[m-rev.] diff: cleanup det_analysis.m
Zoltan Somogyi
zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Apr 8 14:59:25 AEST 2005
Bring comment syntax up to date. Other minor style fixes.
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Index: compiler/det_analysis.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/det_analysis.m,v
retrieving revision 1.175
diff -u -b -r1.175 det_analysis.m
--- compiler/det_analysis.m 24 Mar 2005 05:34:00 -0000 1.175
+++ compiler/det_analysis.m 7 Apr 2005 14:16:33 -0000
@@ -10,17 +10,15 @@
% This pass has three components:
-% o Segregate the procedures into those that have determinism
-% declarations, and those that don't
+% - Segregate the procedures into those that have determinism declarations,
+% and those that don't.
-% o A step of performing a local inference pass on each procedure
-% without a determinism declaration is iterated until
-% a fixpoint is reached
+% - A step of performing a local inference pass on each procedure
+% without a determinism declaration is iterated until a fixpoint is reached.
-% o A checking step is performed on all the procedures that have
-% determinism declarations to ensure that they are at
-% least as deterministic as their declaration. This uses
-% a form of the local inference pass.
+% - A checking step is performed on all the procedures that have determinism
+% declarations to ensure that they are at least as deterministic as their
+% declaration. This uses a form of the local inference pass.
% If we are to avoid global inference for predicates with
% declarations, then it must be an error, not just a warning,
@@ -69,17 +67,19 @@
% Perform determinism inference for local predicates with no
% determinism declarations, and determinism checking for all other
% predicates.
+ %
:- pred determinism_pass(module_info::in, module_info::out,
io::di, io::uo) is det.
% Check the determinism of a single procedure
% (only works if the determinism of the procedures it calls
% has already been inferred).
+ %
:- pred determinism_check_proc(proc_id::in, pred_id::in,
module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
% Infer the determinism of a procedure.
+ %
:- pred det_infer_proc(pred_id::in, proc_id::in, module_info::in,
module_info::out, globals::in, determinism::out, determinism::out,
list(det_msg)::out) is det.
@@ -87,20 +87,22 @@
% Infers the determinism of `Goal0' and returns this in `Detism'.
% It annotates the goal and all its subgoals with their determinism
% and returns the annotated goal in `Goal'.
+ %
:- pred det_infer_goal(hlds_goal::in, instmap::in, soln_context::in,
det_info::in, hlds_goal::out, determinism::out, list(det_msg)::out)
is det.
% Work out how many solutions are needed for a given determinism.
+ %
:- pred det_get_soln_context(determinism::in, soln_context::out) is det.
:- type soln_context
---> all_solns
; first_soln.
- % The tables for computing the determinism of compound goals
- % from the determinism of their components.
+ % The following predicates implement the tables for computing
+ % the determinism of compound goals from the determinism
+ % of their components.
:- pred det_conjunction_detism(determinism::in, determinism::in,
determinism::out) is det.
@@ -184,7 +186,7 @@
% If this ever becomes a problem, we should switch to doing
% iterations only on strongly connected components of the
% dependency graph.
+ %
global_inference_pass(!ModuleInfo, ProcList, Debug, !IO) :-
global_inference_single_pass(ProcList, Debug, !ModuleInfo, [], Msgs,
unchanged, Changed, !IO),
@@ -207,8 +209,8 @@
global_inference_single_pass([proc(PredId, ProcId) | PredProcs], Debug,
!ModuleInfo, !Msgs, !Changed, !IO) :-
globals__io_get_globals(Globals, !IO),
- det_infer_proc(PredId, ProcId, !ModuleInfo, Globals,
- Detism0, Detism, ProcMsgs),
+ det_infer_proc(PredId, ProcId, !ModuleInfo, Globals, Detism0, Detism,
+ ProcMsgs),
( Detism = Detism0 ->
ChangeStr = "old"
@@ -286,12 +288,11 @@
det_infer_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo,
Goal, Detism1, !:Msgs),
- % Take the worst of the old and new detisms.
