[m-rev.] Version types for review

Ralph Becket rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Sep 3 15:20:47 AEST 2004

I've tidied up the version types and would like to include them in the
upcoming release.  I can either put them in the standard library or
extras - any opinions?  Do things need to pass in Java, .NET and with
agc to go in the library?  If so, I can sort those details out.

I'll add some tests once these pass review.

-- Ralph

% version_types.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
% Fri Jul  9 15:31:16 EST 2004
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% (This module only provides documentation describing general properties
% of version types.)
% Version types are efficient pure implementations of typically imperative
% structures, subject to the following caveat: efficient access is only
% guaranteed for the "latest" version of a given structure.  An older version
% incurrs an access cost proportional to the number of its descendants.
% For example, if A0 is a version array, and A1 is created by updating A0,
% and A2 is created by updating A1, ..., and An is created by updating An-1,
% then accesses to An cost O(1) (assuming no further versions of the array
% have been created from An), but accesses to A0 cost O(n).
% Most of these data structures come with impure, unsafe means to "rewind"
% to an earlier version, restoring that version's O(1) access times, but
% leaving later versions undefined (i.e. only do this if you are discarding
% all later versions of the structure.)

:- module version_types.

:- interface.


% Copyright (C) 2004 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% version_array.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
% Wed Jan 21 15:44:04 EST 2004
% (See the header comments in version_types.m for an explanation of version
% types.)
% This module implements version arrays.  A version array provides O(1)
% access and update for the "latest" version of the array.  "Older"
% versions of the array incurr an O(k) penalty on accesses where k is
% the number of updates that have been made since.
% The advantage of version arrays is that in the common, singly threaded,
% case, they are almost as fast as unique arrays, but can be treated as
% ordinary ground values rather than unique values.
% Version arrays are zero based.

:- module version_array.

:- interface.

:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.

:- type version_array(T).

    % empty_array returns the empty array.
:- func empty = version_array(T).

    % new(N, X) returns an array of size N with each item initialised
    % to X.
:- func new(int, T) = version_array(T).

    % A synonym for new/2.
:- func init(int, T) = version_array(T).

    % version_array(Xs) returns an array constructed from the items in the list
    % Xs.
:- func version_array(list(T)) = version_array(T).

    % A ^ elem(I) = X iff the Ith member of A is X (the first item has
    % index 0).
:- func version_array(T) ^ elem(int) = T.

    % lookup(A, I) = A ^ elem(I).
:- func lookup(version_array(T), int) = T.

    % (A ^ elem(I) := X) is a copy of array A with item I updated to be
    % X.  An exception is thrown if I is out of bounds.
:- func (version_array(T) ^ elem(int) := T) = version_array(T).

    % Version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred set(int::in, T::in, version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::out)
            is det.

    % size(A) = N if A contains N items (i.e. the valid indices for A
    % range from 0 to N - 1).
:- func size(version_array(T)) = int.

    % max(Z) = size(A) - 1.
:- func max(version_array(T)) = int.

    % resize(A, N, X) returns a new array whose items from
    % 0..min(size(A), N - 1) are taken from A and whose items
    % from min(size(A), N - 1)..(N - 1) (if any) are initialised
    % to X.
:- func resize(version_array(T), int, T) = version_array(T).

    % Version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred resize(int::in, T::in, version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::out)
            is det.

    % list(A) = Xs where Xs is the list of items in A
    % (i.e. A = version_array(Xs)).
:- func list(version_array(T)) = list(T).

    % foldl(F, A, X) is equivalent to list.foldl(F, list(A), Xs).
:- func foldl(func(T1, T2) = T2, version_array(T1), T2) = T2.

    % foldr(F, A, X) is equivalent to list.foldr(F, list(A), Xs).
:- func foldr(func(T1, T2) = T2, version_array(T1), T2) = T2.

    % copy(A) is a copy of array A.  Access to the copy is O(1).
:- func copy(version_array(T)) = version_array(T).

    % unsafe_rewind(A) produces a version of A for which all accesses are
    % O(1).  Invoking this predicate renders A and all later versions undefined
    % that were derived by performing individual updates.  Only use this when
    % you are absolutely certain there are no live references to A or later
    % versions of A.
:- func unsafe_rewind(version_array(T)) = version_array(T).

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred unsafe_rewind(version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::out) is det.

% The first implementation  of version arrays used nb_references.
% This incurred three memory allocations for every update.  This
% version works at a lower level, but only performs one allocation
% per update.

:- implementation.

:- import_module array.
:- import_module require.


init(N, X) = version_array.new(N, X).


version_array([]) = version_array.empty.

version_array([X | Xs]) =
    version_array_2(1, Xs, version_array.new(1 + length(Xs), X)).

:- func version_array_2(int, list(T), version_array(T)) = version_array(T).

version_array_2(_, [],       VA) = VA.

version_array_2(I, [X | Xs], VA) =
    version_array_2(I + 1, Xs, VA ^ elem(I) := X).


VA ^ elem(I) =
    ( if   get_if_in_range(VA, I, X)
      then X
      else func_error("version_array.elem: index out of range")

lookup(VA, I) = VA ^ elem(I).


(VA0 ^ elem(I) := X) =
    ( if   set_if_in_range(VA0, I, X, VA)
      then VA
      else func_error("version_array.'elem :=': index out of range")

set(I, X, VA, VA ^ elem(I) := X).


max(VA) = size(VA) - 1.


copy(VA) =
    ( if size(VA) = 0 then VA
                      else resize(VA, size(VA), VA ^ elem(0))


list(VA) = foldr(list.cons, VA, []).


foldl(F, VA, Acc) = foldl_2(F, VA, Acc, 0, size(VA)).

