[m-rev.] for review: calling Mercury from Aditi

Simon Taylor stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Oct 20 00:01:19 AEST 2004

On 01-Oct-2003, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> On 01-Oct-2003, Simon Taylor <stayl at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> > 
> > Allow Aditi to call Mercury.  At the moment, this involves Aditi
> > loading a shared library containing the user's code.
> ...
> > +++ compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	23 Sep 2003 00:40:03 -0000
> > @@ -1938,6 +1938,21 @@
> >  	build_rtti_type_name(RttiName, Size, GCC_Type).
> >  build_rtti_type(tc_rtti_id(TCRttiName), Size, GCC_Type) -->
> >  	build_rtti_type_tc_name(TCRttiName, Size, GCC_Type).
> > +build_rtti_type(aditi_rtti_id(_), _, GCC_Type) -->
> > +	% typedef struct {
> > +	%	MR_Code		*MR_aditi_proc_addr;
> > +	%	MR_String	MR_aditi_proc_name;
> > +	%	MR_TypeInfo	MR_aditi_input_type_info;
> > +	%	MR_TypeInfo	MR_aditi_output_type_info;
> > +	%	MR_Determinism	MR_aditi_proc_detism;
> > +	% }
> s/}/} MR_Aditi_Proc_Info;/

> > +	build_struct_type("MR_Aditi_Proc_Info",
> > +		['MR_Code*'		- "MR_aditi_proc_addr",
> > +		 'MR_ConstString'	- "MR_aditi_proc_name",
> The code doesn't match the comment: MR_String vs MR_ConstString.
> Also, `MR_Code*' is for pointers to LLDS entry labels;
> it should not be used for pointers to MLDS procedures.
> `MR_ProcAddr' is the type which should be used for
> procedure addresses.


> > Index: compiler/options.m
> ...
> > @@ -3053,6 +3056,21 @@
> >  		"\tmemory usage information, not call counts.",
> >  ********************/
> >  	]),
> > +	io__write_string("      Aditi\n"),
> > +	write_tabbed_lines([
> > +		"--aditi",
> > +		"\tEnable Aditi compilation. You need to enable this",
> > +		"\toption if you are making use of the Aditi deductive",
> > +		"\tdatabase interface.",
> > +		"--aditi-calls-mercury",
> > +		"\tEnable calling arbitrary Mercury code from predicates",
> > +		"\twith `:- pragma aditi' declarations."
> > +
> > +		% --aditi-calls-mercury is not fully implemented.
> > +		%"--aditi-calls-mercury",
> > +		%"\tEnable calling ordinary Mercury code from Aditi."
> > +	]),
> If it is not fully implemented, then it should be listed in the

Aditi is already in WORK_IN_PROGRESS.

> > +++ compiler/rl.m	23 Sep 2003 00:40:04 -0000
> > @@ -1313,8 +1313,27 @@
> >  		RecursiveTypes0, RecursiveTypes, Decls0, Decls, ThisType) :-
> >  	(
> >  		type_to_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, Args),
> > -		type_constructors(Type, ModuleInfo, Ctors)
> > +		type_constructors(Type, ModuleInfo, Ctors0)
> >  	->
> > +		% Sort the constructors. This is needed so that
> > +		% the conversion from Aditi to Mercury can just
> > +		% call std_util__get_functor without needing to
> > +		% search for the functor.
> > +		list__sort(
> > +		    (pred(Ctor1::in, Ctor2::in, CompareResult::out) is det :-
> > +			Ctor1 = ctor(_, _, QName1, Args1),
> > +			Ctor2 = ctor(_, _, QName2, Args2),
> > +			unqualify_name(QName1, Name1),
> > +			unqualify_name(QName2, Name2),
> > +			compare(NameResult, Name1, Name2),
> > +			( NameResult = (=) ->
> > +				compare(CompareResult, list__length(Args1),
> > +					list__length(Args2) `with_type` int)
> > +			;
> > +				CompareResult = NameResult
> > +			)
> > +		    ), Ctors0, Ctors),
> This looks like the ordering of data structures will be different
> for Mercury than for Aditi... are you sure that's what you want?

I've backed out this change; this issue will have to be fixed
on the Aditi side.  By the way, what was the rationale for
numbering constructors passed to `construct.construct' using
lexicographic order (which has no semantic meaning in Mercury) 
rather than declaration order, which affects comparison order.

There is no simple way to get the lexicographic order index of a
constructor given the declaration order index, but we do provide
construct.get_functor_ordinal, which produces the declaration order
index of a constructor given the lexicographic order index.
> > Index: compiler/rl_exprn.m
> ...
> > +:- pred rl_exprn__goal_is_complex(module_info::in,
> > +		instmap::in, list(hlds_goal)::in) is semidet.
> > +
> > +rl_exprn__goal_is_complex(ModuleInfo, _InstMap, Goals) :-
> > +	list__member(Goal, Goals),
> > +	goal_contains_goal(Goal, SubGoal),
> > +	SubGoal = SubGoalExpr - SubGoalInfo,
> > +	(
> > +		goal_info_get_determinism(SubGoalInfo, Detism),
> > +		determinism_components(Detism, _, at_most_many)
> > +	;
> > +		SubGoalExpr = call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _),
> > +		module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
> > +		\+ rl_exprn__is_builtin(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo)
> > +	;
> > +		SubGoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
> > +	;
> > +		SubGoalExpr = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
> > +	;
> > +		SubGoalExpr = par_conj(_)
> > +	;
> > +		SubGoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
> > +		Unification = construct(_, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _),
> > +		( ConsId = pred_const(_, _, _)
> > +		; ConsId = base_typeclass_info_const(_, _, _, _)
> > +		; ConsId = type_ctor_info_const(_, _, _)
> > +		; ConsId = tabling_pointer_const(_, _)
> > +		)
> > +	).
> > +
> > +:- func rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(cons_id) = bool.
> > +
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(cons(_, _)) = no.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(int_const(_)) = no.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(string_const(_)) = no.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(float_const(_)) = no.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(pred_const(_, _, _)) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(type_ctor_info_const(_, _, _)) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(base_typeclass_info_const(_, _, _, _)) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(type_info_cell_constructor) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(typeclass_info_cell_constructor) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(tabling_pointer_const(_, _)) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(deep_profiling_proc_static(_)) = yes.
> > +rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(table_io_decl(_)) = yes.
> That function appears to be unused.
> Probably it ought to be called from the procedure above.

> > +%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> > +
> > +:- pred rl_exprn__generate_top_down_call(rl_goal_inputs::in,
> > +	rl_goal_outputs::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, list(bytecode)::out,
> > +	int::out, exprn_mode::out, list(type)::out,
> > +	rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
> >
> > +rl_exprn__generate_top_down_call(Inputs, MaybeOutputs,
> > +		GoalList, Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls) -->
> > +	%
> > +	% Produce a procedure containing the join condition.
> > +	%
> Is this comment intended to describe the whole of what
> generate_top_down_call does?  If so, then it should go
> above the pred declaration, rather than in the clause body.
> More comments explaining in more detail what this procedure
> is supposed to do would be helpful. 
> In particular, I think it would be helpful to say a bit
> about the kinds of input code (HLDS?) and output code
> (Aditi bytecode... that will call Mercury code which has
> been compiled (possibly via C) to native code).
> Also, since the details of the generated code are complicated,
> I think it would be worth having a comment showing the general
> form that the generated code is supposed to take.
> Perhaps also comments with each section of the code
> saying which bit of the generated code it is generating.

Mostly done, although all of the above would be major overkill.

> > +:- pred rl_exprn__build_top_down_procedure(list(prog_var)::in,
> > +	list(prog_var)::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, string::out, int::out,
> > +	rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
> A comment or two here would also be a good idea, IMHO.

> > Index: tests/valid/Mmakefile
> > +# Aditi is not yet implemented for the non-C back-ends
> > +# (i.e. grades java* il*).
> s/non-C/non-C, non-asm/
> Or better, say "Aditi is only implemented for the C and asm back-ends"
> (i.e. not for grades java* il*)


Sorry, interdiff barfed (OK, it's been a year since this was reviewed),
so here's the full diff again.


Index: compiler/code_model.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/code_model.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 code_model.m
--- compiler/code_model.m	5 Apr 2004 05:06:45 -0000	1.5
+++ compiler/code_model.m	22 May 2004 15:05:24 -0000
@@ -38,10 +38,24 @@
 :- pred goal_info_get_code_model(hlds_goal_info::in, code_model::out) is det.
+	% Construct a representation of the interface determinism of a
+	% procedure. The code we have chosen is not sequential; instead
+	% it encodes the various properties of each determinism.
+	% This must match the encoding of MR_Determinism in
+	% mercury_stack_layout.h.
+	%
+	% The 8 bit is set iff the context is first_solution.
+	% The 4 bit is set iff the min number of solutions is more than zero.
+	% The 2 bit is set iff the max number of solutions is more than zero.
+	% The 1 bit is set iff the max number of solutions is more than one.
+:- func represent_determinism(determinism) = int.
 :- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
 determinism_to_code_model(det,         model_det).
 determinism_to_code_model(semidet,     model_semi).
 determinism_to_code_model(nondet,      model_non).
@@ -58,5 +72,28 @@
 goal_info_get_code_model(GoalInfo, CodeModel) :-
 	goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo, Determinism),
 	determinism_to_code_model(Determinism, CodeModel).
+represent_determinism(det) = max_more_than_zero \/ min_more_than_zero.
+represent_determinism(semidet) = max_more_than_zero.
+represent_determinism(nondet) = max_more_than_one.
+represent_determinism(multidet) = max_more_than_one \/ min_more_than_zero.
+represent_determinism(erroneous) = min_more_than_zero.
+represent_determinism(failure) = 0.
+represent_determinism(cc_nondet) =
+		represent_determinism(nondet) \/ first_solution.
+represent_determinism(cc_multidet) =
+		represent_determinism(multidet) \/ first_solution.
+:- func first_solution = int.
+first_solution = 8.
+:- func min_more_than_zero = int.
+min_more_than_zero = 4.
+:- func max_more_than_zero = int.
+max_more_than_zero = 2.
+:- func max_more_than_one = int.
+max_more_than_one = 3.
Index: compiler/hlds_module.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_module.m,v
retrieving revision 1.103
diff -u -u -r1.103 hlds_module.m
--- compiler/hlds_module.m	16 Oct 2004 15:05:50 -0000	1.103
+++ compiler/hlds_module.m	17 Oct 2004 10:06:43 -0000
@@ -122,6 +122,17 @@
 	--->    do_aditi_compilation
 	;       no_aditi_compilation.
+	% Mercury procedures which can be called from Aditi join conditions.
+	% Each procedure has one input and one output argument.
+	% The compiler generates a constant structure containing 
+	% the address and other information for each procedure,
+	% which Aditi will find using dlsym().
+:- type aditi_top_down_proc
+	--->	aditi_top_down_proc(
+			pred_proc_id,
+			string		% name of the constant.
+		).
 	% Various predicates for manipulating the module_info data structure
@@ -357,6 +368,15 @@
 :- pred module_info_set_analysis_info(analysis_info::in,
 	module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+:- pred module_info_aditi_top_down_procs(module_info::in,
+		list(aditi_top_down_proc)::out) is det.
+:- pred module_info_set_aditi_top_down_procs(module_info::in,
+		list(aditi_top_down_proc)::in, module_info::out) is det.
+:- pred module_info_next_aditi_top_down_proc(module_info::in, int::out,
+		module_info::out) is det.
 :- pred module_info_preds(module_info::in, pred_table::out) is det.
@@ -575,10 +595,16 @@
 						% but lookups in this table
 						% will be much faster.
-		analysis_info			:: analysis_info
+		analysis_info			:: analysis_info,
 						% Information for the
 						% inter-module analysis
 						% framework.
+		aditi_top_down_procs :: list(aditi_top_down_proc),
+						% List of top-down procedures
+						% which could be called from
+						% bottom-up Aditi procedures.
+		aditi_proc_counter :: counter
 	% A predicate which creates an empty module
@@ -621,7 +647,7 @@
 		[], [], StratPreds, UnusedArgInfo, ExceptionInfo,
 		counter__init(1), counter__init(1), ImportedModules,
 		IndirectlyImportedModules, no_aditi_compilation, TypeSpecInfo,
-		NoTagTypes, init_analysis_info(mmc)),
+		NoTagTypes, init_analysis_info(mmc), [], counter__init(1)),
 	ModuleInfo = module(ModuleSubInfo, PredicateTable, Requests,
 		UnifyPredMap, QualifierInfo, Types, Insts, Modes, Ctors,
 		ClassTable, SuperClassTable, InstanceTable, AssertionTable,
@@ -703,6 +729,12 @@
 module_info_type_spec_info(MI, MI ^ sub_info ^ type_spec_info).
 module_info_no_tag_types(MI, MI ^ sub_info ^ no_tag_type_table).
 module_info_analysis_info(MI, MI ^ sub_info ^ analysis_info).
+module_info_aditi_top_down_procs(MI, MI ^ sub_info ^ aditi_top_down_procs).
+module_info_next_aditi_top_down_proc(MI0, Proc, MI) :-
+	Counter0 = MI0 ^ sub_info ^ aditi_proc_counter,
+	counter__allocate(Proc, Counter0, Counter),
+	MI = MI0 ^ sub_info ^ aditi_proc_counter := Counter.
