[m-rev.] for review: dependent parallel conjunctions
Julien Fischer
juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Aug 7 17:35:49 AEST 2006
On Tue, 1 Aug 2006, Peter Wang wrote:
> Make the dependent parallel conjunction transformation insert calls to
> `par_builtin.wait' as late as possible, and calls to `par_builtin.signal' as
> soon as possible.
> Next, combine contiguous sequences of waits, then a plain call to a
> non-imported procedure, then signals (where there must be at least one wait or
> signal) into a call to a "parallel" procedure which takes futures in place of
... call to a specialised "parallel" procedure that ...
> the arguments for which waiting or signalling is required. The waits and
> signals are then moved into the parallel procedures where they can be shifted
> around more and combined into further calls.
> compiler/dep_par_conj.m:
> As above.
> compiler/hlds_pred.m:
> compiler/layout_out.m:
> Add dependent_parallel_conjunction as a source of transformed
> predicates.
> compiler/prog_util.m:
> Add parallel_args as a way to build names for "parallel" procedures.
> compiler/simplify.m:
> Don't let the simplification pass do simplifications of common
> information between parallel conjuncts, as they would introduce
> dependences between conjuncts which the programmer (and the dependent
> parallel conjunction tranformation...) probably did not intend.
> library/par_builtin.m:
> mdbcomp/program_representation.m:
> Add `get/2'.
The log message needs a little more detail.
Add `get/2' which is used for ...
> % This module transforms the HLDS to implement dependent parallel conjunction.
> % The transformation involves adding calls to the predicates defined in
> % library/par_builtin.m.
I suggest rewording that as:
This module implements dependent parallel conjunction using a
HLDS->HLDS transformation. The transformation adds calls to the
synchronization predicates in library/par_builtin.m.
And then launch into a more detailed description of the transformation.
> % For a parallel conjunction (A & B), if the goal B is dependent on a variable
> % X which is bound by goal A, we transform the conjunction into the following:
s/we transform/we first transfrom/
> %
> % par_builtin.new_future(FutureX),
> % (
> % (
> % A(X), % binds X
> % impure par_builtin.signal(FutureX, X)
> % )
> % &
> % (
> % par_builtin.wait(FutureX, X1),
> % B(X1) % uses X
> % )
> % )
> %
> % That is, goal B must wait for the value to be produced by A before it begins
> % executing. If B is a compound goal then the wait call is moved as late
> % into B as possible. Signal calls will be moved to as early as possible.
> %
> % A following pass looks for contiguous sequences of waits, a call to a
> % predicate P, followed by signals in a conjunction (there must be at least one
> % wait or one signal). If the code of P is available then a specialised
> % ("parallel") version of P is produced, taking futures in place of any
> % arguments which need to be waited on or signalled. For example:
> %
> % wait(FutureX, X),
> % p(X, Y),
> % impure signal(FutureY, Y)
> %
> % would be transformed into:
> %
> % Parallel__p(FutureX, FutureY),
> %
> % where the wait and signal calls are now in the body of Parallel__p.
> % If building in a non-parallel grade then dependent parallel conjunctions
> % are simply converted into sequential conjunctions.
Reword as:
In non-parallel grades dependent parallel conjunctions are
treated like sequential conjunctions.
> % TODO:
> % - only run this pass if parallel conjunctions are present in a module
> % - reconsider when this pass is run; in particular par_builtin primitives
> % ought to be inlined
That's not too much of a problem - it can be done in the same way that
trailing or tabling primitives are handled.
Add a comment describing the following type.
> :- type dep_par_info
> ---> dep_par_info(
> dp_par_procs :: par_procs,
> % Parallelised procedures added or waiting to be added.
> dp_module_info :: module_info,
> % The current module.
> dp_varset :: prog_varset,
> dp_vartypes :: vartypes,
> % The varset and vartypes for the procedure being analysed.
> dp_ignore_vars :: set(prog_var)
> % Variables which should not be replaced by futures in this
> % pass because it has already been done.
> ).
> % Parallelised versions of procedures that have been added to the module,
> % or are slated to be added.
> %
> :- type par_procs
> ---> par_procs(done_par_procs, pending_par_procs).
> :- type done_par_procs == map(par_proc_call_pattern, new_par_proc).
> :- type pending_par_procs == assoc_list(par_proc_call_pattern, new_par_proc).
Add documentation for these types.
Perhaps instead of pending_par_proc, requested_par_procs or
> :- type par_proc_call_pattern
> ---> par_proc_call_pattern(
> old_ppid :: pred_proc_id,
> future_args :: list(arg_pos)
> ).
> :- type new_par_proc
> ---> new_par_proc(
> new_ppid :: pred_proc_id,
> new_name :: sym_name
> ).
> :- type arg_pos == int.
> % A map from a variable to the future object created for that variable.
> % i.e. for variable X with future F, when X is bound to a value then F is
> % signalled. A consumer of X waits (blocks) on F until that happens.
> %
> :- type future_map == map(prog_var, prog_var).
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> dependent_par_conj(!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
> ModuleInfo0 = !.ModuleInfo,
Why is it necessary to have multiple copies of the HLDS? (From the code below
it looks like what you need is just the pred_table.)
> % First process all parallel conjunctions in user-defined procedures.
> module_info_predids(!.ModuleInfo, PredIds),
> list.foldl3(process_pred_for_dep_par_conj, PredIds,
> !ModuleInfo, ParProcs0, ParProcs, !IO),
> ParProcs0 = par_procs(map.init, []),
Although it doesn't bother the compiler, it would help readers of your code
(e.g. me) if they didn't have to mentally reorder conjunctions as reading, i.e
move the above unification before the call to list.foldl3.
> ParProcs = par_procs(DoneParProcs, PendingProcs),
> expect(map.is_empty(DoneParProcs), this_file, "DoneParProcs non empty"),
> % Create the pending parallelised versions of procedures.
> % These may in turn create more parallelised versions.
> add_pending_par_procs(DoneParProcs, PendingProcs,
> ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
> % Dependent parallel conjunctions only supported on lowlevel C parallel
> % grades.
> %
> :- pred handle_dep_par_conj(module_info::in) is semidet.
> handle_dep_par_conj(ModuleInfo) :-
> module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
> globals.get_target(Globals, Target),
> globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, highlevel_code, HighLevelCode),
> globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, parallel, Parallel),
> Target = target_c,
> HighLevelCode = no,
> Parallel = yes.
