[m-rev.] add prompt to ssdb
Olivier Annet
oan at missioncriticalit.com
Fri Oct 5 18:45:25 AEST 2007
Estimated hours taken: 5
Branches: main
Prompt added. Some commands are available.
s or "nothing" ---> step
n ---> next
f ---> finish
h ---> help
- Rename field names of the debugger_state type to be less ambiguous.
- Add the stack in the debugger_state to records the different call
- Add types what_next and next_stop to configure the stop phase of
the prompt
In handle_event
- Use of the variable NextStop to determine when to do a stop
- Call the prompt and recieve the next action to perform
In prompt
- Commands to go thru next step and next exit point added
? ssdb/.ssdb.m.swo
? ssdb/.ssdb.m.swp
? ssdb/Mercury
? ssdb/mer_ssdb.err
? ssdb/mer_ssdb.mh
? ssdb/ssdb.err
? ssdb/ssdb.mh
Index: ssdb/ssdb.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/ssdb/ssdb.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 ssdb.m
--- ssdb/ssdb.m 5 Oct 2007 04:23:20 -0000 1.3
+++ ssdb/ssdb.m 5 Oct 2007 08:16:05 -0000
@@ -49,28 +49,55 @@
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module require.
+:- import_module stack.
:- import_module string.
:- type debugger_state
---> state(
- event_number :: int, % Current event number
- csn :: int, % Call Sequence Number
- call_depth :: int, % Depth of the function
- stack :: stack % The shadow stack
- ).
+ % Current event number
+ ssdb_event_number :: int,
+ % Call Sequence Number
+ ssdb_csn :: int,
+ % Depth of the function
+ ssdb_call_depth :: int,
+ % Where the program should stop next time
+ ssdb_next_stop :: next_stop,
+ % The shadow stack
+ ssdb_stack :: stack(stack_elem)
+ ).
-:- type stack == list(stack_elem).
:- type stack_elem
---> elem(
proc_id :: ssdb_proc_id,
initial_state :: debugger_state
- % The debugger state at the call port.
+ % The debugger state at the call port.
+ %
+ % Type filled by the prompt function to configure the next step in the
+ % handle_event function
+ %
+:- type what_next
+ ---> what_next_step
+ ; what_next_next
+ ; what_next_finish(int).
+ %
+ % Type filled by the handle_event function to determine the next stop of
+ % the prompt function
+ %
+:- type next_stop
+ ---> step
+ ; next(int)
+ ; final_port(int).
@@ -85,75 +112,131 @@
EventNum = 0,
CSN = 0,
Depth = 0,
- Stack = [],
- DbgState = state(EventNum, CSN, Depth, Stack).
+ NextStop = step,
+ Stack = stack.init,
+ DbgState = state(EventNum, CSN, Depth, NextStop, Stack).
:- mutable(debugger_state, debugger_state, init_debugger_state, ground,
- [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
+ [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
- % For the moment we just write the event out.
- % Later this will be extended.
