[m-rev.] Improved scheduling of solver type initialisation goals

Ralph Becket rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Sep 24 15:47:32 AEST 2004

Estimated hours taken: 40
Branches: main

This change allows the compiler to identify a minimal set of solver type
variables for which it needs to insert initialisation calls in order to
achieve a deterministic schedule if one exists.

The problem before was that given

	:- func f(t)        = t.
	:- mode f(in(any))  = out(any) is det.
	:- mode f(out(any)) = in(any)  is semidet.

and the goal

	X = f(Tmp),
	Tmp = f(Y)

in a situation where X, Tmp and Y are free, the compiler did not
know which variable(s) to initialise, so it simply initialised variables
optimistically.  This led to the following (inefficient) semidet
schedule where an (efficient) det schedule would be expected:

	X = f(Tmp),	% using f(in(any)) = out(any) is det.
	Tmp = f(Y),	% using f(out(any)) = in(any) is semidet.

The new analysis kicks in when ordinary scheduling fails to schedule all
the goals in a conjunction.  It identifies the right variable(s) to
initialise by exploiting the following observations:
- a det var/var unification must be an assignment;
- a det var/functor unification must be a construction;
- a det call must be to a det proc and use no implied modes.
(A conservative approach is taken to handling if-then-else goals,
negations, disjunctions and so forth.) The analysis therefore does not
need to know what order the goals will be scheduled in, just whether or
not a deterministic schedule should exist.

Using this analysis the compiler works out that Y is the right variable
to initialise, giving

	Tmp = f(Y),	% using f(in(any)) = out(any) is det.
	X = f(Tmp)	% using f(in(any)) = out(any) is det.

which is deterministic, as one would expect.

There is one problem concerning impure goals.  Say we have

	X = f(Tmp),
	Tmp = f(Y),
	impure p(...)

Mode analysis will delay the first two unifications, then attempt to
schedule the impure goal, and consequently flag an impurity error since
p(...) cannot be reordered with respect to the other goals (why? p(...)
may be a solver "ask" goal and f/1 may be a solver "tell" goal.)

One workaround is to use the following idiom:

	some [DummyVariable] (
		X = f(Tmp),
		Tmp = f(Y)
	impure p(...)

which causes the conjunction inside the quantifier to be scheduled
properly.  (We would not want to wrap each subgoal in a `some [] (...)'
wrapper because that may remove useful reordering opportunities.)

