[m-rev.] diff: cleanup switch_detection.m

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Feb 20 12:58:10 AEDT 2004

	Bring this module up to date with our current coding standards.
	Use predmode declarations, state variable syntax and field accesses
	as relevant. Reorder arguments where this allows the use of state
	variable syntax. There are no changes in algorithms.

	Add field names to unify_rhs, to allow simplification of code in


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Index: compiler/hlds_goal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_goal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.111
diff -u -r1.111 hlds_goal.m
--- compiler/hlds_goal.m	21 Dec 2003 05:04:33 -0000	1.111
+++ compiler/hlds_goal.m	19 Feb 2004 01:31:45 -0000
@@ -308,30 +308,33 @@
 :- type unify_rhs
 	--->	var(prog_var)
 	;	functor(
-			cons_id,
-			is_existential_construction,
+			rhs_functor	:: cons_id,
+			rhs_is_exist_constr :: is_existential_construction,
 					% The `is_existential_construction'
 					% field is only used after
 					% polymorphism.m strips off
 					% the `new ' prefix from
 					% existentially typed constructions.
-			list(prog_var)
+			rhs_args	:: list(prog_var)
 	;	lambda_goal(
-			purity,
-			pred_or_func,
-			lambda_eval_method,
+			rhs_purity	:: purity,
+			rhs_p_or_f	:: pred_or_func,
+			rhs_eval_method	:: lambda_eval_method,
 					% should be `normal' except for
 					% closures executed by Aditi.
-			fix_aditi_state_modes,
-			list(prog_var),	% non-locals of the goal excluding
+			rhs_aditi	:: fix_aditi_state_modes,
+			rhs_nonlocals	:: list(prog_var),
+					% non-locals of the goal excluding
 					% the lambda quantified variables
-			list(prog_var),	% lambda quantified variables
-			list(mode),	% modes of the lambda
+			rhs_lambda_quant_vars :: list(prog_var),
+					% lambda quantified variables
+			rhs_lambda_modes :: list(mode),
+					% modes of the lambda
 					% quantified variables
-			determinism,
-			hlds_goal
+			rhs_detism	:: determinism,
+			rhs_lambda_goal	:: hlds_goal
 	% Was the constructor originally of the form 'new ctor'(...).
Index: compiler/switch_detection.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/switch_detection.m,v
retrieving revision 1.102
diff -u -r1.102 switch_detection.m
--- compiler/switch_detection.m	31 Oct 2003 03:27:29 -0000	1.102
+++ compiler/switch_detection.m	19 Feb 2004 01:31:45 -0000
@@ -70,24 +70,22 @@
 	% Traverse the module structure, calling `detect_switches_in_goal'
 	% for each procedure body.
-detect_switches(ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1) -->
-	{ module_info_predids(ModuleInfo0, PredIds) },
-	detect_switches_in_preds(PredIds, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1).
-:- pred detect_switches_in_preds(list(pred_id), module_info, module_info,
-	io__state, io__state).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_preds(in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
-detect_switches_in_preds([], ModuleInfo, ModuleInfo) --> [].
-detect_switches_in_preds([PredId | PredIds], ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) -->
-	{ module_info_preds(ModuleInfo0, PredTable) },
-	{ map__lookup(PredTable, PredId, PredInfo) },
-	detect_switches_in_pred(PredId, PredInfo, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
-	detect_switches_in_preds(PredIds, ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo).
-:- pred detect_switches_in_pred(pred_id, pred_info, module_info, module_info,
-	io__state, io__state).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_pred(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+detect_switches(!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
+	module_info_predids(!.ModuleInfo, PredIds),
+	detect_switches_in_preds(PredIds, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_preds(list(pred_id)::in,
+	module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+detect_switches_in_preds([], !ModuleInfo, !IO).
+detect_switches_in_preds([PredId | PredIds], !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
+	module_info_preds(!.ModuleInfo, PredTable),
+	map__lookup(PredTable, PredId, PredInfo),
+	detect_switches_in_pred(PredId, PredInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO),
+	detect_switches_in_preds(PredIds, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_pred(pred_id::in, pred_info::in,
+	module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 detect_switches_in_pred(PredId, PredInfo0, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
 	ProcIds = pred_info_non_imported_procids(PredInfo0),
@@ -99,14 +97,13 @@
 	detect_switches_in_procs(ProcIds, PredId, !ModuleInfo).