- % This is needed to prevent loops on p :- not(p)
- % at least if the initial assumed detism is det.
- % This may also be needed to ensure that we don't change
- % the interface determinism of procedures, if we are
- % re-running determinism analysis.
+ % Take the worst of the old and new detisms. This is needed
+ % to prevent loops on p :- not(p), at least if the initial assumed
+ % detism is det. This may also be needed to ensure that we don't change
+ % the interface determinism of procedures, if we are re-running
+ % determinism analysis.
determinism_components(Detism0, CanFail0, MaxSoln0),
determinism_components(Detism1, CanFail1, MaxSoln1),
@@ -299,7 +300,8 @@
det_switch_maxsoln(MaxSoln0, MaxSoln1, MaxSoln),
determinism_components(Detism2, CanFail, MaxSoln),
- % Now see if the evaluation model can change the detism
+ % Now see if the evaluation model can change the detism.
proc_info_eval_method(Proc0, EvalMethod),
Detism = eval_method_change_determinism(EvalMethod, Detism2),
@@ -320,7 +322,7 @@
- % Save the newly inferred information
+ % Save the newly inferred information.
proc_info_set_goal(Goal, Proc0, Proc1),
proc_info_set_inferred_determinism(Detism, Proc1, Proc),
@@ -336,7 +338,9 @@
list.member(pragma_exported_proc(PredId, ProcId, _, _),
- ( Detism = multidet ; Detism = nondet )
+ ( Detism = multidet
+ ; Detism = nondet
+ )
list.cons(export_model_non_proc(PredId, ProcId, Detism),
@@ -353,13 +357,12 @@
det_infer_goal(Goal0 - GoalInfo0, InstMap0, SolnContext0, DetInfo,
- Goal - GoalInfo, Detism, Msgs) :-
+ Goal - GoalInfo, Detism, !:Msgs) :-
goal_info_get_nonlocals(GoalInfo0, NonLocalVars),
goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo0, DeltaInstMap),
% If a pure or semipure goal has no output variables,
% then the goal is in a single-solution context.
det_no_output_vars(NonLocalVars, InstMap0, DeltaInstMap,
@@ -377,7 +380,6 @@
SolnContext = SolnContext0
Goal0 = scope(ScopeReason, _),
@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@
det_infer_goal_2(Goal0, GoalInfo0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo,
- NonLocalVars, DeltaInstMap, Goal1, InternalDetism0, Msgs1),
+ NonLocalVars, DeltaInstMap, Goal1, InternalDetism0, !:Msgs),
determinism_components(InternalDetism0, InternalCanFail,
@@ -418,7 +420,6 @@
InternalSolns = InternalSolns0
( InternalSolns = at_most_many
; InternalSolns = at_most_many_cc
@@ -440,7 +441,6 @@
determinism_components(Detism, InternalCanFail, Solns),
goal_info_set_determinism(GoalInfo0, Detism, GoalInfo),
- %
% The code generators assume that conjunctions containing
% multi or nondet goals and if-then-elses containing
% multi or nondet conditions can only occur inside other
@@ -450,7 +450,6 @@
% invariants would not hold after determinism analysis
% (the number of solutions of the inner goal would be changed
% back from at_most_many to at_most_one or at_most_zero).
- %
% If-then-elses that are det or semidet may
@@ -467,12 +466,11 @@
FinalInternalSolns = at_most_many
- %
% Conjunctions that cannot produce solutions may nevertheless
% contain nondet and multidet goals. If this happens, the
- % conjunction is put inside a `some' to appease the code
+ % conjunction is put inside a scope goal to appease the code
% generator.
- %
Goal1 = conj(ConjGoals),
Solns = at_most_zero,
some [ConjGoalInfo] (
@@ -490,7 +488,6 @@
% See how we should introduce the commit operator, if one is needed.
% do we need a commit?
