[m-rev.] ssdb version 1.0.

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 12:52:44 AEDT 2007

On 2007-11-29, Olivier Annet <oan at missioncriticalit.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is the version 1.0 of the source-to-source debugger. A bootcheck had been 
> successfully done some days ago.

For the record, it didn't actually run the test cases due to missing
TEST_FLAGS (or similar).  stage2 was accidentally built in
none.ssdebug.gc grade.  It took about 9 hrs, I think.  Also it was built
at -O1 to avoid a compiler abort, which has been worked around now by
moving the ssdb pass a bit later (see below).

> It look like stable and without bug except 
> these in the description bellow.
> Could someone can review my code before commiting. Thanks.
> Olivier.
> ===================================================================
> Estimated hours taken: 120
> Branches: main
> The debugger lose the CSN and the event number when a redo port follow an exit 
> port (in nondet procedure so). The solution was to create a second stack for 
> nondet procedure.
> There are some modification for the nondet code generated. When a retry is 
> asked during the execution of the program, the decision tree of the nondet 
> procedure stay in memory.

I think you mean a "choicepoint is left behind".  A decision tree is
something else: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_tree

> So, when the retry call will terminate, the redo left 
> from the caller procedure will be executed.

It's not a very clear explanation.

> The proposed solution is : when a 
> retry occurs at a exit port of a nondet procedure, the debugger will jump to 
> the fail port of this procedure and make the recursive call from there. 

Explain how the "jump" works.  I would call it "deferring" rather than

> The new transformed schema of the generated code are now :
> model nondet/multi transformed:

There is just model_non.

>    p(...) :-
>        promise_<original_purity> (
>            (
>                CallVarDescs = [ ... ],
>                impure call_port(ProcId, CallVarDescs),
>                <original body>,
>                ExitVarDescs = [ ... | CallVarDescs ],
>                (
>                    impure exit_port(ProcId, ExitVarDescs)
>                    % Go to fail port if retry.
>                ;
>                    % preserve_backtrack_into,
>                    impure redo_port(ProcId, ExitVarDescs),
>                    fail
>                )
>            ;
>                % preserve_backtrack_into
>                impure fail_port(ProcId, CallVarDescs, DoRetryB),
>                (
>                    DoRetryB = do_retry,
>                    p(...)
>                ;
>                    DoRetryB = do_not_retry,
>                    fail
>                )
>            )
>        ).
> KNEW BUG : When most than one solution is asked for a nondet/multi procedure, 

Known problem: when more than

> and that the user make retry, if a predicate like solutions.unsorted_solutions 
> is used, the same solutions are displayed more than one time.

The problem is not just displaying, but that retrying a procedure which
is being called by unsorted_solutions will add the same solution to the
solution set multiple times.

Mention that `solutions' is okay because it removes duplicates.

> This is a 
> LIMITATION OF THE PROGRAM and the ssdb will going to live with it for the 
> moment. 

> browser/util.m:
> 	Some modifications was necessary to take in account the invocation in 
> 	the ssdb.

Describe *what* the changes are.  In this case,

    At the browser prompt, use io.read_line_as_string instead of
    functions in the trace library to read input if the trace library is
    not linked in.

[Actually, the change I made won't be enough for non-C backends, but
don't worry about it.]

> compiler/mercury_compile.m:

Move the ssdb transformation to after the higher order specialisation
pass to work around a compiler abort.  The higher order specialisation
removes predicates which are used to "force the production of
user-requested type specializations, since they are not called from
anywhere and are no longer needed".  Let `p' be such a procedure, and
the specialised version be `p1'.  Then remove `p'.  But due to the ssdb
transformation, `p1' will contain a call to `p', in order to support

I'm not sure where the ssdb transform should go.  I assume as early as

> compiler/ssdebug.m:
> 	- The generated code for failure and erroneous procedure have been 
> 	  added.

Transform procedures with `failure' and `erroneous' determinisms.

> 	- Funny type of some argument are not managed, the argument should be 
> 	  fully input or fully output. 
> 	  Funny type means :
> 	    <reserved_object(free, free, free)> instead of <free>
> 	    and <reserved_object(ground, ground, ground)> instead of <ground>

You mean _modes_ instead of types.  Delete the example.
`reserved_object(...)' was just a case that popped up in the compiler in
a generated unify procedure.

I think we can and should handle `unused' arguments as well, but later.

> 	  This is an other LIMITATION OF THE PROGRAM.

"Transformation" instead of "program".  No need for capitals.

> profiler/Mmakefile:
> 	Modification to invoque to browser in the ssdb.

Link with the mer_ssdb library.

> ssdb/Mercury.options:
> 	Ditto.

Link with the mer_browser library to support browsing of terms.

> ssdb/SSDB_FLAGS.in:
> 	To enable the source-to-source transformation or not from the ssdb 
> 	and to don't do the transformation on the ssdb himself.

Don't perform the ssdb transformation on procedures in the ssdb library
as it would result in unbounded recursion.

> ssdb/ssdb.m:
> 	- 4 new event for the nondet procedure are now use. They are : 
> 	  ssdb_call_nondet, ssdb_exit_nondet, ssdb_fail_nondet, 
> 	  and ssdb_redo_nondet. In the same way, an different event handler
> 	  has been created to managed each of them.
> 	  The ssdb_redo event was no more useful.
> 	- The old structure debugger_state has been divided in different 
> 	  mutable variables to allow more flexibility.
> 	- The old breakpoint list are now a map with (module_name, pred_name) 
> 	  as key and the breakpoint structure as value.
> 	- The depth is now compute with the stack depth, it is easier to manage
> 	  and more flexible.
> 	- Some new command have been added. 

Which commands?

> 	- There is the possibility to call the browser.
> 	- Introduction of the pretty printer formating on arguments because 
> 	  some could be very big (thousand lines).
> tests/.mgnuc_copts.ws:
> 	Modification for bootcheck.

