.
+:- type var_usage == map(pred_proc_id, var_dep).
 :- type warning_info
     --->    warning_info(prog_context, string, int, list(int)).
             % context, pred name, arity, list of args to warn
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
-process_module(!ModuleInfo, !Specs, !IO) :-
+unused_args_process_module(!ModuleInfo, !Specs, !IO) :-
     module_info_get_globals(!.ModuleInfo, Globals),
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
     init_var_usage(VarUsage0, PredProcs, ProcCallInfo0, !ModuleInfo),
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
             ProcCallInfo0, ProcCallInfo, !ModuleInfo),
         % maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Finished new preds.\n",
         %   !IO),
-        fixup_unused_args(VarUsage, PredProcs, ProcCallInfo, !ModuleInfo,
-            VeryVerbose, !IO),
+        unused_args_fixup_module(VarUsage, PredProcs, ProcCallInfo,
+            !ModuleInfo, VeryVerbose, !IO),
         % maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Fixed up goals.\n", !IO),
         ( map.is_empty(ProcCallInfo) ->
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
             proc_info_get_goal(ProcInfo, Goal),
             Info = unused_args_info(!.ModuleInfo, VarTypes),
-            traverse_goal(Info, Goal, !VarDep),
+            unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, Goal, !VarDep),
             svmap.set(proc(PredId, ProcId), !.VarDep, !VarUsage),
             !:PredProcs = [proc(PredId, ProcId) | !.PredProcs]
@@ -612,22 +612,22 @@
                 unarg_vartypes      :: vartypes
-:- pred traverse_goal(unused_args_info::in, hlds_goal::in,
+:- pred unused_args_traverse_goal(unused_args_info::in, hlds_goal::in,
     var_dep::in, var_dep::out) is det.
-traverse_goal(Info, Goal, !VarDep) :-
+unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, Goal, !VarDep) :-
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, _GoalInfo),
         GoalExpr = conj(_ConjType, Goals),
-        traverse_list_of_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep)
+        unused_args_traverse_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep)
         GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
-        traverse_list_of_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep)
+        unused_args_traverse_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep)
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, _, Cases),
         set_var_used(Var, !VarDep),
         list_case_to_list_goal(Cases, Goals),
-        traverse_list_of_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep)
+        unused_args_traverse_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep)
         GoalExpr = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, Args, _, _, _),
         module_info_pred_proc_info(Info ^ unarg_module_info, PredId, ProcId,
@@ -636,15 +636,21 @@
         add_pred_call_arg_dep(proc(PredId, ProcId), Args, HeadVars, !VarDep)
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, Cond, Then, Else),
-        traverse_goal(Info, Cond, !VarDep),
-        traverse_goal(Info, Then, !VarDep),
-        traverse_goal(Info, Else, !VarDep)
+        unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, Cond, !VarDep),
+        unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, Then, !VarDep),
+        unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, Else, !VarDep)
         GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal),
-        traverse_goal(Info, SubGoal, !VarDep)
+        unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, SubGoal, !VarDep)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(_TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            % What we do here is what we would do for a construction
+            % unification that binds TermVar to a constant, i.e. nothing.
+            true
-        GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal),
-        traverse_goal(Info, SubGoal, !VarDep)
+            unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, SubGoal, !VarDep)
+        )
         GoalExpr = generic_call(GenericCall, Args, _, _),
         goal_util.generic_call_vars(GenericCall, CallArgs),
@@ -654,8 +660,8 @@
         GoalExpr = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, Args, ExtraArgs, _, _),
         % Only arguments with names can be used in the foreign code.  The code
         % in here should be kept in sync with the treatment of foreign_procs
-        % in fixup_goal_expr: any variable considered unused here should be
-        % renamed apart in fixup_goal_expr.
+        % in unused_args_fixup_goal_expr: any variable considered unused here
+        % should be renamed apart in unused_args_fixup_goal_expr.