Detism \= FinalInternalDetism,
@@ -508,14 +505,12 @@
% a commit needed - we must introduce an explicit `commit'
% so that the code generator knows to insert the appropriate
% code for pruning
- goal_info_set_determinism(GoalInfo0,
- FinalInternalDetism, InnerInfo),
- Goal = scope(commit(dont_force_pruning), Goal1 - InnerInfo),
- Msgs = Msgs1
+ goal_info_set_determinism(GoalInfo0, FinalInternalDetism,
+ InnerInfo),
+ Goal = scope(commit(dont_force_pruning), Goal1 - InnerInfo)
% either no commit needed, or a `scope' already present
- Goal = Goal1,
- Msgs = Msgs1
+ Goal = Goal1
@@ -523,46 +518,47 @@
:- pred det_infer_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_info::in, instmap::in,
soln_context::in, det_info::in, set(prog_var)::in, instmap_delta::in,
hlds_goal_expr::out, determinism::out, list(det_msg)::out) is det.
- % The determinism of a conjunction is the worst case of the elements
- % of that conjuction.
det_infer_goal_2(conj(Goals0), _, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
- conj(Goals), Detism, Msgs) :-
+ conj(Goals), Detism, !:Msgs) :-
+ % The determinism of a conjunction is the worst case of the elements
+ % of that conjuction.
det_infer_conj(Goals0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo,
- Goals, Detism, Msgs).
+ Goals, Detism, !:Msgs).
det_infer_goal_2(par_conj(Goals0), GoalInfo, InstMap0, SolnContext,
- DetInfo, _, _, par_conj(Goals), Detism, Msgs) :-
+ DetInfo, _, _, par_conj(Goals), Detism, !:Msgs) :-
det_infer_par_conj(Goals0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo,
- Goals, Detism, Msgs0),
+ Goals, Detism, !:Msgs),
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, Solns),
CanFail = cannot_fail,
Solns \= at_most_many
- Msgs = Msgs0
+ true
det_info_get_pred_id(DetInfo, PredId),
det_info_get_proc_id(DetInfo, ProcId),
Msg = par_conj_not_det(Detism, PredId, ProcId, GoalInfo, Goals),
- Msgs = [Msg|Msgs0]
+ !:Msgs = [Msg | !.Msgs]
det_infer_goal_2(disj(Goals0), _, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
- disj(Goals), Detism, Msgs) :-
+ disj(Goals), Detism, !:Msgs) :-
det_infer_disj(Goals0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo,
- can_fail, at_most_zero, Goals, Detism, Msgs).
+ can_fail, at_most_zero, Goals, Detism, !:Msgs).
+det_infer_goal_2(switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases0), GoalInfo,
+ InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
+ switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases), Detism, !:Msgs) :-
% The determinism of a switch is the worst of the determinism of each
% of the cases. Also, if only a subset of the constructors are handled,
% then it is semideterministic or worse - this is determined
% in switch_detection.m and handled via the SwitchCanFail field.
-det_infer_goal_2(switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases0), GoalInfo,
- InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
- switch(Var, SwitchCanFail, Cases), Detism, Msgs) :-
det_infer_switch(Cases0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo,
- cannot_fail, at_most_zero, Cases, CasesDetism, Msgs0),
+ cannot_fail, at_most_zero, Cases, CasesDetism, !:Msgs),
determinism_components(CasesDetism, CasesCanFail, CasesSolns),
% The switch variable tests are in a first_soln context if and only
% if the switch goal as a whole was in a first_soln context and the
@@ -578,24 +574,25 @@
ExaminesRep = yes,
det_check_for_noncanonical_type(Var, ExaminesRep, SwitchCanFail,
SwitchSolnContext, GoalInfo, switch, DetInfo, SwitchSolns,
- Msgs0, Msgs),
+ !Msgs),
det_conjunction_canfail(SwitchCanFail, CasesCanFail, CanFail),
det_conjunction_maxsoln(SwitchSolns, CasesSolns, NumSolns),
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, NumSolns).
+det_infer_goal_2(call(PredId, ModeId0, A, B, C, N), GoalInfo, _,
+ SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
+ call(PredId, ModeId, A, B, C, N), Detism, !:Msgs) :-
% For calls, just look up the determinism entry associated with
% the called predicate.