Search in the ssdb directory for header files.

> tests/WS_FLAGS.ws:
> 	Ditto.

Just put the two lines together instead of writing ditto.

> Index: browser/util.m
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/browser/util.m,v
> retrieving revision 1.34
> diff -u -r1.34 util.m
> --- browser/util.m	19 Jan 2007 07:03:59 -0000	1.34
> +++ browser/util.m	29 Nov 2007 02:17:32 -0000
> @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
>  :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
>      trace_get_command(Prompt::in, Line::out, MdbIn::in,
>          MdbOut::in, State0::di, State::uo),
> -    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io],
> +    [may_call_mercury, promise_pure, tabled_for_io],
>  "
>      char        *line;
>      MercuryFile *mdb_in = (MercuryFile *) MdbIn;
> @@ -143,20 +143,44 @@
>          line = (*MR_address_of_trace_get_command)(
>                  (char *) Prompt,
>                  MR_file(*mdb_in), MR_file(*mdb_out));
> +
> +	MR_make_aligned_string_copy(Line, line);
> +	MR_free(line);
> +
>      } else {
> -        MR_tracing_not_enabled();
> -        /* not reached */
> +	BROWSER_trace_get_command_fallback(Prompt, &Line, MdbIn, MdbOut);
>      }
> -    MR_make_aligned_string_copy(Line, line);
> -    MR_free(line);
> -
>      State = State0;
>  ").

Fix the tabs.

>  trace_get_command(_, _, _, _, !IO) :-
>      private_builtin.sorry("mdb.trace_get_command/6").
> +    % This is called by trace_get_command when the trace library is not linked
> +    % in.
> +    %
> +:- pred trace_get_command_fallback(string::in, string::out, io.input_stream::in,
> +    io.output_stream::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +:- pragma foreign_export("C",
> +    trace_get_command_fallback(in, out, in, in, di, uo),
> +    "BROWSER_trace_get_command_fallback").
> +
> +trace_get_command_fallback(Prompt, String, MdbIn, MdbOut, !IO) :-
> +    io.write_string(MdbOut, Prompt, !IO),
> +    io.flush_output(MdbOut, !IO),
> +    io.read_line_as_string(MdbIn, Result, !IO),
> +    (
> +	Result = ok(String)
> +    ;
> +	Result = eof,
> +	String = "quit"
> +    ;
> +	Result = error(_Error),
> +	error("error")
> +    ).
> +

Fix the tabs.  And throw a better error (yes, I know I wrote that :-)

> Index: compiler/ssdebug.m
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ssdebug.m,v
> retrieving revision 1.10
> diff -u -r1.10 ssdebug.m
> --- compiler/ssdebug.m	9 Nov 2007 02:07:36 -0000	1.10
> +++ compiler/ssdebug.m	29 Nov 2007 02:17:32 -0000
> @@ -74,20 +74,11 @@
>  %            (
>  %                CallVarDescs = [ ... ],
>  %                impure call_port(ProcId, CallVarDescs),
> -%                <original body>,    % renaming outputs
> +%                <original body>,
>  %                ExitVarDescs = [ ... | CallVarDescs ],
>  %                (
> -%                    impure exit_port(ProcId, ExitVarDescs, DoRetryA),
> -%                    (
> -%                        DoRetryA = do_retry,
> -%                        p(...)
> -%                        % Will give same result as long as p is pure or
> -%                        % semipure.  Retry of impure procedures should probably
> -%                        % be disallowed anyway.
> -%                    ;
> -%                        DoRetryA = do_not_retry,
> -%                        % bind outputs
> -%                    )
> +%                    impure exit_port(ProcId, ExitVarDescs)
> +%                    % Go to fail port if retry.
>  %                ;
>  %                    % preserve_backtrack_into,
>  %                    impure redo_port(ProcId, ExitVarDescs),
> @@ -105,6 +96,26 @@
>  %                )
>  %            )
>  %        ).
> +%
> +% model_failure:


> +%
> +%   p(...) :-
> +%       promise_<original_purity> (
> +%           (
> +%               CallVarDescs = [ ... ],
> +%               impure call_port(ProcId, CallVarDescs),
> +%               <original body>,
> +%               impure fail_port(ProcId, CallVarDescs, DoRetry),
> +%               (
> +%                   DoRetry = do_retry,
> +%                   p(...)
> +%               ;
> +%                   DoRetry = do_not_retry,
> +%                   fail
> +%               )
> +%           )
> +%       ).

Are you sure?  How does it reach the call to `fail_port'?

Did you document the transformation for erroneous procedures?

> +%
>  % 
>  % where CallVarDescs, ExitVarDescs are lists of var_value
>  % 
> @@ -136,8 +147,8 @@
>  :- import_module io.
>  %
> -% Place the different events (call/exit/fail/redo) at the beginning/end of each 
> -% procedure.
> +% Place the different events (call/exit/fail/redo) around of each procedure to
> +% allow the debugging.

Delete "the".

>  :- pred ssdebug.process_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
>      proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
> @@ -148,6 +159,7 @@
>  :- implementation.
> +:- import_module check_hlds.modes.
>  :- import_module check_hlds.mode_util.
>  :- import_module check_hlds.polymorphism.
>  :- import_module check_hlds.purity.
> @@ -203,10 +215,10 @@
>          process_proc_nondet(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
>      ; 
>          Determinism = detism_erroneous,
> -        error("detism_erroneous: not yet implemented in ssdb")
> +        process_proc_erroneous(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
>      ; 
>          Determinism = detism_failure,
> -        error("detism_failure: not yet implemented in ssdb")
> +        process_proc_failure(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
>      ).
> @@ -233,15 +245,16 @@
>          % Get the list of head variables and their instantiation type.
>          proc_info_get_headvars(!.ProcInfo, HeadVars),
>          proc_info_get_initial_instmap(!.ProcInfo, !.ModuleInfo, InitInstMap),
> -
> +        
>          % Make a list which records the value for each of the head variables at
>          % the call port.
>          make_arg_list(0, InitInstMap, HeadVars, map.init, CallArgListVar, 
>              CallArgListGoals, !ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, !PredInfo, !Varset, 
>              !Vartypes, map.init, BoundVarDescsAtCall),
> -        % Generate the call to handle_event_call(ProcId, VarList).
> -        make_handle_event("call", [ProcIdVar, CallArgListVar], 
> +        % Generate the call to 
> +        %   handle_event_call(ProcId, EventNum, CSN, VarList).
> +        make_handle_event("handle_event_call", [ProcIdVar, CallArgListVar], 

This new comment and other similar ones are out of date.

