[m-rev.] for review: new erlang RTTI

Peter Ross pro at missioncriticalit.com
Fri Jun 1 10:28:05 AEST 2007



Estimated hours taken: 12
Branches: main

New implementation of RTTI for the Erlang backend.  Currently the RTTI only
supports generic compare and unify, deconstruct and construct are still to

	Add a function which converts rtti_data to erlang_rtti_data.
	Change rtti_data_list_to_elds to operate on erlang_rtti_data,
	and output a erlang tuple which represents a type_ctor_info.

	The definition of the RTTI needed for the Erlang backend,
	for the moment only the type_ctor_info differs from the
	low-level backends.
	This was designed in conjunction with zs.

	Add erlang_rtti.

	Add a utility predicate which returns the erlang representation
	of enum type for a given functor.

	Call the new erl_rtti predicates.

	Call the erlang_rtti_implementation generic compare and unify
	An implementation of generic compare and unify in Mercury,
	with some tiny bits of erlang foreign_procs to inspect a type_info
	and type_ctor_info.

	Reference the erlang_rtti_implementation module.

	Remove all the Erlang code as this implementation of
	RTTI is too low-level.

Index: compiler/backend_libs.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/backend_libs.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 backend_libs.m
--- compiler/backend_libs.m	27 Sep 2006 06:16:46 -0000	1.11
+++ compiler/backend_libs.m	31 May 2007 13:10:51 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 :- include_module bytecode_data.
 :- include_module c_util.
 :- include_module compile_target_code.
+:- include_module erlang_rtti.
 :- include_module export.
 :- include_module foreign.
 :- include_module interval.
Index: compiler/elds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/elds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 elds.m
--- compiler/elds.m	30 May 2007 08:16:01 -0000	1.6
+++ compiler/elds.m	31 May 2007 13:10:51 -0000
@@ -324,6 +324,16 @@
 :- func elds_clause_arity(elds_clause) = arity.
+    %
+    % make_enum_alternative(F)
+    %
+    % returns the erlang representation of the functor, F, provided
+    % F is part of an enum type.
+    % An enum type is a du type where none of the functors have arguments.
+    % eg :- type t ---> f ; g ; h.
+    %
+:- func make_enum_alternative(string) = elds_term.
@@ -400,6 +410,8 @@
 elds_body_arity(body_external(Arity)) = Arity.
 elds_clause_arity(elds_clause(Args, _Expr)) = list.length(Args).
+make_enum_alternative(F) = elds_tuple([elds_term(elds_atom_raw(F))]).
Index: compiler/erl_rtti.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/erl_rtti.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 erl_rtti.m
--- compiler/erl_rtti.m	30 May 2007 08:16:01 -0000	1.2
+++ compiler/erl_rtti.m	31 May 2007 13:10:51 -0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 % File: erl_rtti.m.
-% Main author: wangp.
+% Main author: wangp, petdr
 % This module converts from the back-end-independent RTTI data structures into
 % ELDS function definitions.
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 :- interface.
 :- import_module backend_libs.rtti.
+:- import_module backend_libs.erlang_rtti.
 :- import_module erl_backend.elds.
 :- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
@@ -27,8 +29,18 @@
-:- pred rtti_data_list_to_elds(module_info::in, list(rtti_data)::in,
-    list(elds_rtti_defn)::out) is det.
+    %
+    % erlang_rtti_data(MI, RD)
+    %
+    % converts from rtti_data to erlang_rtti_data.
+    %
+:- func erlang_rtti_data(module_info, rtti_data) = erlang_rtti_data.
+    %
+    % Generate a representation of all the erlang RTTI
+    %
+:- pred rtti_data_list_to_elds(module_info::in,
+    list(erlang_rtti_data)::in, list(elds_rtti_defn)::out) is det.
@@ -47,21 +59,187 @@
 :- import_module bool.
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module string.
 :- import_module svvarset.
 :- import_module univ.
 :- import_module varset.
+:- import_module require.
+erlang_rtti_data(_, rtti_data_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorData)) = RttiData :-
+    TypeCtorData = type_ctor_data(Version, ModuleName, TypeName,
+        Arity, UnifyPred, ComparePred, _Flags, Details),
+    ErlangUnify = maybe_get_special_predicate(UnifyPred),
+    ErlangCompare = maybe_get_special_predicate(ComparePred),
+    ErlangDetails = erlang_type_ctor_details(ModuleName,
+        TypeName, Arity, Details),
+    ErlangTypeCtorData = erlang_type_ctor_data(Version, ModuleName, TypeName,
+        Arity, ErlangUnify, ErlangCompare, ErlangDetails),
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_type_ctor_info(ErlangTypeCtorData).
+erlang_rtti_data(_, rtti_data_type_info(TypeInfo)) =
+    erlang_rtti_data_type_info(TypeInfo).
+erlang_rtti_data(_, rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(PseudoTypeInfo)) =
+    erlang_rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(PseudoTypeInfo).
+erlang_rtti_data(_, rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(Name, Module, Enc, TCI)) =
+    erlang_rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(Name, Module, Enc, TCI).
+erlang_rtti_data(_, rtti_data_type_class_decl(TCDecl)) =
+    erlang_rtti_data_type_class_decl(TCDecl).
+erlang_rtti_data(_, rtti_data_type_class_instance(TCInstance)) =
+    erlang_rtti_data_type_class_instance(TCInstance).
+:- func maybe_get_special_predicate(univ) = maybe(rtti_proc_label).
+maybe_get_special_predicate(Univ) =
+    ( univ_to_type(Univ, ProcLabel) ->
+        yes(ProcLabel)
+    ;
+        no
+    ).
+    %
+    % Given the type_ctor_details return the erlang version of those
+    % details.
+    % This means conflating enum and no_tags into erlang_du,
+    % aborting on reserved types, and specially handling the list type.
+    %
+:- func erlang_type_ctor_details(module_name, string,
+    int, type_ctor_details) = erlang_type_ctor_details.
