[m-rev.] for review: user defined equality and comparison on sets

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Apr 8 13:54:31 AEST 2005

For review by anyone.

For the main branch only.


	Convert these modules to use user-defined equality and comparison.
	This has become possible only recently with the introduction of
	promise_equivalent_solutions scopes.

	For set_unordlist, the default syntactic definitions of unify and
	compare are semantically incorrect; the change to user-defined
	equality and comparison is therefore a bug fix, even though it leads
	to a slow down (since the lists must be sorted and duplicates removed
	before the lists can be compared).

	For set_ordlist, the default syntactic definitions of unify and
	compare are semantically correct, so we use them to avoid unnecessary

	This test used to depend on set_ordlist(T) being defined as equivalent
	to list(T), which is no longer the case. Change the test case to
	operate on lists directly.

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Index: library/set_ordlist.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/set_ordlist.m,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -b -r1.21 set_ordlist.m
--- library/set_ordlist.m	24 Jan 2005 23:16:39 -0000	1.21
+++ library/set_ordlist.m	8 Apr 2005 03:32:24 -0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 % File: set_ordlist.m.
-% Main authors: conway, fjh.
+% Main authors: conway, fjh, zs.
 % Stability: medium.
 % This file contains a `set' ADT.
@@ -65,6 +65,20 @@
 :- pred set_ordlist__equal(set_ordlist(T)::in, set_ordlist(T)::in) is semidet.
+	% `set_ordlist__compare_total_order(R, SetA, SetB)' is true iff
+	% to_sorted_list(SetA) R to_sorted_list(SetB), where R is =, < or >.
+	%
+	% The natural comparison operation on sets is the partial order given
+	% by the subset relation. This predicate implements a total order;
+	% it is intended to allow the use of sets in data structures that
+	% require a total order on items. For example, set_ordlist(T) requires
+	% T to support a total order, so the ability to construct sets
+	% containing sets requires sets to have a total comparison operation.
+	% This predicate is that operation.
+	%
+:- pred set_ordlist__compare_total_order(comparison_result::uo,
+	set_ordlist(T)::in, set_ordlist(T)::in) is det.
 	% `set_ordlist__empty(Set)' is true iff `Set' is an empty set.
 :- pred set_ordlist__empty(set_ordlist(_T)::in) is semidet.
@@ -270,48 +284,97 @@
 :- import_module list, std_util.
-:- type set_ordlist(T)	==	  list(T).
+:- type set_ordlist(T)
+	--->	ord(list(T)).
+	% You can add
+	%
+	%	where equality is set_ordlist__equal,
+	%	comparison is set_ordlist__compare_total_order.
+	%
+	% if you wish; the code below has had the proper promises added to it
+	% to make this work. However, for set_ordlist, unlike set_unordlist,
+	% the default syntactic unify and compare predicates are semantically
+	% valid. Since adding user-defined equality and comparison slows things
+	% down slightly (you need to call unify for set_ordlist, which calls
+	% unify for list, instead of calling unify for list directly), we
+	% use the default unify and compare.
-set_ordlist__list_to_set(List0, List) :-
+set_ordlist__list_to_set(List0, ord(List)) :-
 	list__sort_and_remove_dups(List0, List).
-set_ordlist__from_list(List0) = List :-
-	set_ordlist__list_to_set(List0, List).
+set_ordlist__from_list(List0) = Set :-
+	set_ordlist__list_to_set(List0, Set).
-set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(List0, List) :-
+set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(List0, ord(List)) :-
 	list__remove_adjacent_dups(List0, List).
-set_ordlist__from_sorted_list(List0) = List :-
-	set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(List0, List).
+set_ordlist__from_sorted_list(List0) = Set :-
+	set_ordlist__sorted_list_to_set(List0, Set).
-set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(List, List).
+set_ordlist__to_sorted_list(Set, List) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List] (
+		Set = ord(List)
+	).
 set_ordlist__insert_list(Set0, List0, Set) :-
 	list__sort_and_remove_dups(List0, List),
-	set_ordlist__union(List, Set0, Set).
+	set_ordlist__union(ord(List), Set0, Set).
+set_ordlist__insert(Set0, Item, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		Set0 = ord(List0),
+		set_ordlist__insert_2(Item, List0, List),
+		Set = ord(List)
+	).
+:- pred set_ordlist__insert_2(T::in, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is det.
-set_ordlist__insert([], E, [E]).
-set_ordlist__insert([I|Is], E, Js) :-
-	compare(R, I, E),
+set_ordlist__insert_2(E, [], [E]).
+set_ordlist__insert_2(E, [H | T], L) :-
+	compare(R, H, E),
 		R = (<),
-		set_ordlist__insert(Is, E, Ks),
-		Js = [I|Ks]
+		set_ordlist__insert_2(E, T, LT),
+		L = [H | LT]
 		R = (=),
-		Js = [I|Is]
+		L = [H | T]
 		R = (>),
-		Js = [E,I|Is]
+		L = [E, H | T]
-set_ordlist__singleton_set([X], X).