:- func foldl_2(func(T1, T2) = T2, version_array(T1), T2, int, int) = T2.

foldl_2(F, VA, Acc, Lo, Hi) =
    ( if Lo < Hi then foldl_2(F, VA, F(VA ^ elem(Lo), Acc), Lo + 1, Hi)
                 else Acc


foldr(F, VA, Acc) = foldr_2(F, VA, Acc, size(VA) - 1).

:- func foldr_2(func(T1, T2) = T2, version_array(T1), T2, int) = T2.

foldr_2(F, VA, Acc, Hi) =
    ( if 0 =< Hi then foldr_2(F, VA, F(VA ^ elem(Hi), Acc), Hi - 1)
                 else Acc


unsafe_rewind(VA, unsafe_rewind(VA)).

% Sordid stuff below this point...

:- pragma foreign_type("C", version_array(T), "struct va *")
            where equality   is eq_version_array,
                  comparison is cmp_version_array.

:- pred eq_version_array(version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::in)
            is semidet.

eq_version_array(VAa, VAb) :-
    N = max(VAa),
    N = max(VAb),
    eq_version_array_2(N, VAa, VAb).

:- pred eq_version_array_2(int::in,
            version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::in) is semidet.

eq_version_array_2(I, VAa, VAb) :-
    ( if I >= 0 then
        VAa ^ elem(I) = VAb ^ elem(I),
        eq_version_array_2(I - 1, VAa, VAb)

:- pred cmp_version_array(comparison_result::uo,
            version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::in) is det.

cmp_version_array(R, VAa, VAb) :-
    N = min(max(VAa), max(VAb)),
    cmp_version_array_2(N, VAa, VAb, R).

:- pred cmp_version_array_2(int::in,
            version_array(T)::in, version_array(T)::in, comparison_result::uo)
                is det.

cmp_version_array_2(I, VAa, VAb, R) :-
    ( if I >= 0 then
        compare(R0, VAa ^ elem(I), VAb ^ elem(I)),
        ( if   R0 = (=)
          then cmp_version_array_2(I - 1, VAa, VAb, R)
          else R  = R0
        R = (=)

:- pragma foreign_proc("C", version_array.empty = (VA::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        VA = va_new_empty();

:- pragma foreign_proc("C", version_array.new(N::in, X::in) = (VA::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        VA = va_new(N, X);

:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
    resize(VA0::in, N::in, X::in) = (VA::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        VA = va_resize(VA0, N, X);

resize(N, X, VA, resize(VA, N, X)).

:- pragma foreign_proc("C", size(VA::in) = (N::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        N = va_size(VA);

:- pred get_if_in_range(version_array(T)::in, int::in, T::out) is semidet.

:- pragma foreign_proc("C", get_if_in_range(VA::in, I::in, X::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        SUCCESS_INDICATOR = va_get(VA, I, &X);

:- pred set_if_in_range(version_array(T)::in, int::in, T::in,
                    version_array(T)::out) is semidet.

:- pragma foreign_proc("C", set_if_in_range(VA0::in, I::in, X::in, VA::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        SUCCESS_INDICATOR = va_set(VA0, I, X, &VA);

:- pragma foreign_proc("C", unsafe_rewind(VA0::in) = (VA::out),
    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure],
        VA = va_rewind(VA0);

:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "
        ** If index is -1 then value is undefined and rest is the latest
        ** array value.
        ** Otherwise value is the overwritten value at index and rest is
        ** a pointer to the next version in the chain.
    struct va {
        MR_Integer index;               /* -1 for latest, >= 0 for older */
        MR_Word    value;               /* Valid if index >= 0           */
        union {
            MR_ArrayPtr           array;/* Valid if index == -1          */
            struct va            *next; /* Valid if index >= 0           */
        } rest;

        ** Constructs a new empty version array.
    struct va *

        ** Constructs a new populated version array.
    struct va *
    va_new(MR_Integer, MR_Word);

        ** Resizes a version array, populating new items with the
        ** given default value.  The result is always a `latest'
        ** version.
    struct va *
    va_resize(struct va *, MR_Integer, MR_Word);

        ** Returns the number of items in a version array.
    va_size(struct va *);

        ** If I is in range then va_get(VA, I, &X) sets X to the Ith item
        ** in VA (counting from zero) and returns MR_TRUE.  Otherwise it
        ** returns MR_FALSE.
    va_get(struct va *, MR_Integer, MR_Word *);

        ** If I is in range then va_set(VA0, I, X, VA) sets VA to be VA0
        ** updated with the Ith item as X (counting from zero) and
        returns MR_TRUE.  Otherwise it returns MR_FALSE.
    va_set(struct va *, MR_Integer, MR_Word, struct va **);

        ** `Rewinds' a version array, invalidating all extant successors
        ** including the argument.
    struct va*
    va_rewind(struct va *);


:- pragma foreign_code("C", "

    #define va_latest_version(VA)   ((VA)->index == -1)

    struct va *
    va_new_empty(void) {

        struct va *VA        = MR_GC_NEW(struct va);

        VA->index            = -1;
        VA->value            = (MR_Word) NULL;
        VA->rest.array       = (MR_ArrayPtr) MR_GC_NEW_ARRAY(MR_Word, 1);
        VA->rest.array->size = 0;

        return VA;

    struct va *
    va_new(MR_Integer N, MR_Word X) {

        MR_Integer  i;
        struct va  *VA       = MR_GC_NEW(struct va);