% This is the point at which annotations start changing
% when we iterate to fixpoint for global determinism inference.
-det_infer_goal_2(call(PredId, ModeId0, A, B, C, N), GoalInfo, _,
- SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
- call(PredId, ModeId, A, B, C, N), Detism, Msgs) :-
det_lookup_detism(DetInfo, PredId, ModeId0, Detism0),
- %
% Make sure we don't try to call a committed-choice pred
% from a non-committed-choice context.
- %
determinism_components(Detism0, CanFail, NumSolns),
NumSolns = at_most_many_cc,
@@ -603,13 +600,13 @@
det_find_matching_non_cc_mode(DetInfo, PredId, ModeId0,
- ModeId1)
+ ModeIdPrime)
- ModeId = ModeId1,
- Msgs = [],
+ ModeId = ModeIdPrime,
+ !:Msgs = [],
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, at_most_many)
- Msgs = [cc_pred_in_wrong_context(GoalInfo, Detism0,
+ !:Msgs = [cc_pred_in_wrong_context(GoalInfo, Detism0,
PredId, ModeId0)],
ModeId = ModeId0,
% Code elsewhere relies on the assumption that
@@ -619,7 +616,7 @@
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, at_most_many)
- Msgs = [],
+ !:Msgs = [],
ModeId = ModeId0,
Detism = Detism0
@@ -627,8 +624,7 @@
det_infer_goal_2(generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, Modes, Det0),
GoalInfo, _InstMap0, SolnContext,
_MiscInfo, _NonLocalVars, _DeltaInstMap,
- generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, Modes, Det0),
- Det, Msgs) :-
+ generic_call(GenericCall, ArgVars, Modes, Det0), Det, Msgs) :-
determinism_components(Det0, CanFail, NumSolns),
NumSolns = at_most_many_cc,
@@ -648,12 +644,13 @@
Det = Det0
+det_infer_goal_2(unify(LHS, RHS0, Mode, Unify, Context), GoalInfo, InstMap0,
+ SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
+ unify(LHS, RHS, Mode, Unify, Context), UnifyDet, !:Msgs) :-
% unifications are either deterministic or semideterministic.
% (see det_infer_unify).
-det_infer_goal_2(unify(LT, RT0, M, U, C), GoalInfo, InstMap0, SolnContext,
- DetInfo, _, _, unify(LT, RT, M, U, C), UnifyDet, Msgs) :-
- RT0 = lambda_goal(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
+ RHS0 = lambda_goal(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
NonLocalVars, Vars, Modes, LambdaDeclaredDet, Goal0)
@@ -671,18 +668,18 @@
Goal, LambdaInferredDet, Msgs1),
det_check_lambda(LambdaDeclaredDet, LambdaInferredDet,
Goal, GoalInfo, DetInfo, Msgs2),
- list__append(Msgs1, Msgs2, Msgs3),
- RT = lambda_goal(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
+ list__append(Msgs1, Msgs2, !:Msgs),
+ RHS = lambda_goal(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
NonLocalVars, Vars, Modes, LambdaDeclaredDet, Goal)
- RT = RT0,
- Msgs3 = []
+ RHS = RHS0,
+ !:Msgs = []
- det_infer_unify_canfail(U, UnifyCanFail),
- det_infer_unify_examines_rep(U, ExaminesRepresentation),
- det_check_for_noncanonical_type(LT, ExaminesRepresentation,
- UnifyCanFail, SolnContext, GoalInfo, unify(C), DetInfo,
- UnifyNumSolns, Msgs3, Msgs),
+ det_infer_unify_canfail(Unify, UnifyCanFail),
+ det_infer_unify_examines_rep(Unify, ExaminesRepresentation),
+ det_check_for_noncanonical_type(LHS, ExaminesRepresentation,
+ UnifyCanFail, SolnContext, GoalInfo, unify(Context), DetInfo,
+ UnifyNumSolns, !Msgs),
determinism_components(UnifyDet, UnifyCanFail, UnifyNumSolns).
det_infer_goal_2(if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0), _GoalInfo0,
@@ -742,9 +739,10 @@
det_switch_canfail(ThenCanFail, ElseCanFail, CanFail),
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, MaxSoln)
+ Msgs = CondMsgs ++ ThenMsgs ++ ElseMsgs.