+:- pragma promise_pure(set_ordlist__singleton_set/2).
-set_ordlist__equal(Set, Set).
+set_ordlist__singleton_set(Set::in, Item::out) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List] (
+		Set = ord(List)
+	),
+	List = [Item].
+set_ordlist__singleton_set(Set::out, Item::in) :-
+	Set = ord([Item]).
+set_ordlist__equal(SetA, SetB) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [ListA, ListB] (
+		SetA = ord(ListA),
+		SetB = ord(ListB)
+	),
+	ListA = ListB.
+set_ordlist__compare_total_order(Result, SetA, SetB) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [ListA, ListB] (
+		SetA = ord(ListA),
+		SetB = ord(ListB)
+	),
+	compare(Result, ListA, ListB).
+set_ordlist__empty(Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List] (
+		Set = ord(List)
+	),
+	List = [].
 set_ordlist__subset(Subset, Set) :-
 	set_ordlist__intersect(Set, Subset, Subset).
@@ -321,34 +384,45 @@
 :- pragma promise_pure(set_ordlist__member/2).
-set_ordlist__member(E::out, S::in) :-
-	list__member(E, S).
-set_ordlist__member(E::in, S::in) :-
-	set_ordlist__is_member(E, S, yes).
-set_ordlist__is_member(_E, [], no).
-set_ordlist__is_member(E, [H | T], R) :-
-	compare(Res, H, E),
+set_ordlist__member(Item::out, Set::in) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List] (
+		Set = ord(List)
+	),
+	list__member(Item, List).
+set_ordlist__member(Item::in, Set::in) :-
+	set_ordlist__is_member(Item, Set, yes).
+set_ordlist__is_member(Item, Set, IsMember) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [IsMember] (
+		Set = ord(List),
+		set_ordlist__is_member_2(Item, List, IsMember)
+	).
+:- pred set_ordlist__is_member_2(T::in, list(T)::in, bool::out) is det.
+set_ordlist__is_member_2(_Item, [], no).
+set_ordlist__is_member_2(Item, [H | T], IsMember) :-
+	compare(Res, H, Item),
 		Res = (<),
-		set_ordlist__is_member(E, T, R)
+		set_ordlist__is_member_2(Item, T, IsMember)
 		Res = (=),
-		R = yes
+		IsMember = yes
 		Res = (>),
-		R = no
+		IsMember = no
-set_ordlist__contains(S, E) :-
-	set_ordlist__member(E, S).
+set_ordlist__contains(Set, Item) :-
+	set_ordlist__member(Item, Set).
-set_ordlist__delete_list(S0, D, S) :-
-	list__sort_and_remove_dups(D, DS),
-	set_ordlist__difference(S0, DS, S).
+set_ordlist__delete_list(Set0, ToDelete, Set) :-
+	list__sort_and_remove_dups(ToDelete, ToDeleteSet),
+	set_ordlist__difference(Set0, ord(ToDeleteSet), Set).
 set_ordlist__delete(Set0, Elem, Set) :-
-	set_ordlist__difference(Set0, [Elem], Set).
+	set_ordlist__difference(Set0, ord([Elem]), Set).
 set_ordlist__remove_list(Set0, Elems, Set) :-
 	set_ordlist__sort_no_dups(Elems, ElemSet),
@@ -361,11 +435,12 @@
 :- pred set_ordlist__sort_no_dups(list(T)::in, set_ordlist(T)::out) is semidet.
 set_ordlist__sort_no_dups(List, Set) :-
-	list__sort(List, Set),
+	list__sort(List, SortedList),
+	ord(SortedList) = Set,
-		Set = []
+		SortedList = []
-		Set = [Elem|Elems],
+		SortedList = [Elem | Elems],
 		set_ordlist__no_dups(Elem, Elems)
@@ -374,86 +449,147 @@
 :- pred set_ordlist__no_dups(T::in, list(T)::in) is semidet.
 set_ordlist__no_dups(_, []).
-set_ordlist__no_dups(Elem, [Elem0|Elems]) :-
-	Elem \= Elem0,
-	set_ordlist__no_dups(Elem0, Elems).
+set_ordlist__no_dups(Elem, [Head | Tail]) :-
+	Elem \= Head,
+	set_ordlist__no_dups(Head, Tail).
 set_ordlist__remove(Set0, Elem, Set) :-
-	list__delete_first(Set0, Elem, Set).
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List0] (
+		Set0 = ord(List0)
+	),
+	list__delete_first(List0, Elem, List),
+	Set = ord(List).
-set_ordlist__remove_least([Elem|Set], Elem, Set).