>              HandleEventCallGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes),
>          % Get the InstMap at the end of the procedure.
> @@ -262,43 +275,47 @@
>          make_arg_list(0, FinalInstMap, HeadVars, Renaming, ExitArgListVar, 
>              ExitArgListGoals, !ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, !PredInfo, !Varset, 
>              !Vartypes, BoundVarDescsAtCall, _BoundVarDescsAtExit),
> -
> +        
>          % Create DoRetry output variable.
>          make_retry_var("DoRetry", RetryVar, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -        % Generate the call to handle_event_exit(ProcId, VarList, DoRetry).
> -        make_handle_event("exit", [ProcIdVar, ExitArgListVar, RetryVar], 
> -            HandleEventExitGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> +        % Generate the call to 
> +        %   handle_event_exit(ProcId, EventNum, CSN, VarList, DoRetry).
> +        make_handle_event("handle_event_exit", 
> +            [ProcIdVar, ExitArgListVar, RetryVar], HandleEventExitGoal, 
> +            !ModuleInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes),
>          % Generate the recursive call in the case of a retry.
>          make_recursive_call(!.PredInfo, !.ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, HeadVars, 
>              RecursiveGoal),
>          % Organize the order of the generated code.
> -        % XXX Need optimization in list append.
>          goal_to_conj_list(BodyGoal1, BodyGoalList),
>          % Set the determinism.
>          Determinism = detism_det,
>          goal_info_init(GoalInfo0),
> -        goal_info_set_determinism(Determinism, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
> +        goal_info_set_determinism(Determinism, GoalInfo0, 
> +            GoalInfoDet),
> +        goal_info_set_purity(purity_impure, GoalInfoDet, GoalInfoImpureDet),
> -        conj_list_to_goal(RenamingGoals, GoalInfo, RenamingGoal),
> +        conj_list_to_goal(RenamingGoals, GoalInfoImpureDet, RenamingGoal),
> +        conj_list_to_goal([RecursiveGoal], GoalInfoImpureDet, ReSetGoal),
>          % Create the switch on Retry at exit port.
> -        make_switch_goal(RetryVar, RecursiveGoal, RenamingGoal, GoalInfo, 
> +        make_switch_goal(RetryVar, ReSetGoal, RenamingGoal, GoalInfoImpureDet, 
>              SwitchGoal),
>          ConjGoals = ProcIdGoals ++ CallArgListGoals ++ 
> -            [HandleEventCallGoal | BodyGoalList] ++ ExitArgListGoals ++ 
> -            [HandleEventExitGoal, SwitchGoal],
> +            [HandleEventCallGoal | BodyGoalList] ++ 
> +            ExitArgListGoals ++ [HandleEventExitGoal, SwitchGoal],
> -        conj_list_to_goal(ConjGoals, GoalInfo, GoalWithoutPurity),
> +        conj_list_to_goal(ConjGoals, GoalInfoImpureDet, GoalWithoutPurity),
>          % Add the purity scope.
>          Purity = goal_info_get_purity(BodyGoalInfo0),
> -        wrap_with_purity_scope(Purity, GoalInfo, GoalWithoutPurity, Goal),
> +        wrap_with_purity_scope(Purity, GoalInfoDet, GoalWithoutPurity, Goal),
>          commit_goal_changes(Goal, PredId, ProcId, !.PredInfo, !ProcInfo, 
> -            !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes)    
> +            !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes, !IO)    
>      ).
> @@ -316,121 +333,150 @@
>      some [!PredInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes] (
>          proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, !:Varset),
>          proc_info_get_vartypes(!.ProcInfo, !:Vartypes),
> -
> -        % Make the ssdb_proc_id.
> -        module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, !:PredInfo),
> -        make_proc_id_construction(!.PredInfo, !.ProcInfo, ProcIdGoals, 
> -            ProcIdVar, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -        % Get the list of head variables and their instantiation type.
> +        % Get the list of head variables and their initial instantiations.
>          proc_info_get_headvars(!.ProcInfo, HeadVars),
>          proc_info_get_initial_instmap(!.ProcInfo, !.ModuleInfo, InitInstMap),
> -        % Make a list which records the value for each of the head variables at
> -        % the call port.
> -        make_arg_list(0, InitInstMap, HeadVars, map.init, CallArgListVar, 
> -            CallArgListGoals, !ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, !PredInfo, !Varset, 
> -            !Vartypes, map.init, BoundVarDescsAtCall),
> -
> -        % Generate the call to handle_event_call(ProcId, VarList).
> -        make_handle_event("call", [ProcIdVar, CallArgListVar], 
> -            HandleEventCallGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -
> -        % Get the InstMap at the end of the procedure.
> -        update_instmap(BodyGoal0, InitInstMap, FinalInstMap),
> -
> -        % We have to rename the output variables because, if we do a retry,
> -        % we can get an other value.
> -        proc_info_instantiated_head_vars(!.ModuleInfo, !.ProcInfo, 
> -            InstantiatedVars),
> -        goal_info_get_instmap_delta(BodyGoalInfo0) = InstMapDelta,
> -        create_renaming(InstantiatedVars, InstMapDelta, !Varset, !Vartypes, 
> -            RenamingGoals, _NewVars, Renaming),
> -        rename_some_vars_in_goal(Renaming, BodyGoal0, BodyGoal1),
> -        
> -        % Make the variable list at the exit port. It's currently a completely 
> -        % new list instead of adding on to the list generated for the call 
> -        % port.
> -        make_arg_list(0, FinalInstMap, HeadVars, Renaming, ExitArgListVar, 
> -            ExitArgListGoals, !ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, !PredInfo, !Varset, 
> -            !Vartypes, BoundVarDescsAtCall, _BoundVarDescsAtExit),
> -        
> -        % Create DoRetryA output variable
> -        make_retry_var("DoRetryA", RetryAVar, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -
> -        % Generate the call to handle_event_exit(ProcId, VarList, DoRetryA).
> -        make_handle_event("exit", [ProcIdVar, ExitArgListVar, RetryAVar], 
> -            HandleEventExitGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -
> -        % Generate the recursive call in the case of a retry
> -        make_recursive_call(!.PredInfo, !.ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, HeadVars, 
> -            RecursiveGoal),
> -
> -        % Generate the list of arguments at the fail port.
> -        make_arg_list(0, InitInstMap, [], Renaming, FailArgListVar, 
> -            FailArgListGoals, !ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, !PredInfo, !Varset, 
> -            !Vartypes, BoundVarDescsAtCall, _BoundVarDescsAtFail),
> -
> -        % Create DoRetryA output variable
> -        make_retry_var("DoRetryB", RetryBVar, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -
> -        % Generate the call to handle_event_fail(ProcId, VarList, DoRetryB).
> -        make_handle_event("fail", [ProcIdVar, FailArgListVar, RetryBVar], 
> -            HandleEventFailGoal, !ModuleInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> -
> -        make_fail_call(FailGoal, !.ModuleInfo),
> -        
> -        % Organize the order of the generated code.
> -        % XXX Need optimization in list append.
> -
> -        % Get a flattened goal to avoid nested conjuction.
> -        goal_to_conj_list(BodyGoal1, BodyGoalList),
> -        GoalsCond   = BodyGoalList,
> -        
> -        % Create the switch on DoRetryA at exit port.
> -        Determinism = detism_det,
> -        goal_info_init(GoalInfo1),
> -        goal_info_set_determinism(Determinism, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo),
> -        conj_list_to_goal(RenamingGoals, GoalInfo, RenamingGoal),
> -        make_switch_goal(RetryAVar, RecursiveGoal, RenamingGoal, GoalInfo, 
> -            SwitchExitPortGoal),
> -        
> -        % Create the switch on DoRetryB at fail port.
> -        make_switch_goal(RetryBVar, RecursiveGoal, FailGoal, GoalInfo, 
> -            SwitchFailPortGoal),
> -
> -        GoalsThen   = ExitArgListGoals ++ 
> -            [HandleEventExitGoal, SwitchExitPortGoal],
> -        GoalsElse   = FailArgListGoals ++ 
> -            [HandleEventFailGoal, SwitchFailPortGoal],
> +        proc_info_get_argmodes(!.ProcInfo, ListMerMode),
> +        check_arguments_modes(!.ModuleInfo, ListMerMode, AllModeAreCorrect),
> -        goal_info_init(GoalInfo0),
> -        goal_list_determinism(GoalsCond, Detism),
> -        goal_info_set_determinism(Detism, GoalInfo0, GoalInfoCond),
> -
> -        goal_info_set_determinism(detism_det, GoalInfo0, GoalInfoThen),
> -        goal_info_set_determinism(detism_semi, GoalInfo0, GoalInfoElse),
> +        ( AllModeAreCorrect = yes
> +        ->


