[m-rev.] Added solver_types directory to samples

Ralph Becket rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Feb 12 15:00:56 AEDT 2007

Estimated hours taken: 4
Branches: main

Added a sample solver type implementation to samples.

	Report the addition.


Index: NEWS
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.443
diff -u -r1.443 NEWS
--- NEWS	11 Feb 2007 04:05:22 -0000	1.443
+++ NEWS	12 Feb 2007 03:55:09 -0000
@@ -91,6 +91,11 @@
   clock interrupts, this can yield useful profiles for shorter-running
+Changes to the samples directory:
+* The samples directory now includes an example of how to implement a
+  solver type.
Index: samples/README
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/samples/README,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 README
--- samples/README	7 Sep 2006 08:32:20 -0000	1.8
+++ samples/README	12 Feb 2007 03:53:53 -0000
@@ -63,3 +63,6 @@
 muz			This directory contains a syntax checker / type checker
 			for the specification language Z.
+solver_types		This directory contains an example solver type
+			implementation and some sample applications.
Index: samples/solver_types/Makefile
RCS file: samples/solver_types/Makefile
diff -N samples/solver_types/Makefile
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/Makefile	12 Feb 2007 03:47:42 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+.PHONY: all
+all: sudoku test_eqneq
+sudoku: sudoku.m eqneq.m
+	mmc --make sudoku --use-grade-subdirs --use-trail
+test_eqneq: test_eqneq.m eqneq.m
+	mmc --make test_eqneq --use-grade-subdirs --use-trail
Index: samples/solver_types/README
RCS file: samples/solver_types/README
diff -N samples/solver_types/README
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/README	12 Feb 2007 03:50:58 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+	An implementation of a solver type admitting equality and
+	disequality constraints for variables ranging over ground
+	values.  This provides some of the functionality of Prolog
+	variables.
+	A naive sudoku solver.
+	Sample input for the sudoku solver.
+	A test case.
Index: samples/solver_types/eqneq.m
RCS file: samples/solver_types/eqneq.m
diff -N samples/solver_types/eqneq.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/eqneq.m	12 Feb 2007 03:52:52 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+% eqneq.m
+% Ralph Becket <rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au>
+% Fri Feb  9 13:31:22 EST 2007
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Simple solver type supporting equality and disequality constraints.
+:- module eqneq.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list.
+    % An eqneq(T) variable may be bound to a ground value of type T or it may
+    % be unbound.  Equality and disequality constraints may be posted between
+    % eqneq(T) variables.
+    %
+:- solver type eqneq(T).
+    % Construct a new eqneq.
+    %
+:- pred new(eqneq(T)::oa) is det.
+    % Construct N new eqneqs.
+    %
+:- pred n_new(int::in, list(eqneq(T))::oa) is det.
+    % Post an equality/disequality constraint between two eqneqs.
+    %
+:- pred eq(eqneq(T)::ia, eqneq(T)::ia) is semidet.
+:- pred neq(eqneq(T)::ia, eqneq(T)::ia) is semidet.
+    % Bind an eqneq to a ground value.
+    %
+:- pred bind(eqneq(T)::ia, T::in) is semidet.
+    % Ask for the value, if any, bound to an eqneq.
+    %
+:- impure pred ask_value(eqneq(T)::ia, T::out) is semidet.
+    % Utility predicate.
+    %
+:- pred all_different(list(eqneq(T))::ia) is semidet.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module counter.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module univ.
+    % An eqneq is represented by an eqneq_id, which is a key in the
+    % mutable constraint_store map.
+    %
+:- solver type eqneq(T) where
+    representation is eqneq_id,
+    initialisation is new,
+    equality is eq.
+:- type eqneq_id == int.
+    % The constraint_store mutable maps eqneq_ids to eqneq_reps.
+    %
+:- mutable(constraint_store, constraint_store, map.init, ground).
+:- type constraint_store == map(eqneq_id, eqneq_rep).
+    % The eqneq_id_counter mutable is used to allocate new eqneq_ids.
+    %
+:- mutable(eqneq_id_counter, counter, counter.init(0), ground).
+    % Each eqneq is either free, bound, or aliased to another eqneq.
+    %
+:- type eqneq_rep
+            % A free eqneq node records the set of variables it is
+            % not equal to.
+    --->    free_neq(set(eqneq_id))
+            % An aliased eqneq is represented by another eqneq.
+    ;       alias(eqneq_id)
+            % A bound eqneq has a value stored as a univ.
+    ;       bound(univ).
+    % Create a new, free, eqneq.