@@ -755,6 +787,8 @@
 	MI ^ sub_info ^ no_tag_type_table := NewVal).
 module_info_set_analysis_info(NewVal, MI,
 	MI ^ sub_info ^ analysis_info := NewVal).
+module_info_set_aditi_top_down_procs(MI, NewVal,
+	MI ^ sub_info ^ aditi_top_down_procs := NewVal).
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.315
diff -u -u -r1.315 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	16 Oct 2004 15:07:29 -0000	1.315
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	17 Oct 2004 09:32:47 -0000
@@ -133,6 +133,7 @@
 :- import_module aditi_backend__rl_file.
 :- import_module backend_libs__compile_target_code.
 :- import_module backend_libs__name_mangle.
+:- import_module backend_libs__rtti.
 :- import_module check_hlds__goal_path.
 :- import_module hlds__arg_info.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
@@ -1522,8 +1523,8 @@
-		mercury_compile__maybe_generate_rl_bytecode(HLDS50,
-			Verbose, MaybeRLFile, !IO),
+		mercury_compile__maybe_generate_rl_bytecode(Verbose,
+			MaybeRLFile, HLDS50, HLDS51, !IO),
 			( Target = c
 			; Target = asm
@@ -1541,10 +1542,10 @@
 		( AditiOnly = yes ->
-			HLDS = HLDS50,
+			HLDS = HLDS51,
 			FactTableBaseFiles = []
 		; Target = il ->
-			HLDS = HLDS50,
+			HLDS = HLDS51,
 			mercury_compile__mlds_backend(HLDS, _, MLDS, !IO),
 			( TargetCodeOnly = yes ->
@@ -1561,7 +1562,7 @@
 			FactTableBaseFiles = []
 		; Target = java ->
-			HLDS = HLDS50,
+			HLDS = HLDS51,
 			mercury_compile__mlds_backend(HLDS, _, MLDS, !IO),
 			mercury_compile__mlds_to_java(MLDS, !IO),
 			( TargetCodeOnly = yes ->
@@ -1577,7 +1578,7 @@
 			FactTableBaseFiles = []
 		; Target = asm ->
 			% compile directly to assembler using the gcc back-end
-			HLDS = HLDS50,
+			HLDS = HLDS51,
 			mercury_compile__mlds_backend(HLDS, _, MLDS, !IO),
 				MaybeRLFile, ContainsCCode, !IO),
@@ -1602,7 +1603,7 @@
 			FactTableBaseFiles = []
 		; HighLevelCode = yes ->
-			HLDS = HLDS50,
+			HLDS = HLDS51,
 			mercury_compile__mlds_backend(HLDS, _, MLDS, !IO),
 				MaybeRLFile, !IO),
@@ -1624,7 +1625,7 @@
 			FactTableBaseFiles = []
-			mercury_compile__backend_pass(HLDS50, HLDS,
+			mercury_compile__backend_pass(HLDS51, HLDS,
 				GlobalData, LLDS, !IO),
 			mercury_compile__output_pass(HLDS, GlobalData, LLDS,
 				MaybeRLFile, ModuleName, _CompileErrors,
@@ -2385,15 +2386,16 @@
-:- pred mercury_compile__maybe_generate_rl_bytecode(module_info::in, bool::in,
-	maybe(rl_file)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred mercury_compile__maybe_generate_rl_bytecode(bool::in,
+		maybe(rl_file)::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
-		Verbose, MaybeRLFile, !IO) :-
+mercury_compile__maybe_generate_rl_bytecode(Verbose, MaybeRLFile,
+		!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(aditi, Aditi, !IO),
 		Aditi = yes,
-		module_info_get_do_aditi_compilation(ModuleInfo,
+		module_info_get_do_aditi_compilation(!.ModuleInfo,
 			AditiCompile = do_aditi_compilation,
@@ -2404,26 +2406,24 @@
 				"% Generating RL...\n", !IO),
 			maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO),
-			rl_gen__module(ModuleInfo, RLProcs0, !IO),
+			rl_gen__module(!.ModuleInfo, RLProcs0, !IO),
-				ModuleInfo, "", "", !IO),
+				!.ModuleInfo, "", "", !IO),
 			% Optimize the RL procedures.
-			rl_opt__procs(ModuleInfo, RLProcs0, RLProcs, !IO),
+			rl_opt__procs(!.ModuleInfo, RLProcs0, RLProcs, !IO),
-				ModuleInfo, "", ".opt", !IO),
+				!.ModuleInfo, "", ".opt", !IO),
 			% Convert the RL procedures to bytecode.
-			rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(ModuleInfo,
-				RLProcs, MaybeRLFile, !IO)
+			rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(RLProcs, MaybeRLFile,
+				!ModuleInfo, !IO)
 			AditiCompile = no_aditi_compilation,
-			MaybeRLFile = no,
 			globals__io_lookup_bool_option(aditi_only, AditiOnly,
@@ -2432,10 +2432,11 @@
 				% Always generate a `.rlo' file if compiling
 				% with `--aditi-only'.
 				RLProcs = [],
-				rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(ModuleInfo,
-					RLProcs, _, !IO)
+				rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(RLProcs,
+					MaybeRLFile, !ModuleInfo, !IO)
-				AditiOnly = no
+				AditiOnly = no,
+				MaybeRLFile = no
@@ -2443,6 +2444,17 @@
 		MaybeRLFile = no
+:- pred mercury_compile__generate_aditi_proc_info(module_info,
+		list(rtti_data)).
+:- mode mercury_compile__generate_aditi_proc_info(in, out) is det.
+mercury_compile__generate_aditi_proc_info(HLDS, AditiProcInfoRttiData) :-
+	module_info_aditi_top_down_procs(HLDS, Procs),
+	AditiProcInfoRttiData = list__map(
+		(func(aditi_top_down_proc(proc(PredId, ProcId), _)) =
+			rtti__make_aditi_proc_info(HLDS, PredId, ProcId)
+		), Procs).
 :- pred mercury_compile__backend_pass(module_info::in, module_info::out,
@@ -3776,6 +3788,7 @@
 	type_ctor_info__generate_rtti(HLDS, TypeCtorRttiData),
 	base_typeclass_info__generate_rtti(HLDS, OldTypeClassInfoRttiData),
+	generate_aditi_proc_info(HLDS, AditiProcInfoRttiData),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(new_type_class_rtti, NewTypeClassRtti,
 	type_class_info__generate_rtti(HLDS, NewTypeClassRtti,
@@ -3785,6 +3798,8 @@
 	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, TypeCtorRttiData, TypeCtorTables),
 	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, TypeClassInfoRttiData,
+	list__map(llds__wrap_rtti_data, AditiProcInfoRttiData,
+		AditiProcInfos),
 	stack_layout__generate_llds(HLDS, GlobalData0, GlobalData,
 		StackLayouts, LayoutLabels),
@@ -3803,7 +3818,8 @@
 	% Next we put it all together and output it to one or more C files.
 	list__condense([StaticCells, ClosureLayouts, StackLayouts,
-		TypeCtorTables, TypeClassInfos], AllData),
+		TypeCtorTables, TypeClassInfos, AditiProcInfos],
+		AllData),
 	mercury_compile__construct_c_file(HLDS, C_InterfaceInfo,
 		Procs, GlobalVars, AllData, CFile, NumChunks, !IO),
 	mercury_compile__output_llds(ModuleName, CFile, LayoutLabels,
@@ -4174,13 +4190,15 @@
 mercury_compile__mlds_gen_rtti_data(HLDS, MLDS0, MLDS) :-
 	type_ctor_info__generate_rtti(HLDS, TypeCtorRtti),
 	base_typeclass_info__generate_rtti(HLDS, TypeClassInfoRtti),
+	generate_aditi_proc_info(HLDS, AditiProcInfoRtti),
 	module_info_globals(HLDS, Globals),
 	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, new_type_class_rtti,
 	type_class_info__generate_rtti(HLDS, NewTypeClassRtti,
 	list__condense([TypeCtorRtti, TypeClassInfoRtti,
-		NewTypeClassInfoRttiData], RttiData),
+		NewTypeClassInfoRttiData, AditiProcInfoRtti], RttiData),
 	RttiDefns = rtti_data_list_to_mlds(HLDS, RttiData),
 	MLDS0 = mlds(ModuleName, ForeignCode, Imports, Defns0),
 	list__append(RttiDefns, Defns0, Defns),
Index: compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.98
diff -u -u -r1.98 mlds_to_gcc.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	2 Aug 2004 08:30:07 -0000	1.98
+++ compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	3 Oct 2004 07:24:13 -0000
@@ -1979,6 +1979,9 @@
 		RttiId = tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName),
 		build_rtti_type_tc_name(TCRttiName, BaseType, !IO)
+	;
+		RttiId = aditi_rtti_id(_),
+		build_rtti_type_aditi_name(BaseType, !IO)
 	IsArray = rtti_id_has_array_type(RttiId),
@@ -2150,7 +2153,6 @@
 	% MR_TypeLayout       MR_type_ctor_layout;
 	% MR_int_least32_t    MR_type_ctor_num_functors;
 	% MR_int_least16_t    MR_type_ctor_flags;
-	MR_ProcAddr = gcc__ptr_type_node,
 	build_rtti_type_name(type_functors, MR_TypeFunctors, !IO),
 	build_rtti_type_name(type_layout, MR_TypeLayout, !IO),
@@ -2159,8 +2161,8 @@
 		 'MR_int_least8_t'	- "MR_type_ctor_num_ptags",
 		 % MR_TypeCtorRepInt is typedef'd to be MR_int_least16_t
 		 'MR_int_least16_t'	- "MR_type_ctor_rep_CAST_ME",
-		 MR_ProcAddr		- "MR_type_ctor_unify_pred",
-		 MR_ProcAddr		- "MR_type_ctor_compare_pred",
+		 'MR_ProcAddr'		- "MR_type_ctor_unify_pred",
+		 'MR_ProcAddr'		- "MR_type_ctor_compare_pred",
 		 'MR_ConstString'	- "MR_type_ctor_module_name",
 		 'MR_ConstString'	- "MR_type_ctor_name",
 		 MR_TypeFunctors	- "MR_type_ctor_functors",
@@ -2204,6 +2206,25 @@
 		"build_rtti_type_tc_name: type_class_instance_methods").
+:- pred build_rtti_type_aditi_name(gcc__type::out,
+		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+build_rtti_type_aditi_name(GCC_Type, !IO) :-
+	% typedef struct {
+	%	MR_ProcAddr	MR_aditi_proc_addr;
+	%	MR_String	MR_aditi_proc_name;
+	%	MR_TypeInfo	MR_aditi_input_type_info;
+	%	MR_TypeInfo	MR_aditi_output_type_info;
+	%	MR_Determinism	MR_aditi_proc_detism;
+	% } MR_Aditi_Proc_Info;
+	build_struct_type("MR_Aditi_Proc_Info",
+		['MR_ProcAddr'		- "MR_aditi_proc_addr",
+		 'MR_String'		- "MR_aditi_proc_name",
+		 'MR_TypeInfo'		- "MR_aditi_input_type_info",
+		 'MR_TypeInfo'		- "MR_aditi_output_type_info",
+		 'MR_Determinism'	- "MR_aditi_proc_detism"],
+		GCC_Type, !IO).
 :- pred build_type_info_type(rtti_type_info::in,
 	gcc__type::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
@@ -2593,6 +2614,7 @@
 	RttiTypeCtor = fixup_rtti_type_ctor(RttiTypeCtor0),
 	RttiName = fixup_rtti_name(RttiName0).
 fixup_rtti_id(tc_rtti_id(TCName, TCRttiName)) = tc_rtti_id(TCName, TCRttiName).
+fixup_rtti_id(aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel)) = aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel).
 	% XXX sometimes earlier stages of the compiler forget to add
 	% the appropriate qualifiers for stuff in the `builtin' module;
@@ -3730,11 +3752,13 @@
 :- func 'MR_ConstString'	= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_Word'		= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_bool'		= gcc__type.
+:- func 'MR_ProcAddr'		= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_TypeInfo'		= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_TypeCtorInfo'	= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_PseudoTypeInfo'	= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_Sectag_Locn'	= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_TypeCtorRep'	= gcc__type.
+:- func 'MR_Determinism'	= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_PredFunc'		= gcc__type.
 :- func 'MR_int_least8_t'	= gcc__type.
@@ -3753,17 +3777,19 @@
 	% XXX 'MR_Word' should perhaps be unsigned, to match the C back-end
 'MR_Word'		= gcc__intptr_type_node.
 'MR_bool'		= gcc__integer_type_node. % i.e. typedef int MR_bool
+'MR_ProcAddr'		= gcc__ptr_type_node.
 'MR_TypeInfo'		= gcc__ptr_type_node.
 'MR_TypeCtorInfo'	= gcc__ptr_type_node.
 'MR_PseudoTypeInfo'	= gcc__ptr_type_node.
-	% XXX MR_Sectag_Locn, MR_TypeCtorRep, and MR_PredFunc are actually
-	% enums in the C back-end.  Binary compatibility between this
-	% back-end and the C back-end only works if the C compiler
+	% XXX MR_Sectag_Locn, MR_TypeCtorRep, MR_Determinism and MR_PredFunc
+	% are actually enums in the C back-end.  Binary compatibility between
+	% this back-end and the C back-end only works if the C compiler
 	% represents these enums the same as `int'.
 'MR_Sectag_Locn'	= gcc__integer_type_node.
