[m-rev.] for review: emit errors about purity mismatches with foreign clauses

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Sat Jul 8 01:19:15 AEST 2006

On Fri, 7 Jul 2006, Julien Fischer wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Ian MacLarty wrote:
> > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 02:14:34PM +1000, Julien Fischer wrote:
> > >
> > > On Thu, 6 Jul 2006, Ian MacLarty wrote:
> > >
> > > > On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 12:13:59PM +1000, Julien Fischer wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Actually there seems to be another bug because while the compiler reports a
> > > > > > warning, it doesn't generate an executable and a non-zero exit status is
> > > > > > returned (even with --no-halt-at-warn).  Try compiling the following program
> > > > > > to see what I mean:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- module pure.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- interface.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- import_module io.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- implementation.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > main(!IO) :-
> > > > > >         nl(!IO).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- pragma promise_pure(p/0).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- impure pred p is det.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
> > > > > >         p,
> > > > > >         [will_not_call_mercury],
> > > > > > "
> > > > > >         printf(\"hello\");
> > > > > > ").
> > > > >
> > > > > That is a purity error.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Why does the compiler emit a warning then?
> > > >
> > >
> > > Hmmm ... so it does.  It appears that the code for handling that particular
> > > error/warning (in compiler/purity.m) is a bit confused and can't decide which
> > > one it is - it seems to have taken the approach that it is both an error *and*
> > > a warning (at least w.r.t the exit status).
> > >
> > > Any opinions on which it should be?
> > >
> >
> > I'd say it should be an error.
> I'll turn it into an error - it's effectively been one anyway.

Here is a revised diff:

Estimated hours taken: 6
Branches: main, release

Make it an error for the (promised) purity of a foreign clause to disagree
with the declared purity of the corresponding predicate or function
declaration.  We only perform this check in the absence of a
promise_{pure,semipure} pragma for the predicate or function.

Previously this situation was sometimes picked up by purity analysis but not
in all cases.  For example, if a predicate was declared impure but the
foreign_proc was promised pure it wasn't reported.  In that particular case
it was a problem because if the foreign_proc did not have any outputs, then
simplify.m might have optimised its body away (which is how I noticed this).

	In the absence of promise_{pure,semipure} pragmas emit error messages
	about mismatches between the declared purity of a procedure and the
	(promised) purity of a foreign clause for it.

	Fix a typo in an error message: s/becaise/because/

	Fix a bug reported by Ian. Inconsistent purity annotation were being
	treated as both a warning and an error.  Make it into an error.

	Delete bogus purity promises from foreign_proc attributes reported by
	the new check.

	Test case for the new error.

	Fix some formatting.

	Fix purity errors picked up by the new check.

Index: compiler/add_pragma.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/add_pragma.m,v
retrieving revision 1.36
diff -u -r1.36 add_pragma.m
--- compiler/add_pragma.m	5 Jul 2006 08:45:32 -0000	1.36
+++ compiler/add_pragma.m	6 Jul 2006 07:09:40 -0000
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
     maybe(structure_reuse_domain)::in, prog_context::in,
     module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.

-    % module_add_pragma_import:
+    % module_add_pragma_import.
     % Handles `pragma import' declarations, by figuring out which predicate
     % the `pragma import' declaration applies to, and adding a clause
@@ -1422,11 +1422,13 @@
     PredModule = pred_info_module(!.PredInfo),
     pred_info_clauses_info(!.PredInfo, Clauses0),
     pred_info_get_purity(!.PredInfo, Purity),
+    pred_info_get_markers(!.PredInfo, Markers),

     % Add the code for this `pragma import' to the clauses_info.
-    clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(Purity, Attributes, PredId, ProcId,
+    clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(pragma_import_foreign_proc,
+        Purity, Attributes, PredId, ProcId,
         VarSet, PragmaVars, ArgTypes, PragmaImpl, Context, PredOrFunc,
-        qualified(PredModule, PredName), Arity, Clauses0, Clauses,
+        qualified(PredModule, PredName), Arity, Markers, Clauses0, Clauses,
         !ModuleInfo, !IO),

     % Store the clauses_info etc. back into the pred_info.
@@ -1573,10 +1575,11 @@
                 pred_info_clauses_info(!.PredInfo, Clauses0),
                 pred_info_get_arg_types(!.PredInfo, ArgTypes),
                 pred_info_get_purity(!.PredInfo, Purity),
-                clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(Purity, Attributes,
-                    PredId, ProcId, ProgVarSet, PVars, ArgTypes,
-                    PragmaImpl, Context, PredOrFunc, PredName, Arity,
-                    Clauses0, Clauses, !ModuleInfo, !IO),
+                pred_info_get_markers(!.PredInfo, Markers),
+                clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(standard_foreign_proc,
+                    Purity, Attributes, PredId, ProcId, ProgVarSet, PVars,
+                    ArgTypes, PragmaImpl, Context, PredOrFunc, PredName,
+                    Arity, Markers, Clauses0, Clauses, !ModuleInfo, !IO),
                 pred_info_set_clauses_info(Clauses, !PredInfo),
                 pred_info_update_goal_type(pragmas, !PredInfo),
                 map.det_update(Preds0, PredId, !.PredInfo, Preds),
@@ -2355,21 +2358,31 @@
         PragmaVars0 = []

+    % This type is used to distinguish between those foreign_procs that
+    % were created by the transformation for `:- pragma import' and those
+    % that were not.
+    %
+:- type foreign_proc_origin
+    --->    standard_foreign_proc
+    ;       pragma_import_foreign_proc.
     % Add the pragma_foreign_proc goal to the clauses_info for this procedure.
     % To do so, we must also insert unifications between the variables in the
     % pragma foreign_proc declaration and the head vars of the pred. Also
     % return the hlds_goal.
-:- pred clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(purity::in,
-    pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+:- pred clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(foreign_proc_origin::in,
+    purity::in, pragma_foreign_proc_attributes::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
     prog_varset::in, list(pragma_var)::in, list(mer_type)::in,
     pragma_foreign_code_impl::in, prog_context::in, pred_or_func::in,
-    sym_name::in, arity::in, clauses_info::in, clauses_info::out,
-    module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    sym_name::in, arity::in, pred_markers::in,
+    clauses_info::in, clauses_info::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.

-clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(Purity, Attributes0, PredId, ProcId,
-        PVarSet, PVars, OrigArgTypes, PragmaImpl0, Context,
-        PredOrFunc, PredName, Arity, !ClausesInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
+clauses_info_add_pragma_foreign_proc(Origin, Purity, Attributes0,
+        PredId, ProcId, PVarSet, PVars, OrigArgTypes, PragmaImpl0,
+        Context, PredOrFunc, PredName, Arity, Markers, !ClausesInfo,
+        !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-

     !.ClausesInfo = clauses_info(VarSet0, ExplicitVarTypes, TVarNameMap,
         InferredVarTypes, HeadVars, ClauseRep, RttiVarMaps,
@@ -2434,7 +2447,48 @@
         % Build the foreign_proc.
         goal_info_set_context(Context, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo1),
+        %
+        % Check that the purity of a predicate/function declaration agrees with
+        % the (promised) purity of the foreign proc.  We do not perform this
+        % check there is a promise_{pure,semipure} pragma for the
+        % predicate/function since in that case they will differ anyway.  We
+        % also do not perform this check if the foreign_proc was introduced as
+        % a result of a `:- pragma import' declaration since doing so results
+        % in spurious error messages about non-existent foreign_procs.  For
+        % that case we assume that the code that constructs the foreign_procs
+        % from the import pragmas sets the purity attributes correctly.
+        %
+        (
+            ( Origin = pragma_import_foreign_proc
+            ; check_marker(Markers, promised_pure)
+            ; check_marker(Markers, promised_semipure)
+            )
+        ->
+            true
+        ;
+            ForeignAttributePurity = purity(Attributes1),
+            (
+                ForeignAttributePurity \= Purity
+            ->
+                purity_name(ForeignAttributePurity, ForeignAttributePurityStr),
+                purity_name(Purity, PurityStr),
+                ErrorMsg = [
+                    words("Error: foreign clause for"),
+                    pred_or_func(PredOrFunc),
+                    sym_name_and_arity(PredName / Arity),
+                    words("has purity " ++ ForeignAttributePurityStr),
+                    words("but that"), pred_or_func(PredOrFunc),
+                    words("has been declared " ++ PurityStr), suffix(".")
+                ],
+                write_error_pieces(Context, 0, ErrorMsg, !IO),
+                io.set_exit_status(1, !IO)
+            ;
+                true
+            )
+        ),
+        %
         % Put the purity in the goal_info in case this foreign code is inlined.
+        %
         add_goal_info_purity_feature(Purity, GoalInfo1, GoalInfo),
         make_foreign_args(HeadVars, ArgInfo, OrigArgTypes, ForeignArgs),
         % Perform some renaming in any user annotated sharing information.
Index: compiler/mode_errors.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_errors.m,v
retrieving revision 1.102
diff -u -r1.102 mode_errors.m
--- compiler/mode_errors.m	14 Jun 2006 07:42:53 -0000	1.102
+++ compiler/mode_errors.m	7 Jul 2006 15:00:38 -0000
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@
         ImpureGoal = _ - ImpureGoalInfo,
         goal_info_get_context(ImpureGoalInfo, ImpureGoalContext),
         Pieces1 = [words("The goal could not be reordered,"),
-            words("becaise it was followed by an impure goal.")],
+            words("because it was followed by an impure goal.")],
         Pieces2 = [words("This is the location of the impure goal.")],
         Specs2 = [plain_spec(error_msg_spec(no, Context, 0, Pieces1)),
             plain_spec(error_msg_spec(no, ImpureGoalContext, 0, Pieces2))]
Index: compiler/prog_io_pragma.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m,v
retrieving revision 1.106
diff -u -r1.106 prog_io_pragma.m
--- compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	5 Jul 2006 08:45:35 -0000	1.106
+++ compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	5 Jul 2006 10:28:31 -0000
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % File: prog_io_pragma.m.
 % Main authors: fjh, dgj.
 % This module handles the parsing of pragma directives.

 :- module parse_tree.prog_io_pragma.
Index: compiler/purity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -u -r1.94 purity.m
--- compiler/purity.m	29 Mar 2006 08:07:19 -0000	1.94
+++ compiler/purity.m	7 Jul 2006 08:00:32 -0000
@@ -883,7 +883,7 @@
     purity_name(Purity, PurityName),
     PredContextPieces = pred_context(ModuleInfo, PredInfo, PredId),
     Pieces1 = PredContextPieces ++
-        [words("warning: declared"), fixed(PurityName),
+        [words("error: declared"), fixed(PurityName),
         words("but promised pure.")],
     globals.io_lookup_bool_option(verbose_errors, VerboseErrors, !IO),
@@ -898,8 +898,7 @@
         globals.io_set_extra_error_info(yes, !IO),
         Pieces = Pieces1
-    write_error_pieces(Context, 0, Pieces, !IO),
-    record_warning(!IO).
+    write_error_pieces(Context, 0, Pieces, !IO).

