[m-rev.] for review: Allow --xml browse option from within declarative debugger

Ian MacLarty maclarty at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Sat Feb 19 16:38:47 AEDT 2005

For review by anyone.

Estimated hours taken: 6
Branches: main

Allow an XML term browser to be called from the declarative debugger.

	Add a predicate to save a term to an XML file and then launch an
	XML browser.

	Add a predicate that saves a term to an XML file and doesn't print
	any error messages, but just returns an io.res result and use this
	in save_term_to_file_xml and the predicate mentioned above.

	Add two fields to the browser's persistent state - one to record the
	temporary filename to use when saving a term to an XML file and one
	to hold the command to launch the XML browser.  Previously these were
	stored in C global variables which were not accessable from the
	declarative debugger.

	Export the browser_persistent_state type so the field access functions
	can be used from browse.m.

	Allow the user to give an -x or --xml option to the browse command from
	within the declarative debugger.

	Reformat the user_command type and add a new functor: browse_xml_arg/1.

	Describe the -x or --xml browse option in the help message and reformat
	the trust command help message as it was looking a bit untidy.
	Test the --xml option from within the declarative debugger.

	Move MR_trace_save_and_invoke_xml_browser from mercury_trace_internal.c
	to mercury_trace_browse.c so it can call the new Mercury code in

	Handle the `set xml_browser_cmd' and `set xml_tmp_filename' commands by 
	calling Mercury code to set the appropriate fields in the persistent
	browser state.

Index: browser/browse.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/browser/browse.m,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50 browse.m
--- browser/browse.m	24 Jan 2005 07:41:02 -0000	1.50
+++ browser/browse.m	19 Feb 2005 05:06:15 -0000
@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@
 	browser_persistent_state::in, browser_persistent_state::out,
 	io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+	% Dump the term as an XML file and launch the XML browser specified
+	% by the xml_browser_cmd field in the browser_persistent_state.
+	%
+:- pred browse__save_and_browse_browser_term_xml(browser_term::in,
+	io__output_stream::in, io__output_stream::in,
+	browser_persistent_state::in, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
 	% As above, except that the supplied format will override the default.
 	% Again, this is exported to C code, so the browser term mode function
 	% can't be supplied.
@@ -168,6 +175,9 @@
 :- pragma export(save_term_to_file_xml(in, in, in, di, uo),
+:- pragma export(browse__save_and_browse_browser_term_xml(in, in, in, in, 
+	di, uo), "ML_BROWSE_browse_term_xml").
 % If the term browser is called from the internal debugger, input is
@@ -241,6 +251,20 @@
 save_term_to_file_xml(FileName, BrowserTerm, OutStream, !IO) :-
+	maybe_save_term_to_file_xml(FileName, BrowserTerm, Result, !IO),
+	(
+		Result = ok
+	;
+		Result = error(Error),
+		io__error_message(Error, Msg),
+		io__write_string(OutStream, Msg, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO)
+	).
+:- pred maybe_save_term_to_file_xml(string::in, browser_term::in,
+	io.res::out, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+maybe_save_term_to_file_xml(FileName, BrowserTerm, FileStreamRes, !IO) :-
 	io__tell(FileName, FileStreamRes, !IO),
 		FileStreamRes = ok,
@@ -265,9 +289,80 @@
-		FileStreamRes = error(Error),
-		io__error_message(Error, Msg),
-		io__write_string(OutStream, Msg, !IO)
+		FileStreamRes = error(_)
+	).
