[m-rev.] Add a listing facility to mdb
Ralph Becket
rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue Oct 11 17:00:05 AEST 2005
Estimated hours taken: 6
Branches: main
Add a file listing facility to mdb.
Mention the new facility.
Functionality to search for files and list parts of them.
Add listing.m to the browser library.
Document the `list', `push_list_dir', and `pop_list_dir' commands.
Implement the C part of the `list', `push_list_dir', and `pop_list_dir'
Index: browser/listing.m
RCS file: browser/listing.m
diff -N browser/listing.m
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ browser/listing.m 11 Oct 2005 06:38:06 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+% listing.m
+% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
+% Thu Oct 6 16:07:01 EST 2005
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
+% Support for providing file listing functionality in the debugger.
+:- module mdb.listing.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module string.
+:- type listings.
+:- type line_no == int.
+:- type path_name == string.
+:- type file_name == string.
+ % Construct a new listings structure with a default search path of
+ % [dir.this_directory].
+ %
+:- func new_listings = listings.
+ % push_file_name_path(PathName, !Listings)
+ % Push PathName on to the stack of directories searched for
+ % FileName matches by list_file/7.
+ %
+:- pred push_file_name_path(path_name::in, listings::in, listings::out) is det.
+ % pop_file_name_path(!Listings)
+ % Pop the last PathName pushed on to the stack of directories.
+ % Does nothing if the search path stack is empty.
+ %
+:- pred pop_file_name_path(listings::in, listings::out) is det.
+ % list_file(FileName, FirstLine, LastLine, MarkLine, !Listings, !IO)
+ %
+ % Print the lines from FileName with numbers in the range
+ % FirstLine .. LastLine (the first line is numbered 1).
+ % The line numbered MarkLine is marked with a chevron, all
+ % other lines are indented appropriately.
+ %
+ % A file matching FileName is searched for by first looking
+ % in the current working directory or, failing that, by
+ % prepending each PathName on the search path stack in
+ % turn until a match is found. If no match is found then
+ % an error message is printed.
+ %
+:- pred list_file(file_name::in, line_no::in, line_no::in, line_no::in,
+ listings::in, listings::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module char.
+:- import_module dir.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- type listings
+ ---> listings(
+ search_path :: search_path,
+ file_name_line_offsets :: file_name_line_offsets
+ ).
+:- type search_path == list(path_name).
+:- type line_offsets == array(int). % Offset into file of each newline.
+ % A mapping from file names to absolute file names and line offsets.
+ %
+:- type file_name_line_offsets == map(file_name, {file_name, line_offsets}).
+ % These predicates are called from trace/mercury_trace_internal.c.
+ %
+:- pragma export(new_listings = out,
+ "MR_listing__new_listings").
+:- pragma export(push_file_name_path(in, in, out),
+ "MR_listing__push_file_name_path").
+:- pragma export(pop_file_name_path(in, out),
+ "MR_listing__pop_file_name_path").
+:- pragma export(list_file(in, in, in, in, in, out, di, uo),
+ "MR_listing__list_file").
+new_listings = listings([dir.this_directory], map.init).
+push_file_name_path(PathName, Listings0, Listings) :-
+ Listings =
+ Listings0 ^ search_path := [PathName | Listings0 ^ search_path].
+pop_file_name_path(Listings0, Listings) :-
+ SearchPath0 = Listings0 ^ search_path,
+ (
+ SearchPath0 = [],
+ Listings = Listings0
+ ;
+ SearchPath0 = [_PathName | SearchPath],
+ Listings = Listings0 ^ search_path := SearchPath
+ ).