 :- pred warn_exaggerated_impurity_decl(module_info::in, pred_info::in,
     pred_id::in, purity::in, purity::in,
Index: compiler/simplify.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/simplify.m,v
retrieving revision 1.178
diff -u -r1.178 simplify.m
--- compiler/simplify.m	28 Jun 2006 04:46:17 -0000	1.178
+++ compiler/simplify.m	5 Jul 2006 05:02:18 -0000
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
 % File: simplify.m.
 % Main authors: zs, stayl.
 % The two jobs of the simplification module are
 %   to find and exploit opportunities for simplifying the internal form
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
 % works properly.

 :- module check_hlds.simplify.
 :- interface.
Index: library/private_builtin.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/private_builtin.m,v
retrieving revision 1.157
diff -u -r1.157 private_builtin.m
--- library/private_builtin.m	28 Jun 2006 04:46:19 -0000	1.157
+++ library/private_builtin.m	5 Jul 2006 06:14:36 -0000
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@

 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
-    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, thread_safe, will_not_modify_trail],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, will_not_modify_trail],
     MR_free_heap((void *) Val);
Index: library/solutions.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/solutions.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 solutions.m
--- library/solutions.m	19 Apr 2006 05:17:56 -0000	1.4
+++ library/solutions.m	5 Jul 2006 07:22:15 -0000
@@ -630,26 +630,26 @@

 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
     partial_deep_copy(SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::in, NewVal::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     MR_PARTIAL_DEEP_COPY(SolutionsHeapPtr, OldVal, NewVal, TypeInfo_for_T);
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
     partial_deep_copy(SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::mdi, NewVal::muo),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     MR_PARTIAL_DEEP_COPY(SolutionsHeapPtr, OldVal, NewVal, TypeInfo_for_T);
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
     partial_deep_copy(SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::di, NewVal::uo),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     MR_PARTIAL_DEEP_COPY(SolutionsHeapPtr, OldVal, NewVal, TypeInfo_for_T);

 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
     partial_deep_copy(_SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::in, NewVal::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     // For the IL back-end, we don't do heap reclamation on failure,
@@ -660,20 +660,20 @@
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
     partial_deep_copy(_SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::mdi, NewVal::muo),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     NewVal = OldVal;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
     partial_deep_copy(_SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::di, NewVal::uo),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     NewVal = OldVal;

 :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
     partial_deep_copy(_SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::in, NewVal::out),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     ** For the Java back-end, as for the .NET implementation,
@@ -685,13 +685,13 @@
 :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
     partial_deep_copy(_SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::mdi, NewVal::muo),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     NewVal = OldVal;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
     partial_deep_copy(_SolutionsHeapPtr::in, OldVal::di, NewVal::uo),
-    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
     NewVal = OldVal;
Index: tests/hard_coded/dupcall_impurity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/dupcall_impurity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 dupcall_impurity.m
--- tests/hard_coded/dupcall_impurity.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:44 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/dupcall_impurity.m	6 Jul 2006 03:41:06 -0000
@@ -34,12 +34,29 @@
 :- impure pred next_x(int::out) is det.
 :- impure pred incr_x is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern int my_global;").
-:- pragma c_code("int my_global;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern int my_global;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "int my_global;").

-:- pragma c_code(get_x(X::out), "X = my_global;").
-:- pragma c_code(next_x(X::out), "X = my_global++;").
-:- pragma c_code(incr_x, "my_global++;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_x(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X = my_global;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	next_x(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = my_global++;"
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	incr_x,
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	my_global++;

 :- pragma foreign_code("C#", "static int my_global;").

Index: tests/hard_coded/ho_solns.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/ho_solns.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 ho_solns.m
--- tests/hard_coded/ho_solns.m	5 Apr 2006 05:06:58 -0000	1.6
+++ tests/hard_coded/ho_solns.m	6 Jul 2006 03:42:09 -0000
@@ -33,8 +33,10 @@
 :- pred convert_list(list(T), list(T)).
 :- mode convert_list(in, out(list_skel(mypred))) is det.

-:- pragma c_code(
-	convert_list(L0 :: in, L :: out(list_skel(mypred))), "
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	convert_list(L0 :: in, L :: out(list_skel(mypred))),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
 	L = L0;
Index: tests/hard_coded/ho_univ_to_type.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/ho_univ_to_type.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 ho_univ_to_type.m
--- tests/hard_coded/ho_univ_to_type.m	29 Mar 2006 08:08:01 -0000	1.5
+++ tests/hard_coded/ho_univ_to_type.m	7 Jul 2006 14:51:53 -0000
@@ -47,18 +47,21 @@

 foo(X) :- X = (pred(A::in, B::in, C::out) is det :- C = A + B).

-% Some hacky pragma c_code to allow use to change an
+% Some hacky pragma foreign_proc to allow use to change an
 % inst from `ground' to `pred(in, in, out) is det'.

