[m-rev.] for review: new termination analyser (part 2 of 6)
Julien Fischer
juliensf at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Mar 24 15:44:40 AEDT 2005
RCS file: compiler/lp_rational.m
diff -N compiler/lp_rational.m
--- /dev/null 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ compiler/lp_rational.m 23 Mar 2005 22:47:32 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2366 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 1997-2002 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% file: lp_rational.m
+% main authors: conway, juliensf, vjteag.
+% This module contains code for creating and manipulating systems of rational
+% linear arithmetic constraints. It provides the following operations:
+% * optimization (using the simplex method)
+% * projection (using Fourier elimination).
+% * an entailment test (using the above linear optimizer above.)
+:- module libs.lp_rational.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module libs.rat.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module term.
+:- import_module varset.
+% Linear constraints over Q^n.
+:- type constant == rat.
+:- type coefficient == rat.
+:- type lp_var == var.
+:- type lp_vars == list(lp_var).
+:- type lp_varset == varset.
+:- type lp_term == pair(lp_var, coefficient).
+:- type lp_terms == list(lp_term).
+ % Create a term with a coefficient of 1.
+ % For use with ho functions.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.lp_term(lp_var) = lp_term.
+:- type operator ---> (=<) ; (=) ; (>=).
+ % A primitive linear arithmetic constraint.
+ %
+:- type constraint.
+ % A conjunction of primitive constraints.
+ %
+:- type constraints == list(constraint).
+ % Create a constraint from the given components.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.constraint(lp_terms, operator, constant) = constraint.
+ % Create a constraint from the given components.
+ % Throws an exception if the resulting constraint is trivially false.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.non_false_constraint(lp_terms, operator, constant)
+ = constraint.
+ % Deconstruct the given constraint.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.constraint(constraint::in, lp_terms::out, operator::out,
+ constant::out) is det.
+ % As above but throws an exception if the constraint is false.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.non_false_constraint(constraint::in, lp_terms::out,
+ operator::out, constant::out) is det.
+ % Succeeds iff the given constraint contains a single variable and
+ % that variable is constrained to be a nonnegative value.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.nonneg_constr(constraint::in) is semidet.
+ % Create a constraint that constrains the argument
+ % have a non-negative value.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.make_nonneg_constr(lp_var) = constraint.
+ % Create a constraint that equates two variables.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.make_vars_eq_constraint(lp_var, lp_var) = constraint.
+ % Create constraints of the form:
+ %
+ % Var = Constant or Var >= Constant
+ %
+ % These functions are useful with higher-order code.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.make_var_const_eq_constraint(lp_var, rat) = constraint.
+:- func lp_rational.make_var_const_gte_constraint(lp_var, rat) = constraint.
+ % Create a constraint that is trivially false.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.false_constraint = constraint.
+ % Create a constraint that is trivially true.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.true_constraint = constraint.
+ % Succeeds if the constraint is trivially false.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.is_false(constraint::in) is semidet.
+ % Succeeds if the constraint is trivially true.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.is_true(constraint::in) is semidet.
+ % Takes a list of constraints and looks for equality constraints
+ % that may be implicit in any inequalities.
+ %
+ % NOTE: this is only a syntactic check so it may miss
+ % some equalities that are implicit in the system.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.restore_equalities(constraints::in, constraints::out)
+ is det.
+ % This checks if a constraint is entailed by all the others
+ % in the set. If it is then it is removed from the set.
+ %
+ % NOTE: this can be very slow - also due to the order in which
+ % the constraints are processed it may not produce a minimal
+ % set.
+ %
+ % Fails if the system of constraints is inconsistent.
+ %
+:- pred remove_some_entailed_constraints(lp_varset::in, constraints::in,
+ constraints::out) is semidet.
+ % Succeeds iff the given system of constraints is inconsistent.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.inconsistent(lp_varset::in, constraints::in) is semidet.
+:- func lp_rational.simplify_constraints(constraints) = constraints.
+ % substitute_vars(VarsA, VarsB, Constraints0) = Constraints.
+ % If length(VarsA) \= length(VarsB) then an exception is thrown.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.substitute_vars(lp_vars, lp_vars, constraints)
+ = constraints.
+:- func lp_rational.substitute_vars(map(lp_var, lp_var), constraints)
+ = constraints.
+ % Make the values of all the variables in the set zero.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.set_vars_to_zero(set(lp_var), constraints) = constraints.
+% Bounding boxes and other approximations.
+ % Approximate the solution space of a set of constraints using
+ % a bounding box. If the system is inconsistent then the resulting
+ % system will also be inconsistent.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.bounding_box(lp_varset, constraints) = constraints.
+ % Create non-negativity constraints for all of the variables
+ % in list of constraints except for the variables specified
+ % in the argument.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.nonneg_box(lp_vars, constraints) = constraints.
+% Linear solver.
+:- type objective == lp_terms.
+:- type direction ---> max ; min.
+:- type lp_result
+ ---> unbounded
+ ; inconsistent
+ ; satisfiable(rat, map(lp_var, rat)).
+ % satisfiable(ObjVal, MapFromObjVarsToVals)
+ % Maximize (or minimize - depending on `direction') `objective'
+ % subject to the given constraints. The variables in the objective
+ % and the constraints *must* be from the given `lp_varset'. This
+ % is passed to the solver so that it can allocate fresh variables
+ % as required.
+ %
+ % The result is `unbounded' if the objective is not bounded by
+ % the constraints, `inconsistent' if the given constraints are
+ % inconsistent, or `satisfiable/2' otherwise.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.solve(constraints, direction, objective, lp_varset)
+ = lp_result.
+% Projection.
+:- type projection_result
+ ---> ok(constraints) % projection succeeded.
+ ; inconsistent % matrix was inconsistent.
+ ; aborted. % ran out of time/space and backed out.
+ % project(Constraints0, Vars, Varset) = Result:
+ % Takes a list of constraints, `Constraints0', and eliminates the
+ % variables in the list `Vars' using Fourier elimination.
+ %
+ % Returns `ok(Constraints)' if `Constraints' is the projection
+ % of `Constraints0' over `Vars'. Returns `inconsistent' if
+ % `Constraints0' is inconsistent. Returns `aborted' if the
+ % intermediate matrices grow too large while performing Fourier
+ % elimination.
+ %
+ % NOTE: this does does not always detect that a constraint
+ % set is inconsistent, so callers to this procedure may need
+ % to do a consistency check on the result if they require
+ % the resulting system of constraints to be consistent.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.project(lp_vars, lp_varset, constraints)
+ = projection_result.
+:- pred lp_rational.project(lp_vars::in, lp_varset::in, constraints::in,
+ projection_result::out) is det.
+ % project(Vars, Varset, maybe(MaxMatrixSize), Matrix, Result).
+ % Same as above but if the size of the matrix ever exceeds
+ % `MaxMatrixSize' we back out of the computation.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.project(lp_vars::in, lp_varset::in, maybe(int)::in,
+ constraints::in, projection_result::out) is det.
+% Entailment.
+:- type entailment_result
+ ---> entailed
+ ; not_entailed
+ ; inconsistent.
+ % entailed(Vars , Vars):
+ % Determines if the constraint `C' is implied by the set of
+ % constraints `Cs'. Uses the simplex method to find the point `P'
+ % satisfying `Cs' which maximizes (if `C' contains '=<') or minimizes
+ % (if `C' contains '>=') a function parallel to `C'.
+ % Then tests if `P' satisfies `C'.
+ % This assumes that all the variables are non-negative.
+ % Throws an exception if `Cs' is inconsistent.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.entailed(lp_varset::in, constraints::in,
+ constraint::in) is semidet.
+:- func lp_rational.entailed(lp_varset, constraints, constraint) =
+ entailment_result.
+% Stuff for intermodule optimization.
+ % A function that converts an lp_var into a string.
+ %
+:- type output_var == (func(lp_var) = string).
+:- inst output_var == (func(in) = out is det).
+ % Write out the constraints in a form we can read in using the
+ % term parser from the standard library.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.output_constraints(output_var::in(output_var),
+ constraints::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+% Debugging predicates.
+ % Print out the constraints using the names in the varset. If the
+ % variable has no name it will be given the name Temp<n>, where <n>
+ % is the variable number.
+ %
+:- pred lp_rational.write_constraints(constraints::in, lp_varset::in, io::di,
+ io::uo) is det.
+ % Return the set of variables that are present in a list of constraints.
+ %
+ % XXX This shouldn't be exported but it's currently needed by the
+ % workaround for the problem with head variables in term_constr_fixpoint.m
+ %
+:- func get_vars_from_constraints(constraints) = set(lp_var).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module exception.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+:- import_module svset.
+% Constraints
+ % The following properties should hold for each constraint:
+ % - there is one instance of each variable in the term list.
+ % - the terms are sorted in increasing order by variable.
+ % - the terms should be normalized so that the leading term
+ % has a coefficient of +/-1 (unless all terms have a coefficient
+ % of zero - in which case the term list is empty).
+ % - variables with coefficient zero are *not* included in the list
+ % of terms.
+:- type constraint
+ ---> lte(lp_terms, constant) % sumof(Terms) =< Constant
+ ; eq(lp_terms, constant) % sumof(Terms) = Constant
+ ; gte(lp_terms, constant). % sumof(Terms) >= Constant
+% Procedures for constructing/deconstructing constraints.
+lp_term(Var) = Var - one.
+constraint([], (=<), Const) = lte([], Const).
+constraint([], (=), Const) = eq([], Const).
+constraint([], (>=), Const) = lte([], -Const).
+constraint(Terms0 @ [_|_], (=<), Const0) = Constraint :-
+ Terms1 = sum_like_terms(Terms0),
+ normalize_terms_and_const(yes, Terms1, Const0, Terms, Const),
+ Constraint = lte(Terms, Const).
+constraint(Terms0 @ [_|_], (=) , Const0) = Constraint :-
+ Terms1 = sum_like_terms(Terms0),
+ normalize_terms_and_const(no, Terms1, Const0, Terms, Const),
+ Constraint = eq(Terms, Const).
+constraint(Terms0 @ [_|_], (>=), Const0) = Constraint :-
+ Terms1 = sum_like_terms(Terms0),
+ normalize_terms_and_const(yes, Terms1, Const0, Terms, Const),
+ Constraint = lte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const).
+ % This is for internal use only - it builds a constraint out
+ % of the parts but does *not* attempt to perform any
+ % standardization. It is intended for use in operations
+ % such as normalization.
+ %
+:- func unchecked_constraint(lp_terms, operator, constant) = constraint.
+unchecked_constraint(Terms, (=<), Constant) = lte(Terms, Constant).
+unchecked_constraint(Terms, (=), Constant) = eq(Terms, Constant).
+unchecked_constraint(Terms, (>=), Constant) = gte(Terms, Constant).