+erlang_type_ctor_details(ModuleName, TypeName, Arity, Details) = D :-
+    (
+        ModuleName = unqualified("list"),
+        TypeName = "list",
+        Arity = 1
+    ->
+        ( list_argument_type(Details, Type) ->
+            D = erlang_list(Type)
+        ;
+            unexpected(this_file, "erlang_type_ctor_details: " ++
+                "unable to determine type of list argument")
+        )
+    ;
+        D = erlang_type_ctor_details_2(Details)
+    ).
+    %
+    % Given a type_ctor_detail which represents a list,
+    % determine type type of the argument to the list.
+    %
+:- pred list_argument_type(type_ctor_details::in,
+    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info::out) is semidet.
+list_argument_type(Details, Type) :-
+    Functors = Details ^ du_functors,
+    list_argument_type_2(Functors, Type).
+:- pred list_argument_type_2(list(du_functor)::in,
+    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info::out) is semidet.
+list_argument_type_2([Functor | Functors], Type) :-
+    ( Functor ^ du_name = "[|]" ->
+        Functor ^ du_arg_infos = [du_arg_info(_, Type0), _],
+        convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info(Type0, Type)
+    ;
+        list_argument_type_2(Functors, Type)
+    ).
+:- pred convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info(
+    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self::in,
+    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info::out) is semidet.
+convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info(plain(P), plain(P)).
+convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info(pseudo(P), pseudo(P)).
+:- func erlang_type_ctor_details_2(type_ctor_details) =
+    erlang_type_ctor_details.
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(enum(_, Functors, _, _, _IsDummy, _)) =
+        % XXX Handle IsDummy
+    erlang_du(list.map(convert_enum_functor, Functors)).
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(du(_, Functors, _, _, _)) =
+    erlang_du(list.map(convert_du_functor, Functors)).
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(reserved(_, _, _, _, _, _)) =
+        % Reserved types are not supported on the Erlang backend.
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_type_ctor_details: reserved").
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(notag(_, NoTagFunctor)) = Details :-
+    NoTagFunctor = notag_functor(Name, TypeInfo, ArgName),
+    ArgTypeInfo = convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self(TypeInfo),
+    ArgInfos = [du_arg_info(ArgName, ArgTypeInfo)],
+    DUFunctor = erlang_du_functor(Name, 0, 1, Name, ArgInfos, no),
+    Details = erlang_du([DUFunctor]).
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(eqv(Type)) = erlang_eqv(Type).
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(builtin(Builtin)) = erlang_builtin(Builtin).
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(impl_artifact(Impl)) = erlang_impl_artifact(EImpl) :-
+    EImpl = erlang_impl_ctor(Impl).
+erlang_type_ctor_details_2(foreign(_)) = erlang_foreign.
+    %
+    % Convert an enum_functor into the equivalent erlang_du_functor
+    %
+:- func convert_enum_functor(enum_functor) = erlang_du_functor.
+convert_enum_functor(enum_functor(Name, _)) =
+    erlang_du_functor(Name, 0, 1, Name, [], no).
+    %
+    % Convert a du_functor into the equivalent erlang_du_functor
+    %
+:- func convert_du_functor(du_functor) = erlang_du_functor.
+convert_du_functor(du_functor(Name, Arity, Ordinal, _, ArgInfos, Exist)) =
+    erlang_du_functor(Name, Arity, Ordinal + 1, Name, ArgInfos, Exist).
+:- func convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self(
+    rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info) = rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self.
+convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self(pseudo(P)) = pseudo(P).
+convert_to_rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self(plain(P)) = plain(P).
+    %
+    % Restrict the implementation artificats to only those
+    % allowed on the erlang backend.
+    %
+:- func erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor) = erlang_impl_ctor.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_hp) = erlang_impl_ctor_hp.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_subgoal) = erlang_impl_ctor_subgoal.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_ticket) = erlang_impl_ctor_ticket.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_type_info) = erlang_impl_ctor_type_info.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_type_ctor_info) = erlang_impl_ctor_type_ctor_info.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_typeclass_info) = erlang_impl_ctor_typeclass_info.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_base_typeclass_info) =
+    erlang_impl_ctor_base_typeclass_info.
+    % The following implementation artificats are never used
+    % on the erlang backend.
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_succip) = _ :-
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_impl_ctor: impl_ctor_succip").
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_maxfr) = _ :-
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_impl_ctor: impl_ctor_maxfr").
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_curfr) = _ :-
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_impl_ctor: impl_ctor_curfr").
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_redofr) = _ :-
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_impl_ctor: impl_ctor_redofr").
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_redoip) = _ :-
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_impl_ctor: impl_ctor_redoip").
+erlang_impl_ctor(impl_ctor_trail_ptr) = _ :-
+    unexpected(this_file, "erlang_impl_ctor: impl_ctor_trail_ptr").
 rtti_data_list_to_elds(ModuleInfo, RttiDatas, RttiDefns) :-
     list.map(rtti_data_to_elds(ModuleInfo), RttiDatas, RttiDefns0),
     RttiDefns = list.condense(RttiDefns0).
-:- pred rtti_data_to_elds(module_info::in, rtti_data::in,
+:- pred rtti_data_to_elds(module_info::in, erlang_rtti_data::in,
     list(elds_rtti_defn)::out) is det.
 rtti_data_to_elds(ModuleInfo, RttiData, [RttiDefn]) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(TCName, InstanceModule,
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(TCName, InstanceModule,
         InstanceStr, BaseTypeClassInfo),
     BaseTypeClassInfo = base_typeclass_info(N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, Methods),
     NumExtra = BaseTypeClassInfo ^ num_extra,
@@ -85,18 +263,17 @@
         elds_clause([], elds_term(BaseTypeClassInfoData))).
 rtti_data_to_elds(_ModuleInfo, RttiData, []) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_info(_TypeInfo),
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_type_info(_TypeInfo),
     unexpected(this_file, "rtti_data_to_elds: rtti_data_type_info").
 rtti_data_to_elds(_ModuleInfo, RttiData, []) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(_PseudoTypeInfo),
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(_PseudoTypeInfo),
     unexpected(this_file, "rtti_data_to_elds: rtti_data_pseudo_type_info").
 rtti_data_to_elds(_ModuleInfo, RttiData, []) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_class_decl(_TCDecl).