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> :- pred process_pred_for_dep_par_conj(pred_id::in,
> module_info::in, module_info::out, par_procs::in, par_procs::out,
> io::di, io::uo) is det.
> process_pred_for_dep_par_conj(PredId, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs, !IO) :-
> module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
> ProcIds = pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo),
> list.foldl3(process_proc_for_dep_par_conj(PredId), ProcIds,
> !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs, !IO).
> :- pred process_proc_for_dep_par_conj(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
> module_info::in, module_info::out, par_procs::in, par_procs::out,
> io::di, io::uo) is det.
> process_proc_for_dep_par_conj(PredId, ProcId, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs, !IO) :-
> process_proc_for_dep_par_conj_with_ignores(PredId, ProcId, set.init,
> !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs, !IO).
> :- pred process_proc_for_dep_par_conj_with_ignores(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
> set(prog_var)::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
> par_procs::in, par_procs::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> process_proc_for_dep_par_conj_with_ignores(PredId, ProcId, IgnoreVars,
> !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs, !IO) :-
> some [!PredInfo, !ProcInfo, !Body, !VarSet, !VarTypes] (
> module_info_pred_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
> !:PredInfo, !:ProcInfo),
> proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, !:Body),
> proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, !:VarSet),
> proc_info_get_vartypes(!.ProcInfo, !:VarTypes),
> proc_info_get_initial_instmap(!.ProcInfo, !.ModuleInfo, InstMap0),
> Info0 = dep_par_info(!.ParProcs, !.ModuleInfo,
> !.VarSet, !.VarTypes, IgnoreVars),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(!Body, InstMap0, _, Info0, Info1),
> (if handle_dep_par_conj(!.ModuleInfo) then
> replace_sequences_in_goal(!Body, Info1, Info2),
> Info2 = dep_par_info(!:ParProcs, !:ModuleInfo,
> !:VarSet, !:VarTypes, _IgnoreVars),
> rename_apart_in_goal(!.ModuleInfo, !Body, InstMap0,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes)
Introducing fresh variables, by renaming apart, might potentially mean that
the RTTI varmaps need to be updated. (I'm pretty sure that isn't the
case here, but if so there should at least be a comment explaining why it is
okay not to update them.)
> else
> Info1 = dep_par_info(!:ParProcs, !:ModuleInfo,
> !:VarSet, !:VarTypes, _IgnoreVars)
> ),
> % XXX we really only need to run this part if something changed
> proc_info_set_varset(!.VarSet, !ProcInfo),
> proc_info_set_vartypes(!.VarTypes, !ProcInfo),
> proc_info_set_goal(!.Body, !ProcInfo),
> fixup_and_reinsert_proc(PredId, ProcId, !.PredInfo, !.ProcInfo,
> !ModuleInfo)
> ).
> :- pred fixup_and_reinsert_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
> pred_info::in, proc_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
> fixup_and_reinsert_proc(PredId, ProcId, !.PredInfo, !.ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo) :-
> requantify_proc(!ProcInfo),
> RecomputeAtomic = no,
> recompute_instmap_delta_proc(RecomputeAtomic, !ProcInfo, !ModuleInfo),
> pred_info_set_proc_info(ProcId, !.ProcInfo, !PredInfo),
> repuritycheck_proc(!.ModuleInfo, proc(PredId, ProcId), !PredInfo),
> module_info_set_pred_info(PredId, !.PredInfo, !ModuleInfo).
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> :- pred add_pending_par_procs(done_par_procs::in, pending_par_procs::in,
> module_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> add_pending_par_procs(_DoneParProcs, [], _ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
> add_pending_par_procs(DoneParProcs0, [CallPattern - NewProc | Pending0],
> ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
> % Move the procedure we are about to parallelise into the list of
> % done procedures, in case of recursive calls.
> map.det_insert(DoneParProcs0, CallPattern, NewProc, DoneParProcs),
> add_pending_par_proc(CallPattern, NewProc, DoneParProcs,
> Pending0, Pending, ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO),
> add_pending_par_procs(DoneParProcs, Pending,
> ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
> :- pred add_pending_par_proc(par_proc_call_pattern::in, new_par_proc::in,
> done_par_procs::in, pending_par_procs::in, pending_par_procs::out,
> module_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo)
> is det.
> add_pending_par_proc(CallPattern, NewProc, DoneParProcs, PendingProcs0,
> PendingProcs, ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
> CallPattern = par_proc_call_pattern(OldPredProcId, FutureArgs),
> NewProc = new_par_proc(NewPredProcId, _Name),
> ParProcs0 = par_procs(DoneParProcs, PendingProcs0),
> ParProcs = par_procs(_DoneParProcs, PendingProcs),
> add_pending_par_proc_2(OldPredProcId, NewPredProcId, FutureArgs,
> ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, ParProcs0, ParProcs, !IO).
> :- pred add_pending_par_proc_2(pred_proc_id::in, pred_proc_id::in,
> list(arg_pos)::in, module_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
> par_procs::in, par_procs::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
> add_pending_par_proc_2(proc(OldPredId, OldProcId), proc(PredId, ProcId),
> FutureArgs, ModuleInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs, !IO) :-
> some [!VarSet, !VarTypes, !ProcInfo] (
> % Get the proc_info from _before_ the dependent parallel conjunction
> % pass was ever run, so we get untransformed procedure bodies.
Why is that necessary?
> module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo0, OldPredId, OldProcId,
> _OldPredInfo, !:ProcInfo),
Call module_info_proc_info there.
> proc_info_get_varset(!.ProcInfo, !:VarSet),
> proc_info_get_vartypes(!.ProcInfo, !:VarTypes),
> proc_info_get_headvars(!.ProcInfo, HeadVars0),
> proc_info_get_argmodes(!.ProcInfo, ArgModes0),
> proc_info_get_goal(!.ProcInfo, Goal0),
> proc_info_get_initial_instmap(!.ProcInfo, ModuleInfo0, InstMap0),
> % Set up the mapping from head variables to futures.
> list.foldl4(reproduce_future_map(HeadVars0), FutureArgs,
> map.init, FutureMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes, !ModuleInfo),
> % Replace head variables by their futures.
> replace_head_vars(!.ModuleInfo, FutureMap,
> HeadVars0, HeadVars, ArgModes0, ArgModes),
> % Insert signals and waits into procedure body as a conjunct of a
> % parallel conjunction.