+set_ordlist__remove_least(Set0, Elem, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List] (
+		Set0 = ord(List)
+	),
+	List = [Elem | Rest],
+	Set = ord(Rest).
-set_ordlist__union(Set0, Set1, Set) :-
-	list__merge_and_remove_dups(Set0, Set1, Set).
+set_ordlist__union(SetA, SetB, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetA = ord(ListA),
+		SetB = ord(ListB),
+		list__merge_and_remove_dups(ListA, ListB, List),
+		Set = ord(List)
+	).
 set_ordlist__union_list(ListofSets) = Set :-
 	set_ordlist__power_union_2(ListofSets, Set0, Set).
 set_ordlist__power_union(SetofSets, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetofSets = ord(ListofSets),
-	set_ordlist__power_union_2(SetofSets, Set0, Set).
+		set_ordlist__power_union_2(ListofSets, Set0, Set)
+	).
-:- pred set_ordlist__power_union_2(list(set_ordlist(T))::in, set_ordlist(T)::in,
-	set_ordlist(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred set_ordlist__power_union_2(list(set_ordlist(T))::in,
+	set_ordlist(T)::in, set_ordlist(T)::out) is det.
 set_ordlist__power_union_2([], Set, Set).
-set_ordlist__power_union_2([NextSet|SetofSets], Set0, Set) :-
+set_ordlist__power_union_2([NextSet | SetofSets], Set0, Set) :-
 	set_ordlist__union(Set0, NextSet, Set1),
 	set_ordlist__power_union_2(SetofSets, Set1, Set).
-set_ordlist__intersect([], _, []).
-set_ordlist__intersect([_|_], [], []).
-set_ordlist__intersect([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Set) :-
+:- pragma promise_pure(set_ordlist__intersect/3).
+set_ordlist__intersect(SetA::in, SetB::in, Set::in) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [ListA, ListB, List] (
+		SetA = ord(ListA),
+		SetB = ord(ListB),
+		Set = ord(List)
+	),
+	set_ordlist__intersect_2(ListA, ListB, List).
+set_ordlist__intersect(SetA::in, SetB::in, Set::out) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetA = ord(ListA),
+		SetB = ord(ListB),
+		set_ordlist__intersect_2(ListA, ListB, List),
+		Set = ord(List)
+	).
+:- pred set_ordlist__intersect_2(list(T), list(T), list(T)).
+:- mode set_ordlist__intersect_2(in, in, in) is semidet.
+:- mode set_ordlist__intersect_2(in, in, out) is det.
+set_ordlist__intersect_2([], _, []).
+set_ordlist__intersect_2([_ | _], [], []).
+set_ordlist__intersect_2([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], Set) :-
 	compare(R, X, Y),
 		R = (<),
-		set_ordlist__intersect(Xs, [Y|Ys], Set)
+		set_ordlist__intersect_2(Xs, [Y | Ys], Set)
 		R = (=),
-		set_ordlist__intersect(Xs, Ys, Set0),
-		Set = [X|Set0]
+		set_ordlist__intersect_2(Xs, Ys, Set0),
+		Set = [X | Set0]
 		R = (>),
-		set_ordlist__intersect([X|Xs], Ys, Set)
+		set_ordlist__intersect_2([X | Xs], Ys, Set)
-set_ordlist__power_intersect([], []).
-set_ordlist__power_intersect([S0|Ss], S) :-
+set_ordlist__power_intersect(SetOfSets, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetOfSets = ord(ListOfSets),
+		set_ordlist__power_intersect_2(ListOfSets, Set)
+	).
+:- pred set_ordlist__power_intersect_2(list(set_ordlist(T))::in,
+	set_ordlist(T)::out) is det.
+set_ordlist__power_intersect_2([], ord([])).
+set_ordlist__power_intersect_2([Head | Tail], Set) :-
-		Ss = []
-	->
-		S = S0
+		Tail = [],
+		Set = Head
-		set_ordlist__power_intersect(Ss, S1),
-		set_ordlist__intersect(S1, S0, S)
+		Tail = [_ | _],
+		set_ordlist__power_intersect_2(Tail, TailIntersect),
+		set_ordlist__intersect(TailIntersect, Head, Set)
-set_ordlist__intersect_list(Sets) =
-	set_ordlist__power_intersect(Sets).
+set_ordlist__intersect_list(Sets) = Set :-
+	set_ordlist__power_intersect_2(Sets, Set).
-set_ordlist__difference([], _, []).
-set_ordlist__difference([X|Xs], [], [X|Xs]).
-set_ordlist__difference([X|Xs], [Y|Ys], Set) :-
+set_ordlist__difference(SetA, SetB, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetA = ord(ListA),
+		SetB = ord(ListB),
+		set_ordlist__difference_2(ListA, ListB, List),
+		Set = ord(List)
+	).
+:- pred set_ordlist__difference_2(list(T)::in, list(T)::in,
+	list(T)::out) is det.