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_type_class_decl(_TCDecl).
 rtti_data_to_elds(_ModuleInfo, RttiData, []) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_class_instance(_Instance),
-    unexpected(this_file, "rtti_data_to_elds: rtti_data_type_class_instance").
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_type_class_instance(_Instance).
 rtti_data_to_elds(ModuleInfo, RttiData, RttiDefns) :-
-    RttiData = rtti_data_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorData),
+    RttiData = erlang_rtti_data_type_ctor_info(TypeCtorData),
     type_ctor_data_to_elds(ModuleInfo, TypeCtorData, RttiDefns).
@@ -232,37 +409,29 @@
     % See MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct in runtime/mercury_type_info.h
-:- pred type_ctor_data_to_elds(module_info::in, type_ctor_data::in,
+:- pred type_ctor_data_to_elds(module_info::in, erlang_type_ctor_data::in,
     list(elds_rtti_defn)::out) is det.
 type_ctor_data_to_elds(ModuleInfo, TypeCtorData, RttiDefns) :-
-    TypeCtorData = type_ctor_data(Version, ModuleName, TypeName, Arity,
-        UnifyUniv, CompareUniv, Flags, Details),
-    NumPtags = type_ctor_details_num_ptags(Details),
-    type_ctor_rep_to_string(TypeCtorData, TypeCtorRep),
-    NumFunctors = type_ctor_details_num_functors(Details),
+    TypeCtorData = erlang_type_ctor_data(Version, ModuleName, TypeName, Arity,
+        UnifyProcLabel, CompareProcLabel, Details),
     some [!VarSet] (
-        gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, UnifyUniv, UnifyExpr, !VarSet),
-        gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, CompareUniv, CompareExpr, !VarSet),
+        gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, UnifyProcLabel, UnifyExpr, !VarSet),
+        gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo,
+            CompareProcLabel, CompareExpr, !VarSet),
         VarSet = !.VarSet
     ELDSTypeCtorData = elds_tuple([
-        elds_term(elds_int(NumPtags)),
-        elds_term(elds_atom_raw(TypeCtorRep)),
-        elds_term(elds_atom_raw("XXX TypeFunctors")),
-        elds_term(elds_atom_raw("XXX TypeLayout")),
-        elds_term(elds_int(NumFunctors)),
-        elds_term(elds_int(encode_type_ctor_flags(Flags))),
-        elds_term(elds_atom_raw("XXX FunctorNumberMap"))
+        erlang_type_ctor_rep(Details)
     RttiId = elds_rtti_type_ctor_id(ModuleName, TypeName, Arity),
     IsExported = yes,
@@ -270,15 +439,72 @@
         elds_clause([], elds_term(ELDSTypeCtorData))),
     RttiDefns = [RttiDefn].
-:- pred gen_init_special_pred(module_info::in,
-    univ::in, elds_expr::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out) is det.
+:- func erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_type_ctor_details) = elds_expr.
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_du(_)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("du")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_list(_)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("list")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_eqv(_)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("eqv")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_int)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("int")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_float)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("float")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_char)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("char")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_string)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("string")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_void)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("void")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_c_pointer(is_stable))) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("stable_c_pointer")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_c_pointer(is_not_stable))) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("c_pointer")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_pred_ctor)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("pred")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_func_ctor)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("func")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_tuple)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("tuple")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_ref)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("ref")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_type_desc)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("type_desc")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_pseudo_type_desc)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("pseudo_type_desc")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_builtin(builtin_ctor_type_ctor_desc)) = 
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("type_ctor_desc")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_hp)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("hp")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_subgoal)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("subgoal")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_ticket)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("ticket")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_type_info)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("type_info")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_type_ctor_info)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("type_ctor_info")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_typeclass_info)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("typeclass_info")).
+    erlang_impl_artifact(erlang_impl_ctor_base_typeclass_info)) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("base_typeclass_info")).
+erlang_type_ctor_rep(erlang_foreign) =
+    elds_term(make_enum_alternative("foreign")).
-gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, RttiProcIdUniv, Expr, !VarSet) :-
-    ( univ_to_type(RttiProcIdUniv, RttiProcId) ->
+:- pred gen_init_special_pred(module_info::in, maybe(rtti_proc_label)::in,
+    elds_expr::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out) is det.
+gen_init_special_pred(ModuleInfo, MaybeRttiProcId, Expr, !VarSet) :-
+    ( MaybeRttiProcId = yes(RttiProcId),
         erl_gen_special_pred_wrapper(ModuleInfo, RttiProcId, Expr, !VarSet)
-    ;
+    ; MaybeRttiProcId = no,
-            "gen_init_special_pred: cannot extract univ value")
+            "gen_init_special_pred: no special pred")
 :- pred erl_gen_special_pred_wrapper(module_info::in, rtti_proc_label::in,
Index: compiler/erlang_rtti.m
RCS file: compiler/erlang_rtti.m
diff -N compiler/erlang_rtti.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ compiler/erlang_rtti.m	31 May 2007 13:10:51 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: erlang_rtti.m.
+% Authors: petdr, zs.
+% Definitions of data structures for representing run-time type information
+% in the Erlang backend.
+% Note we only define new types for from where the RTTI differs
+% from what is defined in rtti.m.
+:- module backend_libs.erlang_rtti.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module backend_libs.rtti.
+:- import_module hlds.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_rtti.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module maybe.
+% The data structures representing type constructors
+    % A type_ctor_data structure contains all the information that the
+    % runtime system needs to know about a type constructor.
+    %
+:- type erlang_type_ctor_data
+    --->    erlang_type_ctor_data(
+                etcr_version        :: int,
+                etcr_module_name    :: module_name,
+                etcr_type_name      :: string,
+                etcr_arity          :: int,
+                    %
+                    % It is possible that the type doesn't have
+                    % a unify or compare predicate.
