[m-rev.] for review: fix mantis bug #82

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 11:49:57 AEST 2008

Branches: main

Fix Mantis bug #82.

The compiler was not writing some dummy types to the implementation sections of
interface files, specifically types with one constructor with one argument
which is itself a dummy type.  An importing module would not agree with the
defining module about the signature of a procedure which had such argument

	Reimplement `constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type' to
	also recognises no-tag dummy types.

	Delete old `constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type'.

	Add a reminder to keep `check_dummy_type' synchronised with

	Add test case.

diff --git a/compiler/modules.m b/compiler/modules.m
index af563aa..303b85b 100644
--- a/compiler/modules.m
+++ b/compiler/modules.m
@@ -677,12 +677,13 @@ strip_unnecessary_impl_defns(Items0, Items) :-
     some [!IntTypesMap, !ImplTypesMap, !ImplItems] (
         gather_type_defns(Items0, IntItems0, !:ImplItems,
             !:IntTypesMap, !:ImplTypesMap),
+        BothTypesMap = multi_map.merge(!.IntTypesMap, !.ImplTypesMap),
         % Work out which module imports in the implementation section of
         % the interface are required by the definitions of equivalence
         % types and dummy types in the implementation.
         get_requirements_of_impl_exported_types(!.IntTypesMap, !.ImplTypesMap,
-            NecessaryDummyTypeCtors, NecessaryEqvTypeCtors,
+            BothTypesMap, NecessaryDummyTypeCtors, NecessaryEqvTypeCtors,
         % Work out which module imports in the implementation section of
@@ -697,7 +698,7 @@ strip_unnecessary_impl_defns(Items0, Items) :-
         % If a type in the implementation section isn't dummy and doesn't have
         % foreign type alternatives, make it abstract.
-        map.map_values(make_impl_type_abstract, !ImplTypesMap),
+        map.map_values(make_impl_type_abstract(BothTypesMap), !ImplTypesMap),
         % If there is an exported type declaration for a type with an abstract
         % declaration in the implementation (usually it will originally
@@ -898,15 +899,16 @@ insert_type_defn(New, [Head | Tail], Result) :-
         Result = [Head | NewTail]
-:- pred make_impl_type_abstract(type_ctor::in,
+:- pred make_impl_type_abstract(type_defn_map::in, type_ctor::in,
     assoc_list(type_defn, item_type_defn_info)::in,
     assoc_list(type_defn, item_type_defn_info)::out) is det.
-make_impl_type_abstract(_TypeCtor, !TypeDefnPairs) :-
+make_impl_type_abstract(TypeDefnMap, _TypeCtor, !TypeDefnPairs) :-
         !.TypeDefnPairs =
             [parse_tree_du_type(Ctors, MaybeEqCmp) - ItemTypeDefn0],
-        not constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type(Ctors, MaybeEqCmp)
+        not constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type(TypeDefnMap,
+            Ctors, MaybeEqCmp)
         Defn = parse_tree_abstract_type(non_solver_type),
         ItemTypeDefn = ItemTypeDefn0 ^ td_ctor_defn := Defn,
@@ -915,6 +917,84 @@ make_impl_type_abstract(_TypeCtor, !TypeDefnPairs) :-
+    % Certain types, e.g. io.state and store.store(S), are just dummy types
+    % used to ensure logical semantics; there is no need to actually pass them,
+    % and so when importing or exporting procedures to/from C, we don't include
+    % arguments with these types.
+    %
+    % See the documentation for `type_util.check_dummy_type' for the definition
+    % of a dummy type.
+    %
+    % NOTE: changes here may require changes to `type_util.check_dummy_type'.
+    %
+:- pred constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type(type_defn_map::in,
+    list(constructor)::in, maybe(unify_compare)::in) is semidet.
+        Ctors, MaybeEqCmp) :-
+    constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type_2(TypeDefnMap,
+        Ctors, MaybeEqCmp, []).
+:- pred constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type_2(type_defn_map::in,
+    list(constructor)::in, maybe(unify_compare)::in, list(mer_type)::in)
+    is semidet.
+constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type_2(TypeDefnMap, [Ctor], no,
+        CoveredTypes) :-
+    Ctor = ctor(ExistQTVars, Constraints, _Name, Args, _Context),
+    ExistQTVars = [],
+    Constraints = [],
+    (
+        % A single zero-arity constructor.