+set_ordlist__difference_2([], _, []).
+set_ordlist__difference_2([X | Xs], [], [X | Xs]).
+set_ordlist__difference_2([X | Xs], [Y | Ys], Set) :-
 	compare(R, X, Y),
 		R = (<),
-		set_ordlist__difference(Xs, [Y|Ys], Set0),
-		Set = [X|Set0]
+		set_ordlist__difference_2(Xs, [Y | Ys], Set0),
+		Set = [X | Set0]
 		R = (=),
-		set_ordlist__difference(Xs, Ys, Set)
+		set_ordlist__difference_2(Xs, Ys, Set)
 		R = (>),
-		set_ordlist__difference([X|Xs], Ys, Set)
+		set_ordlist__difference_2([X | Xs], Ys, Set)
 set_ordlist__count(Set, Count) :-
-	list__length(Set, Count).
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Count] (
+		Set = ord(List),
+		list__length(List, Count)
+	).
@@ -519,37 +655,43 @@
 	% The calls to reverse allow us to make set_ordlist__divide_2 tail
 	% recursive. This costs us a higher constant factor, but allows
 	% set_ordlist__divide to work in constant stack space.
-set_ordlist__divide(Pred, Set, TruePart, FalsePart) :-
-	set_ordlist__divide_2(Pred, Set, [], RevTruePart, [], RevFalsePart),
+set_ordlist__divide(Pred, Set, TrueSet, FalseSet) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [TrueSet, FalseSet] (
+		Set = ord(List),
+		set_ordlist__divide_2(Pred, List,
+			[], RevTruePart, [], RevFalsePart),
 	list__reverse(RevTruePart, TruePart),
-	list__reverse(RevFalsePart, FalsePart).
+		list__reverse(RevFalsePart, FalsePart),
+		TrueSet = ord(TruePart),
+		FalseSet = ord(FalsePart)
+	).
-:- pred set_ordlist__divide_2(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet),
-	set_ordlist(T)::in,
-	set_ordlist(T)::in, set_ordlist(T)::out,
-	set_ordlist(T)::in, set_ordlist(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred set_ordlist__divide_2(pred(T)::in(pred(in) is semidet), list(T)::in,
+	list(T)::in, list(T)::out, list(T)::in, list(T)::out) is det.
-set_ordlist__divide_2(_Pred, [], RevTrue, RevTrue, RevFalse, RevFalse).
-set_ordlist__divide_2(Pred, [H | T], RevTrue0, RevTrue, RevFalse0, RevFalse) :-
+set_ordlist__divide_2(_Pred, [], !RevTrue, !RevFalse).
+set_ordlist__divide_2(Pred, [H | T], !RevTrue, !RevFalse) :-
 	( call(Pred, H) ->
-		RevTrue1 = [H | RevTrue0],
-		RevFalse1 = RevFalse0
+		!:RevTrue = [H | !.RevTrue]
-		RevTrue1 = RevTrue0,
-		RevFalse1 = [H | RevFalse0]
+		!:RevFalse = [H | !.RevFalse]
-	set_ordlist__divide_2(Pred, T, RevTrue1, RevTrue, RevFalse1, RevFalse).
+	set_ordlist__divide_2(Pred, T, !RevTrue, !RevFalse).
-set_ordlist__divide_by_set(DivideBySet, Set, TruePart, FalsePart) :-
-	set_ordlist__divide_by_set_2(DivideBySet, Set,
+set_ordlist__divide_by_set(DivideBySet, Set, TrueSet, FalseSet) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [TrueSet, FalseSet] (
+		DivideBySet = ord(DivideByList),
+		Set = ord(List),
+		set_ordlist__divide_by_set_2(DivideByList, List,
 		[], RevTruePart, [], RevFalsePart),
 	list__reverse(RevTruePart, TruePart),
-	list__reverse(RevFalsePart, FalsePart).
+		list__reverse(RevFalsePart, FalsePart),
+		TrueSet = ord(TruePart),
+		FalseSet = ord(FalsePart)
+	).
-:- pred set_ordlist__divide_by_set_2(set_ordlist(T1)::in,
-	set_ordlist(T1)::in,
-	set_ordlist(T1)::in, set_ordlist(T1)::out,
-	set_ordlist(T1)::in, set_ordlist(T1)::out) is det.
+:- pred set_ordlist__divide_by_set_2(list(T1)::in, list(T1)::in,
+	list(T1)::in, list(T1)::out, list(T1)::in, list(T1)::out) is det.
 set_ordlist__divide_by_set_2([], [], !RevTrue, !RevFalse).
 set_ordlist__divide_by_set_2([], [H | T], !RevTrue, !RevFalse) :-
Index: library/set_unordlist.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/set_unordlist.m,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -b -r1.23 set_unordlist.m
--- library/set_unordlist.m	24 Jan 2005 23:16:39 -0000	1.23
+++ library/set_unordlist.m	5 Apr 2005 15:01:01 -0000
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 % File: set_unordlist.m.