+    %
+new(EqNeq) :-
+    promise_pure (
+        semipure get_eqneq_id_counter(EqNeqIdCounter0),
+        semipure get_constraint_store(ConstraintStore0),
+        counter.allocate(EqNeqId, EqNeqIdCounter0, EqNeqIdCounter),
+        NeqSet = set.init,
+        ConstraintStore = ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqId) := free_neq(NeqSet),
+        impure set_eqneq_id_counter(EqNeqIdCounter),
+        impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore),
+        impure EqNeq = 'representation to any eqneq/1'(EqNeqId)
+    ).
+    % Create a list of new, free, eqneqs.
+    %
+n_new(N, EqNeqs) :-
+    ( if N =< 0 then 
+        EqNeqs = []
+      else
+        new(EqNeq),
+        n_new(N - 1, EqNeqs0),
+        EqNeqs = [EqNeq | EqNeqs0]
+    ).
+    % Follow the alias chain for an eqneq to the end, keeping track of the
+    % number of links in the chain (this information helps keep alias chains
+    % short).
+    %
+:- pred deref(constraint_store::in, eqneq_id::in, eqneq_id::out,
+        eqneq_rep::out, int::out) is det.
+deref(ConstraintStore, EqNeqId0, EqNeqId, EqNeqRep, Depth) :-
+    deref_2(ConstraintStore, EqNeqId0, EqNeqId, EqNeqRep, 0, Depth).
+:- pred deref_2(constraint_store::in, eqneq_id::in, eqneq_id::out,
+        eqneq_rep::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+deref_2(ConstraintStore, EqNeqId0, EqNeqId, EqNeqRep, Depth0, Depth) :-
+    EqNeqRep0 = ConstraintStore ^ det_elem(EqNeqId0),
+    ( if EqNeqRep0 = alias(EqNeqId1) then
+        deref_2(ConstraintStore, EqNeqId1, EqNeqId, EqNeqRep,
+            Depth0 + 1, Depth)
+      else
+        EqNeqId = EqNeqId0,
+        EqNeqRep = EqNeqRep0,
+        Depth = Depth0
+    ).
+    % Constrain two eqneqs to be equal.  We ensure that neq sets are kept
+    % up-to-date after unifications.
+    %
+eq(EqNeqA, EqNeqB) :-
+    promise_pure (
+        impure EqNeqIdA0 = 'representation of any eqneq/1'(EqNeqA),
+        impure EqNeqIdB0 = 'representation of any eqneq/1'(EqNeqB),
+        semipure get_constraint_store(ConstraintStore0),
+        deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqIdA0, EqNeqIdA, EqNeqRepA, DepthA),
+        deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqIdB0, EqNeqIdB, EqNeqRepB, DepthB),
+        ( if EqNeqIdA = EqNeqIdB then
+            % eqneqs with the same id are already equated.
+            %
+            true
+          else
+            (
+                % If both are free, then check the neq constraints and
+                % make one an alias of the other, unifying the neq
+                % constraints.  We use the depth information to keep
+                % alias chains short.
+                %
+                EqNeqRepA = free_neq(NeqSetA0),
+                EqNeqRepB = free_neq(NeqSetB0),
+                NeqSetA = update_neq_set(ConstraintStore0, NeqSetA0),
+                not set.member(EqNeqIdA, NeqSetB0),
+                NeqSetB = update_neq_set(ConstraintStore0, NeqSetB0),
+                not set.member(EqNeqIdB, NeqSetA0),
+                NeqSetAB = set.union(NeqSetA, NeqSetB),
+                ( if DepthB =< DepthA then
+                    ConstraintStore =
+                       (( ConstraintStore0
+                        ^ elem(EqNeqIdA) := free_neq(NeqSetAB) )
+                        ^ elem(EqNeqIdB) := alias(EqNeqIdA)   )
+                  else
+                    ConstraintStore =
+                       (( ConstraintStore0
+                        ^ elem(EqNeqIdB) := free_neq(NeqSetAB) )
+                        ^ elem(EqNeqIdA) := alias(EqNeqIdB)   )
+                ),
+                impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+            ;
+                % A is free, B is bound: we need only check the
+                % neq constraints.
+                %
+                EqNeqRepA = free_neq(NeqSetA0),
+                EqNeqRepB = bound(_UnivB),
+                NeqSetA = update_neq_set(ConstraintStore0, NeqSetA0),
+                not set.member(EqNeqIdB, NeqSetA),
+                ConstraintStore =
+                    ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqIdA) := EqNeqRepB,
+                impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+            ;
+                % B is free, A is bound: we need only check the
+                % neq constraints.
