[m-rev.] For review: user-configurable pretty printer

Ralph Becket rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Tue Jun 5 17:20:34 AEST 2007

I'm putting this up for review before integrating it into the pprint
module (if that's the right thing to do).

The pp module below is a replacement pretty-printer with support for
the following:
- user controllable pretty-printing via mutables;
- limits on the maximum number of lines output;
- limits on how much output is generated ("number of functors" and
  "triangular number of functors").

It improves on pprint in two ways:
- doc construction and formatting is linear in the number of functors
  output, rather than the size of the input.  This should be
  noticably faster than pprint for large terms.
- It does a much better job of line-breaking (pprint would regularly
  erroneously overrun lines).
- It's much shorter.

I'd appreciate swift feedback on this one because I want to start using
it to improve the G12 output.

New files: pp.m, test_pp.m, test_pp.exp.

::: New file pp.m :::
% pp.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au>
% Fri Jun  1 14:49:30 EST 2007
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% Generic pretty-printing support.

:- module pp.

:- interface.

:- import_module io.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module ops.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module univ.

:- type doc
    --->    s(string)                   % Output a literal string.
    ;       nl                          % Output a newline if the enclosing
                                        % group does not fit on the current
                                        % line.
    ;       open_group                  % Open a new group (groups control
                                        % how nls are handled).
    ;       close_group                 % Close a group.
    ;       indent                      % Increase indent level.
    ;       outdent                     % Decrease indent level.
    ;       docs(docs)                  % A sequence of docs.
    ;       pp(univ)                    % Use a specialised pretty printer
                                        %  if available, otherwise use the
                                        %  generic pretty printer.
    ;       pp_list(list(univ), docs)   % Pretty print a list of items
                                        %  using the given docs as a
                                        %  separator between items.  Each
                                        %  item - separator pair is placed
                                        %  inside its own group.
    ;       pp_term(string, list(univ)) % Pretty print a term with zero or
                                        %  more arguments.  If the term
                                        %  corresponds to a Mercury operator
                                        %  it will be printed with appropriate
                                        %  fixity and, if necessary, in
                                        %  parentheses.  The term name will be
                                        %  quoted and escaped if necessary.
    ;       set_op_priority(ops.priority)
                                        % Set the current priority for printing
                                        %  operator terms with the correct
                                        %  parenthesisation.
    ;       set_limit(limit).           % Set the truncation limit.  This
                                        %  should not be necessary for user
                                        %  defined pretty printers!

:- type docs == list(doc).

    % The pretty-printer limit type, used to truncate conversion to docs
    % after the limit has been reached.  The linear version simply emits
    % the first N functors before truncating.  The triangular version
    % allocates N - 1 "units" to printing the first argument of the current
    % term, N - 2 "units" to printing the second argument of the current
    % term, and so forth.  [The term "functor" is not quite correct here:
    % strictly speaking one "unit" is consumed every time a user defined
    % pretty printer or the generic term printer is used.]  Truncation is
    % indicated by "..." in the output.
:- type limit
    --->    linear(int)                 % Print this many functors.
    ;       triangular(int).            % Print first arg with limit n-1,
                                        % second arg with limit n-2, ...

    % The type and inst of pretty-printer converters.
:- type pp == ( pred(univ, docs) ).
:- inst pp == ( pred(in, out) is semidet ).

:- type pps == list(pp).
:- inst pps == list(pp).

    % format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO).
    %   Output Docs to fit on lines of LineWidth chars, truncating after
    %   MaxLines lines, fomatting pp(_) docs using pretty-printer converters
    %   PPs starting with pretty-printer limits Limit.
:- pred format_docs(pps::in(pps), int::in, int::in, limit::in, docs::in,
        io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % Add a user-defined pretty-printer to the list used by format_docs/6
    % and format_docs/3.
:- pred add_user_defined_pp(pp::in(pp), io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % Set the default line width (78), max lines (100), and limit
    % (triangular(100)) used by format_docs/3.
:- pred set_line_width(int::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- pred set_max_lines(int::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
:- pred set_limit(limit::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % format_docs(LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO).
    %   As format_docs/7, except the user-defined pretty printers are
    %   those specified via add_user_defined_pp/3.
:- pred format_docs(int::in, int::in, limit::in, docs::in,
        io::di, io::uo) is det.