 :- pred convert_inst(mypred2::in, mypred2::out(mypred)) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(convert_inst(Pred1::in, Pred2::out(mypred)), "
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	convert_inst(Pred1::in, Pred2::out(mypred)),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
 	Pred2 = Pred1;
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", convert_inst(Pred1::in, Pred2::out(mypred)),
-		[promise_pure], "
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	convert_inst(Pred1::in, Pred2::out(mypred)),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure], "
 	Pred2 = Pred1;
Index: tests/hard_coded/impure_prune.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/impure_prune.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 impure_prune.m
--- tests/hard_coded/impure_prune.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:44 -0000	1.3
+++ tests/hard_coded/impure_prune.m	7 Jul 2006 07:56:00 -0000
@@ -33,13 +33,27 @@
 :- semipure pred get_counter(int::out) is det.
 :- impure pred set_counter(int::in) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern MR_Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("MR_Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter;").
-:- pragma c_code(set_counter(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "counter = X;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X = counter;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	set_counter(X::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	counter = X;

 :- pragma foreign_code("C#", "static int counter = 0;").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", get_counter(X::out),
-		[promise_semipure], "X = counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	get_counter(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X = counter;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#", set_counter(X::in), [], "counter = X;").

Index: tests/hard_coded/intermod_c_code2.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/intermod_c_code2.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 intermod_c_code2.m
--- tests/hard_coded/intermod_c_code2.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:44 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/intermod_c_code2.m	6 Jul 2006 03:47:20 -0000
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@

 :- some [U] pred c_code_2(T::in, U::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_code(c_code_2(T::in, U::out),
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	c_code_2(T::in, U::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
 	U = T;
 	TypeInfo_for_U = TypeInfo_for_T;
Index: tests/hard_coded/intermod_multimode.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/intermod_multimode.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 intermod_multimode.m
--- tests/hard_coded/intermod_multimode.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:44 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/hard_coded/intermod_multimode.m	6 Jul 2006 03:48:26 -0000
@@ -84,7 +84,12 @@
 test2(0::out, 0::out) :-
 	impure puts("test2(out, out)").

-:- pragma c_code(puts(S::in), [will_not_call_mercury], "puts(S)").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	puts(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	puts(S)
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#", puts(S::in), [], "System.Console.WriteLine(S);").

 :- pragma promise_pure(get_determinism/2).
Index: tests/hard_coded/lp.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/lp.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 lp.m
--- tests/hard_coded/lp.m	29 Mar 2006 08:08:01 -0000	1.5
+++ tests/hard_coded/lp.m	6 Jul 2006 03:51:45 -0000
@@ -368,7 +368,12 @@

 :- pred mkuniq(array(float)::in, array(float)::array_uo) is det.

-:- pragma c_code(mkuniq(A::in, B::array_uo), "B = A;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	mkuniq(A::in, B::array_uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	B = A;
 :- pragma foreign_proc(il, mkuniq(A::in, B::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, max_stack_size(1), promise_pure],
Index: tests/hard_coded/multimode.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/multimode.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 multimode.m
--- tests/hard_coded/multimode.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:44 -0000	1.3
+++ tests/hard_coded/multimode.m	6 Jul 2006 03:49:40 -0000
@@ -86,6 +86,11 @@
 	impure puts("test2(out, out)").

 :- impure pred puts(string::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(puts(S::in), [will_not_call_mercury], "puts(S)").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	puts(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	puts(S)
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#", puts(S::in),
 		[promise_pure], "System.Console.WriteLine(S);").
Index: tests/hard_coded/rnd.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/rnd.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 rnd.m
--- tests/hard_coded/rnd.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:45 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/rnd.m	6 Jul 2006 03:52:46 -0000
@@ -241,12 +241,22 @@

 :- func rfloat(int) = float.
-:- pragma c_code(rfloat(I::in) = (F::out), "F = I;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	rfloat(I::in) = (F::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	F = I;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#", rfloat(I::in) = (F::out),
 		[promise_pure], "F = I;").

 :- func rint(float) = int.
-:- pragma c_code(rint(F::in) = (I::out), "I = F;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	rint(F::in) = (I::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	I = F;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C#", rint(F::in) = (I::out),
 		[promise_pure], "I = (int) F;").

Index: tests/hard_coded/target_mlobjs.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/target_mlobjs.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 target_mlobjs.m
--- tests/hard_coded/target_mlobjs.m	28 Nov 2002 16:33:45 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/target_mlobjs.m	6 Jul 2006 03:50:47 -0000
@@ -9,10 +9,13 @@
 main -->
 	c_write_string("Hello, world\n").

-:- pragma c_header_code("#include ""target_mlobjs_c.h""").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include ""target_mlobjs_c.h""").

 :- pred c_write_string(string::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(c_write_string(Message::in, IO0::di, IO::uo), "
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	c_write_string(Message::in, IO0::di, IO::uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
 	IO = IO0;
Index: tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t1.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t1.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 impure_func_t1.m
--- tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t1.m	8 Nov 2002 11:02:58 -0000	1.3
+++ tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t1.m	6 Jul 2006 03:56:17 -0000
@@ -20,7 +20,12 @@

 :- impure func get_counter = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern MR_Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("MR_Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter;
 get_counter = 0.
Index: tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed2.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed2.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 impure_func_t5_fixed2.m
--- tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed2.m	27 Jan 2003 09:21:01 -0000	1.1
+++ tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed2.m	6 Jul 2006 03:57:51 -0000
@@ -24,8 +24,12 @@

 :- impure func get_counter(int) = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 42;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-	"X = counter + Y; counter++;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "Integer counter = 42;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y; counter++;
 get_counter(X) = X.
Index: tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t6.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t6.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 impure_func_t6.m
--- tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t6.m	8 Nov 2002 11:02:59 -0000	1.3
+++ tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_func_t6.m	6 Jul 2006 03:59:57 -0000
@@ -23,12 +23,20 @@
 :- impure func get_counter(int) = int.
 :- impure pred some_pred(int::in, int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern MR_Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("MR_Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-	"X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X) = X.