-% Main authors: conway, fjh.
+% Main authors: conway, fjh, zs.
 % Stability: medium.
 % This file contains a `set' ADT.
@@ -67,6 +67,23 @@
 :- pred set_unordlist__equal(set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::in)
 	is semidet.
+        % `set_unordlist__compare_total_order(R, SetA, SetB)' is true iff
+        % to_sorted_list(SetA) R to_sorted_list(SetB), where R is =, < or >.
+        %
+        % The natural comparison operation on sets is the partial order given
+        % by the subset relation. This predicate implements a total order;
+        % it is intended to allow the use of sets in data structures that
+        % require a total order on items. For example, map(K, V) requires
+        % K to support a total order, so the ability to construct maps
+        % with sets as keys requires sets to have a total comparison operation.
+        % This predicate is that operation.
+	%
+	% This operation requires sorting both lists, and is therefore not very
+	% efficient.
+        %
+:- pred set_unordlist__compare_total_order(comparison_result::uo,
+        set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::in) is det.
 	% `set_unordlist__empty(Set)' is true iff `Set' is an empty set.
 :- pred set_unordlist__empty(set_unordlist(_T)::in) is semidet.
@@ -243,134 +260,202 @@
 :- import_module list, std_util.
-:- type set_unordlist(T) ==	  list(T).
+:- type set_unordlist(T)
+	--->	unord(list(T)) where
+	equality is set_unordlist__equal,
+	comparison is set_unordlist__compare_total_order.
-set_unordlist__list_to_set(List, List).
+set_unordlist__list_to_set(List, unord(List)).
-set_unordlist__from_list(List) = List.
+set_unordlist__from_list(List) = unord(List).
-set_unordlist__sorted_list_to_set(List, List).
+set_unordlist__sorted_list_to_set(List, unord(List)).
-set_unordlist__from_sorted_list(List) = List.
+set_unordlist__from_sorted_list(List) = unord(List).
 set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(Set, List) :-
-	list__sort_and_remove_dups(Set, List).
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [List] (
+		Set = unord(UnsortedList),
+		list__sort_and_remove_dups(UnsortedList, List)
+	).
-set_unordlist__insert_list(Set0, List, Set) :-
-	list__append(List, Set0, Set).
+set_unordlist__insert_list(Set0, Items, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		Set0 = unord(List0),
+		list__append(Items, List0, List),
+		Set = unord(List)
+	).
+set_unordlist__insert(Set0, Item, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		Set0 = unord(List0),
+		Set = unord([Item | List0])
+	).
-set_unordlist__insert(S0, E, [E|S0]).
+:- pragma promise_pure(set_unordlist__singleton_set/2).
-set_unordlist__singleton_set([X], X).
+set_unordlist__singleton_set(Set::in, X::out) :-
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(Set, SortedList),
+	SortedList = [X].
+set_unordlist__singleton_set(Set::out, X::in) :-
+	Set = unord([X]).
+	% The compiler currently can't figure out that these predicates
+	% terminate because the implementation of set_unordlist__to_sorted_list
+	% depends on code from another module.
+:- pragma terminates(set_unordlist__equal/2).
+:- pragma terminates(set_unordlist__compare_total_order/3).
 set_unordlist__equal(SetA, SetB) :-
-	set_unordlist__subset(SetA, SetB),
-	set_unordlist__subset(SetB, SetA).
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(SetA, SortedListA),
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(SetB, SortedListB),
+	SortedListA = SortedListB.
+set_unordlist__compare_total_order(Result, SetA, SetB) :-
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(SetA, SortedListA),
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(SetB, SortedListB),
+	compare(Result, SortedListA, SortedListB).
+set_unordlist__empty(Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(Set, SortedList),
+	SortedList = [].
+set_unordlist__subset(SetA, SetB) :-
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(SetA, SortedListA),
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(SetB, SortedListB),
+	set_unordlist__subset_2(SortedListA, SortedListB).
+:- pred set_unordlist__subset_2(list(T)::in, list(T)::in) is semidet.
+set_unordlist__subset_2([], _).
+set_unordlist__subset_2([H | T], SuperSet) :-
+	list__member(H, SuperSet),
+	set_unordlist__subset_2(T, SuperSet).
+set_unordlist__superset(SetA, SetB) :-
+	set_unordlist__subset(SetB, SetA).
-set_unordlist__subset([], _).
-set_unordlist__subset([E|S0], S1) :-
-	set_unordlist__member(E, S1),
-	set_unordlist__subset(S0, S1).
-set_unordlist__superset(S0, S1) :-
-	set_unordlist__subset(S1, S0).
-set_unordlist__member(E, S) :-
-	list__member(E, S).