Index: compiler/modecheck_call.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modecheck_call.m,v
retrieving revision 1.51
diff -u -r1.51 modecheck_call.m
--- compiler/modecheck_call.m	5 Sep 2004 23:52:28 -0000	1.51
+++ compiler/modecheck_call.m	24 Sep 2004 01:13:52 -0000
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 	mode_info_get_preds(!.ModeInfo, Preds),
 	mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
 	map__lookup(Preds, PredId, PredInfo),
+	pred_info_get_purity(PredInfo, Purity),
 	pred_info_procedures(PredInfo, Procs),
 	( MayChangeCalledProc = may_not_change_called_proc ->
 		( ProcId0 = invalid_proc_id ->
@@ -161,7 +162,7 @@
 		modecheck_var_has_inst_list(ArgVars0, InitialInsts,
 			NeedExactMatch, ArgOffset, InstVarSub, !ModeInfo),
-		modecheck_end_of_call(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes, ArgVars0,
+		modecheck_end_of_call(ProcInfo, Purity, ProcArgModes, ArgVars0,
 			ArgOffset, InstVarSub, ArgVars, ExtraGoals, !ModeInfo)
 			% set the current error list to empty (and
@@ -204,9 +205,10 @@
-				modecheck_end_of_call(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes,
-					ArgVars0, ArgOffset, InstVarSub,
-					ArgVars, ExtraGoals, !ModeInfo)
+				modecheck_end_of_call(ProcInfo, Purity,
+					ProcArgModes, ArgVars0, ArgOffset,
+					InstVarSub, ArgVars, ExtraGoals,
+					!ModeInfo)
@@ -431,12 +433,22 @@
 	modecheck_find_matching_modes(ProcIds, PredId, Procs, ArgVars0,
 		!MatchingProcIds, !WaitingVars, !ModeInfo).
-:- pred modecheck_end_of_call(proc_info::in, list(mode)::in,
+:- pred modecheck_end_of_call(proc_info::in, purity::in, list(mode)::in,
 	list(prog_var)::in, int::in, inst_var_sub::in, list(prog_var)::out,
 	extra_goals::out, mode_info::in, mode_info::out) is det.
-modecheck_end_of_call(ProcInfo, ProcArgModes, ArgVars0, ArgOffset, InstVarSub,
-		ArgVars, ExtraGoals, !ModeInfo) :-
+modecheck_end_of_call(ProcInfo, Purity, ProcArgModes, ArgVars0, ArgOffset,
+		InstVarSub, ArgVars, ExtraGoals, !ModeInfo) :-
+		% Since we can't reschedule impure goals, we must allow
+		% the initialisation of free solver type args if
+		% necessary for impure calls.
+		%
+	( Purity = (impure) ->
+		mode_info_set_may_initialise_solver_vars(yes, !ModeInfo)
+	;
+		true
+	),
 	mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
 	mode_list_get_initial_insts(ProcArgModes, ModuleInfo, InitialInsts0),
 	inst_list_apply_substitution(InitialInsts0, InstVarSub, InitialInsts),
Index: compiler/modes.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/modes.m,v
retrieving revision 1.281
diff -u -r1.281 modes.m
--- compiler/modes.m	7 Sep 2004 10:04:01 -0000	1.281
+++ compiler/modes.m	24 Sep 2004 05:03:05 -0000
@@ -1467,6 +1467,12 @@
 	mode_info_get_errors(!.ModeInfo, OldErrors),
 	mode_info_set_errors([], !ModeInfo),
+		% Try to schedule goals without inserting any solver
+		% initialisation calls (the flag `may_initialise_solver_vars'
+		% is initialised to `no' by mode_info_init and reset to `no'
+		% after a call has been scheduled using initialisation and
+		% after modecheck_conj_list_4).
+		%
 	mode_info_get_delay_info(!.ModeInfo, DelayInfo0),
 	delay_info__enter_conj(DelayInfo0, DelayInfo1),
 	mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo1, !ModeInfo),
@@ -1474,31 +1480,27 @@
 	mode_info_get_live_vars(!.ModeInfo, LiveVars1),
 	mode_info_add_goals_live_vars(Goals0, !ModeInfo),
-		% Schedule goals without inserting any solver initialisation
-		% calls (the flag `may_initialise_solver_vars' is initialised
-		% to `no' by mode_info_init and reset to `no' after a
-		% call has been scheduled using initialisation and after
-		% modecheck_conj_list_3).
-		%
-		% We ignore any impurity errors generated here by delaying
-		% impure goals since these problems might be resolved in
-		% modecheck_conj_list_3 by inserting solver type
-		% initialisation calls.
-		%
 	modecheck_conj_list_2(Goals0, Goals1,
-		[], _PrematureRevImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+		[], RevImpurityErrors0, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-		% Try to handle any unscheduled goals by inserting solver
-		% initialisation calls.  We do things this way because we
-		% prefer deconstruction over construct-and-unify.
-		%
 	mode_info_get_delay_info(!.ModeInfo, DelayInfo2),
 	delay_info__leave_conj(DelayInfo2, DelayedGoals0, DelayInfo3),
 	mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo3, !ModeInfo),
-	modecheck_conj_list_3(DelayedGoals0, DelayedGoals, Goals2,
-		[], RevImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO),
-	Goals = Goals1 ++ Goals2,
+		% Try to handle any unscheduled goals by inserting solver
+		% initialisation calls, aiming for a deterministic
+		% schedule.
+		%
+	modecheck_conj_list_3(DelayedGoals0, DelayedGoals1, Goals2,