-:- pragma c_code(some_pred(Y::in, X::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-	"X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	some_pred(Y::in, X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 some_pred(X, X).
Index: tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed3.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed3.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 impure_pred_t1_fixed3.m
--- tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed3.m	27 Jan 2003 09:21:01 -0000	1.1
+++ tests/hard_coded/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed3.m	6 Jul 2006 04:01:37 -0000
@@ -27,7 +27,12 @@

 :- impure pred get_counter(int::in, int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in, X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in, X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X, X).
Index: tests/hard_coded/purity/purity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/purity/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 purity.m
--- tests/hard_coded/purity/purity.m	8 Nov 2002 11:02:59 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/purity/purity.m	7 Jul 2006 07:56:17 -0000
@@ -31,45 +31,99 @@

 :- impure pred set_x(int::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(set_x(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", set_x(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
 :- pragma no_inline(set_x/1).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	set_x(X::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	x = X;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	set_x(X::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	x = X;

 :- impure pred incr_x is det.
-:- pragma c_code(incr_x, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", incr_x, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
 :- pragma no_inline(incr_x/0).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	incr_x,
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	++x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	incr_x,
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	++x;

 :- semipure pred get_x(int::out) is det.
-:- pragma promise_semipure(get_x/1).
-:- pragma c_code(get_x(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", get_x(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
 :- pragma no_inline(get_x/1).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_x(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X = x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	get_x(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X = x;

 :- impure pred set_x_inline(int::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(set_x_inline(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", set_x_inline(X::in),
-		will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
 :- pragma inline(set_x_inline/1).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	set_x_inline(X::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	x = X;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	set_x_inline(X::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	x = X;

 :- impure pred incr_x_inline is det.
-:- pragma c_code(incr_x_inline, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", incr_x_inline, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
 :- pragma inline(incr_x_inline/0).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	incr_x_inline,
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	++x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	incr_x_inline,
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	++x;

 :- semipure pred get_x_inline(int::out) is det.
-:- pragma promise_semipure(get_x_inline/1).
-:- pragma c_code(get_x_inline(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", get_x_inline(X::out),
-		will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
 :- pragma inline(get_x_inline/1).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_x_inline(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X=x;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#",
+	get_x_inline(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X=x;

-:- pragma c_header_code("int x = 0;").
-:- pragma foreign_code("C#", "
-static int x = 0;
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern int x;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "int x = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C#", "static int x = 0;").

 % tempt compiler to optimize away duplicate semipure goals.
Index: tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/impure_methods.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/impure_methods.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 impure_methods.m
--- tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/impure_methods.m	12 Apr 2005 07:58:17 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/hard_coded/typeclasses/impure_methods.m	6 Jul 2006 03:55:09 -0000
@@ -53,10 +53,20 @@

-:- pragma c_header_code("int foo_counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(foo_m1(_F::in), "foo_counter++;").
-:- pragma c_code(foo_m2(_F::in, Val::out), "Val = foo_counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern int foo_counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "int foo_counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	foo_m1(_F::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	foo_counter++;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	foo_m2(_F::in, Val::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	Val = foo_counter;

 :- pragma foreign_code("C#", "static int foo_counter = 0;").

Index: tests/invalid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.193
diff -u -r1.193 Mmakefile
--- tests/invalid/Mmakefile	16 Jun 2006 07:24:41 -0000	1.193
+++ tests/invalid/Mmakefile	5 Jul 2006 05:49:22 -0000
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
 	ext_type \
 	ext_type_bug \
 	field_syntax_error \
+	foreign_purity_mismatch \
 	foreign_singleton \
 	foreign_type_2 \
 	foreign_type_visibility \
Index: tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.err_exp
RCS file: tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.err_exp
diff -N tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.err_exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.err_exp	5 Jul 2006 05:46:26 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:020: Error: foreign clause for predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:020:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.pure_with_impure'/1
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:020:   has purity impure but that predicate has been
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:020:   declared pure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:027: Error: foreign clause for predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:027:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.pure_with_semipure'/1
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:027:   has purity semipure but that predicate has
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:027:   been declared pure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:034: Error: foreign clause for predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:034:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.semipure_with_impure'/1
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:034:   has purity impure but that predicate has been
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:034:   declared semipure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:041: Error: foreign clause for predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:041:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.semipure_with_pure'/1
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:041:   has purity pure but that predicate has been
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:041:   declared semipure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:048: Error: foreign clause for predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:048:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.impure_with_pure'/1
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:048:   has purity pure but that predicate has been
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:048:   declared impure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:055: Error: foreign clause for predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:055:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.impure_with_semipure'/1
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:055:   has purity semipure but that predicate has
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:055:   been declared impure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:006: In predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:006:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.pure_with_impure/1':
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:006:   purity error: predicate is impure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:006:   It must be declared `impure' or promised pure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:007: In predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:007:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.pure_with_semipure/1':
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:007:   purity error: predicate is semipure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:007:   It must be declared `semipure' or promised
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:007:   pure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:009: In predicate
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:009:   `foreign_purity_mismatch.semipure_with_impure/1':
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:009:   purity error: predicate is impure.
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:009:   It must be declared `impure' or promised
+foreign_purity_mismatch.m:009:   semipure.
Index: tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.m
RCS file: tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.m
diff -N tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/foreign_purity_mismatch.m	5 Jul 2006 05:46:26 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+:- module foreign_purity_mismatch.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module string.
+:- pred pure_with_impure(string::in) is det.
+:- pred pure_with_semipure(string::in) is det.
+:- semipure pred semipure_with_impure(string::in) is det.
+:- semipure pred semipure_with_pure(string::in) is det.
+	% This one was particularly bad since the compiler was
+	% optimising away the foreign_proc goal(!).
+	%
+:- impure pred impure_with_pure(string::in) is det.
+:- impure pred impure_with_semipure(string::in) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	pure_with_impure(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	/* S */
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	pure_with_semipure(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	/* S */
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	semipure_with_impure(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	/* S */
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	semipure_with_pure(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	/* S */
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	impure_with_pure(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	/* S */
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	impure_with_semipure(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	/* S */
Index: tests/invalid/impure_method_impl.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/impure_method_impl.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 impure_method_impl.m
--- tests/invalid/impure_method_impl.m	12 Apr 2005 07:58:19 -0000	1.3
+++ tests/invalid/impure_method_impl.m	6 Jul 2006 08:26:07 -0000
@@ -25,9 +25,20 @@
 main -->