    % format_docs(Docs, !IO).
    %   As format_docs/6, except the line width, max lines, and limit are
    %   those those specified via set_line_width/3,
    %   set_max_lines/3, and set_limit/3.
:- pred format_docs(docs::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module bool.
:- import_module deconstruct.
:- import_module exception.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module term_io.

:- mutable(user_defined_pps, pps, [], pps,
    [attach_to_io_state, untrailed]).

:- mutable(default_line_width, int, 78, ground,
    [attach_to_io_state, untrailed]).

:- mutable(default_max_lines, int, 100, ground,
    [attach_to_io_state, untrailed]).

:- mutable(default_limit, limit, triangular(100), ground,
    [attach_to_io_state, untrailed]).


add_user_defined_pp(PP, !IO) :-
    get_user_defined_pps(PPs, !IO),
    set_user_defined_pps([PP | PPs], !IO).


set_line_width(LineWidth, !IO) :-
    set_default_line_width(LineWidth, !IO).


set_max_lines(MaxLines, !IO) :-
    set_default_max_lines(MaxLines, !IO).


set_limit(Limit, !IO) :-
    set_default_limit(Limit, !IO).


format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO) :-
    Pri = ops.max_priority(ops.init_mercury_op_table),
    RemainingWidth = LineWidth,
    IndentLevel = 0,
    format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, Docs, RemainingWidth, _, IndentLevel, _,
        MaxLines, _, Limit, _, Pri, _, !IO).


format_docs(LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO) :-
    get_user_defined_pps(PPs, !IO),
    format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO).


format_docs(Docs, !IO) :-
    get_user_defined_pps(PPs, !IO),
    get_default_line_width(LineWidth, !IO),
    get_default_max_lines(MaxLines, !IO),
    get_default_limit(Limit, !IO),
    format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO).


    % format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, Docs, !RemainingWidth, !IndentLevel,
    %       !RemainingLines, !Limit, !Pri, !IO)
    %   Format Docs to fit on LineWidth chars per line,
    %   - tracking !RemainingWidth chars left on the current line,
    %   - indenting by !IndentLevel after newlines,
    %   - truncating output after !RemainingLines,
    %   - expanding terms to at most !Limit depth before truncating,
    %   - tracking current operator priority !Pri.
    %   Assumes that Docs is the output of expand.
:- pred format_docs(pps::in(pps), int::in,  docs::in,
        int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out,
        limit::in, limit::out, ops.priority::in, ops.priority::out,
        io::di, io::uo) is det.

format_docs(_PPs, _LineWidth, [],
        !RemainingWidth, !IndentLevel, !RemainingLines, !Limit, !Pri, !IO).

format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, [Doc | Docs0],
        !RemainingWidth, !IndentLevel, !RemainingLines, !Limit, !Pri, !IO) :-
    ( if !.RemainingLines =< 0 then
        io.write_string("...", !IO)
            % Output strings directly.
            Doc = s(String),
            io.write_string(String, !IO),
            !:RemainingWidth = !.RemainingWidth - string.length(String),
            Docs = Docs0
            % Output soft newlines if what follows up to the next newline
            % fits on the rest of the current line.  Don't bother outputting
            % a newline if we're already at the start of a new line.
            Doc = nl,
            ( if
                not at_start_of_line(LineWidth, !.IndentLevel,
                format_nl(LineWidth, !.IndentLevel, !:RemainingWidth,
                    !RemainingLines, !IO)
            Docs = Docs0
            % Indents.
            Doc = indent,
            !:IndentLevel = !.IndentLevel + 1,
            Docs = Docs0
            % Outdents.
            Doc = outdent,
            !:IndentLevel = !.IndentLevel - 1,
            Docs = Docs0
            % Open groups: if the current group (and what follows up to the
            % next nl) fits on the remainder of the current line then print
            % it that way; otherwise we have to recognise the nls in the
            % group.
            Doc = open_group,
            OpenGroups = 1,
            CurrentRemainingWidth = !.RemainingWidth,
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
                CurrentRemainingWidth, RemainingWidthAfterGroup),
            ( if RemainingWidthAfterGroup >= 0 then
                output_current_group(OpenGroups, Docs1, Docs,
                    !RemainingWidth, !IO)
                Docs = Docs1
            % Close groups.
            Doc = close_group,
            Docs = Docs0
            Doc = docs(Docs1),
            Docs = list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0)
            Doc = pp(Univ),
            expand_pp(PPs, Univ, Docs1, !Limit, !.Pri),
            Docs = list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0)
            Doc = pp_list(Univs, Sep),
            expand_pp_list(Univs, Sep, Docs1, !Limit),
            Docs = list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0)
            Doc = pp_term(Name, Univs),
            expand_pp_term(Name, Univs, Docs1, !Limit, !.Pri),
            Docs = list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0)
            Doc = set_limit(Lim),
            !:Limit = Lim,
            Docs = Docs0
            Doc = set_op_priority(NewPri),
            !:Pri = NewPri,
            Docs = Docs0
        format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, Docs, !RemainingWidth, !IndentLevel,
            !RemainingLines, !Limit, !Pri, !IO)


