[m-rev.] diff: initial gen of a tariffed shopper screen
Peter Ross
pro at missioncriticalit.com
Fri Jun 4 21:42:34 AEST 2004
Add tariffed_shopper_screen_rdf which returns the rdf for a tariffed
version of the shopper screen. Currently it fakes the tarrification
part and just works out how to assign the actual risk objects to each
Assign all possible combinations of risk objects to each
Add write_tariff_rdf, which just prints out the information
generated for the moment.
Call the tariffed_shopper_screen_rdf service.
Add a rule to kill the mas_server before starting the server
Index: mas/mas.m
RCS file: D:/project/CVSROOT/mas-src/mas/mas.m,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 mas.m
--- mas/mas.m 2 Jun 2004 08:22:36 -0000 1.21
+++ mas/mas.m 4 Jun 2004 11:15:09 -0000
@@ -26,6 +26,9 @@
:- pred risk_objects_rdf(S::in, mas::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
+:- pred tariffed_shopper_screen_rdf(S::in, mas::in, list(risk_object)::in,
+ io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
:- pred shopper_screen_rdf(S::in, mas::in, list(risk_object)::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
@@ -174,6 +177,124 @@
+tariffed_shopper_screen_rdf(S, Mas, RiskObjects, !IO) :-
+ % Get all valid products.
+ RiskObjectTypes = list__map(func(RO) = RO ^ ro_type, RiskObjects),
+ list__filter(possible_product(list_to_set(RiskObjectTypes)),
+ Mas ^ all_products, Products),
+ % Tariff product
+ Tariffs = list__condense(
+ list__map(
+ product_to_tariffs(Mas ^ possible_risk_objects, RiskObjects),
+ Products)
+ ),
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n",
+ "<rdf:RDF " ++
+ "xmlns:rdf=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#\"\n",
+ " xmlns:nc=\"http://winterthur.be/MAS/rdf#\">\n",
+ " <rdf:Description about=\"urn:root\">\n"], !IO),
+ write_tariff_rdf(S, 2, Tariffs, !IO),
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ " <nc:end>\n",
+ " <rdf:Seq>\n",
+ " <rdf:li>\n",
+ " <rdf:Description nc:done=\"true\"/>\n",
+ " </rdf:li>\n",
+ " </rdf:Seq>\n",
+ " </nc:end>\n",
+ " </rdf:Description>\n",
+ "</rdf:RDF>\n"], !IO).
+:- type tariff
+ ---> tariff(
+ name, % Product name
+ list(name), % Covered objects
+ list(guarantee_tariff) % Tariffed guarantees
+ ).
+:- type guarantee_tariff
+ ---> guarantee_tariff(
+ name, % Guarantee name
+ list({name, float}) % List of option names and prices.
+ ).
+ %
+ % Find all possible risk object combinations that could be used to
+ % tariff a product and then return a tariff for each combination.
+ %
+:- func product_to_tariffs(list(risk_object_desc),
+ list(risk_object), product) = list(tariff).
+product_to_tariffs(RODescs, RiskObjects, Product) = Tariffs :-
+ PossibleCovers = match_risk_objects_to_product(RiskObjects, Product),
+ Tariffs = list__map(product_to_tariff(RODescs, Product), PossibleCovers).
+:- func product_to_tariff(list(risk_object_desc),
+ product, list(risk_object)) = tariff.
+product_to_tariff(RiskObjDescs, Product, Covered) = Tariff :-
+ Name = Product ^ product_name,
+ CoveredNames = list__map(
+ (func(C) = name(N, N, N) :-
+ N = risk_object_to_string(RiskObjDescs, C)),
+ Covered),
+ Guarantees = list__map(guarantee_to_tariff, Product ^ product_guarantees),
+ Tariff = tariff(Name, CoveredNames, Guarantees).
+ %
+ % Find all possible combinations of risk objects which could be used
+ % to instantiate a product.
+ %
+:- func match_risk_objects_to_product(list(risk_object), product) =
+ list(list(risk_object)).