        VA->index            = -1;
        VA->value            = (MR_Word) NULL;
        VA->rest.array       = (MR_ArrayPtr) MR_GC_NEW_ARRAY(MR_Word, N + 1);
        VA->rest.array->size = N;

        for(i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            VA->rest.array->elements[i] = X;

        return VA;

    struct va *
    va_resize(struct va *VA0, MR_Integer N, MR_Word X) {

        MR_Integer i;
        MR_Integer size_VA0 = va_size(VA0);
        MR_Integer min      = (N <= size_VA0 ? N : size_VA0);
        struct va *VA       = MR_GC_NEW(struct va);

        VA->index            = -1;
        VA->value            = (MR_Word) NULL;
        VA->rest.array       = (MR_ArrayPtr) MR_GC_NEW_ARRAY(MR_Word, N + 1);
        VA->rest.array->size = N;

        for(i = 0; i < min; i++) {
            (void) va_get(VA0, i, &VA->rest.array->elements[i]);

        for(i = min; i < N; i++) {
            VA->rest.array->elements[i] = X;

        return VA;

    va_size(struct va *VA) {

        while(!va_latest_version(VA)) {
            VA = VA->rest.next;
        return VA->rest.array->size;


    va_get(struct va *VA, MR_Integer I, MR_Word *Xptr) {

        while(!va_latest_version(VA)) {
            if(I == VA->index) {
                *Xptr = VA->value;
                return MR_TRUE;
            VA = VA->rest.next;

        if(0 <= I && I < VA->rest.array->size) {
            *Xptr = VA->rest.array->elements[I];
            return MR_TRUE;
        } else {
            return MR_FALSE;

    va_set(struct va *VA0, MR_Integer I, MR_Word X, struct va **VAptr) {

        struct va *VA1 = MR_GC_NEW(struct va);

        if(va_latest_version(VA0)) {

            if(I < 0 || I >= VA0->rest.array->size) {
                return MR_FALSE;

            VA1->index      = -1;
            VA1->value      = (MR_Word) NULL;
            VA1->rest.array = VA0->rest.array;

            VA0->index     = I;
            VA0->value     = VA0->rest.array->elements[I];
            VA0->rest.next = VA1;

            VA1->rest.array->elements[I] = X;

        } else {

            if(I >= va_size(VA0)) {
                return MR_FALSE;

            VA1->index      = I;
            VA1->value      = X;
            VA1->rest.next  = VA0;


        *VAptr = VA1;
        return MR_TRUE;

    struct va*
    va_rewind(struct va *VA) {

        MR_Integer I;
        MR_Word    X;

        if(va_latest_version(VA)) {
            return VA;

        I         = VA->index;
        X         = VA->value;
        VA        = va_rewind(VA->rest.next);
        VA->index = I;
        VA->value = X;

        return VA;



% version_store.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
% Thu Jan 22 12:01:19 EST 2004
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% (See the header comments in version_types.m for an explanation of version
% types.)
% A version store - this operates with similar efficiency to an ordinary
% store, but "older" versions of the store are still available, but work
% less efficiently as more updates are made to the "latest" version of
% the store.  Operations on the "latest" version are always O(1).
% The advantage of version stores is that they are ordinary ground terms
% and can therefore be nested and so forth without the need for complicated
% insts.

:- module version_store.

:- interface.

:- type version_store(S).

:- type mutvar(T, S).

    % Construct a new version store.  This is distinguised from other
    % version stores by its existentially quantified type.  This means
    % the compiler can automatically detect any attempt to use a
    % mutvar with the wrong version store.
:- some [S] func new = version_store(S).

    % new_mutvar(X, Mutvar, VS0, VS) adds a new mutvar with value reference X
    % to the version store.
:- pred new_mutvar(T::in, mutvar(T, S)::out,
            version_store(S)::in, version_store(S)::out) is det.

    % new_cyclic_mutvar(F, Mutvar, VS0, VS) adds a new mutvar with value
    % reference F(Mutvar) to the version store.  This can be used to
    % construct cyclic terms.
:- pred new_cyclic_mutvar((func(mutvar(T, S)) = T)::in, mutvar(T, S)::out,
            version_store(S)::in, version_store(S)::out) is det.

    % copy_mutvar(Mutvar, NewMutvar, VS0, VS) constructs NewMutvar
    % with the value reference as Mutvar.
:- pred copy_mutvar(mutvar(T, S)::in, mutvar(T, S)::out,
            version_store(S)::in, version_store(S)::out) is det.

    % VS ^ elem(Mutvar) returns the element referenced by Mutvar in
    % the version store.
:- func version_store(S) ^ elem(mutvar(T, S)) = T.

    % lookup(VS, Mutvar) = VS ^ elem(Mutvar).
:- func lookup(version_store(S), mutvar(T, S)) = T.

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred get_mutvar(mutvar(T, S)::in, T::out,
            version_store(S)::in, version_store(S)::out) is det.

    % ( VS ^ elem(Mutvar) := X ) updates the version store so that
    % Mutvar now refers to value X.
:- func ( version_store(S) ^ elem(mutvar(T, S)) := T ) = version_store(S).

    % set(VS, Mutvar, X) = ( VS ^ elem(Mutvar) := X ).
:- func set(version_store(S), mutvar(T, S), T) = version_store(S).

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred set_mutvar(mutvar(T, S)::in, T::in,
            version_store(S)::in, version_store(S)::out) is det.