- list__append(ThenMsgs, ElseMsgs, AfterMsgs),
- list__append(CondMsgs, AfterMsgs, Msgs).
+det_infer_goal_2(not(Goal0), _, InstMap0, _SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
+ not(Goal), Det, Msgs) :-
% Negations are almost always semideterministic. It is an error for
% a negation to further instantiate any non-local variable. Such
@@ -754,8 +752,6 @@
% cannot succeed or cannot fail?
% Answer: yes, probably, but it's not a high priority.
-det_infer_goal_2(not(Goal0), _, InstMap0, _SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
- not(Goal), Det, Msgs) :-
det_infer_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, first_soln, DetInfo,
Goal, NegDet, Msgs),
det_negation_det(NegDet, MaybeDet),
@@ -813,17 +809,19 @@
Goal, Det, SubMsgs),
list__append(SubMsgs, ScopeMsgs, Msgs).
- % pragma foregin_codes are handled in the same way as predicate calls
det_infer_goal_2(foreign_proc(Attributes, PredId, ProcId, Args, ExtraArgs,
GoalInfo, _, SolnContext, DetInfo, _, _,
foreign_proc(Attributes, PredId, ProcId, Args, ExtraArgs,
Detism, Msgs) :-
+ % Foreign_procs are handled in the same way as predicate calls.
det_info_get_module_info(DetInfo, ModuleInfo),
module_info_pred_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId, _, ProcInfo),
proc_info_declared_determinism(ProcInfo, MaybeDetism),
- ( MaybeDetism = yes(Detism0) ->
+ (
+ MaybeDetism = yes(Detism0),
determinism_components(Detism0, CanFail, NumSolns0),
may_throw_exception(Attributes) =
@@ -854,6 +852,7 @@
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, NumSolns)
+ MaybeDetism = no,
Msgs = [pragma_c_code_without_det_decl(PredId, ProcId)],
Detism = erroneous
@@ -913,7 +912,7 @@
% Finally combine the results computed above.
det_conjunction_detism(DetismA, DetismB, Detism),
- list__append(MsgsA, MsgsB, Msgs).
+ Msgs = MsgsA ++ MsgsB.
:- pred det_infer_par_conj(list(hlds_goal)::in, instmap::in, soln_context::in,
det_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::out, determinism::out,
@@ -934,7 +933,7 @@
det_conjunction_maxsoln(MaxSolnsA, MaxSolnsB, MaxSolns),
det_conjunction_canfail(CanFailA, CanFailB, CanFail),
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, MaxSolns),
- list__append(MsgsA, MsgsB, Msgs).
+ Msgs = MsgsA ++ MsgsB.
:- pred det_infer_disj(list(hlds_goal)::in, instmap::in, soln_context::in,
det_info::in, can_fail::in, soln_count::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
@@ -980,7 +979,7 @@
det_infer_disj(Goals0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo, CanFail2,
MaxSolns3, Goals1, Detism, Msgs2),
- list__append(Msgs1, Msgs2, Msgs).
+ Msgs = Msgs1 ++ Msgs2.
:- pred det_infer_switch(list(case)::in, instmap::in, soln_context::in,
det_info::in, can_fail::in, soln_count::in, list(case)::out,
@@ -1004,16 +1003,16 @@
det_switch_maxsoln(MaxSolns0, MaxSolns1, MaxSolns2),
det_infer_switch(Cases0, InstMap0, SolnContext, DetInfo, CanFail2,
MaxSolns2, Cases, Detism, Msgs2),
- list__append(Msgs1, Msgs2, Msgs).
+ Msgs = Msgs1 ++ Msgs2.
% det_find_matching_non_cc_mode(DetInfo, PredId, ProcId0, ProcId):
- % Search for a mode of the given predicate that
- % is identical to the mode ProcId0, except that its
- % determinism is non-cc whereas ProcId0's detism is cc.