 'MR_TypeCtorRep'	= gcc__integer_type_node.
+'MR_Determinism'	= gcc__integer_type_node.
 'MR_PredFunc'		= gcc__integer_type_node.
 'MR_int_least8_t'	= gcc__int8_type_node.
Index: compiler/opt_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.144
diff -u -u -r1.144 opt_debug.m
--- compiler/opt_debug.m	16 Aug 2004 03:51:02 -0000	1.144
+++ compiler/opt_debug.m	20 Sep 2004 14:49:18 -0000
@@ -327,6 +327,13 @@
 		["tc_rtti_addr(", TCNameStr, ", ", TCDataName_str, ")"],
+dump_data_addr(rtti_addr(aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel)), Str) :-
+	string__append_list(
+		["aditi_rtti_addr(",
+			sym_name_to_string(qualified(ProcLabel ^ proc_module,
+				ProcLabel ^ proc_name)),
+			")"],
+		Str).
 dump_data_addr(layout_addr(LayoutName), Str) :-
 	dump_layout_name(LayoutName, LayoutName_str),
 	string__append_list(["layout_addr(", LayoutName_str, ")"], Str).
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.433
diff -u -u -r1.433 options.m
--- compiler/options.m	16 Oct 2004 15:07:31 -0000	1.433
+++ compiler/options.m	17 Oct 2004 09:32:48 -0000
@@ -229,7 +229,11 @@
 		;	record_term_sizes_as_words
 		;	record_term_sizes_as_cells
-		%   (c) Miscellaneous
+		%   (c) Aditi
+		;	aditi	
+		;	aditi_calls_mercury
+		%   (d) Miscellaneous
 		;	gc
 		;	parallel
 		;	use_trail
@@ -677,9 +681,6 @@
 		;	intermod_directories
 		;	use_search_directories_for_intermod
 		;	filenames_from_stdin
-		;	aditi		% XXX this should be in the
-					% "Auxiliary output options"
-					% section
 		;	aditi_user
 		;	help
 		;	version
@@ -898,6 +899,8 @@
 	use_minimal_model_own_stacks	-	bool(no),
 	minimal_model_debug	-	bool(no),
 	type_layout		-	bool(yes),
+	aditi			-	bool(no),
+	aditi_calls_mercury	-	bool(no),% XXX eventually yes
 		% Data representation compilation model options
 	reserve_tag		-	bool(no),
@@ -1313,7 +1316,6 @@
 option_defaults_2(miscellaneous_option, [
 		% Miscellaneous Options
 	filenames_from_stdin	-	bool(no),
-	aditi			-	bool(no),
 	aditi_user		-	string(""),
 	help 			-	bool(no),
 	version			-	bool(no),
@@ -1543,6 +1545,8 @@
 long_option("parallel",			parallel).
 long_option("use-trail",		use_trail).
 long_option("type-layout",		type_layout).
+long_option("aditi",			aditi).
+long_option("aditi-calls-mercury",	aditi_calls_mercury).
 	% Data represention options
 long_option("reserve-tag",		reserve_tag).
 long_option("use-minimal-model-stack_copy",	use_minimal_model_stack_copy).
@@ -1982,7 +1986,6 @@
 long_option("help",			help).
 long_option("version",			version).
 long_option("filenames-from-stdin",	filenames_from_stdin).
-long_option("aditi",			aditi).
 long_option("aditi-user",		aditi_user).
 long_option("fullarch",			fullarch).
 long_option("bug-intermod-2002-06-13",	compiler_sufficiently_recent).
@@ -3101,6 +3104,17 @@
 %		"\tAugment each heap cells with its size in cells.",
+	io__write_string("      Aditi\n"),
+	write_tabbed_lines([
+		"--aditi",
+		"\tEnable Aditi compilation. You need to enable this",
+		"\toption if you are making use of the Aditi deductive",
+		"\tdatabase interface."
+		% XXX --aditi-calls-mercury is not fully implemented.
+		% "--aditi-calls-mercury",
+		% "\tEnable calling ordinary Mercury code from Aditi."
+	]),
 	io__write_string("      Miscellaneous optional features\n"),
 		"--gc {none, boehm, mps, accurate, automatic}",
@@ -4140,10 +4154,6 @@
 		"\tis reached. (This allows a program or user to interactively",
 		"\tcompile several modules without the overhead of process",
 		"\tcreation for each one.)",
-		"--aditi",
-		"\tEnable Aditi compilation. You need to enable this",
-		"\toption if you are making use of the Aditi deductive",
-		"\tdatabase interface.",
 		"\tSpecify the Aditi login of the owner of the predicates",
 		"\tin any Aditi RL files produced. The owner field is",
Index: compiler/rl_exprn.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rl_exprn.m,v
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -u -r1.42 rl_exprn.m
--- compiler/rl_exprn.m	14 Jun 2004 04:16:33 -0000	1.42
+++ compiler/rl_exprn.m	3 Oct 2004 08:56:22 -0000
@@ -113,8 +113,9 @@
 	%	ExprnMode, ExprnVarTypes).
 	% Generate an expression for a join/project/subtract condition.
-:- pred rl_exprn__generate(module_info::in, rl_goal::in, list(bytecode)::out,
-	int::out, exprn_mode::out, list(type)::out) is det.
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate(rl_goal::in, list(bytecode)::out,
+	int::out, exprn_mode::out, list(type)::out,
+	module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
 	% rl_exprn__aggregate(ModuleInfo, InitAccPred, UpdateAccPred,
 	% 	GrpByType, NonGrpByType, AccType, ExprnCode, Decls).
@@ -122,9 +123,9 @@
 	% Given the closures used to create the initial accumulator for each
 	% group and update the accumulator for each tuple, create
 	% an expression to evaluate the aggregate.
-:- pred rl_exprn__aggregate(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in,
-		pred_proc_id::in, (type)::in, (type)::in, (type)::in,
-		list(bytecode)::out, list(type)::out) is det.
+:- pred rl_exprn__aggregate(pred_proc_id::in, pred_proc_id::in,
+	(type)::in, (type)::in, (type)::in, list(bytecode)::out,
+	list(type)::out, module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
@@ -133,6 +134,7 @@
 :- import_module aditi_backend__rl_out.
 :- import_module backend_libs.
 :- import_module backend_libs__builtin_ops.
+:- import_module backend_libs__rtti.
 :- import_module check_hlds__inst_match.
 :- import_module check_hlds__mode_util.
 :- import_module check_hlds__type_util.
@@ -140,15 +142,19 @@
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_error_util.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_goal.
+:- import_module hlds__goal_util.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_pred.
 :- import_module hlds__instmap.
 :- import_module hlds__special_pred.
 :- import_module libs__tree.
+:- import_module libs__globals.
+:- import_module libs__options.
 :- import_module parse_tree__prog_out.
 :- import_module parse_tree__prog_util.
 :- import_module transform_hlds__inlining.
+:- import_module backend_libs__name_mangle.
-:- import_module assoc_list, bool, char, int, map.
+:- import_module assoc_list, bool, char, counter, int, map.
 :- import_module require, set, std_util, string, term, varset.
 	% A compare expression tests each attribute in a list of attributes
@@ -594,18 +600,573 @@
-rl_exprn__generate(ModuleInfo, RLGoal, Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls) :-
+rl_exprn__generate(RLGoal, Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls,
+		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
 	RLGoal = rl_goal(_, VarSet, VarTypes, InstMap,
-		Inputs, MaybeOutputs, Goals, _),
-	rl_exprn_info_init(ModuleInfo, InstMap, VarTypes, VarSet, Info0),
-	rl_exprn__generate_2(Inputs, MaybeOutputs, Goals,
-		Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls, Info0, _).
+		Inputs, MaybeOutputs, Goals, _), 
+	rl_exprn_info_init(ModuleInfo0, InstMap, VarTypes, VarSet, Info0),
+	module_info_globals(ModuleInfo0, Globals),
+	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, aditi_calls_mercury,
+		AditiCallsMercury),
+	(
+		%
+		% We prefer to generate code using the
+		% bytecodes if possible, to avoid data conversion.
+		% XXX If there is a simple semidet prefix of the
+		% conjunction, we could generate that using the
+		% bytecodes.
+		%
+		( AditiCallsMercury = no
+		; \+ rl_exprn__goal_is_complex(ModuleInfo0,
+			InstMap, Goals)
+		)
+	->
+		rl_exprn__generate_simple_goal(Inputs, MaybeOutputs, Goals,
+			Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls, Info0, Info)
+	;
+		rl_exprn__generate_top_down_call(Inputs, MaybeOutputs,
+			Goals, Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls, Info0, Info)
+	),
+	rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, Info, _).
+:- pred rl_exprn__goal_is_complex(module_info::in,
+		instmap::in, list(hlds_goal)::in) is semidet.
+rl_exprn__goal_is_complex(ModuleInfo, _InstMap, Goals) :-
+	list__member(Goal, Goals),
+	goal_contains_goal(Goal, SubGoal),
+	SubGoal = SubGoalExpr - SubGoalInfo,
+	(
+		goal_info_get_determinism(SubGoalInfo, Detism),
+		determinism_components(Detism, _, at_most_many)
+	;
+		SubGoalExpr = call(PredId, ProcId, _, _, _, _),
+		module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+		\+ rl_exprn__is_builtin(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo)
+	;
+		SubGoalExpr = generic_call(_, _, _, _)
+	;
+		SubGoalExpr = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+	;
+		SubGoalExpr = par_conj(_)
+	;
+		SubGoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+		Unification = construct(_, ConsId, _, _, _, _, _),
+		rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(ConsId) = yes
+	).
+:- func rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(cons_id) = bool.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(cons(_, _)) = no.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(int_const(_)) = no.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(string_const(_)) = no.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(float_const(_)) = no.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(pred_const(_, _)) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(type_ctor_info_const(_, _, _)) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(base_typeclass_info_const(_, _, _, _)) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(type_info_cell_constructor(_)) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(typeclass_info_cell_constructor) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(tabling_pointer_const(_)) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(table_io_decl(_)) = yes.
+rl_exprn__cons_id_is_complex(deep_profiling_proc_layout(_)) = yes.
+	%
+	% Produce a procedure to evaluate a join condition,
+	% and expression bytecodes to call it.
+	% The join condition may contain arbitrary Mercury goals.
+	%
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_top_down_call(rl_goal_inputs::in,
+	rl_goal_outputs::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, list(bytecode)::out,
+	int::out, exprn_mode::out, list(type)::out,
+	rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__generate_top_down_call(Inputs, MaybeOutputs,
+		GoalList, Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls) -->
+	{ goal_list_determinism(GoalList, Detism) },
+	{ determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, MaxSoln) },
+	{ goal_list_nonlocals(GoalList, NonLocals0) },
+	{ MaybeOutputs = yes(OutputArgs0) ->
+		OutputArgs = OutputArgs0,
+		set__insert_list(NonLocals0, OutputArgs, NonLocals)
+	;
+		OutputArgs = [],
+		NonLocals = NonLocals0
+	},
+	% XXX It is common for arguments to be passed through a join
+	% condition without being used. In that case we should avoid
+	% the conversion to and from Mercury.
+	%
+	% Work out the set of input arguments for the top-down code.
+	%
+	(
+		{ Inputs = no_inputs },
+		{ InputArgs = [] }
+	;
+		{ Inputs = one_input(InputVars) },
+		{ list__filter(
+			(pred(X::in) is semidet :- set__member(X, NonLocals)),
+			InputVars, InputArgs) }
+	;
+		{ Inputs = two_inputs(InputVars1, InputVars2) },
+		{ list__filter(set__contains(NonLocals),
+			list__append(InputVars1, InputVars2),
+			InputArgs) }
+	),
+	%
+	% Build the Mercury procedure to be called.
+	%
+	rl_exprn__build_top_down_procedure(InputArgs, OutputArgs, GoalList,
+		DataName, AditiProcId),
+	rl_exprn_info_lookup_const(string(DataName), DataConst),
+	{ DeclareCode =
+		node([rl_EXP_declare_mercury_proc(AditiProcId, DataConst)]) },
+	%
+	% Allocate the Mercury tuple to store the input arguments
+	% to the top-down call.
+	%
+	rl_exprn_info_get_free_reg(int_type, ArgsLoc),
+	rl_exprn_info_reg_is_args_location(ArgsLoc),
+	rl_exprn__generate_pop(reg(ArgsLoc), int_type, ArgsLocPopCode),
+	{ InputCode =
+		tree(node([rl_EXP_allocate_mercury_input_args(AditiProcId)]),
+		tree(ArgsLocPopCode,
+		InputCode0
+	)) },
+	%
+	% Convert the input arguments from Aditi to Mercury,
+	% and pack them into the tuple allocated above.
+	%
+	(
+		{ Inputs = no_inputs },
+		{ NumParams = 0 },
+		{ InputCode0 = empty }
+	;
+		{ Inputs = one_input(InputVarsB) },
+		{ NumParams = 1 },
+		rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(ArgsLoc, one, 0,
+			0, _NumArgs, InputVarsB, NonLocals,
+			AditiProcId, InputCode0)
+	;
+		{ Inputs = two_inputs(InputVars1B, InputVars2B) },
+		{ NumParams = 2 },
+		rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(ArgsLoc, one, 0,
+			0, NumArgs1, InputVars1B, NonLocals, AditiProcId,
+			Tuple1InputCode),
+		rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(ArgsLoc, two, 0,
+			NumArgs1, _NumArgs, InputVars2B, NonLocals,
+			AditiProcId, Tuple2InputCode),
+		% Build the arguments in reverse order.