+                    % eg one cannot unify higher-order types.
+                    %
+                etcr_unify          :: maybe(rtti_proc_label),
+                etcr_compare        :: maybe(rtti_proc_label),
+                etcr_rep_details    :: erlang_type_ctor_details
+            ).
+    % A erlang_type_ctor_details structure contains all the information that
+    % the runtime system needs to know about the data representation scheme
+    % used by a type constructor.
+    %
+    % XXX Later on we may want to handle the enum and notag du types
+    % specially.
+    % Enum is for types that define only constants.
+    % Notag is for types that define only one unary functor.
+    %
+:- type erlang_type_ctor_details
+    --->    erlang_du(
+                % The function symbols are listed in declaration order.
+                edu_functors        :: list(erlang_du_functor)
+            )
+                % Mercury lists are represented as erlang lists
+    ;       erlang_list(
+                elist               :: rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info
+            )
+    ;       erlang_eqv(
+                                    % XXX why is it a pseudo type info
+                eeqv_type           :: rtti_maybe_pseudo_type_info
+            )
+                % Builtin Mercury types
+    ;       erlang_builtin(
+                ebuiltin_ctor       :: builtin_ctor
+            )
+                % Types used just in the implementation.
+    ;       erlang_impl_artifact(
+                eimpl_ctor          :: erlang_impl_ctor
+            )
+    ;       erlang_foreign
+    .
+:- type erlang_du_functor
+    --->    erlang_du_functor(
+                edu_name            :: string,
+                edu_orig_arity      :: int,
+                    % Size of the tuple needed to represent the
+                    % functor.
+                edu_ordinal         :: int,
+                    % erlang atom which represents the functor
+                    % currently encoded version of name
+                    % in the future maybe name_arity
+                edu_rep             :: string,
+                edu_arg_infos       :: list(du_arg_info),
+                edu_exist_info      :: maybe(exist_info)
+            ).
+    % The list of type constructors that are used behind the scenes by
+    % the Mercury implementation.
+    %
+:- type erlang_impl_ctor
+    --->    erlang_impl_ctor_type_info
+    ;       erlang_impl_ctor_type_ctor_info
+    ;       erlang_impl_ctor_typeclass_info
+    ;       erlang_impl_ctor_base_typeclass_info
+                % The following are introduced in
+                % private_builtin and table_builtin
+                % but should never be used.
+                %
+    ;       erlang_impl_ctor_hp
+    ;       erlang_impl_ctor_subgoal
+    ;       erlang_impl_ctor_ticket
+    .
+% The data structures representing the top-level global data structures
+% generated by the Mercury compiler.  These are all generated read-only.
+:- type erlang_rtti_data
+    --->    erlang_rtti_data_type_ctor_info(
+                erlang_type_ctor_data
+            )
+    ;       erlang_rtti_data_type_info(
+                rtti_type_info
+            )
+    ;       erlang_rtti_data_pseudo_type_info(
+                rtti_pseudo_type_info
+            )
+    ;       erlang_rtti_data_base_typeclass_info(
+                tc_name,        % identifies the type class
+                module_name,    % module containing instance decl.
+                string,         % encodes the names and arities of the
+                                % types in the instance declaration
+                base_typeclass_info
+            )
+    ;       erlang_rtti_data_type_class_decl(
+                tc_decl
+            )
+    ;       erlang_rtti_data_type_class_instance(
+                tc_instance
+            ).
+:- implementation.
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "erlang_rtti.m".
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.437
diff -u -r1.437 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	28 May 2007 03:13:52 -0000	1.437
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	31 May 2007 13:10:54 -0000
@@ -5207,9 +5207,11 @@
     list.append(OldTypeClassInfoRttiData, NewTypeClassInfoRttiData,
     RttiDatas = TypeCtorRttiData ++ TypeClassInfoRttiData,
+    ErlangRttiDatas = list.map(erlang_rtti_data(HLDS), RttiDatas),
     ELDS0 = elds(ModuleName, ForeignBodies, Defns, FEDefns, RttiDefns0),
-    rtti_data_list_to_elds(HLDS, RttiDatas, RttiDefns),
+    rtti_data_list_to_elds(HLDS, ErlangRttiDatas, RttiDefns),
     ELDS = elds(ModuleName, ForeignBodies, Defns, FEDefns,
         RttiDefns0 ++ RttiDefns).
Index: library/builtin.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/builtin.m,v
retrieving revision 1.128
diff -u -r1.128 builtin.m
--- library/builtin.m	30 May 2007 08:16:02 -0000	1.128
+++ library/builtin.m	31 May 2007 13:10:56 -0000
@@ -594,6 +594,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- use_module rtti_implementation.
+:- use_module erlang_rtti_implementation.
 call_rtti_generic_unify(X, Y) :-
     rtti_implementation.generic_unify(X, Y).
@@ -810,9 +811,8 @@
     '__Unify____c_pointer_0'(_, _) ->
         throw(""called unify for type `c_pointer'"").
-    % XXX TypeInfo ignored
     compare_3_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y) ->
-        mercury__rtti_implementation:generic_compare_3_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y).
+        mercury__erlang_rtti_implementation:generic_compare_3_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y).
     compare_3_p_1(TypeInfo, X, Y) ->
         compare_3_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y).
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
         compare_3_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y).
     unify_2_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y) ->
-        mercury__rtti_implementation:generic_unify_2_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y).
+        mercury__erlang_rtti_implementation:generic_unify_2_p_0(TypeInfo, X, Y).
     '__Unify____tuple_0'(X, Y) ->
         mercury__require:error_1_p_0(""call to unify for tuple/0"").
Index: library/erlang_rtti_implementation.m
RCS file: library/erlang_rtti_implementation.m
diff -N library/erlang_rtti_implementation.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ library/erlang_rtti_implementation.m	31 May 2007 13:10:56 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,635 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: erlang_rtti_implementation.m.
+% Main author: petdr.
+% Stability: low.
+% This file is intended to provide the RTTI implementation for the Erlang
+% backend.
+:- module erlang_rtti_implementation.
+:- interface.