+match_risk_objects_to_product(AllRiskObjects, Product) = CoveredBy :-
+ Covers = to_sorted_list(Product ^ product_covers),
+ CoveredBy = get_covered_variants(Covers, AllRiskObjects).
+ %
+ % Given the type of risk objects a product covers and all the actual
+ % risk objects, find all possible combinations of risk objects that
+ % match the type constraints.
+ %
+:- func get_covered_variants(list(string), list(risk_object)) =
+ list(list(risk_object)).
+get_covered_variants([], _) = [[]].
+get_covered_variants([ROType | ROTypes], RiskObjects) = Variants :-
+ list__filter(is_covered_risk_object(ROType),
+ RiskObjects, CoveredRiskObjects),
+ Variants0 = get_covered_variants(ROTypes, RiskObjects),
+ Variants = list__condense(
+ list__map(add_risk_object_to_variants(Variants0), CoveredRiskObjects)).
+:- pred is_covered_risk_object(string::in, risk_object::in) is semidet.
+is_covered_risk_object(RiskObjectType, RiskObject) :-
+ RiskObjectType = RiskObject ^ ro_type.
+:- func add_risk_object_to_variants(list(list(risk_object)), risk_object) =
+ list(list(risk_object)).
+add_risk_object_to_variants(Variants, RiskObj) =
+ list__map(func(ROs) = [RiskObj | ROs], Variants).
+ %
+ % XXX This needs to be completed.
+ %
+:- func guarantee_to_tariff(guarantee) = guarantee_tariff.
+guarantee_to_tariff(Guarantee) = Tariff :-
+ Options = [{name("A", "A", "A"), 10.0}, {name("B", "B", "B"), 20.0}],
+ Tariff = guarantee_tariff(Guarantee ^ guarantee_name, Options).
shopper_screen_rdf(S, Mas, RiskObjects, !IO) :-
% Get all valid products.
RiskObjectTypes = list__map(func(RO) = RO ^ ro_type, RiskObjects),
@@ -191,9 +312,10 @@
OrderedQsWithROs = list__map(
func(Qs) = {to_sorted_list(component_relates_to(Qs)), Qs},
+ RODescs = Mas ^ possible_risk_objects,
Boxes = list__condense(list__map(
- associate_questions_with_risk_object(ROMap, RiskObjects),
- OrderedQsWithROs)),
+ associate_questions_with_risk_object(RODescs, ROMap, RiskObjects),
+ OrderedQsWithROs)),
stream__write_strings(S, [
"<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n",
@@ -341,14 +463,16 @@
% XXX Here we have another combinatorial problem.
-:- func associate_questions_with_risk_object(map(string, risk_object_desc),
+:- func associate_questions_with_risk_object(list(risk_object_desc),
+ map(string, risk_object_desc),
list(risk_object), {list(string), questions}) = list(box).
+associate_questions_with_risk_object(RODescs, ROMap,
RiskObjects, {Types, Questions}) = Boxes :-
( Types = [Type] ->
ActualRiskObjects = risk_objects_of_type(RiskObjects, Type),
- Boxes = list__map(ro_to_box(ROMap, Questions), ActualRiskObjects)
+ Boxes = list__map(ro_to_box(RODescs, ROMap, Questions),
+ ActualRiskObjects)
error("XXX NYI")
@@ -364,15 +488,49 @@
risk_objects_of_type(ROs, Type)
-:- func ro_to_box(map(string, risk_object_desc), questions, risk_object) = box.
+:- func ro_to_box(list(risk_object_desc),
+ map(string, risk_object_desc), questions, risk_object) = box.
-ro_to_box(RiskObjects, Questions, risk_object(ROId, Type, Attrs)) = Box :-
- Id = string__append_list(list__map(func({_, V}) = V ++ " ", Attrs)),
+ro_to_box(RODescs, RiskObjects, Questions, RiskObject) = Box :-
+ RiskObject = risk_object(ROId, Type, _Attrs),
+ Id = risk_object_to_string(RODescs, RiskObject),
RODesc = map__lookup(RiskObjects, Type),
RODesc ^ ro_name = name(French, Dutch, English),
Name = name(French ++ ": " ++ Id,
Dutch ++ ": " ++ Id, English ++ ": " ++ Id),
Box = box(Id, yes(Name), no, list__map(replace_id(ROId), Questions)).