+		{ InputCode0 = tree(Tuple2InputCode, Tuple1InputCode) }
+	),
+	%
+	% Call the procedure, passing in the tuple containing
+	% the input arguments.
+	%
+	rl_exprn__generate_push(reg(ArgsLoc), int_type, ArgsLocPushCode),
+	{ CallCode = rl_EXP_call_mercury_proc(AditiProcId) },
+	(
+		{ CanFail = cannot_fail },
+		{ CheckResultCode = rl_EXP_int_pop }
+	;
+		{ CanFail = can_fail },
+		{ CheckResultCode = rl_EXP_fail_if_false }
+	),
+	%
+	% Find out where the output arguments are stored.
+	%
+	rl_exprn_info_get_free_reg(int_type, AllResultsReg),
+	rl_exprn__generate_pop(reg(AllResultsReg), int_type,
+		StoreResultLocnCode),
+	%
+	% Deallocate the tuple of input arguments.
+	%
+	rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(rl_EXP_clear_mercury_input_args,
+		ArgsLoc, empty, CleanupArgsCode),
+	( { MaxSoln = at_most_many } ->
+		%
+		% Tell Aditi that this join condition may
+		% have more solutions.
+		%
+		{ SetMoreSolutionsCode =
+			node([
+				rl_EXP_int_immed(1),
+				rl_EXP_set_more_solutions
+			]) }
+	;
+		{ SetMoreSolutionsCode = empty }
+	),
+	{ EvalCode0 =
+		tree(InputCode,
+		tree(ArgsLocPushCode,
+		tree(node([CallCode]),
+		tree(CleanupArgsCode,
+		tree(node([CheckResultCode]),
+		tree(StoreResultLocnCode,
+		SetMoreSolutionsCode
+	)))))) },
+	%
+	% Convert the output arguments from Mercury to Aditi.
+	%
+	(
+		{ MaybeOutputs = yes(_) },
+		( { MaxSoln = at_most_many } ->
+			%
+			% For a nondet procedure, Aditi collects
+			% all solutions in a list, and returns
+			% one solution for each call to the
+			% `result' expression fragment.
+			% When there are no more solutions,
+			% the list of solutions is deallocated.
+			%
+			rl_exprn_info_reg_is_multiple_value_location(
+				AllResultsReg),
+			rl_exprn__generate_push(reg(AllResultsReg),
+				int_type, PushNondetResultLocnCode),
+			rl_exprn_info_get_free_reg(int_type, SingleResultReg),
+			rl_exprn__generate_pop(reg(SingleResultReg), int_type, 
+				PopSingleResultLocnCode),
+			rl_exprn_info_get_next_label_id(MoreSolutionsLabel),
+			rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(
+				rl_EXP_cleanup_nondet_solution,
+				AllResultsReg, empty, NondetCleanupCode),	
+			{ RetrieveCode =
+			    tree(PushNondetResultLocnCode,
+			    tree(node([
+			    	rl_EXP_retrieve_nondet_solution(AditiProcId)
+			    ]),
+			    tree(PopSingleResultLocnCode,
+			    tree(node([
+				rl_EXP_int_dup,
+			    	rl_EXP_set_more_solutions,
+				rl_EXP_bnez(MoreSolutionsLabel)
+			    ]),
+			    tree(NondetCleanupCode,
+			    node([
+				rl_PROC_label(MoreSolutionsLabel)
+			    ])
+			))))) }
+		;
+			{ RetrieveCode = empty },
+			{ SingleResultReg = AllResultsReg }
+		),
+		rl_exprn_info_reg_is_single_value_location(SingleResultReg),
+		%
+		% Extract the output arguments from the tuple,
+		% and convert them from Mercury to Aditi.
+		%
+		rl_exprn__deconstruct_mercury_output_tuple(SingleResultReg,
+			AditiProcId, OutputArgs, 0, OutputCode),
+		rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(rl_EXP_cleanup_single_solution,
+			SingleResultReg, empty, CleanupSingleResultCode),	
+		{ ResultCode =
+			tree(RetrieveCode,
+			tree(OutputCode,
+			CleanupSingleResultCode
+		)) },
+		{ EvalCode = EvalCode0 }
+	;
+		{ MaybeOutputs = no },
+		%
+		% We aren't expecting any outputs, but just for consistency
+		% an output tuple will be generated, so deallocate it here.
+		%
+		rl_exprn__generate_push(reg(AllResultsReg),
+			int_type, CleanupPushStoreLocnCode),
+		{ MaxSoln = at_most_many ->
+			% This probably shouldn't happen.
+			CleanupByteCode = rl_EXP_cleanup_nondet_solution
+		;
+			CleanupByteCode = rl_EXP_cleanup_single_solution
+		},
+		rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(CleanupByteCode, AllResultsReg,
+			empty, CleanupCode),	
+		{ EvalCode =
+			tree(EvalCode0,
+			tree(CleanupPushStoreLocnCode,
+			CleanupCode
+		)) },
+		{ ResultCode = empty }
+	),
+	{ rl_exprn__get_exprn_mode(MaybeOutputs, MaxSoln, Mode) },
+	rl_exprn__generate_decls(ConstCode, InitCode, Decls),
+	%
+	% Clear the references to any Mercury values (e.g. input arguments,
+	% result tuples) so they can be garbage collected.
+	%
+	rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_values(CleanupMercuryValueCode),
+	{ rl_exprn__generate_fragments(ConstCode, tree(DeclareCode, InitCode),
+		empty, EvalCode, ResultCode, CleanupMercuryValueCode, Code) }.
+:- pred rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(reg_id::in,
+		tuple_num::in, int::in, int::in, int::out, list(prog_var)::in,
+		set(prog_var)::in, mercury_proc_id::in, byte_tree::out,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(_, _, _,
+		ArgNum, ArgNum, [], _, _, empty) --> [].
+rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(ArgsLoc, Tuple, TupleArg,
+		ArgNum0, ArgNum, [Arg | Args], NonLocals, ProcId, Code) -->
+	rl_exprn_info_lookup_var_type(Arg, Type),
+	( { set__member(Arg, NonLocals) } ->
+		% Push argument location.
+		rl_exprn__generate_push(reg(ArgsLoc), int_type,
+			ArgLocPushCode),
+		% Push the argument value.
+		rl_exprn__generate_push(input_field(Tuple, TupleArg),
+			Type, PushCode),
+		{ rl_exprn__convert_mercury_input_arg_code(Type,
+			ProcId, ArgNum0, ArgCode) },
+		{ ArgNum1 = ArgNum0 + 1 },
+		{ Code0 = tree(ArgLocPushCode, tree(PushCode, ArgCode)) } 
+	;
+		{ ArgNum1 = ArgNum0 },
+		{ Code0 = empty }
+	),
+	rl_exprn__construct_mercury_input_tuple(ArgsLoc, Tuple,
+		TupleArg + 1, ArgNum1, ArgNum, Args, NonLocals,
+		ProcId, Code1),
+	% The expression evaluator expects the arguments to be
+	% passed in reverse order.
+	{ Code = tree(Code1, Code0) }.
+:- pred rl_exprn__convert_mercury_input_arg_code((type)::in,
+		mercury_proc_id::in, int::in, byte_tree::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__convert_mercury_input_arg_code(Type, ProcId, Arg, Code) :-
+	rl_exprn__type_to_aditi_type(Type, AditiType),
+	(
+		AditiType = int,
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_int_mercury_input_arg(ProcId, Arg)
+	;
+		AditiType = string,
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_str_mercury_input_arg(ProcId, Arg)
+	;
+		AditiType = float,
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_flt_mercury_input_arg(ProcId, Arg)
+	;
+		AditiType = term(_),
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_term_mercury_input_arg(ProcId, Arg)
+	),
+	Code = node([Bytecode]).
+:- pred rl_exprn__deconstruct_mercury_output_tuple(reg_id::in,
+		mercury_proc_id::in, list(prog_var)::in, int::in,
+		byte_tree::out, rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__deconstruct_mercury_output_tuple(_, _, [], _, empty) --> [].
+rl_exprn__deconstruct_mercury_output_tuple(SolnLocn, ProcId, [Arg | Args],
+		ArgNum, OutputCode) -->
+	rl_exprn__generate_push(reg(SolnLocn), int_type, PushSolnCode),
+	rl_exprn_info_lookup_var_type(Arg, ArgType),
+	{ rl_exprn__convert_mercury_output_arg_code(ArgType, ProcId,
+		ArgNum, ArgNum, OutputCode0) },
+	rl_exprn__deconstruct_mercury_output_tuple(SolnLocn, ProcId, Args,
+		ArgNum + 1, OutputCode1),
+	{ OutputCode = tree(PushSolnCode, tree(OutputCode0, OutputCode1)) }.
+:- pred rl_exprn__convert_mercury_output_arg_code((type)::in,
+		mercury_proc_id::in, int::in, int::in, byte_tree::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__convert_mercury_output_arg_code(Type, ProcId, Arg, Attr, Code) :-
+	rl_exprn__type_to_aditi_type(Type, AditiType),
+	(
+		AditiType = int,
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_int_mercury_output_arg(ProcId,
+				Arg, Attr)
+	;
+		AditiType = string,
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_str_mercury_output_arg(ProcId,
+				Arg, Attr)
+	;
+		AditiType = float,
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_flt_mercury_output_arg(ProcId,
+				Arg, Attr)
+	;
+		AditiType = term(_),
+		Bytecode = rl_EXP_convert_term_mercury_output_arg(ProcId,
+				Arg, Attr)
+	),
+	Code = node([Bytecode]).
+	% Build a new Mercury procedure for the given list of goals.
+	% The input arguments will be passed as a tuple.
+	% The output arguments will be returned as a tuple.
+	% (Passing all arguments in a single tuple simplifies
+	% the data conversion code in the Aditi).
+:- pred rl_exprn__build_top_down_procedure(list(prog_var)::in,
+	list(prog_var)::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, string::out, int::out,
+	rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__build_top_down_procedure(InputArgs, OutputArgs,
+		Goals, DataName, AditiProcId) -->
+	rl_exprn__name_top_down_procedure(AditiProcId, ProcName),
+	{ init_markers(Markers) },
+	{ Owner = "" },
+	{ IsAddressTaken = address_is_taken },
+	% XXX magic.m should arrange for these to be passed in
+	% if the top-down goal has any existentially quantified
+	% type variables.
+	{ varset__init(TVarSet) },
+	{ varset__init(InstVarSet) },
+	{ map__init(TVarMap) },
+	{ map__init(TCVarMap) },
+	rl_exprn_info_get_varset(VarSet0),
+	rl_exprn_info_get_vartypes(VarTypes0),
+	rl_exprn_info_get_instmap(InstMap),
+	rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo0),
+	%
+	% Wrap the given goals with goals to deconstruct the
+	% input tuple and construct the output tuple.
+	%
+	{ varset__new_var(VarSet0, InputTupleVar, VarSet1) },
+	{ varset__new_var(VarSet1, OutputTupleVar, VarSet) },
+	{ map__apply_to_list(InputArgs, VarTypes0, InputArgTypes) },
+	{ map__apply_to_list(OutputArgs, VarTypes0, OutputArgTypes) },
+	{ construct_type(unqualified("{}") - list__length(InputArgTypes),
+		InputArgTypes, InputTupleType) },
+	{ construct_type(unqualified("{}") - list__length(InputArgTypes),
+		OutputArgTypes, OutputTupleType) },
+	{ map__det_insert(VarTypes0, InputTupleVar,
+		InputTupleType, VarTypes1) },
+	{ map__det_insert(VarTypes1, OutputTupleVar,
+		OutputTupleType, VarTypes) },
+	{ deconstruct_tuple(InputTupleVar, InputArgs, InputTupleGoal) },
+	{ construct_tuple(OutputTupleVar, OutputArgs, OutputTupleGoal) },
+	{ AllGoals = list__append([InputTupleGoal | Goals],
+			[OutputTupleGoal]) },
+	{ instmap__lookup_vars(InputArgs, InstMap, InputInsts) },
+	{ goal_list_instmap_delta(Goals, InstMapDelta) },
+	{ instmap__apply_instmap_delta(InstMap, InstMapDelta, FinalInstMap) },
+	{ instmap__lookup_vars(OutputArgs, FinalInstMap, FinalOutputInsts) },
+	{ InputTupleConsId = cons(unqualified("{}"),
+				list__length(InputArgs)) },
+	{ InputTupleInst = bound(unique,
+			[functor(InputTupleConsId, InputInsts)]) },
+	{ OutputTupleConsId = cons(unqualified("{}"),
+				list__length(OutputArgs)) },
+	{ OutputTupleInst = bound(unique,
+			[functor(OutputTupleConsId, FinalOutputInsts)]) },
+	{ instmap__init_reachable(InitialInstMap0) },
+	{ instmap__set(InitialInstMap0, InputTupleVar, InputTupleInst,
+		InitialInstMap) },
+	{ instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([OutputTupleVar - OutputTupleInst],
+		GoalInstMapDelta) },
+	{ goal_list_determinism(Goals, Detism) },	
+	{ goal_info_init(list_to_set([InputTupleVar, OutputTupleVar]),
+		GoalInstMapDelta, Detism, pure, GoalInfo) },
+	{ conj_list_to_goal(AllGoals, GoalInfo, Goal) },
+	{ ClassContext = constraints([], []) },
+	{ PredArgs = [InputTupleVar, OutputTupleVar] },
+	{ hlds_pred__define_new_pred(Goal, _CallGoal, PredArgs, _ExtraArgs,
+		InitialInstMap, ProcName, TVarSet, VarTypes, ClassContext,
+		TVarMap, TCVarMap, VarSet, InstVarSet, Markers, Owner,
+		IsAddressTaken, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1, PredProcId) },
+	{ PredProcId = proc(PredId, ProcId) },
+	{ rtti__id_to_c_identifier(
+		aditi_rtti_id(rtti__make_rtti_proc_label(ModuleInfo1,
+			PredId, ProcId)),
+		DataName0) },
+	{ DataName = mercury_data_prefix ++ DataName0 },
+	{ module_info_aditi_top_down_procs(ModuleInfo1, Procs0) },
+	{ module_info_set_aditi_top_down_procs(ModuleInfo1,
+		[aditi_top_down_proc(PredProcId, DataName) | Procs0],
+		ModuleInfo) },
+	rl_exprn_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo).
