[m-rev.] for review: include link to 0.12.0-beta on web site
Ian MacLarty
maclarty at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Apr 4 19:31:33 AEST 2005
Estimated hours taken: 2
Include a link to the 0.12.0-beta release on the web site.
Index: download/include/rotd.inc
Instead of a link to the 0.11.1-beta version, include a link to the
0.12.0-beta version.
Index: news/newsdb.inc
Mention that a beta version of 0.12.0 is now available.
Index: download/include/rotd.inc
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/download/include/rotd.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 rotd.inc
--- download/include/rotd.inc 4 Feb 2003 03:08:04 -0000 1.8
+++ download/include/rotd.inc 4 Apr 2005 09:17:52 -0000
@@ -11,28 +11,20 @@
The <a href="release.html">current stable release</a>
is version <? echo $current_release ?>.
-<H3> Current beta-release </H3>
+<H3> Beta release </H3>
-The next most stable release will be a <em>numbered beta-release</em>,
-such as 0.11.1-beta-2003-01-17. These releases are snapshots from a
-"release" branch of our CVS repository.
-They may provide additional bug fixes not yet present
-in the previous numbered release.
-However, in general they are not as well tested.
-Generally the only reason to use these versions would be if you need
-one of the additional bug fixes.
-The current beta-release series is named <? echo $next_beta_version ?>.
-Individual releases in this series are named with a date stamp, e.g.
-<? echo $next_beta_version ?>-YYYY-MM-DD.
-<B>Download <? echo $next_beta_version ?>:</b>
+A beta version of the upcoming 0.12.0 release is also available.
+The source for this beta release is available for download from:
-<li> <A HREF="<? echo $root; ?>/download/files/beta-releases/<? echo $next_beta_version ?>/">
-Mercury web site</A><br>
-<li> <A HREF="ftp://ftp.mercury.cs.mu.OZ.AU/pub/mercury/beta-releases/<? echo $next_beta_version ?>">
-Mercury ftp site</A>
+<li> <A HREF="<? echo $root; ?>/download/files/beta-releases/0.12.0-beta/index.html">
+the Mercury web site</A> or<br>
+<li> <A
+the Mercury ftp site</A>.
+Binary distributions will be available for the final 0.12.0 release when
+it comes out.
<H3> Stable ROTD (release-of-the-day) </H3>
Index: news/newsdb.inc
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/w3/news/newsdb.inc,v
retrieving revision 1.81
diff -u -r1.81 newsdb.inc
--- news/newsdb.inc 4 Apr 2005 07:40:55 -0000 1.81
+++ news/newsdb.inc 4 Apr 2005 09:19:39 -0000
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
$newsdb = array(
+"4 April 2005" => array("0.12 Beta",
+"A beta version of the upcoming 0.12.0 release in now available from the
+<A HREF=\"$root/download/rotd.html\">snapshot</A> section."
"21 March 2005" => array("New goal types",
"We've added three new types of goal to the language.
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