+    %
+    % Check if two values are equal.
+    % Note this is not structural equality because a type
+    % can have user-defined equality.
+    %
+:- pred generic_unify(T::in, T::in) is semidet.
+:- pred generic_compare(comparison_result::out, T::in, T::in) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module string.
+    %
+    % A type_info can be represented for one of three ways
+    % For a type with arity 0
+    %   TypeCtorInfo
+    % a type with arity > 0
+    %   { TypeCtorInfo, TypeInfo0, ..., TypeInfoN }
+    % a type with variable arity of size N
+    %   { TypeCtorInfo, N, TypeCtorInfo0, ..., TypeCtorInfoN }
+    %   
+:- type type_info.
+:- pragma foreign_type("Erlang", type_info, "").
+:- type type_info ---> type_info.
+    %
+    % For the representation of a type_ctor_info
+    % see erlang_rtti:type_ctor_data_to_elds
+    %
+:- type type_ctor_info.
+:- pragma foreign_type("Erlang", type_ctor_info, "").
+:- type type_ctor_info ---> type_ctor_info.
+    % The type_ctor_rep needs to be kept up to date with the alternatives
+    % given by the function erl_rtti.erlang_type_ctor_rep/1
+    %
+:- type erlang_type_ctor_rep
+    --->    du
+    ;       list
+    ;       eqv
+    ;       int
+    ;       float
+    ;       char
+    ;       string
+    ;       void
+    ;       stable_c_pointer
+    ;       c_pointer
+    ;       (pred)
+    ;       (func)
+    ;       tuple
+    ;       ref
+    ;       type_desc
+    ;       pseudo_type_desc
+    ;       type_ctor_desc
+    ;       type_info
+    ;       type_ctor_info
+    ;       typeclass_info
+    ;       base_typeclass_info
+    ;       foreign
+            % These types shouldn't be needed they are
+            % introduced for library predicates which
+            % don't apply on this backend.
+    ;       hp
+    ;       subgoal
+    ;       ticket
+    .
+generic_unify(X, Y) :-
+    TypeInfo = X ^ type_info,
+    TypeCtorInfo = TypeInfo ^ type_ctor_info,
+    TypeCtorRep = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_rep,
+    (
+        TypeCtorRep = tuple
+    ->
+        unify_tuple(TypeInfo, X, Y)
+    ;
+        ( TypeCtorRep = (pred) ; TypeCtorRep = (func) )
+    ->
+        error("unify/2: higher order unification not possible")
+    ;
+        Arity = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_arity,
+        UnifyPred = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_unify_pred,
+        ( Arity = 0 ->
+            semidet_call_3(UnifyPred, X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 1 ->
+            semidet_call_4(UnifyPred,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1), X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 2 ->
+            semidet_call_5(UnifyPred,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 3 ->
+            semidet_call_6(UnifyPred,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(3),
+                X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 4 ->
+            semidet_call_7(UnifyPred,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(3),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(4),
+                X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 5 ->
+            semidet_call_8(UnifyPred,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(3),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(4),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(5),
+                X, Y)
+        ;
+            error("unify/2: type arity > 5 not supported")
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred unify_tuple(type_info::in, T::in, T::in) is semidet.
+unify_tuple(TypeInfo, X, Y) :-
+    Arity = TypeInfo ^ var_arity_type_info_arity,
+    unify_tuple_pos(1, Arity, TypeInfo, X, Y).
+:- pred unify_tuple_pos(int::in, int::in,
+        type_info::in, T::in, T::in) is semidet.
+unify_tuple_pos(Loc, TupleArity, TypeInfo, TermA, TermB) :-
+    ( Loc > TupleArity ->
+        true
+    ;
+        ArgTypeInfo = TypeInfo ^ var_arity_type_info_index(Loc),
+        SubTermA = get_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermA, Loc, 0),
+        SubTermB = get_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermB, Loc, 0),
+        generic_unify(SubTermA, unsafe_cast(SubTermB)),
+        unify_tuple_pos(Loc + 1, TupleArity, TypeInfo, TermA, TermB)
+    ).
+generic_compare(Res, X, Y) :-
+    TypeInfo = X ^ type_info,
+    TypeCtorInfo = TypeInfo ^ type_ctor_info,
+    TypeCtorRep = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_rep,
+    (
+        TypeCtorRep = tuple
+    ->
+        compare_tuple(TypeInfo, Res, X, Y)
+    ;
+        ( TypeCtorRep = (pred) ; TypeCtorRep = (func) )
+    ->
+        error("compare/3: higher order comparison not possible")
+    ;
+        Arity = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_arity,
+        ComparePred = TypeCtorInfo ^ type_ctor_compare_pred,
+        ( Arity = 0 ->
+            result_call_4(ComparePred, Res, X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 1 ->
+            result_call_5(ComparePred, Res,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1), X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 2 ->
+            result_call_6(ComparePred, Res,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 3 ->
+            result_call_7(ComparePred, Res,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(3),
+                X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 4 ->
+            result_call_8(ComparePred, Res,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(3),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(4),
+                X, Y)
+        ; Arity = 5 ->
+            result_call_9(ComparePred, Res,
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(1),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(2),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(3),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(4),
+                TypeInfo ^ type_info_index(5),
+                X, Y)
+        ;
+            error("compare/3: type arity > 5 not supported")
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred compare_tuple(type_info::in, comparison_result::out, T::in, T::in)
+    is det.
+compare_tuple(TypeInfo, Result, TermA, TermB) :-
+    Arity = TypeInfo ^ var_arity_type_info_arity,
+    compare_tuple_pos(1, Arity, TypeInfo, Result, TermA, TermB).
+:- pred compare_tuple_pos(int::in, int::in, type_info::in,
+    comparison_result::out, T::in, T::in) is det.