-:- pred rl_exprn__generate_2(rl_goal_inputs::in, rl_goal_outputs::in,
+:- pred rl_exprn__name_top_down_procedure(mercury_proc_id::out, string::out,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__name_top_down_procedure(ExprnProcId, ProcName) -->
+	rl_exprn_info_get_next_mercury_proc(ModuleProcId, ExprnProcId),
+	rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo0),
+	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo0, ModuleName) },
+	{ ModuleStr = sym_name_mangle(ModuleName) },
+	{ ProcName = string__append_list(
+		[ModuleStr, "__aditi_proc__", int_to_string(ModuleProcId)]) }.
+	% Aditi keeps pointers to all Mercury values it uses
+	% in an array stored in a global variable to avoid them
+	% being garbage collected.  When we're finished with the
+	% values used by an expression, we need to clear the array.
+:- pred rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_values(byte_tree::out,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_values(CleanupCode) -->
+	DetValues =^ single_value_locations,
+	NondetValues =^ multiple_value_locations,
+	ArgsValues =^ input_args_locations,
+	list__foldl2(
+	    rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(rl_EXP_cleanup_single_solution),
+	    DetValues, empty, DetCleanupCode),
+	list__foldl2(
+	    rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(rl_EXP_cleanup_nondet_solution),
+	    NondetValues, DetCleanupCode, DetAndNondetCleanupCode),
+	list__foldl2(
+	    rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(rl_EXP_clear_mercury_input_args),
+	    ArgsValues, DetAndNondetCleanupCode, CleanupCode).
+	% Aditi keeps pointers to all Mercury values it uses
+	% in an array stored in a global variable to avoid them
+	% being garbage collected.  This predicate generates
+	% bytecode to clear the entry in the array for one of
+	% those values.
+:- pred rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(bytecode::in, reg_id::in,
+		byte_tree::in, byte_tree::out,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__cleanup_mercury_value(CleanupBytecode, Reg,
+		CleanupCode0, CleanupCode) -->
+	rl_exprn__generate_push(reg(Reg), int_type, PushCode),
+	rl_exprn__generate_pop(reg(Reg), int_type, PopCode),
+	{ CleanupCode =
+		tree(CleanupCode0,
+		tree(PushCode,
+		tree(node([
+			CleanupBytecode,
+			rl_EXP_invalid_solution_location
+		]),
+		PopCode	
+	))) }.
+:- pred rl_exprn__generate_simple_goal(rl_goal_inputs::in, rl_goal_outputs::in,
 	list(hlds_goal)::in, list(bytecode)::out, int::out, exprn_mode::out,
 	list(type)::out, rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
-rl_exprn__generate_2(Inputs, MaybeOutputs, GoalList,
+rl_exprn__generate_simple_goal(Inputs, MaybeOutputs, GoalList, 
 		Code, NumParams, Mode, Decls) -->
 	{ goal_list_determinism(GoalList, Detism) },
 	{ determinism_components(Detism, CanFail, _) },
@@ -645,11 +1206,9 @@
 	( { MaybeOutputs = yes(OutputVars) } ->
-			OutputVars, OutputCode),
-		{ Mode = generate }
+			OutputVars, OutputCode)
-		{ OutputCode = empty },
-		{ Mode = test }
+		{ OutputCode = empty }
@@ -671,6 +1230,8 @@
 		rl_exprn__resolve_addresses(ProjectCode0, ProjectCode)
+	{ rl_exprn__get_exprn_mode(MaybeOutputs, at_most_one, Mode) },
 	% Need to do the init code last, since it also needs to define
 	% the rule constants for the other fragments.
 	rl_exprn__generate_decls(ConstCode, InitCode, Decls),
@@ -711,6 +1272,20 @@
 	tree__flatten(CodeTree, Code0),
 	list__condense(Code0, Code).
+:- pred rl_exprn__get_exprn_mode(rl_goal_outputs::in,
+		soln_count::in, exprn_mode::out) is det.
+rl_exprn__get_exprn_mode(MaybeOutputs, MaxSoln, Mode) :-
+	( MaybeOutputs = yes(_) ->
+		( MaxSoln = at_most_many ->
+			Mode = generate_nondet
+		;
+			Mode = generate
+		)
+	;
+		Mode = test
+	).
 :- pred rl_exprn__generate_decls(byte_tree::out, byte_tree::out,
 		list(type)::out, rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
@@ -726,7 +1301,8 @@
 	{ assoc_list__reverse_members(ConstsAL, ConstsLA0) },
 	{ list__sort(ConstsLA0, ConstsLA) },
 	{ list__map(rl_exprn__generate_const_decl, ConstsLA, ConstCode) },
-	rl_exprn_info_get_decls(VarTypes).
+	rl_exprn_info_get_decls(VarTypes0),
+	{ list__reverse(VarTypes0, VarTypes) }.
 :- pred rl_exprn__generate_const_decl(pair(int, rl_const)::in,
 		bytecode::out) is det.
@@ -773,8 +1349,8 @@
-	% Shift the inputs to the expression out of the input tuple.
-:- pred rl_exprn__deconstruct_input_tuple(tuple_num::in, int::in,
+	% Move the inputs to the expression out of the input tuple.
+:- pred rl_exprn__deconstruct_input_tuple(tuple_num::in, int::in, 
 	list(prog_var)::in, set(prog_var)::in, byte_tree::out,
 	rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
@@ -939,7 +1515,8 @@
 	{ proc_info_inferred_determinism(ProcInfo, Detism) },
-		% XXX Nondet top-down calls are not yet implemented.
+		% Nondet top-down calls are not simple goals,
+		% and are only supported with `--aditi-calls-mercury'.
 		{ determinism_components(Detism, _, at_most_many) }
 		{ goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
@@ -947,29 +1524,19 @@
 			ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
 			"nondeterministic Mercury calls in Aditi procedures") }
-		% XXX Top-down calls to imported predicates
-		% are not yet implemented.
+		% Calls to imported non-builtin predicates are not
+		% simple goals, and are only supported with
+		% `--aditi-calls-mercury'.
 		{ pred_info_is_imported(PredInfo) },
-		% Calls to `unify/2' and `compare/3' will have been
-		% transformed into the type-specific versions
-		% by polymorphism.m. Polymorphic types are not allowed
-		% in Aditi predicates so the types must be known.
-		\+ {
-			% `index/2' doesn't work in Aditi.
-			is_unify_or_compare_pred(PredInfo),
-			\+ (pred_info_name(PredInfo) = "__Index__")
-		},
-		{ \+ pred_info_is_builtin(PredInfo) },
-		{ \+ rl_exprn__is_simple_extra_aditi_builtin(PredInfo,
-			ProcId, _) }
+		{ \+ rl_exprn__is_builtin(PredId, ProcId, PredInfo) }
 		{ goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
 		{ rl_exprn__call_not_implemented_error(Context,
 			ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId,
 			"calls to imported Mercury procedures from Aditi") }
-		% XXX Recursive top-down calls are not yet implemented.
+		% Recursive calls are not % simple goals, and are only
+		% supported with `--aditi-calls-mercury'.
 		{ set__member(proc(PredId, ProcId), Parents0) }
 		{ goal_info_get_context(GoalInfo, Context) },
@@ -981,6 +1548,28 @@
 			Fail, Vars, Code)
+:- pred rl_exprn__is_builtin(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+		pred_info::in) is semidet.
+rl_exprn__is_builtin(_PredId, ProcId, PredInfo) :-
+	% Calls to `unify/2' and `compare/3' will have been
+	% transformed into the type-specific versions
+	% by polymorphism.m. Polymorphic types are not allowed
+	% in Aditi predicates so the types must be known.
+	\+ (
+		% `index/2' doesn't work in Aditi.
+		is_unify_or_compare_pred(PredInfo),
+		pred_info_name(PredInfo) \= "__Index__"
+	),
+	(
+		pred_info_is_builtin(PredInfo)
+	;
+		is_unify_or_compare_pred(PredInfo)
+	;
+		rl_exprn__is_simple_extra_aditi_builtin(PredInfo,
+			ProcId, _)
+	).
 :- pred rl_exprn__call_not_implemented_error(prog_context::in, module_info::in,
 		pred_id::in, proc_id::in, string::in) is erroneous.
@@ -992,7 +1581,7 @@
 			ContextStr, "in call to ", ProcName, ":\n",
-			"sorry, not yet implemented - ", ErrorDescr
+			ErrorDescr, " require `--aditi-calls-mercury'."
@@ -1782,15 +2371,16 @@
-rl_exprn__aggregate(ModuleInfo, ComputeInitial, UpdateAcc, GrpByType,
-		NonGrpByType, AccType, AggCode, Decls) :-
+rl_exprn__aggregate(ComputeInitial, UpdateAcc, GrpByType, 
+		NonGrpByType, AccType, AggCode, Decls,
+		ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	rl_exprn_info_init(ModuleInfo, InstMap, VarTypes, VarSet, Info0),
+	rl_exprn_info_init(ModuleInfo0, InstMap, VarTypes, VarSet, Info0),
 	rl_exprn__aggregate_2(ComputeInitial, UpdateAcc, GrpByType,
-		NonGrpByType, AccType, AggCode, Decls, Info0, _).
+		NonGrpByType, AccType, AggCode, Decls, Info0, Info),
+	rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, Info, _).
 :- pred rl_exprn__aggregate_2(pred_proc_id::in, pred_proc_id::in,
 	(type)::in, (type)::in, (type)::in, list(bytecode)::out,
@@ -2206,6 +2796,10 @@
 		rl_exprn_info, rl_exprn_info).
 :- mode rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(out, in, out) is det.
+:- pred rl_exprn_info_set_module_info(module_info,
+		rl_exprn_info, rl_exprn_info).
+:- mode rl_exprn_info_set_module_info(in, in, out) is det.
 :- pred rl_exprn_info_get_instmap(instmap, rl_exprn_info, rl_exprn_info).
 :- mode rl_exprn_info_get_instmap(out, in, out) is det.
@@ -2239,6 +2833,15 @@
 		rl_exprn_info, rl_exprn_info).
 :- mode rl_exprn_info_get_free_reg(in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- pred rl_exprn_info_reg_is_single_value_location(reg_id::in,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+:- pred rl_exprn_info_reg_is_multiple_value_location(reg_id::in,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+:- pred rl_exprn_info_reg_is_args_location(reg_id::in,
+		rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
 :- pred rl_exprn_info_get_next_label_id(label_id,
 		rl_exprn_info, rl_exprn_info).
 :- mode rl_exprn_info_get_next_label_id(out, in, out) is det.
@@ -2284,19 +2887,36 @@
 :- type rl_exprn_info
 	---> rl_exprn_info(
-		module_info,
-		instmap,		% not yet used.
-		map(prog_var, type),
-		prog_varset,
-		id_map(prog_var),
-		label_id,		% next label.
-		id_map(rl_const),
-		id_map(pair(rl_rule, exprn_tuple)),
-		set(pred_proc_id),	% parent pred_proc_ids, used
+		module_info :: module_info,
+		instmap :: instmap,		% not yet used.
+		vartypes :: map(prog_var, type),
+		varset :: prog_varset,
+		vars :: id_map(prog_var),
+		label_counter :: counter,		% next label.
+		consts :: id_map(rl_const),
+		rules :: id_map(pair(rl_rule, exprn_tuple)),
+		parent_proc_ids :: set(pred_proc_id),
+					% parent pred_proc_ids, used
 					% to abort on recursion.
-		list(type)		% variable declarations in reverse.
+		decls :: list(type),	% variable declarations in reverse.
+		mercury_proc_counter :: counter,
+		% The solution for a call to a det top-down Mercury
+		% procedure is stored in one of these locations.
+		single_value_locations :: list(reg_id),
+		% All solutions for a call to a nondet top-down Mercury
+		% procedure are stored in one of these locations.
+		multiple_value_locations :: list(reg_id),
+		% The input arguments for a call to a top-down Mercury
+		% procedure are collected into a tuple stored
+		% in one of these locations.
+		input_args_locations :: list(reg_id)
+:- type mercury_proc_id == int.
 :- type rl_rule
 	---> rl_rule(
 		string,		% mangled type name Module__Name
@@ -2353,74 +2973,89 @@
-	Label = 0,
+	counter__init(0, Label),
+	counter__init(0, NextMercuryProc),
 	Info = rl_exprn_info(ModuleInfo, InstMap, VarTypes, VarSet,
-		VarMap, Label, ConstMap, RuleMap, Parents, []).