"Correct" is the wrong word.  The modes are not wrong, just incompatible
with the transformation.
> +                Goal),
> -        commit_goal_changes(Goal, PredId, ProcId, !.PredInfo, !ProcInfo,
> -            !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes)    
> +            commit_goal_changes(Goal, PredId, ProcId, !.PredInfo, !ProcInfo,
> +                !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes, !IO)
> +        ;
> +            % In the case of a mode is different from fully input or output,
> +            % nothing is generated for this procedure.

which is not fully input or output

the procedure is not transformed.

> +            true 
> +        )
>      ).

> +      %
> +      % Source-to-source transformation for a failure goal.


> +      %
> +:- pred process_proc_failure(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
> +    proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
> +    io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +  
> +process_proc_failure(PredId, ProcId, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
> +    proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, BodyGoal0),
> +    BodyGoalInfo0 = get_hlds_goal_info(BodyGoal0),
> + 
> +    some [!PredInfo, !Varset, !Vartypes] (
> +        proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, !:Varset),
> +        proc_info_get_vartypes(!.ProcInfo, !:Vartypes),
> +
> +        % Make the ssdb_proc_id.
> +        module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, !:PredInfo),
> +        make_proc_id_construction(!.PredInfo, !.ProcInfo, ProcIdGoals, 
> +            ProcIdVar, !Varset, !Vartypes),
> +        
> +        % Get the list of head variables and their instantiation type.

instantiation state
> +            !ModuleInfo, !.Varset, !.Vartypes, !IO) 
> +    ).
> +
> +        
> +      %
> +      % Source-to-source transformation for an erroneous goal.


> +      % XXX ERRONEOUS procedure have currently just a call port.
> +      %
> +:- pred process_proc_erroneous(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
> +    proc_info::in, proc_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
> +    io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +  

> @@ -655,10 +851,11 @@
>      %
>  :- pred commit_goal_changes(hlds_goal::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
>      pred_info::in, proc_info::in, proc_info::out, 
> -    module_info::in, module_info::out, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in) is det.
> +    module_info::in, module_info::out, prog_varset::in, vartypes::in,
> +    io::di, io::uo) is det.
>  commit_goal_changes(Goal, PredId, ProcId, !.PredInfo, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo, 
> -    Varset, Vartypes) :-
> +    Varset, Vartypes, !IO) :-

What's the !IO for?