> SharedVars = set.from_list(map.keys(FutureMap)),
> transform_conjunct(SharedVars, FutureMap, Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, _,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs),
> proc_info_set_varset(!.VarSet, !ProcInfo),
> proc_info_set_vartypes(!.VarTypes, !ProcInfo),
> proc_info_set_headvars(HeadVars, !ProcInfo),
> proc_info_set_argmodes(ArgModes, !ProcInfo),
> proc_info_set_goal(Goal, !ProcInfo),
> module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo0),
> % Mark this predicate impure if it no longer has any output arguments
> % (having been replaced by a future, which is an input argument which
> % is destructively updated).
> (if any_output_arguments(!.ModuleInfo, ArgModes) then
> PredInfo = PredInfo0
> else
> pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo0, Markers0),
> add_marker(is_impure, Markers0, Markers),
> pred_info_set_markers(Markers, PredInfo0, PredInfo)
> ),
> fixup_and_reinsert_proc(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo, !.ProcInfo,
> !ModuleInfo),
> % Process the procedure again for dependent parallel conjunctions.
Continue processing the procedure and look for further dependent
parallel conjunctions.
> % Determine if a parallel conjunction is a dependent parallel conjunction.
> % If so, allocate futures for variables shared between conjuncts.
> % Insert wait and signal calls for those futures into the conjuncts.
> %
> :- pred search_goal_for_par_conj(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> instmap::in, instmap::out, dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> search_goal_for_par_conj(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, InstMap, !Info) :-
> search_goal_for_par_conj_2(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, !Info),
> update_instmap(Goal0, InstMap0, InstMap).
Why is it Goal0 not Goal in the first argument to update_instmap?
> :- pred search_goal_for_par_conj_2(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> instmap::in, dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> search_goal_for_par_conj_2(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, !Info) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> (
> GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
> (
> ConjType = plain_conj,
> search_goals_for_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, InstMap0, !Info),
> conj_list_to_goal(Goals, GoalInfo0, Goal)
> ;
> ConjType = parallel_conj,
> maybe_transform_par_conj(Goals0, GoalInfo0, Goal, InstMap0, !Info)
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
> search_disj_for_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, InstMap0, !Info),
> Goal = disj(Goals) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
> search_cases_for_par_conj(Cases0, Cases, InstMap0, !Info),
> Goal = switch(Var, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Quant, If0, Then0, Else0),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(If0, If, InstMap0, InstMap1, !Info),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(Then0, Then, InstMap1, _InstMap2, !Info),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(Else0, Else, InstMap0, _InstMap3, !Info),
> Goal = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then, Else) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(SubGoal0, SubGoal, InstMap0, _, !Info),
> Goal = negation(SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, ScopeGoal0),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal, InstMap0, _, !Info),
> Goal = scope(Reason, ScopeGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, _Kind, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_CallPredId, _CallProcId, _CallArgs, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_Details, _Args, _ArgModes, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
> unexpected(this_file,
> "shorthand goal encountered during dependent parallel " ++
> "conjunction transformation.")
> ).
> :- pred search_goals_for_par_conj(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
> instmap::in, dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> search_goals_for_par_conj([], [], _InstMap0, !Info).
> search_goals_for_par_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], InstMap0, !Info) :-
> search_goal_for_par_conj(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, InstMap, !Info),
> search_goals_for_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, InstMap, !Info).
> :- pred search_disj_for_par_conj(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
> instmap::in, dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> search_disj_for_par_conj([], [], _InstMap0, !Info).
> search_disj_for_par_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], InstMap0, !Info) :-
> search_goal_for_par_conj(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, _InstMap, !Info),
> search_disj_for_par_conj(Goals0, Goals, InstMap0, !Info).
> :- pred search_cases_for_par_conj(list(case)::in, list(case)::out, instmap::in,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> search_cases_for_par_conj([], [], _InstMap0, !Info).
> search_cases_for_par_conj([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], InstMap0, !Info) :-
> Case0 = case(Functor, Goal0),
> search_goal_for_par_conj(Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, _, !Info),
> Case = case(Functor, Goal),
> search_cases_for_par_conj(Cases0, Cases, InstMap0, !Info).
> %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> % We found a parallel conjunction. Check for any dependencies
> % between the conjuncts and, if so, insert sychronisation primitives.
> %
> :- pred maybe_transform_par_conj(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
> hlds_goal::out, instmap::in, dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out)
> is det.
> maybe_transform_par_conj(Conjuncts0, GoalInfo, NewGoal, InstMap,
> !Info) :-
> % Search subgoals for nested parallel conjunctions.
> search_goals_for_par_conj(Conjuncts0, Conjuncts, InstMap, !Info),
> % Find the variables that are shared between conjuncts.
> SharedVars0 = find_shared_variables(!.Info ^ dp_module_info,
> InstMap, Conjuncts),
> % Filter out all the variables which have already have associated futures,
> % i.e. they were head variables which were replaced by futures; signal and
> % wait calls will already have been inserted for them.
> SharedVars = filter(isnt(contains(!.Info ^ dp_ignore_vars)), SharedVars0),
> (if
> set.empty(SharedVars)
> then
> par_conj_list_to_goal(Conjuncts, GoalInfo, NewGoal)
> else
> !.Info = dep_par_info(ParProcs0, ModuleInfo0,
> VarSet0, VarTypes0, IgnoreVars),
> (if
> handle_dep_par_conj(ModuleInfo0)
> then
> transform_conjunction(SharedVars, Conjuncts, GoalInfo, NewGoal,
> InstMap, VarSet0, VarSet, VarTypes0, VarTypes,
> ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo, ParProcs0, ParProcs),
> !:Info = dep_par_info(ParProcs, ModuleInfo,
> VarSet, VarTypes, IgnoreVars)
> else
> conj_list_to_goal(Conjuncts, GoalInfo, NewGoal)
> )
> ).
> % Transforming the parallel conjunction.
> %
> % We insert waits as deeply into the conjunction as possible, and signals
> % as early as possible.
> %
> % Example:
> %
> % p(A, B, ABA) :-
> % ( append(A, B, AB)
> % & append(AB, A, ABA)
> % ).
> %
> % becomes:
> %
> % p(A, B, ABA) :-
> % new_future(FutureAB),
> % (
> % append(A, B, AB_7),
> % impure signal(FutureAB, AB_7)
> % &
> % wait(FutureAB, AB_10),
> % append(AB_10, A, ABA)
> % ).
> %
> :- pred transform_conjunction(set(prog_var)::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal::out, instmap::in,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out,
> module_info::in, module_info::out,
> par_procs::in, par_procs::out) is det.