         ArgIsUsed = (pred(Arg::in, Var::out) is semidet :-
             Arg = foreign_arg(Var, MaybeNameAndMode, _, _),
             MaybeNameAndMode = yes(_)
@@ -680,7 +686,7 @@
             Unify = deconstruct(CellVar, _, Args, Modes, CanFail, _),
             expect(unify(CellVar, LHS), this_file,
-                "traverse_goal: LHS != CellVar"),
+                "unused_args_traverse_goal: LHS != CellVar"),
             partition_deconstruct_args(Info, Args, Modes,
                 InputVars, OutputVars),
             % The deconstructed variable is used if any of the variables that
@@ -699,7 +705,7 @@
             Unify = construct(CellVar, _, Args, _, _, _, _),
             expect(unify(CellVar, LHS), this_file,
-                "traverse_goal: LHS != CellVar"),
+                "unused_args_traverse_goal: LHS != CellVar"),
             ( local_var_is_used(!.VarDep, CellVar) ->
                 set_list_vars_used(Args, !VarDep)
@@ -725,7 +731,8 @@
         GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
-        unexpected(this_file, "traverse_goal: unexpected shorthand")
+        unexpected(this_file,
+            "unused_args_traverse_goal: unexpected shorthand")
     % Add PredProc - HeadVar as an alias for the same element of Args.
@@ -838,13 +845,13 @@
 list_case_to_list_goal([case(_, _, Goal) | Cases], [Goal | Goals]) :-
     list_case_to_list_goal(Cases, Goals).
-:- pred traverse_list_of_goals(unused_args_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+:- pred unused_args_traverse_goals(unused_args_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
     var_dep::in, var_dep::out) is det.
-traverse_list_of_goals(_, [], !VarDep).
-traverse_list_of_goals(Info, [Goal | Goals], !VarDep) :-
-    traverse_goal(Info, Goal, !VarDep),
-    traverse_list_of_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep).
+unused_args_traverse_goals(_, [], !VarDep).
+unused_args_traverse_goals(Info, [Goal | Goals], !VarDep) :-
+    unused_args_traverse_goal(Info, Goal, !VarDep),
+    unused_args_traverse_goals(Info, Goals, !VarDep).
@@ -1043,7 +1050,7 @@
         pred_info_get_procedures(NewPredInfo0, NewProcs0),
         % Assign the old procedure to a new predicate, which will be fixed up
-        % in fixup_unused_args.
+        % in unused_args_fixup_module.
         map.set(NewProcs0, ProcId, OrigProcInfo, NewProcs),
         pred_info_set_procedures(NewProcs, NewPredInfo0, NewPredInfo),
@@ -1283,22 +1290,22 @@
     % Note - we should probably remove unused variables from the type map.
-:- pred fixup_unused_args(var_usage::in, pred_proc_list::in,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_module(var_usage::in, pred_proc_list::in,
     proc_call_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out, bool::in,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-fixup_unused_args(VarUsage, PredProcs, ProcCallInfo, !ModuleInfo, VeryVerbose,
-        !IO) :-
-    list.foldl2(fixup_unused_args_proc(VeryVerbose, VarUsage, ProcCallInfo),
+unused_args_fixup_module(VarUsage, PredProcs, ProcCallInfo, !ModuleInfo,
+        VeryVerbose, !IO) :-
+    list.foldl2(unused_args_fixup_proc(VeryVerbose, VarUsage, ProcCallInfo),
         PredProcs, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
     % Note - we should probably remove unused variables from the type map.
-:- pred fixup_unused_args_proc(bool::in, var_usage::in, proc_call_info::in,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_proc(bool::in, var_usage::in, proc_call_info::in,
     pred_proc_id::in, module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo)
     is det.
-fixup_unused_args_proc(VeryVerbose, VarUsage, ProcCallInfo, PredProc,
+unused_args_fixup_proc(VeryVerbose, VarUsage, ProcCallInfo, PredProc,
         !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
         VeryVerbose = yes,
@@ -1316,12 +1323,12 @@
         VeryVerbose = no
-    do_fixup_unused_args(VarUsage, PredProc, ProcCallInfo, !ModuleInfo).
+    do_unused_args_fixup_proc(VarUsage, PredProc, ProcCallInfo, !ModuleInfo).
-:- pred do_fixup_unused_args(var_usage::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+:- pred do_unused_args_fixup_proc(var_usage::in, pred_proc_id::in,
     proc_call_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-do_fixup_unused_args(VarUsage, proc(OldPredId, OldProcId), ProcCallInfo,
+do_unused_args_fixup_proc(VarUsage, proc(OldPredId, OldProcId), ProcCallInfo,
         ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
         % Work out which proc we should be fixing up.
@@ -1361,7 +1368,7 @@
         % Remove unused vars from goal.