+browse__save_and_browse_browser_term_xml(Term, OutStream, ErrStream, State, 
+		!IO) :-
+	(
+		State ^ xml_browser_cmd = yes(CommandStr),
+		(
+			State ^ xml_tmp_filename = yes(TmpFileName),
+			io.write_string(OutStream, 
+				"Saving term to XML file...\n", !IO),
+			maybe_save_term_to_file_xml(TmpFileName, Term, 
+				SaveResult, !IO),
+			(
+				SaveResult = ok,
+				launch_xml_browser(OutStream, ErrStream,
+					CommandStr, !IO)
+			;
+				SaveResult = error(Error),
+				io.error_message(Error, Msg),
+				io.write_string(ErrStream, 
+					"Error opening file `" ++
+					TmpFileName ++ "': ", !IO),
+				io.write_string(ErrStream, Msg, !IO),
+				io.nl(!IO)
+			)
+		;
+			State ^ xml_tmp_filename = no,
+			io.write_string(ErrStream, 
+				"mdb: You need to issue a " ++
+				"\"set xml_tmp_filename '<filename>'\" " ++
+				" command first.\n", !IO)
+		)
+	;
+		State ^ xml_browser_cmd = no,
+		io.write_string(ErrStream, "mdb: You need to issue a " ++
+			"\"set xml_browser_cmd '<command>'\" " ++
+			" command first.\n", !IO)
+	).
+:- pred launch_xml_browser(io.output_stream::in, io.output_stream::in, 
+	string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+launch_xml_browser(OutStream, ErrStream, CommandStr, !IO) :-
+	io.write_string(OutStream, "Launching XML browser "
+		++ "(this may take some time) ...\n", !IO),
+	% Flush the output stream, so output appears in the correct order
+	% for tests where the `cat' command is used as the XML browser.
+	io.flush_output(OutStream, !IO),
+	io.call_system_return_signal(CommandStr, Result, !IO),
+	(
+		Result = ok(ExitStatus),
+		(
+			ExitStatus = exited(ExitCode),
+			(
+				ExitCode = 0
+			->
+				true
+			;
+				io.write_string(ErrStream, 
+					"mdb: The command `" ++ CommandStr ++ 
+					"' terminated with a non-zero exit "++
+					"code.\n", !IO)
+			)
+		;
+			ExitStatus = signalled(_),
+			io.write_string(ErrStream, "mdb: The browser " ++
+				"was killed.\n", !IO)
+		)
+	;
+		Result = error(Error),
+		io.write_string(ErrStream, "mdb: Error launching browser"
+			++ ": " ++ string.string(Error) ++
+			".\n", !IO)
 :- pred save_univ(int::in, univ::in, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
Index: browser/browser_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/browser/browser_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 browser_info.m
--- browser/browser_info.m	24 Jan 2005 07:41:02 -0000	1.18
+++ browser/browser_info.m	18 Feb 2005 08:31:31 -0000
@@ -116,7 +116,9 @@
 	;	format(portray_format)
 	;	width(int)
 	;	lines(int)
-	;	num_io_actions(int).
+	;	num_io_actions(int)
+	;	xml_browser_cmd(string)
+	;	xml_tmp_filename(string).
 	% Initialise a new browser_info.  The optional portray_format
 	% overrides the default format.
@@ -145,11 +147,24 @@
-	% An abstract data type that holds persistent browser settings.
+	% An data type that holds persistent browser settings.
 	% This state must be saved by the caller of the browse module
 	% between calls.
-:- type browser_persistent_state.
+:- type browser_persistent_state
+	--->	browser_persistent_state(
+			print_params		:: caller_params,
+			browse_params		:: caller_params,
+			print_all_params	:: caller_params,
+			num_printed_io_actions	:: int,
+				% The command to lauch the user's
+				% prefered XML browser.
+			xml_browser_cmd		:: maybe(string),
+				% The file to save XML to before
+				% lauching the browser.
+			xml_tmp_filename	:: maybe(string)
+		).
 	% Initialize the persistent browser state with default values.
@@ -272,6 +287,29 @@
 	browser_info__set_param(no, P, B, A, no, no, no, no, format(Format)).
+:- pred set_param_xml_browser_cmd_from_mdb(string::in, 
+	browser_persistent_state::in, browser_persistent_state::out) is det.