+:- func sum_like_terms(lp_terms) = lp_terms.
+sum_like_terms(Terms) = map.to_assoc_list(lp_terms_to_map(Terms)).
+ % Convert an association list of lp_vars and coefficients to a
+ % map of the same. If there are duplicate keys in the list make
+ % sure that eventual value in the map is the sum of the two
+ % coefficients. Also if a coefficient is (or ends up being) zero
+ % make sure that the variable doesn't end up in the resulting map.
+ %
+:- func lp_terms_to_map(assoc_list(lp_var, coefficient)) =
+ map(lp_var, coefficient).
+lp_terms_to_map(Terms) = Map :-
+ list.foldl(lp_terms_to_map_2, Terms, map.init, Map).
+:- pred lp_terms_to_map_2(pair(lp_var, coefficient)::in,
+ map(lp_var, coefficient)::in, map(lp_var, coefficient)::out) is det.
+lp_terms_to_map_2(Var - Coeff0, !Map) :-
+ ( MapCoeff = !.Map ^ elem(Var) ->
+ Coeff = MapCoeff + Coeff0,
+ ( if Coeff = zero
+ then svmap.delete(Var, !Map)
+ else svmap.set(Var, Coeff, !Map)
+ )
+ ;
+ ( if Coeff0 \= zero
+ then svmap.set(Var, Coeff0, !Map)
+ else true
+ )
+ ).
+non_false_constraint(Terms, Op, Constant) = Constraint :-
+ Constraint = constraint(Terms, Op, Constant),
+ ( if is_false(Constraint)
+ then throw("non_false_constraints/3: false constraint.")
+ else true
+ ).
+constraint(lte(Terms, Constant), Terms, (=<), Constant).
+constraint(eq(Terms, Constant), Terms, (=), Constant).
+constraint(gte(Terms, Constant), Terms, (>=), Constant).
+non_false_constraint(Constraint, Terms, Operator, Constant) :-
+ ( if is_false(Constraint)
+ then throw("non_false_constraint/4: false_constraint.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ (
+ Constraint = lte(Terms, Constant),
+ Operator = (=<)
+ ;
+ Constraint = eq(Terms, Constant),
+ Operator = (=)
+ ;
+ Constraint = gte(_, _),
+ throw("non_false_constraint/4: gte encountered.")
+ ).
+:- func lp_terms(constraint) = lp_terms.
+lp_terms(lte(Terms, _)) = Terms.
+lp_terms(eq(Terms, _)) = Terms.
+lp_terms(gte(Terms, _)) = Terms.
+:- func constant(constraint) = constant.
+constant(lte(_, Constant)) = Constant.
+constant(eq(_, Constant)) = Constant.
+constant(gte(_, Constant)) = Constant.
+:- func operator(constraint) = operator.
+operator(lte(_, _)) = (=<).
+operator(eq(_, _)) = (=).
+operator(gte(_,_)) = throw("operator/1: gte.").
+:- func negate_operator(operator) = operator.
+negate_operator((=<)) = (>=).
+negate_operator((=)) = (=).
+negate_operator((>=)) = (=<).
+nonneg_constr(lte([_ - (-rat.one)], rat.zero)).
+nonneg_constr(gte(_, _)) :-
+ throw("nonneg_constr/1: get.").
+make_nonneg_constr(Var) = constraint([Var - (-rat.one)], (=<), rat.zero).
+make_vars_eq_constraint(Var1, Var2) =
+ constraint([Var1 - rat.one, Var2 - (-rat.one)], (=), rat.zero).
+make_var_const_eq_constraint(Var, Constant) =
+ constraint([Var - rat.one], (=), Constant).
+make_var_const_gte_constraint(Var, Constant) =
+ constraint([Var - rat.one], (>=), Constant).
+true_constraint = eq([], rat.zero).
+false_constraint = eq([], rat.one).
+is_false(gte([], Const)) :- Const > rat.zero.
+is_false(lte([], Const)) :- Const < rat.zero.
+is_false(eq([], Const)) :- Const \= rat.zero.
+is_true(gte([], Const)) :- Const =< rat.zero.
+is_true(lte([], Const)) :- Const >= rat.zero.
+is_true(eq([], Const)) :- Const = rat.zero.
+ % Put each constraint in the list in standard form (see below).
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.standardize_constraints(constraints) = constraints.
+standardize_constraints(Constraints) =
+ list.map(standardize_constraint, Constraints).
+ % Put a constraint into standard form. Every constraint
+ % has its terms list in increasing order of variable name
+ % and then multiplied so that the absolute value of the leading
+ % coefficient is one. (>=) is converted to (=<) by multiplying
+ % through by negative one. (=) constraints should have an
+ % initial coefficient of (positive) 1.
+ %
+:- func lp_rational.standardize_constraint(constraint) = constraint.
+standardize_constraint(gte(Terms0, Const0)) = Constraint :-
+ normalize_terms_and_const(yes, Terms0, Const0, Terms, Const),
+ Constraint = lte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const).
+standardize_constraint(eq(Terms0, Const0)) = eq(Terms, Const) :-
+ normalize_terms_and_const(no, Terms0, Const0, Terms, Const).
+standardize_constraint(lte(Terms0, Const0)) = lte(Terms, Const) :-
+ normalize_terms_and_const(yes, Terms0, Const0, Terms, Const).
+ % Sort the list of terms in ascending order by variable
+ % and then multiply through so that the first term has a
+ % coefficient of one or negative one. If the first argument
+ % is `yes' then we multiply through by the reciprocal of the
+ % absolute value of the coefficient, otherwise we multiply through
+ % by the value.
+ %
+:- pred normalize_terms_and_const(bool::in, lp_terms::in, constant::in,
+ lp_terms::out, constant::out) is det.
+normalize_terms_and_const(AbsVal, !.Terms, !.Const, !:Terms, !:Const) :-
+ CompareTerms = (func(VarA - _, VarB - _) = Result :-
+ compare(Result, VarA, VarB)
+ ),
+ !:Terms = list.sort(CompareTerms, !.Terms),
+ ( if !.Terms = [_ - Coefficient0 | _]
+ then
+ (
+ AbsVal = yes,
+ Coefficient = rat.abs(Coefficient0)
+ ;
+ AbsVal = no,
+ Coefficient = Coefficient0
+ ),
+ ( if Coefficient = rat.zero
+ then throw("normalize_term_and_const/5: zero coefficient.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ DivideBy = (func(Var - Coeff) = Var - (Coeff / Coefficient)),
+ !:Terms = list.map(DivideBy, !.Terms),
+ !:Const = !.Const / Coefficient
+ else true
+ ).
+ % Succeeds iff the constraint is implied by the
+ % assumption that all variables are non-negative *and* the constraint
+ % is not one used to force non-negativity of the variables.
+ %
+:- pred obvious_constraint(constraint::in) is semidet.
+obvious_constraint(lte(Terms, Constant)) :-
+ Constant >= rat.zero,
+ list.length(Terms) >= 2,
+ all [Term] list.member(Term, Terms) => snd(Term) < zero.
+obvious_constraint(gte(Terms, Constant)) :-
+ Constant =< rat.zero,
+ list.length(Terms) >= 2,
+ all [Term] list.member(Term, Terms) => snd(Term) > zero.
+inconsistent(Vars, Constraints @ [Constraint | _]) :-
+ (
+ is_false(Constraint)
+ ;
+ (
+ Constraint = lte([Term | _], _)
+ ;
+ Constraint = eq([Term | _] , _)
+ ;
+ Constraint = gte([Term | _], _)
+ ),
+ DummyObjective = [Term],
+ Result = lp_rational.solve(Constraints, max, DummyObjective, Vars),
+ Result = inconsistent
+ ).
+simplify_constraints(Constraints) = remove_weaker(remove_trivial(Constraints)).
+:- func remove_trivial(constraints) = constraints.
+remove_trivial([]) = [].
+remove_trivial([Constraint | Constraints]) = Result :-
+ ( is_false(Constraint) ->
+ Result = [ false_constraint ]
+ ;
+ Result0 = remove_trivial(Constraints),
+ ( Result0 = [C], is_false(C) ->
+ Result = Result0
+ ;
+ % Remove the constraint if it is trivially true or the result
+ % of all the variables being non-negative.
+ ( ( is_true(Constraint) ; obvious_constraint(Constraint) ) ->
+ Result = Result0
+ ;
+ Result = [ Constraint | Result0 ]
+ )
+ )
+ ).
+:- func remove_weaker(constraints) = constraints.
+remove_weaker([]) = [].
+remove_weaker([C | Cs0]) = Result :-
+ list.foldl2(remove_weaker_2(C), Cs0, [], Cs, yes, Keep),
+ Result0 = remove_weaker(Cs),
+ (
+ Keep = yes,
+ Result = [C | Result0]
+ ;
+ Keep = no,
+ Result = Result0
+ ).
+:- pred remove_weaker_2(constraint::in, constraint::in, constraints::in,
+ constraints::out, bool::in, bool::out) is det.
+remove_weaker_2(A, B, !Acc, !Keep) :-
+ ( is_stronger(A, B) -> true
+ ; is_stronger(B, A) -> list.cons(B, !Acc), !:Keep = no
+ ; list.cons(B, !Acc)
+ ).
+:- pred is_stronger(constraint::in, constraint::in) is semidet.
+is_stronger(eq(Terms, Const), gte(Terms, Const)).
+is_stronger(eq(Terms, Const), lte(Terms, Const)).
+is_stronger(eq(Terms, Const), gte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const)).
+is_stronger(eq(Terms, Const), lte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const)).
+is_stronger(lte([Var - (-one)], ConstA), lte([Var - (-one)], ConstB)) :-
+ ConstA =< zero, ConstA =< ConstB.
+is_stronger(eq(Terms, ConstA), lte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), ConstB)) :-
+ ConstA >= (-one) * ConstB.
+is_stronger(lte(Terms, ConstA), lte(Terms, ConstB)) :-
+ ConstB =< zero, ConstA =< ConstB.
+substitute_vars(Old, New, Constraints0) = Constraints :-
+ SubstMap = map.from_corresponding_lists(Old, New),
+ Constraints = list.map(substitute_vars_2(SubstMap), Constraints0).
+substitute_vars(SubstMap, Constraints0) = Constraints :-
+ Constraints = list.map(substitute_vars_2(SubstMap), Constraints0).
+:- func substitute_vars_2(map(lp_var, lp_var), constraint) = constraint.
+substitute_vars_2(SubstMap, lte(Terms0, Const)) = Result :-
+ Terms = list.map(substitute_term(SubstMap), Terms0),
+ Result = lte(sum_like_terms(Terms), Const).
+substitute_vars_2(SubstMap, eq(Terms0, Const)) = Result :-
+ Terms = list.map(substitute_term(SubstMap), Terms0),
+ Result = eq(sum_like_terms(Terms), Const).