         FixupInfo0 = fixup_info(ModuleInfo0, ProcCallInfo, UnusedVars,
             VarSet0, VarTypes0),
-        fixup_goal(!Goal, FixupInfo0, FixupInfo, Changed),
+        unused_args_fixup_goal(!Goal, FixupInfo0, FixupInfo, Changed),
         FixupInfo = fixup_info(_, _, _, VarSet1, VarTypes1),
             Changed = yes,
@@ -1397,59 +1404,72 @@
     % This is the important bit of the transformation.
-:- pred fixup_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     fixup_info::in, fixup_info::out, bool::out) is det.
-fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, Changed) :-
-    fixup_goal_expr(Goal0, Goal1, !Info, Changed),
+unused_args_fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, Changed) :-
+    unused_args_fixup_goal_expr(Goal0, Goal1, !Info, Changed),
     Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, GoalInfo1),
         Changed = yes,
         UnusedVars = !.Info ^ fixup_unused_vars,
-        fixup_goal_info(UnusedVars, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo)
+        unused_args_fixup_goal_info(UnusedVars, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo)
         Changed = no,
         GoalInfo = GoalInfo1
     Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr1, GoalInfo).
-:- pred fixup_goal_expr(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_goal_expr(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
     fixup_info::in, fixup_info::out, bool::out) is det.
-fixup_goal_expr(hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0), Goal, !Info, Changed) :-
+unused_args_fixup_goal_expr(Goal0, Goal, !Info, Changed) :-
+    Goal0 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo0),
         GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
-        fixup_conjuncts(Goals0, Goals, !Info, no, Changed),
+        unused_args_fixup_conjuncts(Goals0, Goals, !Info, no, Changed),
         GoalExpr = conj(ConjType, Goals),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
-        fixup_disjuncts(Goals0, Goals, !Info, no, Changed),
+        unused_args_fixup_disjuncts(Goals0, Goals, !Info, no, Changed),
         GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = negation(NegGoal0),
-        fixup_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, !Info, Changed),
+        unused_args_fixup_goal(NegGoal0, NegGoal, !Info, Changed),
         GoalExpr = negation(NegGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
-        fixup_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info, no, Changed),
+        unused_args_fixup_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info, no, Changed),
         GoalExpr = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-        fixup_goal(Cond0, Cond, !Info, Changed1),
-        fixup_goal(Then0, Then, !Info, Changed2),
-        fixup_goal(Else0, Else, !Info, Changed3),
+        unused_args_fixup_goal(Cond0, Cond, !Info, Changed1),
+        unused_args_fixup_goal(Then0, Then, !Info, Changed2),
+        unused_args_fixup_goal(Else0, Else, !Info, Changed3),
         bool.or_list([Changed1, Changed2, Changed3], Changed),
         GoalExpr = if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
         GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
-        fixup_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info, Changed),
+        ( Reason = from_ground_term(TermVar, from_ground_term_construct) ->
+            UnusedVars = !.Info ^ fixup_unused_vars,
+            ( list.member(TermVar, UnusedVars) ->
+                Goal = true_goal,
+                % We don't change the set of unneeded variables.
+                Changed = no
+            ;
+                Goal = Goal0,
+                Changed = no
+            )
+        ;
+            unused_args_fixup_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info, Changed),
         GoalExpr = scope(Reason, SubGoal),
         Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo0)
+        )
         GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, ArgVars0, Builtin,
             UnifyC, _Name),
@@ -1499,7 +1519,7 @@
         GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
         % These should have been expanded out by now.
-        unexpected(this_file, "fixup_goal_expr: shorthand")
+        unexpected(this_file, "unused_args_fixup_goal_expr: shorthand")
 :- pred rename_apart_unused_foreign_arg(foreign_arg::in, foreign_arg::out,
@@ -1534,12 +1554,12 @@
     % Remove useless unifications from a list of conjuncts.
-:- pred fixup_conjuncts(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_conjuncts(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
     fixup_info::in, fixup_info::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-fixup_conjuncts([], [], !Info, !Changed).
-fixup_conjuncts([Goal0 | Goals0], Goals, !Info, !Changed) :-
-    fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, LocalChanged),
+unused_args_fixup_conjuncts([], [], !Info, !Changed).
+unused_args_fixup_conjuncts([Goal0 | Goals0], Goals, !Info, !Changed) :-
+    unused_args_fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, LocalChanged),
         LocalChanged = yes,
         !:Changed = yes
@@ -1552,32 +1572,33 @@
         Goals = [Goal | Goals1]
-    fixup_conjuncts(Goals0, Goals1, !Info, !Changed).
