[m-rev.] for review: minimal server for view deep profiling data

Peter Wang wangp at students.csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu May 24 11:45:47 AEST 2007

Branches: main

	Add a minimal server program that accepts and passes through requests
	to mdprof.  It's useful when you want to view deep profiling data
	without configuring and running a proper web server.

Index: extras/posix/samples/Mmakefile
RCS file: extras/posix/samples/Mmakefile
diff -N extras/posix/samples/Mmakefile
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/posix/samples/Mmakefile	24 May 2007 01:37:57 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+DEMOS = mdprof_cgid
+depend:	$(DEMOS:%=%.depend)
+all: demos
+clean: $(DEMOS:%=%.clean)
+realclean: $(DEMOS:%=%.realclean)
+demos: $(DEMOS)
+# The following stuff tells Mmake to use the posix library.
+          -L$(POSIX_DIR)
+C2INITARGS = $(POSIX_DIR)/posix.init
+MAIN_TARGET = mdprof_cgid
Index: extras/posix/samples/README
RCS file: extras/posix/samples/README
diff -N extras/posix/samples/README
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/posix/samples/README	24 May 2007 01:37:57 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+mdprof_cgid is a minimal server that accepts and passes through requests to
+the deep profiler CGI program, mdprof_cgi.  It's useful when you want to view
+deep profiling data without configuring and running a proper web server.
+After building the posix library in the parent directory,
+    mmake depend
+    mmake
+    ./mdprof_cgid --host localhost --port 8081 --mdprof mdprof \
+	--script-name /cgi-bin/mdprof_cgi
+The default values for options are shown.
+The --mdprof option specifies the location of the `mdprof' executable.
+If it is in the path then the default setting should be fine.
+Since `mdprof' is just a wrapper script around `mdprof_cgi' you can also pass
+the location of `mdprof_cgi' directly instead.
+The --script-name option specifies the virtual path under which the deep
+profiler will be accessible.  This server ignores all requests except to that
+virtual path.
+Once the server is running, point the browser to your deep profiling data,
+    firefox http://localhost:8081/cgi-bin/mdprof_cgi?/path/to/Deep.data
+Note that running instances of mdprof_cgi won't be automatically killed when
+mdprof_cgid is terminated.
Index: extras/posix/samples/mdprof_cgid.m
RCS file: extras/posix/samples/mdprof_cgid.m
diff -N extras/posix/samples/mdprof_cgid.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/posix/samples/mdprof_cgid.m	24 May 2007 01:37:57 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Module: mdprof_cgid.
+% Author: wangp.
+% This is a minimal server that accepts and passes through requests to
+% mdprof.  It's useful when you want to view deep profiling data without
+% configuring and running a proper web server.
+:- module mdprof_cgid.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module char.
+:- import_module getopt.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module posix.
+:- import_module posix.dup.
+:- import_module posix.read.
+:- import_module posix.open.
+:- import_module posix.select.
+:- import_module posix.socket.
+:- import_module text.
+% Command-line options
+:- type option
+    --->    server_name
+    ;       server_port
+    ;       mdprof_path
+    ;       script_name.
+:- type data
+    --->    data(
+                data_mdprof_path    :: string,
+                data_script_name    :: string
+            ).
+:- pred short_option(char::in, option::out) is semidet.
+:- pred long_option(string::in, option::out) is semidet.
+:- pred option_default(option::out, option_data::out) is multi.
+:- pred option_defaults(option::out, option_data::out) is nondet.
+:- pred show_usage(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+short_option('h',               server_name).
+short_option('p',               server_port).
+short_option('m',               mdprof_path).
+short_option('s',               script_name).
+long_option("host",             server_name).
+long_option("name",             server_name).
+long_option("port",             server_port).
+long_option("mdprof",           mdprof_path).
+long_option("script-name",      script_name).
+option_default(server_name,     string("localhost")).
+option_default(server_port,     int(8081)).
+option_default(mdprof_path,     string("mdprof")).
+option_default(script_name,     string("/cgi-bin/mdprof_cgi")).
+option_defaults(Option, Default) :-
+    option_default(Option, Default),
+    semidet_true.
+show_usage(!IO) :-
+    list.foldl(io.write_string, [
+        "Options:\n",
+        "    -h, --host HOSTNAME    (default: localhost)\n",
+        "    -p, --port PORT        (default: 8081)\n",
+        "    -m, --mdprof PATH      (default: mdprof)\n",
+        "    -s, --script-name NAME (default: /cgi-bin/mdprof_cgi)\n",
+        "\n"
+    ], !IO).