-set_unordlist__is_member(E, S, R) :-
-	( set_unordlist__member(E, S) ->
-		R = yes
+set_unordlist__member(Item, Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(Set, SortedList),
+	list__member(Item, SortedList).
+set_unordlist__is_member(Item, Set, IsMember) :-
+	( set_unordlist__member(Item, Set) ->
+		IsMember = yes
-		R = no
+		IsMember = no
 set_unordlist__contains(S, E) :-
 	set_unordlist__member(E, S).
-set_unordlist__delete_list(S, [], S).
-set_unordlist__delete_list(S0, [X | Xs], S) :-
-	set_unordlist__delete(S0, X, S1),
-	set_unordlist__delete_list(S1, Xs, S).
-set_unordlist__delete(S0, E, S) :-
-	list__delete_all(S0, E, S).
-set_unordlist__remove_list(S, [], S).
-set_unordlist__remove_list(S0, [X | Xs], S) :-
-	set_unordlist__remove(S0, X, S1),
-	set_unordlist__remove_list(S1, Xs, S).
-set_unordlist__remove(S0, E, S) :-
-	list__member(E, S0),
-	set_unordlist__delete(S0, E, S).
-set_unordlist__remove_least(Set0, E, Set) :-
-	Set0 = [_|_],	% fail early on an empty set
-	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(Set0, [E|Set]).
+set_unordlist__delete_list(Set, [], Set).
+set_unordlist__delete_list(Set0, [H | T], Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__delete(Set0, H, Set1),
+	set_unordlist__delete_list(Set1, T, Set).
+set_unordlist__delete(Set0, Item, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		Set0 = unord(List0),
+		list__delete_all(List0, Item, List),
+		Set = unord(List)
+	).
-set_unordlist__union(Set0, Set1, Set) :-
-	list__append(Set1, Set0, Set).
+set_unordlist__remove_list(Set, [], Set).
+set_unordlist__remove_list(Set0, [H | T], Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__remove(Set0, H, Set1),
+	set_unordlist__remove_list(Set1, T, Set).
+set_unordlist__remove(Set0, Item, Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__member(Item, Set0),
+        set_unordlist__delete(Set0, Item, Set).
+set_unordlist__remove_least(Set0, Item, Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(Set0, SortedList0),
+	SortedList0 = [Item | SortedList],
+	Set = unord(SortedList).
+set_unordlist__union(SetA, SetB, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetA = unord(ListA),
+		SetB = unord(ListB),
+		list__append(ListB, ListA, List),
+		Set = unord(List)
+	).
 set_unordlist__union_list(LS) = S :-
-	set_unordlist__power_union(LS, S).
+	set_unordlist__power_union(unord(LS), S).
-set_unordlist__power_union(PS, S) :-
-	set_unordlist__init(S0),
-	set_unordlist__power_union_2(PS, S0, S1),
-	list__sort_and_remove_dups(S1, S).
+set_unordlist__power_union(PowerSet, Union) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Union] (
+		PowerSet = unord(PowerList),
+		set_unordlist__power_union_2(PowerList,
+			set_unordlist__init, UnionPrime),
+		set_unordlist__optimize(UnionPrime, Union)
+	).
 :- pred set_unordlist__power_union_2(list(set_unordlist(T))::in,
 	set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::out) is det.
-set_unordlist__power_union_2([], S, S).
-set_unordlist__power_union_2([T|Ts], S0, S) :-
-	set_unordlist__union(S0, T, S1),
-	set_unordlist__power_union_2(Ts, S1, S).
-set_unordlist__intersect(S0, S1, S) :-
-	set_unordlist__intersect_2(S0, S1, [], S).
+set_unordlist__power_union_2([], !S).
+set_unordlist__power_union_2([T | Ts], !S) :-
+	set_unordlist__union(!.S, T, !:S),
+	set_unordlist__power_union_2(Ts, !S).
+set_unordlist__intersect(SetA, SetB, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetA = unord(ListA),
+		SetB = unord(ListB),
+		set_unordlist__intersect_2(ListA, ListB, [], List),
+		Set = unord(List)
+	).
-:- pred set_unordlist__intersect_2(set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::in,
-	set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred set_unordlist__intersect_2(list(T)::in, list(T)::in, list(T)::in,
+	list(T)::out) is det.
-set_unordlist__intersect_2([], _, S, S).
-set_unordlist__intersect_2([E|S0], S1, S2, S) :-
-	( list__member(E, S1) ->
-		S3 = [E|S2]
+set_unordlist__intersect_2([], _, !Set).
+set_unordlist__intersect_2([H | T], TestSet, !Set) :-
+	( list__member(H, TestSet) ->
+		!:Set = [H | !.Set]
-		S3 = S2
+		true
-	set_unordlist__intersect_2(S0, S1, S3, S).