-:- pragma c_header_code("int foo_counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern int foo_counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "int foo_counter = 0;").

-:- pragma c_code(foo_m1(_F::in, Val::out), "Val = foo_counter;").
-:- pragma c_code(foo_m2(_F::in, Val::out), "Val = foo_counter++;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	foo_m1(_F::in, Val::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	Val = foo_counter;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	foo_m2(_F::in, Val::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	Val = foo_counter++;"
 foo_m1(_, 0).
 foo_m2(_, 0).
Index: tests/invalid/multimode_syntax.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/multimode_syntax.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 multimode_syntax.m
--- tests/invalid/multimode_syntax.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:08 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/multimode_syntax.m	7 Jul 2006 14:54:59 -0000
@@ -52,5 +52,10 @@
 	impure puts("test2(out, out)").

 :- impure pred puts(string::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(puts(S::in), [will_not_call_mercury], "puts(S)").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	puts(S::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	puts(S);
Index: tests/invalid/pragma_c_code_no_det.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/pragma_c_code_no_det.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 pragma_c_code_no_det.m
--- tests/invalid/pragma_c_code_no_det.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/pragma_c_code_no_det.m	7 Jul 2006 14:56:21 -0000
@@ -10,4 +10,9 @@

 :- pred c_code(int::out).
-:- pragma c_code(c_code(X::out), "X = 1").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	c_code(X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
+	X = 1
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t2.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t2.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 impure_func_t2.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t2.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t2.m	7 Jul 2006 04:05:42 -0000
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@

 :- impure func get_counter = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter = (X::out), [will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter;
 get_counter = 0.
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t3.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t3.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 impure_func_t3.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t3.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t3.m	7 Jul 2006 04:52:05 -0000
@@ -19,8 +19,13 @@

 :- impure func get_counter = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C" ,"MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter;
 get_counter = 0.

Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t4.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t4.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 impure_func_t4.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t4.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t4.m	7 Jul 2006 14:56:55 -0000
@@ -20,7 +20,12 @@

 :- semipure func get_counter = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
+	X = counter;
 get_counter = 0.
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 impure_func_t5.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5.m	7 Jul 2006 07:13:10 -0000
@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@

 :- impure func get_counter(int) = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X) = X.
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 impure_func_t5_fixed.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed.m	27 Jan 2003 09:21:03 -0000	1.1
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t5_fixed.m	7 Jul 2006 07:14:18 -0000
@@ -25,7 +25,13 @@

 :- impure func get_counter(int) = int is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X) = X.
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t7.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t7.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 impure_func_t7.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t7.m	14 Dec 2005 05:14:17 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_func_t7.m	7 Jul 2006 07:18:09 -0000
@@ -58,12 +58,20 @@
 :- impure func get_counter(int) = int.
 :- impure pred some_pred(int::in, int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-	"X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in) = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X) = X.

-:- pragma c_code(some_pred(Y::in, X::out), will_not_call_mercury,
-	"X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	some_pred(Y::in, X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 some_pred(X, X).
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 impure_pred_t1.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1.m	7 Jul 2006 07:21:05 -0000
@@ -26,7 +26,12 @@

 :- impure pred get_counter(int::in, int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in, X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in, X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X, X).
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 impure_pred_t1_fixed.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed.m	27 Jan 2003 09:21:03 -0000	1.1
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t1_fixed.m	7 Jul 2006 07:22:14 -0000
@@ -26,7 +26,12 @@

 :- impure pred get_counter(int::in, int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in, X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in, X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X, X).
Index: tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t2.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t2.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 impure_pred_t2.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t2.m	7 Nov 2002 16:17:09 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/invalid/purity/impure_pred_t2.m	7 Jul 2006 07:48:02 -0000
@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@

