[m-rev.] diff: four space intermod

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Aug 22 13:47:34 AEST 2005

	Convert this module to four space indentation, and fix some departures
	from our coding standard.


Index: intermod.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/intermod.m,v
retrieving revision 1.173
diff -u -b -r1.173 intermod.m
--- intermod.m	14 Aug 2005 03:20:39 -0000	1.173
+++ intermod.m	21 Aug 2005 01:42:57 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 1996-2005 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -47,16 +49,24 @@
 :- import_module bool.
 :- import_module io.
+    % Open the file "<module-name>.opt.tmp", and write out the declarations
+    % and clauses for intermodule optimization. Note that update_interface
+    % and touch_interface_datestamp are called from mercury_compile.m since
+    % they must be called after unused_args.m appends its information
+    % to the .opt.tmp file.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__write_optfile(module_info::in, module_info::out,
 	io::di, io::uo) is det.
 	% Add the items from the .opt files of imported modules to
 	% the items for this module.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__grab_optfiles(module_imports::in, module_imports::out,
 	bool::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 	% Make sure that local preds which have been exported in the .opt
 	% file get an exported(_) label.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__adjust_pred_import_status(module_info::in, module_info::out,
 	io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -65,21 +75,21 @@
 	;	trans_opt.
 	% intermod__update_error_status(OptFileType, FileName, Error, Messages,
-	% 	Status0, Status)
+    %   !Status)
 	% Work out whether any fatal errors have occurred while reading
 	% `.opt' files, updating Status0 if there were fatal errors.
 	% A missing `.opt' file is only a fatal error if
-	% `--warn-missing-opt-files --halt-at-warn' was passed
-	% the compiler.
+    % `--warn-missing-opt-files --halt-at-warn' was passed the compiler.
 	% Syntax errors in `.opt' files are always fatal.
 	% This is also used by trans_opt.m for reading `.trans_opt' files.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__update_error_status(opt_file_type::in, string::in,
-	module_error::in, message_list::in, bool::in, bool::out,
-	io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    module_error::in, message_list::in, bool::in, bool::out, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det.
@@ -126,13 +136,6 @@
-	% Open the file "<module-name>.opt.tmp", and write out the
-	% declarations and clauses for intermodule optimization.
-	% Note that update_interface and touch_interface_datestamp
-	% are called from mercury_compile.m since they must be called
-	% after unused_args.m appends its information to the .opt.tmp
-	% file.
 intermod__write_optfile(!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
 	% We don't want to output line numbers in the .opt files,
 	% since that causes spurious changes to the .opt files
@@ -155,52 +158,48 @@
 		module_info_assertion_table(!.ModuleInfo, AssertionTable),
 		assertion_table_pred_ids(AssertionTable, AssertPredIds),
 		list__append(AssertPredIds, RealPredIds, PredIds),
-		init_intermod_info(!.ModuleInfo, IntermodInfo0),
-		globals__io_lookup_int_option(
-			intermod_inline_simple_threshold, Threshold, !IO),
-		globals__io_lookup_bool_option(deforestation, Deforestation,
-			!IO),
+        globals__io_lookup_int_option(intermod_inline_simple_threshold,
+            Threshold, !IO),
+        globals__io_lookup_bool_option(deforestation, Deforestation, !IO),
 			HigherOrderSizeLimit, !IO),
+        globals__io_lookup_bool_option(intermod_unused_args, UnusedArgs, !IO),
+        some [!IntermodInfo] (
+            init_intermod_info(!.ModuleInfo, !:IntermodInfo),
 		intermod__gather_preds(PredIds, yes, Threshold,
-			HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation,
-			IntermodInfo0, IntermodInfo1),
-		intermod__gather_instances(IntermodInfo1,
-			IntermodInfo2),
-		intermod__gather_types(IntermodInfo2,
-			IntermodInfo),
-		intermod__write_intermod_info(IntermodInfo, !IO),
-		intermod_info_get_module_info(!:ModuleInfo, IntermodInfo, _),
+                HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !IntermodInfo),
+            intermod__gather_instances(!IntermodInfo),
+            intermod__gather_types(!IntermodInfo),
+            intermod__write_intermod_info(!.IntermodInfo, !IO),
+            intermod_info_get_module_info(!.IntermodInfo, !:ModuleInfo),
 		io__set_output_stream(OutputStream, _, !IO),
 		io__close_output(FileStream, !IO),
-		globals__io_lookup_bool_option(intermod_unused_args,
-			UnusedArgs, !IO),
-		( UnusedArgs = yes ->
-			do_adjust_pred_import_status(IntermodInfo,
-				!ModuleInfo)
+            (
+                UnusedArgs = yes,
+                do_adjust_pred_import_status(!.IntermodInfo, !ModuleInfo)
-			true
+                UnusedArgs = no
+            )
 	% restore the option setting that we overrode above
 	globals__io_set_option(line_numbers, bool(LineNumbers), !IO).
-	% Predicates to gather stuff to output to .opt file.
+% Predicates to gather stuff to output to .opt file.
 :- pred intermod__gather_preds(list(pred_id)::in, bool::in, int::in,
 	int::in, bool::in, intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-intermod__gather_preds(AllPredIds, CollectTypes,
-		InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info) :-
-	% first gather exported preds
+intermod__gather_preds(AllPredIds, CollectTypes, InlineThreshold,
+        HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info) :-
+    % First gather exported preds.
 	ProcessLocalPreds = no,
-	intermod__gather_pred_list(AllPredIds, ProcessLocalPreds,
-		CollectTypes, InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit,
-		Deforestation, !Info),
+    intermod__gather_pred_list(AllPredIds, ProcessLocalPreds, CollectTypes,
+        InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info),
-	% then gather preds used by exported preds (recursively)
+    % Then gather preds used by exported preds (recursively).
 	intermod__gather_preds_2(ExtraExportedPreds0, CollectTypes,
 		InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info).
@@ -210,30 +209,28 @@
 intermod__gather_preds_2(ExtraExportedPreds0, CollectTypes,
 		InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info) :-
-	intermod_info_get_pred_decls(ExtraExportedPreds, !Info),
+    intermod_info_get_pred_decls(!.Info, ExtraExportedPreds),
 	NewlyExportedPreds = set__to_sorted_list(
 		ExtraExportedPreds `set__difference` ExtraExportedPreds0),
-	( NewlyExportedPreds = [] ->
-		true
+    (
+        NewlyExportedPreds = []
+        NewlyExportedPreds = [_ | _],
 		ProcessLocalPreds = yes,
-		intermod__gather_pred_list(NewlyExportedPreds,
-			ProcessLocalPreds, CollectTypes,
-			InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation,
+        intermod__gather_pred_list(NewlyExportedPreds, ProcessLocalPreds,
+            CollectTypes, InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation,
 		intermod__gather_preds_2(ExtraExportedPreds, CollectTypes,
-			InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation,
-			!Info)
+            InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info)
 :- pred intermod__gather_pred_list(list(pred_id)::in, bool::in, bool::in,
-	int::in, int::in, bool::in, intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out)
-	is det.
+    int::in, int::in, bool::in, intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
 intermod__gather_pred_list([], _, _, _, _, _, !Info).
 intermod__gather_pred_list([PredId | PredIds], ProcessLocalPreds, CollectTypes,
 		InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, !Info) :-
-	intermod_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo0, !Info),
+    intermod_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo0),
 	module_info_preds(ModuleInfo0, PredTable0),
 	map__lookup(PredTable0, PredId, PredInfo0),
 	module_info_type_spec_info(ModuleInfo0, TypeSpecInfo),
@@ -247,9 +244,9 @@
 		clauses_info_explicit_vartypes(ClausesInfo0, ExplicitVarTypes),
-		intermod__should_be_processed(ProcessLocalPreds, PredId,
-			PredInfo0, TypeSpecForcePreds, InlineThreshold,
-			HigherOrderSizeLimit, Deforestation, ModuleInfo0)
+        intermod__should_be_processed(ProcessLocalPreds, PredId, PredInfo0,
+            TypeSpecForcePreds, InlineThreshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit,
+            Deforestation, ModuleInfo0)
 		SavedInfo = !.Info,
 		% Write a declaration to the `.opt' file for
@@ -263,8 +260,7 @@
 			intermod_info_set_var_types(VarTypes, !Info),
 			intermod_info_set_tvarset(TVarSet, !Info),
 			get_clause_list(ClausesRep0, Clauses0),
-			intermod__traverse_clauses(Clauses0, Clauses, DoWrite,
-				!Info),
+            intermod__traverse_clauses(Clauses0, Clauses, DoWrite, !Info),
 			set_clause_list(Clauses, ClausesRep)
 			DoWrite0 = no,
@@ -275,13 +271,10 @@
 			DoWrite = yes,
 				ClausesInfo0, ClausesInfo),
-			pred_info_set_clauses_info(ClausesInfo,
-				PredInfo0, PredInfo),
-			map__det_update(PredTable0, PredId,
-				PredInfo, PredTable),
-			module_info_set_preds(PredTable,
-				ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
-			intermod_info_get_preds(Preds0, !Info),
+            pred_info_set_clauses_info(ClausesInfo, PredInfo0, PredInfo),
+            map__det_update(PredTable0, PredId, PredInfo, PredTable),
+            module_info_set_preds(PredTable, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo),
+            intermod_info_get_preds(!.Info, Preds0),
 			( pred_info_pragma_goal_type(PredInfo) ->
 				% The header code must be written since
 				% it could be used by the pragma_foreign_code.