+                %
+                EqNeqRepA = bound(_UnivA),
+                EqNeqRepB = free_neq(NeqSetB0),
+                NeqSetB = update_neq_set(ConstraintStore0, NeqSetB0),
+                not set.member(EqNeqIdA, NeqSetB),
+                ConstraintStore =
+                    ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqIdB) := EqNeqRepA,
+                impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+            ;
+                % Both are bound.
+                %
+                EqNeqRepA = bound(UnivA),
+                EqNeqRepB = bound(UnivB),
+                UnivA = UnivB
+            )
+        )
+    ).
+:- func update_neq_set(constraint_store, set(eqneq_id)) = set(eqneq_id).
+update_neq_set(ConstraintStore, Neqs0) = Neqs :-
+    P = ( func(EqNeqId0, NeqSet0) = NeqSet :-
+        deref(ConstraintStore, EqNeqId0, EqNeqId, _EqNeqRep, _Depth),
+        NeqSet = set.insert(NeqSet0, EqNeqId)
+    ),
+    Neqs = set.fold(P, Neqs0, set.init).
+    % Constrain two eqneqs to be different.
+    %
+neq(EqNeqA, EqNeqB) :-
+    promise_pure (
+        impure EqNeqIdA0 = 'representation of any eqneq/1'(EqNeqA),
+        impure EqNeqIdB0 = 'representation of any eqneq/1'(EqNeqB),
+        semipure get_constraint_store(ConstraintStore0),
+        deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqIdA0, EqNeqIdA, EqNeqRepA, _DepthA),
+        deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqIdB0, EqNeqIdB, EqNeqRepB, _DepthB),
+        EqNeqIdA \= EqNeqIdB,
+        (
+            % Both eqneqs are free.
+            %
+            EqNeqRepA = free_neq(NeqSetA0),
+            EqNeqRepB = free_neq(NeqSetB0),
+            NeqSetA = set.insert(NeqSetA0, EqNeqIdB),
+            NeqSetB = set.insert(NeqSetB0, EqNeqIdA),
+            ConstraintStore =
+               (( ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqIdA) := free_neq(NeqSetA) )
+                                   ^ elem(EqNeqIdB) := free_neq(NeqSetB) ),
+            impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+        ;
+            % A is free, B is bound.
+            %
+            EqNeqRepA = free_neq(NeqSetA0),
+            EqNeqRepB = bound(_UnivB),
+            NeqSetA = set.insert(NeqSetA0, EqNeqIdB),
+            ConstraintStore =
+                ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqIdA) := free_neq(NeqSetA),
+            impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+        ;
+            % A is bound, B is free.
+            %
+            EqNeqRepA = bound(_UnivA),
+            EqNeqRepB = free_neq(NeqSetB0),
+            NeqSetB = set.insert(NeqSetB0, EqNeqIdA),
+            ConstraintStore =
+                ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqIdB) := free_neq(NeqSetB),
+            impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+        ;
+            % A and B are bound.
+            %
+            EqNeqRepA = bound(UnivA),
+            EqNeqRepB = bound(UnivB),
+            UnivA \= UnivB
+        )
+    ).
+    % Bind an eqneq to a ground value.
+    %
+bind(EqNeq, Value) :-
+    promise_pure (
+        impure EqNeqId0 = 'representation of any eqneq/1'(EqNeq),
+        semipure get_constraint_store(ConstraintStore0),
+        deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqId0, EqNeqId, EqNeqRep, _Depth),
+        (
+            EqNeqRep = free_neq(NeqSet),
+            not (
+                set.member(EqNeqIdX0, NeqSet),
+                deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqIdX0, _EqNeqIdX, EqNeqRepX,
+                    _DepthX),
+                EqNeqRepX = bound(UnivX),
+                univ_to_type(UnivX, Value)
+            ),
+            ConstraintStore =
+                ConstraintStore0 ^ elem(EqNeqId) := bound(univ(Value)),
+            impure set_constraint_store(ConstraintStore)
+        ;
+            EqNeqRep = bound(Univ),
+            univ_to_type(Univ, Value)
+        )
+    ).
+    % Ask for the value bound to an eqneq, if any.
+    %
+ask_value(EqNeq, Value) :-
+    impure EqNeqId0 = 'representation of any eqneq/1'(EqNeq),
+    semipure get_constraint_store(ConstraintStore0),
+    deref(ConstraintStore0, EqNeqId0, _EqNeqId, EqNeqRep, _Depth),
+    EqNeqRep = bound(Univ),
+    univ_to_type(Univ, Value).