+		VarMap, Label, ConstMap, RuleMap, Parents, [],
+		NextMercuryProc, [], [], []).
+rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(Info ^ module_info, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_instmap(Info ^ instmap, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_vartypes(Info ^ vartypes, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_varset(Info ^ varset, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_vars(Info ^ vars, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_consts(Info ^ consts, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_rules(Info ^ rules, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_parent_pred_proc_ids(Info ^ parent_proc_ids, Info, Info).
+rl_exprn_info_get_decls(Info ^ decls, Info, Info).
+	Info, Info ^ module_info := ModuleInfo).
+rl_exprn_info_set_instmap(InstMap, Info, Info ^ instmap := InstMap).
+rl_exprn_info_set_vartypes(VarTypes, Info, Info ^ vartypes := VarTypes).
+rl_exprn_info_set_varset(VarSet, Info, Info ^ varset := VarSet).
+rl_exprn_info_set_vars(Vars, Info, Info ^ vars := Vars).
+	Info, Info ^ parent_proc_ids := ParentProcIds).
+:- pred rl_exprn_info_get_next_mercury_proc(int::out, mercury_proc_id::out,
+              rl_exprn_info::in, rl_exprn_info::out) is det.
+rl_exprn_info_get_next_mercury_proc(ModuleProcId, ExprnProcId, Info0, Info) :-
+	Counter0 = Info0 ^ mercury_proc_counter,
+	counter__allocate(ExprnProcId, Counter0, Counter),
+	module_info_next_aditi_top_down_proc(Info0 ^ module_info,
+		ModuleProcId, ModuleInfo),
+	Info = (Info0 ^ module_info := ModuleInfo)
+		^ mercury_proc_counter := Counter.
-rl_exprn_info_get_module_info(A, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_instmap(B, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,B,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_vartypes(C, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,C,_,_,_,_,_,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_varset(D, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,_,D,_,_,_,_,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_vars(E, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,_,_,E,_,_,_,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_consts(G, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,_,_,_,_,G,_,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_rules(H, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,H,_,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_parent_pred_proc_ids(I, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,I,_).
-rl_exprn_info_get_decls(J, Info, Info) :-
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,J0),
-	list__reverse(J0, J).
-rl_exprn_info_set_instmap(B, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,_,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J).
-rl_exprn_info_set_vartypes(C, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,_,D,E,F,G,H,I,J),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J).
-rl_exprn_info_set_varset(D, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,_,E,F,G,H,I,J),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J).
-rl_exprn_info_set_vars(E, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,_,F,G,H,I,J),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J).
-rl_exprn_info_set_parent_pred_proc_ids(I, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,_,J),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J).
 rl_exprn_info_get_free_reg(Type, Loc, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,VarMap0,F,G,H,I,RegTypes0),
+	VarMap0 = Info0 ^ vars,
+	RegTypes0 = Info0 ^ decls,
 	VarMap0 = Map - Loc,
 	Loc1 = Loc + 1,
 	VarMap = Map - Loc1,
 	RegTypes = [Type | RegTypes0],
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,VarMap,F,G,H,I,RegTypes).
+	Info = (Info0 ^ vars := VarMap)
+			^ decls := RegTypes.
 rl_exprn_info_lookup_var(Var, Loc, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,VarTypes,D,VarMap0,F,G,H,I,RegTypes0),
+	VarMap0 = Info0 ^ vars,
+	RegTypes0 = Info0 ^ decls,
 	id_map_lookup(Var, Loc, Added, VarMap0, VarMap),
 	( Added = yes ->
-		map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
+		map__lookup(Info0 ^ vartypes, Var, Type),
 		RegTypes = [Type | RegTypes0]
 		RegTypes = RegTypes0
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,VarTypes,D,VarMap,F,G,H,I,RegTypes).
-rl_exprn_info_get_next_label_id(Label0, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,Label0,G,H,I,J),
-	Label = Label0 + 1,
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,Label,G,H,I,J).
+	Info = (Info0 ^ vars := VarMap)
+			^ decls := RegTypes.
+rl_exprn_info_reg_is_single_value_location(Reg, Info,
+		Info ^ single_value_locations := Locs) :-
+	Locs = [Reg | Info ^ single_value_locations].
+rl_exprn_info_reg_is_multiple_value_location(Reg, Info,
+		Info ^ multiple_value_locations := Locs) :-
+	Locs = [Reg | Info ^ multiple_value_locations].
+rl_exprn_info_reg_is_args_location(Reg, Info,
+		Info ^ input_args_locations := Locs) :-
+	Locs = [Reg | Info ^ input_args_locations].
+rl_exprn_info_get_next_label_id(Label, Info0,
+		Info0 ^ label_counter := Counter) :-
+	counter__allocate(Label, Info0 ^ label_counter, Counter).
 rl_exprn_info_lookup_const(Const, Loc, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,Consts0,H,I,J),
-	id_map_lookup(Const, Loc, Consts0, Consts),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,Consts,H,I,J).
+	Consts0 = Info0 ^ consts,
+	id_map_lookup(Const, Loc, Consts0, Consts), 
+	Info = Info0 ^ consts := Consts.
 rl_exprn_info_lookup_rule(Rule, Loc, Info0, Info) :-
-	Info0 = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,Rules0,I,J),
+	Rules0 = Info0 ^ rules,
 	id_map_lookup(Rule, Loc, Rules0, Rules),
-	Info = rl_exprn_info(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,Rules,I,J).
+	Info = Info0 ^ rules := Rules.
 rl_exprn_info_lookup_var_type(Var, Type) -->
Index: compiler/rl_file.pp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rl_file.pp,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -u -r1.6 rl_file.pp
--- compiler/rl_file.pp	5 Nov 2003 03:17:43 -0000	1.6
+++ compiler/rl_file.pp	17 Oct 2004 12:00:47 -0000
@@ -107,11 +107,13 @@
 	;	generate	% generates one output tuple
 	;	generate2	% generates two output tuples - used for
 				% B-tree key ranges.
+	;	generate_nondet % generates one output tuple.
+				% The `result' expression fragment
+				% can be called multiple times to
+				% return all the solutions.
-:- import_module std_util.
-:- type rl_file == unit.
+:- type rl_file ---> rl_file.
 :- implementation.
@@ -344,6 +346,9 @@
 		ExprnMode = generate2,
 		Mode = 3
+	;
+		ExprnMode = generate_nondet,
+		Mode = 4
 :- pred rl_file__output_bytecodes(writer::writer, list(bytecode)::in, 
Index: compiler/rl_out.pp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rl_out.pp,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -u -r1.23 rl_out.pp
--- compiler/rl_out.pp	5 Nov 2003 03:17:43 -0000	1.23
+++ compiler/rl_out.pp	17 Oct 2004 12:00:47 -0000
@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@
 	% `<module>.derived_schema' if --generate-schemas was set.
 	% If --aditi-only is not set, return the rl_file containing
 	% bytecodes to be output as constant data in the C file.
-:- pred rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(module_info::in, list(rl_proc)::in, 
-		maybe(rl_file)::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(list(rl_proc)::in, 
+		maybe(rl_file)::out, module_info::in, module_info::out,
+		io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
 #if INCLUDE_ADITI_OUTPUT	% See ../Mmake.common.in.
 	% Given a predicate to update the labels in a bytecode, update
@@ -212,8 +213,8 @@
 #if INCLUDE_ADITI_OUTPUT	% See ../Mmake.common.in,
-rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(ModuleInfo, Procs, MaybeRLFile) -->
-	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName0) },
+rl_out__generate_rl_bytecode(Procs, MaybeRLFile, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
+	{ module_info_name(ModuleInfo0, ModuleName0) },
 	module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName0, ".rlo", yes, RLOName),
 	module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName0, ".rla", yes, RLAName),
 	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
@@ -222,11 +223,11 @@
 	maybe_write_string(Verbose, "'..."),
-	{ rl_out_info_init(ModuleInfo, RLInfo0) },
+	{ rl_out_info_init(ModuleInfo0, RLInfo0) },
 	{ list__foldl(rl_out__generate_proc_bytecode, Procs, 
 		RLInfo0, RLInfo1) },
-	{ module_info_predids(ModuleInfo, PredIds) },
+	{ module_info_predids(ModuleInfo0, PredIds) },
 	{ list__foldl(rl_out__generate_update_procs, PredIds,
 		RLInfo1, RLInfo2) },
@@ -246,7 +247,8 @@
 	{ rl_out_info_get_consts(Consts, RLInfo7, RLInfo8) },
 	{ rl_out_info_get_permanent_relations(PermRelsSet, 
 		RLInfo8, RLInfo9) },
-	{ rl_out_info_get_relation_variables(RelVars, RLInfo9, _) },
+	{ rl_out_info_get_relation_variables(RelVars, RLInfo9, RLInfo10) },
+	{ rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo, RLInfo10, _) },
 	{ map__to_assoc_list(Consts, ConstsAL) },
 	{ assoc_list__reverse_members(ConstsAL, ConstsLA0) },
@@ -657,8 +659,8 @@
 	{ set__to_sorted_list(MemoedRels, MemoedList) },
 	( { MemoedList = [] } ->
-		{ CollectCode = [] },
-		{ NameCode = [] },
+		{ CollectCode = empty },
+		{ NameCode = empty },
 		{ GroupCode = empty }
 		% If one memoed relation is dropped, all must be 
@@ -667,8 +669,16 @@
 		{ Name = rl_proc_name(Owner, _, _, _) },
 		rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(Owner, Name, MemoedList, 0,
 			CollectCode, NameCode),
-		rl_out__get_rel_var_list(MemoedList, RelVarCodes),
-		{ GroupCode = tree(node([rl_PROC_grouprels]), RelVarCodes) }
+		% If one of the memoed relations is dropped,
+		% all others in this procedure must be dropped
+		% for correctness. In the current Aditi implementation
+		% relations are not garbage collected implicitly so
+		% nothing needs to be done.
+		%
+		% rl_out__get_rel_var_list(MemoedList, RelVarCodes),
+		% { GroupCode = tree(node([rl_PROC_grouprels]), RelVarCodes) }
+		{ GroupCode = empty }
@@ -680,9 +690,9 @@
 	{ RLInstrCodeTree = 
-		tree(node(CollectCode),
+		tree(CollectCode,
-		tree(node(NameCode),
+		tree(NameCode,
@@ -721,24 +731,19 @@
 	% Temporaries in Aditi are reference counted. If the count on a
-	% temporary goes to zero, it may be garbage collected. For relations
+	% temporary goes to zero, it will be garbage collected. For relations
 	% which are memoed, we do not inhibit garbage collection by
-	% holding a reference to them. Instead we just give them a name
-	% by which we can retrieve the relation later. If the system does
-	% not need to garbage collect the relation between calls, it
-	% will be used, otherwise it will be reinitialised. If one
-	% memoed relation in a procedure is dropped, all must be dropped
-	% to maintain correctness. Aditi should prefer to drop unnamed 
-	% temporaries to named ones, since unnamed temporaries cannot
-	% possibly be used later.
+	% holding a reference to them between calls. Instead we just give
+	% them a name by which we can retrieve the relation later.
 :- pred rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(string::in, rl_proc_name::in,
-		list(relation_id)::in, int::in, list(bytecode)::out,
-		list(bytecode)::out, rl_out_info::in,
+		list(relation_id)::in, int::in, byte_tree::out,
+		byte_tree::out, rl_out_info::in,
 		rl_out_info::out) is det.
-rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(_, _, [], _, [], []) --> [].
+rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(_, _, [], _, empty, empty) --> [].
 rl_out__collect_memoed_relations(Owner, ProcName, [Rel | Rels], Counter0,
-		[GetCode | GetCodes], [NameCode, DropCode | NameCodes]) -->
+		tree(node([GetCode]), GetCodes),
+		tree(node([NameCode, DropCode]), NameCodes)) -->
 	rl_out_info_get_relation_addr(Rel, Addr),
 	rl_out_info_get_relation_schema_offset(Rel, SchemaOffset),
@@ -1065,18 +1070,10 @@
 	% will also add any necessary indexes.
 	rl_out__generate_instr(init(OutputRel) - "", InitCode),
-	rl_out_info_get_next_materialise_id(Id),
-	{ Code = 
-		tree(InitCode,
-		node([
-			rl_PROC_materialise(Id),
-			rl_PROC_stream,
-			rl_PROC_var(InputAddr, 0),
-			rl_PROC_stream_end,
-			rl_PROC_var_list_cons(OutputAddr, 0),
-			rl_PROC_var_list_nil
-		])
-	) }.
+	rl_out__generate_copy_materialise(OutputAddr, InputAddr,
+		MaterialiseCode),
+	{ Code = tree(InitCode, MaterialiseCode) }.
 rl_out__generate_instr(make_unique(OutputRel, Input) - Comment, Code) -->
 	% 	if (one_reference(InputRel)) {
 	% 		OutputRel = add_index(InputRel)
@@ -1136,6 +1133,20 @@
 	rl_out__generate_stream_instruction(Output, InstrCode, Code).
 rl_out__generate_instr(comment - _, empty) --> [].
+:- pred rl_out__generate_copy_materialise(int::in, int::in, byte_tree::out,
+		rl_out_info::in, rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out__generate_copy_materialise(OutputAddr, InputAddr, Code) -->
+	rl_out_info_get_next_materialise_id(Id),
+	{ Code = node([
+			rl_PROC_materialise(Id),
+			rl_PROC_stream,
+			rl_PROC_var(InputAddr, 0),
+			rl_PROC_stream_end,
+			rl_PROC_var_list_cons(OutputAddr, 0),
+			rl_PROC_var_list_nil
+		]) }.