@@ -294,8 +287,7 @@
 			intermod_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo, !Info)
 			DoWrite = no,
-			% Remove any items added for the clauses
-			% for this predicate.
+            % Remove any items added for the clauses for this predicate.
 			!:Info = SavedInfo
@@ -330,14 +322,12 @@
 		% At this point, the goal size includes some dummy unifications
 		% HeadVar1 = X, HeadVar2 = Y, etc. which will be optimized away
-		% later.  To counter for this, we add the arity to the
-		% size thresholds.
+        % later. To counter for this, we add the arity to the size thresholds.
 		Arity = pred_info_orig_arity(PredInfo),
-		% Predicates with `class_method' markers contain
-		% class_method_call goals which can't be written
-		% to `.opt' files (they can't be read back in).
-		% They will be recreated in the importing module.
+        % Predicates with `class_method' markers contain class_method_call
+        % goals which can't be written to `.opt' files (they can't be read
+        % back in). They will be recreated in the importing module.
 		pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
 		\+ check_marker(Markers, class_method),
 		\+ check_marker(Markers, class_instance_method),
@@ -345,8 +335,8 @@
 		% Don't write stub clauses to `.opt' files.
 		\+ check_marker(Markers, stub),
-		% Don't export builtins since they will be
-		% recreated in the importing module anyway.
+        % Don't export builtins since they will be recreated in the
+        % importing module anyway.
 		\+ is_unify_or_compare_pred(PredInfo),
 		\+ pred_info_is_builtin(PredInfo),
@@ -362,8 +352,7 @@
 		proc_info_eval_method(ProcInfo, eval_normal),
-			inlining__is_simple_clause_list(Clauses,
-				InlineThreshold + Arity),
+            inlining__is_simple_clause_list(Clauses, InlineThreshold + Arity),
 			pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
 			\+ check_marker(Markers, no_inline)
@@ -374,11 +363,9 @@
 			GoalSize =< HigherOrderSizeLimit + Arity
 			Deforestation = yes,
-			% Double the inline-threshold since
-			% goals we want to deforest will have at
-			% least two disjuncts. This allows one
-			% simple goal in each disjunct.  The
-			% disjunction adds one to the goal size,
+            % Double the inline-threshold since goals we want to deforest
+            % will have at least two disjuncts. This allows one simple goal
+            % in each disjunct. The disjunction adds one to the goal size,
 			% hence the `+1'.
 			DeforestThreshold = InlineThreshold * 2 + 1,
@@ -386,13 +373,14 @@
 			clause_list_is_deforestable(PredId, Clauses)
-		% promises that are in the interface should always get
+        % Promises that are in the interface should always get
 		% included in the .opt file.
 		pred_info_get_goal_type(PredInfo, promise(_))
 	% If the clauses contains foreign code which requires an external
 	% definition, there is not much point in exporting it.
+    %
 :- pred clauses_contain_noninlinable_foreign_code(compilation_target::in,
 	list(clause)::in) is semidet.
@@ -428,24 +416,24 @@
 	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo, HeadVars),
 	proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes),
 	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
-	check_for_ho_input_args(ModuleInfo, HeadVars, ArgModes, VarTypes).
+    check_for_ho_input_args(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, HeadVars, ArgModes).
-:- pred check_for_ho_input_args(module_info::in, list(prog_var)::in,
-	list(mode)::in, map(prog_var, type)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred check_for_ho_input_args(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
+    list(prog_var)::in, list(mode)::in) is semidet.
-check_for_ho_input_args(ModuleInfo, [HeadVar | HeadVars],
-		[ArgMode | ArgModes], VarTypes) :-
+check_for_ho_input_args(ModuleInfo, VarTypes,
+        [HeadVar | HeadVars], [ArgMode | ArgModes]) :-
 		mode_is_input(ModuleInfo, ArgMode),
 		map__lookup(VarTypes, HeadVar, Type),
 		classify_type(ModuleInfo, Type) = higher_order_type
-		check_for_ho_input_args(ModuleInfo, HeadVars,
-			ArgModes, VarTypes)
+        check_for_ho_input_args(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, HeadVars, ArgModes)
 	% Rough guess: a goal is deforestable if it contains a single
 	% top-level branched goal and is recursive.
+    %
 :- pred clause_list_is_deforestable(pred_id::in, list(clause)::in) is semidet.
 clause_list_is_deforestable(PredId, Clauses)  :-
@@ -486,6 +474,7 @@
 	% Go over the goal of an exported proc looking for proc decls, types,
 	% insts and modes that we need to write to the optfile.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__traverse_goal(hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, bool::out,
 	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
@@ -500,9 +489,7 @@
 	intermod__traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, DoWrite, !Info).
 intermod__traverse_goal(Goal, Goal, DoWrite, !Info) :-
 	Goal = call(PredId, _, _, _, _, _) - _,
-	%
 	% Ensure that the called predicate will be exported.
-	%
 	intermod__add_proc(PredId, DoWrite, !Info).
 intermod__traverse_goal(Goal @ generic_call(CallType, _, _, _) - Info,
 		Goal - Info, DoWrite, !Info) :-
@@ -535,22 +522,21 @@
 intermod__traverse_goal(Goal @ foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _) - Info,
 		Goal - Info, yes, !Info).
 intermod__traverse_goal(shorthand(_) - _, _, _, !Info) :-
-	% these should have been expanded out by now
+    % These should have been expanded out by now.
 	error("intermod__traverse_goal: unexpected shorthand").
 :- pred intermod__traverse_list_of_goals(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
 	bool::out, intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
 intermod__traverse_list_of_goals([], [], yes, !Info).
-intermod__traverse_list_of_goals([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], DoWrite,
+intermod__traverse_list_of_goals([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], !:DoWrite,
 		!Info) :-
-	intermod__traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, DoWrite1, !Info),
+    intermod__traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, !:DoWrite, !Info),
-		DoWrite1 = yes,
-		intermod__traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, DoWrite, !Info)
+        !.DoWrite = yes,
+        intermod__traverse_list_of_goals(Goals0, Goals, !:DoWrite, !Info)
-		DoWrite1 = no,
-		DoWrite = no,
+        !.DoWrite = no,
 		Goals = Goals0
@@ -559,14 +545,13 @@
 intermod__traverse_cases([], [], yes, !Info).
 intermod__traverse_cases([case(F, Goal0) | Cases0],
-		[case(F, Goal) | Cases], DoWrite, !Info) :-
-	intermod__traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, DoWrite1, !Info),
+        [case(F, Goal) | Cases], !:DoWrite, !Info) :-
+    intermod__traverse_goal(Goal0, Goal, !:DoWrite, !Info),
-		DoWrite1 = yes,
-		intermod__traverse_cases(Cases0, Cases, DoWrite, !Info)
+        !.DoWrite = yes,
+        intermod__traverse_cases(Cases0, Cases, !:DoWrite, !Info)
-		DoWrite1 = no,
-		DoWrite = no,
+        !.DoWrite = no,
 		Cases = Cases0
@@ -588,9 +573,9 @@
 intermod__add_proc(PredId, DoWrite, !Info) :-
 	( PredId = invalid_pred_id ->
-		% This will happen for type class instance methods
-		% defined using the clause syntax.  Currently we
-		% can't handle intermodule-optimization of those.