+substitute_vars_2(_, gte(_, _)) = throw("substitute_vars_2/2: gte.").
+:- func substitute_term(map(lp_var, lp_var), lp_term) = lp_term.
+substitute_term(SubstMap, Var - Coeff) = SubstMap ^ det_elem(Var) - Coeff.
+lp_rational.set_vars_to_zero(Vars, Constraints) =
+ list.map(set_vars_to_zero_2(Vars), Constraints).
+:- func set_vars_to_zero_2(set(lp_var), constraint) = constraint.
+set_vars_to_zero_2(Vars, lte(Terms0, Const)) = lte(Terms, Const) :-
+ Terms = set_terms_to_zero(Vars, Terms0).
+set_vars_to_zero_2(Vars, eq(Terms0, Const)) = eq(Terms, Const) :-
+ Terms = set_terms_to_zero(Vars, Terms0).
+set_vars_to_zero_2(Vars, gte(Terms0, Const)) = gte(Terms, Const) :-
+ Terms = set_terms_to_zero(Vars, Terms0).
+:- func set_terms_to_zero(set(lp_var), lp_terms) = lp_terms.
+set_terms_to_zero(Vars, Terms0) = Terms :-
+ IsNonZero = (pred(Term::in) is semidet :-
+ Term = Var - _Coeff,
+ not set.member(Var, Vars)
+ ),
+ Terms = list.filter(IsNonZero, Terms0).
+% Bounding boxes and other weaker approximations of the convex union.
+bounding_box(Varset, Constraints) = BoundingBox :-
+ Vars = set.to_sorted_list(get_vars_from_constraints(Constraints)),
+ BoundingBox = list.foldl((func(Var, Constrs0) = Constrs :-
+ Result = lp_rational.project([Var], Varset, Constrs0),
+ (
+ Result = inconsistent,
+ Constrs = [false_constraint]
+ ;
+ % If we needed to abort this computation
+ % we will just approximate the whole lot
+ % by `true'.
+ Result = aborted,
+ Constrs = []
+ ;
+ Result = ok(Constrs)
+ )
+ ), Vars, Constraints).
+nonneg_box(VarsToIgnore, Constraints) = NonNegConstraints :-
+ Vars0 = get_vars_from_constraints(Constraints),
+ MakeConstr = (pred(Var::in, !.C::in, !:C::out) is det :-
+ ( list.member(Var, VarsToIgnore) ->
+ true
+ ;
+ list.cons(make_nonneg_constr(Var), !C)
+ )
+ ),
+ set.fold(MakeConstr, Vars0, [], NonNegConstraints).
+% Linear solver.
+% XXX Most of this came from lp.m. We should try to remove a lot of
+% nondeterminism here.
+:- type lp_info
+ ---> lp(
+ varset :: lp_varset,
+ slack_vars :: lp_vars, % - slack variables.
+ art_vars :: lp_vars % - artificial variables.
+ ).
+lp_rational.solve(Constraints, Direction, Objective, Varset) = Result :-
+ Info0 = lp_info_init(Varset),
+ solve_2(Constraints, Direction, Objective, Result, Info0, _).
+ % solve_2(Eqns, Dir, Obj, Res, LPInfo0, LPInfo) takes a list
+ % of inequalities `Eqns', a direction for optimization `Dir', an
+ % objective function `Obj' and an lp_info structure `LPInfo0'.
+ % See inline comments for details on the algorithm.
+ %
+:- pred solve_2(constraints::in, direction::in, objective::in,
+ lp_result::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
+solve_2(!.Constraints, Direction, !.Objective, Result, !LPInfo) :-
+ %
+ % Simplify the inequalities and convert them to standard form by
+ % introducing slack/artificial variables.
+ %
+ Obj = !.Objective,
+ lp_standardize_constraints(!Constraints, !LPInfo),
+ %
+ % If we are maximizing the objective function then we need
+ % to negate all the coefficients in the objective.
+ %
+ (
+ Direction = max,
+ ObjTerms = negate_constraint(eq(!.Objective, zero)),
+ !:Objective = lp_terms(ObjTerms)
+ ;
+ Direction = min
+ ),
+ Rows = list.length(!.Constraints),
+ Vars = collect_vars(!.Constraints, Obj),
+ VarList = set.to_sorted_list(Vars),
+ Columns = list.length(VarList),
+ VarNums = number_vars(VarList, 0),
+ ArtVars = !.LPInfo ^ art_vars,
+ Tableau0 = init_tableau(Rows, Columns, VarNums),
+ insert_constraints(!.Constraints, 1, Columns, VarNums,
+ Tableau0, Tableau),
+ (
+ ArtVars = [_|_],
+ % There are one or more artificial variables, so we use
+ % the two-phase method for solving the system.
+ Result0 = two_phase(Obj, !.Objective, ArtVars, VarNums, Tableau)
+ ;
+ ArtVars = [],
+ Result0 = one_phase(Obj, !.Objective, VarNums, Tableau)
+ ),
+ (
+ Direction = max,
+ Result = Result0
+ ;
+ Direction = min,
+ (
+ Result0 = unbounded,
+ Result = Result0
+ ;
+ Result0 = inconsistent,
+ Result = Result0
+ ;
+ Result0 = satisfiable(NOptVal, OptCoffs),
+ OptVal = -NOptVal,
+ Result = satisfiable(OptVal, OptCoffs)
+ )
+ ).
+:- func one_phase(lp_terms, lp_terms, map(lp_var, int), tableau) = lp_result.
+one_phase(Obj0, Obj, VarNums, !.Tableau) = Result :-
+ insert_terms(Obj, 0, VarNums, !Tableau),
+ get_vars_from_terms(Obj0, set.init, ObjVars0),
+ ObjVars = set.to_sorted_list(ObjVars0),
+ optimize(ObjVars, Result, !.Tableau, _).
+:- func two_phase(lp_terms, lp_terms, lp_vars, map(lp_var, int), tableau)
+ = lp_result.
+two_phase(Obj0, Obj, ArtVars, VarNums, !.Tableau) = Result :-
+ %
+ % Phase 1: minimize the sum of the artificial variables.
+ %
+ ArtObj = list.map(lp_term, ArtVars),
+ insert_terms(ArtObj, 0, VarNums, !Tableau),
+ ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(ArtVars, !Tableau),
+ optimize(ArtVars, Result0, !Tableau),
+ (
+ Result0 = unbounded,
+ Result = unbounded
+ ;
+ Result0 = inconsistent,
+ Result = inconsistent
+ ;
+ Result0 = satisfiable(Val, _ArtRes),
+ ( if Val \= zero
+ then Result = inconsistent
+ else
+ fix_basis_and_rem_cols(ArtVars, !.Tableau, Tableau1),
+ %
+ % Phase 2:
+ % Insert the real objective, zero the objective
+ % coefficients of the basis variables and optimize
+ % the objective.
+ %
+ insert_terms(Obj, 0, VarNums, Tableau1, Tableau2),
+ BasisVars = get_basis_vars(Tableau2),
+ ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(BasisVars, Tableau2, Tableau3),
+ get_vars_from_terms(Obj0, set.init, ObjVars0),
+ ObjVars = set.to_sorted_list(ObjVars0),
+ optimize(ObjVars, Result, Tableau3, _)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred lp_standardize_constraints(constraints::in, constraints::out,
+ lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
+lp_standardize_constraints(!Constraints, !LPInfo) :-
+ list.map_foldl(lp_standardize_constraint, !Constraints, !LPInfo).
+ % standardize_constraint performs the following operations on a
+ % constraint:
+ % - ensures the constant is >= 0
+ % (multiplying by -1 if necessary)
+ % - introduces slack and artificial variables
+ %
+:- pred lp_standardize_constraint(constraint::in, constraint::out, lp_info::in,
+ lp_info::out) is det.
+lp_standardize_constraint(Constr0 @ lte(Coeffs, Const), Constr, !LPInfo) :-
+ ( Const < zero ->
+ Constr1 = negate_constraint(Constr0),
+ lp_standardize_constraint(Constr1, Constr, !LPInfo)
+ ;
+ new_slack_var(Var, !LPInfo),
+ Constr = lte([Var - one | Coeffs], Const)
+ ).
+lp_standardize_constraint(Eqn0 @ eq(Coeffs, Const), Eqn, !LPInfo) :-
+ ( Const < zero ->
+ Eqn1 = negate_constraint(Eqn0),
+ lp_standardize_constraint(Eqn1, Eqn, !LPInfo)
+ ;
+ new_art_var(Var, !LPInfo),
+ Eqn = lte([Var - one | Coeffs], Const)
+ ).
+lp_standardize_constraint(Eqn0 @ gte(Coeffs, Const), Eqn, !LPInfo) :-
+ ( Const < zero ->
+ Eqn1 = negate_constraint(Eqn0),
+ lp_standardize_constraint(Eqn1, Eqn, !LPInfo)
+ ;
+ new_slack_var(SVar, !LPInfo),
+ new_art_var(AVar, !LPInfo),
+ Eqn = gte([AVar - one, SVar - (-one) | Coeffs], Const)
+ ).
+:- func negate_constraint(constraint) = constraint.
+negate_constraint(lte(Terms, Const)) = gte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const).
+negate_constraint(eq(Terms, Const)) = eq(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const).
+negate_constraint(gte(Terms, Const)) = lte(negate_lp_terms(Terms), -Const).
+:- func negate_lp_terms(lp_terms) = lp_terms.
+negate_lp_terms(Terms) = assoc_list.map_values((func(_, X) = (-X)), Terms).
+:- func add_var(map(lp_var, rat), lp_var, rat) = map(lp_var, rat).
+add_var(Map0, Var, Coeff) = Map :-
+ Acc1 = ( if Acc0 = Map0 ^ elem(Var) then Acc0 else zero ),
+ Acc = Acc1 + Coeff,
+ Map = Map0 ^ elem(Var) := Acc.
+:- func collect_vars(constraints, objective) = set(lp_var).
+collect_vars(Eqns, Obj) = Vars :-
+ GetVar = (pred(Var::out) is nondet :-
+ (
+ list.member(Eqn, Eqns),
+ Coeffs = lp_terms(Eqn),
+ list.member(Pair, Coeffs)
+ ;
+ list.member(Pair, Obj)
+ ),
+ Var = fst(Pair)
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(GetVar, VarList),
+ Vars = set.list_to_set(VarList).
+:- type var_num_map == map(lp_var, int).
+:- func number_vars(lp_vars, int) = var_num_map.
+number_vars(Vars, N) = VarNum :-
+ number_vars_2(Vars, N, map.init, VarNum).
+:- pred number_vars_2(lp_vars::in, int::in,
+ var_num_map::in, var_num_map::out) is det.
+number_vars_2([], _, !VarNums).
+number_vars_2([Var | Vars], N, !VarNums) :-
+ svmap.det_insert(Var, N, !VarNums),
+ number_vars_2(Vars, N + 1, !VarNums).