 :- pred rl_out__generate_join(output_rel::in, relation_id::in,
@@ -2186,9 +2197,10 @@
 rl_out__generate_exprn(RLGoal, OutputSchemaOffset, ExprnNum) -->
-	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
-	{ rl_exprn__generate(ModuleInfo, RLGoal, ExprnCode,
-		NumParams, ExprnMode, Decls) },
+	rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo0),
+	{ rl_exprn__generate(RLGoal, ExprnCode,
+		NumParams, ExprnMode, Decls, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) },
+	rl_out_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo),
 	rl_out__schema_to_string([], EmptySchemaOffset),
 	% Nothing is built on the stack, so this will be enough.
@@ -2210,9 +2222,11 @@
 		{ InputSchema = [GrpByType, NonGrpByType] },
 		{ OutputSchema = [_, AccType] }
-		rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo),
-		{ rl_exprn__aggregate(ModuleInfo, ComputeInitial, UpdateAcc,
-			GrpByType, NonGrpByType, AccType, AggCode, Decls) },
+		rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo0),
+		{ rl_exprn__aggregate(ComputeInitial, UpdateAcc, GrpByType,
+			NonGrpByType, AccType, AggCode, Decls,
+			ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) },
+		rl_out_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo),
 		rl_out__schema_to_string([], EmptySchemaOffset),
 		% Nothing is built on the stack, so this will be enough.
@@ -2667,6 +2681,11 @@
 		rl_out_info::out) is det.
 rl_out_info_get_module_info(ModuleInfo) --> ModuleInfo =^ module_info.
+:- pred rl_out_info_set_module_info(module_info::in, rl_out_info::in,
+		rl_out_info::out) is det.
+rl_out_info_set_module_info(ModuleInfo) --> ^ module_info := ModuleInfo. 
Index: compiler/rtti.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti.m,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -u -r1.50 rtti.m
--- compiler/rtti.m	28 Jun 2004 04:49:47 -0000	1.50
+++ compiler/rtti.m	20 Sep 2004 13:52:31 -0000
@@ -538,6 +538,16 @@
 	;	type_class_instance(
+		)
+		% A procedure to be called top-down by Aditi when
+		% evaluating a join condition. These procedures
+		% only have one input and one output argument,
+		% both of which must have a ground {}/N type.
+	;       aditi_proc_info(
+			rtti_proc_label,	% The procedure to call.
+			rtti_type_info,		% Type of the input argument.
+			rtti_type_info		% Type of the output argument.
 % All rtti_data data structures and all their components are identified
@@ -550,7 +560,8 @@
 :- type rtti_id
 	--->	ctor_rtti_id(rtti_type_ctor, ctor_rtti_name)
-	;	tc_rtti_id(tc_name, tc_rtti_name).
+	;	tc_rtti_id(tc_name, tc_rtti_name)
+	;	aditi_rtti_id(rtti_proc_label).
 :- type ctor_rtti_name
 	--->	exist_locns(int)		% functor ordinal
@@ -652,6 +663,9 @@
 :- pred rtti__proc_label_pred_proc_id(rtti_proc_label::in,
 	pred_id::out, proc_id::out) is det.
+	% Construct an aditi_proc_info for a given procedure.
+:- func make_aditi_proc_info(module_info, pred_id, proc_id) = rtti_data.
 	% Return the C variable name of the RTTI data structure identified
 	% by the input argument.
 :- pred rtti__id_to_c_identifier(rtti_id::in, string::out) is det.
@@ -769,6 +783,8 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module backend_libs__name_mangle.
+:- import_module backend_libs__proc_label.
+:- import_module backend_libs__pseudo_type_info.
 :- import_module check_hlds__mode_util.
 :- import_module check_hlds__type_util.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
@@ -805,6 +821,7 @@
 	TCId = tc_id(TCName, _, _).
 rtti_data_to_id(type_class_instance(tc_instance(TCName, TCTypes, _, _, _)),
 		tc_rtti_id(TCName, type_class_instance(TCTypes))).
+rtti_data_to_id(aditi_proc_info(ProcLabel, _, _), aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel)).
 tcd_get_rtti_type_ctor(TypeCtorData) = RttiTypeCtor :-
 	ModuleName = TypeCtorData ^ tcr_module_name,
@@ -861,6 +878,7 @@
 rtti_id_has_array_type(tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName)) =
+rtti_id_has_array_type(aditi_rtti_id(_)) = no.
 ctor_rtti_name_has_array_type(RttiName) = IsArray :-
 	ctor_rtti_name_type(RttiName, _, IsArray).
@@ -872,6 +890,8 @@
 rtti_id_is_exported(tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName)) =
+% MR_AditiProcInfos must be exported to be visible to dlsym().
+rtti_id_is_exported(aditi_rtti_id(_)) = yes.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(exist_locns(_))		= no.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(exist_locn)			= no.
@@ -974,10 +994,27 @@
 	PredId = ProcLabel ^ pred_id,
 	ProcId = ProcLabel ^ proc_id.
+make_aditi_proc_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId) =
+		aditi_proc_info(ProcLabel, InputTypeInfo, OutputTypeInfo) :-
+	ProcLabel = rtti__make_rtti_proc_label(ModuleInfo, PredId, ProcId),
+	% The types of the arguments must be ground.
+	( ProcLabel ^ proc_arg_types = [InputArgType, OutputArgType] ->
+		pseudo_type_info__construct_type_info(
+			InputArgType, InputTypeInfo),
+		pseudo_type_info__construct_type_info(
+			OutputArgType, OutputTypeInfo)
+	;
+		error("make_aditi_proc_info: incorrect number of arguments")
+	).
 rtti__id_to_c_identifier(ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, RttiName), Str) :-
 	rtti__name_to_string(RttiTypeCtor, RttiName, Str).
 rtti__id_to_c_identifier(tc_rtti_id(TCName, TCRttiName), Str) :-
 	rtti__tc_name_to_string(TCName, TCRttiName, Str).
+rtti__id_to_c_identifier(aditi_rtti_id(RttiProcLabel), Str) :-
+    Str = "AditiProcInfo_For_" ++
+	proc_label_to_c_string(make_proc_label_from_rtti(RttiProcLabel), no).
 :- pred rtti__name_to_string(rtti_type_ctor::in, ctor_rtti_name::in,
 	string::out) is det.
@@ -1574,6 +1611,7 @@
 rtti_id_would_include_code_addr(tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName)) =
+rtti_id_would_include_code_addr(aditi_rtti_id(_)) = yes.
 ctor_rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(exist_locns(_)) =		no.
 ctor_rtti_name_would_include_code_addr(exist_locn) 	=		no.
@@ -1647,6 +1685,7 @@
 	ctor_rtti_name_c_type(RttiName, CTypeName, IsArray).
 rtti_id_c_type(tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName), CTypeName, IsArray) :-
 	tc_rtti_name_c_type(TCRttiName, CTypeName, IsArray).
+rtti_id_c_type(aditi_rtti_id(_), "MR_Aditi_Proc_Info", no).
 ctor_rtti_name_c_type(RttiName, CTypeName, IsArray) :-
 	ctor_rtti_name_type(RttiName, GenTypeName, IsArray),
@@ -1672,6 +1711,8 @@
 	ctor_rtti_name_java_type(RttiName, JavaTypeName, IsArray).
 rtti_id_java_type(tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName), JavaTypeName, IsArray) :-
 	tc_rtti_name_java_type(TCRttiName, JavaTypeName, IsArray).
+rtti_id_java_type(aditi_rtti_id(_), _, _) :-
+	error("Aditi not supported for the Java back-end").
 ctor_rtti_name_java_type(RttiName, JavaTypeName, IsArray) :-
 	ctor_rtti_name_type(RttiName, GenTypeName0, IsArray),
@@ -1842,6 +1883,9 @@
 		RttiId = tc_rtti_id(_, TCRttiName),
 		ShouldModuleQualify =
+	;
+		RttiId = aditi_rtti_id(_),
+		ShouldModuleQualify = yes
 module_qualify_name_of_ctor_rtti_name(_) = yes.
Index: compiler/rtti_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.48
diff -u -u -r1.48 rtti_out.m
--- compiler/rtti_out.m	30 Jun 2004 02:48:11 -0000	1.48
+++ compiler/rtti_out.m	20 Sep 2004 13:52:31 -0000
@@ -82,8 +82,10 @@
 :- import_module backend_libs__c_util.
 :- import_module backend_libs__name_mangle.
+:- import_module backend_libs__proc_label.
 :- import_module backend_libs__pseudo_type_info.
 :- import_module backend_libs__type_ctor_info.
+:- import_module hlds__code_model.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_pred.
 :- import_module libs__globals.
@@ -114,6 +116,44 @@
 	output_type_class_decl_defn(TCDecl, !DeclSet, !IO).
 output_rtti_data_defn(type_class_instance(InstanceDecl), !DeclSet, !IO) :-
 	output_type_class_instance_defn(InstanceDecl, !DeclSet, !IO).
+output_rtti_data_defn(aditi_proc_info(ProcLabel, InputTypeInfo,
+		OutputTypeInfo), !DeclSet, !IO) :-
+	output_aditi_proc_info_defn(ProcLabel, InputTypeInfo, OutputTypeInfo,
+		!DeclSet, !IO).
+:- pred output_aditi_proc_info_defn(rtti_proc_label::in,
+	rtti_type_info::in, rtti_type_info::in,
+	decl_set::in, decl_set::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+output_aditi_proc_info_defn(ProcLabel, InputTypeInfo, OutputTypeInfo,
+		!DeclSet, !IO) :-
+	output_type_info_defn(InputTypeInfo, !DeclSet, !IO),
+	output_type_info_defn(OutputTypeInfo, !DeclSet, !IO),
+	CodeAddr = make_code_addr(ProcLabel), 
+	output_code_addr_decls(CodeAddr, !DeclSet, !IO),
+	output_rtti_id_storage_type_name(aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel), yes,
+		!DeclSet, !IO),
+	io__write_string(" = {\n\t(MR_Code *) ", !IO),
+	output_static_code_addr(CodeAddr, !IO),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t", !IO),
+	io__write_string("""", !IO),
+	c_util__output_quoted_string(
+	    proc_label_to_c_string(make_proc_label_from_rtti(ProcLabel), no),
+	    !IO),
+	io__write_string(""",\n\t", !IO),
+	output_cast_addr_of_rtti_data("(MR_TypeInfo) ",
+		type_info(InputTypeInfo), !IO),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t", !IO),
+	output_cast_addr_of_rtti_data("(MR_TypeInfo) ",
+		type_info(OutputTypeInfo), !IO),
+	io__write_string(",\n\t", !IO),
+	io__write_int(
+		represent_determinism(ProcLabel ^ proc_interface_detism),
+		!IO),
+	io__write_string("\n};\n", !IO).
@@ -1537,6 +1577,16 @@
 		io__write_string("#endif /* MR_STATIC_CODE_ADDRESSES */\n",
+		Data = aditi_proc_info(ProcLabel, _, _)
+	->
+		io__write_string("\tMR_INIT_ADITI_PROC_INFO(", !IO),
+		rtti_data_to_id(Data, DataId),
+		rtti__id_to_c_identifier(DataId, CId),
+		io__write_string(CId, !IO),
+		io__write_string(", ", !IO),
+		output_code_addr(make_code_addr(ProcLabel), !IO),
+		io__write_string(");\n", !IO)
+	;	
Index: compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -u -u -r1.55 rtti_to_mlds.m
--- compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	2 Aug 2004 08:30:08 -0000	1.55
+++ compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	20 Sep 2004 13:52:32 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 :- import_module backend_libs__pseudo_type_info.
 :- import_module backend_libs__type_ctor_info.
 :- import_module check_hlds__type_util.
+:- import_module hlds__code_model.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_pred.
 :- import_module ml_backend__ml_closure_gen.
@@ -267,6 +268,38 @@
 		% gen_init_proc_id_from_univ(ModuleInfo, PrettyprinterProc)
+gen_init_rtti_data_defn(RttiData, RttiId, ModuleInfo, Init, SubDefns) :-
+	RttiData = aditi_proc_info(ProcLabel, InputTypeInfo, OutputTypeInfo),
+	( real_rtti_data(type_info(InputTypeInfo)) ->
+		InputTypeInfoDefns = rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo,
+						type_info(InputTypeInfo))
+	;
+		InputTypeInfoDefns = []
+	),
+	( real_rtti_data(type_info(OutputTypeInfo)) ->
+		OutputTypeInfoDefns = rtti_data_to_mlds(ModuleInfo,
+						type_info(OutputTypeInfo))
+	;
+		OutputTypeInfoDefns = []
+	),
+	prog_out__sym_name_and_arity_to_string(
+		qualified(ProcLabel ^ proc_module, ProcLabel ^ proc_name)/
+			ProcLabel ^ proc_arity,
+		ProcNameStr),
+	module_info_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
+	Init = init_struct(mlds__rtti_type(item_type(RttiId)), [
+		gen_init_proc_id(ModuleInfo, ProcLabel),
+		gen_init_string(ProcNameStr),
+		gen_init_cast_rtti_data(mlds__type_info_type,
+			ModuleName, type_info(InputTypeInfo)),
+		gen_init_cast_rtti_data(mlds__type_info_type,
+			ModuleName, type_info(OutputTypeInfo)),
+		gen_init_int(code_model__represent_determinism(
+			ProcLabel ^ proc_interface_detism))
+	]),
+	SubDefns = InputTypeInfoDefns ++ OutputTypeInfoDefns.