+        % This will happen for type class instance methods defined using
+        % the clause syntax. Currently we can't handle intermodule
+        % optimization of those.
 		DoWrite = no
 		intermod__add_proc_2(PredId, DoWrite, !Info)
@@ -600,29 +585,27 @@
 	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
 intermod__add_proc_2(PredId, DoWrite, !Info) :-
-	intermod_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, !Info),
+    intermod_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
 	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
 	pred_info_import_status(PredInfo, Status),
 	ProcIds = pred_info_procids(PredInfo),
 	pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
-		% Calling compiler-generated procedures is fine;
-		% we don't need to output declarations for them to
-		% the `.opt' file, since they will be recreated every
-		% time anyway.
+        % Calling compiler-generated procedures is fine; we don't need
+        % to output declarations for them to the `.opt' file, since they
+        % will be recreated every time anyway.
 		DoWrite = yes
-		% Don't write the caller to the `.opt' file if it calls
-		% a pred without mode or determinism decls, because we'd
-		% need to include the mode decls for the callee in the `.opt'
-		% file and (since writing the `.opt' file happens before mode
-		% inference) we can't do that because we don't know what
-		% the modes are.
+        % Don't write the caller to the `.opt' file if it calls a pred
+        % without mode or determinism decls, because we'd need to include
+        % the mode decls for the callee in the `.opt' file and (since
+        % writing the `.opt' file happens before mode inference) we can't
+        % do that because we don't know what the modes are.
 		% XXX This prevents intermodule optimizations in such cases,
 		% which is a pity.
@@ -638,10 +621,9 @@
 		DoWrite = no
-		% Goals which call impure predicates cannot be written
-		% due to limitations in mode analysis. The problem is that
-		% only head unifications are allowed to be reordered with
-		% impure goals.
+        % Goals which call impure predicates cannot be written due to
+        % limitations in mode analysis. The problem is that only head
+        % unifications are allowed to be reordered with impure goals.
 		% e.g
 		%	p(A::in, B::in, C::out) :- impure foo(A, B, C).
@@ -650,12 +632,11 @@
 		%		A = HeadVar1, B = HeadVar2, C = HeadVar3,
 		% 		impure foo(A, B, C).
-		% In the clauses written to `.opt' files, the head
-		% unifications are already expanded, and are expanded
-		% again when the `.opt' file is read in. The `C = HeadVar3'
-		% unification cannot be reordered with the impure goal,
-		% resulting in a mode error. Fixing this in mode analysis
-		% would be tricky.
+        % In the clauses written to `.opt' files, the head unifications
+        % are already expanded, and are expanded again when the `.opt' file
+        % is read in. The `C = HeadVar3' unification cannot be reordered
+        % with the impure goal, resulting in a mode error. Fixing this
+        % in mode analysis would be tricky.
 		% See tests/valid/impure_intermod.m.
 		pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, impure)
@@ -663,22 +644,23 @@
 		DoWrite = no
-		% If a pred whose code we're going to put in the .opt file
-		% calls a predicate which is exported, then we don't
-		% need to do anything special.
+        % If a pred whose code we're going to put in the .opt file calls
+        % a predicate which is exported, then we don't need to do anything
+        % special.
-		( Status = exported
-		; Status = external(ExternalStatus),
+        (
+            Status = exported
+        ;
+            Status = external(ExternalStatus),
 			status_is_exported(ExternalStatus, yes)
 		DoWrite = yes
-		% Declarations for class methods will be recreated
-		% from the class declaration in the `.opt' file.
-		% Declarations for local classes are always written
-		% to the `.opt' file.
+        % Declarations for class methods will be recreated from the class
+        % declaration in the `.opt' file. Declarations for local classes
+        % are always written to the `.opt' file.
 		pred_info_get_markers(PredInfo, Markers),
 		check_marker(Markers, class_method)
@@ -686,15 +668,14 @@
 		DoWrite = yes
-		% If a pred whose code we're going to put in the `.opt' file
-		% calls a predicate which is local to that module, then
-		% we need to put the declaration for the called predicate
-		% in the `.opt' file.
+        % If a pred whose code we're going to put in the `.opt' file calls
+        % a predicate which is local to that module, then we need to put
+        % the declaration for the called predicate in the `.opt' file.
 		DoWrite = yes,
-		intermod_info_get_pred_decls(PredDecls0, !Info),
+        intermod_info_get_pred_decls(!.Info, PredDecls0),
 		set__insert(PredDecls0, PredId, PredDecls),
 		intermod_info_set_pred_decls(PredDecls, !Info)
@@ -703,11 +684,11 @@
-		% imported pred - add import for module
+        % Imported pred - add import for module.
 		DoWrite = yes,
 		PredModule = pred_info_module(PredInfo),
-		intermod_info_get_modules(Modules0, !Info),
+        intermod_info_get_modules(!.Info, Modules0),
 		set__insert(Modules0, PredModule, Modules),
 		intermod_info_set_modules(Modules, !Info)
@@ -715,13 +696,14 @@
 	% Resolve overloading and module qualify everything in a unify_rhs.
+    % Fully module-qualify the right-hand-side of a unification.
+    % For function calls and higher-order terms, call intermod__add_proc
+    % so that the predicate or function will be exported if necessary.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__module_qualify_unify_rhs(prog_var::in, unify_rhs::in,
 	unify_rhs::out, bool::out, intermod_info::in,
 	intermod_info::out) is det.
-	% Fully module-qualify the right-hand-side of a unification.
-	% For function calls and higher-order terms, call intermod__add_proc
-	% so that the predicate or function will be exported if necessary.
 intermod__module_qualify_unify_rhs(_LHS, RHS @ var(_Var), RHS, yes, !Info).
@@ -758,7 +740,7 @@
 	is det.
 intermod__gather_instances(!Info) :-
-	intermod_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, !Info),
+    intermod_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
 	module_info_instances(ModuleInfo, Instances),
 	map__foldl(intermod__gather_instances_2(ModuleInfo), Instances, !Info).
@@ -787,7 +769,8 @@
 		SaveInfo = !.Info,
 			Interface0 = concrete(Methods0),
-			( MaybePredProcIds = yes(ClassProcs) ->
+            (
+                MaybePredProcIds = yes(ClassProcs),
 				GetPredId =
 				    (pred(Proc::in, PredId::out) is det :-
 					Proc = hlds_class_proc(PredId, _)
@@ -795,19 +778,18 @@
 				list__map(GetPredId, ClassProcs, ClassPreds0),
 				% The interface is sorted on pred_id.
-				list__remove_adjacent_dups(ClassPreds0,
-					ClassPreds),
-				assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(
-					ClassPreds, Methods0, MethodAL)
+                list__remove_adjacent_dups(ClassPreds0, ClassPreds),
+                assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(ClassPreds, Methods0,
+                    MethodAL)
+                MaybePredProcIds = no,
 				error("intermod__gather_instances_3: " ++
 					"method pred_proc_ids not filled in")
-			list__map_foldl(
-				intermod__qualify_instance_method(ModuleInfo),
+            list__map_foldl(intermod__qualify_instance_method(ModuleInfo),
 				MethodAL, Methods, [], PredIds),
-			list__map_foldl(intermod__add_proc, PredIds,
-				DoWriteMethodsList, !Info),
+            list__map_foldl(intermod__add_proc, PredIds, DoWriteMethodsList,
+                !Info),
 			bool__and_list(DoWriteMethodsList, DoWriteMethods),
 				DoWriteMethods = yes,
@@ -816,15 +798,14 @@
 				DoWriteMethods = no,
-				% Write an abstract instance declaration
-				% if any of the methods cannot be written
-				% to the `.opt' file for any reason.
+                % Write an abstract instance declaration if any of the methods
+                % cannot be written to the `.opt' file for any reason.
 				Interface = abstract,
-				% Don't write declarations for any of the
-				% methods if one can't be written.
+                % Don't write declarations for any of the methods if one
+                % can't be written.
 				!:Info = SaveInfo
@@ -843,12 +824,11 @@
 				status_is_exported(Status, no)
-			InstanceDefnToWrite = hlds_instance_defn(A, Status,
-				C, D, E, Interface, MaybePredProcIds, H, I),
-			intermod_info_get_instances(Instances0, !Info),
+            InstanceDefnToWrite = hlds_instance_defn(A, Status, C, D, E,
+                Interface, MaybePredProcIds, H, I),
+            intermod_info_get_instances(!.Info, Instances0),
-				[ClassId - InstanceDefnToWrite | Instances0],
-				!Info)
+                [ClassId - InstanceDefnToWrite | Instances0], !Info)
@@ -858,15 +838,15 @@
 	% Resolve overloading of instance methods before writing them
 	% to the `.opt' file.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__qualify_instance_method(module_info::in,
 	pair(pred_id, instance_method)::in, instance_method::out,
 	list(pred_id)::in, list(pred_id)::out) is det.