+:- func risk_object_to_string(list(risk_object_desc), risk_object) = string.
+risk_object_to_string(RiskObjDescs, RiskObject) = Str :-
+ RiskObjDesc = find_risk_object_desc(RiskObjDescs, RiskObject),
+ IDAttrs = list_to_set(
+ list__map(func(Q) = Q ^ q_risk_variable ^ riskvar_id,
+ RiskObjDesc ^ ro_questions)),
+ Str = string__append_list(
+ list__map(
+ (func({Id, V}) =
+ ( Id `member` IDAttrs ->
+ V ++ " "
+ ;
+ ""
+ )
+ ), RiskObject ^ ro_attributes)).
+:- func find_risk_object_desc(list(risk_object_desc), risk_object) =
+ risk_object_desc.
+find_risk_object_desc([], _) = func_error("find_risk_object_desc: not found").
+find_risk_object_desc([ROD | RODS], RiskObj) =
+ ( ROD ^ ro_id = RiskObj ^ ro_type ->
+ ;
+ find_risk_object_desc(RODS, RiskObj)
+ ).
:- func replace_id(string, question) = question.
Index: mas/mas.rdf.m
RCS file: D:/project/CVSROOT/mas-src/mas/mas.rdf.m,v
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -r1.9 mas.rdf.m
--- mas/mas.rdf.m 2 Jun 2004 12:55:49 -0000 1.9
+++ mas/mas.rdf.m 4 Jun 2004 11:15:09 -0000
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
:- pred write_javascript_list_rdf(S::in, int::in, list(javascript)::in,
io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
+:- pred write_tariff_rdf(S::in, int::in, list(tariff)::in,
+ io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
@@ -322,6 +324,95 @@
error("function_string: NYI")
+write_tariff_rdf(S, Indent, Tariffs, !IO) :-
+ Indent = I,
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ indent(I) ++ "<nc:questionbox>\n",
+ indent(I+1) ++ "<rdf:Seq>\n"], !IO),
+ list__foldl2(write_product_tariff_rdf(S, I+2), Tariffs, 0, _, !IO),
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ indent(I+1) ++ "</rdf:Seq>\n",
+ indent(I) ++ "</nc:questionbox>\n"
+ ], !IO).
+:- pred write_product_tariff_rdf(S::in, int::in, tariff::in, int::in, int::out,
+ io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
+write_product_tariff_rdf(S, Indent, tariff(TName, ONames, Guarantees),
+ N, N+1, !IO) :-
+ BoxId = "Box_" ++ int_to_string(N),
+ Ident = " nc:ident=\"" ++ BoxId ++ "\"",
+ Name = name_to_attributes(TName),
+ Order = " nc:order=\"" ++ int_to_string(N) ++ "\"",
+ Attributes = Ident ++ Name ++ Order,
+ I = Indent,
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ indent(I) ++ "<rdf:li>\n",
+ indent(I+1) ++ "<rdf:Description" ++ Attributes ++ ">\n",
+ indent(I+2) ++ "<nc:information>\n",
+ indent(I+3) ++ "<rdf:Seq>\n"], !IO),
+ list__foldl2(write_covered_object_rdf(S, I+4), ONames, 0, X, !IO),
+ list__foldl2(write_guarantee_tariff_rdf(S, I+4), Guarantees, X, _, !IO),
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ indent(I+3) ++ "</rdf:Seq>\n",
+ indent(I+2) ++ "</nc:information>\n",
+ indent(I+1) ++ "</rdf:Description>\n",
+ indent(I) ++ "</rdf:li>\n"], !IO).