+		RevImpurityErrors0, RevImpurityErrors1, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+		% Try to handle any unscheduled goals by inserting solver
+		% initialisation calls, aiming for *any* workable schedule.
+		%
+	modecheck_conj_list_4(DelayedGoals1, DelayedGoals, Goals3,
+		RevImpurityErrors1, RevImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+	Goals = Goals1 ++ Goals2 ++ Goals3,
 	mode_info_get_errors(!.ModeInfo, NewErrors),
 	list__append(OldErrors, NewErrors, Errors),
@@ -1649,6 +1651,35 @@
 		Goals = Goals2
+	% We may still have some unscheduled goals.  This may be because some
+	% initialisation calls are needed to turn some solver type vars
+	% from inst free to inst any.  This pass attempts to identify a
+	% minimal subset of such vars to initialise that will allow the
+	% remaining goals to be scheduled in a deterministic fashion.
+	%
+	% This works as follows.  If a deterministic schedule exists for
+	% the remaining goals, then each subgoal must also be deterministic.
+	% Moreover, no call may employ an implied mode since these mean
+	% introducing a semidet unification.  Therefore we only need to
+	% consider det procs for calls, constructions for var/functor
+	% unifications, and assignments for var/var unifications.
+	%
+	% If a consistent deterministic schedule exists then every
+	% variable involved in the goals either
+	% - has already been instantiated;
+	% - will be instantiated by a single remaining subgoal;
+	% - will not be instantiated by any remaining subgoal.
+	% Variables in this last category that are solver type variables
+	% should be initialised.  If all the variables that will remain
+	% uninstantiated are in this last category then, after inserting
+	% initialisation call, we should expect another attempt at
+	% scheduling the remaining goals to succeed and produce a
+	% deterministic result.
+	%
+	% XXX At some point we should extend this analysis to handle
+	% disjunction, if-then-else goals, and negation.
+	%
 :- pred modecheck_conj_list_3(list(delayed_goal)::in, list(delayed_goal)::out,
 	list(hlds_goal)::out, impurity_errors::in, impurity_errors::out,
 	mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
@@ -1661,7 +1692,7 @@
 		DelayedGoals0 = [],
 		DelayedGoals  = [],
-		Goals = []
+		Goals         = []
 			% There are some unscheduled goals.  See if
 			% allowing extra initialisation calls (for
@@ -1669,12 +1700,334 @@
 		DelayedGoals0 = [_ | _],
-		Goals0 = list.map(hlds_goal_from_delayed_goal, DelayedGoals0),
+		(
+				% Extract the HLDS goals from the delayed
+				% goals.
+				%
+			Goals0 = list__map(hlds_goal_from_delayed_goal,
+					DelayedGoals0),
+				% Work out which vars are already
+				% instantiated (i.e. have non-free insts).
+				%
+			mode_info_get_instmap(!.ModeInfo, InstMap),
+			instmap__to_assoc_list(InstMap, VarInsts),
+			NonFreeVars0 = set__list_to_set(
+				non_free_vars_in_assoc_list(VarInsts)),
+				% Find the set of vars whose instantiation
+				% should lead to a a deterministic
+				% schedule.
+				%
+			CandidateInitVars = promise_only_solution(
+				candidate_init_vars(!.ModeInfo, Goals0,
+				NonFreeVars0)),
+				% And verify that all of these vars are
+				% solver type vars (and can therefore be
+				% initialised.)
+				%
+			mode_info_get_module_info(!.ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
+			mode_info_get_var_types(!.ModeInfo, VarTypes),
+			all [Var] (
+				set__member(Var, CandidateInitVars)
+			=>
+				(	map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, VarType),
+					type_util__type_is_solver_type(
+						ModuleInfo, VarType)
+				)
+			)
+		->
+				% Construct the inferred initialisation goals
+				% and try scheduling again.
+				%
+			CandidateInitVarList =
+				set__to_sorted_list(CandidateInitVars),
+			construct_initialisation_calls(!.ModeInfo,
+				CandidateInitVarList, InitGoals),
+			Goals1 = InitGoals ++ Goals0,
+			mode_info_get_delay_info(!.ModeInfo, DelayInfo0),
+			delay_info__enter_conj(DelayInfo0, DelayInfo1),
+			mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo1, !ModeInfo),
+			mode_info_add_goals_live_vars(Goals1, !ModeInfo),
+			modecheck_conj_list_2(Goals1, Goals,
+				!ImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO),
+			mode_info_get_delay_info(!.ModeInfo, DelayInfo2),
+			delay_info__leave_conj(DelayInfo2, DelayedGoals,
+				DelayInfo3),
+			mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo3, !ModeInfo)
+		;
+				% We couldn't identify a deterministic
+				% solution.
+			DelayedGoals = DelayedGoals0,
+			Goals        = []
+		)
+	).
+:- pred construct_initialisation_calls(mode_info::in, list(prog_var)::in,
+		list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
+construct_initialisation_calls(_, [], []).