> transform_conjunction(SharedVars, Goals, GoalInfo, NewGoal, InstMap,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs) :-
> SharedVarsList = set.to_sorted_list(SharedVars),
> list.map_foldl3(allocate_future(!.ModuleInfo), SharedVarsList,
> AllocateFutures, !VarTypes, !VarSet, map.init, FutureMap),
> list.map_foldl5(transform_conjunct(SharedVars, FutureMap),
> Goals, NewGoals,
> InstMap, _, !VarSet, !VarTypes, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs),
> Conj = AllocateFutures ++ [conj(parallel_conj, NewGoals) - GoalInfo],
> conj_list_to_goal(Conj, GoalInfo, NewGoal0),
> % Wrap a purity scope around the goal if purity would have been lessened
> % by the addition of signal goals (which are impure) or calls to
> % parallelised procs (which may be impure).
> goal_info_get_purity(GoalInfo, Purity),
> (if Purity = purity_impure then
> NewGoal = NewGoal0
> else
> Reason = promise_purity(dont_make_implicit_promises, Purity),
> NewGoal = scope(Reason, NewGoal0) - GoalInfo
> ).
> :- pred allocate_future(module_info::in, prog_var::in, hlds_goal::out,
> vartypes::in, vartypes::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out,
> future_map::in, future_map::out) is det.
> allocate_future(ModuleInfo, SharedVar, AllocGoal,
> !VarTypes, !VarSet, !FutureMap) :-
> map.lookup(!.VarTypes, SharedVar, SharedVarType),
> make_future(ModuleInfo, SharedVarType, SharedVar, !VarTypes, !VarSet,
> AllocGoal, FutureVar),
> svmap.det_insert(SharedVar, FutureVar, !FutureMap).
> :- pred transform_conjunct(set(prog_var)::in, future_map::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, instmap::in, instmap::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out,
> module_info::in, module_info::out,
> par_procs::in, par_procs::out) is det.
> transform_conjunct(SharedVars, FutureMap, Goal0, Goal, !InstMap,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes, !ModuleInfo, !ParProcs) :-
> goal_get_nonlocals(Goal0, Nonlocals),
> set.intersect(Nonlocals, SharedVars, Intersect),
> (if set.empty(Intersect) then
> Goal = Goal0
> else
> Goal0 = (_ - GoalInfo0),
The parentheses aren't necessary there.
> goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0, InstMapDelta0),
> % Divide shared variables into those that are produced by this
> % conjunct, and those that are consumed.
... that are consumed by it.
> set.divide(produced_variable(!.ModuleInfo, !.InstMap, InstMapDelta0),
> Intersect, ProducedVars, ConsumedVars),
> % Insert waits into the conjunct as deeply as possible.
> list.foldl3(insert_wait_in_goal(!.ModuleInfo, FutureMap),
> set.to_sorted_list(ConsumedVars),
> Goal0, Goal1, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> % Insert signals into the conjunct as early as possible.
> list.foldl3(insert_signal_in_goal(!.ModuleInfo, FutureMap),
> set.to_sorted_list(ProducedVars),
> Goal1, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ),
> update_instmap(Goal, !InstMap).
> % Succeed if Var is a variable bound between InstMap and
> % InstMap+InstMapDelta.
> %
> :- pred produced_variable(module_info::in, instmap::in, instmap_delta::in,
> prog_var::in) is semidet.
> produced_variable(ModuleInfo, InstMap, InstMapDelta, Var) :-
> instmap.lookup_var(InstMap, Var, OldVarInst),
> inst_is_free(ModuleInfo, OldVarInst),
> instmap_delta_search_var(InstMapDelta, Var, VarInst),
> inst_is_bound(ModuleInfo, VarInst).
Consider adding this to instmap.m, as instmap_delta_var_is_bound or
something like that.
> % Look for the first instance of the consumed variable down every
> % computation path. The first goal referring to the variable needs to
> % have a wait call inserted right before it.
> %
> :- pred insert_wait_in_goal(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> (if var_in_nonlocals(ConsumedVar, Goal0) then
> insert_wait_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> else
> Goal = Goal0
> ).
> % ConsumedVar is nonlocal to Goal0.
> %
> :- pred insert_wait_in_goal_2(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out,
> vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_wait_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> (
> GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
> (
> ConjType = plain_conj,
> insert_wait_in_conj(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goals0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> ConjType = parallel_conj,
> insert_wait_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = conj(ConjType, Goals) - GoalInfo0
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
> insert_wait_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = disj(Goals) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases0),
> (if ConsumedVar = SwitchVar then
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> else
> insert_wait_in_cases(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Cases0, Cases, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo0
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then0, Else0),
> (if var_in_nonlocals(ConsumedVar, If) then
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> else
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Then0, Then, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Else0, Else, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then, Else) - GoalInfo0
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = negation(SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = scope(Reason, SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = unify(_LHS, _RHS0, _C, _D, _UnifyContext),
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_PredId, _ProcId, _Args, _, _, _),
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_GenericCall, _Args, _Modes, _Detism),
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _PredId, _, _Args, _, _, _),
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
> unexpected(this_file,
> "shorthand goal encountered during dependent parallel " ++
> "conjunction transformation.")
> ).
> :- pred insert_wait_before_goal(module_info::in, future_map::in,
> prog_var::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_wait_before_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> FutureVar = map.lookup(FutureMap, ConsumedVar),
> make_wait(ModuleInfo, FutureVar, ConsumedVar, WaitGoal),
> conjoin_goals_update_goal_infos(WaitGoal, Goal0, Goal).
> :- pred insert_wait_in_conj(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_wait_in_conj(_ModuleInfo, _FutureMap, _ConsumedVar,
> [], true_goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> insert_wait_in_conj(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> [Goal0 | Goals0], Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> (if var_in_nonlocals(ConsumedVar, Goal0) then
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal1, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> conjoin_goal_and_goal_list_update_goal_infos(Goal1, Goals0, Goal)
> else
> insert_wait_in_conj(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goals0, Goal1, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> conjoin_goals_update_goal_infos(Goal0, Goal1, Goal)
> ).
> :- pred insert_wait_in_goals(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_wait_in_goals(_ModuleInfo, _FutureMap, _ConsumedVar,
> [], [], !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> insert_wait_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> insert_wait_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> :- pred insert_wait_in_cases(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_wait_in_cases(_ModuleInfo, _FutureMap, _ConsumedVar,
> [], [], !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> insert_wait_in_cases(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> Case0 = case(Functor, Goal0),
> insert_wait_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Case = case(Functor, Goal),
> insert_wait_in_cases(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ConsumedVar,
> Cases0, Cases, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> % Look for the first instance of the produced variable down every
> % computation path. The first goal referring to the variable must produce
> % it, so insert a signal call right after that goal.