- % Let ProcId be the first such mode.
+ %
+ % Search for a mode of the given predicate that is identical
+ % to the mode ProcId0, except that its determinism is non-cc
+ % whereas ProcId0's detism is cc. Let ProcId be the first such mode.
+ %
:- pred det_find_matching_non_cc_mode(det_info::in, pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
proc_id::out) is semidet.
@@ -1056,11 +1055,10 @@
SolnContext, GoalInfo, GoalContext, DetInfo, NumSolns,
!Msgs) :-
- %
% check for unifications that attempt to examine
% the representation of a type that does not have
% a single representation for each abstract value
- %
ExaminesRepresentation = yes,
det_get_proc_info(DetInfo, ProcInfo),
proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
@@ -1087,9 +1085,9 @@
NumSolns = at_most_one
-% Return true iff the principal type constructor of the given type
-% has user-defined equality.
+ % Return true iff the principal type constructor of the given type
+ % has user-defined equality.
+ %
:- pred det_type_has_user_defined_equality_pred(det_info::in,
(type)::in) is semidet.
@@ -1097,20 +1095,20 @@
det_info_get_module_info(DetInfo, ModuleInfo),
type_has_user_defined_equality_pred(ModuleInfo, Type, _).
-% Return yes iff the results of the specified unification might depend on
-% the concrete representation of the abstract values involved.
+ % Return yes iff the results of the specified unification might depend
+ % on the concrete representation of the abstract values involved.
+ %
:- pred det_infer_unify_examines_rep(unification::in, bool::out) is det.
det_infer_unify_examines_rep(assign(_, _), no).
det_infer_unify_examines_rep(construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _), no).
det_infer_unify_examines_rep(deconstruct(_, _, _, _, _, _), yes).
det_infer_unify_examines_rep(simple_test(_, _), yes).
-det_infer_unify_examines_rep(complicated_unify(_, _, _), no).
% Some complicated modes of complicated unifications _do_
% examine the representation...
% but we will catch those by reporting errors in the
% compiler-generated code for the complicated unification.
+det_infer_unify_examines_rep(complicated_unify(_, _, _), no).
% Deconstruction unifications cannot fail if the type
% only has one constructor, or if the variable is known to be
@@ -1121,7 +1119,7 @@
% those deconstruction unifications which might fail.
% But switch_detection.m may set it back to cannot_fail again,
% if it moves the functor test into a switch instead.
+ %
:- pred det_infer_unify_canfail(unification::in, can_fail::out) is det.
det_infer_unify_canfail(deconstruct(_, _, _, _, CanFail, _), CanFail).
@@ -1141,12 +1139,12 @@
SolnContext = all_solns
-% When figuring out the determinism of a conjunction,
-% if the second goal is unreachable, then then the
-% determinism of the conjunction is just the determinism
-% of the first goal.
det_conjunction_detism(DetismA, DetismB, Detism) :-
+ % When figuring out the determinism of a conjunction,
+ % if the second goal is unreachable, then then the
+ % determinism of the conjunction is just the determinism
+ % of the first goal.
determinism_components(DetismA, CanFailA, MaxSolnA),
( MaxSolnA = at_most_zero ->
Detism = DetismA
@@ -1157,12 +1155,12 @@
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, MaxSoln)
-% Figuring out the determinism of a parallel conjunction is much
-% easier than for a sequential conjunction, since you simply
-% ignore the case where the second goal is unreachable. Just do
-% a normal solution count.
det_par_conjunction_detism(DetismA, DetismB, Detism) :-
+ % Figuring out the determinism of a parallel conjunction is much
+ % easier than for a sequential conjunction, since you simply
+ % ignore the case where the second goal is unreachable. Just do
+ % a normal solution count.
determinism_components(DetismA, CanFailA, MaxSolnA),
determinism_components(DetismB, CanFailB, MaxSolnB),
det_conjunction_canfail(CanFailA, CanFailB, CanFail),
@@ -1176,19 +1174,17 @@
det_switch_maxsoln(MaxSolnA, MaxSolnB, MaxSoln),
determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, MaxSoln).
