[m-rev.] diff: typos in tests/general/string_format/Mmakefile

Keri Harris keri at gentoo.org
Sun Oct 1 13:33:37 AEST 2006

The string_format_[doux] tests fail on 64bit machines; when attempting to 
match the .out and .exp2 files a call to '@sort' is peformed. Additionally, 
the offending command does not have a trailing '&&'.


Index: general/string_format/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/general/string_format/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -B -r1.11 Mmakefile
--- general/string_format/Mmakefile	10 Dec 2004 16:23:46 -0000	1.11
+++ general/string_format/Mmakefile	1 Oct 2006 03:15:20 -0000
@@ -89,22 +89,22 @@
 		echo "Matched $*.sorted_exp" && \
 		cp $*.res1 $@; } || \
 	{ test -f $*.exp2 && \
-		@sort $*.exp2 > $*.sorted_exp2 \
+		sort $*.exp2 > $*.sorted_exp2 && \
 		diff $(DIFF_OPTS) $*.sorted_exp2 $*.sorted_out > $*.res2 && \
 		echo "Matched $*.sorted_exp2" && \
 		cp $*.res2 $@; } || \
 	{ test -f $*.exp3 && \
-		@sort $*.exp3 > $*.sorted_exp3 \
+		sort $*.exp3 > $*.sorted_exp3 && \
 		diff $(DIFF_OPTS) $*.sorted_exp3 $*.sorted_out > $*.res3 && \
 		echo "Matched $*.sorted_exp3" && \
 		cp $*.res3 $@; } || \
 	{ test -f $*.exp4 && \
-		@sort $*.exp4 > $*.sorted_exp4 \
+		sort $*.exp4 > $*.sorted_exp4 && \
 		diff $(DIFF_OPTS) $*.sorted_exp4 $*.sorted_out > $*.res4 && \
 		echo "Matched $*.sorted_exp4" && \
 		cp $*.res4 $@; } || \
 	{ test -f $*.exp5 && \
-		@sort $*.exp5 > $*.sorted_exp5 \
+		sort $*.exp5 > $*.sorted_exp5 && \
 		diff $(DIFF_OPTS) $*.sorted_exp5 $*.sorted_out > $*.res5 && \
 		echo "Matched $*.sorted_exp5" && \
 		cp $*.res5 $@; } || \

Keri Harris - Gentoo Developer
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