+    unused_args_fixup_conjuncts(Goals0, Goals1, !Info, !Changed).
     % We can't remove unused goals from the list of disjuncts as we do
     % for conjuncts, since that would change the determinism of the goal.
-:- pred fixup_disjuncts(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_disjuncts(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
     fixup_info::in, fixup_info::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-fixup_disjuncts([], [], !Info, !Changed).
-fixup_disjuncts([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !Info, !Changed) :-
-    fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, LocalChanged),
+unused_args_fixup_disjuncts([], [], !Info, !Changed).
+unused_args_fixup_disjuncts([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals],
+        !Info, !Changed) :-
+    unused_args_fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, LocalChanged),
         LocalChanged = yes,
         !:Changed = yes
         LocalChanged = no
-    fixup_disjuncts(Goals0, Goals, !Info, !Changed).
+    unused_args_fixup_disjuncts(Goals0, Goals, !Info, !Changed).
-:- pred fixup_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
     fixup_info::in, fixup_info::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
-fixup_cases([], [], !Info, !Changed).
-fixup_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !Info, !Changed) :-
+unused_args_fixup_cases([], [], !Info, !Changed).
+unused_args_fixup_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !Info, !Changed) :-
     Case0 = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal0),
-    fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, LocalChanged),
+    unused_args_fixup_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info, LocalChanged),
     Case = case(MainConsId, OtherConsIds, Goal),
         LocalChanged = yes,
@@ -1585,7 +1606,7 @@
         LocalChanged = no
-    fixup_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info, !Changed).
+    unused_args_fixup_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info, !Changed).
     % Fail if the unification is no longer needed.
@@ -1624,7 +1645,7 @@
         % These should have been transformed into calls by polymorphism.m.
         Unify = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
-        unexpected(this_file, "fixup_goal : complicated unify")
+        unexpected(this_file, "need_unify: complicated unify")
     % Check if any of the arguments of a deconstruction are unused, if
@@ -1667,10 +1688,10 @@
     % Remove unused vars from the instmap_delta, quantification fixes up
     % the rest.
-:- pred fixup_goal_info(list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
+:- pred unused_args_fixup_goal_info(list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
     hlds_goal_info::out) is det.
-fixup_goal_info(UnusedVars, !GoalInfo) :-
+unused_args_fixup_goal_info(UnusedVars, !GoalInfo) :-
     InstMap0 = goal_info_get_instmap_delta(!.GoalInfo),
     instmap_delta_delete_vars(UnusedVars, InstMap0, InstMap),
     goal_info_set_instmap_delta(InstMap, !GoalInfo).
@@ -1916,8 +1937,7 @@
 :- pred record_intermod_dependencies(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
     analysis_info::in, analysis_info::out) is det.
-record_intermod_dependencies(ModuleInfo, CallerPredProcId,
-        !AnalysisInfo) :-
+record_intermod_dependencies(ModuleInfo, CallerPredProcId, !AnalysisInfo) :-
     module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, CallerPredProcId,
         _CallerPredInfo, CallerProcInfo),
     proc_info_get_goal(CallerProcInfo, Goal),
@@ -1928,8 +1948,8 @@
 :- pred record_intermod_dependencies_2(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
     analysis_info::in, analysis_info::out) is det.
-        CalleePredProcId @ proc(CalleePredId, _), !AnalysisInfo) :-
+record_intermod_dependencies_2(ModuleInfo, CalleePredProcId, !AnalysisInfo) :-
+    CalleePredProcId = proc(CalleePredId, _),
     module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, CalleePredId, CalleePredInfo),
Index: compiler/unused_imports.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/unused_imports.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -b -r1.16 unused_imports.m
--- compiler/unused_imports.m	21 Jul 2008 03:10:16 -0000	1.16
+++ compiler/unused_imports.m	11 Dec 2008 15:53:48 -0000
@@ -411,6 +411,8 @@
         GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
         list.foldl(case_used_modules, Cases, !UsedModules)
+        % Even for from_ground_term_construct scopes, we need to check
+        % which modules are referenced by the cons_ids inside.