:- pred output_current_group(int::in, docs::in, docs::out, int::in, int::out,
        io::di, io::uo) is det.

output_current_group(_OpenGroups, [], [], !RemainingWidth, !IO).

output_current_group(OpenGroups, [Doc | Docs0], Docs, !RemainingWidth, !IO) :-

    ( if Doc = s(String) then

        io.write_string(String, !IO),
        !:RemainingWidth = !.RemainingWidth - string.length(String),
        output_current_group(OpenGroups, Docs0, Docs, !RemainingWidth, !IO)

      else if Doc = open_group then

        output_current_group(OpenGroups + 1, Docs0, Docs, !RemainingWidth, !IO)

      else if Doc = close_group then

        ( if OpenGroups = 1 then
            Docs = Docs0
            output_current_group(OpenGroups - 1, Docs0, Docs, !RemainingWidth,


        output_current_group(OpenGroups, Docs0, Docs, !RemainingWidth, !IO)



    % expand(Docs0, Docs, G, N0, N) expands out any doc(_), pp(_),
    % pp_list(_, _), and pp_term(_) constructors in Docs0 into Docs, until
    % either Docs0 has been completely expanded or a nl is encountered.
    % N is the number of string characters appearing in the expansion,
    % Docs, up to this point.  G is used to track nested groups.
:- pred expand(pps::in(pps), docs::in, docs::out, int::in,
        limit::in, limit::out, ops.priority::in, ops.priority::out,
        int::in, int::out) is det.

expand(_PPs, [], [], _OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri, !N).

expand(PPs, [Doc | Docs0], Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri, !RemainingWidth) :-
    ( if
            OpenGroups = 0, Doc = nl
            % We have found the first nl after the close of the current
            % open group.
            !.RemainingWidth < 0
            % We have run out of space on this line: the current open
            % group will not fit.
        Docs = [Doc | Docs0]
            Doc = s(String),
            !:RemainingWidth = !.RemainingWidth - string.length(String),
            Docs = [Doc | Docs1],
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = nl,
            ( if OpenGroups =< 0 then
                Docs = [Doc | Docs0]
                Docs = [Doc | Docs1],
                expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = indent,
            Docs = [Doc | Docs1],
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = outdent,
            Docs = [Doc | Docs1],
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = open_group,
            Docs = [Doc | Docs1],
            OpenGroups1 = OpenGroups + ( if OpenGroups > 0 then 1 else 0 ),
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups1, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = close_group,
            Docs = [Doc | Docs1],
            OpenGroups1 = OpenGroups - ( if OpenGroups > 0 then 1 else 0 ),
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs1, OpenGroups1, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = docs(Docs1),
            expand(PPs, list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0), Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = pp(Univ),
            expand_pp(PPs, Univ, Docs1, !Limit, !.Pri),
            expand(PPs, list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0), Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = pp_list(Univs, Sep),
            expand_pp_list(Univs, Sep, Docs1, !Limit),
            expand(PPs, list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0), Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = pp_term(Name, Univs),
            expand_pp_term(Name, Univs, Docs1, !Limit, !.Pri),
            expand(PPs, list.(Docs1 ++ Docs0), Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri,
            Doc = set_limit(Lim),
            !:Limit = Lim,
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri, !RemainingWidth)
            Doc = set_op_priority(NewPri),
            !:Pri = NewPri,
            expand(PPs, Docs0, Docs, OpenGroups, !Limit, !Pri, !RemainingWidth)

% We use two spaces per level of indentation.