-		MethodCallPredId - InstanceMethod0,
-		InstanceMethod, PredIds0, PredIds) :-
-	module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, MethodCallPredId,
-		MethodCallPredInfo),
+        MethodCallPredId - InstanceMethod0, InstanceMethod,
+        PredIds0, PredIds) :-
+    module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, MethodCallPredId, MethodCallPredInfo),
 	pred_info_arg_types(MethodCallPredInfo, MethodCallTVarSet, _,
 	InstanceMethod0 = instance_method(PredOrFunc, MethodName,
@@ -875,24 +855,24 @@
 		InstanceMethodDefn0 = name(InstanceMethodName0),
 		PredOrFunc = function,
-			find_func_matching_instance_method(ModuleInfo,
-				InstanceMethodName0, MethodArity,
-				MethodCallTVarSet, MethodCallArgTypes,
+            find_func_matching_instance_method(ModuleInfo, InstanceMethodName0,
+                MethodArity, MethodCallTVarSet, MethodCallArgTypes,
 				MaybePredId, InstanceMethodName)
-			( MaybePredId = yes(PredId) ->
+            (
+                MaybePredId = yes(PredId),
 				PredIds = [PredId | PredIds0]
+                MaybePredId = no,
 				PredIds = PredIds0
 			InstanceMethodDefn = name(InstanceMethodName)
-			% This will force intermod__add_proc to
-			% return DoWrite = no
+            % This will force intermod__add_proc to return DoWrite = no.
 			PredId = invalid_pred_id,
 			PredIds = [PredId | PredIds0],
-			% We can just leave the method definition unchanged
+            % We can just leave the method definition unchanged.
 			InstanceMethodDefn = InstanceMethodDefn0
@@ -907,26 +887,23 @@
 		InstanceMethodDefn0 = clauses(_ItemList),
-		% XXX for methods defined using this syntax
-		% it is a little tricky to write out the .opt files,
-		% so for now I've just disabled intermodule optimization
-		% for type class instance declarations using the new
-		% syntax.
+        % XXX for methods defined using this syntax it is a little tricky
+        % to write out the .opt files, so for now I've just disabled
+        % intermodule optimization for type class instance declarations
+        % using the new syntax.
-		% This will force intermod__add_proc to return DoWrite = no
+        % This will force intermod__add_proc to return DoWrite = no.
 		PredId = invalid_pred_id,
 		PredIds = [PredId | PredIds0],
-		% We can just leave the method definition unchanged
+        % We can just leave the method definition unchanged.
 		InstanceMethodDefn = InstanceMethodDefn0
 	InstanceMethod = instance_method(PredOrFunc, MethodName,
 		InstanceMethodDefn, MethodArity, MethodContext).
-	%
-	% A `func(x/n) is y' method implementation can match an ordinary
-	% function, a field access function or a constructor.
-	% For now, if there are multiple possible matches, we don't write
-	% the instance method.
+    % A `func(x/n) is y' method implementation can match an ordinary function,
+    % a field access function or a constructor. For now, if there are multiple
+    % possible matches, we don't write the instance method.
 :- pred find_func_matching_instance_method(module_info::in, sym_name::in,
 	arity::in, tvarset::in, list(type)::in, maybe(pred_id)::out,
@@ -944,8 +921,7 @@
 		TypeCtors0 = list__map(
 			(func(FieldDefn) = TypeCtor :-
-				FieldDefn = hlds_ctor_field_defn(_, _,
-					TypeCtor, _, _)
+                FieldDefn = hlds_ctor_field_defn(_, _, TypeCtor, _, _)
 			), FieldDefns)
 		TypeCtors0 = []
@@ -981,8 +957,7 @@
 		MaybePredId = no,
 		( TheTypeCtor = qualified(TypeModule, _) - _ ->
 			unqualify_name(InstanceMethodName0, UnqualMethodName),
-			InstanceMethodName =
-				qualified(TypeModule, UnqualMethodName)
+            InstanceMethodName = qualified(TypeModule, UnqualMethodName)
 			error("unqualified type_ctor in " ++
 				"hlds_cons_defn or hlds_ctor_field_defn")
@@ -994,7 +969,7 @@
 :- pred intermod__gather_types(intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
 intermod__gather_types(!Info) :-
-	intermod_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, !Info),
+    intermod_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
 	module_info_types(ModuleInfo, Types),
 	map__foldl(intermod__gather_types_2, Types, !Info).
@@ -1002,36 +977,32 @@
 	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
 intermod__gather_types_2(TypeCtor, TypeDefn0, !Info) :-
-	intermod_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, !Info),
+    intermod_info_get_module_info(!.Info, ModuleInfo),
 	module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
-	(
-		intermod__should_write_type(ModuleName, TypeCtor, TypeDefn0)
-	->
+    ( intermod__should_write_type(ModuleName, TypeCtor, TypeDefn0) ->
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn0, TypeBody0),
-			TypeBody0 = du_type(Ctors, Tags, Enum,
-				MaybeUserEqComp0, ReservedTag, MaybeForeign0)
+            TypeBody0 = du_type(Ctors, Tags, Enum, MaybeUserEqComp0,
+                ReservedTag, MaybeForeign0)
 			module_info_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
 			globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
-			% Note that we don't resolve overloading for the
-			% definitions which won't be used on this back-end,
-			% because their unification and comparison predicates
-			% have not been typechecked. They are only written to
-			% the `.opt' it can be handy when building against a
-			% workspace for the other definitions to be present
-			% (e.g. when testing compiling a module to IL when
-			% the workspace was compiled to C).
+            % Note that we don't resolve overloading for the definitions
+            % which won't be used on this back-end, because their unification
+            % and comparison predicates have not been typechecked. They are
+            % only written to the `.opt' it can be handy when building
+            % against a workspace for the other definitions to be present
+            % (e.g. when testing compiling a module to IL when the workspace
+            % was compiled to C).
 				MaybeForeign0 = yes(ForeignTypeBody0),
-				have_foreign_type_for_backend(Target,
-					ForeignTypeBody0, yes)
+                have_foreign_type_for_backend(Target, ForeignTypeBody0, yes)
-				% The header code must be written since
-				% it could be used by the foreign type.
+                % The header code must be written since it could be used
+                % by the foreign type.
 					ModuleInfo, TypeCtor, ForeignTypeBody0,
@@ -1039,32 +1010,27 @@
 				MaybeForeign = yes(ForeignTypeBody),
 				MaybeUserEqComp = MaybeUserEqComp0
-				intermod__resolve_unify_compare_overloading(
-					ModuleInfo, TypeCtor,
-					MaybeUserEqComp0, MaybeUserEqComp,
-					!Info),
+                intermod__resolve_unify_compare_overloading(ModuleInfo,
+                    TypeCtor, MaybeUserEqComp0, MaybeUserEqComp, !Info),
 				MaybeForeign = MaybeForeign0
-			TypeBody = du_type(Ctors, Tags, Enum,
-				MaybeUserEqComp, ReservedTag, MaybeForeign),
-			hlds_data__set_type_defn_body(TypeBody,
-				TypeDefn0, TypeDefn)
+            TypeBody = du_type(Ctors, Tags, Enum, MaybeUserEqComp,
+                ReservedTag, MaybeForeign),
+            hlds_data__set_type_defn_body(TypeBody, TypeDefn0, TypeDefn)
 			TypeBody0 = foreign_type(ForeignTypeBody0)
-			% The header code must be written since
-			% it could be used by the foreign type.
+            % The header code must be written since it could be used
+            % by the foreign type.