+list_file(FileName0, FirstLine, LastLine, MarkLine, !Listings, !IO) :-
+ ( if
+ !.Listings ^ file_name_line_offsets ^ elem(FileName0) =
+ {FileName, LineOffsets}
+ then
+ print_lines_in_range(FileName, FirstLine, LastLine, MarkLine,
+ LineOffsets, !IO)
+ else
+ SearchPath = !.Listings ^ search_path,
+ find_file_name_line_offsets(SearchPath, FileName0,
+ MaybeFileNameLineOffsets, !IO),
+ (
+ MaybeFileNameLineOffsets = yes({FileName, LineOffsets}),
+ !:Listings =
+ !.Listings ^ file_name_line_offsets ^ elem(FileName0) :=
+ {FileName, LineOffsets},
+ print_lines_in_range(FileName, FirstLine, LastLine, MarkLine,
+ LineOffsets, !IO)
+ ;
+ MaybeFileNameLineOffsets = no,
+ io.write_string("cannot find file " ++ FileName0 ++ "\n", !IO)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred find_file_name_line_offsets(search_path::in, file_name::in,
+ maybe({file_name, line_offsets})::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+find_file_name_line_offsets(SearchPath, FileName0, Result, !IO) :-
+ find_file_stream(SearchPath, FileName0, MaybeFileNameStream, !IO),
+ (
+ MaybeFileNameStream = no,
+ Result = no
+ ;
+ MaybeFileNameStream = yes({FileName, Stream}),
+ find_line_offsets(Stream, 0, [0], LineOffsets, !IO),
+ Result = yes({FileName, LineOffsets})
+ ).
+ % Search for the first file with the given name on the search path
+ % that we can open for reading and return the complete file name
+ % (including the path component) and input stream handle.
+ %
+:- pred find_file_stream(search_path::in, file_name::in,
+ maybe({file_name, io.input_stream})::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+find_file_stream([], _, no, !IO).
+find_file_stream([Path | SearchPath], FileName0, MaybeFileNameStream, !IO) :-
+ FileName = Path / FileName0,
+ io.open_input(FileName, Result, !IO),
+ (
+ Result = ok(Stream),
+ MaybeFileNameStream = yes({FileName, Stream})
+ ;
+ Result = error(_),
+ find_file_stream(SearchPath, FileName0, MaybeFileNameStream, !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred find_line_offsets(io.input_stream::in, int::in, list(int)::in,
+ line_offsets::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+find_line_offsets(Stream, I, RevOffsets0, LineOffsets, !IO) :-
+ io.read_char(Stream, Result, !IO),
+ (
+ Result = ok(Char),
+ ( if Char = '\n' then RevOffsets = [I + 1 | RevOffsets0]
+ else RevOffsets = RevOffsets0 ),
+ find_line_offsets(Stream, I + 1, RevOffsets, LineOffsets, !IO)
+ ;
+ Result = eof,
+ LineOffsets = array(list.reverse(RevOffsets0))
+ ;
+ Result = error(Error),
+ report_io_error(Error, !IO),
+ LineOffsets = make_empty_array
+ ).
+:- pred print_lines_in_range(file_name::in, line_no::in, line_no::in,
+ line_no::in, line_offsets::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_lines_in_range(FileName, FirstLine0, LastLine0, MarkLine0, LineOffsets,
+ !IO) :-
+ FirstLine = max(1, FirstLine0) - 1,
+ LastLine = min(array.max(LineOffsets), LastLine0) - 1,
+ MarkLine = MarkLine0 - 1,
+ io.open_binary_input(FileName, Result, !IO),
+ (
+ Result = ok(Stream),
+ ( if 0 =< FirstLine, FirstLine =< LastLine then
+ io.seek_binary(Stream, io.set, LineOffsets ^ elem(FirstLine), !IO)
+ else
+ true
+ ),
+ echo_lines(Stream, FirstLine, LastLine, MarkLine, !IO),
+ io.close_binary_input(Stream, !IO)
+ ;
+ Result = error(Error),
+ report_io_error(Error, !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred echo_lines(io.binary_input_stream::in, line_no::in, line_no::in,
+ line_no::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+echo_lines(Stream, CurrentLine, LastLine, MarkLine, !IO) :-
+ ( if CurrentLine > LastLine then
+ true
+ else
+ io.write_string((if CurrentLine = MarkLine then "> " else " "), !IO),
+ echo_line(Stream, !IO),
+ echo_lines(Stream, CurrentLine + 1, LastLine, MarkLine, !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred echo_line(io.binary_input_stream::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+echo_line(Stream, !IO) :-
+ io.read_byte(Stream, Result, !IO),
+ (
+ Result = ok(Byte),
+ Char = char.det_from_int(Byte),
+ io.write_char(Char, !IO),
+ ( if Char = '\n'
+ then true
+ else echo_line(Stream, !IO)
+ )
+ ;
+ Result = eof
+ ;
+ Result = error(Error),
+ io.nl(!IO),
+ report_io_error(Error, !IO)
+ ).