+:- pred write_covered_object_rdf(S::in, int::in, name::in,
+ int::in, int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
+write_covered_object_rdf(S, Indent, OName, N, N+1, !IO) :-
+ Id = "XXX",
+ Ident = " nc:ident=\"" ++ Id ++ "\"",
+ Name = name_to_attributes(OName),
+ Order = " nc:order=\"" ++ int_to_string(N) ++ "\"",
+ Attributes = Ident ++ Name ++ Order,
+ Indent = I,
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ indent(I) ++ "<rdf:li>\n",
+ indent(I+1) ++ "<rdf:Description" ++ Attributes ++ "/>\n",
+ indent(I) ++ "</rdf:li>\n"], !IO).
+:- pred write_guarantee_tariff_rdf(S::in, int::in, guarantee_tariff::in,
+ int::in, int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
+write_guarantee_tariff_rdf(S, Indent, Guarantee, N0, N, !IO) :-
+ Guarantee = guarantee_tariff(_, Options),
+ I = Indent,
+ list__foldl2(write_guarantee_option_rdf(S, I), Options, N0, N, !IO).
+:- pred write_guarantee_option_rdf(S::in, int::in, {name, float}::in,
+ int::in, int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream__output(S).
+write_guarantee_option_rdf(S, Indent, {GName, Float}, N, N+1, !IO) :-
+ GName = name(Fr, Nl, En),
+ Currency = " " ++ float_to_string(Float),
+ NewGName = name(Fr ++ Currency, Nl ++ Currency, En ++ Currency),
+ Id = "XXX",
+ Ident = " nc:ident=\"" ++ Id ++ "\"",
+ Name = name_to_attributes(NewGName),
+ Order = " nc:order=\"" ++ int_to_string(N) ++ "\"",
+ Attributes = Ident ++ Name ++ Order,
+ Indent = I,
+ stream__write_strings(S, [
+ indent(I) ++ "<rdf:li>\n",
+ indent(I+1) ++ "<rdf:Description" ++ Attributes ++ "/>\n",
+ indent(I) ++ "</rdf:li>\n"], !IO).
Index: online/mas-server/Mmakefile
RCS file: D:/project/CVSROOT/mas-src/online/mas-server/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 Mmakefile
--- online/mas-server/Mmakefile 21 May 2004 16:16:45 -0000 1.1
+++ online/mas-server/Mmakefile 4 Jun 2004 11:15:09 -0000
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
.PHONY: install
install: mas_server
+ kill -9 `ps | grep mas_server | cut -d ' ' -f 6`
./mas_server $(HOSTNAME) $(SERVER_PORT) &
Index: online/mas-server/mas_server.m
RCS file: D:/project/CVSROOT/mas-src/online/mas-server/mas_server.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.5 mas_server.m
--- online/mas-server/mas_server.m 2 Jun 2004 08:22:37 -0000 1.5
+++ online/mas-server/mas_server.m 4 Jun 2004 11:15:09 -0000
@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@
:- type request
---> create_risk_object
; shopper_screen(list(risk_object))
+ ; tariff_shopper_screen(list(risk_object))
; unknown(string)
@@ -178,6 +179,14 @@
children(RiskObjectsRef, Doc), RiskObjects),
Request = shopper_screen(RiskObjects)
+ ; Action = "risk_objects_shopper_screen_action" ->
+ RiskObjectsRef = find_first_element(Doc, [
+ "request" `with_attrs` [],
+ "riskobjects" `with_attrs` []
+ ], Root),
+ list__filter_map(risk_object(Doc),
+ children(RiskObjectsRef, Doc), RiskObjects),
+ Request = tariff_shopper_screen(RiskObjects)
Request = unknown("unknown action: " ++ Action)
@@ -215,6 +224,8 @@
risk_objects_rdf(Stream, Mas, !IO).
handle_request(Stream, shopper_screen(RiskObjects), Mas, !IO) :-
shopper_screen_rdf(Stream, Mas, RiskObjects, !IO).
+handle_request(Stream, tariff_shopper_screen(RiskObjects), Mas, !IO) :-
+ tariffed_shopper_screen_rdf(Stream, Mas, RiskObjects, !IO).
handle_request(Stream, unknown(String), Mas, !IO) :-
unknown_rdf(Stream, String, !IO).
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