+all_different([X | Xs]) :-
+    all_different_2(X, Xs),
+    all_different(Xs).
+:- pred all_different_2(eqneq(T)::ia, list(eqneq(T))::ia) is semidet.
+all_different_2(_, []).
+all_different_2(X, [Y | Ys]) :-
+    neq(X, Y),
+    all_different_2(X, Ys).
Index: samples/solver_types/sudoku.m
RCS file: samples/solver_types/sudoku.m
diff -N samples/solver_types/sudoku.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/sudoku.m	12 Feb 2007 03:47:42 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+% sudoku.m
+% Ralph Becket <rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au>
+% Fri Feb  9 15:03:53 EST 2007
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Sudoku test case for the eqneq type.
+:- module sudoku.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io :: di, io :: uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module eqneq.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module string.
+main(!IO) :-
+    io.command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
+    ( if Args = [InputFile] then
+        io.see(InputFile, SeeResult, !IO),
+        (
+            SeeResult = ok,
+            io.read_file_as_string(ReadResult, !IO),
+            (
+                ReadResult = ok(StartString),
+                Start = string.words(StartString),
+                ( if solve_sudoku(Start, Solution) then
+                    write_solution(9, Solution, !IO)
+                  else
+                    io.write_string("no solution\n", !IO)
+                )
+            ;
+                ReadResult = error(_, Error),
+                io.write_string(io.error_message(Error), !IO),
+                io.nl(!IO),
+                io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+            )
+        ;
+            SeeResult = error(Error),
+            io.write_string(io.error_message(Error), !IO),
+            io.nl(!IO),
+            io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+        )
+      else
+        io.write_string("usage: sudoku filename\n", !IO),
+        io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+    ).
+    % Solve a sudoko problem.
+    %
+:- pred solve_sudoku(list(string)::in, list(int)::out) is nondet.
+solve_sudoku(Start, Solution) :-
+        % Set up the board.
+        %
+    init_board(Start, Board),
+    Board = [X11, X12, X13,  X14, X15, X16,  X17, X18, X19,
+             X21, X22, X23,  X24, X25, X26,  X27, X28, X29,
+             X31, X32, X33,  X34, X35, X36,  X37, X38, X39,
+             X41, X42, X43,  X44, X45, X46,  X47, X48, X49,
+             X51, X52, X53,  X54, X55, X56,  X57, X58, X59,
+             X61, X62, X63,  X64, X65, X66,  X67, X68, X69,
+             X71, X72, X73,  X74, X75, X76,  X77, X78, X79,
+             X81, X82, X83,  X84, X85, X86,  X87, X88, X89,
+             X91, X92, X93,  X94, X95, X96,  X97, X98, X99],
+        % The digits in each row must be different.
+        %
+    eqneq.all_different([X11, X12, X13, X14, X15, X16, X17, X18, X19]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X21, X22, X23, X24, X25, X26, X27, X28, X29]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X31, X32, X33, X34, X35, X36, X37, X38, X39]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X41, X42, X43, X44, X45, X46, X47, X48, X49]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X51, X52, X53, X54, X55, X56, X57, X58, X59]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X61, X62, X63, X64, X65, X66, X67, X68, X69]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X71, X72, X73, X74, X75, X76, X77, X78, X79]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X81, X82, X83, X84, X85, X86, X87, X88, X89]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X91, X92, X93, X94, X95, X96, X97, X98, X99]),
+        % The digits in each column must be different.
+        %
+    eqneq.all_different([X11, X21, X31, X41, X51, X61, X71, X81, X91]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X12, X22, X32, X42, X52, X62, X72, X82, X92]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X13, X23, X33, X43, X53, X63, X73, X83, X93]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X14, X24, X34, X44, X54, X64, X74, X84, X94]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X15, X25, X35, X45, X55, X65, X75, X85, X95]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X16, X26, X36, X46, X56, X66, X76, X86, X96]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X17, X27, X37, X47, X57, X67, X77, X87, X97]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X18, X28, X38, X48, X58, X68, X78, X88, X98]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X19, X29, X39, X49, X59, X69, X79, X89, X99]),
+        % The digits in each subsquare must be different.
+        %
+    eqneq.all_different([X11, X12, X13, X21, X22, X23, X31, X32, X33]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X14, X15, X16, X24, X25, X26, X34, X35, X36]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X17, X18, X19, X27, X28, X29, X37, X38, X39]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X41, X42, X43, X51, X52, X53, X61, X62, X63]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X44, X45, X46, X54, X55, X56, X64, X65, X66]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X47, X48, X49, X57, X58, X59, X67, X68, X69]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X71, X72, X73, X81, X82, X83, X91, X92, X93]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X74, X75, X76, X84, X85, X86, X94, X95, X96]),
+    eqneq.all_different([X77, X78, X79, X87, X88, X89, X97, X98, X99]),
+        % Assign a digit to each square on the board.