>      proc_info_set_varset(Varset, !ProcInfo),
>      proc_info_set_vartypes(Vartypes, !ProcInfo),
> @@ -670,9 +867,6 @@
>      module_info_set_pred_info(PredId, !.PredInfo, !ModuleInfo).
> -%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> -
> -
>      %
>      % Build the following goal : handle_event_EVENT(ProcId, Arguments).
>      % EVENT = call,exit,fail or redo
> @@ -682,15 +876,14 @@
>      module_info::in, module_info::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, 
>      vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> -make_handle_event(Event, Arguments, HandleEventGoal, !ModuleInfo, 
> +make_handle_event(HandleTypeString, Arguments, HandleEventGoal, !ModuleInfo, 
>      !Varset, !Vartypes) :-
> -    CallString = "handle_event_" ++ Event,
>      SSDBModule = mercury_ssdb_builtin_module,
>      Features = [],
>      InstMapSrc = [],
>      Context = term.context_init,
> -    goal_util.generate_simple_call(SSDBModule, CallString, 
> +    goal_util.generate_simple_call(SSDBModule, HandleTypeString, 
>          pf_predicate, only_mode, detism_det, purity_impure, 
>          Arguments, Features, InstMapSrc, !.ModuleInfo, Context, 
>          HandleEventGoal).
> @@ -748,8 +941,37 @@
>          "false", pf_predicate, only_mode, detism_failure, purity_pure, 
>          [], Features, InstMapSrc, ModuleInfo, Context, FailGoal).
> +
> +    %
> +    % Detect if all argument's mode are fully input or output.
> +    % XXX Other mode than fully input or output are not managed for the 
> +    % moment. So the code of these procedures will not be generated.
> +    %
> +:- pred check_arguments_modes(module_info::in, list(mer_mode)::in, bool::out) 
> +    is det.
> +
> +check_arguments_modes(ModuleInfo, HeadModes, IsCorrectMode) :-
> +    (
> +        all [Modes] (
> +            list.member(Mode, HeadModes)
> +        =>
> +            ( mode_is_fully_input(ModuleInfo, Mode)
> +            ; mode_is_fully_output(ModuleInfo, Mode)
> +            )
> +        )
> +    ->
> +        IsCorrectMode = yes
> +    ;
> +        IsCorrectMode = no
> +    ).

You could make it semidet.

> +
>  %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +    %
> +    % The following code concern predicates which create the list argument at 
> +    % event point.
> +    %
> +
>      %
>      % make_arg_list(Pos, InstMap, Vars, RenamedVar, FullListVar, Goals, 
> @@ -812,7 +1034,6 @@
>      ConsId = cons(qualified(unqualified("list"), "[|]" ), 2),
>      construct_functor(Var, ConsId, [VarDesc, Var0], Goal),
> -    %XXX Optimization : Unefficience problem with append.
>      Goals = Goals0 ++ ValueGoals ++ [Goal].
> @@ -919,6 +1140,73 @@
>          Goals = [ConstructVarName, ConstructVarPos, ConstructVarGoal]
>      ).
> +    
> +
> +%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +
> +    %
> +    % The following goals generate the code for introduce the getters and 
> +    % setters of EventNum and CSN in the code.
> +    %
> +
> +
> +    %
> +    % make_call_getter(ProcedureName, VarName, Purity, Var, Goal, !ModuleInfo, 
> +    %   !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> +    %
> +    % Call a getter, the Purity could be semipure or impure to allow calling to 
> +    % getters which increment the argument before returning it.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_call_getter(string::in, string::in, purity::in, prog_var::out, 
> +    hlds_goal::out, module_info::in, module_info::out, 
> +    prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.

Do you call this anymore?

> +
> +make_call_getter(GetterToCallName, VarName, Purity, CSNVar, Goal, !ModuleInfo, 
> +        !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> +    % Make output event number variable
> +    make_output_int(VarName, CSNVar, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> +
> +    SSDBModule = mercury_ssdb_builtin_module,
> +    Arguments = [CSNVar],
> +    Features = [],
> +    InstMapSrc = [],
> +    Context = term.context_init,
> +    goal_util.generate_simple_call(SSDBModule, GetterToCallName,
> +        pf_predicate, only_mode, detism_det, Purity, Arguments, Features, 
> +        InstMapSrc, !.ModuleInfo, Context, Goal).
> +    
> +
> +    %
> +    % make_call_setter(ProcedureName, Var, Goal, !ModuleInfo).
> +    %
> +    % Call any setter.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_call_setter(string::in, prog_var::in, hlds_goal::out, 
> +    module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.

And this?

> +
> +make_call_setter(SetterToCallName, CSNVar, Goal, !ModuleInfo) :-
> +    SSDBModule = mercury_ssdb_builtin_module,
> +    Arguments = [CSNVar],
> +    Features = [],
> +    InstMapSrc = [],
> +    Context = term.context_init,
> +    goal_util.generate_simple_call(SSDBModule, SetterToCallName,
> +        pf_predicate, only_mode, detism_det, purity_impure,
> +        Arguments, Features, InstMapSrc, !.ModuleInfo, Context, Goal).
> +
> +    
> +    %
> +    % Generate an output variable with type : int.
> +    %
> +:- pred make_output_int(string::in, prog_var::out, 
> +    prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.

And this.