+:- pragma export(mdb.browser_info.set_param_xml_browser_cmd_from_mdb(in, in, 
+	out), "ML_BROWSE_set_param_xml_browser_cmd_from_mdb").
+set_param_xml_browser_cmd_from_mdb(Command, !Browser) :-
+	browser_info.set_param(no`with_type`bool, 
+		no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, 
+		no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, 
+		no`with_type`bool, xml_browser_cmd(Command), !Browser).
+:- pred set_param_xml_tmp_filename_from_mdb(string::in, 
+	browser_persistent_state::in, browser_persistent_state::out) is det.
+:- pragma export(mdb.browser_info.set_param_xml_tmp_filename_from_mdb(in, in, 
+	out), "ML_BROWSE_set_param_xml_tmp_filename_from_mdb").
+set_param_xml_tmp_filename_from_mdb(FileName, !Browser) :-
+	browser_info.set_param(no`with_type`bool, 
+		no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, 
+		no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, no`with_type`bool, 
+		no`with_type`bool, xml_tmp_filename(FileName),
+		!Browser).
 	% The following exported functions allow C code to create
 	% Mercury values of type bool.
@@ -315,14 +353,6 @@
-:- type browser_persistent_state
-	--->	browser_persistent_state(
-			print_params		:: caller_params,
-			browse_params		:: caller_params,
-			print_all_params	:: caller_params,
-			num_printed_io_actions	:: int
-		).
 :- type caller_params
 	--->	caller_params(
 			default_format		:: portray_format,
@@ -355,7 +385,7 @@
 	State = browser_persistent_state(Print, Browse, PrintAll,
-		num_printed_io_actions_default).
+		num_printed_io_actions_default, no, no).
 :- pred caller_type_print_defaults(caller_params).
 :- mode caller_type_print_defaults(out) is det.
@@ -407,6 +437,10 @@
 		Setting, State0, State) :-
 	( Setting = num_io_actions(NumIoActions) ->
 		State = State0 ^ num_printed_io_actions := NumIoActions
+	; Setting = xml_browser_cmd(CommandStr) ->
+		State = State0 ^ xml_browser_cmd := yes(CommandStr)
+	; Setting = xml_tmp_filename(CommandStr) ->
+		State = State0 ^ xml_tmp_filename := yes(CommandStr)
 			FromBrowser = no,
@@ -433,7 +467,8 @@
 		maybe_set_param(B, F, Pr, V, NPr, Setting, BParams0, BParams),
 		maybe_set_param(A, F, Pr, V, NPr, Setting, AParams0, AParams),
 		State = browser_persistent_state(PParams, BParams, AParams,
-			State0 ^ num_printed_io_actions)
+			State0 ^ num_printed_io_actions,
+			State0 ^ xml_browser_cmd, State0 ^ xml_tmp_filename)
 browser_info.set_param(FromBrowser, OptionTable, Setting, !State) :-
@@ -542,6 +577,10 @@
 maybe_set_param_2(yes, lines(L), Params, Params ^ lines := L).
 maybe_set_param_2(yes, num_io_actions(_), _, _) :-
 	error("maybe_set_param_2: num_io_actions").
+maybe_set_param_2(yes, xml_browser_cmd(_), _, _) :-
+	error("maybe_set_param_2: xml_browser_cmd").
+maybe_set_param_2(yes, xml_tmp_filename(_), _, _) :-
+	error("maybe_set_param_2: xml_tmp_filename").
 :- pred get_caller_params(browser_persistent_state::in, browse_caller_type::in,
 	caller_params::out) is det.
