[m-rev.] diff: fix failure of debugger/completion

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Wed May 30 17:38:03 AEST 2007

Estimated hours taken: 0.1
Branches: main

Fix the failure of debugger/completion.

 	Update this expected output for the "track" mdb command.


Index: completion.exp
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/debugger/completion.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 completion.exp
--- completion.exp	5 Dec 2006 03:51:15 -0000	1.35
+++ completion.exp	30 May 2007 07:34:01 -0000
@@ -3,45 +3,46 @@
  Command echo enabled.
  mdb> register --quiet
-!                    f                    printlevel
-?                    fail_trace_counts    procedures
-P                    finish               push_list_dir
-alias                flag                 query
-all_class_decls      format               quit
-all_procedures       format_param         r
-all_regs             forward              register
-all_type_ctors       g                    retry
-ambiguity            gen_stack            return
-b                    goal_paths           s
-break                goto                 save
-break_print          grep                 scope
-browse               h                    scroll
-c                    held_vars            shell
-cc_query             help                 source
-class_decl           histogram_all        stack
-clear_histogram      histogram_exp        stack_default_limit
-condition            hold                 stack_regs
-consumer             ignore               stats
-context              io_query             step
-continue             level                subgoal
-current              list                 table
-cut_stack            list_context_lines   table_io
-d                    list_path            term_size
-dd                   max_io_actions       trust
-debug_vars           maxdepth             trusted
-delete               mindepth             type_ctor
-dice                 mm_stacks            unalias
-diff                 mmc_options          unhide_events
-disable              modules              untrust
-document             next                 up
-document_category    nondet_stack         user
-down                 open                 user_event_context
-dump                 p                    v
-e                    pass_trace_counts    var_details
-echo                 pneg_stack           vars
-enable               pop_list_dir         view
-exception            print                xml_browser_cmd
-excp                 print_optionals      xml_tmp_filename
+!                    fail_trace_counts    push_list_dir
+?                    finish               query
+P                    flag                 quit
+alias                format               r
+all_class_decls      format_param         register
+all_procedures       forward              retry
+all_regs             g                    return
+all_type_ctors       gen_stack            s
+ambiguity            goal_paths           save
+b                    goto                 scope
+break                grep                 scroll
+break_print          h                    shell
+browse               held_vars            source
+c                    help                 stack
+cc_query             histogram_all        stack_default_limit
+class_decl           histogram_exp        stack_regs
+clear_histogram      hold                 stats
+condition            ignore               step
+consumer             io_query             subgoal
+context              level                table
+continue             list                 table_io
+current              list_context_lines   term_size
+cut_stack            list_path            track
+d                    max_io_actions       trust
+dd                   maxdepth             trusted
+debug_vars           mindepth             type_ctor
+delete               mm_stacks            unalias
+dice                 mmc_options          unhide_events
+diff                 modules              untrust
+disable              next                 up
+document             nondet_stack         user
+document_category    open                 user_event_context
+down                 p                    v
+dump                 pass_trace_counts    var_details
+e                    pneg_stack           vars
+echo                 pop_list_dir         view
+enable               print                xml_browser_cmd
+exception            print_optionals      xml_tmp_filename
+excp                 printlevel 
+f                    procedures
  h              help           histogram_exp
  held_vars      histogram_all  hold
  var_details  vars         view

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