-:- pred detect_switches_in_procs(list(proc_id), pred_id,
-	module_info, module_info).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_procs(in, in, in, out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_procs([], _PredId, ModuleInfo, ModuleInfo).
-detect_switches_in_procs([ProcId | ProcIds], PredId, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo) :-
-	detect_switches_in_proc(ProcId, PredId, ModuleInfo0, ModuleInfo1),
-	detect_switches_in_procs(ProcIds, PredId, ModuleInfo1, ModuleInfo).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_procs(list(proc_id)::in, pred_id::in,
+	module_info::in, module_info::out) is det.
+detect_switches_in_procs([], _PredId, !ModuleInfo).
+detect_switches_in_procs([ProcId | ProcIds], PredId, !ModuleInfo) :-
+	detect_switches_in_proc(ProcId, PredId, !ModuleInfo),
+	detect_switches_in_procs(ProcIds, PredId, !ModuleInfo).
 detect_switches_in_proc(ProcId, PredId, !ModuleInfo) :-
 	module_info_preds(!.ModuleInfo, PredTable0),
@@ -120,7 +117,7 @@
 	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal0),
 	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes),
 	proc_info_get_initial_instmap(ProcInfo0, !.ModuleInfo, InstMap0),
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, !.ModuleInfo, Goal),
+	detect_switches_in_goal(!.ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, Goal0, Goal),
 	proc_info_set_goal(Goal, ProcInfo0, ProcInfo),
 	map__det_update(ProcTable0, ProcId, ProcInfo, ProcTable),
@@ -133,37 +130,34 @@
 	% Given a goal, and the instmap on entry to that goal,
 	% replace disjunctions with switches whereever possible.
-:- pred detect_switches_in_goal(hlds_goal, instmap, map(prog_var, type),
-	module_info, hlds_goal).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_goal(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal_1(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal, _InstMap).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_goal(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
+	instmap::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, !Goal) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal_1(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, _InstMap,
+		!Goal).
 	% This version is the same as the above except that it returns
 	% the resulting instmap on exit from the goal, which is
 	% computed by applying the instmap delta specified in the
 	% goal's goalinfo.
-:- pred detect_switches_in_goal_1(hlds_goal, instmap, map(prog_var, type),
-	module_info, hlds_goal, instmap).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_goal_1(in, in, in, in, out, out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_goal_1(Goal0 - GoalInfo, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		Goal - GoalInfo, InstMap) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal_2(Goal0, GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal),
+:- pred detect_switches_in_goal_1(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
+	instmap::in, instmap::out, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+detect_switches_in_goal_1(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, InstMap,
+		Goal0 - GoalInfo, Goal - GoalInfo) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, GoalInfo,
+		Goal0, Goal),
 	update_instmap(Goal0 - GoalInfo, InstMap0, InstMap).
 	% Here we process each of the different sorts of goals.