-% For the at_most_zero, at_most_one, at_most_many,
-% we're just doing abstract interpretation to count
-% the number of solutions. Similarly, for the can_fail
-% and cannot_fail components, we're doing abstract
-% interpretation to count the possible number of failures.
-% If the num_solns is at_most_many_cc, this means that
-% the goal might have many logical solutions if there were no
-% pruning, but that the goal occurs in a single-solution
-% context, so only the first solution will be returned.
-% The reason why we don't throw an exception in det_switch_maxsoln and
-% det_disjunction_maxsoln is given in the documentation of the test case
-% invalid/magicbox.m.
+ % These predicates do abstract interpretation to count
+ % the number of solutions and the possible number of failures.
+ %
+ % If the num_solns is at_most_many_cc, this means that
+ % the goal might have many logical solutions if there were no
+ % pruning, but that the goal occurs in a single-solution
+ % context, so only the first solution will be returned.
+ %
+ % The reason why we don't throw an exception in det_switch_maxsoln and
+ % det_disjunction_maxsoln is given in the documentation of the
+ % test case invalid/magicbox.m.
:- pred det_conjunction_maxsoln(soln_count::in, soln_count::in,
soln_count::out) is det.
@@ -1285,10 +1281,10 @@
- % determinism_declarations takes a module_info as input and
+ % Determinism_declarations takes a module_info as input and
% returns two lists of procedure ids, the first being those
% with determinism declarations, and the second being those without.
+ %
:- pred determinism_declarations(module_info::in, pred_proc_list::out,
pred_proc_list::out, pred_proc_list::out) is det.
@@ -1298,10 +1294,10 @@
segregate_procs(ModuleInfo, PredProcs, DeclaredProcs,
UndeclaredProcs, NoInferProcs).
- % get_all_pred_procs takes a module_info and returns a list
- % of all the procedures ids for that module (except class methods,
- % which do not need to be checked since we generate the code ourselves).
+ % Get_all_pred_procs takes a module_info and returns a list of all
+ % the procedures ids for that module (except class methods, which
+ % do not need to be checked since we generate the code ourselves).
+ %
:- pred get_all_pred_procs(module_info::in, pred_proc_list::out) is det.
get_all_pred_procs(ModuleInfo, PredProcs) :-
@@ -1312,30 +1308,41 @@
:- pred get_all_pred_procs_2(pred_table::in, list(pred_id)::in,
pred_proc_list::in, pred_proc_list::out) is det.
-get_all_pred_procs_2(_Preds, [], PredProcs, PredProcs).
-get_all_pred_procs_2(Preds, [PredId|PredIds], PredProcs0, PredProcs) :-
+get_all_pred_procs_2(_Preds, [], !PredProcs).
+get_all_pred_procs_2(Preds, [PredId | PredIds], !PredProcs) :-
map__lookup(Preds, PredId, Pred),
ProcIds = pred_info_procids(Pred),
- fold_pred_modes(PredId, ProcIds, PredProcs0, PredProcs1),
- get_all_pred_procs_2(Preds, PredIds, PredProcs1, PredProcs).
+ fold_pred_modes(PredId, ProcIds, !PredProcs),
+ get_all_pred_procs_2(Preds, PredIds, !PredProcs).
:- pred fold_pred_modes(pred_id::in, list(proc_id)::in, pred_proc_list::in,
pred_proc_list::out) is det.
-fold_pred_modes(_PredId, [], PredProcs, PredProcs).
-fold_pred_modes(PredId, [ProcId|ProcIds], PredProcs0, PredProcs) :-
- fold_pred_modes(PredId, ProcIds, [proc(PredId, ProcId) | PredProcs0],
- PredProcs).
- % segregate_procs(ModuleInfo, PredProcs, DeclaredProcs, UndeclaredProcs)
- % splits the list of procedures PredProcs into DeclaredProcs and
- % UndeclaredProcs.