+	set_unordlist__intersect_2(T, TestSet, !Set).
-set_unordlist__power_intersect([], []).
-set_unordlist__power_intersect([S0|Ss], S) :-
-	( Ss = [] ->
-		S = S0
-	;
-		set_unordlist__power_intersect(Ss, S1),
-		set_unordlist__intersect(S1, S0, S)
+set_unordlist__power_intersect(Sets, Intersection) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Intersection] (
+		Sets = unord(Lists),
+		Intersection = set_unordlist__intersect_list(Lists)
-set_unordlist__intersect_list(Sets) =
-	set_unordlist__power_intersect(Sets).
+set_unordlist__intersect_list([]) = unord([]).
+set_unordlist__intersect_list([H | T]) = Set :-
+	(
+		T = [],
+		Set = H
+	;
+		T = [_ | _],
+		Set1 = set_unordlist__intersect_list(T),
+		set_unordlist__intersect(Set1, H, Set)
+	).
-set_unordlist__difference(A, B, C) :-
-	set_unordlist__difference_2(B, A, C).
+set_unordlist__difference(SetA, SetB, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		SetB = unord(ListB),
+		set_unordlist__delete_list_elements(ListB, SetA, Set)
+	).
-:- pred set_unordlist__difference_2(set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::in,
-	set_unordlist(T)::out) is det.
+:- pred set_unordlist__delete_list_elements(list(T)::in,
+	set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::out) is det.
-set_unordlist__difference_2([], C, C).
-set_unordlist__difference_2([E|Es], A, C) :-
-	set_unordlist__delete(A, E, B),
-	set_unordlist__difference_2(Es, B, C).
+set_unordlist__delete_list_elements([], !Set).
+set_unordlist__delete_list_elements([H | T], !Set) :-
+	set_unordlist__delete(!.Set, H, !:Set),
+	set_unordlist__delete_list_elements(T, !Set).
@@ -430,23 +515,38 @@
 set_unordlist__fold(F, S, A) = B :-
 	B = list__foldl(F, set_unordlist__to_sorted_list(S), A).
-set_unordlist__divide(Pred, Set, RevTruePart, RevFalsePart) :-
-	set_unordlist__divide_2(Pred, Set, [], RevTruePart, [], RevFalsePart).
+set_unordlist__divide(Pred, Set, TrueSet, FalseSet) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [TrueSet, FalseSet] (
+		Set = unord(List),
+		set_unordlist__divide_2(Pred, List,
+			[], RevTrueList, [], RevFalseList),
+		TrueSet = unord(RevTrueList),
+		FalseSet = unord(RevFalseList)
+	).
 :- pred set_unordlist__divide_2(pred(T1)::in(pred(in) is semidet),
-	set_unordlist(T1)::in,
-	set_unordlist(T1)::in, set_unordlist(T1)::out,
-	set_unordlist(T1)::in, set_unordlist(T1)::out) is det.
-set_unordlist__divide_2(_Pred, [], RevTrue, RevTrue, RevFalse, RevFalse).
-set_unordlist__divide_2(Pred, [H | T],
-		RevTrue0, RevTrue, RevFalse0, RevFalse) :-
+	list(T1)::in, list(T1)::in, list(T1)::out, list(T1)::in, list(T1)::out)
+	is det.
+set_unordlist__divide_2(_Pred, [], !RevTrue, !RevFalse).
+set_unordlist__divide_2(Pred, [H | T], !RevTrue, !RevFalse) :-
 	( call(Pred, H) ->
-		RevTrue1 = [H | RevTrue0],
-		RevFalse1 = RevFalse0
+		!:RevTrue = [H | !.RevTrue]
-		RevTrue1 = RevTrue0,
-		RevFalse1 = [H | RevFalse0]
+		!:RevFalse = [H | !.RevFalse]
-	set_unordlist__divide_2(Pred, T,
-		RevTrue1, RevTrue, RevFalse1, RevFalse).
+	set_unordlist__divide_2(Pred, T, !RevTrue, !RevFalse).
+:- pred set_unordlist__optimize(set_unordlist(T)::in, set_unordlist(T)::out)
+	is det.
+set_unordlist__optimize(Set0, Set) :-
+	promise_equivalent_solutions [Set] (
+		Set0 = unord(List0),
+		list__sort_and_remove_dups(List0, List),
+		Set = unord(List)
+	).
cvs diff: Diffing mdbcomp
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Index: tests/hard_coded/string_alignment_bug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/string_alignment_bug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -b -r1.4 string_alignment_bug.m
--- tests/hard_coded/string_alignment_bug.m	21 Jan 2005 03:32:20 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/hard_coded/string_alignment_bug.m	7 Apr 2005 02:21:51 -0000
@@ -8,35 +8,34 @@
 :- import_module io.
-:- pred main(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
 :- implementation.
-:- import_module bool, int, list, map, require, set_ordlist, std_util, string.