 :- pred gen_type_class_decl_defn(tc_decl::in, rtti_id::in, module_info::in,
@@ -1164,6 +1197,8 @@
 	gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor, RttiName).
 gen_init_rtti_id(ModuleName, tc_rtti_id(TCName, TCRttiName)) =
 	gen_init_tc_rtti_name(ModuleName, TCName, TCRttiName).
+gen_init_rtti_id(ModuleName, aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel)) =
+	gen_init_aditi_rtti_name(ModuleName, ProcLabel).
 	% Generate an MLDS initializer comprising just the
 	% the rval for a given rtti_name
@@ -1181,6 +1216,14 @@
 gen_init_tc_rtti_name(ModuleName, TCName, TCRttiName) =
 	init_obj(gen_tc_rtti_name(ModuleName, TCName, TCRttiName)).
+	% Generate an MLDS initializer comprising just the
+	% the rval for a given aditi_rtti_name
+:- func gen_init_aditi_rtti_name(module_name, rtti_proc_label) =
+	mlds__initializer.
+gen_init_aditi_rtti_name(ModuleName, ProcLabel) =
+	init_obj(gen_aditi_rtti_name(ModuleName, ProcLabel)).
 	% Generate the MLDS initializer comprising the rtti_name
 	% for a given rtti_name, converted to the given type.
 :- func gen_init_cast_rtti_id(mlds__type, module_name, rtti_id)
@@ -1198,6 +1241,8 @@
 	gen_rtti_name(ThisModuleName, RttiTypeCtor, RttiName).
 gen_rtti_id(ThisModuleName, tc_rtti_id(TCName, TCRttiName)) =
 	gen_tc_rtti_name(ThisModuleName, TCName, TCRttiName).
+gen_rtti_id(ThisModuleName, aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel)) =
+	gen_aditi_rtti_name(ThisModuleName, ProcLabel).
 :- func gen_rtti_name(module_name, rtti_type_ctor, ctor_rtti_name)
 	= mlds__rval.
@@ -1289,6 +1334,14 @@
 		MLDS_ModuleName = mlds_module_name_from_tc_name(TCName)
 	MLDS_DataName = rtti(tc_rtti_id(TCName, TCRttiName)),
+	DataAddr = data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName, MLDS_DataName),
+	Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)).
+:- func gen_aditi_rtti_name(module_name, rtti_proc_label) = mlds__rval.
+gen_aditi_rtti_name(ThisModuleName, ProcLabel) = Rval :-
+	MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ThisModuleName),
+	MLDS_DataName = rtti(aditi_rtti_id(ProcLabel)),
 	DataAddr = data_addr(MLDS_ModuleName, MLDS_DataName),
 	Rval = const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)).
Index: compiler/stack_layout.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/stack_layout.m,v
retrieving revision 1.94
diff -u -u -r1.94 stack_layout.m
--- compiler/stack_layout.m	16 Aug 2004 03:51:02 -0000	1.94
+++ compiler/stack_layout.m	20 Sep 2004 13:52:32 -0000
@@ -50,9 +50,15 @@
 	% integer.
 :- pred stack_layout__represent_locn_as_int(layout_locn::in, int::out) is det.
+	% Construct a representation of the interface determinism of a
+	% procedure.
+:- pred stack_layout__represent_determinism_rval(determinism::in,
+		rval::out) is det.
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module backend_libs__rtti.
+:- import_module hlds__code_model.
 :- import_module hlds__goal_util.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_goal.
@@ -1585,49 +1591,8 @@
-	% Construct a representation of the interface determinism of a
-	% procedure. The code we have chosen is not sequential; instead
-	% it encodes the various properties of each determinism.
-	%
-	% The 8 bit is set iff the context is first_solution.
-	% The 4 bit is set iff the min number of solutions is more than zero.
-	% The 2 bit is set iff the max number of solutions is more than zero.
-	% The 1 bit is set iff the max number of solutions is more than one.
-:- pred stack_layout__represent_determinism_rval(determinism::in, rval::out)
-	is det.
-stack_layout__represent_determinism_rval(Detism, const(int_const(Code))) :-
-	stack_layout__represent_determinism(Detism, Code).
-:- pred stack_layout__represent_determinism(determinism::in, int::out) is det.
-stack_layout__represent_determinism(Detism, Code) :-
-	(
-		Detism = det,
-		Code = 6		/* 0110 */
-	;
-		Detism = semidet,	/* 0010 */
-		Code = 2
-	;
-		Detism = nondet,
-		Code = 3		/* 0011 */
-	;
-		Detism = multidet,
-		Code = 7		/* 0111 */
-	;
-		Detism = erroneous,
-		Code = 4		/* 0100 */
-	;
-		Detism = failure,
-		Code = 0		/* 0000 */
-	;
-		Detism = cc_nondet,
-		Code = 10 		/* 1010 */
-	;
-		Detism = cc_multidet,
-		Code = 14		/* 1110 */
-	).
+		const(int_const(code_model__represent_determinism(Detism)))).
Index: doc/user_guide.texi
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/doc/user_guide.texi,v
retrieving revision 1.393
diff -u -u -r1.393 user_guide.texi
--- doc/user_guide.texi	16 Oct 2004 15:08:09 -0000	1.393
+++ doc/user_guide.texi	17 Oct 2004 09:32:50 -0000
@@ -5652,6 +5652,24 @@
 or for backtrackable destructive update.
 This option is not yet supported for the IL or Java back-ends.
+ at ifset aditi
+ at sp 1
+ at item --aditi
+ at findex --aditi
+Enable Aditi compilation.  You need to enable this option if you
+are making use of the Aditi deductive database interface (@pxref{Using Aditi}).
+ at c --aditi-calls-mercury is not fully implemented.
+ at ignore
+ at sp 1
+ at item --aditi-calls-mercury
+ at findex --aditi-calls-mercury
+Enable calling ordinary Mercury code from Aditi.
+ at end ignore
+ at end ifset
+ at c aditi
 @end table
 @node Developer compilation model options
@@ -6732,12 +6750,6 @@
 process creation for each one.)
 @ifset aditi
- at sp 1
- at item --aditi
- at findex --aditi
-Enable Aditi compilation.  You need to enable this option if you
-are making use of the Aditi deductive database interface (@pxref{Using Aditi}).
 @sp 1
 @item --aditi-user
 @findex --aditi-user
Index: runtime/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.113
diff -u -u -r1.113 Mmakefile
--- runtime/Mmakefile	20 Jul 2004 04:41:20 -0000	1.113
+++ runtime/Mmakefile	20 Sep 2004 13:52:42 -0000
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 HDRS		=	\
 			mercury.h		\
 			mercury_accurate_gc.h	\
+			mercury_aditi.h		\
 			mercury_agc_debug.h	\
 			mercury_array_macros.h	\
 			mercury_bootstrap.h	\
Index: runtime/mercury.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury.h,v
retrieving revision 1.67
diff -u -u -r1.67 mercury.h
--- runtime/mercury.h	3 Dec 2003 05:58:47 -0000	1.67
+++ runtime/mercury.h	10 Jan 2004 06:28:24 -0000
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 				   /* the type in io.m whose foreign_type is */
 				   /* MercuryFilePtr XXX */
 #include "mercury_ho_call.h"	/* for the `MR_Closure' type */
+#include "mercury_aditi.h"	/* for the `MR_Aditi_Proc_Info' type */
 #include "mercury_bootstrap.h"
 #include "mercury_memory.h"	/* for memory allocation routines */
 #include "mercury_type_tables.h"	/* for MR_register_type_ctor_info */
Index: runtime/mercury_aditi.h
RCS file: runtime/mercury_aditi.h
diff -N runtime/mercury_aditi.h
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ runtime/mercury_aditi.h	2 Apr 2004 11:40:01 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+** Copyright (C) 2003 The University of Melbourne.
+** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+** Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+** mercury_aditi.h - definitions for interfacing with Aditi.
+#include "mercury_stack_layout.h"	/* for MR_Determinism */
+#include "mercury_type_info.h"		/* for MR_TypeInfo */
+** MR_Aditi_Proc_Info_Struct describes the top-down procedures created
+** for complex join conditions in bottom-up Aditi procedures.
+** These procedures will only ever have two arguments -- an
+** input and an output, both of which will be tuples.
+typedef struct MR_Aditi_Proc_Info_Struct {
+	MR_ProcAddr	MR_aditi_proc_addr;
+	MR_String	MR_aditi_proc_name;
+	MR_TypeInfo	MR_aditi_input_type_info;
+	MR_TypeInfo	MR_aditi_output_type_info;
+	MR_Determinism	MR_aditi_proc_detism;
+} MR_Aditi_Proc_Info;
+  #define MR_INIT_ADITI_PROC_INFO(api, addr) \
+		do { (api).MR_aditi_proc_addr = (addr); } while (0)
+  #define MR_INIT_ADITI_PROC_INFO(api, addr) \
+  		do { } while (0)
+#endif	/* not MERCURY_ADITI_H */
Index: runtime/mercury_imp.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_imp.h,v
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -u -r1.23 mercury_imp.h
--- runtime/mercury_imp.h	20 Jul 2004 04:41:22 -0000	1.23
+++ runtime/mercury_imp.h	20 Sep 2004 13:52:43 -0000
@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@
 #include	"mercury_tags.h"
 #include	"mercury_goto.h"
 #include	"mercury_calls.h"
+#include	"mercury_ho_call.h"
+#include	"mercury_aditi.h"
 #include	"mercury_engine.h"
 #include	"mercury_memory.h"
Index: runtime/mercury_stack_layout.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_stack_layout.h,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -u -r1.85 mercury_stack_layout.h
--- runtime/mercury_stack_layout.h	16 Aug 2004 03:51:09 -0000	1.85
+++ runtime/mercury_stack_layout.h	20 Sep 2004 13:52:44 -0000
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@
 ** MR_DETISM_AT_MOST_MANY could also be defined as ((d) & 3) == 3),
 ** but this would be less efficient, since the C compiler does not know
 ** that we do not set the 1 bit unless we also set the 2 bit.
+** NOTE: this must match the encoding specified by represent_determinism/1
+** in compiler/code_model.m.
 typedef	MR_int_least16_t	MR_Determinism;
Index: tests/valid/Mercury.options
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/Mercury.options,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -u -r1.13 Mercury.options
--- tests/valid/Mercury.options	9 Aug 2004 07:16:14 -0000	1.13
+++ tests/valid/Mercury.options	20 Sep 2004 13:57:42 -0000
@@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
 GRADEFLAGS-foreign_type_spec	= --grade il
 GRADEFLAGS-foreign_type_spec.foreign	= --grade il
+MCFLAGS-aditi_calls_mercury	= --aditi --aditi-calls-mercury
+MCFLAGS-aditi_error_bug		= --aditi
 MCFLAGS-aditi_error_bug2	= --aditi
 MCFLAGS-aditi_error_bug3	= --aditi
-MCFLAGS-aditi_error_bug		= --aditi
 MCFLAGS-aditi_private_builtin	= --allow-stubs
 MCFLAGS-aditi_query		= --aditi-only
 MCFLAGS-aditi_update		= --aditi
Index: tests/valid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.143
diff -u -u -r1.143 Mmakefile
--- tests/valid/Mmakefile	5 Jul 2004 04:02:59 -0000	1.143
+++ tests/valid/Mmakefile	3 Oct 2004 07:23:17 -0000
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+	aditi_calls_mercury \
 	aditi_error_bug \
 	aditi_update \
 	base_relation \
@@ -255,11 +256,9 @@
-# Aditi is not yet implemented for the MLDS back-end
-# (i.e. grades hl* java* il*).
-# It will never be implemented for deep profiling and
-# term size profiling grades.
-ifneq "$(filter hl% java% il%,$(GRADE))$(findstring profdeep,$(GRADE))" ""
+# Aditi is only implemented for the C and asm back-ends
+# (i.e. not grades java* il*).
+ifneq "$(filter java% il%,$(GRADE))$(findstring profdeep,$(GRADE))" ""
 	# We currently don't do any testing in grade java on this directory.
 	ifneq "$(findstring java,$(GRADE))$" ""
 		PROGS3 =
@@ -282,7 +281,7 @@
-ifneq "$(findstring profdeep,$(GRADE))$(findstring java,$(GRADE))" ""
+ifneq "$(findstring java,$(GRADE))" ""
Index: tests/valid/aditi_calls_mercury.m
RCS file: tests/valid/aditi_calls_mercury.m
diff -N tests/valid/aditi_calls_mercury.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/valid/aditi_calls_mercury.m	10 Jan 2004 06:28:24 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+:- module aditi_calls_mercury.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module aditi, list.
+:- pred query(aditi.state, list(int)) is nondet.
+:- mode query(aditi.aditi_mui ,out) is nondet.
+:- pragma aditi(query/2).
+:- implementation.
+:- pragma aditi_no_memo(query/2).
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module float.
+query(DB,X ++ X) :-
+	p(DB, X).
+:- pred p(aditi__state, list(int)).
+:- mode p(aditi_mui, out) is nondet.
+:- pragma base_relation(p/2).
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