> +
> +make_output_int(Name, Var, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> +    TypeCtor = type_ctor(unqualified("int"), 0),
> +    construct_type(TypeCtor, [], Type),
> +    svvarset.new_named_var(Name, Var, !VarSet),
> +    svmap.det_insert(Var, Type, !VarTypes).
> +
>  %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
>  %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%

> Index: ssdb/ssdb.m
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/ssdb/ssdb.m,v
> retrieving revision 1.10
> diff -u -r1.10 ssdb.m
> --- ssdb/ssdb.m	9 Nov 2007 02:07:37 -0000	1.10
> +++ ssdb/ssdb.m	29 Nov 2007 02:17:32 -0000
> @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
>  %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
>  %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +
>  :- module ssdb.
>  :- interface.
>  :- import_module list.
> @@ -31,11 +32,16 @@
>  :- type ssdb_event_type
>      --->    ssdb_call
>      ;       ssdb_exit
> -    ;       ssdb_redo
>      ;       ssdb_fail
> +    ;       ssdb_call_nondet
> +    ;       ssdb_exit_nondet
> +    ;       ssdb_redo_nondet
> +    ;       ssdb_fail_nondet
>      .
> -
> +    %
> +    % Type to determine if it is necessary to do a retry.
> +    %
>  :- type ssdb_retry
>      --->    do_retry
>      ;       do_not_retry
> @@ -67,77 +73,132 @@
>      %
>  :- type pos == int.
> +
>      %
>      % This routine is called at each call event that occurs.
>      %
>  :- impure pred handle_event_call(ssdb_proc_id::in, list_var_value::in) is det.
>      %
> +    % This routine is called at each call event in a nondet procedure.
> +    %
> +:- impure pred handle_event_call_nondet(ssdb_proc_id::in, 
> +    list_var_value::in) is det.
> +
> +    %
>      % This routine is called at each exit event that occurs.
>      %
>  :- impure pred handle_event_exit(ssdb_proc_id::in, list_var_value::in, 
>      ssdb_retry::out) is det.
>      %
> +    % This routine is called at each exit event in a nondet procedure.
> +    %
> +:- impure pred handle_event_exit_nondet(ssdb_proc_id::in, 
> +    list_var_value::in) is det.
> +
> +    %
>      % This routine is called at each fail event that occurs.
>      %
>  :- impure pred handle_event_fail(ssdb_proc_id::in, list_var_value::in, 
>      ssdb_retry::out) is det.
>      %
> -    % This routine is called at each redo event that occurs.
> +    % This routine is called at each fail event in a nondet procedure.
>      %
> -:- impure pred handle_event_redo(ssdb_proc_id::in, list_var_value::in) is det.
> +:- impure pred handle_event_fail_nondet(ssdb_proc_id::in, list_var_value::in, 
> +    ssdb_retry::out) is det.
> +
> +    %
> +    % This routine is called at each redo event in a nondet procedure.
> +    %
> +:- impure pred handle_event_redo_nondet(ssdb_proc_id::in, 
> +    list_var_value::in) is det.
> +
>  %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
>  %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
>  :- implementation.
> +:- import_module assoc_list.
>  :- import_module bool.
>  :- import_module io.
>  :- import_module int.
> +:- import_module map.
> +:- import_module maybe.
> +:- import_module pair.
> +:- import_module pretty_printer.
>  :- import_module require.
>  :- import_module set.
>  :- import_module stack.
>  :- import_module string.
> +:- import_module univ.
> +
> +:- import_module mdb.
> +:- import_module mdb.browse.
> +:- import_module mdb.browser_info.
> +:- import_module mdb.browser_term.
>  %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> -:- type debugger_state
> -    --->    state(
> -                % Current event number.
> -                ssdb_event_number   :: int,                 
> +    %
> +    % These variables are all mutable, they are used to record the diffrents 
> +    % state of the debugger.
> +    %

Do you need all of these equivalence types?

> +
> +:- type cur_ssdb_event_number == int.
> +    
> +:- type cur_ssdb_csn == int.    
> -                % Call Sequence Number.
> -                ssdb_csn            :: int,                 
> +:- type cur_ssdb_depth == int.
> -                % Depth of the function.
> -                ssdb_call_depth     :: int,                 
> +:- type cur_ssdb_next_stop == next_stop.
> -                % Where the program should stop next time.
> -                ssdb_next_stop      :: next_stop,           
> +:- type cur_ssdb_breakpoints == map(pair(string,string), breakpoint).
> -                % The shadow stack.
> -                ssdb_stack          :: stack(stack_elem),
> +:- type cur_ssdb_number_of_breakpoint == int.
> -                % The set of breakpoint added.
> -                ssdb_breakpoints    :: set(breakpoint),
> +:- type cur_ssdb_shadow_stack == stack(stack_elem).
> -                % The list of the goal's argument.
> -                ssdb_list_var_value :: list(var_value)
> -            ).
> +:- type cur_ssdb_shadow_stack_nondet == stack(stack_elem).

> +    %
> +    % Note: disable_debugger must be first because io.init_state/2 is called
> +    % before the `do_nothing' mutable is initialised.  At that time `do_nothing'
> +    % will have a value of zero.  By putting disable_debugger first, it will
> +    % be represented by zero so the SSDB port code will correctly do nothing
> +    % until after the library is initialised.
> +    %
> +:- type do_nothing
> +    --->    disable_debugger
> +    ;       do_something
> +    ;       do_nothing.

Rename this type and the last two function symbols.

> +    %
> +    % Picture of the current call procedure.
> +    %

A stack frame representing a procedure call.

>  :- type stack_elem
>      --->    elem(
> -                se_proc_id         :: ssdb_proc_id,
> +                % Event Number
> +                se_event_number     :: int,
> +                
> +                % Call Sequence Number.
> +                se_csn              :: int,
> +                
> +                % Depth of the procedure.
> +                se_depth            :: int,
> +                
> +                % The goal's module name and procedure name.
> +                se_proc_id          :: ssdb_proc_id,
> -                % The debugger state at the call port.
> -                se_initial_state   :: debugger_state
> +                % The list of the goal's argument.

procedure's arguments

> @@ -162,460 +226,668 @@
>      %
>  :- type next_stop
>      --->    ns_step
> -	    % Stop at next step.
> +            % Stop at next step.
>      ;       ns_next(int)
> -	    % Stop at next event of the number between brakets.
> +            % Stop at next event of the number between brakets.
>      ;       ns_continue
> -	    % Continue until next breakpoint.
> +            % Continue until next breakpoint.
> -    ;       ns_final_port(int, ssdb_retry).
> -	    % Stop at final port (exit or fail) of the number between brakets,
> -	    % the ssdb_retry is used to retry the rigth csn number.
> +    ;       ns_final_port(int, ssdb_retry)
> +            % Stop at final port (exit or fail) of the number between brakets,


> +            % the ssdb_retry is used to retry the rigth csn number.