Index: browser/declarative_user.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/browser/declarative_user.m,v
retrieving revision 1.43
diff -u -r1.43 declarative_user.m
--- browser/declarative_user.m	10 Feb 2005 04:41:43 -0000	1.43
+++ browser/declarative_user.m	19 Feb 2005 05:15:59 -0000
@@ -161,6 +161,19 @@
+handle_command(browse_xml_arg(MaybeArgNum), UserQuestion, Response, 
+		!User, !IO) :-
+	Question = get_decl_question(UserQuestion),
+	edt_node_trace_atoms(Question, _, FinalAtom),
+	(
+		MaybeArgNum = yes(ArgNum),
+		browse_xml_atom_argument(FinalAtom, ArgNum, !.User, !IO)
+	;
+		MaybeArgNum = no,
+		browse_xml_atom(FinalAtom, !.User, !IO)
+	),
+	query_user(UserQuestion, Response, !User, !IO).
 handle_command(print_arg(From, To), UserQuestion, Response, 
 		!User, !IO) :-
 	Question = get_decl_question(UserQuestion),
@@ -383,6 +396,19 @@
 		browse_atom(InitAtom, FinalAtom, _, !User, !IO)
+:- pred browse_xml_decl_bug(decl_bug::in, maybe(int)::in, user_state::in,
+	io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+browse_xml_decl_bug(Bug, MaybeArgNum, User, !IO) :-
+	decl_bug_trace_atom(Bug, _, FinalAtom),
+	(
+		MaybeArgNum = yes(ArgNum),
+		browse_xml_atom_argument(FinalAtom, ArgNum, User, !IO)
+	;
+		MaybeArgNum = no,
+		browse_xml_atom(FinalAtom, User, !IO)
+	).
 :- pred browse_atom_argument(trace_atom::in, trace_atom::in, int::in, 
 	maybe(term_path)::out, user_state::in, user_state::out, 
 	io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
@@ -409,6 +435,25 @@
 		MaybeMark = no
+:- pred browse_xml_atom_argument(trace_atom::in, int::in, user_state::in, 
+	io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+browse_xml_atom_argument(Atom, ArgNum, User, !IO) :-
+	Atom = atom(_, Args0),
+	maybe_filter_headvars(chosen_head_vars_presentation, Args0, Args),
+	(
+		list.index1(Args, ArgNum, ArgInfo),
+		ArgInfo = arg_info(_, _, MaybeArg),
+		MaybeArg = yes(ArgRep),
+		term_rep.rep_to_univ(ArgRep, Arg)
+	->
+		save_and_browse_browser_term_xml(univ_to_browser_term(Arg),
+			User ^ outstr, User ^ outstr, User ^ browser, !IO)
+	;
+		io.write_string(User ^ outstr, "Invalid argument number\n",
+			!IO)
+	).
 :- pred browse_atom(trace_atom::in, trace_atom::in, maybe(term_path)::out,
 	user_state::in, user_state::out, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
@@ -427,6 +472,21 @@
 	maybe_convert_dirs_to_path(MaybeDirs, MaybeMark),
 	!:User = !.User ^ browser := Browser.
+:- pred browse_xml_atom(trace_atom::in,	user_state::in, io::di, io::uo) 
+	is cc_multi.
+browse_xml_atom(Atom, User, !IO) :-
+	Atom = atom(ProcLayout, Args),
+	ProcLabel = get_proc_label_from_layout(ProcLayout),
+	get_user_arg_values(Args, ArgValues),
+	get_pred_attributes(ProcLabel, Module, Name, _, PredOrFunc),
+	Function = pred_to_bool(unify(PredOrFunc,function)),
+	sym_name_to_string(Module, ".", ModuleStr),
+	BrowserTerm = synthetic_term_to_browser_term(ModuleStr ++ "." ++ Name, 
+		ArgValues, Function),
+	save_and_browse_browser_term_xml(BrowserTerm, User ^ outstr, 
+		User ^ outstr, User ^ browser, !IO).
 :- func get_subterm_mode_from_atoms(trace_atom, trace_atom, list(dir)) 
 	= browser_term_mode.
@@ -538,31 +598,61 @@
 :- type user_command
-	--->	yes			% The node is correct.