    % unsafe_rewind(VS) produces a version of VS for which all accesses are
    % O(1).  Invoking this predicate renders VS and all later versions
    % undefined that were derived by performing individual updates.  Only use
    % this when you are absolutely certain there are no live references to VS
    % or later versions of VS.
:- func unsafe_rewind(version_store(T)) = version_store(T).

    % VS version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred unsafe_rewind(version_store(T)::in, version_store(T)::out) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module counter.
:- import_module int.
:- import_module list.
:- import_module std_util.
:- import_module version_array.

    % Index 0 of the version_store contains the counter used to assign
    % new version store mutvars.  A mutvar is just an index into the
    % version_store.
:- type version_store(S)        ---> version_store(version_array(univ)).
:- type mutvar(T, S)            ---> mutvar(int).
:- type some_version_store_type ---> some_version_store_type.


new = version_store(VA) `with_type` version_store(some_version_store_type) :-

        % 256 is just a magic number.  The version_store is resized by
        % doubling if necessary when adding a new mutvar.  Index 0 of
        % the version_store holds a counter for allocating new mutvars.
    VA = version_array.new(256, univ(counter.init(1) `with_type` counter)).


new_mutvar(X, Mutvar, VS0, VS) :-
    new_cyclic_mutvar(func(_) = X, Mutvar, VS0, VS).


new_cyclic_mutvar(F, Mutvar, VS0, VS) :-
    Counter0 = VS0 ^ elem(mutvar(0)),
    counter.allocate(I, Counter0, Counter),
    Mutvar = mutvar(I),
    Size0 = size(VS0),
    VS1 = ( if I >= Size0 then resize(VS0, Size0 + Size0)
                          else VS0 ),
    VS  = (( VS1 ^ elem(mutvar(0)) := Counter   )
                 ^ elem(Mutvar   ) := F(Mutvar) ).

:- func size(version_store(S)) = int.

size(version_store(VA)) = size(VA).

:- func resize(version_store(S), int) = version_store(S).

resize(version_store(VA), N) = version_store(resize(VA, N, univ(unit))).


copy_mutvar(Mutvar0, Mutvar, VS0, VS) :-
    X = VS0 ^ elem(Mutvar0),
    new_mutvar(X, Mutvar, VS0, VS).


version_store(VA) ^ elem(mutvar(I)) = X :-
    UnivX = lookup(VA, I),
    det_univ_to_type(UnivX, X).

lookup(VS, Mutvar) = VS ^ elem(Mutvar).

get_mutvar(Mutvar, VS ^ elem(Mutvar), VS, VS).


( version_store(VA) ^ elem(mutvar(I)) := X ) =
    version_store(VA ^ elem(I) := univ(X)).

set(VS, Mutvar, X) = ( VS ^ elem(Mutvar) := X ).

set_mutvar(Mutvar, X, VS, VS ^ elem(Mutvar) := X).


unsafe_rewind(version_store(VA)) = version_store(unsafe_rewind(VA)).

unsafe_rewind(VS, unsafe_rewind(VS)).


% Copyright (C) 2001-2002 The University of Melbourne
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et wm=0 tw=0
% version_bitmap.m
% Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
% (See the header comments in version_types.m for an explanation of version
% types.)
% Version bitmaps: an implementation of bitmaps using version arrays.
% The advantage of version bitmaps is that in the common, singly threaded,
% case, they are almost as fast as unique bitmaps, but can be treated as
% ordinary ground values rather than unique values.

:- module version_bitmap.

:- interface.

:- import_module int, bool.

:- type version_bitmap.

    % new(N, B) creates a version_bitmap of size N (indexed 0 .. N-1)
    % setting each bit if B = yes and clearing each bit if B = no.
    % An exception is thrown if N is negative.
:- func new(int, bool) = version_bitmap.

    % Returns the number of bits in a version_bitmap.
:- func num_bits(version_bitmap) = int.

    % set(BM, I), clear(BM, I) and flip(BM, I) set, clear and flip
    % bit I in BM respectively.  An exception is thrown if I is out
    % of range.
:- func set(version_bitmap, int) = version_bitmap.

:- func clear(version_bitmap, int) = version_bitmap.

:- func flip(version_bitmap, int) = version_bitmap.

    % Versions of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred set(int::in, version_bitmap::in, version_bitmap::out) is det.

:- pred clear(int::in, version_bitmap::in, version_bitmap::out) is det.

:- pred flip(int::in, version_bitmap::in, version_bitmap::out) is det.

    % is_set(BM, I) and is_clear(BM, I) succeed iff bit I in BM
    % is set or clear respectively.
:- pred is_set(version_bitmap, int).
:- mode is_set(in, in) is semidet.

:- pred is_clear(version_bitmap, int).
:- mode is_clear(in, in) is semidet.

    % get(BM, I) returns `yes' if is_set(BM, I) and `no' otherwise.
:- func get(version_bitmap, int) = bool.

    % Create a new copy of a version_bitmap.
:- func copy(version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

    % Set operations; the second argument is altered in all cases.
:- func complement(version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

:- func union(version_bitmap, version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

:- func intersect(version_bitmap, version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

:- func difference(version_bitmap, version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

    % resize(BM, N, B) resizes version_bitmap BM to have N bits; if N is
    % smaller than the current number of bits in BM then the excess
    % are discarded.  If N is larger than the current number of bits
    % in BM then the new bits are set if B = yes and cleared if
    % B = no.
:- func resize(version_bitmap, int, bool) = version_bitmap.

    % Version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred resize(int::in, bool::in, version_bitmap::in, version_bitmap::out)
            is det.