> %
> :- pred insert_signal_in_goal(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> (if var_in_nonlocals(ProducedVar, Goal0) then
> insert_signal_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> else
> Goal = Goal0
> ).
> % ProducedVar is nonlocal to Goal0.
> %
> :- pred insert_signal_in_goal_2(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out,
> vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_signal_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> (
> GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
> (
> ConjType = plain_conj,
> insert_signal_in_conj(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goals0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> ConjType = parallel_conj,
> insert_signal_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = conj(ConjType, Goals) - GoalInfo0
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
> insert_signal_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = disj(Goals) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases0),
> (if ProducedVar = SwitchVar then
> unexpected(this_file, "switch on unbound shared variable")
> else
> insert_signal_in_cases(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Cases0, Cases, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo0
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then0, Else0),
> expect(var_not_in_nonlocals(ProducedVar, If),
> this_file, "condition binds shared variable"),
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Then0, Then, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Else0, Else, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then, Else) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
> expect(var_not_in_nonlocals(ProducedVar, SubGoal0),
> this_file, "negation binds shared variable"),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> SubGoal0, SubGoal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = scope(Reason, SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = unify(_LHS, _RHS0, _C, _D, _UnifyContext),
> insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_PredId, _ProcId, _Args, _, _, _),
> insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_GenericCall, _Args, _Modes, _Detism),
> insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _PredId, _, _Args, _, _, _),
> insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
> unexpected(this_file,
> "shorthand goal encountered during dependent parallel " ++
> "conjunction transformation.")
> ).
> :- pred insert_signal_after_goal(module_info::in, future_map::in,
> prog_var::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_signal_after_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> make_signal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar, SignalGoal),
> conjoin_goals_update_goal_infos(Goal0, SignalGoal, Goal).
> :- pred insert_signal_in_conj(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_signal_in_conj(_ModuleInfo, _FutureMap, _ProducedVar,
> [], true_goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> insert_signal_in_conj(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> [Goal0 | Goals0], Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> (if var_in_nonlocals(ProducedVar, Goal0) then
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal1, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> conjoin_goal_and_goal_list_update_goal_infos(Goal1, Goals0, Goal)
> else
> insert_signal_in_conj(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goals0, Goal1, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> conjoin_goals_update_goal_infos(Goal0, Goal1, Goal)
> ).
> :- pred insert_signal_in_goals(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_signal_in_goals(_ModuleInfo, _FutureMap, _ProducedVar,
> [], [], !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> insert_signal_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> insert_signal_in_goals(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goals0, Goals, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> :- pred insert_signal_in_cases(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> insert_signal_in_cases(_ModuleInfo, _FutureMap, _ProducedVar,
> [], [], !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> insert_signal_in_cases(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> Case0 = case(Functor, Goal0),
> insert_signal_in_goal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Goal0, Goal, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Case = case(Functor, Goal),
> insert_signal_in_cases(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar,
> Cases0, Cases, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> % Replace contiguous sequences of waits, a call to P, then signals by a
> % call to a parallelised procedure P'. Queue P' to be created later,
> % if it has not been created already.
> %
> :- pred replace_sequences_in_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> replace_sequences_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> (
> GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
> (
> ConjType = plain_conj,
> replace_sequences_in_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info),
> conj_list_to_goal(Goals, GoalInfo0, Goal)
> ;
> ConjType = parallel_conj,
> replace_sequences_in_goals(Goals0, Goals, !Info),
> Goal = conj(ConjType, Goals) - GoalInfo0
> )
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
> replace_sequences_in_goals(Goals0, Goals, !Info),
> Goal = disj(Goals) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases0),
> replace_sequences_in_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info),
> Goal = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Quant, If0, Then0, Else0),
> replace_sequences_in_goal(If0, If, !Info),
> replace_sequences_in_goal(Then0, Then, !Info),
> replace_sequences_in_goal(Else0, Else, !Info),
> Goal = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then, Else) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
> replace_sequences_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
> Goal = negation(SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
> replace_sequences_in_goal(SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Info),
> Goal = scope(Reason, SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = unify(_LHS, _RHS0, _C, _D, _UnifyContext),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_PredId, _ProcId, _Args, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_GenericCall, _Args, _Modes, _Detism),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
> unexpected(this_file,
> "shorthand goal encountered during dependent parallel " ++
> "conjunction transformation.")
> ).
> :- pred replace_sequences_in_conj(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> replace_sequences_in_conj(Goals0, Goals, !Info) :-
> % For each call goal, look backwards for as many wait calls
> % as possible and forward for as many signal calls as possible.
> % To look backwards keep a stack of the preceding goals.
> replace_sequences_in_conj_2([], Goals0, Goals, !Info).
> :- pred replace_sequences_in_conj_2(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::in,
> hlds_goals::out, dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> replace_sequences_in_conj_2(RevGoals, [], reverse(RevGoals), !Info).
> replace_sequences_in_conj_2(RevGoals0, [Goal0 | Goals0], Goals, !Info) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> (if
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
> not is_wait_goal(Goal0),
> not is_signal_goal(Goal0)
> then
> CallGoal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0, % dumb mode system
If you think the mode system is dumb then fix it ... ;-)
> maybe_replace_call(RevGoals0, CallGoal0, Goals0, RevGoals1, Goals1,
> !Info),
> replace_sequences_in_conj_2(RevGoals1, Goals1, Goals, !Info)
> else
> replace_sequences_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
> replace_sequences_in_conj_2([Goal | RevGoals0], Goals0, Goals, !Info)
> ).
> :- pred replace_sequences_in_goals(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> replace_sequences_in_goals([], [], !Info).
> replace_sequences_in_goals([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !Info) :-
> replace_sequences_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
> replace_sequences_in_goals(Goals0, Goals, !Info).
> :- pred replace_sequences_in_cases(list(case)::in, list(case)::out,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> replace_sequences_in_cases([], [], !Info).
> replace_sequences_in_cases([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], !Info) :-
> Case0 = case(Functor, Goal0),
> replace_sequences_in_goal(Goal0, Goal, !Info),
> Case = case(Functor, Goal),
> replace_sequences_in_cases(Cases0, Cases, !Info).
> :- inst call_goal_expr
> == bound(plain_call(ground, ground, ground, ground, ground, ground)).