:- pred at_start_of_line(int::in, int::in, int::in) is semidet.

at_start_of_line(LineWidth, IndentLevel, RemainingWidth) :-
    RemainingWidth = LineWidth - 2 * IndentLevel.

% We use two spaces per level of indentation.

:- pred format_nl(int::in, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::out,
        io::di, io::uo) is det.

format_nl(LineWidth, IndentLevel, RemainingWidth, !RemainingLines, !IO) :-
    output_indentation(IndentLevel, LineWidth, RemainingWidth, !IO),
    !:RemainingLines = !.RemainingLines - 1.

:- pred output_indentation(int::in, int::in, int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

output_indentation(IndentLevel, LineWidth, RemainingWidth, !IO) :-
    ( if IndentLevel =< 0 then
        RemainingWidth = LineWidth
        io.write_string("  ", !IO),
        output_indentation(IndentLevel - 1, LineWidth - 2, RemainingWidth, !IO)


    % Expand a univ into a list of docs using the first pretty-printer
    % in the given list that succeeds, otherwise use the generic pretty-
    % printer.  If the pretty-printer limit has been exhausted then only
    % "..." is produced.
:- pred expand_pp(pps::in(pps), univ::in, docs::out, limit::in, limit::out,
        ops.priority::in) is det.

expand_pp(PPs, Univ, Docs, !Limit, CurrentPri) :-
    ( if limit_overrun(!.Limit) then
        Docs = [s("...")]
      else if expand_pp_2(PPs, Univ, Docs0) then
        Docs = Docs0
        deconstruct(univ_value(Univ), canonicalize, Name, _Arity, Args),
        expand_pp_term(Name, Args, Docs, !Limit, CurrentPri)

:- pred expand_pp_2(pps::in(pps), univ::in, docs::out) is semidet.

expand_pp_2([PP | PPs], Univ, Docs) :-
    ( if PP(Univ, Docs0) then
        Docs = Docs0
        expand_pp_2(PPs, Univ, Docs)


:- pred expand_pp_list(list(univ)::in, docs::in, docs::out,
        limit::in, limit::out) is det.

expand_pp_list([], _Sep, [], !Limit).

expand_pp_list([Univ | Univs], Sep, Docs, !Limit) :-
    ( if limit_overrun(!.Limit) then
        Docs = [s("...")]
            Univs = [],
            Docs = [pp(Univ)]
            Univs = [_ | _],
            Docs = [open_group, pp(Univ), docs(Sep), close_group,
                next_arg_limit_doc(!.Limit), pp_list(Univs, Sep)]


:- pred expand_pp_term(string::in, list(univ)::in, docs::out,
        limit::in, limit::out, ops.priority::in) is det.

expand_pp_term(Name, Args, Docs, !Limit, CurrentPri) :-
    ( if Args = [] then
        Docs = [s(term_io.quoted_atom(Name))]
      else if limit_overrun(!.Limit) then
        Docs = [s("...")]
      else if expand_pp_op(Name, Args, CurrentPri, !.Limit, Docs0) then
        Docs = Docs0
        SetArgPri = set_op_priority(ops.arg_priority(ops.init_mercury_op_table)),
        Docs = [
            open_group, nl,
            s(term_io.quoted_atom(Name)), s("("), indent,
            SetArgPri, pp_list(Args, [s(", "), nl, SetArgPri]),
            s(")"), outdent,


:- pred expand_pp_op(string::in, list(univ)::in, ops.priority::in, limit::in,
        docs::out) is semidet.