-:- pred detect_switches_in_goal_2(hlds_goal_expr, hlds_goal_info, instmap,
-		map(prog_var, type), module_info, hlds_goal_expr).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_goal_2(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred detect_switches_in_goal_2(module_info::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in, 
+	hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::in, hlds_goal_expr::out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(disj(Goals0), GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal) :-
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, GoalInfo,
+		disj(Goals0), Goal) :-
 	( Goals0 = [] ->
 		Goal = disj([])
@@ -174,62 +168,58 @@
 			[], Goal)
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(conj(Goals0), _GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, conj(Goals)) :-
-	detect_switches_in_conj(Goals0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goals).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(par_conj(Goals0), _GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, par_conj(Goals)) :-
-	detect_switches_in_par_conj(Goals0, InstMap0, VarTypes,
-		ModuleInfo, Goals).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(not(Goal0), _GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, not(Goal)) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, _GoalInfo,
+		conj(Goals0), conj(Goals)) :-
+	detect_switches_in_conj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, Goals0, Goals).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0,
+		_GoalInfo, par_conj(Goals0), par_conj(Goals)) :-
+	detect_switches_in_par_conj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0,
+		Goals0, Goals).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, _GoalInfo,
+		not(Goal0), not(Goal)) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, Goal0, Goal).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
-		_GoalInfo, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, _GoalInfo,
+		if_then_else(Vars, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
 		if_then_else(Vars, Cond, Then, Else)) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal_1(Cond0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Cond,
-		InstMap1),
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Then0, InstMap1, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Then),
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Else0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Else).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal0), _GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal)) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(generic_call(A,B,C,D), _, _, _, _,
-		generic_call(A,B,C,D)).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(call(A,B,C,D,E,F), _, _, _, _,
-		call(A,B,C,D,E,F)).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(unify(A,RHS0,C,D,E), __GoalInfo, InstMap0,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, unify(A,RHS,C,D,E)) :-
-	(
-		RHS0 = lambda_goal(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
-			NonLocals, Vars, Modes, Det, Goal0)
-	->
+	detect_switches_in_goal_1(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, InstMap1,
+		Cond0, Cond),
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap1, Then0, Then),
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, Else0, Else).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, _GoalInfo,
+		some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal0), some(Vars, CanRemove, Goal)) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, Goal0, Goal).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(_, _, _, _, Goal @ generic_call(_, _, _, _), Goal).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(_, _, _, _, Goal @ call(_, _, _, _, _, _), Goal).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, _GoalInfo,
+		Goal0, Goal) :-
+	Goal0 = unify(_, RHS0, _, _, _),
+	( RHS0 = lambda_goal(_, _, _, _, _, Vars, Modes, _, LambdaGoal0) ->
 		% we need to insert the initial insts for the lambda
 		% variables in the instmap before processing the lambda goal
-		instmap__pre_lambda_update(ModuleInfo, 
-			Vars, Modes, InstMap0, InstMap1),
-		detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap1, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-			Goal),
-		RHS = lambda_goal(Purity, PredOrFunc, EvalMethod, FixModes,
-			NonLocals, Vars, Modes, Det, Goal)
+		instmap__pre_lambda_update(ModuleInfo, Vars, Modes,
+			InstMap0, InstMap1),
+		detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap1,
+			LambdaGoal0, LambdaGoal),
+		RHS = RHS0 ^ rhs_lambda_goal := LambdaGoal,
+		Goal = Goal0 ^ unify_rhs := RHS
-		RHS = RHS0
+		Goal = Goal0
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0), _, InstMap,
-		VarTypes, ModuleInfo, switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)) :-
-	detect_switches_in_cases(Cases0, InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Cases).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(foreign_proc(A,B,C,D,E,F,G), _, _, _, _,
-		foreign_proc(A,B,C,D,E,F,G)).
-detect_switches_in_goal_2(shorthand(_), _, _, _, _, _) :-
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap, _,
+		switch(Var, CanFail, Cases0), switch(Var, CanFail, Cases)) :-
+	detect_switches_in_cases(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap, Cases0, Cases).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(_, _, _, _, Goal @ foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+		Goal).
+detect_switches_in_goal_2(_, _, _, _, shorthand(_), _) :-
 	% these should have been expanded out by now
 	error("detect_switches_in_goal_2: unexpected shorthand").
@@ -250,10 +240,10 @@
 :- type again ---> again(prog_var, list(hlds_goal), sorted_case_list).
-:- pred detect_switches_in_disj(list(prog_var), list(hlds_goal), hlds_goal_info,
-	instmap, map(prog_var, type), list(prog_var), module_info,
-	list(again), hlds_goal_expr).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_disj(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred detect_switches_in_disj(list(prog_var)::in, list(hlds_goal)::in,
+	hlds_goal_info::in, instmap::in, vartypes::in,
+	list(prog_var)::in, module_info::in, list(again)::in,
+	hlds_goal_expr::out) is det.
 detect_switches_in_disj([Var | Vars], Goals0, GoalInfo, InstMap,
 		VarTypes, AllVars, ModuleInfo, Again0, Goal) :-
@@ -284,8 +274,8 @@
 					GoalInfo, InstMap, ModuleInfo,
-				detect_sub_switches_in_disj(Goals0, InstMap,
-					VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goals),
+				detect_sub_switches_in_disj(ModuleInfo,
+					VarTypes, InstMap, Goals0, Goals),
 				Goal = disj(Goals)
@@ -310,8 +300,8 @@
 		VarTypes, AllVars, ModuleInfo, AgainList0, disj(Goals)) :-
 		AgainList0 = [],
-		detect_sub_switches_in_disj(Goals0, InstMap, VarTypes,
-			ModuleInfo, Goals)
+		detect_sub_switches_in_disj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+			Goals0, Goals)
 		AgainList0 = [Again | AgainList1],
 		select_best_switch(AgainList1, Again, BestAgain),
@@ -324,8 +314,7 @@
 		Goals = [SwitchGoal - GoalInfo | LeftList]
-:- pred select_best_switch(list(again), again, again).