+:- pred report_io_error(io.error::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+report_io_error(Error, !IO) :-
+ io.write_string("* ", !IO),
+ io.write_string(io.error_message(Error), !IO),
+ io.nl(!IO).
Index: browser/mdb.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/browser/mdb.m,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 mdb.m
--- browser/mdb.m 11 Jul 2005 07:30:21 -0000 1.21
+++ browser/mdb.m 10 Oct 2005 04:10:09 -0000
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
:- include_module help.
:- include_module interactive_query.
:- include_module io_action.
+:- include_module listing.
:- implementation.
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.453
diff -u -r1.453 user_guide.texi
--- doc/user_guide.texi 10 Oct 2005 06:54:56 -0000 1.453
+++ doc/user_guide.texi 11 Oct 2005 06:53:24 -0000
@@ -2886,6 +2886,22 @@
@c if it is available,
@c to the specified file. The option @samp{-x} (or @samp{--xml}) causes the
@c output to be in XML.
+ at sp 1
+ at item list [@var{num}]
+ at kindex list (mdb command)
+Lists the source code text for the current environment, including
+ at var{num} preceding and following lines. If @var{num} is not provided then
+a default of three is used.
+ at sp 1
+ at item push_list_dir @var{dir1} @var{dir2} ...
+ at kindex push_list_dir (mdb command)
+The @samp{list} command searches a list of directories when looking for a
+source code file. The @samp{push_list_dir} pushes one or more such
+directories on to this list.
+ at sp 1
+ at item pop_list_dir
+ at kindex pop_list_dir (mdb command)
+Pops the most recent @samp{push_list_dir}' directory from the search list.
@end table
@sp 1
Index: trace/mercury_trace_internal.c
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/trace/mercury_trace_internal.c,v
retrieving revision 1.215
diff -u -r1.215 mercury_trace_internal.c
--- trace/mercury_trace_internal.c 5 Oct 2005 06:11:57 -0000 1.215
+++ trace/mercury_trace_internal.c 11 Oct 2005 06:41:52 -0000
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "mercury_trace_source.h"
#include "mdb.browse.mh"
+#include "mdb.listing.mh"
#include "mdb.diff.mh"
#include "mdb.browser_info.mh"
#include "mdb.declarative_execution.mh"
@@ -229,6 +230,20 @@
static MR_bool MR_print_goal_paths = MR_TRUE;
+** MR_listings_state holds the current value of the listings structure
+** as defined in browser/listing.m.
+static MR_Word MR_listings_state;
+** MR_num_context_lines holds the current number of context lines to be
+** printed before and after the current callee/caller's file context.
+static int MR_num_context_lines = 2;
typedef struct MR_Line_Struct {
char *MR_line_contents;
struct MR_Line_Struct *MR_line_next;
@@ -464,6 +479,9 @@
static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_cmd_hold;
static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_cmd_diff;
static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_cmd_save_to_file;
+static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_list_part_of_file;
+static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_push_list_dir;
+static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_pop_list_dir;
static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_cmd_break;
static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_cmd_condition;
static MR_TraceCmdFunc MR_trace_cmd_ignore;
@@ -932,6 +950,12 @@
+ ** Set up MR_listings_state.