         ( GoalExpr = negation(SubGoal)
         ; GoalExpr = scope(_, SubGoal)
cvs diff: Diffing compiler/notes
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cvs diff: Diffing extras/windows_installer_generator/sample
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cvs diff: Diffing runtime/GETOPT
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/mercury_calls_c
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/mercury_calls_fortran
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/muz
cvs diff: Diffing samples/rot13
cvs diff: Diffing samples/solutions
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cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/c_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/mercury_calls_c
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/mercury_calls_cplusplus
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/mercury_calls_fortran
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/simpler_c_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/simpler_cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/diff
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/muz
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/rot13
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/solutions
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/toplevel
cvs diff: Diffing scripts
cvs diff: Diffing slice
cvs diff: Diffing ssdb
cvs diff: Diffing tests
cvs diff: Diffing tests/analysis
cvs diff: Diffing tests/analysis/ctgc
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/analysis/ext
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/analysis/unused_args
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/debugger/declarative
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/general
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/grade_subdirs
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/exceptions
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/mmc_make/lib
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/recompilation
cvs diff: Diffing tests/tabling
cvs diff: Diffing tests/term
cvs diff: Diffing tests/trailing
cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
cvs diff: Diffing tests/warnings
cvs diff: Diffing tools
Index: tools/binary
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/tools/binary,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -b -r1.32 binary
--- tools/binary	12 Jun 2008 03:08:42 -0000	1.32
+++ tools/binary	7 Dec 2008 08:00:21 -0000
@@ -441,6 +441,22 @@
             echo skipping test of $testsubdir
+            testsubdir_modules=`ls stage2.ok/$testsubdir`
+            anydiff=false
+            for testsubdir_module in $testsubdir_modules
+            do
+                if cmp -s stage2.{bad,ok}/$testsubdir/$testsubdir_module
+                then
+                    true
+                else
+                    anydiff=true
+                fi
+            done
+            if $anydiff
+            then
+                echo testing whether the problem is in $testsubdir
             for subdir in library mdbcomp compiler
                 if test "$subdir" = "$testsubdir"
@@ -482,6 +498,9 @@
                     echo "problem seems to be in the $testeddir directory"
+            else
+                echo skipping $testsubdir: the two stage2s match
+            fi
@@ -522,7 +541,12 @@
     cd stage2/$testeddir
     for module in *.c
+        if cmp -s $root/stage2.{bad,ok}/$testeddir/$module.c
+        then
+            true
+        else
         allmodules="$allmodules `basename $module .c`"
+        fi
     cd $root
Index: tools/binary_step
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/tools/binary_step,v
retrieving revision 1.24
diff -u -b -r1.24 binary_step
--- tools/binary_step	30 May 2008 02:04:51 -0000	1.24
+++ tools/binary_step	7 Dec 2008 07:43:53 -0000
@@ -297,7 +297,8 @@
         /bin/rm -f stage3/$dir/*.int
-    if (cd stage3 ; mmake $mmake_opts depend_library depend_compiler)
+    if (cd stage3 ; mmake $mmake_opts depend_library depend_mdbcomp \
+        depend_compiler)
         echo "building of stage 3 dependencies successful"
         if $dependency_only
@@ -309,12 +310,13 @@
         exit 1
-    export MMAKE_VPATH
+    # MMAKE_VPATH=.
+    # export MMAKE_VPATH
     export MMAKE_DIR
-    if (cd stage3/library ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor ints ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor cs)
+    if (cd stage3/library ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor int3s ints ; \
+        mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor cs)
         echo "building of stage 3 library successful"
         if $library_only
@@ -326,7 +328,17 @@
         exit 1
-    if (cd stage3/compiler ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor ints ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor cs)
+    if (cd stage3/mdbcomp ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor int3s ints ; \
+        mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor cs)
+    then
+        echo "building of stage 3 mdbcomp successful"
+    else
+        echo "building of stage 3 mdbcomp not successful"
+        exit 1
+    fi
+    if (cd stage3/compiler ; mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor int3s ints ; \
+        mmake -S $mmake_opts $jfactor cs)
         echo "building of stage 3 compiler successful"
@@ -338,7 +350,7 @@
         cat /dev/null > $outfile
-        for dir in library compiler
+        for dir in library mdbcomp compiler
             # `mmake cs' in the compiler directory doesn't build
             # `top_level_init.c', so we only compare the `.c'
cvs diff: Diffing trace
cvs diff: Diffing util
cvs diff: Diffing vim
cvs diff: Diffing vim/after
cvs diff: Diffing vim/ftplugin
cvs diff: Diffing vim/syntax
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