-	;	no			% The node is incorrect.
-	;	inadmissible		% The node is inadmissible.
-	;	skip			% The user has no answer.
-	;	browse_arg(maybe(int))	% Browse the nth argument before
-					% answering.  Or browse the whole
-					% predicate/function if the maybe is 
-					% no.
-	;	browse_io(int)		% Browse the nth IO action before
-					% answering.
-	;	print_arg(int, int)	% Print the nth to the mth arguments
-					% before answering.
-	;	print_io(int, int)	% Print the nth to the mth IO actions
-					% before answering.
-	;	pd			% Commence procedural debugging from
-					% this point.
+			% The node is correct.
+	--->	yes			
+			% The node is erroneous.
+	;	no			
+			% The node is inadmissible.
+	;	inadmissible		
+			% The user has no answer.
+	;	skip			
+			% Browse the nth argument before answering.  Or browse
+			% the whole predicate/function if the maybe is no.
+	;	browse_arg(maybe(int))	
+			% Browse the argument using an XML browser.		
+	;	browse_xml_arg(maybe(int)) 
+			% Browse the nth IO action before answering.
+	;	browse_io(int)		
+			% Print the nth to the mth arguments
+			% before answering.
+	;	print_arg(int, int)	
+			% Print the nth to the mth IO actions
+			% before answering.
+	;	print_io(int, int)	
+			% Commence procedural debugging from
+			% this point.
+	;	pd			
+			% Set a browser option.
 	;	set(maybe_option_table(setting_option), setting) 
-					% Set a browser option.
-	;	trust_predicate		% Trust the predicate being asked 
-					% about.
-	;	trust_module		% Trust the module being asked about.
-	;	abort			% Abort this diagnosis session.
-	;	help			% Request help before answering.
-	;	empty_command		% User just pressed return.
-	;	illegal_command.	% None of the above.
+			% Trust the predicate being asked 
+			% about.
+	;	trust_predicate		
+			% Trust the module being asked about.
+	;	trust_module		
+			% Abort this diagnosis session.
+	;	abort			
+			% Request help before answering.
+	;	help			
+			% User just pressed return.
+	;	empty_command		
+			% None of the above.
+	;	illegal_command.	
 :- pred user_help_message(user_state::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -574,14 +664,17 @@
 		"\tn\tno\t\tthe node is incorrect\n",
 		"\ti\tinadmissible\tthe input arguments are out of range\n",
 		"\ts\tskip\t\tskip this question\n",
-		"\tt [module]\ttrust [module]\tTrust the predicate/function ",
-		"about\n",
-		"\t\twhich the current question is being asked.  If the word\n",
+		"\tt [module]\ttrust [module]\t\n",
+		"\t\tTrust the predicate/function about which\n",
+		"\t\tthe current question is being asked.  If the word\n",
 		"\t\t`module' is given as an argument then trust all the\n",
 		"\t\tpredicates/functions in the same module as the\n",
 		"\t\tpredicate/function about which the current question is\n",
 		"\t\tbeing asked.\n",
-		"\tb [<n>]\tbrowse [<n>]\tbrowse the atom, or its nth argument\n",
+		"\tb [-x] [<n>]\tbrowse [-x] [<n>]\n",
+		"\t\tBrowse the atom, or its nth argument.\n",
+		"\t\tIf the `-x' or `--xml' option is given, then browse\n",
+		"\t\tthe term with an XML browser.\n",
 		"\tb io <n>\tbrowse io <n>\tbrowse the atom's nth I/O action\n",
 		"\tp <n>\tprint <n>\tprint the nth argument of the atom\n",
 		"\tp <n-m>\tprint <n-m>\tprint the nth to the mth arguments of the atom\n",
@@ -674,9 +767,20 @@
 :- func browse_arg_cmd(list(string)::in) = (user_command::out) is semidet.