+:- pred insert_constraints(constraints::in, int::in, int::in,
+ var_num_map::in, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+insert_constraints([], _, _, _, !Tableau).
+insert_constraints([C | Cs], Row, ConstCol, VarNums, !Tableau) :-
+ insert_terms(lp_terms(C), Row, VarNums, !Tableau),
+ set_cell(Row, ConstCol, constant(C), !Tableau),
+ insert_constraints(Cs, Row + 1, ConstCol, VarNums, !Tableau).
+:- pred insert_terms(lp_terms::in, int::in, var_num_map::in,
+ tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+insert_terms([], _, _, !Tableau).
+insert_terms([Var - Const | Coeffs], Row, VarNums, !Tableau) :-
+ Col = VarNums ^ det_elem(Var),
+ set_cell(Row, Col, Const, !Tableau),
+ insert_terms(Coeffs, Row, VarNums, !Tableau).
+:- pred optimize(lp_vars::in, lp_result::out, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+optimize(ObjVars, Result, !Tableau) :-
+ simplex(Result0, !Tableau),
+ (
+ Result0 = no ,
+ Result = unbounded
+ ;
+ Result0 = yes,
+ ObjVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(0, !.Tableau ^ cols),
+ ObjMap = extract_objective(ObjVars, !.Tableau),
+ Result = satisfiable(ObjVal, ObjMap)
+ ).
+:- func extract_objective(lp_vars, tableau) = map(lp_var, rat).
+extract_objective(ObjVars, Tableau) = Objective :-
+ Objective = list.foldl(extract_obj_var(Tableau), ObjVars, map.init).
+:- func extract_obj_var(tableau, lp_var, map(lp_var, rat))
+ = map(lp_var, rat).
+extract_obj_var(Tableau, Var, Map0) = Map :-
+ extract_obj_var2(Tableau, Var, Val),
+ Map = Map0 ^ elem(Var) := Val.
+:- pred extract_obj_var2(tableau::in, lp_var::in, rat::out) is det.
+extract_obj_var2(Tableau, Var, Val) :-
+ Col = var_col(Tableau, Var),
+ GetCell = (pred(Val0::out) is nondet :-
+ all_rows(Tableau, Row),
+ one = Tableau ^ elem(Row, Col),
+ Val0 = Tableau ^ elem(Row, Tableau ^ cols)
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(GetCell, Solns),
+ ( if Solns = [Val1] then Val = Val1 else Val = zero ).
+:- pred simplex(bool::out, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+simplex(Result, !Tableau) :-
+ AllColumns = all_cols(!.Tableau),
+ MinAgg = (pred(Col::in, !.Min::in, !:Min::out) is det :-
+ (
+ !.Min = no,
+ MinVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(0, Col),
+ !:Min = ( if MinVal < zero then yes(Col - MinVal) else no )
+ ;
+ !.Min = yes(_ - MinVal0),
+ CellVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(0, Col),
+ ( if CellVal < MinVal0 then !:Min = yes(Col - CellVal) else true )
+ )
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(AllColumns, MinAgg, no, MinResult),
+ (
+ MinResult = no,
+ Result = yes
+ ;
+ MinResult = yes(Q - _Val),
+ AllRows = all_rows(!.Tableau),
+ MaxAgg = (pred(Row::in, !.Max::in, !:Max::out) is det :-
+ (
+ !.Max = no,
+ MaxVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(Row, Q),
+ ( if MaxVal > zero
+ then
+ Col = !.Tableau ^ cols,
+ MVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(Row, Col),
+ ( if MaxVal = zero
+ then throw("simplex/3: zero divisor.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ CVal = MVal / MaxVal,
+ !:Max = yes(Row - CVal)
+ else
+ !:Max = no
+ )
+ ;
+ !.Max = yes(_ - MaxVal0),
+ CellVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(Row, Q),
+ RHSC = rhs_col(!.Tableau),
+ MVal = !.Tableau ^ elem(Row, RHSC),
+ ( if CellVal =< zero
+ then true % CellVal = 0 => multiple optimal sol'ns.
+ else
+ ( if CellVal = zero
+ then throw("simplex/3: zero divisor.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ MaxVal1 = MVal / CellVal,
+ ( if MaxVal1 =< MaxVal0
+ then !:Max = yes(Row - MaxVal1)
+ else true
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(AllRows, MaxAgg, no, MaxResult),
+ (
+ MaxResult = no,
+ Result = no
+ ;
+ MaxResult = yes(P - _),
+ pivot(P, Q, !Tableau),
+ simplex(Result, !Tableau)
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(lp_vars::in, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+ensure_zero_obj_coeffs([], !Tableau).
+ensure_zero_obj_coeffs([Var | Vars], !Tableau) :-
+ Col = var_col(!.Tableau, Var),
+ Val = !.Tableau ^ elem(0, Col),
+ ( Val = zero ->
+ ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(Vars, !Tableau)
+ ;
+ FindOne = (pred(P::out) is nondet :-
+ all_rows(!.Tableau, R),
+ ValF0 = !.Tableau ^ elem(R, Col),
+ ValF0 \= zero,
+ P = R - ValF0
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(FindOne, Ones),
+ (
+ Ones = [Row - Fac0 | _],
+ ( if Fac0 = zero
+ then throw("ensure_zero_obj_coeffs/3: zero divisor.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ Fac = -Val / Fac0,
+ row_op(Fac, Row, 0, !Tableau),
+ ensure_zero_obj_coeffs(Vars, !Tableau)
+ ;
+ Ones = [],
+ throw("ensure_zero_obj_coeffs/3: " ++
+ "problem with artificial variable.")
+ )
+ ).
+:- pred fix_basis_and_rem_cols(lp_vars::in, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+fix_basis_and_rem_cols([], !Tableau).
+fix_basis_and_rem_cols([Var | Vars], !Tableau) :-
+ Col = var_col(!.Tableau, Var),
+ BasisAgg = (pred(R::in, Ones0::in, Ones::out) is det :-
+ Val = !.Tableau ^ elem(R, Col),
+ Ones = ( Val = zero -> Ones0 ; [Val - R | Ones0] )
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(all_rows(!.Tableau), BasisAgg, [], Res),
+ (
+ Res = [one - Row]
+ ->
+ PivGoal = (pred(Col1::out) is nondet :-
+ all_cols(!.Tableau, Col1),
+ Col \= Col1,
+ Zz = !.Tableau ^ elem(Row, Col1),
+ Zz \= zero
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(PivGoal, PivSolns),
+ (
+ PivSolns = [],
+ remove_col(Col, !Tableau),
+ remove_row(Row, !Tableau)
+ ;
+ PivSolns = [Col2 | _],
+ pivot(Row, Col2, !Tableau),
+ remove_col(Col, !Tableau)
+ )
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ remove_col(Col, !Tableau),
+ fix_basis_and_rem_cols(Vars, !Tableau).
+:- type cell ---> cell(int, int).
+:- pred pivot(int::in, int::in, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+pivot(P, Q, !Tableau) :-
+ Apq = !.Tableau ^ elem(P, Q),
+ MostCells = (pred(Cell::out) is nondet :-
+ all_rows0(!.Tableau, J),
+ J \= P,
+ all_cols0(!.Tableau, K),
+ K \= Q,
+ Cell = cell(J, K)
+ ),
+ ScaleCell = (pred(Cell::in, T0::in, T::out) is det :-
+ Cell = cell(J, K),
+ Ajk = T0 ^ elem(J, K),
+ Ajq = T0 ^ elem(J, Q),
+ Apk = T0 ^ elem(P, K),
+ ( if Apq = zero
+ then throw("pivot/4 - ScaleCell: zero divisor.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ T = T0 ^ elem(J, K) := Ajk - Apk * Ajq / Apq
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(MostCells, ScaleCell, !Tableau),
+ QColumn = (pred(Cell::out) is nondet :-
+ all_rows0(!.Tableau, J),
+ Cell = cell(J, Q)
+ ),
+ Zero = (pred(Cell::in, T0::in, T::out) is det :-
+ Cell = cell(J, K),
+ T = T0 ^ elem(J, K) := zero
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(QColumn, Zero, !Tableau),
+ PRow = all_cols0(!.Tableau),
+ ScaleRow = (pred(K::in, T0::in, T::out) is det :-
+ Apk = T0 ^ elem(P, K),
+ ( if Apq = zero
+ then throw("pivot/4 - ScaleRow: zero divisor.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ T = T0 ^ elem(P, K) := Apk / Apq
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(PRow, ScaleRow, !Tableau),
+ set_cell(P, Q, one, !Tableau).
+:- pred row_op(rat::in, int::in, int::in, tableau::in,
+ tableau::out) is det.
+row_op(Scale, From, To, !Tableau) :-
+ AllCols = all_cols0(!.Tableau),
+ AddRow = (pred(Col::in, T0::in, T::out) is det :-
+ X = T0 ^ elem(From, Col),
+ Y = T0 ^ elem(To, Col),
+ Z = Y + (Scale * X),
+ T = T0 ^ elem(To, Col) := Z
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(AllCols, AddRow, !Tableau).
+% XXX We should try using arrays or version_arrays for the simplex tableau.
+% (We should try this in lp.m as well).
+:- type tableau
+ ---> tableau(
+ rows :: int,
+ cols :: int,
+ var_nums :: map(lp_var, int),
+ shunned_rows :: list(int),
+ shunned_cols :: list(int),
+ cells :: map(pair(int), rat)
+ ).
+:- func init_tableau(int, int, map(lp_var, int)) = tableau.
+init_tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums) = Tableau :-
+ Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, [], [], map.init).
+:- func tableau ^ elem(int, int) = rat.
+Tableau ^ elem(Row, Col) = get_cell(Tableau, Row, Col).
+:- func tableau ^ elem(int, int) := rat = tableau.
+Tableau0 ^ elem(Row, Col) := Cell = Tableau :-
+ set_cell(Row, Col, Cell, Tableau0, Tableau).
+:- func get_cell(tableau, int, int) = rat.
+get_cell(Tableau, Row, Col) = Cell :-
+ ( if
+ (list.member(Row, Tableau ^ shunned_rows)
+ ;list.member(Col, Tableau ^ shunned_cols))
+ then throw("get_cell/3: attempt to address shunned row/col.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ ( if Cell0 = Tableau ^ cells ^ elem(Row - Col)
+ then Cell = Cell0
+ else Cell = zero
+ ).
+:- pred set_cell(int::in, int::in, rat::in, tableau::in,
+ tableau::out) is det.
+set_cell(J, K, R, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
+ Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, SR, SC, Cells0),
+ ( if (list.member(J, SR) ; list.member(K, SC))
+ then throw("set_cell/5: Attempt to write shunned row/col.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ ( if R = zero
+ then Cells = map.delete(Cells0, J - K)
+ else Cells = map.set(Cells0, J - K, R)
+ ),
+ Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, SR, SC, Cells).