-:- mode select_best_switch(in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred select_best_switch(list(again)::in, again::in, again::out) is det.
 select_best_switch([], BestAgain, BestAgain).
 select_best_switch([Again | AgainList], BestAgain0, BestAgain) :-
@@ -342,50 +331,46 @@
 	select_best_switch(AgainList, BestAgain1, BestAgain).
-:- pred detect_sub_switches_in_disj(list(hlds_goal), instmap,
-		map(prog_var, type), module_info, list(hlds_goal)).
-:- mode detect_sub_switches_in_disj(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-detect_sub_switches_in_disj([], _InstMap, _VarTypes, _ModuleInfo, []).
-detect_sub_switches_in_disj([Goal0 | Goals0], InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		[Goal | Goals]) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal),
-	detect_sub_switches_in_disj(Goals0, InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		Goals).
-:- pred detect_switches_in_cases(list(case), instmap, map(prog_var, type),
-		module_info, list(case)).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_cases(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_cases([], _InstMap, _VarTypes, _ModuleInfo, []).
-detect_switches_in_cases([Case0 | Cases0], InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		[Case | Cases]) :-
+:- pred detect_sub_switches_in_disj(module_info::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in,
+	list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
+detect_sub_switches_in_disj(_ModuleInfo, _VarTypes, _InstMap, [], []).
+detect_sub_switches_in_disj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+		[Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap, Goal0, Goal),
+	detect_sub_switches_in_disj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+		Goals0, Goals).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_cases(module_info::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in,
+	list(case)::in, list(case)::out) is det.
+detect_switches_in_cases(_ModuleInfo, _VarTypes, _InstMap, [], []).
+detect_switches_in_cases(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+		[Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases]) :-
 	Case0 = case(Functor, Goal0),
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal),
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap, Goal0, Goal),
 	Case = case(Functor, Goal),
-	detect_switches_in_cases(Cases0, InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Cases).
+	detect_switches_in_cases(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap, Cases0, Cases).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_par_conj(module_info::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in,
+	list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
-:- pred detect_switches_in_par_conj(list(hlds_goal), instmap,
-		map(prog_var, type), module_info, list(hlds_goal)).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_par_conj(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_par_conj([], _InstMap, _VarTypes, _ModuleInfo, []).
-detect_switches_in_par_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		[Goal | Goals]) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal(Goal0, InstMap, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal),
-	detect_switches_in_par_conj(Goals0, InstMap, VarTypes,
-		ModuleInfo, Goals).
-:- pred detect_switches_in_conj(list(hlds_goal), instmap, map(prog_var, type),
-	module_info, list(hlds_goal)).
-:- mode detect_switches_in_conj(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-detect_switches_in_conj([], _InstMap, _VarTypes, _ModuleInfo, []).
-detect_switches_in_conj([Goal0 | Goals0], InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo,
-		[Goal | Goals]) :-
-	detect_switches_in_goal_1(Goal0, InstMap0, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goal,
-		InstMap1),
-	detect_switches_in_conj(Goals0, InstMap1, VarTypes, ModuleInfo, Goals).
+detect_switches_in_par_conj(_ModuleInfo, _VarTypes, _InstMap, [], []).
+detect_switches_in_par_conj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+		[Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap, Goal0, Goal),
+	detect_switches_in_par_conj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+		Goals0, Goals).
+:- pred detect_switches_in_conj(module_info::in, vartypes::in, instmap::in,
+	list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out) is det.
+detect_switches_in_conj(_ModuleInfo, _VarTypes, _InstMap, [], []).
+detect_switches_in_conj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0,
+		[Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals]) :-
+	detect_switches_in_goal_1(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap0, InstMap1,
+		Goal0, Goal),
+	detect_switches_in_conj(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap1, Goals0, Goals).