+construct_initialisation_calls(ModeInfo, [Var | Vars], [Goal | Goals]) :-
+	mode_info_get_var_types(ModeInfo, VarTypes),
+	map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, VarType),
+	InitialInst           = free,
+	Context               = term__context_init,
+	MaybeCallUnifyContext = no,
+	mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
+	construct_initialisation_call(ModuleInfo, Var, VarType, InitialInst,
+		Context, MaybeCallUnifyContext, Goal),
+	construct_initialisation_calls(ModeInfo, Vars, Goals).
+	% XXX will this catch synonyms for `free'?
+	% N.B. This is perhaps the only time when `for' and `free'
+	% can be juxtaposed grammatically :-)
+	%
+:- func non_free_vars_in_assoc_list(assoc_list(prog_var, inst)) =
+		list(prog_var).
+non_free_vars_in_assoc_list([]                      ) = [].
+non_free_vars_in_assoc_list([Var - Inst | AssocList]) =
+	( if   ( Inst = free ; Inst = free(_) )
+	  then non_free_vars_in_assoc_list(AssocList)
+	  else [Var | non_free_vars_in_assoc_list(AssocList)]
+	).
+	% Find a set of vars that, if they were instantiated, might
+	% lead to a deterministic scheduling of the given goals.
+	%
+	% This approximation is fairly crude: it only considers variables as
+	% being free or non-free, rather than having detailed insts.
+	%
+	% XXX Does not completely handle negation, disjunction, if_then_else
+	% goals, foreign_code, or var/lambda unifications.
+	%
+:- pred candidate_init_vars(mode_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is cc_nondet.
+candidate_init_vars(ModeInfo, Goals, NonFreeVars0, CandidateVars) :-
+	CandidateVars0 = set__init,
+	candidate_init_vars_2(ModeInfo, Goals, NonFreeVars0, NonFreeVars1,
+		CandidateVars0, CandidateVars1),
+	CandidateVars = set__difference(CandidateVars1, NonFreeVars1).
+:- pred candidate_init_vars_2(mode_info::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is nondet.
+candidate_init_vars_2(ModeInfo, Goals, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+	list__foldl2(candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo), Goals,
+		!.NonFree,       !:NonFree,
+		!.CandidateVars, !:CandidateVars).
+:- pred candidate_init_vars_3(mode_info::in, hlds_goal::in,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is nondet.
+candidate_init_vars_3(_ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% A var/var unification.
+		%
+	Goal = unify(X, RHS, _, _, _) - _GoalInfo,
+	RHS  = var(Y),
+	(
+		set__member(X, !.NonFree)
+	->
+		not set__member(Y, !.NonFree),
+			% It's an assignment from X to Y.
+		!:NonFree = set__insert(!.NonFree, Y)
+	;
+		set__member(Y, !.NonFree)
+	->
+			% It's an assignment from Y to X.
+		!:NonFree = set__insert(!.NonFree, X)
+	;
+			% It's an assignment one way or the other.
+		(
+			!:NonFree       = set__insert(!.NonFree, X),
+			!:CandidateVars = set__insert(!.CandidateVars, Y)
+		;
+			!:NonFree       = set__insert(!.NonFree, Y),
+			!:CandidateVars = set__insert(!.CandidateVars, X)
+		)
+	).
+candidate_init_vars_3(_ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% A var/functor unification, which can only be deterministic
+		% if it's a construction.
+		%
+	Goal = unify(X, RHS, _, _, _) - _GoalInfo,
+	RHS  = functor(_, _, Args),
+		% If this is a construction then X must be free.
+	not set__member(X, !.NonFree),
+		% But X becomes instantiated.
+	!:NonFree = set__insert(!.NonFree, X),
+		% And the Args are potential candidates for initialisation.
+	!:CandidateVars = set__insert_list(!.CandidateVars, Args).
+candidate_init_vars_3(_ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% Disjunctions are tricky, because we don't perform
+		% switch analysis until after mode analysis.  So
+		% here we assume that the disjunction is a det switch
+		% and that we can ignore it for the purposes of identifying
+		% candidate vars for initialisation.
+		%
+	Goal = disj(_Goals) - _GoalInfo.
+candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% We ignore the conditions of if-then-else goals,
+		% but proceed on the assumption that the then and else
+		% arms are det.  This isn't very accurate and may
+		% need refinement.
+		%
+	Goal = if_then_else(_LocalVars, _CondGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal) -
+			_GoalInfo,
+	candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, ThenGoal, !.NonFree, NonFreeThen,
+		!CandidateVars),
+	candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, ElseGoal, !.NonFree, NonFreeElse,
+		!CandidateVars),
+	!:NonFree = set__union(NonFreeThen, NonFreeElse).
+candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% A parallel conjunction.
+		%
+	Goal = par_conj(Goals) - _GoalInfo,
+	candidate_init_vars_2(ModeInfo, Goals, !NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% An existentially quantified goal.