-			intermod__resolve_foreign_type_body_overloading(
-				ModuleInfo, TypeCtor,
-				ForeignTypeBody0, ForeignTypeBody, !Info),
+            intermod__resolve_foreign_type_body_overloading(ModuleInfo,
+                TypeCtor, ForeignTypeBody0, ForeignTypeBody, !Info),
 			TypeBody = foreign_type(ForeignTypeBody),
-			hlds_data__set_type_defn_body(TypeBody,
-				TypeDefn0, TypeDefn)
+            hlds_data__set_type_defn_body(TypeBody, TypeDefn0, TypeDefn)
 			TypeDefn = TypeDefn0
-		intermod_info_get_types(Types0, !Info),
+        intermod_info_get_types(!.Info, Types0),
 		intermod_info_set_types([TypeCtor - TypeDefn | Types0], !Info)
@@ -1081,14 +1047,12 @@
 	globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
-	% Note that we don't resolve overloading for the foreign
-	% definitions which won't be used on this back-end, because
-	% their unification and comparison predicates have not been
-	% typechecked.
-	% They are only written to the `.opt' it can be handy when
-	% building against a workspace for the other definitions to
-	% be present (e.g. when testing compiling a module to IL when
-	% the workspace was compiled to C).
+    % Note that we don't resolve overloading for the foreign definitions
+    % which won't be used on this back-end, because their unification and
+    % comparison predicates have not been typechecked. They are only written
+    % to the `.opt' it can be handy when building against a workspace
+    % for the other definitions to be present (e.g. when testing compiling
+    % a module to IL when the workspace was compiled to C).
 	( ( Target = c ; Target = asm ) ->
@@ -1116,10 +1080,8 @@
 intermod__resolve_foreign_type_body_overloading_2(_, _, no, no, !Info).
 intermod__resolve_foreign_type_body_overloading_2(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor,
-		yes(foreign_type_lang_data(Body, MaybeUserEqComp0,
-			Assertions)),
-		yes(foreign_type_lang_data(Body, MaybeUserEqComp,
-			Assertions)),
+        yes(foreign_type_lang_data(Body, MaybeUserEqComp0, Assertions)),
+        yes(foreign_type_lang_data(Body, MaybeUserEqComp, Assertions)),
 		!Info) :-
 	intermod__resolve_unify_compare_overloading(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor,
 		MaybeUserEqComp0, MaybeUserEqComp, !Info).
@@ -1131,12 +1093,10 @@
 intermod__resolve_unify_compare_overloading(_, _, no, no, !Info).
 intermod__resolve_unify_compare_overloading(_, _,
-		yes(abstract_noncanonical_type(IsSolverType)),
-		!Info).
+        yes(abstract_noncanonical_type(IsSolverType)), !Info).
 intermod__resolve_unify_compare_overloading(ModuleInfo, TypeCtor,
 		yes(unify_compare(MaybeUserEq0, MaybeUserCompare0)),
-		yes(unify_compare(MaybeUserEq, MaybeUserCompare)),
-		!Info) :-
+        yes(unify_compare(MaybeUserEq, MaybeUserCompare)), !Info) :-
 		unify, TypeCtor, MaybeUserEq0, MaybeUserEq, !Info),
@@ -1171,23 +1131,20 @@
 	% Output module imports, types, modes, insts and predicates
+    %
 :- pred intermod__write_intermod_info(intermod_info::in,
 	io::di, io::uo) is det.
-intermod__write_intermod_info(IntermodInfo0, !IO) :-
-	intermod_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo,
-		IntermodInfo0, IntermodInfo1),
+intermod__write_intermod_info(IntermodInfo, !IO) :-
+    intermod_info_get_module_info(IntermodInfo, ModuleInfo),
 	module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
 	io__write_string(":- module ", !IO),
 	mercury_output_bracketed_sym_name(ModuleName, !IO),
 	io__write_string(".\n", !IO),
-	intermod_info_get_preds(Preds, IntermodInfo1, IntermodInfo2),
-	intermod_info_get_pred_decls(PredDecls,
-		IntermodInfo2, IntermodInfo3),
-	intermod_info_get_instances(Instances,
-		IntermodInfo3, IntermodInfo),
+    intermod_info_get_preds(IntermodInfo, Preds),
+    intermod_info_get_pred_decls(IntermodInfo, PredDecls),
+    intermod_info_get_instances(IntermodInfo, Instances),
 		% If none of these item types need writing, nothing
@@ -1210,8 +1167,8 @@
 		intermod__write_intermod_info_2(IntermodInfo, !IO)
-:- pred intermod__write_intermod_info_2(intermod_info::in,
-	io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred intermod__write_intermod_info_2(intermod_info::in, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det.
 intermod__write_intermod_info_2(IntermodInfo, !IO) :-
 	IntermodInfo = info(_, Preds0, PredDecls0, Instances, Types,
@@ -1223,8 +1180,8 @@
 	set__to_sorted_list(Modules0, Modules),
 		Modules = [_ | _],
-		% XXX this could be reduced to the set that is
-		% actually needed by the items being written.
+        % XXX this could be reduced to the set that is actually needed
+        % by the items being written.
 		io__write_string(":- use_module ", !IO),
 		intermod__write_modules(Modules, !IO)
@@ -1242,16 +1199,14 @@
 	globals__io_set_option(dump_hlds_options, string(""), !IO),
 		WriteHeader = yes,
-		module_info_get_foreign_import_module(ModuleInfo,
-			RevForeignImports),
+        module_info_get_foreign_import_module(ModuleInfo, RevForeignImports),
 		ForeignImports = list__reverse(RevForeignImports),
 			(pred(ForeignImport::in, IO0::di, IO::uo) is det :-
-				ForeignImport = foreign_import_module(Lang,
-					Import, _),
-				mercury_output_pragma_foreign_import_module(
-					Lang, Import, IO0, IO)
+                ForeignImport = foreign_import_module(Lang, Import, _),
+                mercury_output_pragma_foreign_import_module(Lang, Import,
+                    IO0, IO)
 			), ForeignImports, !IO)
 		WriteHeader = no
@@ -1306,25 +1261,22 @@
 		Body = solver_type(SolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp),
 		TypeBody = solver_type(SolverTypeDetails, MaybeUserEqComp)
-	mercury_output_item(
-		type_defn(VarSet, Name, Args, TypeBody, true),
-		Context, !IO),
+    mercury_output_item(type_defn(VarSet, Name, Args, TypeBody, true), Context,
+        !IO),
 		( Body = foreign_type(ForeignTypeBody)
 		; Body ^ du_type_is_foreign_type = yes(ForeignTypeBody)
-		ForeignTypeBody = foreign_type_body(MaybeIL, MaybeC,
-			MaybeJava)
+        ForeignTypeBody = foreign_type_body(MaybeIL, MaybeC, MaybeJava)
 			MaybeIL = yes(DataIL),
-			DataIL = foreign_type_lang_data(ILForeignType,
-				ILMaybeUserEqComp, AssertionsIL),
+            DataIL = foreign_type_lang_data(ILForeignType, ILMaybeUserEqComp,
+                AssertionsIL),
 				type_defn(VarSet, Name, Args,
-						ILMaybeUserEqComp,
-						AssertionsIL),
+                        ILMaybeUserEqComp, AssertionsIL),
 				Context, !IO)
@@ -1337,8 +1289,7 @@
 				type_defn(VarSet, Name, Args,
-						CMaybeUserEqComp,
-						AssertionsC),
+                        CMaybeUserEqComp, AssertionsC),
 				Context, !IO)
@@ -1351,8 +1302,7 @@
 				type_defn(VarSet, Name, Args,
-						JavaMaybeUserEqComp,
-						AssertionsJava),
+                        JavaMaybeUserEqComp, AssertionsJava),
 				Context, !IO)
@@ -1365,8 +1315,7 @@
 		ReservedTag = Body ^ du_type_reserved_tag,
 		ReservedTag = yes
-		mercury_output_item(pragma(reserve_tag(Name, Arity)),
-			Context, !IO)
+        mercury_output_item(pragma(reserve_tag(Name, Arity)), Context, !IO)
@@ -1411,8 +1360,7 @@
 intermod__write_inst(ModuleName, InstId, InstDefn, !IO) :-
 	InstId = SymName - _Arity,
-	InstDefn = hlds_inst_defn(Varset, Args, Body,
-		Context, ImportStatus),
+    InstDefn = hlds_inst_defn(Varset, Args, Body, Context, ImportStatus),
 		SymName = qualified(ModuleName, _),
@@ -1424,8 +1372,7 @@
 			Body = abstract_inst,
 			InstBody = abstract_inst
-		mercury_output_item(
-			inst_defn(Varset, SymName, Args, InstBody, true),
+        mercury_output_item(inst_defn(Varset, SymName, Args, InstBody, true),
 			Context, !IO)
@@ -1443,17 +1390,15 @@
 intermod__write_class(ModuleName, ClassId, ClassDefn, !IO) :-
 	ClassDefn = hlds_class_defn(ImportStatus, Constraints, HLDSFunDeps,
-		_Ancestors, TVars, Interface, _HLDSClassInterface,
-		TVarSet, Context),
+        _Ancestors, TVars, Interface, _HLDSClassInterface, TVarSet, Context),
 	ClassId = class_id(QualifiedClassName, _),
 		QualifiedClassName = qualified(ModuleName, _),
-		FunDeps = list.map(unmake_hlds_class_fundep(TVars),
-			HLDSFunDeps),
-		Item = typeclass(Constraints, FunDeps, QualifiedClassName,
-			TVars, Interface, TVarSet),
+        FunDeps = list.map(unmake_hlds_class_fundep(TVars), HLDSFunDeps),
+        Item = typeclass(Constraints, FunDeps, QualifiedClassName, TVars,
+            Interface, TVarSet),
 		mercury_output_item(Item, Context, !IO)
@@ -1485,15 +1430,15 @@
 	io::di, io::uo) is det.
