[m-rev.] for post-commit review: improve performance of ambiguity handling

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Jul 31 13:18:51 AEST 2006

Fix a performance problem in the handling of highly overloaded code.

	We used to record ambiguous overloading situations in a set of
	context/info pairs. Since sets are represented as sorted lists,
	adding N new situation's records had complexity O(n^2). If N is large,
	that can be too slow. (N can be large without causing typecheck.m to
	abort if there are lots of disjuncts, each with a tolerable amount
	of ambiguity.) From now on, we represent these situations as a map
	from overloaded symbols to the unsorted list of of contexts in which
	that symbol is used. Since we can add new contexts to the front,
	the complexity of the new algorithm is just O(log N), with an
	O(n log n) sort at the end.

	Use the interface in typecheck_info to record ambiguities.

	Use the new format to improve the error messages for ambiguous code:
	give the list of possible matches for each ambiguous symbol just once.

	Update this expected output file for the now non-redundant error


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Index: compiler/typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.397
diff -u -b -r1.397 typecheck.m
--- compiler/typecheck.m	28 Jul 2006 04:54:02 -0000	1.397
+++ compiler/typecheck.m	30 Jul 2006 10:16:12 -0000
@@ -1528,11 +1528,9 @@
 typecheck_call_overloaded_pred(CallId, PredIdList, Args, GoalPath,
         !Info, !IO) :-
-    typecheck_info_get_overloaded_symbols(!.Info, OverloadedSymbols0),
     typecheck_info_get_context(!.Info, Context),
-    Symbol = overloaded_symbol(Context, overloaded_pred(CallId, PredIdList)),
-    set.insert(OverloadedSymbols0, Symbol, OverloadedSymbols),
-    typecheck_info_set_overloaded_symbols(OverloadedSymbols, !Info),
+    Symbol = overloaded_pred(CallId, PredIdList),
+    typecheck_info_add_overloaded_symbol(Symbol, Context, !Info),
     % Let the new arg_type_assign_set be the cross-product of the current
     % type_assign_set and the set of possible lists of argument types
@@ -1917,13 +1915,10 @@
             ConsDefnList = [_]
             ConsDefnList = [_, _ | _],
-            typecheck_info_get_overloaded_symbols(!.Info, OverloadedSymbols0),
             typecheck_info_get_context(!.Info, Context),
             Sources = list.map(project_cons_type_info_source, ConsDefnList),
-            Symbol = overloaded_symbol(Context,
-                overloaded_func(Functor, Sources)),
-            set.insert(OverloadedSymbols0, Symbol, OverloadedSymbols),
-            typecheck_info_set_overloaded_symbols(OverloadedSymbols, !Info)
+            Symbol = overloaded_func(Functor, Sources),
+            typecheck_info_add_overloaded_symbol(Symbol, Context, !Info)
         % Produce the ConsTypeAssignSet, which is essentially the
Index: compiler/typecheck_errors.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck_errors.m,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -b -r1.23 typecheck_errors.m
--- compiler/typecheck_errors.m	27 Jul 2006 05:01:30 -0000	1.23
+++ compiler/typecheck_errors.m	30 Jul 2006 16:27:05 -0000
@@ -377,38 +377,59 @@
     FirstSpec = error_msg_spec(yes, Context, 0, InitVerboseWarning),
     typecheck_info_get_overloaded_symbols(Info, OverloadedSymbolSet),
-    set.to_sorted_list(OverloadedSymbolSet, OverloadedSymbols),
+    map.to_assoc_list(OverloadedSymbolSet, OverloadedSymbols),
+    OverloadedSymbolsSortedContexts =
+        assoc_list.map_values_only(sort_and_remove_dups, OverloadedSymbols),
-        OverloadedSymbols = [],
+        OverloadedSymbolsSortedContexts = [],
         Specs = [FirstSpec]
-            OverloadedSymbols = [_],
+            OverloadedSymbolsSortedContexts = [_ - Contexts],
+            (
+                Contexts = [],
+                unexpected(this_file,
+                    "report_warning_too_much_overloading: no contexts")
+            ;
+                Contexts = [_],
             SecondSpecPieces =
                 [words("The following symbol was overloaded"),
                 words("in the following context."), nl]
-            OverloadedSymbols = [_, _ | _],
+                Contexts = [_, _ | _],
+                SecondSpecPieces =
+                    [words("The following symbol was overloaded"),
+                    words("in the following contexts."), nl]
+            )
+        ;
+            OverloadedSymbolsSortedContexts = [_, _ | _],
             SecondSpecPieces =
                 [words("The following symbols were overloaded"),
                 words("in the following contexts."), nl]
         SecondSpec = error_msg_spec(no, Context, 0, SecondSpecPieces),
         typecheck_info_get_module_info(Info, ModuleInfo),
-        DetailSpecs = list.map(describe_overloaded_symbol(ModuleInfo),
-            OverloadedSymbols),
+        DetailSpecsList = list.map(describe_overloaded_symbol(ModuleInfo),
+            OverloadedSymbolsSortedContexts),
+        list.condense(DetailSpecsList, DetailSpecs),
         Specs = [FirstSpec, SecondSpec | DetailSpecs]
     write_error_specs(Specs, !IO).