@@ -402,9 +387,8 @@
 	% We partition the goals by abstractly interpreting the unifications
 	% at the start of each disjunction, to build up a substitution.
-:- pred partition_disj(list(hlds_goal), prog_var, hlds_goal_info,
-		list(hlds_goal), sorted_case_list).
-:- mode partition_disj(in, in, in, out, out) is semidet.
+:- pred partition_disj(list(hlds_goal)::in, prog_var::in, hlds_goal_info::in,
+	list(hlds_goal)::out, sorted_case_list::out) is semidet.
 partition_disj(Goals0, Var, GoalInfo, Left, CasesList) :-
@@ -413,57 +397,56 @@
 	CasesAssocList \= [], % there must be at least one case
 	fix_case_list(CasesAssocList, GoalInfo, CasesList).
-:- pred partition_disj_trial(list(hlds_goal), prog_var,
-	list(hlds_goal), list(hlds_goal), cases, cases).
-:- mode partition_disj_trial(in, in, in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- pred partition_disj_trial(list(hlds_goal)::in, prog_var::in,
+	list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out, cases::in, cases::out)
+	is det.
-partition_disj_trial([], _Var, Left, Left, Cases, Cases).
-partition_disj_trial([Goal0 | Goals], Var, Left0, Left, Cases0, Cases) :-
+partition_disj_trial([], _Var, !Left, !Cases).
+partition_disj_trial([Goal0 | Goals], Var, !Left, !Cases) :-
 	find_bind_var(Var, find_bind_var_for_switch_in_deconstruct,
 		Goal0, Goal, no, MaybeFunctor, unit, _, _),
 		MaybeFunctor = yes(Functor),
-		Left1 = Left0,
-		( map__search(Cases0, Functor, DisjList0) ->
-			DisjList1 = [Goal | DisjList0],
-			map__det_update(Cases0, Functor, DisjList1, Cases1)
+		( map__search(!.Cases, Functor, DisjList0) ->
+			DisjList = [Goal | DisjList0],
+			map__det_update(!.Cases, Functor, DisjList, !:Cases)
-			DisjList1 = [Goal],
-			map__det_insert(Cases0, Functor, DisjList1, Cases1)
+			DisjList = [Goal],
+			map__det_insert(!.Cases, Functor, DisjList, !:Cases)
 		MaybeFunctor = no,
-		Left1 = [Goal0 | Left0],
-		Cases1 = Cases0
+		!:Left = [Goal0 | !.Left]
-	partition_disj_trial(Goals, Var, Left1, Left, Cases1, Cases).
+	partition_disj_trial(Goals, Var, !Left, !Cases).
-:- pred find_bind_var_for_switch_in_deconstruct(prog_var, hlds_goal,
-		list(hlds_goal), maybe(cons_id), maybe(cons_id), unit, unit).
-:- mode find_bind_var_for_switch_in_deconstruct(in, in, out,
-		in, out, in, out) is det.
+:- pred find_bind_var_for_switch_in_deconstruct(prog_var::in, hlds_goal::in,
+	list(hlds_goal)::out, maybe(cons_id)::in, maybe(cons_id)::out,
+	unit::in, unit::out) is det.
 find_bind_var_for_switch_in_deconstruct(_UnifyVar, Goal0, Goals, 
 		_Result0, Result, _, unit) :-
-		Goal0 = unify(A, B, C, UnifyInfo0, E) - GoalInfo,
-		UnifyInfo0 = deconstruct(A, Functor, F, G, _, I)
+		Goal0 = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo,
+		UnifyInfo0 = GoalExpr0 ^ unify_kind,
+		UnifyInfo0 = deconstruct(_, Functor, _, _, _, _)
 		Result = yes(Functor),
 			% The deconstruction unification now becomes
 			% deterministic, since the test will get
 			% carried out in the switch.