 :- impure pred get_counter(int::in, int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code("extern Integer counter;").
-:- pragma c_code("Integer counter = 0;").
-:- pragma c_code(get_counter(Y::in, X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X = counter + Y;").
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "extern MR_Integer counter;").
+:- pragma foreign_code("C", "MR_Integer counter = 0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_counter(Y::in, X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	X = counter + Y;
 get_counter(X, X).
Index: tests/invalid/purity/purity.err_exp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/purity.err_exp,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 purity.err_exp
--- tests/invalid/purity/purity.err_exp	14 Jun 2006 08:15:00 -0000	1.11
+++ tests/invalid/purity/purity.err_exp	7 Jul 2006 15:08:15 -0000
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-purity.m:035: In predicate `purity.w1/0':
-purity.m:035:   warning: declared impure but actually pure.
-purity.m:039: In predicate `purity.w2/0':
-purity.m:039:   warning: declared semipure but actually pure.
-purity.m:043: In predicate `purity.w3/0':
-purity.m:043:   warning: declared impure but actually semipure.
-purity.m:047: In predicate `purity.w4/0':
-purity.m:047:   warning: unnecessary `promise_pure' pragma.
-purity.m:052: In predicate `purity.w5/0':
-purity.m:052:   warning: declared impure but promised pure.
-purity.m:057: In predicate `purity.w6/0':
-purity.m:057:   warning: declared semipure but promised pure.
-purity.m:066: In predicate `purity.e1/0':
-purity.m:066:   purity error: predicate is impure.
-purity.m:066:   It must be declared `impure' or promised pure.
-purity.m:071: In predicate `purity.e2/0':
-purity.m:071:   purity error: predicate is semipure.
-purity.m:071:   It must be declared `semipure' or promised pure.
-purity.m:075: In predicate `purity.e3/0':
-purity.m:075:   purity error: predicate is impure.
-purity.m:075:   It must be declared `impure' or promised semipure.
-purity.m:081: In call to impure predicate `purity.imp/0':
-purity.m:081:   purity error: call must be preceded by `impure' indicator.
-purity.m:085: In call to semipure predicate `purity.semi/0':
-purity.m:085:   purity error: call must be preceded by `semipure' indicator.
-purity.m:119: In call to impure predicate `purity.imp1/1':
-purity.m:119:   purity error: call must be preceded by `impure' indicator.
-purity.m:119: Purity error in closure: closure body is impure, but closure was
-purity.m:119:   not declared impure.
-purity.m:125: In call to semipure predicate `purity.semi/1':
-purity.m:125:   purity error: call must be preceded by `semipure' indicator.
-purity.m:125: Purity error in closure: closure body is semipure, but closure
-purity.m:125:   was not declared semipure.
-purity.m:100: In unification predicate for type `purity.e8':
-purity.m:100:   purity error: predicate is impure.
-purity.m:100:   It must be pure.
-purity.m:108: In unification predicate for type `purity.e9':
-purity.m:108:   purity error: predicate is semipure.
-purity.m:108:   It must be pure.
-purity.m:090: In clause for `e6':
-purity.m:090:   in argument 1 of call to predicate `purity.in/1':
-purity.m:090:   mode error: variable `X' has instantiatedness `free',
-purity.m:090:   expected instantiatedness was `ground'.
-purity.m:090:   The goal could not be reordered, becaise it was followed by an
-purity.m:090:   impure goal.
-purity.m:091:   This is the location of the impure goal.
-purity.m:097: In clause for `e7':
-purity.m:097:   in argument 1 of call to predicate `purity.imp1/1':
-purity.m:097:   mode error: variable `X' has instantiatedness `free',
-purity.m:097:   expected instantiatedness was `ground'.
-purity.m:097:   The goal could not be reordered, because it was impure.
+purity.m:050: In predicate `purity.w1/0':
+purity.m:050:   warning: declared impure but actually pure.
+purity.m:054: In predicate `purity.w2/0':
+purity.m:054:   warning: declared semipure but actually pure.
+purity.m:058: In predicate `purity.w3/0':
+purity.m:058:   warning: declared impure but actually semipure.
+purity.m:062: In predicate `purity.w4/0':
+purity.m:062:   warning: unnecessary `promise_pure' pragma.
+purity.m:067: In predicate `purity.w5/0':
+purity.m:067:   error: declared impure but promised pure.
+purity.m:072: In predicate `purity.w6/0':
+purity.m:072:   error: declared semipure but promised pure.
+purity.m:081: In predicate `purity.e1/0':
+purity.m:081:   purity error: predicate is impure.
+purity.m:081:   It must be declared `impure' or promised pure.
+purity.m:086: In predicate `purity.e2/0':
+purity.m:086:   purity error: predicate is semipure.
+purity.m:086:   It must be declared `semipure' or promised pure.
+purity.m:090: In predicate `purity.e3/0':
+purity.m:090:   purity error: predicate is impure.
+purity.m:090:   It must be declared `impure' or promised semipure.
+purity.m:096: In call to impure predicate `purity.imp/0':
+purity.m:096:   purity error: call must be preceded by `impure' indicator.
+purity.m:100: In call to semipure predicate `purity.semi/0':
+purity.m:100:   purity error: call must be preceded by `semipure' indicator.
+purity.m:142: In call to impure predicate `purity.imp1/1':
+purity.m:142:   purity error: call must be preceded by `impure' indicator.
+purity.m:142: Purity error in closure: closure body is impure, but closure was
+purity.m:142:   not declared impure.
+purity.m:148: In call to semipure predicate `purity.semi/1':
+purity.m:148:   purity error: call must be preceded by `semipure' indicator.
+purity.m:148: Purity error in closure: closure body is semipure, but closure
+purity.m:148:   was not declared semipure.
+purity.m:115: In unification predicate for type `purity.e8':
+purity.m:115:   purity error: predicate is impure.
+purity.m:115:   It must be pure.
+purity.m:127: In unification predicate for type `purity.e9':
+purity.m:127:   purity error: predicate is semipure.
+purity.m:127:   It must be pure.
+purity.m:105: In clause for `e6':
+purity.m:105:   in argument 1 of call to predicate `purity.in/1':
+purity.m:105:   mode error: variable `X' has instantiatedness `free',
+purity.m:105:   expected instantiatedness was `ground'.
+purity.m:105:   The goal could not be reordered, because it was followed by an
+purity.m:105:   impure goal.
+purity.m:106:   This is the location of the impure goal.
+purity.m:112: In clause for `e7':
+purity.m:112:   in argument 1 of call to predicate `purity.imp1/1':
+purity.m:112:   mode error: variable `X' has instantiatedness `free',
+purity.m:112:   expected instantiatedness was `ground'.
+purity.m:112:   The goal could not be reordered, because it was impure.
 For more information, recompile with `-E'.
Index: tests/invalid/purity/purity.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/purity/purity.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 purity.m
--- tests/invalid/purity/purity.m	14 Jul 2004 05:39:13 -0000	1.3
+++ tests/invalid/purity/purity.m	7 Jul 2006 14:58:48 -0000
@@ -6,10 +6,20 @@
 :- implementation.