    % unsafe_rewind(B) produces a version of B for which all accesses are
    % O(1).  Invoking this predicate renders B and all later versions undefined
    % that were derived by performing individual updates.  Only use this when
    % you are absolutely certain there are no live references to B or later
    % versions of B.
:- func unsafe_rewind(version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred unsafe_rewind(version_bitmap::in, version_bitmap::out) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module version_array, exception, require.

    % A version_bitmap is represented as an array of ints where each int stores
    % int.bits_per_int bits.  The first element of the array (index 0)
    % is used to hold the number of bits in the version_bitmap.  This avoids
    % having to create a new version_bitmap cell on each update.
    % NOTE: the `filler' bits in the last element of the array *must*
    % be clear (i.e. zero).  This makes the set operations simpler to
    % implement.
:- type version_bitmap == version_array(int).


new(N, B) = BM :-
    ( if N < 0 then
        throw(software_error("version_bitmap.new: negative size"))
        X    = initializer(B),
        BM0  = (version_array.init(num_ints_required(N), X) ^ elem(0) := N),
        BM   = clear_filler_bits(BM0)


resize(BM0, N, B) = BM :-
    ( if N =< 0 then
        BM      = new(N, B)
        X       = initializer(B),
        NumInts = num_ints_required(N),
        BM1     = version_array.resize(BM0, NumInts, X),

            % Now we need to ensure that bits N, N+1, N+2, ... up to
            % the word boundary are initialized properly.
        int.min(num_bits(BM0), N, M),
        Offset  = int_offset(M - 1),
        Mask    = bitsmask(M - 1),          % For bits we need to preserve.
        Bits    = \(Mask) /\ X,             % Bits we need to fill in.
        BM2     = (( BM1
                        ^ elem(0)      := N )
                        ^ elem(Offset) := (BM1 ^ elem(Offset) /\ Mask) \/ Bits),
        BM      = clear_filler_bits(BM2)

resize(N, B, BM, resize(BM, N, B)).


:- func clear_filler_bits(version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

clear_filler_bits(BM0) = BM :-
    N = num_bits(BM0),
    ( if N > 0 then
        Last = int_offset(N - 1),       % Offset of last bit.
        Ksam = bitsmask(N - 1),         % Masks off the filler bits.
        BM   = BM0 ^ elem(Last) := BM0 ^ elem(Last) /\ Ksam
        BM   = BM0


:- func initializer(bool) = int.

initializer(no)  = 0.
initializer(yes) = \(0).


num_bits(BM) = BM ^ elem(0).


:- pred in_range(version_bitmap, int).
:- mode in_range(in, in) is semidet.

in_range(BM, I) :- 0 =< I, I < num_bits(BM).


set(BM, I) =
    ( if   in_range(BM, I)
      then BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) :=
                BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) \/ bitmask(I)
      else throw(software_error("version_bitmap.set: out of range"))

clear(BM, I) =
    ( if   in_range(BM, I)
      then BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) :=
                BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) /\ \bitmask(I)
      else throw(software_error("version_bitmap.clear: out of range"))

flip(BM, I) =
    ( if   in_range(BM, I)
      then BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) :=
                BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) `xor` bitmask(I)
      else throw(software_error("version_bitmap.flip: out of range"))


set(I, BM, set(BM, I)).

clear(I, BM, clear(BM, I)).

flip(I, BM, flip(BM, I)).


is_set(BM, I) :-
    ( if in_range(BM, I)
      then BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) /\ bitmask(I) \= 0
      else throw(software_error("version_bitmap.is_set: out of range"))

is_clear(BM, I) :-
    ( if in_range(BM, I)
      then BM ^ elem(int_offset(I)) /\ bitmask(I) = 0
      else throw(software_error("version_bitmap.is_clear: out of range"))


get(BM, I) = ( if is_clear(BM, I) then no else yes ).


copy(BM) = version_array.copy(BM).


complement(BM) =
    clear_filler_bits(complement_2(BM ^ elem(0) - 1, BM)).

:- func complement_2(int, version_bitmap) = version_bitmap.

complement_2(WordI, BM) =
    ( if WordI =< 0
      then BM
      else complement_2(WordI - 1, BM ^ elem(WordI) := \(BM ^ elem(WordI)))


union(BMa, BMb) =
    ( if num_bits(BMa) > num_bits(BMb) then
        zip(int_offset(num_bits(BMb) - 1), (\/), BMb, version_bitmap.copy(BMa))
        zip(int_offset(num_bits(BMa) - 1), (\/), BMa, BMb)


intersect(BMa, BMb) =
    ( if num_bits(BMa) > num_bits(BMb) then
        zip(int_offset(num_bits(BMb) - 1), (/\), BMb, version_bitmap.copy(BMa))
        zip(int_offset(num_bits(BMa) - 1), (/\), BMa, BMb)


difference(BMa, BMb) =
    ( if num_bits(BMa) > num_bits(BMb) then
        zip(int_offset(num_bits(BMb) - 1), Xor, BMb, version_bitmap.copy(BMa))
        zip(int_offset(num_bits(BMa) - 1), Xor, BMa, BMb)
    Xor = ( func(X, Y) = (X `xor` Y) ).


    % Applies a function to every corresponding element between +ve I
    % and 1 inclusive, destructively updating the second version_bitmap.
:- func zip(int, func(int, int) = int, version_bitmap, version_bitmap) =

zip(I, Fn, BMa, BMb) =
    ( if I > 0 then
        zip(I - 1, Fn, BMa, BMb ^ elem(I) := Fn(BMb ^ elem(I), BMa ^ elem(I)))


    % The size of the version_array required to hold an N-bit version_bitmap.
:- func num_ints_required(int) = int.