-		UnifyInfo = deconstruct(A, Functor, F, G,
-			cannot_fail, I),
-		Goals = [unify(A, B, C, UnifyInfo, E) - GoalInfo]
+		UnifyInfo = UnifyInfo0 ^ deconstruct_can_fail := cannot_fail,
+		GoalExpr = GoalExpr0 ^ unify_kind := UnifyInfo,
+		Goal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo,
+		Goals = [Goal]
-find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goal0, Goal,
-		Result0, Result, Info0, Info, FoundDeconstruct) :-
+find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goal0, Goal, Result0, Result, Info0, Info,
+		FoundDeconstruct) :-
 	find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goal0, Goal, Substitution,
 		_, Result0, Result, Info0, Info, DeconstructSearch),
@@ -547,31 +530,25 @@
 	prog_substitution::in, prog_substitution::out, Result::in, Result::out,
 	Info::in, Info::out, deconstruct_search::out) is det.
-conj_find_bind_var(_Var, _, [], [], Substitution, Substitution,
-		Result, Result, Info, Info, before_deconstruct).
+conj_find_bind_var(_Var, _, [], [], !Substitution, !Result, !Info,
+		before_deconstruct).
 conj_find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, [Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals],
-		Substitution0, Substitution, Result0, Result,
-		Info0, Info, FoundDeconstruct) :-
-	find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goal0, Goal, Substitution0,
-		Substitution1, Result0, Result1,
-		Info0, Info1, FoundDeconstruct1),
+		!Substitution, !Result, !Info, FoundDeconstruct) :-
+	find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goal0, Goal, !Substitution,
+		!Result, !Info, FoundDeconstruct1),
 	( FoundDeconstruct1 = before_deconstruct ->
 		conj_find_bind_var(Var, ProcessUnify, Goals0, Goals,
-			Substitution1, Substitution, Result1, Result,
-			Info1, Info, FoundDeconstruct)
+			!Substitution, !Result, !Info, FoundDeconstruct)
 		FoundDeconstruct = FoundDeconstruct1,
-		Goals = Goals0,
-		Substitution = Substitution1,
-		Result = Result1,
-		Info = Info1
+		Goals = Goals0
-:- pred cases_to_switch(sorted_case_list, prog_var, map(prog_var, type),
-		hlds_goal_info, instmap, module_info, hlds_goal_expr).
-:- mode cases_to_switch(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred cases_to_switch(sorted_case_list::in, prog_var::in, vartypes::in,
+	hlds_goal_info::in, instmap::in, module_info::in, hlds_goal_expr::out)
+	is det.
 cases_to_switch(CasesList, Var, VarTypes, _GoalInfo, InstMap, ModuleInfo,
 		Goal) :-
@@ -588,14 +565,14 @@
 		map__lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
 		CasesList1 = CasesList,
-		( switch_covers_all_cases(CasesList1, Type, ModuleInfo) ->
+		( switch_covers_all_cases(ModuleInfo, Type, CasesList1) ->
 			CanFail = cannot_fail
 			CanFail = can_fail
-	detect_switches_in_cases(CasesList1, InstMap, VarTypes,
-		ModuleInfo, Cases),
+	detect_switches_in_cases(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, InstMap,
+		CasesList1, Cases),
 	% We turn switches with no arms into fail, since this avoids having
 	% the code generator flush the control variable of the switch.
@@ -614,10 +591,10 @@
 	% check whether a switch handles all the possible
 	% constants/functors for the type
-:- pred switch_covers_all_cases(sorted_case_list, type, module_info).
-:- mode switch_covers_all_cases(in, in, in) is semidet.
+:- pred switch_covers_all_cases(module_info::in, (type)::in,
+	sorted_case_list::in) is semidet.
-switch_covers_all_cases(CasesList, Type, ModuleInfo) :-
+switch_covers_all_cases(ModuleInfo, Type, CasesList) :-
 	type_util__switch_type_num_functors(ModuleInfo, Type, NumFunctors),
 	list__length(CasesList, NumCases),
 	NumCases = NumFunctors.
@@ -625,9 +602,8 @@
 	% convert the assoc_list(cons_id, list(hlds_goal) back into
 	% a plain list(case).
-:- pred fix_case_list(assoc_list(cons_id, list(hlds_goal)), hlds_goal_info,
-	list(case)).
-:- mode fix_case_list(in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred fix_case_list(assoc_list(cons_id, list(hlds_goal))::in,
+	hlds_goal_info::in, list(case)::out) is det.
 fix_case_list([], _, []).
 fix_case_list([Functor - DisjList0 | Cases0], GoalInfo,
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