> :- inst call_goal
> == bound(call_goal_expr - ground).
> :- pred maybe_replace_call(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goal::in(call_goal),
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out, hlds_goals::out,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> maybe_replace_call(RevGoals0, Goal0, FwdGoals0, RevGoals, FwdGoals, !Info) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - _,
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, CallVars, _, _, _),
> module_info_pred_info(!.Info ^ dp_module_info, PredId, PredInfo),
> (if
> ProcId `list.member` pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo)
> then
> % RevGoals0 = WaitGoals1 ++ RevGoals1
> % FwdGoals0 = SignalGoals1 ++ FwdGoals1
> %
> list.takewhile(is_wait_goal, RevGoals0, WaitGoals1, RevGoals1),
> list.takewhile(is_signal_goal, FwdGoals0, SignalGoals1, FwdGoals1),
> % Filter out relevant and irrelevant wait and signal goals
> % i.e. wait and signal goals for variables that appear as call
> % arguments or not.
> %
> list.filter_map(relevant_wait_goal(CallVars), WaitGoals1,
> WaitPairs, IrrelevantWaitGoals),
> list.filter_map(relevant_signal_goal(CallVars), SignalGoals1,
> SignalPairs, IrrelevantSignalGoals),
> (if
> WaitPairs = [],
> SignalPairs = []
> then
> RevGoals = [Goal0 | RevGoals0],
> FwdGoals = FwdGoals0
> else
> replace_call(WaitPairs, SignalPairs, Goal0, Goal, !Info),
> % After the replaced call may be further references to a waited
> % variable. Add `get' goals after the transformed goal (a get
> % is a wait without the waiting). We assume the get goals will
> % be simplified away if they turn out to be unnecessary.
> %
> % XXX the simplify pass that comes later doesn't always remove
> % these calls even if they're unnecessary
> %
> list.map(make_get(!.Info ^ dp_module_info), WaitPairs, GetGoals),
> RevGoals = GetGoals ++ [Goal] ++ IrrelevantWaitGoals ++ RevGoals1,
> FwdGoals = IrrelevantSignalGoals ++ FwdGoals1
> )
> else
> RevGoals = [Goal0 | RevGoals0],
> FwdGoals = FwdGoals0
> ).
> :- type future_var_pair
> ---> future_var_pair(
> fvp_future :: prog_var,
> fvp_var :: prog_var
> ).
> :- func fvp_var(future_var_pair) = prog_var.
> :- pred relevant_wait_goal(list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal::in,
> future_var_pair::out) is semidet.
> relevant_wait_goal(CallVars, Goal - _GoalInfo,
> future_var_pair(Future, WaitVar)) :-
> Goal = plain_call(_, _, [Future, WaitVar], _, _, _),
> WaitVar `list.member` CallVars.
> :- pred relevant_signal_goal(list(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal::in,
> future_var_pair::out) is semidet.
> relevant_signal_goal(CallVars, Goal - _GoalInfo,
> future_var_pair(Future, SignalVar)) :-
> Goal = plain_call(_, _, [Future, SignalVar], _, _, _),
> SignalVar `list.member` CallVars.
> :- pred replace_call(list(future_var_pair)::in, list(future_var_pair)::in,
> hlds_goal::in(bound(call_goal_expr - ground)), hlds_goal::out,
> dep_par_info::in, dep_par_info::out) is det.
> replace_call(WaitPairs, SignalPairs, Goal0, Goal, !Info) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(PredId, ProcId, CallVars, _Builtin, Context, _Name),
> OrigPPId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
> WaitVars = list.map(fvp_var, WaitPairs),
> SignalVars = list.map(fvp_var, SignalPairs),
> number_future_args(1, CallVars, WaitVars ++ SignalVars, [], FutureArgs),
> CallPattern = par_proc_call_pattern(OrigPPId, FutureArgs),
> (if
> find_par_proc_for_call_pattern(!.Info ^ dp_par_procs,
> CallPattern, ParProc)
> then
> ParProc = new_par_proc(ParPPId, ParName)
> else
> % Queue a new parallel procedure to be made.
> !.Info = dep_par_info(ParProcs0, ModuleInfo0,
> VarSet, VarTypes, IgnoreVars),
> create_new_pred(FutureArgs, OrigPPId, ParPPId, NewName,
> ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
> module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
> ParName = qualified(ModuleName, NewName),
> queue_par_proc(CallPattern, new_par_proc(ParPPId, ParName),
> ParProcs0, ParProcs),
> !:Info = dep_par_info(ParProcs, ModuleInfo,
> VarSet, VarTypes, IgnoreVars)
> ),
> % Replace the call with a call to the parallelised procedure.
> ParPPId = proc(ParPredId, ParProcId),
> list.map(replace_args_with_futures(WaitPairs ++ SignalPairs),
> CallVars, NewCallVars),
> GoalExpr = plain_call(ParPredId, ParProcId, NewCallVars, not_builtin,
> Context, ParName),
> Goal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo0.
> :- pred find_par_proc_for_call_pattern(par_procs::in,
> par_proc_call_pattern::in, new_par_proc::out) is semidet.
> find_par_proc_for_call_pattern(par_procs(DoneParProcs, PendingProcs),
> CallPattern, NewProc) :-
> ( search(DoneParProcs, CallPattern, NewProc0) ->
> NewProc = NewProc0
> ; search(PendingProcs, CallPattern, NewProc0) ->
> NewProc = NewProc0
> ;
> fail
> ).
> :- pred queue_par_proc(par_proc_call_pattern::in, new_par_proc::in,
> par_procs::in, par_procs::out) is det.
> queue_par_proc(CallPattern, NewProc,
> par_procs(Done, Pending),
> par_procs(Done, [CallPattern - NewProc | Pending])).
> :- pred replace_args_with_futures(list(future_var_pair)::in,
> prog_var::in, prog_var::out) is det.
> replace_args_with_futures([], Var, Var).
> replace_args_with_futures([H | T], Var0, Var) :-
> H = future_var_pair(Future, X),
> (if X = Var0 then
> Var = Future
> else
> replace_args_with_futures(T, Var0, Var)
> ).
> :- pred number_future_args(arg_pos::in, prog_vars::in, list(prog_var)::in,
> list(arg_pos)::in, list(arg_pos)::out) is det.
> number_future_args(_, [], _, RevAcc, reverse(RevAcc)).
