[m-rev.] for review: make pred names for lambdas unique

Ian MacLarty maclarty at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Tue May 24 15:10:12 AEST 2005

On 24 May 2005, at 00:10, Julien Fischer wrote:

> On Mon, 23 May 2005, Ian MacLarty wrote:
>> I'm not sure if I've done this change correctly.  There seem to be 
>> two places
>> where the predicate name of a lambda expression is computed.  Once 
>> when it gets
>> added to the hlds (in lambda.m) and then again when the C code is 
>> generated
>> (in layout_out.m).  I have no idea why this is done twice.  Also the 
>> unique
>> number associated with each lambda is called "LambdaCount" in 
>> lambda.m and
>> "SeqNo" in layout_out.m and I couldn't work out if these two numbers
>> correspond.  Does the predicate name generated in lambda.m need to be 
>> the
>> same as the one generated in layout_out.m?
>> For review by anyone who can answer the above question.
> I'm not sure I can answer that question, but this change will
> (presumably) affect the profilers as well, so will also
> need to look at:
> 	deep_profiler/read_profile.m
> 	profiler/demangle.m
> 	util/mdemangle.c

None of these seem to comform to the new user friendly pred names 
anyway.  I really don't have the time to change these and then test if 
my changes to these modules work (there are no existing tests, since my 
change passes all tests on bootcheck).  All I want to do is generate a 
dice for the compiler.

So I propose that I reverse the part of Zoltan's diff that introduced 
the user friendly predicate names.  Are there any objections to doing 


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