[m-rev.] for review: [CTGC] user annotated sharing
Nancy.Mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Jun 29 23:22:06 AEST 2006
Hi Julien,
> Also, you will (most probably) need to update the predicate replace_in_item/9
> in compiler/equiv_type.m, so that equivalence types in the sharing information
> are expanded, i.e. that predicate needs to be modified to handle
> foreign_procs. I guess the smart recompilation system may also need to be
> changed for this - have a look at the type item_type in
> compiler/recompilation.m.
I've looked into the equivalence types thing, and this would result in
the diff added in attach. For the moment, I'm not recording anything
back into the recompilation_info... should I add a new "item_type"
(compiler/recompilation.m) ? Something like foreign_proc? or more
specific sharing_foreign_proc?
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