+main(!IO) :-
+    io.command_line_arguments(Args0, !IO),
+    OptionOpts = option_ops(short_option, long_option, option_defaults),
+    getopt.process_options(OptionOpts, Args0, _Args, OptionsResults),
+    (
+        OptionsResults = ok(OptTable),
+        main_2(OptTable, !IO)
+    ;
+        OptionsResults = error(OptionErrorString),
+        io.write_string(OptionErrorString, !IO),
+        io.nl(!IO),
+        show_usage(!IO),
+        io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred main_2(option_table(option)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+main_2(OptTable, !IO) :-
+    % 
+    % Handle command-line options.
+    %
+    getopt.lookup_string_option(OptTable, server_name, ServerName),
+    getopt.lookup_int_option(OptTable, server_port, ServerPort),
+    getopt.lookup_string_option(OptTable, script_name, ScriptName0),
+    ( if string.prefix(ScriptName0, "/") then
+        ScriptName = ScriptName0
+    else
+        ScriptName = "/" ++ ScriptName0
+    ),
+    getopt.lookup_string_option(OptTable, mdprof_path, MdprofPath),
+    %
+    % Set CGI environment variables.
+    %
+    io.set_environment_var("SERVER_NAME", ServerName, !IO),
+    io.set_environment_var("SERVER_PORT", from_int(ServerPort), !IO),
+    io.set_environment_var("SCRIPT_NAME", ScriptName, !IO),
+    %
+    % Listen for requests.
+    %
+    create_listen_conn(ServerPort, ListenFd, !IO),
+    io.format("%s started on %s:%d\n",
+        [s(prog_name), s(ServerName), i(ServerPort)], !IO),
+    Data = data(MdprofPath, ScriptName),
+    main_loop(Data, ListenFd, !IO).
+:- pred create_listen_conn(int::in, fd::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+create_listen_conn(ServerPort, Fd, !IO) :-
+    socket(inet, stream, protocol(0), SocketResult, !IO),
+    (
+        SocketResult = ok(Fd)
+    ;
+        SocketResult = error(SocketError),
+        abort_with_error("socket failed", SocketError)
+    ),
+    bind(Fd, inet(port(ServerPort), inet_addr(0)), BindResult, !IO),
+    (
+        BindResult = ok
+    ;
+        BindResult = error(_BindError),
+        abort("bind failed (perhaps port " ++ string(ServerPort) ++
+            " is already in use?)")
+    ),
+    listen(Fd, 1, ListenResult, !IO),
+    (
+        ListenResult = ok
+    ;
+        ListenResult = error(ListenError),
+        abort_with_error("listen failed", ListenError)
+    ).
+:- pred main_loop(data::in, fd::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+main_loop(Data, ListenFd, !IO) :-
+    await_conn(ListenFd, ConnFd, !IO),
+    handle_conn(Data, ConnFd, !IO),
+    main_loop(Data, ListenFd, !IO).
+:- pred await_conn(fd::in, fd::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+await_conn(ListenFd, ConnFd, !IO) :-
+    wait_input_fd(ListenFd, SelectResult, !IO),
+    (
+        SelectResult = ok(_)
+    ;
+        SelectResult = error(SelectError),
+        abort_with_error("wait_input_fd failed", SelectError)
+    ),
+    accept(ListenFd, AcceptResult, !IO),
+    (
+        AcceptResult = ok(ConnFd)
+    ;
+        AcceptResult = error(AcceptError),
+        abort_with_error("accept failed", AcceptError)
+    ).
+:- pred wait_input_fd(fd::in, posix.result(int)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+wait_input_fd(Fd @ fd(MaxFd), Result, !IO) :-
+    new_fdset_ptr(Rd, !IO),
+    new_fdset_ptr(Wr, !IO),
+    new_fdset_ptr(Ex, !IO),
+    fd_set(Fd, Rd, !IO),
+    LongTime = timeval(9999, 0),
+    select(MaxFd+1, Rd, Wr, Ex, LongTime, Result, !IO).