+		%
+	Goal = some(_, _, Goal) - _GoalInfo,
+	candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% A conjunction.
+		%
+	Goal = conj(Goals) - _GoalInfo,
+	candidate_init_vars_2(ModeInfo, Goals, !NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% XXX Is the determinism field of a generic_call
+		% valid at this point?  Determinism analysis is run after
+		% mode analysis.
+		%
+		% We assume that generic calls are deterministic.
+		% The modes field of higher_order calls is junk until
+		% *after* mode analysis, hence we can't handle them here.
+		%
+	Goal = generic_call(Details, Args, ArgModes, _JunkDetism) - _GoalInfo,
+	Details \= higher_order(_, _, _, _),
+	candidate_init_vars_call(ModeInfo, Args, ArgModes,
+		!NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+candidate_init_vars_3(ModeInfo, Goal, !NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+		% A call (at this point the ProcId is just a dummy value
+		% since it isn't meaningful until the call is scheduled.)
+		%
+	Goal = call(PredId, _, Args, _, _, _) - _GoalInfo,
+		% Find a deterministic proc for this call.
+		%
+	mode_info_get_preds(ModeInfo, Preds),
+	map__lookup(Preds, PredId, PredInfo),
+	pred_info_procedures(PredInfo, ProcTable),
+	map__values(ProcTable, ProcInfos),
+	list__member(ProcInfo, ProcInfos),
+	proc_info_declared_determinism(ProcInfo, yes(DeclaredDetism)),
+	( DeclaredDetism = (det) ; DeclaredDetism = (cc_multidet) ),
+		% Find the argument modes.
+		%
+	proc_info_maybe_declared_argmodes(ProcInfo, yes(ArgModes)),
+		% Process the call args.
+		%
+	candidate_init_vars_call(ModeInfo, Args, ArgModes,
+		!NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+	% Update !NonFree and !CandidateVars given the args and modes for
+	% a call.
+	%
+:- pred candidate_init_vars_call(mode_info::in,
+		list(prog_var)::in, list(mode)::in,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out,
+		set(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::out) is semidet.
+candidate_init_vars_call(_ModeInfo, [], [], !NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+candidate_init_vars_call(ModeInfo, [Arg | Args], [Mode | Modes],
+		!NonFree, !CandidateVars) :-
+	mode_info_get_module_info(ModeInfo, ModuleInfo),
+	mode_get_insts_semidet(ModuleInfo, Mode, InitialInst, FinalInst),
+	(
+		InitialInst \= free,
+		InitialInst \= free(_)
+	->
+		% This arg is an input that needs instantiation.
+		!:CandidateVars = set__insert(!.CandidateVars, Arg)
+	;
+		% Otherwise this arg could be an output...
+		FinalInst \= free,
+		FinalInst \= free(_)
+	->
+		% And it is.
+		(
+			not set__contains(!.NonFree, Arg)
+		->
+			% This arg is instantiated on output.
+			!:NonFree = set__insert(!.NonFree, Arg)
+		;
+			% This arg appears in an implied mode.
+			false
+		)
+	;
+		% This arg is unused.
+		true
+	),
+	candidate_init_vars_call(ModeInfo, Args, Modes,
+		!NonFree, !CandidateVars).
+	% We may still have some unscheduled goals.  This may be because some
+	% initialisation calls are needed to turn some solver type vars
+	% from inst free to inst any.  This pass tries to unblock the
+	% remaining goals by conservatively inserting initialisation calls.
+	%
+:- pred modecheck_conj_list_4(list(delayed_goal)::in, list(delayed_goal)::out,
+	list(hlds_goal)::out, impurity_errors::in, impurity_errors::out,
+	mode_info::in, mode_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+modecheck_conj_list_4(DelayedGoals0, DelayedGoals, Goals,
+		!ImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO) :-
+	(
+			% There are no unscheduled goals, so we don't
+			% need to do anything.
+			%
+		DelayedGoals0 = [],
+		DelayedGoals  = [],
+		Goals         = []
+	;
+			% There are some unscheduled goals.  See if
+			% allowing extra initialisation calls (for
+			% a single goal) makes a difference.
+			%
+		DelayedGoals0 = [_ | _],
+		Goals0 = list__map(hlds_goal_from_delayed_goal, DelayedGoals0),
 		mode_info_get_delay_info(!.ModeInfo, DelayInfo0),
 		delay_info__enter_conj(DelayInfo0, DelayInfo1),
 		mode_info_set_delay_info(DelayInfo1, !ModeInfo),
+		mode_info_add_goals_live_vars(Goals0, !ModeInfo),
 		mode_info_set_may_initialise_solver_vars(yes, !ModeInfo),
 		modecheck_conj_list_2(Goals0, Goals1,
 			!ImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO),
@@ -1692,13 +2045,10 @@
 				% We scheduled some goals.  Keep going
 				% until we flounder or succeed.
-			modecheck_conj_list_3(DelayedGoals1, DelayedGoals,
+			modecheck_conj_list_4(DelayedGoals1, DelayedGoals,
 				Goals2, !ImpurityErrors, !ModeInfo, !IO),
 			Goals = Goals1 ++ Goals2
-				% We've floundered; there's nothing
-				% more we can do.
-				%
 			DelayedGoals = DelayedGoals1,
 			Goals = Goals1
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