 intermod__write_instance(ClassId - InstanceDefn, !IO) :-
-	InstanceDefn = hlds_instance_defn(ModuleName, _, Context,
-		Constraints, Types, Body, _, TVarSet, _),
+    InstanceDefn = hlds_instance_defn(ModuleName, _, Context, Constraints,
+        Types, Body, _, TVarSet, _),
 	ClassId = class_id(ClassName, _),
-	Item = instance(Constraints, ClassName, Types, Body, TVarSet,
-		ModuleName),
+    Item = instance(Constraints, ClassName, Types, Body, TVarSet, ModuleName),
 	mercury_output_item(Item, Context, !IO).
 	% We need to write all the declarations for local predicates so
 	% the procedure labels for the C code are calculated correctly.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__write_pred_decls(module_info::in, list(pred_id)::in,
 	io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -1510,11 +1455,10 @@
 	pred_info_get_goal_type(PredInfo, GoalType),
 		GoalType = pragmas,
-		% For foreign code goals we can't append variable numbers
-		% to type variables in the predicate declaration
-		% because the foreign code may contain references to
-		% variables such as `TypeInfo_for_T' which will break
-		% if `T' is written as `T_1' in the pred declaration.
+        % For foreign code goals we can't append variable numbers to type
+        % variables in the predicate declaration because the foreign code
+        % may contain references to variables such as `TypeInfo_for_T'
+        % which will break if `T' is written as `T_1' in the pred declaration.
 		AppendVarNums = no
 		GoalType = clauses_and_pragmas,
@@ -1533,22 +1477,20 @@
 		PredOrFunc = predicate,
-		mercury_output_pred_type(TVarSet, ExistQVars,
-			qualified(Module, Name), ArgTypes, no, Purity,
-			ClassContext, Context, AppendVarNums, !IO)
+        mercury_output_pred_type(TVarSet, ExistQVars, qualified(Module, Name),
+            ArgTypes, no, Purity, ClassContext, Context, AppendVarNums, !IO)
 		PredOrFunc = function,
 		pred_args_to_func_args(ArgTypes, FuncArgTypes, FuncRetType),
-		mercury_output_func_type(TVarSet, ExistQVars,
-			qualified(Module, Name), FuncArgTypes,
-			FuncRetType, no, Purity, ClassContext, Context,
+        mercury_output_func_type(TVarSet, ExistQVars, qualified(Module, Name),
+            FuncArgTypes, FuncRetType, no, Purity, ClassContext, Context,
 			AppendVarNums, !IO)
 	pred_info_procedures(PredInfo, Procs),
 	ProcIds = pred_info_procids(PredInfo),
-		% Make sure the mode declarations go out in the same
-		% order they came in, so that the all the modes get the
-		% same proc_id in the importing modules.
+        % Make sure the mode declarations go out in the same order
+        % they came in, so that the all the modes get the same proc_id
+        % in the importing modules.
 	CompareProcId =
 		(pred(ProcId1::in, ProcId2::in, Result::out) is det :-
 			proc_id_to_int(ProcId1, ProcInt1),
@@ -1579,8 +1521,7 @@
 		ArgModes = ArgModes0,
 		Detism = Detism0
-		error("intermod__write_pred_modes: " ++
-			"attempt to write undeclared mode")
+        error("intermod__write_pred_modes: attempt to write undeclared mode")
 	proc_info_context(ProcInfo, Context),
@@ -1588,8 +1529,7 @@
 		PredOrFunc = function,
 		pred_args_to_func_args(ArgModes, FuncArgModes, FuncRetMode),
 		mercury_output_func_mode_decl(Varset, SymName,
-			FuncArgModes, FuncRetMode,
-			yes(Detism), Context, !IO)
+            FuncArgModes, FuncRetMode, yes(Detism), Context, !IO)
 		PredOrFunc = predicate,
 		mercury_output_pred_mode_decl(Varset, SymName, ArgModes,
@@ -1619,11 +1559,9 @@
 	( pred_info_get_goal_type(PredInfo, promise(PromiseType)) ->
 		( Clauses = [Clause] ->
 			hlds_out__write_promise(PromiseType, 0, ModuleInfo,
-				PredId, VarSet, no, HeadVars,
-				PredOrFunc, Clause, no, !IO)
+                PredId, VarSet, no, HeadVars, PredOrFunc, Clause, no, !IO)
-			error("intermod__write_preds: " ++
-				"assertion not a single clause.")
+            error("intermod__write_preds: assertion not a single clause.")
 		list__foldl(intermod__write_clause(ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet,
@@ -1638,8 +1576,7 @@
 intermod__write_clause(ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet, HeadVars,
 		PredOrFunc, _SymName, Clause0, !IO) :-
 	Clause0 = clause(_, _, mercury, _),
-	strip_headvar_unifications(HeadVars, Clause0,
-		ClauseHeadVars, Clause),
+    strip_headvar_unifications(HeadVars, Clause0, ClauseHeadVars, Clause),
 	% Variable numbers need to be appended for the case
 	% where the added arguments for a DCG pred expression
 	% are named the same as variables in the enclosing clause.
@@ -1647,8 +1584,8 @@
 	UseDeclaredModes = yes,
 	MaybeVarTypes = no,
 	hlds_out__write_clause(1, ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet, AppendVarNums,
-		ClauseHeadVars, PredOrFunc, Clause, UseDeclaredModes,
-		MaybeVarTypes, !IO).
+        ClauseHeadVars, PredOrFunc, Clause, UseDeclaredModes, MaybeVarTypes,
+        !IO).
 intermod__write_clause(ModuleInfo, PredId, VarSet, _HeadVars,
 		PredOrFunc, SymName, Clause, !IO) :-
@@ -1665,13 +1602,11 @@
 			ForeignCodeGoal = foreign_proc(Attributes,
 				_, _, Args, _, PragmaCode) - _
-			Goal = foreign_proc(Attributes,
-				_, _, Args, _, PragmaCode) - _
+            Goal = foreign_proc(Attributes, _, _, Args, _, PragmaCode) - _
 		list__foldl(intermod__write_foreign_clause(Procs, PredOrFunc,
-			PragmaCode, Attributes, Args, VarSet, SymName),
-			ProcIds, !IO)
+            PragmaCode, Attributes, Args, VarSet, SymName), ProcIds, !IO)
 		error("foreign_proc expected within this goal")
@@ -1708,6 +1643,7 @@
 	% 	unifications added when the clauses are read in again from
 	%	the `.opt' file. Clauses containing impure goals are not
 	%	written to the `.opt' file for this reason.
+    %
 :- pred strip_headvar_unifications(list(prog_var)::in,
 	clause::in, list(prog_term)::out, clause::out) is det.