> number_future_args(ArgNo, [Arg | Args], WaitSignalVars, !RevAcc) :-
> (if Arg `list.member` WaitSignalVars then
> list.cons(ArgNo, !RevAcc)
> else
> true
> ),
> number_future_args(ArgNo+1, Args, WaitSignalVars, !RevAcc).
> :- pred create_new_pred(list(arg_pos)::in, pred_proc_id::in,
> pred_proc_id::out, string::out, module_info::in, module_info::out)
> is det.
> create_new_pred(FutureArgs, OrigPPId, proc(NewPredId, ProcId), NewPredName,
> !ModuleInfo) :-
> OrigPPId = proc(_, ProcId),
> module_info_pred_proc_info(!.ModuleInfo, OrigPPId,
> OrigPredInfo, OrigProcInfo),
> Status = local,
> make_new_pred_info(FutureArgs, Status, OrigPPId, OrigPredInfo,
> NewPredInfo0),
> NewPredName = pred_info_name(NewPredInfo0),
> % Assign the old procedure to a new predicate, which will be modified
> % in a later pass.
> pred_info_get_procedures(NewPredInfo0, NewProcs0),
> map.set(NewProcs0, ProcId, OrigProcInfo, NewProcs),
> pred_info_set_procedures(NewProcs, NewPredInfo0, NewPredInfo),
> % Add the new predicate to the pred table.
> module_info_get_predicate_table(!.ModuleInfo, PredTable0),
> predicate_table_insert(NewPredInfo, NewPredId, PredTable0, PredTable),
> module_info_set_predicate_table(PredTable, !ModuleInfo).
> % The comments in this predicate are from unused_args.m
> %
The comments in this predicate shouldn't be from unused_args.m ;-)
(At the very least that comment needs an XXX on it saying that they
need to be updated - preferably the actual comments in the predicate
would be updated.)
> :- pred make_new_pred_info(list(arg_pos)::in, import_status::in,
> pred_proc_id::in, pred_info::in, pred_info::out) is det.
> make_new_pred_info(FutureArgs, Status, proc(PredId, ProcId), !PredInfo) :-
> PredModule = pred_info_module(!.PredInfo),
> Name0 = pred_info_name(!.PredInfo),
> PredOrFunc = pred_info_is_pred_or_func(!.PredInfo),
> pred_info_get_arg_types(!.PredInfo, Tvars, ExistQVars, ArgTypes0),
> pred_info_get_origin(!.PredInfo, OrigOrigin),
> make_pred_name(PredModule, "Parallel", yes(PredOrFunc),
> Name0, parallel_args(FutureArgs), Name1),
> % The mode number is included because we want to avoid the creation of
> % more than one predicate with the same name if more than one mode of
> % a predicate is parallelised. Since the names of e.g. deep profiling
> % proc_static structures are derived from the names of predicates,
> % duplicate predicate names lead to duplicate global variable names
> % and hence to link errors.
> proc_id_to_int(ProcId, ProcInt),
> add_sym_name_suffix(Name1, "_" ++ int_to_string(ProcInt), Name),
> Arity = pred_info_orig_arity(!.PredInfo),
> pred_info_get_typevarset(!.PredInfo, TypeVars),
> futurise_argtypes(1, FutureArgs, ArgTypes0, ArgTypes),
> pred_info_context(!.PredInfo, Context),
> pred_info_clauses_info(!.PredInfo, ClausesInfo),
> pred_info_get_markers(!.PredInfo, Markers),
> pred_info_get_goal_type(!.PredInfo, GoalType),
> pred_info_get_class_context(!.PredInfo, ClassContext),
> % Since this pred_info isn't built until after the polymorphism
> % transformation is complete, we just use dummy maps for the class
> % constraints.
> map.init(EmptyProofs),
> map.init(EmptyConstraintMap),
> Origin = transformed(dependent_parallel_conjunction, OrigOrigin, PredId),
> pred_info_init(PredModule, Name, Arity, PredOrFunc, Context, Origin,
> Status, GoalType, Markers, ArgTypes, Tvars, ExistQVars,
> ClassContext, EmptyProofs, EmptyConstraintMap, ClausesInfo,
> !:PredInfo),
> pred_info_set_typevarset(TypeVars, !PredInfo).
> :- pred futurise_argtypes(arg_pos::in, list(arg_pos)::in, list(mer_type)::in,
> list(mer_type)::out) is det.
> futurise_argtypes(_, [], ArgTypes, ArgTypes).
> futurise_argtypes(ArgNo, [FutureArg | FutureArgs], [ArgType0 | ArgTypes0],
> [ArgType | ArgTypes]) :-
> (if ArgNo = FutureArg then
> construct_future_type(ArgType0, ArgType),
> futurise_argtypes(ArgNo+1, FutureArgs,
> ArgTypes0, ArgTypes)
> else
> ArgType = ArgType0,
> futurise_argtypes(ArgNo+1, [FutureArg | FutureArgs],
> ArgTypes0, ArgTypes)
> ).
> futurise_argtypes(_, [_|_], [], _) :-
> unexpected(this_file,
> "futurise_argtypes: more future arguments than argument types").
> % Rename apart variables so that parallel conjuncts do not share
> % the names of any variables except for futures.
> % In exactly one conjunct the name of a shared variable is left
> % unchanged, so that code following the parallel conjunction
> % can refer to the old name.
> %
> % We do this as a separate pass to keep the code introducing futures,
> % waits and signals simpler. Also that pass works inside out, whereas
> % this pass works from the outside in.
> %
> :- pred rename_apart_in_goal(module_info::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, instmap::in,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo, Goal0, Goal, InstMap,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0,
> (
> GoalExpr0 = conj(ConjType, Goals0),
> (
> ConjType = plain_conj,
> rename_apart_in_conj(ModuleInfo, Goals0, Goals, InstMap,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ;
> ConjType = parallel_conj,
> % Get nonlocal variables which are not futures.