-:- func describe_overloaded_symbol(module_info, overloaded_symbol)
-    = error_msg_spec.
+:- func describe_overloaded_symbol(module_info,
+    pair(overloaded_symbol, list(prog_context))) = list(error_msg_spec).
-describe_overloaded_symbol(ModuleInfo, Symbol) = Spec :-
-    Symbol = overloaded_symbol(Context, Info),
+describe_overloaded_symbol(ModuleInfo, Symbol - SortedContexts) = Specs :-
+    (
+        SortedContexts = [],
+        unexpected(this_file, "describe_overloaded_symbol: no context")
+    ;
+        SortedContexts = [FirstContext | LaterContexts],
+        % We print a detailed message for the first context, but omit
+        % repeating the list of possible matches for any later contexts.
-        Info = overloaded_pred(CallId, PredIds),
+            Symbol = overloaded_pred(CallId, PredIds),
         StartPieces = [words("The predicate symbol"),
             simple_call_id(CallId), suffix("."), nl,
             words("The possible matches are:"), nl_indent_delta(1)],
@@ -416,9 +437,11 @@
             should_module_qualify), PredIds),
         PredIdPieces = component_list_to_line_pieces(PredIdPiecesList,
-        Pieces = StartPieces ++ PredIdPieces
+            FirstPieces = StartPieces ++ PredIdPieces,
+            LaterPieces = [words("The predicate symbol"),
+                simple_call_id(CallId), words("is also overloaded here.")]
-        Info = overloaded_func(ConsId, Sources),
+            Symbol = overloaded_func(ConsId, Sources),
         ( ConsId = cons(SymName, Arity) ->
             ConsIdPiece = sym_name_and_arity(SymName / Arity)
@@ -427,13 +450,25 @@
         StartPieces = [words("The function symbol"), ConsIdPiece,
             suffix("."), nl,
             words("The possible matches are:"), nl_indent_delta(1)],
-        SourcePiecesList = list.map(describe_cons_type_info_source(ModuleInfo),
-            Sources),
+            SourcePiecesList = list.map(
+                describe_cons_type_info_source(ModuleInfo), Sources),
         SourcePieces = component_list_to_line_pieces(SourcePiecesList,
-        Pieces = StartPieces ++ SourcePieces
+            FirstPieces = StartPieces ++ SourcePieces,
+            LaterPieces = [words("The function symbol"), ConsIdPiece,
+                words("is also overloaded here.")]
-    Spec = error_msg_spec(no, Context, 0, Pieces).
+        FirstSpec = error_msg_spec(no, FirstContext, 0, FirstPieces),
+        LaterSpecs = list.map(context_to_error_msg_spec(LaterPieces),
+            LaterContexts),
+        Specs = [FirstSpec | LaterSpecs]
+    ).
+:- func context_to_error_msg_spec(list(format_component), prog_context)
+    = error_msg_spec.
+context_to_error_msg_spec(Pieces, Context) =
+    error_msg_spec(no, Context, 0, Pieces).
 :- func describe_cons_type_info_source(module_info, cons_type_info_source)
     = list(format_component).
Index: compiler/typecheck_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -b -r1.10 typecheck_info.m
--- compiler/typecheck_info.m	20 Apr 2006 05:37:04 -0000	1.10
+++ compiler/typecheck_info.m	30 Jul 2006 10:17:47 -0000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 :- import_module bool.
 :- import_module io.
 :- import_module list.
-:- import_module set.
+:- import_module map.
@@ -81,23 +81,20 @@
                 found_error     :: bool,
                                 % Did we find any type errors?
-                overloaded_symbols :: set(overloaded_symbol),
-                                % The set of symbols used by the current
-                                % predicate that have more than one accessible
-                                % definition.
+                overloaded_symbols :: overloaded_symbol_map,
+                                % The symbols used by the current predicate
+                                % that have more than one accessible
+                                % definition, mapped to the unsorted list of
+                                % the locations that refer to them.
                 warned_about_overloading :: bool
                                 % Have we already warned about highly
                                 % ambiguous overloading?
-:- type overloaded_symbol
-    --->    overloaded_symbol(
-                prog_context,
-                overloaded_symbol_info
-            ).
+:- type overloaded_symbol_map == map(overloaded_symbol, list(prog_context)).
-:- type overloaded_symbol_info
+:- type overloaded_symbol
     --->    overloaded_pred(
@@ -164,7 +161,7 @@
 :- pred typecheck_info_get_warned_about_overloading(typecheck_info::in,
     bool::out) is det.
 :- pred typecheck_info_get_overloaded_symbols(typecheck_info::in,
-    set(overloaded_symbol)::out) is det.
+    overloaded_symbol_map::out) is det.
 :- pred typecheck_info_get_pred_import_status(typecheck_info::in,
     import_status::out) is det.
@@ -182,7 +179,7 @@
     typecheck_info::in, typecheck_info::out) is det.
 :- pred typecheck_info_set_warned_about_overloading(bool::in,
     typecheck_info::in, typecheck_info::out) is det.
-:- pred typecheck_info_set_overloaded_symbols(set(overloaded_symbol)::in,
+:- pred typecheck_info_set_overloaded_symbols(overloaded_symbol_map::in,