@@ -1722,10 +1658,7 @@
 			(pred(HeadVar0::in, HeadTerm::out) is det :-
-				(
-					map__search(HeadVarMap, HeadVar0,
-						HeadTerm0)
-				->
+                ( map__search(HeadVarMap, HeadVar0, HeadTerm0) ->
 					HeadTerm = HeadTerm0
 					HeadTerm = term__variable(HeadVar0)
@@ -1758,21 +1691,17 @@
 				ConsId = int_const(Int),
-				RHSTerm = term__functor(term__integer(Int),
-						[], Context)
+                RHSTerm = term__functor(term__integer(Int), [], Context)
 				ConsId = float_const(Float),
-				RHSTerm = term__functor(term__float(Float),
-						[], Context)
+                RHSTerm = term__functor(term__float(Float), [], Context)
 				ConsId = string_const(String),
-				RHSTerm = term__functor(term__string(String),
-						[], Context)
+                RHSTerm = term__functor(term__string(String), [], Context)
 				ConsId = cons(SymName, _),
 				term__var_list_to_term_list(Args, ArgTerms),
-				construct_qualified_term(SymName, ArgTerms,
-					RHSTerm)
+                construct_qualified_term(SymName, ArgTerms, RHSTerm)
@@ -1807,8 +1736,7 @@
 		ShouldOutput = yes,
 		hlds_out__marker_name(Marker, Name),
-		mercury_output_pragma_decl(SymName, Arity, PredOrFunc, Name,
-			no, !IO)
+        mercury_output_pragma_decl(SymName, Arity, PredOrFunc, Name, no, !IO)
 		ShouldOutput = no
@@ -1818,15 +1746,14 @@
 	io::di, io::uo) is det.
 intermod__write_type_spec_pragmas(ModuleInfo, PredId, !IO) :-
-	module_info_type_spec_info(ModuleInfo,
-		type_spec_info(_, _, _, PragmaMap)),
+    module_info_type_spec_info(ModuleInfo, type_spec_info(_, _, _, PragmaMap)),
 	( multi_map__search(PragmaMap, PredId, TypeSpecPragmas) ->
 			( pred(Pragma::in, IO0::di, IO::uo) is det :-
 				( Pragma = type_spec(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
 					AppendVarnums = yes,
-					mercury_output_pragma_type_spec(Pragma,
-						AppendVarnums, IO0, IO)
+                    mercury_output_pragma_type_spec(Pragma, AppendVarnums,
+                        IO0, IO)
@@ -1837,6 +1764,7 @@
 	% Is a pragma declaration required in the `.opt' file for
 	% a predicate with the given marker.
+    %
 :- pred intermod__should_output_marker(marker::in, bool::out) is det.
 intermod__should_output_marker(stub, no).
@@ -1913,22 +1841,29 @@
 	--->	info(
 			im_modules	:: set(module_name),
 					% modules to import
 			im_preds	:: set(pred_id),
 					% preds to output clauses for
 			im_pred_decls	:: set(pred_id),
 					% preds to output decls for
 			im_instances	:: assoc_list(class_id,
 					% instances declarations to write
 			im_types	:: assoc_list(type_ctor,
 					% type declarations to write
 			im_module_info	:: module_info,
 			im_write_foreign_header	:: bool,
 					% do the c_header_codes for the module
 					% need writing, yes if there are
 					% pragma_foreign_code procs being
 					% exported.
 			im_var_types	:: vartypes,
 			im_tvarset	:: tvarset
 					% Vartypes and tvarset for the
@@ -1948,27 +1883,21 @@
 	IntermodInfo = info(Modules, Procs, ProcDecls, Instances, Types,
 		ModuleInfo, no, VarTypes, TVarSet).
-:- pred intermod_info_get_modules(set(module_name)::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_preds(set(pred_id)::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_pred_decls(set(pred_id)::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_instances(
-	assoc_list(class_id, hlds_instance_defn)::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_types(assoc_list(type_ctor, hlds_type_defn)::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-%:- pred intermod_info_get_insts(set(inst_id)::out,
-%	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_module_info(module_info::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_write_foreign_header(bool::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_var_types(vartypes::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-:- pred intermod_info_get_tvarset(tvarset::out,
-	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_modules(intermod_info::in, set(module_name)::out)
+    is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_preds(intermod_info::in, set(pred_id)::out) is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_pred_decls(intermod_info::in, set(pred_id)::out)
+    is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_instances(intermod_info::in,
+    assoc_list(class_id, hlds_instance_defn)::out) is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_types(intermod_info::in,
+    assoc_list(type_ctor, hlds_type_defn)::out) is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_module_info(intermod_info::in, module_info::out)
+    is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_write_foreign_header(intermod_info::in, bool::out)
+    is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_var_types(intermod_info::in, vartypes::out) is det.
+:- pred intermod_info_get_tvarset(intermod_info::in, tvarset::out) is det.
 :- pred intermod_info_set_modules(set(module_name)::in,
 	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
@@ -1992,16 +1921,15 @@
 :- pred intermod_info_set_tvarset(tvarset::in,
 	intermod_info::in, intermod_info::out) is det.
-intermod_info_get_modules(Info ^ im_modules, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_preds(Info ^ im_preds, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_pred_decls(Info ^ im_pred_decls, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_instances(Info ^ im_instances, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_types(Info ^ im_types, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_module_info(Info ^ im_module_info, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_write_foreign_header(Info ^ im_write_foreign_header,
-		Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_var_types(Info ^ im_var_types, Info, Info).
-intermod_info_get_tvarset(Info ^ im_tvarset, Info, Info).
+intermod_info_get_modules(Info, Info ^ im_modules).
+intermod_info_get_preds(Info, Info ^ im_preds).
+intermod_info_get_pred_decls(Info, Info ^ im_pred_decls).
+intermod_info_get_instances(Info, Info ^ im_instances).
+intermod_info_get_types(Info, Info ^ im_types).
+intermod_info_get_module_info(Info, Info ^ im_module_info).
+intermod_info_get_write_foreign_header(Info, Info ^ im_write_foreign_header).
+intermod_info_get_var_types(Info, Info ^ im_var_types).
+intermod_info_get_tvarset(Info, Info ^ im_tvarset).
 intermod_info_set_modules(Modules, Info, Info ^ im_modules := Modules).
 intermod_info_set_preds(Procs, Info, Info ^ im_preds := Procs).
@@ -2020,37 +1948,39 @@
 	% Make sure the labels of local preds needed by predicates in
 	% the .opt file are exported, and inhibit dead proc elimination
 	% on those preds.
-intermod__adjust_pred_import_status(Module0, Module, IO0, IO) :-
-	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VVerbose, IO0, IO1),
-	maybe_write_string(VVerbose,
-		"% Adjusting import status of predicates in the `.opt' file...",
-		IO1, IO2),
-	init_intermod_info(Module0, Info0),
-	module_info_predids(Module0, PredIds),
-	module_info_globals(Module0, Globals),
+    %
+intermod__adjust_pred_import_status(!Module, !IO) :-
+    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
+    maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose,
+        "% Adjusting import status of predicates in the `.opt' file...", !IO),
+    module_info_predids(!.Module, PredIds),
+    module_info_globals(!.Module, Globals),
 	globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, intermod_inline_simple_threshold,
 	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, deforestation, Deforestation),
 	globals__lookup_int_option(Globals, higher_order_size_limit,
+    some [!Info] (
+        init_intermod_info(!.Module, !:Info),
 	intermod__gather_preds(PredIds, yes, Threshold, HigherOrderSizeLimit,
-		Deforestation, Info0, Info1),
-	intermod__gather_instances(Info1, Info2),
-	intermod__gather_types(Info2, Info),
-	do_adjust_pred_import_status(Info, Module0, Module),
-	maybe_write_string(VVerbose, " done\n", IO2, IO).
+            Deforestation, !Info),
+        intermod__gather_instances(!Info),
+        intermod__gather_types(!Info),
+        do_adjust_pred_import_status(!.Info, !Module)
+    ),
+    maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, " done\n", !IO).
 :- pred do_adjust_pred_import_status(intermod_info::in,
 		module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-do_adjust_pred_import_status(Info, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	intermod_info_get_pred_decls(PredDecls0, Info, _),
+do_adjust_pred_import_status(Info, !ModuleInfo) :-
+    intermod_info_get_pred_decls(Info, PredDecls0),
 	set__to_sorted_list(PredDecls0, PredDecls),
-	set_list_of_preds_exported(PredDecls, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
-	adjust_type_status(ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo2),
-	adjust_class_status(ModuleInfo2, ModuleInfo3),
-	adjust_instance_status(ModuleInfo3, ModuleInfo).
+    set_list_of_preds_exported(PredDecls, !ModuleInfo),
+    adjust_type_status(!ModuleInfo),
+    adjust_class_status(!ModuleInfo),
+    adjust_instance_status(!ModuleInfo).