+ % Returns the number of the RHS column in the tableau.
+ %
+:- func rhs_col(tableau) = int.
+rhs_col(Tableau) = Tableau ^ cols.
+:- pred all_rows0(tableau::in, int::out) is nondet.
+all_rows0(Tableau, Row) :-
+ between(0, Tableau ^ rows, Row),
+ not list.member(Row, Tableau ^ shunned_rows).
+:- pred all_rows(tableau::in, int::out) is nondet.
+all_rows(Tableau, Row) :-
+ between(1, Tableau ^ rows, Row),
+ not list.member(Row, Tableau ^ shunned_rows).
+:- pred all_cols0(tableau::in, int::out) is nondet.
+all_cols0(Tableau, Col) :-
+ between(0, Tableau ^ cols, Col),
+ not list.member(Col, Tableau ^ shunned_cols).
+:- pred all_cols(tableau::in, int::out) is nondet.
+all_cols(Tableau, Col) :-
+ Cols1 = Tableau ^ cols - 1,
+ between(0, Cols1, Col),
+ not list.member(Col, Tableau ^ shunned_cols).
+:- func var_col(tableau, lp_var) = int.
+var_col(Tableau, Var) = (Tableau ^ var_nums) ^ det_elem(Var).
+:- pred remove_row(int::in, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+remove_row(Row, !Tableau) :-
+ SR = !.Tableau ^ shunned_rows,
+ !:Tableau = !.Tableau ^ shunned_rows := [Row | SR].
+:- pred remove_col(int::in, tableau::in, tableau::out) is det.
+remove_col(C, Tableau0, Tableau) :-
+ Tableau0 = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, SR, SC, Cells),
+ Tableau = tableau(Rows, Cols, VarNums, SR, [C | SC], Cells).
+:- func get_basis_vars(tableau) = lp_vars.
+get_basis_vars(Tableau) = Vars :-
+ BasisCol = (pred(C::out) is nondet :-
+ all_cols(Tableau, C),
+ NonZeroGoal = (pred(P::out) is nondet :-
+ all_rows(Tableau, R),
+ Z = Tableau ^ elem(R, C),
+ Z \= zero,
+ P = R - Z
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(NonZeroGoal, Solns),
+ Solns = [_ - one]
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(BasisCol, Cols),
+ BasisVars = (pred(V::out) is nondet :-
+ list.member(Col, Cols),
+ map.member(Tableau ^ var_nums, V, Col)
+ ),
+ std_util.solutions(BasisVars, Vars).
+:- func lp_info_init(lp_varset) = lp_info.
+lp_info_init(Varset) = lp(Varset, [], []).
+:- pred new_slack_var(lp_var::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
+new_slack_var(Var, !LPInfo) :-
+ varset.new_var(!.LPInfo ^ varset, Var, Varset),
+ !:LPInfo = !.LPInfo ^ varset := Varset,
+ Vars = !.LPInfo ^ slack_vars,
+ !:LPInfo = !.LPInfo ^ slack_vars := [Var | Vars].
+:- pred new_art_var(lp_var::out, lp_info::in, lp_info::out) is det.
+new_art_var(Var, !LPInfo) :-
+ varset.new_var(!.LPInfo ^ varset, Var, Varset),
+ !:LPInfo = !.LPInfo ^ varset := Varset,
+ Vars = !.LPInfo ^ art_vars,
+ !:LPInfo = !.LPInfo ^ art_vars := [Var | Vars].
+:- pred between(int::in, int::in, int::out) is nondet.
+between(Min, Max, I) :-
+ Min =< Max,
+ (
+ I = Min
+ ;
+ between(Min + 1, Max, I)
+ ).
+% Projection.
+% The following code more or less follows the algorithm described in:
+% Joxan Jaffar, Michael Maher, Peter Stuckey and Roland Yap.
+% Projecting CLP(R) Constraints. New Generation Computing 11(3): 449-469.
+% * Linear equations (Gaussian elimination)
+% - substitutions need to be performed on the inequalities as well.
+% * Linear inequalities (Fourier elimination)
+% We next convert any remaining equations into opposing inequalities and
+% then use Fourier elimination to try and eliminate any remaining target
+% variables. The main problem here is ensuring that we don't get
+% swamped by redundant constraints.
+% The implementation here uses the extensions to FM elimination described by
+% Cernikov as well as some other redundancy checks. Note that in general
+% arbitrarily mixing redundancy elimination techniques with the Cernikov
+% methods is unsound (See the above article for an example).
+% In addition to Cernikov's methods and quasi-syntactic redundancy checks
+% we also use a heuristic developed by Duffin to choose the order in
+% which we eliminate variables (See below).
+:- type vector
+ ---> vector(
+ label :: set(int),
+ % The vector's label is for redundancy checking
+ % during Fourier elimination - see below.
+ terms :: map(lp_var, coefficient),
+ % A map from each variable in the vector to its
+ % coefficient
+ const :: constant
+ ).
+:- type matrix == list(vector).
+project(Vars, Varset, Constraints) = Result :-
+ project(Vars, Varset, no, Constraints, Result).
+project(Vars, Varset, Constraints, Result) :-
+ project(Vars, Varset, no, Constraints, Result).
+ % For the first branch of this switch the `Constraints' may actually
+ % be an inconsistent system - we don't bother checking that here though.
+ % We instead delay that until we need to perform an entailment check.
+ %
+project([], _, _, Constraints, ok(Constraints)).
+project(!.Vars @ [_|_], Varset, MaybeThreshold, Constraints0, Result) :-
+ eliminate_equations(!Vars, Constraints0, EqlResult),
+ (
+ EqlResult = inconsistent,
+ Result = inconsistent
+ ;
+ % Elimination of equations should not cause an abort
+ % since we are always making the matrix smaller.
+ %
+ EqlResult = aborted,
+ throw("project/5: abort from eliminate_equations.")
+ ;
+ EqlResult = ok(Constraints1),
+ %
+ % Skip the call to fourier_elimination/6 if there are no
+ % variables to project - this avoids the transformation to
+ % vector form.
+ %
+ ( !.Vars \= [] ->
+ Matrix0 = constraints_to_matrix(Constraints1),
+ fourier_elimination(!.Vars, Varset, MaybeThreshold, 0,
+ Matrix0, FourierResult),
+ (
+ FourierResult = yes(Matrix),
+ Constraints = matrix_to_constraints(Matrix),
+ Result = ok(Constraints)
+ ;
+ FourierResult = no,
+ Result = aborted
+ )
+ ;
+ % NOTE: the matrix `Constraints1' may actually be inconsistent
+ % here - we don't bother checking at this point because that
+ % would mean traversing the matrix, so we wait until the next
+ % operation that needs to traverse it anyway or until the
+ % next entailment check.
+ Result = ok(Constraints1)
+ )
+ ).
+% Convert each constraint into `=<' form and give each an initial label.
+:- func constraints_to_matrix(constraints) = matrix.
+constraints_to_matrix(Constraints) = Matrix :-
+ list.foldl2(fm_standardize, Constraints, 0, _, [], Matrix).
+:- pred fm_standardize(constraint::in, int::in, int::out, matrix::in,
+ matrix::out) is det.
+fm_standardize(lte(Terms0, Constant), !Labels, !Matrix) :-
+ Terms = lp_terms_to_map(Terms0),
+ make_label(Label, !Labels),
+ list.cons(vector(Label, Terms, Constant), !Matrix).
+fm_standardize(eq(Terms, Constant), !Labels, !Matrix) :-
+ make_label(Label1, !Labels),
+ make_label(Label2, !Labels),
+ Vector1 = vector(Label1, lp_terms_to_map(Terms), Constant),
+ Vector2 = vector(Label2, lp_terms_to_map(negate_lp_terms(Terms)),
+ -Constant),
+ list.append([Vector1, Vector2], !Matrix).
+fm_standardize(gte(Terms0, Constant), !Labels, !Matrix) :-
+ make_label(Label, !Labels),
+ Terms = lp_terms_to_map(negate_lp_terms(Terms0)),
+ list.cons(vector(Label, Terms, -Constant), !Matrix).
+:- pred make_label(set(int)::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+make_label(Label, Labels, Labels + 1) :-
+ set.singleton_set(Label, Labels).
+:- func matrix_to_constraints(matrix) = constraints.
+matrix_to_constraints(Matrix) = list.map(vector_to_constraint, Matrix).
+:- func vector_to_constraint(vector) = constraint.
+vector_to_constraint(vector(_, Terms0, Constant0)) = Constraint :-
+ Terms1 = map.to_assoc_list(Terms0),
+ normalize_terms_and_const(yes, Terms1, Constant0, Terms, Constant),
+ Constraint = lte(Terms, Constant).
+% Predicates for eliminating equations from the constraints.
+% (Gaussian elimination)
+% Split the constraints into a set of inequalities and a set of
+% equalities. For every variable in the set of target variables (ie.
+% those we are eliminating), check if there is at least one equality
+% that contains that variable. If then substitute the value of that
+% variable into the other constraints.
+:- pred eliminate_equations(lp_vars::in, lp_vars::out, constraints::in,
+ projection_result::out) is det.
+eliminate_equations(!Vars, Constraints0, Result) :-
+ Constraints = simplify_constraints(Constraints0),
+ list.filter((pred(eq(_, _)::in) is semidet), Constraints,
+ Equalities0, Inequalities0),
+ (
+ eliminate_equations_2(!Vars, Equalities0, Equalities,
+ Inequalities0, Inequalities)
+ ->
+ Result = ok(Equalities ++ Inequalities)
+ ;
+ Result = inconsistent
+ ).
+:- pred eliminate_equations_2(lp_vars::in, lp_vars::out,
+ constraints::in, constraints::out, constraints::in,
+ constraints::out) is semidet.
+eliminate_equations_2([], [], !Equations, !Inequations).
+eliminate_equations_2([Var | !.Vars], !:Vars, !Equations, !Inequations) :-
+ eliminate_equations_2(!Vars, !Equations, !Inequations),
+ ( find_target_equality(Var, Target, !Equations) ->
+ substitute_variable(Target, Var, !Equations, !Inequations,
+ SuccessFlag),
+ ( SuccessFlag = no ->
+ list.cons(Var, !Vars),
+ list.cons(Target, !Equations)
+ ;
+ true
+ )
+ ;
+ list.cons(Var, !Vars)
+ ).
+ % Find an equation that constrains a variable we are trying
+ % to eliminate.
+ %
+:- pred find_target_equality(lp_var::in, constraint::out, constraints::in,
+ constraints::out) is semidet.
+find_target_equality(Var, Target, Constraints0, Constraints) :-
+ Result = find_target_equality(Var, Constraints0),
+ Result = yes(Target - Constraints).