+compare_tuple_pos(Loc, TupleArity, TypeInfo, Result, TermA, TermB) :-
+    ( Loc > TupleArity ->
+        Result = (=)
+    ;
+        ArgTypeInfo = TypeInfo ^ var_arity_type_info_index(Loc),
+        SubTermA = get_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermA, Loc, 0),
+        SubTermB = get_subterm(ArgTypeInfo, TermB, Loc, 0),
+        generic_compare(SubResult, SubTermA, unsafe_cast(SubTermB)),
+        ( SubResult = (=) ->
+            compare_tuple_pos(Loc + 1, TupleArity, TypeInfo, Result,
+                TermA, TermB)
+        ;
+            Result = SubResult
+        )
+    ).
+:- pragma foreign_code("Erlang", "
+        % Location of element in a type_info
+    ti_type_ctor_info() -> 1.
+    ti_var_arity() -> 2.
+        % Location of elements in a type_ctor_info
+    tci_arity() -> 1.
+    tci_version() -> 2.
+    tci_unify_pred() -> 3.
+    tci_compare_pred() -> 4.
+    tci_module_name() -> 5.
+    tci_type_name() -> 6.
+    tci_type_ctor_rep() -> 7.
+    tci_functors() -> 8.
+:- func type_info(T::unused) = (type_info::out) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    type_info(_T::unused) = (TypeInfo::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    TypeInfo = TypeInfo_for_T
+type_info(_) = type_info :-
+    det_unimplemented("type_info").
+:- func type_ctor_info(type_info) = type_ctor_info.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    type_ctor_info(TypeInfo::in) = (TypeCtorInfo::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+        % 
+        % If the type_info is for a type with arity 0,
+        % then the type_info is already the type_ctor info.
+        % The first field of a type_ctor_info is the integer
+        % zero in this case.
+        %
+    FirstElement = element(ti_type_ctor_info(), TypeInfo),
+    if
+            % XXX is the test FirstElement =:= 0 better?
+        is_integer(FirstElement)
+            -> TypeCtorInfo = TypeInfo ;
+        true
+            -> TypeCtorInfo = FirstElement
+    end
+type_ctor_info(_) = type_ctor_info :-
+    det_unimplemented("type_ctor_info").
+:- func var_arity_type_info_arity(type_info) = int.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    var_arity_type_info_arity(TypeInfo::in) = (TypeCtorInfo::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    TypeCtorInfo = element(ti_var_arity(), TypeInfo)
+var_arity_type_info_arity(_) = 0 :-
+    det_unimplemented("var_arity_type_info_arity").
+    %
+    % TI ^ type_info_index(I)
+    %
+    % returns the I'th type_info from the given standard type_info TI.
+    % NOTE indexes start at one.
+    % 
+:- func type_info_index(int, type_info) = type_info.
+type_info_index(I, TI) = TI ^ unsafe_type_info_index(I + 1).
+    %
+    % TI ^ var_arity_type_info_index(I)
+    %
+    % returns the I'th type_info from the given variable arity type_info TI.
+    % NOTE indexes start at one.
+    % 
+:- func var_arity_type_info_index(int, type_info) = type_info.
+var_arity_type_info_index(I, TI) = TI ^ unsafe_type_info_index(I + 2).
+    %
+    % Use type_info_index or var_arity_type_info_index, never this predicate
+    % directly.
+    %
+:- func unsafe_type_info_index(int, type_info) = type_info.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    unsafe_type_info_index(Index::in, TypeInfo::in) = (SubTypeInfo::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    SubTypeInfo = element(Index, TypeInfo)
+unsafe_type_info_index(_, _) = type_info :-
+    det_unimplemented("unsafe_type_info_index").
+:- func type_ctor_rep(type_ctor_info) = erlang_type_ctor_rep.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    type_ctor_rep(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (TypeCtorRep::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    TypeCtorRep = element(tci_type_ctor_rep(), TypeCtorInfo)
+type_ctor_rep(_) = _ :-
+    % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
+    % matching foreign_proc version.
+    private_builtin.sorry("type_ctor_rep").
+:- some [P] func type_ctor_unify_pred(type_ctor_info) = P.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    type_ctor_unify_pred(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (UnifyPred::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+        % The TypeInfo is never used so this is safe
+    TypeInfo_for_P = 0,
+    UnifyPred = element(tci_unify_pred(), TypeCtorInfo)
+type_ctor_unify_pred(_) = "dummy value" :-
+    det_unimplemented("type_ctor_unify_pred").
+:- some [P] func type_ctor_compare_pred(type_ctor_info) = P.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    type_ctor_compare_pred(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (ComparePred::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+        % The TypeInfo is never used so this is safe
+    TypeInfo_for_P = 0,
+    ComparePred = element(tci_compare_pred(), TypeCtorInfo)
+type_ctor_compare_pred(_) = "dummy value" :-
+    det_unimplemented("type_ctor_compare_pred").
+:- func type_ctor_arity(type_ctor_info) = int.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    type_ctor_arity(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (Arity::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    Arity = element(tci_arity(), TypeCtorInfo)
+type_ctor_arity(_) = 0 :-
+    det_unimplemented("type_ctor_arity").
+    % Get a subterm term, given its type_info, the original term, its index
+    % and the start region size.
+    %
+:- some [T] func get_subterm(type_info, U, int, int) = T.
+get_subterm(_::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) = (42::out) :-
+    det_unimplemented("get_subterm").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    get_subterm(TypeInfo::in, Term::in, Index::in, ExtraArgs::in) = (Arg::out),
+    [promise_pure],
+    % TypeInfo_for_U to avoid compiler warning
+    TypeInfo_for_T = TypeInfo,
+    Arg = element(Index + ExtraArgs, Term)
+:- func unsafe_cast(T) = U.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    unsafe_cast(VarIn::in) = (VarOut::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    VarOut = VarIn
+unsafe_cast(_) = _ :-
+    % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
+    % matching foreign_proc version.
+    private_builtin.sorry("unsafe_cast").
+    % Implement generic calls -- we could use call/N but then we would
+    % have to create a real closure.
+    %
+    % We first give "unimplemented" definitions in Mercury, which will be
+    % used by default.
+:- pred semidet_call_3(P::in, T::in, U::in) is semidet.
+semidet_call_3(_::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    semidet_unimplemented("semidet_call_3").