+:- import_module bool, int, list, map, require, std_util, string.
-main -->
-	init_globals,
-	{ gen_tiles(10, 10, Tiles) },
-	set_global("Tiles", Tiles),
-	{ init_selection(Selection) },
-	set_global("Selection", Selection),
-	{ init_file(MFN) },
-	set_global("CurrentFile", MFN).
-	%main(bedit__setup, ["robot"]).
+main(!IO) :-
+	init_globals(!IO),
+	gen_tiles(10, 10, Tiles),
+	set_global("Tiles", Tiles, !IO),
+	init_selection(Selection),
+	set_global("Selection", Selection, !IO),
+	init_file(MFN),
+	set_global("CurrentFile", MFN, !IO).
 :- pred init_file(maybe(string)::out) is det.
 :- type pos      ==      pair(int).
-:- type selection	==	set_ordlist(pos).
+:- type selection	==	list(pos).
 :- pred init_selection(selection::out) is det.
-init_selection(Sel) :-
-	set_ordlist__init(Sel).
@@ -78,73 +77,68 @@
-:- pred init_globals(io__state, io__state).
-:- mode init_globals(di, uo) is det.
-:- pred get_global(string, T, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode get_global(in, out, di, uo) is det.
-:- pred set_global(string, T, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode set_global(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred init_globals(io::di, io::uo) is det.
-:- import_module list, map, require, string, std_util.
+:- pred get_global(string::in, T::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-init_globals -->
-	{ my_map_init(Map) },
-	{ type_to_univ(Map, UMap1) },
-	{ copy(UMap1, UMap) },
-	io__set_globals(UMap).
+:- pred set_global(string::in, T::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-get_global(Name, Value) -->
-	io__get_globals(UMap0),
-	(
-		{ univ_to_type(UMap0, Map0) }
-	->
-		(
-			{ map__search(Map0, Name, UValue) }
-		->
-			(
-				{ univ_to_type(UValue, Value0) }
-			->
-				{ Value = Value0 }
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module std_util.
+init_globals(!IO) :-
+	my_map_init(Map),
+	type_to_univ(Map, UMap1),
+	copy(UMap1, UMap),
+	io__set_globals(UMap, !IO).
+get_global(Name, Value, !IO) :-
+	io__get_globals(UMap0, !IO),
+	( univ_to_type(UMap0, Map0) ->
+		( map__search(Map0, Name, UValue) ->
+			( univ_to_type(UValue, Value0) ->
+				Value = Value0
-				{ string__format(
+				string__format(
 					"globals: value for `%s' has bad type",
-					[s(Name)], Str) },
-				{ error(Str) }
+					[s(Name)], Str),
+				error(Str)
-			{ string__format("globals: %s not found",
-				[s(Name)], Str) },
-			{ error(Str) }
+			string__format("globals: %s not found",
+				[s(Name)], Str),
+			error(Str)
-		{ error("globals: global store stuffed up") }
+		error("globals: global store stuffed up")
-set_global(Name, Value) -->
-	io__get_globals(UMap0),
+set_global(Name, Value, !IO) :-
+	io__get_globals(UMap0, !IO),
-		{ univ_to_type(UMap0, Map0) }
+		univ_to_type(UMap0, Map0)
-		{ type_to_univ(Value, UValue) },
-		io__write_string("Current global store:\n"),
-		io__write(Map0),
-		nl,
-		io__write_string("Adding `"),
-		io__write_string(Name),
-		io__write_string("': "),
-		io__write(Value),
-		nl,
-		{ map__set(Map0, Name, UValue, Map) },
-		io__write_string("New global store:\n"),
-		io__write(Map),
-		nl,
-		{ type_to_univ(Map, UMap1) },
-		{ copy(UMap1, UMap) },
-		io__set_globals(UMap)
+		type_to_univ(Value, UValue),
+		io__write_string("Current global store:\n", !IO),
+		io__write(Map0, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO),
+		io__write_string("Adding `", !IO),
+		io__write_string(Name, !IO),
+		io__write_string("': ", !IO),
+		io__write(Value, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO),
+		map__set(Map0, Name, UValue, Map),
+		io__write_string("New global store:\n", !IO),
+		io__write(Map, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO),
+		type_to_univ(Map, UMap1),
+		copy(UMap1, UMap),
+		io__set_globals(UMap, !IO)
-		{ error("globals: global store stuffed up") }
+		error("globals: global store stuffed up")
 :- pred my_map_init(map(string, univ)::out) is det.
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/exceptions
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
cvs diff: Diffing tests/warnings
cvs diff: Diffing tools
cvs diff: Diffing trace
cvs diff: Diffing util
cvs diff: Diffing vim
cvs diff: Diffing vim/after
cvs diff: Diffing vim/ftplugin
cvs diff: Diffing vim/syntax
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