> +    ;       ns_final_port_nondet(int, ssdb_retry)
> +            % Same than ns_final_port but for nondet procedure.

Same as

> +    ;       ns_goto(int).
> +            % Stop at the Event Number give in argument.

given in

> +
> +
> +    %
> +    % A breakpoint is represented by his module and procedure name.
> +    % It is possible to insert a breakpoint in the debugger with the following 
> +    % command:
> +    %           b ModuleName ProcedureName
> +    %

Delete that, it should just be in the help.  Then we don't have to
maintain it.

>  :- type breakpoint
>      --->    breakpoint(
> +                bp_number       :: int,
>                  bp_module_name  :: string,
> -                bp_pred_name    :: string
> +                bp_pred_name    :: string,
> +                bp_state        :: bp_state
>              ).
> +:- type bp_state
> +    --->    bp_state_enable
> +    ;       bp_state_disable.

enabled / disabled

>  %----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +
>      %
> -    % Initialize the debugger state.
> -    % XXX Will be modifie.
> +    % Initialization of the mutable variable.


>      %
> -:- func init_debugger_state = debugger_state.
> -init_debugger_state = DbgState :-
> -    EventNum = 0,
> -    CSN = 0,
> -    Depth = 0,
> -    NextStop = ns_step,
> -    Stack = stack.init,
> -    Breakpoints = set.init,
> -    ListVarValue = [],
> -    DbgState = state(EventNum, CSN, Depth, NextStop, Stack, Breakpoints, 
> -        ListVarValue).
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_event_number, cur_ssdb_event_number, 0, ground, 
> +    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -:- mutable(debugger_state, debugger_state, init_debugger_state, ground, 
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_csn, cur_ssdb_csn, 0, ground, 
>      [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -%----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_depth, cur_ssdb_depth, 0, ground, 
> +    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -    %
> -    % Call at call port. It writes the event out and call the prompt.
> -    %
> -handle_event_call(ProcId, ListVarValue) :-
> -    Event = ssdb_call,
> -    impure get_event_num_inc(EventNum),
> -    impure update_depth(Event, PrintDepth),
> -
> -    % Set the new CSN.
> -    impure get_csn_inc(_),
> -
> -    % Set the list_var_value of the debugger state  with the list received.
> -    impure set_list_var_value(ListVarValue),
> -
> -    % Push the new stack frame on top of the shadow stack.
> -    semipure get_debugger_state(InitialState),
> -    StackFrame = elem(ProcId, InitialState),
> -    stack.push(InitialState ^ ssdb_stack, StackFrame, FinalStack),
> -    StateEv = InitialState ^ ssdb_stack := FinalStack,
> -    impure set_debugger_state(StateEv),
> - 
> -    semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_next_stop, cur_ssdb_next_stop, ns_step, ground, 
> +    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -    CSN = StackFrame ^ se_initial_state ^ ssdb_csn,
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_breakpoints, cur_ssdb_breakpoints, map.init, ground, 
> +    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -    should_stop_at_this_event(Event, CSN, State0, ProcId, Stop, _AutoRetry),
> -    (
> -        Stop = yes,
> -        some [!IO] 
> -        (
> -            impure invent_io(!:IO),
> -            
> -            print_event_info(Event, EventNum, ProcId, PrintDepth, CSN, !IO),  
> -         
> -            semipure get_shadow_stack(ShadowStack),
> -            impure prompt(Event, ShadowStack, 0, WhatNext, !IO),
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_number_of_breakpoint, cur_ssdb_number_of_breakpoint, 0, 
> +    ground, [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -            impure consume_io(!.IO),
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_shadow_stack, cur_ssdb_shadow_stack, stack.init, ground, 
> +    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> +
> +:- mutable(cur_ssdb_shadow_stack_nondet, cur_ssdb_shadow_stack_nondet, 
> +    stack.init, ground, [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> +
> +:- mutable(do_nothing, do_nothing, init_do_nothing, ground, 
> +    [untrailed, attach_to_io_state]).
> -            impure what_next_stop(CSN, WhatNext, ShadowStack, NextStop, _Retry),
> +:- func init_do_nothing = do_nothing is det.
> -            % We need to get a new state because breakpoint could have been 
> -            % added in the prompt.
> -            semipure get_debugger_state(State1),
> -            State = State1 ^ ssdb_next_stop := NextStop,
> -            impure set_debugger_state(State)
> +init_do_nothing = DoNothing :-
> +    promise_pure (
> +        some [!IO] (

Put an XXX here.  The check for the SSDB environment variable is only
temporary.  Eventually it should check whatever mdb checks.

> +            impure invent_io(!:IO),
> +            io.get_environment_var("SSDB", MaybeEnv, !IO),
> +            impure consume_io(!.IO)
>          )
> +    ),
> +    (
> +        MaybeEnv = yes(_),
> +        DoNothing = do_something
>      ;
> -        Stop = no
> +        MaybeEnv = no,
> +        DoNothing = disable_debugger
>      ).

> -get_csn_inc(CSN) :-
> -    semipure get_debugger_state(State0),
> -    CSN0 = State0 ^ ssdb_csn,
> -    CSN = CSN0 + 1,
> -    State = State0 ^ ssdb_csn := CSN,
> -    impure set_debugger_state(State).
> +is_same_int(INTA, INTB, IsSame) :-
> +    IsSame = (INTA = INTB -> yes ; no).