+ % Write the event out and call the prompt
+ % XXX Not yet implemented : redo, fail
handle_event(ProcId, Event) :-
impure get_event_num_inc(EventNum),
impure update_depth(Event, PrintDepth),
- Event = ssdb_call,
- impure get_csn_inc(_),
+ Event = ssdb_call,
+ impure get_csn_inc(_),
- semipure get_debugger_state(InitialState),
- S = elem(ProcId, InitialState),
- impure push(S)
+ semipure get_debugger_state(InitialState),
+ E = elem(ProcId, InitialState),
+ stack.push(InitialState ^ ssdb_stack, E, FinalStack),
+ StateEv = InitialState ^ ssdb_stack := FinalStack,
+ impure set_debugger_state(StateEv)
- Event = ssdb_exit,
- impure pop(S)
+ Event = ssdb_exit,
+ semipure get_debugger_state(InitialState),
+ stack.pop_det(InitialState ^ ssdb_stack, E, FinalStack),
+ StateEv = InitialState ^ ssdb_stack := FinalStack,
+ impure set_debugger_state(StateEv)
- Event = ssdb_redo,
- error("ssdb_redo: not yet implemented")
+ Event = ssdb_redo,
+ error("ssdb_redo: not yet implemented")
- Event = ssdb_fail,
- error("ssdb_fail: not yet implemented")
+ Event = ssdb_fail,
+ error("ssdb_fail: not yet implemented")
+ semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
+ PrintCSN = E ^ initial_state ^ ssdb_csn,
- PrintCSN = S ^ initial_state ^ csn,
+ NextStop0 = State0 ^ ssdb_next_stop,
+ (
+ NextStop0 = step,
+ Stop = yes
+ ;
+ NextStop0 = next(StopCSN),
+ is_same_event(StopCSN, PrintCSN, Stop)
+ ;
+ NextStop0 = final_port(StopCSN),
+ (
+ Event = ssdb_exit,
+ is_same_event(StopCSN, PrintCSN, Stop)
+ ;
+ Event = ssdb_call,
+ Stop = no
+ )
+ ),
- some [!IO]
- impure invent_io(!:IO),
- io.write_string(" ", !IO),
- io.write_int(EventNum, !IO),
- io.write_string(" ", !IO),
- io.write_string(ProcId ^ proc_name, !IO),
- io.write_string(".", !IO),
- io.write(Event, !IO),
- io.write_string(" | DEPTH = ", !IO),
- io.write_int(PrintDepth, !IO),
- io.write_string(" | CSN = ", !IO),
- io.write_int(PrintCSN, !IO),
- io.nl(!IO),
+ Stop = yes,
+ some [!IO]
+ (
+ impure invent_io(!:IO),
+ io.write_string(" ", !IO),
+ io.write_int(EventNum, !IO),
+ io.write_string("\t", !IO),
+ io.write_string(ProcId ^ proc_name, !IO),
+ io.write_string(".", !IO),
+ io.write(Event, !IO),
+ io.write_string("\t\t| DEPTH = ", !IO),
+ io.write_int(PrintDepth, !IO),
+ io.write_string("\t| CSN = ", !IO),
+ io.write_int(PrintCSN, !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
- impure consume_io(!.IO),
+ semipure get_shadow_stack(ShadowStack),
+ impure prompt(ShadowStack, 0, WhatNext, !IO),
- % XXX don not forget get the latest modification (like new breakpoint)
- true
+ impure consume_io(!.IO),
+ (
+ WhatNext = what_next_step,
+ NextStop = step
+ ;
+ WhatNext = what_next_next,
+ NextStop = next(PrintCSN)
+ ;
+ WhatNext = what_next_finish(EndCSN),
+ NextStop = final_port(EndCSN)
+ ),
+% XXX do not forget get the latest modification (like new breakpoint)
+ semipure get_debugger_state(State1),
+ State = State1 ^ ssdb_next_stop := NextStop,
+ impure set_debugger_state(State)
+ )
+ ;
+ Stop = no
- % Return the event number after increment
+ % Determine if two CSN are equals and if yes, do a stop
+ %
+:- pred is_same_event(int::in, int::in, bool::out) is det.
+is_same_event(CSNA, CSNB, IsSame) :-
+ IsSame = (CSNA = CSNB -> yes ; no).
+ %
+ % Increment and return the event number
+ % Update the state with the new event number
:- impure pred get_event_num_inc(int::out) is det.
get_event_num_inc(EventNum) :-
semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- EventNum0 = State0 ^ event_number,
+ EventNum0 = State0 ^ ssdb_event_number,
EventNum = EventNum0 + 1,
- State = State0 ^ event_number := EventNum,
+ State = State0 ^ ssdb_event_number := EventNum,
impure set_debugger_state(State).
@@ -164,82 +247,126 @@
update_depth(Event, PrintDepth) :-
semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- Depth0 = State0 ^ call_depth,
+ Depth0 = State0 ^ ssdb_call_depth,
- ( Event = ssdb_call
- ; Event = ssdb_redo
- ),
- Depth = Depth0 + 1,
- PrintDepth = Depth0
- ;
- ( Event = ssdb_exit
- ; Event = ssdb_fail
- ),
- Depth = Depth0 - 1,
- PrintDepth = Depth
+ ( Event = ssdb_call
+ ; Event = ssdb_redo
+ ),
+ Depth = Depth0 + 1,
+ PrintDepth = Depth0
+ ;
+ ( Event = ssdb_exit
+ ; Event = ssdb_fail
+ ),
+ Depth = Depth0 - 1,
+ PrintDepth = Depth
- State = State0 ^ call_depth := Depth,
+ State = State0 ^ ssdb_call_depth := Depth,
impure set_debugger_state(State).