    % We add the 1 on because version_arrays of size N are indexed 0 .. N - 1.
num_ints_required(N) = 1 + ( if N > 0 then int_offset(N) else 0 ).


    % The version_array index containing the given bit.
:- func int_offset(int) = int.

    % We add the extra 1 on because elem(0) is used to store the number of
    % bits in the version_bitmap; the data are stored in the following
    % elements.
int_offset(I) = 1 + int.quot_bits_per_int(I).


    % Construct the bitmask for a given bit in a word.
    % E.g. assuming int.bits_per_int = 8 and I = 11 then
    % bitmask(I) = 2'00001000
:- func bitmask(int) = int.

    % NOTE: it would be nicer to use /\ with a bitmask here rather
    % than rem.  Do modern back-ends do the decent thing here if
    % int.bits_per_int is the expected power of two?
bitmask(I) = 1 `unchecked_left_shift` int.rem_bits_per_int(I).


    % Construct the bitmask for all the bits up to and including
    % the given bit in a word.
    % E.g. assuming int.bits_per_int = 8 and I = 11 then
    % bitmask(I) = 2'00001111
:- func bitsmask(int) = int.

bitsmask(I) = BitsMask :-
    BitMask  = bitmask(I),
    BitsMask = BitMask \/ (BitMask - 1).


unsafe_rewind(BM) = version_array.unsafe_rewind(BM).

unsafe_rewind(BM, version_bitmap.unsafe_rewind(BM)).


% Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 The University of Melbourne
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
% File: version_hash_table.m
% Main author: rafe
% Stability: low
% (See the header comments in version_types.m for an explanation of version
% types.)
% Version hash tables.  The "latest" version of the hash table
% provides roughly the same performance as the unique hash table
% implementation.  "Older" versions of the hash table are still
% accessible, but will incurr a growing performance penalty as
% more updates are made to the hash table.

:- module version_hash_table.

:- interface.

:- import_module int, assoc_list, float, string, char.

:- type version_hash_table(K, V).

:- type hash_pred(K) == ( pred(K,  int, int)        ).
:- inst hash_pred    == ( pred(in, out, out) is det ).

    % new(HashFunc, N, MaxOccupancy)
    % constructs a new hash table with initial size 2 ^ N that is
    % doubled whenever MaxOccupancy is achieved; elements are
    % indexed using HashFunc.
    % HashFunc must compute two *independent* hashes for a given
    % key - that is, one hash should not be a function of the other.
    % Otherwise poor performance will result.
    % N must be greater than 1.
    % MaxOccupancy must be in (0.0, 1.0).
    % XXX Values too close to the limits may cause bad things
    % to happen.
:- func new(hash_pred(K)::in(hash_pred), int::in, float::in) =
            (version_hash_table(K, V)::out) is det.

    % new_default(HashFn) constructs a hash table with default size and
    % occupancy arguments.
:- func new_default(hash_pred(K)::in(hash_pred)) =
            (version_hash_table(K, V)::out) is det.

    % Retrieve the hash_pred associated with a hash table.
% :- func hash_pred(version_hash_table(K, V)) = hash_pred(K).

    % Default hash_preds for ints and strings and everything (buwahahaha!)
:- pred int_double_hash     `with_type` hash_pred(int)    `with_inst` hash_pred.
:- pred string_double_hash  `with_type` hash_pred(string) `with_inst` hash_pred.
:- pred char_double_hash    `with_type` hash_pred(char)   `with_inst` hash_pred.
:- pred float_double_hash   `with_type` hash_pred(float)  `with_inst` hash_pred.
:- pred generic_double_hash `with_type` hash_pred(T)      `with_inst` hash_pred.

    % Returns the number of buckets in a hash table.
:- func num_buckets(version_hash_table(K, V)) = int.

    % Returns the number of occupants in a hash table.
:- func num_occupants(version_hash_table(K, V)) = int.

    % Insert key-value binding into a hash table; if one is
    % already there then the previous value is overwritten.
:- func set(version_hash_table(K, V), K, V) = version_hash_table(K, V).

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred set(K::in, V::in,
            version_hash_table(K, V)::in, version_hash_table(K, V)::out)
                is det.

    % Field update for hash tables.
    % HT ^ elem(K) := V  is equivalent to  set(HT, K, V).
:- func 'elem :='(K, version_hash_table(K, V), V) = version_hash_table(K, V).

    % Insert a key-value binding into a hash table.  An
    % exception is thrown if a binding for the key is already
    % present.
:- func det_insert(version_hash_table(K, V), K, V) = version_hash_table(K, V).

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred det_insert(K::in, V::in,
            version_hash_table(K, V)::in, version_hash_table(K, V)::out)
                is det.

    % Change a key-value binding in a hash table.  An
    % exception is thrown if a binding for the key does not
    % already exist.
:- func det_update(version_hash_table(K, V), K, V) = version_hash_table(K, V).

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred det_update(K::in, V::in,
            version_hash_table(K, V)::in, version_hash_table(K, V)::out)
                is det.

    % Delete the entry for the given key, leaving the hash table
    % unchanged if there is no such entry.
:- func delete(version_hash_table(K, V), K) = version_hash_table(K, V).

    % A version of the above suitable for use with state variables.
:- pred delete(K::in,
            version_hash_table(K, V)::in, version_hash_table(K, V)::out)
                is det.

    % Lookup the value associated with the given key.  An exception
    % is raised if there is no entry for the key.
:- func lookup(version_hash_table(K, V), K) = V.