+:- func find_target_equality(lp_var, constraints) =
+ maybe(pair(constraint, constraints)).
+find_target_equality(Var, Eqns) = find_target_equality_2(Var, Eqns, []).
+:- func find_target_equality_2(lp_var, constraints, constraints) =
+ maybe(pair(constraint, constraints)).
+find_target_equality_2(_, [], _) = no.
+find_target_equality_2(Var, [Eqn | Eqns], Acc) = MaybeTargetEqn :-
+ ( if operator(Eqn) \= (=)
+ then throw("find_target_equality_2/3: inequality encountered.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ Coeffs = lp_terms(Eqn),
+ ( if list.member(Var - _, Coeffs)
+ then MaybeTargetEqn = yes(Eqn - (Acc ++ Eqns))
+ else MaybeTargetEqn = find_target_equality_2(Var, Eqns, [Eqn | Acc])
+ ).
+ % Given a target equation of the form a1x1 + .. + aNxN = C and
+ % a target variable, say `x1', notionally rewrite the equation as:
+ %
+ % x1 = C - ... aN/a1 xN
+ %
+ % and then substitute that value for x1 in the supplied sets
+ % of equations and inequations.
+ %
+:- pred substitute_variable(constraint::in, lp_var::in,
+ constraints::in, constraints::out, constraints::in, constraints::out,
+ bool::out) is semidet.
+substitute_variable(Target0, Var, !Equations, !Inequations, Flag) :-
+ normalize_constraint(Var, Target0, Target),
+ constraint(Target, TargetCoeffs, Op, TargetConst),
+ ( if Op \= (=)
+ then throw("substitute_variable/7: inequality encountered.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ fix_coeff_and_const(Var, TargetCoeffs, TargetConst, Coeffs, Const),
+ substitute_into_constraints(Var, Coeffs, Const, !Equations, EqlFlag),
+ substitute_into_constraints(Var, Coeffs, Const, !Inequations, IneqlFlag),
+ Flag = bool.or(EqlFlag, IneqlFlag).
+ % Multiply the terms and constant except for the term containing
+ % the specified variable in preparation for making a substitution
+ % for that variable. Notionally this converts a constraint of the
+ % form:
+ % t + z + w = C ... C is a constant
+ %
+ % into:
+ %
+ % t = C - z - w
+ %
+:- pred fix_coeff_and_const(lp_var::in, lp_terms::in, constant::in,
+ lp_terms::out, constant::out) is det.
+fix_coeff_and_const(_, [], Const, [], -Const).
+fix_coeff_and_const(Var, [Var1 - Coeff1 | Coeffs], Const0, FixedCoeffs,
+ Const) :-
+ fix_coeff_and_const(Var, Coeffs, Const0, FCoeffs0, Const),
+ FixedCoeffs = ( Var = Var1 -> FCoeffs0 ; [Var1 - (-Coeff1) | FCoeffs0]).
+ % The `Flag' argument is `yes' if a one or more substitutions was made,
+ % `no' otherwise. substitute_into_constraints/7 fails if a false
+ % constraint is generated as a result of a substitution. This means
+ % that the original matrix was inconsistent.
+ %
+:- pred substitute_into_constraints(lp_var::in, lp_terms::in,
+ constant::in, constraints::in, constraints::out, bool::out) is semidet.
+substitute_into_constraints(_, _, _, [], [], no).
+substitute_into_constraints(Var, Coeffs, Const, [Constr0 | Constrs0], Result,
+ Flag) :-
+ substitute_into_constraint(Var, Coeffs, Const, Constr0, Constr, Flag0),
+ not is_false(Constr),
+ substitute_into_constraints(Var, Coeffs, Const, Constrs0, Constrs,
+ Flag1),
+ Result = ( if is_true(Constr) then Constrs else [ Constr | Constrs ] ),
+ Flag = bool.or(Flag0, Flag1).
+:- pred substitute_into_constraint(lp_var::in, lp_terms::in,
+ constant::in, constraint::in, constraint::out, bool::out) is det.
+substitute_into_constraint(Var, SubCoeffs, SubConst, !Constraint, Flag) :-
+ normalize_constraint(Var, !Constraint),
+ constraint(!.Constraint, TargetCoeffs, Op, TargetConst),
+ ( list.member(Var - one, TargetCoeffs) ->
+ FinalCoeffs0 = lp_terms_to_map(TargetCoeffs ++ SubCoeffs),
+ %
+ % Delete the target variable from both constraints.
+ %
+ FinalCoeffs1 = map.delete(FinalCoeffs0, Var),
+ FinalCoeffs = map.to_assoc_list(FinalCoeffs1),
+ FinalConst = TargetConst + SubConst,
+ !:Constraint = constraint(FinalCoeffs, Op, FinalConst),
+ Flag = yes
+ ;
+ Flag = no
+ ).
+% Fourier elimination.
+ % Will return `no' if it aborts otherwise `yes(Matrix)', where
+ % `Matrix' is the result of the projection.
+ %
+:- pred fourier_elimination(lp_vars::in, lp_varset::in, maybe(int)::in,
+ int::in, matrix::in, maybe(matrix)::out) is det.
+fourier_elimination([], _, _, _, Matrix, yes(Matrix)).
+fourier_elimination(Vars @ [Var0 | Vars0], Varset, MaybeThreshold, !.Step,
+ Matrix0, Result) :-
+ %
+ % Use Duffin's heuristic to try and find a "nice" variable eliminate.
+ %
+ % NOTE: the heuristic will fail if none of the variables being
+ % projected actually occur in the constraints. In that case
+ % we just pick the first one - it doesn't really matter since
+ % the projection will be trivial.
+ %
+ ( if duffin_heuristic(Vars, Matrix0, TargetVar0, OtherVars0)
+ then Var = TargetVar0, OtherVars = OtherVars0
+ else Var = Var0, OtherVars = Vars0
+ ),
+ separate_vectors(Matrix0, Var, PosMatrix, NegMatrix, ZeroMatrix,
+ SizeZeroMatrix),
+ %
+ % `Step' counts active Fourier eliminations only. An elimination is
+ % active if at least one constraint contains a term that has a
+ % non-zero coefficient for the variable being eliminated.
+ %
+ ( PosMatrix \= [], NegMatrix \= [] ->
+ !:Step = !.Step + 1,
+ ( list.foldl2(eliminate_var(!.Step, MaybeThreshold, NegMatrix),
+ PosMatrix, ZeroMatrix, ResultMatrix, SizeZeroMatrix, _)
+ ->
+ NewMatrix = yes(ResultMatrix)
+ ;
+ NewMatrix = no
+ )
+ ;
+ NewMatrix = yes(ZeroMatrix)
+ ),
+ ( if NewMatrix = yes(Matrix)
+ then fourier_elimination(OtherVars, Varset, MaybeThreshold, !.Step,
+ Matrix, Result)
+ else Result = no
+ ).
+ % separate_vectors(Matrix, Var, Positive, Negative, Zero, Num).
+ % `Positive' is a matrix containing those constraints of `Matrix' for
+ % which the coefficient of `Var' is positive. `Negative' similarly
+ % for those which the coefficient of `Var' is negative and `Zero'
+ % those for which the coefficient of `Var' is zero. `Num' is the
+ % number of constraints in `Zero'.
+ %
+:- pred separate_vectors(matrix::in, lp_var::in, matrix::out, matrix::out,
+ matrix::out, int::out) is det.
+separate_vectors(Matrix, Var, Pos, Neg, Zero, NumZeros) :-
+ list.foldl4(classify_vector(Var), Matrix, [], Pos, [], Neg, [], Zero,
+ 0, NumZeros).
+:- pred classify_vector(lp_var::in, vector::in, matrix::in,
+ matrix::out, matrix::in, matrix::out, matrix::in, matrix::out,
+ int::in, int::out) is det.
+classify_vector(Var, Vector0, !Pos, !Neg, !Zero, !Num) :-
+ ( Coefficient = Vector0 ^ terms ^ elem(Var) ->
+ Vector0 = vector(Label, Terms0, Const0),
+ normalize_vector(Var, Terms0, Const0, Terms, Const),
+ Vector1 = vector(Label, Terms, Const),
+ ( if Coefficient > zero
+ then list.cons(Vector1, !Pos)
+ else list.cons(Vector1, !Neg)
+ )
+ ;
+ list.cons(Vector0, !Zero),
+ !:Num = !.Num + 1
+ ).
+:- pred eliminate_var(int::in, maybe(int)::in, matrix::in,
+ vector::in, matrix::in, matrix::out, int::in, int::out) is semidet.
+eliminate_var(Step, MaybeThreshold, NegMatrix, PosVector, !Zeros, !ZerosSize) :-
+ list.foldl2(combine_vectors(Step, MaybeThreshold, PosVector),
+ NegMatrix, !Zeros, !ZerosSize).
+:- pred combine_vectors(int::in, maybe(int)::in, vector::in,
+ vector::in, matrix::in, matrix::out, int::in, int::out) is semidet.
+combine_vectors(Step, MaybeThreshold, vector(LabelPos, TermsPos, ConstPos),
+ vector(LabelNeg, TermsNeg, ConstNeg), !Zeros, !Num) :-
+ LabelNew = set.union(LabelPos, LabelNeg),
+ (
+ % If the cardinality of the label set is greater than `Step + 2'
+ % then the constraint we are trying to add is redundant.
+ set.count(LabelNew) < Step + 2
+ ->
+ add_vectors(TermsPos, ConstPos, TermsNeg, ConstNeg, Coeffs,
+ Const),
+ New = vector(LabelNew, Coeffs, Const),
+ (
+ (
+ % Do not bother adding the new constraint
+ % if it is just `true'.
+ map.is_empty(Coeffs),
+ Const >= zero
+ ;
+ list.member(Vec, !.Zeros),
+ quasi_syntactic_redundant(New, Vec)
+ )
+ ->
+ % If the new constraint is `true' or is
+ % quasi-syntactic redundant with something
+ % already there.
+ true
+ ;
+ % Remove anything in the matrix that is
+ % quasi-syntactic redundant w.r.t the new constraint.
+ %
+ filter_and_count(
+ (pred(Vec2::in) is semidet :-
+ not quasi_syntactic_redundant(Vec2, New)
+ ),
+ !.Zeros, [], !:Zeros, 0, !:Num),
+ (
+ list.member(Vec, !.Zeros),
+ label_subsumed(New, Vec)
+ ->
+ % Do not add the new constraint because it is label
+ % subsumed by something already in the matrix.
+ %
+ true
+ ;
+ filter_and_count(
+ (pred(Vec2::in) is semidet :-
+ not label_subsumed(Vec2, New)
+ ),
+ !.Zeros, [], !:Zeros, 0, !:Num),
+ list.cons(New, !Zeros),
+ !:Num = !.Num + 1
+ )
+ )
+ ;
+ true
+ ),
+ %
+ % Check that the size of the matrix does not exceed the threshold
+ % for aborting the projection.