+        Args = []
+    ;
+        % A constructor with a single argument.
+        Args = [ctor_arg(_, ArgType, _)],
+        ctor_arg_is_dummy_type(TypeDefnMap, ArgType, CoveredTypes) = yes
+    ).
+:- func ctor_arg_is_dummy_type(type_defn_map, mer_type, list(mer_type)) = bool.
+ctor_arg_is_dummy_type(TypeDefnMap, Type, CoveredTypes0) = IsDummyType :-
+    (
+        Type = defined_type(SymName, TypeArgs, _Kind),
+        ( list.member(Type, CoveredTypes0) ->
+            % The type is circular.
+            IsDummyType = no
+        ;
+            Arity = list.length(TypeArgs),
+            TypeCtor = type_ctor(SymName, Arity),
+            (
+                check_builtin_dummy_type_ctor(TypeCtor)
+                    = is_builtin_dummy_type_ctor
+            ->
+                IsDummyType = yes
+            ;
+                % Can we find a definition of the type that tells us it is a
+                % dummy type?
+                multi_map.search(TypeDefnMap, TypeCtor, TypeDefns),
+                list.member(TypeDefn - _, TypeDefns),
+                TypeDefn = parse_tree_du_type(TypeCtors, MaybeEqCmp),
+                CoveredTypes = [Type | CoveredTypes0],
+                constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type_2(TypeDefnMap,
+                    TypeCtors, MaybeEqCmp, CoveredTypes)
+            ->
+                IsDummyType = yes
+            ;
+                IsDummyType = no
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        ( Type = type_variable(_, _)
+        ; Type = builtin_type(_)
+        ; Type = tuple_type(_, _)
+        ; Type = higher_order_type(_, _, _, _)
+        ; Type = apply_n_type(_, _, _)
+        ; Type = kinded_type(_, _)
+        ),
+        IsDummyType = no
+    ).
     % strip_unnecessary_impl_imports(NecessaryModules, !Items):
     % Remove all import_module and use_module declarations for
@@ -977,7 +1057,7 @@ is_not_unnecessary_impl_type(NecessaryTypeCtors, Item) :-
     % get_requirements_of_impl_exported_types(InterfaceTypeMap, ImplTypeMap,
-    %   NecessaryTypeCtors, Modules):
+    %   BothTypeMap, NecessaryTypeCtors, Modules):
     % Figure out the set of abstract equivalence type constructors
     % (i.e. the types that are exported as abstract types and which are defined
@@ -995,24 +1075,26 @@ is_not_unnecessary_impl_type(NecessaryTypeCtors, Item) :-
     % in NecessaryTypeCtors.
 :- pred get_requirements_of_impl_exported_types(type_defn_map::in,
-    type_defn_map::in, set(type_ctor)::out, set(type_ctor)::out,
-    set(module_name)::out) is det.
+    type_defn_map::in, type_defn_map::in,
+    set(type_ctor)::out, set(type_ctor)::out, set(module_name)::out) is det.
 get_requirements_of_impl_exported_types(InterfaceTypeMap, ImplTypeMap,
-        DummyTypeCtors, EqvTypeCtors, Modules) :-
+        BothTypeMap, DummyTypeCtors, EqvTypeCtors, Modules) :-
     multi_map.to_flat_assoc_list(ImplTypeMap, ImplTypes),
-    list.foldl2(accumulate_abs_impl_exported_type_lhs(InterfaceTypeMap),
+    list.foldl2(
+        accumulate_abs_impl_exported_type_lhs(InterfaceTypeMap, BothTypeMap),
         ImplTypes, set.init, AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors, set.init, DummyTypeCtors),
     set.fold2(accumulate_abs_eqv_type_rhs(ImplTypeMap), AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors,
         set.init, AbsEqvRhsTypeCtors, set.init, Modules),
     set.union(AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors, AbsEqvRhsTypeCtors, EqvTypeCtors).
 :- pred accumulate_abs_impl_exported_type_lhs(type_defn_map::in,
+    type_defn_map::in,
     pair(type_ctor, pair(type_defn, item_type_defn_info))::in,
     set(type_ctor)::in, set(type_ctor)::out,
     set(type_ctor)::in, set(type_ctor)::out) is det.
+accumulate_abs_impl_exported_type_lhs(InterfaceTypeMap, BothTypesMap,
         TypeCtor - (TypeDefn - _Item), !AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors, !DummyTypeCtors) :-
     % A type may have multiple definitions because it may be defined both
     % as a foreign type and as a Mercury type. We grab any equivalence types
@@ -1029,7 +1111,8 @@ accumulate_abs_impl_exported_type_lhs(InterfaceTypeMap,
         svset.insert(TypeCtor, !AbsEqvLhsTypeCtors)
         TypeDefn = parse_tree_du_type(Ctors, MaybeEqCmp),
-        constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type(Ctors, MaybeEqCmp)