+ */
+ MR_listings_state = MR_listing__new_listings();
+ /*
** These functions add the commands to the front of the queue, so
** we call them in the reverse order we want the commands executed.
@@ -2644,6 +2668,100 @@
+ /*
+ ** list [num]
+ ** List num lines of context around the line number of the context of the
+ ** current point (i.e., level in the call stack). If num is not given,
+ ** the number of context lines defaults to the value of the context_lines
+ ** setting.
+ **
+ ** TODO: add the following (use MR_parse_source_locn()):
+ ** list filename:num[-num]
+ ** List a range of lines from a given file. If only one number is
+ ** given, the default number of lines of context is used.
+ */
+static MR_Next
+MR_trace_list_part_of_file(char **words, int word_count,
+ MR_Trace_Cmd_Info *cmd, MR_Event_Info *event_info,
+ MR_Event_Details *event_details, MR_Code **jumpaddr)
+ const MR_Proc_Layout *entry_ptr;
+ const char *filename;
+ int lineno;
+ MR_Word *base_sp_ptr;
+ MR_Word *base_curfr_ptr;
+ MR_bool num = MR_num_context_lines;
+ if (word_count > 2) {
+ MR_trace_usage("browsing", "list");
+ }
+ if (word_count == 2) {
+ char *last_char_parsed;
+ num = strtoul(words[1], &last_char_parsed, 10);
+ if (*last_char_parsed != '\0') {
+ MR_trace_usage("browsing", "list");
+ }
+ }
+ MR_trace_current_level_details(&entry_ptr, &filename, &lineno,
+ &base_sp_ptr, &base_curfr_ptr);
+ /* rafe: XXX Maybe need to use MR_make_aligned_string() for filename? */
+ MR_listing__list_file((char *) filename, lineno - num, lineno + num,
+ lineno, MR_listings_state, &MR_listings_state);
+ );
+static MR_Next
+MR_trace_push_list_dir(char **words, int word_count,
+ MR_Trace_Cmd_Info *cmd, MR_Event_Info *event_info,
+ MR_Event_Details *event_details, MR_Code **jumpaddr)
+ int i;
+ if (word_count < 2) {
+ MR_trace_usage("browsing", "push_list_dir");
+ }
+ /* rafe: XXX Maybe need to use MR_make_aligned_string() for filename? */
+ for(i = 1; i < word_count; i++) {
+ MR_listing__push_file_name_path((MR_String) words[i],
+ MR_listings_state, &MR_listings_state);
+ );
+ }
+static MR_Next
+MR_trace_pop_list_dir(char **words, int word_count,
+ MR_Trace_Cmd_Info *cmd, MR_Event_Info *event_info,
+ MR_Event_Details *event_details, MR_Code **jumpaddr)
+ if (word_count > 1) {
+ MR_trace_usage("browsing", "pop_list_dir");
+ }
+ MR_listing__pop_file_name_path(MR_listings_state, &MR_listings_state);
+ );
static MR_Next
MR_trace_cmd_break(char **words, int word_count, MR_Trace_Cmd_Info *cmd,
MR_Event_Info *event_info, MR_Event_Details *event_details,
@@ -8357,6 +8475,12 @@
NULL, MR_trace_var_completer },
{ "browsing", "save_to_file", MR_trace_cmd_save_to_file,
NULL, MR_trace_var_completer },
+ { "browsing", "list", MR_trace_list_part_of_file,
+ NULL, MR_trace_null_completer },
+ { "browsing", "push_list_dir", MR_trace_push_list_dir,
+ NULL, MR_trace_null_completer },
+ { "browsing", "pop_list_dir", MR_trace_pop_list_dir,
+ NULL, MR_trace_null_completer },
{ "breakpoint", "break", MR_trace_cmd_break,
MR_trace_break_cmd_args, MR_trace_proc_spec_completer },
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