- % Return the csn after increment
+ % Increment and return the call sequence number
+ % Update the state with this new call sequence number
:- impure pred get_csn_inc(int::out) is det.
get_csn_inc(CSN) :-
semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- CSN0 = State0 ^ csn,
+ CSN0 = State0 ^ ssdb_csn,
CSN = CSN0 + 1,
- State = State0 ^ csn := CSN,
+ State = State0 ^ ssdb_csn := CSN,
impure set_debugger_state(State).
- % push the element on to the debugger shadow stack
+ % Return the current event number
-:- impure pred push(stack_elem::in) is det.
+:- semipure pred get_event_num(int::out) is det.
-push(E) :-
+get_event_num(EventNum) :-
semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- Stack0 = State0 ^ stack,
- Stack = [E | Stack0],
- State = State0 ^ stack := Stack,
- impure set_debugger_state(State).
+ EventNum = State0 ^ ssdb_event_number.
- % pop the debugger shadow stack returning
- % the element on the top of the stack.
+ % Return the current call sequence number
-:- impure pred pop(stack_elem::out) is det.
+:- semipure pred get_csn(int::out) is det.
-pop(E) :-
+get_csn(CSN) :-
semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- Stack0 = State0 ^ stack,
- (
- Stack0 = [],
- error("ssdb.pop: empty stack")
- ;
- Stack0 = [E | Stack]
- ),
- State = State0 ^ stack := Stack,
- impure set_debugger_state(State).
+ CSN = State0 ^ ssdb_csn.
- % Return the current event number
+ % Return the current shadow stack
-:- semipure pred get_event_num(int::out) is det.
+:- semipure pred get_shadow_stack(stack(stack_elem)::out) is det.
-get_event_num(EventNum) :-
+get_shadow_stack(ShadowStack) :-
semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- EventNum = State0 ^ event_number.
+ ShadowStack = State0 ^ ssdb_stack.
- % Return the current csn
+ % Display the prompt to debug
+ %
+ % h :: help
+ % f :: finish (go to the next exit or fail of the current call)
+ % n :: next
+ % s | _ :: next step
-:- semipure pred get_csn(int::out) is det.
-get_csn(CSN) :-
- semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
- CSN = State0 ^ csn.
+:- impure pred prompt(stack(stack_elem)::in, int::in, what_next::out,
+ io::di, io::uo) is det.
+prompt(ShadowStack, Depth, WhatNext, !IO) :-
+ io.write_string("ssdb> ", !IO),
+ %read a string in input and return a string
+ io.read_line_as_string(Result, !IO),
+ (
+ Result = ok(String0),
+ %string minus any single trailing newline character
+ String = string.chomp(String0),
+ (
+ String = "h" ->
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ io.write_string("s :: step", !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ io.write_string("n :: next", !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ io.write_string("f :: finish", !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ impure prompt(ShadowStack, Depth, WhatNext, !IO)
+ ;
+ String = "n" ->
+ WhatNext = what_next_next
+ ;
+ (
+ String = "s"
+ ;
+ String = ""
+ )
+ ->
+ WhatNext = what_next_step
+ ;
+ String = "f" ->
+ stack.top_det(ShadowStack, FrameStack),
+ CSN = FrameStack ^ initial_state ^ ssdb_csn,
+ WhatNext = what_next_finish(CSN)
+ ;
+ io.write_string("huh?\n", !IO),
+ impure prompt(ShadowStack, Depth, WhatNext, !IO)
+ )
+ ;
+ Result = eof,
+ error("eof from read_line_as_string")
+ ;
+ Result = error(_),
+ error("error from read_line_as_string")
+ ).
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