-browse_arg_cmd([Arg]) = browse_arg(yes(ArgNum)) :-
-	string.to_int(Arg, ArgNum).
 browse_arg_cmd([]) = browse_arg(no).
+browse_arg_cmd([Arg]) = BrowseCmd :-
+	(
+		string.to_int(Arg, ArgNum)
+	->
+		BrowseCmd = browse_arg(yes(ArgNum))
+	;
+		( Arg = "-x" ; Arg = "--xml" ),
+		BrowseCmd = browse_xml_arg(no)
+	).
+browse_arg_cmd(["-x", Arg]) = browse_xml_arg(yes(ArgNum)) :-
+	string.to_int(Arg, ArgNum).
+browse_arg_cmd(["--xml", Arg]) = browse_xml_arg(yes(ArgNum)) :-
+	string.to_int(Arg, ArgNum).
 browse_arg_cmd(["io", Arg]) = browse_io(ArgNum) :-
 	string.to_int(Arg, ArgNum).
@@ -744,6 +848,11 @@
 		browse_decl_bug(Bug, MaybeArgNum, !User, !IO),
 		user_confirm_bug(Bug, Response, !User, !IO)
+		Command = browse_xml_arg(MaybeArgNum)
+	->
+		browse_xml_decl_bug(Bug, MaybeArgNum, !.User, !IO),
+		user_confirm_bug(Bug, Response, !User, !IO)
+	;
 		Command = browse_io(ActionNum)
 		decl_bug_io_actions(Bug, IoActions),
Index: tests/debugger/browser_test.exp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/debugger/browser_test.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -u -r1.22 browser_test.exp
--- tests/debugger/browser_test.exp	8 Feb 2005 03:16:39 -0000	1.22
+++ tests/debugger/browser_test.exp	19 Feb 2005 05:13:36 -0000
@@ -166,6 +166,79 @@
 		<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+mdb> dd
+big_data(big(big(big/3, 2, small), 3, big(big/3, 6, small)))
+Valid? browse --xml 1
+Saving term to XML file...
+Launching XML browser (this may take some time) ...
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+	<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+		<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+			<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+			<Int type="int">1</Int>
+			<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+		</big>
+		<Int type="int">2</Int>
+		<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+	</big>
+	<Int type="int">3</Int>
+	<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+		<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+			<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+			<Int type="int">4</Int>
+			<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+				<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+				<Int type="int">5</Int>
+				<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+			</big>
+		</big>
+		<Int type="int">6</Int>
+		<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+	</big>
+big_data(big(big(big/3, 2, small), 3, big(big/3, 6, small)))
+Valid? b -x
+Saving term to XML file...
+Launching XML browser (this may take some time) ...
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<predicate functor="predicate" type="mdb.browse.xml_predicate_wrapper" arity="2">
+	<String type="string" field="predicate_name">browser_test.big_data</String>
+	<List functor="[|]" field="predicate_arguments" type="list.list(std_util.univ)" arity="2">
+		<univ_cons functor="univ_cons" type="std_util.univ" arity="1">
+			<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+				<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+					<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+						<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+						<Int type="int">1</Int>
+						<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+					</big>
+					<Int type="int">2</Int>
+					<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+				</big>
+				<Int type="int">3</Int>
+				<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+					<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+						<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+						<Int type="int">4</Int>
+						<big functor="big" type="browser_test.big" arity="3">
+							<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+							<Int type="int">5</Int>
+							<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+						</big>
+					</big>
+					<Int type="int">6</Int>
+					<small functor="small" type="browser_test.big" arity="0" />
+				</big>
+			</big>
+		</univ_cons>
+		<Nil functor="[]" type="list.list(std_util.univ)" arity="0" />
+	</List>
+big_data(big(big(big/3, 2, small), 3, big(big/3, 6, small)))
+Valid? abort
+Diagnosis aborted.