IntA, IntB

>      % s | _ :: next step
>      % c     :: continue
>      % b X Y :: breakpoint X = module_name Y = predicate_name
> +    % b info:: print info of breakpoints
> +    % delete/enable/disable */N 
> +    %       :: delete/enable/disable all/Nth breakpoint
>      % p     :: print
>      % dump  :: print stack trace
>      % u     :: up
>      % d     :: down
> +    % g N   :: goto Nth event number
>      %
>  :- impure pred prompt(ssdb_event_type::in, stack(stack_elem)::in, int::in, 
>                  what_next::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
>  prompt(Event, ShadowStack, Depth, WhatNext, !IO) :-

This predicate is too big and heavily indented.  Split it up.

> @@ -835,6 +1427,151 @@
>      ).
> +    %
> +    % Transform the list(var_value) into a assoc_list. As it is for the browser 
> +    % use, only the bound variable are put into the assoc_list structure.
> +    %
> +:- pred list_var_value_to_assoc_list(list(var_value)::in, 
> +    assoc_list(string, univ)::out) is det.
> +
> +list_var_value_to_assoc_list([], []).
> +list_var_value_to_assoc_list([VarValue | VarValues], AssocListVarValue) :-

You could use list.filter_map.

> +    (
> +        VarValue = unbound_head_var(_Name, _Pos),
> +        list_var_value_to_assoc_list(VarValues, AssocListVarValue)
> +    ;
> +        VarValue = bound_head_var(Name, _Pos, Value),
> +        type_to_univ(Value, ValueUniv),
> +        list_var_value_to_assoc_list(VarValues, AssocListVarValue0),
> +        AssocListVarValue = [pair(Name, ValueUniv) | AssocListVarValue0]
> +    ;
> +        VarValue = bound_other_var(Name, Value),
> +        type_to_univ(Value, ValueUniv),
> +        list_var_value_to_assoc_list(VarValues, AssocListVarValue0),
> +        AssocListVarValue = [pair(Name, ValueUniv) | AssocListVarValue0]
> +    ).
> +
> +    %
> +    % get_correct_frame_with_num(Num, ShadowStack, Frame).
> +    %
> +    % If Num = 1, the current frame will be return. 
> +    % Num should be in the interval of 1 >= Num <= Depth.

Do you mean:	1 =< Num =< Depth

I can't tell what this predicate is supposed to do from the comment.

> +    % If Num = Depth, the debugger will reach the end of the program.
> +    %
> +:- pred get_correct_frame_with_num(int::in, stack(stack_elem)::in, 
> +    stack_elem::out) is det.
> +
> +get_correct_frame_with_num(Num, ShadowStack0, StackFrame) :-
> +    (
> +        Num = 1 ->


> +        stack.top_det(ShadowStack0, StackFrame)
> +    ;
> +        Num > 1 ->
> +        stack.pop_det(ShadowStack0, _Frame, ShadowStack),
> +        get_correct_frame_with_num(Num-1, ShadowStack, StackFrame)
> +    ;
> +        % it shouldn't arrive here.
> +        error("\nUnexpected error : get_correct_frame_with_num\n")

Delete the newlines.

> +    ).
> +
> +    %
> +    % Disable or enable all breakpoints.
> +    %
> +:- impure pred modif_state_breakpoints(bp_state::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> +
> +modif_state_breakpoints(State, !IO) :-
> +    semipure get_cur_ssdb_breakpoints(BreakPoints),
> +    BreakPointListValue = map.values(BreakPoints),
> +    modif_state_breakpoint(State, BreakPointListValue, BreakPoints, 
> +        BreakPointsModif, !IO),
> +    impure set_cur_ssdb_breakpoints(BreakPointsModif).
> +
> +
> +    %
> +    % Modifie state of one breakpoint.


> +    %
> +:- pred modif_state_breakpoint(bp_state::in, list(breakpoint)::in, 
> +        map(pair(string, string), breakpoint)::in, 
> +        map(pair(string, string), breakpoint)::out, 
> +        io::di, io::uo) is det.

Rename it.  What does it do?

> +
> +modif_state_breakpoint(_State, [], !BreakPoints, !IO).
> +modif_state_breakpoint(State, [BreakPoint0|BreakPoints], !BreakPoints, !IO) :-
> +    BreakPoint = BreakPoint0 ^ bp_state := State,   
> +    print_breakpoint(BreakPoint, !IO),
> +    map.det_update(!.BreakPoints, 
> +        pair(BreakPoint0 ^ bp_module_name, BreakPoint0 ^ bp_pred_name), 
> +        BreakPoint, !:BreakPoints),
> +    modif_state_breakpoint(State, BreakPoints, !BreakPoints, !IO).
> +
> +
> +    %
> +    % modif_state_breakpoint_with_num(State, Num, !IO).
> +    %
> +    % Modify the state of the breakpoint with the number which match Num.
> +    %
> +:- impure pred modif_state_breakpoint_with_num(bp_state::in, int::in, 
> +    io::di, io::uo) is det.


> +    % find_breakpoint_with_num(Num, ListBreakPoint, BreakPointFound)
> +    %
> +    % Return BreakPointFound that match the corresponding Num.
> +    %
> +:- pred find_breakpoint_with_num(int::in, list(breakpoint)::in, 
> +    breakpoint::out) is semidet.
> +
> +% find_breakpoint_with_num(_Num, [], _BreakPointToModify) :-
> +%     error("\nError : No breakpoint found").

Delete that.

> +find_breakpoint_with_num(Num, [BP|ListBreakPoint], BreakPointToModify) :-
> +    (
> +        BP ^ bp_number = Num
> +    ->
> +        BreakPointToModify = BP 
> +    ;
> +        find_breakpoint_with_num(Num, ListBreakPoint, BreakPointToModify)
> +    ).

BreakPointToModify doesn't make sense without looking at the caller.

Can you send a new diff made with `cvs diff --ignore-space-change' after
you make the changes?  The changes in ssdb.m are hard to see.  Thanks.


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