+ %
+ not ( MaybeThreshold = yes(Threshold), !.Num > Threshold ).
+:- pred filter_and_count(pred(vector), matrix, matrix, matrix, int, int) is det.
+:- mode filter_and_count(pred(in) is semidet, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+filter_and_count(_, [], !Acc, !Count).
+filter_and_count(P, [X | Xs], !Acc, !Count) :-
+ ( if P(X)
+ then list.cons(X, !Acc), !:Count = !.Count + 1
+ else true
+ ),
+ filter_and_count(P, Xs, !Acc, !Count).
+% Detection of quasi-syntactic redundancy.
+ % Succeeds if the first vector is quasi-syntactic redundant wrt to the
+ % second. That is c = c' + (0 < e), for e > 0.
+ %
+:- pred quasi_syntactic_redundant(vector::in, vector::in) is semidet.
+quasi_syntactic_redundant(VecA, VecB) :-
+ VecB ^ const < VecA ^ const,
+ all [Var] (
+ map.member(VecA ^ terms, Var, Coeff) <=>
+ map.member(VecB ^ terms, Var, Coeff)
+ ).
+% Label subsumption.
+ % label_subsumed(A, B) : succeeds iff
+ % constraint A is label subsumed by constraint B.
+ %
+:- pred label_subsumed(vector::in, vector::in) is semidet.
+label_subsumed(VectorA, VectorB) :-
+ set.subset(VectorB ^ label, VectorA ^ label).
+% Duffin's heuristic.
+% This attempts to find an order in which to eliminate variables such that
+% the minimal number of redundant constraints are generated at each
+% Fourier step. For each variable, x_h, to be eliminated, we
+% calculate E(x_h) which is defined as follows:
+% E(x_h) = p(x_h)q(x_h) + r(x_h) ... if p(x_h) + q(x_h) > 0
+% E(x_h) = 0 ... if p(x_h) + q(x_h) = 0
+% p, q, r are the number of positive, negative and zero coefficients
+% of the variable x_h respectively in the system of constraints under
+% consideration. E(x_h) is called the expansion number of x_h.
+% We eliminate the variable that has minimal expansion number.
+% For further details see:
+% R.J. Duffin. On Fourier's Analysis of Linear Inequality Systems.
+% Mathematical Programming Study 1, 71 - 95 (1974).
+ % We only count the occurrences of positive and negative coefficients.
+ % We can work out the zero occurrences by subtracting the two
+ % previous totals from the total number of constraints.
+ %
+:- type coeff_info
+ ---> coeff_info(
+ pos :: int,
+ neg :: int
+ ).
+:- type cc_map == map(lp_var, coeff_info).
+ % Calculates the variable with the minimal expansion number and
+ % returns that variable. (Removes those variables that have an
+ % expansion number of zero, because there are no constraints on them
+ % anyway). Fails if it can't find such a variable, ie. none of the
+ % variables being eliminated actually occurs in the constraints.
+ %
+:- pred duffin_heuristic(lp_vars::in, matrix::in, lp_var::out,
+ lp_vars::out) is semidet.
+duffin_heuristic([Var], _, Var, []).
+duffin_heuristic(Vars0 @ [_,_|_], Matrix, TargetVar, Vars) :-
+ VarsAndNums0 = generate_expansion_nums(Vars0, Matrix),
+ VarsAndNums1 = list.filter(relevant, VarsAndNums0),
+ VarsAndNums1 \= [],
+ TargetVar = find_max(VarsAndNums1),
+ Vars = collect_remaining_vars(VarsAndNums1, TargetVar).
+:- func collect_remaining_vars(assoc_list(lp_var, int), lp_var) = lp_vars.
+collect_remaining_vars([], _) = [].
+collect_remaining_vars([Var - _ | Rest], TargetVar) = Result :-
+ ( if Var = TargetVar
+ then Result = collect_remaining_vars(Rest, TargetVar)
+ else Result = [ Var | collect_remaining_vars(Rest, TargetVar) ]
+ ).
+:- func find_max(list(pair(lp_var, int))) = lp_var.
+find_max([]) = throw("find_max/2: empty list passed as arg.").
+find_max([Var0 - ExpnNum0 | Vars]) = fst(find_max_2(Vars, Var0 - ExpnNum0)).
+:- func find_max_2(assoc_list(lp_var, int), pair(lp_var, int)) =
+ pair(lp_var, int).
+find_max_2([], Best) = Best.
+find_max_2([Var1 - ExpnNum1 | Vars], Var0 - ExpnNum0) =
+ ( if ExpnNum1 < ExpnNum0
+ then find_max_2(Vars, Var1 - ExpnNum1)
+ else find_max_2(Vars, Var0 - ExpnNum0)
+ ).
+:- pred relevant(pair(lp_var, int)::in) is semidet.
+relevant(Var) :- Var \= _ - 0.
+ % Given a list of variables and a system of linear inequalities
+ % generate the expansion number for each of the variables in the
+ % list.
+ %
+:- func generate_expansion_nums(lp_vars, matrix) = assoc_list(lp_var, int).
+generate_expansion_nums(Vars0, Matrix) = ExpansionNums :-
+ Vars = list.sort_and_remove_dups(Vars0),
+ CoeffMap0 = init_cc_map(Vars),
+ CoeffMap = list.foldl(count_coeffs_in_vector, Matrix, CoeffMap0),
+ CoeffList = map.to_assoc_list(CoeffMap),
+ ConstrNum = list.length(Matrix),
+ ExpansionNums = list.map(make_expansion_num(ConstrNum), CoeffList).
+:- func make_expansion_num(int, pair(lp_var, coeff_info)) = pair(lp_var, int).
+make_expansion_num(ConstrNum, Var - coeff_info(Pos, Neg)) = Var - ExpnNum :-
+ PosAndNeg = Pos + Neg,
+ ( if PosAndNeg = 0
+ then ExpnNum = 0
+ else ExpnNum = (Pos * Neg) + (ConstrNum - PosAndNeg)
+ ).
+:- func count_coeffs_in_vector(vector, cc_map) = cc_map.
+count_coeffs_in_vector(Vector, Map0) = Map :-
+ CoeffList = map.to_assoc_list(Vector ^ terms),
+ list.foldl(count_coeff, CoeffList, Map0, Map).
+:- pred count_coeff(lp_term::in, cc_map::in, cc_map::out) is det.
+count_coeff(Var - Coeff, !Map) :-
+ ( !.Map ^ elem(Var) = coeff_info(Pos0, Neg0) ->
+ ( Coeff > zero ->
+ Pos = Pos0 + 1, Neg = Neg0
+ ; Coeff < zero ->
+ Pos = Pos0, Neg = Neg0 + 1
+ ;
+ throw("count_coeff/3: zero coefficient encountered.")
+ ),
+ svmap.det_update(Var, coeff_info(Pos, Neg), !Map)
+ ;
+ true
+ % If the variable in the term was not in the map then it is not
+ % one of the ones that is being eliminated.
+ ).
+:- func init_cc_map(lp_vars) = cc_map.
+init_cc_map(Vars) = list.foldl(InitMap, Vars, map.init) :-
+ InitMap = (func(Var, Map) =
+ map.det_insert(Map, Var, coeff_info(0, 0))
+ ).
+% Predicates for normalizing vectors and constraints.
+ % normalize_vector(Var, Terms0, Const0, Terms, Const).
+ % Converts a vector, broken up into `Terms0' and `Const0', into a
+ % parallel one where the coefficient of `Var' is +/- one.
+ % Throws an exception if the map contains a zero coefficient for `Var'.
+ %
+:- pred normalize_vector(lp_var::in, map(lp_var, coefficient)::in,
+ constant::in, map(lp_var, coefficient)::out, constant::out) is det.
+normalize_vector(Var, !.Terms, !.Constant, !:Terms, !:Constant) :-
+ ( Coefficient = !.Terms ^ elem(Var) ->
+ ( if Coefficient = zero
+ then throw(
+ "normalize_vector/5: zero coefficient in vector.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ DivVal = rat.abs(Coefficient),
+ !:Terms = map.map_values((func(_, C) = C / DivVal), !.Terms),
+ !:Constant = !.Constant / DivVal
+ ;
+ % In this case the the coefficient of the variable was zero
+ % (implicit in the fact that it is not in the map).
+ true
+ ).
+ % Multiply the given constraint by a scaler appropriate to make the
+ % coefficient of the given variable in the constraint one. If the
+ % variable does not occur in the constraint then the constraint is
+ % unchanged. If the constraint is an inequality the sign may be
+ % changed. Throws an exception if the variable is found in the
+ % constraint and it has a coefficient of zero.
+ %
+:- pred normalize_constraint(lp_var::in, constraint::in, constraint::out)
+ is det.
+normalize_constraint(Var, Constraint0, Constraint) :-
+ lp_rational.constraint(Constraint0, Terms0, Op0, Constant0),
+ ( assoc_list.search(Terms0, Var, Coefficient) ->
+ ( if Coefficient = zero
+ then throw("normalize_constraint/3: zero coefficient constraint.")
+ else true
+ ),
+ Terms = list.map((func(V - C) = V - (C / Coefficient)), Terms0),
+ Constant = Constant0 / Coefficient,
+ ( if Coefficient < zero
+ then Op = negate_operator(Op0)
+ else Op = Op0
+ )
+ ;
+ % In this case the the coefficient of the variable was zero
+ % (implicit in the fact that it is not in the list).
+ Terms = Terms0,
+ Op = Op0,
+ Constant = Constant0
+ ),
+ Constraint = lp_rational.unchecked_constraint(Terms, Op, Constant).
+:- pred add_vectors(map(lp_var, coefficient)::in, constant::in,
+ map(lp_var, coefficient)::in, constant::in,
+ map(lp_var, coefficient)::out, constant::out) is det.
+add_vectors(TermsA, ConstA, TermsB, ConstB, Terms, ConstA + ConstB) :-
+ IsMapKey = (pred(Var::out) is nondet :-
+ map.member(TermsA, Var, _)
+ ),
+ AddVal = (pred(Var::in, Coeffs0::in, Coeffs::out) is det :-
+ NumA = TermsA ^ det_elem(Var),
+ ( if Coeffs0 ^ elem(Var) = Num1
+ then
+ ( if NumA + Num1 = zero
+ then Coeffs = map.delete(Coeffs0, Var)
+ else Coeffs = map.det_update(Coeffs0, Var, NumA + Num1)
+ )
+ else Coeffs = map.det_insert(Coeffs0, Var, NumA)
+ )
+ ),
+ std_util.aggregate(IsMapKey, AddVal, TermsB, Terms).
+% Redundancy checking using the linear solver.
+ % Check if each constraint in the set is entailed by all the others.