+fold_pred_modes(_PredId, [], !PredProcs).
+fold_pred_modes(PredId, [ProcId | ProcIds], !PredProcs) :-
+ !:PredProcs = [proc(PredId, ProcId) | !.PredProcs],
+ fold_pred_modes(PredId, ProcIds, !PredProcs).
+ % segregate_procs(ModuleInfo, PredProcs,
+ % DeclaredProcs, UndeclaredProcs, NoInferProcs):
+ %
+ % The predicate partitions the pred_proc_ids in PredProcs into three
+ % categories:
+ %
+ % - DeclaredProcs holds the procedures that have declarations that need
+ % to be checked.
+ %
+ % - UndeclaredProcs holds the procedures that don't have declarations
+ % whose determinism needs to be inferred.
+ %
+ % - NoInferProcs holds the procedures whose determinism is already
+ % known, and which should not be processed further.
+ %
:- pred segregate_procs(module_info::in, pred_proc_list::in,
pred_proc_list::out, pred_proc_list::out, pred_proc_list::out) is det.
-segregate_procs(ModuleInfo, PredProcs, DeclaredProcs,
- UndeclaredProcs, NoInferProcs) :-
+segregate_procs(ModuleInfo, PredProcs, DeclaredProcs, UndeclaredProcs,
+ NoInferProcs) :-
segregate_procs_2(ModuleInfo, PredProcs, [], DeclaredProcs,
[], UndeclaredProcs, [], NoInferProcs).
@@ -1346,8 +1353,9 @@
segregate_procs_2(_ModuleInfo, [], !DeclaredProcs,
!UndeclaredProcs, !NoInferProcs).
-segregate_procs_2(ModuleInfo, [proc(PredId, ProcId) | PredProcs],
+segregate_procs_2(ModuleInfo, [PredProcId | PredProcIds],
!DeclaredProcs, !UndeclaredProcs, !NoInferProcs) :-
+ PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId),
module_info_preds(ModuleInfo, Preds),
map__lookup(Preds, PredId, Pred),
@@ -1361,22 +1369,20 @@
check_marker(Markers, class_method)
- !:NoInferProcs = [proc(PredId, ProcId) | !.NoInferProcs]
+ !:NoInferProcs = [PredProcId | !.NoInferProcs]
pred_info_procedures(Pred, Procs),
map__lookup(Procs, ProcId, Proc),
proc_info_declared_determinism(Proc, MaybeDetism),
MaybeDetism = no,
- !:UndeclaredProcs =
- [proc(PredId, ProcId) | !.UndeclaredProcs]
+ !:UndeclaredProcs = [PredProcId | !.UndeclaredProcs]
MaybeDetism = yes(_),
- !:DeclaredProcs =
- [proc(PredId, ProcId) | !.DeclaredProcs]
+ !:DeclaredProcs = [PredProcId | !.DeclaredProcs]
- segregate_procs_2(ModuleInfo, PredProcs, !DeclaredProcs,
+ segregate_procs_2(ModuleInfo, PredProcIds, !DeclaredProcs,
!UndeclaredProcs, !NoInferProcs).
% We can't infer a tighter determinism for imported procedures or
@@ -1385,6 +1391,7 @@
% make_hlds.m since inter-module optimization means that the
% import_status of procedures isn't determined until after all
% items are processed.
+ %
:- pred set_non_inferred_proc_determinism(pred_proc_id::in,
module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
@@ -1393,13 +1400,14 @@
pred_info_procedures(PredInfo0, Procs0),
map__lookup(Procs0, ProcId, ProcInfo0),
proc_info_declared_determinism(ProcInfo0, MaybeDet),
- ( MaybeDet = yes(Det) ->
+ (
+ MaybeDet = yes(Det),
proc_info_set_inferred_determinism(Det, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo),
map__det_update(Procs0, ProcId, ProcInfo, Procs),
pred_info_set_procedures(Procs, PredInfo0, PredInfo),
module_info_set_pred_info(PredId, PredInfo, !ModuleInfo)
- true
+ MaybeDet = no
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