+      E3:     C2 EXIT pred browser_test.big_data/1-0 (det) browser_test.m:37 (browser_test.m:20)
 mdb> set -A -f depth 1
 mdb> print *
        Data (arg 1)           	big(big/3, 3, big/3)
Index: tests/debugger/browser_test.inp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/debugger/browser_test.inp,v
retrieving revision 1.12
diff -u -r1.12 browser_test.inp
--- tests/debugger/browser_test.inp	11 Dec 2004 01:59:52 -0000	1.12
+++ tests/debugger/browser_test.inp	18 Feb 2005 08:21:09 -0000
@@ -40,6 +40,10 @@
 set xml_browser_cmd 'cat ./browser_test.xml.out'
 browse --xml 1
 browse -x Data
+browse --xml 1
+b -x
 set -A -f depth 1
 print *
 print Data/1
Index: trace/mercury_trace_browse.c
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/trace/mercury_trace_browse.c,v
retrieving revision 1.35
diff -u -r1.35 mercury_trace_browse.c
--- trace/mercury_trace_browse.c	28 Jan 2005 02:47:42 -0000	1.35
+++ trace/mercury_trace_browse.c	19 Feb 2005 05:10:09 -0000
@@ -118,6 +118,19 @@
+MR_trace_save_and_invoke_xml_browser(MR_Word browser_term)
+    MercuryFile mdb_out;
+    MercuryFile mdb_err;
+    MR_c_file_to_mercury_file(MR_mdb_out, &mdb_out);
+    MR_c_file_to_mercury_file(MR_mdb_err, &mdb_err);
+    ML_BROWSE_browse_term_xml(browser_term, &mdb_out, &mdb_err,
+        MR_trace_browser_persistent_state);
 MR_trace_browse(MR_Word type_info, MR_Word value, MR_Browse_Format format)
     MercuryFile mdb_in;
@@ -280,6 +293,8 @@
     int                 width;
     int                 lines;
     MR_Browse_Format    new_format;
+    MR_String           aligned_value;
+    char                *copied_value;
@@ -333,6 +348,30 @@
+    else if (MR_streq(param, "xml_browser_cmd")) {
+        copied_value = (char*)MR_GC_malloc(strlen(value) + 1);
+        strcpy(copied_value, value);
+        MR_TRACE_USE_HP(
+            MR_make_aligned_string(aligned_value, copied_value);
+        );
+            ML_BROWSE_set_param_xml_browser_cmd_from_mdb(aligned_value, 
+                MR_trace_browser_persistent_state,
+                &MR_trace_browser_persistent_state);
+        );
+    }
+    else if (MR_streq(param, "xml_tmp_filename")) {
+        copied_value = (char*)MR_GC_malloc(strlen(value) + 1);
+        strcpy(copied_value, value);
+        MR_TRACE_USE_HP(
+            MR_make_aligned_string(aligned_value, copied_value);
+        );
+            ML_BROWSE_set_param_xml_tmp_filename_from_mdb(aligned_value, 
+                MR_trace_browser_persistent_state,
+                &MR_trace_browser_persistent_state);
+        );
+    }
         return MR_FALSE;
Index: trace/mercury_trace_browse.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/trace/mercury_trace_browse.h,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -r1.18 mercury_trace_browse.h
--- trace/mercury_trace_browse.h	11 Dec 2004 01:59:52 -0000	1.18
+++ trace/mercury_trace_browse.h	18 Feb 2005 03:53:05 -0000
@@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
+** Browse a term using an XML browser.
+extern	void	MR_trace_save_and_invoke_xml_browser(MR_Word browser_term);
 ** Display a term non-interactively.
 extern	void	MR_trace_print(MR_Word type_info, MR_Word value,
Index: trace/mercury_trace_internal.c
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/trace/mercury_trace_internal.c,v
retrieving revision 1.194
diff -u -r1.194 mercury_trace_internal.c
--- trace/mercury_trace_internal.c	14 Feb 2005 08:04:02 -0000	1.194
+++ trace/mercury_trace_internal.c	18 Feb 2005 04:35:39 -0000
@@ -195,13 +195,6 @@
 static  MR_bool     MR_print_optionals = MR_FALSE;
-** These variables tell mdb how to invoke the user's xml browser.
