[m-rev.] diff: rename ml_gen_goal_as_block

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Dec 31 19:13:02 AEDT 2007

	Rename a predicate to avoid a name clash.

	Conform to the rename.


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Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.207
diff -u -r1.207 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	23 Nov 2007 07:35:13 -0000	1.207
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	30 Dec 2007 14:11:39 -0000
@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@
     % Return the result as a single statement (which may be a block statement
     % containing nested declarations).
-:- pred ml_gen_goal(code_model::in, hlds_goal::in, statement::out,
+:- pred ml_gen_goal_as_block(code_model::in, hlds_goal::in, statement::out,
     ml_gen_info::in, ml_gen_info::out) is det.
     % Generate MLDS code for the specified goal in the specified code model.
@@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@
     % Return the result as a single statement (which may be a block statement
     % containing nested declarations).
-ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info) :-
+ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info) :-
     ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Decls, Statements, !Info),
     Goal = hlds_goal(_, GoalInfo),
     Context = goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo),
@@ -3516,8 +3516,8 @@
         %       <Then>
         CondCodeModel = model_det,
-        ml_gen_goal(model_det, Cond, CondStatement, !Info),
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Then, ThenStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(model_det, Cond, CondStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Then, ThenStatement, !Info),
         Decls = [],
         Statements = [CondStatement, ThenStatement]
@@ -3536,8 +3536,8 @@
         CondCodeModel = model_semi,
         ml_gen_goal(model_semi, Cond, CondDecls, CondStatements, !Info),
         ml_gen_test_success(!.Info, Succeeded),
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Then, ThenStatement, !Info),
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Else, ElseStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Then, ThenStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Else, ElseStatement, !Info),
         IfStmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(Succeeded, ThenStatement,
         IfStatement = statement(IfStmt, mlds_make_context(Context)),
@@ -3594,7 +3594,7 @@
         ThenContext = goal_info_get_context(ThenGoalInfo),
         ml_gen_set_cond_var(!.Info, CondVar, const(mlconst_true), ThenContext,
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Then, ThenStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Then, ThenStatement, !Info),
         ThenFuncBody = ml_gen_block([], [SetCondTrue, ThenStatement],
         % pop nesting level
@@ -3603,7 +3603,7 @@
         % Generate `if (!cond_<N>) { <Else> }'.
         ml_gen_test_cond_var(!.Info, CondVar, CondSucceeded),
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Else, ElseStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Else, ElseStatement, !Info),
         IfStmt = ml_stmt_if_then_else(
             unop(std_unop(logical_not), CondSucceeded),
             ElseStatement, no),
Index: compiler/ml_code_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.129
diff -u -r1.129 ml_code_util.m
--- compiler/ml_code_util.m	23 Nov 2007 07:35:13 -0000	1.129
+++ compiler/ml_code_util.m	30 Dec 2007 14:12:06 -0000
@@ -2054,7 +2054,7 @@
     conj_list_to_goal(HLDS_TypeInfoGoals, GoalInfo, Conj),
     % Convert this HLDS code to MLDS.
-    ml_gen_goal(model_det, Conj, MLDS_TypeInfoStatement0, !Info),
+    ml_gen_goal_as_block(model_det, Conj, MLDS_TypeInfoStatement0, !Info),
     % Replace all heap allocation (new_object instructions) with stack
     % allocation (local variable declarations) in the code to construct
Index: compiler/ml_string_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_string_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -r1.34 ml_string_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_string_switch.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:48 -0000	1.34
+++ compiler/ml_string_switch.m	30 Dec 2007 14:13:50 -0000
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
             unexpected(this_file, "ml_gen_string_hash_slot: string expected")
         StringRval = const(mlconst_string(String)),
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, GoalStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, GoalStatement, !Info),
         CommentString = "case """ ++ String ++ """",
         Comment = statement(ml_stmt_atomic(comment(CommentString)),
Index: compiler/ml_switch_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_switch_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 ml_switch_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_switch_gen.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:49 -0000	1.35
+++ compiler/ml_switch_gen.m	30 Dec 2007 14:12:30 -0000
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
         ml_gen_tag_test(Var, ConsId, TagTestDecls, TagTestStatements,
             TagTestExpression, !Info),
-        ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, GoalStatement, !Info),
+        ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, GoalStatement, !Info),
         ml_switch_generate_if_then_else_chain(TaggedCases, Var, CodeModel,
             CanFail, Context, RestDecls, RestStatements, !Info),
         Rest = ml_gen_block(RestDecls, RestStatements, Context),
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
         unexpected(this_file, "ml_switch_gen.m: invalid tag type")
-    ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info),
+    ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info),
     MLDS_Case = mlds_switch_case([match_value(Rval)], Statement).
     % Generate an appropriate default for a switch.
Index: compiler/ml_tag_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_tag_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25 ml_tag_switch.m
--- compiler/ml_tag_switch.m	30 Dec 2007 08:23:49 -0000	1.25
+++ compiler/ml_tag_switch.m	30 Dec 2007 14:13:04 -0000
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
             GoalList = [_Stag - TaggedCase],
             TaggedCase = tagged_case(_MainTaggedConsId, _OtherTaggedConsIds,
-            ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info)
+            ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info)
             GoalList = [_, _ | _],
             unexpected(this_file, "more than one goal for non-shared tag")
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
             % There is only one possible matching goal,
             % so we don't need to switch on it.
-            ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info)
+            ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info)
             gen_stag_switch(GoalList, PrimaryTag, SecTagLocn,
                 Var, CodeModel, CaseCanFail, Context, Statement, !Info)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 gen_stag_case(Case, CodeModel, MLDS_Case, !Info) :-
     Case = Stag - tagged_case(_MainTaggedConsId, _OtherTaggedConsIds, Goal),
     StagRval = const(mlconst_int(Stag)),
-    ml_gen_goal(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info),
+    ml_gen_goal_as_block(CodeModel, Goal, Statement, !Info),
     MLDS_Case = mlds_switch_case([match_value(StagRval)], Statement).
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