expand_pp_op(Op, [Arg], CurrentPri, _Limit, Docs) :-
    ( if ops.lookup_prefix_op(ops.init_mercury_op_table, Op, OpPri, Assoc) then
        ( if parens_needed(OpPri, CurrentPri) then
            Docs = [
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, Assoc)), pp(Arg),
            Docs = [
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, Assoc)), pp(Arg),
        ops.lookup_postfix_op(ops.init_mercury_op_table, Op, OpPri, Assoc),
        ( if parens_needed(OpPri, CurrentPri) then
            Docs = [
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, Assoc)), pp(Arg),
            Docs = [
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, Assoc)), pp(Arg),

expand_pp_op(Op, [ArgA, ArgB], CurrentPri, Limit, Docs) :-
    ( if ops.lookup_infix_op(ops.init_mercury_op_table, Op, OpPri, AssocA,
            AssocB) then
        ( if parens_needed(OpPri, CurrentPri) then
            Docs = [
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocA)), pp(ArgA),
                s(" "), s(Op), s(" "),
                indent, nl,
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocB)), pp(ArgB),
            Docs = [
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocA)), pp(ArgA),
                s(" "), s(Op), s(" "),
                indent, nl,
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocB)), pp(ArgB),
        ops.lookup_binary_prefix_op(ops.init_mercury_op_table, Op, OpPri,
            AssocA, AssocB),
        ( if parens_needed(OpPri, CurrentPri) then
            Docs = [
                s(Op), s(" "),
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocA)), pp(ArgA),
                s(" "),
                indent, nl,
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocB)), pp(ArgB),
            Docs = [
                s(Op), s(" "),
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocA)), pp(ArgA),
                s(" "),
                indent, nl,
                set_op_priority(adjust_priority(OpPri, AssocB)), pp(ArgB),


:- func next_arg_limit_doc(limit) = doc.

next_arg_limit_doc(linear(_)) = docs([]).

next_arg_limit_doc(triangular(N)) = set_limit(triangular(N - 1)).


:- pred parens_needed(ops.priority::in, ops.priority::in) is semidet.

parens_needed(OpPriority, EnclosingPriority) :-
    OpPriority > EnclosingPriority.


:- func adjust_priority(ops.priority, ops.assoc) = ops.priority.

adjust_priority(Priority, Assoc) = AdjustedPriority :-
    ops.adjust_priority_for_assoc(Priority, Assoc, AdjustedPriority).


    % Succeeds if the pretty-printer state limits have been used up.
:- pred limit_overrun(limit::in) is semidet.

limit_overrun(linear(N)) :-
    N =< 0.

limit_overrun(triangular(N)) :-
    N =< 0.


    % Reduce the pretty-printer limit by one.
:- pred decrement_limit(limit::in, limit::out) is det.

decrement_limit(linear(N), linear(N - 1)).

decrement_limit(triangular(N), triangular(N - 1)).


::: New file test_pp.m :::
% test_pp.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au>
% Tue Jun  5 16:19:10 EST 2007
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0

:- module test_pp.

:- interface.

:- import_module io.

:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.


:- implementation.

:- import_module float.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module map.
:- import_module pp.
:- import_module solutions.
:- import_module string.
:- import_module univ.

:- type test_case
    --->    test_case(
                line_width              :: int,
                max_lines               :: int,
                pp_limit                :: limit,
                docs                    :: docs

:- type op_tree
    --->    x
    ;       - op_tree
    ;       op_tree + op_tree
    ;       op_tree - op_tree
    ;       op_tree * op_tree
    ;       op_tree / op_tree.

main(!IO) :-
    unsorted_solutions(test_case, TestCases),
    list.foldl(run_test_case, TestCases, !IO).

:- pred run_test_case(test_case::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.

run_test_case(TestCase, !IO) :-
    PPs = [pp_int, pp_string, pp_float],
    Limit = TestCase ^ pp_limit,
    MaxLines = TestCase ^ max_lines,
    LineWidth = TestCase ^ line_width,
    Docs = TestCase ^ docs,
    io.format("\nlimit = %s, max lines = %d, line width = %d",
        [s(string.string(Limit)), i(MaxLines), i(LineWidth)], !IO),
    Ruler = "\n|" ++ string.duplicate_char(('-'), LineWidth - 2) ++ "|\n",
    io.write_string(Ruler, !IO),
    pp.format_docs(PPs, LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs, !IO),
    io.write_string(Ruler, !IO).