+:- pred semidet_call_4(P::in, A::in, T::in, U::in) is semidet.
+semidet_call_4(_::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    semidet_unimplemented("semidet_call_4").
+:- pred semidet_call_5(P::in, A::in, B::in, T::in, U::in) is semidet.
+semidet_call_5(_::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    semidet_unimplemented("semidet_call_5").
+:- pred semidet_call_6(P::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, T::in, U::in) is semidet.
+semidet_call_6(_::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    semidet_unimplemented("semidet_call_6").
+:- pred semidet_call_7(P::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, T::in, U::in)
+    is semidet.
+semidet_call_7(_::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    semidet_unimplemented("semidet_call_7").
+:- pred semidet_call_8(P::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, E::in, T::in, U::in)
+    is semidet.
+semidet_call_8(_::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    semidet_unimplemented("semidet_call_8").
+:- pred result_call_4(P::in, comparison_result::out,
+    T::in, U::in) is det.
+result_call_4(_::in, (=)::out, _::in, _::in) :-
+    det_unimplemented("result_call_4").
+:- pred result_call_5(P::in, comparison_result::out,
+    A::in, T::in, U::in) is det.
+result_call_5(_::in, (=)::out, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    det_unimplemented("comparison_result").
+:- pred result_call_6(P::in, comparison_result::out,
+    A::in, B::in, T::in, U::in) is det.
+result_call_6(_::in, (=)::out, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    det_unimplemented("comparison_result").
+:- pred result_call_7(P::in, comparison_result::out,
+    A::in, B::in, C::in, T::in, U::in) is det.
+result_call_7(_::in, (=)::out, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    det_unimplemented("comparison_result").
+:- pred result_call_8(P::in, comparison_result::out,
+    A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, T::in, U::in) is det.
+result_call_8(_::in, (=)::out, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in) :-
+    det_unimplemented("comparison_result").
+:- pred result_call_9(P::in, comparison_result::out,
+    A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, E::in, T::in, U::in) is det.
+result_call_9(_::in, (=)::out, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in, _::in,
+        _::in, _::in) :-
+    det_unimplemented("result_call_9").
+:- pred semidet_unimplemented(string::in) is semidet.
+semidet_unimplemented(S) :-
+    ( semidet_succeed ->
+        error("rtti_implementation: unimplemented: " ++ S)
+    ;
+        semidet_succeed
+    ).
+:- pred det_unimplemented(string::in) is det.
+det_unimplemented(S) :-
+    ( semidet_succeed ->
+        error("rtti_implementation: unimplemented: " ++ S)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+    % We override the above definitions in the .NET backend.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    semidet_call_3(Pred::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = case Pred(X, Y) of {} -> true; fail -> false end
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    semidet_call_4(Pred::in, A::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = case Pred(A, X, Y) of {} -> true; fail -> false end
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    semidet_call_5(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = case Pred(A, B, X, Y) of {} -> true; fail -> false end
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    semidet_call_6(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+        case Pred(A, B, C, X, Y) of
+            {} -> true;
+            fail -> false
+        end
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    semidet_call_7(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+        case Pred(A, B, C, D, X, Y) of
+            {} -> true;
+            fail -> false
+        end
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    semidet_call_8(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, E::in,
+        X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+        case Pred(A, B, C, D, E, X, Y) of
+            {} -> true;
+            fail -> false
+        end
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    result_call_4(Pred::in, Res::out, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    {Res} = Pred(X, Y)
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    result_call_5(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    {Res} = Pred(A, X, Y)
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    result_call_6(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    {Res} = Pred(A, B, X, Y)
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    result_call_7(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, C::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    {Res} = Pred(A, B, C, X, Y)
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    result_call_8(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    {Res} = Pred(A, B, C, D, X, Y)
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
+    result_call_9(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, E::in,
+        X::in, Y::in),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
+    {Res} = Pred(A, B, C, D, E, X, Y)
Index: library/library.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/library.m,v
retrieving revision 1.105
diff -u -r1.105 library.m
--- library/library.m	30 May 2007 02:47:08 -0000	1.105
+++ library/library.m	31 May 2007 13:10:56 -0000
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
 :- import_module dir.
 :- import_module enum.
 :- import_module eqvclass.
+:- import_module erlang_rtti_implementation.
 :- import_module exception.
 :- import_module float.
 :- import_module gc.
@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@
Index: library/rtti_implementation.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/rtti_implementation.m,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -r1.76 rtti_implementation.m
--- library/rtti_implementation.m	30 May 2007 08:16:07 -0000	1.76
+++ library/rtti_implementation.m	31 May 2007 13:10:57 -0000
@@ -436,13 +436,6 @@
     TypeInfo = TypeInfo_for_T;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    get_type_info(_T::unused) = (TypeInfo::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    TypeInfo = TypeInfo_for_T
 get_type_info(_) = _ :-
     % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
     % matching foreign_proc version.
@@ -781,100 +774,6 @@
-    % We override the above definitions in the .NET backend.
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    semidet_call_3(Pred::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = case Pred(X, Y) of {} -> true; fail -> false end
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    semidet_call_4(Pred::in, A::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = case Pred(A, X, Y) of {} -> true; fail -> false end
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    semidet_call_5(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = case Pred(A, B, X, Y) of {} -> true; fail -> false end
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    semidet_call_6(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-        case Pred(A, B, C, X, Y) of
-            {} -> true;
-            fail -> false
-        end
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    semidet_call_7(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-        case Pred(A, B, C, D, X, Y) of
-            {} -> true;
-            fail -> false
-        end
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    semidet_call_8(Pred::in, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, E::in,
-        X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-        case Pred(A, B, C, D, E, X, Y) of
-            {} -> true;
-            fail -> false
-        end
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    result_call_4(Pred::in, Res::out, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    {Res} = Pred(X, Y)
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    result_call_5(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    {Res} = Pred(A, X, Y)
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    result_call_6(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    {Res} = Pred(A, B, X, Y)
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    result_call_7(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, C::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    {Res} = Pred(A, B, C, X, Y)
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    result_call_8(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    {Res} = Pred(A, B, C, D, X, Y)
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    result_call_9(Pred::in, Res::out, A::in, B::in, C::in, D::in, E::in,
-        X::in, Y::in),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    {Res} = Pred(A, B, C, D, E, X, Y)
 compare_type_infos(Res, TypeInfo1, TypeInfo2) :-
     ( same_pointer_value(TypeInfo1, TypeInfo2) ->
         Res = (=)
@@ -1723,22 +1622,6 @@
 :- func get_type_ctor_info(type_info) = type_ctor_info is det.