+:- pred handle_conn(data::in, fd::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+handle_conn(Data, ConnFd, !IO) :-
+    TextSize = 1024,
+    text.create(TextSize, 0, Text0),
+    read(ConnFd, TextSize, ReadResult, Text0, Text, !IO),
+    (
+        ReadResult = ok(Length),
+        Request = first_line(Text, Length),
+        with_stdout(ConnFd, handle_request(Data, Request), !IO)
+    ;
+        ReadResult = error(_),
+        io.print("read failed\n", !IO)
+    ),
+    close(ConnFd, _, !IO).
+    % with_stdout(OtherFd, P, !IO)
+    % Call P, with OtherFd substituted for standard output during
+    % the execution of P.
+    %
+:- pred with_stdout(fd::in, pred(io, io)::in(pred(di, uo) is det),
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+with_stdout(OtherFd, P, !IO) :-
+    Stdout = fd(1),
+    dup(Stdout, StdoutCopy, !IO),
+    dup2(OtherFd, Stdout, _, !IO),
+    P(!IO),
+    close(Stdout, _, !IO),
+    (
+        StdoutCopy = ok(Stdout1),
+        dup2(Stdout1, Stdout, _, !IO)
+    ;
+        StdoutCopy = error(_)
+    ).
+:- pred handle_request(data::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+handle_request(Data, Request, !IO) :-
+    (if string.words(Request) = [Method, Path, HttpProt] then
+        (if http_protocol(HttpProt) then
+            (if string.to_upper(Method) = "GET" then
+                (if string.prefix(Path, Data ^ data_script_name) then
+                    handle_request_2(Data, Path, !IO)
+                else
+                    write_http_response("404", "Not found", !IO)
+                )
+            else
+                write_http_response("501", "Not implemented", !IO)
+            )
+        else
+            write_http_response("505", "HTTP Version Not Supported", !IO)
+        )
+    else
+        write_http_response("400", "Bad request", !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred handle_request_2(data::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+handle_request_2(Data, Path, !IO) :-
+    %
+    % Set up the QUERY_STRING CGI environment variable.
+    %
+    (if string.sub_string_search(Path, "?", QuesIndex) then
+        Length = string.length(Path),
+        QueryString = string.substring(Path, QuesIndex + 1, Length)
+    else
+        QueryString = ""
+    ),
+    io.set_environment_var("QUERY_STRING", QueryString, !IO),
+    %
+    % Write the HTTP header and call the mdprof program to generate
+    % the rest of the output.
+    %
+    io.write_string("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n", !IO),
+    MdprofPath = Data ^ data_mdprof_path,
+    io.call_system(MdprofPath, CgiResult, !IO),
+    (
+        CgiResult = ok(_)
+    ;
+        CgiResult = error(Error),
+        io.error_message(Error, ErrorMsg),
+        abort("call_system failed: " ++ ErrorMsg)
+    ).
+:- pred http_protocol(string::in) is semidet.
+:- pred write_http_response(string::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det.
+write_http_response(StatusCode, Message, !IO) :-
+    list.foldl(io.write_string, [
+        "HTTP/1.0 ", StatusCode, " OK\r\n",
+        "Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n",
+        "<html><body><p>", Message, "</p></body></html>\n"
+    ], !IO).
+    % first_line(Text, TextLen) = String
+    % Return the first line from the Text object as a string,
+    % i.e. everything up to the first CR or NL character.
+    %
+:- func first_line(text, int) = string.
+first_line(Text, TextLen) =
+    string.from_char_list(first_line_2(Text, 0, TextLen)).
+:- func first_line_2(text, int, int) = list(char).
+first_line_2(Text, Index, TextLen) = RevChars :-
+    ( if Index >= TextLen then
+        RevChars = []
+    else
+        Char = text_char(Text, Index),
+        ( if is_newline(Char) then
+            RevChars = []
+        else
+            RevChars = [Char | first_line_2(Text, Index + 1, TextLen)]
+        )
+    ).
+:- func text_char(text, int) = char.
+text_char(Text, Index) = char.det_from_int(Int) :-
+    text.index(Text, Index, Int).
+:- pred is_newline(char::in) is semidet.
+:- pred abort(string::in) is erroneous.
+abort(Msg) :-
+    error(prog_name ++ ": " ++ Msg).
+:- pred abort_with_error(string::in, posix.error::in) is erroneous.
+abort_with_error(Msg, Error) :-
+    Str = string.format("%s: %s %s",
+        [s(prog_name), s(Msg), s(string(Error))]),
+    error(Str).
+:- func prog_name = string.
+prog_name = "mdprof_cgid".
+% vi:ft=mercury:ts=8:sts=4:sw=4:et
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