:- pred pp_float(univ::in, docs::out) is semidet.

pp_float(univ(Float), [s(string.float_to_string(Float))]).

:- pred pp_int(univ::in, docs::out) is semidet.

pp_int(univ(Int), [s(string.int_to_string(Int))]).

:- pred pp_string(univ::in, docs::out) is semidet.

pp_string(univ(String), [s("\""), s(String), s("\"")]).

:- pred test_case(test_case::out) is multi.

test_case(test_case(LineWidth, MaxLines, Limit, Docs)) :-
    List = 1..1000,
    UnivList = univ(List),
    ListUniv = list.map(func(X) = univ(X), List),
    MapStr = list.foldl(func(X, M) = M ^ elem(X) := int_to_base_string(X, 2),
        List, map.init : map(int, string)),
    UnivMapStr = univ(MapStr),
    MapFloat = list.foldl(func(X, M) = M ^ elem(X) := float(X),
        List, map.init : map(int, float)),
    UnivMapFloat = univ(MapFloat),
    OpTree = mk_op_tree(200),
    UnivOpTree = univ(OpTree),
    (   Limit = linear(100)
    ;   Limit = linear(10)
    ;   Limit = triangular(100)
    ;   Limit = triangular(10)
    (   MaxLines = 10
    ;   MaxLines = 3
    (   LineWidth = 78
    ;   LineWidth = 38
    (   Docs = [pp(UnivList)]
    ;   Docs = [pp_list(ListUniv, [s(", "), nl])]
    ;   Docs = [pp(UnivMapStr)]
    ;   Docs = [pp(UnivMapFloat)]
    ;   Docs = [pp(UnivOpTree)]

:- func mk_op_tree(int) = op_tree.

mk_op_tree(N) =
    (      if N =< 3      then x
      else if N mod 5 = 0 then - mk_op_tree(N - 1)
      else if N mod 5 = 1 then mk_op_tree(0 + N/2) + mk_op_tree(0 + N/3)
      else if N mod 5 = 2 then mk_op_tree(1 + N/2) - mk_op_tree(1 + N/3)
      else if N mod 5 = 3 then mk_op_tree(0 + N/2) * mk_op_tree(2 + N/3)
      else                     mk_op_tree(1 + N/2) / mk_op_tree(0 + N/3)


::: New file test_pp.exp :::

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / 
  (... * ... + ...)) / 
  ((x / ... * ... + -...) * 

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), 
  two(384, 384.0, ..., ...), 

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), 

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / (... * ... + ...)) / 
  ((x / ... * ... + -...) * ((x + ...) * ...))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / ...) + -(x / ...)) * ((x + x) * (x + ...)) + 

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), 
  two(384, 384.0, ..., ...), 
  three(640, 640.0, ...))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), ...), 
  two(384, "110000000", ..., ...), three(640, "1010000000", ...))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
'[|]'(1, '[|]'(2, '[|]'(3, '[|]'(4, '[|]'(5, ...)))))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / 
  (... * ... + ...)) / 
  ((x / ... * ... + -...) * 
    ((x + ...) * ...))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / ...) + -(x / ...)) * 
    ((x + x) * (x + ...)) + 
    (x / ... - x - -... - 
      x / ... * ...)))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), 
  two(384, 384.0, ..., ...), 
  three(640, 640.0, ...))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), 
  two(384, "110000000", ..., ...), 
  three(640, "1010000000", ...))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
      '[|]'(4, '[|]'(5, ...)))))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / (... * ... + ...)) / 
  ((x / ... * ... + -...) * ((x + ...) * ...))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / ...) + -(x / ...)) * ((x + x) * (x + ...)) + 
    (x / ... - x - -... - x / ... * ...)))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), 
  two(384, 384.0, ..., ...), 
  three(640, 640.0, ...))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), ...), 
  two(384, "110000000", ..., ...), three(640, "1010000000", ...))

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = triangular(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
'[|]'(1, '[|]'(2, '[|]'(3, '[|]'(4, '[|]'(5, ...)))))