 :- pred adjust_type_status(module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
@@ -2099,12 +2029,9 @@
 	module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
 adjust_class_status_2(ClassId - ClassDefn0, ClassId - ClassDefn, !ModuleInfo) :-
-	(
-		import_status_to_write(ClassDefn0 ^ class_status)
-	->
+    ( import_status_to_write(ClassDefn0 ^ class_status) ->
 		ClassDefn = ClassDefn0 ^ class_status := exported,
-		class_procs_to_pred_ids(ClassDefn ^ class_hlds_interface,
-			PredIds),
+        class_procs_to_pred_ids(ClassDefn ^ class_hlds_interface, PredIds),
 		set_list_of_preds_exported(PredIds, !ModuleInfo)
 		ClassDefn = ClassDefn0
@@ -2136,34 +2063,31 @@
 	module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
 adjust_instance_status_2(ClassId - InstanceList0, ClassId - InstanceList,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+        !ModuleInfo) :-
 	list__map_foldl(adjust_instance_status_3, InstanceList0, InstanceList,
-		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo).
+        !ModuleInfo).
 :- pred adjust_instance_status_3(hlds_instance_defn::in,
 	hlds_instance_defn::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
-adjust_instance_status_3(Instance0, Instance, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
+adjust_instance_status_3(Instance0, Instance, !ModuleInfo) :-
 	Instance0 = hlds_instance_defn(InstanceModule, Status0, Context,
 			Constraints, Types, Body, HLDSClassInterface,
 			TVarSet, ConstraintProofs),
-	(
-		import_status_to_write(Status0)
-	->
+    ( import_status_to_write(Status0) ->
 		Instance = hlds_instance_defn(InstanceModule, exported,
 			Context, Constraints, Types, Body, HLDSClassInterface,
 			TVarSet, ConstraintProofs),
-		( HLDSClassInterface = yes(ClassInterface) ->
+        (
+            HLDSClassInterface = yes(ClassInterface),
 			class_procs_to_pred_ids(ClassInterface, PredIds),
-			set_list_of_preds_exported(PredIds,
-				ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo)
+            set_list_of_preds_exported(PredIds, !ModuleInfo)
 			% This can happen if an instance has multiple
 			% declarations, one of which is abstract.
-			ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0
+            HLDSClassInterface = no
-		ModuleInfo = ModuleInfo0,
 		Instance = Instance0
@@ -2204,8 +2128,8 @@
 	set_list_of_preds_exported_2(PredIds, !Preds).
-	% Should a declaration with the given status be written
-	% to the `.opt' file.
+    % Should a declaration with the given status be written to the `.opt' file.
+    %
 :- pred import_status_to_write(import_status::in) is semidet.
 import_status_to_write(Status) :-
@@ -2233,41 +2157,33 @@
 	% Read in and process the optimization interfaces.
-intermod__grab_optfiles(!Module, FoundError, !IO) :-
+intermod__grab_optfiles(!Module, FoundError, !IO) :-
 		% Read in the .opt files for imported and ancestor modules.
-		%
 	ModuleName = !.Module ^ module_name,
 	Ancestors0 = !.Module ^ parent_deps,
 	InterfaceDeps0 = !.Module ^ int_deps,
 	ImplementationDeps0 = !.Module ^ impl_deps,
 	OptFiles = list__sort_and_remove_dups(list__condense(
 		[Ancestors0, InterfaceDeps0, ImplementationDeps0])),
-	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(read_opt_files_transitively,
-		Transitive, !IO),
+    globals__io_lookup_bool_option(read_opt_files_transitively, Transitive,
+        !IO),
 	ModulesProcessed = set__insert(set__sorted_list_to_set(OptFiles),
 	read_optimization_interfaces(Transitive, ModuleName, OptFiles,
 		ModulesProcessed, [], OptItems, no, OptError, !IO),
-		%
-		% Append the items to the current item list, using
-		% a `opt_imported' psuedo-declaration to let
-		% make_hlds know the opt_imported stuff is coming.
-		%
+    % Append the items to the current item list, using a `opt_imported'
+    % psuedo-declaration to let make_hlds know the opt_imported stuff
+    % is coming.
 	module_imports_get_items(!.Module, Items0),
 	Items1 = Items0 ++ [make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported) | OptItems],
 	module_imports_set_items(Items1, !Module),
-		%
-		% Get the :- pragma unused_args(...) declarations created
-		% when writing the .opt file for the current module. These
-		% are needed because we can probably remove more arguments
-		% with intermod_unused_args, but the interface for other
-		% modules must remain the same.
-		%
+    % Get the :- pragma unused_args(...) declarations created when writing
+    % the .opt file for the current module. These are needed because we can
+    % probably remove more arguments with intermod_unused_args, but the
+    % interface for other modules must remain the same.
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(intermod_unused_args, UnusedArgs, !IO),
 		UnusedArgs = yes,
@@ -2287,12 +2203,9 @@
 		UAError = no
-		%
 		% Read .int0 files required by the `.opt' files.
-		%
 	Int0Files = list__delete_all(
-		list__condense(list__map(get_ancestors, OptFiles)),
-		ModuleName),
+        list__condense(list__map(get_ancestors, OptFiles)), ModuleName),
 	process_module_private_interfaces(ReadModules, Int0Files,
@@ -2311,22 +2224,17 @@
 		NewImplicitImportDeps0, NewImplicitUseDeps0,
 		AncestorImports1, AncestorImports2])),
-		%
 		% Read in the .int, and .int2 files needed by the .opt files.
-		%
 	process_module_long_interfaces(ReadModules, must_be_qualified, NewDeps,
-		".int",
-		make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported), make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported),
+        ".int", make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported), make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported),
 		[], NewIndirectDeps, [], NewImplIndirectDeps, !Module, !IO),
 		ReadModules, NewIndirectDeps ++ NewImplIndirectDeps, ".int2",
 		make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported), make_pseudo_decl(opt_imported),
 		!Module, !IO),
-		%
-		% Figure out whether anything went wrong
-		%
+    % Figure out whether anything went wrong.
 	module_imports_get_error(!.Module, FoundError0),
 		( FoundError0 \= no_module_errors
@@ -2346,14 +2254,13 @@
 read_optimization_interfaces(_, _, [], _, !Items, !Error, !IO).
 read_optimization_interfaces(Transitive, ModuleName,
-		[ModuleToRead | ModulesToRead], ModulesProcessed0,
-		!Items, !Error, !IO) :-
+        [ModuleToRead | ModulesToRead], ModulesProcessed0, !Items, !Error,
+        !IO) :-
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
 		"% Reading optimization interface for module", !IO),
 	maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, " `", !IO),
-	mdbcomp__prim_data__sym_name_to_string(ModuleToRead, 
-		ModuleToReadString),
+    mdbcomp__prim_data__sym_name_to_string(ModuleToRead, ModuleToReadString),
 	maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, ModuleToReadString, !IO),
 	maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "'...\n", !IO),
 	maybe_flush_output(VeryVerbose, !IO),
@@ -2370,9 +2277,8 @@
 		get_dependencies(OptItems, NewImportDeps0, NewUseDeps0),
 		get_implicit_dependencies(OptItems, Globals,
 			NewImplicitImportDeps0, NewImplicitUseDeps0),
-		NewDeps0 = list__condense([NewImportDeps0,
-			NewUseDeps0, NewImplicitImportDeps0,
-			NewImplicitUseDeps0]),
+        NewDeps0 = list__condense([NewImportDeps0, NewUseDeps0,
+            NewImplicitImportDeps0, NewImplicitUseDeps0]),
 		set__list_to_set(NewDeps0, NewDepsSet0),
 		set__difference(NewDepsSet0, ModulesProcessed0, NewDepsSet),
 		set__union(ModulesProcessed0, NewDepsSet, ModulesProcessed),
@@ -2382,8 +2288,7 @@
 		NewDeps = []
 	read_optimization_interfaces(Transitive, ModuleName,
-		NewDeps ++ ModulesToRead, ModulesProcessed,
-		!Items, !Error, !IO).
+        NewDeps ++ ModulesToRead, ModulesProcessed, !Items, !Error, !IO).
 update_error_status(FileType, FileName, ModuleError, Messages,
 		!Error, !IO) :-
@@ -2408,8 +2313,7 @@
 			io__write_string("Warning: cannot open `", !IO),
 			io__write_string(FileName, !IO),
 			io__write_string("'.\n", !IO),
-			globals__io_lookup_bool_option(halt_at_warn,
-				HaltAtWarn, !IO),
+            globals__io_lookup_bool_option(halt_at_warn, HaltAtWarn, !IO),
 				HaltAtWarn = yes,
 				!:Error = yes
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