+ % XXX It would be preferable not to use this as it can be very slow.
+ %
+remove_some_entailed_constraints(Varset, Constraints0, Constraints) :-
+ remove_some_entailed_constraints_2(Varset, Constraints0, [],
+ Constraints).
+:- pred remove_some_entailed_constraints_2(lp_varset::in, constraints::in,
+ constraints::in, constraints::out) is semidet.
+remove_some_entailed_constraints_2(_, [], !Constraints).
+remove_some_entailed_constraints_2(_, [ E ], !Constraints) :-
+ list.cons(E, !Constraints).
+remove_some_entailed_constraints_2(Varset, [E, X | Es], !Constraints) :-
+ ( obvious_constraint(E) ->
+ true
+ ;
+ RestOfMatrix = [ X | Es ] ++ !.Constraints,
+ Result = entailed(Varset, RestOfMatrix, E),
+ (
+ Result = entailed
+ ;
+ Result = not_entailed,
+ list.cons(E, !Constraints)
+ ;
+ Result = inconsistent,
+ fail
+ )
+ ),
+ remove_some_entailed_constraints_2(Varset, [X | Es], !Constraints).
+restore_equalities([], []).
+restore_equalities([E0 | Es0], [E | Es]) :-
+ ( if check_for_equalities(E0, Es0, [], E1, Es1)
+ then E = E1, Es2 = Es1
+ else Es2 = Es0, E = E0
+ ),
+ restore_equalities(Es2, Es).
+:- pred check_for_equalities(constraint::in, constraints::in, constraints::in,
+ constraint::out, constraints::out) is semidet.
+check_for_equalities(Eqn0, [Eqn | Eqns], SoFar, NewEqn, NewEqnSet) :-
+ (
+ opposing_inequalities(Eqn0 @ lte(Coeffs, Constant), Eqn)
+ ->
+ NewEqn = standardize_constraint(eq(Coeffs, Constant)),
+ NewEqnSet = SoFar ++ Eqns
+ ;
+ check_for_equalities(Eqn0, Eqns, [Eqn | SoFar], NewEqn, NewEqnSet)
+ ).
+ % Checks if a pair of constraints are inequalities of the form:
+ %
+ % -ax1 - ax2 - ... - axN =< -C
+ % ax1 + ax2 + ... + axN =< C
+ %
+ % These can be converted into the equality:
+ %
+ % ax1 + ... + axN = C
+ %
+ % NOTE: we don't check for gte constraints because these should
+ % have been transformed away when we converted to standard form.
+ %
+:- pred opposing_inequalities(constraint::in, constraint::in) is semidet.
+opposing_inequalities(lte(TermsA, Const), lte(TermsB, -Const)) :-
+ TermsB = list.map((func(V - X) = V - (-X)), TermsA).
+% Entailment test.
+ % entailed(C, Cs, Vars).
+ % Determines if the constraint `C' is implied by the set of
+ % constraints `Cs'. Uses the simplex method to find the point `P'
+ % satisfying `Cs' which maximizes (or minimizes if `C' contains `>=' )
+ % a function parallel to `C'. Then tests whether `P' satisfies `C'.
+ % This assumes that all the variables are non-negative.
+ %
+entailed(Varset, Constraints, lte(Objective, Constant)) = Result :-
+ SolverResult = lp_rational.solve(Constraints, max, Objective, Varset),
+ (
+ SolverResult = satisfiable(MaxVal, _),
+ Result = ( if MaxVal =< Constant then entailed else not_entailed )
+ ;
+ SolverResult = unbounded,
+ Result = not_entailed
+ ;
+ SolverResult = inconsistent,
+ Result = inconsistent
+ ).
+entailed(Varset, Constraints, eq(Objective, Constant)) = Result :-
+ Result0 = entailed(Varset, Constraints, lte(Objective, Constant)),
+ ( Result0 = entailed ->
+ Result = entailed(Varset, Constraints, gte(Objective, Constant))
+ ;
+ Result0 = Result
+ ).
+entailed(Varset, Constraints, gte(Objective, Constant)) = Result :-
+ SolverResult = lp_rational.solve(Constraints, min, Objective, Varset),
+ (
+ SolverResult = satisfiable(MinVal, _),
+ Result = ( if MinVal >= Constant then entailed else not_entailed )
+ ;
+ SolverResult = unbounded,
+ Result = not_entailed
+ ;
+ SolverResult = inconsistent,
+ Result = inconsistent
+ ).
+entailed(Varset, Constraints, Constraint) :-
+ Result = entailed(Varset, Constraints, Constraint),
+ (
+ Result = entailed
+ ;
+ Result = inconsistent,
+ throw("entailed/3: inconsistent constraint set.")
+ ;
+ Result = not_entailed,
+ fail
+ ).
+get_vars_from_constraints(Constraints) = Vars :-
+ list.foldl(get_vars_from_constraint, Constraints, set.init, Vars).
+:- pred get_vars_from_constraint(constraint::in, set(lp_var)::in,
+ set(lp_var)::out) is det.
+get_vars_from_constraint(Constraint, !SetVar) :-
+ get_vars_from_terms(lp_terms(Constraint), !SetVar).
+:- pred get_vars_from_terms(lp_terms::in, set(lp_var)::in, set(lp_var)::out)
+ is det.
+get_vars_from_terms([], !SetVar).
+get_vars_from_terms([Var - _ | Coeffs], !SetVar) :-
+ svset.insert(Var, !SetVar),
+ get_vars_from_terms(Coeffs, !SetVar).
+% Printing constraints.
+ % Write out a term - outputs the empty string if the term
+ % has a coefficient of zero.
+ %
+:- pred write_term(lp_varset::in, lp_term::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_term(Varset, Var - Coefficient, !IO) :-
+ ( if Coefficient > zero
+ then io.write_char('+', !IO)
+ else io.write_char('-', !IO)
+ ),
+ io.write_string(" (", !IO),
+ Num = abs(numer(Coefficient)),
+ io.write_string(int_to_string(Num), !IO),
+ ( if denom(Coefficient) \= 1
+ then io.format("/%s", [s(int_to_string(denom(Coefficient)))], !IO)
+ else true
+ ),
+ io.write_char(')', !IO),
+ io.write_string(varset.lookup_name(Varset, Var), !IO).
+% Debugging predicates for writing out constraints.
+write_constraints(Constraints, Varset, !IO) :-
+ list.foldl(write_constraint(Varset), Constraints, !IO).
+:- pred write_constraint(lp_varset::in, constraint::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_constraint(Varset, Constr, !IO) :-
+ constraint(Constr, Coeffs, Operator, Constant),
+ io.write_char('\t', !IO),
+ list.foldl(write_constr_term(Varset), Coeffs, !IO),
+ io.format("%s %s\n", [s(operator_to_string(Operator)),
+ s(rat.to_string(Constant))], !IO).
+:- pred write_constr_term(lp_varset::in, lp_term::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_constr_term(Varset, Var - Coeff, !IO) :-
+ VarName = varset.lookup_name(Varset, Var),
+ io.format("%s%s ", [s(rat.to_string(Coeff)), s(VarName)], !IO).
+:- func operator_to_string(operator) = string.
+operator_to_string((=<)) = "=<".
+operator_to_string((=) ) = "=".
+operator_to_string((>=)) = ">=".
+:- pred write_vars(varset::in, lp_vars::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_vars(Varset, Vars, !IO) :-
+ io.write_string("[ ", !IO),
+ write_vars_2(Varset, Vars, !IO),
+ io.write_string(" ]", !IO).
+:- pred write_vars_2(lp_varset::in, lp_vars::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_vars_2(_, [], !IO).
+write_vars_2(Varset, [V | Vs], !IO) :-
+ io.write_string(var_to_string(Varset, V), !IO),
+ ( if Vs = [] then true else io.write_string(", ", !IO)),
+ write_vars_2(Varset, Vs, !IO).
+:- func var_to_string(lp_varset, lp_var) = string.
+var_to_string(Varset, Var) = varset.lookup_name(Varset, Var, "Unnamed").
+ % Write out the matrix used during fourier elimination. If
+ % `Labels' is `yes' then write out the label for each vector
+ % as well.
+ %
+:- pred write_matrix(lp_varset::in, bool::in, matrix::in, io::di, io::uo)
+ is det.
+write_matrix(Varset, Labels, Matrix, !IO) :-
+ io.write_list(Matrix, "\n", write_vector(Varset, Labels), !IO).
+:- pred write_vector(lp_varset::in, bool::in, vector::in, io::di,
+ io::uo) is det.
+write_vector(Varset, _WriteLabels, vector(_Label, Terms0, Constant), !IO) :-
+ Terms = map.to_assoc_list(Terms0),
+ list.foldl(write_constr_term(Varset), Terms, !IO),
+ io.write_string(" (=<) ", !IO),
+ io.write_string(rat.to_string(Constant), !IO).
+% Intermodule optimization stuff.
+% The following predicates write out constraints in a form that is useful
+% for (transitive) intermodule optimization.
+output_constraints(OutputVar, Constraints, !IO) :-
+ io.write_char('[', !IO),
+ io.write_list(Constraints, ", ", output_constraint(OutputVar), !IO),
+ io.write_char(']', !IO).
+:- pred output_constraint(output_var::in(output_var), constraint::in,
+ io::di, io::uo) is det.
+output_constraint(OutputVar, lte(Terms, Constant), !IO) :-
+ io.write_string("le(", !IO),
+ output_constraint_2(OutputVar, Terms, Constant, !IO).
+output_constraint(OutputVar, eq(Terms, Constant), !IO) :-
+ io.write_string("eq(", !IO),
+ output_constraint_2(OutputVar, Terms, Constant, !IO).
+output_constraint(_, gte(_,_), _, _) :-
+ throw("output_constraint/3: gte encountered.").
+:- pred output_constraint_2(output_var::in(output_var), lp_terms::in,
+ constant::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+output_constraint_2(OutputVar, Terms, Constant, !IO) :-
+ output_terms(OutputVar, Terms, !IO),
+ io.write_string(", ", !IO),
+ rat.write_rat(Constant, !IO),
+ io.write_char(')', !IO).
+:- pred output_terms(output_var::in(output_var), lp_terms::in, io::di, io::uo)
+ is det.
+output_terms(OutputVar, Terms, !IO) :-
+ io.write_char('[', !IO),
+ io.write_list(Terms, ", ", output_term(OutputVar), !IO),
+ io.write_char(']', !IO).
+:- pred output_term(output_var::in(output_var), lp_term::in, io::di, io::uo)
+ is det.
+output_term(OutputVar, Var - Coefficient, !IO) :-
+ io.format("term(%s, ", [s(OutputVar(Var))], !IO),
+ rat.write_rat(Coefficient, !IO),
+ io.write_char(')', !IO).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "lp_rational.m".
+:- end_module libs.lp_rational.
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