+        %
+    label_board(Board, Solution).
+    % Convert a board description into a board representation.  Each "word" in
+    % the board description is either a digit, in which case we fix that board
+    % entry in the representation, or a non-digit, in which case we leave that
+    % board entry unconstrained.
+    %
+:- pred init_board(list(string)::in, list(eqneq(int))::oa) is semidet.
+init_board([], []).
+init_board([Start | Starts], [EqNeq | EqNeqs]) :-
+    eqneq.new(EqNeq),
+    ( if   string.to_int(Start, X)
+      then eqneq.bind(EqNeq, X)
+      else true
+    ),
+    init_board(Starts, EqNeqs).
+    % Assign a digit to each square on the board.
+    %
+:- pred label_board(list(eqneq(int))::ia, list(int)::out) is nondet.
+label_board([], []).
+label_board([EqNeq | EqNeqs], [X | Xs]) :-
+    (   X = 1   ;   X = 2   ;   X = 3
+    ;   X = 4   ;   X = 5   ;   X = 6
+    ;   X = 7   ;   X = 8   ;   X = 9
+    ),
+    eqneq.bind(EqNeq, X),
+    label_board(EqNeqs, Xs).
+    % Pretty-print a solution.
+    %
+:- pred write_solution(int::in, list(int)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_solution(_, [], !IO) :-
+    io.nl(!IO).
+write_solution(N, [X | Xs], !IO) :-
+    ( if N = 0 then
+        io.nl(!IO),
+        write_solution(9, [X | Xs], !IO)
+      else
+        io.write_int(X, !IO),
+        io.write_char(' ', !IO),
+        write_solution(N - 1, Xs, !IO)
+    ).
Index: samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.easy
RCS file: samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.easy
diff -N samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.easy
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.easy	12 Feb 2007 03:47:53 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+6 . .   1 . 8   2 . 3
+. 2 .   . 4 .   . 9 .
+8 . 3   . . 5   4 . .
+5 . 4   6 . 7   . . 9
+. 3 .   . . .   . 5 .
+7 . .   8 . 3   1 . 2
+. . 1   7 . .   9 . 6
+. 8 .   . 3 .   . 2 .
+3 . 2   9 . 4   . . 5
Index: samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.hard
RCS file: samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.hard
diff -N samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.hard
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/sudoku_puzzle.hard	12 Feb 2007 03:47:53 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+3 . .   . . 8   . . .
+7 . 8   3 2 .   . . 5
+. . .   9 . .   . 1 .
+9 . .   . . 4   . 2 .
+. . .   . 1 .   . . .
+. 7 .   8 . .   . . 9
+. 5 .   . . 3   . . .
+8 . .   . 4 7   5 . 3
+. . .   5 . .   . . 6
Index: samples/solver_types/test_eqneq.m
RCS file: samples/solver_types/test_eqneq.m
diff -N samples/solver_types/test_eqneq.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ samples/solver_types/test_eqneq.m	12 Feb 2007 03:47:42 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% test_eqneq.m
+% Ralph Becket <rafe at csse.unimelb.edu.au>
+% Mon Feb 12 12:33:57 EST 2007
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Test case.
+:- module test_eqneq.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io :: di, io :: uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module eqneq.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module string.
+main(!IO) :-
+    ( if solve(Solution) then
+        io.print(Solution, !IO),
+        io.nl(!IO)
+      else
+        io.print("no solution\n", !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred solve(list(int)::out) is nondet.
+solve(Solution) :-
+    eqneq.n_new(9, Xs),
+    Xs = [X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, X8, X9],
+    X1 = X4, X4 = X7,
+    X2 = X5, X5 = X8,
+    X3 = X6, X6 = X9,
+    neq(X1, X2),
+    neq(X1, X3),
+    neq(X2, X3),
+    label(Xs, Solution).
+:- pred label(list(eqneq(int))::ia, list(int)::out) is nondet.
+label([], []).
+label([EqNeq | EqNeqs], [X | Xs]) :-
+    (   X = 1   ;   X = 2   ;   X = 3
+    ;   X = 4   ;   X = 5   ;   X = 6
+    ;   X = 7   ;   X = 8   ;   X = 9
+    ),
+    eqneq.bind(EqNeq, X),
+    label(EqNeqs, Xs).
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