 :- impure pred imp is det.
-:- pragma c_code(imp, will_not_call_mercury, ";").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	imp,
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	;

 :- semipure pred semi is semidet.
-:- pragma c_code(semi, will_not_call_mercury, "SUCCESS_INDICATOR=0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	semi,
+	[promise_semipure, will_not_call_mercury],

 :- pred in(foo).
 :- mode in(in) is semidet.
@@ -21,12 +31,17 @@
 	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_semipure],
 	/* X */

 :- impure pred imp1(foo).
 :- mode imp1(in) is semidet.
-:- pragma c_code(imp1(_X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "SUCCESS_INDICATOR=0;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	imp1(_X::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],

 %  Warnings
@@ -102,16 +117,24 @@
 :- impure pred imp2(e8, e8).
 :- mode imp2(in, in) is semidet.

-:- pragma c_code(imp2(_X::in, _Y::in), will_not_call_mercury,
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	imp2(_X::in, _Y::in),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],

 :- type e9 ---> e9(foo) where equality is semi2.

 :- semipure pred semi2(e9, e9).
 :- mode semi2(in, in) is semidet.

-:- pragma c_code(semi2(_X::in, _Y::in), will_not_call_mercury,
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	semi2(_X::in, _Y::in),
+	[promise_semipure, will_not_call_mercury],

 :- pred e10 is semidet.

@@ -125,7 +148,6 @@
 	Goal2 = (pred(X::in) is semidet :- semi(X)),
 	call(Goal2, b).

-:- import_module std_util.
 semi :- semidet_fail.
 imp1(_) :- semidet_fail.
Index: tests/valid/intermod_impure2.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/intermod_impure2.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 intermod_impure2.m
--- tests/valid/intermod_impure2.m	7 Nov 2002 12:52:58 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/valid/intermod_impure2.m	6 Jul 2006 03:15:31 -0000
@@ -12,15 +12,14 @@

 :- impure pred intermod_impure_2(int::out) is det.

-:- pragma c_header_code(
-#include <stdio.h>
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "#include <stdio.h>").

-:- pragma c_code(intermod_impure_2(Int::out), will_not_call_mercury,
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	intermod_impure_2(Int::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
-printf(""Output from impure predicate\\n"");
-Int = 2;
+	printf(""Output from impure predicate\\n"");
+	Int = 2;
 :- pragma foreign_proc(il, intermod_impure_2(Int::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, max_stack_size(1)],
Index: tests/valid/subtype_switch.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/subtype_switch.m,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 subtype_switch.m
--- tests/valid/subtype_switch.m	25 Aug 2004 08:21:32 -0000	1.6
+++ tests/valid/subtype_switch.m	6 Jul 2006 03:24:43 -0000
@@ -69,7 +69,10 @@

 :- pred get_thingy_counter(int::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

-:- pragma c_code(get_thingy_counter(Int::out, IO0::di, IO::uo), "
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	get_thingy_counter(Int::out, IO0::di, IO::uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
 	Int = tk_direct_thingy_counter;
 	IO = IO0;
@@ -77,7 +80,10 @@

 :- pred set_thingy_counter(int::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.

-:- pragma c_code(set_thingy_counter(Int::in, IO0::di, IO::uo), "
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	set_thingy_counter(Int::in, IO0::di, IO::uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
 	tk_direct_thingy_counter = Int;
 	IO = IO0;
Index: tests/warnings/purity_warnings.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/warnings/purity_warnings.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4 purity_warnings.m
--- tests/warnings/purity_warnings.m	22 Nov 2005 07:55:38 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/warnings/purity_warnings.m	6 Jul 2006 04:49:30 -0000
@@ -80,17 +80,17 @@

 :- impure pred set_x(int::in) is det.
-:- pragma c_code(set_x(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", set_x(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Java", set_x(X::in), will_not_call_mercury, "x=X;" ).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", set_x(X::in), [will_not_call_mercury], "x=X;" ).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", set_x(X::in), [will_not_call_mercury], "x=X;" ).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Java", set_x(X::in), [will_not_call_mercury], "x=X;" ).

 :- impure pred incr_x is det.
-:- pragma c_code(incr_x, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", incr_x, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Java", incr_x, will_not_call_mercury, "++x;" ).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", incr_x, [will_not_call_mercury], "++x;" ).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", incr_x, [will_not_call_mercury], "++x;" ).
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Java", incr_x, [will_not_call_mercury], "++x;" ).

 :- semipure pred get_x(int::out) is det.
 :- pragma promise_semipure(get_x/1).
-:- pragma c_code(get_x(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", get_x(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
-:- pragma foreign_proc("Java", get_x(X::out), will_not_call_mercury, "X=x;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", get_x(X::out), [will_not_call_mercury], "X=x;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C#", get_x(X::out), [will_not_call_mercury], "X=x;").
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Java", get_x(X::out), [will_not_call_mercury], "X=x;").


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