    % Field access for hash tables.
    % HT ^ elem(K)  is equivalent to  lookup(HT, K).
:- func version_hash_table(K, V) ^ elem(K) = V.

    % Like lookup, but just fails if there is no entry for the key.
:- func search(version_hash_table(K, V), K) = V is semidet.
:- pred search(version_hash_table(K, V)::in, K::in, V::out) is semidet.

    % Convert a hash table into an association list.
:- func to_assoc_list(version_hash_table(K, V)) = assoc_list(K, V).

    % Fold a function over the key-value bindings in a hash table.
:- func fold(func(K, V, T) = T, version_hash_table(K, V), T) = T.

:- implementation.

:- import_module math, bool, exception, list, require, std_util, array.
:- import_module version_array.

:- type version_hash_table(K, V) 
    --->    ht(
                num_buckets             :: int,
                num_occupants           :: int,
                max_occupants           :: int,
                hash_func               :: hash_func(K),
                buckets                 :: buckets(K, V)

:- type hash_func(K) == (func(K) = {int, int}).

:- type buckets(K, V) == version_array(bucket(K, V)).

:- type bucket(K, V)
    --->    empty
    ;       full(K, V).


    % The user provided hashing function computes two independent
    % hashes H1 and H2 for a given key K.
    % We calculate D = 2*H2 + 1 (to ensure that D is non-zero and
    % odd and is therefore coprime to the number of buckets) and
    % probe the table where the Kth probe examines slot
    %   (H1 + K * H2) `mod` num_buckets
    % The search is guaranteed to terminate because table occupancy
    % must be less than 1.0.


new(HashPred, N, MaxOccupancy) = HT :-
    (      if N =< 1 then
            throw(software_error("version_hash_table__new: N =< 1"))
      else if N >= int__bits_per_int then
                "version_hash_table__new: N >= int__bits_per_int"))
      else if MaxOccupancy =< 0.0 ; 1.0 =< MaxOccupancy  then
                "version_hash_table__new: MaxOccupancy not in (0.0, 1.0)"))
            NumBuckets   = 1 << N,
            MaxOccupants = ceiling_to_int(float(NumBuckets) * MaxOccupancy),
            HashFunc     = (func(X) = {I, J} :- HashPred(X, I, J)),
            VArray       = version_array.init(NumBuckets, empty),
            HT = ht(NumBuckets, 0, MaxOccupants, HashFunc, VArray)


    % These numbers are picked out of thin air.
new_default(HashPred) = new(HashPred, 7, 0.9).


    % find_slot(HT, K) looks up key K in hash table HT and
    % returns the index for the entry K in H.  This is either the
    % first free slot identified (K is not in the table, but here
    % is where it would go) or the slot for K (K is in the table
    % and this is its slot).
    % Whether or not K is actually in the table can be decided
    % by checking to see whether its bit in the vbitmap is set
    % or clear.
:- func find_slot(version_hash_table(K, V), K) = int.

find_slot(HT, K) = H :-
    {Hash1, Hash2} = (HT ^ hash_func)(K),
    H0    = Hash1 mod HT ^ num_buckets,
            % Have to ensure it's odd and non-zero.
    Delta = Hash2 + Hash2 + 1,
    H     = find_slot_2(HT, K, H0, Delta).

:- func find_slot_2(version_hash_table(K, V), K, int, int) = int.

find_slot_2(HT, K, H0, Delta) = H :-
    B = HT ^ buckets ^ elem(H0),
        B = empty,
        H = H0
        B = full(Key, _Value),
        ( if K = Key then
            H  = H0
            H1 = (H0 + Delta) mod HT ^ num_buckets,
            H  = find_slot_2(HT, K, H1, Delta)


set(HT0, K, V) = HT :-

        % If this is the first entry in the hash table, then we use it to
	% set up the hash table (the version_arrays are currently empty because
	% we need values to initialise them with).
    H = find_slot(HT0, K),
    B = HT0 ^ buckets ^ elem(H),
        B  = empty,
        HT =
            ( if HT0 ^ num_occupants = HT0 ^ max_occupants then
                set(expand(HT0), K, V)
                (( HT0 ^ num_occupants     := HT0 ^ num_occupants + 1 )
                       ^ buckets ^ elem(H) := full(K, V)              )
        B  = full(_, _),
        HT = ( HT0 ^ buckets ^ elem(H) := full(K, V) )

'elem :='(K, HT, V) = set(HT, K, V).

set(K, V, HT, set(HT, K, V)).


search(HT, K, search(HT, K)).

search(HT, K) = V :-
    H = find_slot(HT, K),
    HT ^ buckets ^ elem(H) = full(K, V).


det_insert(HT0, K, V) = HT :-
    H = find_slot(HT0, K),
    B = HT0 ^ buckets ^ elem(H),
        B  = full(_, _),
        error("version_hash_table__det_update: key already present")
        B  = empty,
        HT =
            ( if HT0 ^ num_occupants = HT0 ^ max_occupants then
                set(expand(HT0), K, V)
                (( HT0 ^ num_occupants     := HT0 ^ num_occupants + 1 )
                       ^ buckets ^ elem(H) := full(K, V)              )

det_insert(K, V, HT, det_insert(HT, K, V)).


det_update(HT0, K, V) = HT :-
    H = find_slot(HT0, K),
    B = HT0 ^ buckets ^ elem(H),
        B = empty,
        error("version_hash_table__det_update: key not found")
        B = full(_, _),
        HT = ( HT0 ^ buckets ^ elem(H) := full(K, V) )

det_update(K, V, HT, det_update(HT, K, V)).


lookup(HT, K) =
    ( if   V = search(HT, K)
      then V
      else func_error("version_hash_table__lookup: key not found")

HT ^ elem(K) = lookup(HT, K).


delete(HT, K) =
    HT ^ buckets ^ elem(find_slot(HT, K)) := empty.

delete(K, HT, delete(HT, K)).


to_assoc_list(HT) =
    fold_up(cons_k_v(HT ^ buckets), 0, HT ^ num_buckets - 1, []).