     typecheck_info::in, typecheck_info::out) is det.
 :- pred typecheck_info_set_pred_import_status(import_status::in,
     typecheck_info::in, typecheck_info::out) is det.
@@ -201,6 +198,9 @@
 :- pred typecheck_info_get_pred_markers(typecheck_info::in, pred_markers::out)
     is det.
+:- pred typecheck_info_add_overloaded_symbol(overloaded_symbol::in,
+    prog_context::in, typecheck_info::in, typecheck_info::out) is det.
@@ -344,8 +344,8 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_type_subst.
 :- import_module parse_tree.prog_util.
-:- import_module map.
 :- import_module pair.
+:- import_module set.
 :- import_module svmap.
 :- import_module term.
 :- import_module varset.
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
     FoundTypeError = no,
     WarnedAboutOverloading = no,
-    set.init(OverloadedSymbols),
+    map.init(OverloadedSymbols),
     Info = typecheck_info(ModuleInfo, CallPredId, 0, PredId, Status, Markers,
         IsFieldAccessFunction, Context,
         unify_context(explicit, []), VarSet,
@@ -577,6 +577,17 @@
     module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
     pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, PredMarkers).
+typecheck_info_add_overloaded_symbol(Symbol, Context, !Info) :-
+    typecheck_info_get_overloaded_symbols(!.Info, SymbolMap0),
+    ( map.search(SymbolMap0, Symbol, OldContexts) ->
+        Contexts = [Context | OldContexts],
+        map.det_update(SymbolMap0, Symbol, Contexts, SymbolMap)
+    ;
+        Contexts = [Context],
+        map.det_insert(SymbolMap0, Symbol, Contexts, SymbolMap)
+    ),
+    typecheck_info_set_overloaded_symbols(SymbolMap, !Info).
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Index: tests/warnings/ambiguous_overloading.exp
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/warnings/ambiguous_overloading.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.4 ambiguous_overloading.exp
--- tests/warnings/ambiguous_overloading.exp	20 Apr 2006 05:37:13 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/warnings/ambiguous_overloading.exp	30 Jul 2006 16:27:46 -0000
@@ -27,32 +27,22 @@
 ambiguous_overloading.m:045:     `ambiguous_overloading.baz'/0.
 ambiguous_overloading.m:055: In clause for predicate `test_lt/1': warning:
 ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   highly ambiguous overloading.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   The following symbols were overloaded in the
+ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   The following symbol was overloaded in the
 ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   following contexts.
 ambiguous_overloading.m:050:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2'.
 ambiguous_overloading.m:050:   The possible matches are:
 ambiguous_overloading.m:050:     predicate `float.</2',
 ambiguous_overloading.m:050:     predicate `int.</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:051:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:051:   The possible matches are:
-ambiguous_overloading.m:051:     predicate `float.</2',
-ambiguous_overloading.m:051:     predicate `int.</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:052:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:052:   The possible matches are:
-ambiguous_overloading.m:052:     predicate `float.</2',
-ambiguous_overloading.m:052:     predicate `int.</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:053:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:053:   The possible matches are:
-ambiguous_overloading.m:053:     predicate `float.</2',
-ambiguous_overloading.m:053:     predicate `int.</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:054:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:054:   The possible matches are:
-ambiguous_overloading.m:054:     predicate `float.</2',
-ambiguous_overloading.m:054:     predicate `int.</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2'.
-ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   The possible matches are:
-ambiguous_overloading.m:055:     predicate `float.</2',
-ambiguous_overloading.m:055:     predicate `int.</2'.
+ambiguous_overloading.m:051:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2' is also
+ambiguous_overloading.m:051:   overloaded here.
+ambiguous_overloading.m:052:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2' is also
+ambiguous_overloading.m:052:   overloaded here.
+ambiguous_overloading.m:053:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2' is also
+ambiguous_overloading.m:053:   overloaded here.
+ambiguous_overloading.m:054:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2' is also
+ambiguous_overloading.m:054:   overloaded here.
+ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   The predicate symbol predicate `</2' is also
+ambiguous_overloading.m:055:   overloaded here.
 ambiguous_overloading.m:071: In clause for predicate `set_browser_param_from_option_table/3':
 ambiguous_overloading.m:071:   warning: highly ambiguous overloading.
 ambiguous_overloading.m:071:   The following symbol was overloaded in the
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