> SharedVars0 = find_shared_variables(ModuleInfo, InstMap, Goals0),
> NonFutureVar = (pred(Var::in) is semidet :-
> map.lookup(!.VarTypes, Var, Type),
> not is_future_type(Type)
> ),
> SharedVars = set.filter(NonFutureVar, SharedVars0),
> list.map_foldl3(rename_apart_in_par_conjunct(SharedVars),
> Goals0, Goals1,
> SharedVars, _, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> rename_apart_in_goals(ModuleInfo,
> Goals1, Goals, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes)
> ),
> Goal = conj(ConjType, Goals) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
> rename_apart_in_goals(ModuleInfo,
> Goals0, Goals, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = disj(Goals) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases0),
> rename_apart_in_cases(ModuleInfo,
> Cases0, Cases, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = switch(SwitchVar, CanFail, Cases) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(Quant, If0, Then0, Else0),
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> If0, If, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> Then0, Then, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> Else0, Else, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = if_then_else(Quant, If, Then, Else) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = negation(SubGoal0),
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> SubGoal0, SubGoal, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = negation(SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = scope(Reason, SubGoal0),
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> SubGoal0, SubGoal, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Goal = scope(Reason, SubGoal) - GoalInfo0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = unify(_LHS, _RHS0, _C, _D, _UnifyContext),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = plain_call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = generic_call(_, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = call_foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
> Goal = Goal0
> ;
> GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
> Goal = Goal0
> ).
> :- pred rename_apart_in_conj(module_info::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out, instmap::in,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> rename_apart_in_conj(_ModuleInfo,
> [], [], _InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> rename_apart_in_conj(ModuleInfo,
> [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> update_instmap(Goal, InstMap0, InstMap),
> rename_apart_in_conj(ModuleInfo,
> Goals0, Goals, InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> :- pred rename_apart_in_goals(module_info::in,
> hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out, instmap::in,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> rename_apart_in_goals(_ModuleInfo,
> [], [], _InstMap, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> rename_apart_in_goals(ModuleInfo,
> [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> rename_apart_in_goals(ModuleInfo,
> Goals0, Goals, InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> :- pred rename_apart_in_cases(module_info::in,
> list(case)::in, list(case)::out, instmap::in,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> rename_apart_in_cases(_ModuleInfo,
> [], [], _InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> rename_apart_in_cases(ModuleInfo,
> [Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], InstMap0,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> Case0 = case(Functor, Goal0),
> rename_apart_in_goal(ModuleInfo,
> Goal0, Goal, InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes),
> Case = case(Functor, Goal),
> rename_apart_in_cases(ModuleInfo,
> Cases0, Cases, InstMap0, !VarSet, !VarTypes).
> :- pred rename_apart_in_par_conjunct(set(prog_var)::in,
> hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
> prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, vartypes::in, vartypes::out) is det.
> rename_apart_in_par_conjunct(AllNonLocals, Goal0, Goal,
> DontRename0, DontRename, !VarSet, !VarTypes) :-
> free_goal_vars(Goal0) = GoalVars,
> set.intersect(GoalVars, AllNonLocals, Intersect),
> set.difference(Intersect, DontRename0) = DoRename,
> set.difference(DontRename0, Intersect) = DontRename,
> create_variables(set.to_sorted_list(DoRename),
> !.VarSet, !.VarTypes,
> !VarSet, !VarTypes, map.init, Renaming),
> rename_vars_in_goal(Renaming, Goal0, Goal).
Add a comment describing the following predicate.
> :- pred make_future(module_info::in, mer_type::in, prog_var::in, vartypes::in,
> vartypes::out, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, hlds_goal::out,
> prog_var::out) is det.
> make_future(ModuleInfo, SharedVarType, SharedVar, !VarTypes, !VarSet,
> AllocGoal, FutureVar) :-
> construct_future_type(SharedVarType, FutureType),
> varset.lookup_name(!.VarSet, SharedVar, SharedVarName),
> svvarset.new_named_var("Future" ++ SharedVarName, FutureVar, !VarSet),
> svmap.det_insert(FutureVar, FutureType, !VarTypes),
> ModuleName = mercury_par_builtin_module,
> PredName = "new_future",
> Args = [FutureVar],
> Features = [],
> InstMapSrc = [FutureVar - ground(shared, none)],
> Context = term.context_init,
> goal_util.generate_simple_call(ModuleName, PredName, predicate,
> only_mode, detism_det, purity_pure, Args, Features, InstMapSrc,
> ModuleInfo, Context, AllocGoal).
> % Construct type future(T) given type T.
> %
> :- pred construct_future_type(mer_type::in, mer_type::out) is det.
> construct_future_type(T, FutureT) :-
> Future = qualified(mercury_par_builtin_module, "future"),
> FutureCtor = type_ctor(Future, 1),
> construct_type(FutureCtor, [T], FutureT).
> :- pred is_future_type(mer_type::in) is semidet.
> is_future_type(T) :-
> Future = qualified(mercury_par_builtin_module, "future"),
> FutureCtor = type_ctor(Future, 1),
> type_to_ctor_and_args(T, FutureCtor, _Args).
> :- pred make_wait(module_info::in, prog_var::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goal::out) is det.
> make_wait(ModuleInfo, FutureVar, WaitVar, WaitGoal) :-
> make_wait_or_get(ModuleInfo, FutureVar, WaitVar, "wait", WaitGoal).
I suggest calling this predicate: make_wait_goal.
> :- pred make_get(module_info::in, future_var_pair::in,
> hlds_goal::out) is det.
> make_get(ModuleInfo, future_var_pair(FutureVar, WaitVar), WaitGoal) :-
> make_wait_or_get(ModuleInfo, FutureVar, WaitVar, "get", WaitGoal).
> :- pred make_wait_or_get(module_info::in, prog_var::in, prog_var::in,
> string::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
> make_wait_or_get(ModuleInfo, FutureVar, WaitVar, PredName, WaitGoal) :-
> ModuleName = mercury_par_builtin_module,
> Args = [FutureVar, WaitVar],
> Features = [],
> InstMapSrc = [WaitVar - ground(shared, none)],
> Context = term.context_init,
> goal_util.generate_simple_call(ModuleName, PredName, predicate,
> only_mode, detism_det, purity_pure, Args, Features, InstMapSrc,
> ModuleInfo, Context, WaitGoal).
> :- pred make_signal(module_info::in, future_map::in, prog_var::in,
> hlds_goal::out) is det.
I suggest calling this predicate: make_signal_goal.
> make_signal(ModuleInfo, FutureMap, ProducedVar, SignalGoal) :-
> FutureVar = map.lookup(FutureMap, ProducedVar),
> ModuleName = mercury_par_builtin_module,
> PredName = "signal",
> Args = [FutureVar, ProducedVar],
> Features = [],
> InstMapSrc = [],
> Context = term.context_init,
> goal_util.generate_simple_call(ModuleName, PredName, predicate,
> only_mode, detism_det, purity_impure, Args, Features, InstMapSrc,
> ModuleInfo, Context, SignalGoal).
To be continued ... (could you please post an amended version of the
description of the transformation in the comments at the head of the
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