:- func cons_k_v(version_array(bucket(K, V)), int, assoc_list(K, V)) =
            assoc_list(K, V).

cons_k_v(Bs, I, KVs) =
    ( if   Bs ^ elem(I) = full(K, V)
      then [K - V | KVs]
      else KVs


    % Hash tables expand by doubling in size.
:- func expand(version_hash_table(K, V)) = version_hash_table(K, V).

expand(HT0) = HT :-

    HT0 = ht(NBs0, _NOs, MOs0, HF, Bs0),

    NBs = NBs0 + NBs0,
    MOs = MOs0 + MOs0,
    Bs1 = version_array.init(NBs, empty),

    HT1 = ht(NBs, 0, MOs, HF, Bs1),

    HT  = fold_up(reinsert_k_v(Bs0), 0, NBs0 - 1, HT1).

:- func reinsert_k_v(buckets(K, V), int, version_hash_table(K, V)) =
            version_hash_table(K, V).

reinsert_k_v(Bs, I, HT) =
    ( if   Bs ^ elem(I) = full(K, V)
      then HT ^ elem(K) := V
      else HT


    % There are almost certainly better ones out there...
    % NOTE that H1 \= N since neither of H1 or H2 should be a function
    % of the other under machine integer arithmetic.
int_double_hash(N, H1, H2) :-
    H1 = N * N,
    H2 = N `xor` (N + N).


    % There are almost certainly better ones out there...
string_double_hash(S, H1, H2) :-
    H1 = string__hash(S),
    H2 = string__foldl(func(C, N) = char__to_int(C) + N, S, 0).


    % There are almost certainly better ones out there...
float_double_hash(F, H1, H2) :-
    H1 = float__hash(F),
    H2 = float__hash(F * F).


    % There are almost certainly better ones out there...
char_double_hash(C, H1, H2) :-
    int_double_hash(char__to_int(C), H1, H2).


    % This, again, is straight off the top of my head.
generic_double_hash(T, Ha, Hb) :-
    ( if      dynamic_cast(T, Int) then

        int_double_hash(Int, Ha, Hb)

      else if dynamic_cast(T, String) then

        string_double_hash(String, Ha, Hb)

      else if dynamic_cast(T, Float) then

        float_double_hash(Float, Ha, Hb)

      else if dynamic_cast(T, Char) then

        char_double_hash(Char, Ha, Hb)

      else if dynamic_cast(T, Univ) then

        generic_double_hash(univ_value(Univ), Ha, Hb)

      else if dynamic_cast_to_array(T, Array) then

        {Ha, Hb} =
                ( func(X, {HA0, HB0}) = {HA, HB} :-
                    generic_double_hash(X, HXA, HXB),
                    double_munge(HXA, HA0, HA, HXB, HB0, HB)
                {0, 0}


        deconstruct(T, FunctorName, Arity, Args),
        string_double_hash(FunctorName, Ha0, Hb0),
        double_munge(Arity, Ha0, Ha1, Arity, Hb0, Hb1),
            ( pred(U::in, HA0::in, HA::out, HB0::in, HB::out) is det :-
                generic_double_hash(U, HUA, HUB),
                double_munge(HUA, HA0, HA, HUB, HB0, HB)
            Ha1, Ha,
            Hb1, Hb


:- func munge_factor_a = int.
munge_factor_a = 5.

:- func munge_factor_b = int.
munge_factor_b = 3.

:- pred double_munge(int::in, int::in, int::out, int::in, int::in, int::out)
            is det.

double_munge(X, Ha0, Ha, Y, Hb0, Hb) :-
    Ha = munge(munge_factor_a, Ha0, X),
    Hb = munge(munge_factor_b, Hb0, Y).

:- func munge(int, int, int) = int.

munge(N, X, Y) =
    (X `unchecked_left_shift` N) `xor`
    (X `unchecked_right_shift` (int__bits_per_int - N)) `xor`


fold(Fn, HT, X) = fold_up(apply_k_v(Fn, HT ^ buckets), 0, HT ^ num_buckets, X).

:- func apply_k_v(func(K, V, T) = T, buckets(K, V), int, T) = T.

apply_k_v(Fn, Bs, I, A) =
    ( if   Bs ^ elem(I) = full(K, V)
      then Fn(K, V, A)
      else A


    % XXX To go into array.m
    % dynamic_cast/2 won't work for arbitrary arrays since array/1 is
    % not a ground type (that is, dynamic_cast/2 will work when the
    % target type is e.g. array(int), but not when it is array(T)).
:- some [T2] pred dynamic_cast_to_array(T1::in, array(T2)::out) is semidet.

dynamic_cast_to_array(X, A) :-

        % If X is an array then it has a type with one type argument.
    [ArgTypeDesc] = type_args(type_of(X)),

        % Convert ArgTypeDesc to a type variable ArgType.
    (_ `with_type` ArgType) `has_type` ArgTypeDesc,

        % Constrain the type of A to be array(ArgType) and do the
        % cast.
    dynamic_cast(X, A `with_type` array(ArgType)).

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