-:- pragma foreign_code("Erlang", "
-        % field numbers for type_ctor_infos
-    type_ctor_arity() -> 1.
-    type_ctor_version() -> 2.
-    type_ctor_num_ptags() -> 3.
-    type_ctor_rep() -> 4.
-    type_ctor_unify_pred() -> 5.
-    type_ctor_compare_pred() -> 6.
-    type_ctor_module_name() -> 7.
-    type_ctor_name() -> 8.
-    type_functors() -> 9.
-    type_layout() -> 10.
-    type_ctor_num_functors() -> 11.
-    type_ctor_flags() -> 12.
 :- pragma foreign_code("C#", "
     // The field numbers of the contents of type_infos.
@@ -1830,13 +1713,6 @@
         (MR_TypeInfo) TypeInfo);
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    get_type_ctor_info(TypeInfo::in) = (TypeCtorInfo::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    TypeCtorInfo = element(1, TypeInfo)
 get_type_ctor_info(_) = _ :-
     % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
     % matching foreign_proc version.
@@ -2137,13 +2013,6 @@
     TypeInfoAtIndex = (object[]) TypeInfo[X];
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    type_info_index(X::in, TypeInfo::in) = (TypeInfoAtIndex::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
-    TypeInfoAtIndex = element(X + 1, TypeInfo)
 :- pred update_type_info_index(int::in, type_info::in, type_info::di,
     type_info::uo) is det.
@@ -2201,12 +2070,6 @@
     MR_TypeCtorInfo tci = (MR_TypeCtorInfo) TypeCtorInfo;
     Arity = tci->MR_type_ctor_arity;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    type_ctor_arity(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (Arity::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    Arity = element(type_ctor_arity(), TypeCtorInfo)
 type_ctor_arity(_) = _ :-
     % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
     % matching foreign_proc version.
@@ -2235,14 +2098,6 @@
     tci = (MR_TypeCtorInfo) TypeCtorInfo;
     UnifyPred = (MR_Integer) tci->MR_type_ctor_unify_pred;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    type_ctor_unify_pred(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (UnifyPred::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    % XXX This should be something else.
-    TypeInfo_for_P = 0,
-    UnifyPred = element(type_ctor_unify_pred(), TypeCtorInfo)
 type_ctor_unify_pred(_) = "dummy value" :-
     % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
     % matching foreign_proc version.
@@ -2302,61 +2157,6 @@
     MR_TypeCtorInfo tci = (MR_TypeCtorInfo) TypeCtorInfo;
     TypeCtorRep = MR_type_ctor_rep(tci);
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    type_ctor_rep(TypeCtorInfo::in) = (TypeCtorRep::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    TypeCtorRep = 
-        case element(type_ctor_rep(), TypeCtorInfo) of
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ENUM' -> {tcr_enum};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ENUM_USEREQ' -> {tcr_enum_usereq};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU' -> {tcr_du};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_USEREQ' -> {tcr_du_usereq};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG' -> {tcr_notag};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG_USEREQ' -> {tcr_notag_usereq};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_EQUIV' -> {tcr_equiv};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_FUNC' -> {tcr_func};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_INT' -> {tcr_int};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_CHAR' -> {tcr_char};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_FLOAT' -> {tcr_float};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_STRING' -> {tcr_string};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_PRED' -> {tcr_pred};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_SUBGOAL' -> {tcr_subgoal};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_VOID' -> {tcr_void};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_C_POINTER' -> {tcr_c_pointer};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPEINFO' -> {tcr_typeinfo};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPECLASSINFO' -> {tcr_typeclassinfo};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ARRAY' -> {tcr_array};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_SUCCIP' -> {tcr_succip};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_HP' -> {tcr_hp};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_CURFR' -> {tcr_curfr};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_MAXFR' -> {tcr_maxfr};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REDOFR' -> {tcr_redofr};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REDOIP' -> {tcr_redoip};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TRAIL_PTR' -> {tcr_trail_ptr};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TICKET' -> {tcr_ticket};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG_GROUND' -> {tcr_notag_ground};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG_GROUND_USEREQ' -> {tcr_notag_ground_usereq};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_EQUIV_GROUND' -> {tcr_equiv_ground};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TUPLE' -> {tcr_tuple};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_RESERVED_ADDR' -> {tcr_reserved_addr};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_RESERVED_ADDR_USEREQ' -> {tcr_reserved_addr_usereq};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPECTORINFO' -> {tcr_type_ctor_info};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_BASETYPECLASSINFO' -> {tcr_base_typeclass_info};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPEDESC' -> {tcr_type_desc};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TYPECTORDESC' -> {tcr_type_ctor_desc};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_FOREIGN' -> {tcr_foreign};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_REFERENCE' -> {tcr_reference};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_STABLE_C_POINTER' -> {tcr_stable_c_pointer};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_STABLE_FOREIGN' -> {tcr_stable_foreign};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_PSEUDOTYPEDESC' -> {tcr_pseudo_type_desc};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DUMMY' -> {tcr_dummy};
-            'MR_TYPECTOR_REP_BITMAP' -> {tcr_bitmap};
-            _ -> {tcr_unknown}
-        end
 type_ctor_rep(_) = _ :-
     % This version is only used for back-ends for which there is no
     % matching foreign_proc version.
@@ -2502,12 +2302,6 @@
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
     VarOut = VarIn;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Erlang",
-    unsafe_cast(VarIn::in) = (VarOut::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe],
-    VarOut = VarIn
 unsafe_cast(_) = _ :-

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