+        constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type(BothTypesMap,
+            Ctors, MaybeEqCmp)
         svset.insert(TypeCtor, !DummyTypeCtors)
diff --git a/compiler/prog_type.m b/compiler/prog_type.m
index c81ae59..90a8a81 100644
--- a/compiler/prog_type.m
+++ b/compiler/prog_type.m
@@ -217,17 +217,6 @@
 :- func check_builtin_dummy_type_ctor(type_ctor) = is_builtin_dummy_type_ctor.
-    % Certain types, e.g. io.state and store.store(S), are just dummy types
-    % used to ensure logical semantics; there is no need to actually pass them,
-    % and so when importing or exporting procedures to/from C, we don't include
-    % arguments with these types.
-    %
-    % A type is a dummy type in one of two cases: either it is a builtin
-    % dummy type, or it has only a single function symbol of arity zero.
-    %
-:- pred constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type(list(constructor)::in,
-    maybe(unify_compare)::in) is semidet.
 :- pred type_is_io_state(mer_type::in) is semidet.
 :- pred type_ctor_is_array(type_ctor::in) is semidet.
@@ -809,9 +798,6 @@ check_builtin_dummy_type_ctor(TypeCtor) = IsBuiltinDummy :-
         IsBuiltinDummy = is_not_builtin_dummy_type_ctor
-constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type([Ctor], no) :-
-    Ctor = ctor([], [], _, [], _).
 type_is_io_state(Type) :-
     type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, []),
     ModuleName = mercury_std_lib_module_name(unqualified("io")),
diff --git a/compiler/type_util.m b/compiler/type_util.m
index 8ead00d..1609352 100644
--- a/compiler/type_util.m
+++ b/compiler/type_util.m
@@ -139,6 +139,9 @@
     % A type cannot be a dummy type if it is the subject of a foreign_enum
     % pragma, or if it has a reserved tag or user defined equality.
+    % NOTE: changes here may require changes to
+    % `modules.constructor_list_represents_dummy_argument_type'.
+    %
 :- func check_dummy_type(module_info, mer_type) = is_dummy_type.
     % A test for types that are defined in Mercury, but whose definitions
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
index 0e0f138..ae288c9 100644
--- a/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/Mmakefile
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ ORDINARY_PROGS=	\
 	dos \
 	dot_separator \
 	dst_test \
+	dummy_no_tag \
 	dummy_type_construct \
 	dupcall_impurity \
 	dupcall_types_bug \
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag.exp b/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag.exp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f2228b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag.exp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag.m b/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..028b08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag.m
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+% Regression test. The compiler was not writing some dummy types to the
+% implementation sections of interface files, specifically types with one
+% constructor with one argument which is itself a dummy type.
+:- module dummy_no_tag.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module dummy_no_tag_2.
+main(!IO) :-
+    io.write(fun, !IO),
+    nl(!IO),
+    io.write(fun_eqv, !IO),
+    nl(!IO),
+    io.write(fun_eqv2, !IO),
+    nl(!IO).
diff --git a/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag_2.m b/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag_2.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10bc5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/hard_coded/dummy_no_tag_2.m
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+:- module dummy_no_tag_2.
+:- interface.
+:- type no_tag_dummy.
+:- func fun = no_tag_dummy.
+:- type no_tag_dummy_eqv.
+:- type no_tag_dummy_eqv2.
+:- func fun_eqv = no_tag_dummy_eqv.
+:- func fun_eqv2 = no_tag_dummy_eqv2.
+:- implementation.
+:- type no_tag_dummy ---> no_tag_dummy(simple_dummy).
+:- type no_tag_dummy_eqv == no_tag_dummy.
+:- type no_tag_dummy_eqv2 == no_tag_dummy_eqv.
+:- type simple_dummy ---> simple_dummy.
+% check circular types
+:- type not_dummy_a ---> not_dummy_a(not_dummy_b).
+:- type not_dummy_b ---> not_dummy_b(not_dummy_a).
+fun = no_tag_dummy(simple_dummy).
+fun_eqv = fun.
+fun_eqv2 = fun.

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