-static  char        *MR_xml_browser_command = NULL;
-static  char        *MR_xml_tmp_filename = NULL;
 ** This variable holds the name of a file which contains a list of 
 ** the file names of passing test case trace counts.
@@ -714,7 +707,6 @@
                         MR_Browse_Format format);
 /* Functions to invoke the user's XML browser on terms or goals */
-static  void        MR_trace_save_and_invoke_xml_browser(MR_Word browser_term);
 static  void        MR_trace_browse_xml(MR_Word type_info, MR_Word value,
                         MR_Browse_Caller_Type caller, MR_Browse_Format format);
 static  void        MR_trace_browse_goal_xml(MR_ConstString name,
@@ -1316,37 +1308,6 @@
 static void
-MR_trace_save_and_invoke_xml_browser(MR_Word browser_term)
-    if (MR_xml_tmp_filename != NULL && (!MR_streq(MR_xml_tmp_filename, ""))) {
-        fprintf(MR_mdb_out, "Saving term to XML file...\n");
-        fflush(MR_mdb_out);
-        MR_trace_save_term_xml(MR_xml_tmp_filename, browser_term);
-    } else {
-        fflush(MR_mdb_out);
-        fprintf(MR_mdb_err, "mdb: You need to issue a "
-            "\"set xml_tmp_filename '...'\" command first.\n");
-    }
-    if (MR_xml_browser_command != NULL &&
-        (!MR_streq(MR_xml_browser_command, "")))
-    {
-        fprintf(MR_mdb_out, "Launching XML browser (this may take some time) "
-            "...\n");
-        fflush(MR_mdb_out);
-        if (system(MR_xml_browser_command) == -1) {
-            fflush(MR_mdb_out);
-            fprintf(MR_mdb_err, "\nmdb: Error invoking XML browser using "
-                "command:\n\"%s\"\n", MR_xml_browser_command);
-        }
-    } else {
-        fflush(MR_mdb_out);
-        fprintf(MR_mdb_err, "mdb: You need to issue a "
-            "\"set xml_browser_cmd '...'\" command first.\n");
-    }
-static void
 MR_trace_browse_xml(MR_Word type_info, MR_Word value,
     MR_Browse_Caller_Type caller, MR_Browse_Format format)
@@ -2370,23 +2331,7 @@
     MR_Word             verbose_format;
     MR_Word             pretty_format;
-    if (word_count == 3 && MR_streq(words[1], "xml_browser_cmd")) {
-        if (MR_xml_browser_command == NULL) {
-            MR_xml_browser_command = (char*) malloc(strlen(words[2]) + 1);
-        } else {
-            MR_xml_browser_command = (char*) realloc(MR_xml_browser_command,
-                strlen(words[2]) + 1);
-        }
-        strcpy(MR_xml_browser_command, words[2]);
-    } else if (word_count == 3 && MR_streq(words[1], "xml_tmp_filename")) {
-        if (MR_xml_tmp_filename == NULL) {
-            MR_xml_tmp_filename = (char*) malloc(strlen(words[2]) + 1);
-        } else {
-            MR_xml_tmp_filename = (char*) realloc(MR_xml_tmp_filename,
-                strlen(words[2]) + 1);
-        }
-        strcpy(MR_xml_tmp_filename, words[2]);
-    } else if (word_count == 3 && MR_streq(words[1], "fail_trace_count")) {
+    if (word_count == 3 && MR_streq(words[1], "fail_trace_count")) {
         if (MR_dice_fail_trace_count_file == NULL) {
             MR_dice_fail_trace_count_file = (char*)malloc(strlen(words[2]) 
                 + 1);
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