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / 
  (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * ((x + x) * (x + x)))) / 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", 
    two(64, "1000000", 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / 
  (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * 
    ((x + x) * (x + x)))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * 
    ((x + x) * (x + x)) + 
    (x / x - x - -(x / x) - 
      x / x * (x / x))))

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 
      two(32, 32.0, 
        two(16, 16.0, 
          two(8, 8.0, 
            two(4, 4.0, 
              two(2, 2.0, 
                two(1, 1.0, empty, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", 
    two(64, "1000000", 
      two(32, "100000", 
        two(16, "10000", 
          two(8, "1000", 
            two(4, "100", 
              two(2, "10", 
                two(1, "1", empty, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 
84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * ((x + x) * (x + x)))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * ((x + x) * (x + x)) + 
    (x / x - x - -(x / x) - x / x * (x / x))))

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 
      two(32, 32.0, 
        two(16, 16.0, 
          two(8, 8.0, 
            two(4, 4.0, 
              two(2, 2.0, two(1, 1.0, empty, empty), 
                two(3, 3.0, empty, empty)), 
              two(6, 6.0, two(5, 5.0, empty, empty), 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", 
    two(64, "1000000", 
      two(32, "100000", 
        two(16, "10000", 
          two(8, "1000", 
            two(4, "100", 
              two(2, "10", two(1, "1", empty, empty), 
                two(3, "11", empty, empty)), 
              two(6, "110", two(5, "101", empty, empty), 

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 
98, 99, 100, ...

limit = triangular(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / ...) / 
  ...) / 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 38

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / ...) / ...) / ...)

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), ...)

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), ...), 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = linear(10), max lines = 3, line width = 78
'[|]'(1, '[|]'(2, '[|]'(3, '[|]'(4, '[|]'(5, ...)))))

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / ...) / 
  ...) / 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 38
      '[|]'(4, '[|]'(5, ...)))))

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
-(-(-(-(... * ... / ...) / ...) / ...) / ...)

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, two(128, 128.0, two(64, ...), ...), ...)

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", two(64, ...), ...), 

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ...

limit = linear(10), max lines = 10, line width = 78
'[|]'(1, '[|]'(2, '[|]'(3, '[|]'(4, '[|]'(5, ...)))))

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / 
  (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 38

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * ((x + x) * (x + x)))) / 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", 
    two(64, "1000000", 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 3, line width = 78

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / 
  (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * 
    ((x + x) * (x + x)))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * 
    ((x + x) * (x + x)) + 
    (x / x - x - -(x / x) - 
      x / x * (x / x))))

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 
      two(32, 32.0, 
        two(16, 16.0, 
          two(8, 8.0, 
            two(4, 4.0, 
              two(2, 2.0, 
                two(1, 1.0, empty, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
three(256, "100000000", 512, 
  two(128, "10000000", 
    two(64, "1000000", 
      two(32, "100000", 
        two(16, "10000", 
          two(8, "1000", 
            two(4, "100", 
              two(2, "10", 
                two(1, "1", empty, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 
48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 
84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 38

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
-(-(-(-((x + x) * (x + x) / (x / x * (x / x))) / 
  (x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * ((x + x) * (x + x)))) / 
  ((x / x * (x / x) + -(x / x)) * ((x + x) * (x + x)) + 
    (x / x - x - -(x / x) - x / x * (x / x))))

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, 256.0, 512, 512.0, 
  two(128, 128.0, 
    two(64, 64.0, 
      two(32, 32.0, 
        two(16, 16.0, 
          two(8, 8.0, 
            two(4, 4.0, 
              two(2, 2.0, two(1, 1.0, empty, empty), 
                two(3, 3.0, empty, empty)), 
              two(6, 6.0, two(5, 5.0, empty, empty), 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
three(256, "100000000", 512, "1000000000", 
  two(128, "10000000", 
    two(64, "1000000", 
      two(32, "100000", 
        two(16, "10000", 
          two(8, "1000", 
            two(4, "100", 
              two(2, "10", two(1, "1", empty, empty), 
                two(3, "11", empty, empty)), 
              two(6, "110", two(5, "101", empty, empty), 

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 
60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 
79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 
98, 99, 100, ...

limit = linear(100), max lines = 10, line width = 78
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